#Ikemen Prince x Reader
redactedbimbo · 1 month
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Ok this is actually so sweet...
Also went back playing ikemen prince lol
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omkookie · 11 months
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"Don't worry. It's just me."
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⌈ ⚠️ 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 ⌉ Smut, Yandere!Rio, NONCON, somnophilia, choking, unprotected sex. Fem!MC
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Yandere Rio is so twisted that he no longer acts like Rio. He’s lost in the madness of his obsession, and his crazed mind can’t reason or differentiate right from wrong anymore...🩷
Rio thinks it's too much. Your endless studying, and undying devotion as Belle. You work far too much, way too hard, and you don't even treat yourself. That's why, as your caring butler he takes it upon himself to take care of you and relieve you of your stress. You wake up with his hand clasped over your mouth and his cock inside of you.
Your worried eyes frantically try to focus on him through the darkness of your room, and you thrash around, trying to scratch and kick your assaulter until you finally hear a familiar voice speak. "Don't worry. It's just me~" Rio says under his breath, And your eyes water with stinging hot tears. You feel dreadfully weak because you realize that it’s him. He, your most trusted person was raping you. That breaks your heart far more than knowing someone else was doing it.
Rio hears your muffled cries and quiet sobs, yet he pretends not to. His hand moves to your neck, and he gives your throat a hard enough squeeze as a warning for you to be quiet. “I’m going to take my hand off of your mouth, okay?” He speaks, and your erratic breathing increases as he warns you not to scream. “Don’t scream.” He says sternly, making sure to tighten his grip on your throat to get his words through your head.
He takes his hand off of your mouth, and you let out a whimper as you ask him why.
Why is he doing this?
“Because I love you so much! I want to make love to you and take care of you. You’ve been working so hard.” He says, as his other hand moves toward your hip to hold you.
What happened to your Rio? This one couldn’t be him. He just couldn’t.
“It’s okay! You don’t need to cry.” He tells you. “You know, I’m veeery happy to be with you.” He chuckles at the end, and you feel your stomach twist in disgust.
“I love you so much.” He repeats those words like they're a mantra.
He uses your body as he pleases, eventually tiring you out enough for you to stop resisting. You’re helpless, You can’t get him off of you, and he won’t be letting you go any time soon. His hips slam into yours harder now, making you jerk in surprise. You know he’s close, and he knows you’re tired. “You’re already sleepy?” he asks, and you nod, even if he can’t see it in the dark.
“Just give me a moment… I’m almost done.” He whispers, and you wait tiredly. Wait for him to finish filling you with his cum as if you were some toy. After what feels like forever, He finally does. A fresh stream of tears runs over the dried ones on your cheeks, and Rio snuggles against you, pressing you firmly against his body.
"I love you, Goodnight.” He kisses your shoulder, and you remain quiet.
You lie there, trapped in his arms and unable to get as much as a wink of sleep after what has happened. You feel dirty, sinful, disgusting. You want to take a shower and scrub your skin, hoping you can get him off of you, wash him away and wash off all of the guilt and shame that you feel.
You can’t sleep that night. You can’t get up and clean yourself, You can’t move an arm without his grip on you tightening. He’s not sleeping, and as his hand wraps around your neck to hold you in place, It slowly sinks in to you that you’ll never be able to sleep normally again.
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dotster001 · 7 months
No Touching!
Summary: Leon/Yves/Jin/Clavis x gn!reader. You don't know how to get through to them. So you tell them no touching until they change for the better.
A/N: Idk how I feel about Silvio, but this is the plot of his event route rn, and it's so cute that I decided to steal it.
CW: Jin is his own warning, so is Clavis, idk if there's any real warnings in this one though, oh blood and injury in Jin's part, allusions to spoilers for both Jin and Clavis' routes
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You told him he has to take care of himself (take breaks, have a decent bedtime, etc,) and he laughed, assuring you that he was fine. Since this wasn't the first time you'd had this conversation, you knew you had to take drastic measures.
“Until you learn to take care of yourself, you are not allowed to touch me.”
He stared at you for a minute, before bursting into laughter, reaching out his hand to mess up your hair. But you took a step back, just out of reach.
He grinned sharply.
“Real cute, Y/N. We'll see.”
It's Leon, so you know he's not trying to be patronizing…but the doubt in his voice in your ability to hold out just furthers your resolve.
He doesn't seem to believe you're serious at first. You're dating, why wouldn't he be able to wrap his arms around you, or press a short kiss to your cheek? Why wouldn't he be able to kiss you and cuddle you? Why wouldn't he be able to mess up your hair? Why shouldn't he scoop you up and take you where he wants to go?
He makes it about three days, partially because of how busy he is, before he calls you into his office for “an audience”. That's how you know you're in trouble. And then he gives you a talking to. About how this is childish. About how he's a busy man, and you're his stress relief, and now he doesn't have that. You almost forget how this started, giving into his speech.
But he slips. As you reach your hand over the desk to place it in his, his eyes twinkle with triumphant mischief. You pull your hand back at the last second, before standing up, and reminding him of the deal. Once he learns how to take care of himself, he can touch you again. He looks disappointed, but laughs anyway, saying he didn't think that would work, but worth a try.
It takes a little while. It takes some underhanded ploys on your part. It takes Sariel and Yves coming at him from two other angles. But eventually you catch him going to bed at consistent times. You see him delegating some of his paperwork to his brothers. You see him setting aside time to just be.
When you decide he's got the point, you silently slip into his office. You pull up a chair quietly, and sit next to him as he works. Then you place your hand on his knee.
It takes Leon a second to notice, but he slowly looks up from his work, then looks over at you. He smiles softly, and reaches out to cup your cheek. You tilt your head, preparing to nuzzle into his hand. But at the last second, his hand redirects to your head, and he nuzzles your hair so hard you're worried you'll get a migraine.
While you're dazed from the rigorous noogie, he wraps his arms around your middle, then drags you to the sofa in his office, laying you down, hovering over your body, and trapping your lips in a hungry kiss.
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As belle, naturally you have to interact with his brothers. And he doesn't mind! He understands, and he even encourages it. But…Clavis? Recently you've been assisting Clavis with a project Chevalier gave him. Day one, he'd stood far far away from you while he watched, for his own safety. But he was fine with everything. Clavis seemed to be acting respectful. So Yves decides it's safe to leave you.
Which must bore Clavis, because suddenly his hand is on your lower back as he leans in closer to you. You know it's just to get at Yves. But Yves has become far more secure, so he won't- oh no he's yelling. 
Once the project is finished, you think it's over, but both beasts have other plans. It's become an all purpose war, and you're the poor soul stuck between them. You know how this has to end. 
“Evie,” you say as Yves “brushes all traces of Clavis out of your hair”.
“Hm?” He grunts. Grunts. Lord, Clavis has really got to him.
“You know if you don't react, Clavis will get bored and go play with someone else, right?”
Another grunt, this one far angrier.
“He shouldn't touch what's mine.”
Oh. The beast is out to play. Brilliant.
“I'm mine, Yves.”
He groans, and practically slams the brush on the table.
“Yes, but you're my partner. Therefore no one else should touch you. Therefore he should keep his filthy hands to himself.”
“Okay, you need to calm down-”
“He needs to go away!”
You stare at him for a moment, deep in thought.
“I want you to remember, what I'm about to do is for your own good.”
He looks like he has a retort without you even saying anything, but you push on.
“Until you learn how not to react to him, you don't get to touch me. If he ‘can’t touch me’, neither can you!”
You walk out to a flurry of screams that you were not prepared for. You knew he'd flip out. You didn't expect this much.
It doesn't take long for him to not react to Clavis, because he just isn't talking to you, either. His stubbornness far outweighs his jealousy, and now that he isn't working adjacent to you. It's lonely for you, but, more importantly, boring for Clavis. After realizing Yves is no longer there for him to have fun with, he breezes through the rest of the project, and quite literally sends you on your way.
“Yves! I'm So proud of you!” You say happily as you enter the kitchen. Yves is angrily whisking eggs. While staring at the far wall. His jaw clenched.
“Yves?” You walked over to him, running your fingers through his hair. “Look, I know you hated that, but if you can put last Clavis like this every time, he'll give up on messing with you!”
He continues whisking and staring at the wall.
“Aren't you going to spill your eggs if you keep whisking that hard?”
“I don't like touching you, anyway!” He shouted, slamming the bowl of eggs on the counter.
Both of you stared at each other, and his eyes widened as he realized what he said.
You know he didn't mean it. You know it's a defense mechanism. But, dang, he's so easy to mess with. So you turn on your heel to leave.
“Wait, wait, wait,” he cries, and you feel his arms around you, as he presses his face to your back. “‘m sorry. I love you. I missed touching you.”
You hum in agreement.
“I'll give you some of the cake I'm making. I'm very sorry.”
“I'll forgive you,” you say with a giggle.
After he finishes the cake, he sits in your lap, and hand feeds it to you.
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You know he's the secret that holds up the kingdom. But this can't be good for him. He can't keep showing up in your shared room, covered in blood. Sometimes he doesn't even wake you up. He just walks in, lays down, and passes out. Sometimes he doesn't even make it to the bed. He gets to the side of the bed you sleep on, sits down, and falls asleep, and you wake up to blood all over your carpet. 
It's the third time this month. Luckily you were up this time, so you cleaned the wound, and bandaged him up. 
You quietly finished wrapping bandages around him. You could practically hear him grin as he spoke.
“Wasn't that bad tonight.”
In pain, or not in pain, he relished anytime your hands were on him. Which took the bite out of your silent treatment.
“Anyway,” he reached out for you, intending to pull you against him, but you took a step back. He grinned.
“Oh? Are we playing a game?”
“You can't keep doing this. There has to be someone who can do all this from time to time. Someone who can give you a break.”
“Nope,” he reached out again, and you took another step back. This time he quirked an eyebrow.
“I don't like that look on your face,” he said, still grinning. 
You took another step back, hopefully far enough back if the beast decided to pounce.
“I'm going to sleep in the guest room. I really want you to think about training someone to help you.”
The beast tensed up, and you took another step back in preparation.
“And until you do that, you cannot touch me,” you said the last bit as fast as possible then bolted out the door. You slammed it behind you, seeing Jin two steps behind.
He naturally did not take to your suggestion. He seemed to think it was a joke at first. Which is why you locked the guest room door. He tries to sweet talk his way in, but when he sees you're serious, the voice outside the door gets quiet.
The next morning, when you get up to get ready for the day, you find Jin sleeping outside the door. You press a kiss to his cheek and he opens his eyes.
“I thought I wasn't allowed to touch you.” “I didn't say I couldn't touch you.” “Well, new rule, you can't touch me until I'm allowed to touch you.”
He plays so dirty. He stands literal inches from you, his hot breath in your ear as he whispers about how once you crack, you'll never leave his arms again. He'll tell you in graphic detail how he's going to kiss you so hungrily that you won't even think about trying this again. 
“I told you! No touching!” You snapped at Jin, ignoring the book you had been attempting to take off the shelf.
You couldn't. You just couldn't. His hot breath, and pretty words, and constant presence was making this a punishment for you, not him.
