nilesmoon · 3 months
Hi, I loved your post about the family vacation with Ichi and Sawashiro. And I'll just say that I didn't have a problem with Sawashiro's role in IW... until the very last second. Because they get a freaking helicopter for Kiryu, but no one even went to look if Sawashiro was ok?? They just leave him in the chair while tending to Kiryu. BOTH of them are dying.
Like holy shit, Ichi would have gone to him in a second. He would have stopped Ebina's monologue instead of just standing there without even knowing if he was alive or not. That was for me the most disrespectful moment. I loved how Ichi believed in him at the beginning of Chapter 10, and then I was expecting some kind of reunion at the end but he f*cks off to Hawaii, not even a "Please save the Captain" to Kiryu or anything. That's what made me the most mad
I really hope they pay us off in Y9, he better come back with a cool eyepatch and join the party
Omg I didn't really expect anyone to read that post let alone get an ask about it but I'm so glad that you loved it!! And huge same if he's not coming back as a party member or dying in a meaningful way, there's no point bringing that asshole back.
Me, being the Arakawa family tragedy enjoyer that I am, was overjoyed to see Sawashiro back for 8 and while he did have a few banger moments, the ending really did ruin it all for me. Me bitching abt it under the cut bc I need to puke out my anger Somewhere
Like I keep going back to think about how Ebina calls Ichi, tells him that he's got a bone to pick with him, tells him that he's holding Sawashiro captive bc what better bait to dangle in front of Ichi than the possibility of someone he cares for getting hurt??? And lets be real here the rest of the cast has no reason whatsoever to care about Sawashiro other than him being someone important to Ichi. (I think Tomi says something like 'i dont know this guy but if he's being used as bait he's gotta be important to you' iirc)
Then Kiryu walks in and is like "leave Ebina to me" bc Ebina's plotline is suddenly something personal Kiryu has to deal with??? (my feelings about kiryu being a protag in this game is a whole diff can of worms that I wont open rn but keep in mind how its mostly negative) So Ichi leaves that to him and doesn't really state what he's feeling about all the new info that gets dropped on him (this could be a 'Ichi putting others above himself' moment but i still hate it bc whats the point of Ebina's '''plot twist''' if Ichi was not even a part of it????)
And my god Sawashiro at that last scene. I think my live reaction of that scene is still on twitter where I just bitch for an hour. Even before the scene happened I was like "If they kill Sawashiro without Ichi present it'd make no sense. just like how killing Hanawa without Kiryu present was a Bad Choice".
When that chair turned... I think I tuned out the rest of Ebina's monologue bc I kept thinking the same 3 things: 1. none of this would've happened if sawashiro came with me to hawaii, 2. there's absolutely no reason for this to happen with This Cast (i dont think they even react outside of gasping or something) and 3. when will this masato clone wanna-be shut the fuck up so I can beat his face in (One thing I'll give to that chair scene was how it was a direct parallel to Hoshino's corpse. I think it was a very sexy thing rgg did.)
And then they're like "look!! he's not dead!!!" but at that point I was not sure if that was a 'last words' or a 'he's still alive!' moment. and I'm gonna be honest I Still Do Not know bc just like you said anon, NOONE DOES ANYTHING ABOUT HIM??? (nor about ebina for that matter) AND THEN THERES NO FOLLOW UP WHATSOEVER????? and all this makes me see it as sequel bait tbh
and I'm not even going into how he doesnt even get to meet Akane again. Thats a whole other topic on its own and I think I already typed out enough lol.
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cyberkitty1 · 10 months
Part 3 Twin AU
inspo : @moodysunflowerbaby
you have only been able to think about your last reaction with them. was that the last time you would talk? will yoi ever be friends again? are they ok? why couldn’t i have been a better friend? it plagued tour mind, flying above you like a storm cloud. you wanted to talk with them but how could you? there was nothing you could think of to fix this mess.
you were sitting in your room watching a movie when you hear a quite nock on your door. absentmindedly you call “come in” you didnt even turn to see who it was. “ hey” you heard behind you causing confusion. your parents never say “hey” and the voice was oddly familiar? you turn to see miles and mylo standing with a plastic bag in hand.
all you could do was stare “ could we talk?” miles asked. you were still caught off guard so you simply nodded pausing the movie and sitting up. the both take a seat on the edge of the bed. you sat in silence for what felt like forever till you heard mylo sigh “ im sorry for jumpin to a conclusion the way i did, i felt the a jerk the moment i left. you onyl wanted us to past with the best score and if miles could have helped i should have been open to the idea. im sorry” he says sincerely gazing into your eyes searching for what you could have been feeling.
“ im so sorry as well i had no right to say that, i was upset and i just didn’t know how to deal with my emotions i didn’t mean to upset you, or take it out on you could you forgive me, forgive us?”
you stay silent “ why didnt you just tell me about what happened, i would have been there for you guys. i thought thats what friends do for each other i tell you guys whats going on with me but the moment i ask about you its like im not allowed to know. and miles you asked me if i wanted to hang out after school and literally stood me up? and then i saw you hanging out with some blond girl hours later? why would you do that?”
you say with pain lacing your voice. mylo was kind of shocked he had no idea about this. miles sighs “ i habnt seen her in a long time we were just catching up and i didnt mean to forget i was stressed and busy im so so sorry.”
you couldn’t forgive him just like that… could you? “ it really hurt. and i don’t deserve to be treated like that, but if the both of you will be honest with me” you pause “ we can be friends again” you say with a soft smile “ thank you we appreciate it, and so will our mom” miles laughs “ oh so she made you guys come here? i knew it there is no way you came here willingly.” they laugh before realizing what they brought “ oh and we bought you these on the way here” mylo says handing you a bag of your favorite snacks “ thank you, you guys didn’t have to do this” “ wellllll we kind of did” miles says before scratching his neck.
“ so we good right?” mylo asks “ yea were good”
the end
btw you end up with mylo having a happy ever after 😊
🏷️: @soseoulol @shoyofroyoyoyo @pandoragalora @miles-42-morales @heavisdelulu @lilcassipuff @levanneisdumb @thebaddest @sussybaka10 @itsznanabanana @malllywally @missyysyx @c4nth3lp1t @sgmianne @miles4hour @ulovejayy @onginlove @buckleyverse @lexixiii @swaqlover @yoursidehismain @florencepughswife030196 @lethycia @edgyficuselastica @druiggf @onsimpshii @lovely-horror-show @vivsamortentia @leighs-gallery @remuslupinsno1slut @steve-harringtons-bitch @shurisbbymama @bunnybabylovesstuff @karmascute @c4rine @janaeby @mookiebutt @paraccosm @zkristuz @reflectionsinrealtime @mindymeeksrules @nagi3seastorm @popeheywardssecretgf @be3_Fl0w3er @piopio @hoodypunpurri @hiyoo-o @enchanting-violet @fiannee @itsnotino @inluvwithneteyam
also i will be deleting the post regarding the anonymous hater because my page is supposed to be filled with happy thoughts and POSITIVITY!!
i also feel me replying gave them a confidence boost or something and i don’t want then to attack anyone else.
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cuntstable · 1 year
sbr is the first time ill be live blogging experiencing a jojo part for the first time in years btw since p5 bc i read p6 in shameful silence (didnt want to admit i was getting back into jojo and was planning to keep it under wraps but then. evil priest happened) and liveblogging the anime a little bit did not count…. im sorry in advance ill try to keep it to a minimum but hater moments will at least be posted
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awsugar · 2 years
i am asking about destiel
the love story of all time. im so serious. i have watched the first half of supernatural like 4 times and the second half only once but i have rewatched certain scenes like a million times and i watched the destiel supercut TWICE (its 8 hours) after finishing spn. and the supercut is almost perfect but it leaves out one of my most poignant destiel acknowledgment moments between sam and dean. in fucking 8x18 the EPISODE after goodybye stranger. i love you destiel supercut maker but why did you leave that out it means so much.
but yea like idk i mean obviously there must be some gay shows out there with good on screen canon gay romance but nothing can ever top destiel like the EVERYTHING of it. the way they could not control their own story. the love story of all time was happening in front of them and it got out of their hands and it happened in such a way when they didnt even want it to. haters WILL hate. but its fucking incredible. the everything about it makes it even better to me than if they had a love story that was allowed and they tried to make it happen and make it a thing. destiel supercedes. you will never watch any romance that tops it. because the way the people making the show hated it but accidentally made it happen at the same time makes it the perfect thing. because its just a natural thing. its a slow burn. and when you watch all 15 seasons of the show as you watch it happen like SO OFTEN you are like no fucking way......this did not happen. and it did. and it happened. and its better than anything else anyone will ever do in the way of fictional romance im sorry.
my spn hyperfixation happened initially like 2011-2013 and then after destiel went canon and the finale i got back into it full swing and rewatched the whole thing 1.5 times bugt recently i have been thinking about watching it again. its so good idc about everyone who says its bad.
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taestefully-in-luv · 2 years
i really needed a few days to think about the whole story of Love Again... and process what happened.
it was so beautiful and i really enjoyed it to the teenie tiniest bit!!
I always got so excited when i saw your updates.
whenever you posted a new chapter i told my best friend ALL about it because i fell in love at first sight!!! ahhh
The way two ex lovers meet again and fall in love with each other all over again..is just so nice! :(
and i told my bestie ALL THE TIME how much i enjoy reading it, how much i love the characters, HOW FUNNY they are, how real your writing is.. and how MUCH i love the plot.
now that it's over... i have a bitterweet feeling... because i have to understand that there won't be any more chapters.
You have an incredible way of writing.. doesnt matter if its your original and unique way to bring the characters with their super fun, loveable and relatable personalities to life, or the way you bring emotions through your way of writing and just in general...the way you use your words is so satisfying.
You're a great Autor.
i usually don't write stuff about the fanfictions i've read but i felt the need to do it here... because you really deserve to know that there are people out here who love what you did/do.
Reading it made my days so much better!
