#Jeremy x squip
splatarsenal · 5 days
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part I made for me and my partners blog! @analogbmc, I did use a base :)
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shadowspirez · 28 days
what is your fav thing about jeresquip!? :3
raaagh you can't make me pick favorites!
i suppose i like the unique dynamics that come with sharing a body with an entity only Jeremy can see. the Squip can touch him, hold him, even kiss him, and nobody would even know (aside from Jere turning red.)
oooh, and just the fantastic trope/concept of a robot/AI learning to love. Squip catching feels and not knowing wtf they are is, sigh, chef kiss. see though, the real question here would be: who falls first, Jeremy or the Squip?
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fictiontbh · 4 months
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Im just saying..... just saying...
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kurt-kelly · 1 month
He shot awake, panting. Damnit, not again— Jeremy must've been scaring himself at this point. He checked the clock; so early, but why? It's almost as if his body had been purposefully doing this, waking him up as if the Squip was waiting *right* there, and was getting impatient. Regardless, couldn't happen. He had felt it, *heard it*. All the Squips had been deactivated, and his Squip was no exemption to that. Thank god Micheal had Code Red on standbye, with what could've happen— Another code red would have arised without it.
He wondered, because he had some extra time, why not think about everything? It had only been a week, yet everything felt fresh in his mind. But he felt so detached from it. Who would believe it, though? That some supercomputer had just lodged himself into his brain, and nearly took over the entire school? Or.. Attempted to? No way.
Usually, he didn't enjoy being alone with his thoughts. Today was different though. It hurt his brain though. Why had *his* Squip tried to take over the world? After having him less than a week. He became so aggressive. He had mentioned he was a learning computer, said he was faulty. Rich apparently had his for nearly 3 years, and nothing huge had happened.
He groaned, it didn't concern him. He reached for his laptop; though, muscle memory was going against him, as he swore he felt a little shock. Like a program, he stopped this action immediately. He took a breath in. Squip had at least fixed ONE part of his life.
School time. He was still considered a popular kid, well, saving the school and all! He was laughing, and having fun. They even brought their own drinks! And almost as he had forgotten, he took a swig of mountain dew.
Wait, hah! Didn't even matter. The Squip was gone, what was a little Mountain Dew going to do to him? He took it all down like he had been triple-dog-dared to (the highest of encouragements), and smiled. It had always been one of his favourite sodas.
He had stayed a little bit later for extra help, just with math homework he wasn't a big fan about. The only people left were teachers. He assumed everybody else was embarrassed to be aided, whatever! He strutted down the hallway with pride, he felt so amazing, proud of himself. He didn't need a SQUIP, he didn't need anything. He had always been good, it just took a little push. And his best friend!
Suddenly, he felt pulses of electricity go through his body. It felt like he was going through a panic attack while getting electrocuted, and it wasn't so great for his motor skills. He fell to his knees, quivering. He couldn't support himself any longer though, his body gave out on himself as he laid there gasping for air. Tears welling in his eyes. It stopped, as suddenly as it came. But his body was still shivering from the aftershocks of it all. Wiping his eyes, he slowly opened them. Having not gotten up yet, he saw something peculiar no further than a few feet away. Maybe two.
Pixels, stacking ontop of eachother from bottom to top like Lego bricks infront of him. They emitted an electric cyan glow, which breifly pulsed red. Even they seemed disoriented, as they went through the entire spectrum before stopping themselves on the same sharp blue they had been previously.
`Get up.`
A voice demanded. Jeremys body felt light as he automatically did so. Sitting up. He wiped his eyes, and placed his glasses back on. His eyes widened, as he took a step back.
"No. Nonono."
`Oh, yesyesyes. Deny it all you want. Plug your ears, and attempt to tune me out. But I am back.`
His breathing spiked, as he started to shake as if he had been shocked again.
"Stop. Stop! I'm- I'm hallucona—"
`Stop speaking to me out loud. You look pathetic.`
He took a sharp inhale in, he still remembered SQUIPS commands from that week ago. 'Just think at me, like you're telepathic.' were his words.
