#I wish i could exist with no corporeal element at all if everyone's gonna be so fucking stupid
wachi-delectrico · 1 year
Started wearing sme shirts again cos they became too small for me after hrt made me gain weight :)
They make my belly stand out and my parents call me fat and tell me to diet because of that :(
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fishoutofcamelot · 4 years
Zombie symbolism in media? Body snatchers? That sounds extremely interesting 👀👀👀
I’ll leave my ramblings under the cut.
The Bodysnatchers thing is a bit quicker to explain so I’ll start with that. Basically, Invasion of the Body Snatchers was released in 1956, about a small town where the people are slowly but surely replaced and replicated by emotionless hivemind pod aliens. It was a pretty obvious metaphor for the red scare and America’s fear of the ‘growing threat of communism’ invading their society. A communist could look like anyone and be anyone, after all.
Naturally, the bodysnatcher concept got rebooted a few times - Invasion of the Bodysnatchers (1978), Body Snatchers (1993), and The Invasion (2007), just off the top of my head. You’re all probably very familiar with the core concept: people are slowly being replaced by foreign duplicates. 
But while the monster has remained roughly the same, the theme has not. In earlier renditions, Bodysnatchers symbolized communism. But in later renditions, the narratives shifted to symbolize freedom of expression and individualism - that is, people’s ability to express and think for themselves being taken away. That’s because freedom of thought/individuality is a much more pressing threat on our minds in the current climate. Most people aren’t scared of communists anymore, but we are scared of having our free will taken away from us. 
The best indicator of the era in which a story is created is its villain. Stories written circa 9/11 have villains that are foreign, because foreign terrorism was a big fear in the early 2000s. In the past, villains were black people, because white people were racist (and still are, but more blatantly so in the past). 
Alright, now for the fun part.
Although the concept has existed in Haitian voodooism for ages, the first instance of zombies in western fiction was a book called The Magic Island written by William Seabrook in 1929. Basically ol Seabrook took a trip to Haiti and saw all the slaves acting tired and ‘brutish’ and, having learned about the voodoo ‘zombi’, believed the slaves were zombies, and thus put them in his book.
The first zombie story in film was actually an adaptation of Seabrook’s accounts, called White Zombie (1932). It was about a couple who takes a trip to Haiti, only for the woman to be turned into a zombie and enchanted into being a Haitian’s romantic slave. SUPER racist, if you couldn’t tell, but not only does it reflect the state of entertainment of the era - Dracula and Frankenstein had both been released around the same time - but it also reflects American cultural fears. That is, the fear of white people losing their authoritative control over the world. White fright.
Naturally, the box office success of White Zombie inspired a whole bunch of other remakes and spinoffs in the newly minted zombie genre, most of them taking a similar Haitian voodoo approach. Within a decade, zombies had grown from an obscure bit of Haitian lore to a fully integrated part of American pop culture. Movies, songs, books, cocktails, etc. 
But this was also a time for WWII to roll around and, much like the Bodysnatchers, zombie symbolism evolved to fit the times. Now zombies experienced a shift from white fright and ethnic spirituality to something a bit more secular. Now they were a product of foreign science created to perpetuate warmongering schemes. In King of Zombies (1941), a spy uses zombies to try and force a US Admiral to share his secrets. And Steve Sekely’s Revenge of the Zombies (1943) became the first instance of Nazi zombies. 
Then came the atom bomb, and once more zombie symbolism shifted to fears of radiation and communism. The most on-the-nose example of this is Creature With the Atom Brain (1955).
Then came the Vietnam War, and people started fearing an uncontrollable, unconscionable military. In Night of the Living Dead (1968), zombies were caused by radiation from a space probe, combining both nuclear and space-race motifs, as well as a harsh government that would cause you just as much problems as the zombies. One could argue that the zombies in the Living Dead series represent military soldiers, or more likely the military-industrial complex as a whole, which is presented as mindless in its pursuit of violence.
The Living Dead series also introduced a new mainstay to the genre: guns. Military stuff. Fighting. Battle. And that became a major milestone in the evolution of zombie representation in media. This was only exacerbated by the political climate of the time. In the latter half of the 20th century, there were a lot of wars. Vietnam, Korea, Arab Spring, Bay of Pigs, America’s various invasions and attacks on Middle Eastern nations, etc. Naturally the public were concerned by all this fighting, and the nature of zombie fiction very much evolved to match this.
But the late 1900s weren’t just a place of war. They were also a place of increasing economic disparity and inequal wealth distribution. In the 70s and 80s, the wage gap widened astronomically, while consumerism remained steadily on the rise. And so, zombies symbolized something else: late-stage capitalism. Specifically, capitalist consumption - mindless consumption. For example, in Dawn of the Dead (1978), zombies attack a mall, and with it the hedonistic lifestyles of the people taking refuge there. This iteration props up zombies as the consumers, and it is their mindless consumption that causes the fall of the very system they were overindulging in.
Then there was the AIDS scare, and the zombie threat evolved to match something that we can all vibe with here in the time of COVID: contagion. Now the zombie condition was something you could get infected with and turn into. In a video game called Resident Evil (1996), the main antagonist was a pharmaceutical company called the Umbrella Corporation that’s been experimenting with viruses and bio-warfare. In 28 Days Later (2002), viral apes escape a research lab and infect an unsuspecting public.
Nowadays, zombies are a means of expressing our contemporary fears of apocalypse. It’s no secret that the world has been on the brink for a while now, and everyone is waiting with bated breath for the other shoe to drop. Post-apocalypse zombie movies act as simultaneous male power fantasy, expression of contemporary cynicism, an expression of war sentiments, and a product of the zombie’s storied symbolic history. People are no longer able to trust the government, and in many ways people have a hard time trusting each other, and this manifests as an every-man-for-himself survivalist narrative. 
So why have zombies endured for so long, despite changing so much? Why are we so fascinated by them? Well, many say that it’s because zombies are a way for us to express our fears of apocalypse. Communism, radiation, contagion - these are all threats to the country’s wellbeing. Some might even say that zombies represent a threat to conversative America/white nationalism, what with the inclusion of voodooism, foreign entities, and late-stage capitalism being viewed as enemies.
Personally, I might partly agree with the conservative America thing, but I don’t think zombies exist to project our fears onto. That’s just how villains and monsters work in general. In fiction, the conflict’s stakes don’t hit home unless the villain is intimidating. The hero has to fight something scary for us to be invested in their struggles. But the definition of what makes something scary is different for every different generation and social group. Maybe that scary thing is foreign invaders, or illness, or losing a loved one, or a government takeover. As such, the stories of that era mold to fit the fears of that era. It’s why we see so many government conspiracy thrillers right now; it’s because we’re all afraid of the government and what it can do to us.
So if projecting societal fears onto the story’s villain is a commonplace practice, then what makes zombies so special? Why have they lasted so long and so prevalently? I would argue it’s because the concept of a zombie, at its core, plays at a long-standing American ideal: freedom.
Why did people migrate to the New World? Religious freedom. Why did we start the Revolutionary War and become our own country? Freedom from England’s authority. Why was the Civil War a thing? The south wanted freedom from the north - and in a remarkable display of irony, they wanted to use that freedom to oppress black people. Why are we so obsessed with capitalism? Economic freedom.
Look back at each symbolic iteration of the zombie. What’s the common thread? In the 20s/30s, it was about white fright. The fear that black people could rise up against them and take away their perceived ‘freedom’ (which was really just tyrannical authority, but whatever). During WWII, it was about foreign threats coming in and taking over our country. During Vietnam, it became about our military spinning out of control and hecking things up for the rest of us. In the 80s/90s, it was about capitalism turning us into mindless consumers. Then it was about plagues and hiveminds and the collapse of society as a whole, destroying everything we thought we knew and throwing our whole lives into disarray. In just about every symbolic iteration, freedom and power have been major elements under threat.
And even deeper than that, what is a zombie? It’s someone who, for whatever reason, is a mindlessly violent creature that cannot think beyond base animal impulses and a desire to consume flesh. You can no longer think for yourself. Everything that made you who you are is gone.
Becoming a zombie is the ultimate violation of someone’s personal freedom. And that terrifies Americans.
Although an interesting - and concerning - phenomenon is this new wave of wish fulfillment zombie-ism. You know, the gun-toting action movie hero who has the personality of soggy toast and a jaw so chiseled it could decapitate the undead. That violent survivalist notion of living off the grid and being a total badass all the while. It speaks to men who, for whatever reason, feel their masculinity and dominance is under threat. So they project their desires to compensate for their lack of masculine control onto zombie fiction, granting them personal freedom from obligations and expectations (and feminism) to live out their solo macho fantasies by engaging in low- to no-consequence combat. And in doing so, completely disregarding the fact that those same zombies were once people who cruelly had their freedom of self ripped away from them. Gaining their own freedom through the persecution of others (zombies). And if that doesn’t sum up the white conservative experience, I don’t know what does.
So yeah. That’s zombies, y’all.
Thanks for the ask!
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camillemontespan · 5 years
williamsburg [AU. drake walker x mc]
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This is a follow up to my fic Skinny Cappuccino with an Extra Shot
People had been wondering if there would be a follow up so here we go - I hope you guys enjoy just as much!
Cute fluff.
