#I’m in my reread and rewatch everything
*washing the dishes* that’s what will parry would have wanted
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eileensdress · 7 months
Bro maybe 8 year old me was really onto something. Catching Fire must be laced with fucking CRACK because DAMN
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atopvisenyashill · 2 months
i’m actually really nervous about twow bc i feel like every series i made my whole personality from the ages of 10-17 ended really badly EXCEPT probably farscape and ummmm well…the disney series’ aksksj hsm3 and descendants 3 written by children’s media icon and genuinely amazing director, screenwriter, & choreographer kenny ortega both had really solid endings that fit the characters & themes & also there wasn’t a noticeable decrease in quality of writing. is it unserious to compare grrm to cassie clare, rick riordan, megan whalen turner, or the hacks who wrote once upon a time? absolutely. am i gonna stress regardless? also yes.
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scarletenvy · 4 days
Hey it's me the pearlet thingy anon, yes she did mention buying the red bob wig "and I went with pearl" (that's her exact words). You should probably watch mistress isabelle brooks vlog with violet as her guest she kinda give comments there about her s7 sisters, I find it funny because it seems like violet still remember everything that happened that season like when kandy ho try to come for pearl 😭😭😭
thank you for the recommendation !! i admit i’ve been very lousy with following anything drag (race) related the past couple years but i do miss s7 so much so i’ll definitely check that one out !!
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littlespoonevan · 1 month
I watched the first three seasons of 911 back when that was all that had aired and just didn’t keep watching after the break between seasons for whatever reason. I also didn’t really get buddie, I just thought it was a beautiful friendship. I’m now on a rewatch and just got to the end of season 4 and boy am I all in, Buck’s reaction to Eddie getting shot and the aftermath really made me get it. Anyway, I was wondering if you have any fic recs for a buddie newbie? I’m probably gonna speed through the rest of the show in a few days and need something else to occupy me hahah
hey bud, welcome back to the world of 911!! 🥰 okay so i have some previous fic recs that i've posted here and i also have 489 bookmarks on ao3 which you can have a scroll through here (i only ever bookmark something for rereading or reccing purposes so can confirm i've read and loved them all)
but i'll do my best to make a somewhat cohesive list below of some of my personal faves. i have no doubt i'll probably leave some out accidentally but they'll definitely be in my bookmarks so 100% check those out too!! ❤️
The Nearness of You by allisonRW96 / @homerforsure
Eddie reassured himself that he could do this. Other teams coming in were probably going to be staying at the same hotel in the same double rooms and it was very possible that none of them were going to be having sex. Or even lying awake at night thinking about it. Or: Buck and Eddie go on a work trip.
Leave the Light On (I'll Be Coming Home) by HMSLusitania / @hmslusitania
“We’re here for our grandson,” Helena says. “Chris is still sleeping,” Buck says. “I meant, we’re here to take him back to Texas,” Helena clarifies. “Yeah,” Buck says. He’s too tired, way too tired to be tactful. “Over my dead body.” -- An accident on a call leaves Buck with custody of Chris after Eddie is... missing presumed. While they navigate their new family circumstances -- and fight to stay together, despite Eddie's parents' best efforts -- a John Doe wakes up in a coma ward with no memory of his own life beyond the knowledge he has a son named Christopher and, somehow, he needs to get home.
To Build a Home We Deconstruct Our Rituals by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels /@letmetellyouaboutmyfeels
After the shooting, Eddie realizes he needs to put some things in place. Like who will get his assets if he dies. Who will speak for him if he ends up in a coma. What might happen if his family contests Buck's guardianship. Luckily, he's got a simple easy-peasy solution that won't result in insanity, catastrophe, or heartbreak: Marry Buck.
standing on the brink of emptiness by woodchoc_magnum / @woodchoc-magnum
In which Eddie is struggling in the aftermath of being shot, learning how to take care of himself and realising he's in love with Buck; and Buck is dating Taylor, taking care of Eddie and Christopher and trying to figure out why he's so goddamn confused about everything.
across our great divide (a glorious sunrise) by catchingpapermoons 
“We’re working on it,” Maddie explains, shooting Chimney a look. He nods seriously. “In couples therapy.” “Huh,” Eddie says, and then he thinks about it. "Do you think Buck and I would benefit from couples therapy?" — or, Eddie gets Buck to come to couples therapy with him.
darling, the future's better than yesterday by rarakiplin (gmontys)
Eddie, ten years younger, in this awful 2010, blinks up at him. He's still sitting slumped on the curb, and for a second Buck thinks he might tell him to fuck off, but then his eyes fall shut and there’s something — aching and painfully vulnerable in the bend of his mouth, the faint tension in his brow. “My…um, girlfriend, I guess. She’s pregnant.” “Holy shit,” Buck says. - or, buck deals with some wonky dimensional/time travel and then breaks up with his girlfriend. eddie, obviously, is involved.
i'm here (i’m yours for the taking) by farfromthstars / @buckactuallys
“Everyone!” Around forty heads turn, and Buck shifts on his feet uncomfortably at the attention. “This is my old friend Buck and his husband, Eddie.” “Uh,” Buck makes, turning to Eddie with wide eyes. Eddie's looking just as stunned. “Connor, I think you got–” He cuts himself off when Eddie wraps an arm around his waist. ~ at the winter wedding of an old friend, buck and eddie pretend to be married to each other. the plan has no weaknesses, obviously, not even mistletoe or anyone’s secret feelings… they call it the season of giving i'm here, i'm yours for the taking
Your Fingerprints Smeared on My Heart (Lead Me Back to You) by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels
In 1880, Evan Buckley of the arriviste set is sent out west to oversee his family's railroad and recover from a broken heart - and meets Eddie Diaz, cowboy. When fate tears them apart, they make a promise: find each other again. In 2018, Buck walks into his fire station in Los Angeles - and meets Eddie Diaz, new recruit.
