#It's actually 31 screenshots I forgot one
minty-bubblegum · 8 months
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misspeculiar-principe · 9 months
September 4
3:18:34 I hurt my left pinky while mopping and thinking of the kids of my family's friends; but this is inaccurate because i washed my hands; realized i heard God is awesome a few seconds or maybe minutes later
3:36:54 I hurt my right jh after washing my hands in the outdoor kitchen sink; i raise a hallelujah at 3:39pm
4:44:27 jh to see when i was about to check the time before i set to my timer (MOM WENT OUT OF THE KITCHEN AT 4:46pm PHT or 4:47pm PHT; THIS IS A SIGN NOT TO POST ANYTHING ABOUT SCREENSHOTS)
5:02:16 i sneezed while washing my hands
5:03:29 12:38 mins left timer set to 28 mins countdown; song before unspoken request was playing
5:06:51 jh to see 9:16 and 9:15 mins left
5:09:04 jh to see 7:17, 7:01, 6:52 or 6:51
5:09:55 6:10 mins left and 6:09 mins left
5:11:09 before going downstairs; i'm at the third floor
5:14:24 because i happened to see 1:42 and then 1:33 mins left last screenshot after sitting on the sofa waiting for something because i get pissed off that they control the water
5:16:33 timer went off
5:18:18 before putting my phone down
5:20:19 and 5:20:21 after dancing from the couch and standing up
I screamed. Thank You, Papa Jesus. 🤣😭❤
I actually told Him in my head that if He doesn't want me anymore, He can train others instead of me. I'm not the only one. I'm willing to let go. I avoid their birthdays, most especially my sister's family because they keep on making noises or manipulating the water so I would get irritated and look at the time on my phone; i'm stupid but i'm not that dumb
5:25:39 because of 143 comments
5:26:14 because I was the 396th like
5:27:02 because of 1:11 timestamp; i just wanted to take a screenshot of the song and I wasn't expecting it to be 1:11 timestamp
5:33:24 low batt alarm went off after i got oup from the couch and opened the door
5:43:28 because i was thinking of whether if i should post the screenshot when i heard the song and its lyrics; when i decided to wash my hands to take screenshots, i jeard that the song was about to end and i decided to pause it and it happened to be at 3:41 timestamp; Elevation Worship's "Quiet"
5:44:56 because of the song that played next
5:48:57 new post by your alleged open relationship boyfriend
5:49:21 when i liked his post
5:50:57 because i happened to see 1:43 but it changed to 1:44 timestamp and paused it to prove; i took it at 5:49pm PHT but i forgot to take screenshots and only remembered it at 5:50pm PHT
5:55:55 because of the song; i wasn't supposed to take screenshots but i was aware of the time when i saw 5:54pm PHT; i was supposed to ignore but then i heard the lyrics of the song which answered my thoughts and questions to God a while ago
5:56:50 jh to see 6:04pm; no wifi
6:03: accidentally unplugged earphones; funny that the song cover photo reminded me of what i did a few minutes ago wherein i raised my arms to praise God; thw lyircs 😭; no wifi
6:04:57 i was supposed to ignore just like what i did to 5:19pm PHT; no wifi
6:22:23 bug flew to my left eye after i turned on the light in the outdoor dirty kitchen
6:30:35 jgbimr
6:31:30 not sure already forgot (as im editing this post at 6:45pm PHT) but i think jh to see 2:13 and 2:14 and then 2:15 before looking away;
6:41:49 jgbimr at 6:40pm after getting dinner; only decided to take screenshots because i decided to take screenshots of the whole shuffled set before i do i mean
6:51: sneezed because i also saw 7:00pm on my old phone
7:09:46 jh to see 0:47 and 0:48 timestamp
I saw a song with a "no or none" in it, it means God doesn't want me to upload all of itm 🙇🏻‍♀️
What is it with 46?
My inner voice: "You don't have to explain anything to anyone. I know who you are."
Thank You, Papa Jesus. 😭❤
My inner voice: "She hates everyone. That means she's only here to prove to all of you that God is real."
10:00:42 because i happened to see 1:11 timestamp after pressing the repeat symbol to normal
10:03:14 because i coughed and almost swallowed my diy mouthwash; 14:54 paused timer set to timestop
10:05:45 because i happened to see 4:01 and 4:02 timestamp before looking away
11:35:31 jgbimr; took screenshots afterconnecting my other phone to my radio
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doggirldick · 1 year
since shiny pokemon are so easy to find in scarlet and violet i’ve got a little addicted to sorting through mass outbreaks each day and seeing what i can find. although, i think i find more random shiny pokemon that coincidentally happen to spawn near mass outbreaks than i do from the outbreaks themselves
anyway, i’ve hit the 30 mark and filled a box of shinies so here they are
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well actually 31, i accidentally left my shiny magnemite in the wrong box and forgot about it but i took this screenshot a while ago and am away from my switch now. it should be between the second vespiquen and the gyarados.
ramble about how i found each one and my experiences below cut
lycanroc and venomoth were totally random shinies i stumbled into before getting the shiny charm. charcadet was the first one i hunted by making a sandwich after getting the shiny charm (everything after was with the shiny charm). 3 maschiffs (one of which i evolved into mabosstiff) were found during one attempt in hunting zorua with a sandwich as they’re dark type too.
glimmet was the first one from a mass outbreak. zorua was with a sandwich finally on the like 4th attempt (disguises itself in the wild so annoying to find). the 2 dunsparce were from one sandwich (one is a gift for a friend i’ll be giving away at some point). fletchling was a random find with only shiny charm. tadbulb was from a mass outbreak.
voltorb was a random find while working on a varoom mass oubreak. the first varoom is from that aforementioned outbreak. lokix was a random find near a revavroom oubreak. numel was a random find near a flittle outbreak. froslass was from an outbreak. both vespiquen are from the same outbreak.
magnemite was from an outbreak. gyarados was from an outbreak. skiploom was a random find near a drednaw outbreak. noibat was from an outbreak. second varoom was a random near a revavroom outbreak weirdly enough. revavroom was from that last outbreak.
last 6 were all found within a few hours not long ago: bombirdier from a mass outbreak. slowpoke 1 was in a mass outbreak but before defeating enough to increase the odds. raichu was a random with only shiny charm when returning to that slowpoke outbreak after leaving to restore pp (ofc i was autobattling for no pp cost but caseroya lake is full of veluza that keep forcing you into battles). slowpoke 2 was also found in that outbreak but only with the first boost to odds, before the second. dratini was found near the slowpoke outbreak in the lake (i thought it fled from me down into the water when i saw it but i could still target it down there). and finally, gastly was found near a flittle outbreak.
charcadet, numel, and slowpoke’s shiny forms are so similar to how they normally look, i would not have spotted them had it not been for the fact your pokemon will refuse to autobattle a shiny. in fact, the reaction is the same as if you try to send them somewhere they can’t reach which even may just be down to the way they move (gholdengo traverses water on a hoverboard with a large turn circle so it may refuse to fight something right next to it bc it can’t make the tight turn) so i had to attempt to autobattle the first slowpoke several times before believing it was bc it was shiny, and the second one i still wasn’t totally sure about so i gave a few attempts at autobattling. tadbulb, bombirdier, and gastly were also barely different, i only knew them bc i’d looked their shiny forms up in advance.
how the improved odds work: when shiny pokemon were first introduced in gen 2, the base chance was 1 in 8192. from gen 6, this was doubled to 1 in 4096. things that boost shiny odds add rerolls so the game will reroll a pokémon’s data if not shiny. the shiny charm will add 2 rerolls to all applicable pokemon so the overall chance becomes 3 in 4096. a lot of my shinies were found unintentionally on these odds.
as you defeat pokemon in a mass outbreaks, messages pop up, first telling you the number of pokemon is “starting to go down,” then the number “is definitely getting lower,” then that there aren’t many left from the original outbreak, then finally that the oubreak has “dispersed” indicating that the outbreak has ended and there will be no more spawns. if what i’ve read is true, there is one additional reroll for all pokemon in the outbreak after the first message and another after the second so adding to the rerolls from the shiny charm gets you up to 5 in 4096 at that point. these are the odds i use going for pokemon in mass outbreaks.
the trick is to defeat enough pokemon that you get the second message, look at all the spawns. if none are shiny, despawn them all then let new ones spawn such as by opening a picnic then closing again or running a certain distance away and returning, then let them back in. if you’re lucky, you’ll get an outbreak right next to a town and can use the fastest method of just walking in and out of town (used this for bombirdier, good shit 👍). sometimes, i will do this for ages and rng won’t be on my side and i’ll get board and just clear out the rest of the outbreak. sometimes i won’t be in the mood and just clear them out start to finish without respawning them but might find them anyway (how i found magnemite and the 2 slowpoke). once (with vespiquen) i respawned them until i found one and found a second while clearing out the rest of the outbreak.
for sandwiches, i use this guide:
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the only problem with this, herba mystica are only acquired sometimes after beating 5 star and 6 star tera raids (slightly higher chance from 6 star). these are best done with teams online but they’re pretty tough, you need at least one person who rly knows what they’re doing and if anyone really doesn’t could screw it over for everyone else (the number of teammates i get with type advantages to the pokémon’s regular types and not the tera type is astonishing). and these things take some time so you could be sitting through 10 minutes including waiting for the games to sync and waiting for animations. only to lose bc you got partnered with an idiot or randomed into something you don’t have suitable pokemon for, or you could win and chances are you still won’t get any. so farming herba mystica gets a nope from me, i get it sometimes and use it rarely.
if you use it, make sure you turn off autosave and make a save before making the sandwich bc meal powers last 30 minutes and you certainly don’t wanna waste herba mystica on a failed attempt (or even worse, let the ingredients slide off and waste it on a failed sandwich). that being said, the odds for a shiny this gives are insanely good when used right.
encounter power level 3 is so potent, idk if you even can find any not of that type. i think sparkle power gives one additional reroll for every level so level 3 with the shiny charm is 6 in 4096 (3 in 2048) chance. but, while mass outbreaks are limited to small areas you have to to keep respawning, with sparkle power, you can run freely throughout the area where the pokemon you’re looking for spawns and if it’s an easy to spot one, you can just go nuts glancing at them all as you pass. this works so well, the only times it has failed for me is when hunting shiny zorua bc zorua (and zoroark), like ditto, take the form of other pokemon and those aren’t shiny (i think i heard anything any of them disguise as can be shiny or not but that’s rare enough it doesn’t matter) so your only choice is to autobattle until you find one that you pokemon refuses to fight bc they will still stop for a shiny zorua disguised as a non-shiny other pokemon. and even then, the first failed attempt got me 3 shiny maschiff, the odds are that good. also got 2 shiny dunsparce from hunting for one this way.
you could also combine the sandwich odds with a mass outbreak and shiny charm for 8 in 4096 (1 in 512) chance and i’ve no doubt this work be great but i’ve yet to get an outbreak of a pokemon i wanted a shiny of so badly of that i would use herba mystica.
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duhragonball · 2 years
Julwum 2022: 4427
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I can’t really post a picture that resembles what I’m writing at the moment, so here’s a picture of my Majin OC, Big League Chew.   I forgot how pissed her looks in this screenshot, but I choose to interpret this as him really bearing down on a bunch of those sticks of gum that come with baseball cards.   Anyway.
Been feeling a bit low lately, which probably has to do with my limited progress so far.  I always assume the November stats are indicative of my workrate.  If I can knock out 75k in a month, then surely I can do 12.8k in ten days, but then I just... don’t.  Two reasons for this: First, I put a lot more effort into scheduling and planning for Nanowrimo in November; second, I seem to slack off when the writing goal is smaller. 
