#I thought I'd do a little fade-y fade here for the aesthetics
beatricethecat2 · 1 year
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Bering & Wells: Split Screen #341
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windhamsrotunda · 4 years
Erick Rowan X Reader! - "This Is Heaven And I’d Die For It."
A WWE Fanfiction by @brodieleesclothesline tagging(s) - @hplightoutlander, @blkwd, @adriii-omega, @tinycaprisun, @junglecassidy, @demonqueen29 , @moxleysraven, @lancearcherinrippedjeans, @kittysilver86, @flesheatinglette, @xwicker-manx, @xxghostnappaxx, @haigrr, @luciddrreamss, @lghockey, @warinhisname, @warhorsehausen, @wardlowobsessed, @hungmanhorsecarriage, @mackenzie2597, @freshlysqueezebaybee, etc.
(Inspired from the song ‘’This Is Heaven And I’d Die For It’’ by American Pleasure Club) (Teen Suicide)
Genre - Lo-fi Aesthetic! Fic // Romance
Warning(s) - 17+ Content, Some Language // Some Smut???
Word Count - 1,012.
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It was a cool breeze blowing in the wind in the early month of October. Y/N had layed down in the passenger's seat of the car, while Rowan was driving. The pink and orange skies had brightened up the mood of car rides home; Until he pulled over on the side of an abandoned home. "Get out, Y/N." His voice dark, turning off the car. She hopped out of the car, as Rowan was getting out; She had something to say to the tattooed 6'8 man. "Why are we here?" She asked quietly and slowly to the man. "Fuck if I know," He chuckled, stroking his beard, then got out his iPhone to turn the flashlight on to see the abandoned house with no boards on there put together.
"We can... maybe have a little fun?" Said Rowan in confidence, not intimidated to get caught at a spooky abandoned house. "What's that?" Y/N listened in closer to his awaiting response to her. He wrapped his "lumberjack" looking flannel around Y/N's waist so smoothly, she didn't flinch. "I love when you wear my flannels around your waist." Rowan added, grabbing her "baby" hand in his enormously large hand. "Come on," He urged, smiling from ear to ear.
When they've got inside the house, Y/N examined the house carefully. Flipping on a light switch, she stared down a path of a hallway. "Let's go look at that hallway down there, see if there is a bedroom?" She requested upon Rowan, he gently smiled, a beaming grin as in "I want to go explore too." Of an answer. Walking down the creaky floorboards of the hallway, he pointed with his finger to the direction of the bedroom, basically guiding her there as if he "knew the place". "This is so fucking cool!" Shouted out Y/N, her voice echoing through the very little small furniture that covered up the room.
"We can have some fun in here, don't you think?" Rowan reminded, before Y/N could think of anything else. Widely grinning, she quickly shook her head up and down. "Make yourself at home, y/n." He suggested, dropping his bag onto the floor and walking in further to the bedroom. There, layed a twinsized mattress with some vintage pillows and blankets. Following what Rowan had to say, Y/N decided to sit down on the comfortable looking twin sized mattress. Plopping her body downwards onto the mattress, Rowan watched as she layed her head down on one of the pillows. "Rowan, can we watch a movie?" She looks up at him like a puppy. "Yeah. What kind of movie though? Gotta be a little more specific." He asked out of curiosity.
"The Notebook." When those words came out of her mouth, he nodded and joined in on the twin sized mattress. "Is there a TV in here?" Inquired Rowan, very suspicious. "I'll find one," She jotted herself up off the mattress, and darted out of the room. While looking, she happened to find an old tv full of VHS tapes on the side of the cabinet. "Let's see..." Y/N spoke to herself, digging in the pile of neatly stacked VHS Tapes. She didn't get lucky to find The Notebook.