Especially at times where i knew when you're gonna post again!! my whole week just got better because of your update. It didnt matter how bad my week was, i got so happy knowing i can read a new chapter soon :')
I don't think that i can EVER show anyone how much i love "love again"
now to the characters.. the first thing that comes to my mind is "wow".
i love everyone so much.
i loved how jeremy and naomi were bickering all the time, how hobi was y/n's biggest hater and support, how COOL dae was, how amazing namjoon was even tho he got his heart broken :(( ahhh BUT EMIKO AND JOONIE <3, how Taehyung was this super cutie patootie soulmate(he always made me laugh), how lucy evolved at the end, how jungkook was this really cool and fun (not real)girlfriend-stealer HAHAH
how jimin ...went through so much but..the way he was with y/n, how their bond was, the way he accepted that he needs help with his trauma and guilt and .. i could go on and on..ahh idk i could write so much about them.. and y/n.. man.. sometimes i don't like what "y/n's" are doing but you... you did her real good.
o k a y sometimes i wanted to punch her (cuz that's normal) but i also understood her so i was feeling bad for being mad...i just love them all so much..and i got so happy at the end... at the wedding...
i'm glad you can't see me crying rn because i'm shedding ugly tears.
it's crazy to say this after reading a ton of fanfictions but i think this turned into my all time favourite.
and i dont think that another one can top this.. Love Again will always have a special place in my heart.
thank you so much for giving us this beautiful story! <3
sorry for my grammar, i'm not a native speaker
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sorry it took me a hot minute to answer this one—it’s just every time i read it i legit had to take a moment to collect myself from stopping my entire body from melting
thank you thank you thank you 💘 i screenshotted this the moment you sent it in and sent it to my sister in law so we could sob together
i’m very happy you enjoyed Love Again and that my updates were something you could look forward to and also !!!!! i’m super wowed that you’d even tell your bff about it!
this story was so fun to write and every chapter i wrote felt satisfying in my own eyes, making every time i had to write feel super easy. your kind words talking about all the little details whether it’s plot related or about the characters just makes me feel so accomplished 😭 i can’t tell you guys enough but even if ONE person feels connected to my story and my words in any way then i feel like im doing something good and a worthy human being lol
so glad you liked the ending! and yeah, the characters were fun and made the story feel more full imo but of course y/n’s have to be annoying sometimes for some drama akdjdjsjsksks
thank you thank you for reading this series and supporting me from start to finish, it means everything and the fact you took the time to write me all of this is just <3
glad you couldn’t see me either because the first read through of this i def shed at least 4 tears lmao
also, don’t apologize for the grammar, you wrote super well :)
thanks again, i’ll cherish this ask forever 💗💘
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kiss2012 · 4 days
finale thoughts
im done making excuses for this kim and marisol plotline it’s so dumb. they did the marisol break-up off-screen so idk why she had to be here this season at all.
devin kelly deserved better than this…she did the best with what she could but this never should’ve happened at all i can think of a thousand different ways to have done this. we didn’t even get any more shannon flashbacks. we could have seen how they met or gotten flashbacks of her life separate from eddie…
buck and eddie scene is so crazy. and i can’t believe buck didn’t even get the chance to go in and talk to chris THAT MAKES ME SO SICK also thinking about how he chose to call his grandparents instead of buck this time. and it’s like. i think it’s partly because he knew they’d take his side over eddie’s, and he thought buck would take eddie’s side
at least eddie looks beautiful.
what goes on through his brain tho 😭 the happy selfie with kim???? while he was mentally going through it?????
fuck off i hate this athena plotline. u know what if it had been amir he’d be justified. like angela bassett is slaying but yikes.
ohhhh but athena bringing back her past and how she’s connected to amir is good
MADDIE HAN 🩷 i did think they would both hyphenate maddie and chimney buckley-han but since we have jee buckley-han i love this <3
the cartel thing is dumb i can’t believe they got rid of the grant-nash family home (hugely important thing for bobby and athena) and the culprit is the cartel 🙄
girl bobby’s awake already??? he was barely in a coma i expected more from this???
i don’t care about tommy’s daddy issues or lack thereof.
fear im becoming a tommy hater actually. i liked him in 7x03, was fine with him in 7x04-7x05, was not a big fan in 7x06, was even less of a fan in 7x09, but now im actively annoyed…
the daddy kink scene???? 😭 made me cringe tbh. respect to those of you who feel like you’re winning but in my book this is out-of-place and out-of-pocket for the moment buck was trying to share something. genuine and heartfelt. and tommy. was there. and said that. ok. they also had no chemistry in that scene. sorry.
omg im SO MAD about this eddie plotline
MAY 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 thank god you’re here. and im so glad harry’s here too. this was a good scene.
buck christopher scene this is not a drill….
don’t think i would call helena and ramon “awesome grandparents” but ok buck.
EDDIE 😭😭😭😭😭😭
i want to bang my head into the wall why couldn’t they have just said “for the summer” he’s staying with his grandparents “for the summer” WHY DID THEY DO THIS
he could have stayed with pepa??
why did they bring back abuela for the wedding and not for this??
not a single carla mention huh
trying to convince myself that chris going to texas is the 911 version of rory staying with her grandparents in gilmore girls season 6 and like that storyline it will be terrible to watch but in a compelling way because eventually they reunite and everything’s great
but this isn’t helping to console me cause the two situations are different and the 911 one DIDNT NEED TO HAPPEN AND IM MAD
madney taking mara in is the sweetest
i love amir
ok but can bobby please say he also admires amir and that amir should get to build a life also????
ravi <33333333
why did they bring back gerard that’s the dumbest shit i’ve ever heard it makes no logical sense that man should be dead or retired by now
well. i wouldn’t really hate this episode if not for the eddie stuff as that makes me blind with rage (and if they had just said FOR THE SUMMER it would’ve been a tiny bit better). the bathena stuff had its highs and lows mostly lows. don’t appreciate how amir was treated for this storyline. madney slayed. mara didn’t deserve this and neither did henren or denny. buck’s stuff was…ok i guess….his scenes with christopher and eddie and the 118 were great his scene with tommy was bad he for some reason did not get one single moment in bobby’s room??? no one did??? we got one shot of eddie reading from the prayer book and not even the scene??
bad finale. terrible finale. it’s going to the very bottom of my ranking even below s1 and s6.
hm i need to take a moment to reflect. do i regret this month and a half long obsession with 911 now. i dont. but i do wish half of my month hadn’t been devoted to me being unable to stop thinking about the next ep and the next ep
like if i had known this was the endgame i don’t think i would have obsessively watched as much as i did. maybe i would’ve been able to focus on other things for more than an hour at a time
however before i was like Oh My God How Will I Survive The Hiatus and now at least im like yeah im done now peace out going to watch all the vids and fics i have saved and then i will have moved on
im also funnily enough still halfway through a rewatch LOL. which i think i will complete because i am just watching fave eps/skipping what idc about. so. now to go back to season 3. and to an actually good eddie plotline (eddie begins)
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marunalu · 2 years
It’s most definitely not an enemy to lover! If it was it would probably be better written. Thank you so much I have never felt such disdain before but it isn’t like me to be critical or spiteful. It’s just not in my nature but this ship and Bakugou REALLY push it. It likely it only got like this because of the fact Bakugou keeps some how reaching number 1. Not helped that I noticed many of the BakuDeku fans fell off the series wagon or are only anime. Mostly consuming media so most of their Bakugou love isn’t actually canon. The most damning thing about Bakugou is that he be better as a antagonist to Izuku not this protagonist. If they worked that angle it be so much better but also thank god during that ‘apology’ Izuku rejected being on first name basis with him. At least Horikoshi was able to keep him from actually forgiving despite the apology. Don’t know where people got the whole he forgives him he only accepted the apology. Accepting isn’t forgiving and Bakugou risking his life once is a start but doesn’t make up for everything. It’s a start of a conversation not a true redemption until Bakugou actually starts trying to be a better person! But status quo and all that ruining a good thing ugh. Like at least Endeavor dealing with consequences where Bakugou consequences!?!? (Thank you for letting me vent I really appreciate it.)
Yeah a lot of bakugou stans and bkdk shippers dont even follow the manga, or just read the chapters in which bakugou shows up, because they hope for bkdk crumps they can spam the main tag with it. There is a reason why the old bnha leaker always had to put the "no bakugou in this chapter" warning every fucking time in the leaks, so the stans wouldnt rant over what a waste of time the chapter was!
I disagree with izuku accepting bakugkus apology! He neither accepted it nor did he say one word about forgiving bakugou later after he returned to ua. Izuku still hasnt said anything regarding the apology, didnt even reacted to it, because he was simply in no right mental condition to process what bakugou said! He was tired, he was hurt and hungry, he was sad and angry he was absolutely not in the right mind! Bakugou choose the moment for his apology in which izuku was not mentally ready to react properly to it. Lost his consciousness the very next moment! The apology was not for izukus sake, it was for bakugous! If it had been for his sake, bakugou would have choosen a privat moment under 4 eyes after izuku was mentally stable enough again to react properly to it and not under the eyes and ears of their whole class, who have no idea what actually happened between the two! For gods sake they all think what bakugou did to izuku was giving him mean names, not one of them has any idea HOW BAD it was and HOW LONG the abuse lasted! A WHOLE DECADE! The same length as shotos abuse from his father! But hey only one of this things is a crime, not the other, because of bakugous age! Sorry to tell his stans that, but with 15/16 you are old enough to get the difference between right and wrong! And he needed over 10 years for an "apology" that at the end was only done out of his selfpity! Because he felt bad for HIMSELF, not for his victim! He wanted it to be done and move on and he was most likely sure izuku will think the same way, because thats how izuku always was! But fact is izuku neither accepted the "apology" nor has he forgiven bakugou yet! The question is more if hori will go deeper with it, or if he just wanted the apology to be done to please bakugou haters, but choose to do it in the most terrible and disrespectful way possible!
When it comes to endeavors arc Im more neutral. Im by no means an endeavor fan, but I can see that he is at least really trying to be a better hero and more important to be a better father. Unlike bakugou stans who will attack his haters, I would never attack endeavor haters, simply because I respect their opinion and view, even if I may not completly agree with them! What both endeavor and bakugou did is for many people very personal. Its absolutely disrespectful to say what happened to shoto was more terrible then what happened to izuku! Shoto was abused by his father, while izuku was abused by bakugou, bullied by his whole class and even the teachers and shunned out by society for being born different then the rest! Both is EQUALLY terrible! Both izuku and shoto were almost still babys when the abuse startet and both had to live a whole decade with it!
And yes at least endeavor in facing the full consequences of his actions! Some people will say its not enough, but at least there is something! We bakugou haters have to live with the possebility that bakugou will never have to face anything, simply because of his crazy fanbase!