no kingdom to come by waywardrenegades
Family, FaceTime, guilt trips, phone calls, church, heart healthy meals, and learning how to let yourself be happy. Whatever that looks like. or; when his father experiences a health scare, Eddie flies to El Paso.
when i was shipwrecked (i thought of you) by catchingpapermoons 
Buck walks toward Jee-Yun’s room, still talking, and Christopher trails after him, asking excited questions in response, and Eddie’s smile grows. He wants this forever. Everything, every part of it; Buck, Christopher, and him—that’s all he needs. And— Oh. Oh no. He shuts his eyes for a moment, inhaling sharply. He’s looking at Buck, and feeling something strictly not platonic at all. or: Eddie needs to learn how to let himself feel, and one step at a time, he learns how to do just that. (And he falls in love with Buck along the way.)
i don't swim and you're not in love by hattalove / @hattalove
She turns to Eddie and says something else, but Buck is busy fighting the headrush he gets at the sound of Ana Flores calling Eddie and Christopher 'the boys'. Like they belong to her already. God, what’s wrong with him? What is this? or, eddie cooks, chris domesticates a slug, and buck tries to figure out why he hates his best friend's girlfriend. to everyone's immense shock and surprise, it goes badly.
everything's coming up milhouse by hammersmiths / @bucktommys
LAFD Updates (@L*A*F*D_Metro) LAFD Alert: Red-level traffic on Gardiner Road this morning. If you are trying to get into the city centre consider taking Westerley Lane. buck 🔥🔥 (@firebuck) so true bestie or, Eddie mans the LAFD Twitter account. Buck tries to be supportive.
said i couldn't stay, but it's different now by hattalove
“I think,” he says, watching Karen pull Hen out onto the dance floor, their eyes never leaving each other’s, “I think I’m just—sad.” Maybe. That feels like a close enough word to describe this gaping maw right in the center of his chest. It’s only really there sometimes, taking little bites out of him, easy enough to ignore, but today is worse. “About being single at a wedding,” Eddie says, not a question. Buck shrugs. “Sounds stupid when you put it that way.” or, the one with the four weddings (feat. a drunk karen wilson, shania twain, a single cheerio, and some confessions over cubed fruit).
cause i'm tired of sleeping alone by rarakiplin (gmontys)
Buck goes on dates now. Not often, and never with the same girl twice in a row, but he goes on dates. And the thing is — the thing is, Eddie can’t be mad about that, because he goes on dates too. - or, five (ish) times eddie and buck go on dates with other people, and one time they go on a date with each other
so far from being free by allisonRW96
"That’s Daniel. He was our brother. Buck doesn’t know what to do with the past tense. He never had a brother. He’s always had a brother. He gained one and lost one in the same breath and it feels impossible. But even if Buck was capable of doubting Maddie, the truth of her confession is evident in the way it throws every facet of his childhood into sudden perfect clarity. That yawning, arctic absence. The unnamable fear. The impenetrable target of his parents’ approval that he was never, ever going to be able to hit. That they didn’t want him to hit. He has a brother. A dead brother who has haunted Buck’s steps for his entire life."
don't let the tide come and wash us away by writerforlife
Buck develops a relationship with the ocean, avoids talking about the day Eddie was shot, realizes he might be in love, and drives. Order may vary. (a fic for the "Buck is going to break all the way down in season 6" truthers)
dance, for all that we've been through by catchingpapermoons 
The Los Angeles Ballet’s 2022-2023 season ends with a bang with their fresh take on a ballet staple, Swan Lake. Artistic Director Bobby Nash is in his eighth season with the Los Angeles Ballet, and it has flourished under his direction. However, his associate, Eddie Diaz, is the one whose reimagining of the choreography has caught our attention... (or, Eddie Diaz moves to L.A. to restart his dance career, and ends up choreographing a show, finding a family, and falling in love. Not necessarily in that order.)
I'll Scrawl it on Every Wall I See by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels
When Eddie joins the 118, he and Buck don't exactly hit it off on the right foot. Or continue to walk on the right foot. In fact they kind of can't stand each other. Good thing they each have a beloved anonymous pen pal to share their daily woes with, someone completely unlike their insufferable coworker. Or, in which Buck and Eddie love each other before they know each other, and know each other before they love each other. When Eddie joins the 118, he and Buck don't exactly hit it off on the right foot. Or continue to walk on the right foot. In fact they kind of can't stand each other. Good thing they each have a beloved anonymous pen pal to share their daily woes with, someone completely unlike their insufferable coworker. Or, in which Buck and Eddie love each other before they know each other, and know each other before they love each other.
never felt this way before (yes i swear) by withoutthetiger
It’s the summer of 2022, when Buck no longer wants to be called Evan, and it only occurs to his parents to mind. It’s after the pandemic – or so they say – and before whatever hell will befall the world next, when Buck can’t wait to join the LAFD in September, and he doesn’t know if he’ll ever meet someone as gently strong and fiercely protective as his big sister. It’s the summer he goes with his family to the One Eighteen Ranch & Lodge. *** A Dirty Dancing AU, set in Texas in 2022, featuring a whole lot of familiar faces in a not so familiar place.
Fragile lines (and wasted time) by Mellaithwen / @mellaithwen
“Hey Buck,” Christopher says a little shyly, before reaching out to grab Buck’s foot through the hospital blankets—shaking it in the same way he’s woken his father up on many a bleary-eyed morning. The familiarity of the gesture makes Eddie’s head spin. But of course, there’s no response from the comatose man on the bed. “I thought you said he was sleeping,” Chris mumbles, angrily swiping at his cheeks, and Eddie’s already broken heart shatters all over again for whatever hope his son had just lost when his expectations were so cruelly dashed. . While Buck sleeps, and dreams in the aftermath of the lightning strike, Eddie tries desperately to hold himself together.