@jovialyouthmusic @sirbeepsalot @pug-bitch @moonlightgem7 @drakesensworld @fromthedeskofpaisleybleakmore @dcbbw @be-still-my-aching-heart @carabeth @iplaydrake @notoriouscs @ifyouseekheart
Friday night
Drake had been trying to focus on his shift. The bar was busy, full of the usual regulars, and there had been enough to potentially keep him occupied, but he had been distracted.
Camille had said she would be coming to the bar at 9pm and Drake felt pathetic that he had been clock watching. It was 9.20pm now and he had been getting a little nervous. 
He didn’t know this woman. Not really. All he knew was that she was a Paralegal for the biggest law firm in the city and she liked a skinny cappuccino with an extra shot. She could be a crazy cat lady for all he knew. 
Drake was terrified of cats.
He bent down to organise the glasses down below the bar; he would have to wash them again as Kiara had skimped on doing it properly. He stood up and practically jumped out of his skin when he came face to face with Camille.
‘Hey Drake,’ she greeted him, a mega-watt smile on her face. Drake blushed, which he realised was a common occurrence every time he saw her. He smiled back. ‘Hey Camille. Didn’t think you were gonna show.’
She frowned. ‘Of course I was.’ She sounded so certain, so assured.  Drake felt silly now. Of course she was going to show. Don’t doubt her again.
‘What do you want to drink?’ he asked her, remembering he was a bartender.
‘Hmm.. bottle of Desperados please.’
‘Really?’ he said, his mouth quirking up in the corner. ‘Took you for a classy drinker.’
She laughed warmly. ‘This is a dive bar. You got to have beer in a dive bar.’ Drake couldn’t argue with that logic. He unscrewed the bottle and handed it to her, watching her take a swig. He studied her. She looked as elegant and put together as usual; she was wearing a white off the shoulder sweater and her hair was pulled up into a bun. Silver rings with blue topaz stones decorated her index and middle fingers on her right hand.  Topaz was Drake’s favourite stone; his grandmothers engagement ring was topaz and she had given it to him before she died, making him promise to give it to the right woman when the time was right.
‘You like topaz?’ he asked, gesturing to her rings. Camille blushed. ‘I love topaz gemstones.’
Oh god, marry the girl. 
Drake pushed the thought of his head. He was being ridiculous.  ‘So, I schlepped across town to get here so I think you should make this worth my while,’ she said cheekily. ‘Tell me about yourself, Drake Walker,’ Camille said, her eyes penetrating his. Drake felt his heart sink. He knew this was coming.  ‘I’m not that interesting, really.’ 
Camille rolled her eyes. ‘Come on, tell me...where you grew up, brothers, sisters, school?’
A customer came up to the bar and asked for a whiskey. Drake poured him a measure before turning his attention back to Camille. ‘I’m from Texas.’
‘Ooh, a cowboy.’
‘Ha, I wish. We have a ranch. Um, my dad died, sister left, mom suffers from depression. Pretty shit to be honest..’
There was a silence between them. This was why Drake hated talking about himself; his life was a shit show. Camille reached out and touched his hand; her touch burned. ‘I’m sorry.’
Drake smiled weakly. ‘It’s okay. I’ve dealt with it. Anyway, tell me about you.’
She took a deep gulp of her beer. ‘New Yorker born and bred. Parents died when I was five. Heroin. Raised by my grandmother. No siblings, just me.’
It was Drake’s turn to feel bad for her now. ‘That’s shit, Camille.’
Camille shrugged. ‘I’ve dealt with it.’ 
Drake took out two shot glasses and poured a measure of whiskey into both of them. He handed Camille one and raised his own. ‘To dealing with it.’
Camille grinned and knocked her glass against his. ‘Let’s play Never Have I Ever! Lighten the mood a little.’
‘Eh.. I’m working?’
Drake was about to speak when he heard someone shout his name. ‘Walker!’
He looked across the bar and saw Leo sauntering towards him. Drake groaned. Now was not the time to see his friend. He loved Leo, in his own weird way, but he really just wanted to talk to Camille. Camille looked over her shoulder and watched as Leo sat down beside her. ‘The usual please, bar keep!’ Leo said. He looked over and saw Camille. 
‘Hey, it’s Cappuccino Girl!’
Camille blinked. ‘Sorry.. what?’
‘You come into our coffee shop all the time. Gotta say, thought coffee was all you existed on. Good to see you also like beer. Also, my buddy here is in love with you-’
‘Leo!’ Drake hissed, turning beetroot red. Camille pressed her lips together, holding in laughter, as Leo nudged her with his shoulder. ‘Do me a favour and go out with him. I swear, he’s a stand up guy. Very sweet, very loyal, absolute gentleman. He’s from Texas you know, it’s in his blood.’
Drake covered his eyes with his hand. ‘Leo, if you don’t stop being a cuntsatchel right now..’ he groaned.
Leo’s eyes widened in mock shock. ‘Shhh, don’t say the C word in front of the lady!’ 
Camille looked at Leo, her eyebrow raised. ‘You are a bit of a cuntsatchel.’
Drake chuckled and his eyes met Camille’s; she winked at him. Leo raised his hands, shaking his head. ‘I see how it is. You both ganging up on me. That’s the start of the romance right there. A camaraderie.’
Drake kept his head down, trying to hide his smile. He handed Leo a pint of beer and Leo grinned at Drake. He was always joking around, never serious. Leo was harmless. ‘So, Cappuccino Girl, you seem pretty classy. Looks like wine bars are more your thing. Why are you here in this shithole?’
‘I wanted to see Drake,’ she replied honestly. ‘I like him, so yeah..’
‘Hear that Drake? She likes you,’ Leo told him with a knowing smile. Drake blushed more and Camille giggled. ‘He seems like a sweetheart.’
Leo placed a hand on his chest. ‘Ah Cappuccino Girl, you are correct! He is a sweetheart! A big marshmallow of a sweetheart!’ 
‘You’ve now reached peak cuntsatchel,’ Drake told him dryly, pouring another customer a drink. Leo took a handful of peanuts and shot some into his mouth. ‘You love me really, Walker.’
‘I actually hate you.’
‘Ah he shoots me down even more!’ Leo wailed. He was very dramatic. Camille snorted, which Drake heard and thought was adorable. 
‘Hey Drake.’ 
‘Kiara, I see you’ve finally showed up for your shift,’ Drake replied. Kiara rolled her eyes and entered the bar area. She looked at Camille and Leo. ‘Leo, this your new girlfriend? Girl, you can do so much better.’
Camille’s eyes flashed to Drake’s for a moment before she said, ‘I know I can.’
‘Kiara, I thought you loved me,’ Leo said, a wounded expression on his face. Kiara laughed shortly. ‘You think everyone is in love with you.’
She proceeded to cut limes. Drake and Kiara got on well, but she was a bit too.. rebellious for him. She was always late to work, she wore fishnet tights under her denim shorts with t-shirts cut to show off her stomach so that her bellybutton piercing was always on show and she had a purple streak through her hair.  She had been arrested once for shoplifting. 
Everyone thought Drake and Kiara  would become a thing, just because everyone misunderstood Drake. They saw a dark, brooding, quiet guy and assumed he was a tortured artist type. He really wasn’t. Drake never let anyone get close, but if he did, they would discover that he loved to laugh, he was kind, very well mannered and was a softie on the inside. 
He didn’t want a rebellious girl who got arrested. He wanted someone who was mature, sweet, easygoing. Someone like the woman sat in front of him right now.  
Kiara and Leo continued to spar until Leo drained his pint. ‘Right, I’m off home,’ he announced. ‘Kiara, coming to mine after you finish?’
‘No chance,’ she replied bluntly. Leo smirked and turned to Camille. ‘Good to see you, Cappuccino Girl. Hopefully see you with Drake soon.’
Drake threw a dishcloth at him. Leo stuck out his tongue and swaggered out of the bar. Kiara busied herself cleaning tables and warding off the advances from drunk patrons. 
‘So,’ Camille said, breaking the quiet. ‘I was wondering if you wanted to go to the Beaumont Bash with me?’
Drake clenched the edge of the bar. ‘Oh hell.. I’m not really great at events like that. Stuffy corporate people..’
‘Are you saying I’m a stuffy corporate person?’ she asked. Drake’s eyes widened. ‘No! You’re awesome, I didn’t mean-’
‘Drake, I’m kidding,’ she said, smiling. ‘Well, it’s not a normal corporate event. For one thing, the Beaumonts are legendary for their parties. They hired lions last time. They really shake things up, they’re not your typical law firm.. plus, it would be nice to spend time with you.’
Drake blushed again. 
‘You’re cute when you blush,’ she teased. Drake shook his head. ‘You have a habit of making me do it.’
‘I enjoy it.’
There was a heated moment where they just looked at each other, their eyes meeting. Drake could see that her brown eyes had flecks of gold, like an owl. She was gorgeous. ‘Do I have to wear a suit?’ he asked.
Camille grinned, taking that to mean he was going. ‘You will, sorry. But hey, it’s an open bar, so you should be in your element.’
‘I do love an open bar..’
‘And me!’
‘I do love-’ He broke off and Camille burst out laughing. ‘Okay, that’s sorted then. It’s tomorrow night at the Empire Hotel. We tend to host our parties in other venues, makes it feel less office, more glamorous.’
