#It's the 4 Of Cups card
maskenjager · 2 years
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Seven Years
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aurorangen · 5 months
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The usual break at a coffee shop in town but Vincent feels there's something off about the barista. Maybe he's just tired. After they left...
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?: Thanks for the tip sis [chuckles then gets serious] good job at that festival the other week, they come here like you said [listens] yes I think Miss Veronica studying here wasn't a bad idea after all. And I can clarify his name is Vincent K from his card, everything matches the data from the records. We've found Kingsley.
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monratarot · 1 month
Minor arcana - Suit of cups - 4 of cups
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4 of Cups - Lord of Blended Pleasure
Moments of peace
you are likely either experiencing a time of weariness or frustration in material affairs or you are about to experience a transit of this
Season: Summer
Element - water
Astrological association - Moon in Cancer
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⍟Upright meaning
you have been hurt in the past and now you protect yourself and instantly reject anyone who is not close to your standards
even if your soulmate come, you wouldn’t recognize his potential
it is time to risk and open up emotionally again
past - recovery or revival in your life - you are likely breaking away from a chapter that you were not enjoying
present - you are being hostile to those around you, needlessly acting stubborn, or ignoring advice from those who have your best interests at heart
future - you have understood past mistakes and will not repeat them again
⍟Reversed meaning
dissatisfaction, you want to change but don’t know what you want
try to express your needs now rather than locking them up
the limbo is temporary, change is always possible
do not worry about life not happening or moving forward for right now there are actions being taken to help better your circumstances
you are coming out of a period of solitude or despondency in a romantic relationship
a celebration of the end of a period of intense isolation
the recent period you suffered of poor energy, and physical and mental drain is over
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animeweeb115 · 2 months
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“Alright, I'll pour it in...”
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fullsaw · 4 months
Martin Blackwood as Four of Cups
[Represents missed opportunities, remorse or regret. It can also signify becoming self-absorbed due to depression, negativity or apathy.]
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tarot-and-stuff · 1 year
Pick A Star Card Tarot Reading
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Readings are under the read more.  Video version is linked as source.
Had to make collage of the cards cause I forgot to take a pic of them all together when I had them out.
Pile 1/Rider-Waite - *Hopes*
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The first card to come out was the 5 of Pentacles reversed.  This card is associated with letting go of a fear of loss.  Basically, you’re wanting to leave behind times where you’ve had to be concerned about money and potentially losing things that you need and/or value.
The second card to come out was the Queen of Wands.  This card is associated with confidence, as well as being bold and assertive.  Basically, I feel like this is how you want to be and that these are traits you may need to embrace.
The third card to come out was The High Priestess.  This card is strongly associated with trusting your intuition.  Basically, I feel like you want to trust yourself and your instincts more than you have in the past.
Overall, this pile seems to want to work on themselves and becoming more confident in themselves.
The first oracle card to come out was Expectation - Expect The Best.  Basically, try to hope for the best rather than falling back into old pessimistic thoughts that may be linked to the 5 of Pentacles that you’ve gone through in the past.
The second oracle card to come out was North Node - Step Out Of Your Comfort Zone.  Basically, I feel like this is encouraging you to embrace those Queen of Wands traits and step out of your comfort zone, which will likely help you to grow.  Definitely not an easy thing to do though.
The third oracle card to come out was Free Yourself - It’s Time To Take Back Control Of Your Life.  While this card came from the love deck, I feel like this applies more so just as a general message.  Basically, free yourself from where you’ve been and the concerns you’ve carried.  The fence on this card made me think of the 8 of Swords and more of a mental prison rather than a physical one.  Love-wise, this could be advising you to stay away from people that want to take away your freedom/sense of self.
Pile 2/Teddy *Hopes*
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The first thing I noticed about this pile was that all of the tarot cards were Cups.  This suggests emotions are a major part of this pile, which the oracle cards went on to support.
The first card to come out was the 4 of Cups.  This card is associated with being kinda meh.  Not much exciting going on, but nothing really bad either.  The bear lurking behind the tree holding a cup stuck out to me quite a bit, since it made me think of the Knight of Cups and Page of Cups.  This made me think that some of you are wanting someone to offer you something that changes up the norm for you.  This doesn’t necessarily have to be romance-related, but I feel like it is for the majority of you.