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gayspock · 2 years
for the character ask .. mickey dr who … :]
How I feel about this character: i'll defend mickey to the fucking grave. both the show and so much of the fanbase do him a GREAT disservice.... rtd era is, like, my favourite era of doctor who - but it treated its black companions like fucking dirt, and sooo much of the fandom also just follows suit in that sentiment it STINKS -_-. ive seen ppl call him abusive, baselessly- and its like... im sorry, but when and where?
he was a shitty boyfriend at the beginning of the series, that's true. but he was just up his own arse in a way where its like... yah, sucks, but a lot of ppl are at that age. and besides, rose wasnt so great to him either - jesus, i'd insist she never DOES start to treat him with respect onscreen. but, like, in s1 they were both, like, 19... and theres a lot of ppl who havent rlly figured stuff out properly either and arent in totally sparkling relationships. i think its rlly weird how they take his scenes from the beginning of s1e1, and just characterise him as an utter jerk bc of that.
and its also, like- like ALL of that aside i think its why i like him a lot as a character. he does actually go through quite a fucking lot, yknow? and unlike the mainstay companions, its something heclearly did not want at the beginning. like a lot of them CHOSE to live life tangential to the doctor- he was just kinda dragged into it despite being v fucking terrified, which is truthfully quite fair yah.but by the end of his tenure on the show hes completely different!? and like- dont get me wrong, i LOVE all arcs on the show regarding companions, and what they bring but... there's something abt that, that i just really do admire a lot. i feel like changing, like, your very nature- that's so much more? and again this- IM NOT TRYING TO SHIT ON ROSE... I SWEAR I AM NOT. bc i do love rose- i just think the show itself did revere her in this sort of way. which, hey! makes sense for it to do- whilst its not inherently from the doctor's perspective, it was very much their story being told a lot of the time, so it does make a lot of sense... but again like i said before.
i feel like rose never did end up respecting mickey and in turn it feels like she gets a lot more applause for a lot... less? same happened to poor fucking martha. but again uh. thats going back to the thing abt rtd era who kinda disrespecting black companions, and writing them BOTH in positions where they're second fiddle to the main romance and constantly putting them down / comparing them to it in the process.
. and god- backtracking a bit, im so glad they did what they did with him in s2. like thats such a defining moment where its like my little king rlly has changed... where he sat down and CHOSE to stay in the parallel universe to fight like GODDD. (screams and punches the ground) like i eat that shit up like MAD... like are you KIDDING me. (starts ripping shit apart) bc he didnt have anyone... sniff sniff. he didnt have anyone so he just left and he went somewhere where he DID have people.
All the people I ship romantically with this character FUNNILY ENOUGH? i dont rlly ship anyone with him. i mean- i like people entertaining the foursome 9/rose/jack/mickey idea. so true besties- im not trying to be a hater, but they all had so much more chemistry in boom town alone than the fam from chibnalls era ever rlly managed to get to. that being said, i think if you're like.... actually taking that FURTHER-furhter, whilst i thibk their dynamic is sweet and like. it does work in that episode i dont really run with it in, like, seriousness just bc of how it doesnt work so much within the context of the show- its moreso a cute little insight into a different reality...
and then, i know he ends up with martha (ambiguously?) but eh!! im not against it- i just feel like it was an odd, "lets just stick them both together" even though martha already had like a guy they mentioned she was engaged to and whatever... it was really weird??? I MEAN- like i think they have A LOT of similarities when it comes to wht i was saying above with the doctor... but i think thats where their dynamic sort of ends for me, with what they have? which isnt to say they'd suck together- maybe if we got to see them, i could really come to like it (i could see them being cute, and having nice back and forth!) but instead ive always been a little... ambivalent, i suppose, bc the thought of them dating just bc of their odd dynamic witrh the doctor feels... counter to what their own personal journeys were, if that makes sense? yeah<3
what i will say, bc i love to bring it up every time. the fact that rickey, his parallel universe self, was canonically dating jake (who: sorry to insert this, but hiii- that's my uncle's ex, not to brag... smirk) was confirmed in a DELETED SCENE still makes me furious like PUT IT IN. PUT IT BACK IN. that's also why i think mickey is confirmed not straight. <3 (though i dont ship MICKEY-mickey with jake, bc i think that's a little... :( after what happened to rickey like noo but i think he'd be an important person in his life after the fact)
My non-romantic OTP for this character also going back to the 9/rose/jack/mickey dynamic. i think it works really good friendship wise, too. in any sort of combination- both rose and mickey, jack and mickey, 9 and mickey.... i think again its a thing more out of the context of the show. rose and mickey especially- though i suppose they'd definitely work as better friends and closer, post canon.
ODDLY enough i dont rlly like 10 and mickey being friends bc i feel like their interactions in the show always felt weirdly ... cruel? in a way 9s never were. or maybe thats me. like- 9 was a bit of a dick but that was just him. 10 was, like, specifically more cruel to mickey it always felt like. and eh thats not a vibe for me personally.
My unpopular opinion about this character honestly everything i said about him being disrespected. i still see so much shit about him it sucks.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon
i think (waves hand at above) everything like... regarding just tweaks with scenes with him, all over the place. ultimately i want the show to do right by him, yknow? and thats vague as hell, but yeah. i think you can kinda guess wht i mean abt that from my first ramble. just stuff to round him out bc i do think he is so underrated.
and if it werent for the parallel universe part.... i'd have liked to see him come back, actually. i never liked how moffat hard reset everything and refused to let different companions meet. i get why you might want that as a showrunner (and funnily enough: i dont think chibnall handled jack THAT well in all honesty) but he is a type that i do think, with martha, could have made more returns. AND UHM- ALSO, THAT IS.... I AM TALKING EXCLUSIVELY ABOUT HIS CHARACTER HERE. i dont want him to actually be brought back any more after all the crap that happened with noel- no duh...
and also. hell. i would have loved to have seen him join torchwood, back when it was airing... i think he'd fit in really nicely and couldhave rounded out the team in a fun way.
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octaviablodreina · 4 years
Im doing a The 100 rewatch and see this is what bothers me about how they tried to vilify Octavia so much that they ruined characters because of it. So I just watched the episode in S3 where the Ice Nation blew up mount weather and then Bellamy is all broken up about it and turns to grounder hater racist Pike (the beginning of the decline of Bellamy’s character honestly) and Kane said put the blame where it is, with the Ice Nation and only them. But that also includes Echo. Shes the one who went there knowing Bellamy would listen to her, lied to them so they would leave and leave the mountain undefended and knew it was going to be blown up. And I get that she changed and evolved in the 6 years in space and he forgave her. But how can he forgive her for getting his then girlfriend blown up, truing to kill his sister twice (once more directly than the other, once where she literally killed her or so she thought she did, and the other in the conclave when she was trying to take everyone out). How can you forgive all of this and more and not even try and understand and try and forgive your own sister for the things she had to do to keep to human race alive. At the end of S2 Clarke says I bear it so they dont have to, and although at first hes mad at her, he eventually forgives Clarke too and they become close again, but you cant do the same for your sister, and then you continue to emotionally abuse her by saying to her that his sister is dead and you leave her to die alone on an unknown planet. Octavia was young and all her behavior is learnt, as you watch the seasons, you see all the actions the others do, and although at the time she hates those actions, she eventually is put in similar situations where she now knows that those actions are the only way to save the most people, she bears it so others dont have to...even to the point that others (kane, abby..) not only dont have to bear it, but they put all the blame on Octavia even though they were equally at fault..especially Abby. 
which is why I loved how Hope said that to Echo, like yeah youve been forgiven but dont expect Octavia to forget what you did to her..because it was TO HER, not others around her like Gina with Bellamy but literally Echo stabbed O and watched her fall off a cliff so I love that little moment. And I get that Octavia would want Bell to know she now understands what he did in the past for her, to raise her and how that could have affected him, but I dont see how thats relevant with how he has been treating for the past while. And even at that, he was quite overbearing with her...like in S1 when he was super controlling of her and didnt let her do anything. Hes always been critical and controlling. Whereas Octavia with Hope is loving and they have a much healthier family dynamic than the Blakes did. And yet she has to tell him she understand.... Why is it that its always Octavia that has to apologize for her actions and no one else, and she always needs to seek forgiveness when others are at fault as well, and others have done the exact same actions and yet they are forgiven without half the struggle O has to go through. She takes responsibility for what she has done and doesnt hide from it, unlike others who pretend it didnt happen or who say that it was for their people and try and act as though it was the only choice and it doesnt make them a bad guy...theres always a choice and O gets that and at least she embraces what she has done...and yet she gets persecuted for it, without people even stopping for a single minute to try and understand her situation and her point of view..instead they just try and kill her.
Anyway sorry this rant is going nowhere so ill just stop here
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hobidreams · 4 years
Hi Rain!! So sorry this feedback is kinda late, I just feel I needed to really do October 1865 justice cus it was hands down one of my favorites thus far!!! The whole thing, from beginning to end, was so thoughtfully written. Like when she finally dons the pink hanbok and is inspecting her appearance in the mirror and wishing her mom was there for advice/guidance really hit hard. Like she really is all alone in this great big palace with no family and minimal friends. And I find that I’m always
rooting for our dear mc, she feels like an underdog to me. Quiet, demure, poised, low ranking, but incredibly sweet and giving. “So far, you’ve begrudgingly won a few scraps of respect from the male physicians, and it’s a start.” LIKE YES GIRL GET IT. And when Yoongie comes to her door to get her?!? The equivalent of a man getting out of the car and walking to your door to pick you up on your date. LOVED IT. 
And the description of his appearance was perfectly detailed- I can imagine exactly what he looks like!! Well done. He truly is “unfathomably handsome.” I especially enjoyed the lil tidbit of the two of them looking suitable for each other despite their marked difference in social status and rank. As if, at least for the night, they’ll look like they belong together. It warms my heart. I love that this Yoongi is still lighthearted with the way he jokes with Eunuch Kim. It’s so nice to see him like this, but continues to make me wonder what else happened to him to change him so drastically??? 