“I'm not touching you,” he purred. You looked to the side. His lips, indeed, weren't touching you, just hovering. You looked down. His hands weren't on your hips, just hovering. But both his lips and his hands were so close, you could have sworn you felt him touching you. And this wasn't the first instance. 
Over the last twelve hours, his hovering was closer and closer, so that you constantly felt his touch on you, despite him not touching you at all.
Between that and his pretty words….
“God! Okay! I give up! Bleed to death if you want, just touch me!” You cried. Instantly, the distance was closed, and his hands were on your hips, his lips on your cheek. 
“I'll be more careful, since it bothers you so much,” Jin whispered, as one of his hands left your hip, and moved to massage comforting circles on your stomach.
He didn't learn anything from this. At least not the lesson he should learn. But you've learned that you'll need a different tactic to get through to him.
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He'd been slipping into old habits, staying up as late as he physically could to study, talking down to himself in his head, skipping meals to care for his kingdom. Cyran, and his servants, and citizens know that you're the one who keeps him sane, and beg you to talk to him. They're worried.
So you try to.
“Clavis,” you said, trying to get his attention as he hastily made a plate of food from the spread the servants had laid out.
“Aw, feeling needy? Don't worry, I'll tend to you when I'm finished,” he said with a smirk.
You'll give him that. He may neglect himself, but he never neglects you.
“I'm worried you're overdoing it.”
“I assure you, as a gentleman, I would never give you cause to worry.”
It's a back and forth, where he clearly wants to rush to his room to finish something, but also doesn't want you to be too mad at him when he wants cuddles later. It gets tense, and finally you shout.
“If you're not going to take these concerns seriously, you can't touch me until you learn to!”
Clavis' plate falls to the ground as his jaw drops. Various servants are shaking their heads in fear, kneeling on the floor in prayer, Cyran himself looks green, like he could throw up at any moment.
Clavis opens and shuts his mouth a couple times, before a slow smile spreads on his face. You know that smile. That smile is never good.
“Alright,” he says, before walking out of the room. The second he's gone, the silence is broken, and everyone is crying, shouting, and talking at you.
You don't see Clavis for a week. But everyone else does. And they all come back to you to tell you all about it. Apparently, with his favorite person not around to play with, the pranks and horrible cooking have skyrocketed. He's acting maniacal, like a true villain.
Not your problem. At least that's what you say that first week. Then you walk out of your room in the morning, and slip on a banana peel. When you look up, you see various innocent victims also slipping on the peel lined hallway. Including Cyran, who looks on the brink of tears as he pleads with you to talk to Clavis.
You find him in his office. Eating a banana.  He says something along the lines of, “If it isn't the love of my life. How can I help you?” “You know why I'm here.” “Do I?” “Yes.”
You tell him you get that he's bored without you to focus his energy on. But leave the Innocents out of it. He puts on a shocked face, assuring you he has no idea what you're talking about. But with the glint in his eyes, you know he heard you. In all the wrong ways.
It's quiet. Too quiet. Cyran assures you that Clavis has been doing his work as normal, just with less pranking. But still. It's far too quiet for your liking. 
Then the other shoe drops. You find a note in your room. A ransom note of sorts. You can't read it, but you catch the words, Rio, visit, and tower. So you leave your room in a rush. Only to be stopped by Cyran, who hands you an object. He tells you it's a newish invention, used for being out on hot days. He's been saving it for an emergency, and the time has come.
Clavis gets you revealing nightwear from time to time. But you've never worn pants like this. They couldn't even really be called pants, as there was very little leg to them. Cyran told you that people called them “shorts”.
Your legs were exposed, but you knew this would destroy the Clavis bomb.
You walked up to the tower, and when you entered you saw him looking out the far window.
“Y/N, I've been expecting yo-” he almost sounded like he was going to vomit the way he cut himself off as he turned to you.
Rio rotated his tied up body around, then went bright red, his eyes lighting up as he spoke excitedly behind the gag.
“Geh,” Clavis said, less a word and more a sound, as he stared at your legs.
You stalked over to Rio, feeling powerful, as you un gagged him.
“Y/N, you look so beautiful,” Rio said with hearts in his eyes. “And you came to save me? I can't help but fall more in love with you!”
That snapped Clavis out of it, mostly. He strode over to Rio, and covered his eyes, ignoring the disappointed whine.
“What- what- what-,” he choked out, unable to put a thought together. “Legs,” he spit out, still sounding like he'd vomit.
“Free Rio, prove to me you can take care of yourself, and you can see me in these shorts whenever you want,” you tried to say it without embarrassment, because while Clavis could get jealous, that wouldn't stop him from asking you to wear them everyday.
He whined, reaching out for you with the grabby hands of a toddler. You took a step back and gave him a stern look.
“Y/N,” he whined. “I'll be good. I'll take care of myself. I'll let the hound go. Just lemme touch!”
“You swear?” You ask.
He nodded quickly, his eyes pinned to your legs.
“Release Rio, then you can-”
He moved so fast, you couldn't finish the thought. He cut Rio loose, fell to his knees, wrapped his arms around your legs, and pressed the side of his face to your thighs.
All in the span of seconds.
“Rio, can you-” you began.
“I'm leaving, don't worry. I'll see you later.” He walked past, and you stared down at the blissed out Clavis who was singing something under his breath, to your legs.
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etheries1015 · 7 months
"Oh?" Sariel said amusingly to the cold blonde prince, "I figured you two would get along nicely, seein as (y/n) is the author of one of your favorite books." Chevalier paused, eyes widening slightly in shock before going reverting back to normal cold stare.
"Oh!" You chirped up, "you've read my books? which one is your favorite?" You chuckled excitingly, not getting much of a reaction out of the brutal beast.
"I was not aware you were an author," Chev said, looking at you, "Be that is it may; You do not seem to conduct yourself the way you write." You scrunched your nose together and pursed your lips.
"Ouch," You chuckled, "What a backhanded compliment, thank you."
"Huh?" Luke chimed in with a tilted head, "But when looking into your background your name wasn't anywhere linked to any sort of author," He pointed out, a smile of admiration playing on his features. You shrugged before teasingly responding, "Haven't you heard of a pen name?" Raising an impressed eyebrow, Noktos lips curled up in a sly smile. "Oh? You'll have to tell me what it is, so I can read it myself, I would love to see what our precious Belle can do. Do you have a copy with you?"
Clavis roared out in laughter, pulling a very familiar book from behind his back, handing it over to Nokto. Where had he gotten that? Nobody knows, and never will, I suppose.
"I had already known of your writing endeavors!" He boasted, "Yours truly even took a read. Although, I fear your story lacks a very distinct amount of fun..."
Silvio, who was also listening in, decided to take the liberty of snatching the book out of Noktos hand, asking what only any businessman would ask.
"So...how much of a profit have ya made off of your books?" He studied it dubiously in hand, feeling the grooves of the spine and quality of the pages, "You must be pretty well off if it's considered the 'brutal beasts' favorites." With a haughty smile, he naturally threw in, "If I like it enough, I might even invest in it, if you'll make a deal with me, I'll be sure all of Benetoite knows your name, lady." Sighing slightly you gave him a side glance before rolling your eyes.
"I make enough to be content. what matters is that others enjoy my writing, not how much I make off of it." You replied bluntly. Silvio only scoffed before keith also gave his two cents, holding out his hand for Silvio to hand him your book. With a startled look, his eyes lit up in excitement.
"I've read this book! you wrote it? I'm a huge fan of all of your works, the way you write is so mesmerizing it's difficult to put it down! Would you mind uh- ah..." He stopped himself with a blush tainting his cheeks, "I'm sorry! You must not like being bombarded with all of my questions. I-" You interrupted Keith with a hearty chuckle.
"Don't worry Keith, let's have tea and sweets sometime and you can ask me all you want." You threw a side glance at Chevalier, "You're welcome to join as well, Prince Chevalier." He glanced up from his paperwork in hand only for a mere second, enough for you to understand he heard what you had suggested.
"Ah-" Keith started as Gilberts hand snaked from behind and snatched the book out of his hand, flipping the book to it's back to read the synopsis. He looked up at you with his piercing red eye, his smile unwavering as he tucked the hardcover under his arm.
"A noblewoman writing a book in an alias," He hummed, "I believe any other would like their name to be well known, to bring up their family name and increase the likelihood of their popularity," You froze in place and glanced around the room for an awkward moment, trying to think of some excuse to tell the Obsidianite prince. After a moment of silence, he let out a low giggle, turning on his heel and heading out the door.
"I'm only teasing, little rabbit. Thank you for the book, I sincerely hope you do not disappoint. After all, if he (chev) likes it, surely it must have its merits. I will find you when I'm done, I want to join in on your little tea party to discuss my thoughts as well." You sucked in your breath as he left the room, your pursed lips coming apart with a 'pop!'.
"Well," You chuckled nervously, grabbing the drink Silvio had graced you with and lifting it in the air before downing the contents, "Here's to hoping he likes the book!"
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riveranova · 2 months
(A/N): Aaand the second part! <3
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IkePri's Sleeping positions! x GN! Reader - Part 2
Characters: Chevalier, Luke, Yves, Jin, Licht, Leon, Ikemen Prince
Word Count: 335
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Chevalier Michel
Sleeping schedule worse than Jin's haircut
He's a hugger, 100%
No matter if it's a pillow or a poor, little rabbit
Doesn't sleep much, usually a really light sleeper
We know that he doesn't like to wake up early (slay)
So get ready to get squished to death by him
Luke Randolph
Sleeps everywhere, anytime
Sometimes you wonder if they way he's sleeping ever hurt him
Snores. Snores really loud. You'd think there was a construction side in the garden but suprise! it's just Luke
Head back, arms crossed, legs spread
Ffs, he's taking up the ENTIRE bench
Sleeps like a rock but open a jar of honey and he's awake and ready for duty! (eating the honey)
Yves Kloss
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I will not elaborate further.
Jin Grandet
Similar to Luke, but less.. messy?
Manspreads like his life depends on it, too
But doesn't sleep around the palace (he does but that's a different thing-)
Takes up the entire bed, face first into the pillows
Honestly, he looks like he just fell into bed and went ''fuck it, this is how I sleep today''
On top of his covers, sometimes uses them when it's cold or he has uhm... 'guests' over
Licht Klein
Sleeps like a sick victorian child
Completely still in the middle of the bed, covers halfway up his chest and hands folded on top of them
Quiet, not a single sound can be heard, not even breathing
Doesn't turn around, ever
Just sleeps like that, still, unmoving
When you sleep in the same bed, you'll have to curve around him
Leon Dompteur
''I don't have any space, Leon.''
''Me neither.''