‘Cool. I’ll meet you there?’
‘Actually, I was thinking you could pick me up?’
Drake blinked and saw she was serious. ‘Like a date?’
She shrugged. ‘If that’s what the kids are calling it these days...’
She stayed at the bar until Drake finished his shift. Even though it was 2am, she was still bright eyed and showed no sign of tiredness. She was bursting with vitality and sunshine and Drake wished he could find a way to bottle it up for himself. 
‘It was good to see you tonight,’ he told her, biting the bullet. Camille smiled. They left the bar. The air was colder now and Drake saw her shiver. ‘You want my jacket?’ he asked. She looked up at him. ‘I don’t want you to get cold.’
‘Nah, think nothing of it,’ he said and he shrugged his jacket off and placed it on her shoulders. She wrapped it around herself and they walked in comfortable silence down the street. 
‘Where do you live?’ he asked her.
‘Jesus, you’re miles from here!’
‘I told you, I schlepped across town to see you!’ she said, her eyes shining brightly. Drake looked down at her as she looked straight ahead and his heart felt quite full. She had gone across the bridge to his work. Something about that made him feel.. worthy. Like she saw something in him. Something good. 
They continued to walk, Camille looking up at the buildings they passed. ‘You know, I’ve always wanted to own a brownstone..’ she mused. 
‘They are nice buildings,’ Drake agreed. ‘Expensive though.’
‘Ha, you got that right. Maybe one day. I’ll have settled down, reached the top of my career, have a cute dog..’ 
‘I don’t see why you can’t have those things,’ he told her quietly. She looked at him now. ‘Maybe a nice guy to binge watch Netflix shows with.’
‘I don’t see why you can’t have that either.’
There was a loaded silence and Drake closed his eyes. He really, really wanted to hold her hand. That was all. If it had been Leo, he would have grabbed Camille at the first opportunity and kissed her in a door frame before inviting her back to his ‘for a nightcap.’
Drake wasn’t like that. Drake liked to be romantic. He liked to make the girl feel special, he liked to cuddle, he liked to hold hands. But he wouldn’t tell anyone that. It was embarrassing.
Her fingers brushed his, as if she could read his mind. Drake felt like it was an electric shock; he wanted to feel it again. Their fingers continued brushing against each others until Camille intertwined hers with his.
They were holding hands.
Don’t blow it, Walker. 
‘I can get a taxi,’ she told him.  ‘I mean, it’s an hours walk. I don’t want your feet getting tired.’
Drake didn’t give a shit about his feet. He wanted this night to never end. He wanted to keep holding her hand and talking about brownstones and cute dogs. ‘I want to walk you home.’
She looked up at him, surprise on her face, which was quickly replaced by a happy grin. ‘Okay. But you get a taxi back, you hear?’
‘Yes ma’am.’
They wandered across Williamsburg Bridge, still holding hands. Drake took in the sight of the glittering skyscrapers which highlighted the night sky and he had never felt so content in all of his life. Camille snuggled into him as they walked and they chatted about everything and nothing. Their jobs, their favourite places in the city, their favourite food, who would win in a fight: Leo or Kiara (definitely Kiara) and about Camille’s grandmother. 
They talked non-stop with no silences and the walk went by quickly. Drake hadn’t realised they had reached her door until she stopped and took out her keys. It was on a quiet leafy street with an Italian bistro next door and a flower shop across the road. ‘This is nice,’ Drake said. 
Camille smiled. ‘It’s no brownstone but it’ll do me for now.’ 
There was now a silence. If it was Leo, he would be negotiating getting upstairs. But Drake wasn’t like that. ‘I’ll see you tomorrow,’ he said. ‘Pick you up at 7.’
Camille watched him for a moment, studying him. ‘I like you, Drake Walker,’ she said softly, her mouth quirking up in the corner. Drake ran a hand through his hair and shuffled on his feet awkwardly. ‘I guess I am pretty nice.’
She chuckled and moved forward slowly. Her eyes met his and he lost himself in the brown and gold flecks. Tentatively, he moved his hand to graze a finger across her jawline. She kept her gaze on him as his hand reached to behind her head and slowly, he leaned down to kiss her. 
She tasted of watermelon lip balm and her hair smelled of coconut. She was summer personified. He felt her wrap her arms around his neck, pulling him in closer and the kiss deepened. 
They broke apart reluctantly. ‘I’ll see you tomorrow,’ he told her again, unable to hide his happy grin. Camille squeezed his hand. ‘Looking forward to it, Walker.’
‘Goodnight, Camille.’
She took off his jacket and gave it back to him, before waving and letting herself into the apartment. Drake sighed happily and began to walk down the street. He knew she had told him to get a taxi but he decided he would walk back to Williamsburg. He wanted to relive the night in his head. He could smell her perfume in his jacket. As he walked back along the bridge, he looked back at the skyscrapers behind him and felt like the world was now his. 
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thefloatingstone · 5 years
Somebody asked me for some anime recs. I asked them what kind of genres they’re into but I’m not getting a reply, so here are just some general recommendations for good stuff to watch.
I assume they meant new anime so I’m only focusing on those.
Made in Abyss (2017) (warning for Body horror, violence and gore)
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The Abyss—a gaping chasm stretching down into the depths of the earth, filled with mysterious creatures and relics from a time long past. How did it come to be? What lies at the bottom? Countless brave individuals, known as Divers, have sought to solve these mysteries of the Abyss, fearlessly descending into its darkest realms. The best and bravest of the Divers, the White Whistles, are hailed as legends by those who remain on the surface.
Riko, daughter of the missing White Whistle Lyza the Annihilator, aspires to become like her mother and explore the furthest reaches of the Abyss. However, just a novice Red Whistle herself, she is only permitted to roam its most upper layer. Even so, Riko has a chance encounter with a mysterious robot with the appearance of an ordinary young boy. She comes to name him Reg, and he has no recollection of the events preceding his discovery. Certain that the technology to create Reg must come from deep within the Abyss, the two decide to venture forth into the chasm to recover his memories and see the bottom of the great pit with their own eyes. However, they know not of the harsh reality that is the true existence of the Abyss.
Ghibli artists working on the backgrounds and environments
likeable characters
crushing atmosphere
incredible world building
Really compelling mysteries
Very emotional
The manga its based on has a lot of lolicon bullshit. But the anime has doneits best to either remove or downplay those elements as childhood innocence rather than the author being a creep
Ends without clear answers as we have to wait for season 2
Not for you if you dislike violence or body horror
That Time I got Reincarnated as a Slime (2018)
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Thirty-seven-year-old Satoru Mikami is a typical corporate worker, who is perfectly content with his monotonous lifestyle in Tokyo. In the midst of a casual encounter with his colleague, a knife weilding maniac attacks them. Satoru, in shielding his co-worker and his co-worker’s new girlfriend, is fatally stabbed, and dies.
And then he wakes up again. But now, in the body of a blob of slime. In doing so, he acquires newfound skills—notably, the power to devour anything and mimic its appearance and abilities. He then stumbles upon the sealed Catastrophe-level monster "Storm Dragon" Veldora who had been sealed away for the past 300 years for devastating a town to ashes. Sympathetic to his predicament, Satoru befriends him, promising to assist in destroying the seal. In return, Verudora bestows upon him the name Rimuru Tempest to grant him divine protection.
With a goal now, the newly named Rimuru sets out to explore this fantasy world, stumbling into situations where other people need help, and since finding ways to live peacefully is much less hassle, Rimuru does his best to settle conflicts and help people to get along. Mostly because he’s got nothing better to do.
Likeable, chilled out protagonist who acts and behaves like an adult
Not the average wish-fullfilment harem-in-disguise type stuff you expect from the average Isekai show
Characters focusing on trying to help each other and be kind without coming across as cheesy or unrealistic
Fun powers and “how are you gonna fix this mess?” situations
occasional anime tiddy
Mob Psycho 100 (2016) (If you’ve seen season 1 already then watch season 2)
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An Eighth-grader Shigeo "Mob" Kageyama is possibly the most powerful psychic on earth. Which is the only thing he has going for him which, in his opinion, isn’t much. Due to his powers going crazy if he gets overwhelmed by his emotions, Mob has spent his life suppressing his feelings, both negative and positive. As a result, however, Mob is an extremely socially awkward and shy person who struggles to connect to people.
The story follows Mob as he tries to find ways to better himself as a person, aided by the fake psychic Reigen who both uses Mob’s real psychic powers to exorcise ghosts, but also uses his fake con-man skill of charming people and being a smooth talker to help people fix their problems rather than have them rely on a psychic for help. He also acts as a mentor to Mob, not on how to be a better psychic, but on how to mature into a good, capable person. Because according to Reigen “Having psychic powers is just a skill. Some people can run fast, some people can can sing well, some people are good at studying, some people are funny, and some people have psychic powers.”
Now if only the assortment of Cult leaders, Ghosts, Secret organizations and Powerful psychics trying to take over the world could leave him alone.
A subversion of the “I must get stronger!” shounen story where the character is already the strongest and needs to focus on being a better person instead.
