#I try not to get this negative on here bc it’s my fun little escapist hobby but this is so ridiculous
doriandrifting · 9 months
I don’t normally comment on piece of shit takes but imagine if I got on here and said if you think Freddy Krueger is a cool villain or you’re obsessed with Ghostface that means you condone pedophilia and serial killing in real life. I like to think that most people would be like wtf are you talking about. Because what you enjoy in fiction or are willing to justify for your fave can be very different from your morals in reality. Hell, I’ve watched a slasher and a character is annoying me so bad I’ve been like, “Alright go ahead and get them. I’m tired of them on my screen.” Does that mean if I found someone annoying in real life I’d root for them to be murdered? Like obviously not. And if you don’t understand that you need to go ahead and log out. Because having theories about Henry or Vecna or enjoying their villain arc (arc because most villains in media aren’t portrayed to be evil from the start—shocking I know!!) does not inherently make you a rapist or rapist sympathizer in real life and saying that is so fucking genuinely disgusting that I can’t believe I had to read it with my own four eyes.
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filmbefore · 3 years
well , well , well ... look who finally decided to bite the bullet nd bring a second muse ... ok so hopefully you all know me at this point but if you need a refresher ,, im moe !! i am twenty one , i live in the est , and my pronouns are she / they . i have been playing violet for the past month - ish now n i just thought it would be fun to bring this annoyance . woop woop ! anyway lets get into it <33
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MAX MOON , a MEMBER of the yale's elite , they're TWENTY and a SOPHOMORE UNDERGRAD student majoring in BUSINESS . they are as JOCULAR as they are VOLATILE . ( hwang hyunjin / he/him / cis male )
FULL NAME: maximilian river moon AGE: twenty GENDER + PRONOUNS: cis male + he / him SEXUALITY: a bi king HOMETOWN: new york , new york ASTRO: sagittarius sun , leo moon , aquarius rising HEIGHT: five foot eleven HAIR COLOR: black EYE COLOR: brown
okay this is going to be a lot shorter than violet’s family shit bc quite frankly max’s family is boring so look away
so max was born to a couple of ,, Disappointing parents like they had max really really young and him being around kind of made them lose track of their own lives
his mom did beauty pageants but never won, his dad ran for local offices and lost every time, his dad would try to get into photography and end up working at the photoshoot places at the mall, his mom tried to go back to school and flunked all of her community college courses, yadda yadda ... you get the drill
and you guessed it ,, they pretty much blamed all of their own failures on this crazy little kid that they brought into the world by accident
and yeah max was basically mf NUTS from day one. he was never really mean or anything he just had attention issues and wanted to be yelling or throwing things all the time ( and stayed that way from birth to now pretty much )
it p much always seemed like max got all the luck in the family when it came to anything ( making his parents despise him even more ) so when the boy managed to make his way through school and stumble into the yale application process ,,, nobody really questioned it
and when max started gaining a following on social media ,, no one really questioned that either . however someone SHOULD have questioned it when a nineteen year old boy kick started his own self care company and marketing it towards his fanbase of pre-teen and teenage girls
no one did tho !! in fact .... the elites were interested in the kid’s business and people skills and recruited him for the exclusive squad at yale . lucky him ig ????? time will tell . he’s new here and still has a lot to learn 
max’s dad actually bought his son a bunch of followers at the start but never told his son bc he didnt want to deflate max’s ego ( even tho he should have ) so yeah maybe maxie boy isn’t as lucky as he thinks !
