#I thought you guys might be interested
somegrumpynerd · 3 months
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When you find out years later that you accidentally named one of your henchmen
Image ID: A multi-panel comic featuring au sanses. Panel 1: In Killer's original universe. A dark figure stands in the foreground while Killer is sitting back in the snow, covered in blood. Killer says "wh-what are you?" Panel 2: The dark figure is Nightmare but only his smile is visible. He says "I am Nightmare, guardian of all negativity in the multiverse ...and I have a proposition for you, Sans." Panel 3: Nightmare's hand is outstreched, he says "Come with me willingly and I'll take you out of this desolate and barren universe and let you loose on many others." Panel 4: Killer is looking back at Nightmare warily, a thought bubble shows he is thinking "other universes...?". He says "...in exchange for what? What do you want with me?" Panel 5: Nightmare's tentacles are reaching out towards Killer. He says "I feed off the fear and misery and hatred in this world, stirring these up will keep me powerful enough to fight against the guardian of positivity. In short," Panel 6: Nightmare is looming over Killer now, his tentacles surrounding him. He says "I just need you to be a good little killer." The word killer is in red text. Panel 7: Killer is grasping Nightmare's hand, having accepted his offer. Panel 8: Now in a different au, Nightmare stands beside Killer as he taunts Dream, who is out of frame. He says "You're outnumbered now Dream, I have a killer with me this time." The word killer is in red text again. Panel 9: Dream is lying on the ground looking hurt and ruffed up. Killer is standing in the background, looking ready to continue beating Dream up. Nightmare says from out of frame "You should know better than to turn your back on a killer by now." The word killer is in red text again. Panel 10: Nightmare is standing by Killer again, looking smug. He says to Dream, who is not shown "You'll need more than that pathetic bow next time you meet with my killer here." The word killer is in red text again. Killer is looking towards Nightmare, pleased with this. Panel 11: We are now in Nightmare's castle, present day. It is revealed to be Killer telling these events to Dust, who looks bored. Killer says "-and the name stuck, so that's why I'm called Killer now." Dust says very quietly "did I ask" Panel 12: Nightmare is standing in the corner behind them, he looks very surprised and concerned after hearing all this. Text with an arrow pointing to him reads "Didn't realise he had done this." Killer from out of frame says "he doesn't really call me his killer anymore tho" with a frowny face. Dust, also out of frame, says "that's nice now shut up" End ID.
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rediscovered this vine and couldn't resist
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carpathiians · 10 months
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sketches I kinda like
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codacheetah · 29 days
If I made some kind of post related to my mirasif/miraisiloop thoughts would you guys trust me. Would you trust in my arospec sieve of projection. Would you guys kill me
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r0semultiverse · 9 months
well, this all looks rather familiar...
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shaynetopps · 5 months
shayne & damien | the archer × not strong enough
i stumbled across this audio and couldn't resist giving it the shaymien treatment! shaymien's an interesting duo, and this mashup really gets to the core of my thoughts on them. there's shayne, the put-together golden boy. except, he's only seen that way because he works at maintaining that image. and most people "see right through" him because it's hard for shayne to let anyone see chinks in his armor. then there's damien. he's seen shayne be vulnerable and still thinks the world of him. but that's the problem. damien's put shayne on a pedestal too high for him to reach. they’re almost inverses of each other. what happens when you put someone who thinks he's unlovable with someone who loves him too much? (obligatory disclaimer: this is all based on internet personas, fanon, fanfics, and my own silly goofy mind)
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voidedjuice · 2 months
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Some sidecharacters from Ilta & Cecily's thing
Cecily's adoptive sibling and Ilta's uncle
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quiverymango · 9 months
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Learning to be Gentle
*Slams fists on desk* "LET THEM BE FRIENDS!!"
