#Junichi Mori
cinemaforester · 7 months
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cinemaronin · 8 months
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chashechki · 7 months
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bungoustraypups · 1 year
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i don’t remember if i posted this or not, i’m pretty sure i didn’t, however! here’s art i did of fukumori and their oldest son (one of my fankids), junichi fukuzawa! first time i’ve drawn fukumori art and even tho it’s just a rough piece, i adore it and i love them so!!
reblogs and comments/tags are appreciated!! i read them all :)
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animehouse-moe · 4 months
The Best of 2023 Anime
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First of all, I have to say that this isn't my idea: it's @444lpblue's idea. I'm just stealing it getting to it it before they do.
Anyways, the idea was to pick the best for several categories in relation to anime from 2023, and share why they were chosen. This doesn't necessarily mean I'll be picking my favorites from the year, but what I think is the best of the best, so there'll be a few interesting choices made (but I think that makes it more fun). Enough preamble though, I should just get to sharing my list.
Best Show - Heavenly Delusion
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I don't think this one is much of a surprise. Heavenly Delusion, by and large, is an outstanding show (and adaptation) in all meanings of the word.
I think the best way to explain what constitutes a "best show" is by asking the question: how much of the medium does this series make use of?
With Heavenly Delusion? The answer is effectively everything. Visual storytelling, auditory cues, leading the viewer visually, incredible foreshadowing, expressive and detailed character acting, apt humor, incredible visual effects. The list goes on and on. Frieren was a great show, Skip and Loaf was a great show, The Witch From Mercury was a great show. But the best can't fall short in nearly any category, and Heavenly Delusion successfully evades that pitfall at every twist and turn within its twelve episodes.
Personally speaking, it was a show for the ages. Sure, we have Frieren pushing the boundaries in terms of visual quality in a seasonal anime, but I think the difference in terms of experience between Frieren and Heavenly Delusion is night and day- an entirely incomparable experience.
Best Movie - The Boy and The Heron
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I mean, is there really another choice? The Black Clover movie was good, the Kaguya movie was good. Suzume, The First Slam Dunk, Blue Giant. There are quite a few good movies out there, but let's be real- you just can't win if you're against Miyazaki.
Best Episode - Heavenly Delusion Episode 10
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Yeah yeah, sue me, I picked something a lot of people have also picked. But just know in the deepest parts of my heart that this would always be my pick. Junichi's character arc and its expression through this episode is sublime. Ikarashi's insane Trigger style meshing with Hirotaka's more voyeuristic appeal is sublime. The panic of Kiruko as she runs with the baby, the goofy and excessive humor that opens the episode, all the various examples of symbolism. The art shifting art styles, the different approaches to animation. The list quite honestly does not end. While some might argue for Frieren's dragon episode as the entry for best of the year, I think the frame of reference for that argument is far too narrow. The perspective of animation and visuals above all else completely fails in the face of holy trinity of Masakazu Ishiguro, Mori Hirotaka, and Kai Ikarashi. You just cannot beat it, and you can't argue it in any way.
Best Opening - Magical Destroyers
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It was a toss up between this and Heavenly Delusion, but I just can't get rid of this opening in my head. It's like a plague that's taken me over. Incredible visuals, incredible boards and animation work, and just an incredible testament to Jun Inagawa's art. Heavenly Delusion's OP is very good, but in a way can, oddly enough, feel too literal in comparison to the comparatively indecipherable story that the OP of Magical Destroyers tells. Really, just wonderful work all around that I desperately wish could have extended to the anime itself.
Best Ending - Magical Destroyers
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This was always a one person race. Would it be Taiki Konno's Magical Destroyers ending, or would it be Taiki Konno's Undead Unluck ending?
Personally, I don't think there was much of a contest between the two purely because of the story told with the Magical Destroyers ending. I think that giving Konno a static ending also helped a great deal as they were able to explore their vision in much greater detail than having to animate directly.
But that's also the beauty of Inagawa's appeal, really. Konno and Inagawa got along like a house on fire with this ending, and adding The 13th Tailor's music overtop just brought it to a totally different level. Still a massive massive favorite of mine.
Best Animation Designs - Trigun Stampede
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Now, just hear me out. 3D animation's sore spot has always been expressiveness, and bringing anime original designs to such an intensely beloved and cult classic series is an insane challenge.
Orange, of course, was totally up to the challenge and brought what I'd argue has become a modern icon of Vash the Stampede. The facial expressions, reactions, and interactions were impeccable. The larger movements were incredibly fluid and full of life and feeling. The cloth and other materials were amazing to experience.
The designs feel almost effortless in the context of 3D animation, and I really have to stress that that is a huge challenge. Look at how other characters look in 3D vs how these ones look. Really, really impressive work in my books.
Best Aesthetic - Bleach Thousand Year Blood War: The Separation
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Bleach has, and always will be, a very aesthetically pleasing series. There's plenty of moments to pull from, but I think the second cour of TYBW presents the pinnacle of Bleach in anime form.
The lighting, the backgrounds and environments, the insane levels of composition: TYBW The Separation is the highest reaches of style Bleach has mustered to this date.
And really, there's not anything else to it. The iconic red and blue palette, the crazy details in highlights and shadows, the incredible color schemes and storyboards. It's simply Number 1.
And that's as far as the list goes. Pretty simple, but a pretty fun exercise in looking back on the year in terms of more specific aspects. Does highlight the gulf between good and great though, as there's many series that can qualify as "good", but very very few that can really be reasonably considered for accolades such as these.
2024 seems keen on changing that up though, so I'm really looking forward to what all we get for this year!
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imasallstars · 2 years
Chikyuugi ni Nai Kuni by Yuriko Nanao
 Lyrics: Yuriko Mori  Music: Junichi Sato (fhána)  Arrange: yuxuki waga (fhána)
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claudiosuenaga · 2 years
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O Incidente de Kera: A captura de um pequeno OVNI por meninos de uma vila no Japão - parte 4
Para o resgate e reconstituição deste caso, vali-me do trabalho mais completo e extenso a respeito disponível, de autoria de um pesquisador japonês que se identifica como OTAKUPAPA, que o publicou em seu site em inglês, riquíssimo em casos ufológicos e paranormais do Japão, pelo que o recomendo. Fiz a tradução e a adaptação para o português e ao final acrescentei outros casos do gênero a fim de demonstrar que ele não foi único, apesar de suas peculiaridades, bem como acrescentei meu próprio parecer.
Por Cláudio Tsuyoshi Suenaga (tradução e adaptação do texto de OTAKUPAPA e acréscimos intertextuais)
A retomada do Caso Kera
As investigações sobre o Caso Kera não prosseguiram e tudo permaneceu envolto em mistério, até que em 2009, 37 anos após o incidente, Kenichi Nishimoto e Kenji Sato o reexaminaram e trouxeram à lume novos fatos e evidências que mudaram a sua avaliação. 
Kenichi Nishimoto, que é escritor, relatou os resultados de suas investigações em um artigo intitulado “ Kochi-ken Kera-cho UFO Hokaku Jiken no Shogeki (O impacto do incidente de captura de OVNIs na cidade de Kera, Prefeitura de Kochi)”, e que foi publicado no livro Nihon Kaiki Taizen (The Complete Book of Japanese Weirdness, Million Shuppan, 2009).
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Artigo de Nishimoto sobre o Incidente de Kera publicado em 2009. O subtítulo do artigo é “A verdade revelada 37 anos após a ocorrência da versão japonesa do Incidente de Roswell”.