Don't Take the Money by HMSLusitania
“You know, being stuck here isn’t actually the end of the world,” Chimney says, coming up to the table and picking up one of the smoke detectors. “It just feels like it, Buck. Trust me, I know.” “I’m pretty sure it might actually be the end of the world,” Buck says. “Considering this is the sixth time I’ve lived this day.” Chimney stares at him for a beat and then his eyebrows lift. “Wait, are you like – dude, are you in Groundhog Day?” OR The post-lawsuit time-loop AU literally no one asked for.
keep your eyes on the road by iriswests / @fcntasmas
Buck used to speed through yellow lights; now they’re his favorite part of the drive. -- or; a glimpse into buck and eddie’s developing relationship, told through ten moments stopped at a traffic light
Hot Ghost Problems by ebjameston
The ghost would prefer to go by Buck, if Eddie wouldn’t mind. +++ [Eddie is the newest firefighter at the 118. Buck is the ghost haunting the 118. Unfortunately for both of them, Eddie's also a witch and needs to put Buck's spirit to rest, because that's what witches do. Turns out, Buck's spirit? Super not interested in being put to rest. Very interested, however, in flirting with Firefighter Diaz, who is just trying to survive his candidate year. (Also turns out, Buck? Super not dead.)
as lucky as us by hammersmiths
One of the first things Ravi learned when joining the 118 was to, under no circumstances, think too hard about Buck and Eddie’s relationship. But brother, they could try make his job easier. “I mean, I get it,” Buck’s saying, overhead, and Ravi’s knee-deep in literal human crap and even he can smell that shit from a mile away. “You and Tommy have a lot in common.” or, Ravi continually suffers as a third-wheel.
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roosterbox · 27 days
hey! found your blog the other day and i love it<3
do you have any arthut/eames fic recommendations? i rewatched the movie a week ago and can't stop thinking about them
(sorry about the wait!)
First of all, hey there! Hello! Glad you found me, and glad to know you liked Inception. Hard to believe that it’s still drawing so many people in, 14 years on.
Second of all…
Oh baby. Oh man. Not just fic recs, but A/E fic recs? Yesssssssss my time has come.
First, there are a couple of writers whose entire oeuvre you should definitely check out if you haven’t.
Lolahardy, whose Dreamhusbands work is vast and varied, but here are a few of my own favorites (important note: no links because Lola’s fics are currently locked, but they are easily findable if you have an AO3 account, and you should definitely check out all of them, not just the few I mentioned here!):
In Every Universe - the fic that will never die, lol. So many great A/E stories here, but for me, the biggest draw are the other JGL/TH ships contained within. My personal favorite is Forrest/Evelyn, who I almost love even more than A/E at this point. Also, so many tropes and kinks and whatnot. Safe to say, I’m positive you’ll find a lot of different things to enjoy!
Le Mal Du Pays - this one is just lovely. I reread it again for this rec list and boy… still amazing. The chapters set during canon are so good, it’s like watching the movie again, but with the added bonus of actual A/E in the plot, you know?
Love is Strange - A/E by way of Dirty Dancing! I love it when you can enjoy an AU based on a very specific property even without having seen said property. For example, I adore everything about this fic even though I have never watched DD, not even once, lol.
OneWhoSitsWithTurtles, whose A/E work is never anything less than stellar and beautiful, and regularly makes me cry. Also, they have works in other fandoms that are equally worth checking out!
Christmas Without You (Is a Christmas Not Worth Having) - the best. The pinnacle. If ever you (or anyone else, for that matter) were curious about what my favorite A/E fic of all time is? Here’s your answer.
Dream of Me - This one is just beautiful. A simple little somewhat canon-compliant love story. So sugary sweet at times, it runs the risk of being tooth-rotting. But I’m always willing to take that risk.
39 Days to Fall in Love - the survivor AU you didn’t know you were missing. Seriously, it’s so good it might make you want to watch Survivor if you haven’t already, even if you know there’s no Arthur or Eames in it, lol.
Lullaby - Hands down, the saddest A/E fic I have ever read, and certainly in the running for saddest fic period. Seriously, it’s beautiful and worth reading but don’t go in without some tissues.
The Bumblebee and the Flower who Fell in Love - Also very sad, but so very whimsical and sweet besides. A/E works well in seemingly silly setups like this.
And now, for a few more individual recs. Mind you, a lot of my recs are a bit older - I really need to go back and peruse through the ship tag to find new stuff to bookmark - but hey, something something wine metaphors, lol.
End of the Road - this one is so cool. If you like Mad Max Fury Road and ever wondered what it would be like if you combined it with A/E (sort of) and some A/B/O Dynamics, you can’t do better than this.
Quiet Desperation - a lovely little A/E and 00q crossover story! I would read an entire series of this if it existed.
Next Big Thing - A/E as judges on a HGTV reality show. Classic! The exact kind of fairly low stakes drama I can get behind. No spoilers, but my favorite character is Misty Rainbow. For one scene in particular. If you read it, you’ll know exactly which one. Also I wish this show was real.
The Party - heavy subject matter in this one (heed the tags), but getting through the rough stuff makes the eventual fluffier bits almost extra sweet.
Out of Reach - a recent addition to my ranks, but absolutely beautiful. The emotions are so palpable and heartfelt.
And… would it be completely shameless if I included a couple of mine? I don’t like to toot my own horn too much, but since nobody else ever puts me on their reclists, why not, right?
Darling I’m Killed - my somewhat still ongoing Inception/Bond crossover. There are two sequels, and I have no concrete ideas for more yet, but there’s potential.
(I Would Like To) Paint the Way a Bird Sings - the Paint Shop AU that wouldn’t quit, lol. Still can’t believe I actually finished it. Four ships for the price of one in this fic!
Other inception fandom peeps, feel free to reblog and add any fics or authors you like! Especially more recent stuff because I am such a fandom oldtimer, lmao.
Thanks for the ask! I love recommending fics! Also thanks for the follow!
Happy reading!!