Camera cuts to the entire bed
You lay at the edge of your side, almost falling off while Leon hugs you from behind, the entire bed behind him is empty
Will not move, no matter what
Steals blankets just to throw them to the ground
Hugs you like a baby koala, so you don't even need those blankets :)
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whatever-fanfics · 4 months
Growing pains
Tw: Contains children, traumatic past (light mention),
When you were pregnant with your first child you believed Silvio would be ecstatic. And he was, immediately you were surrounded by caretakers. The best of the best, not only including doctors and midwives, but also the best guards, and guard dogs Rio. He knew you would want to prepare for your baby as soon as possible, so he made all the arrangements of having the room next to you shared one cleared. And cleaned, he didn't want you touching dirt and dust, you're his queen for fucks sake. His pregnant queen. He learned not to underestimate you, pregnant or not, when you two chose out the furniture for the babies room and you asked him to help you rearrange it to your liking. He told you he would do it after his meeting and came back to you pushing a dresser from one end of the room to the other. Why couldn't you wait, he just-you know what never mind! It took him a while but he eventually was able to be on the same page as you. Soon enough when your second baby came around, you knew Silvio would have some reservations on them. He didn't say anything, of course, but he never heeded to not with you. Even as you saw the twisted nerves of his stomach evident on his face along with his knitted eyebrows as your now 5 year old son approached. Wriggling himself down from his uncles arms, to cautiously walking over to the bassinet next to your bed. You all watched, Silvio held his gaze in bated breath. As harsh memories flooded his mind. They swarmed harsh glares and harsher words, misunderstandings and miscommunication. As much as he was content with how he and his brother's relationship was at present. He doesn't want that for his children. He gets startled as his five year old son jumps back in surprise from his brother's newborn cries. Extending his arm to make sure he didn't fall, which the young boy didn't notice as he quickly made his way back over once the cries died down. You all leaned down and looked tentatively as he turned back around, eyes full of stars and wonder, as he whispered, "can I keep him?"
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writer-akihiko · 1 year
Hi, this is the first time doing this but may I ask for one for Ikeprince where Belle was the childhood friend for the princes but they lost contact after many years and only meet again during the prologue. Thank you.
Rekindled Connection: IkePri Princes
I've officially returned! Thank you to everyone who's waited honestly. Also, I assume that you don't want me to spoil any content, so a few characters are omitted from the ask such as Gilbert, Silvio and Keith. Contains spoilers for Leon's and Luke's route mainly, but the rest are route spoilers inclined.
"The new Belle of Rholodite, YN." Sariel announced.
Jin Grandet
Even before the meeting, he dreaded the day to meet the new Belle. He was careful to hide his discontent from someone like Sariel and his younger brothers, promising to never involve himself with Belle
Your careful entrance to the hall where the princes gathered was expected, but Jin didn't expect… you. His princely seductive smile faltered, his face drawn to a harsh scowl instead
He knew who you were. He didn't know if the rest did,  but it didn't cross his mind as his fist slammed against the table
Leon and Chevalier stopped their welcoming greetings, the princes' eyes on their eldest. Jin stormed out, clutching you by the arm, before glowering at Sariel. "She was never supposed to be a part of this."
Your soft protests rang in his ears down the hallway, before Jin pulled you tight to his chest
"YN… Why did you become the Belle?" His voice near breaking, he'd never wish such a fate upon you, even if it was your way of reconnecting with him
The guards slowly closed on him, however, with Jin as your shield, the common guards couldn't bear the thought of harming the first Prince Jin Grandet
Nearing the gardens, you struggled enough to pull away from the prince who suddenly seized you. The frenzy of the day got to you, unable to even lift your head in front of the country's princes… The fear rushed to your head that one of the princes wanted to take you immediately
All panic fled once you saw the man with the brown hair who you met oh so long ago. "Jin…?"
He stopped, regretfully turning to you. "I'll explain more later," He said, glancing back at the advancing guards. "Trust me one more time, YN."
Chevalier Michel
Oh, how he wanted to curse his deceased father from beyond the grave… There was a note of familiarity when he first saw you
As much as he wanted to be delighted, his position was too fragile. He couldn't protect you definitely from those corrupt nobles
He let a few days past, before he heard a knock to his office door. You were there, as he predicted. You would've seeked him out, one way or another
He allowed Clavis and Nokto to be in the same room, so he wasn't surprised when your smiles and clumsy behaviour turned solemn upon meeting him
"I didn't mean to, Chev." You began. The other princes wondered how were you so bold to address the prince without title, much less a nickname
He hushed his brothers, before turning to Clavis. Whispers of preparations filled the room, before Chevalier got up, exiting the room just before whispering in your ear to follow Clavis' words
The first emotions that go through his head were of fondness towards you. There were many things he kept buried behind his aloof personality, you included
He had left, not sparing much of a glance to you. He's been pissed off the entire week due to you being Belle. He read your letters of your explanation before, remembering that it was tucked with the past writings he kept from you since you both were children
Of course things wouldn't go smoothly, with how cunning Sariel was. Nokto and Luke getting drunk with their older brother Jin was as much proof as he needed, and soon you were kept from him
Clavis and you weren't oblivious to the situation. Being forbidden from leaving the palace until you made your decision made your and Chevalier's life ever more difficult. It wasn't something you expected, but sooner it became more comfortable even with the sudden addition of secret lessons of queendom here and there as Chevalier wrote that it was for you
Your lives were still as separated as before, but the letters were ever so warm as you both hid behind the guise of your titles. It was not time yet to be reunited with your childhood lover, so all Chevalier could do was send you a rose from afar…
Clavis Lelouch
The first emotions that go through his head were of fondness towards you. There were many things he kept buried behind his aloof personality, you included
He couldn't believe that you were that person oh so long ago, and neither can you. Clavis now was unlike before, perhaps it was better to focus on the task at hand
He stumbled over you upon the first meeting, but you made an effort to avoid him afterwards… but gosh darn was this man persistent
Bringing up things of the past, wondering if you had him in your heart… How were you supposed to know that he was a prince all those years ago? The time it was only nailed into your head was when the soldiers showed up was to threaten your loved ones
All these years and he wasn't a prince who'd comply to such rules. The opportunity given by Sariel was a way to make things better at home, so you insisted to follow them by the book
Somehow someway, Clavis Lelouch finds a way where it was just a moment between you two. The aloof prince gone, and a glimpse of perhaps the shy prince you once fell for
"Back then, maybe I did care, Clavis," You said. "It's not the time for me to be nice to you anymore. I ask you do not address me as if I were your friend."
He held on to you, stating how he never forgot your kindness towards him and how he too was forced to throw you away. "Just once, may we begin anew?"
Multiple instances of his pleas and your wavering heart finally was his. The pace was by your terms as there were clearly rules against your relationship Not like Clavis cared much for the rules anyway…
He got a kick out of giving a few nobles a heart attack after oh so kindly threatening them to denounce his title if they deny your marriage…
Leon Dompteur
He doesn't mention it at first, as he wanted to confirm his suspicions. Back then, you were the young girl who would secretly hand them off food when your family bakery was near its closing
He remembered how you still continued such, even after his adoption. For years he had to find you once again after news of your family migrating to Obsidian. You being Belle is simply another part of you that would give him the pleasure of getting to know you once more
How you returned, he'd never knew. His other brothers must've realised how much you piqued the interest of Leon so much so that he invited you often for small talks
From a few moments of conversing, he doubted that you remembered him. Nonetheless, he wanted to know more about the one who saved him back then
The sliver of friendship back then began to grow into companionship. You were someone that Leon could visibly relax around, and Leon was someone you could forget your duties with
It wasn't until Yves found that you had a knack for baking, and soon your goodies were presented to Leon's faction Your good friend takes nothing but a loaf of bread, not even the sweets you laboured over…
It made you quite curious, yet you couldn’t help but giggle from the adorable Leon's face stuffed with bread
As you stare longer at his stuffed face, the roundness of his cheek and his glinting smile… It was a moment of dejavu. Particularly the small boy back then who would always smile after you gave him bread…
Shaking off the connection, you excused yourself as you tried to recount any memories of the boy and Leon. It was uncanny for sure, but the conclusions drawn up in your head were too close to be ignored
"I had a feeling you figured it out," The voice belonging to none other than Leon emerged next to you. "Hello YN, I've missed you."
Yves Kloss
He was… surprised to say the least. He was silent the entire meeting, not moving from his chair even at your personal introduction to him
He at first, was unsure if you recognised him. Everything that you knew of him back then… he’s a different Yves now. The childish promises weren’t something that he should believe in again
Back then, he was a hopeless child, wishing to the little girl in his eyes who was his princess with a promise of marriage. “YN… pwease marry me when… when I’m bigger!”
The mortifying scenarios that repeated back in his head only served to push him away from you. It’s best if you forgot about him really, as much as he feels inclined to uphold his promise…
Jealousy did not catch him when he saw you amongst his brothers, but the irritation of some of them to pursue you so recklessly made him want to jump in at the chance
He wasn’t being demanding, was he? It was only a simple invitation to a tea party… with just him involved. Well, anything to get you away from Nokto really
He noticed you carried with you a flower ring, usually of any strays from the gardeners. You’d keep it around your ring finger ever so tightly, being frightened if it were to fall off
Oh… what an idiotic child Yves was. He proposed to you with a flower ring. All these years, you’d waited for him
His constant glances at your finger, particularly the flower, made you laugh. “Belle… YN… You knew it was me didn’t you?”
You picked up one of his favourite tarts, holding it to his face. “And if I said yes, would you finally replace this flower ring on my finger with a real one?”
Licht Klein
He wasn’t someone that would attract too much attention, especially with how boisterous and loud the others were. Yet, he couldn’t shake your gaze off of him. Why were you so attentive to him?
There was some note of familiarity to how you acted. There was no air of nobility about you, instead a comfort that was akin to a friend that kept his attention
It… began to be distracting for him. Not an annoyance like Clavis, but distracting enough to be a constant reminder throughout his day. It was… a welcomed distraction, if he was fully honest with himself
The day where you observed your duties as Belle could make him care less, however the times where you were scheduled to visit made him much more active. His brothers saw his much more vocal participation in such meetings
Much to Licht’s own detriment, Clavis and Leon of all people, always informed where your location was. Leon much less, but he’d always find a way to give Licht a heads up. Clavis was much more of an annoyance, but Jin was the worst, giving Licht money to buy ‘nicer clothes to impress YN’
It was not until you gifted him a woven bracelet did he remember you. Unable to deny the flood of memories that struck him, he pulled you into a soft embrace, sniffling tears that stained your dress. Murmurs of ‘why didn’t you tell me’ and apologies spilled from him
All you did was reply, saying how much you missed him as you stroked his back gently. Yes, you were the little girl who always played with him and Nokto, constantly comforted Licht’s lonely moments until you were forcefully taken away from him
By law, the land you resided in belonged to Jade instead, and all form of contact lost except for a woven bracelet you last left when you played together. He kept it with him, treasuring it even to its last threads
As he thought about it, your predicament only angered him. You did not deserve to be thrown into a castle of beasts, surrounded by only those who wish to use you
His trajectory as a prince now included you, to free you from any burdens as Belle. He acts in secret, just as his feelings towards you. It is not the right time to tell you, so locked shall his affections be
Nokto Klein
He doesn’t recall you. None of it really. He truly made a fool of himself when it came to you. An honest fool in fact…
Nothing to you clicked for him. Really, it’s not his fault, given that you two were about the age of toddlers when you played with each other. You didn’t know it was him either, continuing on your days as normal
Nokto regardless was a flirtatious man to you. His affections did not cease, yet he’s drawn to you for your utter perseverance to refuse him. The person who really comforted you was none other that Licht, his own brother. Nokto found his twin embracing you in joy one day, and he was utterly confused
He trailed you and his twin, until the point he reached the servant’s quarters. What were you two doing there? Surely, Nokto thought that you were in a secret relationship with his own brother! One of the princes… It frustrated him so, realising that the flirtations turned to genuine love for you
He was being cynical, wanting to catch you and use such information against you but he stopped when Licht took out a beaded necklace to give to you. One that belonged to their mother’s loyal maid…
“How dare you?!” He stormed the room, ready to draw his sword to his own brother and you. Licht knew how much such memories meant to Nokto. The loyal maid in question was one who cared for them in the absence of their mother, in happier times…
“How dare I? How dare you!” You argued back, clutching the necklace. “This was my mother’s!” You ran out the door, leaving the two princes in shock
Licht simply looked at his brother in distaste, “I don’t have to spell everything out for you.” Heeding the words of his twin, he searched for you. It was not difficult, considering your limitations and boundaries within the castle walls.
