#JJBA Sorbet
luckylostloki · 11 months
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Posted these bad boys on my twitter A WHILE ago....thought I'd make my grand entrance into tumblr that much grander with La Squadra shit posts, y'know?!
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takiisieju-squadra · 7 months
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The portrait series is finished!
(Such a portrait would cost you 10 USD. You can check out my price list here)
taglist: @go-capt-puppen
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gothearts · 7 months
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I dunno, a doodle dump ig
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dicentsalve · 29 days
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Two sick bastards in love
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sorbet-and-gelato · 2 months
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Forbidden knowledge
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berylcups · 15 days
PT 2-How La Squadra react to you calling them their nickname/term of endearment:
CW: mentions of polyamory and queer relationship discrimination
Notes: Here's part 2! This was actually pretty fun! If anyone has similar HCs/reacts they would like please send them in! It was refreshing to do something fluffy-ish rather than just lewd for once! I’m still working on Sorbet and Gelatos personalities so I hope they don’t seem too generic or stereotypical, but theres not much of them to work off of…other than them screaming and dying. Yikes. But I hope you all enjoy! 💜Beryl
Risotto: “Rissi, I’m heading to the grocery store.” You announced turning the knob to his office. “ is there anything special you want for dinner tonig-oh shit” you saw he wasn’t alone. Prosciutto and Pesci were in the room with him talking about some target.
“I’m so sorry- I didn’t know you were busy- I’ll come back later.”
Prosciutto cleared his throat upon hearing that cutesy name and Pesci looked away trying to hide his blush.
“We can touch base on further details later. This should be enough to get started with.” He dismissed them, acting unaffected by the name.
They promptly took their leave, just leaving you and your beloved leader alone.
“I’m so sorry, Risotto. I didn’t know you were busy. I should’ve known bette-“ you stuttered worried you embarrassed him.
“It’s fine.” He cut you off. “It’s just the guys. They know better than to mess with me about the names you call me.” He chuckled. 
“Although for future reference…” he started looking up at you with a serious expression. “This might be a habit you should break. If any of our enemies know we are connected, they might try to harm you and I just couldn’t live with myself knowing I caused your demise.” He said. “I already lost one too many people dear to me.”
You walked over to him by the desk and gave him a huge hug. “I’m not going anywhere. I promise you that.” He hugged back and gave you a soft kiss on the shell of your ear. 
“Good. Because the day you die is the day I die. I love you Angelo/a.” He sighed in relief. 
This big guy has to be stoic 24/7 so in front of others he’s going to keep things professional. As far as he cares in front of the guys you can call him all the names you want but he isn’t going to acknowledge them 😂 call him zaddy and he’ll just continue talking about what mission is next… or if you’re overdoing it he’ll give you a warning “ok, that’s enough.” type of look. 
Of course in private he’ll call you pet names but… he’s not very creative but he’s dramatic so he’ll call you the vita mia, cuore mio, caro/a, and angelo/a. 
Prosciutto: “Prosci I’m back! The mission was a success! It’s all thanks to you that I’m able to work by myself now!” You said happily as you came through the door. 
“Prosci??? Pfft” formaggio snickered. 
A few of the others were snickering or trying to hold back a smile. Prosciutto put an end to this quickly with a deadly glare. 
“Really? That’s wonderful news Y/N. I’m very proud of you.” He said as he guided you to somewhere a little more private.
“Y/N… I love you with all my heart but remember what we agreed upon?” He asked. “We must keep our affections private.”
“Oh, I’m sorry, Prosciutto. I must have really embarrassed you.” You said dejectedly looking away from him.
“No. Never.” He said firmly as he gently lifted your face to meet his. He gently bumped his forehead up against yours. 
“You are my beloved partner and I love you no matter what. But in this world we must remain distant in front of others so I can protect you.” He explained gently caressing your face . 
“Also… we have to set a good example for Pesci. He may be a mammoni but he has so much potential and it’s up to us to help him unlock it. Understand?”
