mythvoiced · 6 months
@jeoseungsaja | the GBEP
Among the many animals to hop and hunt and run about forest floors, foxes aren't exactly the strongest on the list. Take a red fox, it usually shares its habitat with bears and wolves, or even elks and deer not small enough to be prey, large enough to not be competition but certainly threat.
That's perhaps where the legend of the 'cunning fox' had come from, who knows. A small predator who knows its way around quick, small feet, who slinks and rests its chances of survival on agility, and on needing less to survive than other predators in its area much better at killing, much better at eating.
But, being so small, being so nimble, being up against competitors with larger jaws, larger paws... foxes are easily frightened, too.
At least in Yuri's case.
At least in Rang's case.
A fox' cry has been compared to the pained, terrified screeching of a female voice for good reason.
Yuri is looking at Yeo with the large eyes of a cornered animal, not of a predator who thinks itself at an advantage in a fight. Yuri doesn't believe in her prowess to fight against Yeo because she's arrogant, misguided, but because she needs to win against the bigger threat, because her survival depends on it.
Yuri doesn't stare Yeo down because she wants to take him down but because she has to get him to understand, as subconscious as the urge may be, that she will die in an attempt to remove him, if he threatens what little she has:
Rang and her, two foxes, sœur et frère, bones exposed, hinds lame, in the woods somewhere.
She doesn't like his attitude at all. He stinks. Stinks of inhuman blood, of healing wounds, of age and expertise, he looks arrogant in her eyes, threatening for the position in Rang's life he occupies, the spot she doesn't understand. Why care about him at all? He looks like he's just waiting for the right opportunity to die.
One less thing to worry about, she thinks, with all the malice of a child who doesn't understand what death is.
I hope you die, the child says, thinking death means nothing at all, only understanding 'oh, how quickly adults pale at the word'.
Her gaze flickers between the door and him repeatedly, chewing his words over. She's not particularly witty, words mean little when she has claws and teeth, she's never used them to fight. She doesn't have a good retort, even if her eyes narrow in understanding that she's being target of mockery.
All the more reason to shoulder past him into his den.
She explores his place with her nose first, two steps in - flowery - before turning to stare at him again.
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"I'm not scared. Or concerned. I'm bothered. By you. You sound like far more trouble than you're worth."
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dreamkidddream · 3 years
I absolutely loved the doll! mc one with the brothers and diavolo. Could I ask for the same idea with the rest of the undateables and luke? If it isn't too much though. Thank you very much, don't forget to take care of yourself and stay hydrated!
I’m glad you enjoyed the first part!! I hope you’re staying safe through this pandemic and that you’re drinking plenty of water. I’m so happy that people liked the Doll!MC scenario so much (it even became one of my top posts and I was NEVER expecting that to happen 😳 click here to read it with the Bros and Diavolo). I got an UR card for Barbatos today and immediately thought back to this scenario cause I was just imagining the different situations with Doll!MC. Hope you enjoy!
Also, Luke’s part is strictly platonic, just FYI!
The Undateables (Minus Diavolo) with Doll!MC
Let me just say, you make this man’s day so much better
Your presence is just so calming for him. You could just be standing there (which is heavily enforced in the kitchen), not doing anything, and he would still be fully relaxed
Definitely loves you being in the kitchen with him, and will find ways to invite you so that you guys can spend time together
“MC, the young master has a tea party planned for this afternoon, and I’m afraid I may need your assistance to help prepare.”
“But Barb, I thought you didn’t want me touching anything-”
“I don’t want you touching anything that can cause you harm. I can easily handle the labor, but I do have a task for you...”
Cue to you sitting perfectly still and taste testing his sweets
“Barb, are you sure that I’m helping you like this? I don’t want to be useless to you!”
“Nonsense, MC. This is perfect. I needed someone with an exceptional palette, and you’re just the right person for me.”
Just you and him, and his sweet creations. What more could he ask for?
Maybe being in a relationship with you, but he is very sure that it’s going to be happening in the near future...and he didn’t even have to use his powers to know that
He stares at you a lot. He can’t help it, he loves to just admire you!