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anotherpapercut · 2 months
I agree that drugs should be legalised and not stigmatized but you're delusional if you think "most drugs can be consumed completely safely with almost 0 risk to the user"
I think the key here is the word "can" by which I mean that if consumed in safe doses and safe environments and from safe sources etc most like mainstream drugs (I'm thinking of like mdma, LSD, shrooms, ketamine, coke) CAN be consumed safely with very little risks. I know this to be a fact #1. because I've done a lot of actual research on this where I've read numerous sources from scientists doctors and users as opposed to just say taking in the abstinence only information I received during school, reading a couple Tumblr posts and assuming I know everything there is to know about the topic and #2 I've used every drug I just listed and more and never suffered any adverse effects because I did my research, tested them for impurities when appropriate, and took other measures to ensure my safety
there are obviously exceptions and drugs that just shouldn't be fucked with (meth and heroin is what I'm thinking, but I also know people who have consumed these once or twice with 0 repercussions because that's how human experience works), but if you're actually interested in learning more about the many ways in which you were lied to about how "illegal drugs" are somehow automatically much worse for you than prescription drugs or socially acceptable drugs (like caffeine and alcohol) then feel free to either 1. do your own ACTUAL research that does not involve trusting for profit rehab centers and abstinence only educators (I'll even get you started with a couple good resources) or 2. message me off anon to have a real discussion about the mechanisms by which the most common drugs operate and the ways in which they can be consumed as safely as you can consume alcohol cigarettes and energy drinks but sending me your half cocked uninformed and unnecessarily insulting opinion on anon is not exactly productive. additionally, I'm sure you can see why I struggle to see or believe that you ACTUALLY think drugs should be destigmatized and aren't just parroting what you think the correct woke opinion is when you refuse to even take the very first step to destigmatizing drugs, drug use, and drug users and actually unlearn all the stigmatizing things you've been taught
I know that it's a lot easier just to port over all the things you've learned from dubious sources that you trusted implicitly because they claimed to be an authority and not actually do the work required to achieve the goals you claim to support, but easier doesn't mean right
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kinos-fortress-2 · 4 months
ok another headcanon and is from my ultimate comfort favs:
When demo got first hired by pauling he was like very shy and introverted at some point where everyone wasn’t like… that conjoined and besties as how they are now. And i feel like he got a pretty rough time to even start to talk with his teammates or get a tiny friendship with them.
And he often times was very threatened by small lady in glasses that liked to be strict with them in their first day since… it was business only ofc
but by the time when pauling got a bit more soft with them, and got also a bit friendly with demo i feel like at some point he started to develop a tiny crush with her since she was the one who often talks more with, and i have this other hc that also he would fell easily with people that befriends him (not like anyone of course it really does depends the person for him)
so you know pauling it’s nerdy and a bit sensitive (she cries very easily) and she is very friendly or a bit more extrovert if she gets to, but like in a sense where she is more ambivert too. uhhh idk she is just talkative with people if you get her chance where she’s not busy and will tell you to go to hell. rough lady
and he liked that! i think he thought they both shared some stuffs along and can infodump their love for guns and for the work they are in and then if they can go a bit personal with some drinks and he liked that he could share this stuffs with her all chill and cool
but i feel like he just had this side secret crush with her and stopped those want to be romantic feelings because he really saw she is not like, up to those stuffs, she is so focused on work and also stressed and depressed like him and he could just understand that she just only want someone to listen to her but she will not like, pay that much attention about romantic relationships and he could completely understand that once he get to know her more deeply. and he just couldn’t do that to the one who also considered a friend and he probably guessed she will not feel the same for him but that didn’t like hurt him and is not like he ever confessed to her. he just had those secret feelings for her for a time and then realized she was not really like the one for him to be in a relationship
and that’s where i thought of him now having a more soft spot for her and caring her like a sister (not like literally but in a familiar soft spot sense, but that’s ofc his friend)
so yeah idk 👍
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notemaker · 9 months
Question for the neurodivergents--I might go to a nightclub tomorrow, which I've never done before because I'm a nerd, and I'm a little worried about the sensory bits--Especially with everything being pretty loud lately since I began heavy unmasking. So long story short, do you have any recommendations/tips not to end up a ball on the floor?
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thegreatyin · 4 days
y'know it somehow only now occurs to me that i probably should/should've made a fallen london sideblog so im not bothering all yall with my latest hyperfixation.
sorry not sorry
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rawliverandgoronspice · 4 months
re: my last post, but I kind of have a good serving of criticism in my heart about the whole "gerudos as men r*pists*" trope that I've seen bouncing around in fandom since like 2008 at least (and before that I assume), but it's. not a particularly fun topic. so.
