#I very briefly thought about trying to color this digitally but yeah. yeah Nah
sunshine-zenith · 11 months
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Nimona in the SPOP style
I also took some creative liberties with the armor and Ballister’s arm, taking inspiration from the armor and robotics of SPOP
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dyscrasia-eucrasia · 4 years
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Part 24
Demie gripped the door handle with one hand and the door frame with another as he heaved. He'd cleared out most of his stomach contents already, at this point he was just trying to clear the bile from his throat. He pulled his hair to one side of his neck and coughed, hacking and then spitting into the dirt. Then he just sat there, half of his body outside of the car, trying to get his breathing and heart rate back under control. 
"Hey, um…" Angel said from the driver's seat, "you okay?" 
Angel placed a hand on Demie's back, gently rubbing it. Demie had it together enough to think that that was kind of gay, but not to actually tell Angel to knock it off. 
Besides, it actually felt kinda nice. 
After waiting a minute to make sure that he wasn't going to puke again, Demie heaved his body back into the passenger's seat and shut the car door. Angel moved his hand so that it was resting on the center console. He let Demie sit there in silence, gathering his thoughts. 
"I can't do this, man," Demie finally said. His words came out sounding like sandpaper. "Sorry. I just can't do this right now." 
"Hey," Angel said softly, turning in his seat to get a look at Demie, "it's okay." 
"Sorry, I knew you wanted to go to this thing, but I just can't do that right now." 
"It's alright," Angel said, his voice still low and gentle, "really. It's okay." 
No, it wasn't okay. Not to Demie. The thing was, he wanted to go. He really did. He'd never actually been to a music festival before and it sounded cool. He wanted to actually experience being in an audience at a show, instead of just playing them. He wanted to do normal things like normal people. 
But as soon as they'd left the town limits of Billy Brook, it was as if there were a million eels swirling around inside his stomach. His heart was racing, his head was pounding, and he felt dizzy even though he was just sitting in a car. And hanging over all of that was the inescapable feeling that something bad was going to happen. 
It was like the anxiety he got at shows, but ten times worse. At least with shows, he could step out on stage and know that he was protected by the plausible deniability of wearing a costume. And that he had the power to control everyone in the audience. 
Being an audience member, though, he wouldn't have either of those things. Worse, what if human musicians had a power like he did? He didn't have any proof that they did, other than videos he saw of performances where people in the audience were going crazy. What if someone was able to control him like he controlled his crowds? What if they made him do something stupid or violent? 
What if they made him do something to Angel? 
He wasn't sure which thought scared him more - that he could be influenced into hurting Angel, or that he could be influenced into something like that guy that he'd punched at that one show. 
For some reason, it never occurred to him to think that maybe Angel could be influenced into assaulting him. The gay panic only went one way. 
"Do you wanna go home?" Angel asked. His tone was so patient, so understanding. He made Demie feel so safe. 
"Nngh," Demie moaned, thinking. No, he didn't want to go home. He didn't want to go home only twenty minutes after leaving. He didn't want to walk into the trailer and have Elaine say that she'd told him so. 
"Do you still want to go to Charleston? We don't have to go to the festival, we could go hang out at my place or something private like that." 
"NNNNNNGGGHH," Demie moaned again. No. No way. He absolutely did not want to go to Angel's home. That felt dangerous. Like something would happen there that he couldn't take back. He wasn't sure what exactly could happen, but he just knew he didn't want it to happen. 
"Okay, so… do you maybe want to get something to eat?" Angel asked. "There's a gas station a little ways down the road, they have a diner attached." 
"I can't exactly go in there," Demie mumbled. 
"You don't have to. I can get something to go and we can eat in the car." 
Demie reached up and gripped his horns, pulling them up. It didn't really do anything, but when he got headaches he swore it helped relieve the pressure in his skull. It had become a nervous habit when he needed space to think. 
"Nnnghh… okay," he said, slumping back against the seat. He was shaking; maybe something to eat would do him good. 
"Okay," Angel said, starting up the car again. 
It took them about ten more minutes to arrive at the gas station. It was a run-down little place, the pumps about a decade old and the diner straight out of the fifties. Demie and Elaine had driven past it before numerous times on the way to shows, but they'd never stopped there. There was another station in Billy Brook that was cheaper. 
"You want anything specific?" Angel asked. He parked in the spot furthest from the entrance. Probably, Demie realized, to keep him out of sight. 
"Mm… water. And just something vegetarian." 
"Got it," Angel said, unbuckling his seatbelt and getting out of the car. "Be back in a few." 
Demie grunted in response, watching as Angel headed towards the diner. Angel had worn a tank top, and for the first time, Demie noticed that he had angel wings tattooed on his back. That was fitting, he supposed. 
Angel disappeared inside, and Demie was left to sit there alone. Angel had left the radio on, and the band they'd been listening to switched to The Cure. Demie wrinkled his nose. This was a band he knew - his brother liked them - but that he didn't really care for. He wasn't sure how to change it, though. Angel's car had a fancy touch screen, not the simple tape deck that Elaine's van had. Besides, Demie had seen Angel control the music from his phone when they first left, and he was pretty sure Angel had taken his phone inside with him. 
There was nothing to look at except the diner, so he stared at it. It was one of the silver train car-looking diners. Demie had never been inside of one, but he liked how they looked. There was something very iconic about them. 
He reached down to grab his backpack from where it sat between his feet. He unzipped it and pulled out his Polaroid camera, aiming it carefully so that the hood of the car wasn't in the picture, and took a snapshot. The camera spit out the picture and he waved it briefly before letting it settle to develop. 
He had been sitting there staring at the picture for who knew how long when the driver's side door opened and he jumped. 