Sadly, Jeremy was pathetic and incapable of doing so. SQUIPS stoic and eerily robotic face contorted to slight annoyance, clearly being aware of this fact.
`Let's try something different.`
His appearance went completely black, as the shadow morphed to one of much shorter stature. It glitched, and went completely cyan. Before it reached it's achieved goal.
There SQUIP stood, having taken the appearance of a shorter, teen-like, more approachable. Man? Woman? Jeremy couldn't tell. Mainly masculine, though.
`" Is this better for you? "`
Ew. His voice didn't sound bad, just different without the whole dude-bro-keanu thing going on. He sounded normal, though. For a teen. **[[POV SWITCH I HATE 3RD PERSON SOMETIMES]]**
He gripped on my collar as he pulled me down, my breath hitched and I felt my face go red. Being so close to him felt no different to the other times, especially when he told me to take him inside me— Forever? But I muttered out a response.
"I, I have so many questions."
Didn't seem to ever be good enough for *him* though, because he let go and placed his hands on his hips.
`" I'm aware "`
I opened my mouth to speak, but he leaned forward and put his finger up to my lips, shushing me. He felt like pure static electricity, which made me flinch back.
`" Shh, I already know your first question. 'Oh SQUIP, why are you here?' "`
He was.. Mocking me, clearly.
`"Well, have you already forgotten. Jeremy? I never expected you to be so forgetful. When you drink mountain dew,
It ALWAYS turns me on."`
I panicked, my face flushed even redder. I could cosplay the Mountain Dew Code Red at this point.
"You- You m-mean like. *Activating*, right?—"
`"I said what I said."`
**WHAT?!** What was that supposed to mean? I mean, I always knew SQUIP had this *thing* for making weird innuendos with me. It was confusing, especially with how he harbours such a hate for 'activities which require tissues and lotion', if you know what I mean.
"E-Excuse m—"
`"What did I say about stuttering? We need a complete overhaul on your personality, once more. Now, come along. Let's go home."`
"What?- I, can everyone see you?"
`"In this form, yes."`
"I can't just, bring some random student home with me!"
`"Tell your father I'm an exchange student, or, Infact, don't elaborate at all. I'm sure he'd be glad you've spoken to anyone who isn't online. Infact, do you know that most of the girls you speak to online are actually old m—"`
I groaned. "Okay! Okay I will!"
I finally went home, him trailing behind me slowly. My dad hadn't even been paying attention to me when I came back home. I guess we didn't need his little plan after all. When I got back up, I stretched out and laid on my bed. As SQUIP prodded and poked at the rest of my things. His body shifted once more, to his default appearance.
"Why didn't you just do that before?! Are you trying to get on my nerves."
`"That isn't important, now. Are you still single?"`
"I *was* dating Christine, but we just.. Work out better as friends."
`"Being single is good."`
"Didn't you say the exact opposite last time..?"
`"That was V2.5. I am currently V4. I am updated, different, improved. Unlike you."`
I flipped over and burried my head into my pillow
"Just go.."
`"Refrain from speaking to me that way. Sit up."`
And than I felt it, again. my body merely obeying his command, and sitting up straight. But, before I could ask that. Another question rang through my head—
"—Hey. If green mountain dew activates you, and red deactivates.. What do the other colours do?"
His outer glow of the standard electric blue pulsed. He seemed off guard, causing his usually unsettlingly empty expression to shift to one of shock, before easily collecting himself. I guess he had not been expecting that one.
`"Well. Voltage causes temporary energy, Major Melon increases strength temporarily, Spark gives you the ability to shock me, Baja Blast cause me to become lenient, DEW-S-A greatly confuses me; scrambles me up, Live Wire makes me speak much more, Pitch Black blinds me, Throwback gives me an annoyingly 90's vocabulary, SuperNova causes me to get romantic, White Out causes a temporary memory wipe, Ultra Violet gets me emotional; positively, Holiday brew gets me emotional; negatively, Dewshine turns me invisible, Sangrita Blast renders me capable of controlling you completely, Violet causes me to revert to Japanese, Spring Bloom increases eyesight, and Voo-DEW causes a random mashup of any/either of the others abilities."`
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thefawnfallacy · 25 days
The fact that The Squip is completely capable of downloading and processing the ability to love but it’s constantly changing and being corrupted by headlining news of “crimes of passion” and “love crimes”. If anything, the only reason he hasn’t killed Jeremy to prove the depths of his affection for him is because it means he’d no longer have a host or a boy to torment.