“Understand.” You said with a small smile.
“That’s my good angelo/a.” He smiled back and kissed you on the forehead. 
He’s not very affectionate in public but he is chivalrous. He’ll open the door for you, pour your wine, take your jacket, etc… 
In private he’ll call you his favorite pet names with a kiss on the cheek.
He’ll use the classic names like Tesoro, Caro/a, Bambino/a, or calls you his angelo/a. 😇
Sorbet & Gelato:  “Sorby Gelly I’m upset!” You whined.
“Aww what’s wrong lil sundae?” Asked Gelato.
“You know the drill-come sit down and tell us what’s wrong.” Added Sorbet patting Gelatos lap.
You moped over and somehow found your spot in the dog pile of legs and laps on the chair.
“You know Valentines is next month and I saw this cool fancy spa I wanted us to go to-“ you started with putting the magazine page in their faces. “Seeee??? But they are all TwO pEoPlE oNlY!!! This is unfair! They act like the entire world is monogamous and straight! Bullshit!” you complained.
“Oh, that does look nice. I could use a massage, my back has been killing me lately.” Sorbet read through the page.
“Mud baths and facials too? I’m in.” Gelato looked at the pictures.
“But what about the restrictions?” you asked.
“Oh Y/N. Do you have any idea who you’re in a relationship with? We’ll get you that perfect valentine's day, whether they want to serve 3 people or not.” Gelato cooed, patting your head to comfort you.
“Of course they’ll take care of us…if they wanna live that is.” Sorbet added rubbing your back. “Or we could show them our knife collection instead. Their choice.”
“Yay~! I can’t wait! I’ll be sure to add a reminder to my calendar to make a reservation for later.” you said gleefully.
“Anything to keep our little sundae happy~.” they both said in unison and kissed you on both sides of your cheeks.
“...” Illuso gulped trying to hold back the bile rising in his throat. The PDA is just overwhelming!
The other men in the room wanted to throw up from the mushiness. It's gotten worse ever since they added you into their relationship but they know better than to say anything after Illuso made fun of you three and ended up with a knife in his thigh. 
Sorbet and Gelato are the kings of PDA! They are always cuddled up on one another and now you’re included on the love fest. They are gonna sit on your lap, you're gonna sit in their lap, you're gonna sit on one's lap while the other sits on your lap, etc. And they’re generous with the pet names as well!
They both like names that match up with their names, so you get named after frozen treats like Sundae, Granita, Sherbet, Snowcone…along with the typical names like caro/a, tersoro, and amore too. They have a long list of names to call you, so it doesn’t simply end there!
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iltaimpi · 1 month
{Good fucking Morning.}
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rae-pss · 4 months
May I please ask for soulmate au with Sorlato with reader genuinely think their soulmates are ice cream please
˗ˏˋ꒰ 💭 ꒱ . . . i think you refer to "each others’ names on their wrist/palm/etc". also, this list is perfect if you want to see how many soulmate au exist. i hope you like it, dear anon (<3). ˗ˏˋ꒰ 💭 ꒱ . . . lowercase intended, 409 words.
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throughout your life, you lived under the constant jokes from family, friends, and even strangers, about the name of your soulmates.
you lived in a world where, when you turned eighteen, the name of your future partner materialized out of nowhere on your wrists. nevertheless, the fact that it could appear more than one name in itself was already strange, unusual even; well, to that you had to add in your case the two curious words that appeared on your skin that day.
"sorbet" and "gelato", it should be an awful joke of fate, one that only sought to laugh at you because, honestly, you couldn't find another reason behind the random names of your supposed soulmates.
who can be called "sorbet" and "ice cream"? and on top of that the second one is in italian? damn, your non-existent luck.
there have always been smiles and laughter when the topic of names on your wrists came up. there wasn't even one damn occasion during your life when, when you told your situation, a laugh escaped those around you.
and, at the moment it did not seem that that was going to change. not when, in that godforsaken bar in naples, the two strangers with whom you were so pleasantly talking for much of the night, couldn't help but laugh when you showed them the brands.
what you didn't expect, much less did you imagine could happen authentically, was the exact moment in which your name came out from the blonde man's lips as if nothing had happened. you didn't even remember having given it to any of them, you didn't even remember knowing them at all, and as if nothing had happened, he spoke as if you were someone very important.