"Settle down, it's just me," Angel said, slipping into the car. He carried a styrofoam to-go box and a cardboard drink tray with one styrofoam cup with a straw, and one paper coffee cup.
"Sorry, all I got you was a salad," he went on. "They didn't really have anything explicitly vegetarian, and I wanted to get out there as quickly as I could. I get the feeling gay folks and people of color aren't really wanted in there." 
Demie took the box, glancing at Angel's arm, and then at his own. "What do you mean, 'people of color?'" He asked. "I'm darker than you are." 
"Yeah, no, it just means anyone who isn't white." 
"Your skin is white, though." 
"It's just an expression," Angel said with a sigh. 
"Hm," Demie hummed, opening the box and digging out a plastic fork. He didn't really get it, but then again, there was a lot of human stuff he didn't really get. At least, he blamed it on humans being weird about things, and not on his very sheltered upbringing. 
"I didn't know you had a Polaroid," Angel said, nodding to the camera in Demie's lap. 
"Hm? Oh, yeah," Demie said around a mouthful of salad, "I've had it since I was a kid." 
"I like it," Angel said. "I know people who have the digital kinds now, but they aren't as cool as the old ones. Can I see it?" 
"Yeah, sure," Demie said, handing the camera off to him. 
Angel turned the camera over in his hands as Demie ate. Then, without warning, Angel lifted the camera to his face, and pointed it at Demie. 
"Smile," he said with a grin, snapping a picture. 
"Dude, hey!" Demie threw up his hands as the flash went off. He reached for the photo to snatch it out of Angel's hands before it developed, but Angel threw up an elbow to ward him off and held it far away at the other end of the car. 
"Ha!" Angel laughed, shaking the photo off as the image came into relief. "Omigod, you look hilarious." 
Demie could only sort of see the photo, but he could see that he was shoveling lettuce into his open mouth in it. He shoved Angel's shoulder and sat back in his seat. "Dick," he said. He never took pictures of himself. 
Angel handed the camera back to him, but held onto the photo. 
"Do not keep that thing," Demie said. 
"Oh, no, I am absolutely keeping this. I'm gonna pin it up on my photo wall." 
"You like taking photos too?" 
"What? Oh, no, they're all of myself. You're getting the distinction of being the first non-Angel photo on the Angel Photo Wall." 
"Fuckin' narcissist," Demie snorted. 
"Nothing wrong with a little self-love," Angel shot back. 
Demie poked at his salad some more. "Do you have any other tattoos?" He asked after a little while. 
"The wings," Demie jerked a thumb towards his own back. "Saw 'em when you got out of the car. You got any others?" 
"Oh. No, not right now," Angel replied. "I can't decide on anything that I'd like enough to put on my body permanently. Besides the wings, of course. Why? Do you have any?" 
"Nah," Demie said. "One of my cousins knows how to do stick-and-poke, he always offers to do some at the Bacchanalia, but… same, I can't think of anything I want permanently on my body." 
"What's the Bacchanalia?" Angel asked. "Something to do with your band?" 
"Mm, kinda," Demie said around another bite of salad. "Everyone in the area who worships Bacchus - Dionysus - gets together once a year and we throw this massive party. Basically everyone just goes into the woods and gets real drunk and has a lot of sex. We named the band after our God." 
"That sounds…" Angel tapped his mouth with his fingertips, "that sounds so pagan, but also so, so hillbilly." 
"Yeah, whatever. It's a religious thing." 
"No, that sounds fun. I wish my religion was getting drunk and having sex in the woods." 
Demie opened his mouth, but closed it very quickly. He had considered inviting Angel to the Bacchanalia, but decided better of it. Again, he didn't really trust himself when it came to losing all control if Angel was around, though he wasn't sure why. He told himself that he just didn't want Angel to get hurt, even though there generally weren't any fights at the celebration. 
"Hey," he said, changing the subject, "can I take a photo of your tattoo sometime?" 
Angel looked at him, arching an eyebrow. "Why? I mean… sure, but why?" 
Demie shrugged. "I dunno. Only so many interesting things to photograph out in the woods. It'd be cool to have a picture of a person." 
"Yeah," Angel said after a moment. "Yeah, of course." 
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eternalnight8806-3 · 5 years
Ch 4 The Cat and the Fox
Category: Romance, Modern College AU
Rating: Will be Explicit but for now I’ll just say Mature for language and drinking
Pairing: InuKag
Words: 2,276
Also available on ff.net and AO3
Chapter 1
Tag list: @keichanz @noviceotakus-blog @hinezumi @morikothehalfangel @cstorm86 @digital-art-monster @cammysansstuff
Speaking to Foxy on her trips to and from work had become a daily routine in the last few weeks. Kagome worried that she was interrupting his sleep schedule too much but he kept insisting she wasn't. So, she happily spoke to him as often as she could. Her morning commute had become quite enjoyable with him keeping her quite blissfully distracted. So much so in fact, that she never noticed when another person began riding the same trains with her every day.
He was tall, but not overly so. His hair was waist long, black and greasy looking, almost to the point of being in dreadlocks, but not quite. His skin was pale and ghostly, hanging off of his gangly frame like a malnourished child. But the most disturbing thing about this man were his eyes. They had an unnatural red color surrounding his dark irises. He wore simple clothes, jeans, a hoodie or t-shirt, sneakers, never standing out in a crowd. But almost everywhere Kagome was, so was he.
 Foxy, are you leaving for break next week?
 Nah. Got nowhere to go. I always just chill here. Why? Are you?
 Yes. I'm going back home to my family's shrine. I miss my mom, brother and grandpa so much. I've never been away from them for so long.
 Spoiled wench :P
 Hey! That's mean!
 Never claimed to be nice woman
 Yeah well you better start
 Oh yeah? Or what?
