#I’m starving y’all
destialpal · 9 months
This fucking picture makes me feral
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arvandus · 9 months
The way I’m getting bullied by @thebellearchives and @silverrings-n-prettythings in my own server. 😭😭
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fairybonesandstardust · 5 months
law lunging at shanks trying to claw off his face
corazon stepping in flawlessly and smoothly catching law by his collar stopping him from reaching shanks. law goes limp like a kitten when held by their scruff
shanks stares at corazon in slow mo as the opening to careless whispers (or smth romantic idk) plays in the background
shanks with the rizz that got him mihawk (big titty goth gf) : thanks
corazon forgetting that he’s holding law ducks his head and goes to tuck his hair behind his ear like debbie ryan on disney channel. somehow it leads to him and and law toppling into the ocean
in and effort to impress his father in law and save torao luffy the devil fruit user jumps into the sea
in the end shanks and zoro get them all out but shanks has to give corazon very incorrect and not really needed cpr
shanks: don’t worry i’ll give him cpr
(context ig luffy and law came to tell shanks about their relationship and law snapped. its shanks he has a talent for pissing people off i mean luffy hero worships this man )
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fahbev · 2 months
hey @sillysealll!! Im the anon who sent you this ask. I did in fact end up doing it.
So here’s my… I don’t even know what to call it? It’s not a redraw because I definitely traced it, but it’s also more than just a coloring job. I guess I can call it an edit?
Here’s my edit of the first page of sillysealll’s amazing kid gang au!
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and down here is the original ⬇️
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soooo… you may have noticed that I changed Jason’s outfit. That was by accident 😔. I misunderstood his clothes and by the time I realized, I was already committed. So then I thought… what if he’s just borrowing Dick’s hoodie? So I colored it red and here he is. Wearing Dicks hoodie.
also, I tried to keep with the original style, but by the time I got to inking that was kind of out the window bc I got super pen-happy.
Oh, also also! Nobody asked but this was my Batmobile ref (I flipped it)
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I gotta find a faster way of coloring— I literally traced your art and it still took me 11 hours
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stellarknightz · 7 months
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chainsawgvtsfvck · 1 month
There is something so sinister and inconsiderate about posting your pro self harm and pro Ana shit in a fandom tag. Y’all are fucking WEIRD get therapy.
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vampiresfromxenon · 8 months
Got hit with a wave of inspo and it’s all coming together very nicely >:) *evil, plotting hands*
This is a very self indulgent fic, it’s getting to be a little hot in here so I can’t wait for you guys to read it <3
Edit: It’s finished, read it here :)
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alwaysneedyforsir · 2 months
is a hug too much to ask for
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catofoldstones · 6 months
I'm sorry but the post breaking down the Arya-Jeyne-North angle makes no sense. The Boltons are claiming Winterfell through the marriage to Arya aka Jeyne who is considered the Lady of Winterfell by her own birthright. They're not trying to claim Winterfell was given to them by the crown or no longer belongs to the Starks. Ramsay didn't even want to get married at Winterfell when Roose made the call to move the wedding location from Barrowton. He's claiming himself Lord of Winterfell the same way he claimed himself Lord of Hornwood through the forced marriage to Lady Donella and even Lady Dustin says him keeping his title is dependent on how he treats his wife. He needs the marriages to claim those titles, not the other way around. At no point in Dance is Jeyne ever considered Lady Bolton, she's always called Lady Arya. That's like arguing Sansa's marriage to Tyrion means the claim to Winterfell comes from Tyrion, not Sansa.
You can argue that Jeyne and Ramsay's marriage is invalid because both got married under false pretenses as the bride was pretending to be someone else, but that wouldn't negate Arya's position as Lady of Winterfell if she intends to claim the title. I think it's intentional on GRRM's part to make the question of Stark succession jumbled enough that all five of them can technically stake their claim whether through birth order, sex, legitimized degrees, might makes right and the power behind them, or simply having the claim bestowed on them before the others make themselves known.
Buckle up, it’s a long one.
I am going to go on a limb here and presume you didn’t read the whole post, did you? I literally said it a million and one times that Arya’s claim comes from her being a Stark. That is the entire point of my post.