If I had made it some big priority to finish 12000 words in ten days, I would have been like okay, then I’d better take this much time off work, and cancel anything else I might have planned, and so forth.  But I didn’t do that here precisely because it’s not a big priority or anything.   I’ve got the entire month of July whether I actually need it or not.  And truthfully, I don’t have to hit the goal by July 31, either.   I just need to get this done before November, but I want to finish by July 31 because I’ve got a Nano streak to maintain. 
Yeah, now that I write this out, it makes a lot more sense.   I keep saying things like “I’ll just write 3000 words on a Sunday” and then I don’t do it because I don’t actually have to, even by the arbitrary standards I’ve laid out for myself.  I’ve goten pretty good at setting monthly goals and achieving them, but there’s not much progress on hitting x milestone by day y.   Sometimes I pull ahead, and sometimes I do a good job catching up when I fall behind, and that’s a good thing, but I don’t actually control any of that. 
I’ve set one-day goals in the past, and hit them, but only because I put a lot into preparing for that effort, and convincing myself that it’s worth doing.  This month, it’s just not worth doing, because I’ve got tons of time to finish the actual goal.  
And maybe that’s the next step I need to take.  At times, I begin to question the continued value of using the Nanowrimo system, but maybe it’s more about how I use it.  Maybe I need to set smaller goals for shorter durations of time.  For example, I need to work on this year’s Luffa Annual, and I estimate it’ll need to be about 15000 words long.  I’d like to do that in September, but I shouldn’t need all September to finish it, so maybe what I need to do is schedule a Nano project for the first half of September.   I bet that would light a fire under my ass...
If it works, maybe that’s the formula I should use for 2023.   Ditch the month-long goals altogether, and try to pull down bigger totals in shorter bursts.   Something for me to think about... later, because I still gotta finish this thing for July. 
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j1nx-xyz · 9 months
Woo I'm not dead
August 31 2023
Listen I honestly forgot about this account so I haven't written in so long, so now I get to make a long post on my life updates (also ignoring the scary-ass clown staring at me on my homepage)
I don't remember what I wrote last so we will start with a big change. I dropped R (will not be using names) and I seemed to change for the better after that, well I think changed a lot. Though recently they started being a bitch, yk that Lana del Rey audio, it goes like "I win" at the end and they had the audacity to put "you blocked me" "I win" like excuse me actually I blocked you second because I didn't want you on my account and now you make it to be like some big achievement??? It's really not but yeah. you go bro. also after some more looking into things, (let me add context first) there were these two account both matching user and pfps and were on my partners account harassing them so I was like "Oh they have T's name in it ill ask R" asked them, they apparently knew nothing so I was like "ask T" apparently T didn't know though her name was in the user so I asked her personally and she was being a bitch about it and I was like "chill it was a question" now I would of stopped bugging her until she screenshotted the chat, like why would you do that if you knew nothing??? but anyways, found out one of those accounts commented under R video so that cleared everything, they did know them. honestly hate how they are starting shit.
Moving on. I think since you know I now have no friends in my school I can actually focus on work since its my last year, I also have been trying to improve talking to people and actually keeping a routine since my skincare went to shit one day and I didn't know why. i start school soon so I may not find time to carry this on but I want to. I've got to actually sign up for college too soon... probably going into photography or art but most likely photography. I'm getting a whole computer setup so I wont be hunched over my laptop like I am right now typing this, I do find being able to rant like this fun even if no one will read it.
Oh my friend J asked me to join a band they are making, I'm being guitar but i only have acoustic and prefer electric but it'll have to do, they sent us a really fast pace song like... I'm using acoustic??? but its okay i can figure it out, oh i have a DnD session with them tomorrow which i totally forgot about and now i cant go shopping with my mum but its okay.
I should finish up so i can go play on my ps with C and possibly other C (Maybe I should come up with nicknames for this)
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mermen · 2 years
re: that callout
This is likely my last post on the subject until I write up a proper response, but I felt that I should point this out sooner than later.
Sol and I do not use Shaw. We use BellMTS. We also don’t use the edge browser. I use firefox. Sol, I believe, uses brave or google chrome.
Below, their “ip proof”:
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Proof that Sol and I use BellMTS:
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The notice itself is certainly not relevant anymore, but note that it’s dated closely to the second ip screenshot. We do not use Shaw. That ip address belongs to neither of us.
Also, this:
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I did in fact block [redacted] and had her blocked for a while. I unblocked her on 12/02 to give her another avenue to reach me if she wanted to talk, and I forgot to reblock her. I blocked Az after I found out she had “decoded” one of Sol’s posts written almost entirely in asteriks and decided it was talking about [redacted] when it wasn’t. I found it odd that that post, posted 10/31, didn’t make Az unfollow either of us if that was indeed what she thought it said. I found it paranoia inducing. It made both Sol and I think that she was “watching” us or “keeping tabs”. I acknowledge this to be incorrect, but in the moment, I was afraid. I locked down my blog, made it dashboard only, and so did Sol. It took almost a full day for me to rationalize it out to myself that it probably wasn’t the conclusion I jumped to, so I took my blog off dashboard only. I kept Az blocked, though.
By the way, I actually found the exact date I blocked [redacted]. 06/25.
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As for not blocking Anderson... I honestly thought I did. I did block him as of yesterday, after realizing that I didn’t actually have him blocked.
And I have to ask, again, why did none of you want our initial offer of proof?
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Why didn’t you want this? It’s the next best thing besides literally getting our emails & passwords. This, I feel, would’ve proven that femmeflorina was not attached to Sol’s blog, nor mine. And yet we received no response to this offer. Why?
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These screenshots were taken 12/04 around 6:30cst. I’ll also point out that Sol does not type like this. “Lul” “Shit like your opinions” “Rofl” None of Sol’s issues with [redacted] had anything to do with her opinions. “Lul” “Rofl” are phrases Sol has never used, ever.
Also, I can’t say this proves Sol didn’t do this but I did ask around with friends about checking out femmeflorina’s information via tumblr API. That would’ve revealed whether it was a primary or secondary blog, its timezone, etc. Unfortunately, tumblr API doesn’t fucking work but I can at least prove that I tried to help them figure out who was actually behind it. Screenshots to come later; the other person involved isn’t online yet.
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nickelkeep · 4 years
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Text Me in the Morning
Pairing: Dean/Cas Rating: Teen and Up Word Count: 2.7K Warnings: none! Written For: Storytime! On Ao3
Dean stirred under the blanket. Something was wrong. He reached out to the other side of the bed, grumbling as he found it lacking a person. He reluctantly opened his eyes and looked at the empty spot. "Cas?" Dean lifted his head and looked around the room, slowly sitting up to get a better look at his bedroom. "Sunshine?"
He rubbed at his eyes, letting them readjust. He looked down at Cas' side of the bed and found a note lying on his pillow.
Dean- I'm needed in Heaven. I shouldn't be more than a day or two. I'll see you soon. -Cas
Dean frowned. He had hoped for the sake of whatever angel summoned Cas, that the issue was crucial. It had been weeks since Cas and Dean had started sharing a bed. That had moved to sharing soft touches. And one fateful night after a bad nightmare, the dam between them had finally broken.
Now that he had finally gotten used to it, waking up without Cas next to him felt almost like the bad dream that brought them together.
Dean climbed out of bed and grabbed his robe. If it was going to be a miserable morning, the least he could do was get his coffee fix and try and make the best of it.
Sam was standing at the counter as he entered the kitchen, throwing impossibly green things into the blender. He stopped when Dean started the coffee machine and looked over, a smirk on his face. "Morning, Dean."
"Nothing good about waking up ass-crack of dawn early. You're a freak of nature." Dean watched the wince on Sam's face. "Sorry. Just need my caffeine."
"And it has nothing to do with Cas leaving this morning?" Sam turned on the blender to keep Dean from answering. He pulsed it several times, stopping long enough for Dean to start to answer before turning it back on again. "Sorry about that. Just needed to make sure this is all mixed." He grabbed a cup and poured the puke green mixture into it before taking a sip. "So, Cas left this morning?"
"Why are you asking questions you already know the answer to, Bitch?" The coffee finished percolating, and Dean poured himself a mug. "Something about angel business."
Sam chugged some of his drink. "Interesting. And how would you know that, Jerk? Cause you were still asleep when he left. He walked out with me when I went on my run."
"Your point?"
"We ran into each other as he exited your room." Sam smiled smugly into his cup.
"He left a note on my bed," Dean responded quickly.
"You're so full of shit. Cas left in a pair of your pajama bottoms." Sam set the cup down and poured the rest of the blender's contents into it. "It's also not the first morning I saw him snuck out. I'm sure it's not going to be the last time, is it?"
Dean glared at Sam. "Get to your point."
"So you and Cas... Are you together?" Sam grabbed one of his cardboard granola bars before crossing to the table and sitting down. "No judgment if you are."
"Uh... It's complicated." Dean scratched the back of his neck. "I uh, had a really bad nightmare. He overheard it and woke my ass up." Dean watched Sam carefully. "He offered to keep an eye me, to help me fall back to sleep.” He looked away, hoping that he wasn’t blushing. “It was the best I ever slept. Cas noticed and offered to spend more nights with me. He figured I’d be in better condition that way."
Sam sat at the table quietly, waiting for Dean to continue.
"It moved on from there. Now we occasionally blow off some steam." Dean took a moment to watch several expressions run across his brother’s face. Excitement. Joy. Confusion. And now Classic Bitch Face #127. "What?"
"Just blowing off steam?" Sam glared at Dean. "So, you haven't been honest with him, or you haven't been honest with yourself?"
"Excuse me?" Dean set his mug on the table and crossed his arms, staring at Sam.
"It means that you're in love with Cas, and won't admit. Figures my brother is a coward."
Dean jabbed his finger in Sam's direction. "You... You don't know what you're talking about." He turned and started to storm off, stopping only to backtrack and grab his coffee, before retreating to his room.
Sam sat quietly in the peace of the library. Between texting with Eileen, researching a possible hunt, and maybe playing an occasional game on his phone, the morning’s events ended up pushed to the back of his mind. As he finished sending off a response to Eileen, Dean came barging into the library.
"Sam. Did you say something?" Dean slammed his hands on the table in front of him. "What the hell did you do?"
"Me? What are you talking about? I've been in here since,” He picked up his phone and looked at the time. “Since breakfast." Sam rested his chin on his hands. "Is Cas back?"
"First and foremost, Dean. Cas went to do Angel stuff. He can't get phone calls in Heaven, so why would I even attempt to call him?" Sam paused and tilted his head. "Second, I'm not going to pester him about your insecurities."
"Then what the hell is this?" Dean pulled out his phone and slammed it down on the table, flinching slightly and picking it back up to check the screen. "I don't understand this."
Sam held up a finger before pointing at the chair that sat across from him. He stood up as Dean took the seat and crossed over to another table. Sam picked up two glasses and a decanter of whiskey before returning to his own chair. Popping the lid off, he poured a glass for Dean and one for himself. "What's wrong?"
"Cas uh... Cas, well..." Dean picked up his phone and unlocked it before sliding it across the table to Sam. "I am warning you. From brother to brother. Don't scroll up."
"Yeah, I'll take that to heart." Sam picked up the phone and read the screen that Dean had presented him.
[Dean, 9:31 AM]: I forgot how big my bed is.
[Cas, 10:00 AM]: Why is that?
[Dean, 10:01 AM]: I haven't woken up alone in a few weeks now. [Dean, 10:03 AM]: It wasn't nice waking up without you.