For once in his life, he apologised. With full sincerity. “I didn’t realise you were… her. It all makes sense,” He added. “Your mother... she meant a lot to me.”
The comforting silence that hung between you two was enough for Nokto. His feelings would come after another apology, one for his jealousy and another for confessing his feelings. He would hope you waited, just as he did
Luke Randolph
He didn’t want to meet you personally, since any past connections would ruin his purpose being there. It would hurt to explain anything and everything that happened after you left
He was a silent observer, going out of his way to make sure your adjustment to the castle was as well as it could be. You were still surrounded by the beasts he called as his brothers after all
Despite his refusal to meet you, you find a way to surprise him regardless. He was often the consumer for your sweets, especially your honeyed cookies. It was too hard to pass up!
The differences in your schedules lead to your once childish exchange of letters. Small notes of ‘We’re meeting up right?’ or ‘Remember to bring some snacks…’ passed between you, reigniting the cheerful friendship once again
He often thinks to skip his missions and meetings that aren’t in the palace. He knew he was getting attached, and that was dangerous. Yet… seeing you innocently reading in the garden makes him want to abandon everything he’s worked for
He doesn’t end up skipping work due to your persistence, but regardless he is skipping if it involves escorting you anywhere. It’s just another hangout, with fancier clothes and food
Ah… he’s going crazy. The second time he’s escorting you, it hits him. It hits him hard how much he cares for you. It’s dangerous really, but he’s a beast. Danger often follows the beast…
Afterwards, he’s more forward, especially with his brothers that you’re his. Some understand, some intend to tease while others have the intention to pry you from his hands. They’ll have to deal with his bared fangs first
It’s a stupid decision to tell you everything, but many nights with a burden would bring anyone’s shoulders down. Those in the past, how much they mean to him… To him, you matter the most, when you hug your bear, allowing him to weep
Some things are left in the dark, but as they are brought to light, he hopes you’re able to face it with him together. “YN… if anything… put yourself first before me okay? Just like last time…”
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chandeliermichel · 28 days
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Welcome to my 1k followers event! Before requesting, please read the rules:
A person can request 2-3 drabbles (with different dialogues every time).
No nsfw content. These will be kept sfw with hints of suggestiveness (if the scene requires it), but nothing that has major nsfw in it.
You need to select a character from the fandoms: Ikemen Villains OR Ikemen Prince. After you have selected a character, choose a dialogue from the ones given below:
Also, please mention if the chosen dialogue is from '1' or '2' :)
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The requests will close once I have gotten 50 of them! I hope everyone will take part and have fun ^^
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onceonafullmoon · 1 year
A Marionette's Ball
Yan! Chevalier x Fem! Reader x Yan! Gilbert
Tw!! Manipulation, threats of violence, implied captivity, period typical misogyny and Gilbert Von Obsidian himself
You didn’t tame shit; you were at best, a sacrificial lamb sent to curb the hunger of a ravenous tiger, only to end up becoming a plaything instead of a meal.  And now you were here, having somehow fooled another apex predator into thinking you were some sort of beast in your own right.
You need to stop fiddling with your necklace.
You know you need to calm down, but doing so is another story; you can practically feel the weight of everyone’s stares on you, not malicious, but prying still in their curiosity.
And it’s tough fighting the urge to snatch one of the champagne flutes off of the waiter's plates and down it in one gulp, but the subtle warning of Chevalier’s fingers pressing at your waist helps you forget the idea.
Just make a good impression and then you’ll get to go back to your own schedule with only one scrutinizing set of eyes on you.
It’s almost impossible to mess this up anyways, with all the effort Sariel has been putting into making you a “true lady befitting of a prince”.
The audacity of that claim makes you laugh. 
As if you had a choice in any of this. 
As if you were something more than a puppet on a string pulled by the most powerful man in the kingdom.
Nevertheless, you pushed through the lessons easily enough, it was, at the very least, an escape from Chevalier’s smothering presence, although you would rather have buried your nose into a good book instead.
At any rate, it doesn’t seem like much of your work will be put into play considering the way that Chevalier has you glued to his side.
You suppose you get the hostility, he’s always been a touch smothering even before… this, and it doesn’t help that princes from other nations are currently visiting too.
Not that you would have the opportunity to meet any of them considering how anal Chevalier was about your “safety”.
In fact, if it were a year ago when you were still “unruly” he would have probably kept you chained in his room the whole time.
Well, if all good behavior amounted to was this then you probably could have thrown a fit to get yourself locked up again. Now it was too late, and you were stuck smiling fakely at some random noble who came to give his greetings. 
“My, my, if it isn’t the mystery woman that everyone’s been wondering about. Everyone’s been wondering about the one who stole the Chevalier Micheal’s heart, it's a pleasure to finally be able to meet you.” The nobleman, who you recall vaguely being named Lord Wessley, greets you with a certain, subtle prying look on his face as he studies you.
“Oh, you flatter me, but I’m afraid I’m not much to speak of. Any compliments should be redirected towards my fiancé.” You smile, cringing at the use of the word fiancé but happy enough with the way Chevalier’s brow furrows ever so slightly in annoyance.
You can almost hear his voice ringing out in your ears.
“If you have enough time to dish out praise, then you have enough time to do something useful with yourself, simpleton.”
“Praise worthy indeed!” Another man cuts in, rudely, albeit he’s possibly a bit drunk already. “An arsenal of military feats, a genius intellect that only appears once a century, and now a bride to be, you’re truly something else Prince Chevalier!”
You have to try your hardest to bite back the laugh bubbling up in you and Chevalier slightly grimaces.
Wessley furrows his eyebrows slightly at the intrusion but doesn’t comment, or rather, doesn’t get the chance to comment as he’s interrupted again. 
“And what a beauty she is, I can see why you’ve kept her locked up away from the rest of us!”
And now you are no longer smiling.
Karma really is a bitch.
The grip around your waist tightens and you find yourself conflicted about whether to celebrate the (hopefully only) verbal lashing this misogynistic bastard will get or to intervene for the sake of this very clearly drunk man.
Empathy wins out in the end, but also because you don’t trust Chevalier not to immediately jump at the chance to “incidentally” find this man charged with treason.
“I’m flattered by praise, truly, but you look a bit sickly to me, are you feeling alright?”
He opens his mouth to reply, but you cut him off smoothly.
“Poor thing, I bet you can hardly stand, much less answer coherently, but there are several couches in the foyer for you to rest at. I’d escort you myself but, considering the circumstances, perhaps Lord Wessley can escort you instead?”
Of course, Wessley himself isn’t too keen on leaving the conversation, seeing as he probably started it to discuss his own business. But when you phrase it in such a way of offering good will, he can’t refuse. 
With a furrowed brow he replies in kind and leaves.
Perhaps Sariel’s lessons did come in handy, you think as you find yourself alone again.
A sigh from Chevalier has you mending your thoughts, not completely alone, unfortunately.
“How bothersome.” He grumbles, finally letting his arm drop from your waist.
“Yeah, being stuck around someone you can’t stand, tell me about it.” 
He gives you a look which would scare the living daylights out of even a battle hardened soldier, to which you innocently smile at.
You know him well enough to know when you’re actually in trouble.
“What? Just offering some words of support in your trying times Prince Chevalier, now wipe that look of murder off before our guests get any ideas.”
Your smile dips into a frown when instead of falling for the taunt he smirks at you.
“Prince Chevalier? I recall being referred to as fiancé earlier.”
You narrow your gaze, regretting your earlier decision to speak.
“Don’t read much into it, you’ll strain your eyes trying to find nothing.”
He simply smirks again.
“Complacency is a dangerous thing isn’t it?”
He leans in closer, tilting your head up, sending roils of annoyance and slight embarrassment through you as you fix your eyes on his face, unwavering from his.
“...It’d be a shame for you, if all your efforts were for naught.”
He chuckles derisively, letting you go. 
“Now, wipe that look of murder off before our guests get any ideas.”
You glare at him, annoyed that he used your words against you, before deciding to make a tactful retreat.
“Now that I’ve taken care of your nuisances, I’m taking care of mine for a bit and freshening up. Does that please your highness, or should I stay tethered to your side for another hour?” 
He scoffs. 
“Just don’t get lost, simpleton.”
To use Clavis’s terminology, the Cheva translation of that would mean: “Go ahead, but if you aren’t back in 10 minutes I will find you and there will be consequences.”
“...Whatever your highness wishes.”
You supposed Chevalier already knew that you weren’t going to the bathroom to freshen up, rather instead to find a private area to ruminate at being bested by him once more, and that almost made you even more upset.
It’s stupid that you’re even angry, you know that there's no winning a fight against him. It was already a given that he would twist your words around in an attempt to make you succumb to him, and yet…
You furrow your brow as you turn the corner.
It was all you could do, if you could annoy him, even just a bit then that would be victory enough… 
At least it should be, if you didn’t get carried away with it.
But damn you for having a competitive streak and damn him for pointing out the one idea that would make you sick to your stomach.
(Although, maybe if you thought about it more, you would find it was only his own sick desires taking form in his words.)
“Complacency, my ass.” You mutter, as you push open the door to the library.
Despite this being originally Chevalier’s domain, you’ve also been quite the avid reader, and so any time alone with books was welcome. And even if you weren’t alone… well at least he had the sense not to disturb you, outside of his general presence.
Scanning the room when you enter, you find your eyes catching on the rows of bookshelves before halting when you see the shape of a figure, dimly lit by a candle.
You frown slightly.
While there were no set rules against entering a host’s library, it was still considered bad taste to enter rooms you weren’t explicitly given access to. Not that this person seemed unaware of it, judging by the lofty coat you could make out they seemed to be born into wealth.
Well, you weren’t exactly a shining beacon of manners either, considering that you were ditching your debut ball in order to sulk in the corner of a dark room because your captor/fiancé bested you in a game of wits.