 I'll come over there and make you!
 Anytime wench ;)
Kagome stared at that last message for several minutes without responding. What the hell did that mean? Was he just messing with her? Her naïve little brain didn't know what to make of his words. Sometimes this relationship they had was confusing for her. They talked all the time, even seemed to be flirting with eachother, but they were both too chicken to even ask the other's name let alone meet again in the light of day.
Once again, she was saved by the proverbial bell as the train slowed to her stop. She tucked the phone into her pocket, determined not to think about it for now, and made her way out of the station up to the street. She pulled her jacket closer around her neck as she came up and the chilly late November air brushed over her. The vibration from her pocket drew her attention.
 Oi wench when do you leave?
 Week from tomorrow. Why?
 So I know when the last time I can text you is
Her brow furrowed in confusion as she rounded the last corner before Yoro North. When did I say you couldn't text me when I leave?
 You didn't I guess. I just assumed you wouldn't want to talk to me while you're visiting your family
 Well, you can. I may not always respond right away but I don't want to stop talking
 I have to go now though. I'm at work. Later Foxy
 Bye wench.
Kagome walked into the door only to be immediately tackled by a little kitsune.
“Kagome!” Shippo exclaimed as he leapt into her arms and latched onto her jacket with his tiny little fists.
Kagome looked down at him and smiled. “Good morning, Shippo. Why aren't you in class with the others?”
That moment Ginta came running from the direction of said classroom, looking quite exasperated. “Shippo! What do you think you're doing?” he bellowed out.
Huge green eyes filled with tears and looked up at Kagome, imploringly. “I-I-I just wa-wanted to gr-greet you, Ka-go-me!” he managed out around sobs.
Stroking his back soothingly, Kagome looked up at Ginta. “It's all right, Ginta. No harm done, right?”
He seemed to be taken aback by her statement, but he hung his head. “Yeah, I guess. Just make sure Koga doesn't find out,” he whispered at her as he made his way her direction.
Stifling a giggle, Kagome nodded. “Our secret, Ginta. Where is Koga anyway?”
A nervous look crossed the demon's features. “Um, I don't know. He just said he was going out for a while.”
Kagome's face bunched up in confusion. She had never seen him not be here in the morning when she arrived in the month since she had started. Odd. Shrugging it off as an anomaly, she snuggled Shippo close to her chest and started for the classroom. “What'dya say we go join the others, eh Shippo?”
“If we really have to...” he said, voice low and sad.
Stopping in her tracks, Kagome looked down at the boy in her arms seriously. “Shippo? Is something wrong?”
Shippo stared up at her with his wide emerald eyes. “Dumb Hiten won't let me play with Soten. He says his sister doesn't need to be associating with stupid little kits.”
Kagome frowned down at him. “Is that so? Well, we're just going to have to set him straight, aren't we Shippo?” With those words, she stormed off towards the classroom, a nervous looking Ginta in tow.
“Miroku, it's been over a week since we figured it out! I don't know how much longer I can keep this from her.” Sango told her boyfriend as they sat together on the couch of the living space of his frat house.
“Patience, my dearest Sango. These things take time. I'm working on it.”
“What exactly are you working on?”
“We need to get them in the same room together, without masks this time. Surely once they see eachother in person again they'll realize they should just be together. Have you noticed that they've actually scheduled time to talk now?”
“Yeah. It's friggin' creepy. She just stares at her phone for atleast an hour a night. No matter what she's doing she'll always respond to him. Sometimes she laughs or sighs weird. I've given up trying to talk to her about him. She won't tell me anything other than basic info.”
“Same here. Course, with InuYasha that's not too far from the norm anyway.”
Sango's eyes widened. “Y-you've never told me his name! Now how in the hell am I supposed to keep that from her you jerk??”
Miroku opened his mouth to speak but quickly closed it, a thoughtful look crossing his features. Finally, he simply shrugged at her, a slightly shamed look on his face.
Sango narrowed her eyes at the man. “You... you are such an ass.”
“I'm so misunderstood,” he proclaimed. “Look, you said she's leaving next week for break, right?”
“Yeah...” Sango said.
“Alright. Well, the house always throws a combo platter new year's/back to school party. Just hold out for one more week and she'll be gone. Then when she gets back just get her to come to the party and I'l handle the rest.”
Sango glowered at him. “Fine. But no longer than that or I'll tell her everything I know, consequences be damned.”
“You have my word, my dearest Sango.”
Twelve hours later, Kagome exited the building housing all those disgusting creatures she seemed to care so much about. He would never understand what about those nasty things she could possibly find appealing. He supposed it was just her kind, pure hearted nature, something he would have to be sure to set her straight on before it got too far like with her. Blanching inwardly, the greasy haired man took up his normal post across the street and a block or so behind her. He knew she was heading straight for the train, so he had no fear of losing her. Besides, nothing would keep his Kagome away from him.
How was work today wench? InuYasha typed his message out when he knew she would be on her way to the train from her job. Talking to her had become as second nature to him as breathing. If he hadn't texted her, she would have texted him, of that he had no doubt.
 Tiring. I had to scold the same kid about 100 times today. He's just so aggravating! He thinks he's better than all the other kids because of his heritage.
 I know the type. The asshole is the same way. Kinda why he hates me.
 Oh yeah?
 Yeah. The half thing remember?
 Right. Different moms. She not as classy as he thought she should be?
 You could say that. You have a lot of homework tonight?
 Not really actually. Most of my classes have actually lightened up in prep for the finals I guess. I have a free Saturday night for once.
Something inside InuYasha clenched at those words. Briefly, he had a flash of him sitting with her somewhere quiet, where they could talk. Maybe even look at the stars... Shaking his head of those traitorous thoughts, he focused back on what he could share with her.
