poetajoereyes · 4 months
“Te perdí pero gané, gané tranquilidad, gané paz, gané irme a dormir por las noches sin la duda y sin sentirme insuficiente. Me costó un chingo pero te superé, fueron muchos días mordiéndome los dedos para no escribirte, fueron muchas madrugadas pensando porqué carajos tú no hiciste nada para no perderme. Muchísimas noches me costaron entender que el que ama lo demuestra sin pedirlo, sin esperar nada, y más si existe alguna posibilidad de perderte, quien no lo de todo justo en ese momento, no merece mi amor...
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new-dinosaurs · 1 month
Udelartitan celeste Soto et al., 2024 (new genus and species)
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(Type tail vertebrae of Udelartitan celeste, from Soto et al., 2024)
Meaning of name: Udelartitan = UdelaR [acronym for the Universidad de la República] titan [in Greek]; celeste = sky blue [in Spanish, referring to the nickname of Uruguayan teams in international sport competitions]
Age: Late Cretaceous (exact age uncertain)
Where found: Guichón Formation, Paysandú, Uruguay
How much is known: Multiple tail vertebrae and some limb bones. It is unknown how many of these bones belonged to the same individuals.
Notes: Udelartitan was a titanosaurian sauropod and one of the few Mesozoic dinosaurs known from Uruguay. Most known specimens of Udelartitan had been briefly described in 2012, but were left unnamed at the time. It may have been closely related to Alamosaurus from the southwestern United States, Baurutitan from Brazil, and Pellegrinisaurus from Argentina, with which it shares the feature of having a frontmost tail vertebra that is convex on both ends.
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(Schematic skeletal of Udelartitan celeste with bones known from the type specimen in green and those known from other specimens in red, from Soto et al., 2024)
Reference: Soto, M., J.L. Carballido, M.C. Langer, J.C.G. Silva Junior, F. Montenegro, and D. Perea. 2024. Phylogenetic relationships of a new titanosaur (Dinosauria, Sauropoda) from the Upper Cretaceous of Uruguay. Cretaceous Research advance online publication. doi: 10.1016/j.cretres.2024.105894
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beforethefilm · 1 year
do we ever look closely
at the people
we think we know
the breath they inhale
upon finding some small happiness
the sadness ever present
in their eyes
the lines on their face
that rise to greet us each day
i think love is to see and be seen
not just glance past
on the journey to something else
on the way to somewhere sweeter
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edgetechindustriesllc · 7 months
Element Properties:60-69 atomic number
Element Properties:60-69 atomic number
Atomic symbol: Nd
Atomic weight: 144.24
Atomic number: 60
Electron configuration: 2-8-18-22-8-2
Oxidation states: +3
State of matter: solid
Heavy metal, brittle
Discovered in 1885 by Carl Auer von Welsbach
Boils at 3127°C, melts at 1010°C
Used in special alloys and glasses, neodymium is a silvery-white color that turns yellow when exposed to air. It is used in electronics and the manufacture of steel in alloys—especially in cigarette lighter flints. In ceramics it is used as a glaze and to color glass. The crude oxide is used to counteract the green color in iron in glass, and the m ore pure compound is used in the manufacture of purple glass.
Atomic symbol: Gd
Atomic weight: 157.25
Atomic number: 64
Electron configuration: 2-8-18-25-9-2
Oxidation states: +3, +4
State of matter: solid
Heavy metal, brittle
Discovered in 1880 by J.C.G de Marignac and P.É Lecoq de Boisbaudran
Boils at 3223°C, melts at 1311°C
Gadolinium has a silvery-white color and is moderately ductile. It becomes ferromagnetic below 17°C, and near absolute zero, becomes superconducting. It is used for some electronics, high-temperature refractories, and as an alloying agent.
Atomic symbol: Tb
Atomic weight: 158.92534
Atomic number: 65
Electron configuration: 2-8-18-27-8-2
Oxidation states: +3
State of matter: solid
Heavy metal, brittle
Discovered in 1843 by Carl Gustaf Mossander
Boils at 3041°C, melts at 1360°C
Terbium has a silver-white color. It is a rare earth metal of the yttrium group and a member of the lanthanide series.
Atomic symbol: Dy
Atomic weight: 162.500
Atomic number: 66
Electron configuration: 2-8-18-28-8-2
Oxidation states: +3
State of matter: solid
Heavy metal, brittle
Discovered in 1886 by P.É. Lecoq de Boisbaudran
Boils at 2335°C, melts at 1409°C
A hard and reactive metal, dysprosium has few uses. Its compounds can be used as catalysts in oil refining, and as components in some electronics. Near absolute zero, dysprosium is superconducting.
