jhordxn · 5 years
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✨Greetings, friends! ✨
I am officially opening my Paid services!
I ask that you read over this entire post before requesting a reading. Thank you!
What services will you offer, what about price?
Tarot Readings: deck in use
will not charge extra for cards that jump out!
One card pull - $5
Any question, so long as it follows my Guidelines below. If unsure what to ask, you can just request whatever you need to know at this time. Similar to my previous free readings— except more thorough and detailed!
Two Card Spread - $7 for each spread.
Block & Help: Your current blockage and what can be done to overcome it.
Fear & Reality: Your present fears vs. your actual reality.
Heal & Lesson: What occurred, and what lesson you learned/should learn.
Three Card Spread - $9 for each spread.
Incarnation: Past, Present, Future.
Evolution: Past life, Current life, Future life.
Destiny: You, Your path, Your potential.
Spirit: You, Your Spirit Guide, How to connect.
Romance: Your strengths, Your weaknesses, The advice.
Overcome: The situation, The obstacle, The advice.
LoveBirds: Your dynamic, Your partner’s dynamic, What to work on.
Spirit Guide Messages:
Can be bought along with your Tarot purchase or separately! I will not charge extra for more than one Guide coming through.
Guide(s) Message - $12
A message from your Spirit Guide(s): you may ask one question. If unsure what to ask, you can just request whatever you need to hear right now. I’ll include their name(s) as well, if it’s available, at no extra cost!
Guide(s) Description- $10
I channel any Guide(s) of yours wishing to come through and give you a thorough description of them as they appear. I’ll include their name(s) too, if it’s available, at no extra cost!
Spirit Guide Bundle Deal - $16
You receive both the Guide(s) message along with the description of your Guide(s) who come through— along with their name(s), if it’s available, at no extra cost!
How may I ask for a Paid Reading?
You may ask for a reading of your choice via Direct Message only, I will not accept requests through Ask Box. In your Direct Message I will provide you with additional information such as:
What method of payment you wish to use (PayPal, CashApp, Venmo, Zelle).
When to expect your reading.
If you have your own tarot spread in mind, we can discuss pricing and if I’m able to do that.
And any additional questions you may have!
How will I receive my reading?
Once your payment is finalized, your Reading(s) will be submitted through Direct Message as well; Everything will be done through there and there only.
So, what do you allow & not allow in readings?
These mainly are rules for the one card reading, since your question is your’s to ask, and it also applies to your Spirit Guide message, if you have a question to ask them as well. Nonetheless, all rules have to be followed, or else I will politely deny your reading request.
When you private message me, I need your first name, if that makes you uncomfortable then at least your initials. This helps me strengthen the connection & develop a more accurate reading for you.
I DO NOT DO: non-consenting third party questions. For example: “what does C think of me?” & “is J happy now?”. It never has felt right for me to tap into someone else’s personal energies. However I DO allow: “what is the energy between me and C?”, “what can I improve in our relationship?”, as for me these are less personal and more vague.
I DO NOT DO: Death related, medical related, financial related & legal related questions of any sorts. No exceptions.
I DO NOT DO: time sentive question. For example: “in THREE DAYS I’m doing ____, I need advice!!” & “When will I ___”. Why? Because for one, these really stress me out! Secondly, futures change!
I am Legally obligated to inform you that all readings that come from me are intended to offer energetic insight into your spiritual life and are utterly meant for entertainment purposes only.
I cannot & I will not promise that you will like what you hear. Do keep in mind that what comes through is out of my control; furthermore, I, like any reader, only deliver what Spirit communicates, no less & no more. Allow Spirit to give you what you are meant to hear.
Your Fate is in your hands and can be changed in an instant. To echo what I mentioned above, keep in mind these really are energy readings on your current setting, nothing is set in stone. You are a multi-dimensional being with unlimited amounts of free-will. You are far more powerful than you perceive.
All readings discussed stay confidential between me & you.
Reviews are heavily respected.
My Guidelines can be found anytime at #JhordxnReadings
Lastly, I realize not everyone can afford readings, so don’t worry, I don’t want anyone feeling left out. I will open free readings once in a while, but Paid Readings will be my main and only source for thorough & intricate readings!
⭐️ Short gallery of previous Reviews ⭐️
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I look forward to reading for you!
If you can’t afford to buy a reading, please Reblog! It would help tremendously!
Love & Light to you all! 💛✨
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jhordxn · 5 years
Hi! May I ask for a general reading for this next year? Thank you so much for your time!! - MA♈️🐻
greetings! thank you for dropping by. You sure may! ✨💛
For you, MA, I pulled: Queen of Swords
My interpretation to your question:
So, I decided to focus on your theme for this next year, and the card is showing a heavy enfasis on communication—both through honesty and truth as well as just general dialogue. I feel you’ve been a little pulled back from your own expression lately, I also feel you should embrace those who welcome this energy of yours. Don’t hide your authenticity, don’t shelter yourself away from your true means of thought; remember, this can begin as early as now, you don’t have to wait for a new year. The power is in your hands.
Direct meaning:
Helping others learn the truth and understand things rationally; being or having an intellectual mentor.
Perspective; able to recognize and have insight about something that isn’t apparent to most others.
Direct and honest communication.
Intellectual honesty and courage.
Shadow meaning:
Not being listened to or understood.
Being told “you think too much”, because it makes other people uncomfortable, especially those in power.
Deemed eccentric because of one’s independent thought or unconventional ideas.
Angelic Message: May your vision and honesty be embraced by all who have eyes to see and ears to hear.
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