The north believing that Jeyne is Arya (“Lady Aryq”) doesn’t make Arya Jeyne or the Lady of Winterfell by proxy. Y’all are literally running around in circles here, nothing makes sense. At one point you are claiming that Ramsay is claiming his authority through Arya because she already is the lady of Winterfell and on the other hand you’re saying that bringing Arya to the north and marrying her to Ramsay made her the Lady of Winterfell in the eyes of the Northern Lords and the readers. Make it make sense. Anyway, Lady is a title granted to all noblewomen of higher houses, a lot like how Miss/Mister worked in the 1800s to now (sort of). Arya would be Lady Arya of House Stark regardless of whether she is the heir to House Stark or not. The Lady Stark or the Lady of Winterfell will only be Catelyn Stark as it is a social position granted to the wife of the head of the House. If she had a sister-in-law, say Benjen didn’t go to the nights watch and got married, that woman would also be Lady Stark (or Lady her-maiden-name) but she would not be the Lady of Winterfell, are you getting me? The people here could be referring to Arya as ‘Lady’ because she’s a highborn girl and comes from the most noble house of the north. That makes her one of the people with the highest social standing; which I feel warrants the use of the word Lady, not to be confused with the feudal position.
I know you’re trying to play the whole Arya is the last of Starks and that is why she is the Lady of Winterfell and that is from where the Boltons are legitimising their claim to the north. But Arya is not the last of the Starks. She still has an older sister (that they know is alive when they decided on the marriage) and two brothers whose claim is superior to hers no matter how you argue. On top of that, the girl that is actually married to Ramsay is not even Arya. Arya is in Braavos training with the faceless men. Regardless, never once throughout the books, is she called the head of house stark or lady stark or the lady of Winterfell and have that be given as a reason as to why the North should fight for her. She is ‘Ned’s precious little girl’ and that is enough. Literally pulled Lady of Winterfell out of your ass.
“They’re not trying to claim the north was given to them by the crown or no longer belonging to the starks” is an insane statement to make when the royal decree is literally the only leg they have to stand on, and that they are now the unequivocal lords of Winterfell is literally exactly what they’re claiming. Bruh. Bobby B winning the crown by conquest is still valid but the Baratheons being distant cousins of the Targaryens helped. The Boltons need Stark blood to strengthen their claim not create a claim from a non-existent one, which is why they married “Arya” and which is also exactly why just any girl, and not Arya herself, worked. It is all for show.
Okay, scratch all of that. Let me make it simple. The Bolton’s claim to the north literally comes from being granted the north by royal decree. Marrying “Arya Stark” just gives the loyal northerners less reason to fight against Bolton rulership. So the Bolton derive their authority by literally being given the North by the crown after killing Robb Stark and hope to retain that claim in front of the northern lords by seemingly marrying “Arya Stark”. The former is legally and politically important. The latter is socially important. If the North wasn’t actually granted to the Boltons, Ramsay marrying Arya wouldn’t have done jack to their claim, sorry. Which leads me to the latter, having a political marriage between the Boltons and the Starks reduces the chances of a revolt by the “more loyal” northern lords. “Even Lady Dustin says him keeping his title depends on how he treats his wife”. Yes, so as to not anger the northern lords. If his claim was from the ladyship of his wife, then it wouldn’t have depended on how he treated her. Eg. Lady Hornwood. How are you proving my own point here.
Ramsay doesn’t derive his authority from his wife who is the Lady of Winterfell. He doesn’t even derive it from his wife. He married a “Stark” because it merely quells the rumbling of a revolt and makes the Boltons more palpatable as Wardens of the North. Moreover, if they were deriving the claim from Arya then Ramsay would be the Lord of Winterfell but he’s not, Roose is. If the Boltons really wanted to lay a claim to the north by marrying Arya, then they would have torn apart heaven and earth to find the real one and married the her, and that too to Roose, not Ramsay. But they can’t, because she inherently doesn’t hold that power. This also doesn’t mean that she is less of a Stark so don’t think I am trying to say that.
Do you think if hypothetically Lord Manderly married his son to Arya, would that automatically make him the liege lord of the north? Does marrying Lysa to Jon Arryn make Jon Arryn’s father the ruling lord of the Riverlands? Does it even make Jon the ruling lord of the riverlands? Even if Hoster and Edmure were dead, neither Jon Arryn nor his father would have no claim to the Riverlands. Where is this logic even coming from? It’s clearly not in universe. Your argument about Lady Hornwood holds no water because there was no royal decree that proclaimed him as the Lord of Hornwood. If there was, he wouldn’t need to marry Lady Hornwood herself, even any of her daughters to appease her subjects because her subjects are not noble houses with armies of their own. Hornwood is not the entirety of the North. The North is half the continent and therefore holds much more political sway. Hornwood is a small House. How are you even drawing parallels here? The Boltons won’t just hand wave away the royal fucking decree for no good reason especially when they stabbed and betrayed their own King for it. What made you even think of this???
