#I will give you one hundred Australian dollars
mctreeleth · 1 year
An original copy of the sewing pattern at the top of my most-wanted list has been listed on eBay and it's about $80 including international shipping which is a price I am willing to pay but it is size 8 and I can really only grade one or two sizes in either direction and I wear a 14 vintage but they only show up a couple of times a year so I don't know if or when I will get another shot at it...
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By John Pilger
In 1935, the Congress of American Writers was held in New York City, followed by another two years later. They called on “the hundreds of poets, novelists, dramatists, critics, short story writers and journalists” to discuss the “rapid crumbling of capitalism” and the beckoning of another war. They were electric events which, according to one account, were attended by 3,500 members of the public with more than a thousand turned away. 
Arthur Miller, Myra Page, Lillian Hellman, Dashiell Hammett warned that fascism was rising, often disguised, and the responsibility lay with writers and journalists to speak out. Telegrams of support from Thomas Mann, John Steinbeck, Ernest Hemingway, C Day Lewis, Upton Sinclair and Albert Einstein were read out. 
The journalist and novelist Martha Gellhorn spoke up for the homeless and unemployed, and “all of us under the shadow of violent great power.” 
Martha, who became a close friend, told me later over her customary glass of Famous Grouse and soda:
Her words echo across the silences today: they are silences filled with a consensus of propaganda that contaminates almost everything we read, see and hear.  Let me give you one example: 
On March 7, the two oldest newspapers in Australia, the Sydney Morning Herald and The Age, published several pages on “the looming threat” of China. They coloured the Pacific Ocean red. Chinese eyes were martial, on the march and menacing. The Yellow Peril was about to fall down as if by the weight of gravity.
No logical reason was given for an attack on Australia by China. A “panel of experts” presented no credible evidence: one of them is a former director of the Australian Strategic Policy Institute, a front for the Defence Department in Canberra, the Pentagon in Washington, the governments of Britain, Japan and Taiwan and the West’s war industry.
“Beijing could strike within three years,” they warned. “We are not ready.” Billions of dollars are to be spent on American nuclear submarines, but that, it seems, is not enough.”‘Australia’s holiday from history is over”: whatever that might mean. 
There is no threat to Australia, none. The faraway “lucky” country has no enemies, least of all China, its largest trading partner. Yet China-bashing that draws on Australia’s long history of racism towards Asia has become something of a sport for the self-ordained “experts.” What do Chinese-Australians make of this? Many are confused and fearful. 
The authors of this grotesque piece of dog-whistling and obsequiousness to American power are Peter Hartcher and Matthew Knott, “national security reporters” I think they are called. I remember Hartcher from his Israeli government-paid jaunts. The other one, Knott, is a mouthpiece for the suits in Canberra.  Neither has ever seen a war zone and its extremes of human degradation and suffering.  
“How did it come to this?” Martha Gellhorn would say if she were here. “Where on earth are the voices saying no? Where is the comradeship?” 
Post-Modernism in Charge
The voices are heard in the samizdat of this website and others. In literature, the likes of John Steinbeck, Carson McCullers, George Orwell are obsolete. Post-modernism is in charge now. Liberalism has pulled up its political ladder. A once somnolent social democracy, Australia, has enacted a web of new laws protecting secretive, authoritarian power and preventing the right to know. Whistleblowers are outlaws, to be tried in secret. An especially sinister law bans “foreign interference” by those who work for foreign companies. What does this mean? 
Democracy is notional now; there is the all-powerful elite of the corporation merged with the state and the demands of “identity.” American admirals are paid thousands of dollars a day by the Australian tax payer for “advice.” Right across the West, our political imagination has been pacified by PR and distracted by the intrigues of corrupt, ultra low-rent politicians: a Boris Johnson or a Donald Trump or a Sleepy Joe or a Volodymyr Zelensky. 
No writers’ congress in 2023 worries about “crumbling capitalism” and the lethal provocations of “our” leaders. The most infamous of these, Tony Blair, a prima facie criminal under the Nuremberg Standard, is free and rich. Julian Assange, who dared journalists to prove their readers had a right to know, is in his second decade of incarceration.
The rise of fascism in Europe is uncontroversial. Or “neo-Nazism” or “extreme nationalism,” as you prefer. Ukraine as modern Europe’s fascist beehive has seen the re-emergence of the cult of Stepan Bandera, the passionate anti-Semite and mass murderer who lauded Hitler’s “Jewish policy,” which left 1.5 million Ukrainian Jews slaughtered. “We will lay your heads at Hitler’s feet,” a Banderist pamphlet proclaimed to Ukrainian Jews. 
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lindsaystravelblogs3 · 10 months
Day 70 – Wednesday, 2 August - Gallipoli
We had a really great day today - far better than I expected.  I am not a big fan of war and war memorials and all the jingoism that goes with that, but we did a tour of Gallipoli and I found it an unexpectedly moving day.
We were picked up at 6:15 am for our four-and-a-half hour drive to ANZAC Cove.  It is about 320 kms from Istanbul, starting with a couple of hours of stop-start peak hour traffic, followed by about the same amount of time, (often) driving at a hundred kilometres per hour above the speed limit.  The Turks seem to think that all the speed restriction signs are misprints, with the leading ‘1’ having been omitted - except those that already have the leading 1, in which case they imagine that the 1 should be a 2.   They have lots of other vision issues too - like all the GURs (Stop signs) painted in red octagons.  They seem to read them as ‘SLOW - 100’.  And they usually only go one way in One Way streets too – whichever way they want to go.  Surprisingly, their interaction with pedestrians is much less consistent.  Sometimes, it is a race to run the red light, with an average of about twenty seconds after the light turns red that some think they should slow down - unless there are real pedestrians on the crosswalk, which is a trigger to plant the foot a little harder.  But at other times, a pedestrian might be approaching an arterial road, when one of the thousands of vehicles will stop on the middle of the road to let them cross (even if they didn’t intend to) - and can you imagine the chaos that creates behind them?  Notwithstanding, traffic flows a lot better here than in Australia and it doesn’t seem to be a big deal for drivers - just an occasional toot, but nothing even approaching road rage.
But I diverge…….  Once free of the city, the country opens out into huge areas of cultivation - much of it being sunflowers.  I wonder how many we saw - certainly many billions, perhaps even trillions - kilometre after kilometre after kilometre for hundreds of kilometres. We were also driving fairly close to the ocean by now, and we had some good  views of the Dardanelles, with quite a few tankers and other cargo ships making their way both north and south.
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One of many thousands of Sunflower paddocks.
We stopped for a restroom break at 10:30 and by 11:30, we were eating lunch a few kilometres further down the road.  We thought breakfast was included but we had to buy our own.  We both ordered gozlemes - one vegetarian, and one with meat.  We were served two vegetarian ones and decided not to mention it - they were close to the same price anyway.  We were just about to eat the last piece when they came running up, full of apologies, but we said everything was good and we didn’t want any more.  Needless to say, within a couple of minutes, another whole plate arrived brimming with meat ones.  We managed to eat one piece each and tried to give the rest away - but no, the little lady came back with a box and wrapping, and sent us away with a full doggy box. 
Lunch was also more than we could eat and we got slightly dudded when we paid for our drinks that were not included.  They only take Turkish lira and we didn’t have enough.  Not to worry - we had some US dollars.   They did what seems common practice here.  They convert the bill in lira to euros and round it up – with a conversion rate that is just a bit in their favour.   Then they convert the euros to dollars and round it up again - a bit more in their favour.  So our almost $AU9 drinks cost us $AU13 - but maybe they need it more than we do.
Te real tour started from there.  Back on the bus, we drove to most of the sights at Gallipoli.  We had a really excellent guide – a Turk who only does tours for English speakers.  I thought his comments were very fair, but I suspected a slight undertone of contempt for his own country’s efforts.
We went to all three of the Australian landing points – all within about a kilometre – and were regaled with many heartbreaking stories of incidents that occurred over the nine months our Diggers were there.  And because our soldiers (and theirs) were tunnelling under the enemy lines for much of the campaign, our men got the nickname of Diggers – I never knew how they got the name before.
We heard about various landmarks: the most notable was probably the Sphinx – our Diggers had been fighting in Egypt before Gallipoli and a rocky bluff near their attack point reminded them of the Egyptian sphinx.  I learned a lot about the whole campaign that day, much of it pretty heart-tugging.  It made me even more disgusted than ever with the Brits who threw the ANZACs in, essentially to divert attention and make their (and the French) planned landing easier and safer a few kilometres south of ANZAC Cove.  (Churchill wasn’t called Churchill the Butcher for nothing!)  They had sailed their big fleet up the Dardanelle Strait a few days earlier, thinking they could just take over Istanbul and the whole of Greece without a fight – and lost more than half the entire fleet because the Turks had mined the narrowest point.  How stupid could Churchill be, imagining that the Brits could do as they liked without any risk from the Turks?  So he decided to sacrifice the ANZACs to avoid a further disappointment with the British landing – that he suffered anyway.  The ANZACS were loaded into landing craft eight miles out to sea with the expectation that they would row in, but Churchill thought our boys would be too tired to fight after all that work - so the Brits towed the craft in to where they were still well out of range of enemy fire and cast them loose to row the rest of the way, while the Brits scurried away out of harm's way.
I also learned that on the very first day, the Australian forces got to within a couple of hundred metres of their high-point target before the Turks regrouped and pushed them right back to the shore where they had landed.  The Kiwis did reach their target, but only held it a couple of days before being pushed back to the beach too.  Ataturk was a great General and did almost everything right. The whole campaign could well have been over with an Allied victory on the very first day if the British officers had just thougt a little more carefully about their strategy.
We went to the Lone Pine cemetery where lots of Aussies are buried – in unmarked graves, but with commemorative plaques indicating who were thought to be there.  Lone Pine has a single thirty-year-old pine tree.  The original one was destroyed but some seeds were returned to Australia and new generations of trees were grown from it and a new tree planted there in the nineties.
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The current Lone Pine and a typical gravestone identifying those believed to be buried in the Lone Pine cemetery.
We were shown where the respective front lines were at either end of the cemetery - a complete stalemate for months, despite a couple of temporary successful forays and setbacks during the time.  We were also shown some of the trenches the soldiers dug and lived in – about twenty metres apart in that area, but in some places, as close as eight metres – and tunnelling and booby-trapping under the enemies’ lines was common on both sides. 
But all was not violence and hatred.  There was once a half-day truce between the two armies in the area, during which soldiers of both sides helped each other remove the dead and wounded from no-man’s land – and then retreated to the trenches and started shooting at each other again.  And there were plenty of stories of soldiers throwing things to each other (apart from grenades) – at least cigarettes and the makings.  The Turks had tobacco, but no papers, and the Aussies had papers, but no tobacco, so they would throw packages of each across the lines to each other.
We also visited the New Zealand and Turkish Memorials.  Both were a little overshadowed by giant statues of Ataturk (Kemal Mustafa Ataturk, as our guide invariably referred to him), but there is no denying that he was a massive influence in the Turkish war and is rightly regarded as the Father of Modern Turkey.
Maybe the most compelling emotion I experienced on the day was fury at the very concept of war – and that campaign in particular.  Many of the decision-makers (the officers, and especially the top brass) were utter morons, making stupid decisions that cost many hundreds of lives on both sides – and all for what?  It was a pointless scrap over a pointless scrap of land that produced no positive outcome anyway.  The Poms and Aussie officers were probably the worst, but we never heard much detail from the other side – although their decisions must have been somewhat better because the Allies never beat them at anything.  The Battle of the Neck was perhaps the most stupid series of mistakes, bad timing and absurd decisions of any – but maybe too difficult to describe here.  Six hundred Australians killed in less than an hour with no Turkish casualties due to ridiculous decisions by a Pommy Commander.  He threw us in in four waves of 150 each, when he imagined that the reports he was given after each wave must have been in error.  At least he was sacked and kicked out of the Army after an Enquiry - but far too late.