But, she did find a vintage Romance movie. Maybe Erick will like this one, thought Y/N. Running back in the room with heavy feet creaking on the floorboards, Rowan asked: "What you got there?" "Oh, it's called: It Happened One Night." She read aloud, he shrugged and said: "Okay. Let's watch it." Scooting the TV inside the room, Y/N hooked it up to the extension coard. Pressing the button, the tv sparked on. As it was rebooting itself from not being used in years, Rowan grabbed the VHS tape from Y/N and put it into the VHS slot.
The movie began, resting her head on his shoulder, Y/N cuddled in the crook of Rowan's neck. The big man snuggled the blanket that was over the two of them. Without a trace, he rubbed Y/N's thigh gently. That showed a sign of "I want to love you." In the middle of the movie rolling, she sighed in big relief. Happy to have Rowan by her, he kissed her neck sweetly. Beginning to make his move, he softly whispered, reciting a lyric: "So test me out, see what love really means. I heard you’re vicious but you heard i’m a freak. The body aches when you tell it to quit; But this is heaven & i’d die for it."
He continued to sing in the ear of Y/N, she was getting ready to fall asleep. Rowan doing whatever he can to keep her awake, his hands gripped the back of her flesh in her inner thighs. It was like she was in another universe, "mmmm...." her neck began to become stiff, jotting up giving Rowan more access to suck on her neck. That, at least had wokened her up. "I fucking want you so badly right now." The behemoth flipped her over so violently on the mattress, she gotten caught off guard. "Hey!---" Cutting off Y/N's sentence, he stuck his tongue inside her mouth. Suffocating her whole, she danced tongues with Rowan. Kissing in deeply, she gripped on the shoulder of him and slid his black band tank top off. Exposing him shirtless, her face beamed bright tomato red. "Oh... sorry---" "No need to be sorry, doll." He deeply pronounced, it was like their first time doing this after dating for 7 months.
Making love throughout the cold, October night; all that you could hear against these 4 walls were love noises and flesh hitting against flesh. "Goddamn... That was intense." Announced Y/N, out of breath. Rowan pulled her into a hug, hot bodies against eachother. The heat of Rowan had more affect than Y/N, sweating up bullets. "This is heaven, and I'd die for it." He began to sing again, the lo-fi instruments slowly fading in the distant background of the room.
***part 2 coming up***
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kwantified · 4 years
buttercup - jeon wonwoo
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genre: angst word count: 1.7k synopsis: cold, early mornings - what a time to break up with someone. lowercase intended.
disclaimer! mild swearing and mentions of mature themes.
+ the concept of wonwoo and flowers is my fav aesthetic so here we are :)
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it was early in may when our relationship bloomed. much like the flowers around his house did. it was colourful; an abundance of greens, pinks, whites, purples, and yellows painted the yard. it was when the weather wasn't too hot or too cold, nor was it too dry or too humid.
it was also when wonwoo started to have a hobby for gardening after seeing all those colours bloom at home. it was beautiful, and he wanted to make it stay even when the year said otherwise.
as spring transitioned into summer, and summer fell to autumn, the flowers decreased, and the weather turned cold. it was october.
still, he found one. he found one flower by the soil of his backdoor, still blooming as if it were the prettiest in an entire meadow of flowers. it was bright yellow, too, and it brought something new to him; something interesting.
it was like us. a product of plain luck and circumstance, we found each other like he found the buttercup. something that started without thought became the one thing that occupied our minds for every waking hour of the day.
ever since then, he used to call me buttercup. he said so while we were watching a movie, all snuggled up on his old couch, my head on his shoulder.
"you bring colour into my life," the man used to say, "and you're pretty cute, too."
"you're so cheesy, wonwoo," still, i liked it.
buttercup. buttercup. butter-cup. but-ter-cup.
suddenly, i'd forgotten all the other nicknames anybody had ever given me. to wonwoo, i was his buttercup. his flower on an autumn day, the splash of colour in a greyscale world.
even more, i wanted to keep being his buttercup. more and more, i'd look forward to our calls and dates. i could hear his love, and i loved how he loved me.
we were always abroad doing our own things, but he'd always be the first to call me when i arrived at home. his calm voice still rings in my ears to the time i'd exited the airport and he held me tight, laughter in the air.
i did the same, right?
i thought i painted his world. i thought i told him enough times how much i loved him. i thought i would always be one of the people that made him happy.
i was once all of those things. but perhaps our second january couldn't refrain himself from shoving the buttercup in the snow. and so, the buttercup turned cold.