The second card to come out was the 9 of Cups.  This card is associated with emotional fulfillment.  You’re happy without having to rely on others to make you happy.  Their may be a bit of loneliness here though, since this bear is alone compared to the 10 of Cups which generally shows a family.  
The third card to come out was the Ace of Cups.  This card is associated with a new emotional beginning.  This cup would also fit with that 9 of Cups to make the 10 of Cups.  I do feel like this does suggest that many of you are hoping for a worthwhile relationship opportunity to come your way.
The first oracle card to come out was Friendship - Care Is There.  Basically, just a reminder that there are people around you that do care about you, especially if you may be feeling lonely or a bit hollow.
The second oracle card to come out was New Moon In Aquarius - Bring Love Into The Situation.  This card can suggest trying a gentler approach to things.  I feel for the majority of you though that this card is simply supporting the fact that many of you are desiring love at this time.
The third oracle card to come out was Attraction - You Attract Romantic Love By Enjoying This Moment Fully.  Basically, I feel like this encourages you to embrace your happiness, which will likely bring you closer to attracting a partner that you desire.
Pile 3/Nightmare Before Christmas *Healing*
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The first card to come out was the 5 of Presents reversed, which is basically the 5 of Pentacles in this deck.  This card is associated with letting go of a fear of loss.  Basically, you’re wanting to leave behind times where you’ve had to be concerned about potentially losing things that you need and/or value.  In this case, I think it’s more of situations rather than money that you’re changing your mindset about.
The second card to come out was the 3 of Needles, which is basically the 3 of Swords in this deck.  This card is associated with many negative emotions, including hurt, pain, sadness, and anger.  I feel like these are the emotions that you are experiencing and processing at this time.  While this isn’t a great place to be, it does seem like you are trying to address them rather than shove them down and trying to ignore them.
The third card to come out was the Knight of Needles, which is basically the Knight of Swords in this deck.  This card is associated with taking action on ideas.  Basically, I feel like this is you trying to avoid dwelling on the pain and negatives to try to move forward.  This doesn’t necessarily mean fully committing to any of these pursuits just yet, but testing the waters of possibilities.
The first oracle card to come out was Pounce - Decide To Act.  I feel like this goes with that Knight of Needles and taking action.  The cat on this card looks like a kitten to me rather than a full-grown cat which made me think of baby steps.  Again, just taking small steps of progress even if you feel like you should be doing more.
The second oracle card to come out was New Moon In Leo - Confidence Is Your Key To Success.  Basically, just believe in yourself and your ability to succeed.
The third oracle card to come out was True Love - This Is A Romance Of A Lifetime.  This had actually come out reversed, which made me feel like some of you had what you thought was a ‘true love’ not work out which is what has caused this 3 of Needles.  Others of you, I feel like this is the type of love that you are hoping for.
Pile 4/Chubby Bun *Healing*
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The first card to come out was the 8 of Pentacles reversed.  This has to do with changing things up.  
The second card to come out was the Knight of Pentacles.  This has to deal with focusing on the details and being very thorough.  This isn’t a very fast-paced card and doesn’t rush things.
The third card to come out was the Hanged Bunny reversed, which is basically the Hanged Man in this deck.  This card is associated with having gotten stuck in how you’ve viewed a situation.  There may be a stubbornness with this card that contributed to this stuckness.  I do feel like this is what you’re healing from and why those other two card are what you’re doing to get unstuck.
The first oracle card to come out was Instigator - Gotta Start Something.  I get more of the gotta start something aspect of this more than the instigator aspect of this card.  Basically like an antsy feeling that pushes you to need to change that perspective that you had gotten stuck in.
The second oracle card to come out was Blue Moon - Believe In The Impossible.  Basically, believe that the impossible is possible for you.  I feel like this is believing that things can be better or change by these changes and steps that you are making.
The third oracle card to come out was Reconciliation - Someone From Your Past Is Returning To Your Life.  While this is a love card, I do feel like it could be outside of love too and just a general making amends with someone.  This card had also come out reversed, which may suggest that some of you had issues with a reconciliation attempt, possibly due to being unable to look at it another way.  That isn’t necessarily a bad thing though since some reconciliations aren’t for the best.
Pile 5/Disney Villains *Hopes*
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The first card to come out was the 10 of Cups.  This card is associated with happy and healthy connections in your life.  Many versions of this card display a family on them, which suggests that many of you may desire a family of some sorts.  