Atomic symbol: Ho
Atomic weight: 164.93032
Atomic number: 67
Electron configuration: 2-8-18-29-8-2
Oxidation states: +3
State of matter: solid
Heavy metal, brittle
Discovered in 1878 by J.L Soret and M. Delafontaine
Boils at 2720°C, melts at 140°C
Holmium is a rare earth metal of the yttrium group and a member of the lanthanide series. It is silver in color made of hexagonal close packed crystals. It is one of the most paramagnetic sources known.
Atomic symbol: Er
Atomic weight: 67.259
Atomic number: 68
Electron configuration: 2-8-18-30-8-2
 Oxidation states: +3
State of matter: solid
Heavy metal, brittle
Discovered in 1843 by C.G. Mosander
Boils at 2510°C, melts at 1522°C
Erbium is a metal with few uses. It is a grayish- silver color and can be used as an infrared absorbing glass and as an activator in some phosphorescent materials.
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jordannncierraaa420 · 2 years
I know that the thought of being with someone is sickening, the thought of giving yourself to someone new, to reiterate your fears and triggers, to have to spill out why you are the way you are, why you have the sudden urge to not have any human interaction. Or to have to explain yourself to another person in hopes that they won’t let you down like the rest of them did.. and that they will be understanding and willing to work with you and not against you.
I know that the guilt is eating you for choices that you didn’t even make, for choices you couldn’t have changed but would if you could.. I know that allowing yourself to feel for people that don’t show appreciation to you or to even reciprocate what your giving to them.. I know that you dread to make new memories with someone else and the thought is overwhelming, possibly even way more than what you are willing to do. I know that you dread getting to know someone, to get close with them, just to have to worry about the disappointment they may bring you.
You feel that it’s better to be alone than to allow someone remotely close enough to stab you in your back like the previous people, you see it as a hazard to your health, hindering even.
But I hope that on the day that you are tired of holding on to the old, you realize that I never stopped even in the days that you were the most intolerant you are still enough and tolerable, I hope that you realize the joy you bring to me. I hope that you see me in a new light, that you see me and think that holding on to everything else wasn’t even worth it in the first place.. I hope that you keep our conversations in consideration.. we may have never mentioned it but I believe, we are in the place that is “what’s understood doesn’t have to be explained” I know that you love me but I haven’t figured out if it’s just that.. or more. Am I oblivious? Or am just blind, am I missing the signs? Or am I overthinking it by thinking that it could be more.. I hope that when you let go of her.. you hold on to me.. build with me. And wanna grow with me.. if not I’ll tuck all this away and keep you in the only way I know I can.. I’m so above being worried about what happens.. worried if your gonna hurt me.. if you aren’t gonna stay.. I just wanna take a risk and choose this.. we know we’re good for one another.. or is it just me? J.c.g
May 11,2022 alone(trap manny & a boogie with a hoodie)
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nightfallsupon · 2 years
i haven't felt awake
in eight years
it's like they turned the brightness
down to permanent night
a really long time
to go without feeling like me
to put it into perspective
almost ten percent of my life
filtered from joy to pain
they tell me things like
i need this for the rest of my life
in other words
they need me to hurt indefinitely
they just don't realise
the end will come sooner
because of the warmth they stole
from the breath in my body
and the light gone from my heart
i never promised
i'd stay
they never promised
to give me a reason to
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torontoclx · 5 years
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Observation level. 📷: @j.c.g._photo
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expressonegativo · 3 years
   “E em meio a tanto caos, sorrimos. Não para parecermos felizes, mas para não deixá-los preocupados”.
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gbditti-blog · 5 years
Me va a hacer tanta falta, escuchar su voz, que me cante una canción, que me haga un berrinche y yo la tenga que contentar acariciando su rostro, dándole besos en las mejillas, tomarla de la mano.
Extrañaré quedarme viéndola cuando está distraída y decirle que me encanta. Me hice fan de cada cicatriz, marca, peca o lunar de su cara; darle un beso en la frente, en su pequeña nariz y en su boca tan pequeña e irresistible. Extrañaré su sonrisa.
Yo procuraba hacerme el listo ante ella, pero noté que mis tonterías la hacían reír y preferí que me juzgará de tonto, con tal de ver su hermosa sonrisa.
Sus carcajadas, sus berrinches o su tono de niñita enojada, amaba eso. Me encantaba abrazarla y tomarla de la cintura cuando estábamos sentados. Su hipo repentino lo extrañaré.
Todo me recuerda a ella, la luna, la música, la fotografía, un pensamiento, todo.
