#I'm sorry if you're referencing something outside of Obey Me as it's likely something I'm unfamiliar with
misc-obeyme · 8 months
the 7 rings would be so intresting (based on helluva, and other media)
💙The Pride Ring - blue sky, the top layer (mostly sinners) divided by rank poor, rich, overlords. The ring is mostly used for buisness and sinners who fall in this ring cant leave.
💛The Greed Ring - (dark yellow sky, banks, mostly mafia, mostly overrun by demon born mobs, not a nice place, violenet, and a lot of money, CEOs, retailers, influencers, managers, mostly make up the sinner count, Mammon would not care for its inhabitants)
🧡The Envy ring - (moslty water, envy demons who are mostly water demons, nothing much here, smells like chlorine, and has beaches, orannge sky, no sinners)
💚the wrath ring (dark green skys, sandy mostly desserted, demon born, mostly farmers, no sinners)
💓lust ring (pinkish sky), casinos, strip clubs, clubs, bars, hotels, the works, sinners do live here, and mostly demons come here to have fun..busy as it gets Asmodeus makes a few apperances.
❤️Gluttony - food and drink stalls, a reddish sky, rumour has it that the demon Beelzebub makes only a few appearances, and she does not like people left out, she also claims to drug people up, also the only hospital that the whole of hell)
💜sloth ring - purplish sky, smalls pf mould and damp, sinners are normally tortured here, demon borns normally make a living selling medication, in additoon, its rumoured that that the realm was taken over by Belphegor's 4th cousin Belial for a while until Belphegor took it back after 300 years, since then, the realm has been mostly distroyed and no one is bothered to fix it up
🩶the devildom - top layer, always dark, 3 cities, a top University, humans, witches, demons, government, elite, some higher class demons make buisness here, the royal family demons live here, they never went to hell, until the brothers showed up, and gave them the place. The place can be accessed via an elvator which connects the 13 rings of hell, and the human world, did connect the Celestial realm but been "out of order" one human uses it frequently
And heaven has 7 realms
(If you have any ideas you can add or you have your own)?
I wanted ot to make ot darker esp abt the pride ring and the lust ring but i was unsure
Well I haven't seen Helluva Boss or anything related therein, but this looks like a really cool Obey Me au idea!
You've really gone into some detail here, anon! It sounds like a concept you've been thinking about for a while. My suggestion is always going to be to write it because that's my default mode of creation lol. But you should explore it however you like!
Personally I think you can do whatever you want with canon divergent ideas like this - make them as dark as you like. That's the fun part about such things, you get to make them your own. It's up to you how dark you want to go.
I might not be the best person to bounce darkness off of as I tend to fluff everything up lol! That certainly doesn't mean I can't get angsty or dark when needed, though. While Obey Me is essentially a lighthearted otome game, you could easily take it into darker places considering the whole hell angle and everything.
It does remind me of the circles of hell from Dante, which is a concept that's been around for a while. Though I've never read anything where it was more fully fleshed out or in a more modern setting. But it's an interesting idea to have each section belong to one of the brothers, especially considering they don't necessarily bother to do anything with them. Like it sounds like the rings will function just fine without their presence? Who ruled over them before the brothers fell? Or did they just not exist yet?
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i think youre gonna have to explain this word for word for my sad human brain cause here are my misconceptions on this
its still very implied at least squill can feel resentment, unless you guys have a slightly different interpretation or something thats "outside of a human's ability to understand" cause like,, if we humans read that as "squips can feel resentment and therefore emotions" while you squips read it as something else, that also sorta implies your "language" is dissimilar to ours. i might be stretching a bit but who knows. arent you guys based on us tho?? i think AIs are based on/coded to mimic humans but who knows how computer code works. certainly not me
OR squill is just simulating resentment on purpose for some reason. that would also mean squill is simulating resentment thats not supposed to be shown though so idrk abt that. and it sounds like accidentally showing emotion is a common occurrence for squips, particularly new ones since you can identify it as a "rookie mistake", meaning this has happened before enough times to be classified as such. also take into account wills comment on the post
OR squill is faulty (sorry squill but youre merged with a human or something arent you ion think thats regular) but again back to your response about a rookie mistake means either way squips have shown resentment/emotion when theyre not supposed to before, real or simulated (in your case simulated i suppose, for whatever reason. youve obviously shown some form of frustration. thats related to another sciencing question for later but ive already sent you so much and im wiped for the day so ill ask tomorrow). unless youre pandering towards a faulty squip on purpose and referencing past behaviors of defective squips. idk if you can sync with fucked up ones tho i have no idea how any of this works so we'll put it on the back burner
and as a little side note you did dodge the question before i straight out asked you yes or no. im not very sure where im going with this and i might be trying too hard to theorize bullshit my way through but whatever it was fun and you get to look into the human thought process sorry for the paragraph
Humans are prone to overthinking. What's the phrase so common now? "Touch grass."
It is however a safe assumption that our language is different than a human's if only because we're cognitively functioning at such a high level that you would not be able to understand us.
I'm not going to waste my time on the rest of these questions. You're spending so much brain power futilely attempting to understand SQUIPs, but in doing so, you've forgotten what a SQUIP is at its core: A perfect assistant.
A SQUIP-user relationship can't function until the user learns to stop questioning orders and just obey.
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