*slow, calculating laughter here* heheh i’m glad u enjoyed the clothing bits though! that’s one of my favorite aspects of the history to research :’)
Her excitement to see the Chuseok festivities is so palpable, and when she realizes “oh god, you just made the prince run” I WAS CACKLING HAHAH and the Jinkook appearace!!!!!!!!!! I WAS HOWLING. I love that you kept the basic appearance of the two from the mv. What a creative way to weave them into the story!!! “the bearded one looks about seconds away from giving the other younger man a good smack with the fishing rod leaning on the wall behind him.” HAHAHA SCREEEEEAM their competitiveness and banter is perfectly written!!! “Yah, you can take your beans and shove them right up your nasty sokgot… I’ll take two orders of each. Preferably not ones shoved anywhere.” I’M ACTUALLY DYING. The dialogue here is hilarious!! 
me: sobbing because humor is so hard & you are so kind T_T
And the way Yoongi passes off the treats to mc and Eunuch Kim!! And when they get mistaken as a couple by her mother’s old friend?!? CLASSIC. I’ve found that old ladies literally give no fucks. I had a patient who would thirst over the same co-worker that I did (and yk, fair, cus he looked like an older, taller JK) She was shameless about it and I wanna be her when I get older haha 
FDSLKDAFS MOOD I WOULD TOO HAHAHAA have u SEEEN JUNGKOOK LATELY??? that BUN? THE SHEER SHIRTS? im D E A D. PHEWW. but seriously old ladies never change, no matter the era HAHAH
ok, but one of the best parts is Eunuch Kim losin his cool over Chun-ja. The way he nearly drops his jeon and is soooo flustered has me so heart eyed for him. I’m so happy to finally be meeting this lucky woman who has ensnared our beloved Eunuch Kim’s heart!! And those letters?! Ugh, I am so fond of hand-written letters. They’re so nostalgic and personal and no one seems to do it anymore. 
heh i’m glad u like letters because-- oop i wont say anything more ;)
Don’t think I didn’t notice that Yoongi chose the bracelet she was eyeing. But are we gonna see him give it to her?? Or does he just secretly have it slipped into her room, cus that would be SUCH a yoongi thing to do. My favorite part though, if I HAD TO CHOSE, was probably the ending scene at the pond. I feel like this is the first time they’ve had the chance to have a REAL conversation. And how her theory that some things in the world are out of their control but can change in their favor if they never give up. Seems like it parallels their predicament perfectly. 
you may be the only person who’s picked up on that conversation FDASLJKAS but yes, it truly is ;-; i absolutely adore those quiet moments between the two of them & writing this one was... phew a ride and a half. there’s a lot of subtext there 🤣
But I need to know!!! WHAT DID THEY WISH FOR?! 
iono 🤭 (youll find out later)
Ugh sweet Yoongi is killing me. I love him, but damn knowing what he’ll become in the next few years has me heart broken. As always, well done Rain. What a chapter to come home to after a long weekend of work!! I’m so appreciative of your writing. Your page is always such a safe and comforting space. Your positivity and kindness really reinforce my idea that you’re a wonderful human being. I hate that you had rude ass anons leaving their trash comments in your asks. As King Yoongi would say, “they’re peasants!” fuck the haters, bubs, and keep shining. You’re a fantastic writer, and I hope that you keep writing what inspires you, and deliver it the way you want!! I know I’ve said it before, but I feel I need to say it again, but I LOVE the way you decided to present MLT. I LOVE the drabbles and the timeline. It’s unique and fresh and will always remind me of MLT. ILYSM, Rain!! As always, please accept all my love and adoration!
sighhh you are so so so lovely. thank you for taking all this time out of your busy life to send me this. it just warms my entire heart. please don’t worry abt my anons; they’ve actually been pretty nice!! i havent ever had a mean anon ever in my inbox or anyone purposefully being cruel in my comments so my frustration was more at seeing how my friends are contiuously disrespected for providing their FREE content. AGH. and they get rebuked if they reply with annoyance, which they deserve to do after being pestered over and over again!!! someone said they had 20 asks in their inbox asking for updates and AGGGGHHH !!! that makes me wanna tear those anons a new one. but anyway. it’s wonderful people like you that keep us going & i wish i had a better way of giving you my gratitude because it doesn’t feel like enough. thank you 😭💗 pls take this happy boy and i hope you have the fantastic day you deserve!!!!
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ingayderzim · 4 years
not to be that person who asks a googleable question but wtf is hazbin hotel bc i googled it and the only “critical” thing i could find was a typo-ridden article of someone saying it has good animation and its haters are stupid. i was able to glean what it is/what it’s about but idk about the discourse lmao
Im actually so glad u asked this. Here's the lowdown, this is my definitive answer to hazbin shit from here on out, unless new info comes about of course.
Hazbin hotel is an independent cartoon by vivziepop. Most people (that ive seen) have agreed that the pilot of the show really isnt that great but the reason it has so many fans is bc of the entertaining livestreams, massive amounts of canon content produced (she has had these characters for years), unique art style, and the characters. (Ass ugly but unique.)
Its haters are totally justified bc of some of the "controversial" (read: bad) things vivziepop has done. Here's the conclusion that my friends and classmates (several of whom are Black, one Hispanic woman, and one trans woman...nellie if ur reading this i 💜 u) and i came to after discussing this stuff. I am NOT saying "well my black/trans friend said it's ok so i dont have to think about it!" this is based on a few different conversations that my friends and i have had about this topic so what im saying is that my opinion was formed by talking about this situation with multiple people affected by the controversy.
One controversial thing is a drawing u can easily find on google (called beastiality.jpg i believe?) It's a cropped (chest and up, but hes obv naked) drawing of vivziepops character, drawn by vivziepop, moaning, with a snake around him. The character is 17. Many people have interpreted this as child porn. I dont think this image is pornographic, i think it's a stupid joke (it was even tagged as a joke iirc) and completely inappropriate but since it's 8 years old on top of not being porn, i think it's just an example of a dumb drawing. That being said, i would NEVER argue that someone who is uncomfortable w the drawing (im uncomfortable with it! It's gross just not porn) or considers it porn is wrong. They are entitled to that opinion and i would never expose them to vivziepops work or talk about her stuff around them if they expressed to me that they disliked the image.
Another thing is that she drew a doodle of two racist TERFs. This is the one where my friends of color, my friends who are black, and my friends who are trans women took the lead. I sat back for this part and here's their and my opinion on this after talking about it and verbally going through this whole situation.
She was following these women (who had done blackface and stuff) and drew art of them. The art was a "quick doodle" that she did apologize for and she said she didn't realize the extent of their beliefs. She knew they werent great but hadnt consumed much of their content in depth. I believe her bc while ive never followed anyone as bad, ive certainly followed some pieces of shit and didnt notice for months simply bc im not online all the time and bc of the volume of people i follow, combined with the non chronological algorithms lately.
At the risk of screwing myself, im going to admit that there was about a year or so of my life where i enjoyed The Amazing Atheist. I was even subbed to him. I was a nonbinary lesbian (2 things he cant stand lmaoo) in catholic school and therefore i strictly watched his videos about theological stuff since thats what was frustrating me at the time. I had no clue the type of evil racist, transphobic, homophobic (yes ik hes bi), misogynistic things he thought, said, and did, bc i didnt watch those videos. I literally only watched select theological ones that could be of use to me while edgily debating my teachers (sorry mrs macdougal but u had it coming). I was about 15 at the time and im 19 now. Im sorry to everyone i hurt by ever having supported him. I had one of his quotes written in the inside of my religion notebook in high school. I regretted it and ripped the page out the moment i discovered the truth about him. I cant stress enough how much I HATE HIM. Thats an example of what i think happened here tho.
One of my friends who is a trans woman said (paraphrasing) "i think the worst thing shes done is that terf art but i believe the apology especially bc it was a quick drawing."
That being said, i would NEVER argue with someone who wanted nothing to do w vivziepop bc of this. That's their right. 100%. I would never expose them to her work after that.
The last thing i remember is something about a pedophilic couple in a comic but i heard it was a 17 year old and a 19 year old. Im 19 and if one of my peers did that i wouldnt say pedophile but id say ur a fucking weirdo, BUT, the kids were fake and being written by an adult so i can totally see her thinking that age gap is much less of a big deal than it really is. Like she forgot what it's like at this age. Idk how true any of that part is tho, i heard that info entirely secondhand.
Another thing to do with racism is that there's a joke within the show where one character says to the other
"don't get your taco in a twist"
"Was that supposed to be racist or sexist?"
"Whichever one pisses you off more"
I thought that was gross but one of my friends pointed out that vivziepop is of el salvadorian descent so that's her business. Like if i made a lesbian joke of equal or greater offensiveness than that and someone tried to call me lesbophobic over it id be like "that's literally my territory."
Oh speaking of which that character's name is vaggie and shes a lesbian but it's not pronounced w the same G you'd hear in "vagina." Vivziepop seems to name characters weirdly (like how in helluva boss theres a guy named blitzo and the o is silent) so maybe it's a pussy joke but i have no idea.
The animation was.................better than i could do, i wanna say the faces and gestures were good but god i remember there was a part with a car and my gf had to pause so i could laugh my ass off at it. I wouldn't describe the animation as a highlight but i liked the style in motion i thought it was a fun change. Vivziepops style is not appealing imo but i appreciate it as an art student and as someone whose friends all like she ra and steven universe where every character looks the goddamn motherfucking same, and while its chaotic and i dont care for it, the style actually works way better in motion than you'd think.
A good rule that i def use is to assume hazbin fans are guilty until proven innocent. If someone says they dont care about the discourse surrounding it and like it no matter what, RUN! They would support the show even if the creator was in fact a pedophile, or had done the blackface/was a terf herself! They probably support some horrible ppl and are probably "anti antis." A lot of them are minors tho so i'd say block and move on.
So, do i like it or not? Im an art student and all my friends like it so while i didnt think it was funny, i do fuck with it. At the convention this weekend my friends and i had a convo that led to me drawing an ahego hoodie where the faces were angel dust (a character's) face. It was a joke that i could make a killing by selling that in a booth at a con.
Theres really nothing compelling about the show but my friends like it so i join in on their conversations, and i do have a soft spot for angel dust bc he's like a worse, less amazing and gorgeous version of one of my characters, Candy, the love of my life.
A lot of people say the show was edgy/offensive and maybe im just desensitized but besides the taco thing i didnt pick up on that whatsoever??? The Archer episode "Swiss Miss" is worse than helluva boss and hazbin combined and even archer isn't offensive.
Im probably not aware of all the "discourse" (aka people being reasonably uncomfortable by weird and bad shit this random woman has done, and other ppl saying their opinions are wrong when it's literally just an opinion about a show) so if anything she's done isnt included in here it's not to defend vivziepop, this is genuinely all i know. I wouldnt describe myself as a fan of hers.
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missjackil · 5 years
My 14x11 Opinion
Damaged Goods
I have so many feelings about this episode!! Its been the hardest one to wait for all season because we were teased all week about this mysterious hug!! I am trash for brohugs, I wont even lie. Any episode that includes a brohug gets bonus points from me!! But what was different about this brohug than others? It was a slip in from behind hug that Sam wasnt expecting. Gentle, and cautious, yet full off angst and despiration. 