Desde que la conocí tuvimos ese toque de algo más, aunque ninguno de los dos se diera cuenta.
Jamás me cansé de decirle que es la más hermosa o cuánto me encantan sus ojos, esos que brillan más que la luna y las estrellas juntas.
Pero lo que más extrañaré es a ella, con todo y sus defectos.
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saintofcynics · 7 years
I've been thinking about watching you die a lot lately. I've been thinking about it. I've been dreaming about it. I've been remembering you. The shudder of your empty lungs as they failed to hold in your breath. I've been seeing your blood. I've been deciphering the sign language in your bloody prints. "Help me." "Stop this." "Save me." "Remember me." "Avenge me." And I wanted to tell you how sorry I am. For how slow I was to react. For how weak I was when I tried to pull them off you. For letting you slip away. But it's better than where we were isn't it? At least your not there anymore. God knows, nobody deserves to be there.
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sensivelcebola · 5 years
Somos espelhos projetando nossa imagem uns nos outros. E nessa troca, muitas vezes atribuímos ao outro o que não admitimos que exista em nós mesmos! - J.C.G
Eu Mesmo, e daí!?
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poetajoereyes · 7 months
“No me pegaba pero…
Podía dejar de hablarme e ignorarme durante días, e incluso meses (Ley de hielo).
No me pegaba pero…
Todo el tiempo estaba de mal humor (Control coercitivo).
No me pegaba pero…
Cuando estaba en casa siempre permanecía en otra habitación o llendose con su familia ,amigos donde fuera menos conmigo (Hombro frío).
No me pegaba pero…
Le hablaba mal de mí a la gente ,amigos y familiares . Les decía que estaba loca, que vivía en las nubes, que no “lo atendía”, que era egoísta y fría. (campaña de difamación y victimización).
No me pegaba pero…
Era mezquino con el dinero. Siempre decía que no tenía (parasitismo).
No me pegaba pero…
Me me era infiel (triangulación).
No me pegaba pero…
Nunca me concedió un día especial. Fue omiso en aniversarios y fechas relevantes. Hubo un cumpleaños en el que me ignoró deliberadamente todo el día (Boicot de fechas especiales y devaluación).
No me pegaba pero…
Se enojaba cada vez que me enfermaba a causa del cancer. Me hacía sentir que yo daba problemas. Un día que me operaron, no quiso acompañarme en el hospital. Mi madre y vecinas tuvieron que hacerlo (Devaluación, ausencia de empatía, hombro frío, omisión de cuidados).
No me pegaba pero…
Era frío y distante física y emocionalmente. Llegó a no tocarme durante meses (Hombro frío, devaluación, uso del sexo como castigo).
No me pegaba pero…
Se enojaba y me responsabilizaba por cosas que estaban fuera de mi control. Me hizo ir de madrugada,sola por qué me corrió de la nada(Control coercitivo, control por ira,).
No me pegaba pero…
Me dejaba todas las responsabilidades de la casa “estaba muy ocupado trabajando” (parasitismo, utilitarismo).
No me pegaba pero…
Me dejaba sola en momentos complicados y difíciles como duelos y enfermedades (Ausencia de empatía, devaluación, hombro frío).
No me pegaba pero…
Dañaba mis objetos personales, o maltrataba a mis mascotas y hablaba mal de mis seres queridos (Violencia coercitiva, por interpósita persona, por extensión o violencia vicaria).
No me pegaba pero…
Se enfadaba y me regañaba constantemente si se llegaba a descomponer el auto o por que tuvo un mal día (Devaluación, control coercitivo, ira).
No me pegaba pero…
Se manejaba como un hombre soltero sin compromiso. Nunca salía conmigo, pero sí con otras mujeres (Devaluación, triangulación).
No me pegaba pero…
Nunca me decía un halago. En cambio se la pasaba hablando de lo bonitas, capaces o inteligentes que eran otras mujeres (Triangulación).
No me pegaba pero…
Me ilusionaba con promesas que nunca cumplío (Falsificación de futuro).
No me pegaba pero…
Nunca admitía responsabilidad alguna en lo que hacía y siempre terminaba haciéndome sentir culpable y hasta pidiéndole perdón (Transferencia de culpa, ausencia de remordimiento).
No me pegaba pero…
Invalidaba mis emociones y mi percepción de las cosas. Decía que exageraba, inventaba o imaginaba cosas (gaslighting).
No me pegaba pero…
Un día podía ser atento, cariñoso y estar presente, y al otro distante, frío y agresivo (Refuerzo intermitente).
No me pegaba pero…
Podía lastimarme con sus actitudes dejándome llorar toda la noche, mientras me ignoraba y el dormído plácidamente (Falta de empatía, crueldad).