Although, when you put it that way, your life does sound significantly more ridiculous.
You, albeit hesitantly, decide to give the person the benefit of the doubt and approach them to direct them back to the ball.
“Excuse me?” You call out, nearing the figure. “Are you lost?”
They turn around, and it becomes apparent that they’re a man. But not just any man, you realize, as a few more details come to light that have you suddenly freezing in place.
First, the dark crimson eye that gazes upon you while the other hides behind a black eye patch.
Second, the black cane who’s shiny finish glints in the candle light.
And lastly, the golden encrusted emblem, signature of an Obsidianite.
“Oh no, I’m exactly where I need to be.” Gilbert Von Obsidian responds cheerfully.
You suddenly have the sense that you’ve, to use words that Chevalier claims are “crude and boorish”, absolutely fucked up.
To be fair to you, you hadn’t been able to see even a glimpse of any foreign princes, much less would you have predicted that the damn Prince of Obsidian was going to be there, or more accurately here, in your lovely library safe space. 
It’s not often that anyone other than Chevalier makes you stumped on what to do these days, but that goes to show how dangerous complacency really is.
“Prince Gilbert.” You finally manage to greet, falling into a practiced curtsey. 
When you pull your head back up, he has an innocuous smile on his face, eyes crinkled slightly.
“No need to lower yourself, (Name) (Last Name), soon enough we’ll be on the same social standing won’t we?”
Oh, of course he knows who you are, couldn’t make it any less difficult for you could he? Still, the provocation (actually, whether he knew it as a provocation or not was a matter to be unseen yet) of your future engagement has you irritated as well as afraid.
“You never know what might happen.” You respond neutrally. “I’d hate to offend because I grew cocky.”
“Cautious, aren’t you?” He questions.
“That’s a good trait to have, although, I can’t say I would’ve thought the woman who tamed the Brutal Beast would be so meek.”
You want to laugh at his attempt at a jab, because he couldn’t be closer to the truth.
You didn’t tame shit; you were at best, a sacrificial lamb sent to curb the hunger of a ravenous tiger, only to end up becoming a plaything instead of a meal. 
And now you were here, having somehow fooled another apex predator into thinking you were some sort of beast in your own right.
But even still, you couldn’t help the words that poured out of your mouth.
“I would argue that being meek and being cautious are entirely different, but it must be difficult to understand from your perspective.”
“That so?” He hums. “What’s your view then?”
“That you can’t tell the difference, because for you, someone who has been powerful and feared for so long, there’s hardly any need for subtlety when dealing with others. For people like me, discretion is a necessary tool.”
A tinge of bitterness seeps into your tone as you respond, or maybe it's jealousy; you can’t tell. 
But it’s enough to make Gilbert pause, facing you, seemingly looking at you like he hasn’t seen you before, his eye glinting with something akin to interest. 
You’ve always had a bad habit of overplaying your hand during your time with Chevalier, possibly because you were so used to a lack of consequences due to his soft spot. It would’ve been better and safer for him to believe you were Chevalier’s little trophy wife and suffer the stab it would take to your ego. 
“...I suppose that “genius’s thinking alike” must be true, for you to be able to make such a succinct assumption about me.” He smiles, this time his eyes glinting with something darker.
“...I wouldn’t go so far as to imply that Prince Gilbert.” You say, desperate in your attempt to backtrack.
“Oh? Cowering now, are we?” He asks, the smile on his face growing more predatory. “And here I thought you’d be more vicious.”
He’s clearly trying to pry at you, to goad you into snapping at him, but you’ve since realized that the playing field had favored him from the start and you’d do better to avoid the trap he’d set for you.
“...I think you have rather high expectations, that you might think of me similar to the company I keep.”
“And you’d be right.” He says, drawing himself closer to you, even more empowering as he draws near, his red eye glistening like the blade of a knife.
You find yourself wanting to run, like the terrified lamb you are in the face of the threatening jaws of the beast in front of you.
But you don’t.
Because these damn beasts are always just toying with you, never daring to go for the killing blow.
He towers over you, clearly trying to get a reaction out of you, but you find that you can’t quite summon up the effort to change your expression.
Moments pass and his eye widens a bit, seemingly shocked at your lack of expression.
“You aren’t scared, are you?” He states, more as a fact than a question as he pulls himself away to an appropriate distance.
You shrug as if to say you don’t quite care, but you felt like laughing.
The truth is, he’s wrong. 
You’re constantly scared, every single day of your life.
When you wake up, when you go to sleep, you’re filled with horror constantly, terrified by the man who lays beside you. Every move you make is calculated and stuff, made in fear of the blades, not set to cut you, but rather everything you know and love.
Even now you’re scared, not quite by the prospect of death, but by the fact that it doesn’t scare you.
The fact that you would rather accept freedom in the form of being removed from your earthly ties than to live another life being tethered to this life scares you, because you know death is the only way you’ll be safe from him.
It brings you only slight ease that despite his best efforts of chasing perfection, Chevalier still only amounts to a man.
Gilbert’s laugh snaps you out of your thoughts, bringing you back to the man in front of you.
“That’s excellent!” He says, toothy grin lighting up his face, eye lighting up like he’s a child who’s found a new toy to play with.
Somewhere deep down you can feel a familiar sense of dread forming in the pit of your stomach that only comes with Chevalier, almost like deja vu.
It shouldn’t surprise you, after all it’s said that the prince of Obsidian is a genius only the likes of Chevalier could rival. It’s the type of gossip you used to absentmindedly listen to while busying yourself walking down the streets.
Still, you’ve survived Chevalier, albeit with your share of scars, you can handle at least one chance meeting with another snobby prince.
“Are you done threatening me then Prince Gilbert? I believe my fiancé is looking for me.” You say, keeping your tone neutral.
He chuckles, that wide, creepily childlike smile still on his face as he hears you speak.
“Of course. Tell Prince Chevalier that I congratulate him on finding such an interesting toy.”
“Of course.” You mimic, turning on your heel to leave. “Perhaps next time we can meet in a more fitting setting rather than the library, Prince Gilbert.”
Petty, yes, but he doesn’t seem affected by the rebuttal you throw his way judging by the small laugh he lets out as you leave.
Toy, huh?
You think, as you find yourself retracing your steps back to the ballroom. 
More fitting than lover that’s for sure, but you doubt even a genius like Gilbert would understand from just a glance that that was the case, rather he meant it in a dismissive manner.
But still, you can’t help the bitter smile that appears on your face at the statement.
Because you would end up back at Chevalier’s side, and either through your expressions or through his own logic system that you couldn’t possibly fathom, he would understand everything that happened. And then, like always, you would end up locked up in a cage while, ironically, the beast who should be locked in there would prowl around, growling at anyone who came close, possessive of his toy.
And the worst part is, even though you could see the path paved for you, leading you to your own demise, you still had to follow it, like written in a story, like fate.
And maybe that’s why you smile instead of frown when you see your beloved captor’s face twist into a look of grim understanding as he sees you again, wordlessly gesturing you to draw nearer with his gaze.
Because ironically enough, the only person even close enough to understanding or even changing your situation was the same breed as the monster that possessed you.
And it’s an amusing thought to you.
But if you could see the expression of a certain dark haired man, thinking almost fondly on your interaction, you wouldn’t find it half as funny.
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archetype-earth · 2 months
Thinking about... ...Spy!Reader and Chevalier. Like, actual enemies to lovers. He may or may not be aware that you're just a spy, when you first come into the palace, fresh-faced and wide-eyed at the glamour. If he is, he doesn't show it. You're assigned to the library, since the last guy in charge was too incompetent. You haven't forgotten your goal, no, but this was probably the best job you could've gotten. Chevalier's eyes are immediately drawn to the gentle way you pick up books, cradle them in your arms like a baby, dust off the ones that haven't been read in ages. And as a spy, you are not unused to the darker aspects of life. The Brutal Beast is nothing to cower away from, and you boldly approach him to ask him about the book in his hand. I mean, come on, that infamous prince reading a sappy romance novel from fifteen years ago? You'd rather talk about which love interest is better for the main lead than fear him. And he lets you. Chevalier enjoys the insights you bring to the table, debating and discussing each and every new book you two read. (Because, yes, you have to read the same book so you can have a discussion about it.) (Try to read another book, and Chevalier will not-so-subtly push the book he wants you to read directly into your face.) Spy duties aren't forgotten but merely pushed aside, and since you aren't actively doing anything, Chevalier conveniently ignores your true job. You might get letters or other messages from your boss wondering what the hell is going on, but that could never be nearly as interesting as the time you spend with Chevalier. Mayhaps, you get exposed and it's impossible to ignore. Ousted out of the palace, and at the mercy of your unforgiving ex-boss, there is now no one to help you out of your predicament. ...Or is there? After all, Chevalier couldn't just let his favorite book lover just leave. (Book lover, or his lover that just so happens to like books? We all know which it is.)
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yandere-romanticaa · 3 months
I'm not sure if I'm interpreting the recent post right, if it isn't any trouble, may I kindly request IkePri for ENTP? I'd appreciate that so much 🙏
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The Obsidianite Jewel
A fem!reader x Chevalier Michel Fanfiction
18 + !!! NSFW
Chapter 13 -> Chapters Masterlist
Words: a fuck ton
Warnings: nsfw, fingering, vaginal sex, handjob, overstim, kissing, nipple play
Summary: It all started when your fiancé, Prince Gilbert, brought you to the palace of Rhodolite. He hoped he would find the secrets of the princes. Instead, he lost your heart to the brutal beast. However, Gilbert is not going to let your heart wander away easily
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A month had passed as you stayed in the fortress. Gilbert was still chained underground. You visited his dungeon every day at first, mixing his medicine with his food in secret. Despite his imprisonment, his sickness started to withdraw, although the bags under his eyes grew in volume. At some point, he asked you to stop visiting. He had his back turned on you from you when he begged you to leave him alone. You did not ask why. You did not have to. You both knew how each of you hurt the other.
After a month the negotiations for peace were seemingly going well. Jade retreated and Benitoite joined Rhodolite's side is shutting down the last of Obsidian's generals. Even so, the ebony empire was vast and far too unpredictable. Too many times in the past it had feigned defeat, only to come back stronger. You had seen nation after nation bend to their knees as they were engulfed by the empire's shadow. More importantly, your kingdom's safety depended on your marriage to the man currently in the dungeons, and your loyalty to the Obsidianite crown. If word got out that you were roaming freely in the Rhodolitian camp the rumours would not be far from the truth to start spreading about an alliance between you.
"Chevalier?", Nokto repeated your words, "I think he's already in his room"
"Oh I see", you said sorrowfully, "thank you"
You return to your room to meet your sorry bag. You had laid each one of the dresses given to you on the bed. A knight brought them to you the next day after you arrived at the fortress. They were simple but not plain, their cut clean to suit your figure but lacking any eye-drawing embellishments usually worn by royalty. You sat on the bed and run your hand over the blue fabric of the one closest to you. Blue, white and gold, those were the only colours the dresses had. It was such a subtle detail that could easily go over one's head and so it would not draw any attention. That genius idiot...