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tau1tvec · 3 months
Hi Noel! i hope ur doing well!! <333 I wanted to ask how do you make your ocs??? I really want tk get into making ocs and giving them back stories and quirks but i have no idea where to start! and im beginning to get exhausted with just making a sim and then giving the traits and so on and so forth😭😞
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i just made this sim and i’m already bored of her 😭
I’m good ty, and cute sim btw!
Tbh I dunno how much help I’d be, bc I’m stupid and I do things backwards. Usually my sims are based off of already preexisting oc’s, so I’m already pretty attached to them by the time I turn them into a sim. There’s a reason why I play Yan in almost everything I pick up, I’ve been developing and writing for her since I was 17. 🫣
My suggestion would be, to give your imagination plenty to work off of, and plenty of room to grow. Original characters always start off a bit boring, bc they’re practically fetuses, they haven’t developed yet, but they won’t develop if you don’t take the time to actually do that. So you need to think bigger than just playing the game, think outside it, start a Pinterest, jot down basic details about them in a journal, reblog oc asks to get your friends and followers involved, like all other forms of art, creating characters can and should be a communal effort. Bounce ideas off of friends, help them with their oc’s, or try joining a Discord related to them, there’s a few I know of for sims specifically. Rewatch or reread your favorite media for inspiration, or hit up your favorite simblr even. Give into the allure of an AU ( alternate universe ), putting your oc in new “situations” can get you some pretty solid results when it comes to development. You might realize something about them you wouldn’t’ve otherwise. Lastly, don’t be afraid to self insert. I’m giving you full permission, bc sometimes the best and easiest way to get attached to an oc is by giving them something that represents experiences, emotions and desires close to you, making it easier for you to relate to them.
Finally, don’t be afraid to fail. For all the sims and oc’s I still have today, there’s a literal graveyard full of ones that I got bored of and went nowhere, but that didn’t stop me from trying again. 💕
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orangelemonart · 1 year
TL;DR your art from 10 years ago just made me relapse on homestuck; thank you.
Here’s the full story
My homestuck phase started in the omegapause and fizzled out circa 2018. In 2017 or early 2018 (dated by the comment I left), I watched a YouTube upload of your gigapause-era Masterpiece Theatre III lyricstuck and thought it was great
I’m now twenty years old and I’ve been an ex-homestuck for five years, I still celebrate 4/13 but I have other special interests to fill my time and i do the ex-homestuck thing of joking about homestuck being a trashfire. I have said that “I will never reread homestuck” to friends more than once
Yesterday I found an animatic of the same song for my current special interest (ace attorney) and was like “where do I know this song from?” the whole time, and then it hit me that it had to be from a lyricstuck because the song is just perfect for a lyricstuck. So I went and rewatched the lyricstuck to scratch that itch and found myself having homestuck feels in the year of our lord two thousand twenty three
For everything wrong with homestuck (and there was plenty wrong with homestuck), this weird work of fiction consistently pulled off sincerely impactful moments within the context of intentionally absurd lore, it laughed in the face of the idea of “avoiding being cringe”, and I think this is why it was so addictive to a generation of autistic teens
So now I’m on a nostalgia bender and downloading the unofficial collection to re-examine this flawed but iconic story from my childhood, now with more maturity to understand the thematic elements buried behind the shitpost tone (which child me barely engaged with beyond “noooo hussie don’t hurt my faves T_T”)
Makes me happier than you people will ever know to hear my art from back in the day was so loved. My friends often joke about me being “tumblr famous” and I know they don’t mean it like this but every year it feels more and more like laughing at me not with me. My follower count and notes drastically plateaued after homestuck hahaha.
I forget that there actually are people out there who actually liked my art and consider it part of their experience with a story they loved! That’s incredible! I’m honored!
Anyway homestuck isn’t as cringe or problematic and people keep claiming it was, at least no more than any other series from that era. Be proud of liking a series that was so revolutionary in storytelling, there is no multimedia project quite like homestuck!
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monsterbananatv · 4 months
Happy lockwood and co 1 year anniversary!
I’m about to get very sappy cause in such a short time Lockwood and co changed my life and the fact that it’s been a year of the show is wild to me.
So let’s go back to the first time I ever saw Lockwood and co. It was before the show came out and I was looking though the up and coming shows on Netflix and I stumbled across this show called Lockwood and co. Now I can’t tell you what drew me to the show, I only watched like 5 seconds of the trailer, but something about those five seconds made me think that yes, this is the show for me. So I took a picture of my tv and was excited for it to be released.
A few weeks after the release I watched it for the first time. When I tell you I loved it, I mean I loved it. I combined some of my favourite things: ghosts, found family, a cute romance, mysterys of sorts and more.
I was only able to watch the show three times all the way through before the person whose Netflix I was using canceled their Netflix plan. When I say I watched it three times I mean I watched it three times in the span of like two weeks, with the third time being me going through and making notes of very thing I loved or found interesting. That was only the beginning for me.
I ordered the books immediately. It took me one week to finish them all, each book taking me about a day and a bit. I loved them every bit as much as I had loved the show. Lockwood and co became everything I talked about for months.
And then I did something I had never really done for any other thing I liked before. I started reading fanfiction. They were all so good and I just devoured them like I had everything else. Then I started writing my own. Which I’ve been a writer for forever but there was something about these characters that made me want to continue and expand on their stories, so that’s what I did.
In April I did something else I had never done before. I joined a discord server for Lockwood fanfic writers/readers. Best decision I’d ever made. I’ve met some of the best people because of it. People who love and support me and my writing and just me in general. It went from my first time having online friends to having an online family, and I love those guys to pieces. I don’t know what I’d do without them.
I think I’ve improved greatly with my writing and thank you to everyone who continues to read the things I write. There’s more to come from me, I promise.
I’m rereading the books and now that I have Netflix again (thanks to my bestie lol) I think a rewatch of the show is in order.
There’s just something about this series, both books and show, I swear. They mean the absolute world to me.
Lockwood and co is my home <3
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The new chapter of Unspooled Thread was SO GOOD that I couldn't stop myself from rereading it!