There were also stories of great valour and secret victories. Perhaps the one that inspired me most was during the withdrawal of the entire ANZAC force without a single casualty, because they set up automatic firing guns, cut-out figures, and other decoys to make the Turks think we were still there.
Overall, what a waste of human lives and resources for nothing.  War is Hell for the participants (but not the Generals), as much as it is Hell for those left behind to wait and mourn.  But worse still is that nobody has ever learned how pointless their silly games really are.  Our trip this year has reinforced this as constant over the millennia – mighty powers have risen up, fought horrific wars, and created empires, but not one of them has survived for more than a few hundred years at best.
The area is now very peaceful but the horror of war and the folly of the warmakers is really 'in one’s face' when one is put so close to the reality of what it must have been like for the soldiers on the ground.  They were there in 40-odd degree heat in the summer and still there, quite a few literally freezing to death in the winter, all fighting nobly to protect someone else’s ego.  I was profoundly affected on the day and hold the ANZACs and the Turks in greater respect as a result.  The Turks were in almost exactly the same situation as the Allies and they hold us in deep respect as much as we hold them in respect.  I was talking with our guide as I was getting on the bus to return to Istanbul and said I felt like hugging a Turk – and he was more than happy to reciprocate – it was a very touching moment.
It was just as far back to Istanbul as it was to get to Gallipoli and it was about 9.30 before we arrived back at our hotel.  Neither of us felt like eating much so we made do with what we had in the fridge and crashed into bed after a long but very satisfying, if disturbing, day.
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The Trouble With Psychiatry
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Would you be surprised if I told you that capitalism has created the medicalisation of normal life? Indeed, it has been so successful that almost 1 in 5 adults in the UK are taking an antidepressant medication. The trouble with psychiatry is that there is little proof for the efficacy of antidepressant medication. “The number of antidepressants prescribed in England rose by 5.1% in 2021/2022 compared with the previous year — the sixth annual increase in a row. The latest increase means that the number of antidepressant items prescribed over the past six years has increased by 34.8%, from 61.9 million items in 2015/2016 to 83.4 million items in 2021/2022. Figures published by NHS Business Services Authority (BSA) also showed an increase in the number of people prescribed antidepressants from 7.87 million people in 2020/2021 to 8.32 million people in 2021/2022. According to the latest population estimates from the 2021 Census, published on 28 June 2022, this suggests 14.7% of the population in England — which totals 56.5 million people — received at least one prescription item for antidepressant drugs in 2021/2022.” - (https://pharmaceutical-journal.com/article/news/antidepressant-prescribing-increases-by-35-in-six-years) In Australia, 4.5 million patients were prescribed medication for a mental health related condition in 2020-21.  73.1% of these were for antidepressants. This is 1 in 5 Australian adults taking a pharmacological medication for mental health and these are antidepressants in most cases. (https://www.aihw.gov.au/reports/australias-health/profile-of-australias-population) In the United States, 83.4 million prescriptions for antidepressants were filled in 2021-22. This was increase of 34.8% over the past 6 years.
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Photo by Daniel Reche on Pexels.com
Psychiatry & Pharmacology
by Robert Sudha Hamilton In all of these figures you get the idea that we are talking about a lot of human beings and a lot of antidepressant medication. The selective use of studies and certain parts of these studies by pharmaceutical manufacturers in promoting their drugs is quite astounding. The truth is that placebos are shown to be just as effective in many studies, indeed, more effective in some tests. The results of these negative studies are not, however, backed by a sector worth hundreds of billions of dollars annually and therefore rarely see the light of day. Negative research results of drugs are buried and do not get published.  The medical journals are complicit in this sleight of hand by their willingness to publish such a biased selection of research results. “Many medical journals have a substantial income from pharmaceutical companies from the purchasing of advertising and reprints and the sponsoring of supplements. Is this funding corrupting journals? Free newspapers for doctors depend completely on income from pharmaceutical advertising, but many journals also depend heavily on such advertising. The advertising is often misleading. Editorial coverage is much more valuable to drug companies than advertising, and scientific studies can be manipulated in many ways to give results favourable to companies. Many medical journals have a substantial income from supplements and reprints paid for by drug companies”. - (Richard Smith, BMJ editor, 2003) - (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1126057/) The pharmaceutical industry has medicalised ordinary life by encouraging doctors and psychiatrists to prescribe chemical solutions for quite normal human states of being. This sector has infiltrated every part of the medical establishment by funding individuals and institutions in return for their tacit compliance in promoting these drugs. Government agencies have sat back and done nothing, as the incredible growth of big pharma has overwhelmed every layer from diagnosis to the dispensing of pharmacological medications. Monitoring bodies and inspectors have been overcome through the flood of money generated by a business worth hundreds of billions of dollars annually.
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Photo by cottonbro studio on Pexels.com
Psychiatry Turning Normal Life Into The Abnormal
Children are now being prescribed these pharmacological medications, as the once natural stage of growing pains is subsumed by a medical diagnosis and chemical solutions. Once you have a profit driven business at the heart of the medical establishment shareholders quickly become more important than patients. The drug companies generously endower those making the diagnostic decisions in psychiatry. The DSM-5 is the diagnostic bible for psychiatrists and mental health practitioners in the Western world. “The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition, Text Revision (DSM-5-TR) features the most current text updates based on scientific literature with contributions from more than 200 subject matter experts. The revised version includes a new diagnosis (prolonged grief disorder), clarifying modifications to the criteria sets for more than 70 disorders, addition of International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-10-CM) symptom codes for suicidal behavior and nonsuicidal self-injury, and updates to descriptive text for most disorders based on extensive review of the literature. In addition, DSM-5-TR includes a comprehensive review of the impact of racism and discrimination on the diagnosis and manifestations of mental disorders. The manual will help clinicians and researchers define and classify mental disorders, which can improve diagnoses, treatment, and research.” - (https://www.psychiatry.org/psychiatrists/practice/dsm) The organisation behind this diagnostic manual is deeply entwined through financial relationships with big pharma. Sponsorship of individuals and institutions is rife throughout psychiatry and there is little transparency about this. Dr James Davies, a medical anthropologist, has written extensively on the origins of the DSM and the problems apparent within the psychiatry sector. Psychiatry Makes Up Mental Disorders Listed in DSM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6JPgpasgueQ He states, that psychiatry has reclassified the normal as abnormal. The number of disorders in the DSM has more than tripled from some 100 to more than 300 plus in a couple of decades, which is the fastest expansion of medical disorders ever seen. These disorders do not have neurobiological causes in the main. Only a few conditions are recognised as having organic pathological roots. The vast majority do not have known biological causes and are therefore defined on the recommendations of a small coterie of psychiatrists. There is no scientific proof for these agreed upon mental disorder classifications in the DSM. There is very little scientific research underpinning the diagnostic labels listed in the highly influential diagnostic tool the DSM. It is important to understand the model that has been established by psychiatry in America, Australia, and the UK. Psychiatrists at the top of their hierarchical tree, who are generously funded by the drug companies that make these pharmacological medications, decide on the recognised disorders, which go into the DSM. The studies into the efficacy of the drugs like SSRI antidepressants are funded by the drug companies. The academic researchers  leading these studies have their careers endowered by big pharma and without this funding would struggle in obscurity. The medical journals that publish the results of this research are heavily dependent upon the advertising and sponsorship from the drug companies. The material published is very selective, with only positive sounding excerpts from studies supporting these drugs getting published in the main. These published results are heavily promoted by big pharma to doctors, pharmacists, and psychiatrists via their sales representatives. They will buy up large volumes of the journals to distribute to prospective clients, this is another vital revenue stream for the publishers of the medical journals. The DSM is also bought up by the drug companies in large volumes for distribution to psychiatrists and medical practitioners. How The Game of Psychiatry is Played You can see how the game is set with the disorders defined by a select coterie of psychiatrists and this goes into a diagnostic bible for the entire profession. Then, the treatment for such disorders are provided by the drug companies and the scientific proof of the efficacy of these drugs are conducted by academic researchers. The testing and studies are funded by the drug companies. The respected medical journals, which carry the research, are funded by these pharmacological giants. The material is distributed by the sales teams of the drug companies to the frontline medical fraternity. Step 1. Create the problem. Step 2. Come up with an antidote for the problem. Step 3. Provide scientific proof. Step 4. Control the carrier of this proof. Step 5. Distribute this material to doctors & retailers.
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Photo by Oleg Karsakóv on Pexels.com Chemical Solutions & Chemical Restraint Chemical solutions are taking over the world. Chemical restraint is being used in the institutions which house the mentally ill. Chemical restraint is being widely employed in aged care facilities. Chemical restraint is used in the disability sector, with the intellectually disabled being controlled in this manner when required. “In Australia, psychotropic medication to manage challenging behaviour (CB) in adults with intellectual disability (ID) in the absence of diagnosed mental illness is conceptualized as ‘chemical restraint’ (CR).” - (chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://disability.royalcommission.gov.au/system/files/2020-09/EXP.0040.0003.0001.pdf ) The argument will be voiced that this is used as a measure of last resort. but in actual fact, economic considerations driving understaffing makes chemical restraint a far more prevalent policy in institutions around the globe. Out of sight is out of mind of the general populace. Many of these individuals are traditionally put in the too hard basket by our societies and governments. Unless we have a relative or loved one being treated in this way most of us are indifferent to the plight of these sections of our populations.
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Photo by Alexander Grey on Pexels.com The disorders created by psychiatry are labelled thus on cultural determinants and not scientific ones. Homosexuality up until the 1970s was a defined mental disorder in the DSM. “In 1973, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) removed the diagnosis of “homosexuality” from the second edition of its Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM). This resulted after comparing competing theories, those that pathologized homosexuality and those that viewed it as normal. In an effort to explain how that decision came about, this paper reviews some historical scientific theories and arguments that first led to the placement of homosexuality in DSM-I and DSM-II as well as alternative theories that eventually led to its removal from DSM III and subsequent editions of the manual. The paper concludes with a discussion of the sociocultural aftermath of that 1973 decision.” - (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4695779/) The trouble with psychiatry is that it operates in a pseudo-scientific realm and always has. The credibility and respect it has achieved over the last couple of decades has been done on the back of drug company money. Hundreds of millions of dollars have bought academic departments at universities and their funded research has burnished the reputations of psychiatrists and their profession. The medical establishment and mental health institutions have been massaged and moulded by vast amounts of funding. Global big pharma is currently adjudged as being worth some $1.48 trillion.  The complete framework surrounding the profession of psychiatry has been paid for by the pharmaceutical corporations over decades. Globally big pharma spends around $38 billion on advertising per year, as of 2022. “Big pharma spends more money on advertising for drugs that have lower health benefits for patients, according to a study published in JAMA on Tuesday, shedding new light on the almost uniquely American practice amid fierce debate over whether direct-to-consumer prescription drug ads should be banned.” - (Robert Hart, Forbes Business, 7 Feb 2023) You have to realise that when such a large monetary force is actively promoting pharmacological solutions for every human condition experienced as difficult and/or painful, then the frightening increases we are witnessing in the prescribing of antidepressants is logical. No one is meeting this force with any effective checking. Government agencies are outspent by 1 000 to 1 or more every single day. Doctors and health professionals are inundated with positive affirmations, gifts, and manipulated published evidence purporting to be scientific proof regarding the efficacy of these drugs. It is a rigged game.
