biglisbonnews · 10 months
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Weekly Commentary: Battle Lines Are Drawn https://seekingalpha.com/article/4617287-weekly-commentary-battle-lines-are-drawn
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enkephalin3 · 1 year
thinking about agent 4 alot
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hookiecentral · 9 months
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blue #14
Aleksandar Ivovic
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naeyomy · 9 months
Любовта минава през усмивката ми И..само Той ме кара да се усмихвам истински
Love goes through my smile And...Only He makes me smile for real
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"Обичам те без препинателни знаци. Без въпросителни, удивителни, точки или запетаи. В Любовта няма граматика. Има само едно правило - следвай сърцето си, то владее правописа на чувствата...."
"I love you without punctuation. No question marks, surprises, periods or commas. There is no grammar in Love. There is only one rule - follow your heart, it masters the spelling of feelings .... "
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Любов... Когато пламти Когато разкъсва Когато разтърсва Когато те вдига високо в облаците Когато те сваля на земята Любов... Миг съвършен Светлина Огън Вяра Съдба..
Love ... When it burns When torn When it shakes When it lifts you high in the clouds When he knocks you to the ground Love ... Perfect moment Light Fire Faith Fate ..
Повтарям в тишината ти: „Обичам те” и нежно влизам във душата ти...
I repeat in your silence: "I love you" And I gently enter your soul
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"Може би в това е чарът на огъня - дори лекото докосване, оставя отпечатък. И нищо след това не е същото. И никой след това не е същия. Има хора, които носят огъня в себе си..."
"Perhaps this is the charm of fire - even a light touch leaves a mark. And nothing is the same after that. And no one is the same after that. There are people who carry the fire within them..."
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Мисъл Вечер заспивам с болка в душата. Самотата носи твоето име. В. Ивов
Самотата и.... тишината - твоето име на ум!!! !
Thought In the evening I fall asleep in pain in the soul. Loneliness bears your name.
Loneliness and .... silence is your name on the mind!!!!
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Ако Някога излезеш от съня и ме целунеш не знам, дали сърцето ще издържи на толкова щастие. Но искам да се сбъднеш.
If Sometimes you get out of sleep and you kiss me I don't know whether the heart will endure of so much happiness. But I want you to come true.
V. Ivov
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~ Не вярвам в дявола.. ~ А би трябвало.. Той вярва в теб..
~ I don't believe in the devil .. ~ A you should .. He believes in you ..
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'' ... затвори очите ... и виж света със сърцето ... Любовта е частицата, от която е тръгнало всичко. Колкото повече я губим, толкова повече се губим в света... '' Когато можеш да затвориш очи и просто да почувстваш душата ми, тогава знаеш... Знаеш.. Коя съм Аз
'' ... close your eyes ... and see the world with your heart ... Love is the particle from which everything started. The more we lose it, the more we get lost in the world ... '' When you can close your eyes and just feel my soul, then you know ... You know...who I am
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"Не ми казвай да се стегна! Аз да не съм възел, че да се стягам. Кажи ми "Отпусни се!". Чудесата не идват докато не им разчистиш място!"
"Don't tell me to tighten up! I shouldn't be a knot to tighten. Tell me "Relax!" Miracles do not come until you clear their place! "
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Истинско богатство... да има кой да отнема раните ти без да дава болка
A real treasure ... to have who to take your wounds without giving pain
Nikolai Vladimirov
I know that happiness loves silence But sometimes one wants to shout ...In case of love and gratitude... For the family,for soulmate, for the relatives, for the wonderful moments, for the trials ... for the real friends, for the family that you choose yourself ... Thank you all for the wonderful attitude towards me, for the empathy, the moral support, the understanding, the dialogue, for your discreet presence in my life! Thank God and destiny for everything I have!
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„Опитвам се да не гледам напред или назад... опитвам се да продължа нагоре.“ "I try not to look forward or backward... I try to keep going up."
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Едно сърце побира толкова болка, колкото душата ти му позволи... Една душа побира толкова обич, колкото сърцето ти й позволи..