[Cas, 10:15 AM]: I'm sorry to have made things uncomfortable for you.
[Dean, 10:17 AM]: Cas, Buddy. That's not what I meant. [Dean, 10:25 AM]: Seriously, dude. I mean, I like what we have going on. [Dean, 10:35 AM]: Cas?
[Cas, 10:37 AM]: You might enjoy what we have, but I'm afraid I don't. [Cas, 10:39 AM]: It's getting hard for me to maintain this casual relationship.
Sam looked up from the phone and smiled at his brother. "You're upset over this?" He reread the conversation and took a screenshot, texting it to himself. "There is nothing to be upset over here. This is a good thing!" Sam picked up his phone and sent the screenshot to Eileen, adding on, "Dean thinks Cas wants to leave."
"He doesn't want to keep the relationship, Sam. Cas says it right there." Dean pointed at his phone.
"What I see is you complaining that he let you sleep in so he could go do angel stuff, and then him saying that he wants more." Sam's phone went off, and he checked the text message from Eileen. She replied that she had come to the same conclusion. "Dude, even Eileen, who doesn't have the context I have..." He turned his phone so Dean could read it.
"You sent her a picture of my text with Cas?" Dean tossed back the rest of his whiskey and poured himself another. "What the actual hell?"
"Dean! I needed you to know that you're reading it wrong. And Eileen also sees what I see." Sam stopped and rubbed his temples with his thumbs. "Do you honestly think that Cas would want to stop what you two are doing completely?"
Dean nodded. "He's probably figured out that I'm not good for him. He's an angel for fuck's sake. They're not even supposed to... whatever it is he and I had."
"Are you kidding me?" Sam downed his own whiskey and leaned back in his chair. "I mean, he looks away when you look at him, and you look away when he looks at you, but let me tell you about the way you two stare at each other."
"Shut up."
Sam shook his head. "Not this time. I have literal proof on my phone, from yours, that Cas cares about you. You're the one that's not reading it correctly."
"I can read what's on my phone, Sam." Dean slides his phone up and down the screen. "Maintaining what we have is hard for him."
"Because he wants more!" Sam dragged his hand down his face. "I know you can't see what a good guy you are under the self-doubt that Dad piled on top of you, but Cas does. If anyone knows you better than me, it's Cas. He rebuilt you from the ground up. He knows you inside and out, heart, body, and soul."
Dean shook his head. "I still think you're wrong." He slid his phone into his pocket and finished off the second glass of whiskey. "Any milk runs nearby?"
"No. I'm still researching this one, but it might be one that's our kinda thing." Sam looked down at his notes, disappointed but understanding Dean's need to drop the conversation. "So, get this. A few abductions following a pattern, the bodies show up, but the locals aren't releasing any details. Probably thinking it's a serial killer and not wanting to spawn a copycat." He looked back up. "Dean?"
"Huh?" He looked up from his phone. "Cat Serial Killer. I'm listening."
"No, you're not." Sam set his pen down. "You’re distracted, afraid that you're going to lose Cas when he clearly wants more." Sam pointed at Dean, trying to make his voice as stern as possible. "Call him. Or I will."
"You wouldn't dare." Dean jabbed his finger at Sam before standing up and storming out of the library.
Sam picked his own phone up. "Bet me."
Dean flipped through Netflix on his laptop. Sam didn't want to get involved in his love life. He wouldn't do anything. Right? Dean slammed the lid of his computer shut and set it on the nightstand. He let out a huff of frustration and rolled over onto his stomach, burying his face in his pillows. Dean groaned, his frustration muffled by the softness surrounding his head.
"Hello, Dean."
"What?" Dean shot up, quickly scrambling to his knees and turning towards the foot of his bed. "Cas?"
"You were expecting somebody else?" Cas looked at the door. "I hadn't heard from you since your last text message. I was concerned.”
"You were waiting for one?" Dean grabbed his phone and looked over his texts. "The last one you sent was over five hours ago."
Cas nodded. "And it is still sitting, unanswered."
"Sorry, Cas." Dean looked up from his phone. "I just... I didn't realize you didn't like what we have. I thought maybe..."
"Maybe what?" Cas took off his trenchcoat and jacket, laying them on the back of a chair, as he crossed to the bed and sat down on his side. He bent over and untied his shoes, kicking them off to the corner of the room. "Dean?"
"I uh..." Dean shook his head. "You're getting undressed?"
"I'm getting comfortable. I made a point of getting done early so you wouldn't have to sleep alone." Cas repositioned himself on the bed, resting his back against the headboard. He patted the spot next to him. "Come talk to me?"
Dean crawled up the bed and sat next to Cas, mimicking his position.
"I know that my return is surprising you, especially considering that I said I would be gone for a day or two. But it seems like something else has caught you off guard.”
"Your text." Dean held up his phone again. "You said that you couldn't maintain our relationship. I thought you were ending this between us."
Cas chuckled. "I know Sam said you misunderstood, but I wasn't expecting this level of self-doubt."
"That fucker did call you!" Dean ran his hand down his face.
"And with good reason, it appears." Cas took Dean's hand and held it tightly. "Dean, do you know how much you mean to me?"
"Honestly? I'm not entirely sure at the moment." Dean holds up his hand. "I know we're friends, and I know that you care about me. I just don't know how much. It felt like I was disposable earlier."
"That was never my intent, Dean. I meant that I can't continue this as a casual relationship." Cas tugged on Dean's hand and pulled him into his arms. "I meant that I need you to know that I love you. That I don't want to be just a fling that hides in the bedroom, waiting until we know the hallway is clear."
Dean raises an eyebrow in confusion. "You talked to Sam this morning too."
"That may have been the case, yes." Cas ran his fingers through Dean's hair. "He wasn't exactly surprised to see me walk out of your room, and he may have cornered me."
"Goddammit, Sam," Dean grumbled quietly under his breath. "I'm sorry, you shouldn't feel pressured–"
"Dean." Cas placed a finger over Dean's lips, effectively stopping him from talking. "Sam merely asked why I was in your room. Then when I said I was leaving a note, he pointed out that I obviously forgot that I was wearing your pajama pants."
"He mentioned the same thing to me. And about walking outside together as he went for his walk." Dean leaned into Cas. "What did you tell him?"
Cas smiled, a rare show of affection from the angel, and Dean felt his face flush with warmth. "I told him what I just told you. I love you."
"Really?" Dean felt his jaw drop a second time. "You're not going to break up with me?
"I wouldn't dream of it." Cas pulled Dean closer, claiming his lips as he pulled Dean into his lap.
The next morning, Sam stopped in front of Dean's door. He knew that he might have crossed a line, pushing Dean to confessions and admissions he may not have been ready to share. Sam adjusted the tray he carried, careful to make sure the coffee or cereal spilled out of their respectful vessels. He knocked on the door, waiting to hear Dean yell at him or shuffle across the room. Hell, Sam half expected the sound of a boot hitting the door, followed by profanities.
After waiting a moment with no sound, Sam knocked again, a little louder. "Dean?"
He waited a few more minutes, slightly perturbed that there was no sound coming from the other side of the door. Sam tried the doorknob and was surprised to find the door unlocked. He turned it and pushed the door open as quietly as possible. As he entered the room, Sam nearly dropped the tray, scrambling to rebalance it.
In the bed, Dean looked like he was fast asleep. It was - without a doubt - the most peaceful sleep he had ever seen his brother enjoy.
Yet it was Cas, cuddling Dean, holding him tightly, that surprised Sam the most. He had thought that Dean would have found a way to sabotage himself, to chase Cas away. Sam walked in quietly and set the tray down on Dean's table. As he started towards the door, a voice behind him startled him.
"Here to say I told you so?" Dean yawned out, burrowing deeper into the blanket.
"Wouldn't dream of it, Dean." Sam pointed to Cas. "I'm just glad you listened to me and didn't push him away like I thought you would."
Dean waved his hand, shooing Sam out of the room. "I hear you loud and clear." He paused. "Thanks, Bitch."
Sam chuckled, exiting the room. "You're welcome, Jerk."
142 notes · View notes
precuredaily · 3 years
Precure Day 205
Episode: Yes! Precure 5 Go Go! 07 - “Let’s Go! Palmier Kingdom!” Date watched: 31 January 2021 Original air date: 16 March 2008 Screenshots Transformation Gallery Project info and master list of posts
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insert quip here
When we left off, the friends were rushing off to Palmier Kingdom because Milk said there was an emergency. It turns out Milk may have been stretching the truth, but of course, danger follows the Rose Pact wherever it goes, so her lie quickly becomes reality. How will the Precures fend off a new enemy? How will Coco and Nuts prove their dedication to their citizens? How will Milk learn the value of doing your part? How will we continue setting up Milky Rose? You’re about to find out!
The Plot
As they fly to the Palmier Kingdom on Syrup’s back, Coco wonders what kind of terrible danger it may be in. King Donuts lectures him and Nuts for leaving the kingdom in the first place because of the inability to protect their people. Meanwhile, in the Palmier Kingdom, there seems to be no trouble afoot at all. The citizens are hard at work rebuilding the palace and buildings. Everyone is chipping in..... except for Milk, who is sitting by a wall, neglecting her responsibilities. Papaya, the mustachioed fairy who was Coco and Nuts’s tutor in the past, sternly reminds her to concentrate on her work; Milk retorts that she can’t concentrate if she’s worrying about the Kings, and Papaya counters that supporting the people is the job of a caretaker. Milk takes this as well as you may expect.
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this level of sass would be unrivaled until a certain mermaid swam onto the scene in 2021
Their conversation is interrupted by the arrival of Syrup. Milk excitedly walks over to see if he brought a letter from Coco and Nuts, when suddenly the girls spring up, followed by the kings. Milk gets misty eyed, declares she missed them, and begins running straight towards an expectant Nozomi. What follows is a glorious bait and switch.
Milk dives right past Nozomi to tackle her beloved kings.
Over in Eternal, we see a new character walking down the hallway. He is soon revealed as another general of the organization, Nebatakos. He drops a collection item off, a starving animal, and he indicates he only fed it enough to stay alive. Anacondy scolds him for his negligence but informs him that the Rose Pact is in the Palmier Kingdom should he wish to retrieve it. How exactly she knows this is unclear.
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Wilson Fisk he ain’t
Back in Palmier Kingdom, Papaya chews out Milk for implying there was an emergency and causing the Precures and Kings to return. (The kings themselves aren’t too fussed about it, for what it’s worth.) She weakly justifies her actions by saying that the loneliness people felt without their leaders was a critical situation and then runs off. While Milk stews over her feelings, Coco, Nuts, and the girls join the rebuilding efforts, spending some quality time with the people and with each other. Coco admits to Nozomi that he wanted to show her the kingdom when it was rebuilt but she’s not disappointed. At the same time, Komachi discusses King Donuts’s lecture with Nuts, who admits the monarch was right in his assessment of their shortcomings and he and Coco have work to do in becoming proper leaders. Karen worries about Milk, who is hiding behind a rock outside the kingdom, but Syrup finds her. He gives her some grief about shirking her duties as a caretaker, and she admits that she took the position to stay close to Coco and Nuts. When they turned around and left, Milk felt lonely and that’s why she wrote the letter. Syrup, still exhausted from rushing to get everyone here, collapses, and Milk apologizes, recognizing her fault in his fatigue.
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Syrup has no chill
Everyone is taking a break in the kingdom, eating some giant fruits that look like a cross between a coconut and a papaya. They are apparently DELICIOUS.
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please make memes out of this.