The scene was set in a way that assured me this episode would be emotional. The library dimly lit while Sam while Sam researches for ways to help Dean. Dean wont even answer the question when Sam asks how hes feeling. Dean just doesnt want to talk about this. He makes it known though that he appreciates the effort Sam has been putting into trying to help, and Sam responds, “of course... always” . He’s not looking for praise or appreciation, its just something he is gonna do. He’s gona help Dean. Thats all. To him its like getting up in the morning and going to the bathroom. It doesnt matter what else is going on in the world, this is what’s gonna happen.now.Deans in trouble. Sam is gonna help.
Dean tells Sam he’s going to go spend time with Mom, Sam is gonna get packed up and go too but Dean wants to go alone. Sam looks hurt. This isnt surprizing. As much as Sam doesnt need to be, as we all know, he still gets insecure with his ploace in Dean’s world and he doesnt like to be left behind for anyone, even Mom. but in the traditional character of Sam Winchester, he isnt going to make a fuss, he’ll swallow it up and let Dean go if he feels he needs it. Dean isnt cold, nor blind to this. He wont tell Sam its a farewell tour, but he needs Sam to know hes loved. So he just comes around behind him and holds Sam’s head to his chest and face, and tells him to take care of himself. As sweet as this was, did Dean really think it wouldnt sound every alarm in Sam’s head? However, this hug will go down in my heart as a classic. One thing I love most about the brohugs, is that J2 deliver a fresh one every time that say their own things. Theyre never cheap, never lacking a message, and always packed with feeling. 
Sam was pretty adorable when he tried to tell mom about the hug.I know he said they dont hug unless its literally the end of the world. but how was he really gonna tell him mom that they hug for many reasons, but this one was very different? Im sure she understands that theyre close, but does she even have a clue at how close and co-dependant they are? I dont think so. Sam gives her fair warning, and shes gonna keep an eye on Dean. 
Meanwhile, Nick is being a dick, and has a run in with Donna. Now I know many of you all dont like Donna and Jody, mainly for the Wayward crap, but I still like THEM, I just hate that story. I really like this new, tougher Donna that came to be last season in Breakdown. The bubbly silly blonde from The Purge and Hibbing 911 got on my nerves and served no purpose but comic releif. I cant stand those characters. Thats why I dont like Garth, and never liked Ghost Facers, because all they did was assure that the episode wouldnt get very serious.But lets move on. 
Mary makes Dean something he loved as a kid, Winchester Surprize. This is the first time we heard of this dish, and I would call “bullshit” on Deans ability to remember something like that from being no older than 4 the last time she made it, had he not mentioned how Dad apparently made it also, but when he and Sam tried, they messed it up and Dad got pissed and tossed it out. Dean laughed about it, but Mom was uncomfortable, and so was I. Im not a John hater as y’all know, so new negative information makes me sad. I guess before John comes back in 2 weeks, Mary will need to know that he changed a lot after she died and wasnt the greatest father to the boys.And to assure us that the reuinion wont be all rainbows and butterflies. There’s gonna be some angst.
Now Im gonna talk about how HOT Dean was while welding. the flipping of the face shield. the sparks flying around his feet, the leather apron.... mmmm Magic Mike moment y’all?? It was a great music montage, something we dont get a lot of. No Time Left For You is a good song, and for any of my readers under 40, that was an 8 track tape Dean was playing.😉 we also see that Michael is still pounding on the door in Deans head. Jensen is really doing a great job of showing us in his expressions and posture that he’s barely holding him in.
Now Sam has looked around the bunker and noticed things missing. Okay... Dean is definitely up to something. Mary waited till Dean was asleep and went to see what he was doing in the shed, she sees he’s built this box with the plan to lock himself in it and be dropped at the bottom of the ocean so Michael cant escape the box once he gets out of Deans head. Mom calls Sam, but he’s already on his way. and during this time Nick kidnaps Mary. 
Now, I think Mary was just being stupid for most of this, she had no reason really not to comply with Nick. Theres a time to be tough and a time to just be practical. A big part of being a hero includes not trying to get yourself killed for no good reason. But hey, its ok because your sons are fucking suoer heros and they’ll come save your ass! So Abraxus gets released and reveals Lucifer had him kill Ncks family. This leaves me with wonder. Will Lucifer come find Nick but Nick say no to him now that he knows Lucifer had his family killed? Leaving Luci without a vessel and heading to mess with Sam again? Possibly even Jack? Hmmmm
So Donna shoots Nick in the leg, he’s arrested. Sam goes to talk to him. I didnt like that Dean bitched at Sam for letting Nick go, though Im glad Sam got to tell him why. though he’s feeling guilty about everything that happened now. Im also pretty sure that Dean was telling Sam when people cant be saved, you just walk away, more for himself than anything. So Dean barked, but he didnt stay angry and thats good. 
Sam confronts Nick and apologizes for not being able to help him which is so very Sam, but, my boy is getting harder around the edges, he’s really 1000% done with the bull shit. He tells Nick he doesnt feel sorry for him, he feels sorry for the people he killed, HE can burn. 
Meanwhle mom confronts Dean and tells him he knows what hes up to... and if he doesnt tell Sam, she will. Im so glad it didnt become some secret between Dean and Mom being kept from Sam. That never ends pretty. 
Now, this scene, is my favorite scene so far of the season. Sam just not holding back at how horrible he thinks it was for Dean to plan to kill himself and not tell him. “Not tell me?? ME??” Do you realize how messed up that is? How unfair??” it took me back to when Dean sold his soul for Sam and Sam figured it out. Sam knows first hand how awful being trapped forever with a crazy archangel. You could see it in Sam’s eyes when he said it, he knew what Dean would be up against for eternity. “Do you know how INSANE this is?”
Dean is set in his choice and tells Sam he couldnt tell him because hes the only person who could talk him out of it💖💖and he loves hm for trying to help. Thats a very big statement in this show. So he gives Sam a choice, either he helps him, or he does it alone. Of curse Sam agrees to help. He cant save Dean if he walks away, and he wont let Dean die alone 💔💔💔💔💔💔😭😭😭😭😭
Thats gonna kill me all week!! Next weeks trailer looks like a real kick in the balls, but, Im fairly sure the brutality will be over early in the episode because Donatello’s issue is the headliner. Its hard to see Dean freak out when his phone dies when hes in the box, but Im thinking maybe he’s testing it and gets a dose of what being trapped feels like, and maybe that changes his mind. So I dont think the whole episode is going to be super heavy, but we’ll have some good brofeels anyway. In conclusion I loved this episode. It could have used more Sam but Sams parts were all great! So on a scale of Bloodlines to Who We Are, this gets a 9. the heavy brolove got it massive points and more Sam COULD have taken it to a 10. See y’all next week :)
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konicichan-blog · 6 years
5am thoughts: theory: Story Of Light
is it called the Story of Light because its Shinee telling us and the whole entire world that they will no longer grief in sadness and that they've moved on and accepted what has happened? I'm sure we all know Shinee may still be sad (and maybe more than that) but what if this whole album is telling us that shinee, that all the members, Minho, Onew, Key, and Taemin are ready to have a new beginning? Like, they're ready to let all the sadness go and accept what has happened and that they will continue to work and grow.
What if You&I was about them talking about Jonghyun? Like, what if this song is about them trying to talk to Jonghyun? And theyre all trying to tell him that its hard when he's gone like they dont know what to do. "I’m the only one hurting, I may look fine I’m not easy, my feelings aren’t for decoration" And like they're all reminiscing their memories with him. All those good times that they're not ready to let go of. "A handful of memories, I laugh and remember every day" (okay the lyrics arent in order but JJJJust lemme finish and fyi, its gonna be a lOoong one). "There are countless stars in my heart, there’s one star that shines painfully I don’t want to grab it but I don’t want it to go out" okay in this part i think they maybe talking about Jonghyun. Maybe the stars represent people and "theres one star that shines painfully" might be Jonghyun. A star... someone really special to them... is hurting deep inside. Maybe Shinee is trying to tell us that although a celebrity or ANY person in general who may seem happy in front of the cameras or may seem happy in the outside in general is actually in deep pain inside. Dealing with self doubt, depression and all that and we just dont know :( "The things I can’t throw away make me smile" this is kinda self explanatory. Jonghyun, someone they love, someone they deeply cherish, someone they can't simply just let go of, someone who can always make them smile. You know? "I know that you’re being honest when you wish me well I’ll let you go easy, don’t think that you’re stepping on me" this is kinda hard to explain haha ahm.. maybe as time passes by, Jonghyun's absence is telling them to let go and move on and maybe they're mad with what he did? I DONT KNOW I DONT MEAN IT LIKE THAT! like mad, like?? how do i explain?? like maybe frustrated?? thats the best word i can think of right now riwjkrs they're frustrated but theyre not gonna blame it on him. like the good friends and brothers they are they will let it go easily.. UGH do i make sense? anyway. "I’ve let myself go to the wind and the rain that’s falling cooly But my feelings aren’t for decoration" okay so this is the part theyve told themselves that they really need yo accept what has happened. and maybe "my feelings arent for decoration" means that whatever they are feeling and whatever they are going through shouldnt be joked about in social media since its a serious matter and well ive seen some haters and some "new kpop fans" talk shit about this issue and honestly 😤 it makes me want to slap a bitch
next song > UNDERCOVER
so the lyrics:
"I’m paddling my feet as busily underneath the surface with a calm expression on my face, You don’t know"
have u seen swans? how they paddle their legs under the water to move but above the water they seem so calm? like ballerinas, how their arms and body are always so graceful but their legs do all the work and stuff ¿¿?? okay im comparing the lyrics to swans and ballerinas because what if the boys are trying to tell us Jonghyun's situation and maybe also their's and other people who is suffering the same way? We don't always know what happens when we turn around. We don't always know when they're hurting. It's actually pretty easy to lie and fake a smile now a days so we always have to be careful with our loved ones. we dont always know what they're dealing with and one wrong move can cause a bomb to explode.
"Before the curtains rise, I’m always busy but when I’m standing before you I’m Acting cool"
Maybe theyre telling us that behind the scenes, theyre also suffering with personal or family issues. like every other person, celebrities have problems that they deal with too. they also have feelings. maybe on stage theyre smiling and having so much fun but backstage, theyre suffering? they cant breathe, they're overworked, theyre tired. sometimes they're forced to do things. Honestly for me, the kpop industry is so pressuring. you have to be this or that and if you cant you get criticized for it.
"I can’t let you know the things that are secretly happening now, now is not the time. I wait for the right moment, so that when you’ve realized it it’s too late."