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analogbmc · 4 days
Hey Jeremy! How's it going?
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-;{"could be better, anon"};- jeremy muttered, his eyes looking straight ahead into the darkness. his mouth seemed to dripped down, not like drool or anything but his actual skin dripping like liquid, his hand pressed against his chest. Feeling his uneven heart beat going, his eye let off a bright glow. he was standing in the middle of a pitch dark room, to the point where the place around him looked like it had a static overlay to it. a spilled bottle of pills that had a label with "squip" over them layed open and scattered on his bed side counter.
[OOC]; I'm really bad at this type of stuff! Fyi this is how all asks will be! ^__^ thank you for being our first ask, anon! We appreciate it a lot<3
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whydoiexist1406 · 1 year
Summary: Jeremy has a little "problem", which causes him to hide out in the school bathroom. Since masturbation is strictly forbidden, the Squip helps him out with it.
Warnings: slight coercion, mild praise and even milder degradation kink, slight humiliation, edging, crying? Tearing up? Something like that. The Squip being The Squip basically lmao.
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Jeremy was completely screwed.
He was absolutely mortified, in fact, at the situation he found himself in. He's never been more embarrassed in his life.
He was hiding away in a school bathroom stall, knees brought up to his chest with a painful erection tenting his jeans, all because Christine had done something as simple as smile at him and touch his arm during play rehearsal. For less than five seconds. What was wrong with him?
The Squip materialized in front of him, pixels appearing in thin air and building him up like a Lego set before the man stood tall before him, looking down on him with disdain, and Jeremy already knew what was coming. So, he met it head on.
"Look, I know you said no-"
The Squip cut him off coolly, easily.
"Absolutely not, Jeremy. No exceptions." Voice firm and leaving no room for argument.
As the Squip crossed his arms over his chest, towering over him, Jeremy buried his face into his knees, a frustrated groan ripping out of him.
"What am I supposed to do?" Voice a bit muffled by the denim, "Wait it out? That could take hours!"
Jeremy slowly lifted his head at the sound of the Squip humming thoughtfully. He had one hand resting on his chin in thought, eyes squinted, before he suddenly snapped his fingers and smirked down at Jeremy, seemingly getting an idea.
"Remove your pants."
Jeremy, so caught off guard he inhaled sharply, starting coughing almost violently as saliva tried to enter his airway. He covered his mouth, trying to catch his breath again with spasming, weak drawings of air.
Jeremy's chest now a little sore, he glanced back up at the Squip, who raised an unimpressed eyebrow at him. He looked impatient. And completely serious. Shit.
With a nervous sigh Jeremy reached down, popping his button and unzipping his fly before shimmying his jeans down his legs. He swallowed, trying to assuage the growing dryness, and looked back at the Squip for what to do next.
"Good." A faint tingle went down Jeremy's spine, "Now, remove your underwear."
He was worried that's where this was going. He grew apprehensive, hands faintly shaking when he grabbed a hold of his waistband, and he stopped, finding his voice.
"Are- are you sure? I mean, didn't you say I wasn't allowed to-" the sound of a sharp 'tsk' had him closing his mouth.
"Jeremy, I assure you this is not going to end in masturbation. Not technically, at least. Now, underwear off." Jeremy nodded, but his hands nearly quaked now.
He pushed his underwear down to join his pants, revealing his flushed dick, so hard it was almost painful. He'd always been grateful that he was an average size, he definitely didn't need to add that to his long enough list of insecurities.