The changes you are making to this story are so well done that make all the plot so interesting and compelling! ( I’ve to confess that a few days ago I planned of rewatch bridgerton s1 but I end up rereading the available chapters of your story, ngl I found myself more engaged with it!)
Benelope…I just can’t express how I love their relationship, the bond they’re building is so beautiful and natural, that I can’t stop smiling every time that I read about them!
and omg are we getting jealous Benedict? bc I’m so ready for that!!
You’re making me love more and more the characters Gen, Lucy and Henry, they are becoming so important in Ben and Pen’s lives. I adore that the Granvilles and Gen have a soft spot for Pen! My girl deserves all the love!!
Gen, Henry and Lucy have definitely been my favorites in the new chapter, I just love how they already know how Ben and Pen are destined to fall in love!
How they noticed Ben’s feelings for Pen are changing even though he hasn’t realized it yet!
I just know they will support them in every step of their growing relationship!
The way you handle Marina’s situation was such a good move, honestly I love this idea more that what the series gave us! And El and Phillip meeting earlier omg I didn’t expect that but I love it!
Everything in this story have been absolutely perfection and I can’t wait to read what’s next!❤️
Thank you, friend! That means so much to me!! ♥️♥️♥️
I’m happy you’re liking the changes so far. I hope that will continue going into season 2! I love that you reread the fic and enjoyed it so much you read it over a s1 rewatch ☺️ I had to go over s1 a few times to make sure I was making the correct changes and non-changes lol
Yes! We are starting to get jealous Benedict! Not that he even realizes he’s jealous. Like all Bridgertons, he’s a bit oblivious to his own feelings for a little bit. It’s fun to write, I must admit!
I’m so happy you and others are loving the trio that is Henry, Lucy, and Gen. I was always sad Henry didn’t come back in the show, and wanted a reason to ensure he’s kept in the plot. Haha! So him, Lucy, and Gen are pretty much single handedly determined to pull Benedict’s head out of the sand eventually.
They’re fun to write. An absolute joy, really.
Is it bad to admit that I also prefer Marina marrying Wetherby then what happens in the show? I’ve actually become quite attached to that plot point. @velvetcovered-brick and I have been constructing ways to include Wetherby more in the story. We’ve grown attached to our version of him!
There will be fun with El and Phillip! Phillip being introduced to El at this point in the story is important for what we’re telling and doing over all. That will become more clear as we go along, and I’ll probably rant about it in the author’s notes to explain it 😁
Thank you again for reading!!! ♥️♥️♥️
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dashielldeveron · 5 months
hello!! i cannot put into words how obsessed with your writing i am! i’m sure you get this all the time but everything from the dialogue to the plot development to the character dynamics is absolutely insane. Seriously if i could write even half as well my ego would be so high it’s a miracle that you are so humble. Your soulmate series is genuinely the best series i’ve ever read on any site! I don’t know if this is odd to say but you write every character like they genuinely are your soulmate. If you said that you know them personally and intimately i would fully believe you. Obviously i have no clue what you do for a living but if it’s not writing you should 100% consider it because the world would be so much better off with more of your work.
I am so devastatingly interested in the shigarki route that you’re writing. His character arc is so interesting and he’s so complex that i’m buzzing with excitement to see what angle you approach while writing for him. Actually with the latest manga chapters, it’s so interesting how the core villains of the series have been denied humanity in some way by the general public and how that’s contributed to how they view themselves and the world (Shigarki especially). You captured that turmoil soo fucking well with Dabi’s route. I just know Shigarki’s chapter is gonna be what kills me.
Please take care of yourself!
>/////< ohhhhhh you are so very kind!!! it really means a lot to me that you would type all of this out to let me know!!!! especially that enormous compliment that it feels like i know the characters, geez!!! i am weaving all of your kind words into a tapestry to hang on my wall so that i can see it and feel all warm.
shigaraki rambling under the cut :)
goddd yes shigaraki is such a little weirdo and i've been so conflicted about where to go with him!!! he's difficult to write, esp. bc fanon and canon are very different; a lot of fanon grounds his behaviour when he's still incel-blue-hair-immature-gamer guy, and he's.............not even really mean? esp. not to the league??? rude, yes, but AFO has trained him to think of himself as an authoritative figure of respect, so of course when dabi is shit-talking tomura like he's just some guy, tomura is gonna get upset about that. he's mostly........pretty polite. eerily calm. not easily scared or startled.
but like. if you read a shigaraki fic, it's expected that he's gonna throw you around or steal your underwear, or something. so i'm nervous that some people are gonna read his route and think he doesn't sound like himself!!! and maybe he doesn't, but i tried v hard; i've reread a bunch of the manga and rewatched some of the anime to take notes about his dialogue and inflection, but i get nervous that bc he's not matching with popular fanon stuff that people are gonna be like "this is just [other character] in a shigaraki hat." but i try. shigaraki is a tough dude to write.
i've been reading shigaraki as being objectified (not in a sexy sense but in a literal sense) in the manga for a long time, so it's validating and awful to see all of these characters just fucking announce that shigaraki is a thing. feels weird, especially bc so much of the manga has been moving towards a message of a kinder humanity, even though i'm not certain hori is pulling that off as clearly as it could be. i worry, but shig is gonna come back to being tenko at the end, i think. i hope this comes across in his route!!!!
and ohhhhhh you had better take care of yourself!!! bc if shigaraki's route is gonna kill you, your funeral will be tonight!!!! (bad metaphor aside: shig's route is gonna be posted tonight, provided my beta reader gets back to me soon.)
thaaaaaaaaank you so much for enjoying my silly fic!!!! i hope the rest of it meets your expectations!!!!! xx.