Sua meticulosa pesquisa de campo foi a primeira a levantar questões logicamente fundamentadas sobre o Incidente de Kera, que foi aceito praticamente sem contestações por 37 anos.
Nishimoto visitou Kera e entrevistou os protagonistas do incidente, entre eles Keikou Fujimoto, já com 50 anos, o primeiro dos nove meninos a pegar o pequeno OVNI. Apenas para lembrar, Keikou foi também o primeiro a levar o OVNI para casa, onde o mostrou não apenas para sua mãe, mas também para seu pai, Mutsuo Fujimoto, que era o chefe de educação do Centro de Ciências da Cidade de Kochi. Além disso, no dia do último desaparecimento do pequeno OVNI, ele carregava Yasuo Mori, que tinha um saco plástico contendo o pequeno OVNI amarrado em sua mão direita, no banco traseiro de sua bicicleta.
Keikou, que havia se tornado professor de Estudos Sociais em uma escola secundária na cidade de Nangoku, ainda tinha uma recordação vívida e exata do incidente.
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Keikou Fujimoto segura uma réplica do pequeno OVNI enquanto reencena a sua captura. Fonte: Yaoi Junichi no UFO Taizen (Coleção Completa de OVNIs de Junichi Yaoi), Lyonsha, junho de 2006, pp.254-256.
Nishimoto perguntou a ele quem era o líder dos meninos envolvidos no Incidente de Kera. Keiko respondeu que M. era o líder deles, que ele costumava ser o craque do time de volêi na Kera Middle School e que também era bom em truques de mágica. Ou seja, ele era muito popular.
Enquanto caminhava pelo local onde o OVNI foi avistado pela primeira vez, Nishimoto passou por uma fábrica chamada Kuroishi Casting Works. Nishimoto constatou também que a margem do rio onde o OVNI reapareceu após o seu desaparecimento foi construída com obras de proteção da margem. Quando Nishimoto perguntou a um morador local sobre isso, ele foi informado que o Eastern Sports Ground do outro lado do rio era originalmente um depósito de lixo, e quando o campo esportivo foi construído, o trabalho de proteção do rio foi feito ao mesmo tempo. Ainda de acordo com o morador local, a área estava transbordando de lixo da cidade de Kochi já há quase 30 anos. Ou seja, naquela época havia muito lixo descartado no depósito de lixo de Kera. Por alguma razão, esse detalhe ficou na mente de Nishimoto.
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Mapa indicando os locais de avistamentos e capturas de OVNIs em Kera, com base em uma fotografia aérea tirada pela Autoridade de Informação Geoespacial em 17 de maio de 1972, cerca de quatro meses antes do incidente. Você pode ver que a Kuroishi Casting Works estava localizada a nordeste do campo de arroz onde o pequeno OVNI foi avistado e capturado, e o local de descarte de lixo estava localizado ao sul do campo de arroz, do outro lado do rio Kera.
As razões sociológicas e econômicas que levaram à criação do incidente
Após a investigação de campo nos locais de avistamento e captura de OVNIs, Nishimoto entrevistou um parente de um dos nove meninos que capturaram o OVNI. O parente lhe contou uma história interessante sobre a situação em Kera na época.
Em 1972, não havia apenas a fusão (da vila de Kera à cidade de Kochi), mas também a construção de um novo complexo (Yokohori) e uma rodovia nacional, que era um desejo há muito acalentado pelos moradores cidade. Por isso é todos ficaram tão chateados com esse incidente, pois temiam que se as pessoas ficassem assustadas com o OVNI, a terra não fosse vendida e ainda teria o seu valor depreciado. Daí que impusessem uma ordem de silêncio aos meninos.
Naquela época, a população de Kera estava aumentando rapidamente devido à construção dos complexos Yokohori e Nakano, e a Kera Middle School havia acabado de se mudar para o novo local em 1º de março de 1972.
Com base nesses depoimentos, Nishimoto deduziu que três meninos, os irmãos Mori (Yasuo e Hiroshi) e Toshiaki, tiveram papel central no Incidente de Kera, tanto que foram justamente esses três os convidados para o estúdio da Nippon Television Network Corporation em Tóquio. O incidente envolveu nove meninos, mas por algum motivo, o desaparecimento do OVNI por cinco vezes sempre ocorreu nas casas dos três meninos, Hiroshi, Yasuo e Toshiaki, ou enquanto eles estavam se movendo.
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Havia nove meninos envolvidos no Incidente de Kera, mas, como observou Nishimoto, de alguma forma o pequeno OVNI apenas manifestava fenômenos inexplicáveis ​quando três meninos (Hiroshi, Yasuo e Toshiaki) estavam sempre presentes.
De acordo com Nishimoto, Kera era uma terra cultivada desde os tempos antigos, como mencionado no Nihon Shoki (as Crônicas do Japão, o segundo livro mais antigo da história clássica japonesa, publicado pela primeira vez em 720 d.C.). No entanto, com o rápido crescimento econômico do Japão na década de 1960, a população da cidade de Kochi explodiu.
Para solucionar o problema da falta de moradia, as autoridades da cidade de Kochi identificaram a vila agrícola vizinha de Kera como candidata a um local de moradia e propuseram que a vila de Kera fosse incorporada à cidade de Kochi. Em troca da fusão, foi prometido aos aldeões de Kera que a estrada nacional seria aberta para Kera.
E na década de 1960, antes da fusão em 1972, Kera desenvolveu-se rapidamente com a construção de uma série de conjuntos habitacionais. O complexo Yokohori, localizado em uma área residencial tranquila chamada Kera-Otsu, ao norte do rio Kera, foi construído e começou a ser vendido por volta de 1965. No lado leste do complexo Yokohori, ficava a Kera Middle School, que os meninos frequentavam. Esse rápido desenvolvimento mudou muito a aldeia agrícola tradicional de Kera.
No momento da fusão, as autoridades dividiram Kera em três áreas: Kou (A), Tsu (B) e Hei (C). Ou seja, a parte ocidental de Kera, onde havia muitos bons campos de arroz, foi designada como Kera-Ko (A), a parte central, onde a colheita dos campos de arroz foi reduzida devido aos danos causados ​​pelo sal, foi designada como Kera-Otsu (B), e a parte sul, onde o lixo estava sendo acumulado, foi designada como Kera-Hei (C).
Com base nessa classificação, o valor da terra em Kera foi reavaliado, preocupando os moradores. Infelizmente, os filhos de Kera foram os mais afetados por esse ranking.
Ao mesmo tempo, o número de alunos na recém realocada Kera Middle School dobrou. Muitos dos alunos transferidos eram filhos de empresários que haviam se mudado para os novos conjuntos habitacionais recém-construídos na época. A maioria dos moradores que viviam na vila de Kera antes da fusão, vivia em velhas casas com telhados de palha.
De acordo com Nishimoto, alguns dos novos moradores debocharam de Kera, antes uma vila de apenas 4.000 habitantes, e ridicularizaram os moradores originais por serem habitantes de uma área rural. Como resultado, surgiram atritos entre os antigos e os novos moradores de Kera.
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Michio e Yasuo apontam para o campo de arroz onde encontraram pela primeira vez o pequeno OVNI. Ao fundo, à direita, está o driving range de golfe que existia na época. Fonte: MYSTERY FOTONICLE, Projeto Digital Ultra, maio de 2016, pp.40-41.
Enquanto alguns moradores venderam suas terras ancestrais e se mudaram de Kera, muitos estranhos se mudaram para Kera, e a posição dos filhos dos antigos moradores de Kera estava se tornando cada vez mais fraca.