These are palmier fruits, and they come from the namesake tree of the kingdom. The giant palm trees have great cultural significance, so Nozomi decides she’ll plant the seed of her fruit to grow another.
Unfortunately their break is interrupted by the arrival of Nebatakos, who demands to know the location of the Rose Pact. When they don’t give it up, he transforms into his monster form of a gray and gold octopus man and begins destroying the precious palmier trees. The girls transform, but not to be outdone, Nebatakos turns the nearby hill (where Milk and Syrup are) into a Hoshiina. Coco and Nuts start evacuating their citizens to safety while the Precures fight the villain and his lackey. Since he’s new, he manages to keep the upper hand, and the girls quickly find themselves at the end of their rope. However, most of the battle is actually focused on Coco and Nuts evacuating their citizens with some help from Milk and Syrup, who fly people to safety. Seeing this, King Donuts laments his inability to help since he’s stuck in the Rose Pact healing. When Nebatakos confronts the Palmier fairies holed up in the castle, Coco bravely leads him away from the civilians, allowing himself to be caught as a diversion. Dream sees Nebatakos strangling him from afar, but she can’t break away from fighting the Hoshiina, so Nuts steps out with the Rose Pact, and King Donuts standing proud inside of it, to face Nebatakos and get him to release Coco. King Donuts pops out for a moment and unleashes a blindingly bright blue light that stuns Nebatakos and the Hoshiina for a moment before he collapses. The Rose Pact falls away from them, and unseen by anyone else in the commotion, it glows blue and emits a bright blue seed.
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This will not be important later on, pay it no mind.
King Donuts’s stun attack also gave the Precures enough of an opening to turn the tide of the battle, and they rescue Coco before setting up the Hoshiina and Nebatakos for their special attacks. Aqua unleashes a Sapphire Arrow on Nebatakos, which really takes the wind out of him, and then Dream performs Shooting Star. Nebatakos teleports away, leaving the Hoshiina to take the full force of the attack and it disintegrates.
After the fight, King Donuts is still incredibly weak but admits he was inspired by everyone’s bravery and wanted to help out however he could. He doesn’t say it aloud but he seems to be gaining respect for them as rulers. After that, it’s time for the visitors to leave. Everyone loads up into Syrup after saying their goodbyes to Milk, Papaya and the citizens. Milk gives an inspiring speech to everyone about doing their best while the Kings are away and says an extra special goodbye to Karen. Nozomi asks her to take care of the palmier seed she planted. At last, they fly off, and eventually the crowd dissipates, leaving only Milk. She starts to cry, but then she sees a split-second premonition of the blue seed being held in a tender pair of hands.
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Milk turns around and sees the actual blue seed behind her, glowing, so she picks it up and stares at it inquisitively as the scene fades to black.
The Analysis
Honestly having an episode about visiting another world take place this early in any Precure season is really unheard of, but given the circumstances I’m glad they did. Getting to see Palmier Kingdom being rebuilt drives home how much there is to be done, how much damage Nightmare caused, and how strong their community is that they can band together to do this. It also really only works because of this being a sequel, if this had been a brand new show I don’t think this would have been as effective. Even if this series doesn’t always know what to do with its second season, it does have moments like this that make it worthwhile.
More than any other episode I can recall in the past season, this episode is much more about the fairies than the humans. Coco, Nuts, Milk, and King Donuts each have arcs throughout this episode that play into their overall roles in the story. Coco and Nuts are still reckoning with King Donuts telling them he doesn’t acknowledge them as kings yet (and if you forgot it from last episode, it’s one of the first things he says in this one), but they take the chance to self-reflect on their shortcomings and strive to do better. They get some moments of introspection as they help to rebuild, which show their different perspectives and priorities. Coco is a bit sad that he couldn’t show the fully rebuilt Palmier Kingdom to Nozomi, because he wants to show her the kingdom as he remembers it, but she thinks it’s beautiful already because of his efforts. 
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I can show you the world. Shining, shimmering, splendid!
Meanwhile, Nuts takes a more introspective approach as he discusses his feelings with a worried Komachi. She’s afraid that he’s offended by King Donuts’s remarks, but he admits he actually agrees, and that he and Coco have work to do if they’re going to be effective leaders. Later on, they display sincere, unprompted heroism in helping and protecting the citizens during the attack. They tend to the scared and wounded, they ensure everyone is holed up in a secure location so they don’t get injured in the fight, and they protect the civilians by distracting the villain.
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Seeing the way the young rulers act in their natural element, in various situations, helps to warm King Donuts up to them. He’s largely unseen during the bulk of the episode, but he’s present at a few crucial points. First, as they all fly towards Palmier, he reminds Coco and Nuts in no uncertain terms that he doesn’t recognize them as kings yet. He’s present during Milk’s first disciplining, and then during the climax when Coco and Nuts are at their best, their bravery spurs King Donuts himself to take action against Nebatakos. He recognizes he’d be a hypocrite if he tells the Kings to protect their citizens while he himself cowers inside the Rose Pact, and that’s why he overexerts himself to buy a little bit of time. Interestingly, his act of bravery seems to be what triggers the Rose Pact to deposit the blue seed. It’s nice to see how he’s begun to accept them after seeing their courage and leadership in a pinch. He’s not such a bad guy.
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Most importantly, this episode begins a  new character arc for Milk. It’s not a complete reset to where she was on her initial introduction in the last series, but her dependency on Coco and Nuts comes a lot more into focus when they’re not around for her to fawn over. We know she’s been sending a lot of letters, and it turns out she’s doing this at the expense of her other responsibilities towards rebuilding Palmier Kingdom. When called out on her selfishness that made the Kings return and put themselves at risk, she brushes it off and insists she was right, their absence created a critical situation because everyone was lonely without them. In reality, she seems to be the only one who’s lonely and she’s projecting. However, after talking with Syrup she feels some remorse. When Nebatakos attacks she sees the Kings in danger as the direct result of her choice, exactly what Papaya warned her could happen. She takes some initiative during the panic by evacuating some citizens, and afterwards she sees Coco and Nuts off dutifully with an impassioned speech to the citizens. She talks eagerly about about how hard the Kings are working to find the four monarchs, so the citizens have to work hard at home as well. (however, it’s Milk, so whether or not she’s actually learned her lesson from earlier is doubtful) It’s character development, arguably more than she got in the entire previous series, and while I recall in broad strokes where she winds up at the end of the series, I don’t recall in detail what happens so I do still hope they build further on this.
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As for the actual protagonists of the show, it feels strange to say this but they don’t do much until the climax. Things happen to them or around them, but as I explained it’s really more of a mascot focus episode. They arrive in Palmier, reunite with Milk, are present at her scolding, and assist in rebuilding. Karen has some dialog about looking for Milk but we don’t really see this. The episode chooses to focus on exposition over action, breaking the cardinal film rule of “show don’t tell.” There is a nice moment about halfway through where Coco and Nuts tell the girls about the significance of the Palmier Tree but again, that’s not them doing stuff. Nebatakos’s attack is when they become more prominent, but even then the fight is interspersed with scenes of the rescue efforts. The girls land a few hits on the villain and the Hoshiina, and then the attention goes back to the fairies for a while with only brief glances at the combat. Dream is worried about Coco when Nebatakos is strangling him but she’s blocked from leaving her fight until King Donuts uses his blinding light and creates an opening for her to rescue him. This allows the girls to set up some combos for their finisher, and then we next see them loaded into Syrup ready to leave. Again, Karen offers kind encouragement to Milk, and Nozomi requests her palmier tree be tended to, but nothing more deep or significant than this.
Nebatakos is a unique new villain. He seems smarter than Scorp, but he’s very indifferent to other people and living beings. I don’t think we’ve had a character quite like him before. He’s callous and efficient, he knows what buttons to push and he just does what he does for a check. When he realized the palmier trees were important, he began crushing them to cause mental anguish. He nearly strangled Coco, which I believe is a first for this series. Had it not been for Nuts and King Donuts, he may not have made it. His visual design is very interesting, as he’s based on an octopus (tako=octopus). He’s a fleshy gray mass with gold armor on his upper body, he has two tentacle arms that bisect or trisect at the ends to function sort of like long fingers. He has, depending on the art in a given frame, between six and eight tentacles that he uses as legs, and most often they are wound together so he can walk bipedally, but he does sometimes unwind them and walk around on multiple tentacles, or use his leg tentacles for grappling purposes. In theory it would make him more versatile, in practice he doesn’t do any creative, unique things with his anatomy like grabbing all five girls at the same time. At least not in this fight. His stand-out feature is his monster voice. He has this gurgling quality to it and I’m not sure if it’s a special vocal filter or the actor is doing it naturally. It helps to sell his aquatic nature and I enjoy it.
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The art style of this episode is a little bit off. The animation was directed by our old friend Kawano Hiroyuki, who I’ve pointed out before when his bad faces show up. His signature weird smiles and awkward camera angels are on full display here.
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Don’t get me wrong, it’s not all bad, but when it is, it’s noticeable. He also gave us this great Nozomi face so I think that balances out.
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Also speaking of art and animation, there’s a pretty bad goof near the end as the girls fly off.
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your device is not malfunctioning, this gif is 1/4 speed
If you notice, the artist completely forgot to draw the part of Komachi that should be visible beneath Urara’s hair. For the entire shot.
If you’ve seen the show before, or you know what the Blue Rose is, you know where the ending of this episode eventually leads to. I’ll assess the Blue Rose arc more once it concludes but so far I enjoy the setup. This episode takes the time to reverse perspectives by having the heroines be the strangers in another land while the mascots are in their home environment. It’s a unique and creative way to continue the plot while also setting up some character arcs and transitioning from the character reintroductions over to the meat of the show. It explores a seldom-seen avenue by showing us the fairy world rebuilding and recovering and that’s one of the ways that GoGo really stands out from the crowd as a very solid sequel that builds on what came before rather than just being more of the same (like much of Max Heart).
Next time on Precure Daily: Syrup’s past begins to unravel! Look forward to it!
Pink Precure Catchphrase Count: 1 Kettei! (in the preview)
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violexides · 4 years
Slavmaeda- My (Hopefully Only) Statement
Note: The times listed here are mostly in EST. If it is in another time, it will state in parentheses. The other time will usually be Polish time.
Another Note: @slavmaedasaga exists, now, for all the posts. I don’t know who made it.
Possible Blackened-
Fir (aka Firanka)
People who follow Sunflower / Marshpy / Fir / Jago
Gay Nagito Komaeda 
Monokuma File- At an unspecified time this morning, Sunflower received an anon, posting “Slavmaeda rights” continuously until hitting the character limit. At 9:12 AM, Firanka confirms to receiving a similar ask. At 9:17 AM, Fir announces the case to a public discord server, “Danganronpa 2: Tropical Despair”. At 3:50 PM (POLISH TIME), Marshpy receives this ask. At 10:13 AM (or six minutes later, according to Fir), Jago receives a Slavmaeda rights ask. Then, everything went to hell.
Alternate Anons: Other anons during this initial period of time were sending Sunflower asks.
“Fir”: One of these anons, not sent by Fir, uses her nickname.
Marshpy’s Account: She states to not having enough bastard energies, as well as her identity as “not Slavic” as proof of her innocence.
See: Marshpy’s Confession.
Marshpy’s Confession: Marshpy admits to sending the asks that went to sunflower and Fir, but none others.
She says she thought it would be funny.
Jago’s Account: [Jago’s] main line of defense is the website & the fact [Jago is] managing a group RP at the same time, [Jago] didnt even have tumblr opened until the situation started.
