#I was gonna shit on Wolfwood being a shit person here as you do
revenantghost · 4 months
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You know, the first non-fucked up cigarette Wolfwood smokes is only after he's a freed man, on the cusp of making a choice that The Punisher would never make.
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tomatoswup · 11 months
i had this silly idea i told my friend about what if the Trigun Stampede gang run in to a runaway teen reader and then the reader’s part of the gang. The reader’s in their rebellious phase of course and kinda argues with Wolfwood a lot. Can you write headcanons for this please? (°▽°)
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A/N: i’M SO SORRY FOR THE LATE RESPONSE IT WAS A REALLY HECTIC MONTH😭😭😭😭 honestly, this was really fun to write heheheh,,, i can kinda see reader being a pain in the ass but with good intentions….maybe… But god i can imagine how crazy the stampede crew would be if they had a teen,,, i love it😌☝️☝️☝️ Hope you enjoy!!!(*´∇`*)
warnings/tags: none!
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Well aren't you a little anomaly in the bad deserts!
When you first encounter the gang, it wasn't a very...proud encounter.
To be exact, trying to steal Vash's gun in the middle of a busy bar was a very brave choice knowing that the Humanoid Typhoon was trying to eat spaghetti, and in the flesh!
Bold dare I say but, besides that, you were getting hunted by a group of thugs that had been going through town and uh, you sure did cause a bit of trouble.
And by trouble I mean you stole their car keys and went out for a joy ride.
Yup, crashed that shit rightttt into a boulder.
And of course Vash, who's a bit too kind for his own good at times, wanted to help someone so young to Wolfwood's disbelief. Meryl and Roberto? They've witnessed what he did for Jenora Rock so they kinda expected it.
After that first meeting, you naturally stuck to the wacky group and often times when needed, you tried to help them in exchange for saving your life.
Of course with payment :D It's a hard world for a runaway teen out here!
Don't worry you don't make them pay...sometimes...
Young and free they say hahaha!!...Yeah you had literally no more bullet to spare so time to get workin~
You often had Wolfwood reminisce his times back at the orphanage. He's lived there for so long and he's dealt with kids of many ages, but goddamn did you give this man a mf headache.
Sorry, correction, a migraine.
I damn right knowww he goes through twice the number of cigarette packs when you're around.
"Alright kid, no more grabbing shit or starting fights. Zip your mouth if you're gonna be tagging along-"
"Do you really think I'm gonna listen to a priest?"
"Same thing"
"No it's not!"
You glanced at Meryl for more input.
"...Okay I can see where they're coming from-"
You got Wolfwood this close to Homer Simpson choking you out.
Sometimes Vash can't help but watch the both of you headbutt eachother.
He's the type of person to try and stop the fight and maintain the peace but bestie, when you're against a rebelling teenager anything is possible.
He understands tho bc he's also gone through his little phase, that's how he got his little earring :D
But asides from that, when he tries to stop ya'll you guys just ignore him lmAOOO
They say teens are rebellious while trying to find others who they can relate to or have a connection with and well, although you didn't really have a permanent home anymore like you use to, you slowly found yourself getting fond of this little wacky group.
And at some point while you guys got closer, Wolfwood tended to look after you a little more.
Was it because of his past? Or were you just a kid who needed the right guidance forward?
Either way, he tries his best to give you good advice,,, advice to keep you alive.
A practical guardian you could say,, Or kinda like an uncle?
And you know what, you don't mind it.
"Did your sticky little hands grab another fucking wallet? Seriously?"
'No I did not!" You narrowed your eyes at him "It's a map get it right. I also only steal from the rick-looking men Wolfwood cmon now-"
You ended up getting a bonk on the head from him, which led you to looking at Roberto, who downed another drink.
"What are you looking at me for?"
He really doesn't care lMAAOOO Most unphased man alive.
As long as no one dies!
And maybe after all of this time, even after those two years after what happened to July you guys will reunite again :)
You still a lil' shit tho
"does anyone have gum?"
"I haven't seen you in two years and you're asking me this?"
"...It was just a question..."
-Meryl gets tired one night driving?
-"I'll drive for you!"
-Everyone regrets letting you touch that wheel.
-That poor car looks like if you were shaking a bag of skittles when you drive full speed over those sandy hills.
-You got Meryl thanking to god she put her seatbelt on
-Vash holding onto the back of the driver's seat for his life,, I think his nails left cuts in the seat itself jeez!
-Roberto's holding a hand out against your chest so you don't FLY out of your seat when you guys go airborne.
-And Wolfwood honestly wished the sandworms from earlier had eaten him.
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pancake-breakfast · 10 months
The final stretch for Volume 7! We got this!
Stream-of-consciousness thoughts for TriMax Vol. 7, Chapters 5-6 below.
Chapter 5: Late Arrival to the End of the World
CW: Body horror
Ugh, Wolfwood did it. He brought him all the way to Knives' citadel. I know this is where Vash wanted to go, but still....
Also, I'm just gonna note this is only volume 7, so things aren't exactly gonna resolve here.
Vash's plan of attack is terrible.
Geez, he's barely walked in and his power is already going off a bit. At least he looks calm about it for once.
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Wolfwood!!! Crosses? Eye of Michael turning on him? (I mean, sure, they have reason, but....) Or... is this Legato? Legato does have a thing for skulls.
I'd be more worried, but I was promised a couch, so mostly I'm just terribly confused.
Oh, gods. It wasn't real. How was I supposed to know it wasn't real?!?!
Sounds like it was Legato. We don't know much about Eye of Michael, but for some reason I don't think they have weird mind abilities like that. And if they do, then they'd probably get recruited into the Gung-Ho Guns. But Legato? We've already established he can communicate telepathically and he has an established motive (he's tsundere and Wolfwood's received "undue" attention from Knives), so I'd bet it's either him or some unknown party.
"The full VIP treatment." Yeah, sure whatever. Like, Vash is that important to Knives, but Knives doesn't see other people's wills (especially Vash's and the other Plants') as seperate enough from his own to actually be able to make good calls there.
I'm not convinced Vash will be fine, but he's not wrong that Wolfwood should be particularly careful.
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Wolfwood's always surprised and a bit bummed at Vash perceiving things about him and then trying to take care of him. Silly man. It's ok for the people you're closest to to worry about you from time to time.
I love how he makes an attempt to stay back, but then he can't stop himself from trying to run after Vash. If it weren't for Elandira, he'd be right there... probably being a liability. Reminds me of a post someone made about Stampede and how Wolfwood was like, "Who in their right mind would go up against that (Knives)?" when the answer was Wolfwood. Wolfwood would try and go against Knives.
Oh, honey. Elandira's a badass, but that thing earlier was not her style.
YES EXACTLY. Elandira doesn't have beef with Wolfwood. If she's gonna pick a petty fight, it will be with Legato. Otherwise, she's just doing her job. And she certainly has no desire to tear Wolfwood limb from limb. If she's ordered to kill him, a nail through the head would be good enough for her.
They're still gonna throw hands, huh? He's that desperate to follow Vash? I'm sorry, but this goes way beyond job professionalism. Or sane behavior.
Ah, that's definitely an Eye of Michael Cross. Though IIRC, Legato was the one mucking around with EoM folks last time we saw them, so... maybe this is a joint "let's take out Wolfwood" effort.
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Yyyyyyeeeeaaaaahhh... there's Livio and... I forgot the other one's name.
Wait, Elandira's got her nail gun pointed at Livio??
Is this wheelchair guy the real Chapel?
LOL, Elandira doesn't have time for their shit.
Livio's still firing stuff off into the sky just to make a point, I guess.
Ugh, he's talking about Livio like he's just a pet. And... it seems like he used to be in charge of Wolfwood, too.
I like the idea that this man just... wheelchaired backwards out of there for dramatic effect.
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So, Wolfwood failed to kill the person he was trying to impersonate, and he fell for his mark. I'm beginning to think he might be a sub-par assassin. (I joke, but I'm guessing it's less a matter of skill and more a matter of too much heart.)
LOL, Elandira casually flirting with Wolfwood. Probably not flirting-flirting so much as just trying to annoy him a bit.
GG Wolfwood, misgendering the canon trans person. /s At least he caught himself.
Yeah, I don't think it's blind faith from Elandira so much as it's acceptance of the inevitable demise of everything at the hands of the twins.
WTH is this stupid temple thing Vash is going to? Did Knives build himself a stupid temple??
Knives, buddy.... That canNOT be healthy.
Look at Elandira, that badass. We know Wolfwood's pretty tough, but she just wades through Knives waking up without batting an eyelash. Meanwhile, Wolfie's having to take her advice to not pass out under serious consideration.
IDK how I feel about an impending giant angel fight. Wait, yes I do. Not good. I feel not good about it. Very not good about it.
Chapter 6: Conflict
CW: Body horror, SA imagery
Oh, we're starting with Legato? That's... great. Just great.
Vash? Serious? Never!
Goshdarnit, Knives. I get you're doing this for your brother and I guess you probably don't have any intention of setting off his angel arm at this time, but... like... this isn't healthy. So very not healthy.
At least he's not surprised Vash is shooting at him this time?
Dude, your name is Millions Knives, not Hundred Guns. Put those away.
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Legato, WTF are you doing?! With this... little... giant... skull scythe arm thing... just... scootching along the floor, I guess....
"Why are you so worked up?" It's because senpai hasn't noticed him and is paying attention to someone else. Duh.
This pouty face, though. I just can't with this man. He's such a freaking mess. Please throw him in the sea.
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Knives: "I'm sure you understand now." Knives, a few pages later: "Dammit, Vash! How come you don't understand?!"