Os irmãos Mori, Hiroshi e Yasuo, viviam no Kera-Otsu, de classificação mais baixa. Nishimoto assume que Hiroshi pode não ter gostado de tais circunstâncias.
Hiroshi, o filho mais velho da família Mori, acabaria por assumir o negócio agrícola e provavelmente estava destinado a viver da lavoura dos campos que foram mal colhidos devido aos danos causados ​​pelo sal e pela água.
Um dos meninos admite a fraude
Nishimoto especula que é por isso que os irmãos Mori queriam se vingar dos estudantes transferidos que os desprezavam e de tudo que os fez perder seu lugar no mundo.
Com base nesse motivo, Nishimoto deduziu o que para ele seria a verdade por trás do Incidente de Kera: os irmãos Mori podem ter criado um pequeno OVNI colocando peças de rádio dentro de um cinzeiro de ferro fundido que acharam em um depósito de lixo e fabricaram todo o incidente.
Nishimoto estava tão certo de sua dedução, que resolveu ligar para Hiroshi para confirmar se ela estava correta.
Em 2009, os irmãos Mori não moravam em Kera, mas administravam uma loja de yakitori (frango grelhado, um tipo japonês de frango no espeto) na cidade vizinha.
Nishimoto ligou para a loja e perguntou a Hiroshi, à queima-roupa: “Isso foi tudo preparado por você, não foi?” Ao que Hiroshi respondeu, desligando o telefone em seguida: “Bem, isso foi há muito tempo. E isso realmente não importa!”
A conclusão final de Nishimoto é que os irmãos Mori não estavam mentindo. De fato, eles estavam dizendo a verdade sobre terem testemunhado o OVNI e o terem capturado. Mas eles não disseram que “inventaram o OVNI”. Simplesmente não contaram toda a história. De modo que não importava para eles se o Incidente de Kera era verdadeiro ou não. Para eles, não havia a necessidade de revelar a “verdade real”. E assim, as “mentiras” que eles contavam e sustentavam há 37 anos, ainda se mantinham vivas em Kera.
Kenji Sato (nascido em 1978) é um fotógrafo que se formou na Musashino Art University. Sato visitou e fotografou a Área 51 em Nevada enquanto estudava nos Estados Unidos. Isso o levou a criar um site para publicar notícias estrangeiras sobre OVNIs. Sato também publicou um livro intitulado Kikai Isan (Patrimônio Mundial Estranho), em que apresenta coisas e paisagens estranhas ao redor do mundo a partir da história natural e da perspectiva estética.
Em 3 de maio de 2016, Sato falou sobre o Incidente de Kera em seu programa de rádio Radio Adventure Kikai Isan vol. 2 na NHK Radio 1. Sato entrevistou Tsutomu Seki e outras pessoas envolvidas no incidente para reexaminar a verdade do Incidente de Kera. Ele então relatou os resultados surpreendentes de suas entrevistas nesse programa.
Particularmente interessante no relatório de Sato foi a chocante revelação da verdade na entrevista com o caçador de cometas Tsutomu Seki, que foi uma das figura-chave que tornou o Incidente de Kera conhecido em todo o Japão.
De acordo com Seki, um de seus amigos, um astrônomo amador e professor do ensino médio, e alguns dos meninos envolvidos no incidente, estavam matriculados na escola onde ele trabalhava.
Um dia, a professora perguntou aos meninos: “Vocês podem me dizer se isso foi uma história verdadeira?” Então um dos meninos que desempenhou um papel central no incidente, confessou de maneira surpreendente: “Para dizer a verdade, isso foi uma invenção.”
Com a confissão desse menino, Seki reconheceu que o mistério do Incidente de Kera foi resolvido para ele.
Sadao Fujiwara foi um dos nove meninos que capturaram o pequeno OVNI em Kera. Ele não viu o pequeno OVNI voando, mas o tocou e fez um esboço dele. Na entrevista, Sadao disse o seguinte sobre o pequeno OVNI: “Eles pegaram um pequeno OVNI e me mostraram em seu quarto. Era um metal um pouco pesado que parecia ter sido pintado com uma tinta spray prateada, por isso seu acabamento não era muito bom. Na época, tive a sensação de que estava sendo enganado por eles.”
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Uma réplica do pequeno OVNI criado pelo ufólogo Kazuo Hayashi da Japan Space Phenomena Society (JSPS) com base nos relatos dos meninos. Fonte: Yaoi Junichi no UFO Taizen (Coleção Completa de OVNIs de Junichi Yaoi), Lyonsha, junho de 2006, pp.254-256.
Sadao fez o seguinte comentário sobre a declaração acima de Seki: “É a primeira vez que ouço Seki dizer que isso foi uma farsa. Estou surpreso que tal declaração não tenha vindo a público antes. Mas eu não acho que meus amigos estejam mentindo.”
Não é de surpreender que Sadao ainda acreditasse na história. Ocorre que Sadao e os dois meninos que desempenharam um papel central no incidente, Hiroshi e Toshiaki, apareceram pela primeira vez em um programa da Nippon Television, e mais tarde na Thursday Special (junto com outros sete meninos, exceto Michio) e em um programa da Fuji TV (junto com Ikuo e Toshiaki). Nesse sentido, Sadao e os meninos em questão eram como “irmãos de armas”. Sadao não podia aceitar a possibilidade de que Hiroshi e os outros garotos o estivessem enganando por mais de 40 anos.
Sato deduziu que vários meninos que estavam no centro do incidente inicialmente inventaram o caso para surpreender e provocar seus amigos, mas a história se tornou grande demais para recuarem.
Você não pode perder na Parte 5 a descoberta de um cinzeiro de ferro fundido idêntico ao pequeno disco de Kera.
Links para todas as partes:
Parte 1 | Parte 2 | Parte 3 | Parte 4 | Parte 5 | Parte 6 | Parte 7
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「プロジェクトセカイ カラフルステージ! feat. 初音ミク」をいつもご利用いただきましてありがとうございます。
4月1日0時00分 ~ 4月1日23時59分
・再生可能期間:4月1日0時00分 ~ 4月1日23時59分
・再生可能期間:4月2日0時00分 ~ 4月2日23時59分
エイプリルフールver.:鏡音レン(Original CV by 下田 麻美)、日野森志歩(CV. 中島 由貴)、桃井愛莉(CV. 降幡 愛)、草薙寧々(CV. Machico)、宵崎奏(CV. 楠木 ともり)
エイプリルフールver.:MEIKO(Original CV by 拝郷 メイコ)、星乃一歌(CV. 野口 瑠璃子)、白石杏(CV. 鷲見 友美ジェナ)、東雲絵名(CV. 鈴木 みのり)
エイプリルフールver.:初音ミク(Original CV by 藤田 咲)、花里みのり(CV. 小倉 唯)、青柳冬弥(CV. 伊東 健人)、天馬司(CV. 廣瀬 大介)
エイプリルフールver.:巡音ルカ(Original CV by 浅川 悠)、望月穂波(CV. 上田 麗奈)、日野森雫(CV. 本泉 莉奈)、朝比奈まふゆ(CV. 田辺 留依)
エイプリルフールver.:鏡音リン(Original CV by 下田 麻美)、天馬咲希(CV. 礒部 花凜)、小豆沢こはね(CV. 秋奈)、鳳えむ(CV. 木野 日菜)、暁山瑞希(CV. 佐藤 日向)
エイプリルフールver.:KAITO(Original CV by 風雅 なおと)、桐谷遥(CV. 吉岡 茉祐)、東雲彰人(CV. 今井 文也)、神代類(CV. 土岐 隼一)
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[Google Translated Vers.]
Thank you for always using "Project Sekai Colorful Stage! feat. Hatsune Miku".