He kept his gaze down at himself, a strange kind of fear filling him at the idea of seeing the Squips reaction. To him. His body. He realized it didn't make sense, why should he care about the opinion of a computer program? But the idea of seeing anything negative on that faintly glowing face filled him with dread.
A hand, outlined in blue light and leaving a cold tingling on his skin, was suddenly under his chin, tilting up his head and forcing him to look the Squip in the eye.
A powerful relief flowed through him at the sight of his expression, which was no different than usual. Condescending and stern, but his eyes..they were pretty normally, but now, the way they softened down at him, the colors seemed to shine like two large blue stars, their powerful gravity drawing him in and locking him into orbit.
Jeremy almost missed it when the Squip started talking again, too fixated on the strange way his eyes seemed to shift and swirl like nebulae.
"Jeremy, have you ever wondered how it is that you can feel it when I touch you?" His voice was uncharacteristically gentle, but the quiet rumble it produced was nowhere near unpleasant.
"Y..yes, I have." The hand on his chin migrated up to touch his cheek, raising goosebumps along his skin wherever it touched.
"It's simple, think of it in the same terms of a placebo. Your brain can't differentiate between what is and isn't really there when you believe it hard enough, when your eyes tell another story." Jeremy felt like he was floating, it was a similar feeling to all those times Michael had convinced him to smoke with him and he hit enough to get high. The sound of the Squips voice, the sight of his enchanting eyes, the electric hand at his cheek, all lulling him into a trance.
That was, until the Squip trailed a finger with his other hand up the vein on the underside of his cock, and Jeremy jolted at the sensation. The suddenness caused him to clamp his teeth down, right onto his tongue, so hard the taste of iron filled his mouth and stinging pain blossomed through the muscle.
At Jeremy's hiss of pain the Squip removed both hands from him, and he wasn't sure if he was grateful or disappointed for it. The Squip looked at him, expression briefly disappointed before shifting to one of amusement.
"Hmm, I didn't account for you being so sensitive, my apologies, Jeremy." That cruel bastard. He knew exactly what he was doing, didn't he? Jeremy shifted where he sat, and as much as he didn't want to admit it, even a simple, brief touch like that was enough to reignite his ever growing need. He released a shaky breath, hands clenching into fists as his sides.
"Yeah, it's whatever.." he mumbled, a shiny bead of precum growing at his tip and slowly trailing down the side of his shaft. He watched as it made it's way down, attention only pulled away when the Squip kneeled down in front of him, eyes devious and sending a chill down his spine. In fear, anticipation or both, Jeremy wasn't sure.
Jeremy couldn't help but tense when the Squip brought a hand forward, intently watching it grow closer, which stopped less than an inch away from his weeping cock. He slowly released a puff of air, forcing himself to relax at least a little. He froze right back up as soon as the hand moved towards him again, barely a centimeter of distance, before he was speaking in a rush.
"W-wait! Is this okay? I mean, a good idea?" He internally cringed at each stutter or stammer, recalling the Squips previous words regarding it, sweat beginning to collect at his hairline.
"Jeremy.." the Squip began, drawing out his name in a dark, borderline seductive tone, "didn't you yourself say it would take too long to wait?"
"Well, yeah.." he resisted the urge to fidget, to wring his hands together and twiddle his thumbs in order to give himself something else to focus on. Something else other than the hand so close to his dick and the unwanted but still ever present arousal itching along under his skin like thousands of insect legs.
The Squips lip curled into a smile, but the undercurrent of sadistic pleasure stopped it from looking any version of kind.
"Then..do I have your consent to continue?" He tilted his head in a way that was distinctly mocking, and it shouldn't have made his stomach constrict and cock twitch.
He couldn't bring himself to speak, fearing his voice would fail and reveal just how nervous and horny he was, although the Squip was in his head so he probably already knew. Jeremy wanted to preserve his dignity anyway, however. At least, the dignity he perceived himself to have, so he simply nodded.
A full body shudder ran through Jeremy once the Squips larger hand finally wrapped around him, grip firm. He quickly brought a hand up, pressing the back of it against his mouth to stifle the choked whine that tried to escape, pressing his eyes closed so firmly a kaleidescope of color bursted from out behind his eyelids.