Probably the best animated show to come out in years
Good uplifting morals
A wacky off-beat art style and sense of humour
Genuinely complex and 3 dimensional characters who are likeable
Really relatable in many ways
I can’t think of any tbh
Then we have anime I have on my “to watch” list and come highly recommended but I haven’t seen yet. But I want to recommend them anyway
A Place Further Than The Universe  (2018)
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a “Cute Girls Doing Cute Things” show.
Filled with an overwhelming sense of wonder for the world around her, Mari Tamaki has always dreamt of what lies beyond the reaches of the universe. However, despite harboring such large aspirations on the inside, her fear of the unknown and anxiety over her own possible limitations have always held her back from chasing them. But now, in her second year of high school, Mari is more determined than ever to not let any more of her youth go to waste. Still, her fear continues to prevent her from taking that ambitious step forward—that is, until she has a chance encounter with a girl who has grand dreams of her own. Spurred by her mother's disappearance, Shirase Kobuchizawa has been working hard to fund her trip to Antarctica. Despite facing doubt and ridicule from virtually everyone, Shirase is determined to embark on this expedition to search for her mother in a place further than the universe itself. Inspired by Shirase's resolve, Mari jumps at the chance to join her. Soon, their efforts attract the attention of the bubbly Hinata Miyake, who is eager to stand out, and Yuzuki Shiraishi, a polite girl from a high class background. Together, they set sail toward the frozen south.
The Promised Neverland (2019) (warning for violence and gore)
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Surrounded by a forest and a gated entrance, the Grace Field House is inhabited by orphans happily living together as one big family, looked after by their "Mama," Isabella. Although they are required to take tests daily, the children are free to spend their time as they see fit, usually playing outside, as long as they do not venture too far from the orphanage—a rule they are expected to follow no matter what. However, all good times must come to an end, as every few months, a child is adopted and sent to live with their new family... never to be heard from again. However, the three oldest siblings have their suspicions about what is actually happening at the orphanage, and they are about to discover the cruel fate that awaits the children living at Grace Field, including the twisted nature of their beloved Mama.
Zombieland Saga (2018)
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There’s a good chance you might have heard or seen this one floating around tumblr as its one of the really big, really popular anime to have come out that features a trans main character written and presented in a positive light.
Zombieland Saga is both a satirical parody of Idol anime, a complete embracing of what makes idol anime enjoyable, and a criticism of how the Idol industry treat women and young girls. A lot of the girls in the idol group are the complete opposite of what is considered a “good Idol” from one girl being trans, one girl having been an Oiran many many years ago (a historic proffession for women where they play instruments, perform tea ceremonies and entertain paying guests. As well as being very high class prostitutes) as well as debating and comparing the ideal of an Idol as they were seen in the 80s versus the modern interpretation.
Zombieland Saga is at both times the complete antithesis of everything an Idol anime should be, while also being one of the best examples of the genre at the same time. It also features really well written characters with emotional depth and arcs to them and boasts a lot of good humour to boot.
Yuru Camp△  (2018)
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Another “Cute Girls Doing Cute things” anime
While the perfect getaway for most girls her age might be a fancy vacation with their loved ones, Rin Shima's ideal way of spending her days off is camping alone at the base of Mount Fuji. From pitching her tent to gathering firewood, she has always done everything by herself, and has no plans of leaving her little solitary world. However, what starts off as one of Rin's usual camping sessions somehow ends up as a surprise get-together for two when the lost Nadeshiko Kagamihara is forced to take refuge at her campsite. Originally intending to see the picturesque view of Mount Fuji for herself, Nadeshiko's plans are disrupted when she ends up falling asleep partway to her destination. Alone and with no other choice, she seeks help from the only other person nearby. Despite their hasty introductions, the two girls nevertheless enjoy the chilly night together, eating ramen and conversing while the campfire keeps them warm. And even after Nadeshiko's sister finally picks her up later that night, both girls silently ponder the possibility of another camping trip together.
Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai (2018)
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You’re gonna look at this gif and that title and think this is some Light-Novel sexy fantasy wish fullfillment bullshit, but I absolutely assure you it’s not.
The rare and inexplicable Puberty Syndrome is thought of as a myth. It is a rare disease which only affects teenagers, and its symptoms are so supernatural that hardly anyone recognizes it as a legitimate occurrence. However, high school student Sakuta Azusagawa knows from personal experience that it is very much real, and happens to be quite prevalent in his school. Mai Sakurajima is a third-year high school student who gained fame in her youth as a child actress, but recently halted her promising career for reasons unknown to the public. With an air of unapproachability, she is well known throughout the school, but none dare interact with her—that is until Sakuta sees her wandering the library in a bunny girl costume. Despite the getup, no one seems to notice her, and after confronting her, he realizes that she is another victim of Puberty Syndrome. Mai’s unapproachability and air of not wanting to interact with people has manifested that it is now borderline impossible for people to physically notice her. Or in some cases see her at all. As Sakuta tries to help Mai through her predicament, his actions bring him into contact with more girls afflicted with the elusive disease.
Bunny Girl Senpai is an anime that deals with Societal pressures, especially as they apply to teenagers, as well as being a criticism of the Japanese mentality of “not rocking the boat” and in dutifully conforming and falling in line with what society dictates is “proper behavior”. It has the running theme that this mentality of just accepting the way things are and not doing anything to change it is unhealthy, and does more harm than good.
Dororo (2019) (warning for violence and Gore)
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A samurai lord has bartered away his newborn son's organs to forty-eight demons in exchange for dominance on the battlefield. Yet, the abandoned infant survives thanks to a medicine man who equips him with primitive prosthetics—lethal ones with which the wronged son will use to hunt down the multitude of demons to reclaim his body one piece at a time, before confronting his father. On his journeys the young hero encounters an orphan who claims to be the greatest thief in Japan. 
An anime adaptation of one of Osamu Tezuka’s manga, but deciding to go for an updated, darker art style to match its mature tone.
Dororo is currently still airing but so far reviews are extremely high.
Anyway I hope those are enough to give you at least one new show to check out.
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ohgodsnowwhat · 7 years
Fantasy in Metal
Yes; I am posting my first fanfic after my second fanfic. I'm a rebel like that. I have also come to the conclusion that I suck at endings, which may be why I don't always finish what I start. Oh well. Please feel free to offer concrit. I'm not used to writing stuff that isn't one-on-one smut. Thanks to @neko-otaku13 for her encouragment on this!
The light had returned to Lucis – to all of Eos, for that matter. King Noctis and Lady Lunafreya, the Oracle, had passed over into the realm of much-deserved happily-ever-afterlife.
Prompto, Gladio, and Ignis, however….
Look, not even Astrals are perfect. Clerical errors happen.
“What do you mean, they’ve been reincarnated into another universe?” thundered Bahamut at the little fennec fox. “For their service, they should have been transported to the same region as King Noctis and Lady Luna!”
“I’m sure they’ll be fine; those guys always manage. Nothing to be too concerned about, but when their time is up here maybe, um, you can take a more personal interest to see that they get to the right place? I was supervising the moogles in charge of reassignment, and with the chocobos on strike there were some issues getting everyone to the office. We are lucky that there aren’t more souls floating around in Limbo!” Carbuncle looked up at the Draconian Astral, gulped nervously and said, “But of course I will supervise their next reassignment myself.”
“If they had been born into their new roles it wouldn’t be so bad,” offered Shiva, “but they have been, well, stuffed into pre-existing personas! This is a DISASTER!”
“At least they will be worshipped as gods in that realm,” put in Ramuh.
Titan sighed and poured himself another whiskey-and-soda.
Charles Offdensen pushed up his glasses and massaged the bridge of his nose. He had been going over the band’s financial statements when he was hit with the idea for a new recipe. This was odd because he didn’t cook; Jean-Pierre was more than adequate to fulfill his nutritional needs. “I must be working too hard,” he thought; when he was interrupted by another thought, this one in a more refined tone of voice: “Nonsense! It is a duty and privilege to serve one’s liege! And furthermore… One moment, where am I?”
Nathan Explosion was busy, working on the 67th of his hundred beers and putting the final touches on “Go Forth and Die”. Except… those weren’t the words he originally wrote, were they?
Trapped inside a crystal Ten long years Hiding from the world Forgotten by your peers
“Huh,” he growled, “sounds more like the plot of a video game. Well, these beers aren’t gonna drink themselves. New song idea: Self-drinking beer.”
Toki Wartooth was in his room, happily working on his model planes when a little voice in his head told him that he should see if there were any new pupper videos. Toki was okay with this, and hummed happily to himself as he flipped on YouTube. After about a half hour, the voice asked about video games, to which Toki replied, “We amsk gots a room full of video games! Is you my new friends in my heads, little voice? Is yous gots a names?” “Well,” the voice answered back, “I’m Prompto, but where am I and how did I get here?” “I don’tsk knows Promptos but let’s go play DDR! Yous is Toki’s friends now!”