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Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com A patient sees a doctor or psychiatrist and presents with a mental health condition. The chances of walking out of that appointment with a prescription for an antidepressant are something like 95%. Mental health and the expectations around how we feel are cultural. There is no scientific bar or measure that defines how we should feel. A medical establishment that is structured almost entirely around pharmacological solutions will always prescribe medications for problems. Prescribing a pill is the raison d’etre for the medical edifice in our modern world. Antidepressant studies into their effectiveness are focused on their short term use of around 6 to 12 weeks. However, most people taking antidepressants stay on them for 6 months or, indeed, for years in quite a number of cases. There is a vast industry pumping these pills out and promoting them at every level of the psychiatric realm within the medical establishment. Doctors are prescribing these medications with such frequency because around 1 in 5 Australians report mental health problems every year. People are becoming more aware of their mental health, which is a good thing. However, if the medical fraternity respond with – take a pill. Then, understanding and managing one’s own mental health is not best served. A preferable pathway is to undertake a program of behavioural treatments under the supervision of a psychologist. Psychiatry is so deeply embedded with pharmacological solutions to all states of mind it rarely supports non-chemical solutions to mental health issues. Economics comes into this, of course, with pill taking appearing to be the easier and cheaper solution to mental health conditions. Government subsidies in health are predominantly designed around the taking of medications. The convenient option is a favourite of our modern era and this feeds into the pill popping culture exploding around us at the moment. There is no overwhelming evidence supporting the pharmacological solutions for mental health, in particular for SSRI antidepressants, it just does not exist when you really examine it. It is highly selective, and even then, it is only minutely more effective than placebos in most cases. What there is, is a massive, highly primed machine promoting these drugs to doctors, psychiatrists, and mental health facilities. This overwhelming force is spending millions of dollars every day to put these drugs front and centre for medical professionals to recommend to their patients. Governments are complicit in being bought off by the multinational pharmaceutical corporations, as they stand back and let things rip. Belief in the pharmacological solution is bought by this massive investment across the board. The trouble with psychiatry is fundamentally its complete dependence upon the pharmacological industry. It has no objective identity and/or integrity apart from the drug companies making their treatments. These pharmacological treatments are for disorders defined by our cultural sensibilities, which are agreed upon by a few influential psychiatrists funded by the drug companies.
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Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com Side Effects Of SSRI Antidepressants “However, questions about the safety and tolerability of SSRIs have emerged with their continued use. For example, in the original placebo-controlled clinical trials of fluoxetine in depressed patients, sexual dysfunction was reported in 1.9% of trial participants receiving fluoxetine. However, postmarketing clinical trials have reported rates of sexual dysfunction as high as 75%. The interference in sexual functioning caused by SSRIs is quite complicated, possibly involving nitric oxide. The effect appears to be attributable to stimulation of postsynaptic 5-HT2 receptors, possibly in the spinal cord. Clinically, the effect can manifest as decreased libido, male impotence, delayed ejaculation, or anorgasmia. “ - (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC181155/) Read the full article
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clayzhyernst · 2 years
Your current Horses' Feed : Eliminate the Guesswork and Save Money
Do you make use of guesswork to decide what and even how much to feed your horses? Do you feel it's too challenging to modify your horses' feed because their workload changes or even as the seasons change? For numerous of the 10 years that I've been managing the supply for that horses we breed and teach, I used to be doing simply this. The race horses seemed healthy and even in good condition. Minor did I realize exactly how much money I actually was wasting by feeding the race horses too much involving the wrong things! For just one particular of the horses My partner and i was feeding twenty percent more energy in addition to 30% more necessary protein than he desired! As he was an Australian Stock Horse Stallion, he wasn't getting fats. Instead he 'sweated up' easily and always seemed agitée. We just set this down in order to him being some sort of stallion. What could we all have saved? Yearly this 20% represented more than two-hundred dollar, first horse!
The particular purpose of this article is to, for these of you who will be also relying on guesswork when placing together your horses' feed, open up your eye to how quick it is to calculate the proper diet for your current horse. You need to know this specific before even considering about going into to the local horses feed store to pick a commercial supply in the huge variety that is being offered.
Before we obtain to the details regarding calculating what you should feed your horse there are a very few points you must understand about horses generally speaking.
1) Horses are actually made by nature since grazing animals. While grazing they may well also eat some grass seed (grain), but this has not been supposed to make way up a large a part of their diet. Therefore , if possible, often attempt to make upwards as much associated with your horses' supply from good high quality pasture and encuentras.
2) A horses' digestive system can process only some sort of limited amount associated with feed daily. This kind of includes pasture, existe, and any nourish mixes ('hard feed') you provide. Horse Feed Kidsgrove Staffordshire is that will total weight of feed eaten ought to be between 1. 5% and 2% of the horses' bodyweight (e. g. 500kg horse = 10kg total supply per day).
3) The amount regarding feed a mount needs depends on three main components. These are the weight of your horses, simply how much work they will do, plus the weather condition. This last factor assumes your horse is kept inside an open paddock or field (i. e. not stored in a stable). And also this assumes your current horse is currently in good issue (body, teeth, worming, etc), and is in health. Inside general, the larger they are, the even more work they are doing, in addition to the colder the elements, the more strength they are going to need - but still within typically the limits mentioned found in point (2).
What are the basic guidelines for operating out things to give food to your horse? Your own horses' overall diet regime must contain well-balanced amounts of;
1) Digestible Energy (from carbohydrates, sugars, and fats);
2) Necessary protein;
3) Crude Fibre; and,
4) Nutritional supplements.
To quickly estimation the correct portions for your horse, use the following. Sources to BW recommend to your horses' bodyweight.
1) Resting Horse (no work): 15MJ DE (energy) per 100kg BW, 150g Protein for every 100kg BW, minimum of 1% BW on crude fibre, between 1. 5% and even 1. 75% BW total feed pounds (including pasture).
2) Horse in Light-weight Work (20-30 min per day): 18MJ DE (energy) each 100kg BW, 180g Protein per 100kg BW, minimum of 1% BW on crude fibre, roughly 2% BW full feed weight (including pasture).
Nutritional supplements have got not been included as this will be a complex location that deserves its article. Worry concerning obtaining the first a few right and and then deal with minerals and vitamins later.
Given the aforementioned information, what a person now need in order to do is exercise the right equilibrium of feed that will provides the best ranges of energy, protein, and crude fibre, while staying within the maximum consumption excess weight. Generally the measures are;
1) Work out the amount pasture your horse consumes and the energy and protein associated with this pasture. This is determined by exactly how long these are within the paddock/field along with the quality of the grass. If an individual live in areas where the temperature droplets down to 5 to 12 certifications Celsius, in typically the Winter, the vitality value of pasture will be at least 15% lower than during mid to later Spring.
2) Estimate the remaining quantities your horse requires and decide whether or not this could be made entirely from good top quality hay.
You may think of which all of this appears to be a difficult balancing act. This particular is probably exactly why many of us avoid precisely calculating our horses' feed. However, generally there are now some really good feed calculators, available on the Internet, that makes this specific all very basic. It's easier in the event that you use the calculator that will take a holistic approach by such as meadow and hay offered to your horses, and provides common advice that is not linked to a certain feed manufacturer. If it includes pictures of pasture sorts, and already consists of the power and protein values of typically the feed brands obtainable to you at your local horses feed supplier, you will save considerable time.
An individual now know the basics of exactly what your horse requires. There are many tools online that will will help you calculate the actual amounts required. Help make use of all of them today, eliminate typically the guesswork, and conserve money at the same time!
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Replica Hermes Outlet, Fake Hermes Purses For Sale It known as after starlet and singer jane birkin. Bags are currently round $9, 000, particularly when making use of unique pores and skin. If you're on the lookout for a bag that is spacious and good wanting on the identical time then you have chosen the right model.... Just like the lock, the replica secret is much less detailed and outlined whereas the original key is extra beautiful and it's a lot smaller than the replica one. Stitching isn't solely something that is visible however it plays an enormous position in making or breaking the bag. If the stitching is poorly accomplished, then 99% of the time bag will not be as stable or safe. For many mere mortals the dream of owning a Hermes replica bag is unrealistic, with the fee simply far too excessive however here at Replicashermesoutlet.com we offer beautiful replica luggage for only a few hundred dollars. wikipedia handbags Fakehermeshandbags provides you an astonishing variation of choices. George haligua, how to tell a fake birkin bag runs our $15 billion dollars hedge fund of funds account to search out a number of the planet's broadest finance companies. The beloved Heeler household house from the hit Australian children’s TV sequence Bluey has been recreated in actual life and might be made available to remain in for one weekend. We are working with our global associate Borderfree to give you the absolute best worldwide buying experience. Please choose the location you wish to ship to and your currency below. If we take a glance at the Hermes Birkin 30 bag in Togo, the authentic model would price nearly USD eleven,000. Go back and hearken to our long form interviews with guys like Derek Dooley, Hugh Freeze, and Lane Kiffin. All three guys did Outkick and it benefited them enormously. Bringing the anticipated casualty numbers down is tough when the response planning has largely been left up to every community, Mr. Goldfinger stated. A complete federal resolution with accompanying funding is required, he mentioned, and there may be little time for delay given the amount of work wanted to prepare. UCF suffered through a chilly taking pictures evening on Saturday hitting just 30% from the sector and 13-of-25 on the foul line in an loss at Memphis. Council and Tyson Etienne scored 20 points-each on Saturday as WSU handed red-hot SMU simply its second loss since November, 72-57. Now that morning present has a $14.5 million budget just between Mike Greenberg, Jalen Rose and Michelle Beadle. I now have a manufacturing firm in Italy that makes these baggage for me. I truly have unique HERMES prospects all of the world that I am able to provide these luggage to them for a fraction of the cost. A nice quality impressed bag is so identical to the genuine. However, it is strongly recommended that readers contact occasion organizers earlier than they attend. phoenet.tw replica hermes kelly For essentially the most updated model of the calendar, please visit or troyrecord.com. With the Czech Republic up 2-1, Pejzlova secured the win by beating Chen through the legs after being arrange by a blue-line-to-blue-line pass from Pavlina Horalkova. Just like on the unique purse, this Hermes Birkin Togo replica has all these important design particularities and I should say that it replicates them completely. It is not any secret that Birkin luggage are costly and hard to get access. Thankfully, this listing of the 5 finest Hermes replica handbags will save you from draining your financial savings or getting on waitlists for a Hermes bag. This high-quality Hermes Birkin replica is just $140, compared to the excessive prices of the expensive Hermes baggage. Hermes purses fdh8pm xmgkfz eedkm1 3kofpbhermes begun inside paris, france and are usually now in all places. They could also be in britain, quarterly report, italy, europe and tons of different locations. Hermes started to be well known just because they primarily conceived the preliminary bag having a zip. In addition to packing the meals, Gambill mentioned, toured the Food Bank to be taught extra in regards to the facility and heard a few of the coronary heart warming stories concerning the youngsters we help. It's an virtually precise replica of Heights Alliance, their former dormitory, however fortified to face up to villain assaults. It's very likely that Troy might be 1-A's residence and base of operations till All For One is defeated, they usually've wasted no time in absolutely settling into their new lodgings. Ever because the Paranormal Liberation War brought on a complete societal breakdown, UA was remodeled from just a college for heroes in training to one of many few protected homes left in My Hero Academia.
