#I’m really thinking about it and I think my brain is right 🤙
whereismyhat5678 · 5 months
Guys I think my brain is telling me I should redo and draw a brand new “Meet the Artist” pinned post.
I think it’s a good idea cuz my style has changed from the last time I drew it, AND I think I could be more expressive ✨✨
Should I do it? 👀
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personasintro · 1 year
Mimi so I've been reading mh like from maybe 5th chapter? I think so. And then I started Mono. I've read a few of the drabbles. And finished your already completed stories. I like your long chapters, your style and approach. I have already told you what an amazing writer you are. But please let me waste a min of yours to tell you again what an incredible author you are.
I have a hard time waiting(only when it comes to reading), otherwise I am a very patient person I can wait for series episodes or movies but just not books. Now I know it sounds like a petty excuse but only books make me so impatient yet some how I've never felt that way with a webtoon and your stories. I oddly am not bothered a bit by the wait time. There is this other fic of jungkook i really like and that author updates like after 3-6 months.
So I've promised myself I will wait for your stories to finish before starting. Mono and Mh are the ongoing ones I really love. Recently I've been in a slump. I have a hard time doing anything and am going through a bad space, so I decided I'd read Away from you and broke the promise I made. Lol. And I'm totally gald I did it.
Woman you make me weak in the knees. I'm so so wipped for Yoongi the more I read your stories. (I'm pretty sure my bias would be pissed)
On my knees for you bowing. Handsdown to the most amazing fanfic author. Mimi Im so glad I've known you.
I never understood when Seokjin (My Beloved Bias 😇) said he likes Namjoon's sexy brain.
I'm totally in love with your sexy brain, the way you think.
I love you so freaking much!!
If I were your Man(speaking biology
=not possible), I'd never let you go.
And so imma settle for bestie. 🫂
I learnt a lot about you the way you answer your asks. Your personality. Your humour and boy you are naughty!
Ha sorry if that sounded inappropriate. 😳
Now I sound like a teenager. And this is turning into a love letter.
So to my cutest snowflake, thankyou for your words, your time and sharing your art with us.
Imma call you snowflake❄!
Promises are meant to be broken 🤙 hahaha
Thank you for loving my stories! I’m sorry you’re going through something, I really hope you’ll feel better asap! Fingers crossed 🤞
Yeah, I understand how waiting can be painful, especially when you like the story a lot. Every writer has a different schedule, but I do think there’s still a lot to choose from for ppl who don’t wanna read ongoing stories. You’re right, there are writers who update one chapter once in six months or more. And that’s absolutely fine :) Trust me, all of us (the writers) appreciate when readers are patient and understanding! 🦋
Thank you again! 💘
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seokjinsonlyone · 3 years
fall into your blu: drabble 1
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read the original story here: fall into your blu
summary: “She almost wished they didn’t have any plans for the night. They clearly had a bit more reconciliation to do...”
genre: fluff! a little 🤏 bit of angst, comfort
warnings: none
word count: 1.8k
a/n: there were a few people who said they wanted to see more of these two and more interaction with the gang 🤪🤙 but bc this is my comfort fic and my emotional support jin this is what my brain turned out <33333
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[5:34pm] y/n: 🍿🍩🍪🍦👍😋🥵👅💦😩👌💯
“What’s with all the emojis?” Jin asked, resting his chin on top of her head, one hand holding their basket the other wrapped around her waist. It was a bit much considering they were in line at the grocery store. But, they were just getting over a fight, so he was being extra sweet on her.
“Jungkook wanted to know if I had the snacks.” They were headed to Tae’s for a movie night. Everyone had been complaining that they never saw the two of them anymore since they started dating, which wasn’t true. They may have been around less, but they certainly hadn’t ditched them.
“Mmm,” he hummed in acknowledgement, letting her go to put their items on the conveyor belt. She moved to the card terminal to pay and a few minutes later they were walking out hand in hand.
He put the few bags they had in the backseat, before sliding in the driver’s seat and backing out of the space. As soon as they were back on the main road, his hand was reaching out for hers.