Barbatos is the type of guy where he doesn’t have to rely on words to express his love. His love language is acts of service: packing you lunch and extra sweets every week, giving you recipes that he wouldn’t even share with Luke, and gifting you mini accessories that you can wear with your outfits!
He gave you this adorable three-legged crow holding a cupcake hairpin and you’ve been wearing it ever since
He tries to hide his blush everytime he sees you and now he has to work even harder because of the pin lmao
You both have a designated day and time where you don’t plan anything in order to have your own tea parties
No Diavolo, no noisy demon brothers, no other exchange students (sorry Luke). Just you and him, enjoying each other’s company and him basking in your glow
If someone did try to harm you, he would already know of it and properly disposes of the problem. Lord Diavolo can’t afford to have any issues interfering with the exchange program, and he can’t afford to have anything happen to you so...no harm no foul, right?
Please continue to do what you’re doing MC. Stare at him with your bright, doe eyes and give him that lively smile everytime. It makes his day go by much easier, especially since he knows that you’ll still be there, waiting for him with your own desserts and that smile reserved just for him
Was convinced that you were an angel
Lowkey still convinced that you’re an angel
Really, you just look so...angelic
Wasn’t upset when you revealed that you were in fact human; he was happy because this meant that he could show you around the Celestial Realm!
Speaking of Celestial Realm, be prepared for Simeon to be your very own personal tour guide everytime. This could be your 50th time up there and he’ll still try to point new things out
“And over here is-”
“Michael’s favorite resting place, since the lilies always seem to bloom whenever he’s around,” you giggled. “I remember Simeon, you tell me this everytime we visit!”
He’s a tad embarrassed
“Forgive me, MC. It seems that I get so elated over the fact that you’re here with me, I tend to repeat some things over.”
“That’s okay! I still have fun with you everytime!”
Oh MC, you’re too adorable!
Which causes him to worry over you. While he knows that the brothers and Diavolo (along with Barbatos) wouldn’t dare cause you any distress, the same couldn’t be said for the other demons lurking around, both in and out of RAD
But not to fear, Simeon your friendly guardian angel is here!
I am so sorry for the rhyme lmao
He may not have been personally assigned to you, but that doesn’t mean he can just let anything happen to you! He’s only doing his heavenly duties in protecting you! He’s also being a good friend by watching over you too, his little lamb
He wouldn’t attack anyone, but if he made a complaint or a very serious concern to the right person (Lucifer or Diavolo), consider the problem handled
You have your own tea time as well, and Luke would join you sometimes. But, every now and then, Luke would have to finish some homework or study, or Barbatos would miraculously call for him at the castle, or if it was just too late and Luke just had to go to sleep, then it would just be you two. Sitting by the fireplace, discussing matters ranging from RAD to your life in the human world, drinking tea that you would take turns preparing
Not to mention the downright dainty little cakes you would bring. One time you brought him angel cakes and he found so lighthearted and precious that he requested you bring them everytime, just for him
May or may not base a character in his new story around you
Simeon wants to shield you from the horrors that are surrounding you both. You’re so pure, he just wants you safe. From the way that you would dress to the way that your eyes would just look so amazed and innocent at him, he just knows that he needs to watch over you, always. The brothers do get a little wary when they see how much time you do spend at Purgatory Hall, but they know that Simeon couldn’t possibly have feelings for you, and you were always so giddy after leaving there, they couldn’t bring themselves to say anything
And Simeon knew that he was starting to feel more than he should. He couldn’t profess his love for you now in risk of falling, but he can wait until you get your wings. Just imagining you in your cute little Ceslestial Realm outfit (which he hopes still mimicked your current style) with your very own beaming halo was enough to keep him waiting and to make sure that you stayed on the right path
He deemed that you were worth the wait
When he first saw you he could just cry
Someone innocent like you got sent down here with these monsters?! He had to keep you safe!!!