The second card to come out was the Ace of Cups.  This card is associated with new emotional beginnings.  Basically, I feel like you want a new emotional offer with the potential to grow into that 10 of Cups.  This may be a new close friendship or romantic relationship.  
The third card to come out was the Knight of Wands reversed.  This card was odd to see with these cards to me.  Reversed, this knight isn’t the greatest to see in a love-type read like this.  This is someone that can be non-committal and kind of flaky.  Possibly like a player type of person or something like that.  There are two main ways that I could see this applying.  The first being that this is the type of person you usually are attracted to (or someone in particular that you’re attracted to) and you hope that they’ll change or have it in them to offer what you want.  The other is that this is you and you’ve generally been disinterested in serious relationships and settling down, but have begun changing that mindset a bit.  I feel like it is the latter option for most of you.
The first oracle card to come out was Curiosity - Worth The Risk.  Basically, something that you’re curious about is worth the risk.  This also is what leads me to believe that the Knight of Wands reversed from before generally represents you with a relationship being what you’re curious about.
The second oracle card to come out was Full Moon In Aries - A Fiery Climax Approaches!  This does suggest that something will come to an end soon for you.
The third oracle card to come out was Love Yourself First - Your Self-Respect Makes You More Romantically Attractive.  Basically, value yourself and know your worth.  This may involve not going for the typical reversed Knight of Wands type if that is who you generally go for.  
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numinously-yours · 1 year
Pick a card: What needs to be re-awakened within you?
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[Options include: Pile 1, a peach colored flower with 5 round petals; Pile 2, a light purple flower with 8 thinner petals; Pile 3, a cream colored flower with 5 round, stout petals]
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[Alt. Text: Box with tarot and oracle cards. Tarot cards include: 5 of pentacles in reverse, 7 of swords in reverse, page of cups up right, ace of wands up right. Oracle cards include: Choose Wisely (Be discerning. You don't have to keep everything in your net). Flow (let your worries drift away). Optimism (After each rainstorm, there will be clear skies). Card with stop watch which says: I give me space to breath in this moment and recognize there is beauty in life's pauses. Card with outline of facial features, a swirl in between brows, which says: I stand up for what I believe in]
Pile 1: Channel Your Energy Effectively
Pile 1: Recognize the value you bring to your life - to your work, to your relationships, and to yourself. You'll notice in the top right corner of the Page of Cups that there is a small pig with wings... You don't have to wait until pig fly in order to let yourself breathe. I am guessing that you are a pretty big empath - me too. Empathy can get overwhelming and that does NOT make you a bad person. You cannot be everything to everyone and it is okay to set boundaries on your space. Know that you will always be the advocate that you want to be, even when you require space and time. Stop self-deceiving, too, pile 1. Your mind can be mean so remember to empathize with yourself, too. In addition to re-awakening your knowledge of needing (and deserving) space, you should also re-awaken your inner child! Allow yourself to dream. Allow yourself to create. Trust your inner voice!
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[Alt. Text: Box with tarot and oracle cards. Tarot cards include: 2 of wands reversed, the Hermit, 8 of wands with knoight of swords, and seven of pentacles. Oracle cards include: Stillness (In calm waters, everything becomes clear). The Ocean (be beautiful, mysterious, wild, and free). Card with sunflower which says: I am good enough. Card with two raised hands which says: The universe is filled with endless opportunities for me.]
Pile 2: Re-awaken spontaneity & let go of the fear of the unknown
Hey pile two: Are you having trouble letting go and going with the flow? It happens! It's time to reawaken the belief in yourself. Instead of ruminating on everything, try to get yourself to make swift decisions. This doesn't mean they aren't thought through, it just means the decisions are being made more quickly. Harvesting the ability to make choices will reap long-term results. How do you even start? Believe that you are enough!! Take the time for introspection. That may sound counterintuitive when I just said to make more decisions more quickly, but introspection can bring you answers. Trust your gut, be yourself. Once you start to understand that the universe is filled with possibilities, you'll start to feel them in your soul.
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[Alt Text: Box with tarot and oracle cards. Tarot cards include: Queen of pentacles in reverse, two of swords, ace of cups, four of swords. Oracle cards include: Generosity (What good is treasure if you keep it for yourself). Direction (Trust your inner compass and find your bearings). Card with diamond shaped cage with heart inside: I am a loveable person. Card with outline of facial features, a swirl in between brows, which says: I stand up for what I believe in]
Pile 3: Reawaken your focus on self care.