She regarded him for a moment, taking in his side profile. “You’re so handsome,” she sighed. She doesn’t think she’ll ever get used to it. Something was wrong with him though. She knew by the fake smile he gave in return. Usually when she’d compliment his looks he’d make some kind of joke about him being universally handsome or something, but his lack of response told her something was up. Even before then she could tell something was off. Could tell by how touchy he was being. He’d had some kind of hold on her all day. Which, he was definitely the more affectionate out of the two but they weren’t normally joined at the hip as they’ve been.
Her guess was that it had something to do with their argument. They made up yesterday, talked everything out, and she was quick to put the incident behind her. Was actually glad it happened. She’d been waiting for it. They’d been official for over four months with only a few minor disagreements. She knew the ball was about to drop soon enough. And it did. And now it was done, but obviously something was still bothering him. She squeezed his hand. “We’re good, right?”
He released a breath as if he had been waiting for her to ask. She doesn’t know why he didn’t say anything before. She thought she did a pretty good job at letting him know he can talk whenever. “Yeah, I just…” She brought his hand up to her mouth, pressing a small kiss to it encouraging him to speak his mind. “I don’t know. I didn’t like it.”
“Like what?”
“Fighting with you.”
“I don’t like being upset with you either.”
“Yeah, but… you didn’t talk to me for two days,” he stressed.
“Yeah, well you really pissed me off.”
He spared her a side glance. “I know, and I’m sorry. But-”
“We already talked. You don’t have to apologize again,” she softly interrupted.
He nodded. “Just… I don’t know. Not knowing where we stood? I didn’t like it. It was scary.”
She pouted, turning toward him. She didn’t know he felt like that, and she hated that she was the one to cause such a feeling. The duration of their argument she never felt that he was a flight risk. Knew that he’d be there waiting for her once she calmed down. It never occurred to her that he didn’t have that same reassurance. “I’m sorry.”
“You don’t have to apologize. I’m just still a little shaken up, I guess. I didn’t- don’t want to lose you.”
She shook her head. “No, I do need to apologize. I never had any intentions of leaving you, and I’m sorry you didn’t know that. I needed some space to control my emotions and get my head together, but leaving you never crossed my mind. Not even once. I’m not going anywhere. I need you to know that.” She took a breath. This was all still so new to her. Being open and honest and vulnerable. It was a lot. But, he was worth it.
They were approaching a red light. “Seokjin, look at me.” Her heart skipped a beat. Despite having just commanded him to face her, she was still caught off guard. He was everything. “I love you.” It was a recent development, said for the first time only three weeks ago but she’d been feeling it for longer than she allowed herself to admit. It didn’t come naturally or flow quite right from her mouth just yet, but she felt it with every fiber of her being. “I mean it when I say it. And, fighting with you isn’t going to change that.”
The corners of his lips quirked upward at the three words into a genuine smile. Not that fake, awkward one he sported earlier. It was only her fourth time saying it since the first. She didn’t want to use it so much that it lost its meaning, but she supposes she should say it a little more. Couldn’t have her man doubting himself. She leant over the center console capturing his lips in a gentle, slow kiss attempting to convey the feeling pressing at her heart whenever he was near.
It was so easy to lose herself in him, but she kept some kind of awareness that they were still at a stoplight and broke away just as the light was turning green. She almost wished they didn’t have any plans for the night. They clearly had a bit more reconciliation to do, but she could tell that he was already feeling a little lighter with her assurance.
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“Are you okay now? If you’re still feeling weird, we can go back to yours and talk some more. I’m pretty sure I can just leave the snacks and they wouldn’t miss us,” she asked when they pulled up to Tae’s.
“Are you kidding? You paid for the snacks. If we leave, they come with us.”
“Kook would be devastated.”
“Ask me if I care.”
She giggled, glad that he was joking with her again. “Seriously, though. You good?” She didn’t want anything lingering between them. Wouldn’t be able to fully enjoy their friends otherwise.