Pickles noticed that there seemed to be something a little off about his manager and bandmates. Nathan was doing a lot more reading than drinking; although he still churned out songs unnaturally fast, now they were more about crystals, lost kings, and something called “chocobos”. The latter made Toki ecstatic and he would go on for hours about them. This was puzzling as Toki was known to have had an austere and abusive childhood, and whatever these “chocobos” were, Pickles was sure they weren’t native to Norway. Skwisgaar, as self-centered as he was, had mentioned that to Pickles. Sweden was practically Norway anyway, but Pickles knew if he said that, the blond guitar-slinger would retreat to his room for a week to get over his sulk with the assistance of various GMILFs. Normally that wouldn’t bother Offdensen, as he didn’t have to worry about paying for abortions or child support (Skwisgaar was SO. MUCH. CHEAPER in that regard than the rest of the band), but Pickles had noticed that Offdensen was now more prone to lecture the band about personal responsibility, hygiene, and the need to be cost-efficient. Well, he WAS their CFO, but he hadn’t minded before… Were they in financial trouble? Even countries went belly-up from time to time, and Dethklok’s income when ranked beside the GNP of other countries was at a healthy and respectable 7, so maybe…?
Pickles decided then and there to visit Charles Foster Offdensen in his office.
Murderface didn’t care. He drank another beer, belched, and scratched his belly over the “Pobody’s Nerfect” tattoo. That had been some night when he got that – too bad, he thought, that he didn’t remember it.
“Yo, Robot!” exclaimed Pickles as he burst into Offdensen’s office. “I been meanin’ to talk to you about how you’ve been acting lately and-” He came to a sudden stop as he took in Toki and Nathan already seated across from their manager, heads close together conspiratorially. “What is this? I know something has been going on, but this better not be fucking with our bread and butter here.”
“Ah, yes… Pickles…maybe it is time to explain,” came the odd cultured voice that had been emanating as of late from Offdensen. “From my observations, I believe you would have a better grasp of the situation than, say, Mr. Skwigelf or Mr. Murderface.”
“Yes, that is true,” came the more typical Offdensen voice. “Pickles does have a greater intellect than he lets on, despite the mass quantity of chemical substances he indulges with.”
Pickles was taken a bit aback and tried to recover as best he can. “This better not be some touchy-feely type of intervention, ya douchebags. Because that is so not metal.”
“Ignis”, as the cultured voice called itself, launched into an epic tale of kingdoms lost, love lost, Hell even daylight lost; lots of attacks from every angle, deep and mysterious dungeons filled with monsters and demons beyond imagination, and eventual redemption at the price of a blood sacrifice. When it came to drug-induced imaginings, no one – hands down – could come close to Pickles, which is what finally made Pickles realize that he was being told the truth. It also accounted for, he thought, a greater element of story-telling in Nathan’s lyrics recently (although he could do without the gothic romance stuff – so not metal).
The “Gladio” voice that resided in Nathan chimed in… well, more like “contra-bassooned” in - with “It’s not all bad; I think this could be fun for a bit. I’ve always liked writing poetry and I feel I am good at this songwriting. Not entirely sure what you and your resident blondie mean by “metal” but I’m sure I’ll pick it up. And women! And beer! I don’t have to stay sober and celibate all the damn time to watch over everyone else’s dumb asses!”
Toki’s resident “Prompto” piped up, “Yeah! It would be like totally cool to be rock stars! I…” and here the sunshine voice faltered and whispered, “I just wish Noct was here with us.”
The tone was so heartbreaking that even Pickles wanted to comfort Toki, much like Nathan and Offdensen were doing, even though he knew it was really the three specters within his friends that were engaged in a cuddlefest at the moment.
After a while, Pickles grew visibly uncomfortable at the snuggly intimacy before him. He cleared his throat. “Um, hey… so…like… Is there anything we can do to get you back to where you belong?”
Offdensen qua Offdensen shook himself loose from the huddle and said “Well, if Ishnifus were still with us, he would probably be able to help. I am the new High Holy Priest, but not all avenues are open to me yet. Right now, though, the only person who could possibly assist is the one person we are absolutely unable to turn to for help. Nathan, Toki – I am referring to Mr. Salacia. “
“You means the big creepy fella?” asked Toki. “The ones who tried to haves us killed?”
Nathan perked up. “Yeah, that guy is bad news. Probably at least as bad as if not worse than that Ardyn fellow you were telling us about.”
Here is where Pickles felt he could shine. “I have a better idea – Nathan, remember that tribe you are related to in South America? Honey Mangoes or something like that?”
“Yaneemango. Chief Otoe is my grandfather, but yeah, why – Oh. Yopo. That released our spirit animal forms, but – “
Here the “Ignis” voice jumped in. “What? That may be the answer. How can we best achieve this? I have noticed geography is vastly different than what we are used to, but I believe we can make it there from this Mordhaus of yours in a matter of 4 days, including stops for curatives and provisions. Prompto, Gladio, we must confer with our host bodies as it will be them bearing any physical discomfort caused by this experiment.”
Nathan qua Nathan softly growls “Close your eyes and become the animals that you once were… Yeah, I’m down for this. It was cool becoming an alligator. But we have to bring Murderface and Skwisgaar – you too, Pickles.”
“Like I would turn down a chance to be an octopus again? I could play drums and guitar at the same time.”
Ignis had no problems with traversing a rainforest. Neither did his fellow Crownsguard really; Prompto just liked to complain about his feet hurting and question if they were there yet with a whine in his voice. Quite the trouper, he was. But despite sharing hotel rooms and tents around Eos and being accustomed to the sight of each other’s bodies, at least while they had corporeal bodies, nothing could have prepared Ignis for Murderface splayed out on deck completely nude. It was a small relief that rest of the band felt the same way, since the retching noises did nothing to deter the bass player from sprawling naked on a lounge chair while reverentially whispering “Ah, freeballing”. Ignis supposed he should be grateful the man refrained from urinating over the side of the boat, after it was relayed to him by Skwisgaar how a fish called a “Candiru” managed to lodge itself in Murderface’s urethra the last time they made this journey. While Ignis respected Skwisgaar’s talent, he had a limited tolerance for the man, as aspects of his personality were too similar to Loqi Tummelt for his taste. He felt that in Charles Foster Offdensen, he found a kindred spirit. They would often have silent conversations about the importance of lighting, and what separates the good lamps from the cheap lamps.
Gladio-within-Nathan thought this was a fine adventure; very few critters were trying to kill him, and the resident large, spotted cats kept to themselves and didn’t throw lightning bolts with the wrath of Ramuh at him. He was also silently communing with Nathan, and wishing he could stay a little longer – beer, booze, women, fame, money, lack of people trying to murder you just for being associated with royalty – yeah, a guy could definitely get used to this.
Prompto liked Toki and could relate to the child-like nature of his host body; they had much in common. Animals, video games, models of aircraft (even though what Toki worked on was nothing like the aircraft Prompto was familiar with), not to mention a brutal and lonely childhood – Toki, much like Prompto himself, often exhibited a warm and cheerful exterior to hide the small, scared child inside. At least Toki had parents, but Prompto reflected that maybe having no parents was better than having parents that were outright cold and abusive. That clown, though… Prompto admitted to himself that Dr. Rockzo was on the creepy side, even for a clown; and that was saying something.
Offdensen genuinely liked and respected his spirit resident; he wished he had an army of Ignises around. He just wanted his body back with himself as the sole occupant.
Nathan thought Gladio was a bit of a tyrant with his extensive exercise regimen, but Nathan could appreciate the results in himself. For one thing, it extended the time he could go between liver transplants; for another, it gave him new perspectives and topics for writing songs. “Battle Coeurl” had gone quadruple platinum overnight! Dick Knubbler had practically came in his boxers when he heard that, and Abigail…. Nathan smiled slightly at the memory of Abigail practically dragging him to the floor for that one.
Toki was happy to have a new friend that liked the same things he did and could relate to a bad childhood. He felt sad at the prospect of losing Prompto, but he was excited to see if he would become a shamanistic bunny again.
Skwisgaar Skwigelf was completely unaware that anything had changed with either the robot or his bandmates. He continued running scales and arpeggios on his custom Thunderhorse and gloating to himself over how superior it was to Toki’s Snow Falcon. He experienced mild disappointment when Toki didn’t play “Stops Copies Me” at the gear library, something Pickles called “sporting goods store, ya douchebag – and now my blood sugar’s low again.”
Pickles was at a bit of a loss. He kind of wanted to have a spirit buddy to talk with, but at the same time he didn’t think he was ready for that kind of intimacy. He was actually pleased; he had been looking for a reason to go back down for another dose of Yopo, but it would have been awkward dropping in on his bandmate’s relatives without Nathan in tow. If he’s gonna die, might as well die high!
Murderface napped, occasionally belching and scratching himself in awkward places in his sleep. He was looking forward to being a white tiger again; as a bass player he didn’t get a lot of respect, but as a tiger? Wow! No one would dare turn a tiger down in the mix, or have the lead guitar player (that damn Skwisgaar!) record new notes over a tiger’s bass leads!
Both Offdensen and Ignis thought having hordes of Klokateers drag their boat over a mountain and through the jungle was a bit excessive, but not a single member of Dethklok showed any inclination of making the final trek under their own power. Gladio was fuming and silently berating Nathan for this lack of industry, and Prompto and Toki were too caught up in playing “I Spy” to pay attention.
They knew they had reached their destination when they found themselves surrounded by spears, which were lowered as the Yaneemango tribe recognized the faces on the mountain. Offdensen found he was able communicate their issues to the shaman, having briefly studied the tribe’s language after the last time the band ran off to experience Yopo. The shaman had recognized quickly that there were foreign spirits residing within, and agreed to perform the Yopo ceremony to attempt to free them.