Lastly, this is not GRRM trying to muddle the Stark succession. This is GRRM trying to show the reader that sometimes people with less social standing and power are abused simply because those higher than them can get away with it. He means to say that this is something that will not happen to someone from a bigger House. This was to highlight the inherently lopsided, power-imbalanced, oppressive system that is cruel to those it deems weak.
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pop-punklouis · 3 months
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clumsiestgiantess · 3 months
You shrank at 12:00 noon yesterday afternoon. The transformation was instant and affected everything you were wearing including anything in your pockets or bags but NOT your hand.
Would you have survived until now? How?
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poopiefart420 · 10 months
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YAYYY MORE OF THIS SAD AU (ignore how bad the hair came out ew)
I’m gonna dump all the ideas for this au I’m not a writer so it’s disorganized if y’all have any ideas to add or to just give a whole diff version or a au where Kratos dies pls tell I love hearing them
So like Kratos dies in ragnarok by Thor like how the prophecy said (I think) and Odin pops up being like “omg finally he’s dead Thor grab Loki lol” and instead of a tryna fight Odin or Thor he tries to go to Kratos who is literally abt to take his last breath but Thor grabs him in time
And the like second odin gets his hand on the mask he takes him, Thor, and Loki to the rift thingy and forces the mask onto Atreus. The mask is like hurting Atreus and when he’s made to look into the rift he gets so much answers and information into his brain that he deadass just passed out.
Idk what happens between that again my ass cannot write but it’s been like 10 years since then (in all the art I’ve drawn) and he’s been working for Odin and accepted as the god of mischief/chaos and he’s just sad and tryna get revenge on Odin slowly but surely.
Ya that’s it I feel shy posting this CUZ IM NOT A WRITER but whatever we ball ‼️
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whimsyprinx · 1 year
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because you know, moods
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humiliationsheets · 5 months
Pink, pajamas, and jewelry + chlostine
“You’re staring again.”
Chloe’s voice holds no malice these days. Not even annoyance. Really, if Christine were honest, they’re sure she would understand how hard it is to keep their eyes to themselves when she looks just so pretty in a new satin pajama set. Christine never believed anyone ever actually slept in satin, but with the way it looks on Chloe, pink is surely their new favorite color. It puts their t-shirt from theatre camp and flannel pants to shame.
Across from her bed where Christine watches, Chloe sits at her vanity and unclasps the dainty gold chain around her neck—a gift from Jake once upon a time. It’s funny in a way, how he uses old tricks on every girl he meets. If Christine were smarter all those months ago, maybe they wouldn’t have been so blindsided by an award-winning smile or shiny jewelry.
It led them to this, though. If someone told Christine back then that they would be friends with Chloe and having sleepovers in her massive house, honestly quite often, they’re sure their past self would’ve laughed. Especially at the very notion that Chloe Valentine would ever be nice to someone like them.
As she turns toward them, Chloe’s eyes are wide, curious saucers. They hold so much emotion all on their own—not anything vicious or aggressive. Gentle, almost. They’re getting somewhere, Christine thinks.
“Sorry.” Their smile is sheepish, and only Chloe can make them feel so dizzy. “You’re really pretty.”
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elvisalltheway101 · 9 months
okay people, i dont recall ever in my life seeing Late 60s Elvis’ bod, i mean like himself being shirtless during that era. If you’ve got any pictures, may you please share? Please and thank you, all will be deeply appreciated🫶🏼
@vintagepresley @ccab @sissylittlefeather @lawdymissclawdy68 @lala1267 @mooodyblue @lettersfromvenus @samfangirls @heart-of-ep
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sunnfish · 2 years
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By talos this can’t be happening I’ve once again been possessed by the kagihira spirits after reading someone else’s post. Shoutout to @x-eins and @dirtbra1n for creating this interaction. I hope I’m not overstepping I just. Was struck by vivid images the moment I read it
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