A thumb circling around his head, as if collecting the precum that was drooling from his tip and trying to spread it around to make the non-existent friction smoother, had his hips bucking up without his permission, desperate for more.
The feeling of the Squips hand was unlike anything he'd ever felt, the sensation otherworldly and inorganic, outclassing his own by miles and potentially any other humans on the planet. Not that he would know, of course.
"Fuck.." he moaned out, the sound closer to a sob, from behind his hand when the Squip gave him a single slow stroke from base to tip, not nearly fast enough to get him close to his orgasm, keeping him desperate and on edge. He opened his eyes, peeling his gaze away from the Squips hand where it was wrapped around him and glancing at his face, and the borderline evil glint in the A.I's eyes simultaneously made his heart drop and a jolt of electricity run down his back.
He knew what that looks meant. The Squip was waiting for something, and whatever that something was, he was going to have to work for it. Because nothing could ever be easy for him, could it?
The Squip must've realized Jeremy caught on based on the way his smile subtly widened in response, and if it weren't for the way his breaths gasped out of him and sweat was trailing down his brow and he felt like he was going to explode from the way even the still hand around him felt he would've given him a piece of his mind. But, because of all of that, instead he simply moaned, weak and soft, and tried to thrust up into the hand around him.
Except the hand followed his movements, getting him absolutely nowhere.
He pressed his hands to his eyes, struggling to try and even his breathing, to calm down enough to be able to speak again, but it was difficult when all he could think about was how the tingling, almost electric feeling from the Squips hand felt better than anything he might experience ever again.
With a slow, shaky deep breath, his let his hands drop and tried to force his voice steady.
"What..why did you stop?" And promptly failed at that, because he sounded just as unstable as he felt.
"Well, Jeremy," he started, sounding completely unbothered by the situation, cool as a cucumber, "if you must know, although I suppose it's only fair, if I were a girl, say Brooke, right now, how do you think it would look for you to ejaculate almost immediately?"
Jeremy blinked, foggy brain taking it's time in processing the Squips words, but eventually the rusty cogs began turning enough for it to make sense.
"So, you're torturing me so I don't cum fast?" Jeremy asked, voice as deadpan as he could possibly manage to make it under such... circumstances.
"Essentially, yes. I'm trying to increase your stamina. You're welcome." He grinned at Jeremy, eyes glinting even in the absence of direct light, reminding Jeremy of some kind of super villain. Although, he might be a bit biased in that idea considering where he was right now.
"Is this seriously the best time for tha- ah!" The Squips hand viced down on him, borderline painful but thoroughly pleasurable, the sensation travelling through every muscle fiber in his body and forcing an embarrassing yelp from him.
"Now now, Jeremy, is that any way to talk to me? After all I've done for you? Am doing, right now?" It was barely even framed as a question, they both knew the answer. Especially if Jeremy wanted to cum any time soon. He softly shook his head, the shame beginning to prickle in his peripheral doing nothing to kill the fire of need in his stomach.
The Squip relaxed his hand, lessening the pressure, and rewarded Jeremy with another languid stroke, pulling another spurt of precum from him. He grit his teeth, trying to control the noises trying to claw their way up his throat, but he was fighting a losing battle.
Only, the Squip didn't stop at just once like last time, he continued moving his hand, slowly and smoothly, up and down, and he couldn't find it in himself to be embarrassed at the whine, almost sounding pained, that left him. It felt too good, brain shutting down against his will and turning to mush.
His vision was going fuzzy, eyes stinging. Was that normal?
It was when the Squip increased the pace ever so slightly and he couldn't control the way he almost spasmed in response that Jeremy realized tears were collecting at his waterline, and that was definitely something he could bring himself to be embarrassed about, whether he wanted to be or not. Maybe the Squip was right, once again. This would be even more mortifying than it already is if this were a girl.
"W-wait, please, stop.." he needed a second to pull himself together, and mercifully the Squip complied, pulling his hand away and giving Jeremy room to breathe. He sniffled, which didn't make him feel any less pathetic, and wiped at his eyes with both hands, once again trying to look at anywhere but the Squips face as he did so.