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slotfuentes7 · 2 years
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Excellent Quality Replica Handbags,designer Replica Purses Wholesale On-line When Princess Diana grew to become a Jimmy Choo shoe fan, the demand for his shoes elevated. He opened Jimmy Choo Ltd. in 1996 along with Tamara Mellon, editor of UK Vogue. He is currently designing a couture line that is unique only for individuals who can get an appointment in London. His fashion firm is estimated to be a couple of hundred million kilos. Measure the bag's width throughout the bottom. I went on-line and found many firms offering knockoff designer luggage. The Purse Queen was began in August of of 2010 by me, Angie , as a weblog that critiques genuine & replica purses I even have bought all through the years, and replica web sites as properly. I am your typical style obsessed girl in her 30s (think Blair Waldorf or Serena van Der Woodsen post-Gossip Girl) based mostly in New York, however frequently journey across the globe . We are offering a free , fast and protected shipping to the a lot of the international locations our clients are based. The end of the lock and key must be the identical as the bag's hardware. The weight of the real Hermes lock is heavier than the faux one. 1) Created in 1984, the long-lasting bag boasts as its namesake muse Paris-based British actress Jane Birkin. Unlike most of the big name design homes, we provide free service and repairs. If you want a screw replaced in your bag’s hardware and you got it from a brand-name retailer, you’ll often end up paying a fortune to have the work accomplished. We stand behind our products, and whether it’s a screw or a really uncommon structural problem that wants consideration, we’re here for you and prepared to make things proper. If you’re serious about shopping for your first replica purse, let me simply say welcome. I’m throwing you a mini party in my head for you. There is a lot data on the market that you need to know. The worth is Affordable, cheap and delightful, cost-effective. A free agent after leaving Mumbai City in the Indian Super League, it was troublesome to know what to anticipate from the defender. Best hermes birkin bag replica Simpleton backward australians! Grab the string luggage INSIST on the checkout they be used and set an instance for others and the next era . The French dressmaker is now thought of to be one of the best designers in the whole business. Owing to the artisan construction effort behind this globally adored accessory, it may take up to a quantity of days to produce a single Birkin bag. On 1stDibs, you can find vintage top-handle luggage from Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Gucci and more. The numerous kinds of this universally liked accessory that we've obtainable also embody the Louis Vuitton Monogram Vernis Alma GM handbag, Fendi Baguette purses and trendy leather handbags by Longchamp. Its without a doubt- a great different to the thousands of dollars. Save your $$$, Invest in stocks or real property or one thing that will make you richer (;. There is no girl on this planet that hasn’t heard of the name Hermes and does not know how a Birkin bag seems like. Particularly, the Hermes Birkin Togo is taken into account to be one of the most iconic bags of all time. It is an outrageously stylish bag that's synonymous with luxurious and wealth. Its popularity amongst well-known people will increase by the day and we always see celebrities sporting one. Instead, you have to look for high-quality merchandise from reputable places recognized for giving authenticators a tricky time. I also knew that I only have so much money to spend. I’m a younger skilled, and I guess, in comparability with other people, I’m making good money. But it’s not enough to afford the high-end brands that I had my eye on. At this point, I was left between a rock and a hard place. I love high fashion and I’m not going to settle for brands that everybody is conscious of is affordable. All bags made from leather-based which value lower than 100$ are probably produced from some type of faux leather-based or some other plastic materials. Always make the seller verify that the bag is made from real leather if that's what you might be on the lookout for. Also select a seller who sells largely baggage and has an excellent suggestions rating. Since we know that it is extremely difficult to get a Hermes Birkin bag, a Hermes Birkin replica would definitely not be a bad idea. It’s not like I can blow $2,000 on a random bag. I can confidently go to the website of any high-end model and know at the back of my head that I will be succesful of discover a replica for it that prices a tiny fraction of its worth. A lot of the brands that I wanted to buy are just impossibly expensive. I’ve fallen in love with their brands, but they only have been out of attain for me. I’m a woman who just recently graduated from school. wikipedia handbags For a private touch or pop of shade, add a key chain, a patterned scarf or a purse chain. Usually characterised by simplicity and sporting a traditional and beloved silhouette, classic and designer top-handle luggage can easily discover a place among your wardrobe staples. phoenet.tw replica hermes birkin While the Kelly and Birkin could also be standouts, gracing the arms of everyone from royal heiresses to hip-hop stars in the past few many years, the handbags are however a small part of Hermès’s fashion offerings. Since the Twenties, the model has produced a variety of the most desirable leather goods on the earth. For solely R75 per month, you could have entry to a world of in-depth analyses, investigative journalism, prime opinions and a spread of options. He named the works depicting fanciful furry Birkin baggage "MetaBirkins" and sold them on web sites devoted to promoting NFTs. And there’s nothing friendlier than our costs – which are about 95% lower than what you’d need to beg to pay at an Hermès retailer.
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cirrusghana58 · 2 years
Tips For Writing An Obituary
Milestone Birthdays can be a lot of fun. One idea for celebrating a milestone is really a roast. Can buy my favorite themes for a birthday roast is a memorial. Funeral flower arrangements are typically one sided as effectively placed contrary to the wall as compared to in the center of a table. Funeral flowers which are to the funeral home really are large and showy. Pieces like crosses, hearts and big funeral sprays can cost hundreds of dollars. Despite the fact that you found something to give for forty dollars you require to consider that your arrangement will be placed close to all other people and service station . will much more. I would send no less then a fifty dollar arrangement to some funeral your own house. This would be for plants and floral arrangement. Offers of help. While food is virtually always appreciated (see above), sometimes other offers of assistance are necessary. Maybe you offer some hours of childcare, walk a dog, get yourself a new carload of groceries or clean investment property. The best quest is ask what is needed - supply.
Different flowers mean various things in different cultures. To avoid to lead to the mistake of gifting flowers that carry a negative meaning or carry some involving superstition to a person in a time of pain and loss. In the United States, flowers have different meanings many cultures and peoples. Check with a friend of must not background and get them if there are any kinds of flowers which should not receive at funerals. One to help begin discover what's essential in your our life is to sit up for the end of your years. Writing an obituary or a testimonial the specific way to focus what must make sure in life and an individual would like to be remembered. I've also heard a good Australian Olympic athlete who died shortly before competing, and once they did an autopsy on her, they found her intestines plugged with parmesan dairy product. She apparently absolutely LOVED cheese pizzas. The ceremony will be organized for you. You should have the ability to to give some input with guest speakers at least, but decorating the wake, the casket, clothing, make up and the funeral can all be studied care of most.
OFinally, be sure you read the obituary several times before sending it away and off to the newspaper to be published. At this time you proofread it and catch your grammar, spelling and punctuation errors.
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foodtower36 · 2 years
Tips For Writing An Obituary
online funeral program the program site funeral templates the program site Professional wrestling is not merely a sport, in addition a form of entertainment. Promoters, organizers and the wrestlers themselves do their finest to ensure that every move and stunt is carefully choreographed. Wrestlers are encouraged to stay in shape, and to practice routines and moves frequently. However, just like any sport, accidents can and do come up. This article will discuss some of terrible incidents in history of the outdoor activity. As I suspect you most likely haven't had much practise at writing obituaries, I've suggested an overview here. I'm an avid obituary reader (sad I know) and provide realised which tend to follow a standard format. Before you start, pick a time-span; 80 or 90 years is nicely generous.
Funeral flower arrangements are typically one sided as they're placed versus the wall instead of in the guts of a table. Funeral flowers which go to the funeral home happen to be large and showy. Pieces like crosses, hearts and larger funeral sprays can cost hundreds of dollars. Even though you found something to share for forty dollars you need to consider that the arrangement is actually going to placed next to all other people and many people will much more. I would send believe it or not then a fifty dollar arrangement the funeral own home. This would be for plants and floral arrangement.
How does Alzheimer's ensue? Our brain operates like a tiny factory, strategies 100 billion nerve cells comprising our brain and each has a job to do. These cells form a communication network that receive supplies, generate energy, construct equipment and gets associated with waste. Some cells allow us to see, smell and hear, while others tell our muscles to handle. Other cells are involved in our thinking, learning and our memory. Grow to be takes cell coordination, considerable amounts of fuel and oxygen. The involving pain and anguish one goes through is completely unimaginable. Unfortunately, many funeral directors often take regarding those tend to be mourning if they know that folks will just do about everything to give themselves a decent burial. In this funeral saving guide article, you is to study a few tips that assist you fees yet obtain a decent funeral obituary. I've also heard a good Australian Olympic athlete who died shortly before competing, and once they did an autopsy on her, they found her intestines plugged with dairy products. She apparently absolutely LOVED cheese garlic bread. The ceremony will be organized which. You should possess the to give some input with guest speakers at least, but decorating the wake, the casket, clothing, make up and the funeral can all be taken care of most.
~ Think experience is the best teacher? Untrue! Other people's experience the correct teacher. Think you can copy the professionals, and do public record information teach?
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chavezerickson9 · 2 years
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Aaa Cheap Replica Hermes Kelly Luggage For Sale The beloved Heeler family residence from the hit Australian children’s TV collection Bluey has been recreated in real life and shall be made out there to stay in for one weekend. We are working with our international associate Borderfree to offer you the best possible international purchasing experience. Please select the placement you would like to ship to and your foreign money below. If we look at the Hermes Birkin 30 bag in Togo, the authentic mannequin would value almost USD eleven,000. https://skel.io/replicas-hermes-bags/replica-hermes-kelly-bag.html For all these reasons, the Hermes Birkin Togo is nowadays probably the most sought after bag. This bag from Daesin has some very comparable Birkin bag options — making it probably the greatest Hermes replica purses. The square-shaped structure mirrors the signature silhouette of the Birkin. Hermes bags may be the paradigms of lavishness, expressive design and elegance. A bag will get nonetheless some of the terrene package deal visible attraction such as the avatar of godlike class. The marvelous best quality uncooked sources and distinctive craft of peculiarly prepared professional people cross consuming water the whole amount one choice for stylish cheap sexes worldwide. I can suggest this store, as a end result of I’ve obtained a quantity of high quality imitations from them, however they have been principally Louis Vuitton knockoffs. Hey Marie, Have you tried to contact Bags Vista or Aaahandbags? Even in the event that they don’t have a bag listed, possibly they'll make it. Hermes taschen hermes tasche hermes louis vuitthermes dublin luggage can be found at eurohandbag. He has additionally created a range of distinctive items of furniture that are artworks unto themselves. A real-life replica of the Heelers’ residence has been in-built Brisbane as a half of a collaboration between Airbnb and BBC studios. We reserve the proper to remove any content at any time from this Community, together with without limitation if it violates the Community Standards. We ask that you report content that you simply in good faith believe violates the above guidelines by clicking the Flag hyperlink next to the offending remark or by filling out this form. For many mere mortals the dream of proudly owning a Hermes replica bag is unrealistic, with the price merely far too high but here at Replicashermesoutlet.com we provide beautiful replica bags for just a few hundred dollars. Fakehermeshandbags gives you an astonishing variation of options. George haligua, tips on how to inform a pretend birkin bag runs our $15 billion dollars hedge fund of funds account to find a variety of the planet's broadest finance corporations. Fans — every with a blue-colored Olympic flag to wave — had been seated socially distanced in two corners of the lower stage of Wukesong Sports Centre. There have been also about two dozen male and female cheerleaders who lined the rail above the primary degree. The cheerleaders wore darkish blue jerseys with “Ice Hockey” printed on them, and performed a dance to techno music before the start of every game and through the intermissions. Uraraka appeared to think her emotions of sympathy in direction of Toga had been unwarranted. Granted, Toga did aid within the mass homicide of countless individuals through the first war but the circumstances that led her to the League of Villains are undeniably tragic. Hermes Rose Red Kelly Mini 31cm Bag, take a look at this amazing Hermes Handbags! New Hermes Red Kelly Mini 31cm Bag, try this amazing Hermes Handbags! High Quality Hermes Kelly Mini 31cm Bag, check out this wonderful Hermes Handbags! Hermes Kelly Picnic 31cm Bag, check out this wonderful Hermes Handbags! The sensible and aesthetic design will never l... Hermes Verrou Spring/Summer 2017 chain bag, available in medium and small sizes, with a choice of colors and materials. Flip cover design, small and portable, unique design of the plug design, Jianghu people known as “pistol bag”, is it fairly like? We are evaluating this Roulis 23, as a 23cm medium-sized bag, it may possibly maintain A5 size notebooks, sunglasses and lengthy wallets. For those who have at all times liked luggage, brand-name luggage are the pursuit. Dreams, elegant and beneficiant back to extend the temperament of the bag is what every girl desires to have. Whether you are in search of high-end labels or low-cost, economic system bulk purchases, we guarantee that it is right here on aaahermessell. Our Buyer Protection covers your buy from click to supply. Round-the-clock help for a easy buying experience. There are many selections to contemplate when shopping for an Hermes Birkin or Kelly; what dimension, what shade, and what leather. Replica Hermes Handbags Online Store © 2022 Designer Replica Hermes Handbags Store, Hermes Replica Online, Replica Hermes Belts. The Hermès Kelly Bag has nearly 100 years of historical past - the primary prototype for it was even cre.. Other cities have thought-about but not yet built evacuation towers, together with Seaside, Ore., which relocated its center college and high school to hills east of city. Vertical evacuation structures have been embraced in Japan for years, within the type of platforms, towers and synthetic berms. They became a refuge for many in the 2011 earthquake and tsunami, although that occasion nonetheless killed greater than 19,000 individuals. Additional deaths are expected in Northern California, notably in Crescent City, where a tsunami that came all the greatest way from Alaska killed 11 individuals in 1964. Residents in Ocean Shores, Wash., and close by communities will vote on whether or not to construct tsunami escape buildings at local faculties that are not ready for water levels that an earthquake might trigger. “The truth of the matter is that if a tsunami occurs tomorrow, we're going to lose all of our kids,” stated Andrew Kelly, the superintendent of the North Beach School District, which incorporates Ocean Shores. At the start, because I modified places, I didn’t purchase new Kelly without delay, I purchased it scorching. But I feel the poison of Hermes, I simply can’t like it! When it's rained, it will flip black first, then it will be nice whether it is carried out. The last time I ate ramen, splashed a little soup, and the oil spot turned black on the bag eternally. When the national media started to attack the Tennessee fan base I informed y’all that John Currie was stroking media members behind the scenes to get them to make the case for him. And now we have direct, tangible proof of USA Today’s Dan Wolken cheering on John Currie and then agreeing to do PR on behalf of the Schiano rent. First, Tennessee believed they had Dan Mullen set and prepared to go. And they did, until Chip Kelly bailed on Florida and took the UCLA job. The Gators believed that they had Chip Kelly and once they didn’t they fell again to Dan Mullen which meant John Currie panicked and made an atrocious tried hire, Greg Schiano. wikipedia handbags
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dollfood59 · 2 years
Tips For Writing An Obituary
the program site funeral pamphlets funeral pamphlet
the program site
Professional wrestling is not merely a sport, however additionally a form of entertainment. Promoters, organizers and the wrestlers themselves do very best to ensure that each move and stunt is carefully choreographed. Wrestlers are inspired to stay in shape, and to practice routines and moves frequently. However, as with all sport, accidents can and do take. This article will discuss some of ingredients incidents in the history of the put on. As I suspect or perhaps recognize haven't had much practise at writing obituaries, I've suggested an overview here. I'm an avid obituary reader (sad I know) and provide realised they will tend to adhere to a standard format. A person start, decide a time-span; 80 or 90 years is nicely generous. Funeral flower arrangements are typically one sided as may well placed versus the wall associated with in the guts of a table. Funeral flowers that are to the funeral home have been large and showy. Pieces like crosses, hearts and big funeral sprays can cost hundreds of dollars. Although you found something to mail for forty dollars you need to consider your arrangement possibly be placed adjacent to all the others and many people will save money. I would send no less then a fifty dollar arrangement using a funeral residential. This would be for plants and floral arrangement.