Simeon thought you were angel and then realized that you were not; Luke thought you were an angel and refused to believe that you weren’t
You didn’t have it in you to burst his bubble so soon, so you just let him run with it until Simon broke the news
It was like telling a kid that Santa Claus wasn’t real; you can only imagine how Luke took the revelation
Not well from what Solomon told you. Simeon kept saying he just needs some time to process things, and you just felt so awful about the whole thing
Which lead to you bringing him so much sweets that it made Beel jealous and very upset
But we all know how Beel can be around food, so it wasn’t a huge surprise. He chased you around all day and you had to use your pact to get him to stop!
And you promised to make him double the sweets in he forgave you so all is well
Luke was still obviously sad, but he wasn’t going to stay sad forever. Especially not after you brought this many sweets just for him!
Lucifer was not a happy demon when Simeon arrived at the HoL’s doorstep with you groaning and clutching your stomach. And Solomon took so many pictures of Luke while he passed out from his sugar high that he dedicated a whole album in his phone to it
Favorite activity to do together: Baking! (Obviously)
Trading recipes, shopping for ingredients together, baking things for each other to try (where really it was just to have double the desserts)
When you two are in the kitchen together, no one else is allowed (except for Simeon, but only if he’s looking and not touching). It’s now MC and Luke time, everybody else is gonna have to wait!
Luke only wants you to do the the activities that he sees as harmless: which is everything that doesn’t include sharp items and anything else that can hurt you
“MC get away from that! That can seriously hurt you! Let me get it for you instead!
“Luke, honey, it’s just an oven it’s not my first time using one-”
Too late, he already took it out of your hands into his own, mitts already on
Speaking of oven mitts
You guys have matching aprons and mitts!!
Barbatos may be a little bit jealous, but he likes the bond that you two have. And he knows that Luke won’t be a romantic rival so he’s alright lol
Luke is your deemed protector/bodyguard, and he proudly wears the title since no one bothers you because of him (or so he thinks). Everyone makes fun of him calling him a chihuahua, but jokes on him, when Luke complains, he complains
Won’t take long for Simeon or even one of the brothers to pick up on his whines complaints if he thinks someone is bothering you
Luke believes that while he’s small, he can protect you and try to keep you free from danger. He may be young, but he sees himself as the older brother out of you both (even though it’s really you being the older sibling and him being the baby). Always looking out for you especially since you’re too fragile to be left alone!
You’re one of the only people that genuinely likes him and don’t make fun of him. You’re dear to him MC, please don’t ever change!
Also, he definitely talks to Michael about you all the time so excitedly and sends him sweets that you both made together. Michael is a proud dad at this point
Knew you wasn’t a doll but loved to tease you about being one anyway
Was there a spell that can really turn you into a doll? You wouldn’t mind if he tried it out on you, right MC?
Don’t tempt him please because he WILL do it
“Tell me, MC. Hypothetically speaking, if I were to purchase-”
“No Solomon, you can’t shrink me down to fit me into a dollhouse, no matter how nice it sounds. Besides, I can’t bake in a dollhouse, the oven wouldn’t work!”
“I can fix that.”
You’re very amusing to him for some reason. Was it because of how doll-like you are? The fairytale way that you dressed? How you were still human and was able to live with seven of the most powerful demons and not die? Maybe it’s the way that you still radiated such positivity despite being in literal Hell?
Honestly all of the above
Poor Solomon doesn’t realize that his cooking isn’t...the best
And you took the best approach in helping him atleast cook something that looks edible
You didn’t say his cooking was disgusting like some people (literally everyone else), so he took that you giving him lessons was a date of sorts
He wasn’t complaining. Your time spent in the kitchen was scenes straight of a romcom (no matter how cheesy it sounds); his arms wrapped around your waist and dotting icing on your pretty nose
May or may not have licked some icing off of you at one point, will definitely do it again
Solomon is a very confident man, borderline arrogant (Oh who am I kidding he IS arrogant). So yes, while people may see you as an easy target, he’s here to remind them that you’re not. And that if they want to try, chances are they won’t be walking away in one piece
He’s powerful, too powerful in fact. He may not be the strongest physically, but if even the entire student council recognizes his knowledge and what he’s capable of, no one should be dumb enough to test him (keyword: try)
But he wouldn’t mind showing off if it’s for you
You’re one of the only beings to ever peak Solomon’s interest genuinely. Yes, he loved to tease and bug you whenever he pleased, but you also made him want to come around you more and more. He was drawn to you, and that doesn’t happen a lot with him (at least without ulterior motives)
*coughcough* making pacts *coughcough*
You were the only thing that made Solomon feel weak, but that wasn’t necessarily a bad thing. Don’t get him wrong, he’s still The Greatest Sorcerer, but he couldn’t help but feel himself get weak in the knees when you gazed at him with so much sincerity. He loves it and loves you
Once your back in the human world, he’s going to be so selfish with you. I mean, he already kinda was now, but this time there won’t be any interruptions or distractions around to take your attention
Us humans have to stick together, and what better way to stick together than to be together, wouldn’t you say MC?