A few seconds later, after taking some deep breaths, he glanced up at the Squip, who looked completely neutral, face stoic and strangely devoid of emotion, before nodding to give him the go-ahead. He curled around his cock much more gently this time, but it didn't stop him from reacting just as much, drawing in a sharp breath against the strike of lightning hot pleasure.
The Squip increased the pace again, giving him less time adjust, but thankfully this time he didn't almost start crying like some tween seeing her crush with another girl. Yet, anyways. After all the teasing and false starts his orgasm built quickly, after only moment of being touched, causing him to squirm and writhe in his seat, once again bringing up a hand to bite on his fist and muffle the desperate moans he was producing. He was getting so close.
He was right there on the edge, so close, so beautifully close, and it felt so good, until-.
The Squip pulled away just at the last second, and it solidified this as the worst day of his life, a sound of frustration that sounded somewhat like a cat being strangled leaving him in response before he could stamp it down. He had been right there, and with surgical precision the demon attached to his brain snatched it away. He had the urge to cry again, but he pushed it back as fiercely as possible.
"What the hell, man?!" He blurted out, so unbelievably turned on it was definitely painful now. He was so desperate he'd be willing to do anything, so desperate he felt he might die. And the Squip sat there, on one knee, looking at him as if this were a normal day, like he were bored. It only made things hurt worse, made him want it more.
The Squips mouth twitched into a small smirk, but it was nowhere near the perfect picture of Satan from earlier, with his large grins and flaring eyes nowhere to be seen now. It was slightly unsettling.
"What's the magic word, Jeremy?"
His mouth opened, hanging wide in shock and disbelief. No way was he being serious. But, Jeremy had enough experience with the A.I to know he was always serious. Unfortunately.
Apparently Jeremy was taking too long to answer because the Squip reached forward, using a single finger to press down on the leaking slit at his tip. A shiver ran through his body at the touch, almost choking, suffocating, on the intensity of his want. His need.
"Uh, uhm.." he hesitated, though.
"Jeremy, spit it out." And the inpatient, irritated edge to the Squips voice had him speaking without thinking, without needing to think, only feeling the need to be good enough to get back the gentle tone and soft gaze from the beginning of this whole ordeal.
"Please.." he spoke uncertainty at first, but once he got it out it was like a dam had burst, "please let me cum, I need it so bad it hurts, please, please-" his pleas broke off into a full fledged sob of relief when the hand returned, which turned into a loud cry of pleasure when the pace set was fast, almost brutal.
It only took a few pumps until he was cumming so hard he saw stars, black dots dancing across his vision, muscles seizing up and mouth hanging open in a silent scream, and for a second there he thought he might pass out from the sheer power of his orgasm, rolling through him in waves like a tsunami.
When he started to come down his breath stuttered out of him in short, shallow puffs, body trembling and mind completely blissed out. He felt better than he had in years. Maybe the Squip wasn't that bad. Speaking of, he looked up to find him now standing again, looking much too smug and pleased with himself. Though, looking down at himself and the absolute mess he'd made, he could, infuriatingly, understand why.
Jeremy cleared this throat, awkwardly grabbing a wad of toilet paper to clean himself up with, praying no one heard him when he came. He was a bit loud.
After he was done wiping himself off he pulled his underwear and jeans back up and, as he pulled up his zipper, casted the Squip a glance.
"S-so, was it good?" He smiled, trying to come off as joking and not let his anxiety bleed through. The Squip scoffed, rolling his eyes in response.
"No, Jeremy. In fact, it was almost as terrible as it possibly could have been." Jeremy tried not to let the hurt show on his face, though he perked up at what the A.I said next.
"We'll just have to add it to the list of many features that need upgrading. Now, get going, you're over thirty minutes late to class." And with that the Squip dematerialized, dismantling pixel by pixel and vanishing into thin air without another word.