"buttercup!" wonwoo's warm voice greeted me through the phone. i hadn't picked up for days. "it's been a while. how about my place, tonight? maybe we can watch something? i miss you."
i never wanted an "ah..." to come out. i thought i would answer like i usually would. then i'd go over to his place, watch something, and fall sleep in his arms, like we usually would.
"ah?" he asked. i contemplated for a while, almost hesitating to answer.
"okay, i'll be there at five?" i eventually answered.
as soon as the call ended, my smile quickly faded and my eyes felt the strange presence of my tears.
he welcomed me with open arms into his flat. it was still as small as i remembered it, with his kitchen, living room, and bedroom all stuffed in one medium-sized room. damn seoul and its living expenses.
we were quick to cuddle up with each other as his cheap heating made the want to cuddle a need. i missed this. his head was rested on my lap while we watched whatever was available, whether it be rom-com, horror, drama, or action.
initially, i only started coming to his place whenever i felt like i needed him. it was the typical "netflix and chill" kind of date, which was really just an excuse for something nobody wanted to say out loud.
now, i'm starting to see a difference between love and lust.
"baby, i'm going to go to the bathroom, yeah?" i tiptoed over to his bathroom and locked the door only to stare at how dark my eyebags had become.
i continued to stand in front of his bathroom mirror, walking in circles, lip trembling. when i opened the door, my eyes met his.
though i tried to give him a half-hearted smile, i think he already knew me well enough by then to know that i didn't mean it. but i didn't want to see the look on his face when he knew.
so, i walked all the way to the sofa, stood him up by the hand, and planted my lips on his.
i wanted to prove to myself that i still loved him.
the kiss was gentle at first, and slowly i found myself melting in the familiar comfort of his arms. i held on to his loose striped shirt - the same one that i used to wear as a dress in the summer - as he gladly took me in.
"i want you, buttercup," were the last words he said before we slipped under the covers.
if only the want could be replaced with love.
i woke up that night in wonwoo's arms. warm and familiar, yet i felt suffocated. i tried to shut my eyes back to how they should be and get rid of my stray thoughts, but to no avail. i shuffled around in my spot for a short while, not intending to wake him up.
eventually, i managed to crawl out of the bed, tiptoeing on the cold wooden floors, praying he wouldn't hear a thing while i got myself dressed. as i found my purse on his couch. i dug through it to make sure i had everything, and to my worries, i could not find my phone.
i searched around the place in an attempt to silently find my phone. the memories of last night were hazy in my mind, as i only remember the dreadful thoughts in my head.
my body froze completely. i hesitated, and almost considered hiding, but i still managed a "wonwoo?". a frenzy of thoughts swarmed my head as i heard the creak of the floorboards telling me he's coming.
he wrapped his arms around my waist and buried his head on the nape of my neck.
"it's almost five am."
"i know," i whispered.
"come back to bed," he hummed lazily.
"maybe... later?"
he sighed, "baby, it's been so long."
"i think- i just-" i try to gather my words. he kept silent, listening.
"...feel like this isn't going anywhere."
i felt his eyes dart towards my jaw. his arms loosened.
"i feel like this has been happening for-"
"i know," he interrupted, louder, "a while."
"i'm so, so sorry," i feel the same kind of tears roll down my cheeks as when he had called me yesterday.
"no. me too," he whispered.
confused, i turn around to face him. i wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling us closer.
then i gathered my courage and swallowed my pride and spit out the words: "wonwoo, i think we just miss the idea of each other."
"yeah." he said softly, "yeah," he said again, almost inaudible, but i can just about make out what he said under his breath.