We are running a special April Fool's Day project starting from midnight on April 1st.
An April Fool's Day exclusive Sekai will appear, and you can see a special story and area conversations, and some songs will have April Fool's versions added to them, so you can enjoy them live!
Please enjoy the world of Proseca for one day, which is a little different from the usual.
■Event period
April 1st 0:00 to April 1st 23:59
■About the April Fool's Day limited story
・By logging in within the period, you can view the April Fool's Day limited story.
・The prologue story will be released on April 1st, and the epilogue story will be released on April 2nd after April Fools' Day.
・During the release period, you can read the story again by clicking "Play" below.
・Playable period: April 1st 0:00 to April 1st 23:59
・Playable period: April 2nd 0:00 to April 2nd 23:59
■About the added April Fools ver.
April Fool's version has been added to the following songs.
【Setsuna trip】
April Fools' version: Kagamine Len (Original CV by Asami Shimoda), Shiho Hinomori (CV. Yuki Nakajima), Airi Momoi (CV. Ai Furihata), Nene Kusanagi (CV. Machico), Kanade Yoizaki (CV. Kusunoki) Tomori)
【Roku Chounen to Ichiya Monogatari】
April Fools ver.: MEIKO (Original CV by Meiko Haigo), Kazuka Hoshino (CV. Ruriko Noguchi), An Shiraishi (CV. Jenna Tomomi Sumi), Ena Shinonome (CV. Minori Suzuki)
April Fools ver.: Hatsune Miku (Original CV by Saki Fujita), Minori Hanasato (CV. Yui Ogura), Fuyuya Aoyagi (CV. Kento Ito), Tsukasa Tenma (CV. Daisuke Hirose)
April Fools' version: Megurine Luka (Original CV by Yu Asakawa), Honami Mochizuki (CV. Rena Ueda), Shizuku Hino Mori (CV. Rina Honizumi), Mafuyu Asahina (CV. Rui Tanabe)
[Alien Alien]
April Fools' version: Kagamine Rin (Original CV by Asami Shimoda), Saki Tenma (CV. Karin Isobe), Kohane Azusawa (CV. Akina), Emu Otori (CV. Hina Kino), Mizuki Akiyama (CV. CV. Hinata Sato)
[How the devil dances]
April Fools ver.: KAITO (Original CV by Naoto Fuga), Haruka Kiritani (CV. Mayu Yoshioka), Akito Shinonome (CV. Fumiya Imai), Rui Jindai (CV. Junichi Toki)
・During the period, normal area conversations will not occur. Please note.
- If you do not log in within the period and have not played the April Fool's prologue, the epilogue will not be played in-game.
・If you do not own the target song, you will not be able to listen to the April Fool's version.
Thank you for your continued support of "Project Sekai Colorful Stage! feat. Hatsune Miku".
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cinemaforester · 7 months
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imagineanime2022 · 5 months
Hey, thank you so much for write my request but....i have a bad news for you 'Little Lady' didn't end yet, sorry again. (Thank you for write 4000 word request for me, i almost cry already)
So here are 'Little Lady' part 4
(Warning : Mori's simp reader or Port Mafia's ruthless here)
Cult Followers who still survival argue to each other about what they going to do next in they main base (big shrine in deep forest), one of them said they should fight with ADA and bring Hibiki back, but another cult follower said she think they should join ADA and kill all Port Mafia, another cult follower argue he said didn't she see what port mafia member (Chuya) do when he know they going to trick him when they argue to each other untill some shadow apper behide them, Gin apper infront of cult followers, they preper to attack her but she pull out her knife and get them a warning before Gin pull out black letter give it to them before she disapper in the dark. cult members look at letter before one of them open it, it was letter tell them to surrender to port mafia and leave Yokohama like alway she write with polite words and no orders or no threats (can you add cult followers react here?) Untill one of member tell the other to surrender to Port Mafia so they not going fight again but other member tell him to shut up she tell him to mind his own bussinent because his brother (she talk about Aoi) make Yamabiko angry so he going punish them all, cult members agree to protect main shrine base here, Aoi's brother decide to do something he have to tell Hibiki because he know leader cult was leave followers now she not going to come back
Hibiki start her new life for 3 weeks now, she miss her mother so much, she also think about reader's face when she let buliding drop on her, she think what will happen if reader survivor will she going to hunt Hibiki again but before she think anything Mori call her he tell her where she is now and he can hear what she call people and he also know where is now (can you add Mori manipulate her here too?) She tell Mori to shut up and insult him before hang up and than someone call her it was Aoi's brother he tell Hibiki her mother leave them all and it have black letter send to them all, Hibiki remember it was reader's letter now she know port mafia going to attack her cult she don't want to be in this case again but she want to help her cult so she tell Aoi's brother to protect other she will ADA to help them, before she call ADA she remember Mori said he know everything she said in phone so she break her phone before grap her beg she going back to Yokohama again, she pray to help them in time.
Kunikida still worried about Hibiki but he decide to focues on his work to find cult leader, Hibiki's mother. Junichi ask Kunikida if reader going die? Before Kunikida said anything. Dazai said she not going to die easy, Kunikida said how can she not die building was fall on her (can you add Dazai answer here?) That make Kunikida figure out that reader can come back and hurt Hibiki this time to be revenge, Dazai said she not going hurt Hibiki now if it not Mori's order, Kunikida said how he so sure about it (again can you add Dazai react here?) Dazai also said maybe they should let port mafia handle it so they not going tried, that make Kunikida angry and he call Dazai out for his cold-heart (can you add Dazai and the other member react here?)
Reader ask Gin if she send it to them, Gin nod her head, reader thank you to Gin before she look at Hibiki again she feel pity to Hibiki but reader also have duty to do reader still hurt but she can fight like normal she keep her knife inside her long jacket and walk outside her office reader have follow Mori's order : to kill all cult members (can you add Gin react here?)
When Atsushi go buying he see some woman near ADA he remember her it was Hibiki, Hibiki run to him (can you add Atsushi react here?) Hibiki tell him she want ADA help to her, Hibiki explain anything to ADA members (can you add ADA members argue here again?) They all decide to help cult member from reader
Cult members was all on shrine, Aoi's brother try to ask them to surrender but she tell him to shut up. Suddenly tall woman shodow apper infront all of them. Reader tell them surrender before she going to kill all of them cult member point all guns at her, she tell surrender with cold sound Aoi's brother tell all of them to stop but one of them shoot reader on her face, her face have cut bleeding. Reader pull out her knife she active her ability cult member shoot guns at her bullets shoot at her body but she charge at them fearless she stab cult member on his stomuch, other member try to shoot her for behide but reader wear vest and she stab her on her neck she throw her at other three members before she throw knife at them all. reader kill cult member untill shrine was full of blood, reader eyes was empty she look at a few of cult members they was scared if it was her want she still young she going kill them all now but she not going to be like that she still give them a chance she ask if other members want to come with her in port mafia, reader have knife in her hand so they do whatever she want but Aoi's brother refues reader stare at him for a long time before reader keep her knife she ask him what his name Aoi's brother said his name is Yasuo, reader tell him that she feel sorry to his brother death that make Yasuo shock because he didn't think his brother going really die. Reader tell Yasuo he should run away from here it dangerous but if he don't go ADA going to help him here, reader also comfort him but it end up creep him out (her low charisma again) reader bring cult followers back to port mafia base
Kunikida, Dazai, Atsushi and Hibiki come to shrine they see bloody murder in shrine, many cult followers die here more than 15 people (can you add Kunikida and Atsushi react here?) It too late reader kill all of them, when Yasuo see Hibiki he run to her with panic in his eyes, Hibiki also shock too after Atsushi throw up he calme both of them down Kunikida see black letter on the floor it turn into red now that make Kunikida hate reader more Dazai have to tell all of them to get out of there first before he call police to report anything but Dazai was surpise that reader let Yasuo alive when they both still young she never let all of people Mori order her to kill go but why she let Yasuo go (can you add Dazai react here?)
