coladaminx · 1 year
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So who's going to the wedding ceremony? because that's all i got from this 🥳😳😢
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superanimepirate · 2 years
Y'all I'm working at a bar, checking IDs at the entrance. It's a slow night so I read the newest One Piece chapter. I don't know what my expression was, but some drunk guy just offered me a high five and told me he's rooting for me???
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deancaskiss · 2 years
hi! you just seem so cool and intimidating 😅
hiiii there!! okay wait my brain literally cannot wrap around just how many people have said im cool or intimidating. why do yall think im cool??? i am so corny and cliche and such a nerdy mess afjasdhfkashfas. literally though im going to explode with happiness oh gosh, truly, thank you so much. also you can always come message me, we can be besties!
tell me anonymously why you're nervous or shy to interact
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blye-flower · 2 years
I was yesterday years old when I realized that if someone is subscribed to your ao3 account, they get emails whenever you post
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twopoppies · 2 years
GINA!!! OMYGAWD I want to share something, the man I'm dating today, I DIDNT KNOW HE WAS GONNA BE IN THE SOCCERAM WITH LOUIS IM WAS SHOOKTH!!! Anyways, after the penalty game he called me and I was like fangirling, almost every dude there loved as in LOVED Louis. They kept talking about Two Of Us and OOMS afterwards and he was a great dude overall. He told me Louis smell like mint and cigs, and has a deep voice. IM SO JEALOUS HE GOT TO SEE LOUIS FIRST. Guess I'll have a plus one this FITFWT then
STOPPPP! This is the best update ever.
Read more here
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disastersteps · 10 months
i usually never shut up about au stuff so been thinking about this au in particular- happy sidestep days au.
(its a old au of mine back in 2020s? cant remember) that i brought back and just revisit mostly based off what i learnt of.
the basic original summary of this au is 'what if sidestep never fell, what if themmy never died that way, and what if heartbreak incident never happened, and what if sidestep's not a regene'
but i had been considering having some of the stuff from the games into it, so its gonna be depend on how i can. integrate it with canon facts into a AU setting. i might change stuff by the time the series is ever over. wheezes.
anyway this au aka 2023 version is well,
Anita had never fell from the window, and Themmy never died from how they did- and as the result, Anita continued to be Sidestep and Themmy is alive and continues to be Anathema.
The current time is the same exact time as canon, so seven years later, Anita went ahead and changed their suit once they're more confident in their own persona and their own hero.
Unlike canon neets, Neets finally confess to Jules earlier and not a coward and as a result, these two are disgustingly cute together for the next seven years, featuring Themmy having to be the third wheel and audience who voiced 'this is fucking suck but good for you two through.'
During these years, Themmy and Neets gotten closer enough to consider each other queerplatonic partners
Other than that, it's just your everyday hero life, really, that's it.
Oh! In this AU, Anita still mentor Herald when he joined, and before him- Argent joined and she got to be mentored by Themmy!!!
Which is why Chen is currently under Jules' wing in passing down the rank of the Marshal. (Anita turned it down, and says 'Chen is the best in our team when it comes to leadership.' and Chen had to take a moment to realize Anita wasn't being a ass and actually geninue believing in him. This may or may not had bloom their friendship earlier.)
Also because Anita and Julia are dating together in this AU, they're still dealing with tabolds are like, gasp, Is Charge dating someone in public? and Wait, but Sidestep and Charge were very close are they? Is she cheating on Sidestep for someone!?
^ Themmy showing all of these to Neets and going 'oh my fucking god.' while Themmy is wheezing so loud.
Yes, these two managed to keep their relationship private from public eye. Doesn't stop the Rangers, old and new, to witness them being soft bitches in the breakroom.
Yes, that meant Herald had no idea until he joined and then his world shookth when he learnt his teacher is dating their partner in crime. Argent, on the other hand, goes 'lmao i figured it out, they kept heart eyeing each other in the news so-'
Yes. It meant there's pictures. of them on the fridge and on top of that fridge is a jar full of coins with a label that says 'Walk in and you Find yourself witnessing Julita Being Gayasses' (wrote by themmy, 'you two keep being cute and kissy!' in jest)
Half of the coins are from Chen.
Actually, not just Chen but also Themmy, the curse of being their bestie.
Almost everyone except Argent had throw coins in.
No, Argent is too smart and she just knew and never failed to walk in.
Themmy insisted she reveal her secrets. she just laughs and goes 'nope <3'
and now with retri spoilers related
I still hadn't decide on Anita's background- it's either keeping Regene background, or the other ideas (yes im looking at you HG) but like I said, this part will be changed depend on how it went in canon.
If they were regene, it would be after they confessed to Julia and revealed themself to her, and it was a moment of waiting for her to walk out or not. She never did. "You're always Anita to me."