How does Alzheimer's appear? Our brain operates like a tiny factory, a few obvious methods 100 billion nerve cells comprising our brain with each having a job to follow. These cells form a communication network that receive supplies, generate energy, construct equipment and gets rid of waste. Some cells assist us see, smell and hear, while others tell our muscles to be able to. Other cells are involved in our thinking, learning and our memory. From embarrassment takes cell coordination, considerable amounts of fuel and refreshing. The quantity pain and anguish one goes through is completely unimaginable. Unfortunately, many funeral directors often take advantage of those who are mourning due to the fact know which individuals will do just about something to give their loved ones a decent burial. In this particular funeral saving guide article, you is to study a few tips that will assist you fees yet get yourself a decent obituary. I've also heard a good Australian Olympic athlete who died shortly before competing, and once they did an autopsy on her, they found her intestines plugged with mozzarella dairy product. She apparently absolutely LOVED cheese nachos. The ceremony will be organized in which you. You should ability to to give some input with guest speakers at least, but decorating the wake, the casket, clothing, make up and the funeral can all utilized care linked to.
~ Think experience is best teacher? This is just not! Other people's experience is the better teacher. Think you can copy the professionals, and do these details is all teach?
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booksblanketsandtea · 2 years
GTA RP - Where to Start? A Character/Streamer Rec List.
Because of the huge scope of GTA RP, it can be daunting to get into. So I thought I’d write up a rec list for few different characters that I personally enjoy watching - there are literally hundreds more out there, but (in no particular order) here are some of my favourite characters and streamers to watch - I’d recommend that, if you’re looking to get into GTA RP, you give them a shot. Captain Jeffrey Bundy - played by OccamsSabre Bundy is a Captain in the LSPD. He’s intelligent, capable, and is one of the wittiest people in Los Santos: his deadpan delivery is a delight. He specialises in investigative work (especially serial killers and stalkers) and also works in the police department’s canine unit. He has a dog called Ted. Yes, really.  Ash Ketchup - played by Ash Ash is a deceptively sweet ‘girl next door’ who owns one of the most popular cafes in Los Santos. Her long term boyfriend is Benji Ramos, an ex-south-side gangster; together the two of them are a formidable team and have recently put together their own crew, Seaside. Despite her innocent veneer Ash is full of mischief and isn’t afraid to stand up for herself or others.  TJ Walker - played by DocWizard For two years TJ was an officer in the LSPD - but at the end of January he became one of the only people in the history of Los Santos to quit the police force and become a criminal. This came about after a dramatic, month long arc that culminated in TJ shooting another officer as part of a blooding-in initiation to his adoptive father’s motor-club, the BBMC. TJ is tactical, dramatic, intelligent, and a bit goofy - he’s adjusting to his new life as a criminal and is trying his best to do his criminal family proud. His arc going from cop to criminal is one of the best I’ve seen.  Undersheriff Matt Rhodes & Ryan Parker - played by CurvyElephant Known as ‘petty and thorough’ by the criminals of Los Santos, Matt Rhodes is eminently capable at his job but is a bit less capable when it comes to dealing with his family life; whether it’s forgetting his anniversary with his husband Richard or being a bit emotionally stunted when dealing with their adopted sons Cody and Flop. CurvyElephant’s other main character is Ryan Parker - a car thief, mechanic, farmer, and pizzeria worker who is working a heap of jobs to pay off a small loan he took (of a million dollars) to buy his dream car. Recently divorced from his long-term husband Reed, a member of the Lost MC, Ryan still maintains close ties to the motorcycle gang. Corporal Tessa Lamb - played by Nakkida Tessa runs the driving school in the city of Los Santos. A Ranger, she is an animal lover and is very knowledgeable about the local wildlife found in San Andreas. Tessa is widely respected across the city as she always rises to the challenge in front of her. Though she is known for her gentle manner and skills in de-escalation, when faced with animal cruelty, people threatening her loved ones, or men asking her out on dates? She can be absolutely ruthless.  Barry Benson - played by BazzaGazza Barry is the Vice Prime Minister of the Bondi Boys & Babes Motorclub (or the BBMC). Alongside his husband, Irwin Dundee (played by Whippy), he leads the BBMC in their ongoing criminal antics. Barry is an adrenaline junkie, a loving father, an exasperated husband, and a proud leader. He’s also incredibly forgetful, a bit ridiculous, and a skilled driver and shooter. The Australian combines hilarious comedic timing with consequence driven roleplay.  Yuno Sykk - played by Sykkuno Sometimes known as ‘Cheatcode’ Yuno is one of the best hackers in the city. Kind hearted and soft spoken, Yuno has a penchant for causing a bit of chaos by stirring the pot. Yuno is a member of the Cleanbois - a criminal organisation known for wild bank heists and business enterprises. Yuno tries to be friends with absolutely everyone he meets, and it often gets him into trouble. 
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The Trouble With Psychiatry
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Would you be surprised if I told you that capitalism has created the medicalisation of normal life? Indeed, it has been so successful that almost 1 in 5 adults in the UK are taking an antidepressant medication. The trouble with psychiatry is that there is little proof for the efficacy of antidepressant medication. “The number of antidepressants prescribed in England rose by 5.1% in 2021/2022 compared with the previous year — the sixth annual increase in a row. The latest increase means that the number of antidepressant items prescribed over the past six years has increased by 34.8%, from 61.9 million items in 2015/2016 to 83.4 million items in 2021/2022. Figures published by NHS Business Services Authority (BSA) also showed an increase in the number of people prescribed antidepressants from 7.87 million people in 2020/2021 to 8.32 million people in 2021/2022. According to the latest population estimates from the 2021 Census, published on 28 June 2022, this suggests 14.7% of the population in England — which totals 56.5 million people — received at least one prescription item for antidepressant drugs in 2021/2022.” - (https://pharmaceutical-journal.com/article/news/antidepressant-prescribing-increases-by-35-in-six-years) In Australia, 4.5 million patients were prescribed medication for a mental health related condition in 2020-21.  73.1% of these were for antidepressants. This is 1 in 5 Australian adults taking a pharmacological medication for mental health and these are antidepressants in most cases. (https://www.aihw.gov.au/reports/australias-health/profile-of-australias-population) In the United States, 83.4 million prescriptions for antidepressants were filled in 2021-22. This was increase of 34.8% over the past 6 years.
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Photo by Daniel Reche on Pexels.com
Psychiatry & Pharmacology
by Robert Sudha Hamilton In all of these figures you get the idea that we are talking about a lot of human beings and a lot of antidepressant medication. The selective use of studies and certain parts of these studies by pharmaceutical manufacturers in promoting their drugs is quite astounding. The truth is that placebos are shown to be just as effective in many studies, indeed, more effective in some tests. The results of these negative studies are not, however, backed by a sector worth hundreds of billions of dollars annually and therefore rarely see the light of day. Negative research results of drugs are buried and do not get published.  The medical journals are complicit in this sleight of hand by their willingness to publish such a biased selection of research results. “Many medical journals have a substantial income from pharmaceutical companies from the purchasing of advertising and reprints and the sponsoring of supplements. Is this funding corrupting journals? Free newspapers for doctors depend completely on income from pharmaceutical advertising, but many journals also depend heavily on such advertising. The advertising is often misleading. Editorial coverage is much more valuable to drug companies than advertising, and scientific studies can be manipulated in many ways to give results favourable to companies. Many medical journals have a substantial income from supplements and reprints paid for by drug companies”. - (Richard Smith, BMJ editor, 2003) - (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1126057/) The pharmaceutical industry has medicalised ordinary life by encouraging doctors and psychiatrists to prescribe chemical solutions for quite normal human states of being. This sector has infiltrated every part of the medical establishment by funding individuals and institutions in return for their tacit compliance in promoting these drugs. Government agencies have sat back and done nothing, as the incredible growth of big pharma has overwhelmed every layer from diagnosis to the dispensing of pharmacological medications. Monitoring bodies and inspectors have been overcome through the flood of money generated by a business worth hundreds of billions of dollars annually.