“BOSS!” yelled a moogle to Carbuncle, “You gotta come here, Kupo! This realm where Noct’s entourage ended up is going to try to separate their souls, Kupo!”
Carbuncle scurried to the moogle viewing device as fast as his four furry feet could carry him. “Quick! Patch me through to Bahamut!” The communication device crackled to life. “This had better be important,” came the deep voice over the speaker. “Sir! The primitives are going to try separating their souls from their bodies! Can you please lend your assistance?”
In less than the time it took to blink an eye, Bahamut was in the control room. He didn’t feel there was anything he could do, but it would let the moogles feel as though everything was in order. He wondered for a moment if it was blasphemous on some level for an Astral to pray.
The fires were lit, the chanting had begun. The shaman blew Yopo into the faces of Dethklok and their manager/CFO/legal advisor/High Holy Priest of the Church of the Black Klok. From their bodies rose the form of a hawk (Skwisgaar), white tiger (Murderface), octopus (Pickles)… and instead of an alligator and a rabbit from Nathan and Toki, there were the ghostly figures of a mountain of a man with long dark hair, glowing amber eyes, and chiseled abs; a fluffy-headed blond with eyes like a sunny afternoon and a smattering of freckles, and drifting over from Offdensen was the figure of a tall, lean man with glowing green eyes and medium brown hair; although they could see remnants of massive scarring around his eyes, he had the most beautiful smile and he gazed peacefully back. The three linked hands, slowly dissipating into small blue glowing orbs, then a sudden flash of light as –
The moogle crew, Carbuncle, and even Bahamut were whooping it up in the control room. It was a success! Souls retrieved and Bahamut made a mental note to add a paycheck bonus for all those involved. Even himself.
The three Crownsguard found themselves abruptly in what looked like the throne room of the Citadel, before Niflheim attacked. Prompto was the first to recover, yelling “NOCT!!!!” as he barreled up the stairs and was met by a charging King Noctis, wrapping their arms around each other, swiftly followed by Ignis and Gladio. Tears were shed, and no one spoke – or could speak – for the longest time. There was no need. They were home.
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sahibookworm · 4 years
Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish that now has a new home at That Artsy Reader Girl.
It’s finally time to talk about all the books I loved and adored in 2019 and I’m already very very excited. These may not all be the ones I rated 5 stars and I may have even found some flaws in them, but they are all the books which I felt a deep connection to, have already reread (atleast some of them) and I would love to share them all with you. Because I have a huge list, I’m gonna divide based on my favorites for each month.
All of you already know how much love I have for Red, White and Royal Blue because I have been shouting about it for the past one year now, but I still can’t stop. My first favorite of 2019, it remained my top throughout the year because it’s that special.
I couldn’t believe I had waited so long to read The Song of Achilles because it’s such a well written and emotionally affecting read that I couldn’t forget it for a while. And as expected, it involved a lot of tears.
Watch Us Rise is a powerful YA contemporary with lots of commentary on white beauty standards, fatshaming, feminism and intersectionality. It had it’s issues especially regarding white feminism, but I really connected with all the other themes.
The Right Swipe is a super sexy romance featuring a powerful black woman CEO and a soft cinnamon roll ex-football player hero, while also talking about important issues like workplace sexual harassment and the longterm affects of CTE on football players. I loved Rhiannon so much as a character and can’t wait to see her again in the rest of the series.
Heated Rivalry is probably my favorite sports romance of the year and I can’t tell you enough how much I love Ilya and Shane as a couple. The development of their relationship over almost a decade is just brilliantly written and it is at times both sweet and sexy. The author said she would be writing a sequel for them soon and that sounds amazing.
The Huntress is a thrilling fictionalized story of the strength and resilience of women who fought in WWII and survived, and also those who fought years later to bring justice to the Holocaust victims, even when the world was ready to forget them all.
The worst part about Descendant of the Crane is the fact that we don’t know if it will ever get a sequel. This book has so many twists and turns and betrayals that I was on the edge of my seat for most of the time. What a debut.
I wasn’t even gonna read The Priory of the Orange Tree but once I started, I just couldn’t stop. It has an expansive world and mythology, an excellent cast of characters and a sapphic romance for the ages.
And one of my most anticipated releases of 2019, We Set the Dark on Fire is the most fiery and passionate romance of the year set in the backdrop of a revolution, and after that mind blowing cliffhanger ending, the sequel can’t come soon enough.
Good Talk is a book that left me feeling a lot of things and with many questions on my mind, because I just found it so relatable and relevant to my current life. Too real and heartfelt, maybe even painful at times, but nonetheless a very important read.
I would have never read Aru Shah and the End of Time if not for some cajoling by my dear friend Nandini, but thank god she did. Because, this book is just so much fun and the elements from the Mahabharata are perfectly captured.
Shadow of the Fox is the beginning of one of my favorite current YA fantasy series and it was such a delight to read. A sweet and lovely protagonist like Yumeko, a funny and unlikely ensemble cast and a quest full of adventures and monsters – what more could I have asked for.
The Candle and the Flame is what you would call a quiet fantasy, it doesnt have a lot of high stakes but reading it just gives an amazing feeling. And the setting of the fictional City of Noor is probably my favorite of the year. Such a charming and unforgettable debut.
A smiling fat brown girl on a cover – I was in love with There’s Something about Sweetie since the first time I saw it, and it will always have a special place in my heart.
I adore The Bone Witch trilogy but the finale The Shadow Glass is my favorite – this series has the best characters, beautiful relationships and an ending that blew my mind. A perfect trilogy…!!!
And now the perfect standalone of the year for me, Sorcery of Thorns. While I love the adorable romance and the ever mysterious demon Silas, the heart of this story is a love of books and I resonated with it very deeply. The climax fight is just perfection.
One Giant Leap is not great by any means, but it’s the sweetest romance I read last year and I just couldn’t get it out of my mind. And the setting of space travel and a delightful set of nerdy characters make for a charming story that will make you smile.
Hungry Hearts is an anthology that has all my heart – a beautiful amalgamation of food and culture and the importance of both in our lives, it’s a heartwarming read and definitely made me very hungry.
My top most anticipated release of 2019, A House of Rage and Sorrow was as explosive as I expected it to be and the roller coaster ride just amazed me. I think I raced through it in a couple of hours because I couldn’t put it down for even a second.
Jade City is a book that took it’s time but once it got a hold on me, it wouldn’t let go. I was tense through most of it and the twists and turns just killed me.
I don’t know what I was expecting from Govinda, but I didn’t expect it to just completely mesmerize me. What an imaginative retelling of my favorite epic. And hatsoff to the author for attempting this for her debut.
The Merciful Crow is definitely one of my favorite debuts of 2019, with it’s brilliant cast, fascinating world and magic system, an endearing romance and great commentary on class and oppression. I’m very eagerly waiting for The Faithless Hawk.
Three Parts Dead is a book that is pretty out of my comfort zone, but I just wanted to give it a try and it completely blew me away with the unique world building and magic system. I’m quite excited to continue with the rest of the series.
I feel like Steel Crow Saga is one of the most underrated fantasy novels of last year and it deserves so much more hype. It has an excellent ensemble of diverse characters, I loved how queernormative it was, the commentary on war and colonization is on point, and it wears it’s Asian inspiration on it’s sleeve. Love it so much.
Bringing Down the Duke was a delight to read and as someone who doesn’t know much about the suffragette movement in the UK, I loved the setting and getting to know more about the struggles the women faced who were fighting for their rights. And the romance is a lot of fun.
I never knew the whole story of the Harvey Weinstein scandal, so reading She Said which is about the investigation, the scope of it and the sheer number of courageous women who came forward to tell their stories, made me feel all kinds of things. This can be a very rage inducing read but also a very important one at the same time.
Probably one of my top favorite YA fantasies of the year, There Will Come a Darkness has excellent worldbuilding, another ensemble cast which I fell in love with and some amazing action sequences. I can’t wait to read the sequel.
Burn It Down is an anthology that really affected me, with it’s number of essays on women talking about their relationship with anger and how it has affected them during their life. I think this is a very important read and I know I will be going for it again and again.
Blowout is a fascinating read (and listen) about the Oil and Gas industry and it’s impact on global geopolitics, and I had so much fun listening to it narrated by Rachel herself. It’s very informational, can feel pretty bleak at times but still ends with a dash of hope.
While Catch and Kill is also mostly about the Harvey Weinstein investigation, it’s also a story about the intimidation tactics used by powerful people for covering up their crimes, and the lengths to which sexual harassment is covered up across major corporations. Hatsoff to Ronan for his work but also for his excellent writing style, because this one surely reads like a spy thriller.
I never thought a history book would make this list, but How to Hide an Empire is a brilliantly written book about the unknown (or deliberately misrepresented) history of the American empire which exists till today. I learnt a lot of things here and I think it should be required reading for everyone who want to know more about their country.
This is How You Lose the Time War literally has nothing going for me because it is completely out of my comfort zone, but I got lost inside the poetic beauty of this love story and had to try very hard not to cry in public. Such an imaginative book.
The Poppy War was a great debut and I really enjoyed it, but The Dragon Republic took the whole story to another level and I’m just glad that I decided to read this series. It’s absolutely brilliant and I can’t recommend it enough.