That night leader cult sit on trian station, she miss Hibiki but she still angry that her daughter don't listen to her, she don't care about her follower she just want her money, she don't want to face port mafia but good thing she poison reader already so reader going die aoo untill some woman ask if she can sit with leader cult, leader tell her to sit with her. They both start to talk and this woman ask if she okay, leader cult said she just want to find her daugther this woman said she can help her find her daugther she ask leader what is her daugther name, leader cult said her name is Hibiki. This woman said she think she here people in her workplace talk about her name maybe leader can come with her, leader think about this woman word (can you this woman manipulate her?) Leader agree to go with her but she see people hide behide this woman that make she know it was a trick (turn out htis woman is Koyo disguse herself to kill leader) leader ask who is she really (can you add Koyo react here?) Leader pull out poison gas bombs before run away Koyo order subordinates to follow leader but this poison too strong and unlike reader who can take so many poison Koyo have normal human body that make her run away first and she pass out.
Yasuo tell anyone what happen, he was still shock untill Yosano and Atsushi have to calm down, Hibiki still scared of reader (can you add Kunikida and Dazai react here?) Yasuo tell anyone reader take followers back to port mafia too that make Dazai surpise more he didn't think reader going to take mercy on enemy (Dazai was sure reader not going kill them later) Kunikida said she going them all for sure from what she done (Kunikida said that he hate reader too) Hibiki ask if they can help Followers, before anyone answer Yasuo ask Hibiki if she kill his brother, Hibiki was quiet Dazai tell her to be honest, Hibiki confess anything. Yasuo was angry and he crying now (can you add Atsushi comfort him here?) Yasuo angry yell at her untill he pass out, Hibiki cry for her guilt feeling already (can you add Kunikida react here?)
When reader come back to her base she was full blood so she going to take a bath but than she see infront medic room so she go talk to him (can you add Chuya react here?) Reader ask Chuya if he okay, Chuya said he not okay, leader cult poison Koyo that make pass out (Koyo and Chuya close to each other like siblings so she injury make him worry i mean he protective to reader already so he really protective to anyone he close) reader was worried about Koyo too, she also know effect to Chuya so she offer to do hunting leader cult mission instead of Chuya but she ask him to take care cult followers (can you add Chuya react here?)
Later 2 months ADA know where is leader cult now, When Yasuo wake up he see Hibiki he still angty at her but she beg forgiveness for him, finally he forgive her. Hibiki beg Dazai to help cult followers that reader capture them (can you add Dazai react here?) Kunikida said anyone he going to arrest to leader cult, Hibiki said she going to go with him, Kunikida said she can't go it too dangerous and she can't fight in case mafia members was there, Hibiki said she can't fight but she still talk her mother will listen to her (can you add Kunikida react here?)
Leader cult sit in abandoned buliding she see anything happen she blame herself she wonder if Hibiki going to forgive her, reader come behide her, she ask leader if she try to protect her daughter. Leader shock and she angry she ask reader why she not die, reader tell leader she shouldn't poison her but she don't happy that she poison woman that reader repect (Koyo) too. Leader tell reader to back off, reader ask her if she have last word she want to tell Hibiki. Leader tell reader to shut uo and slap reader face. Reader sigh before she pull out her knife. But some man voice yell at reader to stop reader ask what Kunikida and Hibiki doing here? (Can you add Kunikida and Hibiki insult reader here?) Reader said she going to kill leader here and now he should let port mafia take care all of this because they kill people in Yokohama too (can you add Kunikida react here?) Reader said she still kill her because it was her order from Mori (can you add Kunikida call out and insult reader here?) Before he pull out his shotgun, reader was move to other way, she charge at Kunikida, but he see it he kick her before hit with end of gun reader active her ability she going stab Kunikida neck but he dodge at pucnh her in her face reader charge again she punch him under his chain, Kunikida was fly far away. Reader going to kick Kunikida but Hibiki use ability to make leader fly away, reader use her ability to make she heavy untill she smell poison leader cult use poison bombs reader feel dizzy.
Kunikida shoot shotgun at reader, reader try to stand but Hibiki stab near her use her voice untill Kunikida charge reader and he throw reader out of buliding reader hit on the floor so hard, reader curse at Kunikida before she said she should have Chuya ability so she can fly before she run away because police was near now
In port mafia Chuya take care cult followers that reader keep them 3-4 people untill Dazai and Atsushi come and recues them by Dazai outsmart Chuya (again can you add Chuya react?)
Police arrest Hibiki's mother police let Hibiki and other members go for crime they do before her mother going to jail Hibiki mother tell Hibiki that she is stupid but Hibiki also brave don't like before, Hibiki's mother said she proud of her Hibiki cry already
Hibiki and Yasuo turn cult into group that help the other instead she thak you ADA and Kunikida about anything. Now ADA have group of Hibiki as a new ally
(Can you add Kunikida long comment about reader here?)
Reader was on medic room with Akutagawa on bed beside her bed. Reader said maybe Dazai try to teach Akutagawa not use his ability too much he have to use other skill too, reader said when she still young she pour soup to make chian rust (she talk about 'Kidnap' request when Ango kidnap her when she still young) and she can run away for jail (can you add Akutagawa react here?) And than Chuya come in medic room to visit both of them but before he said anything Huguchi run into medic and she don't see Chuya (he too short) so she run pass him that make Chuya fall on the floor Tachihara ask Chuya die yet, Gin help Chuya get up Higuchi was worried ask to Akutagawa untill he have to tell her to shut up, Chuya yell at Higuchi. Higuchi ask if Chuya was there too? That make Chuya angry more before he pull out food boxs to both of reader and Akutagwa Chuya tell both of them to eat or they going to hungry to dead Akutagwa and reader going to protest again but Chuya focred them to eat, Higuchi tell Chuya to gentle to Akutagawa but hurt reader as much as he like reader joke at Higuchi (can you add Higuchi react here?). After both of them eat Chuya ask reader how she doing now reader said she was fine but she just don't want to meet Kunikida again Chuya ask her what wrong with Kunikida, Reader said she was annoying him so much and when he throw her out from buliding it was insult to her (can you add Chuya react here?) Reader ask Chuya how Koyo doing now Chuya said she fine now she was worried reader not going to take care of herself again that make reader scared of Koyo more reader ask Chuya if he okay now (can you add Chuya react here?)
Higuchi cry to Akutagawa ask him not to die untill Gin and Tachihara have to hold her back Chuya scold Higuchi and help the other while Akutagawa make grumpy face
Reader was thinking about what happen, she worried Mori going to mad at her again, she think about Dazai help followers that she capture she surpise that Dazai have mercy to help them, she also glad he have new friends even it was Kunikida, now she think about Kunikida it make she angry again she just hope they not going to each other again.
And this is the end of 'Little Lady' request sorry about bad script again, if you don't mind can you write this request before my other 2 requests? Thank you for write my request!
- Bossy anon
Hope you like it!