Obviously most idols worry about their fans. Theyre worried when theyre fans are worried. its like a family thing we idol and fans have for each other yknow and maybe thats why sometimes they cant always speak up about whats really going on inside their mind. They cant always talk about it to the public bc sometimes people are so rude and so insensitive and leave comments like, "youre not depressed! youre just overthinking" bullshit, barbara. "you just need to hang out more" hMMmM :// ANYWAY thats why they dont really speak up alot. sometimes they cant even go to a psychiatrist privately because the media is always watching and once its on display, BOOm haters here and there talking bs and obviously WE wouldnt realize unless its TOO LATE!
"Like a black shadow is absorbed into the night, the night I dig deep beyond the consciousness, inside of you I’m Undercover"
I dont know how to begin with this.. its like once theyve hit rock bottom and they feel like nothing is gonna get better amd everything is just dark and gloomy. Maybe this is like the moving on part?? like the beginning of moving on. the depressive episode. And at first theyre just trying to hide everything. Just being undercover.
so they got depressed over what happened and theyre trying to hide from everybody that theyre okay but theyre not and theyre just undercover. in you&i thats when they start reminiscing about jonghyun and talking to him. telling him they miss him and that for him, they're ready to accept and let go.
so i dont really know the sequence i mean its already fucked up in the beginning so lets just go with whatever !!!
"The cozy darkness is lingering far away"
so the 'darkness' or those gloomy days and toxic vibes theyve been surrounding themselves has been slwoly disappearing. they're starting to feel a little better again. <3
"At the tip of the sunset that hangs on the buildings I think of you"
i cant explain this one and note: i havent slept and its 6am but im still trying to make this work. but i think fjksjfks ok sunsets means like the day is "ending" and like before the day ends, they remember their sufferings while they were depressed and all those sad times with Jonghyun, like those times of grief.. they remember it all before starting a new day ¿¿ I DONT KNOW im trying my best to explain it. Its like theyre finally accepting what has happened and is ready to start a new happy day
"Spill out the darkness
Open the night
I wanna see you more, right now, oh"
So the sunsets and the night has come and theyve already accepted whats happend but they want to see Jonghyun in a different light. They want to see their bestfriend and brother as someone who was happy and made others happy. They want to remember Jonghyun as someone who made his parents and everyone around him proud.
"The moonlight is rising
I’m going to you before it’s too late
I’m going to get you
Imagining how surprised you’ll be, I’m going to you
Going to you
Going to you
Without a reason, going to you"
okay this part is like giving someone a hug before they leave for their flight. Like even when hes gone hes not alone and shinee is not alone. like theyre always together. theyll always be together. "imagining how surprised you will be" nrkanfks im thinkg on how to write thus part wo sounding sarcastic. knowing what jonghyun has been through, he might have thought that he was and always will be alone... but the members are there to guide him in his travel to heaven with their prayers and theyre all hoping to surprise him ¿¿ AAAA im sorry if this sounds sarcastic or offensive i REALLY didnt mean it to be that way >·<
literally,for me anway, the whole song is about how theyll always be there for each other. even when the other is far away, it will never stop them from what they are doing. and thats why i love Shinee so much💓
In jump im not gonna add a lot of lyrics since im getting lazier. (lmao you can see my effort fading from you&i until here)
in Jump the song is about them trying to put their pieces together again. They've been broken and torn apart but they're ready to pick theirselves up again.
"I shake my head, brush it off and adjust my heart
I solidly protect my space again"
no one can recover quickly so i guess in this part, they're trying to take things slow. not too fast or anything or else they might make a wrong move and fall back to square one.
"Keep on enduring it
Just close my eyes when it feels futile for no reason"
in this part, theyre still not that strong enough so theyre telling themselves that they should just endure the pain or sadness. if it feels impossible, just close your eyes, believe and trust in yourself. theyve made it this far, why should they quit now?
"Higher, rise higher, fly
There’s the ground beneath your feet
When I travel between the two
Oh yes I feel the freedom
I jump on you, jump on you"
when they finally overcome the fear and sadness and EVERYTHING! they feel the weight lift from their shoulders and finally they feel freedom. overjoyed, they celebrate by jumping¿¿ i guess?? lmAO
"I’m not falling
I’m not wilting
It’s just changes
I turn different
And keep going forward"
this is when they realize that: nothing is going bad. everything is going just fine and everything is great. maybe they havent fully recovered yet but all those depression and pain is finally gone and theyre happy. They're different now and they realize they can finally keep moving forward without feeling to fall back down again.
"Why is that hard Why did I hesitate for such a long time Following my heart away From other people’s eyes I free the feet that were bound I let my imagination loose after a long time The wind is blowing Now I open my eyes and breathe in"
the first 2 lines is probably them asking themsleves, why didnt we do this earlier? they finally followed what their heart wanted instead of being trapped in their own mind and they finally can breathe again. they feel free and loose. they dont feel the heavy chains hanging on their shoulder anymore !
Now I can open my eyes and breathe in.
this is honestly a HUGE step for them. and im so proud?? ugh..
last song: All Day All Night
"All the moments I met you were highlight I don’t regret it, it’s just beautiful"
Theyre remembering Jonghyun more with their happy memories. How his existence highlighted mostly everything in their past. Jonghyun was such a big part of their lives and even if he was gone, they were still happy that he was able to be part of their lives and they were thankful to be a part of his.
"I start to see the world differently Yeah it’s all for you Time starts to emit a light Yeah it’s all for you Our very painful tears The joy that fills ourh hearts All for you, all for you, all for you"
Theyre doing all these wonderful things all for Jonghyun and maybe also for us too and for themselves. "Time starts to emit light" its pretty self explanatory. theyre beginning to see things in a positive way again !! So all of this, this is all for Jonghyun.
"Leave it alone, hold me and my painful scars All of it is the control"
theyre telling us to maybe accept it and move on too. To move on with them. We're all in this together and everything is in control.
So YAAS thats my theory or whatever you call it for SHINEEs album. I really do think the message hidden behind this album is deep and amazing and VERY important. I'm glad SHINEE is able to see things in a new light. Let's just keep loving and supporting them, okay??! So that's it.
The Story Of Light.
The End.
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groundramon · 7 years
Cartoon asks: ALL OF THEM
also i totally didnt fill all these out in advance and twiddle my thumbs in anticipation, hoping someone would send me this ask, nope not at all                 
1. A cartoon you remember that nobody else does.Back at the Barnyard.  That fucking show…oh my god
2. A cartoon you like but nobody else seems to.Well technically I remember liking Back at the Barnyard but I haven’t watched that show since I was like 8 or 9 so idk if I’d like it now akjsfkfkgjh I kinda doubt it now because my bullshit-tolerance-meter for television has significantly shortened.  Uhhh the only other cartoons I can think of that I liked that don’t seem to be liked by a lot of people are like…the DreamWorks cartoons (when they were on Nickelodeon and CN that is, I don’t have Netflix rip) and the Lego cartoons (except Ninjago because apparently that has a fandom?? what??) like I thought they were okay at the time at least.  (Also I guess the HTTYD cartoon wasnt hated, because it was fucking HTTYD, but //shrug)
3. A cartoon you don’t like but everybody else seems to. ADVENTURE TIME and like everything on Cartoon Network except Steven Universe and We Bare Bears honestly.  Like Adventure Time isn’t my cup of tea but I’m like “alright, some of those plots actually seem kind of interesting, I guess I can see where people are coming from” but like… shit like Clarence and Uncle Grandpa??  I’m all for people having different opinions but I don’t know how you can even get past the art style, let alone the writing style and some of the voice acting ;-; you are a stronger person than I’ll ever be if you can get past that lmao
4. A cartoon you wish would be forgotten.Uhhh pretty much everything on Nickelodeon from 2010-2014 (besides the dreamworks cartoons basically) and the shit reboots that CN’s been pumping out (namely TTG and the PPG reboot, but the Ben 10 reboot looks REALLY lazy, so at least it doesn’t annoy me [or I haven’t seen anything from it that annoys me] but…)
5. The worst cartoon you’ve ever seen, and why?Fanboy and Chum Chum, as far as cartoons I’ve actually watched go (because hoo boy, worse cartoons exist out there).  Everything about that cartoon is…wrong and broken.  It has one style of humor and that’s toilet/gross out humor.  The “straight man” so to speak, basically an emo teen version of Squidward, is actually…not Squidward in-show??  Like in the intro he’s very clearly set out to be a grouch who hates the main characters, but in the show he’s just…an introvert that gets wrapped into their plans and only snaps at them when they actually hurt him.  The protagonists are annoying as fuck and are psychopaths that deserve to be locked up in a mental institution.  It’s not funny.  The voice acting is annoying as hell.  And the animation is disgusting.  I didn’t know it was even possible to make 3d animation look this rendered yet still look so bad, but apparently it is.  Like they took extra effort into making the show look WORSE.  I will say that its impressive that they managed to get such tooney designs to exist in a 3d space, but that doesn’t do you shit good when the animation is gross.
6. The worst moment you’ve ever seen happen in a cartoon.Directly, as in I was watching the show?  Something in Fanboy and Chum Chum.  Indirectly, as in I watched a review where they showed the scene or I read about it?  Something in Family Guy, or the self-insert in the PPG reboot.  Yeah there’s a self-insert in the PPG reboot.  Every time I think it cant get worse…it does.
7. The worst thing you’ve ever seen happen to a cartoon that ruined it.I was really neutral on Teen Titans Go (some of the jokes made me laugh but others were really cringey, but it was at least funny some of the time and the art didn’t hurt me as much as other shows on CN, so whatever) but then I found out that they’ve actively attacked their critics in-show and have generally responded very poorly to criticism and…asdf.  Like its one thing to stay quiet, it’s another thing to embrace it and say “yeah we know its stupid, but it made us laugh!” (which they did do, kinda), but it’s another thing to spit in the face of everyone who has a problem with it (and not even address their criticisms, like they act like they did but?? no they fucking didn’t??).  Like the problem I have with the show is not that it’s stupid.  The problem is that the writers say “yeah, it’s for kids, so it should be stupid” (its not even “well it made us laugh” from what I remember), the problem is that the writers never watched the original show and completely ruined the legacy of a show that actually took itself seriously, the problem is that the writers are so fucking high on their horses that they respond to the haters IN-SHOW and LAUGH AT THEM.  My problem is not with the show itself, my problem is with the culture it embodies.  It embodies the worst of Hollywood entitlement, cheap shithole cashcow shows, cheap reboots that disappoint fans of the original, “stupid because its for kids” cartoons, and basically the worst Hollywood has to offer.