I love this because, in spite of everything, it's just not. Hells, it was only a few minutes back that Wolfwood tried to follow him into hell for no other reason than because he cares about Vash, and Wolfwood knows. Wolfwood knows all of it. Knives really needs to get out and meet more people.
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In Stampede, Vash basically gives this whole speech to Knives, doesn't he?
Ah, dramatic coattails have become even more dramatic. This time on purpose and not just for artistic effect.
Not really sure what's unplugging here. Part of Vash's outfit?
Ah, yeah, that was it. I guess it's now a gun, too?
Ha! He's using the other tube to reload. Something something Stampede.
Knives... don't power that thing up.
Gods, Legato just looks like a muppet on this page.
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I'm sorry, but the image of him slowly ker-plinking slowly up all those stairs in his little bag with his silly little mechanical scythe attachment thing is hilarious.
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VASH. YOU PUT THAT AWAY, TOO!!! Ugh, for once I'm grateful for whatever the hell Knives is about to do to get in Vash's way.
Knives, your logic SUCKS.
Don't worry! Someone has arrived to save the day! Behold, our hero... *checks notes* Legato Bluesummers?
I mean, fr, he's probably pretty upset already that Knives has merged with people other than himself. I guess merging with someone who he thinks might affect Knives's consciousness is too much? IDEK.
Going for some more overt rape imagery here, I see.
Gods, Knives doesn't even call Bluesummers by his name. He's just "you."
Folks... I've seen '98. I have spoilers. I know Legato's gonna break me in all different ways all too soon. But right now? I can't get over how much of a crazed muppet he is and it's just making me laugh through all the serious stuff here. But look at him! He's so giddy! Knives-sama has given him a Very Important Job! Knives-sama recognized Legato and knows Legato is here to help! Knives-sama knows this is a job for only Legato, because Legato is that dedicated to Knives-sama and is the only, ONLY person who should be at Knives-sama's side!
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Oh. Yeah, I'm also worried about Vash here. I just got distracted by Legato's stupid face. I should add it to my collage.
I'm trying to decide if that's Wolfwood on the right of this shot. It looks an awful lot like Wolfwood.
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Author Bonus Chapter
LOL, otaku boat....
Is that a Vash head half buried in the sand? Looking very annoyed?
Oh, I guess there was a Trigun game. I don't really know anything about it.
Waaaaaiiiiiit, that's not Trigun! That's Gungrave!
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Ha! I remember when a game with dynamic world elements like that was considered top-of-the-line....
What's with this list of target audience people?
Trigun Vol. 1: Covers + 1-3, 4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10 || Vol. 2: Covers + Extras, 1, 2-4, 5-6, 7-8
TriMax Vol. 1: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 2: Covers + 1, 2-4, 5, 6-7 || Vol. 3: Covers + 1-3, 4-5, 6-7 || Vol. 4: Covers + 1-2, 3-5, 6-7 || Vol. 5: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 6: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 7: Covers + 1-2, 3-4
Extra Credit: Trigun Vol. 1: Nebraska vs. Vash's Motivations, Vash's Loneliness, Vash's Depression (pt 2 of post), Soupy Brains || Vol. 2: Coin Factoids || TriMax Vol. 1: Lina, Vash, and a Haircut || Meryl, Vash, and the Pursuit of Happiness || Vol. 5: Knives, Vash, and Hatred for Humanity || Vol. 6: Coping Series: Wolfwood, Meryl, Vash
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aubieinsanity · 1 year
lol I thought last week's episode of stampede was intense.
I can't even wrap my head around today's.
There's so much to digest here.
My insomnia is still raging and I feel like shit so here's some rambling word vomit re: trigun stampede ep 11!!
angst Angst ANGST
like seriously the vash whump this episode
Meryl kicking Wolfwood. I laughed out loud. Love her so much
Also GO MERYL RUN TO HIM. I am on my knees begging for her to be the one to snap him out of it next week. It would do my poor shipper heart such good
Wolfwood taking a smoke from Roberto's corpse. Damn son
Did I mention the vash angst
The imagery OMG the imagery!!!! The new plant imagery!!! It's SO FUCKING COOL omg the roots and the giant root person at the end with the black and purple flowers?? Fucking EPIC so cool
RIP rem. U were so good to your boys
Young Vash and Knives bickering. So cute. Why couldn't you stay that way
They're actually bringing in the body horror stuff from manga!! Tesla's mangled corpse, the pregnant plants, etc. Plus the whole root thing going on with Vash right now, very body horror
Did I mention TESLA
Knives. KNIVES. if you erase your brother, he is no longer your brother. You fool
*knives plunges into soup* my husband: "he's like a ken doll down there"
We're going to ignore the fact that the boys are canonically dickless I guess??? Lmaoo especially since I just wrote mash smut
Oh also I will also drop mash smut later today. If I can find the brainpower to edit it
When knives tells Vash he did all of this for him, and the dome shatters and Vash has that heartbreaking scream. Oh my, our puppy so sad I wanna die. And THAT'S what brought down his last shred of resistance
Wolfwood gonna come back and help I assume. But that would defo put him on knives' shit list which would complicate things. So maybe Wolfwood doesn't help him here actually. Then later he suffers major regret for not coming to the aid of his tongari and feels an even more intense need to protect Vash? Hm....
Farewell Conrad you fuck (I hope)
I been wondering since last EP how Vash might destroy July without killing meryl and stuff? Interested to see how this plays out. Maybe the building they're in is kind of sheltered by all the roots and is the only thing left standing in the end
Oh and the music SLAPS as always
I literally don't know how to wait another week. I also don't know how to cope with the fact that after next ep, we'll have to wait for S2. I'm not gonna make it
The end thanks for reading
(Oh one more thought: annoying July police guy holding his lil ramen bowl amidst the crowd gaping at the root monster. Keep being you buddy)
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deludedfantasy · 9 months
Trimax Vol 11 Ch 1-3
I'm a little behind this week because my brain hasn't been cooperative. But here are some thoughts on the first half of volume 11.
It’s been really hard for me to start reading this volume. I’m still grieving from volume 10. Everything past this point from my first read is a blur and I don’t remember much of it. I was reading in a frenzy because I was very in denial about Wolfwood being dead and was hoping he’d come back somehow. This feels all new to me and while I know the broad strokes, I’m a little scared of what’s to come. 
Really hope this is the last I have to see of Chapel. Why are we opening on this old scene?
Zazie saying “Chapel and the old man” confused me for a moment. Did—did no one tell Zazie that Wolfwood isn’t Chapel? Who did she think that random old guy was? Did Knives even know Wolfwood wasn’t really Chapel? Honestly, who knows at this point. 
Damn, I didn’t realize Wolfwood shot Legato in the spine. At this point, you gotta wonder if the only thing keeping Legato alive is his insane devotion to Knives because I don’t know how else he’s pushed through all the shit that’s happened to him. 
Elendira “jokingly” threatening to kill Legato is everything to me. It shouldn’t be so funny and yet there’s such a morbid humor to it. 
Where in the world did Vash and Livio get a car from?
Other people have pointed this out, but the fact that after everything that happened, despite Vash’s own anger at Livio, he still trusts him. That means a lot. Vash hasn’t abandoned his beliefs and importantly, he’s not giving up on the person Wolfwood sacrificed everything for. This is the first time we see the blank ticket in action! 
No one else has taken Vash up on the chance to change, to become something better. But Livio has, because of Wolfwood’s belief in him, so Vash is going to take him at his word, because then what in the world has he been fighting for all this time? At the same time though, someone else had to die for that to happen, and I think that’s going to create some cracks in Vash’s convictions, though how still remains to be seen. 
Vash’s anger isn’t gone though. Not at all. “You are the one he believed in,” Vash says. So start acting like it is the subtext. You want to be trusted? Then don’t act surprised or like you don’t deserve it when I do, because Wolfwood gave up everything for you to have that chance. Vash has this problem where he places a lot of meaning and emphasis on other people’s sacrifice’s and this isn’t something he’s going to let go of. 
Brad really cares about Wolfwood. I wonder when they got to know each other so well that Brad would be so mad at Livio for what happened. But I also think Brad is there to remind us that the way he’s trusting Livio is out of the ordinary because we’ve become so used to seeing everything from Vash’s point of view, it’s easy to forget why trusting Livio is such a big deal. 
An ion cannon…this isn’t gonna end badly or anything. 
Oh an ion cannon powered by Plants. That’s very bad. 
The first time we see Dependent Plants have their own autonomy! They keep the military from firing the ion cannon at Knives. Which suggests they’ve been able to control their energy output this whole time. For some reason, they’ve been (apparently) helping humans willingly all these years. That’s certainly an interesting revelation.
Ch 2
I don’t know why but the wording of this page makes it sound like the vast majority of the human population has gathered in Octovern. I remember thinking that on my first read too and later wondering if I’d misinterpreted something. But this really does have the feel of, “This is humanity’s last stand, and they’re all huddled together in fear.”
Which really does beg the question: how big is the population of No Man’s Land? And how much of it has Knives destroyed over the past seven months?
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Luida!!! She’s trying to give all these bigwigs the knowledge they need to successfully resist Knives, but she’s coming in at a disadvantage. She’s been hiding for years and now she’s telling them that dependent Plants have a will of their own, which is news to everyone. Now she’s telling them they shouldn’t attack when the situation is truly dire. It’s frustrating, but it makes so much sense why people are unwilling to listen to her. 
And Meryl!!! Always happy to see Meryl again, being her little gremlin self and flipping people off behind their backs. 