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luna-talks-stuff · 7 months
So I’ve been listening to Ai Higuchi’s ed song nonstop since I saw the Attack on Titan finale two days ago (I couldn’t see it the day it was released) and I’ve been crying all that time
Because that’s what happens when the series you grew up to adulthood with finally ends
10 years ago, when the first season had just finished airing, I watched it and loved it. Then I read the manga and loved it. I was 16 back then. Every month, since December 2013, I would wait for a new chapter. When it ended in April 2021, I had recently turned 24. Today, as I’m crying and coping with the end of the anime, I’m 26
There’s just so much about the finale, and the series as a whole, that I love and that I can talk about all the time. I didn’t originally put my thoughts about chapter 139 two years ago because I was part of the minority that liked it. Now that I feel somewhat vindicated, I think I can look back and say that it was a wonderful story, and many will agree
It’s not that happy, but it’s really hopeful. You just have to look in the little moments, like Armin told Zeke in the end
And I’m sure now that Yuki Kaji and Marina Inoue were born to play Eren and Armin. They both have memorable characters that I love, and I know they will both have amazing careers for many years to come, but in 80 years, when talking about them, Eren and Armin will be their eternal legacy
Yui Ishikawa’s legacy will probably be Violet Evergarden, but she was the perfect Mikasa. To me, Eren, Armin and Mikasa are among the best trios in anime and the best trios in all of fiction, their friendship is as precious as it is tragic
And speaking of tragic, Eren and Mikasa, they are the most tragic couple in anything I’ve ever seen in my life. The worst part is that they both loved each other, and Eren was aware of it, but never did anything about it, and I get sad thinking about it.
Also, the baby in the cliff? That was already sad but when I saw the news it broke me. Four years ago, Yuki Kaji, who I already said voices Eren, got married to another actress, Ayana Taketatsu. The baby in the cliff was voiced by Yuki and Ayana’s baby. It’s poetic and beautiful and tragic and everything I will associate with this story forever
My headcanons/theories that I will die with are that Armin and Annie got married, so did Gabi and Falco. Anything else is fair game. Who married who and how many children they had, I’m open to all kinds of interpretations, I just know that they all lived long happy lives like Eren wanted, and that they never had to fight in any wars ever again
The music, the voice acting, the animation and the expanded conversation between Eren and Armin made the finale from one I liked to one I absolutely adored, and I’m honored to have this story while growing up to adulthood
This story has been a part of me for 10 years of my life now. I still have lots of stories to love, but this one will always have a special place in my heart. I will remember every reaction I had, every theory, my awe with the anime openings, my excitement when I found out that Gabi and Falco would be voiced by the actors I wanted, Ayane Sakura and Natsuki Hanae. I will reread the manga, rewatch the anime, and make lots of bird jokes for many years to come
So thanks to the staff, both at Wit Studios and Mappa, to the voice cast, to the musicians, and to Hajime Isayama, who gave 12 years of his life and his entire heart to this story. I will always love it, forever
To the story that gave its heart to the bitter end, thanks and goodbye 💙💚🤍
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personality-corner · 1 month
How to Avoid Mistyping
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I’ve actually wanted to make a post like this for a while, I just hadn’t really gotten to it yet. Here’s how to know if you’re mistyping a character.
Mistyping vs. A Differing Opinion
When it comes to fictional characters, a lot of it comes down to interpretation, which means there will always be a level of differing opinions when typing a character. However, I do think it’s undoubtable that some types don’t fit characters at all.
At the end of the day, it comes down to argument. Does your argument make sense? Is it understandable to those who aren’t inside your mind? Is it obviously biased.
And here’s the thing- everyone has bad arguments. I’ve had bad arguments, even on this page. However, I am making this post, to maybe help people to think more critically about their arguments.
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Are you grasping at straws trying to defend your opinion?
Honestly, this is a good sign that you are mistyping a character. Does it feel like you are trying way too hard to defend your typing of a character, like you can’t come up with any good arguments for it?
This could mean one of two things; you need to rewatch or reread the material you’re typing from or you need to consider a different type for them. Now, I would definitely rewatch or reread said thing first, because there have definitely been times I thought I was mistyping a character when in reality, I just didn’t remember enough about a character to type them appropriately.
But you should at least consider the fact that you’re mistyping a character if you’re struggling to construct an argument.
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“This type would not do that!”
I do think there are times when this is appropriate, for example, when discussing a character’s actions, saying “this character’s interest in their environment really gives more Se than Ne.” However whenever I hear XXXX would never do that! It grinds my gears.
Usually, when people say this, it’s highly stereotypical, because technically speaking, each type is capable of anything… it’s why they’re doing it, what’s going on in their head that matters. Now is it unlikely for, say, an Si dom to make impulsive decisions? Perhaps, but it’s not that they can’t. In fact, some of the ISTJs I’ve typed have made very impulsive decisions when their Te or Fi kicked in.
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Using your personal relatability to a character to determine their type.
Now this one, out of everything on here kind of annoys me the most. Now, there is nothing wrong with relating to a character and considering the type for them. However your relatability to them also cannot be your only argument to why they fit that type, because you don’t have to be the same type as that character to relate to them.
I’m an INTP, and there are plenty of ISTJ, INFP, ISTP, hell even ESFP characters I relate to. I also don’t think I’ve ever, at least not since starting this blog, have typed a character INTP solely because I find them relatable… in fact, it’s the second to last most typed on this blog.
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Have you considered other possibilities for this character?
Typically, unless I’m really sure about a character’s type, I’ll consider at least a few types before deciding on one. I’ll keep these types in mind when watching something, and sometimes will decide on something completely different.
Obviously, you don’t have to do this, everyone’s system of typing is different, but the important thing is, don’t be so fixated on a particular type for a character that you refuse to see or listen to any other argument regarding them.
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Don’t automatically assume a character is in a loop or a grip when you type them.
Now, saying a character is in a loop or a grip is not inherently wrong per se- but I will say, that I often see people use this to avoid typing characters certain types.
I have a post I’m working about on loops and grips, but I will say that if you can’t legitimize why a character wouldn’t be that type, even at their healthiest, it’s probably not a good type for them.