You smiled, your fingers crinkling the fabric of the beautiful dress. The one you wore paled in your eyes in comparison even though, although tattered from the fall in the river, it was adorned with jewels from all the kingdoms conquered by Obsidian. You let out a sigh. You had long decided to leave, yet kept postponing it in an effort to see Chevalier again. You had caught glimpses of him as he raced through the corridors, venturing out for scouting and coming back bloodied from top to bottom. But there was no delaying it any longer. You had to go back. Every day you weren't either publicly announced as a hostage or returned to Obsidian or your homeland as a runaway cast suspicion over your relation to the kingdom of roses. You had to leave. But you also had to see him again. At least one more time. It could have been the last.
You don't remember how you ended up in front of his bedroom's door but soon you were knocking three times on the wooden surface. There was no sound at first but as you were turning to leave you heard Chevalier's voice from inside saying "Just come in". You stood silent for a moment, contemplating what to do. Going inside would be out of the question in a normal situation; you could not risk raising questions about what was happening behind the closed door. But now? This was your last chance to see him. You looked around. There was no one. You hesitantly put your hand on the handle and opened the door.
Chevalier was sitting on his desk's chair, leaning back as he read his novel. He held the book in one hand and supported his head with the other, elbow on the desk. His sword was leaning sheathed next to him. A smell of soap and roses surrounded him, the stench of iron and blood nowhere to be found anymore.
The door quietly clicked behind you. He raised his head. He immediately put the book down the moment he met your eyes. "Princess y/n", he said formally.
"I...ah...I had to see you", you said. You tucked your hair behind your ear. You could not look him in the eyes, despite your brazen claim. You lowered your gaze. "I'm leaving", you stated, "I'm departing for Istidor come dawn"
"Why?", he stood. It was not long before his face twisted as he answered his own question.
"Yes", you replied to his thought, "I can't draw more attention. The emperor will punish my kingdom for it"
The silence was deafening. You knew in your heart you had to say it. You hated to admit how right Gilbert was but you knew you would be filled with regret if you left with it weighing on your heart. You did not expect anything to change. It was probable that you would never see Chevalier again. But still...
"I....", you stammered. You looked away again. "I love you", you finally spat, "I'm sorry, but...I love you. I know you don't feel the same way about me. But I can't help how I feel about you. And I....", at this point tears had begun streaming down your eyes, "Maybe you'll think less of me now that you know this, but..."
His shadow suddenly enveloped you. You had not taken notice of when he had moved to stand in front of you. He was so close. You looked up at his crystal blue eyes as they gazed upon your face. His hand cupped your cheek, thumb gently brushing over your skin again and again. He leaned in. His lips hesitated just an inch before they touched yours. You could feel his breath cascading upon your face. Your eyes had already fluttered closed, your heart too weak to pull you away.
And then he kissed you.
He smelled like roses and parchment and tasted like sweet tea. His hand moved from your cheek to the back of your head, fingers entwining between your locks. His other hand gently pulled you closer by the waist, barely touching your body. You cupped his cheek as you switched sides on your kiss. Your fingers caressed his cold skin.
His lips remained close as the kiss ended. "Why do this?", you asked against them, "I did not know you could be so cruel"
"Perhaps I could be", his husky voice was louder than ever. He touched his forehead to yours. "But not this time", he said.
You pulled away. You had to retain your logic. You could not be pulled into a place you could not return from. Chevalier's expression was as frozen as ever now that you were looking at him once again. He could not have meant it, could he? Chevalier was the most incredible person you knew. You knew he had a beautiful heart which he suppressed each day under the weight of his duty. He always acted with purpose; the only purpose he could have to say such a thing would be to weaken Istidor with a war with Obsidian, something that would probably not interest him in the slightest. But the alternative, of him having meant it, was even more improbable.
"What are you s..."
"What do you want?", he cut you off. His hand returned to your cheek as he held you, eyes locking.
"It does not matter what I want"
"If you want a new life you can return to Istidor", he said, "Perhaps you should want that. You would be the happiest"
You laughed. "I wouldn't, but I have no choice"
"Yes, you do", his voice was cold but now both of his hands held your face, "You do"
"Chevalier, you know I don't", you sighed, "The emperor..."
"Is in the dungeon of this fortress", Chevalier completed nonchalantly. You furrowed your brows. It did not take long for you to realise he meant Gilbert. Chevalier scoffed. "He did not tell you", he muttered, "Of course he didn't. He preferred to create a persona to keep you with him, the messiah."
"Gilbert is not-"
Chevalier let go of you. "I should not have told you", he said, "I have every reason to lie and therefore am not a reliable bearer of this news. But you can verify them once you reach your homeland". He passed you by and reached for the door. "Your future is finally yours", he said behind you. You heard the door open. "You should find someone who makes you truly happy before they try to marry you off again"
Maybe it was the fact that you could not see him anymore and relied solely on your ears, but you detected the slightest hinge in his voice when he said those words. An almost undetectable hesitation that was uncharacteristic of his nature. You turned towards him and pulled him so he would face you. It was the first time you saw him truly surprised; but there was something else, deeper, peaking under his expression now that you had caught him off guard. It was sorrow.
Your eyes widened. This time you pulled him in for a kiss. He reciprocated. It was much more intense than the first. His hands scrambled around your waist, needy enough to pull you close but too scared to do so with all their might. His kisses left your lips and moved towards your neck. You let out a sigh. Your back hit the door and the two of you were knocked back into reality. He looked away.
"You should go", he said coldly and walked back to his desk.
"You said the choice was mine"
"So you shouldn't waste it"
"I'm only going to ask you this once", you said, your anger evident in your tone, "How do you feel about me?"
"That much is clear"
"Do you love me?"
"Are you saying you can't tell as much?"
"Chevalier, do you love me? Yes or no?"
He rushed back to your side. His lips collided with yours in another fervent kiss. His hand pulled at your waist. Your arms wrapped around his neck. He continued kissing you again and again until he was out of breath. He touched his forehead to yours, his thumb pulling at your lower lip as he warmed it with his heaving breath. "You simpleton", he said, "You should know the answer to that already". His face was still lacking expression, yet his ice-blue eyes had caught fire, and so had his voice.
You stayed quiet for a moment, still processing what had transpired. "Then shut up and stop pushing me away", you said annoyed as tears spilt from your eyes. Chevalier raised his eyebrows in surprise. You could tell he had not planned for such a reaction.
You pulled him in once again. He pushed your bodies together against the door as he kissed you. You blindly searched the space behind you until your hand found the key and locked the door. Your other hand was still holding his white linen shirt, pulling him towards you so he would not escape even though he seemed to have no intention to. His lips were devouring every inch of skin they could find. You felt him slow down as he reached your cleavage. His hands were hesitantly hovering above the buttons of your dress. You reached behind your back and pushed his hands towards them. He played around with the first one until he was able to unhook it, then easily undid the rest. He untied the ribbons of your skirt and petticoat. You shook your dress until it pooled around your feet.
Your hands worked on his own shirt until you were able to pull it off of his shoulders. You traced his toned torso, the bandages of his wound still wrapped around it. You dropped your gaze and your head as your fingers traced the white gauze. His crooked finger hooked underneath your chin and raised your head once more. He kissed your lips, hands tracing your figure until they reached your waist. You gasped when he lifted you up, letting your legs wrap around his hips.
"Chevalier your wou-"
"I can do so much", he waved your concern away. He carried you to the bed. He let out a grunt of pain as he tried to place you softly upon the mattress, the weight pulling at the muscles he shouldn't move.
"Don't", you told him. You sat on your knees and cupped his cheeks before you kissed him. His breath relaxed, the warm air breaking on your skin. You broke the kiss and looked at the bandage. He placed his hand above yours as it passed over the wound. He moved them together towards his heart. You met his gaze. It was intense; determined. Without any words, he told you that the worst pain he had had to experience was in his heart when he was apart from you.
He slowly climbed on top of you, kissing and biting at your neck and collarbone. His fingers hooked under the fabric of your chemise and lifted it until he exposed your honey pot. He traced the lips with his digits as they grew wetter. You took a sharp inhale as his thumb pressed your bud. He raised his head. His eyes examined your face as his thumb drew circles over and over again. He leaned for a kiss when he plunged a finger inside your walls. He was slow, careful as he drank every sigh and moan he pulled out of you. You opened your legs further for him. He thrust another one of his thick fingers inside you. You broke from his kiss to let out a cry of pleasure. He stopped for a moment as he examined your face, quickly returning to his good work. He scraped your walls with the pad of his fingers and your neck with the edges of his teeth. You combed his golden hair, pulling on the strands as he picked up the speed of his thrusts.
You called his name in his ear. He leaned to your neck and planted a loving kiss. Your bodies danced together, the tears they had shed while apart were turning into a fiery passion. You did not know if you wanted to cry out of joy or out of the sheer pleasure his fingers were granting you. He pulled your corset right under your breasts to expose them and took one in his mouth. Your fingers curled. You could feel his smile as his tongue circled one of your nipples. You could feel a coil building up in your body, curling up like a spring underneath your belly. His hands were both at work between your legs, one thrusting and one circling your rosey bud. He suddenly switched breasts and the coil burst. You panted and trembled as you covered his fingers with your essence. He slowly pulled his hand away. His fingers lightly pressed on your oversensitive entrance. You shuddered at the feeling, hips both running away and moving towards him.
He brought his head to his bandaged stomach. "Dammit", he muttered. Before you could pose further questions, he sat next to you, back on the headboard, and pulled you between his legs. This position reminded you of something yet you could not name this thing even as you searched into the depths of your memory.
"Chevalier", you said before he covered your eyes with his palm. The darkness made the kisses on your neck even more intense. It made the way he cupped your breasts feel more direct. His breath was on your nape. And that was when it clicked: There were not a lot of romance stories that you read, but there was this one you knew all your female friends had read. You had jokingly mentioned it once in front of him, never expecting him to actually read it. Goodness, you hoped he would not after you contemplated further on the vulgarities contained in this particular book. But he did. And he knew. And though you had mentioned it mockingly, you did not believe there were many women who would not be turned on by the things in that book.
He nipped on your ear. "I wanted to tell you", you felt rather than heard his words, "You enjoy some pretty interesting books". His fingers held your entrance open. "But I would like to hear what you want coming from your lips", he lifted you and led you onto his length, "Personally, I would prefer to look at you while you're making that face"
You felt the kiss he planted on your shoulder as his length stretched you. He continued to kiss you repeatedly as you got used to him inside you. He helped you as you moved up and down. You called his name. You heard his grunts loud and clear with your heightened ears even though he tried to bury them in your neck. He started moving more ferociously, more passionately. Your back arched against him as you tried to keep your breath steady, with no success. Your head leaned back to lie on his shoulder. At some point, his hand slipped away and you were met face to face with the expression he hid from your behind your previously obstructed gaze. His heaving chest, his rose-coloured cheeks, his feverish forehead, his hungry gaze....his everlasting and ever-burning love. It was too late for him to hide again; he probably realised it. He caught your lips in his. One hand dived underneath your arm and cupped your cheek, keeping your lips locked with his as he thrust inside you. The other pinched and circled your bud. You moaned. His tongue was entwined with yours. Your legs wiggled at the weakness of your breath. You reached behind you and hooked your arm on his nape. You aided his fingers as they urged your release. Your cries of intense pleasure were nectar drunk by his thirsty lips.