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x-avavarts-x · 4 years
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A final fantasy fanfiction for my oc and her family.
Characters: Cor Leonis, Laura lucis caelum (my oc), Loqi Tummelt، Lunafreya nox fleuret, Crystalcrown Leonis ( @yutauke28 oc)
 My national language is not English. I apologize for spelling and grammar mistakes.
summary :
When your flesh and blood are mixed with pain and you are nurtured with it, you dedicate your whole being to those who were trying to improve your suffering by touching their love. What's wrong with you? It does hurt to lose these loved ones, even thinking about it bothers you. At that time .. you grab everything to stop the destiny .. like a bird stuck in a cage and trying for freedom, you knock yourself on the door and the wall to find a way ... and if you find it. Nothing can stop you, even if it is a God!
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part 12:
She gently pulled her lips together to make her lipstick even! She doesn't like to have a face without makeup. She felt that her colorless lips and a pale face usually made her look weak from the eyes of others, or even made their feel sorry for her. She put the blush in front of the service's mirror and went back out. She looked at her team. Crystal, Cor, and Loqi were the way to go and each did something. Loqi was trying to find nifs uniform in size of Cor and Crystal was tying makes her hair wouldn't come out from under her hat! She smiled briefly, happy that her teammates had no material purpose. Especially Loqi because he had to be with his enemy!
" Being far away is also a problem, Mr. Leonis !!"
It was the voice of Loqi coming out with greed and anger. His mean is about Cor's highest. He was right, he had those MTs under his command, and it was almost impossible to find the soldiers' uniforms in his airship! But it seemed like luck was on the side of this small four-man team that finally found the right hand for Cor!! There was no respect for Cor in Loqi's behavior, so he threw the dress at the 45-year-old man and put his hand on his waist:
" We have to come down to the ground, go and put it!"
Unlike Loqi, Cor did not show any anger. He easily ignored it, and that made Loqi even more greedy! That was Cor's goal! He deliberately ignored him! To enjoy his greed! Because Loqi couldn't see how Cor was laughing at him!
"Hey !! Altissia is much more beautiful of above!"
Loqi and Laura's attention was drawn to the crystal sound. She was standing on a chair so she could see the bottom of the ship's wall through a small hatch. A smile settled on Laura's lips. she stood beside her without climbing! Altissia was a place of good and bad memories at laura's childhood! she turned her head toward the crystal and leaned against the wall of the ship:
"Altissia is always beautiful! And of course, don't forget that is holy! Because Leviathan is here!"
She was standing in front of a wooden model, looking at the white dress she had prepared for her wedding, unlike the girls who are very happy on this day, Luna's blue eyes showed no sign of happiness! Her feelings were filled with tears and the need to cry in her heart. she was alone and never had anyone to talk about her pain, she never said she was suffering! never..!! As a child, she learned to think only of her duty ... but as she grew older, she realized that the world was more beautiful than it was to hide behind her duties.
When she first touched love ...!! She smiled sadly because her newborn love soon became too bitter and painful to imagine! Before she thought about forcing her to marry Noctis ... she lost the person she had imprisoned in her heart ..! Light ... Was the light cruel or dark? Are these two different from each other? Both light and darkness destroyed everything.
She nodded her head and looked at her white dress. Her thoughts were drawn to the darkness, and it was not in her honor to doubt the light and power of her gods! Slowly she took a step towards the window to calm down when he saw the blue sea, but suddenly someone opened the door of her room! She turned her head towards the door. She was shocked to see the face of her beloved! He was alive !!