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retrieve-the-kraken · 9 months
Heartstopper Season 2 play-by-play analysis
I’ve already written all these thoughts during the last rewatch, but since I’m rewatching again to figure out which gifs I want to look for, I always end up rereading or rewriting something, adding more thoughts, etc. There’s always something to add, something new that I noticed. The next few rewatches will be all about the music, probably.
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- Why does Mr Farouk always look like he’s about to either give the scolding of a lifetime or give terrible news???? Even when he’s saying nice things. I love him, though.
- Isaac looking down at his book as he gets told to participate more.
- IS THAT DAVID THACKERAY telling Ben’s parents that Ben is wonderful? Poor thing.
- If we get Spanish-speaking Charlie at some point, I will cry.
- “I know getting your first boyfriend is very exciting, but…” Charlie’s parents will never know about Ben. The only ones who know are Nick and (somewhat) Tori, and that’s how it will stay. Was it Charlie’s first boyfriend? Technically, maybe, but in all the ways that matter, Nick is the true first, Nick has changed the game for Charlie forever. He shouted it at the sea and everything.
- Here we have the first time that Jane takes a very extreme approach, but of course she doesn’t know that Charlie has bigger problems than being distracted by his new boyfriend. Jane’s approach is complete ban, complete cut off, no in between.
- Olivia Colman, in yellow, like the ray of sunshine she is. But how Sara managed to raise someone as shit as David, when she’s so wonderful and Nick turned out so wonderful, is beyond me.
- The actor who plays David is so good, you just want to punch him.
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- “the universe is pulling us apart” “we are tragic starcrossed lovers” “we should run away to paris together” “bring nellie though” “of course”… two dumbasses in love.
- Ugh, Ben seeing Nick approaching so he pulls Imogen closer and kisses her because he knows it’ll piss Nick off… And Imogen being so oblivious that she thinks nothing of Nick’s frown and not waving back. She does look a bit sad that he doesn’t. And Ben looking so smug.
- New favorite character unlocked: Sahar. We love her. I didn’t really get much personality from her in the comics, but here it’s much more fleshed out.
- “Still as desperate as ever”, excuse me? Who’s the true desperate one here? Ben gets this wistful, googly-eyed look every time Charlie appears and looks equally as murderous at Nick every time he sees them together. None ya business, Ben.
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- Nick seriously telling Ben not to talk about Charlie, because that’s as much as he can do, or ignore him, but Ben won’t let it go, like he’s not even a little bit afraid of the boy that could snap him like a twig.
- “It’s not my fault he liked me before you”. EXCUSE ME, for one thing, what does that have to do with anything??? And for another thing, you really think that Charlie liked you? I don’t think Ben realizes how much Charlie’s crush on Ben was just that, a crush, but actually liking him would have probably made it harder for Charlie to break things off, and it wasn’t… I think Charlie authentically had a crush on Ben, because he’s handsome and because he took an interest in him, and because there was no one else. But liking him? Nah, that was just wishful thinking.
- “I hate you because you literally assaulted him”. YES NICK, TELL HIM.
- “I was going through personal stuff”. Everyone is always going through personal stuff, you dick. But you chose to “take it out” on Charlie.
- “You hurt him and who knows if you’ll do the same with Imogen.” Sweet Nick. “Do you even like her?”
- “Sorry, am I not allowed to like girls as well as boys?” This might be the first time that he’s been this honest with someone over whom he doesn’t have any control whatsoever. Also Nick’s face when he realizes that him and Ben are both bi, or at least that’s what Ben is telling him. And it reinforces the fear that Nick’s had since last season, that he’s just like Ben.
- “I’ll believe that when I see it.” Ben also thinks that being queer means having to tell the world, otherwise it’s not real.
- Ben saying that Charlie thinks that Nick is perfect, like… sir, you do not speak for Charlie, and you do not know Nick, and you are just trying to make yourself not look as bad, and convince yourself that you could just be as good a boyfriend to Charlie as Nick is, and why don’t you just go to therapy, SIR??? But Nick for a moment looks like he believes him, because it’s been hard for him to come out, he’s only managed to come out himself to two people, his mum and Imogen, and he knows it’s hard, and maybe Ben is right, maybe he’s just like him, maybe he’ll hurt Charlie too by keeping their relationship a secret… Him stroking the pen that Charlie gave him.
- “I’ve had the worst day haha” aw baby, the haha just makes it worse.
- I just realized how much I relate to Nick’s relationship with his brother. Not that my sister was ever as bad as a David, but I wish she had been more of a Tori… Being the youngest and having to deal with an invasive older sibling who just waltzes into your room and looks at your stuff and thinks they know you better than you know yourself… yeah… In retrospect it’s funny how siblings can be so unbearable to each other, and often it gets better when you don’t have to live together anymore, but it’s amazing how we can tick each other off, like no one else can… they did such a good job at capturing that dynamic…
-“If you do have a girlfriend, I want to know about it, she needs my approval”, sir fuck all the way off back to uni, please.
- “We could meet at the park”, and then they meet there and it’s so obvious that their homes used to be their safe places, but now, now they know that it’s each other, they’re each other’s safe place. Recharging!
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- Listen, that hug, that spin hug, with the music playing, the joy on their faces as they realize that home is wherever the other one is, it’s just soooooo… it rewired my brain, it was like a deep breath, it’s the epitome of all NickxCharlie hugs. It’s one of my favorite scenes, if not the most favorite.
- I love how we got to see the beginning of Charlie’s serial hoodie thievery. This whole scene is so soft. And Nellie just makes everything ten times better.