 Yeah. Me too. Damn room mate hasn't been around much the last few weeks ever since he found himself a girlfriend.
 Oh yeah? My room mate has been mia too. I think she's been seeing a guy but I haven't really seen her to ask. Makes me feel kind of pathetic.
 You're not pathetic. If anyone is pathetic it's me. I haven't had a girlfriend since high school. And I use the term girlfriend very loosely.
Something about her short response made InuYasha feel guilty, though he didn't know why.
 Yeah. We hung out for half our senior year. She was the most popular girl in school. I had no idea why she was hanging out with me of all people. Everyone else hated me or atleast avoided me. She was different.
 Sounds lonely.
 Eh. I had my friend. And her. It wasn't all bad.
 What happened with her?
Staring at his phone for several minutes, InuYasha contemplated what to say about her. He didn't even know why he had brought her up. He hadn't spoken of her in years. Ever since she had left him.
 She left me
 She just left? No reason?
 She found someone else.
 Oh. I'm sorry.
 It's alright. I'm over it.
Atleast 15 minutes passed before he received a reply. He had almost thought that she had gotten busy or fallen asleep when his phone buzzed once again.
 Hey Foxy, do you ever think about calling me?
InuYasha stared at her latest message with wide eyes. In the month since they had met, neither of them had suggested anything more than their simple text relationship. Though if he was being truthful with himself, he had thought about it. More than once. Did this message mean she did too? Damnit! He hated stuff like this. He had never been good at reading between the lines, being a direct and to the point kind of person himself.
 Why do you ask?
 Because I do. But I don't want to if you don't. I'm fine with this too.
 All the time wench.
Almost as soon as he had hit send, his phone was buzzing incessantly, flashing 'Catwoman' in big letters across his screen. Gulping, InuYasha pressed the green button and held the phone up near his face.
“H-hello?” He inwardly cursed his choked sounding voice.
“Hey.” Her voice was soft, timid, and so sweet.
A giggle came from her end. “You said that already.”
“Nuh-uh! I said hello.”
“Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realize there was that much of a difference. Excuse me.” Her tone indicated she was messing with him.
“Yeah, well, there is wench.” A small smile came to his face at saying that word aloud to her for the first time.
“How.. how are you?” She asked timidly.
InuYasha lay back in his bed, resting his left hand on his chest. “I'm good. I feel pretty good about my finals next week. How bout you, freshman?” A small smirk crossed his features.
Kagome sighed loudly. “I think I'm doing ok. My job has me a bit ragged. He works me more than I initially thought he would but I'm not willing to give it up. I love it so much. I'm still getting good grades as far as I know so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.”
InuYasha frowned. “Do I need to let you go so you can study? I don't want to be the reason you fail...”
“NO!” She almost screamed at him, causing him to pull the phone away from his head a bit. “I-I mean, no. I'm ok. I promise,” she amended, a lot more quietly.
His chuckle reverberated through her earpiece, sending a slight shiver up her spine. “Alright, wench. How's that bitch at your job? What's her name? Ayumi?”
“Ayame. And just as much of a brat as ever.”
“Brat? Is she five?”
“No...” she said, sounding a little confused. “Oh, wait, you were being faceitious. Oh shut up you jerk!”
“I've told you so many times, you make it too damn easy, woman.”
“Yeah, well, you're a butt face.”
InuYasha's eyebrow quirked. “A-a butt face? That's... something.”
“Yeah! And a jerk head.”
“A... jerk head. Ok, then. Duly noted.” He couldn't keep the wide smile from spreading across his face.
“You're smiling aren't you? I can hear it in your voice.” Kagome's tone was slightly hurt, but in that playful way.
“Only for you, wench.”
Kagome's entire face became beat red at his words. “O-oh.” The line was silent for a few moments as she gathered her wits about her. “H-hey Foxy?”
“Have... have you ever wanted to know my name?”
A huge wave of panic washed over InuYasha.
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eldritchsurveys · 5 years
When was the last time you kissed someone? >> Last night, in a dream, lmao. It was a strange dream (as usual).
Any recent purchases? >> An in-game purchase on one of the phone games I play.
Have you ever thought about giving up on life completely? >> Sure.
Have you seen the entire Harry Potter series? >> Yeah. I was going to do a rewatch alongside my reread but Chamber of Secrets dragged on so long that I lost interest. 
Do you still have both of your parents? >> They’re alive, but I don’t have them.
Favorite candy bar? >> I don’t think I have one.
Do you like being sensually bitten? >> Eh, depends.
If you wear eyeliner, what color do you use? >> Black. I have a gold one that I like, too.
Have you ever ridden a train before? >> Many times.
Where did your last hug take place? >> Inworld.
Have you ever fallen in love? >> I don’t know, maybe.
Do you live very far away from Kansas? >> Not very.
Do you enjoy cuddling? >> Inworld, yes. Outworld, nehhhh.
Do you play video games? If so, which one is your favorite?  >> I do, but I have a lot of favourites.
How many colors are in your hair right now? >> One.
Do you have your full license yet? >> No. I will probably never have it, which is fine because I plan on living in cities. Also, Sparrow drives.
When was the last time you felt nervous about something? >> I don’t know.
Do you ever make mixed CD's for anyone? >> Nope.
Is it windy outside? >> Doesn’t appear to be.
Do you have a pair of TOMS shoes? >> No.
Do you prefer black & white or colored photos? >> I like both. They convey different emotions.
Are you into gory movies? >> Some.
When was the last time you went to the dentist? >> Last year sometime... or was that 2017...
Have you ever been locked in a room forcefully without anyone knowing? >> No.
Do you have the same color eyes as your mother? >> Most likely.