Oh…Meryl and Milly’s conversation really drives home how much things have changed and how much they have changed. Things were simpler, once upon a time, when they first met Vash and started following him. They were more peaceful and Meryl and Milly hadn’t seen as many horrible things. Now, the world is on the brink of destruction, they’ve witnessed the worst of humanity, and as Milly says, there’s no going back. They can reminisce all they want, but they’ll never be the same. The subtext being that even if they win, the world won’t be the same one they knew when they were younger. 
It’s important that Milly delivers this message too. Because coming from someone else, it could sound hopeless. From her, it doesn’t feel quite so horrible. It’s sad, but to me, it feels like she’s saying it’s not the end. Those memories will still be there for them even if they can’t be those people anymore, and that’s not a bad thing. It’s good to remember, it’s good to feel all of that and be able to live with it. 
Vash makes a wonderful entrance! Just as they’re contemplating how their lives have changed because of him, Vash drops in again and does things the way he always does. With precision and a little bit of silliness. 
Their reunion makes me so happy!! Look at them, they’re so overwhelmed seeing him again! They mean so much to each other and they hadn’t even known he was alive for the longest time. And Vash’s surprised little, “Oh!” After all these months, he likely didn’t know if they’d survived the destruction and had probably shoved all of that to the back of his mind so he could function. But there they are!! They’re his friends and he’s just as excited to see them!
The Earth fleet’s arrival feels like it should be a moment of hope, but then we transition to Knives. He’s become more and more inhuman. He’s fused so deeply with the Plants that he’s started resembling them. The Ark is even starting to fall apart. It’s overtaken by much more biological matter as Knives’s powers spiral out of control a little and the Plants grow and grow. It makes you wonder: can the fleet actually stand up to him?
Ch 3
Luida: Hey, Vash what happened to your hair?
Vash: Haha, how about this final battle though?
Vash continues being incapable of letting anyone in on his problems and it drives me bananas! Let someone help you carry your burdens!!! It’ll make your life just a little bit easier!!!
The way Livio starts turning here. He was about to admit that he killed him or was responsible for his death. But Brad stops him! Brad, who was so angry at him before! Whether it’s to keep the girls from being so hurt or because he’s come to believe (just a little) that Vash is right about Livio, it’s not easy to say. But it still speaks volumes about Brad that he does this to lessen the blow for so many people. 
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Is it bad that what Brad said reminded me of someone saying, “Oh, your dog went to live a happy life on a farm upstate”? 
But they know. Meryl and Milly still know what he really means. The hard truth is they don’t have the time to properly grieve him or break down about it. They have to stay focused on their current goals. So while they go along with it, the way Milly cries just hurts me. It’s a loss they can’t even speak about yet. 
And now Knives has made an enemy of Zazie, who isn’t thrilled about their planet being destroyed. This was not what they signed up for! 
I love that Meryl and Milly kept everything from Vash’s old coat as evidence for Bernadelli. The fact that they took it when they went back to HQ during those seven months is actually so sweet and sad too. It was the only thing they had to remember him by, even if it was just the random crap he carried in his pockets. I know this is just Nightow’s way of bringing the coins back into play, but in this instance, it actually shows a bit about the girls’ relationship to him. 
“That’s scary.” I mean, yeah fighting Legato is scary, I do get it, but also…Vash, WHAT? You’ve been through some terrifying things and that’s your reaction to this? He really does forget who and what he is sometimes, because he forgets that he’s pretty dangerous too. Then again, he doesn’t want to be, so he never thinks of himself that way. 
Brad has no idea how much it means to Livio that he’s showing him this kind of trust and respect. This is exactly what he needed to hear. That he is capable of change and people believe in him, people outside Vash and Wolfwood. Brad says he didn’t do what he did earlier for Livio but I don’t know. The way he’s acting now seems to say that maybe he did, just a little. He understands what Wolfwood gave up for him and that Wolfwood wouldn’t want Livio blamed for his death, so while Brad might give all kinds of other reasons, I think it all comes down to that. 
A lot of other people have commented on this scene and I totally agree with everyone’s takes! Vash is so overwhelmed hearing this from Marlon right now. This is something Vash has struggled with the whole story: letting people in and asking for help. He never does this. He always tries to go it alone and keeps his cards close to his chest, even with his closest friends. Wolfwood, Meryl, and Milly wormed their way into his heart through sheer stubbornness because Vash wouldn’t let them otherwise. And it’s hitting him now, just how much it means to ask for help, that he could have it and he’s always had it. He probably wishes Wolfwood had asked him for help and hearing now that he should do the same hurts. It’s a spin of regrets and should’ve-beens in his head right now and it’s not something he needs to focus on the coming battle. 
The thing is, he really does need to hear this now! He can’t survive this battle on his own. He isn’t the only person fighting. Even if he is the most powerful Independent Plant, he can’t win by himself. This isn’t just a fight between him and his brother. This is a fight for humanity’s survival. His friends have a stake in it and they want to help him. They can! Vash has been martyring himself for so long, letting people in is a foreign concept, but it’s the only way to survive. If Vash had to learn anything from humanity, it’s that survival isn’t a one person game. Society lives and thrives on human interaction, on people helping each other, and if his greatest want is to be close to humans, to live with them and be like them, then he needs to let people in and accept help. 
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Your Heart is A Muscle the Size Of Your Fist (Ramshackle Glory)
I asked if I could get a ride/He said: “No, you don’t want to follow me/Where it is I’m going”/He backed out of the driveway/That was the last time we saw him/'Cause he drove straight to his parent’s cabin/And put a bullet in his head/Your heart is a muscle the size of your fist/Keep on loving, keep on fighting/And hold on, and hold on/Hold on for your life...
"This song is just a Lot. it feels like a punch to your chest. just one of those folk punk songs that tell a lot of rlly personal stories and connect you to humanity in a rlly painful and visceral and vulnerable way and it rlly compels you to contemplate ur own mortality and just. live your life. and try rlly rlly hard to live and love and learn as much as possible. fuck dude."
Sunlight (Hozier)
All the tales the same/Told before and told again/A soul that's born in cold and rain/Knows sunlight, sunlight, sunlight/And at last can grant a name/To a buried and a burning flame/As love and its decisive pain/Oh, my sunlight, sunlight, sunlight
But whose heart would not take flight/Betray the moon as acolyte/On first and fierce affirming sight of/Sunlight, sunlight, sunlight/I had been lost to you, sunlight/And flew like a moth to you, sunlight, oh, sunlight/Oh, your love is sunlight
"I come down with the shivers and start hyperventilating when i hear this song and it makes me want to go outside which is the scariest part"
"I'm not gonna go full infodump here but this song is Peak Vash and Nicholas D. Wolfwood from Trigun-- specifically Nick's feelings towards Vash. Vash's (literal) evil twin brother Knives hired (read: threatened to eradicate the orphanage he kidnapped Nick from as a child if he didn't do what he was told) Nick to act as bodyguard for Vash and guide him to where Knives wants him to go so he can manipulate him for his own gain. Like, he chose the name Knives. This bitch is crazy beyond crazy but this ain't about him. Nick starts out 100% willing to guide Vash like a lamb to slaughter because he HAS to for the orphanage, and this is just some random guy he doesn't know or care about. But then he gets to know Vash, how good of a person he is despite the shit the world (and Knives) has put him through. How he'd rather risk his own life and health than kill another person because he believes he doesn't get to make that choice for people. And despite being someone who'd rather shoot first, pray for them after, Nick starts trying to wound rather than kill just because Vash doesn't like it. It puts them both at risk and he fusses and argues about it and still kills sometimes but he tries anyways. Eventually he decides that he'll do what he can to protect Vash from Knives without provoking him to destroy the orphanage. He ends up caring about him deeply against his own will to the point that his idea of Eden would be to live with Vash and their friends in a peaceful world where none of them have to fight and die. In the manga, Nick's dying request is to see Vash smile again- the genuine smile that he's complimented every time he's seen it. Vash can't give him that, because he knows Nick would see that it was a forced smile. Instead, he just sits with him until he dies. Afterwards, Vash kills willingly for the first time in his entire life (over 150 years. He's not human btw) in order to protect Nick's childhood friend Livio. He wouldn't just do that for just any friend or ally, no, that was out of love. Love so strong he could go against his own mother's teachings that all life matters and people don't get to choose when a life ends, the thing that has kept Vash pacifist all these years, to keep someone that mattered to Nick alive. So while Nick never knew that Vash cared for him the same way he did him, the fact matters that he does."
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weirdcat1213 · 9 months
another day another week ANOTHER FUCKING VOLUME-
okok lets relax
vol 11 thoughts
chap 1:
you know i barely remember this so it should be fun :D
-"all he did was to shoot you in the spine" lmao elendira calling legato a baby is my favorite thing
-you know what girlie youre so right- oh a joke? damn it
-ily zazie, youre so cool
-oh hey brad is here
-brad, brad, honey....he knows
-why is my poor baby apologizing :c
-i mean brad's fears are valid and all but HE DOESNT KNOW AND WE KNOW AND VASH KNOWS AND ITS ALL JUST REALLY SAD
-also i can relate to livio here cuz rn my environment is too trusting and im so paranoid about security like yeah vash, i would never sleep in the back of a car of someone whom i just met you dumbass-
-shut up literally shut up
-Ion Blaster TM time :3
-final phase you say-
-oh....oh no. vash, this is gonna be one of those moments where you sigh and curse knives for being kinda right
-oh he angy xd
-yeap...they are fucked atm
chap 2
-catch me being that guy when the end comes (just a dude in a coat with a hat playing music, thats gonna be me)
-oh god no, the worst and most boring thing you could do is to label knives as a terrorist. the guy is so much more and that word just doesnt fit him
-yes thank you! no time for nonsense
-when was the last time we saw them? 2 volumes ago?