"it all comes back full circle, huh?"
"i guess. we started like this, so now we're ending like this."
"did you..." he trailed off.
"did you ever love me, though?"
i opened my mouth to say something, but the words vanished this time. i don't know if it's the messy hair or the deep voice or the fact that we're here, vulnerable and unclothed, the only warmth coming from each other's bodies in this small city flat.
or maybe it's because i knew i'd miss him too much when i went, and it hurt to already imagine the day his wedding invitation arrived at my doorstep.
regardless, it's because "i loved you, believe me," i said, almost sobbing, "god, you don't even know how much i-"
"me too, me too." he murmured into my ear - the same ear that's heard his sweet nothings and dirty secrets. at the same time, he kissed away my tears, and i held him even tighter than when he once broke in front of me.
then i let go. that's when i looked at him once more, and for once, i felt hatred.
i hated myself that it's been so long. i hated that i flinched too many times when he touched me. i hated that i wouldn't be his beloved buttercup anymore. i hated that this was happening, but i wouldn't have it any other way.
we haven't seen each other in days, and even before that, we felt something fade. i think we both knew it was bound to happen. after all, our relationship started in the midst of one night stands and drinking habits; love could only go so far.
we bloomed - and now it's time for us to rest.
"i wanted to say goodbye, one last time."
"i'm happy you did," he chuckled softly, "last night... was nice."
"yeah. it was." i replied as i put my coat back on. i had found my phone stuck between the sofa cushions, and i opened the door.
"will i see you around?" i turned around, nervous. wonwoo planted a soft kiss on my lips in answer, and i know it's the last.
"better invite me to your wedding - whenever it happens," he joked, taking the words right out of my mouth.
"i will! i'll send you a hundred buttercups along with the invitation."
"alright," he laughed, "goodbye, butte- Y/N."
"goodbye, wonwoo."
he closed the door, and i-
"yeah?" i looked back.
"be careful. it's still a little dark out there."
and then it was for good.
every now and then, i miss being his buttercup. now i'm just me. now i blend into his greyscale world; another falling leaf on an autumn afternoon.
maybe he'll tell the next person the same story, call them the same name.
maybe he'll finally find the one. maybe i should've been the one.
he kept his buttercup for two years, but he knew: you shouldn't keep buttercups too close to your skin; they might poison you.
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hoopdiddies · 5 years
I'm Not Over You // Ben Hardy x Reader (Part 6)
A/N: Y'all I'm so mad cos this is my third attempt in posting this and hoping it would appear as I load my page. Btw, thanks to everyone who supported this series so far, your comments and reblogs really hype me up to write more even when I don't feel like a confident writer ☺ ☺
Summary: You had always loved Ben ever since you two met in university and became the best of friends. That feeling went out like a candle flame when the two of you parted ways until he re-entered your life...but this time with someone who has already occupied his heart.
Warnings: Mentions of drinking, a hangover, fluff, slight swearing and angst.
Word count : 3k+
Tags: @haendel-me-with-care , @mrsdoradominguez-barnes , @mickmoon
Parts: 5 , 4 , 3 , 2 , 1
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The first thing you usually expect the second you wake up is the sinking feeling of your plush mattress cradling your entire body, down to the last, visible patch of skin. Your room laced and embellished with an aesthetic ray of sunshine seeping through the gaps of the beige curtains, the light subtly refracting off of every daft corner.
But your current location bodes the contrary. You run your hand over the fabric you're laying on, the familiarity of it arousing you to sit up, ultimately finding yourself on the couch in your living room.
Just as you begin questioning why you're here and not in your own sleeping quarters, a blunt ache spreads in your head and you bring your hands up to your hair, pulling on the roots at the sudden, morning agony. You let out a gritty groan at the throbbing sensation, like someone is bashing you in the head with a hammer that's travelling in the speed of sound. You fall back onto the couch in a low cry to numb the pain, but blessed to find the Aspirin Joe had left last night on the coffee table for you to take– but you don't remember that.