Jago proves in a screenshot that the first time she opened tumblr was at 10:12 AM.
Sunflower’s Account: She was typing up a character analysis, talking on a server, and answering other posts. Therefore, she did not have time to post these.
Worth noting that later, she would mark the times she was on/off tumblr.
Fir’s Account: She claims to being “confused the entire time”, which she admits herself is a weak alibi. She also states which specific anons she sent sunflower, none of these being the Slavmaeda posts.
See: Fir’s Confession.
Typing Patterns: The first ask was the same set of three “Slavmaeda rights” copy pasted, meaning that every third “Slavmaeda rights”, starting from the first one, had a capital S.
The second was in this same pattern.
The third was in all caps.
The forth had alternating letter capitalization.
Note: After this point, so many asks were coming in that it is hard to establish which typing patterns were used. However, it is worth saying that there were different typing and capitalization patterns.
Notes (Kind of useless but I typed it so whatever): As of typing this, Jago’s post received no notes.
Marshpy’s only received Sunflower and Fir’s declarations of innocence.
Sunflower’s posts received scattered notes.
Fir’s received an unspecified number of notes.
Sunflower’s posts, later, were reblogged frequently by the account “slavmaedasaga”
Daniel’s Account: Daniel is a bastard.
They have no tumblr account, so they can’t leave notes.
Anons can be sent without a tumblr account.
See: Daniel’s Confession.
Jago’s Website: “[It’s] not finished and navigation still is wonky but I can show if I need to prove [I’m] not really paying attention to tumblr rn”
It’s a really dope website not going to lie.
Just. Well done, Jago.
However, this could have been an alibi, planned, as Jago has been watching but suspiciously not contributing much.
Class Trial Rules: Only the first blackened gets punished.
This has nothing to do with anything.
We aren’t a class so technically it’s not a class trial.
But this is still an interesting point, motivation wise.
RickRolling Part One: Daniel is a bastard and a Mikan Kinne.
Deleted Message: Fir paraphrases it as “[trial participants] haven’t noticed something.”
This was deleted.
Daniel sent it.
Threat: “The Slavmaeda Revolution will continue without you” was sent to Marshpy at 10:31 AM.
Daniel claims this was not them.
Fir’s Confession: Fir claims to have sent the Slavmaeda asks to Jago and Marshpy, but did not send the Slavmaeda Revolution asks.
Rickrolling Ask: Someone copy and pastes the lyrics to “Never Gonna Give You Up” and sends it to Fir. After maybe a minute, she receives another Slavmaeda Rights ask.
This Slavmaeda Rights has the same typing patterns as Marshpy’s, except it cuts itself off at the end with a dash.
Threat Redux: Sunflower receives an ask that says “the slavmaeda nation shall remain eternal”
Gay-Nagito-Komaeda’s Account: They just follow Fir and are confused.
They’re innocent it’s just worth noting.
They later joined the Tropical Despair Discord Server.
Sunflower’s Ask: “slavmaeda is inevitable. succumb.”
10:55 AM.
Unsettling Truth: There is no way to track this, because, while certain asks have to have been sent by people in the server contextually, there could be people following Sunflower sending her asks, Fir sending her asks, etc.
Re: The Unsettling Truth: “Slavmaeda has already infiltrated your little trial. You are not safe there. Submit to the revolution.”
10:58 AM
Sunflower’s New Ask: The same Slavemaeda Rights that came with the Rickroll Fir received.
Sunflower’s Time Off Tumblr: 11:07 AM-11:09
11:20 AM-
Other Shit: “Rick rolling is the Slavmaeda National Anthem” (11:09 AM) (Fir)
Slavmaeda Rights (Robyn) (11:11 AM)
“Slavmaeda Slavmaeda Slavmaeda Slavmaeda” (Fir) (11:13) (not an anon, sent as daniel)
Daniel’s Confession: This fucking Mikan Kinnie.
Sent “a lot of [fir’s asks]” and “sent the revolution one to marshpy”
Experiencecarrots: “slavmaeda is the only alibi :)”
I’m gonna be honest, nobody on this server claims to be carrots.
So I have no fucking clue what is going on.
By the way, [I] is Sunflower.
It’s so fucking hard to track so I’m not sure if this is even accurate. This is the most information I’ve got. I’m also tired, so I haven’t looked through this in too much depth. But I think this is correct.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
r e v o l u t i o n
Lyrics to Never Gonna Give You Up
EDIT ONE - The server this is on is Danganronpa 2: Tropical Despair. 
EDIT TWO - Ignore the Hangman’s Gambit and White Noise, I got carried away.
EDIT THREE - Experiencecarrots confirms to not be on the server. I sort of figured because I think we were mutuals long before this happened, but at the same time, I’m confused as all hell.
EDIT FOUR - Maybe the real culprits were the friends we made along the way.
EDIT FIVE - Carrot’s Account (via tumblr): “Hey hey hey! I only liked the post because I refresh my feed every 2 seconds and like whatever’s there. And I follow pretty much anyone I find, so ha. Also thanks for letting me be a suspect, quite the honor if I say so myself :)” This is regarding claims of being suspicious due to being the first likes on posts, as well as following slavmaedasaga.
EDIT SIX - Gay Nagito Komaeda’s Confession: They sent Fir the rickroll ask, which was incredibly coincidental, considering that they were not in the Tropical Despair Server at the time they sent it, nor at the time Daniel rickrolled us. That was pure fucking luck. Holy shit.
EDIT SEVEN - slavmaedasaga is, most likely, on Tropical Despair. They updated the rickroll post with, in the tags, “komaeda”, meaning that they knew that it was Gay Nagito Komaeda. HOWEVER, I am aware that I updated my post with this information. We have no actual timestamps of who did what exactly, but it was within minutes of each other. My personal thoughts are that this is a person on the server, but I’m not certain.
EDIT EIGHT - slavmaedasaga claims to be a single person. It is worth considering that they could not be, but I have a feeling like they are a single person. 
EDIT NINE - Daniel knows who slavmaedasaga is. It’s probably Daniel, isn’t it. We should have seen that coming. (But I will hold my suspicions until they say it themself.)
EDIT TEN - I want to make a public apology for mistreating my spaghetti. I understand that, in the light of recent allegations regarding slavmaeda and the trial ongoing to find the blackened, it may have appeared as if I have been so caught up in the information that I forgot to treat my spaghetti with care. I assure you in the future that I will never hurt my spaghetti again. 
EDIT ELEVEN - There is now a tumblr blog called “slavmaeda rights”, which is entirely focused on slavmaeda rights. I’m losing my mind.
EDIT TWELVE - Slavmaedarights deleted their post that had “Slavmaeda rights” over and over.
EDIT THIRTEEN - Worth clarifying. There are technically two “og Slavmaeda” people. One is Fir, who started all of this by mentioning the concept of slavmaeda. The other is Marshpy.
EDIT FOURTEEN - Slavmaedasaga is in Tropical Despair. We raised suspicions in this server (More specifically, Gay Komaeda Nagito did) that they were the same as slavmaedarights. They very quickly made a post denying this. Therefore, they have to have been in the server. 
EDIT FIFTEEN - Slavmaedarights posted again (just slavmaeda rights over and over) then deleted it. I never saw this with my two eyes. Marshpy and Gay Nagito Komaeda are eye witnesses. Some of the “S”s in rights were capitalized, according to Marshpy, which is vital to consider. Marshpy claims that there is no isolated S in this post, but she isn’t certain. Also worth considering. A deviation from a familiar pattern, which is interesting. 
EDIT SIXTEEN - TWO CRUCIAL BITS OF INFO! The description of Slavmaedasaga is “Hope” in Bulgarian. Also, Daniel bluffed when they said, in the Tropical Despair server, that they knew who “Saga” is. They just wanted clout. This is important info-- we have no leads on Slavmaedasaga. But we do know that it was likely not Daniel. Daniel accuses Marshpy. who knows. 
EDIT SEVENTEEN - Marshpy was shopping when "Saga” started, and Daniel sent a cryptic smiley face. They claim they were wrong about accusing Marshpy. 
EDIT EIGHTEEN - SLVRights = Damien. They aren’t the same person as SLVSaga. Daniel has shown evidence that they only have one blog. I’m getting funky anons. One anon is the same person, sending theories. There are some others. The theory anon also called me sun, which isn’t explicitly odd but I guess you can consider it. Not sure what else to say. 
EDIT NINETEEN - Haven’t been updating this enough. I’m getting a lot of messages and asks. “Beg. Beg for the answers. Slavmaeda is an unforgiving god. -Damien” was posted, then deleted, on the SLVRights blog in binary. I have an anon in binary. I’m inclined to believe they aren’t the same person. Someone on the server, not related on the tumblr side but helpful on the server side, has a theory. They have yet to say. I have a new ask.
EDIT TWENTY - Firanka wanted me to say that a lot of Tropical Despair people are having wifi issues. I highly doubt this is relevant. Damien posted something. I won’t type it here, because it is long, but I’ll see if I can reblog it. If not, I’ll write a transcript. Thanks for sticking with me. 
EDIT TWENTY ONE - A lot has gone on. Worth saying, I turned off my anonymous asks. Nothing happened. As in like, nobody sent any asks. One of my friends did as a test. I kept it like that for a while. But, as Daniel put it, cryptid hints are better than no hints. 
EDIT TWENTY TWO - Further clarification, for those lost. According to present information, Binary, Saga, and Damien are all separate people. That is as far as we know. I don’t know everyone who did this, so I apologize if I leave certain people out, but Daniel, Nebby, Firanka (there is still suspicion), Glitter (on server), and I have shown screenshots proving we only have our one blog. There are likely loopholes, but... worth considering.
EDIT TWENTY THREE - New stuff surfacing. I’m worried people are getting anxious because of some of this. If you are, please prioritize yourself. Like, literally, even if you’re a huge part of this, if you’re getting stressed? Take a breather. Stay safe. Alright? Not to be the mom of this situation. But it’s important. Take care of yourself. I’m leaving this pinned, but as it winds down, i’m probably gonna unpin this post. But, still here if you ever want to figure stuff out. 
EDIT TWENTY FOUR - Approaching 400 posts. That’s interesting. Also, the suspect list on here isn’t updated. Updated information is in the edits alone. I haven’t even looked at the truth bullets since posting.
EDIT TWENTY FIVE - “Binary” was run by @experiencecarrots. We don’t know who Saga or Damien (now going by just “B”) is. But. Most of this has settled down.
EDIT TWENTY SIX - “Saga” was @firankamipinska. Still waiting for B.
EDIT TWENTY SEVEN - No closer to finding out B. A new day has started. Slavmaedanation has been created. They “declared war” against B. 
EDIT TWENTY EIGHT - @gayer-nagito-komeada was Rights. To be honest. I don’t know how we didn’t see that one coming. But. There you go. They’re Damien/B/Rights. Now it’s just Nation to figure out. 
EDIT TWENTY NINE - Nation is @firankamipinska. I’m not really surprised, probably because she told me she was Nation. Nation was essentially supposed to figure out who Damien was. I was too tired to give much of a shit. I woke up at 7 yesterday. I had no fucking spoons. Zero. 
FINAL EDIT - Four blogs, a discord server, a channel in a discord server, and many friends were made through the Slavmaeda experience. Thank you all for embarking on this crazy ass experience with us. I can’t believe that the day after my birthday, I helped create a meme. Have a nice day. 