“I’m fine. And, I love you.” A small smile crept on her face this time hearing his confession. “One thing, though.” Her eyebrows shot up in question. She didn’t even have to ask what it was before he was leaning over to her and kissing her a little more saucily than one should when about to meet up with a group of people. “Alright, let’s go.”
She couldn’t believe she was in love. It felt so good. She couldn’t keep the dopey smile off her face. Or, at least she thought she couldn’t. It fell off naturally when they went in the house. Jin was helping her take her coat off when the dynamic duo, Taehyung and Jimin, approached groaning. “None of that nasty stuff in here.”
She scoffed. “He was helping me take my coat off. That’s a half step away from basic human decency.”
“Yeah, but you were smiling,” Tae pointed out.
“Am I not allowed to be happy anymore?”
“We know it’s because you were making out in the car,” Jimin smirked.
Both of their faces scrunched up. “Why were you watching perverts?” her boyfriend asked, beginning to move past them to sit on the couch.
“Jungkook was tracking you. Said you were outside and we checked. Not our fault you two were doing the tongue tango.”
She rolled her eyes. “Y’all are so annoying.” She pulled them into a hug nonetheless. It had been a while.
“Don’t worry he was tracking the pizza too,” Namjoon spoke up. She rushed to him immediately, pulling him into a hug as well. It’d been the longest since she’d seen him. He was always so busy. Didn’t even know if he was going to make it tonight.
“I haven’t ate since lunch,” Jungkook whined. She turned to see him on the couch latched onto Hobi for whatever reason.
“It’s literally dinnertime. That’s normal. That’s how it’s supposed to go.” He huffed detaching himself in favor of rummaging through the bags she held out to him. She ruffled his hair as she walked by to sit next to Yoongi. She saw him the most. She squeezed him tightly anyway. He was her twin. Couldn’t stay away for too long or else their twin telepathy would get disrupted. He was also incredibly level headed and helped her gain a little perspective when she confided in him about her and Jin’s hiccup.
“By the way, why are you and Jungkook’s messages just emojis?” he asked, wiggling out of her grip.
“Why did Beethoven write five symphonies?” she began dramatically.
“He actually wrote nine,” he corrected.
“No one cares. Why did Van Gogh paint the starry night? Why did Thomas Edison create the lightbulb? The answer is simple. When you have a gift, you must use it.”
“And your gift is… emojis?”
Jungkook piped up, mouth stuffed with donut. “It’s harder than it seems. There are a lot of categories to search through.”
“Exactly. And, it’s also a contribution to future sociologists and linguists. They’re going to study these interactions and decipher the meaning. We’re giving very good samples. It’s for the greater good.”
“We’re humanitarians.” They high fived.
Yoongi rolled his eyes. “That’s not even what that means.”
“No one cares.”
They chatted amongst themselves for a few more minutes until the pizza came and they got situated for the movie. She really doesn’t even know why they chose to do a movie night. When they got together no one had the attention span for it, so they ended up talking through whatever they attempted to watch.
She was sat on the floor next to Jimin trying to figure out where she knew the male lead from when her phone vibrated.
[7:42pm] him <33333: can you come sit next to me
She turned her head to the left and saw Jin pouting on the couch.
[7:42pm] y/n: why
[7:43pm] him <33333: bc i miss you :(
[7:43pm] y/n: but we been together all day
[7:43pm] him <33333: i love you come sit next to me
She sighed wistfully, smiling down at her phone. She doesn’t think she’d ever get used to hearing that.
“Hey! I thought we agreed to no nasty stuff,” Jimin said, snapping her out of her revelry. “Sit next to me. I miss you. I love you,” he mocked in a high pitched voice, drawing everyone’s attention.
She moved her phone out of his field of vision, face dropping into a grimace, smacking his chest. “Shut up.”
She moved to sit next to Jin whose ears were reddening at being exposed. It didn’t stop him from wrapping his arms around her when she finally sat next to him like he wanted. She snuggled further into his side, ignoring the fake gagging and various calls of disgust around them. It felt like home.
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fizzydrink698 · 2 years
Ok admittedly- I only JUST read little white lies. Because I am a soft hearted coward. And hurt feelings hurts MY feelings :((
Great writing AS PER USUAL FI. My official review is that my brain fucking hurts 🤡 I don’t know what’s going on.