You don't think twice before swiping it from the tray, desperate to alleviate the throbbing. You pop the pill in your mouth and wash it down with the glass of water from the tray, gasping as you feel it swirl down your system. In a breath of relief, you place the glass back on the tray and try to recall every bit that's happened last night.
You get one thing straight; you were heavily drunk and of course, waking up with an apparent hangover decreases your chances of remembering anything the previous night. However you do recall some stuff. Two of them being the moment you had your first drink with your colleagues and Joe arriving a minute after you had your seventh swig, respectively. You wonder if he was the one that took you back.
He has to be. Who else would put essentials, Chinese food and a cup of coffee on the table with a note that has been signed with a blotted 'Joe'?
You wonder where he is at the moment, if ever he's gone home or just presently in the bathroom. As soon as your headache subsides, you get off from the couch, grunting as you stretch your limbs from the position you slept in. You pull on your collar and take a whiff of sweat, perfume and vodka all merged into one, pungent emission. You grimace to yourself, hurriedly making your way to the bathroom to wash up, swearing to never drink like that again.
Upon stepping foot in front of the door, you grab onto the knob and put very little to no thought of what's about to unfurl, twisting it open only to be greeted by a hard bump on your first step in. You yelp as you stumble forward, expecting to greet the floor with a bone breaking kiss yet something hard and meaty cushions you from underneath instead. You lift your head up and lo, you've landed on no other than Ben's clothed chest.
Or rather Ben himself.
What the fuck is he doing here?!
No longer holding back that gasp, you prop yourself up on your hands that are on either side of Ben's head, his face dangerously close to yours with his hot breath fanning against your cheeks.
Since you have both landed on the moist tiles of the bathroom, getting up in a prim position is not going to be an easy task.
"Oh god, um, h-hey." You, unfortunately,utter quickly, your stutter evident. You're an inch away from kissing him and apparently, running out of breath from supporting yourself on your arms, plus your hands are gradually slipping on the tiles thereby lowering you even further.
Ben's bright, green eyes remain as comically wide as they could ever be, the corner of his lips twitching to a small smile as he responds with a hoarse yet guttural, "Good morning."
You have to admit one way or another, his messy, blond hair flopping on all sides and shaping his face in that manner must be illegal.
You shift just an inch to plant your fingers firm on the tiles, hoping to throw yourself off of him by the time you get a good angle to start from. Ben notices your struggle and suggests something else with his cheeks growing redder by the second.
"I'm going to pretend that this isn't awkward and allow you to just fall."
You give him small glimpses due to the agonizing proximity between your faces. "That's a terrible idea. I'm going to end up mushing your face and I know you wouldn't want that."
"You're slipping. You can't launch yourself up in that position." He mutters quickly with how fast you're sinking into him. Counting, you have at least a few seconds before your arms give in to the pressure and you make unwanted contact with Ben's face.
"Come on, Y/N. Joe would be furious by the time he returns and you're not up yet." He teases you and you feel his breath growing hotter along with his accelerated heartbeat as you de-escalate. You wish you could hit Ben for making fun of the situation right now. Rolling your eyes heavenward, you drop your head low and let your arms slide open, your face landing right into the crook of Ben's neck with your upper body slamming against his chest, the impact pushing out a low grunt from him.
Your breath against his neck has left him oddly shivering but you don't notice.
A success, you throw yourself off of him and haul him up along with you. "I won't tell Joe as long as you don't tell Rosy." He banters and you smack his chest playfully. He thanks you and asks how you're feeling after such a night.
You shrug. "I'm fine now after taking that Aspirin."
"Joe's gone out to buy breakfast. The two of us kinda crashed here for the night to look after you." A little bashful, Ben rubs his nape and it makes your heart skip a beat.