One heart holds as much pain as your soul allows it ... A soul holds as much love as your heart allows.
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tabletlomo · 2 years
Jitsi for android
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It was released as an example video phone in the JAIN-SIP stack and later became an independent project. Work on Jitsi (then SIP Communicator) started in 2003as a student project by Emil Ivov at the University of Strasbourg. Jitsi is supportefd by various institutions such as the NLnet Foundation, the University of Strasbourg and the Region of Alsace and it has participated multiple times on Google Summer of Code program. Other projects are: Jigasi, lib-jitsi-meet, Jidesha, and Jitsi.
Jitsi also operates, a version of Jitsi Meet hosted by Jitsi for free to be used by the community. Later the team added Jitsi Meet, a full video conferencing application that includes web, Android, and iOS clients. With the growth of WebRTC, the Jitsi team decided to focus on Jitsi Videobridge for doing web-based video calling for multiple people. The Jitsi project started with Jitsi Desktop (previously known as SIP Communicator). Jitsi is a group of free and open-source voice (VoIP), videoconferencing and instant messaging for many platforms, like the web platform, Windows, Linux, macOS, iOS and Android. Voice over IP, instant messaging, videoconferencing Linux, macOS, Windows (all Java supported), Android, iOSĥ2.4 MB – Windows (bundles its own private JRE) ħ8.8 MB – Mac OS X (includes private JRE) Īsturian, English, French, German, Bulgarian, Japanese, Spanish, Italian, Romanian, Greek and 25 more
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eckva-offical · 5 years
hey do u know where to get that good ol Boy Juice
talk to rryuurr docotrrrr!!! u canaask about ppreaxin anst the sayme time *happy face* goodddlouck! it helped me 
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fisicol92 · 6 years
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Volleyball World Champ Top6: Easy win for Serbia over Italy
Serbia defeats Italy 3-0 (25-15, 25-20, 25-18) in first match of group J in Round 3 of FIVB Men's World Championship.
Ivovic's serve was the spring to every Serbian effort: impressive for power and accuracy (4 aces, 5 errors).
 Aleksandar Atanasijevic with 19 points allowed Serbia to always keep the lead, proving once again that their difficult path to the Final Six has now made them stronger psychologically.
Serbia now have a chance to find a place in the semifinals with one day of advantage, as they face Poland in the second match, with Italy now supporting Ivovic & co. in the hope to face Poland with even odds on Friday.
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inky-bun · 2 years
Yeeeeees inscryption beloved
Also i totally feel that, anxiety and social interaction my beloathed- /hj
Whenever ya wanna catch up bestie I’ll be here waiting, no need to rush :] /gen
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biglisbonnews · 10 months
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Market Action Last Thursday https://seekingalpha.com/article/4616004-market-action-last-thursday
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prowind9 · 7 years
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Boyer (FRA) vs Ivović (SRB), FIVB World League 2017 © FIVB
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natureismynature · 3 years
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Just realized that Karl’s old skin was purple spiral and green background... are we sure he’s not just going back to his origins? *insert he’s ivoving, just backwards meme here*
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peachy-jisung · 4 years
[9:01] “Ete punterunte, Prince Chenle! Enai! (Search for Prince Chenle! Quick!)” The queen nervously ordered her men, playing with her fingers as she tried to calm herself down. “Ade agchi, your highness (Will do, your highness)” The soldiers said before bowing down and made their way to search for the missing royalty.
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Dodging the stuck out branches, the said boy who made everyone in the castle worried continued walking away from the palace. Don’t mind him, he just want some healing after all the training he did throughout the whole day. The stumbling prince stopped on his tracks when a beautiful woman who is dressed with a stunning violet gown appeared in front of him.
Chenle looked at her in a puzzled manner, soon his eyes went wide as he realized who she is. “The first ever queen” The prince quickly took a bow to show a respect for the ancient fairy. The woman was born thousands years ago but she still looked like in her early 20s. “What do you want from me?” The boy asked.