My small(ish) list of theories/thoughts so far is that
1. Chan likes reader. (And I think he’s doing a dumb thing like ✨ alas ✨ I cannot have the one I love so I must 😩🤙 settle. We hate to see it.)
2. ^ the above is completely thrown off by Chan being like “oh yeah my hot fiancé doesn’t find you a threat at all”. Is that because he’s given up on the reader??? Maybe she’s dumb I don’t know
3. Hyunjin can step off. I’m not pleased with him atm. Sure he’s being a nice friend occasionally, HOWEVER he’s very clearly using the reader to take a dig at Chan and it’s pissing me off because she’s!! Not privy to that!!! She doesn’t know no better!!!
4. What the fuck even happened between Chan/Hyunjin/Burberry wearing ass fiancé. There is no theory. There is only pain I experience for Chan.
5. I can’t even begin to explain to you how much the Changbin conversation confused me. Like if Chan likes the reader I would say he Clearly didn’t tell Changbin about it. In which case Why is Changbin so mad that Hyunjin is going to the wedding with the reader specifically. I’m crying what the FUCK happened.
6. I know for a fact this bitch is gonna fall for the reader (Hyunjin) so like??? If this doesn’t end in poly I genieunly have no idea what I’m gonna do with myself. Everybody should just be happy and get along 😭😭😭
Seriously though my brain is just like fucking- alphabet soup. There is no coherent thought, only my brain making the occasional unhelpful word and then back to tv static gibberish.
Also is it bad for a Hyunjin x reader fic I’m more rooting for Chan to end up with the reader than him Lmao. Im sorry Hyunjin,,, i am but a slave to my biases I can’t help it,,, You couldn’t win in instinct and you can’t win now, sorry bout it :///
In all seriousness the level of confusion I’m experiencing over What The Fuck Happened is remarkably similar to when I read the heart of darkness in school. So good job 👍 lmao. I’m confused but like… in a good way. Mystery fucking kept that’s for damn sure
- ☕️
(Actual theory btw: every problem between Hyunjin, Chan and His fiancé has got to be connected by the reader. She tops all of it in a nice little fucked up bow!!)
"my official review is that my brain fucking hurts" made me cackle more than it should have. little white lies is just that kind of fic.
1. people really seem to think chan likes reader. i can't imagine 😇 why any of you 😇😇 are getting that particular vibe? 😇😇😇
2. this is a super interesting detail, right? the fiancee's vibes are all over the place, because she really doesn't seem to view reader as a threat. but she still tagged along to the ikea trip with him and reader. but she's also super mushily in wuv with her hot aussie man, who doesn't want to spend every second they can with chan?
3. one day i'll write a simple, sweet hyunjin who is an innocent cinnamon roll with pure feelings and zero baggage and/or ulterior motives. one day.
4. i was literally pouting at this for a split-second bc my first thought was "oh. but i kinda like burberry 😔" and then i remembered i literally based chan's fiancee on the worst aspects of myself. so coffee anon, you are ridiculously accurate with that burn. chan's fiancee would love burberry.
5. changbin knows something. something to make him not entirely happy with this lil reader + hyunjin undercover detective duo thing they have going on. whatever could it beeee?
6. HA, i'm sure it's not a spoiler to say that in this hyunjin fic, hyunjin (the bitch) does fall for reader. has fallen? will fall for? the journey is interesting, i hope. and you're right, everyone should just be happy and get along. that's why if you'll turn your attention to this complicated interconnected polycule chart, you'll see--
it is not bad at all that you're rooting for chan. chan's great. there will definitely be no issues with chan. who doesn't love chan? no one, that's who. chan's great. 😇
you know, when i started writing fanfiction...believe it or not, i did not predict that one day, someone would compare it to heart of darkness. i am baffled and touched and cackling. get fucked, joseph conrad, here's your new protegee.
(reader unintentionally starting drama and causing problems is an a+ theory, and really should be applied to every fic i write)
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