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dorothydalmati1 · 6 months
Urusei Yatsura 2022 Season 1 Episode 11: Mendo Siblings!!/A Strange New Year at the Mendo Estat
Written by Hayashi Mori
Directed by Yumeko Iwaoka
Mendo Siblings!!:
Storyboard by Junichi Yamamoto
Animation directed by Toshiyuki Fujisawa, Ryo Kobayashi, Yoko Komaki, Masahiko Itojima, Hiroyuki Shimizu, Goro Taki, Satoru Kobayashi & Shinichiro Minami
A Strange New Year at the Mendo Estate:
Storyboard by Koichi Chigira
Animation directed by Fast Snail Animation Productions Co., Ltd.
Tumblr media Tumblr media
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bungoustraypups · 7 months
cioo :(( do your fankids prefer a parent over the other? (looking at fukumori fanchildren)
ok so specifically for the fukumorilings within bspverse:
junichi: no, he will go to different parents for different things (mori is better at talking through problems and offering physical comfort, fukuzawa is better when quiet comfort and straightforward advice is needed, for example) but at the end of the day he doesn't prefer one parent over the other
makoto: mori. she's always been a papa's girl
hyakken: technically no? he spends more time with mori by virtue of being in the port mafia but he doesn't like. prefer him or anything. as a baby he would randomly switch up his preferences (aka he would scream and cry if one parent wasn't holding him but the other was, but which parent he wanted holding him would change by the hour at times) but that only lasted until he was about a year old
tsutomu: fukuzawa. even in the depths of his "i hate my dad bc i think he doesn't love me" era, he wants to go to fukuzawa for things, but the mental illness(tm) keeps him from doing so, which leads to him suffering in silence a lot. it sucks!
tatsuji: fukuzawa. she's less close to him than tsutomu is/was/is eventually again, but he's her favorite
yuriko: mori by a landslide. much like makoto, she's papa's little girl, but unlike makoto, her emotional instability meant that her crying fits and emotional outbursts when she was little led to her seeking out mori more often than makoto did (makoto rarely cried as a child and if she did it was for something world-ending, yuriko would scream wail if her ice cream tasted off)
tsuneko: mori. she's also the only child who will let mori play dress-up with her (aka choose her outfits & buy her clothes) whenever he wants because she likes having a wardrobe the size of which would make fitzgerald clutch his pearls and gasp at
kazukou: fukuzawa. this isn't surprising considering how alike they are
yoshihiro: no parental preference, but they most often turn to riki (their service dog) in times of need because riki is most often literally right beside them, and they've been together since yoshi was 5 and riki was a puppy. they're besties
you can find these kids' profiles all here btw
send me asks about my aus
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newsintheshell · 11 months
Questo nuovo progetto di casa TYPHOON GRAPHICS (Why Raeliana Ended up at the Duke's Mansion) vede il debutto alla regia di Naoki Murata, sotto la supervisione di Takeshi Mori (Vandread, The Skull Man).
Graficamente la trovo un po' più povera di quello che mi prefiguravo, ma il fulcro di questo action fantasy slice of life è il rapporto padre-figlia, fra la straordinaria Ageline (Saori Hayami) e l'avventuriero in pensione Belgrieve (Junichi Suwabe).
In più, la light novel di Mojikakiya si è già conclusa da tempo, con l'uscita dell'11° volume, e parliamo di un fantasy senza in mezzo abusati elementi isekai o reincarnazioni varie, quindi è già una win per me xD
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thyele · 1 year
みざりおーる(血糊と包帯)さん「昨夜は久しぶりに手刀へ... 懐かしいあの頃の空気を感じてきました...やっぱりあの時代はいいですね🥰 今度は久しぶりにジャケット姿の詩那様を拝みたいですね♪ お疲れ様でした!!! https://t.co/5A0ge215sa」https://twitter.com/MizaRiolu/status/1644610178732662785
JUNICHI ずんいちさん「セクハラだったかも…」https://twitter.com/JunPlasmajet/status/1644223600524943362
森 翼Tsubasa Mori/MIMIZUQさん「まもなく!」https://twitter.com/mori_tsubasa/status/1644640869902065666
幻覚さん「. FUCKOFF RECORDS GOODS通販のお知らせ 本日より通販開始しております。沢山の御注文を頂きまして誠にありがとうございます。 合わせて ライブチケット、DVDも発売中です。 コメント欄に 発売中のURLがございます。お見逃しなくお願い致します。 ↓」https://twitter.com/genkakuoffical/status/1644641269770252288
幻覚さん「. 幻覚ライブチケットはこちら。 「KILL MOTHER FUCKER」 ライブチケット 発売中! 2023年8月26日(土) 京都MOJO https://t.co/rvnv9ljvUQ   2023年9月16日(土) 高円寺High https://t.co/Epx14vfFE4」https://twitter.com/genkakuoffical/status/1644641333590786048
幻覚さん「. 幻覚『始動。』DVDの 通販はこちら  WeROCK STORES!  ストアサイトhttps://t.co/SL5hJmfUWV」https://twitter.com/genkakuoffical/status/1644641443900948481
森 翼Tsubasa Mori/MIMIZUQさん「モイ!iPhoneからキャス配信中 - https://t.co/s0CMLjaPlU」https://twitter.com/mori_tsubasa/status/1644642217087356929
☕️ふなもと健祐🥁さん「告知フライヤー公開しました!! 珈琲 と 能 の異次元コラボ【烏羽玉 能 meets COFFEE】、5/7(日)開催です! 美味しい珈琲を用意して待ってます。 ご予約の上、遊びに来て下さい!」https://twitter.com/funamoch1/status/1644654818148122625
MARI_Mary's Bloodさん「明日はDRUM☆GODS🥁 ドラム4台を並べて皆で演奏したり、コラボやソロもあって、この日だけの見どころが盛り沢山です! ぜひお待ちしてます✨ 🗓️4月9日 (START 14:30) DRUM☆GODS presents ~goddess advent vol.1~ 🎫チケット発売中! https://t.co/eZ2yBLHYOf 🏫Access https://t.co/OAVleZZAOt https://t.co/HMhDXloUZu」https://twitter.com/MARI_marysblood/status/1644639781446619143
MARI_Mary's Bloodさん「DRUM☆GODS当日、ステージ上にて機材撮影&観賞会を開催! 4月9日(13:15~13:45) TVA メディアホール ・チケット¥1,500 ※チケットは当日13時からTVA地下1階エントランス物販にて販売 撮影の際は、他の方にご配慮の上お願い致します。 ※本番前ですので機材には絶対に触れないで下さい。」https://twitter.com/MARI_marysblood/status/1644654387292442625