-"i would never would have imagined this. that the world could change so fast" and that goes on the list of "timeless trigun things" or TTT for short
-wait so...transphobe guy? get yeeted
-oh...oh i didnt remember...oh i will cry
-ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh the reunioooooooooon
-look at their fucking faces, they missed each other so much
-tbh if i met the most jesus-allegory guy ever, then lost trail of where or how he was for 2 volumes of a manga ,to find him later in the middle of a silly fight i would also cry
-that scene with the pieces of earth announcement makes me kinda sad, no one will come for us
-geesus christ
-ohhh kinda pretty tho, looks like a phoenix
chap 3:
-"its all happening so fast" yeah sorry dude, its a trigun tradition
-"do you want me to come along?" he would be the best person to go to public places when you are too anxious to talk to strangers
-livio honey what was the idea here "oh you guys seem like you liked him. i actually killed him. well not me but also me. im sorry"
-milly my girl is cursed to be the 1st and og wolfwood stan in any version. we feel your pain girl
-also ofc he has rare figurines, the man has had enough time to look for it lmao
-ok but imagine if vash actually had lost the coins xd
-the pressure and guilt livio must feel rn. his brother died trying to protect him and he has the official Vash Thinks Youre Cool stamp. he has to change cuz if he doesnt he would throw all of that away and really stop being human
-you did good brad
-"must be lonely" im eating my own arm
-oh im really crying over this, ok, fun
-i also dont know what to do vash the stampede but im begging you to ASK FOR HELP YOU MFFFFFFFFFF
chap 4:
-july 20th? ah great, july 20th-21st is cursed here too
-rad as hell as always
-huh, i expected knives to just yeet them on sight
-i would say him and humans are pretty much alike but ok, sure,hm
-i love her being suspicious of legato 1st xd
-i wonder how can this go wrong, seems like a solid plan
-oh right...him
-oh...oh thats so cool. like his body doesnt work...but he controls it...but not in the same way a human would...wow
(side note: "you still dont know how to control your gate" SO THATS HOW IT LOOKS WHEN YOU CONTROL IT? IT ONLY CONSUMES/CREATE WHAT YOU WANT?? ORANGEEE)
-vash you cant say shit about silly haircuts im sorry
-also "new hair new outlook"...........i will curl myself into the moon
-they forgor
-who are you
-also ngl i never got the idea of what the coins did so lets find out
chap 5:
-wait wdym neural blocking programs
-just the two of us :3
-i love his game face and then its just "ugh i cant do this" xd
-"fight vash the stampede fight" me cheering vash on in stampede
-vash i love you but you cant call my wife a bitch, thats not polite
-oh livio, oh i didnt get to appreciate you too much on my 1st read but come here man, come here. youre doing great
-they have officially trauma bonded :3 (ik thats a terrible oversimplification but leave me alone)
-"is it possible for something created by humans to completely break away from their creators?" yes next question
-"you really have become a crybaby" and im glad cuz she was always so serious with her job and all, now she can express her feelings more
-...........and thats story is technically stampede but anyway jajajajaja :D
-the prettiest eyes
chap 6:
-the title :c
-liviooooooo :c
-HEY! my boi can still kick your ass >:[
-just leave him out of this pls
-i love that he still considers himself human <3 i want to think wolfwood taught him that indirectly
-huh, the silhouette kinda looks like wolfwo- *gunshot*
-i love knowing exacty what livio is thinking rn
-aww :3
-liviooooooooooo :c
-his cowboy era is about to start im so proud of him :')
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gealachros · 9 months
Thoughts while reading Trimax Volume 11 part 2/end
Continuation of my thoughts from part 1!
Oh you know, some light DIY with explosives
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Oh this reminds me of the final fight in Trigun 98, how the angel arms would cancel each other out when both used at the same time! I wonder if this was an inspiration for that part in the fight
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Awww I love Meryl and Milly so much,
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Also I love this fistbump, such a cute promise before the big fight. I really do hope everything turns out okay in the end because I will not be able to handle anymore deaths
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Here we go, Livio vs Elendira. I bet this will be an interesting fight! I do really hope that Elendira doesnt actually die here, shes such a cool character but I understand if its the only way to stop her
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Holy shit that was close
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Wow she is insanely strong
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AWWW Livio is adorable with kids, although he did probably traumatize them for life with all the nails and blood lol
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His reaction is interesting here, I wonder if hes being reminded of Wolfwood maybe?? Also their face isnt showing which is an interesting choice
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Oh shit!! Is that the girl he saved when he was at the orphanage??? Oh thats really cute. Also the kid giving him the hat was very cute as well
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Man what a good volume, how Elendira fights is pretty interesting. Even though Livio definitely isnt as strong fighting wise as Razlo, its still crazy to see the difference in strength. Shes a badass person. Although the whole thing with the actual nuke worries me a bit lol
I love how Livio has really become his own person and he is such a sweet guy. Such a shame Wolfwood couldnt see Livio like this
Im wondering since there is 3 volumes left, I bet the next one is gonna wrap things up with Legato and Elendira and maybe the start of the fight between Knives and Vash? Something bad is gonna happen for sure between Knives and the spaceships. But who knows, they seem to have seen what Knives is doing before so maybe they have a way to combat it.
Very interesting way to start wrapping up the story, I guess we will see how the next volumes goes
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longhands-the-second · 11 months
Trimax vol. 3 notes
This cover is so sexy. The colors make my brain go brrr
I read and typed this the night before, oops. I needed something to make me less bored and sad and by god I got it. (<- has so much homework he doesn’t even want to look at it)
1- Based on what i’ve seen of future installments there’s a trend in the particular kind of body horror nightow likes to draw huh
The color of blood? Literally blood? I wasn’t sure if he was actually crying blood in the previous volume or not or if the tears were just darker bc art shit. I think his vibes are like that of a bird of prey. If that’s what we’re getting at here? (At least this version of him is. Stampede is a different beast. Somehow both cuttlefish and like, crow? I’m still yelling about the stampede finale-)
Does having high bullshit tolerance make you less human somehow…? What’s the logic here?
Is wolfwood saying that to him directly? Fucked up if so. He does NOT need more piled on him right now
2- im just flashing back to 98 wolfwood saying he’s never fired a gun before-
Does gray have the same sort of top that Vash had? The almost-tubing on the sides? Or is that just a favorite design thing?
That was pretty much all just fight scene huh.
god, it’s only just now hitting that these are the faces of people he knew. People he cared about. Christ.
:( i want to get off of mr bones wild ride
I’m not like. Gagging or anything i just hate it.
The thing about Vash being quiet angry is that it’s almost got this elegance to it. Like his mind has left his body and he’s just running on his experience and skill now. He’s pissed and he’s dissociating. I feel like the whole room gets icy when he’s like that, even if you’re outside in the suns.
4- does. Does he know him???
Oh hell.
He set off the sprinklers???
5- brad is much more of a character than i was expecting.
God i can just hear wolfwood in that moment
Well. Yikes.
HAHAHSJSJJS milly jumpscare
6- what the fuck that piano is so cool
Seeing vash with both arms feels illegal somehow
Or no, does it have some kind of cover on it? Or is that what it looks like below those gloves?
He is SOOOO not okay right now
Woah damn is that what luida looks like here?
Im sure he’s just beyond relieved to see people lived.
Oh wow. Im… proud of him for admitting it? Something like that? God he looks so tired
“Woah vash you’re fucking ancient aren’t you???”
7- he is a solid 70% leg. Good for him.
He looks so normal it’s very strange.
True immortality???? Maybe that’s why knives is baby smooth every time we’ve seen him. (Ick.) (there’s some part of me that wants so badly to like knives on the grounds that I understand where he’s coming from but he’s literally the fucking worst.)
There goes his arm. Again. Why is it always that one?
He genuinely reads like a different person with his hair down. Maybe that’s just me.
Did. Did nightow give mike mignola a copy of trigun. Better yet did he read it? We’re asking the real questions here.
(I made a poll for Vash’s vibes and the results are mostly exactly what I expected? Will post my findings. Manga Vash has the most variety so far.)
((Will I be able to do anything cool for Vash’s birthday? Who knows. Crossing my fingers I can hold it together that long, I am SO done with my summer classes and I wanna go home.))
(((I have had the worst stampede brainrot recently. It’s the purple color scheme and the flowers and the everything at the end. It fuckin EATS. I want to hold him gently.)))
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pentragonart · 2 months
I propably gonna get a lot of hate for this but personally I find something missing with Stampede!Wolfwood. I love 1998 WW, he is charismatic, can be dorky but also funny and he gets shit done. Stampede!WW gets shit done but that´s mostly it. He is very pissy most of the time.
And if he is not pissy he is mostly mistrusting or needling the others
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And I get it, he´s through a lot of shit and no one would expect him to trust easily. That would be plain stupid. What do you expect from someone who lives on such a shit planet AND got experimented on on top of this? So no surprise here.
But 1998 WW had his issues as well & while he definitely had his reservations and was also mistrusting he also managed to not show this outwardly. Instead he chooses to laugh & joke around with the whole crew. He was a pretty smiley guy in general (how much of this was real … well, that’s up to debate).
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That´s what made their dynamic so fun to watch. Stampede!WW barely has this and I miss it. (Not saying he doesn’t smile at all bc he does, but it´s not often and if he does he mostly wants to rile up the others. Not the kind, camarderie-smile his 1998 version has going on.)