"That's thoughtful of you, boys. But what about-" a certain memory flashes in your mind and you recall spotting Ben with Rosy at the pub last night. You don't hesitate to ask him about the possibility of Rosy questioning his whereabouts, leaving out the bit of you seeing them both at the pub. "What about Rosy?"
Ben walks out of the space with you and leans against the wall. "Don't worry, she knows I'm with you and Joe."
You stop yourself from asking him any more questions to avoid friction, especially since you're still hung up on his engagement. You nod and re-enter the bathroom to rinse yourself, pausing halfway to peer at him over your shoulder, a smug smile present in your expression. "Your cologne was insulting."
Ben gives half a shrug, pursing his lips proudly at the fact. "Yours was not bad either, the vodka highlighted it." He chuckles and you tut, closing the door and facing the vanity mirror with your hands clutched on either side of the sink.
You scoff at the fading, crimson glow in your cheeks, even so at the fact that Ben's was just as bright as yours and he could've passed as a tomato at that moment. But that blush was born out of awkwardness.
Yours meant something else.
It definitely is a weird morning.
Half an hour later, Joe returns with a paper bag full of fruits and is welcomed by the sight of Ben having a quiet cup of decaf on the couch, man spreading and waiting for life to happen.
"Hey, mate." Ben greets without bothering to turn his head around. Joe narrows his eyes at your absence from the spot Ben is now kicking back on. "Hey. Where's Y/N?"
"Loo. She's taken the aspirin by the way."
Joe nods, blinking twice. He pads towards the kitchen with the paper bag cradled in his arms, setting them down on the counter and pulling out two apples. Right after wiping your face dry, you step out of the bathroom fresh and sling your face towel around your neck, seeing Joe and Ben chat up with bitten apples in hand. You approach them and take out a seat from the edge of the table, darting your eyes at either of them. "Quick question. What are you boys waiting for exactly?"
"Just for you to finish up. I bought some fruits by the way." Joe reminds you with his mouth full.
"You didn't have to?"
He sighs, less than willing to feel defeated. "But I wanted to, besides," a sly glint twinkles in Joe's eye as he furtively flicks his eyes at Ben who is across him, "I'd be a bad boyfriend if I didn't. My baby's got a hangover and she needs her vitamins." If it were only possible to do an effective spit-take with your own saliva, you would have done it by now. Pretty sure you could hear Ben's breath hitch in his throat.
You don't want to draw your brows together as a reaction to that, it might give away the lie. As much as you want to protest and possibly nudge Joe for not giving you a heads up, this was your doing in the first place and Joe's just keeping up with it, by somehow trying to make Ben jealous...and slightly uneasy. You nod slowly, reaching out to snatch Joe's apple and taking a huge crunch of it as it takes up all the courage you've dredged not to break eye contact with him, before handing it back to a stunned Joe. "Now you're a good boyfriend." You click your tongue and wink back at him, walking away to change your clothes.
Ben would be lying to himself if he denies getting dazed as you gave Joe the eye. He shifts uncomfortably in his seat, clearing his throat at how unusual that was. Of course, that was just you playing along and you feel as if you've tainted yourself with that flirtatious ogle.
Throwing a fresh shirt on, your phone lights up with a notification. You find that it's from the institution and it's been a while since they've emailed you.
Apparently your date of departure has been rescheduled to the 26th of February and it's a relief to know that you have a month left to gather important papers and prepare your passport. You tuck your phone away and exit your bedroom. You and the boys talk for a while and share some laughs as you whip up fruit smoothies in the kitchen, the messy tendencies far from being absent between every taunt.
Soon after finishing your drinks and helping you clean up the mess you've made in the kitchen, they remind you of a certain event they'd want to drag you along to.
"What is it? " You ask, wiping your hands.
Joe flails his arms as he gushes. "The Oscars! BoRhap has been put up as potential candidate, according to Brian."
Your eyes widen along with the smile on your face. "No way! Really?"