I saw Killers of the Flower Moon on a must read books of the decade list, and decided maybe I should give it a try. And what a riveting read this was. The writing itself is exceptional, but it’s the content that is almost disbelieving to read about, and I wish everyone in the country would get to know more about this bloody history of Oklahoma.
I was definitely motivated to read Blood of an Exile because of the presence of dragons, but this book turned out to be so much more. Almost two very different worlds in one, a highly unlikely group of characters coming together to form beautiful friendships and some excellent twists and turns – this became an instant favorite and I can’t wait to read Sorcery of a Queen.
A very unexpected read which wasn’t even on my radar, The Paper Menagerie and Other Stories totally blew my mind with the author’s storytelling as well the very important themes he was able to talk about within just a few words.
Are any of these your favorites too? What are some of your favorite books from last year? Let me know all your thoughts or links in the comments below…
TTT: Favorite Books of 2019 Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish that now has a new home at…
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30 Lessons I've Learned About Life (So Far):
I pretty much defied every odd against me and every stereotype
that exists about young men like me. Even though I am still
young and have much more to experience, here's what I've
learned and come to the conclusion about life (so far):
1) The older you get, the more you realize that being happy is more important than being right all the time. All those petty arguments and debates really don't mean anything, especially when you're married. Love is more important.
2) No one ever gets away with anything in life. You do reap what you sew. I learned that the hard way, and I've witnessed it happen to others.
3) Having children definitely calms your wild streak, especially if you have a little girl (God help me).
4) Best friends really do become strangers. Many of you I haven't seen in years & it does feel like its the first time meeting again, now that some of us found each other on facebook (and some of us made peace with each other). I wish you all nothing but success.
5) All the crap that use to matter in high school and college, doesn't even matter anymore. All that stuff about air jordans, dating the girls with the biggest booty, going to the "party of the year", hearing the latest rap songs, having the newest "thing" that's out, proving how "gangsta" or tough you are, etc., all of that was just a complete waste and it means nothing. Now, my main concern is taking care of my wife & kids, make sure my bills are paid, make sure there's enough groceries in the house, clock in on time at work, make sure I have gas money for the car, stay out of trouble, and staring at my stomach as it expands from too much beer and bbq. Life really changes, doesn't it?
6) No one owes you anything. You owe yourself. If you take anything handed to you, be careful who its from. At some point, if you want to be successful and not be mediocre your whole life, your gonna have to compromise on the way you speak, the way you dress, change your attitude, grow the hell up, and give nothing but 100% blood, sweat and tears.......to the one that appreciates your work because not everyone will appreciate you. Some take advantage. Others, really do mean well, but they either don't have the resources to get you to the next level or they are holding you back. Work hard, but, WORK SMART.
7) Turning away great things doesn't make you an honorable rebel or a social martyr. It makes you nieve and stupid.
8) Hip Hop/Rap music will never be the same again. Many blame the Southern Untied States. Many blame corporations. Many blame the media. Many blame white people. Many blame black people. Many blame it on violence, sex & drugs. The reality is: it has been dying a slow and hemorrhaging death since the early 2000's. Like many of you who grew up with the culture, I didn't wanna believe it myself, but the fact of the matter is, it will never be the same again. This next generation will never understand the meaning of the 5 elements or what it was like hearing songs like "it ain't hard to tell" or "planet rock" or "nuthin' but a g thang" or "the bridge is over" for the first time or how sad we all felt when Biggie Smalls & Tupac died. These memories I keep with me & reflect on the good times in my childhood. The positive of all this is at least our generation can say we were here when real hip hop meant something.
9) Technology has destroyed the human experience. As great and as convenient it is, it is draining us of our humanity. Many of us have become just as hardened and lifeless as a uncharged iPad. As great as advancements are, I am not looking forward to how it will consume our very beings within the next 15-30 years.
10) Being educated is fine, but if you have no intelligence behind it, then it means nothing. Yea, I graduated, but my thinking and my creativity were severely stifled since all the teachers and administrators at Hempstead High School only cared about passing a state exam just to graduate. That is the wrong kind of pressure to even put on a young person. The entire american education system is a nightmare. There is no "real education" that goes on there. It has become a breeding ground for psychological and social disorder.
11) Marijuana didn't (almost) ruin me. Popping pills and drinking hard liquor did. Doesn't mean I'll smoke again. Just means, now that I'm sober and have more clarity, I do see what the problem was and what wasn't the problem. I hurt me. The only thing I'm guilty of is allowing those chemicals and the wrong crowd to be a part of it. Regardless, I'm getting my mind back. I'm better than I was 10 years ago.
12) Having a positive attitude really does make a difference, even when everything around you tries to pull you down in a pit of negativity. Another lesson I learned the hard way.
13) After many relationships, an exhausting amount of research and trial & error life experiences, I have realized that every so-called "-ism" and social rule in life, is all complete bullsh-t!
14) Racism is still alive and well throughout the world. It is to the point now, that its not even a lifestyle here in the United States. Now, its a sickness. There is a cure for that: GET OVER IT! You don't like different races for whatever retarded reason, go swallow a can of paint thinner & light your mouth on fire!
15) Be careful who you allow into your circle. Not everyone in the world is your friend. You're murderers come with smiles. Another lesson I learned the hard way.
16) I use to think Superman was invincible. Then, he got Lois Lane pregnant. 'Nuff said.
17) Be careful how you treat others. One hand really does wash the other.
18) I have no problem with spirituality. I believe in God. I go to church, not because "my pastor" tells me I'm obligated to go. I go for me. I understand why a Christian is a Christian. I understand why a Muslim is a Muslim. I understand why a Jew is a Jew. I understand why an Atheist is an Atheist. I understand why a Buddhist is a Buddhist. I understand why you believe or don't believe. I respect. However, one thing I cannot get or understand is why is a satanist a satanist. So, you mean to tell me you want to worship a demonic god that wants to kill you? Ummm, yea. Can't co-sign that. You may not agree, but it is what it is.
19) With every generation, hoodrats keep getting worse and worse. God help us all.
20) Now that I'm older, I am sorry for the wild and bad things that I did as a kid...but, I regret nothing. I learned from it.
21) Getting your driver's license is one of the most overrated life experiences ever. Yay me! I got a freakin' ID and can drive anything that moves. Yeah, well no one warned me about how expensive car insurance is or about road rage or how to properly buy a car with out getting ripped of. THANKS FOR THE FAIR WARNING, JERKS!
22) I really wish I could go back and do 21 all over again. I really messed that age up. Oh well, you live and you learn. Moving on.
23) The internet use to be the greatest form of information. Now, its just another form of entertainment that makes stupid people famous.
24) Anything is possible. Whether its sensationalized, rumor, or fact, in between the lines you will find a slim margin of truth. Never rule out anything. If there's one thing this world & this country has taught me is that, given enough power, money, passion or the right circumstance, anyone is capable of anything.
25) The U.S. government really is full of crap! I can't understand some of you who still insist on going thru life either as a conservative republican or a liberal democrat. They both have the same agenda & both of them DO NOT care about you, no matter who you vote for. WAKE UP!
26) This is for the single men: Being a simp is not how you get females to like you. If you go around, putting the wrong type of female on a pedestal, get your feelings and manhood destroyed then wonder why you're so stressed and gotta pay thousands of dollars in child support, then far as I'm concerned, you deserve what you allow. Another lesson in life I've witnessed happen to young men who didn't know any better.
27) Bacon is the greatest comfort food ever!
28) Wearing a suit and a smile goes a lot further that sagging jeans, over-sized shirt, gold fronts, and a mean mug. Another lesson I learned the hard way.
29) Ghettos are the same no matter where you go. Doesn't matter if its the projects, the barrio, the trailer park, we all share the same struggle.
30) Life is too short to be bitter, unforgiving and angry all the time. Enjoy your time here on Earth, because no one gets out alive.