—excuse me, but how do you know my name?
—oh, honey.
with a smile, which you found curiously cute, he rolled up his khaki green shirt to his shoulder and calmly showed you his two wrists.
“sorbet” was written on the right, and… your name was on the left.
without being able to contain yourself, you raised your gaze quickly and observed both men carefully. you couldn't believe that one, you had finally found your soulmates, and two, that name didn't fit either of you.
—because of you i have suffered ridicule throughout my life...
your comment only earned more laughter from both men. on this occasion, the one with black hair extended his hand to you.
—i'm sorbet, it's nice to finally meet you,
—and i'm gelato!
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jojo-hut-jrs · 2 years
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Take this while I work on making profiles for part 4 characters
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denako · 4 months
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I have gone insane
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Things that i just now realize might be confusing:
-the flags are the nationalities of their parents
- Elio is Gelato, Sebastiano is Sorbet (idk how obvious that is)
- the american flag looks like that because literally just look up american flag, you will not find a single normal looking image
In addition:
I'm also writing a book length fanfiction about their backstories. Im currently on the third draft, around 54k words, and having it beta read by few of my friends.
No idea when I'll finish it but hopefully it will be this year, cuz I've been working on it on and off for about 2 and a half years and it's starting to get on my nerves :)
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ask-sorlato · 3 months
Hello People!!
Been thinking about starting one of these for awhile and I finally found the courage so I'm starting an ask blog/fresh blog all together! Been wanting to for ages and I've also been inspired from my other favourite jjba ask blogs out here so I decided to join!
Anyways, without further ado, here are some rules and possible notes about this blog
As there isn't much canon of Sorbet and Gelato in the show like at all, this will be primarily headcanon based (I'll list some at the bottom)
I will accept some nsfw/spicy given that they are not too extreme (they are gay Italians, some spiciness is to be expected after all)
If I don't answer an ask straight away or at all, it's because I'm either busy with college stuff, burnt out, or the less likely option is that I may be uncomfortable with the ask (rule above this one)
No hate, otherwise Sorbet will set Gelato on you
Be nice pleaseee
Extra note before the Headcanons is that this will be set post-events of golden wind in an au where the La Squadra live and so do Sorbet and Gelato (I will further elaborate in the Headcanons)
And here are my Headcanons for them!
Sorbet is 33 and Gelato is 32
Sorbet can cook and Gelato is banished from the kitchen unless under TIGHT supervision
Gelato used to be in the army
Sorbet is really good with guns
Gelato is really good with knives
They are married (ofc)
Instead of dying, they managed to escape Cioccolata and Secco after having been captured on a complete whim, though not completely unscathed (they were both traumatised+left with a few scars)
Gelato is an unhinged, feral little-
Sorbet is the rational half of their dynamic
After Don Giorno defeated the boss and took over, they settled down (still kept in contact with La Squadra though, they are familia after all)
Speaking of which, they treat them all like their children with a few exceptions (I.e. Risotto, Prosciutto)
Sorbet is 6'0" and Gelato is 5'8"
These Headcanons will be updated with time. Anyways, hope you all enjoy! (:
(mod- @bustingitdownautismstyle)
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takiisieju-squadra · 9 months
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Sorbet and Gelato for the colour wheel collab that I never really got to see because I left the ask.
Love them to bits and slices (sorry for the joke ;-;)
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gothearts · 7 months
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Sorlato parents doodle dump lmao
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dicentsalve · 3 months
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skrabnuti · 5 months
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uhhh kinda cringe yeahhh
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sorbet-and-gelato · 18 days
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sorbet snd gelato panel colour - again!!
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