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misspeculiar-principe · 10 months
(Draft) August 23
6:24:42 i made a mistake; full battery alarm; i just checked my camera roll 🤣; my third imaginary ex-boyfriend's celebrity ex-girlfriend, pedro's friend, my late beloved paternal grandparents wedding anniversary 🙏🏼🕊🤍 | not 6:04:42 jh; i don't know what happened if i jwu; i slept at around 5:39am PHT which was the time when I made my previous post; i just realized that this is a significant time to me right now at around 10:25am PHT
7:49:42 jwu
7:50:58 fell asleep; gently hit my nose with other phone in my right hand
7:51:57 fell asleep, gently hit the left portion of my forehead with other phone in my right hand
9:39:32 jwu
10:04:10 deliberately; because i heard noises in my sister's bedroom and then i think from the renter downstairs at around 10:03am PHT and then one of my siblings' dogs in the garage but I forgot if it happened at around 10:05am PHT
10:06:11 because i happened to see 204 comments; initially saw 10:06:10 before (it changed after) successfully pressing the screenshot buttons
10:07:47 because i happened to be the 604th like; initially saw 10:07:46 before (it changed after) successfully pressing the screenshot buttons
10:22:00 because i shed a few tears as well and then i touched my head simultaneously as him
10:36:13 because i jh to see that there are 215 shares
11:14:21 renter downstairs made noises at 11:13am; STOP, I HAVE PLENTY OF THINGS TO DO, BUT GOD BLESS YOU BECAUSE I'M PUTTING IT ALL IN GOD'S HANDS 🤦🏻‍♀️
11:20:54 because i was the 2,111st like
11:22:45 because i happened to see that i saved 42 posts (i'll add more) from my Instagram Explorer page when i checked
11:27:34 because of "14"
11:31:57 because i was technically the 16,111st (plus one)
11:34:04 because i happened to see that i saved 104 posts when i checked
11:39:04 because i happened to see that i saved 141 posts when i checked
11:50:07 because i happened to see 16h 47m on my Jesus Christ 🐬 playlist after choosing Nathaniel Bassey's "Yeshua Hamashiach" to start a new shuffled set before I queued Stephen Sanchez's "I Want You" alongside the other songs from my Pedro 🪨 playlist
11:51:35 because i happened to see 1:15 timestamp but ignored it and then i saw the time and went back and got 1:35 timestamp instead
12:04:10 jh after unplugging when i was about to send a message
12:21:25 jgbimr to use my other phone which i left to charge
1:26:21 jh; jgbimr after i accidentally dropped a stainless teaspoon to the floor; perfect palindrome
1:28:24 typographical error
1:33:48 i just replugged my earphones in my old phone because it accidentally got unplugged; i forgot to check what timestamp it stopped because i already pressed play and paused the song after i remembered and saw the @3:03 timestamp
1:41:28 because a tiny piece of chicken wing flew over the sink while i was cutting the leftover for the faux broth soup to spade's kibbles
1:53:16 because i heard "soldiers" after i literally just said "sol el fuego" a split second
My inner voice: "It's 'soy el fuego'."
2:08:56 just because; the song that was actually playing was Hannah Townshend's "Yeshua"
2:09:11 just because
2:12:47 spotify app unsynced old phone unsynced; NEW SHUFFLED SET
2:15:07 because i waited what timestamp would 2:14pm PHT exactly change to 2:15pm PHT; Cory Asbury's "Sparrows" at @2:43 timestamp
3:46:03 jgbimr after washing my hands in the kitchen sink; jf doing pc
3:47:40 paused Third Day's "Your Love Is Like a River" at @2:14 timestamp before eating brunch; i was oblivious of this time so it did come as a surprise; initially saw @2:16 timestamp before pausing song on old phone
4:14:07 jh to see 4:13 which reminded me of pi but in reverse and Philippians 4:13
4:15:40 initially 4:15:39; bird left peripheral im on my bed watching a youtube video
4:23:33 just because
4:24:51 just because
4:43:35 jwu; fell asleep
4:47:03 jwu from a dream where i saw a heart shaped liquid heart looks like sweet and sour sauce
4:50:29 timer set to 60 min countdown went off
5:02:14 jh to see Matthew 7:1
7:43:43 jwu
8:22:15 because i happened to be the 29,380th like; was aware of the time when i saw 8:06pm PHT, but didn't expect to catch it when i looked at the time after liking it
8:23 forgot to take screenshots of ky lockscreen but i was the 7,667th like
8:25:23 because of the 477 comments
8:30:23 because i was the 6,664th like
8:35:45 because i saw 74 comments
8:39:23 because i was the 629th like
8:40:31 because i was the 822nd like
8:56:01 cricket sound left ear
9:37:59 because i happened to see 74 comments in a tweet
What is it with "74"?
10:44:58 jgbimr; jh to hear full battery alarm go off literally after i just sat on my swivel chair
10:47:22 because i'm the 111st like
10:59:59 just because
11:00:01 just because
11:31:47 because i happened to see 333 likes on a tweet
11:34:19 174 likes
11:35:43 7,667 likes
11:56:29 because of 6:47pm
11:58:06 thunder
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hufflautia · 4 years
hI this is a tOTALLY ANONYMOUS PERSON ASKING. and i am asking u to answer everything on here😌
lmajfniasnf yall i forced menna to send me this ask and i was kinda kidding but also a bit serious but also kinda kidding- ok anwyas here we go 
(1) Do You Sleep With Your Closet Doors Open Or Closed? closed 
(2) Do You Have Freckles? no 
(3) Can You Whistle? yes
(4) Last Song You Listened To. “Needed Me” by Rihanna
(5) What Is Your Favourite Colour? grayish green
(6) Relationship Status. in love with loki<3! 
(7) What Is The Temperature Right Now? cold, my fingers are cold and menna knows this 
(8) Did You Wake Up Cranky? no i did not, quite the opposite actually! 
(9) How Many Followers? around 650 
(10) Zodiac Sign. taurus
(11) What Is Your Eye Colour? brown
(12) Take A Vitamin Daily? yea
(13) Do You Sing In The Shower? usually 
(14) What Books Are You Reading? no book bc i have no brain cells 
(15) Grab The Book Nearest To You, Turn To Page 64, Give Me Line 14. 
“i cannot imagine,” replied the scarecrow; “but we can go and see.” -the wonderful wizard of oz! i forgot i had that book, i got it from library for school last year but then quarantine hit and i couldn't return it bc the library closed 
(16) Favourite Anime? i barely watch anime, so i guess “Attack on Titans”, being that its one of the few animes I've watched
(17) Last Person You Cried In Front Of? my math teacher 
(18) Do You Collect Anything? only the souls of the innocent. also chapstick. 
(19) What Did You Have For Lunch? wontons that fucked my stomach up bc the meat was not cooked properly :D don't we love that?????????????!!!!!!
(20) Do You Dance In The Car? not rlly 
(21) Favourite Animal? dog 
(22) Do You Watch The Olympics? no 
(23) What Time Do You Usually Go To Bed? usually 11 or 12- depends on day
(24) Are You Wearing Makeup Right Now? no 
(25) Do You Prefer To Swim In A Pool Or The Ocean? pool 
(26) Favourite Tumblr Blog? clandestineloki
(27) Bottled Water Or Tap Water? i don't care as long as its safe
(28) What Makes You Happy? my siblings, my best friends, loki, tom hiddleston
(29) Post A Gif Of What You’re Currently Feeling Right Now.
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i saw this and thought it was a good fit but then i realized it was too calm so
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(30) Do You Study Better With Or Without Music? without
(32) If You Were A Crayon What Colour Would You Be? yellow 
(33) PlayStation Or Xbox. i don't care
(34) Would You Swim In The Lake Or Ocean? I've never swam in a lake before, so lake
(35) Do You Believe In Magic? yea
(36) What Colour Shirt Are You Wearing? gray
(37) Can You Curl Your Tongue? no 
(38) Do You Save Money Or Spend It? depends
(39) Is There Anything Pink Within 10 Feet Of You? yes 
(40) Do You Have Any Obsessions Right Now? of course, loki will always be an obsession of mine bruh 
(41) Have You Ever Caught A Butterfly? nO BC IM SCARED OF BUTTERFLIES 
(42) Are You Easily Influenced By Other People? yes:’( 
(43) Do You Have Strange Dreams? of course
(44) Do You Like Going On Airplanes? yes 
(45) Name One Movie That Made You Cry. ParaNorman
(46) Peanuts Or Sunflower Seeds? sunflower seeds
(47) If I Handed You A Concert Ticket Right Now, Who Would You Want The Performer To Be? the neighbourhood
(48) Are You A Picky Eater? kinda 
(49) Are You A Heavy Sleeper? eh 
(50) Do You Fear Thunder / Lightning? kinda 
(51) Do You Like To Read / Write? yes 
(52) Do You Like Your Music Loud? depends on mood
(53) Would You Rather Carve Pumpkins Or Wrap Presents? wrap 
(54) Put Your Music On Shuffle, What Is The First Song That Came Up? sleepy hallow ft foushee- deep end freestyle 
(55) What Season Are You In Right Now? (Weather) winter?? 
(56) What Are You Craving Right Now? l o k i (my original answer was warmth but its basically the same thing) 
(57) Post A Screenshot Of Your Tumblr Feed. 
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(58) What Is Your Gender? female
(59) Coffee Or Tea? tea
(60) Do You Have Any Homework Right Now? If So, What Is It About? nope, i finished it on Friday and Saturday like a bad bitchhhhhhhhh
(61) What Is Your Sexuality? bisexual
(62) Do You Make Your Bed In The Morning? depends on day 
(63) Favourite Pokemon? squirtle i guess
(64) Favourite Social Media? insta 
(65) What’s Your Opinion On Instagram Stories? they're fine 
(66) Do You Get Homesick? kinda 
(67) Are You A Virgin? ill leave it up to ur imagination bitch (MENNA IM SO SORRY IM NOT CALLING U A BTICH IM JUST SAYING THAT IN GENERAL) 
(68) What Shampoo And Conditioner Are You Using Right Now? i forgot the name, but its white and fancy and from the same brand 
(69) If You Were Far From Home And Needed To Sleep For The Night, Would You Choose To Rent A Crappy Motel Room For $60 Or Sleep In Your Car For Free? hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm that is a very good question, probably the motel 
(70) Are Both Of Your Blood Parents Still In Your Life? AHAH depends on what u mean by “still in my life”!!!!!!! i guess technically yes, but I've already cut off those bitches in my head 😌 manifesting it into existence <3 
(71)  Whats The Next Movie You Want To See In Theaters? avatar 2 
(72) Do You Miss Your Ex? i don't have one 
(73) What Is Your Favourite Quote Right Now? “not you, i didn't wanna hurt you”
(74)  What Eye Colour Do You Find Sexiest? brown bc if i say any other color, its probably a yt person and also brown be smexy
(75) Did You Like Swinging As A Child? Do You Still Get Excited When You See A Swing Set? yes, yes 
(76) What Was The Last Thing You Ate? honey buttered biscuits 
(77) What Games Do You Have On Your Phone? among us, maybe Minecraft 
(78) Would You Give A Homeless Person CPR If They Were Dying? Why Or Why Not? no bc i don't know how and i would call for someone else to help 
(79) Been On The Computer For 5 Hours Straight?probably bc I'm a hermit
(80) Stalked Someone On A Social Network? amsifnda this is ME ur talking to 
(81) Do You Like Meeting New People? yes kinda, unless they're awkward (aHEM BREAKOUT ROOMS WITH NEW BUT AWKWARD PEOPLE-) 
(82) Do You Wear Rings? If You Do, Take A Picture Of Them. i used to but not anymore 
(83) Do You Sleep With Your Bedroom Door Open Or Closed?  i want it closed but the person i share the room with leaves it open bc they say we’re gonna fuckin suffocate if we leave it closed and i hate it bc ✨trauma✨! DONT WE LOVE TRAUMA??!?!?!?!??!?!?!? :D............