"Thanks to the Gods, Loqi!!"
Luna's voice of hope and joy was smiling at Loqi's lips! No one knew how Loqi felt about Lunafreya, even that was hidden from Aurora!
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He went to Luna without considering the three soldiers with him. He hugged her delicate body and kissed Luna's forehead in missed, the short silence that had fallen between them was broken by Luna's worried and homesick voice:
"You ok? ... I thought I lost you!"
Laura's gaze was fixed on Loqi's hands as he gently stroked Luna's golden hair, laughed softly, and walked over to them. She dropped the gun in his hand and picked it up on the sofa and his hat too:
"I don't know why you want to get married when each of you has a LOVE !!"
LaUra's voice frightened Lunafreya. She turned away from her beloved Loqi and turned to the princess. She didn't know how to react at that moment. Her voice was barely released:
"Princess Laura! what are you doing..here?!"
Laura was well aware that Luna was scared. Contrary to Luna's idea, Laura easily coped with this issue. Just don't do this because of congratulations!
" I really knew that Loqi would fall in love with you, he would also fall in love with Oracle! But I'm glad you have one in your heart too! However, I did not come to see you, and Loqi play loves now. we are in a hurry. Isn't it Loqi?"
Laura's friendly tone calmed Luna's heart. She smiled as much as she could. Unlike Laura, Loqi's tone was not very friendly. Once again, the reason for his hatred of Lucians appeared before his eyes. He put his hand around Luna and wanted to guide her to sit together:
"That's right, but here's our range. I can stay for a while."
"I want to talk to Luna alone, dear lover!
You and the rest stay out !!"
Laura's voice made Loqi stand. He took a short breath and turned to Luna. Without saying a word, he kissed her lips briefly and quietly and then left the room in front of the girl's eyes, which he had been worried about for several days. It closed with silence.
For Luna, it was very wonderful why Laura was here in secret. Laura knew that if Luna didn't ask, it wasn't because she didn't want to know. She stood in front of Luna and motioned for her to sit down. Lunafreya was silent but waited. In a way, she was very happy for Loqi, because he knew he was standing in the right place! And on the one hand, worry about how satisfied he is with the Lucians on one front! However, she waited for the princess's words to understand what was going on!
It didn't take long for Laura to sit on of her knees in front of her. She put out One of her gloves and said in a serious tone:
"Give me the ring of lucci!"
Laura's wonderful request for the ring made no positive sense in Lunafreya. She lowered her head slightly and displayed the ring between her clenched fingers. But before handing it over to Laura, she looked at her:
"This is for Noctis, Laura! What do you want it for?"
And again doubts against Laura's loyalty! She smiled out of habit:
" Do you think I want to get it for myself?"
Laura's words embarrassed Luna! But her embarrassment did not cause her to back down!
"You know that the power of this ring belongs only for the true king, Laura. You harm yourself by taking it. Noctis is now in Altissia. I have to give the ring to him!"
Lunafreya's insistence on not wearing the ring, and seeing Laura's personality like the rest of the power seekers, made the princess somewhat nervous! She got up  and took the metal ring out of Luna's hands, using her mastery of the metal. She looked at Luna as she held the ring in his hand:
"I don't want the power of this ring, because it has no value for me! I want the support of ruler of yore, I want to make sure no one is green in front of me because killing those of my blood is unbearable for me, Lunafreya Nox Fleuret!"
Laura's cold and serious tone silenced Luna alone! She was worried that Noctis would lose her sister too, or that he would not be able to bear that Laura had betrayed him! That's what Luna believed! No one was happy with Laura's heartfelt intentions at first! And they always accused her of treason! Contrary to Luna's imagination, Laura didn't even leave the room! She had no respect for the power of that ring! Wear the ring without any hesitation. Time stopped before Laura's eyes, and suddenly she was surrounded by absolute darkness. When the first blue-colored light shone, she grinned and turned to the 13 King of yore, who appeared one after the other in front of her!