#thoughts#cw rape#gerudos#let's just say that#if we do need to go there#(and we Do Not need to go there particularly)#let's say this whole debacle ignores *a lot* of canon content that suggests where the power balance may actually lie#if it does lie anywhere#also the sexually aggressive/domineering brown people trope as another tool of dehumanization is not. yea#but idk I think it's an interesting takeaway to cultivate in the context of the overwhelming examples of#*hylians* being the ones to repeatedly overstep gerudo boundaries#gerudos don't capture men *men try to break in gerudo homes and get arrested* that's a pretty significant difference you guys#if gerudos were so aggressive about it wouldn't men rather be the ones to run away?#why are we keeping them out in the first place etc#anyway weird trope supported by almost nothing and often enabling VERY unhinged racist comments from its fanbase on the regular#can we talk about how the brown race is uncritically characterized as rapists --either ganondorf or his people#in spite of there being basically zero evidence anywhere in the games that this might be the case??? why is this an assumption we're making#idk man people be having weird hangups about all of this#also yeah sure the strong independant women has *got* to be man eaters that treat them like disposable garbage#and like#my dear Men of the Internet#maybe try to fix your anxieties surrounding women being self-sufficient and independant instead of projecting like crazy idk something#sorry the post is Unfun but it's been bothering me since forever#I remember being thirteen and reading a fic with this trope for the first time and being So Scandalized haha#but yeah I've been chewing on the thought ever since so here you go
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unbelievablerose · 27 days
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working my way through the veilgarden MYN with the ragged general and look. Look. i don’t think he would do this. but i want to. like this is so funny hello???
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lyxchen · 5 months
When you feel weird saying your favorite actors name out loud when talking to your parents or friends because it feels like it's going to reveal how deeply obsessed you actually are
#oh how often i have said to my parents#'it's a movie with that actor i like'#because i am afraid if i say 'david tennant' i will also add 'the prettiest most gorgeous funniest guy who is so lovely and if i met him i#would probably hyperventilate and i think about him probably too much because he's just an actor but also Look At Him!!'#you know#normal fangirl stuff#i have a theory that this is either some sort of weird ocd thing deep inside of me like how for a few months i was very afraid that people#could hear my thoughts and so i never allowed myself to think strange or very personal things with many people around#or this is because other people have made me feel like i can't talk about my interests because they're so intense that they find them#annoying#or it's because i don't want my parents to think i have a crush on him because i don't and also i'm gay so like no crush potential this is#completely different emotion which i can't explain especially not my parents so i'd rather they not find out how cool i think he is#but also they probaly know because they got me 10th doctor merch for christmas without me even asking for it and my mom also said that#she noticed that he's my favorite actor which is fine it's toatally fine i'm so cool about this#any so yeah anyways#didn't think i'd analize myself that much tonight but here we are#david tennant you have to honor of recieving the title of 'that one actor i like' which is much more important than it might sound#good night#lea's random thoughts
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chibishortdeath · 2 months
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Some attempts at a design for Selena :3. The second image is inspired by the wedding in Haunted Castle, but I changed Simon’s outfit cause idk I just can’t picture him being comfortable in a suit.
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The last two of these are way more headcanon-y lol. They’re under a cut mostly in case my headcanons and story ideas change d(^^ ). One of them was inspired by a Kikuo song I was listening to while drawing lol, the song “Let’s Go to Heaven”.
#castlevania#castlevania games#selena belmont#castlevania selena#castlevania ii#castlevania 2#castlevania simon’s quest#simon’s quest#castlevania ii: simon's quest#haunted castle#simon belmont#akumajou dracula#akumajo dracula#art post#my art#I remember seeing someone make a post somewhere about how it was weird that#a lot of the cut items from the first Castlevania were things like high heels and a love letter and stuff#I wonder if Simon’s wife/girlfriend was supposed to be a character at one point in it and she got cut for some reason#idk it’s interesting to me that she’s only ever appeared in like deliberately noncanon content ya know?#like Haunted Castle was even called not a Castlevania game by its own lead director#the two novels with Simon girlfriends in them were never intended to be canon just fun side stuff#especially the ones that were choose your own adventure books lol I love the art style in one of those#anyway I’ve been trying to think of ways to write her lately but its so easy to end up accidentally falling into annoying tropes alas 💀💀💀#especially ones the series has already used before oof#currently my idea so far is since Simon himself is kinda the chosen one hero guy trope in CV1#and ends up subverting that trope by genuinely failing a ton getting hated by the public and possibly dying at the end#maybe Selena might work as initially the damsel in distress and call to action trope and subverts that later????#I also have always thought she ends up the Mysterious Woman somehow hmmmm#it’s a hard headcanon to incorporate without just pulling a Dracula X chronicles and oh no she’s a vampire aaaaa but that’s been done 💀#I am also aware that not everything you write has to be 100% completely new and original and perfect but aaaaaaa
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