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Photo by cottonbro studio on Pexels.com
Psychiatry Turning Normal Life Into The Abnormal
Children are now being prescribed these pharmacological medications, as the once natural stage of growing pains is subsumed by a medical diagnosis and chemical solutions. Once you have a profit driven business at the heart of the medical establishment shareholders quickly become more important than patients. The drug companies generously endower those making the diagnostic decisions in psychiatry. The DSM-5 is the diagnostic bible for psychiatrists and mental health practitioners in the Western world. “The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition, Text Revision (DSM-5-TR) features the most current text updates based on scientific literature with contributions from more than 200 subject matter experts. The revised version includes a new diagnosis (prolonged grief disorder), clarifying modifications to the criteria sets for more than 70 disorders, addition of International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-10-CM) symptom codes for suicidal behavior and nonsuicidal self-injury, and updates to descriptive text for most disorders based on extensive review of the literature. In addition, DSM-5-TR includes a comprehensive review of the impact of racism and discrimination on the diagnosis and manifestations of mental disorders. The manual will help clinicians and researchers define and classify mental disorders, which can improve diagnoses, treatment, and research.” - (https://www.psychiatry.org/psychiatrists/practice/dsm) The organisation behind this diagnostic manual is deeply entwined through financial relationships with big pharma. Sponsorship of individuals and institutions is rife throughout psychiatry and there is little transparency about this. Dr James Davies, a medical anthropologist, has written extensively on the origins of the DSM and the problems apparent within the psychiatry sector. Psychiatry Makes Up Mental Disorders Listed in DSM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6JPgpasgueQ He states, that psychiatry has reclassified the normal as abnormal. The number of disorders in the DSM has more than tripled from some 100 to more than 300 plus in a couple of decades, which is the fastest expansion of medical disorders ever seen. These disorders do not have neurobiological causes in the main. Only a few conditions are recognised as having organic pathological roots. The vast majority do not have known biological causes and are therefore defined on the recommendations of a small coterie of psychiatrists. There is no scientific proof for these agreed upon mental disorder classifications in the DSM. There is very little scientific research underpinning the diagnostic labels listed in the highly influential diagnostic tool the DSM. It is important to understand the model that has been established by psychiatry in America, Australia, and the UK. Psychiatrists at the top of their hierarchical tree, who are generously funded by the drug companies that make these pharmacological medications, decide on the recognised disorders, which go into the DSM. The studies into the efficacy of the drugs like SSRI antidepressants are funded by the drug companies. The academic researchers  leading these studies have their careers endowered by big pharma and without this funding would struggle in obscurity. The medical journals that publish the results of this research are heavily dependent upon the advertising and sponsorship from the drug companies. The material published is very selective, with only positive sounding excerpts from studies supporting these drugs getting published in the main. These published results are heavily promoted by big pharma to doctors, pharmacists, and psychiatrists via their sales representatives. They will buy up large volumes of the journals to distribute to prospective clients, this is another vital revenue stream for the publishers of the medical journals. The DSM is also bought up by the drug companies in large volumes for distribution to psychiatrists and medical practitioners. How The Game of Psychiatry is Played You can see how the game is set with the disorders defined by a select coterie of psychiatrists and this goes into a diagnostic bible for the entire profession. Then, the treatment for such disorders are provided by the drug companies and the scientific proof of the efficacy of these drugs are conducted by academic researchers. The testing and studies are funded by the drug companies. The respected medical journals, which carry the research, are funded by these pharmacological giants. The material is distributed by the sales teams of the drug companies to the frontline medical fraternity. Step 1. Create the problem. Step 2. Come up with an antidote for the problem. Step 3. Provide scientific proof. Step 4. Control the carrier of this proof. Step 5. Distribute this material to doctors & retailers.
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Photo by Oleg Karsakóv on Pexels.com Chemical Solutions & Chemical Restraint Chemical solutions are taking over the world. Chemical restraint is being used in the institutions which house the mentally ill. Chemical restraint is being widely employed in aged care facilities. Chemical restraint is used in the disability sector, with the intellectually disabled being controlled in this manner when required. “In Australia, psychotropic medication to manage challenging behaviour (CB) in adults with intellectual disability (ID) in the absence of diagnosed mental illness is conceptualized as ‘chemical restraint’ (CR).” - (chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://disability.royalcommission.gov.au/system/files/2020-09/EXP.0040.0003.0001.pdf ) The argument will be voiced that this is used as a measure of last resort. but in actual fact, economic considerations driving understaffing makes chemical restraint a far more prevalent policy in institutions around the globe. Out of sight is out of mind of the general populace. Many of these individuals are traditionally put in the too hard basket by our societies and governments. Unless we have a relative or loved one being treated in this way most of us are indifferent to the plight of these sections of our populations.
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Photo by Alexander Grey on Pexels.com The disorders created by psychiatry are labelled thus on cultural determinants and not scientific ones. Homosexuality up until the 1970s was a defined mental disorder in the DSM. “In 1973, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) removed the diagnosis of “homosexuality” from the second edition of its Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM). This resulted after comparing competing theories, those that pathologized homosexuality and those that viewed it as normal. In an effort to explain how that decision came about, this paper reviews some historical scientific theories and arguments that first led to the placement of homosexuality in DSM-I and DSM-II as well as alternative theories that eventually led to its removal from DSM III and subsequent editions of the manual. The paper concludes with a discussion of the sociocultural aftermath of that 1973 decision.” - (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4695779/) The trouble with psychiatry is that it operates in a pseudo-scientific realm and always has. The credibility and respect it has achieved over the last couple of decades has been done on the back of drug company money. Hundreds of millions of dollars have bought academic departments at universities and their funded research has burnished the reputations of psychiatrists and their profession. The medical establishment and mental health institutions have been massaged and moulded by vast amounts of funding. Global big pharma is currently adjudged as being worth some $1.48 trillion.  The complete framework surrounding the profession of psychiatry has been paid for by the pharmaceutical corporations over decades. Globally big pharma spends around $38 billion on advertising per year, as of 2022. “Big pharma spends more money on advertising for drugs that have lower health benefits for patients, according to a study published in JAMA on Tuesday, shedding new light on the almost uniquely American practice amid fierce debate over whether direct-to-consumer prescription drug ads should be banned.” - (Robert Hart, Forbes Business, 7 Feb 2023) You have to realise that when such a large monetary force is actively promoting pharmacological solutions for every human condition experienced as difficult and/or painful, then the frightening increases we are witnessing in the prescribing of antidepressants is logical. No one is meeting this force with any effective checking. Government agencies are outspent by 1 000 to 1 or more every single day. Doctors and health professionals are inundated with positive affirmations, gifts, and manipulated published evidence purporting to be scientific proof regarding the efficacy of these drugs. It is a rigged game.
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Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com A patient sees a doctor or psychiatrist and presents with a mental health condition. The chances of walking out of that appointment with a prescription for an antidepressant are something like 95%. Mental health and the expectations around how we feel are cultural. There is no scientific bar or measure that defines how we should feel. A medical establishment that is structured almost entirely around pharmacological solutions will always prescribe medications for problems. Prescribing a pill is the raison d’etre for the medical edifice in our modern world. Antidepressant studies into their effectiveness are focused on their short term use of around 6 to 12 weeks. However, most people taking antidepressants stay on them for 6 months or, indeed, for years in quite a number of cases. There is a vast industry pumping these pills out and promoting them at every level of the psychiatric realm within the medical establishment. Doctors are prescribing these medications with such frequency because around 1 in 5 Australians report mental health problems every year. People are becoming more aware of their mental health, which is a good thing. However, if the medical fraternity respond with – take a pill. Then, understanding and managing one’s own mental health is not best served. A preferable pathway is to undertake a program of behavioural treatments under the supervision of a psychologist. Psychiatry is so deeply embedded with pharmacological solutions to all states of mind it rarely supports non-chemical solutions to mental health issues. Economics comes into this, of course, with pill taking appearing to be the easier and cheaper solution to mental health conditions. Government subsidies in health are predominantly designed around the taking of medications. The convenient option is a favourite of our modern era and this feeds into the pill popping culture exploding around us at the moment. There is no overwhelming evidence supporting the pharmacological solutions for mental health, in particular for SSRI antidepressants, it just does not exist when you really examine it. It is highly selective, and even then, it is only minutely more effective than placebos in most cases. What there is, is a massive, highly primed machine promoting these drugs to doctors, psychiatrists, and mental health facilities. This overwhelming force is spending millions of dollars every day to put these drugs front and centre for medical professionals to recommend to their patients. Governments are complicit in being bought off by the multinational pharmaceutical corporations, as they stand back and let things rip. Belief in the pharmacological solution is bought by this massive investment across the board. The trouble with psychiatry is fundamentally its complete dependence upon the pharmacological industry. It has no objective identity and/or integrity apart from the drug companies making their treatments. These pharmacological treatments are for disorders defined by our cultural sensibilities, which are agreed upon by a few influential psychiatrists funded by the drug companies.
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Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com Side Effects Of SSRI Antidepressants “However, questions about the safety and tolerability of SSRIs have emerged with their continued use. For example, in the original placebo-controlled clinical trials of fluoxetine in depressed patients, sexual dysfunction was reported in 1.9% of trial participants receiving fluoxetine. However, postmarketing clinical trials have reported rates of sexual dysfunction as high as 75%. The interference in sexual functioning caused by SSRIs is quite complicated, possibly involving nitric oxide. The effect appears to be attributable to stimulation of postsynaptic 5-HT2 receptors, possibly in the spinal cord. Clinically, the effect can manifest as decreased libido, male impotence, delayed ejaculation, or anorgasmia. “ - (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC181155/) Read the full article
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i-am-dulaman · 3 years
[long post]
So the other night I was talking to the most insufferable first year business student who insisted trickle down economics was great. He for some reason was, in the middle of a night club, trying to convince me we need more tax cuts for the rich.
Anyway, ignoring that, he has annoyed me into finally doing the research into something called a worker cooperative which has been in the back of my mind for a while now.
So a worker cooperative is essentially a company which is owned by the people who work there. They either elect their own management or, for smaller firms, make management decisions democratically, and they all share in the profits. This is opposed to consumer cooperatives where the business is owned by its customers.
So with that in mind there are two things you need to know:
New Zealand is the only post-industrialized country whose agricultural sector has grown, and its the fastest growing sector of the NZ economy. 
5 of the largest agriculture businesses in NZ are cooperatives, including Fonterra, NZ’s largest company which accounts for ONE THIRD of the ENTIRE WORLDS dairy trade.
Now none of those agriculture companies are actually true worker cooperatives, they’re usually only owned partly by their workers and not all workers have a stake in the company either. For example Fonterra is owned by 11000 of its dairy farmers but has over 10000 other employees who are not owners. But it’s close enough.
So is it a coincidence the best performing sector of the NZ economy is dominated by cooperatives? I have no idea. im just looking at the numbers. But its an interesting correlation.
Worker cooperatives are actually very rare in the world, but there has been some research done on them, particularly in Italy and France and here are some highlights:
They are much more resilient, with the chance of shutting down in its first 3 years of operation between 30% and 50% lower than normal companies when fully controlled for industry/size/etc. 
During the 2008 recession, worker cooperatives in france saw a 4% increase in employment while the unemployment rate in france rose by 0.7%
Salaries were slightly lower on average in France however other studies also showed salaries being slightly higher. This is likely due to the pay distribution, where the CEOs salary will be much lower in a cooperative compared to a CEO in a normal company, thus bringing down the average.
Cooperatives are 6-14% more productive
Employees are much more committed to their work
So in other words, they work.
What’s more is it keeps the profits of the company in the local economy, with all the money going to the workers, instead of shareholders who could be anywhere in the world and would likely just put the money into savings.
However the main draw back is it is hard to get the startup funds to start new companies. Most companies of course start off small with only a handful of workers which means each would need to invest a significant amount of their own money. But I’ll address this problem further below.
Anyway so what’s my point here?
Make every company a worker cooperative by law. That’s my point. Not a 100% worker cooperative, but a law that makes every single company in NZ pay its employees 50% of its profits, on top of their regular salaries.
Now im not an economist so idk anything about this subject. I’m just a socialist who has worked for the government before so i know how inefficient true communism can be when the government owns every business, but i have also worked in a private business that could afford to pay everyone an extra $250,000 but instead gives 1 billion dollars to our australian owners and kept us short staffed and underequiped.
so i wanted an alternative, and this is what i’ve come up with just fooling around with numbers and hypotheticals.
So I would love to see an actual economists take on this, not that i expect to find one on tumblr lol i’m just writing this here cause idk where else to write my thoughts.
So why only 50% of profits instead of 100%?
I think compromise is important. Every revolution failed because of a lack of compromise. revolutionaries pushed the revolution further and further to the extreme which pushed away moderates and sparked counter-revolutionaries. Keeping it to 50% means maybe more moderates will be on board. Keeping it to 50% also means investors are still motivated to invest and receive returns, which solves the biggest problem with worker cooperatives.
I’ve gone and looked at 40 of the largest companies (by revenue, number of employees, or net profit) in NZ, and calculated what it would look like if they paid their employees 50% of their profits evenly. These companies represent about 10% of the NZ workforce.