Does your significant other boss you around a lot? >> No.
Have you ever been drunk? If so, do you get drunk regularly? >> I’ve been drunk, but I rarely get drunk.
Do you prefer winter or summer? >> Summer. I’m sure that’ll change once I move, but that’s acceptable.
Do you consider yourself a loner or a social butterfly? >> I consider myself neither, but I guess I fit the “loner” category more than the other, despite the fact that I do enjoy socialisation.
Do you know anyone who has overdosed? >> Probably.
Are you a fan of PDA (public displays of affection)? >> Not for myself. I don’t care if other people want to do it, seeing as the great thing about eyeballs is that they can move around and look elsewhere.
Have you ever been put to sleep for surgery? >> No.
Do you ever make Youtube videos? >> No.
What is one feature that you're self-conscious about? >> Hm.
Where are your siblings as of now? >> ---
Would you say you're a more serious or sarcastic person? >> I would say that I’m both, and that it’s situation-dependent.
What is your favorite online smiley face to you? >> I like :>
What is something that freaks you out no matter what? >> Uh, I don’t know.
Do you have any fetishes? >> I have a few. Although I think what I have is what would be called “kinks”, the more lax version of “fetish”. I don’t require those things to get off (unlike with fetishes), but they certainly fuckin help.
What color shirt are you wearing as of now? >> Black.
Are the lights in your room more dim or bright? >> Right now, they’re not on. But in general, I like the lighting to be on the dimmer side.
What is your favorite class? >> ---
Do you have any big regrets as of now? >> No.
Are you in love with someone right now? >> No.
Can you speak any other languages than the one you're fluent in? >> No.
Do you take a lot of photos? >> No.
Do you give away your phone number a lot? >> No.
When was the last time you took medicine? >> I took my birth control last night.
Do you have big ears? >> No.
When you were little, did you think band-aids healed everything? >> I don’t recall ever thinking that.
Have you ever had a pregnancy scare? >> Yeah.
Do you get along more with your mother or father? >> ---
Do you have freckles? If so, do you enjoy them or hate them? >> I don’t have them.
Where do you download music from? >> I don’t download music anymore, I just use Spotify.
Write something you'd like to say to someone right now: >> ---
Do you have a laptop, desktop or both? >> I have two laptops.
Have you ever met an online friend in real life? >> Yeah.
If you have a job, do you work with any of your friends? Do you like that job? >> ---
Who was the last person to call you? >> ---
What does the sky look like right now? >> Sunny, mostly. There are a few clouds floating around.
When did you last look in a mirror? >> This morning, briefly.
Did you like what you saw or were you dissatisfied? >> I don’t... recall having an opinion. It’s my face, I’ve seen it a million times, I know what to expect.
Have you ever cheated on someone before? >> Yeah.
What are the first three digits of your phone number? >> Nah.
What would you say is your favorite color, out of them all? >> Gold is nice.
Have you ever attempted suicide? >> Yeah.
What are you most known for? >> I have no idea.
Do you ever steal the ink pens from businesses? >> Nah.
What was the last movie you bought for yourself to watch? >> I don’t buy movies, but the last movie I rented was John Wick Chapter 2.
If you have any animals, do any of them live in the house with you? >> ---
Would you rather have curly or straight hair? >> Straight seems easier to manage.
Do you have a problem with body hair? >> I mean, I’m pretty much over it. Sometimes it’s aggravating, but mostly I don’t have a reason to care one way or the other.
Where is your best friend at the moment? >> ---
Is she/he there for you when you need them the most? >> ---
Have you ever been so depressed, you were put on medication? >> I’ve been put on medication as a teenager. But for most of adulthood I haven’t been in the mental healthcare system, so no one was trying to prescribe me anything.
Who did you last go and visit in the hospital? >> ---
What is one thing you think is gross about the human body? >> Excretion.
Do you have a BluRay player? >> No.
Have you ever witnessed someone being murdered? >> No.
What was the reason for the last time you cried? >> Frustration, probably.
Do you support gay marriage? >> Sure.
At what age do you plan to get married? >> 32.
Do you have any candles in your room? >> Yeah, but I rarely light them. I usually use incense.
Have you ever met someone who was obsessed with fire? >> No. Or, maybe, but they just didn’t talk about it.
Do you have any posters on your walls? >> Yeah, a few. Most of them were taken off the walls of Pyramid Scheme after I attended the show.
Ever make a friendship bracelet for someone? >> No.
Do you ever listen to mainstream music? >> Uh, of course.
Would you say you have extreme morals? >> I’d say I have the opposite.
Do you know what 'irony' means? >> I get confused about what exactly makes something ironic, so I just avoid using the word at all.
What have you been made fun of for the most? >> Oh, I don’t know. My appearance, probably.
Do you actually enjoy dancing? >> I sure do.
When did you last get a papercut? >> It’s been a very long time.
Do you watch any television shows from other countries? >> Sure.
Do you tell the truth for the most part? >> For the most part.
What time did you fall asleep last night? >> Somewhere between eleven and midnight, I assume.
Have you ever been in a physical fight? >> Yeah.
Who is your most favorite television/movie villain? >> I couldn’t possibly choose.
Have you ever been stabbed by something? >> Probably.
Do you ever cry for no reason whatsoever? >> No, there’s always a reason, even if I don’t know exactly what it is at the moment. Crying doesn’t just... randomly happen, like an itch. (Hell, even “random” itches have reasons, but they’re just under the surface or whatever.)
How many pillows do you normally sleep with? >> One.
Do you lose your remote often? >> We’ve never lost the remote...
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flutejesus · 6 years
ANSWER ALL 100 QUESTIONS Or if not just pick your favorites. Up to you.