max actually hates his mf self care company ok like the boy rarely shows up for work or any of his meetings and talks shit about the company and its content frequently . unfortunately the investors and a bunch of contracts are keeping his ass there
and finally ,,, max paid to cover up an assault charge from when he attacked some guy who he thought was stalking him at the start of his rise to fame . the guy wasn’t even really stalking him ,, max was just on drugs at the time and was extremely paranoid 
yeah as you can maybe tell thus far ... maxie boy is a mess !!! he’s a spoiled only child and grew up with so much of the attention on him , even if the attention was negative . basically everyone has always protected his ego his whole life , which really did him a disservice and now he has a huge head for no real reason . he has an escapist kind of mindset and will do just about anything to get out of something he doesn’t want to do . but yeah he lowkey has a drug n alcohol problem but that will be something to figure out later lmao i swear he’s not ,, like intentionally mean . he was just never taught how to act different bc he was kind of being raised by kids himself but yeah im sorry in advance for him :P have fun dealing with the nightmare OIWJEOJRIOJEROIJWER 
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millennialzadr · 5 years
So this is a whole ass giant long post of me absolutely spewing my feelings of love for ZADR, it was the very first thing I wrote when I made this blog and I think it’s a nice, positive thing for my fellow shippers to inhale and enjoy 👌👌
it was originally a reply to mitarashiart’s post about why HE loves ZADR (link in replies) but I decided to delete that and make my own post since MY WHOLE ENTIRE TEXT WALL WAS SHOWN IN THE REPLIES and drowned out anyone else who was trying to talk (thanks tumblr mobile u fuckin idiot)
I had also posted a summary of an AU that I’m working on in the original post, but decided to remove it since it just about doubled the length (I’m thinking about posting it separately along with the wips I’ve been putting together, we’ll see 👀)
But ANYWAY, here is about a million reasons why I think ZADR is the fucking best, so if you like reading gushy gay ship feelings, please enjoy ❤️❤️❤️
SOOO, holy hell y’all my journey back into this fandom has been a wild and unique experience for me, i went from adding invader zim to my bookmarks on kisscartoon, rewatching the series, finding out theres a movie coming out, finding out there was a shitload of content i’d never seen before (commentaries, lost episode scripts and audios, panels, the COMIC, episodes i’d never seen because the dvd i used to watch was scratched!! and a FUCKLOAD of quality modern fan art like oh my GOD) and finally curiously googling ‘zadr’ (which i was way into when i was maybeee 13/14) to see if there was any interesting new art, and holy hell, mita (the artist above) singlehandedly THREW me down the hole into modern zadr hell, first with his absolutely stunning IZ art (all his art is dope tho check him out yo), then reading the above explanation put the final nail in the coffin like, 100%
so i wanted to add onto his post here on why this ship got me so fucked up, both for anyone who might be wondering why on earth i’m shipping two characters from a kid’s show (i’m very aware how weird that is at first glance trust me) and also so i can get some ideas down for possible future reference (will i ever draw them? maybe)
(first of all, a disclaimer, and this is not pleasant to write but it’s important to address for clarity’s sake: I have no interest in romantic or sexual relationships between minors, and do not ship zim and dib as they are presented canonically in the show (as children). what i’m interested in is the conceptualized relationship they may have as modern adults, and i view zadr more as taking the concepts of existing characters and experimenting with them with different interpretations, which i personally think is a constructive and fun creative outlet, especially if these characters hold personal significance for you (childhood faves of course). growing up together is an important facet of their relationship, and certainly they were important to each other even as children (see: mopiness of doom) but as an adult i’m personally curious about what kind of adults they might’ve become, and that’s the focus of my interest. i’ll still be reblogging regular IZ art because it’s dope but if you see shippy looking art of them as tiny lil beans its either friendship or chibis (and i personally headcanon zim as getting taller with dib but some people stick with his canonical height when drawing them as adults, which is super short. it still doesn’t mean he’s a kid). aaand i wish i didnt have to write this and it would just be obvious but we live in a sick sad world and it is sourced from a children’s cartoon so i feel its necessary. end of disclaimer)
- ok, first reason’s a bit obvious - the nostalgia. holy hell, the feeling of rediscovering a ship that was popular when i was a preteen during the mid 2000s and discovering a totally new perspective on it as an adult comes with an almost totally overwhelming sense of nostalgia and comfort, as well as inspiration!! the kind of art that seems so common for zadr, these sketch pages of scenes and expressions and visual gags where artists would just scribble every idea they had and LOVE doing it, this was exactly the kind of art that made me so passionate about drawing as a kid, and it still sparks such a powerful feeling of love and admiration for me to this day. fan content of iz and zadr is simultaneously achingly familiar and totally new and fascinating, and it just makes me SO damn happy to consume, it is most definitely my new comfort content. and just, GOD. THE ART!! SO GOOD. FUCK
- now for the characters themselves: for some reason i just really love the thought of a mid twenties, modern Dib?? lanky goth dork, disaster bi, depressed as shit, uses bad sweaters and memes to cope?? when i was a kid i didn’t even LIKE Dib, but now i totally sympathize with him! he’s just a hyper obsessive nerd wishing there was more to life than the situation he got stuck with, how wildly relatable. he was a pretty big asshole as a kid (even to people besides zim) but he was also totally isolated and constantly bullied, so there’s a lot of room for growth. i feel there’s a lot of juicy character development potential for that boy, and there’s always been a special place in my heart for characters who are totally sad and screwed and hopeless, but there’s one thing, or person, that means the world to them and could possibly save them…
- aliens. Zim. i love nonhuman characters, i love monsters, i love aliens, i love characters that don’t understand human shit (and thus have much less room for shame or fear bc theyre just totally oblivious the negatives of modern society) and need guidance (bonding!!) from their human. i also love morally grey characters and characters with skewed logic, they’re always really interesting, and Zim himself just has such a unique personality and set of mannerisms, he contradicts himself a lot and you can never quite expect how he’ll behave, and i love that in a character, it makes them super versatile and fun, especially since there’s so many different possibilities for their development. Also, Zim is a gremlin, a little shit, and a disaster. I also love those traits in a character. And don’t even get me started on his character design?? big sparkly eyes? expressive antennae? monster teeth? complimenting colors? he’s adorable.