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Mystic, as he held his sword in front of his body, shone brighter than before, and spoke:
"In our presence, you have to explain why you wore the ring! Did you covet his power?"
Laura's gaze turned to the blue giants, and then she laughed softly:
"the power? No, I don't want anyone's power! I came to talk to you!"
"Did you just risk your life to wear the ring because of a short conversation?"
It was the father's voice that reached her daughter's ears! She raised his head and turned to her father. Her father's soul was standing in front of her, healthy and well, without a cane in his hand.
" For two thousand years, we have witnessed deaths that were all due to darkness! It's natural to want to attack Noctis to destroy him and his soul! But I have a suggestion for you !!"
"A suggestion?"
It was the voice of the Warrior that caught the attention of Laura and the other kings of yore! Laura's gaze was fixed on him and she continued without hesitation:
" I want to end this killing from the root! I will fight Ardyn without using your power! If I could close it again, I might have invited him to my front! Anyway,That's not all, and my goal is bigger!"
Laura's words made the heart of mystic full of joy and happy! Finally, someone was going to revolt!
"We hear light's daughter!
Mystic's voice invited all the kings to silence and Laura to speak! It was very difficult to please the kings of yore, but Laura could solve this problem with her words! She continued with a short pause:
" I want to kill Bahamut!"
The movement of the spirits means they are be surprised. The first spirit to protest was the Rogue!
"How dare you say this, humble creature!"
Laura's gaze was mixed with anger and hatred, and she looked at Rogue:
"This humiliation must end! How long are you supposed to be a slave to someone who does not calm down except the smell of innocent blood !! Why did you blind to the truth ?? Do you think this is not enough ???"
The first agreeable soul was the Just, the Queen of Peace who tried for years to stop the bleeding. She pushed her shield away from the tension and stepped forward a little:
"You're right, this bleeding must end! But how can you end it? Bahamut is the absolute power of this world!"
" I can handle it. Either I die or he dies, I just asked you for just one thing !!"
"What is it my child!"
Laura's gaze turned to the Mystic. Because she heard his voice:
" I don't want to fight with my ancestors! If you don't support me, don't stand in front of me !! I did not wear this ring to ask for your power !! All my efforts are to keep you, so I don't want to take any of you by surprise!"
At the end of Laura's words, one by one, the blue spirits disappeared. And the only the true king stayed with Laura. The Mystic returned to his human form and walked towards Laura, a smile on his face showing how happy he was that one of his 114 generations had finally been found to find out the truth. He hugged his daughter and whispered:
"thank you..!"
Somnus' body shone through the bright crystals and turned into a spot of light sinking into Laura's heart. As Somnus' soul plunged into the princess's heart, Laura took a step back and punched her hand in the chest. The darkness was gone, and it was Lunafreya who hosted Laura. Happiness smirked at Luna's lips:
"Thank Gods that you are fine!"
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A smile also settled on Laura's lips. But it didn't take long for her face to return to normal. She took a deep breath and turned her back on her. She took off her hat as well as her gun. She wanted to go, but she stopped, took the ring, and looked at it:
"Power ... it's a strange thing! Those who don't have it, search to find it. And those who have it ... either try to make everyone understand that they are powerful, or try to increase their power!"
She held the ring between her two fingers and raised her hand, pulled it back slightly so that Luna could receive the ring, and continued:
" This is the power that has been entrusted to you, Luna .. When you give this ring to Noctis, tell him that he is going to be sacrificed for the light ..!"
Luna's eyes shone with surprise as well as a concern! She opened his lips to say something. It was very unusual for her how Laura knew this! But Laura doesn't let her eat her opinions:
"If that woman two thousand years ago .. Aera .. told Ardyn why he was chosen, now light and darkness are in balance .. and our world was not endangered. Your secrecy, Oracles, is a betrayal of all humanity !! So don't hide the fate of Noctis from him .. maybe something better happened .."
Laura's words made Lunafreya sad. She lowered her head a little and answered in a low voice:
"I am not allowed to do this .. God of Gods has forbidden revealing this issue ..! Its power is beyond the powers .. We must listen to the command of our God!"