We also have a lot more „neutral“ moments were you can see 1998 WW being pretty chill with the group. And even if it comes to fighting he often is pretty neutral or even curious:
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While Stampede!WW goes into survival „needs to get shit done“-mode immediately. Granted, we don’t have as much time in Stampede as with the 1998 series or we also may have seen a wider emotional range from Stampede!WW
Long story short: I find it way easier to like 1998 WW because he seems so much more approachable.
Also … on a pure surface level:
aside from Stampede!WW looking rather young in general we also can’t escape 1998 WWs two assets as winning points
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feekins · 1 year
hoo boy, ch 8. okay. I've got tea steeping. I've got a comfy throw blanket. I have my cat on standby, bc...honestly idr how I reacted the first time I read this almost 20 years ago. all I know is that a lot of things flew over my head at that age, so it should be uh. interesting. to see what I get out of it as an adult.
so yeah - my thoughts and things as I re-read ch8 of Trigun vol 2.
(NOTE: I'm reading the Dark Horse [physical] and the Overhaul [online] translations side-by-side)
ok so uh. this is gonna be a longass post. no joke, I took reference pics of almost every single page of this chapter, but thanks to the 10-image limit...well. we'll see how this goes.
on the very first page, we have some context-changing translation discrepancies.
in Dark Horse, we've got:
WOLFWOOD: "I got a bad feeling...about these guys." (referring to the dudes he beat up when they tried to jump him as he walked into the church in the last chapter)
LEGATO: "How rude. How else do you expect to be treated when you suddenly trespass?"
meanwhile, the Overhaul has something much more informative, once again:
WOLFWOOD: "Who are these idiots? The Roderick slavers?"
LEGATO: "My apologies... I just needed to show late arrivals who they are dealing with."
then, on the next page, we see that Legato and Wolfwood haven't met before (which was something I was wondering about last chapter). they only recognize each other by physical descriptors (Wolfwood's cross, Legato's skull and torture device).
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(Dark Horse on top, Overhaul on bottom)
again, the Overhaul is more informative. and the panel right after this one...Vash looks so exhausted 🥺
there's also a difference in Dominique's last words to Vash a few pages later. Dark Horse has her saying, in reference to Legato "No one stands up to that man. Do you think he'd help me after I've failed?" meanwhile, the Overhaul has "If I can't be of service to him...then there is only one way this can turn out."
and then, she jumps :( Dominique remains one of my fav GHGs... it would be nice to see her return (she's on Wanted posters!!!) in tristamp, but. in any case. I lov her. and I'd love to learn more about her 🥺
Vash passes out right as Dominique's falling, and my younger self always thought that was weird? but their fight was a LOT more taxing than it first appeared, at least to me. we see proof of this later in the chapter.
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some little translation discrepancies here. Midvalley's line in Dark Horse always kinda confused me. ty, Overhaul, for clarifying so much! oh, and Legato's last line here - for some reason I always thought he was talking about Vash? but now I realize he's talking about KNIVES. that's not translation-induced confusion, tho - just me being A Silly Lil Guy again, I guess 🤪
oh, and I didn't point it out in the last chapter, but...there's something striking about there being a church right at the top of Jeneora Rock. I can't explain why. it's just...something that rly sticks out or seems important to me.
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IT'S THE DOCTAAAAAAAAAand that's all the screaming I'll do about him for now 🤭
again, the Overhaul's translation is more informative, explicitly mentioning Knives' injuries, but idk. maybe I'm nitpicking. whateverrrrr, me likey additional info =u=
now...we get into the heavier topics.
their plan for resurrecting Knives is. disturbing. to say the least. you've got the physical horror, which was what most struck me when I was a teenager...but what gets me now is the violation/exploitation/stripping of agency from another plant for personal gain/survival...of which humans are guilty...but this time, it's all in the name of The Big Bad Human-Hater. and so, right when we finally get to meet him in the flesh, the narrative shows how, Plant Shenanigans aside, Knives...really isn't all that different from the humans he so hates. he perpetuates the exact. same. shit. the cognitive dissonance, man... 😣
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more Dark Horse-induced confusion the Overhaul's cleared up for me
then, at the bottom of the page, where Wolfwood's grousing, Dark Horse has him saying "Shit! What the hell was with all th' training?!" (another line that always confused me) whereas the Overhaul has "Shit! What the hell am I doin'?!"
and that leads me into the next thing I wanted to note: it's here that we see Wolfwood is a man stuck between a rock and a hard place. he gets frustrated with it, doesn't want to do it, but he fully believes he can't get out of it :(
I also want to note a difference between the manga and tristamp - manga Vash is able to sense Knives the moment he's resurrected, whereas tristamp Vash is only aware of Knives' presence when the diner piano starts playing (ep 3). it's an interesting difference!
but then, there's fking...
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...this. immediately after Knives is reborn.
I didn't think anything of it as a teen. but now...initially, I was horrified, thinking "oh shit, oh fuck, what the hell is he doing to his 'mother' now" BUT. looking at it a second time, I think I get what the context is telling us. on the previous page, there's Knives WITH HIS 'MOTHER' UNDERFOOT. on the panel immediately below the one I've shown, there's an explosion. so. I think what's going on here is that Knives is using his plant abilities to bust out - which still isn't great, most likely killing his 'mother' in the process...but unfortunately, considering who this is, it tracks;;;;;;
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(Dark Horse on left, Overhaul on right)
so much more urgency comes through in the Overhaul's translation here - "...I NEED to face him. I have to END this!"
we also get a lot more out of the Overhaul on the next page, when Vash is talking about his memory loss. both translations start with Vash saying "Everything on the other side is blank..." but whereas Dark Horse has him continue with "Where there is no memory, I must go to fill in the void..." the Overhaul has "I lost all memory of what I've done. All that was left with me was a void and a memory of a mountain of rubble."
then, when Vash gets to Knives and points his gun at him...Knives' absolutely deranged reaction, which I found funny as a teen, now just. gives me the chills. as does how tristamp drew directly from this exchange for their meeting in that diner.
aaaaand we have some translation weirdness after Knives sees Vash's scars and is all "Vash y u no learn?!" Dark Horse then misattributes 2 speech bubbles in a panel with Vash, instead having Knives say:
KNIVES: "If you keep count, you've hurt so many more than you've killed. And compare that to all the destruction you've caused..."
KNIVES (next panel, speech bubbles are his): "So, shouldn't you...point that thing somewhere else?"
the Overhaul is, once again, a lot more clear here:
VASH (in reference to his scars): "They're nothing compared to the burden of death and destruction you've put on me! You're gonna pay for your sins, you monster!"
KNIVES: "Considering what you did with that right arm of yours...shouldn't you be pointing that gun somewhere else then?"
I believe that's what we call gaslighting? and the victim blaming Knives does over and over is... 😬
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more translation weirdness. no comment here - I've been working on this post for literal hours now igkhddkhdjg
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...no translation weirdness here - just wanted to note...I didn't get this part as a teen. now, I do... 😟
and both translations of the first thing Knives says to Vash after forcing him to bring out the angel arm now strike me as. so messed up. part of the SA/noncon allegory...
KNIVES (Dark Horse): "Well?! How do you like it, Vash?"
KNIVES (Overhaul): "How is it?! How does it feel, Vash?!"
and then, right before it fires? for some reason, Dark Horse completely leaves out what Vash says/thinks immediately after Rem's name. before the Overhaul, I had no idea that this bit was a thing: "...we were no good...right from the start." 😭
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now here. have an Emotional Support Charlie. she slept beside me the whole damn time I wrote this post 💕
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revenantghost · 1 year
Tristamp Wolfwood is a bit different than his counterparts, yeah? And I don’t mean that in a bad way, Orange is going somewhere with it, but it’s very different from what they’ve done with Vash and Meryl imo. With them, I feel like we got a glimpse of pre-canon. With Wolfwood... Orange is up to something, and it goddamn terrifies me. I love him dearly, he has some many moments that make me smile and go, “Yeah, that’s Wolfwood, my beloved asshole.” But it’s different. Oh so very different.
I’m just gonna point out a few examples of things I think are different enough to note here (drawing comparisons from Trimax since that was the source for Tristamp, but I’ll try not to spoil much--just don’t Google names you don’t recognize), and then go a little off the rails with a couple theories (spoilers there, click the read more at your own peril). This is DEFINITELY not everything, and maybe my takes are a bit off, idk. If there’s something you’ve picked up on, definitely feel free to add it!
Well, here goes:
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My dude is a mess. Wolfwood is typically put together and some would call him smooth (he’s a mess inside always, though) in his other incarnations. Orange pointed out at Sakuracon that the characters are supposed to look younger and more immature in Tristamp, and Wolfwood specifically is supposed to look like he can’t dress himself (lmao). They said they have their reasons but just didn’t have time to explore them in canon. So, I can make assumptions, but I’ll wait to see what comes in the future.
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Another one that staff talked about in a recent interview is that Wolfwood is technically a priest according to his contract, but he calls himself an undertaker. Yeah, yeah, edgelord Tristamp Wolfwood and all that, but I’ve seen people call back to how, in the manga, it’s Vash that always takes the time to bury the dead. Wolfwood even chews him out a bit for this. But it’s literally in our introduction to him in this version. He carries the weight of the dead with him enough to make it part of his title, and that’s different for him.
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I could be misremembering with this one. But I distinctly remember being surprised when I read Trimax because Wolfwood going into the Eye of Michael seemed more of his own choice than it is in Tristamp (not that a literal child could consent to, you know, torture and abuse)? But either way Wolfwood loathes the Eye of Michael from the get-go here, he doesn’t stay by choice and actively tries to escape. Just like all these choices he makes in Tristamp (which is MASSIVELY different in general), he does it for someone else. He can’t try to escape again, because they have Livio.