Ben grins even wider. "Yes, really! The possibility of Rami bringing home a 'Best Actor' award would be huge! I mean, you've seen the film thrice with me, surely you can conclude that his-"
"His performance was flawless. Yes Ben, I said that the first time I saw the film." You trail him off humorously and shift your pleased gaze at either of them. "I'm so happy for you, guys. Really. Rami's not the only one that's deserving of the award. You all do. I'm suing if they don't call the rest of you up the stage."
They let out a prolonged yet soft 'aww' at your faith in them, bringing you in for a tight hug. You enjoy the bliss for a few seconds before letting go.
"By they way, Y/N. When are you leaving?" Your expression flits faster than you could command it to as Joe puts up the question.
Be still, my throbbing fist.
You feel your heart quicken as Ben's smile slowly vanishes, looking mildly confused. "Leaving? What do you mean?"
You never told Joe about keeping it a secret from Ben the first time, the only person you told was Lucy. Taking advantage of Joe's delay to answer, you quickly dive in to speak. "Leaving for...a retreat!"
Not being the answer he expected, Joe opens his mouth to protest, but you give him the look to zip it and luckily, he does, opting to hear the explanation of the your decision later. You turn to Ben whose face couldn't contort any further from being baffled. You reassure him softly. "We're hosting a retreat at work this February. Just a few days out of town."
I suck at lying.
Ben could only ever mouth a soundless 'oh' as a response. Guilt dreads you from inside, knowing very well the pointlessness of hiding something important as you leaving to study medicine abroad from Ben. Your best friend. It sounds melodramatic and you're well aware of that but the possibility of the spark of your friendship going out the moment he says 'I do' is just inevitable.
You feel it in your gut and never have your intuition failed you.
Zoning out momentarily with the boys being oblivious to it, you faintly hear Joe ask Ben the date of his wedding. Your heart races at his significant mention of date. "Rosy and I have been planning it for a week now and decided on the 26th."
"This month?"
"February, mate."
The days went by fast. You felt like a bee working your ass off nonstop for nearly a month. Sure you got breaks, in the summit of weekends but you could rarely enjoy every passing second with a hodgepodge of obligations in mind. You just got off work with extra cash to purchase a new bag to use for when you depart, despite you being scheduled on the 26th of this month. The date didn't put you on edge before Ben's announcement of his wedding date and now, you can't help but worry.
You walk along the lines of luggage bags on display, finally picking out a silver one with the appropriate space to fill. You ask the sales clerk for the price and she tells you it's in no more than 150 pounds, which is enough. While waiting in line to pay, you brush arms with a slightly, taller figure, not bothering to look at them as you apologize.
That voice. You dart your eyes to your left, having your mood alter as you find Rosy smiling at you. "Oh. Hey, Rosy. What are you doing here?" You question, nearly impassive. Not that you aren't thrilled to run into her here - not that you are as well - but the best friend versus fiancee cliche is just not something you wanted to deal with in the first place.
"Just purchasing this purse," she waves a silver purse laced elegantly with sequins it before you, "what have you got there?" She gestures to the luggage bag you're holding. You restrain yourself from giving her the 'what does it look like, dumbass' face and answer monotonously, sighing. "Luggage...bag."
"Ah, any plans for the month to be in need of that?"
"Uh yeah. A retreat." Definitely not.
Rosy bobs her head slowly and you take a step forward, your turn coming up. "That's great. Ben and I are flying to LA this weekend to find a venue for our wedding, you know," she gives you a saccharine smile and your stomach churns, not from the news - it's nothing new - but at her delivery. It's as if she's reminding you of the line between you and Ben, and that you should always remain at the end of your line. You're pretty aware of that, you always have been that a reminder is never needed. Your eyes flicker briefly to her right hand by accident, catching an emerald-crusted, engagement ring glistening around her ring finger. The sight of it leaves a hard lump in your throat.
"That's nice. You're really having your wedding outside the country, huh?"
"Why wouldn't we?"
You shrug, pursing your lips and taking a step forward, nearly reaching the counter. "Nothing against it. I just think the expenses would be too much."