Laura's frown was drawn, and she hated it so much. She let go of the ring so that Luna could catch it, and if Luna brought her hands later, the ring would fall to the ground. She raised her head and stared at Laura, unable to see her face ... but she could tell by the tone of her voice that she was angry:
"Absolute power, we are Lunafreya .. We are the ones who choose who commands us !! Nothing should stop us from achieving our goals! Tell Noctis ... and wait to see with your own eyes how I will destroy that power beyond the powers that be !!"
Although Laura's tone was angry, she did not have a loud voice, and this increased the influence of her words! She put on her hat and left the room without giving Luna time to ask questions.
Lunafreya's gaze was fixed on the closed door, she couldn't believe what she had heard with her own ears. What did Laura want to do? War with the god of gods ?? This was impossible !!
"Nothing is impossible in this world, Oracle ..!"
It was Gentiana's voice that caught Lunafreya's attention. She looked back and stared at Gentiana. She squeezed the ring in his hand and then stared at the ground .. if that's possible .. what's better? Her frown softened and she shook her head in Gentiana's approval:
"If this is possible .. then I am waiting to see it !!"
Luna's words had taken on a different tone, and that made Gentiana smile and open her green eyes!
"On my honor as Oracle, I will not rest until the darkness is banished from our world and the light is restored.."
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Oracle's words thrilled the people, and joy and hope rippled through them all, and peace settled in their hearts. Somewhere far in the Oracle,  Laura was standing right behind a stone wall, looking down at Noctis from behind her hat. Seeing her brother among the people gave her an unusual feeling, the fear of losing him was killing his soul!
It was in these thoughts that someone put his hand on his shoulder! She didn't look away from Noctis, but she raised her hand and put on that hand! She knew her owner, a man who had taken her heart.
"We have to go, my princess!"
" Did you talk to Ignis?"
" I delivered your message to him!"
With a short pause, he looked away from Noctis, knowing that he was safe with Lunafreya and the rest of his friends and that he was ready to die so that Noctis would not be harmed, so finally, she had to leave! She has to go to the crystal! Now that she was a few steps away from her goal, she didn't want to back down or be late. She had not yet boarded Loqi's ship when Crystal stopped her from moving. She raised her head and turned to her strawberry. Laura's silence allowed CrystalCrwon to speak:
"Can I stay with my friends?"
The fact that Crystal wanted to be next to Noctis was a peace of mind for Lara because Crystal was an Oracle and could save Noctis from death. In addition, the presence of two Oracle next to the Noctis made it easier for Laura to focus on her goal. She smiled and gently patted Crystal's shoulder:
"Because your father is your master, I'm not worried about your life. Go and take care of my brother! OK?"
A smile of longing flashed on Crystal's lips. She took off her hat and respected Laura:
She ran to Noctis, but Laura's voice stopped her. She stood up and turned to see what her princess was up to:
"Luna is like someone you wanted to see her face! I heard this from your uncle !!"
Crystal eyes sparkled. Surprised and perhaps happy ... Did Lady Lunafreya look like her mother? She ran more restlessly than before to see Luna. Once again, she stared at her face for a long time, hugged her, and felt her mother.
Cor was still standing at the foot of the ship. He didn't object to why Laura allowed Crystal to stay here. It's true that she wasn't his own daughter, but he loved her so much that he never thought about it! In addition, he knew that Crystal would not be harmed, but he was worried anyway. He lowered his head slightly and then boarded the ship, trying to focus on Laura. When the ship took off, he could now safely pull the clothes out of tension and put his uniform again. He knelt in front of Laura, who was sitting on a chair. because he felt Laura's mind was engaged in an adventure other than her goal. He took her hands and caressed Laura's fingers, trying to free her mind from the hustle and bustle of empty thoughts.
Laura looked at Cor, that was her only reaction. She smiled and kissed the forehead of her love. She knows what is Cor's opinions, so she tried to save him from worry by kissing his forehead, but she couldn't:
"What's wrong, baby?"
The wave sat softly in Laura's eyes. She rested her head on Cor's shoulder and waited for Cor to embrace her:
"Can you don't come to Gralea?"
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