He kissed your nose. He was panting. He was not hiding anymore. His hands held you close, begging you to stay, even if his lips would never ever express such a wish. He was not a man who would succumb to his desires, but that did not mean they were not there.
"Lay down", you said as you raised your hips. You cupped his cheeks as he fell onto the pillows on the side. Your lips kissed every inch of his handsome face. His hands held your waist, thumbs tracing the dimples of your hips. You kissed every patch of skin you could find between the bandages on his torso. He pulled you back up mid-climbing down. He combed your hair with his fingers. You wrapped yours around his length. Your thumb traced the head and he bit your lip. You moved your head up and down. He was still determined on kissing you, yet you could taste the sweet moans he himself now left, and the sway of his hips towards your hand. His hand wrapped around yours. At first, you thought he was going to stop you, but he merely urged you to continue faster.
He came, panting against your face, his warm essence shooting from his length. He cupped your cheek before moving his hand to your nape and pulling you into his embrace. His hands wrapped around you. He softly kissed your back. You pulled him close, your own arms diving underneath his. He held you as if you were the most precious treasure in the world. His thumb rubbed on your skin and you knew he was tracing the marks that he himself had left.
"I'm coming with you", you said against his chest, "To Rhodolite"
Chevalier tightened his embrace. "Good", he said.
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omkookie · 11 months
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"It will just take some time now"
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⌈ ⚠️ 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 ⌉ Smut... Noncon, Yandere, impregnation.
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He forces your face into the pillow, his rough hand gripping your wrists behind your back tightly while his other hand is hiking your short dress over your bruised hips. He doesn’t say anything as you whimper in pain at his rough movements, probably choosing to ignore you as usual.
"Chevalier…" The white sheets rustle beneath you as you try calling his name to let him know that he's being too rough, And he clicks his tongue in annoyance but loosens his grip on you, and soon lets your wrists go. He grips the sides of your waist, his fingers somewhat digging into your flesh as he flips you onto your back, then nudges your legs apart and positions himself between your thighs.
Only because of your obedience, he’ll treat you kindly.
You’ve been behaving exceptionally well this month, throwing just a few protests here and there. But, besides that you've been very compliant for the rest. Clearly, you were trying to get on his good side. He smiles arrogantly in satisfaction because of your submission. Fnally, you we're starting to give in to him.
You look up at him and stare into his eyes, before you hurriedly look elsewhere... still refusing to meet his gaze for longer than a short moment.
“Look at me.” He orders you, and you very reluctantly do as he says. If you don’t do as Chevalier says, who knows what will happen to you... right? Obedience was your only option here… Either Obedience or torture. He wouldn't hesitate to beat you to get his point through and teach you a lesson. He wouldn't even bat an eye as he does so. You’ve learned from the countless number of times that he’s abused you with a stone cold expression on his face that he's heartless. And according to him, he’s “training” you for your own good.
He’s simply teaching you how to be a better wife and do your duties.
You’re his favorite wife after all, None of his other wives received his affection like you did. They were mere objects to unite Rhodolite with its neighbours, meanwhile you… He loved you.
A sick twisted feeling like that had rooted itself into his heart because of you.
When he saw you, a simple commoner girl he was perplexed… how could you be so beautiful and so…nice. Despite your naivety and foolishness, he fell for you when he first saw you. Love at first sight, and his feelings for you only grew as you catered to his needs in the bookstore. Putting in your utmost effort to please him as he ordered you around and made you gather all kinds of books for him. His interest in you grew as you sold him books, your polite attitude towards him somewhat making his icy cold heart flutter…
How unfortunate for you though... You became his mistress, a simple commoner wife who he only married to claim as his own so that no other man could.
“Let me move the pillow.” You tell him as you sit up on the bed, and readjust your pillows so you could comfortably lay on them. If you were going to do something you didn't like... you should at least try to make the best out of it.
He stares you down, looking your bruised body specifically as he reaches for your hand to entwine your fingers with his. Feeling the warmth from your palm seep into his skin as he holds your fragile hand, he lets out a relaxed breath.
You were truly like glass… delicate and easy to break.
He almost feels guilty for everything that he’s put you through, but quickly remembers ‘It was for her own good.’
He reaches down to cup your bare pussy, He’s been impatiently waiting for tonight. The first night where you aren’t trying to stop or push him away from you. A proud smirk etches onto his face as he relishes in the fact that he finally conquered you, and broke your spirit enough for you to give in to him. He almost laughs in satisfaction as he leans down to kiss your thigh. His hand nudging it to the side when you try to close your legs by reflex, and he hears your breath hitch in your throat as he caresses your soft skin.
You were finally turning into the wife that he wanted, so you deserve a reward.
He licks a long stripe up your flushed pussy, and an uncomfortable shiver runs down your spine.
Disgust crept up in the pit of your abdomen, and you tried your best to ignore the repulsive feeling.
Here you were, subjected to having him between your legs when you desperately wanted to shove him away, and hope he hits his head on something and dies. Truly, there is nothing more vile and disgusting than how he violated your dignity, Both your body and soul. He was horrible, Even if he was making you wet and going to draw a forced orgasm out of you tonight.
He shoves his fingers into your entrance, rubbing and teasing you as much as he can before he stops his ministrations on your glistening entrance and looks up at you, his eyes narrowed in a glare as if he could read your thoughts. You hear him sigh as he gets up to unbuckle his belt and pull his hardened dick out. He strokes himself before you, and rubs the head of his shaft against your wet entrance, gathering your slick juices to coat himself with before he pushes into you at once, Burying himself to the hilt.
You feel stuffed as he leans over your body and pushes your leg against your chest.
“Fuck…”You hear him curse under his breath as he pulls his hips away from yours, making your walls squeeze around him as if trying to pull him back in. “It’s so warm…” He comments before whilst slamming his hips into you, and as he cahes you underneath him you can smell the familiar scent of his library filled with books, paper and vanilla scented candles. He fucks you at a hard pace, his shaft fitting snuggly inisde of you and rubbing against all of the right spots… much to your dismay.
Even if he was raping you, it recently started to feel good and it even brought you pleasure.
You feel the knot in your abdomen starting to come undone with every drag of his shaft along your walls, and it drives you crazy, you let go of his hand to wrap your arms around his neck, wanting to pull him even closer and deeper into you so that he could fuck you faster, and finally get you to finish.
It was shameful, really… Just how messed up were you for wanting your abuser to fuck you harder and get you off? You squeeze Chevalier, Your grip on him tightening as you whimper under him and cry his name in moan. He sped up and thrusted into you at a brutal pace, until you finally came undone beneath him and squirted your juices all over his shaft. His name continues spilling from your lips in a raspy moan as he fucks into you even after your release. Your fingers grip the bedsheets tightly, trying to ground you from the overstimulation which feels like too much.
“Heh… You’re finally starting to become wise, simpleton.” He pants as he says that. Somehow, he still had energy to speak despite how tired he must be. He doesn't pull out, and simply lays on top of you for a while.
He thrusts into you, his nails leaving little red marks in your leg's plush skin as he plans to fill you up with his seed. He wants you to give him an heir before he left you all alone, locked up within the safe confines of his room where he could keep you away from danger until he eliminated all threats to you. He grunts your name, a quiet moan slipping past his lips as he feels your walls clench around him, and make him finally spill his load inside you.
"It will just take some time now"
You feel truly hopeless as you know you'll be his prisoner for life, and his hand wrapping around your neck feels like shackles being attached to you.
A child would chain you to him for life.
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dotster001 · 7 months
Yandere Chevalier headcanon please 🥺
Summary:Chevalier x gn! Reader
CW: yandere,physical harm to reader, murder, psychological harm to reader, Stockholm syndrome, kidnapping, blood, isolation, food and water deprivation, probably more but consider yourself warned
A/N: idk how dark you expected it to be, but this is the brutal beast we're talking about so.... also! I have an in progress series where I look at the Yan journey of ikepri characters after their routes, so if eventually there is a fic that is very similar to this, think of it as a rough draft
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When he falls, he falls hard. Not that you'll ever know. To you, he'll always look unfeeling and cruel. Most days you can't help but wonder if he hates you. But it's so far from the truth. For the first time, he's filled with love and warmth. And it's so overwhelming that he doesn't know what to do with himself.
He tries to let you live free for a while. After all, he would fight to the death if someone held him under lock and key. For a while he's successful. Until one day, in his distraction over you, an assassination attempt gets a little too close to you. You aren't hurt. But you find yourself drenched in blood as Chev runs the assailant through. Your haunted face is revealed as the body in front of him crumples. And he realizes that he can't leave you on your own. Not if he's going to be a part of your life.
He thinks he is fine with your hatred. After all, he loves you, and that's what matters. He can't expect you to love him back, not when you're chained to the headboard of his bed. He's used to people fearing and hating him. And yet he's beginning to feel a new feeling. A new, nasty, aching feeling in his chest. When he holds you and all you do is whimper, the ache worsens.
And people begin to notice. Chev, king, and master of his countenance, is cranky. Only Clavis and Sariel know the truth, and while Clavis is initially amused, eventually, even he needs his boss to get back to normal. So, it's not very gentlemanly, but he places a book, that's been secretly popular in the town, on Chevalier's desk unceremoniously. A dark romance, where the love interest succumbs to Stockholm syndrome and falls for their captor. It wasn't an openly popular book, but someone had to be purchasing all those books.
Chevalier had scoffed at his brother's gift, initially thinking it was a joke. But upon further inspection, he realized it was a piece offering. A genuine gift. A piece of advice. If anyone could psychologically break a darling into submission, it would be him.
And he does. It's not perfect submission, he still wants you to be you, but it's enough that you grow dependent on him. Just as before, you can't be sure if he loves you or hates you. And that's the crux of his control over you. If you're good, he'll heave a heavy sigh and give you affection. If you're bad, it will be like you don't even exist in his world. You are dirt. Dust. A bug beneath his feet. Only good darlings get love. Just like every other fool in his life, you're a pawn in his game. You just happen to be a fool that makes him feel butterflies in his stomach.
He doesn't like to hurt you physically. But he will if he has to. Nothing too damaging, part of your appeal is your aesthetic, after all. But if you do something stupid like think you can escape (and all you have to do is think it. He always knows) he might slap you, or hit you with a riding crop. If you make it a step outside of the room, he won't hurt you. But someone you love will be killed right in front of you. And you will be tasked with cleaning it up. If you somehow make it farther than step outside the room (aka, he lets you as a trust test) prepare to be isolated in a cold damp dungeon cell for as long as it takes for you to pass out from lack of food or water. Then he'll nurse you back to health so that all your mind sees is how kind and doting he is.
You can't win against the brutal beast. Geniuses have tried and failed. And one day, when you no longer have the foolish urge to fight him, when the prey finally recognizes it has lost, he might tell you he loves you.