CHALLENGE FUCKING ACCEPTEDNgl imma be super impressed if someone actually reads all this1. What is you middle name?like fuck I'm sharing that witchblr might get me 2. How old are you?According to all public government records, 163. What is your birthday?043020014. What is your zodiac sign?Metal snake!5. What is your favorite color?Somewhere on the gradient between sea blue and mint green6. What's your lucky number?Historically, seven, but one of my favorite teachers has hers at two, and that seems to work well for her so maybe I should change it7. Do you have any pets?Yes! A cat (George) and a dog (izzy)8. Where are you from?Vagina 9. How tall are you?5'5"10. What shoe size are you?Clearly you have never had any experience with women's shoes11. How many pairs of shoes do you own?Uhhhhhhh eighthtt???12. What was your last dream about?Huh, i can't remember. Probably school or getting chased, tbh13. What talents do you have?Noooonneeee!!!!14. Are you psychic in any way?I'm really good at guessing, especially percentages, so maybe 😏15. Favorite song?Right now? Dirty love by Kesha. What a mood16. Favorite movie?How to train your dragon, though ragnorak and curse of the black pearl were also really good17. Who would be your ideal partner?What a fucking loaded question 18. Do you want children?Hell no19. Do you want a church wedding?Nope. Too long, pews are gross20. Are you religious?Is there an afterlife?21. Have you ever been to the hospital?Yup! Funny story, I was born in one,22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law?Not really. I try not to, as a general ru23. Have you ever met any celebrities?Not that I know of! I like to think that I'm friends with a lot of pre-celebrities24. Baths or showers?Bath me the fuck up25. What color socks are you wearing?None. Probably should tho, it's hell cold26. Have you ever been famous?Briefly! I was featured in a buzzfeed article a while back27. Would you like to be a big celebrity?Gotta pay the bills somehow28. What type of music do you like?ALL29. Have you ever been skinny dipping?not intentionally, but id be down for it30. How many pillows do you sleep with?ALL31. What position do you usually sleep in?curled up on my side. Imagine a fetus32. How big is your house?Idk house sized33. What do you typically have for breakfast?Nothing. I don't eat breakfast34. Have you ever fired a gun?Yup! Thanks grandpa!35. Have you ever tried archery?Many times! There's a range near my house, it's lots of fun!36. Favorite clean word?Emordnilap37. Favorite swear word?FUCK38. What's the longest you've ever gone without sleep?too long 39. Do you have any scars?Yeah, a lot of cool ones!40. Have you ever had a secret admirer?I don't knowwwww!!!! Probably not lol41. Are you a good liar?Hella42. Are you a good judge of character?Hella43. Can you do any other accents other than your own?Nope. I can barely sound American and I was born and raised here44. Do you have a strong accent?Some people think so, I don't hear it45. What is your favorite accent?Russian, by far46. What is your personality type?Intp ftw47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing?Bridesmaids dress. Don't get married kids it costs so much48. Can you curl your tongue?Yup 😏49. Are you an innie or an outie?Innie!50. Left or right handed?Mostly right51. Are you scared of spiders?YES EXTREMELY PLEASE DONT SEND ME ANY I WILL CRY52. Favorite food?ice cream :D53. Favorite foreign food?All food is foreign when you live in America 54. Are you a clean or messy person?Both, idk how it just happens55. Most used phrased?Well fuck me up56. Most used word?Fuck57. How long does it take for you to get ready?Start with one hour. Divide by two for every additional hour I've been awake. Multiple by 3/5 for every rung up the social ladder I have to climb to attend the damn thing58. Do you have much of an ego?Nope, high key hate myself 59. Do you suck or bite lollipops?c R O N C H60. Do you talk to yourself?I am the only one here my options are limited at best61. Do you sing to yourself?Yup! I love singing62. Are you a good singer?Hell no63. Biggest Fear?My parents 64. Are you a gossip?Nah65. Best dramatic movie you've seen?Iron man. So much drama66. Do you like long or short hair?For, me, I like longer hair67. Can you name all 50 states of America?AaaallllaaaabamaAlaskaArizonaArkansasCaliforniaColoradoConne- (For those of you who don't know a lot of American kids are made to memorize this song with all the states in order)68. Favorite school subject?Band69. Extrovert or Introvert?High functioning introvert70. Have you ever been scuba diving?No! I really wanna though71. What makes you nervous?People. Especially when they try to make eye contact like what the fuck no stop72. Are you scared of the dark?Nah the dark is fren shaped73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes?If i think it will help74. Are you ticklish?Very please don't tickle me75. Have you ever started a rumor?Hell yeah bitch gon die today (nah it wasn't that bad)76. Have you ever been in a position of authority?Not often enough77. Have you ever drank underage?Of course. I, too, have been a narcissistic idiotic teen who hasn't78. Have you ever done drugs?See above. Hate myself for it but yeah79. Who was your first real crush?Kid I knew in fourth grade. Never said a word to him in six years it was great80. How many piercings do you have?Five! Not enough 81. Can you roll your Rs?Yup. Weird how some people can't82. How fast can you type?About as fast I can think. Lots of mistakes in both places83. How fast can you run? Fast enough to catch an icecream truck or a runaway toddler. That's really all I need tbh84. What color is your hair?It's up for debate85. What color is your eyes?Also up for debate. Imagine looking at clouds through a light blue lens86. What are you allergic to?My own destructive impulses.87. Do you keep a journal?Nope88. What do your parents do?Fuck if I know lmao89. Do you like your age? No I wanna be nine again that was fun. Anyone with a double digit age is automatically fucked90. What makes you angry?Idiocy, mine included91. Do you like your own name?Eh. It's ok, just doesn't feel like it fits.92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they?Of course I have. But names should fit the subject so I won't know until I meet the kid.93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child?Both, but combined into one person94. What are you strengths?My intense love for pineapples95. What are your weaknesses?Everything else96. How did you get your name?I'm still wondering that myself 97. Were your ancestors royalty?Idk does buffalo bill count? Dude was a dick tho idk if I wanna be associated with him 98. Do you have any scars?All over.99. Color of your bedspread? I don't have one? The sheets are blue.100. Color of your room? Two blue walls two white walls and a green carpet. No planning went into this
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rceebe-blog · 7 years
Make the Grade (Commission)
A Patreon reward for DJ50, who wanted to see his chubby nerd goat get it up the butt for one reason or another. Cushion for the pushin! >:U Thumbnail background is from Textures.com. Writing (C) me Petey (C) FA: dj50
"Look, Petey. For fuck's sake, man."