(84) What Are Three Things You Did Today? i baked biscuits, i did college stuff, i showered
(85) What Do You Wear To Bed? usually mismatched pjs 
(86) List All Of Your Different Beauty Products You Have Right Now. chapstick, natural skincare serum, lotion, face masks
(87) Are You A Day Or Night Person? day 
(88) List All Of Your Video Games On Your Phone, Console Etc. don't have any
(89) Tell Me About A Dream That You Had And When It Happened.
a snake chased me and it was weird as fuck
(90) Favourite Soda Drink? don't have one 
(91) What Sounds Are Your Favourite? people laughing, violin and piano, my friends voices, my siblings voices
(92) Do You Wear Jeans Or Sweats More? SWEATS
(93) How Do You Look Right Now? comfy 
(94) Name Something That Relaxes You. showering
(95) What Tattoo Do You Want? maybe an important quote? “dont trust owls” imprinted on my face
(96) Favourite YouTuber? stephanie soooooooooooooooooooooo 
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chibi-encubierta · 4 years
Trials of Mana, Session 5: "Too much forest and I actually like Charlotte... a lot a bit"
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Wait... They are recommending NOW to switch classes? When you could do it at lvl 18?  I did that so long ago... Or are they suggesting getting to third class?? I'm on lvl 31 so I need more training AND the items to unlock them aaand the seed to get the items :/ ===============   Anyway, time to call Vuscav and head to Moonlight Forest
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Japanese voice Kevin sounds like he is begging the ruler of the seas, please, pretty please, such a cinnamon roll.
===============   Serious talk with Faerie and stereotypes about the Beastmen
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And that only the followers of Gauser are the ones that gives the beastmen a bad reputation... Now that I think about it... Up to this point in OG and remake, he has never ever mentioned he is half-beastman or the prince, I mean the party knows he turns into a werewolf at night, but still everyone is saying just how vicious and evil and terrible are the beastmen... Kevin just remains silent and now that he is alone with the Faerie and she brought that up he says a little bit. I always had the headcanon he says it and the team kinda accepts it in a “not all beastmen” style but still I though they will add a little more here, I mean we know if we get him in the party but not as main, but if Kevin is the main... Not a single mention of his linage.
=============== Obligatory detour to Karl's grave I always take if Kevin is the main... Also I don't want to go to the tower yet... ===============
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No, I don't wanna fight Ludgar yet...
=============== (uugghh I forgot to take screenshots of this part, Deathjester saying that Kevin is just “stupid” and naive and paralized him and then tells him how “delicious” his soul must be because he is a beautiful cinnamon roll to good for this world, too pure) I want to kill deathjes... Goremand so hard!!
I don't remember this scene from the OG, but I like it! And then Charlotte jumps in and get slapped hard, that had to hurt! Goremand I hate you! Only I can treat the satan spawn like that! I cannot wait to get to the forest of Illusion and kick your bony sorry ass.  And now he talk about Heath and his fate with Belgar, father of the year that makes Gauser looks like he does actually good/excellent parenting While Kevin is paralized by Goreman and wants to eat his soul >:(  (I really don’t remember this scene form the OG... Guess I will have to replay it :D)
Thanks for the save Ludgar...  but I still don't want to fight you :(
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Ludgar beast form is so cool in 3D!!!
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this part always get me a little sad :( I mean, these 2 would have been great siblings but no. =============== (The emotion in the japanese voices! I just love how much sadness you can feel from Kevin and Ludgar. Riesz has a lovely voice acting and the other characters too, even  with Charlotte’s desperation asking where is his beloved Heath). ===============
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From cool beast form to the cute baby form. Good bye forever baby Ludgar! (I already spoiled myself by accident that we see him training with Kevin as some kind of master-disciple //siblings in the Credit roll and it is so cute!!!) I'm really happy we could finally see that they ended like brothers (pretty sure that was not in the OG) will make a screencap later on.
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Even Charlotte here is dropping her "I'm a mischievous devil" face and is actually worried for the baby. ===============
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Yup, he is the real enemy... But don't forget his master: Belg... The Masked Mage. And finally Charlotte is being nice and  stopping acting like a spoiled little child and realizing she is involved in something bigger, saying how much she also hates Goremand and that she believes that with Kevin, they can beat that real Satan spawn. A+ character development you had there Charlotte.
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Just took this screencap because Riesz looks like she is still angry by the fact she just heard from that other dying beastman that Kevin is a prince and not just a random beastfolk, and now he calls the king his father... What kind of best friend keeps that as a secret? she needs to talk with him about it later because this Goremand is a more pressing matter; And Charlotte is looking at him like she just realized he is a Cinnamon roll. lol ===============
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Big cinnamon roll having a big anime moment here, the voice acting in Japanese is on point ===============  Time to get the last spirit! To the Lampwood Forest!
Charlotte: Follow them, the yellow red flowers
Another Charlotte moment you go girl! :) (I wonder why they decided to make Charlotte talk like that in the English subtitles/dub... in Japanese she doesn't talk like that, just high pitched :/). ===============
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Still a better love story than Twilight  That’s actually something I didn’t remember from OG, only that they passed away for some reason, tragic indeed. =============== I can’t believe I ran out of money!!! No new weapons for the party :(
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Ohh Kevin gave Charlotte his condolence... Precious cinnamon roll. I’m really feeling a change in attitude from Charlotte since the Moonchart Tower. =============== 
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Let’s just make a close up of this:
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Happy half-puppy and half-devil :D so pure! ===============
Wait... What... What just happened???!!? The entire party died from ONE ATTACK of the Grapplavine !?? Whaaat? my first game over in this game :D =============== Next Time: It is time for revenge Kevin...Revenge on a plant !!! >:(
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darkestwolfx · 4 years
Colony - Re-Review #31
Note: due to CITV changing the time of their reruns (hooray - not), the Re-Review series will be moving from 6:30pm to 6:45pm for uploads.
Wow... it’s difficult to find screenshots for this episode online, that’s for sure!
“You’re a hard man to find, Captain Taylor. I wish you’d find less dangerous ways to spend your retirement.”
“Just trying to keep busy now that I’m back on Earth. Taking it easy’s never been my style.”
“Then this may interest you. Can retirement wait a little bit longer, Captain?”
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The answer is yes, of course it’s a yes! It makes complete sense since Lee used to help Jeff with IR.
“The Helios is a transport ship, designed to reach Mars, and send landing pods to the life support systems on the surface. Dozens of families are on board, and would be the first to actually live on the planet.”
“Unless you count all the aliens!”
“Ignore him.”
Let’s remember Alan did see alien life only two episodes ago... I get the feeling he’s been going on about it in those scenes we don’t see. A lot. I want to say that John is talking to EOS in this scene (where has she gone again, writers? I will eternally ask this question), because there is no other imaginary figure in the room.
Anyone else getting ‘The Martian’ (2015) vibes?
I really loved having this man back! It’s been a while since we last saw him and I was so pleased that they had him return. 1. because he is a great character, but 2. because he is one of the last surviving links to Jeff, and so you can be sure hints are going to drop when he’s around. It’s nice that Alan gets to spend more time with him in this ep as well, considering it’s Alan who always has the gap in memories on his father which his brother’s don’t.
This seems like the perfect way to fill that gap to me.
“Plus you were second person in history to ever set foot on Mars.”
“Just behind the great Jeff Tray himself, those were the days.”
Look at that - I told you, didn’t I tell you? - and it only took three and half minutes! And that’s only the first reference, there’s bound to be more.
“Like you boys say - Thunderbirds are off! Wait, that’s not it. Thunderbirds have left the building! Thunderbirds are...”
“That’s the one.”
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Mars. There’s a Mars launch mission. Now, we’ve seen a story a little like this before in ‘Thunderbirds Are Go’ (1966 film) with the crew of the Zero-X (who okay, made it to Mars), but with a few problems on the way. Similar story here. Sort of.
I love how Scott was relegated to the backseat for the launch as well!
“Captain, there’s even a handy chart that lists all our names and vehicles. Just in case”
“Thanks Brian.”
“It’s Brains.”
Yeah.. no “just in case” about it. Let’s pull up the chart.
“Are we there yet?”
Um, did anyone else kinda feel like Scott sounded a little like someone else in that moment? I’ll even give you a hint.
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“You and Dad were the first team to ever land there.”
“Nearly didn’t. Dust storm almost made us call off the descent, but we took the risk and went anyway. Jeff said ‘humanity never got anywhere taking it easy’. I’ve always remembered that. Gordon here should take it to heart every time he pilots Thunderbird Three.”
“Um... I’m Alan, Sir.”
Let’s pull the chart back up... At least he got a name correct, if not the right brother.
“Will do, Virgil!”
“It’s Scott, Sir! Nevermind.”
I spoke too soon. My apologies everyone.
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“Captain Taylor, do you read me?”
“FAD, uh B. Whatever that means.”
You were there with Jeff when he set IR up! We were relying on you to know Lee! Right, we’re all doomed to never know the full truth.
“She may still be trying to fix the engines.”
Yeah, she probably could have done with Lee there sooner.
“Why are you reconnecting the power feed coils? That could take the systems offline.”
“Exactly! The proton storm didn’t damage your systems, it put them on hold. We need to manually re-jump each connection to get things running again.”
Captain Taylor really is the expert in fixing things, isn’t he? Can he come and fix my WI-FI? Seriously, I still need to choose who I’m swapping to after all this is over.
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“Remind me to thank Brains for this.”
“Ok. Hey, Scott, remember to thank Brains.”
“Very funny, Thunderbird Three.”
Look at Alan thinking on the spot and doing his little commentaries.
“Impressive Thunderbird Three. Remind me to thank you later.”
“Ok, Scott-”
“Later, Thunderbird Three.”
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“We got a big rocky problem ahead.”
Yeah you do, Scott...
“We just lost the landing pods.”
“I can’t keep this up Captain.”
Breathe, everyone. They all survive.
“Glad to have you back Pod Explorer. Remind me to thank you sometime.”
“Ok, Alan?”
“Later, Scott.”
I’m liking these little thrown-in bits of humour.
“It’s never too late to start again.”
Very true Captain Taylor.
“The chances of the Helius landing without breaking apart are very slim.”
“But it’s the only option we have.”
And so that translates to Scott as ‘let’s get on board the floating ship of possible death, even though Alan’s idea might get me killed’. Yeah... I wouldn’t have done that personally but hey, there we go.
That landing still makes me nervous, don’t know about annyone else.
“Alan! You’re back!”
“Sorry, Scott, couldn’t let you have all the fun.”
Meaning ‘couldn’t let you get yourself killed on my watch’.
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“Scott? Captain Taylor? Does anyone read me?”
“Loud and clear, Alan.”
“Captain! You’re alive! And you got my name right!”
And because I’ve only just realised I forgot all about keeping count, here is the updated rescue score.
Rescue count: 38
Are we nearing anyone’s bet for the whole series yet? I still need to work out a suitable prize for the person who guesses the closest...
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This was a moment I loved to the death - the amount of times I must have watched just this scene alone when this episode first came out... I’ve lost count. 
“This is the same site your dad and I landed on all these years ago. Actually, Scott, if it’s all the same to you I think I’ll stay a while. It’s never too late to start again. I can’t think of a better place than Mars to spend my Golden Years.”