No me pegaba pero…
Cuando íbamos a algún lugar, aceleraba el paso para dejarme atrás muchos metros o incluso perderse, para luego enojarse conmigo (Hombro frío, devaluación).
No me pegaba pero…
Me amenazaba con irse cada vez que no hacía algo que él quería, y me decía que nadie más iba a quererme y terminaría sola siempre gritándome Mírate quien va a querer estar contigo (Control coercitivo).
No me pegaba pero…
Me hacía sentir tonta, torpe e insuficiente y me comparaba con otras mujeres (Devaluación por comparación).
No me pegaba pero…
Controlaba mi tiempo, mis actividades, amistades, y que decir de mi familia (Control).
No me pegaba pero…
Me hacía esperar horas o días para hablar de algo importante para mí o para hacer algo que necesitaba, llenándome de ansiedad (Retardo táctico).
No me pegaba pero…
Me llevaba al límite con sus actitudes o indiferencia para hacerme explotar y luego acusarme de loca e inestable y quedar mal ante los demás (Abuso reactivo).
No me pegaba pero…
Tengo trauma complejo, disociación, ansiedad, depresión, anhedonia, fobia social, ideación suicida, híper reactividad, híper sensibilidad, trastornos del sueño, desórdenes alimenticios, autolesiones, híper vigilancia, fibromialgia, exceso de cortisol, presión alta, migrañas…
No me pegaba pero…
Me dejó aislada de mi familia y amistades sin red de apoyo, totalmente desempoderada y estigmatizada socialmente.
No me pegaba pero…
Me quitó el derecho a ser madre.
Hoy que logré alejarme, tampoco me pega, pero difama públicamente.
Y como no me pegó, nadie puede ver mis heridas, que son tan profundas que atraviesan mi pecho hasta el alma.
Nadie me cree y dicen que exagero o invento.
Y como no me pegó, para los jueces no hay delito y no puedo obtener justicia”...
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new-dinosaurs · 1 year
Caieiria allocaudata Silva Junior et al., 2022 (new genus and species)
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(Tail vertebrae of Caieiria allocaudata, from Silva Junior et al., 2022)
Meaning of name: Caieiria = Caieira [the site where the original fossil was discovered]; allocaudata = strange [in Greek] tail [in Latin]
Age: Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian)
Where found: Serra da Galga Formation, Minas Gerais, Brazil
How much is known: Ten tail vertebrae from one individual.
Notes: Caieiria was a titanosaurian sauropod. The type specimen was previously thought to belong to Trigonosaurus, another titanosaur from the Serra da Galga Formation. However, a newly described Serra da Galga titanosaur specimen exhibits a combination of traits indicating that Trigonosaurus is probably the same as Baurutitan, which is known to have had very different tail vertebrae from this specimen. The authors of this study thus propose that the type specimen of Caieiria does not belong to Trigonosaurus and should instead be considered a distinct genus and species.
Reference: Silva Junior​, J.C.G., A.G. Martinelli, T.S. Marinho, J.I. da Silva, and M.C. Langer. 2022. New specimens of Baurutitan britoi and a taxonomic reassessment of the titanosaur dinosaur fauna (Sauropoda) from the Serra da Galga Formation (Late Cretaceous) of Brazil. PeerJ 10: e14333. doi: 10.7717/peerj.14333
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beforethefilm · 1 year
i don't dance anymore
not like i used to
life gave me a love to dance
then took away the reason
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saibatudomt · 5 years
Mato Grosso: Caminhoneiro bêbado atropela e mata idoso de 74 anos
Um caminhoneiro autônomo identificado como J.C.G., de 50 anos, foi preso na noite de sábado (20) após atropelar e matar um idoso no bairro Nova Esperança, em Cuiabá. O suspeito também não socorreu a vítima, que ficou caída no asfalto e até chegou a ser socorrida pelo Serviço Móvel de Atendimento de Urgência (Samu), mas acabou falecendo.
O suspeito dirigia um caminhão VW/8.150 quando atropelou o…
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ema-noticias · 5 years
Sujeto golpeó, empujó e insulto a mujer al interior de una vivienda en Chincha
Sujeto golpeó, empujó e insulto a mujer al interior de una vivienda en Chincha
Con insultos, puñetes, puntapié y a empellones fue golpeada y expulsada, una mujer al interior de una vivienda por parte de su agresor, identificado con las iniciales J.C.G. denuncia que investiga la policía, ocurrido en Chincha Alta , tal como se aprecia en las imágenes deFacebook.  La agresión fue difundida, a través de un video de Facebook, que muestra al agresor con una actitud violenta…
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