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Speaking of! Livio!!! This was another thing that caught me by surprise going from Tristamp to Trimax, their relationship is so much different here, so much softer and it hurts in a beautiful way. I feel like less is more here to avoid spoilers, but this introduction pre-Trimax-canon and any future conflict with this backstory... is very different.
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Holy hell, a moment like this happening so early?! Vash and Wolfwood having ideological differences and not understanding each other takes up so much time in Trimax. But over the course of three episodes, we go from Wolfwood killing someone that Vash wanted to save (props to Tristamp for making that gutpunch even more personal, ouch--though points deducted for not having the, “Shoot,” moment there), to Vash seeing how very similar they are and getting a grasp of why Wolfwood is the way he is. Wolfwood is so much softer in Tristamp. He’s way more emotional, he cares so deeply for things outside of himself, and he doesn’t have that apathetic bitterness. Staff have said that our main characters will be a lot more recognizable post-timeskip, so some shit is gonna happen to this man, but this is a fundamental shift in the early days of their relationship.
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AGAIN!!! Wolfwood is doing this whole mission, betraying Vash, to save the orphanage. He didn’t have to listen to Vash trying to save the sandsteamer. It doesn’t matter if Vash is pissy if Wolfwood blew up the ship to save the orphanage, because that’s his end goal. He has a giant laser that just blew through an entire giant worm, this ship is nothing. Wolfwood’s trying to cling to the monster that he sees himself as, trying to stay the Punisher, but he’s not. He already has enough faith in Vash to trust him with everything he cares about. This takes a lot of development time for Wolfwood to trust Vash like this in Trimax--and even in the very end, he still doesn’t trust Vash with this. (If you know, you know.)
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AGAIN!!!!! Wolfwood cares!!! He does not need to question if Vash is sure, if he thinks he can make up with or convince Knives or whatever, in fact he shouldn’t. He should give Vash no reason to question getting to July. But Wolfwood, be careful, your feelings are showing. Wolfwood’s getting worried about Vash. Even though all he needs to do is keep his head down and get this dork to July.
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This was never Trimax Wolfwood’s motivation. Whatever drove him left him hollow and empty, he did not care. Even when he saw things starting to go south and he wanted out, Vash ended up being right: he was too much of a coward to do anything about it. (If you know, you know.) I had wondered, after Legato tried to bulldoze everything he loved, why the hell didn’t Wolfwood just desert the mission and team up with the gang. He already has such a deep connection with them. But this would be why.
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WOLFWOOD IS NO LONGER CONTRACTED BY THE EYE OF MICHAEL AT THE END OF THE SEASON??? Some people say that Wolfwood still works for them, but tbh for what reason? They’re about to end the world. And then what about this line? He wouldn’t exactly have a choice, would he? I do think we’re gonna meet Chapel (right before Livio shoots himself, you’ll hear a voice and see a silhouette (not Razlo, though he’s there too) that seems to be a “new” character), and Wolfwood might end up working under him for some fucked up reason... But if not, this changes everything. It already changes everything considering how big Wolfwood escorting Vash to Knives is. But that’s done now. And because Vash saw right through him the first time, if Wolfwood comes back to do the same thing again, it might feel cheap and a little silly.
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MERYL!!! Trimax is basically the Vash and Wolfwood show, right? The girls are around, but mainly their interactions are with Vash. But he and Meryl interact so much just over the course of twelve episodes. They even have that adorable group shot. She matters enough that he came back to rescue her, and the two of them worry about Vash together in the finale. Who knows what happened post-finale, but Wolfwood’s self isolation is already shot to hell. He’s more big brother Nico than he’d had the chance to be in awhile, he has so many people to care for.
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So the danger has passed, Vash’s roots are back inside of him, the orphanage should be fine. But Wolfwood comes back for them. Yeah, yeah, the stupid cigarette excuse, but this is Wolfwood, not Vash. He didn’t come back because of the cigarette debt and we all know it. (Also kinda hoping that him saying what he does about fighting Knives being crazy is foreshadowing for some ridiculous 1v1 fight between them, had to throw that in there)
Now, theories Trimax spoiler time bby (I’ll also post any corrections under the cut):
EDIT 1: I was bonkers wrong on the Tristamp timeline (it takes place from May 25th to July 21st, not including the epilogue), so I just deleted that bit from the og post. I cannot remember where I got that number in my brain.
They are doing something with this man and I hate it as much as I love it. Every other character can go off and follow similar paths but they just nuked the entirety of Wolfwood’s storyline by having him be finished getting Vash to Knives and him choosing to trust Vash so goddamn early. And in less than a week of canon time!!! ORANGE WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!!!
They’ve knocked everything out of the park so far, I had so many concerns about what they were doing while watching, and they squashed most of them. So I choose to have faith that Orange has a brilliant plan that will crush my emotions in mind. It will probably eviscerate us just like Trimax did. But I have two theories as to how this could go:
First: And by far the most likely: all roads lead to that goddamned couch. They changed a ton of things, but just to make it all hurt in a new and exciting way. Don’t get me wrong, this was the final straw in making Trimax one of my favorite manga ever--Wolfwood’s character arc is one of the most satisfying things I’ve ever read. I’m a bit nervous because we’ve already shifted that arc so much, but there’s a lot of room to fuck us all up in this one. I imagine the final confrontation will still be between the two brothers, but I imagine the context will be different.
Wolfwood’s already chosen to spare Livio, so that won’t be the clincher, but there are so many things that Wolfwood wants to fight for now to use against him. Something in the timeskip will probably firm up his ideals to be the opposite of Vash’s in a different way than before, but I imagine we’ll get at least a season of them being goofy and learning how to live and regain their humanity together before they’re couched. :’) And now the girls are going to be a bigger part of it to make the grief all that greater :’))) Thanks in advance, Orange :’))))))
Second: No couch??? I know, then what would be the point? He’s doomed in every universe, how will it be as powerful if they don’t do that here??? And I agree, I think this is way less likely. But Wolfwood has already accepted the power of anime Jesus friendship into his life, and that’s a huge part of what lead to his death. Not that I don’t think it’s still likely for Tristamp Wolfwood to think it’s too much to ask Vash to step away from the conflict with Knives for whatever his personal struggles are, but... man that sandsteamer incident is foreshadowing something and I’m afraid. It shifted so much in a way that is so significant, I feel like I’m not doing it justice with my words.
Speaking of possible foreshadowing: Wolfwood isn’t the product of random experimenting like he was in Trimax, he’s the product of plant experimentation. And Vash can heal plants. Again, that’s a big ol’ stretch, as I think that they made the Gung Ho Guns a product of plant experimentation to try and explain the magic powers they all have, and it’s a very smooth idea imo. But it haunts me. Also, given that Conrad has probably been kept alive through fucked up plant methods and how long Rollo remained the same, and Conrad said the only flaw in his experiments were that they had to eat and drink... does Wolfwood and Gung Ho Gun friends have an extended lifespan??? Okay, getting off topic, sorry :’D
Basically, Wolfwood has already made huge leaps and bounds in trusting Vash, even listening to Meryl, and growing a heart for humanity. To the point I was half-afraid this guy was going to die in the finale, because we’ve already seen so much of his character arc. (It would have been a poor choice and I’m happy it didn’t happen EVEN IF I’M STILL AFRAID). And he’s based off of Trimax Wolfwood quite heavily! You can see it in the core of his personality still!!! WHAT ARE THEY GOING TO DO WITH HIM???
I doubt either of these ideas are going to be quite right, watch as Orange works in a secret, third thing that I can’t even imagine lmao. But this has been driving me absolutely bonkers and I had to share. This is still Wolfwood, and I have a feeling he’s only going to be more and more of the lovable asshole from here on out. But I have no idea where we’re going with it.
Holy hell, this was a long post. If you made it to the end of my insane ramblings well, uh... congrats??? I hope it was somewhat worth the read???? I’m so sorry?????? Thank you??????????
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blu-wingz · 1 year
whats up its stampede saturday and ive GOT SO MANY THOUGHTS
trigun/stampede/manga spoilers blah blah im normal
ok so what the fuck /pos
ok so fuck. i know i said i had thoughts but ah to put them into words FUCK
disclaimer: i’ve read the manga and seen 1998 trigun so i know whats up.
The Tesla scene. god. they made it much more gruesome and i loved it. KEEPING HER ALIVE ooooh that hurts. but i wish they had a whole episode to explain tesla, what the humans did to her and how this drastically changed the twins’ POV of humanity and their place in the world. bc god that scene was only like less than 2 mins long and i dont think they did her much justice. maybe they will dive into it more but i doubt it since they have to deal with A GIANT PLANT MONSTER
that thing is gorgeous btw. the animation style is so good, that doesnt need to be said but god the studio is using the medium so well. im sure some botany fanatic is gushing about the flora symbolism. and i’ve no clue how July will perish now. anyway, vash is gonna feel SO guilty after this. oh goodness.
VASH HANGING ONTO HIS LAST REMNANTS OF REM THAT HURT LIKE A BITCH FUCK. AND WHEN NAI TOLD HIM “i did this [The big fall] all for you” “so its my fault”. OH BOY I DO LIKE TO SEE VASH SUFFER BUT BITCH THAT FUCKING HURTS. man. seeing him as a husk, a void vash, and it hurt. and him asking if he knew meryl and roberto, fuck!! ouchie!! and also Knives reading the Bible and deciding “yeah humanity is fucked and heres the proof” is SO FUCKING FUNNY. lmao. the implications that he was inspired yet disgusted by the bible sm that he despises humanity and also started a religious cult. oh my god.