- mutual obsession. for someone like Dib, who seems almost repulsed by how boring and slow the people around him are, Zim quite literally personifies Dib’s  escapist fantasies, both as an inhuman entity from beyond the stars, and as a person who’s knowledge, charisma and mystery far exceeds that of anyone Dib has met in his entire life. (so basically what i’m saying is that for a shunned, jaded misanthropist, an actual alien is terribly alluring, even if said alien is dangerous, stupid, and possibly insane). not to mention Zim vindicates Dib’s entire life passion, the supernatural! Even when their relationship is totally negative, there is not a single inch of room for Dib to get tired of Zim. as mita explained, they validate each other. for Zim, WHO AGAIN, IS TOTALLY SHUNNED, ISOLATED, AND HATED BY EVERYONE HE KNOWS, Dib is the only person in the universe who gives a single shit about him!! he gives Zim credit as a threat, a capable invader, which if you ask me is the sole thing Zim is after (he’s hellbent on his mission because it would win him the approval of the tallest, all he’s ever wanted is recognition from the people he thinks so highly of). He literally gets depressed when Dib isn’t around to pay attention to him, not even the tallest were enough to motivate him before Dib came back. these two have no one and nothing without each other, and while lifelong nemeses is fine and dandy, i personally prefer friendship, affection and love, cause i’m a softie like that. how could they possibly get there after years of actively trying to kill each other?? well, i think under just the right circumstances it could become a possibility after a long, long time.
- growth. i. love. me. some. good. character growth. especially for characters with trauma/mental illness, bc again, relatable. these boys have issues, and as mita mentioned, their canon stories are actually INCREDIBLY sad! but the happy thought is, they could recover! they could help each other recover, for little reason other than the two are the only source of happiness for each other. now of course this also opens the gate for angst lovers, but at the same time offers potential for comforting, uplifting content of the boys supporting and inspiring each other, maybe even to the point of becoming happy and healthy enough to create the lives they want for themselves (as in appreciating life and doing things that make them actually happy instead of the delusions of grandeur they both sought when they were younger). gimme that positive shit and let the poor beans be happy  щ(ಠ益ಠщ)
- LITTLE THINGS. LITTLE THINGS THAT ONLY COME WITH CHILDHOOD FRIENDS. WITH HUMAN/NONHUMAN. WITH THE SHOW’S WEIRD LOGIC. Zim being the person Dib knows best and vice versa. Zim having an involuntary respect/admiration for Dib because he’s tall. Learning each other’s needs, limits, and communication methods, both emotionally and biologically. Sensitive antennae. Affectionate bickering. Being less insecure bc your partner literally has no idea why you see your flaws as flaws. Laughing at the flaws they do notice because they make no sense. Zim only wanting to eat waffles and chow mein. Dib being forced to overcome his depression lethargy and stay hygienic/keep the apartment clean because Zim has a sharper sense of smell and is afraid of germs. Endless conversation about anything and everything because they’re from literally different worlds, and endless intrigue. TOUCHING. TALKING. DOING EVERYTHING LIKE ITS THE VERY FIRST TIME AND ALWAYS NEEDING THE OTHER TO GUIDE THEM. HOLY HELL THERE IS SO MUCH POSSIBILITY FOR TINY LITTLE MOMENTS THAT MEAN THE WORLD. FUCK. GOT ME FUCKED UP.
so that wraps up the why. fuck man. its just such a good ship. if you read this big ass text post, thank you for indulging me, i hope you enjoyed it! because i enjoy it very much 👀 so stick around if you’d like to for a shit load of IZ and zadr content on this blog, possibly (MAYBE) even from me!! come roll around in alien hell with me why dontcha ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ its a fun time! thanks for reading!!!
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