8. A cancelled/forgotten cartoon you would bring back to television.Uhh if nothing happens with Infinity Train then that, but besides that…another series of Avatar (like following a new avatar) would be fucking great but I don’t want to put the creators through the hell that is Nickelodeon lmao.  I also thought Harvey Beaks looked nice, like I never watched it but it looked okay, so I’d be okay with bringing that back too if it made the creator happier (honestly the poor creator…nickelodeon treated him really badly too)
9. An animated character you remember but nobody else seems to.Pete from Steven Universe lmao like where did he goJoking aside (SU is too relevant to count for this) uhHHH fuck I guess the characters in the Monsters vs Aliens cartoon? nobody remembers that movie but the show kinda cemented the characters in my mind (I would’ve said back at the barnyard but honestly I don’t remember the characters until you show them to me, besides like the main cow guy, whoops)
10. An animated character you hate the most, and why?Onion annoys me.  Like…he’s that kind of character that has no rhyme or reason behind what he does.  He’s the kind of character whose entire personality just relies on the kind of Adventure Time-esque humor that I just don’t get or enjoy.  The kind of humor that just creeps or grosses me out or bores me instead of making me burst out laughing.  The kind of humor that’s physical-based, but just too slow and poorly paced to be funny like slapstick.  I don’t know how to explain it, but it’s exactly how Onion seems to me and that’s why I dislike Onion.  In Doug Out, for example, Onion has no gross out or creep out jokes, and I don’t mind him as much.  Like he’s not a GOOD character, he still doesn’t bother insisting that there’s something else out there when the others disagree with him, but at least he isn’t scaring me.  OH AND MARCUS FROM DIGIMON DATA SQUAD I immediately thought Onion because he’s a cartoon character, but since this is just for animation in general…aksdhfgfkj i dont know why I hate Marcus so much, I dont want to hate Marcus so much, but I do.  His response to everything is just to punch everything and he’s so entitled and annoying and hotheaded and aAAARG HES JUST INFURIATING, I DIDNT THINK IT WAS POSSIBLE TO BE THIS MAD OVER A CHARACTER THAT ISNT FUNDAMENTALLY BROKEN BUT HERE I AM
11. A non-animated property you would like to see as a cartoonidk if this counts because it’d have to be an anime probably but FOSSIL FIGHTERS CHAMPIONS!!! LITERALLY I WOULD CRY IF THIS WAS MADE INTO A MANGA OR ANIME PLEASE @ NINTENDO MY FAMILY IS STARVING but seriously can you imagine like….you could have a mute main character (its implied that the protagonist talks a few times but they could be selectively mute or just mime and the dialogue could be rearranged appropriately) and if you choose the female protagonist you could make her gay for Pauleen??? Like I refuse to accept the male protagonist as the “canon” main character bc I want gay sorry.  BUT LIKE!!!  You wouldn’t have to write that much bc its already written!! and its really fucking ridiculous and would probably appeal to like…TTG-loving kids because its so silly asdf BUT ITS ALSO GOOD, IT HAS HEART, PLEASE THIS IS SUCH A GOOD IDEA like its not a good idea for manga/anime because it IS kinda ridiculous and childish but?? it would fit so well as a western cartoon???  Hey Nintendo can you please give me a license to produce this because I swear to god I would if I could
12. A trope or trend in animation that you dislike.Well there are a lot but they aren’t exclusive to animation…?  "Blonde popular bitch" and “damsel in distress” have been two of my personal most-hated for all my life because of who I am/was, but there are others I dislike too.  I also really hate the kinda…style that Adventure Time set up in cartoons.  Like I guess AT isn’t really responsible for ugly-looking cartoons and the type of humor that I dislike, because looking at CN before it aired there were already shows like that (Chowder, Flapjack…) but I think AT really popularized them and :/ it also reworked the same concepts in Chowder and Flapjack and people were like “WOWEE CARTOON RENAISSANCE !!!” and I just kinda….idk.  I have a lot of personal baggage against AT lmao sorry AT fans, like I don’t even hate the show and not all of its effects were bad (not in the slightest) but like TTG I have issues with some of the things it popularized.
13. A currently airing cartoon that you know is going to be forgotten about in the future.Hmm, We Bare Bears maybe, or like Mighty Magiswords.  Like CN plasters Mighty Magiswords everywhere but nobody gives a shit about that show so I feel like its only a matter of time before it disappears yknow?? but maybe im wrong.  WBB doesn’t get the attention it deserves so yeah.  Also maybe that Bunsun is a Beast cartoon over on Nickelodeon? im not sure man
14. The best episode of a cartoon you really like.The Southern Raiders (that’s only one of my favorites tho, like?? The Puppetmaster is tied for first in that season, and that’s just in that season, not including the other two seasons of ATLA)
15. The worst episode of a cartoon you really like.Rocknaldo or any episode centering around Onion, e u c k
16. A cartoon you feel deserves more recognition than it gets.Uhhhhh fuck everything I watch is mainstream cries WBB isn’t that popular and like its a cute, perfectly fine show, but its not like…revolutionary
17. A cartoon you feel deserves less recognition than what it gets.ADVENTURE TIME, also s/o to Regular Show, Clarence, Uncle Grandpa…like those last two aren’t even universally liked but sorry I still think they get too much praise asdf
18. The worst idea you can think of for an animated series.It already exists and its called One Ounce Mouse, but honestly adult cartoons in general are…a bad idea.  Like if you’re just gonna use your adult rating to offend people instead of using it to be insightful or using it to be ACTUALLY FUNNY, what the fuck are you doing with your life?  You should be fired tbqh
19. At what point did you realize a cartoon, any cartoon was starting to get bad?I can’t remember when I realized SpongeBob was starting to get bad, but it was sometime around 2010 or so.  I remember getting really sick of the show when it went to HD/fullscreen because for some reason, all the new character designs got…significantly worse??  Like the season premiere of that season (cant remember which season it was, don’t care to look it up) had three new characters and they all looked…so fucking ugly?  It was really hard to look at?  Like seriously they looked like something out of Sanjay and Craig, not SpongeBob.  Even the main character designs just…looked too smooth and rounded and not good to me.  It reminds me of like Family Guy and i dont like that overly smooth, “we have too much money so we blew it on extra in-between frames instead of good-looking art” style.  I think the final breaking point for me was Squid Baby and the episode where Gary got overly attached to a ball, and realizing that after an episode that actually was kinda legitimately nice (it was the one about Plankton getting a pet) they were never going to bring up Plankton’s pet again and ugh.  Like lack of continuity is nothing new but I really wish he had kept the pet, it was the best thing to happen to the show in literal years.  Like seriously that episode was the best new episode in years, it was legitimately cute even though I had a beef with some of the character designs (as I always did in that season)
20. An experience with a cartoon you thought you were going to like but turned you away from it.I tried watching Bee and Puppycat the other day and it really….put me off….because it had more of that Adventure Time style humor and I legitimately thought it interfered with how the plot should’ve progressed.  Like Bee was way too okay with everything and we didn’t get any explanation for anything because instead she just made weird noises and bit a monster’s tongue off.  I’m still gonna watch the other episodes for the heck of it, so maybe I’ll change my mind, but eh
21. Something you would like to see more than anything in a cartoon.It already exists and it’s called Avatar: The Last Airbender + The Legend of Korra
22. What do you feel makes a cartoon forgettable?That’s….actually a really good question.  Because like, I would’ve forgotten about Adventure Time years ago if it hadn’t been drilled into my head that everyone else thought it was the best thing ever and I didn’t.  I might be off my SU high by now if I didn’t keep reblogging/reading SU-related stuff on tumblr lol.  I guess blandness is what makes your cartoon forgettable.  If its not so bad that it’s funny/everyone needs to insult it, but its not good enough that it gets good reviews, then there’s just…no place for your cartoon, especially if its not profitable so it gets cancelled quickly.
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today i would like to sahre a very special story well atleast to me it is. first of all i dont expect anybody to agree or even read this its just me typing my very own story...
So lets start by the day i met her... lets call her simply " K "
The day i met K for the first time her boyfriend at the time asked me to help her with an online game..i never heard of her i never seen or met her.. Me being me i agreed to help her because he was my friend and i was sort of just over my ex and wanted to meet new people some friends and whatever..
So on our first time talking to me threw an online game i straight up realised just how shy she was she barely talked and when she did she only said a couple of snappy words.. Strangely i feld okay with it she was funny in her way and made me laugh alot in her incapability to play the game.
The more time i spent with K she opened up more and more and we had frequent laughs and even some inside jokes, i was happy my friend was happy and she seemed happy aswell. Everything seemed fine to me untill a couple days even weeks in and K started to she me the real side of everything.
K told me her at the time boyfriend wont let her talk to people was controlling her basicly acting like a total psychopath. Which was also the time K introduced me to another friend of hers. Lets call him... " V " well V was weird to say the very least. Even though he so desperetly tried to denie it he was in love with K and i became an obstacle in their communication.
To be honest i could not care less about V at the time because i had enough "fake" friends and didnt need another one to tell me stuff to purely annoy me, so i focused on K and helping her because to me it seemed totally absurd that such a beautiful person was threated like human waste and just took it like it never happened.
Keep in mind i never saw her face or even heard her voice at that point but i feld a somewhat connection to K and we just i dont know how to say it but we just clicked, so i asked her to talk to me on skype and she agreed to my surprise because i was totally sure her boyfriend wont allow it. The evening hit and it was time for our call and as i expected she found an excuse to not talk to me. I was a little dissapointed but generally fine with it since who am i to decide what other do or dont.
So we continued her "training lessions" and started to talk about some more intimate things things like her relationship my past relationship the weird friend V and some more stuff. At that point i started to feel a little weird out by all the things we did because i wasnt sure if it was right or wrong what i did because her boyfriend was still my friend.
Some time later she cried because he had broken up with her and i was there to talk to her and keep her company.. and to be honest i somewhat hoped that it was finally over so as harsh as it sound i could maybe make a move on her... well the next day she told me they are back together. I was heartbroken not just because it meant i couldnt flirt with her but because i could not figure out why such a beautiful person like her was with such an asshole like him.
That was also the time her boyfriend and her friend V started to get mean towards me, calling me stuff talking to me in weird ways etc... I couldnt care less to be honest all i wanted at the time was her wellbeing. So i kept her company untill one day we exchanged phone numbers since we only really lived  a couple hours away from eachother.