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etheries1015 · 5 months
Hiii! I saw you write for Ikemen Prince, and I really like your writing, so I wanted to ask u a bit of self-indulgent headcanon 👉👈
I wanted to ask some headcanons for Chevalier and Silvio with a fem!s/o (or also gender neutral is fine❤️) who is insecure about having small boobies/a flat chest? If you're uncomfortable with it it's fine! And ty for reading this, have a nice day and drink plenty of water!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
This is probably my first ikemen prince request! YIPPEEEEE <3 heuheuehu.
Fem! MC who is insecure about their small breasts </3
Featuring: Chevalier and Silvio!
general warnings: Afab reader + fem pronouns, mildly suggestive, slight spoilers of Silvios route.
Chevalier could tell by the way you requested your dresses with more ruffles and outfits that hid your chest that something was amiss. It wasn't the first time he realized you had this insecurity, the way you would stare off in the distance at a group of noble women with envy and sadness glinting in your eyes as you took note of their curves, your hands absentmindedly fiddling at the ruffles the top of your dress. This went on for a week, the stares, the off-hand mindless comments about your undergarments, the mannerisms you had at night in your gowns, and the insistence of ones that accentuated the right places (he over heard you speaking to the tailor he had assigned you for.)
He thought this was normal womanly behavior, for every woman seems to find jealousy in others for reasons seemingly ridiculous in his eyes. Always being a man of action Instead of speaking words of affirmation, Chev would do things such as reject certain clothing you wanted to wear to balls and suggest something else that actually seemed to show off your flat-chested outline, or lay out outfits he had chosen rather than allowing you the freedom of that choice. He did not know that the problems were rooted deeper than that until you brought it into the bedroom.
Things were becoming heated when you insisted that you not face him during intimacy, and began covering your chest shyly as he undressed you with typical eagerness for the nights passion. finding himself becoming rather annoyed at your sudden shyness, Chev found himself grabbing your wrists and pinning them above your head, moving his eyes right above yours to tower over you.
"I thought I had made it clear," He stated in his usual monotone voice, "That you have no need to be insecure about something as frivolous as your chest." He grunted. Your eyes widened in surprise at his comment and turned your head shyly, your hands struggling to break free from his strong grasp with the automatic response to cover up what you have been trying so desperately to hide. You should have known he would have easily caught onto you.
"I can't help it, King Chevalier," You replied with sadness in your voice, "It's just something you wouldn't understand. Having breasts like this just...feels debilitating as a woman," You felt yourself choke up, Chevalier's eyes squinting ever so slightly as his lips began to lower themselves to your buds.
"You do not need to worry about such drivel," He said, planting a soft kiss against your small mounds before taking a gentle bite, smiling at your eager mewl.
"The size of your chest does not determine your worth," he said with his mouth pressed against your sensitive skin, hands snaking down to your thighs and in between, "Such silliness does not matter. As far as I am aware, one's breast size does not factor in what makes you a woman. You have many more qualities that I would see classify you as such, much more than something like your bosom." He riddled your skin with kisses and teased your breasts with love and attention, bathing you in rare verbal praise to match the marks he left upon your body. Chevalier was certain to prove to you in his actions over and over again that you were his queen, his prized possession, and the most beautiful being he ever had the pleasure of spending the rest of his life with.
Unlike Chevalier, Silvio was a bit more clueless on things such as comparing yourself to other women. He thought he had made it clear to you that his eyes were set upon nobody else but you, for you were the shiniest treasure he ever laid eyes upon. He never actually noticed the jealousy in your eyes at passing women in the halls and simply assumed when your gaze lingered on another woman at balls it was perhaps in interest to their dresses. He didn't notice the way you would ask him to start providing your clothing with a baggier style, thinking to himself perhaps it was a trend you caught onto. Never being a fan of getting to know other women, he seemed to be rather clueless in the comparisons and habits they may make out of insecurity.
He had, however, noticed your silence and lack of enthusiasm whenever you undressed, the way your optimism as of late had dwindled, and how your smile did not seem as vibrant as before. This happened in your shared bedroom with the king, preparing for your nightly bath that became routine with your lover. He noticed the way you stared into the mirror with a look of sadness glinting in your eyes, your arms moving up to cover your chest and sighing.
He was quick to move behind you, snaking arms around your waist and moving his head to kiss you gently against your neck. You tried to give him your normal enthusiastic smile with very little success, groaning in frustration at your low energy.
"What's gotten into ya?" He asked with worry thick in his tone, "Why're ya covering up like that? Let me see you," He purred, turning your body and tilting your chin to reach his gaze. You pursed your lips and gave into your resolve of leaving him out of it, blurting out your honest thoughts to your lover.
"Aren't you...y'know... embarrassed to be with someone with not many..um.." You glanced down at your chest before looking back up at him, "Assets?" Silvio's eyes widened in shock at your sudden inquiry, grunting in annoyance as he lifted you up with great strength and sat you on the counter of the bathroom.
"Hah? What are you on about?" He sneered, furrowing his eyebrows and holding your body close to his, "Ain't nothing wrong with being a bit flat chested- if that's what you're talking about." You looked away with a blush upon your cheeks.
"So you admit that I have small boobs?" You were half teasing your lover, knowing the best way to talk to him seemed to be with playful banter. He raised his eyebrows at this accusation, although his gaze remained sweet and calm seeing through your rouse.
"Well, yeah you ain't gotta lot there. But none of that matters to me, and it shouldn't matter to you."
"I feel like it makes me less of a woman," You pouted, "There's a lot of other women who-" He cut you off with a rough kiss against your lips, pushing his tongue into your mouth and moving his hands to cup your breasts. He began to massage it gently, a hum of satisfaction deep in his throat. Silvio pulled away with an arrogant smile at your pout, trailing kisses from your jawline down to the breasts you claimed you detested.
"You better stop all that talk. You should know by now that you are more a woman than any of those plastic noble women will ever be," He placed kisses around your now sensitive mounds, "Now, next time just come out with it and tell me instead of bein' all sulky, alright? I don't care how long it takes or how many times I gotta do it, I'll convince ya time and time again how you're my queen."
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spoopy-fish-writes · 1 year
Hihi!!! Love your writing so much! I was reading over your ikemen prince works and I wanted to request something!
How would Chevalier, Clavis and Gilbert react to an mc who loves hands? Like mc tries to remove the gloves to hold their hand or play around (like poking at their hand or drawing on it). And if they also did that to the other people besides their lover, how would the three react?
| Chevalier, Clavis and Gilbert with and MC with a fixation with hands
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Suitor(s): Chevalier, Clavis and Gilbert
TW: Mild jealousy/possessiveness
Notes: Gender neutral MC || Stared at this for a second without fully reading it wondering if this was calling me out akfhakfbsf but you're so right about this, hands are very pretty and wonderful. They tell you so much with the bonus of being very holdable
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He likes to entertain your ‘unusual fascination’, as he calls it, but it always comes at a price
Never anything particularly big but he'll leave you to be the one to have to take his gloves off his hands and will stare you down while you're doing it. He finds trying to see if your fascination outweighs your discomfort with him just looking at you look at his hands or taking your hand in his out of nowhere and holding your hands close to your cheek as if he’s debating whether to brush his thumb across the skin, incredibly amusing
He finds it somewhat endearing, especially if your hands are smaller than his because he finds the difference in the size of your hands and his amusing alongside your boldness
He also thoroughly enjoys the feeling of holding your hands which he makes a habit of doing as you walk together but would never admit it, acting like he's indifferent to the whole thing and that it’s only natural
It makes him feel unusually sentimental as well. He who had never considered the possibility of being able to cherish a human life, who has never been able to have someone look at his hands which have caused more harm than good to people with such fascination as if they have never come close to causing you harm before
Drawing on his hands is where he has to stop you however. Try and take his pen while he’s working and he’ll pin both of your hands to the desk with one hand while he continues with his work. It’s both a ploy to get you to settle down and also to hear you ramble or watch you squirm in an attempt to annoy him enough to get him to let you go. You won’t succeed
Don’t even try and mess with anyone else’s hands and certainly not Clavis’ or Gilbert’s when they notice your fascination. No one will question him - Clavis included - when he takes you away to be alone with you
You already know he takes this as an opportunity to tease you because that’s what he perceives all of your little habits to be of use to him specifically for aside from the fact that he finds it both adorable and hilarious
He has a leg fixation, he won’t judge. He actually encourages you, going on about wanting a gentle touch to help him with his gloves, holding your hand constantly as though he’s putting his own on display
Drawing or writing on his hand will encourage him to do the same. You might have to fight for space on his hand because once he realises he can just do that, and no one will care, he is writing all of the time all over them and you’ll be greeted with his newest ideas for traps or intentions for new trade routes
Beyond the teasing, he finds it really relaxing actually, with how much he uses his hands either to fight or to write, so it’s quite pleasant to have you poke and prod at his hands, taking the gloves off and kneading the skin between his knuckles on occasion
The more you do it, the more intimate it feels to him. Not sexually but generally. He has a tendency of reading a little too much into things when he’s been overworked and exhausted, so at some point, it feels like you’re ridding him of of the blood on his hands when you take his gloves off
When you hold his hands gently (almost critically) uncaring of what those hands have done, both to entertain yourself and pull him away from what was to become another one of many all nighters, he gets a little soft
Please don’t even think of going near Chevalier. Not only will he attempt to cut you down where you stand, Clavis’ pride will immediately act up and he will do the equivalent of confiscate your hands
They are going to stay held in his in an extremely petty display for however long he sees fit which is both unfortunate and not because he would gladly drag you around forever if he could
He won’t mind so much if it’s other people, finding their reactions hilarious, but he has his limits
Please obsess over his hands it makes him unusually happy. He’s elated at any display of affection from you but to have you so openly fascinated is delightful
He doesn’t think it strange in any way really, just another little thing that he’s going to mentally note down about you as he so often does
He actually encourages this little interest of yours, making a show of taking off his gloves or putting them on whenever it’s just the two of you (even when it isn’t when the people who aren’t you are the Rhodolite, Jade or Benetoite princes) to draw attention to his hands as if the design of his gloves doesn’t do that enough
It’s incredibly disarming to be treated so gently every though you’ve done so so many times before. People are scared to so much as shake his hand but you will hold it between your own, trace the creases and caress the skin, kissing his knuckles and wrist
However just keep that as a thing between the two of you. He gets so wildly offended when you do anything of the same nature to anyone else
His very presence is enough to scare whoever it is away but why would you do that at all? He’s almost always right beside you! He could never think of anyone so brave as to have the attention of the prince of Obsidian, have him willing to lend a hand - quite literally - whenever they might ask, and then direct their attention to someone else
He’s the type to do the same to you, returning the attention and affection but, be warned, he bites. He’ll nip at the tips of your fingers playfully and would be delighted if you did the same though anything you do, he will return tenfold
He is extremely fond of any kind of mark you leave on him so draw away. He’ll joke about being your canvas and (if you’ve made the choice to write on his hand) your grocery list. It’s like a little secret because it’s always covered up with his gloves
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Tags: @lorei-writes
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