                            -Mikey Valdez
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linksweb23-blog · 7 years
19 7 Top Blog Design Tips
7 Top Blog Design Tips Lucky you, is someone ever thought to you prefer that? I think you are doing, once you winning lottery tickets, or married with beautiful woman or drive expensive car in addition, it could be when you got promotion. While I?m surfing in other blogs and also this question visit my head, do I need to be lucky in blogging? Or lucky never play a role in blogging area it?s just depend on our how hard we promote our blog. Is there any your pals declared that you're lucky blogger when you have succeeded in blogging area? It is a win win situation for both the site owner and also the writer who visitor post. The site owner offer an quick time for you to add content material for his website that are rather frustrating and takes a great deal of effort. While visitor posts benefits through the traffic that this website gets. The visitor writer gets the privilege to insert his webpages link into his write-up and also have the vital back links. Once you know how to write article posts designed to use SEO, you will note big most current listings for yourself. Posting as being a guest writer on another person's blog is an excellent method to drive targeted visitors for your site. You can leverage other sites' traffic by writing a guest post on their behalf. To ensure that the visitors are relevant to your site, ensure you only post on blogs inside same niche. Now it is time for you to narrow your jot down quite a bit. Remove blog topics that have lots of other blogs of the identical topic posted on the Internet. Too many blogs of the topic can thin out readers because there are many to select from. Of the remaining topics you've listed, take into account the content that you will post associated with that topic. Pick a topic or two that you're confident it is possible to consistently post content to and supply readers with something new and fresh to see on your blog. (more info) Let me say this another way because for far so many people blogs are an unbridled (and correspondingly horrifying) overabundance vanity, self-gratification, arrogance, as well as an avalanche of incredibly boring stuff and Things You Don't Want To Know. Yes, way too many smart people make use of them being a cheap way of venting and therapy. There are many uses of blogging. In most cases, blogging can be used social means alone, but you may also takes place blogs for advertising. If you own a company, either online or off line, you may make use of blogs to promote your merchandise. The use of blogging in business is more popular because it can establish the credibility of a company and promote brand name recognition. The new Web 2.0 includes a blog. This allows users to activate boost pages with personal comments as frequently as they demand. A Dallas SEO company can assist you make it appear to be a journal or an additional page. Blogs make users sense that they are an element of your web site too when they can add their very own ideas. Dallas web page design will help you include a personal blog or even a business blog. Recognizing their growing popularity with internet viewers many bloggers took to use their platforms as a way to more actively promote for the profit. The ability to passively advertise to loyal readers while still supplying them the useful content they've come to expect has been shown to be an effective promotional marketing approach. 1. Before you produce a blog, it is best to set certain goals and concentrate on what approach you wish to make. Is writing simply a hobby and you just wish to write blogs to coach people and still provide components of useful information? Do you would like to blog as being a kind of marketing device for the product you imagine directly into convince others? Or have you been looking to establish blogging for the money career as you go along? Having these because your objective will clear your mind, leading one to a less strenuous method to create a blog.(more info) Another type is pretty unusual as with pay per post blogging you will get paid for the number of articles you're writing regarding a product. There are many companies available in the market who would need the assistance of writers. Hence giving the services you receive to will enable you to get money for each and every post of yours. Some companies may give the writer a particular number of the income or they could give you a flat price for every piece that you're posting. Aside from being forced to have a very blog in the first place blogging for the money is definitely pretty easy. If you love to publish you can create a considerable coping with your site. There are a few tips to concentrate on when thinking about the potential for blogging for money, reduce costs is diversity. It is difficult to make a good amount of cash frequently which has a blog in the event you only employ one solution of monetization. Anyone, regardless of what her or his technical ability is, can readily create and build a blog in no time. New bloggers may use web publishing tools that assisted in the development of your blog post by making use of blog templates. Blogs might be hosted on your site hosting website that is focused on hosting blogs. Hosting a blog on your site hosting website costs hardly any money at all and is also usually ready to accept anyone whatever the theme of his / her blog is. What takes one of the most effort is arriving track of content to publish to your blog with a regular basis. Whilst writing your blog will be getting popular, specially as more individuals are studying how to earn more off their blog. What is a lot more difficult is really picking out excellent articles once more and also again. The key to creating a productive weblog will be to have the ability to provide price which suggests your audience return to your website once again and also again. You must be driving traffic in your website therefore by giving beneficial content material that's appealing for your niche may help you push traffic. Even though this alone should be a good enough reason to require to build up an automated blog empire, the very fact from the matter is actually you will discover further benefits which you'll want to obtain in that way. Every single automated blog which you build is essentially gonna be a customers magnet and drive several viewers with it. These particular viewers are then channeled towards your moneymaking website - but there are additional items that you can employ this traffic at as well. (more info) Blogs are fairly informal therefore do not require someone to be considered a writer to be described as a blogger. Bloggers often tend to blog as a way to share their interest over a particular subject or theme and just get enjoyment by doing so. Video blogging is yet another manner in which people can blog and never have to write whatsoever. Video bloggers just take time it has to discuss their topic for the day, record it, and post it with their blog. Video is also utilized by text bloggers in an effort to enhance a reader's experience. Lucky you, is someone ever thought to you want that? I think one does, whenever you winning lottery tickets, or married with beautiful woman or drive expensive car it also can be when you got promotion. While I?m surfing in other blogs and this question come to my head, do I need to be lucky in blogging? Or lucky never play a role in blogging area it?s just depend on our how hard we promote our blog. Is there any your friends asserted you're lucky blogger when you have succeeded in blogging area? Though intellectual debate may never cease on the reasons why it is really an exclusive entity, it should be admitted that distinct English for business people do exist. It may seem exclusive as the rest with the world doesn't have it or understand it. However, it could be wrong to consentrate that the business English blog serves the requirements just those who belong to the corporate world. These blogs are of help to everyone seeking to hone their English communication skills. They are the site of posts, discussions as well as other exchange over new terms, sticky grammar issues and related topics. You could grab info on anything from college admissions to IELTS and TOEFL examinations. When English Is Your Second Language For those who speak English being a second language, an enterprise English blog can ease lots of communication trouble. You could take everyday grammar lessons at these blogs and learn new vocabulary. Not just that, your site can facilitate constant engagement with and employ in the new terms learnt. Putting words into pictures in the readers system is an art. an obvious and crisp depiction takes a definite aptitude that only creativity offer. Similes and metaphors help lots, though the way a chunk gets entwined word for word, sentence by sentence then paragraph by paragraph into a full article develops the essence of the article. If you have got a well established online business you can another auto to communicate your message and pass facts about for your clients. Because blogs repeatedly have new content they're indexed regularly through the search engines like yahoo. It is an alternate way to get the name plus your products out in the search results space. You may use your blog post to aim towards additional keywords. (more info) Make sure that the topic you choose is a thing that will interest others at the same time. What it is possible to do is check out a site called or because they are great websites to locate what people are discussing unless you think about anything. Don't worry, you'll be able to write about anything. I know your blog post owner who's a huge number of readers and so they come up with bicycles. There are many people who do blog to keep things interesting however it is also becoming a extremely popular approach to make a living online. The blogging business is really starting to boom because it is a remarkably easy type of business to possess. Here are some tips that will assist you to acquire your blogging business working. Many individuals who run image blogs are photographers by trade, but photo blogging is likewise respected among hobbyists and amateur shutterbugs. To be sure, quite a lot of probably the most well-liked photo blogs have gained attention as the pictures on them are in the highest artistic caliber, along with a number of individuals who run these striking blogs are graduates of prestigious art schools and still have impressive professional portfolios. However, a few of probably the most famous and quite a few often visited photo blogs are as notable for their concepts as for the pictures themselves. Certain photo blogs, such as the popular "Cute Overload" which features picture after picture of adorable animals, are definitely more relating to the thematic content from the pictures than they are concerning the style when the snapshots are taken. Having a blog design solution that is certainly practical and personable is certainly one section of the website marketing arsenal for all site owners. Indeed, any successful online business employs conditions blog. Craigslist is but one such place the place where a blog design solution really works to direct designated people to your site. The popular social site was created by the person (yes, his real name is Craig) who sought to provide a party place on the web for everyone who seeks to discover well matched friends and acquaintances of varied interests. By having no less than one or even more entries daily in your blog, Craigslist members who have an interest in your website will flock to your business in countless volumes. Blogging at similar sites like MySpace and Facebook offer similar advantages. Blogs can be a channel for other bloggers in promoting their businesses also. When other bloggers leave a touch upon your blog they are going to take their own small business or site under comment section. However, it doesn't scare away potential customers because you can go to the blog of the competitors and perform the same. (more info) 1) Keep a diary or perhaps a journal together with you mostly. ideas is triggered by everything else you may hear, see, or smell. Your senses are your radar to discover nice ideas. Write all of them into a journal whilst it with you for future reference. you may additionally note down something that you just have scan or heard, someone's ideas can be used to develop your personal ideas which is not stealing. be aware that concepts and creativity will return everywhere; oahu is the progression of the idea that produces it unique. Blog posting serves two crucial roles insofar since it is not merely likely to attract new website visitors but in addition have them continually returning. All popular blogs have a very important factor in accordance that is certainly they keep your blog reader happy with fresh and frequent updates. This may look like looking to be for the 'top of one's game' 24/7 but there is indeed a method to handily keep your blog entries interesting and fresh! Nobody said using a successful blog was easy but it's also significantly less overwhelming as it can certainly seem. Added to writing good content on your blog English and subject wise you need to to be a good 'visitor'. You have to regularly read other blogs in addition to bring about them when it comes to comments. This not only enables you to build network to bloggers just about all offers you a concept of the 'thought process' behind the reader/visitor of your blog. Fortunately, I didn?t steer clear as I saw difficult, with an opportunity, looking at me. Having blogged on other people?s sites, I felt that if I could blog there, I could blog anywhere, including by myself blogs. Taking a look at my options, I decided to download WordPress and I now run two blogs from two separate sites. There are various free websites that can do your pinging for you personally however the most well-liked must be and . Each accomplish exactly the same duties so solely select one which means you do not 'double ping' which the major search engines like google usually do not like. It really is as elementary as entering your blog post URL and name, checking all of the general pinging services and pressing go. Then your site will likely be broadcast to say that you have just made some new posts knowning that people should check it out. (more info) Just imagine if you have hundred or so blogs and made a decision to commence to build a list. Simply putting an opt-in form on each blog, you'll simply create your list amazingly quickly! Actually, you get an identical affect for what you may need to promote, maybe it's a CPA offer, affiliate item, or possibly your personal product. End through the day, single thing you'll want to make certain is always that your entire blogs are structured across the same niche (at least between a prevalent bigger niche!).
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