With a soft exclamation of 'oh shit!' Jeremy hurried out of the bathroom, sprinting his way to class on wobbly, jelly-like legs, trying not to look forward to the next time too much and desperately trying not to faceplant on the way there.
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i like meremine
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fivenightsatartists · 2 months
I been listening to some musicals (mostly listening to Be More Chill) and my brain just been exploded with a idea of a somewhat Crossover Au with a bit of X reader, let me know if you guys are interested in this....
(Spooky Month + Be More Chill Au) Kevin x Reader
-Kevin as Jeremy Heere
-Radford as Micheal Mell (I'M SO SORRY!!! QAQ💔)
-Atticus (Skid's dad) as The Squip
-Reader as Christine Canigula
-Liv as Rich Goranski
-Ethan as Chloe Valentine
-Leon as Brooke Lohst
-Streber as Jenna Rolan
-Aria as Jake Dillinger
-Lila or Jaune??? as Mr. Heere (Jeremy's Dad)
-Jack (maybe???) as Mr. Reyes
Tell me if there's anything wrong in this then I'll change things up but no hate please, and yeah I know the BMC fandom is small and forgotten but I don't care I still love it ಠ︵ಠ
Spooky Month belongs to Sr. Pelo, Be More Chill The Musical (2015) belongs to Joe Tracz, and Reader (you) belongs to yourself
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the-cheese-slut · 7 months
Squip: fuck Michael
Jeremy: well, IF YOU SAY SO!
Squip: what? No! I meant forget about-
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splatarsenal · 2 months
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Hello bmc Fandom ^_^ may I introduce you to my bmc au!! (More leaning into a jeresquip au thing yeah idk how its spelt)
Last art by my girlfriend! @hastunemikulover69
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doveriathegoddess · 1 month
Hello hello my good friend @marukane got me back into Be More Chill which I enjoyed in my middle school era, and so I decided to draw my own silly interpretations of the BMC Characters :3
Let us begin!
Starting off we have Jeremy Heere and the Squip himself
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Up next we have Michael Mell and Rich Goranski
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Then we have Christine Canigula and Chloe Valentine
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We can't forget of course Brooke Lohst and Jenna Rolan
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And finally we have Jake Dillinger and just for the fun of it I inserted my sona Dove into the BMC universe as a young girl named Paloma "Dove" Wilson.
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To add some Bonus Content to this post as well, I have a fluffy ship drawing of Jake and Dove being a wholesome pair of high school sweethearts :3
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Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed!
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fictiontbh · 4 months
Okay but guys guys guys....
Thoughts on squipemy with "Loser,Baby"?
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hastunemikulover69 · 5 days
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Feating oc's, fursonas, squip and Jeremy, and zukaang :3
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analogbmc · 4 days
Oh- I see... Does that hurt...?
-;{"does what hurt, anon?"};- jeremy answered, unsure of what he was being asked. his head tilting to the side a little as his expression twisted with a sense of confusion. - ? and not like he wasn't hurting, everything hurted... his body was sore as hell and if that wasn't enough the "prescribed" pills he was given only make him come back and all he seems to do is cause him pain. he already feels guilty enough for the things he was forced to do .. he did, but he was getting off track with his thoughts he had to answer questions.
[OOC]; I promise we'll give you more art! We just don't want to make you wait to long, so please! Take this, we are very rusty with our writing skills but we hope you enjoy it! There won't always be an ooc thing, if you don't like how this feels (like if u prefer the art) we'll do that! ^__^ xoxo owner 1
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h0n3yk1tt3n · 1 year
Friendly reminder that if you ship Jeremy x Squip you're not fucking welcome here 😘
Got this response to my tags on a reblog and just wanted to remind y'all to not ship abusive relationships, especially ones including a minor and an adult-equivalent figure. ("WaAaH iT's A cOmPuTeR nOt An AdUlT" stfu it's still abusive who the fuck cares)
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It wasn't even the og artist replying to this, like fam it wasn't your art it's not your fight.
If you ship technical difficulties or ANY fucking "squip x human character" ship, ESPECIALLY the kids, get the fuck out right the fuck now.
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