- Nick leaning in for a kiss in an open space, and Charlie looking around nervously, because last season Nick was flinching with nerves at the idea of anyone, even strangers, seeing them kiss, and Nick knows this and he has moved past that and he pulls Charlie on top of him and just kisses him like crazy… seriously the amount of kissing this season is magical… And Charlie feeling euphoric as he walks home and sees Nick’s instagram post about him…
- Elle’s new friends are as stylish as her… Naomi’s eyeliner is perfect…
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- I love that we get a little more insight into Elle’s experience, and why she wants to pursue art, and why Lambert would be a safe haven for her…
- Tao’s mum being the biggest fan of Elle and being the biggest TaoElle shipper… I’m glad we got a bit more of her, and other parents. Elle’s parents were excellent too (more on them later).
- Nick gathering up the courage to confront Imogen about Ben, because he wants to protect her, but not being able to tell her why, and Imogen getting defensive because she’s just afraid of being alone. And the whole thing affecting Nick and causing him such anxiety that he can’t really focus.
- The big hug and lift, priceless move. (I've lost count of all the times that Nick gives into his urge of picking Charlie up in any way he can).
- “That boy of yours is here”. Elle’s mum being a bit of a TaoElle shipper too. Elle trying to put distance between them.
- Charlie not being a fan of Marvel movies, whilst Joe Locke is starring soon in a Marvel streaming show… poetic. Methinks that, when the time comes for Nick to watch Agatha Coven of Darkness, he’ll have a massive crush on that actor who plays (presumably) Billy.
- “I’ll have something when I get home”, and then when he gets home “I ate at Nick’s.”
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- Fucking David, snooping around, disrespecting Nick’s privacy. And Nick’s little “you okay?” at Charlie. David is such a perfect asshole, and I love Nick calling him a homophobic prick, but not being intimidated or anything. “You left a picture of you two kissing on your bedroom wall” “WHY DO YOU KEEP GOING IN MY ROOM?” Yes, David, why?
-Some people pointed out that Nick seems to unfairly take it out on his mum, when it was David, a grown man, sneaking in as he pleases, but I didn't see it that way. Nick's yelling at David, but looking at him mum, or looking to her for support, like going "do you see what he's done??? do you see what a dick your other son is???? please tell him to stop!!"
- Nick telling Charlie that it’s not his fault, and telling him that he’s fine and he doesn’t care, but Charlie had really thought he’d be able to protect Nick from the things that happened to him when he came out.
- Tao’s talk with his mum, it was so sweet.
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- Charlie and Isaac being so serious, but also not arguing when Tao said “I know you’ve been laughing behind my back because I’m so oblivious”. And him asking for their help.
This episode was brought to you by HOODIES™.
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caskethrill · 1 year
hiiiii <3 okay so I am here on my knees begging please give a hint as to when/if you’ll post the next part of cowboy next door ? 😭 sorry !!! it is just honestly my favourite fic and I think about/reread it more than I would like to admit 🫣 and I just rewatched golden circle and I am !!!! needing whiskey lol but anyway !!!! sorry if this is weird or anything ! I hope you’re doing well and I hope you have enjoyed the first episode of tlou hehe <3
don’t apologize it isn’t weird whatsoever! i’m flattered u enjoy it so much! this inspired me to get working on the series again ☹️ i am hoping that i will get the next chapter posted within the next two weeks! everything is planned, i just have to put pen to paper
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stormblessed95 · 2 years
An Anon Rant
I had someone send in an ask, but then ask for it to be anon, so Im posting it for them seperatly. It's a rant, but I'm okay with letting them rant for a minute. Im probably not going to post about it again after letting anon get it off their chest though. So if you aren't interested in reading a rant about the hypocrisy being seen in the "shipperdom" spaces (all of them, not just jkkr, not just tkkr, but all shipper spaces honestly), then this is your warning to just, scroll on by....
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I was sitting here smdh and thinking {in regards to the uptick in rumors being spread about the members lately, both with ships and individuals too} “wow y’all are really somehow bored during chapter two huh?” it hit me! tkkrs don’t get the amount of content they want so they make up stories and narratives and drama to give them the feeling of having gotten some content. It’s like a dopamine hit, they aren’t getting it naturally so they are forcing the hit synthetically. and right now, I’m seeing jkkrs and other shippers doing the same. I would say this has been building since the boys started their first period of extending leave last December (the unofficial start of chapter two) and we got to January where there was less content happening and people started wilding with the nonsense narratives.
This fandom is being fed plenty, but because there isn’t weekly run bts episodes and behinds, or an in the soop/bon voyage or anything for people to get their weekly fix of moments, they are taking to the tkkrs way of life and making shit up, or making up new narratives for past moments where there was no drama at all, like be real!
These are real people out living their real lives and we are still so so beyond spoiled with the amount of content given to us by them, but it’s not enough for people?? like if you miss them, go rewatch the 2.5 hr jikook 2013-2021 video, or any of their full year compilations. rewatch favorite moments and enjoy that we got to witness them, catch up on vlives you’ve missed, or rewatch ones you haven’t watched in years. don’t treat them like characters who are not entertaining you enough and so you feel the need to make up shit. If you’re going to do that go write some fanfics and post them on ao3 where we all can appreciate that it’s purely fiction instead of you pretending your fictional world has any impact on the real one.
Can y’all just hold out until we get to the documentary series were supposed to get next year? it’ll give us all kinds of unseen moments from throughout their entire careers and you can all enjoy reality there with the rest of us!
I’m also so annoyed by all of this that I don’t have it in me to reread this for typos so i apologies for any that were there but I’m hoping my point came across well anyway.
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Honestly, I'm just here bts, here for jikook, here for supporting them and what THEY choose to tell us and share with us. I'm over so much of the shipping mentality too. It's exhausting. Hopefully those of you who can't wait to see jikook again can be patient. And like anon mentioned too, look forward to the documentary that's coming! That's going to be a wealth of information and fascinating moments and tidbits and things the members are sharing that I can't wait to see. I love them and I love how much they are sharing with us Honestly, even if it's not as much as it used to be. It's more than anyone could expect! I know anon mostly focused on jkkr spaces here, but it sorta applies to EVERYTHING. Jikookers. All other shippers. Het shippers. Military enlistment. Music releases. Etc etc etc.
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