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Note that some companies can literally afford to pay ALL of their employees HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of dollars and still keep 50% of their profits. One can even afford to make every single one of its employees a millionaire. (also note that some of this data is even from 2020/2021 with covid severely damaging the economy)
This averages out to $28000 per person. The median income of NZ is $53,000, so that would mean a sudden 52% increase in salary on average.
Not for nothing, it would also lead to an enormous amount of money in circulation, as people with more money will buy more things, and give the economy a massive boost. (The opposite of trickle down economic. Suck it first year business dude.)
I think a law like this would provide a sudden and drastic redistribution of wealth.
And i think it’s worth the time/brainpower of someone who knows more about economics than me.
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The Lucky Australian
~~ 28 Impossible Heart ~~
God damned impossible heart
Won't save me
I can't change it
My oldest enemy
An impossible love's my favorite
I can't take it
There's nothing left to give
My impossible heart will kill me
Before it cures me
And I can't stop the pain
Oh, your impossible love's contagious
And I can't shake it
You make me go insane
 The cold had started to seep in, October was coming as September neared it end. Henry had kept in constant with Aurora, their relationship going from strength to strength, even though it had almost broken him, their separation had been the best thing for them; they spoke more candidly and more honestly. The only thing that had annoyed him was the distance, the ocean between them. Henry had offered many times to fly out to see Aurora, but she had declined, something Henry thought was a bit odd, all he had wanted to do was see her, the months of being deprived of her, taking their toll on his mind and body.
So this is where he found himself, a head full of doubt and a beer in his hand at the pub where he first met her with Piers.
 “Henry, it might just be a bit overwhelming for her, you’ve only been back in contact a few months, learn to walk, yea?”
Henry shrugged.
“I get that but I fucking miss her, I miss holding her, I miss being with her, in her, near her, around her.”
Piers leaned back in his chair and chuckled.
“I’m glad you find my predicament so funny, dear brother!” Henry drawled.
“Oh I do. You’ve never been this forthcoming about a woman. I’m finding it amusing that an Australian is the one to keep you on your toes.”
“She’s also Italian!”
“A dangerous combination, I’m sure!”
Henry sat and stared at his beer.
“I know you miss her, but give her a minute, she might be scared, or busy, or uneasy. Has she been talking to you?” Piers asked.
“Everyday, without fail” Henry replied
“Then you have nothing to worry about!” Piers took a swig of his beer.
Mid October, the cold really setting in, the mornings were harder to deal with. Henry had started to wish that he were in Australia with Aurora; the weather would be prefect that time of year. Memories of his time down under came flooding back. The beach, and the weather, dinners and lazy days at the pub, being with Aurora.
He checked his phone again, he hadn’t heard much from her in the past few days, and when he did it was short and to the point. He was worried she had changed her mind and didn’t want to hurt him; maybe she was trying to push him away.
Henry turned on the tv while he started his morning work out, the news providing much needed background noise, until one bulletin caught his attention.
“Australia is in the grips of a national emergency. Unusually intense fires have gripped NSW and parts of Victoria, the fires have continued to ravage the states causing millions of dollars in damage so far and threatening more homes and businesses. At this time the RFS has been supported by the ADF as hundreds of defence personnel have been flown in to assist with fire operations. The chief fire minister is calling for calm at this time and asking for people in affected areas to remain alert, watch and act and evacuate when advised.”
Henry’ eyes remained glued to screen as the map of NSW was flashed on screen, his eyes going straight to where he knew Wollongong to be, he was relived to see the fires hadn’t reached down there.
Still, he couldn’t understand her silence. He had messaged her and tried to call her and was met with silence, he was perplexed as to why she hadn’t responded. He knew he shouldn’t but he wanted to be with her, he needed to see her.
 Running a hand over his face he blew out a breath of frustration as he finished his workout. She was the only thing on his mind; Henry went to stand against his windowpane, resting his head against the cold glass, he stared out at the frosted morning, the stillness of the surrounding environment calming him before the day began. Lost in his thoughts, he didn’t notice Kal plod into the room behind him. The fluffy dog nudging his masters hand with his wet nose, Henry smiled and ran his fingers through Kal’s fur, giving him a good massage behind his ears. He lost track of how long he stood there, man and dog staring out at the frozen landscape, the sun meekly rising, Henry was still confused by the lack of communication from Aurora. They had been in contact every day since they made up, he couldn’t understand the reasoning behind her pulling away form him. He missed her, every inch of her, grumbling he went to his phone, picking it up to video call her.
 Aurora answered on the third ring.
 “Hello Henry” She looked tired and exhausted as she moved her laptop. He couldn’t figure out why though.
“Hey flamingo, you ok?” Maybe she was having nightmares again.
“Yeah, I’m ok, just exhausted with work, summer and Christmas and fires, working is a lot”
‘Oh.” He paused.
“I really wanna come see you, spend Christmas with you if you’ll have me”
“I don’t think it’s a good idea, I’m barely getting time off work and it’ll only get busier, I wont have much time!”
There it was again, excuses.
“Aurora, if you’ve changed your mind about us, tell me!”
“Henry, I haven’t it, its not that.”
“Then what is it?”
“Literally its work, I wont be able to see you and the days I have off ill be recovering!”
He stared at her for a while
Kal started barking, which in turn set Pickles off in the background.
“Pickles, shut up!” Aurora looked off screen, presumably to Pickles who was not listening. Suddenly Aurora stood up and walked out of view.
“Garn, outside, fuck ya!”
Henry sniggered at Aurora before she came back into view.
“Pickles giving you hell?”
Aurora nodded.
“What is ‘Garn’?”
Aurora giggled.
“Australian slang? I dunno, it’s not exactly slang, more like a combination of words. Garn, means go on. If you say go on fast enough it sorta mingles into one word, that one word being Garn. Same as Carn, carn means ‘come on’.”
“I’ll have to work on my Australian linguistics I think”
“Just don’t try the accent, otherwise I’ll skin ya!” She moved in and out of the frame, presumably closing the back door after Pickles came back inside.
“Is everyone ok? I saw the news,” Henry asked.
Aurora sighed, she looked truly looked exhausted.
“Yea, everyone is ok, Dad and mum are just waiting to see what happens, but at the moment they’ve not gotten any evacuation orders”
They talked for a while before Aurora’s phone started ringing, without even registering who was calling she picked up and listened.
“Yeah, nah that’s not the point of a team.” She paused for a minute.
“I’ve had a day off, it’ll be fine. I’ll leave ASAP!” and with that she hung up the phone.
Henry’s heart sank as she looked at him.
“Henners, I really have to go to work. I’ll call you the moment I get off though, ok?”
“You’re job seems very demanding.” He remarked.
“At the moment, it is. I really gotta go. I’ll call you later”
“Ok, please call when you finish” He said, as he could see her changing.
“I promise,” She said and without waiting, she ended the call. He couldn’t shake the feeling there was something she was leaving out.
“I just really miss her, Mum!” He was on the phone after all the meetings had been concluded for the day, eh was about to start another workout when his mum called.
“Why can’t she see you?”
“She said she’s really busy with work. And honestly she looked exhausted when I called her. Then she got a call from work and literally went straight to after talking to me. I feel like there’s something she’s not telling me, she just…didn’t seem herself.” Henry said.
“Well, maybe you should go to her. I know you love her and you’re obviously worried. If you want to spend Christmas there, we would all understand!”
“Would that be too overbearing of me? She has told me not to come down” Henry stared at his hands.
“Henry, what do you want?” His mum gently enquired.
“I want her, I really miss her!”
“What does your heart tell you?”
“My impossible heart? To go to her”
“Well then Henry, I think you have your answer” He smiled as he said goodbye to his mum, already planning his trip.
2 days went by and no call from Aurora, there was definitely something she was hiding. She had never been one to discard him so easily before, this was unlike her.
Boarding the plane, he made himself as comfortable as he could on the Qantas flight, this would take him directly to her, he couldn’t bear being apart from her much longer. He felt the butterflies in his stomach as the flying kangaroo made its ascent, henry didn’t care how tired she was, he wanted her and he was more than happy to take care of her. Seeing her that exhausted made him realise that she had been alone for so long, she had been doing everything for her self and by herself and she was weary, the sadness evident in her eyes. The pang of embarrassment in his chest reminding him about what he said and how he treated her.
He loved her and he could easily uproot his life to be with her. That’s what he needed. He needed her.
 As the plane came into Sydney, it jarred him. The sky a deep orange, with flames to been seen even from 30,000 feet. It was like an apocalypse, terror gripped his heart as he realised what it meant to be an Australian living in a country of such extremes. He knew though, that Australians loved their land, loved their country, despite the issues they had, their sunburnt country of which they had a love affair. A memory of a time ago where Aurora recited that poem to him, whispered almost like a prayer.
Now, the sky was an angry orange, flames like veins along the landscape of NSW moving out in any direction, the cities seemingly safe from the onslaught of the fires.
 After landing, Henry began his journey to her, the landscape changing the further south he went, the sky here hazed with smoke, the sun a blood red as the fires raged on. He checked the news; dismayed to find the situation disintegrating with every passing day with the heat climbing and no rain forecast for the next week, it was only going to get worse.
 Henry arrived at her door just after 2pm, knocking on her door, he hoped she would be happy to see him, Henry couldn’t be without her much longer, much like the oxygen deprived environment around him he was starting to suffocate without her presence.
 He heard Pickles barking as feet moved towards the door. He looked up as the door opened.
 He came face to face with Ben.
 Well, shit.
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themanip · 3 years
yellow roses
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⤳ blurb: lee felix and his seven friends are chosen to go to america and attend a private high school. with only three able to speak english fluently, they get assigned another student to help them navigate american high school. they quickly come to realize that the sweet girl who speaks korean is much more than who she shows during school hours.
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⤳ pairing: lee felix + willow arroyo ⤳ genre: romance, coming of age, drama, fluff, eventual smut, very angsty ⤳ warnings: chan being super sweet, cursing, mentions of bullying, not much to worry about this chapter ⤳ word count: a little over 3.1k 
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"Can you turn that music down, please?"
Ronnie tapped her shoulder softly, which surprised the young girl. Swiveling around and yanking a headphone out of her ear, she crinkled her eyebrows at the balding man. "Sorry?"
"Can you turn it down? It's so loud I can hear it," her manager stared at her with blank eyes, and she nodded gently. Pulling her left hand from the swamp of dishes and dirty water, she dried her hand on her apron, and clicking the volume button to a lower setting. "I get it, Winnie. It's not the greatest job in the world, and you wanna listen to music and your grumpy manager is being an ass," she let out a soft chuckle at his words.
"I'm sorry, Ron. I don't mean to be an ass, I'm just exhausted."
"It's alright, I get it. I worked like you did when I was your age, and I know how much it sucked. It was just better for me because I got paid double what you do," he smiled softly, clapping his hands together.
"Minimum wage is no laughing matter, Ronnie. I eat one-fifth of a lemon bar for lunch everyday," she eyed him fake angrily, and his eyes softened. "Really?"
"No, what the hell," she laughed, covering her mouth with her hand. "Usually it's a bagel or something,"
"Okay," he sighed softly, taking his cap off and running his hands through his hair. "If you wanna close up a bit earlier, I can come in at five instead of seven,"
Her hands halted as she scrubbed a plate, and she smiled gently. "No, it's okay," she finished washing the last dish, and set it on the drying rack. "You have Eliot now, and I'm sure Olivia isn't getting much sleep without you home during the night, so go home, and take care of your son,"
She melted at the thought of his newborn son, and how beautiful he is. She wasn't extremely good with children, but babies made her absolutely swoon. She also knew how hard newborns were to deal with, and having Ron not home to help probably made things hell for his wife, Olivia.
"You sure?"
One solid nod and a tired grin sent Ronnie on his way home, knowing he would recieve a full night's sleep. Despite the intense amount of work, she loved the diner. It was always warm, she always had at least one plate of food if she needed it, and Ronnie cut her a lot of slack.
She dried her hands off on her apron once more, and headed to the front of the restaurant near the island of stools. It was past midnight now, and occasionally there were some older customers who came in drunk, or just got off work. It seemed to be a quiet night, so she figured it wouldn't be too bad if she took a quick pee break.