The goddess scoffed lightly and smiled, “Nema estu ashentu adeya, Ade musti ashentu ivong adi. (I don’t need anything from you, You are the one who need something from me.)” The royalty tilted his head in confusion before positioning himself to prepare for some unexpected attacks. Some people in the kingdom who are gifted can change and imitate someone’s appearance, so he’s not gonna be surprised if this is just someone who want to make fun of him.
“Masne. Sensa. Ema andoya neva. Isn’t that what the crowned prince of the kingdom wants? (Peace. Answers. Your future. Isn’t that what the crowned prince of the kingdom wants?)” The ancestor raised one of her eyebrows in confirmation, resulting Chenle to reduce his doubt to the person in front of him.
“Ja moya adena mado avshi? (Don’t you want to know your future?)” The woman asked once again. “Muste adarde estu. (Follow me)” She said before giving him a last look. Though Chenle knew it’s dangerous for him to go with anyone, specially his coronation is near, he can’t help but to follow the lady’s footsteps.
“Hire gusna. Dema ashav diya is shav aranto, Edema ashar do irde martir. (A little warning. Not all you see is the truth and not all the truth is free)”
Chenle scoffed, “You’re gonna make me pay? I, who’s the crowned prince of Opulentos Dynasty?”
“Dema estu agti avi, Your highness. (I didn’t forced you to come with me, your highness)” The fairy clapped back.
Her attitude made Chenle realized that she really is, the first ever person to live here at the kingdom. Long ago and until now, Queen Viena was known for being sassy and not let anyone degrade her, she is also known to guide lost people to their right path. She’s also the most reliable person for the royalties as she have the ability to see what will happen in the future.
With a bit of hesitating, Prince Chenle dropped a small piece of gold to the thing in front of them that looks like a sink before saying, “I want to know if I will be a good king just like my father.” They waited for a second before Viena started to swirl her hand gracefully to the mystical body of water that reveals the truth. The ancient fairy focused as she tried to search for the royalty’s future.
Chenle running away. Blood. Someone. Fangs. Wounds. Dead bodies.
The female’s eyes shot back open as she tried to catch her breath. Her violet colored iris quickly darted to the prince and said, “Diya Rama dema istuov. (You will not be a king.)”
“Opulentos dina irmao made afir uste na agto aranto aravya lamer dema de cromo, edina sanctre masku asne ivov lamo mishna!” (You will forget about Opulentos and run away with someone, someone who is a monster!)
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naeyomy · 4 years
Малкото, но правилни думи свалят звезди, разтуптяват сърца и събуждат нечий мечти... Малкото, но от правилния.
The few but right words bring down stars, they beat hearts and awaken someone's dreams ... A little, but from the right person V. Ivov
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volleytimes-com · 3 years
Russia: win for Dinamo Moscow over Novosibirsk in recovery match of Round 5
Russia: win for Dinamo Moscow over Novosibirsk in recovery match of Round 5
In the recovery match of Round 5, Dinamo Moscow defeated Lokomotiv Novosibirsk in straight sets in a match that will be repeated in St. Petersburg in the first semifinal of the Russian Cup on Friday. Among the hosts still absent the injured Deroo, while on the other hand Konstantinov left the foreigners Luburic and Ivovic on the bench, using them only for a few pieces of the game and with…
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[pm] hey. Happy Valentine’s Day. Love you 300000000000000000000
[pm] RICKY IVOVE YOU TOO. i maybe kept going.  but i think youre the bst allways so. 
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fisicol92 · 6 years
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Volleyball World Champ: Serbia defeats Russia for second place in group C
Serbia beats Russia in the last set of a thrilling match, to achieves second place in group C behind Team USA. Final scora was 3-2 (25-21, 24-26, 25-17, 22-25, 15-12) for serb.
Aleksandar Atanasijevic scores 23 points (with 4 aces!), Uros Kovacev 21 points, Marko Ivovic 16. For Russia Egor Kliuka scores 20 pints, Maxim Mikhaylov 16.
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