She scoffs at you, flipping her red hair to the side in an indirect yet uppity manner. "You know, Ben was right about you being the thrifty one. That's where he got it from."
You're not having any of this today. "It's an honor, in all honesty." You retort with a sarcastic smile before taking the spot in front of the registrar, your response turning Rosy a little sour. After the cashier sticks the receipt to the handle of the luggage bag, you drag it along with you but pause as Rosy reminds you smugly.
"You're invited, remember that."
It almost seems as if she knows how you feel about Ben and on top of that, she's handing you the reminder on purpose to prod you to your limit but you couldn't care less about what she thinks. She's got him. What else does she want?
When you first thought she wouldn't mesh with Ben well, your gut really stood out. But Ben loves her for possibly a couple of reasons and with nothing particularly overlooked so you have no choice but to accept that she will be playing a huge part in his life.
Their wedding day is the day you leave anyway, so that advantage has saved you the pain and the killer heels. It should be the very least of your worries.
You brush off her words and set a course for home, eager to slam the door shut and sleep through the entire stress.
On your way to your car, your phone rings for the seventh time today and you answer, opening the trunk to put your luggage bag in. "Hello?"
"You know it's stupid, I'm just behind you and this feels pointless."
You turn on your heels quickly and shake your head in bemusement even with your blood rushing headlong, putting your phone back into your pocket and nearly throwing a fist at Ben who's laughing from the shock on your face as you turned around.
How convenient.
I was just thinking of you.
"You idiot, what brings you here? I thought you had a convention to go to or something."
He jerks his shoulders up and takes a few steps closer to you. "Just took off from it. I came by to pick up Rosy."
It has become a challenge to maintain the look you have on right now. "Ah. Kinda ran into her back there."
"Really? What were you buying?"
Your nose crinkles as the breeze blows against your face. "Just a luggage bag."
He hooks his thumbs into his pockets, altering his stance. "For that retreat thing?"
"Yeah. Anyway, you should get in. What kind of fiance are you waiting out instead of making an effort to find her in there?" You taunt him a little and he brings his hand up to his mouth, covering it as to hide the grin that's taken shape. "I'll be in after asking you if you want to tag along to the awards."
You gawk mindlessly at him for a ticking second, scoffing. "For real? No, Ben. You know me. Award ceremonies and parties, especially the ones mostly filled with people who hold their noses up high, are not my strong suit." You express lightly, raising your hand up at him as you politely decline. The amused look on his face is one thing you wish to wipe off but enjoy beholding nevertheless. "Come on. You don't like parties but you've been to mine."
"That's because I did it for you."
"Would you go to this one for me too?" He's pulled off a look that would be hard for you to say no to. You stare up at his hooded eyes with one brow creased, weighing in mind your decision. You sigh in defeat, hoisting your hands up in surrender. "Fine!"
He pumps his fist in the air and cheers. "Yes! Joe's gonna be thrilled with this too."
"Pfft, why?"
"Um, he's your boyfriend? And he needs his date? You're doing this for him mostly? " He reminds you once more in a 'duh' tone, underlining it as a question in answer. It would take you the will of a warrior to resist whacking him in the face with your luggage bag but you're certain you've done that in an alternate timeline somehow. You cross your arms together and turn around to the driver's seat.
"So are you down really?" Ben questions one more time in a nervous tone, making sure of your willingness to go. You climb into your car and slam the door close, rolling down your window and lifting your brows at him, noting. "24th. I got it."
He flashes a contented beam at you and waves slowly. "I'll see you soon." One reassuring nod from you and you turn on your ignition, stepping on the gas and driving just a few feet away from him. You stop the car midway through the exit and peer at the outside mirror through which you see Rosy leap into Ben's arms happily, having him lower her afterwards for a sweet kiss. It doesn't take you a couple of seconds to look away and continue down the road, swallowing the lump in the back of your throat.
The sight still takes a toll on you.
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