Wolfwood wasn’t in a hurry to leave. he didnt want to get involved but he wasn’t rushing to the exit to move on with his life. he was hanging around just in case. of what? idk. this tristamp WW is a bit more mysterious for me and i like it. He didnt make Meryl leave either. didnt bother to stop her. that says so much about him.
oh and poor meryl. for a sec i saw the vines unleash in the room and thought it was gonna be like that volume where she sees what Vash’s feels/sees bc she touches his feathers. i got so scared. bc damn it. every moment in the manga has its impact and trying to shuffle them around to fit this new story hurts me personally /sarcasm. again, i LOVE this new show. im thankful for this new cake but sometimes i see remnants of the manga and i miss the original story. anyway, i cant wait to see what will happen to July, WW and Meryl.
also wtf happy birthday twins i fucking guess. idk if it was hinted before but what a jumpscare. but not a terrible jumpscare as the fucking plants being impregnated by Vash or Knives of the fucking core or whatever the fuck. like yeah. i know the metaphors of motherhood and shit but fucking. i didnt need that imagery personally. and i dont wanna think about it anymore. yall can have it. whatever. it just makes me uncomfy, nothing serious lol
it seems like they keep touching, briefly, on plot points from the manga but not exploring them fully. and i get it. its hard to explain anything from og trimax in 22 minutes, much less 12 episodes. and also i cant blame them so much. maybe watching this live is skewing my view of the entirety of the show. i am definitely re watching this when its finished. i fucking love trigun. and so i won’t comment much on the event order or whatever. i should just let it go. Its a new show with remnants of the manga and its so cool.
.anyway last episode is the day before my birthday so yipee! bday gift for me lol
edit: VASH HAS LEG PROSTHETICS WOOW how did he lose em hmmm
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pancake-breakfast · 10 months
Oh, good. I'm glad I have time for a couple more chapters because I wasn't too keen on having to stop where I did last night.
Stream-of-consciousness thoughts for TriMax Vol. 8, Chapters 3-4 below.
Chapter 3: Counter Attack!!
CW: Body horror?
Who in the heck is even capable of launching a reasonable counterattack here? Vash would have to get free, Eye of Michael and/or the leftover Gung-Ho Guns would have to care.... Do the people at Home know something we readers don't? (I mean, they probably know a lot we don't, but still.)
Ah, yeah, looks like Home is doing stuffs.
Heh, Home is equally skeptical of counterattacks, I see.
So, basically, it sounds like their plan is to cause enough trouble for Vash to appear somehow. I wonder if any of these folks actually know (or even suspect) where Vash is. They could really use Wolfwood right now.
Oh, man. Meryl really did get a huge dose of Vash's memories, didn't she? She looks pretty grim about it.
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Forty men chasing Knives anywhere sounds like a trap set by Knives.
Awww, flashback Vash! Look at that floofy blond hair! He's not even wearing glasses! He's just... Vash.
It feels like this is a mixture of Luida telling the story in the present and panels showing the flashback. If I were to take a wild guess, this one panel is actually young Luida wanting to chase after Vash.
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Man, Luida's sharp. She's gambling all of this on what she knows of Vash.
Yeah, take THAT memory, Knives! Your weird vat of sisters is fighting back in their own way.
WTF, did the plants project that vision?? Did Wolfwood see it, too?
Uhhhh, that ship seems to have grown some... appendages....
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Dang, look at that crazy old military plane. That's probably some fancy-pants tech for them.
Knives, honey, you look like a mess.
The Plants really are fighting back, aren't they?
LOL, this panel, though.
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Chapter 4: Escape
CW: Blood, body horror
Hells yes! Let's get to escaping!
I mean, seven months of restraining Vash with very little in terms of breaks would drain anyone. And it's not like Knives cares if he's burning through his most loyal and dedicated underling.
Vash looks exhausted.
Ohh, this could go poorly....
Heh. Can't hold 'em both, Legato.
"Everything's different when I'm back to back with him."
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Dang, as tired as he is, Vash is showing incredible control over his own abilities.
That's right, carry your man out of there, Wolfy.
Ugh, Livio! Now is not the time!!!
Ah, they're on the path to the orphanage. No wonder Wolfwood's desperate enough to try moves like this.
Dammit, Livio's not alone, either.
No thoughts. Just pain.
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Aww, is that... little Livio? He really was just a twink.
Ugh, this is so beautiful and painful. I love his prayers. They're so simple and heartfelt.
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Oh, man. Something something about Vash being the one to answer Wolfwood's prayer. Wolfwood, you are deeply beloved by a literal angel.
Mini angel arm! Angel finger!
Vash just spitting their words back at them. He doesn't have the patience for this after seven months of suffering.
Oh, shit. It's Knives.
I think Elandira's got it figured out.
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I think Knives' plan wasn't very well thought out. Chances are this is gonna mess with Knives' sense of self. Actually, that's probably why so many people saw that vision. If he's got their memories in him and he already exudes weird Plant aura even when asleep, then chances of him accidentally exuding a memory like that are high.
Yeah, they all underestimated how far Vash will go to save people. A person. It could just be one person. That person doesn't even need to be as close to him or have done as much for him as Wolfwood has. His body is a testament to how far he'll go to save others.
Knives looks like he might have realized he done fucked up. Or, at the very least, that his plan's about to fall apart royally.
And for once, Vash is in full control of his angel arm even at full power like that.
Gods, I love his cheeky little smirk here. Elandira's telling him to stop, and he's just like, "Make me."
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Ohhhh, he reversed it to get them out of there! Now they just have to... uh... survive falling all the way to the ground, I guess.
Knives isn't thrilled about this, I see.
Dude. IDK what's going on here anymore, but it's gross and scary.
It's over? Bullshit, this is only volume 8.
Trigun Vol. 1: Covers + 1-3, 4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10 || Vol. 2: Covers + Extras, 1, 2-4, 5-6, 7-8
TriMax Vol. 1: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 2: Covers + 1, 2-4, 5, 6-7 || Vol. 3: Covers + 1-3, 4-5, 6-7 || Vol. 4: Covers + 1-2, 3-5, 6-7 || Vol. 5: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 6: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 7: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 8: Covers + 1-2
Extra Credit: Trigun Vol. 1: Nebraska vs. Vash's Motivations, Vash's Loneliness, Vash's Depression (pt 2 of post), Soupy Brains || Vol. 2: Coin Factoids || TriMax Vol. 1: Lina, Vash, and a Haircut || Meryl, Vash, and the Pursuit of Happiness || Vol. 5: Knives, Vash, and Hatred for Humanity || Vol. 6: Coping Series: Wolfwood, Meryl, Vash
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punisheye · 1 year
There's a bruise still blossoming at Vash's temple from where the people in that town had begun throwing rocks at him. He'd smiled, then, too-- remembers the look on Milly's face as he'd done so. Her hurt sits heavy across his shoulders, worse than his own, hates that he'd been so see-through (no matter how observant she'd shown herself to be).
He doesn't blame those people though-- couldn't in a hundred years blame them. He is a monster after all, so different than them. It keeps being proven again and again, and this time is no different.
But now those feathers keep on sprouting, having been dormant for so long, and he hates himself for that too; that he can't even control them, can't keep them hidden away. He's putting the both of them in danger like this, what with the chances of someone else seeing, even if they're still out in the middle of nothing. Get a grip.
Another tiny wing slowly unfurls from the bend of his wrist as though beckoned, and he scowls at it. Without thinking, he brings up his prosthetic and plucks one of its feathers. There's no hesitation, no wince as it's pulled free.
"Sometimes," he says quietly, "I hate them."
It's frustrating.
He watches, again and again, as Vash lets people hurt him. As he lets people betray him, chase him across all of creation, without ever fighting back. With a smile. Always. Wolfwood wants to throttle him and tell him to grow a fucking spine, that he's allowed to be upset, he's allowed to yell and scream and cry when he's upset and when people hurt him and to stop being so fucking chickenshit.
Wolfwood always yells when he's angry, but he never cries. He never says when he's sad, or if he even gets sad. If people hurt him he just returns the favor. It's how it's been for years. He's having a hard time imagining it any other way.
He's not the person to tell Vash how to act when he's hurt. He'd just be a hypocrite.
But he hates seeing him like this.
Subdued, shrunken into himself, eyes downcast. Wolfwood keeps glancing over at him, watching as those little feathers unfurl from him. The same feathers that got them driven out of the most recent town, that earned Vash a bruise on his temple and Wolfwood a split lip because he got hit by a rock meant for Vash in the midst of yanking him away from the chaos.
They're stuck there in the badlands for the night, huddled near an abandoned, half-collapsed adobe house. Wolfwood's too tired to keep driving and he doesn't want to risk Vash crashing his bike again. No bus is gonna take them when Vash is sprouting feathers. Camping out here isn't ideal, but it's all they can really do now.
The suns are dipping low over the horizon. Wolfwood watches him from where he sits, frowning. He watches as more feathers sprout. Some of the skin across Vash's cheek is a little pink, a little raw, a little tender from plucking them out.
Vash speaks and Wolfwood scowls. He squashes out his cigarette in the sand and pushes himself up to his feet to walk over to his side and drop himself down next to him with a grunt.
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"Stop pickin' at it," he snaps.
He already knows what Vash is thinking. That he's some kind of fuck-up, or a monster. Sure, maybe he's got the power of ten nuclear warheads packed inside of him and wiped an entire major city off the map and blasted a hole in the moon, but...