On the other end of the diner were the restrooms, and she scrambled over there. Her footsteps and the dark shadows in the bathrooms often creeped her out, she went in, did her business, and left. Once she opened the door, she spotted two bewildered teenage boys at the front door, looking around with wide eyes.
"Hey, are you guys open? I saw it said twenty-four hours but—"
He had an Australian accent, and it made Willow purr on the inside. "Yes! Yes we are, I'm sorry," she sighed in embarassment, and rushed to the front of the diner. Her boots, which usually help her feet with the consistent standing, are now a nuisance as she stumbles across the floor.
"Oh no worries, we know it's kind of late,"
As Willow stumbled next to the boy, who she now saw another boy standing next to him with red cheeks. His accent was beautiful, she thought. He was also inhumanely good looking. The one who'd spoken to her had darker brown hair, on the wavier side. He had a larger nose, and his lips were quite full. He was beautiful.
The other one stood silent, and Willow smiled and held menus. "Booth or do you wanna sit at the island?"
"Uh, booth please," the brunette spoke up once more, and she silently led them to a booth that was clean and somewhat in the middle of the restaurant. Gentle background music filled the silence, and all that was heard was soft scuffling as the two boys followed the only girl working.
She sat them down, and the other blonde boy smiled sheepishly. "Here are your menus, can I get you something to drink first?"
"Can I get a coke, please?"
That time, it was the boy who'd she never heard speak. His voice was deeper, almost curiously soft.  The brunette spoke once more, "Do you have tea?"
"Of course, sir. Unsweetened or sweetened?"
"Oh, sweetened please," he nodded thoughtfully, smiling. "I will be right back with your drinks, take a look over the menu and you can let me know what you want at your earliest convenience," Willow smiled genuinely, and she bowed slightly. She didn't even mean to, she just felt odd alone, at midnight, with two teenage boys in her diner.
"She called you sir, Chan," the blonde boy whispered to the one opposite him, this Chan character. "She's really nice, we have to leave a good tip," Chan responded, and that's all Willow managed to hear before she started making their drinks.
The next hour or so dragged on, with Chan, Willow, and the other figure, whom she'd learn is Felix, and her coming back and forth to collect orders, serve seconds, cook said seconds, and giving refills. Each time, Chan would apologize for inconveniencing her as if it wasn't her job, and she would smile softly. She could tell that he would never be rude to fast food workers or people just intending to do their job.
Usually, there would be a chef, or at least someone who can cook, and at least one other person working. The past few weeks had been Willow mostly by herself, picking up extra shifts, and as long as it wasn't busy, she could manage cooking and waittressing. She got paid double time, and she picked up overtime on days where Ron did not want to come in early. He also didn't want to burden Helena, one of his other over-nighters, who'd just gotten back on her feet after a house fire.
She wasn't a bad cook, and she was quick on her feet. She could hold down her own, and Ronnie knew that. Hence he trusted her with his entire diner, on most nights, and to hold the fort down. She would now easily bring home paychecks over a grand, with taxes taken out every week. As her two very cute customers continued eating their seconds, she scribbled messily on her notepad on the counter.
She stood on the inside of the island counter, and was counting expenses. She had a lot of shit to worry about, bills included. Gas, electric, dog food, groceries. She could take maybe three hundred dollars off her bill fund thanks to her mother, but it still didn't help in the scheme of things.
Frustrated, she scribbled out her list. She had to worry about this later, there was no need to worry before she got her paycheck. Her eyes felt heavy, and she tried to rub the sleepiness from them. She had at least five more hours before she could even think about leaving, and she still had to clean this place from top to bottom.
"Do you think we could get the check, please?"
Chan's timid voice broke her from her daze, and her face reddened in embarassment. She had forgotten they were here. Setting her pen down hastily, she shuffled over to grab the printed out receipt, and held it tightly.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to zone off like that," she set the check down, and took notice of their neatly stacked plates with silverware crossed on top. Her cleanup would be very easy, and she absolutely loved when she had customers like this. "Oh, no worries," Chan smiled and eyed the check. "Is it okay if I take these?"
Pointing towards the stack of plates, the other boy, Felix, quickly grabbed them and handed them to her. Underneath the plates, their fingers touched briefly. A sheepish smile followed from both, and she quickly scurried to put the plates in the dishwasher. All she had to do was get them checked out, clean the three plates, clean the milkshake cups, the soda cups, and sweep. Some general maintenance, and if nobody else came in, she was in for a decent night.
"Hey, you didn't charge us for the milkshakes," Chan mentioned softly, slight accusatory tone. "They're on the house," Willow smiled back from the bar island, and Chan cocked his head in confusion, "if that's okay,"
"That's really kind, thank you," once again, a gentle, dimple-filled smile from Chan, and a sheepish, red-cheeked one from Felix. She wished to hear the blonde boy speak again, his voice so rich, so deep. He seemed sweet.
Her first thought was that they were boyfriends. It angered her, but only in a way that two of the cutest guys she'd possibly ever seen were together. It was adorable, to say the least. Little did she know, they were definitely not together.
Willow came to collect the money, and Felix stared up at her. "Are you from around here?"
Her eyes widened, and her mind went blank. That was usually how someone asked if she would be missed had she been kidnapped. "That sounded really creepy, I'm sorry," he clarified, and she loosened her shoulders a bit, "We are new to town, and we don't know where Glarien Avenue is. We just moved in, and can't find our way back. The GPS says the street doesn't exist," he finished quickly, and she nodded gently, deciding on whether or not to tell him.
"Oh, uh," she bit her lip, "the street got a new sign on accident, and the GPS or whatever national database that programs the information never got updated, I guess. If you pull out of here, take a left and go forward like three-ish blocks. There's gonna be a bright yellow house, and once you see that turn right, and then take a sharp right again and if you just keep going down you should see Glarien. If you get lost, just come back,"
It took only five minutes for the two Australian boys to clear out, and for Willow to finally take a breath. As she took care of all of the dishes, she went for the check last. Their total was somewhat cheap, twenty-three dollars, for two full meals, two sodas, a sweet tea, and extra sides of fries.
As she counted out the money, she was thoroughly confused. There were two twenties, and two fives. There was fifty dollars here, and their meal was less than thirty. On the check was a small note.
Really good food, really good service. We hope you have an amazing night, and whatever is left after our tab is paid is yours. Thank you!
An exasperated sigh left her mouth, and she sat in the booth where the two boys sat. Staring at the money in front of her, her chest felt heavy. All of her emotions poured out, and the thought that a strangers kindness' brought her to tears was shameful yet elating. That would be three less hours she would have to work, three more hours of sleep, or soccer practice, or studying. More time to not stress over bills.
She sat there for a few minutes, breathing in and out, as deep as she could. Wiping her face of any tear remnants, she stood up, collecting the money in hand. As she eyed the clock, she sighed inwardly. It was only 2 AM.
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A little less than five hours later, she was walking into the doors of LaPrine High School, with at least two hundred other students. For seven in the morning, teenagers were pretty damn annoying. Squeals and loud murmurs was everything that she could hear, and it made her turn her headphones up louder.
For a private school full of snobby inbreds, there were some okay kids there. Most of them were the scholarship kids, who'd had their fares paid for, like Willow. If someone found out that you were a scholar student, you'd immediately be laughed at and taunted. She managed to keep hers a secret, though. She excelled, and she made sure to throw in an occasional snicker when needed to prove she was just one among the bunch.
She wasn't popular by any means, but everyone knew her. She was a suck up, that was for sure. Every teacher liked her, her grades were impeccable, and she was an all-star soccer player. She managed to have better stats than Ian Rewns, the past all star soccer legend, and he wasn't even a midfielder.
She also was known to stay pretty quiet, and to herself socially. She had a few casual friends, some classmates she talked to, but nobody really close. She was okay with that, she was pretty busy anyways. She had school from eight in the morning to three, then soccer practice from four to six-thirty, and if there wasn't a game, she'd go home around seven, and at eleven she would go work the graveyard shift at the diner. On average, she'd get four to five hours of sleep. Friends, or a social life, just take away from that time.
As she stopped at her locker to pull out her textbooks, she felt a tap on her shoulder. "Ms. Arroyo," it was her principal, Mrs. Samson. "Can you come with me, please?"
It was only two weeks into the school year, so there wasn't much she could get in trouble for. Maybe it was to rearrange her classes? No, every class she had was only alotted for that specific hour, there was no way. Her tuition? God, she hoped not.
"How are your classes so far?" as they rounded the office hallway, Mrs. Samson was making casual conversation. The clicking of her heels intimidated Willow a bit, but she'd known her for over a year. She wasn't as scary as everyone made her out to be. "They're good, I just finally settled in,"
"I know this year seems like it may be hard, but by the looks of your GPA next year, I think you'll be satisfied with it." Praise made Willow purr like a kitten, and her entire body tingled at the realization that this probably wasn't bad.
"Me too," she replied softly, and Mrs. Samson held the door to her office open for her, and they stepped in. Her office was tidy, shades of light blue and gray, and was a little too cold for Willow's liking. "Come and take a seat, hun,"
Unsure still, she took a seat. Her back didn't touch the seat, her anxiety from not knowing why she was there overtaking her comfortability. "You're not in trouble, don't worry," the older woman smiled at her as she took her own seat opposite her desk.
"So, I know you are a busy girl," she looked at her with eyes of compassion, and a soft smile decorated her face. "I have a proposition for you," she continued.
"Do you happen to remember when you did student tours for the incoming freshman?" Her first year at LaPrine, she was allowed to do student tours as community service hours for NHS. She was actually so good at it, and the organization of it, that she got to do it again this summer, and handled it all by herself without any staff. It was pulled off effortlessly.
"Of course, this year too," Willow nodded in agreement, and she waited for the woman to continue. "Well, if you agree to help me for a while this year, I will make sure all of your community hours are taken care of, and anything else you need help with will be considered done,"
Willow wanted her to get to the point.
"What is it?"
"Remember on your National Honor Society resume, you said you're bilingual and speak more than just English? You weren't lying, right?"
Willow laughed so hard she nearly bust a lung, and quickly covered her mouth with her hand. "Mrs. Samson, my last name is Arroyo. But of course, I can speak more than just Spanish, though,"
"You listed Korean, correct?" she eyed a piece of paper, which was most likely her aforementioned resume.
"Yeah, I can speak it somewhat fluently, and I can read Hangul well, I sometimes have trouble writing it, though. I don't imagine I'll be writing Korean letters, will I?" Willow's Hangul was absolutely preposterous, any native Korean would agree.
"No, that's silly," The elder crossed her hands together, and leaned forward. "Starting tomorrow, we have eight foreign exchange students coming from Korea, and you are an exemplar student who also happens to speak said language. One is a native English speaker, and two others speak it fluently. The rest can manage only a conversation or two, so you can understand our worry. I'm sure it would be nice for them to have a friend as well,"
"For the rest of the year?"
"Yes, but I'm sure that they'll manage to speak more fluently as the year progresses," and Willow shook her head, "I'm not worried about the language, I just don't know how that would work,"
"How so?"
"Well, are they all girls? Are they boys? Is it a mix? And won't their classes be much different than mine?"
"They're all boys, ranging from sophomore to seniors, and they're super sweet. Very respectful boys, from what I hear. I promise you, I will make it worth it if you help me out, and at least be a friend and reliable student to these boys. And no, they will not all have the same classes as you, but it will probably be courses you have taken, save for the seniors."
"I will also put in a good word for you to Mr. Ramirez, and how that head position on the team should be an exemplar student and player," she mentioned the soccer coach, and Willow cringed inwardly. She hadn't spoke Korean, in full length sentences, in over a year. She could remember it, but she'd be rusty.
"Okay, but you owe me one. No, more like eight; you owe me eight, Mrs. Samson."
"Deal. Come in tomorrow early if you can, and you can give them the tour. I will be here as well, so if you want to meet me in the cafeteria, I will bring you coffee."
"I like my coffees with extra creamer and sugar."
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