Dear pile 3, you may be having more trouble than usual finding rest and time to heal. But it's not too late to bring this back as a part of your normal routine. You may be hesitating because you feel that you have too much to get done and, if you don't, things will crumble. BUT you can't do your best work if you're exhausted. Taking care of yourself will help you strengthen your self-compassion. It will allow you to regain emotional fulfillment. It will be easier to forgive yourself for your "flaws" and knowing you're doing what you can with what you have. Please know that the fight for what you believe in will still be there after you rest. Others know that you are kind, compassionate, and generous. You are loved and you will be loved even if you step back.
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tarotbycecelia · 6 months
Card of the Day - 4 of Cups - Friday, November 10, 2023
You are being encouraged today to hold out for what you truly want, rather than lowering your standards. It is all-too easy to be accepting of less-than desirable conditions and ultimately winding up in a rut, asking yourself how this came to happen. Being picky does have its drawbacks, but within a proper perspective, it can work in your favor today. Remember, right now things you choose could…
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sixthsoultarot · 1 year
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Four of Cups
Are your thoughts sometimes stuck in a dead end
Do you sometimes act out of spite even though you'd know better
Are you sometimes too fixated on one particular thing instead of considering other options
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hermitsmirror · 11 months
Is it emotional calm or emotional numbness?
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Oof, this card is a personal one for me. It can be such a fine line between tranquility and repressed feelings.
What new insights or fun facts did you learn about the 4 of Cups in this tarot deep dive? Anything I missed? Let me know in the comments.
And if you’re looking to expand your tarot reading techniques and learn how to stack layers of meaning on top of each other to find your ideal reading method, you should learn to Read Tarot like a Nerd. It’s a self-paced class, so enrollment is always open.
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dullahandyke · 11 months
#11 days to the leaving and only now am i drawing up what all i need to study#chronologically it makes sense to leave latin n music to the last bcos i have like a whole week after history to study for just them#and before that all of my exams are basically in the same week with allowance for the weekend#so i should focus on eng n maths particularly#n then bio and irish and history#but like. my history latin n music teachers r the only ones assigning work. for the exams i have the most time for. lol#like i can ignore the history n music teachers for the most part but like my classes w my latin teacher r one on one i CANNOT brush that of#so im here studying me fucking virgil ig instead of figuring out what im doing w the comparative#sigh. ok priorities ill make up that list of shit i gotta do for each subject#gotta suss out which movie im watching for eng and what poems n stories im studying for irish n what modules im doing for history! lol!#can u tell ive not been paying attention for like. 4 months.#remember kids: cramming is a cool and fun thing to do <- is in a pit#when the leaving cert ends i am going into my room never to be seen again for like a week.#and im getting me mam to buy me something for it. maybe a binder if i come out to her by then#oh well thats future talk. for now. figure out what to study. as ive already said twice#im playinh kh bgm to indulge in the hyperfocus while still getting study done n its kinda working#but mostly i just wanna play kh again...#i havent wrapped up the hades cup n i wanna restart com bcos i think i might know how it works better now#watched a one card deck challenge for recom and its the remake so some shits different but like. i get it now maybe#if nothing else gba com looks rlly rlly cute. the pixel art <£
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sagewordstarot · 1 year
Awakening (quote)
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     This week, 3 cards decided to pop out while shuffling....
     Use the energy of this upcoming Full Moon to remain grounded, compassionate, and empathetic towards yourself as well as others. During this time, try to really tap into your intuition. Remember that life is about flow and just being present. Think of a flowing river. The more you try to fight the current/flow and go against it by swimming in the opposite direction, the faster you’ll begin to feel burnt out and eventually lose the fight. However, if you’re calm and go with the flow, you'll have a much different outcome. Also, if you are currently undecided on a matter, this reading reminds us to always go within for the answer. Always rust that inner voice to steer you in the right direction.
     This reading also reminds us that it's okay to let go and take a pause sometimes. Sometimes a pause is needed. Retreat if you feel you need to. The outside world can be so chaotic and overwhelming sometimes that we need to unplug and check in with our higher-selves and that's perfectly okay and sometimes even necessary. However, try not to shut out friends and loved ones. Let them know you need a min to yourself. Expressing your needs and emotions to someone is ALSO a part of selfcare! 
Deck: Rider Waite
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mypanditastrologer · 1 month
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tarot-and-stuff · 1 year
Pick A Death Card Tarot Reading
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Readings are under the read more.