"Hey, I am looking. And I'm just saying, you wouldn't need help if you just studied for yourself, you know?" He smiled, always in his self-effacing way. He sat back in his chair, its gas cylinder overtaxed by his paunchy weight. It sagged slightly and the goat squirmed. "But, I mean, I guess I can help you out. You're Sven, right? I can help, since I finished my assignment two weeks ago. Let me just finish this raid I'm on."
The polar bear sat down too, making Petey's bed creak in a way the goat was used to hearing. He scratched himself, rumpling up his muscle tee, briefly showing the simultaneous pudge and muscle that all the bears in the college seemed to sport. "What are you playin', anyway? World of Dragons or some shit?"
"Warcraft. It's World of Warcraft," he said politely and with a chuckle. "What game do you play again? Fewt-bowl, something like that?"
"Real funny." The bear laid back and huffed. "So what do you want this time, huh? Case of beer?"
"No thanks, I don't really drink," said Petey distantly, clicking and typing. He was trying to maintain a disjointed chat with his guild, most of the members of which he was fairly sure were away-from-keyboard at best and mildly retarded at worst.
Staring at the ceiling, the bear yawned. Practice had been rough that morning. His muscles were bruised and stretched, and sweat clung to the downy fur all over his body - but it was especially swampy in his pants. "Um. That faggot towel boy's got Kocaine Kahnso tickets. I could probably convince him to take you along."
Petey was quiet for a few moments. He sighed - the raid was a no-go - and typed AFK into the group chat. "Uh, nah, I think I'll pass. That dude is kinda creepy, honestly." He stretched out and sighed, hooves at the ends of chubby legs scraping against the abused wood floor. "How would you go about that, though? I hear he's kind of a... you know, a loose person..." He laughed. "Would you sleep with him?"
Sven sat up with eyes narrow. "Fuck's it to you what I do with my dick?"
"Whoa, hey, slow down." Petey held up his hands in a show of harmlessness. "I'm just trying to say, like, uh... if you were willing to diddle him to get me a concert ticket," he stood up in the short pause and stretched his arms again, making his elbows pop, "how's about you cut out the middleman and just fuck me?"
The bear was leery. "Fuck you? Come on, man, can you even see your dick? You're a tubby fuck."
It didn't hurt Petey to hear that. He was actually a little bit proud of his healthy figure. Smiling, he said, "And? You got a little flab yourself. Granted, there's a lot more muscle under yours, but I bet your butt jiggles when somebody towel snaps it." He braced his hands on his hips and giggled. "Come o-o-on. Bet you'll enjoy it, and it'll keep you from wasting your tuition money, now won't it?"
Sven grumbled and started to pull off his tee. Petey was delighted and undressed on the spot, ditching his campus hoodie with the Cool Ranch-flavor Dorito dust on it and his comfy black sweat pants for bare fur. "Oh, and as you can see, I actually can see my dick," the goat said with playful relish. "Lucky for you I love it up the butt so much."
The polar bear regarded Petey's impressive, cut cock and nearly furless scrotum with begrudging respect; the nerd was better-hung than he was. But Sven's uncut cock was thicker by a fair measurement, and it was hued an aggressive shade of black. The goat saw as much when the bear pushed down his track pants, which had nothing underneath them. "You better have lube, Petey. I'm not eating your fat ass."
Although he rummaged through his desk and found a half-squeezed tube of lubricant very quickly, Petey was still coy. "That's a shame. My butthole's probably cleaner than your tongue is. Not gonna force you, though."
He tossed the lube on the bed and spun with some grace, putting his thick ass in Sven's face. The bear recoiled, then cupped a cheek with a little reluctance. "I could do worse," he murmured. "I expect a good paper for this, though."
Sven smeared his dark meat with the lube, fluffing at the same time. The goat looked over his shoulder, smiling with an impish quality. He flicked his tail in the bear's face. "Nice dick. Uncircumcised, huh?"
"Yeah." The bear grabbed Petey by the ass cheeks, squeezing until the flesh dimpled around his fingers. "You want to ride or you want me to do the work?"
Riding didn't sound like a half-bad idea to Petey, but physical activity was the bane of his existence. He gyrated his ass into Sven's paws, hoping to tempt the bear into a taste, but Sven only pushed back. Spurned but not discouraged, Petey draped himself across his absent roommate's bed and let his tail wag above his charcoal-colored bottom. "Come do your thi-i-ing," he cooed, looking over his shoulder and through the curtain of his bangs. "You can fuck my brains out. I can take it."
A crooked grin twisted Sven's face. Pushing against Petey and making his round butt deform, he remarked, "Suddenly I get why so many morons on the team haven't gotten expelled yet."
"I'm not gonna say I trade a lot of papers for a lot of cock," said Petey slyly, "but you'd know I was lying anyway, huh?"