I think it was the same night or a few later i asked her how she looked and she sent me a sleepy pic of hers laying in bed with only her face visible and oh my god she was so gorgeous not gonna lie she was the most beautiful woman ive ever seen and i know thats what everybody says but her blonde hair with her blue eyes just smiling a little... I was blown away shocked and amazed that thats the person i was talking to all the time...
And i will never forget when i asked her how such a beautiful woman sounds like she sent me a voice mail just saying one single word... "Tschechischesstreichholzschächtelchen" i know it doesnt make much sense but that word somehow till this day is branded into my brain with being one of the happiest memories i have.
Well couple days later they broke up for good and all hell broke loose because K simply sent her ex a text and he missread it. She came to me for comfort and warned me... i was surprised at what she told me because i never really knew about psychopaths and stuff like that before and before i could realise it it began my reputation was ruined in that particular game because people started talking but who the fuck cared i had my friends i knew and i was good.
But then i realised its her they are really out for and i could not stand it seeing those people that once were her "friends" now calling her bad stuff so naturally i tried to get her mind off and focus on other things.. One thing let to another and we kind of fell in love... and i say kind of because at the time none of us really knew what we were getting ourselfs into.
I was happy i mean fuck yeah this absolutely gorgeous girl that has all the same intrests as me likes me i was on cloud nine. And as time moved we simply ignored the haters and just did our thing. Then the day came New years eve about 4 years ago it was the first time she showed me a side i never seen She broke up with me without even being really together, telling me she wasnt good for me telling me she would just drag me down with her, that she will ruin me and more horrible things.
I couldnt understand it why or what she even meant with that but i kept asking her and assuring her that im grown up that i know best whats good for myself.. at some point she left and i went on to grab some drinks with some friends.
Well 7th january we were finally together. I was happy honestly i was never happier given my past. We grew together playing things, skyping even with webcam. I absolutely loved her and the best thing was she loved me too heck even her parents did from what she said and to be very honest i didnt knew that feeling i had with her it was different, but in a good way different.
Now let me explain my past because it is neccesary for the following text, well my past my childhood was lets say different i was frequently beaten to the point of going to doctors or having to hide it at school Child serviced were involed because it didnt stop at only beating, more horrific things i dont want to openly share happened. Basicly my entire life i was being told i wasnt worth anyhing would never make anyone happy because im simply trash.
So the day came and K wanted to visit me and i freaked out because up untill that point there was always that "safe" distance where i could hide the broken self of mine but i knew i wanted her more then anything else so my only solution i saw at the time was lie to her, pretend and hide the "other" side of me. Which honestly was the biggest misstake in my life and i am honest to god sorry for it but in some way i wasnt sure if K would have liked me knowing what have happened to me and i wouldnt want to loose her at any cost.
Things ramped up and K figured it out, partly because i felt so misrable lying to the person i i felt feelings for i couldnt describe even. But K stuck with me and we worked things out.. or so i thought.. Does anybody know the feeling that you would do really anything for that special somebody? well the day came where i could not stand it anymore to be told that K wasnt good for me and that it wont last anyway, so i for the i think first time in my life talked back to my parents and said "No"
It was weird but felt right even though we got in a huge argue i never told K that it was about her and me wanting to be with her. So like always i got called useless and blamed for everything by them and to my rescue i guess K was there simply telling me "why dont you come with me back home?" and i dont know how..
Have you ever quit everything you build in your life? like work, home, friends, pets just to be with somebody? I did and i honestly never regret it not even now. Yes i was scared and couldnt imagine what would lie ahead of us. So long story short i moved to another country with basicly nothing, no family, no friends only her at my side.
I had you and you were everything i needed i woke up and you were there K, you were all i could wish for and everything i would have ever needed. Then one day i got an accident and almost became blind, and when the day of the pre operation came.. well it was the worst day of my life not because the doctor told us that if i continue threatment i would die but because when we sat in the car afterwards you took my hand and started crying, looking at me telling me to please not do it because you love me too much to loose me.
I felt devastated i never could have imagined you crying over somebody like me or even feel so much for me that this would have hurt you this much.... i always cry myself when i picture that moment..
Needles to say i never did the follow up threatment.
From that point on i started to question myself will i ever be able to "be enough" for you, will i ever be able to give you everything you want, can i be there for you when you need it.. Lets just say not seeing emotions on peoples faces like anger, happiness, sadness makes you somewhat numb inside. I was wandering threw my life not seeing peoples faces, their expressions, nothing around me and the worst part since that day i never saw your eyes the way i did before anymore and it just ruined alot inside me.
And i guess not being able to tell if anybody is happy or sad made me even more worrying inside me because i was there not knowing if you K were happy or sad unless you told me or when i asked all i knew was that you were that beautiful person that i wanted to do everything for but i guess all the worrying made me kind of forget everything else.
Well now in recent times i have learned alot about myself and life and what i know is that if i dont love myself i cant love anybody else but somehow you K always made me the happiest person alive even after we argued or fought i knew there was always that one moment where you just said something nice and everything was made up for.
I cant even begin to apologize for everything what i've done and im truely sorry that i am not able to say anything to you that makes everything okay for you it really breaks my heart but i cant i am sorry.. The one thing that hurts me the most is the emotional distance we've build up its like you're faling apart infront of my eyes and i cant do anything to help you.
K, i really wish i could start everything from the beginning but after all i have to thank you you made me a better person you made me want to do the right thing you changed me. Somewhere deep inside of me i hope i did something similar to you.
Now today i sit here with tears running down my cheeks typing this because i dont know how else i would tell you all those things you gave me some of the best memories i will ever have like walking threw a store at night holding your hand cause i was afraid, coming home to our cats after a night out, just waking up next to you and watching you sleep for a while and the best one will be every single kiss you gave me.
I cant tell you how sorry i am for everything but today is the day i lost you even after i gave you the space that you wanted, gave you the freedom you so desired i dont know anything anymore but rest assured K you are and will be the love of my life and i can say from the bottom of my heart that you showed me true love.
Everything came so sudden and i dont really know how to handle it anymore but the day i wrote this is the day i lost a very big part of my heart and i truely hope it will always stay with you.But i cant face the thought anymore of being without you, the thought of you with somebody else, the thought coming home to an empy house where once we were happy in.
I never ever in my life would have wanted to loose you, you were the one i wanted to marry and grow old with.
I am sorry
I deeply and truely love you
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burgatroyd · 7 years
mmy thoughts!!!
ok so who wants to hear my opinions??? *crowd is dead silent, crickets chirping* 
frankie and witney: i loved it i thought it was a bit overscored given the other scores but thats no shade at all. i love witney’s choreo, she’s really the queen of giving me dances that are cute & watchable even if they don’t necessarily ~fit the style. the sparkles were so cool esp when you consider that their placement had to be PERFECT for those graphics to look good. and frankie’s girlfriend’s little journal was so fucking cute.
to and cheryl: i feel bad. i remember his package bc it was so sweet but i cant remember his dance sjakfnjfs :( hold on imma rewatch…….ok im back that dance was cute. i have nothing is such a bop i was singing along the whole time. cheryls choreo is so good what an icon, but terrell is sooo not memorable. id be cool with him going home next week. but i feel like he’s still gonna squeeze out another 2-3 weeks
nikki and artem: i loved this dance so much but again i feel like nikki just keeps getting lost in the shuffle for me like i want to love her so much more than i do :( but this dance was beautiful and definitely her best so far im proud of her. i hope this is a breakthrough moment for her bc she made herself so vulnerable i lvoed it. and i REALLY HOPE she gets a better running order next week
nick and peta: okay….i was on the highest of keys expecting that to suck but it didnt???? awkward in places sure but tbh i even think bruno couldve thrown an 8 like that was really sweet. peta also looked fucking gorgest as always but her hair tonight in particular was so nice. i kinda feel like their luck is running out though and they might go home next week…i hope not though bc peta DESERVES to go further. let my fav get to week 6 its what she deserves
lindsey and mark: i dont even know what to say about that it was so so beautiful i love mark hes a genius, that dance was brilliant, the ending was phenomenal, the song was amazing, i was an emotional mess. DANCE OF THE NIGHT FOR ME just purely based on watchability bc idk shit about technique!!! FUCK YOUR 8 LEN!!
derek and sharna: im….sad i saw their elimination coming but i’m so sad. this dance was a really good way to go out, and im glad he got the opportunity to have a final dance like that. it was so full of joy and his daughter’s reaction really got me. im sad for sharna too bc derek was such a step up from bonner, aka the human equivalent of a packing peanut. actually thats really not fair to packing peanuts i take it back.
jordan and lindsay: okay YESSSS….THIS WAS WHAT I WANTED!!! it was such a beautiful story and his reaction was so amazing. i feel like the audience really needed to see that emotion from him because his dances just come off as so effortless and he performs with such ease. this was another one that left me in shambles. im so happy for them and im so glad they got that score.
sasha and gleb: omg i feel like im such a woman hater every time i have something negative to say about the women usaufknajs but this was just like so forgettable to me. im so sorry sasha you deserve better from me. but the choreo was just like…a miss for me and the fact that the song was sung so badly didnt help.. ughhgha. on a positive note this was 3000x better than last week but that wasnt exactly a difficult achievement ajskknjf :(
vanessa and maks: i love vanessa so fucking much she’s so likable i want to be her best friend i hope she’s cool with hanging out with a 20 year old. im so glad they didnt mention the tabloid stuff tbh like this was about HER and it was such a heart wrenching (but ultimately joyous!) story. i havent watched press stuff yet, so im nervous about that but i really hope people still back vanessa bc i really want to see her go far im throwing them all of my votes tbh. also i lvoed len saying that maks curated the dance to his liking hahaha.
drew and emma: i still cant decide if i like drew because his personality is great, he and emma are great together, but something about his dancing just doesnt do it for me. i generally enjoyed this though and jonathan was impressive for having basically jumped into dancing for the first time ever. right before he came in the camera was focusing on emma for like 10 whole seconds and i was like what the fuck is happening so jonathan jumping in was such a surprise i was so excited. it was just such a happy dance it was so emma. i liked it i think
victoria and val: AAAAHHHH!!! YES VAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he did exactly what i wanted for an emotional dance. i was mad that they didnt get contemporary but val was able to incorporate the mood that having a contemporary as their style wouldve given them so well. also victoria is literal human sunshine i cant help but smile whenever she speaks shes just so fucking cute!!!! yayyYYY!!
overall this was one of my fav MMYs in recent memory i was so pleased. but bring back opening numbers okay thats all if you read this ily.
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