Drum 篤人さん「【明日】 4月9日 TVAメディアホール ~goddess advent vol.1~ https://t.co/SWnAwiMLuz 当日券あり ・写真3枚目 入場口、整列場所になります。 ※表口は休日なので開いておりません。 ・写真4枚目 当日限定サイン入りTシャツ https://t.co/yZYZMkODjK 他出演者の物販は各SNSなどでご確認下さい。 https://t.co/kK6iXM0uvS」https://twitter.com/atsuto0107/status/1644656335806681090
さなでぃ@花粉症が酷くてコンタクトがゴロゴロして途中メガネに変える石油王さん「今日は師匠のバンドNOi’Xを観させていただきました! 手刀ドームで薔薇のパフォーマンス観れてとても良かったです さすがに4回目なので曲も体に沁みてきました笑 アンコールはまた逢う日までかと思いましたがBODYのI LOVE YOUでさらに痺れました しっかりご挨拶出来ずでしたがお疲れ様でした!」https://twitter.com/sildra_sana_gt/status/1644327686276550657
森 翼Tsubasa Mori/MIMIZUQさん「プレミア配信 第1部ありがとうございました! すべり台 ティンガリンガブー ギターケース スーパースターに憧れて 君はパイロット フライングリバー(新曲) アイラブユーの世界 モナリザ タイムマシン マザー ぱちもん アーカイブは2週間。 https://t.co/EsAzxUGsDz https://t.co/FL6gyOrlIz」https://twitter.com/mori_tsubasa/status/1644661479483006977
nao 首振りDollsさん「【速報】 nao氏、ガガガSPで号泣。」https://twitter.com/kubihuri_nao/status/1644661555383144449
V系☆星の子レシピ/ 星子誠一さん「予告!4月の「club Zy.チャンネル」    ①摩天楼オペラ:最新インタビュー ▶4/6~ ➁KISAKI:最新インタビュー ▶4/7~ ③seek × DAISHI:対談 ▶4/10~ ④みく、seek、kazuya、ZERO:生声コメント ▶4/6~ ⑤星の子レシピ(BLOG) ▶4/1~ https://t.co/l0gTn4kIvw https://t.co/Qvkkr2RQyG」https://twitter.com/visualkei_oyaji/status/1642089588695990274
NAOKIさん「中島卓偉ツアー折返し!渋谷Veats1日目!熱かったぞーーー🔥🔥🔥 卓偉さんの魂とファンの皆様の魂の共鳴最高だろ!👍 明日はもっとアチーから来てくれ!渋谷Veatsに集合!👍 サンキュー✨ https://t.co/rwECxNLmDv」https://twitter.com/official_NAOKI/status/1644662889419280385
Yoshikiさん「My friend Jonathan from Korn and I had a wonderful dinner after Knotfest. Amazing vocal, amazing band, Korn rocks! Slipknot rocks too! 食事に行った! #YOSHIKI https://t.co/p18WiLzkEa @JDavisOfficial @Korn @slipknot @KNOTFEST #KORN #Slipknot #Knotfest #XJAPAN https://t.co/aCNa33gQmW」https://twitter.com/YoshikiOfficial/status/1644663148933435392
NAOKIさん「ハッシュタグつけるの忘れてた! #中島卓偉 #明日も渋谷Veatsに集合 #グッズのポーチは買ったほうが良い」https://twitter.com/official_NAOKI/status/1644665681198338051
森 翼Tsubasa Mori/MIMIZUQさん「まもなく2部モイ!iPhoneからキャス配信中 - https://t.co/j45JQUQvBq」https://twitter.com/mori_tsubasa/status/1644668068784926721
森 翼Tsubasa Mori/MIMIZUQさん「まもなく2部スタートです🍀」https://twitter.com/mori_tsubasa/status/1644670718242861058
おおくぼ けい(アーバンギャルド)15周年記念公演ありがとうさん「アーバンギャルドでサポートドラムを叩いてくれている篤人くんのバンドNostalgic Cinemaのライブに参加しますー! 楽しみ。」https://twitter.com/keiookubo/status/1644300142324092929
中島卓偉さん「2公演目はファンクラブ限定ライヴ!レア曲満載!トーク多め!お見送り握手&ハグ!オリジナルピックと限定DVD手渡し!盛り過ぎか! ご参加していただいたBEAT&LOOSEの皆様、心から感じに致します!これまたやりましょう! #you #NAOKI #SHINGO #中島卓偉 https://t.co/iSwg4fwHm7」https://twitter.com/takuinakajima/status/1644671038457012224
森 翼Tsubasa Mori/MIMIZUQさん「Start https://t.co/Wuz2peP1to」https://twitter.com/mori_tsubasa/status/1644673339716403200
江藤良人 drummerさん「来週、50歳になります。 この記念のコンサートとして、一昨年に発売した僕のCDアルバム「ETOISM」のメンバー全員が集まってくれます。僕が説明するまでもない音楽ジャンルレスで素晴らしいミュージシャンたちと演奏します。 4/13(木)めぐろパーシモンホールへお越しください。 https://t.co/0RXKEyXIUD」https://twitter.com/etoyoshihito/status/1644332915793469441
森 翼Tsubasa Mori/MIMIZUQさん「モイ!iPhoneからキャス配信中 - https://t.co/Whe56kypkt」https://twitter.com/mori_tsubasa/status/1644673691232657409
Drum 篤人さん「そして、明日のドラムイベントのために焼肉番長の力を借りようと思います💪 https://t.co/VwdSS2TAPW 前方椅子席の方、焼肉臭かったからゴメンね…🍖 https://t.co/1J3XXkWsIP」https://twitter.com/atsuto0107/status/1644673823772676096
晁直だよさん「こんな雑誌あったんだ https://t.co/4Llb32xyux」https://twitter.com/lynchasanu/status/1644677176497967104
KINGRYOさん「こんばんは🦁🎙 リハビリでちょい歌いまーす♬ https://t.co/282QMc5TYf」https://twitter.com/kingryoworld/status/1644681468814450689
金髪豚野郎K助(偽殿下)さん「スタジオから帰って すぐに修正した笑 (°_°)」https://twitter.com/goldenpigdrumer/status/1644682145577971712
晁直だよさん「ジーズね! https://t.co/mINEVbt7eo」https://twitter.com/lynchasanu/status/1644683755171491842
晁直だよさん「FAIRY FOREだよね?? どんなミスやねん。 https://t.co/SjAEsbhYZU」https://twitter.com/lynchasanu/status/1644687527419453442
FAIRY FORE officialさん「【HUSH -cocoon84145516-】 ㊗️4/14~4/16全日SOLD OUT㊗️ 有難う御座います‼️ 【2023.4.15 FAIRY FORE are…】 現王園 崇(@little_jagged) YASU(@fairy_yasu2023) YOKO(@yoko_0613) Guest Gu.TACA(@DNA20XX_EVO) https://t.co/6M1e6q6fsU」https://twitter.com/fairy_fore2023/status/1632377602106351616
seekさん「@lynchasanu 晁直さん。確かSWEETに所属のタイミングで表記改名したと思いますー!」https://twitter.com/seek_bonshisya/status/1644689513535664128
晁直だよさん「@seek_bonshisya あー変わったんすね! シークさんが言うなら間違いないす!!」https://twitter.com/lynchasanu/status/1644690439021428738
FAIRY FORE officialさん「@lynchasanu こんばんは‼FAIRY FOREに触れていただき有難うございます‼ Vo.の現王園崇と申します。 その表記はFAIRY FOREの以前に使っていたものなんですよ💡ややこしいですよね😅汗 話題に出していただけて嬉しかったので、ご挨拶させていただきました。有難うございます‼」https://twitter.com/fairy_fore2023/status/1644782541294166016
森 翼Tsubasa Mori/MIMIZUQさん「モイ!iPhoneからキャス配信中 - https://t.co/cf1OGANYTH」https://twitter.com/mori_tsubasa/status/1644694330916106240
森 翼Tsubasa Mori/MIMIZUQさん「モイ!iPhoneからキャス配信中 - https://t.co/txQl6VeWIE」https://twitter.com/mori_tsubasa/status/1644695078429143040
phaidia_officialさん「6/11(日) Phaidia presents 爛熟のDECADENTUS 〔血と月の夜宴〕vol.1 出演 Phaidia E//+Z ACM::: BACTERIA D=fate DJ SatosicK VJ kihito 新宿ACB ホール OPEN/START 17:30 ADV ¥3800 DOOR ¥4300各+drink チケット予約 新宿ACB or各バンド ◼TEL:03-3205-0901 ◼Mail:[email protected] https://t.co/rZB6Be4SiK」https://twitter.com/phaidia/status/1644679506119237633
森 翼Tsubasa Mori/MIMIZUQさん「モイ!iPhoneからキャス配信中 - https://t.co/c1I51I6wQj」https://twitter.com/mori_tsubasa/status/1644695383778684929
中島卓偉さん「久しぶりにGIRLS ONLY!BOYS ONLY!やります! この日にライヴレコーディングもして音源にして出します! 古い曲、廃盤になっている曲をたくさんやってライヴ音源として復活させます!男子���モッシュ&ダイヴありだ! 7月9日(日)原宿RUIDO!絶対に来てくれ!」https://twitter.com/takuinakajima/status/1644695788491247619