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“Should we get back to you in a month?”
“Better make it two.”
Yeah... we’ll get around to that at some point.
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homodnp · 5 years
Bro all of the poppin cookin vid on LessAmazingPhil is 👌😤😤👌😤😤😤😤😤😳😳😳👌😤😤😳👌 (theyre just so sweet in that vid I CANT)
confession: i uh actually havent seen it yet so prepare yourself for ‘bibi reacts to LessAmazingPhil’s POPIN COOKIN MYSTERY FLAVOR DIY SUSHI (not clickbait) (gone wrong) (gone sexual)’ live at the apollo 😤😤😤😤
[video here]
0:02 YOUNG DAN’S VOICE *checks date of upload* 2011 AAHHHHHHHHHH
seriously tho,,,, jesus i actually forgot how much their voices have deepened over the years
0:24 they’re just fawning over food and a) honestly what a mood b) seasons change but people don’t
also sidenote i’m currently learning japanese so this is some good immersion, Thank!
0:55 i don’t have anything in particular to remark on it’s just so chill and gentle and they’re working together so nicely... soft boys. soft video :(
1:00 phil has always loved sniffing things fjghdkhjfjk i love him
1:08 this is probably one of the relaxed videos i’ve ever seen them make.. they’re not screaming or shouting or yelling or hamming things up for performance, they’re just keen to try making sushi together. again, soft boys, soft video :(
1:17 their indoor/off-cam voices make me go >:O 💖💕💓💝💞💞💘❤️
1:36 banter over phil pronouncing something wrong fjkfdhjgkfdjfk. again. people do not change!
1:52 phil. that moan was Not Necessary (dan snickers so i reckon he doesn’t think so either)
2:07 dan: “i’ll PLOUGH it” (alright dan calm down) phil: *fond chuckle*
2:12 dan does frankenstein once for english A level and then for the next ten years everything has to be about frankenstein
2:26 i’m still in awe of how young they sound, holy fucking shit. especially dan, he sounds so much less sure of himself than he does nowadays
2:36 dan: *literally just pouring sprinkles* phil: 
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*but fondly*
3:00 i hate that phil singing like that is so familiar
3:06 “maybe it’ll go fluorescent... DRAGON” alright scaley calm down
3:35 domestic bickering over how to decorate the cookie fkjkjsgkjf: dan’s annoyed voice, phil’s high pitched rebuttal, dan’s annoyed sigh. now that definitely has not changed
3:48 at this point they don’t even care about making the biscuit appealing, they’re just trying to make each other laugh (and it’s working :( )
3:51 ROCK PAPER SCISSORS *screams in domestic traditions*
3:59 full shot of their old breakfast bar :( manchester nostalgia :(
4:08 first shot of either of their faces and it’s phil’s stubble.. noice
4:35 at this point basically all of the soundtrack is giggling and laughter :( but dan’s chuckle at this moment got me especially like :( :( :(
4:50 nice ending on a MNT screenshot :(
in conclusion::: 10/10 :((( video, would definitely watch again
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gilibird · 4 years
hi everyone here’s my random thoughts on starry. the album came out jan 31 and i have not thought about anything since (it’s feb 2nd)
- so many words set me off now just cause of starkid, ex: “status quo” and “the grind”
- “raise your GLASS!” gave me hamilton flashbacks
- not to compare this work of art to,,, questionable hamilton but seriously. jo has major eliza vibes
- half of the songs remind me of songs from hamilton/DEH idk if i’m just crazy but-
- sunlight and storms is like that would be enough and the finale is a who lives, who dies, who tells your story X you will be found MASTERPIECE
- no one has mention the fact they say Paris the french way but. ok
- united in distaste, enlightenment, and the road are my favorites right now. that might change idk
- i feel the need to mention i forgot about this show completely until jan 31 when i woke up and realized OH YEAH THE ALBUM. i tried listening that day at school but i didn’t work akajsh. i didn’t have time to actually sit down and listen until last night on the bus at like 1am AND IT RLLY HIT DIFFERENT
- ALSO IM IN THIS GROUPCHAT ON INSTA WITH THE OFFICAL STARRY INSTA AND THEY TALK IN THERE A BUNCH ITS SO PURE. idk who runs the acc but i love them with all my heart. i might post some screenshots from that bc 🥺🥺💕
- i’ve been trying to do research on van gogh cause i went into this knowing absolutely nothing about impressionism. it’s hard my brain is small
- i could do a whole essay about my love for mariah god DAMN. ofc i found this musical thru mariah
- also wanna mention that, according to spotify.me, ive streamed 24 hours since jan 31 bc i’ve kept the album on repeat while i’ve been sleeping. flex? maybe.
- that’s all for now i will definitely add more sometime
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takingcourage · 5 years
Jaime x MC OTP Drabbles
I’m a Tumblr noob, friends. I don’t know how I managed to delete the ask with these requests, but I did. Thankfully, I took a screenshot prior to deleting: 
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The prompts themselves are in bold, and I’ve mixed up the order a bit so that they appear chronologically. Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoy. : ) 
Northbridge was a ghost town.
Sidestreets that were usually packed with weekend thrill-seekers were nearly bare, and the typical congestion on the thoroughfare was nonexistent. A quick glance out the windshield was enough to tell anyone why. 
Low, gray clouds had settled over the city a few hours before, spreading a thick blanket of impending precipitation over the visible world. If the meteorologists were to be believed, the first snowfall of winter was going to be brutal. 
As Jaime rolled to a stop at the red light, his phone vibrated from the seat beside him. Taking advantage of the pause, he checked the message. 
Are you coming home soon? 
With a thrill of anticipation, Jaime wondered when those words would stop feeling so significant. He’d only been engaged to Arden for a few weeks, but his concept of home had started changing long before that. 
He felt the buzz of a second message. 
You’re probably driving. Don’t respond if you are. 
The light changed again, and he tossed the phone back to the passenger seat. A newfound eagerness coupled with his earlier desire to beat the snow. 
Opie was waiting for him as soon as he walked in the door, tail wagging and ears perked. While Jaime paid the canine visitor with a toll of head scratches, Arden came into view. 
“So...” she dragged the word out as she leant down for a kiss. “Don’t get used to this because it’s definitely not going to happen every night, but I made dinner. Surprise!”
His hand faltered, but Opie didn’t seem to mind. Although Jaime tried to remain nonchalant, a vice of panic was starting to tighten. Whether it was the look on his face or his skeptical thoughts that tipped Arden off, he’d never know.
“Oh, stop!” she insisted, pulling a face. “This isn’t like that time I forgot the difference between garlic bulbs and garlic cloves -- I promise.” 
Jaime attempted to hide his sigh of relief, but the effort was futile. 
“I went really, really safe this time around. Didn’t even have to follow a recipe.”
He cocked a brow and followed her into the kitchen. Whatever it was, he had to admit that it smelled delicious. Looking to the counter, he could see the cardboard packaging pressed flat against the surface. 
With the evidence before him, it was impossible not to picture Arden poring over it meticulously, fidgeting with the hem of her sweatshirt as she double checked the oven temperature and second-guessed the number of holes she’d poked into the cling film.
“It’s just a frozen mix, so I know it’s not really cooking, but--”
Jaime hooked an arm around her waist, delighting in the quick suck of air as he tugged her into an embrace. “It’s perfect. Please tell me you’re planning to spend the night.” 
She let out a breathy laugh against his chest. “If this storm system is all it’s cracked up to be, I may be staying for longer than that.” 
He took a small step back, catching the mischievous smile that stole across her face. “Good.”
Never in his life had he hoped more for a blizzard.  
Somewhere between sorting the laundry and emptying the dishwasher, Arden started yawning. They were small yawns at first -- hardly distinguishable from deep breaths. But the longer they continued, the more pronounced they became. 
By the time she’d finished loading the clean towels into the dryer, she’d resolved that it was time for a second pot of coffee. 
Jaime was in the kitchen by the time she entered, taking stock of their pantry to compose a list for their customary weekend grocery run. His thoughts drifted into hers as their eyes met. 
You look exhausted. 
“I am exhausted. That’s why I’m here, actually.” With a gesture to the coffeemaker, she took a step toward the pantry. 
“I have a better idea.” 
She arched a quizzical brow, frowning as he blocked her access to the shelves.
“You don’t need caffeine,” he said by way of explanation. “You need sleep. What time did you come to bed last night?”
Tugging the cuffs of her sleeves down over her fingertips, she avoided his gaze.
She swallowed a sigh and relented. “3:30. I fell down a research hole.”
He gave a knowing nod before stepping in the direction of the entry. “Couch or bed?” 
“For your nap,” Jaime clarified.
“But there’s so much to do.” Although she whined, she still followed him toward the living room. 
“It’s not going to go anywhere while you sleep. Couch?”
She looked at the piece of furniture dubiously. “I’ll sleep better in bed.” 
Jaime scooped her into his arms without comment. As they mounted the stairs, Arden clung tight enough for him to easily hear the words she murmured against his neck. 
“Thanks for putting up with me.” 
“You’re welcome.” 
“And thanks for convincing me to take a nap. It’s a good idea.” 
“My pleasure.” 
“In general, just thanks for marrying me. I really need you, you kn--” the final syllable melted into an exaggerated vowel sound. 
He chuckled into her hair, depositing her carefully on the mattress. “I’d do it again in a heartbeat.” 
Arden didn’t bother with the lights as they came in. Her head was still throbbing from overstimulation, eyes straining to adjust back from the almost obscene brightness of the hall. As she shrugged off her silk evening wrap, she noticed a tingling in her extremities -- whether from residual excitement or the champagne, she couldn’t tell. 
In the ambient lighting, she watched Jaime sink as far as he could onto the narrow hotel-room couch. “You were amazing, Arden. And I hate to say I told you so, but...”
“Yeah, yeah,” she obliged, fumbling with the strap of one heel. 
“C’mere,” he beckoned, holding out a hand to ease her onto the couch beside him. Jaime coaxed her to put both feet onto his lap, capable hands making short work of the shoes’ fastenings. When he’d finished, he set them on the floor and stared back to his wife. “You just won an award.” 
“Uh-huh,” she confirmed, allowing her head to dip into a nod. 
“At the White House Correspondents’ Dinner.” 
"I’m still wrapping my head around that one.” She tossed her hair back, removing the set of pins that had been holding her bangs out of her face. 
“Have I told you that you’re amazing?”
Arden had to stifle a moan as he began kneading the balls of her feet. “I may have heard it once or twice.” 
“Sure you don’t want to pack up and move here?” The hint of humor told her that little more than idle curiosity drove the line of questioning.
“Only if you came with me.”
“But these are your people, Arden. Are you sure being in Northbridge isn’t holding you back?”
“Positive. Events like this are fun every once in a while, but all I really want is to be with you.”
“You don’t want the snazzy hairdos?”
Arden rifled her fingers through his abundant crop of hair, relaxing the hairspray that had been holding it in place for the past several hours. 
“How about the fancy suits?”
Loosening his tie, she pulled it over his head and cast it aside. When it was gone, she teased the button underneath. She could just feel his skin shiver under her fingertip.
With a mischievous smile, she lowered her feet and climbed on to his lap, tossing her skirt aside in a wave of deep blue. “Jaime, the only way I’m leaving Northbridge is if you’re with me. All I want is you.”
Even in the darkness, his eyes shone like fire. 
She held his gaze and slipped the first button loose. “Can I show you?”
You’re irresistible, Arden. 
“Thank you,” she intoned saucily. “I’m very, very grateful that you think so.” 
With a determined smile, she set about finishing what she’d started. 
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