And if they're actually a lost sibling of HG, then Anita would've finally admit "It's that's why you had been so protective of me????? what the fuck jules!!! im happy being here! being with you! and everyone!!!"
so uhhhhh
other than all that, i just like drawing themmy and sidestep interactions which is why i use this AU just to draw/write about them, and perhaps chargestep being softies while being asses sO-
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dulcesiabits · 2 years
Fam. I just really really really really love how you write the twisted wonderland boys it feels so on point like i can literally imagine them saying and doing the things you write in the game. Its lowkey getting tough for me to realize that these aren't canon? 🙄 WHAT do you mean the first years aren't shookth that im dating Ruggie 🤨
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you're so sweet, anon!!! I'm so glad you think I have a good grasp on characterization!!!
Given the legal opportunity, I would make a twst dating sim a reality, so mr michael mouse, hire me now--
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parznite · 11 months
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lghockey · 2 years
Hook saying full sentences... im shookth
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rexismycopilot · 1 year
(One I don’t know if I ever said this I tend to jump the gun a little bit and I get excited when I send you thing lol bur you can call me Snow lol if you want idk. I just thought I’d say that love you)
TWO REX YOUR VOICE ITS SO PRETTY AND YOUR LAUGH IS SO PRETTY I listens to the the first few episodes of Sips and Snacks yesterday REXALICOUS IM SHOOKTH IT WAS GREAT
Three) you wanna know a great Obikin trope I adore? The one where anakin is raised a sith and Obi wan was raised a Jedi and then they meet and it’s like the very Love At First Sight, but they do not get the memo and the Force is like the dark side works hard but I work harder let’s go bitch. I love it mostly because that’s basically an enemies to lovers/Beauty and the Beast trope and I’m a sucker for them
“Anakin come to the light side it has Obi wan’s huge cock and tight ass and he’ll call you good boy if you call him daddy.” That would be my pitch to him. (Sorry if this is Random as hell I’m really tired and just woke up and I’m nervous cause my avionics final test/project is happening today lol 😅)
Hello, Snow! 🥹
Thank you for listening to the podcast!! And thanks for the compliment! I don't think anyone likes to listen to the sound of their own voice on a recording haha so I definitely really appreciate it.
It's funny that you mention a raised sith AU because I once had a suggestion for one and I started something and... never finished it. It was Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon, and Ahsoka in the Temple and Ahsoka was Qui-Gon's padawan. Meanwhile, Anakin was Palpatine's apprentice who at some point in his life killed Maul. Idk where I was going with this fic because according to the google doc, i started it in Aug 2021! I think I had a rough outline of where I wanted to take it written down somewhere... Anyway, I'm sure the gist of it was to spank Anakin back to the light.
“Anakin come to the light side it has Obi wan’s huge cock and tight ass and he’ll call you good boy if you call him daddy.” <- how could Anakin deny that pitch, honestly?
I hope your final went well!!
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harrysfolklore · 2 years
😧😧 I am SHOOKTH at this album vibe wasnt what I was expecting but Im here for it
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jeysbvck · 2 years
the boys season finale really sent my emotions into overdrive jfc.
cried three times, shookth by the ending as per usual and omfg im gonna miss this show!!!!! i need season 4 immediately!!!!
also pls i am absolutely in love with kimiko would absolutely die to protect her
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I have zero nostalgia love for hp only one i rem enjoying was 1/3 .. and zero support for JKR im a bit shookth she went off the deep end.
I have not watched this video .. but i can say this.. this person is right why is hp getting a la series it makes no sense. Animation is better. Animation is Life.
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Bojack as Stans therapist would involve if he told him about his other experience yeah no they shouldn't be giving kids large drinks , what kind of therapy did you go too?? just him again being shookth by south park weird adults abusing kids. he really thought it was just a hollywood problem, but no its everywhere.
your dads an asshole and im sorry but your moms a pushover who wont get a divorce you have every right to be depressed its a shitty situation .. your friends leaving you? sadly that happens all you can do is work on yourself, try to find shit that makes you happy and focus on that. maybe antidepressants (Could he assign them? I have no idea ) wait did you say your sister hit you with a piano? um no comment.
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Fish, eeby deeby, shiny :3
hey, oleg! thanks for teh ask. :3
fish - good vibes, i want to help you rearrange your room, and go hydrate.
eeby deeby - you're the funniest fucker here, talent, and you're poggerz.
shiny - friends?, i'll give you cat/frog pics, and we should steal a shopping cart.
sksksk, im shookth by eeby deeby, tbh. and i'm glad i'm amassing friends, who'd like to steal shopping carts! mwahehehe.
send me a color from this ask game?
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han-chin173 · 3 years
Y'all, I was just reading about diffrent Mental disorder to give to my characters (Im treating this like going shopping 😭)
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Im surprised but not surprised---
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