森 翼Tsubasa Mori/MIMIZUQさん「1部来てくれた皆様、こちらで打ち上げパスワード見れます!!ややこしくてごめんなさい🙏 「4/8(土)19:00〜おひとりさま配信。 #763973847」を視聴中! https://t.co/txQl6VeWIE」https://twitter.com/mori_tsubasa/status/1644696481667100673
森 翼Tsubasa Mori/MIMIZUQさん「2部公演来てくれた皆様、こちらで打ち上げパスワード公開しています!! 「4/8(土)21:00〜おひとりさま配信。 #763973462」を視聴中! https://t.co/cf1OGANYTH」https://twitter.com/mori_tsubasa/status/1644696732197060608
森 翼Tsubasa Mori/MIMIZUQさん「打ち上げ配信スタート https://t.co/j45JQUQvBq」https://twitter.com/mori_tsubasa/status/1644696886060916737
森 翼Tsubasa Mori/MIMIZUQさん「モイ!iPhoneからキャス配信中 - https://t.co/qU7GuZvym5」https://twitter.com/mori_tsubasa/status/1644696917333651456
luin officialさん「【luin】 4/8 町田The Play House 1.all or nothing 2.marionette 3.消えたい夜に 4.paraiso 5.break the apocalypse 6.doppler 配信アーカイブ→ https://t.co/6vioysuxIJ thank you!! next…5/11(木)池袋手刀 https://t.co/WrFIZ2NNxW https://t.co/9mnMNZ5A5w」https://twitter.com/luin_official/status/1644704815258431488
金髪豚野郎K助(偽殿下)さん「髑髏Aの脱退時期が微妙だったって話あったけど このMVでもちょいちょい見切れてるんですよね笑 今見ると別におもくそソロカットとか使えばよかったかな そんなMV「affection」をどうぞ 今回の地獄の業火は東大阪の駐車場です (°_°) https://t.co/uZoiwa2HZo」https://twitter.com/goldenpigdrumer/status/1644707792106958850
Ivy darknessさん「DOPE SHOWへたくさんのご応募ありがとうございます 世界で1番最高で特別な一夜が横浜で開催されるよ 明日は毎年開催される新横浜NSB!! ワレの誕生日公演 https://t.co/eSCr3kBPEk」https://twitter.com/IVY_DOPE_SHOW/status/1644707805709111296
金髪豚野郎K助(偽殿下)さん「ああ デザインまた直したいとこ出てきちゃった 推しもインスタライブ始めるぽいけど明日早いから今日は日を跨ぐ前に寝…zzz (°_°)」https://twitter.com/goldenpigdrumer/status/1644708583735705600
you(official)さん「原宿RUIDO OPEN1周年記念、中島卓偉ライブにギタリストとして参加します🎸 「熱いライブになることは間違いない!」 7月9日(日)原宿RUIDO 【DAY】GIRL'S ONLY LIVE 「GIRLS RIOT」 【NIGHT】BOY'S ONLY LIVE 「BOYS RIOT」 <問> 原宿RUIDO(TEL:03-6447-5567)」https://twitter.com/you_g0724/status/1644702612699365377
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leituranlouisecruz · 2 years
Olá, meus amores! Mais um vídeo (disponível no LEITURAN® - Youtube) para vcs com muito carinho. Mil beijinhos e toda luz do Universo!
Venho com Filme Pequena Floresta: Inverno/Primavera (Little Forest) - Celebre sua Vida! 🦋🌼
É uma bela surpresa assistir a essa produção japonesa (dorama) que pode agregar muitos valores de vida, dentre eles, o ato de aprender está intimamente vinculado ao ato de escutar e experimentar outros caminhos e perspectivas. Incentivo você a sempre celebrar sua vida!
Podemos conhecer uma cultura através de toda a delicadeza advinda do preparo de uma refeição. A narrativa não apenas estimula os olhos e o paladar, nutre o espírito no que concerne a paixão, delicadeza, dedicação e determinação de suas personagens. Vale mesmo dar uma conferida nesse filme bastante motivacional!
Amores, essa película corresponde a segunda parte da sequência dirigida pelo diretor Junichi Mori e é baseada no mangá homônimo ilustrado por Daisuke Igarashi. Ainda não assisti a primeira parte e não tenho o livro. Torço para que eu tenha mais essas duas experiências em meu repertório de leituras cinematográficas e literárias. E você, pergunto se já assistiu a essas duas películas e leu o mangá e quais são suas observações e impressões.
1) Pergunto qual o chamado do seu coração.
2) Incentivo também a refletirmos sobre tudo aquilo que estamos aprendendo pela primeira vez e como estamos lidando com essas experiências.
3) Para você o que significa liberdade?
4) Como você cultiva a delicadeza em sua vida?
5) O que você quer falar agora para si mesmo?
6) Como está sendo o seu dia?
7) Como está sendo sua jornada de autoconhecimento?
TikTok: louisecruzcantinhodalu
Indico acessar os vídeos (disponíveis no LEITURAN® - Youtube):
Filme Como Pétalas que Caem (2022) - Intenso Cultivo da Delicadeza! 🦋🌼
Hq Hitomi em diálogo com outros materiais literários e cinematográfico
Indicações de hqs que estou gostando mais (2021) - Cultivo da Delicadeza; Jornada de Autoconhecimento
Filmes que podem ser lidos como Cultivo da Delicadeza
Sobrevivência e Delicadeza - Hqs Apagão e Valente (Victor Cafaggi)
2 Filmes que enfocam na Gastronomia - Muita Paixão e Cultivo da Delicadeza!
Venho com 2 Filmes que enfocam na Gastronomia - Muita Paixão e Cultivo da Delicadeza! Filmes bem interessantes que despertam a paixão não somente para os profissionais da área de Gastronomia.
Podemos conhecer uma cultura através de toda a delicadeza advinda do preparo de uma refeição. As narrativas não apenas estimulam os olhos e o paladar, nutrem o espírito no que concerne a paixão, delicadeza, dedicação e determinação de suas personagens. Vale mesmo dar uma conferida nesses filmes bastante motivacionais!
Olá, amores, sejam bem-vindos(as)! Meu nome é Louise. Podem me chamar Lu.
🦋🌼 Criei LEITURAN® para compartilhar impressões sobre filmes (nacionais e estrangeiros) e hqs (nacionais e estrangeiras), destacando possíveis elementos comparativos entre tais materiais. Alguns elementos constituintes desses materiais podem ser comparados com alguns livros literários em prosa, documentários, séries e livros teóricos. Com esses compartilhamentos, busco cultivar pensamentos e atos de Delicadeza.
Forças (imagética, afetiva e espiritual), vulnerabilidades e delicadeza podem caminhar pacífica e harmoniosamente juntas. (Início 5 SET 2021 10.204 Visualizações no dia 31 DEZ).
Deixe sua imaginação fluir e seu coração vibrar com boas emoções!🦋🌼
Para darem uma força ao canal, podem se inscrever, curtir o vídeo e ativar o sininho das notificações! Muito Obrigada!
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