Sven ground roughly against the goat, hotdogging his plump, warm cheeks for a hot second. When he pulled back and straightened out, he put a knee on the bed and stuffed his cock between the goat's cheeks again, but this time perpendicular. Just when his cockhead pushed into the pink pucker down in that deep ass crack, he bit his jowly lip and huffed severely through his nostrils.
Even though his anus was a little swollen and very well-trained, Petey was still a tight fuck. He gripped the lip of the bed, breathing slowly through his mouth. He closed his amber eyes. "Ea-a-asy, there, big fella," he sighed. "Just take it easy..."
The polar bear draped his body over Petey's, gut on the goat's back and jowls near an ear. "Pretty good for a fatass nerd."
Petey laughed. "Flattery will get your face sat on, pal."
Slowly but ceaselessly, the bear worked his dark meat into the goat. His balls with their plush white fur inched closer and closer to Petey's with their gray mottled flesh and lewd stripe of dark hair. Sven was actually jealous that Petey such a stripe, but he couldn't grow one himself. Leaning around the goat's head and nearly bottomed out, Sven growled, "Want to make out?"
The thought of that big, broad bear tongue in his gay mouth was an interesting one to Petey. He answered the question with an action, pushing his lips against Sven's jowls, slurping the bear's palate and of course that enormous, beautiful tongue. Sven puffed through his nose and pushed his muzzle in tighter to Petey's, locking lips and tangling tongues right as his hips met the goat's ass cheeks and made them flatten out somewhat.
A low, pleasant moan rumbled through Petey, shared by Sven an octave lower. In spite of the clumsiness of the position and how limited the kiss made his strokes, Sven fucked the goat eagerly. He wasn't fast or particularly steady, but the passion was what Petey enjoyed, and he ground back into the bear's sloppy work. He was going to write a wonderful paper for the bear, he was sure of it.
Petey panted into the kiss. Drool ran down his chin, making a dark smear on his roommate's comforter. "Ugh--, oh-mi-gawd," he gushed around Sven's giant, slobbering tongue.
Sven broke the kiss entirely and straightened out, resting his sticky jowls in Petey's blonde heartthrob hair. Still with a knee on the bed, he pounded the caprine with brutal, repetitive bucks, each one causing the goat's round ass to wobble and jiggle like a gelatin dessert. "Fu-u-uck... you better not tell any of your friends I was doing this..."
Quickly Petey said: "I--, ah, I doubt anybody in my guild knows who you are anyway."
Sven laughed and gripped the goat fast, mashing his hips flush to that wide ass. He jerked to the side and suddenly Petey was on top with a gasp, clenching violently on the bear in the shock of the moment. This made him wince; it made Sven shudder and curl his toes. "Ride me, tubby... I'll jerk that big dick of yours."
"Yeah! Yeah, all right," panted Petey, leaning forward, starting to bounce. He was clumsy about it, just lifting his ass and letting it drop. Gravity did the brunt of the work for him.
The bear didn't seem to mind it; he was grinning, all teeth, and he sat up with a bit of difficulty. "C'mon, lean back into me. Lemme get at your cock."
So Petey rested his back against the taller, stronger bear, and his bouncing suffered for it, yet Sven seemed fine with that too. He panted into the floppy length of Petey's ear and tightly, possessively gripped his cock, squeezing down until its head flushed a purple shade. Although Petey yelped in pain, he also shot a fat and sloppy runner of precum through the bear's fingers.
Sven slid his tough digits down Petey's cock, letting the glans breathe. While Petey tried clumsily to ride him, Sven gave him a rough and dirty handjob. He tugged and squeezed and tweaked the shaft, and his work left the goat clenching and wincing. Even then, as Petey was almost still save for some token shifts and grinds, his anal muscles were gripping and massaging the bear's cock in beautiful ways.
"C'mon, Petey," he growled down into the cup of the goat's ear. "Pop for me. Let's see how hard you can shoot."
Petey's rubbed around the bear's flanks and his back, chubby fingers dragging through coarse white fur. Hanging off the bed, his hooves scraped on the floor, knocking tunelessly as his muscles tensed. "You're being so rou-u-ugh," he crooned. "Gawd, and my butt really hurts too."
"It oughta," Sven growled just before he bit down on Petey's ear. He wasn't trying to punch a hole in it, just gum it in his jowls and hold it with his teeth, which was precisely what he did. He wrapped his free arm about the goat's belly, holding him with the same firm possessiveness that was in his bite. "C'mo-o-on," he grumbled around the goat's ear, his paw making a cacophony of wet smacks and sucks with each tug on Petey's meat.
With cheeks red and flushed and sweat rolling down his plump body, Petey was near his climax and he made it abundantly clear to the bear with his squirms and grabs. He gnawed his lip, leaving sore, swollen marks inside of it; his eyes rolled back before they closed. With his ass clenching like a vise on the bear and his cock throbbing a shade of purple again in that meaty, white paw with its tough black pads, Petey shot like a rocket. A streak of jizz arced high and splattered into his bouffant hair.
Sven snickered and growled into the ear in his mouth, easing off in both his grips but still tugging the goat's cock. He took some care to aim it at the goat himself, and to his amusement, Petey painted his own face and fat belly with crisscrossing stripes of sticky white spunk. With a guttural growl in his chest, he took his lips off of Petey's slimy ear and his sticky fingers off the goat's penis. Moving like a brute, he manhandled the happy goat and putting him face-down again. Just as before, he didn't pull his hips away from Petey's rear.
"My turn now, tubby - and then you're gonna write me a paper."
While Sven bucked and humped, Petey rested his sticky chin on his arms and sighed. He wasn't worried about the paper. He wasn't even worried about how pissed his roommate was going to be when he found jizz on his comforter again. In fact, Petey was thinking about joining a different World of Warcraft guild.
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