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Pile 1/Rider-Waite
The first card to come out was the 3 of Cups.  This card is strongly associated with socializing and communicating with friends/family.
The second card to come out was the 4 of Wands reversed.  This card is associated with issues in significant connections in your life.  These issues are likely connected to communication and/or boundaries with the other cards that came out.
The third card to come out was the 4 of Swords.  This is associated with taking a step back to clear your mind before taking action.  Basically, I feel this is what you are doing before choosing how to deal with any issues you may be having with someone in your life.
The oracle card for this pile was Boundaries: Stay In Your Own Business.  Basically, I feel like boundaries are something that you are focusing on, or need to focus on.  This can be in regards to establishing your own boundaries, as well as respecting other’s boundaries.
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Pile 2/Miss Cleo’s
The first card to come out was the 9 of Coins reversed.  This card is associated with some financial instability and some issues with independence, such as feeling like you may be too reliant on another for financial reasons.
The second card to come out was the King of Swords reversed.  This card is associated with a cold and detached individual.  Basically, someone that gives no regards to another’s emotions.  Kinda bitter and angry basically, maybe a bit passive-aggressive.  
The third card to come out was the Page of Staffs reversed.  This card can be associated with speaking carelessly.  Basically, no filter and perhaps saying things that shouldn’t be said, possibly out of anger or a lack of caring with that King of Swords reversed.
The oracle card for this pile was Contentment: Be Satisfied.  Basically, try to find stuff to be satisfied with rather than things to be angry with.  Not an easy thing to do, but better for you than carrying a bunch of anger and negativity.
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Pile 3/Medieval Cat
Probably the most positive reading/pile out of the 5 :)
The first card to come out was the 10 of Cups.  This is a card associated with happiness and things going well with the connections in your life.  
The second card to come out was the Queen of Wands.  This is a card associated with confidence in one’s self.  Basically, someone that knows their value and knows how to get what they want and need.
The third card to come out was the 3 of Cups.  This is a card associated with socializing and hanging out with people close to you.  Basically, I feel like this is just you connecting with the people close to you, which is helping you have/maintain that 10 of Cups.
The oracle card for this pile was Faith: You Have All You Need Right Now.  Basically, I feel like this is intended as reassurance to you that you’re doing well and have what you need.  
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Pile 4/Chubby Bun
The first card to come out was the Page of Cups.  This is associated with expressing your emotions.  Some of you may be communicating your emotions more, while others are you are using some kind of creative outlet to release your emotions.
The second card to come out was the 4 of Swords reversed.  This can be associated with feelings of restlessness.  I feel this is basically you feeling like you need to say something that you’ve been holding on to for too long.
The third card to come out was the Page of Wands.  This is associated with spontaneous communication.  Basically, not letting yourself overthink your words to the point that you don’t say them or really have a plan of what to say.  
The oracle card for this pile was Dreaming: Dream Big.  Basically, try to believe that the best outcome is possible for you.
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Pile 5/Supernatural
The first card to come out was The Magician.  This is associated with confidently using your skills to achieve what you want and/or need.
The second card to come out was the 4 of Pentagrams, which is basically the 4 of Pentacles in this deck.  This card is strongly associated with trying to gain/maintain some kind of stability, often financial.  Basically, pursuing something new that you enjoy that will also provide you with stability seems to be the main message of this pile.
The third card to come out was The Fools.  This card is associated with starting new things.  Interesting, this pile got the first two cards of the Major Arcana, so it does seem like this new chapter is likely already being started.  
The oracle card for this pile was Passion: Do What You Love.  Basically, I feel like this is saying that this new thing that you’re pursuing is something that you enjoy, or that you should try doing something that you enjoy.
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astrodetective · 4 months
I am learning tarot reading and page of cups reversed keeps showing up. Like for the past 3 days (one-two readings per day) no matter how much I shuffled, the page of cups reversed showed up. So, today I randomly selected a card in the deck that called to me and guess what came out – page of cups reversed. I asked for some clarification and today 5 of swords came out and when I asked about it 4 of swords reversed came out. I also got the chariot twice before once upright and once reversed. Same with 9 of pentacles.
I have been leaving the deck near God's altar and I knock on the deck before reading to wake them up. I suppose there's something I am subconsciously avoiding. So, I need a little help understanding what message is coming through. And, what I am not seeing.
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