... That doesn't matter. Vash doesn't want to hurt people.
Whatever. They can both be monsters together, or something.
Ugh, sappy shit.
He reaches over without thinking, toward the tiny wing on his wrist. Wolfwood pauses and he swears the closer he gets to touching Vash that he can see that blood forming on the skin of his palm, threatening to stain Vash's skin, but when he blinks — it's gone.
Don't let your hands stained with blood taint this holy creature.
Wolfwood curls his fingers into a tight fist and pulls his hand back, thinking better of it. The muscle in his jaw tenses.
"Well, nothin' you can really do 'bout it now. Just try to keep 'em in next time."
Wolfwood's never been good at comfort. He pulls out another cigarette and lights it behind his hand.
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"... Spikey." He sighs, exhaling a puff of smoke in the process. "C'mon, I hate to see ya mopin' like this."
He lightly nudges him with his elbow. Wolfwood plucks the cigarette from his lips and offers it over to Vash between his index and middle fingers. It's... something. An attempt.
I'm here.
He doesn't say it out loud. If Vash looked at him, though, and right into his eyes, it's clear as day.
I'm here.
In the light of the moon, with the burning bright red cherry of his cigarette between them, he can only hope that maybe his selfish desire to be close, that his presence is enough to ease Vash's worries. If only for a little bit.
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fivehundredsporks · 8 months
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Here is my finished list!!!
I'm gonna talk about each tier/entry individually just to go over why I like/love them (also our favs are gonna be diff and if yours aren't on here don't bust a nut or anything)
Constantly Rotating in My Mind:
so this tier is for my absolute favourites, they've pretty much become part of me at this point and I think about them non-stop, starting with;
Bleach (Anime + Manga)
So, where the fuck do I even begin with this one lmfao, Bleach is honestly my top favourite piece of media, ever, to me. everything about this just clicked with me, from the art style to the fights, the music but those aren't what made Bleach my favourite, sure they helped but it wasn't what sold me. What sold me was the characters, from the protagonist Ichigo, to the supporting characters and villains It's the characters in Bleach that always just stood out for me the most and made me love the series, especially their arcs! with Byakuya's probably having my favourite arc, besides Ichigo (but tbh I'm biased with him since he's my fav character) They all just have such believable motivations, goals and relationships. (also quick side note but I'm sick of the Orihime slander y'all better put some respect on her name, just because she got with Ichigo over Rukia and also just because of the anime's adaptation of her.)
Trigun ('98 Anime)
Trigun is honestly a recent addition to the list! I only actually watched it in January this year! But it quickly made list because I found it to be so compelling, it's got it's comedic moments for sure with Vash, Meryl and Millie but its also got such tragedy and sadness in it with not only Vash and Knives relationship (which isn't as explored in '98 as Maximum and Stampede, although you could say that about alot of '98's adaptation) but also with Vash's struggle when he eventually ends up taking a persons life, his relationship with this parental figure, Rem and his best(boy)friend Wolfwood. To the setting! it all just spoke to me and It's quickly ended up becoming my second favourite!
Jujutsu Kaisen (Anime + Manga)
If I had to describe the JJK manga in just one sentence It'd probably be along the lines of "It's so over, we're so back, its over) It's got a lot of peaks and valleys, and I don't mean that in a negative way of it being bad, but in it's triumphant moments and then being cast back down into despair (recent chapters being an example lol) But like Bleach, what I find really compelling about JJK is it's characters! It also has some of the best written characters in an anime, especially its villains! I really like the writing behind them, especially Suguru Geto's corruption into a villain! But also just how messed up the Jujutsu sorcery world and how insane you actually have to be a part of it.
Hellsing (Anime + Manga)
I'll keep this one short, Its Vampire Nazi's vs Dracula, with some badass female characters and music, also its gory as shit 10/10.
My Love Mix-up! (Manga)
This is the first BL manga that I've actually ever read! As someone who has grown up with just a general lack of LGBTQ characters and romance in their media, to find that their is an entire genre of manga for it was really eye-opening! I ended up becoming really invested in the "will they wont they" kind of relationship going on between the 2 MC's for the first few volumes, especially Kōsuke Ida, him navigating that, first of all what does it mean to "like" someone when you've never romantically interested in someone before, but then when that person is same sex. spoke to my own personal experiences growing up. It's what made me like the manga so much, also it's comedic moments! It's actually a very funny manga, especially the side couple.
Full Metal Alchemist (Anime + Manga)
FMA has one of the best stories I've ever seen in an anime/manga, the way it's so inter-connected and all the threads of plot/characters are so weaved together are! so! good! The characters and their arc's! Scar being a prime example of this! (I'm really struggling to articulate why I love this show so much lmao, look I really just love it do I have to justify everything??)
Blue Flag (Manga)
This is a LGBTQ+ story, that I'd actually recommend you just go and read it for yourself! I don't really wanna spoil anything, and if I talk about this manga I will!! just go read it now!!!!! (side note I can't believe the series got cancelled??!!!! like???!!! because of that we really got to miss out on a relationship between 2 characters!!!! and even though they get married at the end!!!!! It's still kinda vague!!!!!)
Chainsawman (Anime + Manga)
Again, one of the thing's that made me absolutely love Chainsawman is the characters, but most of all it's their motivations, and how "human" they are. and by that I mean just so, normal. Which is a weird thing to say, but when the norm for Shonen MC's is that they wanna fight and kill god, having one whose main goal is 1, Touch Boobs, get a girlfriend and have sex, it's really refreshing. It just paint's what a "normal" kid that Denji and the juxtaposition that is towards Aki, whose goal is to kill the Gun Devil. That kind of character writing is a what really drew me into the manga and made me love it. (ALSO I'm vastly oversimplifying thing's bc I don't really wanna spoil so that's just the gist of it) Also like the Found Family of Denji, Aki and Power. But I'm just a sucker for that trope!
I Think Our Son Is Gay (Manga)
This is some REALLY good positive LGBTQ representation, not just from the "MC" of the story Hiroki and him navigating being LGBTQ but from his mother's perspective as she tries be supportive/encouraging of him but also learning about what it means to be LGBTQ and what they face/go through. It's really heart-warming and sweet! I do want to throttle the dad sometimes though, I get that he's (supposed) to be learning and challenging his own bias' but if he upsets Hiroki again he will be catching these hands.
Our Dreams at Dusk (Manga)
Another LGBTQ+ story that I would highly recommend that you just go and read for yourself, It's in my opinion very powerful in it's depictions of the different LGBTQ identities covered in the story, and the struggles they face at the ages that they do! HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend this one (I believe the author is putting a new series out soon but I need to check up on that)
Castlevania (Anime)
This. Fucking. Series. It's got some absolutely amazing art and animation work on it, that just gets better and better with each subsequent season! Just like the characters! Not only are they just amazingly written with such depth, but their arc's and development are just some of the best in fiction.
Golden Kamuy (Anime + Manga)
Honestly, this is probably the Gayest Anime i've ever watched, without it actually being gay. But also it's probably the funniest anime I've ever watched, I've never laughed as much at something as I have watching this. It's also got a great story with a great kinda Sibling relationship between Sugimoto and Asirpa, and poor Tanigaki, literally the bara comedy relief of the show (Also I believe the author compared the characters dick sizes at one point? its crazy, in a good way.) I'd highly recommend!
Soul Eater (Anime)
Such a unique premise, Death himself runs a school that teaches people, regular school stuff, but also how to fight. Also some of the students can turn into weapons that the other students wield. And the moon has a face. So naturally its very good (also in a roundabout way its the sequel to Fire Force) HOWEVER The manga wasn't done when the series so I'm petitioning for a Soul Eater: Brotherhood so we get the full story!
Mob Psycho 100 (Anime + Manga)
One of my favourite aspects of this show is how it shows that nobody is too far gone, that nobody is beyond redemption and growth as person. It's a message I think a lot of people really need to hear, You can just decide to be a better person and leave the past behind you, while still learning from it. And all it takes is a Middle Schooler beating the shit out of you and calling you lame. (Also WaWa, I'm constantly rotating him in my mind)
given (Anime + Manga)
Pain. just, pain. I really like how the anime (and manga) handle the topics of grief, lose, love and toxicity. But also how to move on from that, how to process it and the importance of knowing how to communicate. It really makes for a beautiful if not incredibly sad story. (also fuck you Kaji, you know what you did.)
Sasaki and Miyano (Anime + Manga)
On the opposite side of the spectrum from given, we get Sasaki and Miyano! It's really just pure fucking fluff. It's a sweet slow-burn love story, that'd I'd really recommend if you like that kind of thing, also the fucking end music slaps.
Neon Genesis Evangelion (Anime + Manga)
Ooooh boy. NGE Is an anime that I think everyone takes something different from. whether it's the themes and messages it's trying to convey to the audience, or it's cool visuals or fights. It's got something for everyone. For me it's the message of self-love and acceptance it's conveying to the watcher through the eyes of Shinji, that we all have value and a place in the world, that it's okay for us to be here. But also it's message that escapism isn't a good thing, that we need to face our problems head on instead of hiding away from them. And then the Rebuilds building upon this and giving us even more! I'd highly recommend watching!! Just be a good mental head space lol.
Castle in the Sky (Anime)
The first Ghibli film I ever watched!!! Absolutely fell in love with the art style and animation ever since!
Howls Moving Castle (Anime)
Honestly, same with Castle in the Sky! second Ghibli film I ever watched and fell in love! such gorgeous visuals! and a beautiful story! one of my favourite films of all time!
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