#I really hope its not going to be full of ‘omg John my beloved’ don’t get me wrong I love those but
stanleyvampire14 · 3 months
John Emerson is a sopping wet confused cat I swear to god.
I love him
He’d look better if I could draw him in like an actual “cop guy” scene but noooo I no no wanna-
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keyheartsia-dorm · 3 years
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The Dorm Leaders with a S/O who Burned themselves making Microwave Food
(This is definitely not something that just happened to me like 10 minutes ago but you should definitely like and subscribe and don’t forget to hit the Bell icon Cause seriously some parts of my hand Hurt like a B...Not that I burned myself or anything)
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Riddle Rosehearts
• So Your feeling a Gosh dang HUNGER
• You’re too hungry to wait For Trey to bake anything So
• So Kennel Corn it is!
• In your HUNGER daze you threw the popcorn in carelessly and forget to Press the Popcorn Button and just pressed the 4 Button instead of the 3 Button like you meant to even though 3 PROBABLY would’ve Ruined Your Popcorn anyway
• You text Riddle to see if he’d wanna Share some Popcorn He said he would bring some Tarts he had just put in the oven So you waited...Thinking about Food...not noticing the disaster you were Setting into place
• Anyway you Open the Microwave Full of Hope like a Doe being born on a beautiful spring day then as soon as the black Popcorn started shooting out of your Microwave in Ramshackle you then had the same disappointment as a spring Doe who was just forced to watch Fox and the Hound Like Holy Heck that Movie gives me the Hecko Deppreso
• One Burning Kernel Hit your Cheek Just as you Wince Riddle Comes into your Kitchen With Wide eyes
• He Drags you out Picnic Basket with Tarts in Hand and Takes you to the Nurse’s Office and Asks for...whatever Burned people Need As He Patches you up you 2 Share a ~Moment~
“Riddle Honestly it’s not THAT big of a deal” You Chuckle Anxiously “Don’t be Ridiculous Y/N!” he keeps Patching you up “It Must Seriously Hurt..” He looks a little Sad and while looking sadly into your eyes he kisses your cheek where the Burn was you wince as He Quickly Spits an Apology you Chuckle “You can Kiss it better if you want~” he Looks away bright Red as you 2 Sit in the Nurse’s Office Sharing Tarts
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Leona King Scholar
• “I can’t Hecking Cook!!!” you found yourself Exclaiming in the Savannaclaw Kitchen Ruffling your hair
• You see Poor F-Ing Ruggie Needs a Break that’s not a secret to anyone (# Please Stop Hyena Abuse # Please Edit A Garfield Comic Where Leona is Garfield and Ruggie is John) so you said you’d make Leona his Lunch
• why the Heck you said you’d do this you Adorable stupid Hecking Idiot you but hey you did dumb dumb
• So here you are looking in the Freezer and BINGO Big ole Meat Chunk!
• So you being A fanfic protagonist Put a giant mystery meat chunk in the microwave pressed some Buttons and said..”Eh Good enough” Guess your sex god heart throb Boyfriend Is rubbing off on you ok I see how it is Y/N OK I SEE HOW IT IS
• Anyway besides my needless aggression with my words You started to look for some utensils you found A Bento Box and a Spoon thank goodness but you figured you might Need some mittens Lunch was soon and The meat was long done but no mittens
• Leona Nonchalantly Enters The scene cause Ruggie Told him you’d be making his Lunch and Lunch started like 15 Minutes ago
• He looks at the Scene before him and sighs and takes your hands like the sex god heartthrob he is and looks at your red palms almost Deadpanning
Your face a light red “Yeah...I know I massively Screwed up with your Lunch But I really wanted t-“ “I know And I appreciate it even though you are a massive screw up..But you keep trying I appreciate that about you” He starts to lick your Palms and your face Erupts into a Blush “What the Heck!?!” he looks up at you “It’s to cool your hands down but you ARE gonna go get me Food from the vending machine afterwards”
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Azul Ashengrotto
• you slam your Hands Dramaticly on your Kitchen Table “I CANNOT ACCEPT ANYMORE FREEBIES FROM THE MONSTRO LOUNGE” You were sure Azul Would start making you pay if not Azul Jade for sure
• So time to start making Food for yourself!! You Quickly Head to a Convience store where a Certain Chaotic Neutral Eel Notices you Buying like 10 Frozen...PIECES OF FOOD
• You Dump like all off them on your Counter and Choose to make some Weird fish
• You Slap that Sorry Sucker in the Microwave and like the other Sorry Suckers in this Scenario you will Burn yourself and beautiful Bishounen Shenanigans will ensue but we’re not there yet
• You literally just bought a piece of not even normal looking fish Of course it didn’t come with a Time Recommendation So you while staring at it for like 10 minutes (Letting it thaw quite a bit but you didn’t notice) You threw it in for 7 And figured “eh 7’s a lucky number this’ll work” Didn’t you read Leona’s Scenario? What happened when THEY said Eh
• You Dumby You Dating a Merman Boughta Eat a fish Dumbo what do you have? Ears?
• Anyway Floyd and And Azul are Chatting well it’s more like Floyd is talking At Azul while he does paper work Yeah I totally Saw them Buying a bunch a Random Frozen Weird Massively Weird Right? Anyway So Apparently They Let you Mix ALL THE slushie is Flavors”
• Azul hearing this After finishing up some more Paperwork Decides to go Visit You and to his Shock he finds you Trying to hold a Basically at this point Charcoal Fish and when you drop It on your leg Leaving a SEXY weird fish shaped burn he’s Immediately on that
He puts a Hand to his Temple and sighs For a Moment before sweeping you off your feet before you could say a word..the you did say a word a few in fact “I’m Sorry Azul I know you can’t give me freebies forever but I’m a terrible cook” He Kisses your forehead and gives you a reassuring look “You’re my Beloved you can rely on me as much as you want I’ll get you some bandages when we’re back at the monstro lounge and Jade will make you something not made of Charcoal” and you bet he carried you all the way
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Kalim Al Asim
• you both wanted to cook Something for Jamil...Okay this’ll go south fast.
• the road to Heck Is often Paved with Good intentions
• You Were tasked with picking out food and Kalim for Kitchen Prep
• Anyway Let’s get this poor Wreck Jamil’s gonna have to fix over with
• “I Picked out some Tofu! Smart people like tofu right?
• Kalim Tossed that And all sortsa Stuff Into the Microwave and Waved off all your concerns figuring it’ll be fine! come on Y/N you coward Your a fanfic Protag you don’t have to think Silly goose no thoughts head empty
• like 15 minutes later you 2 Hear Smoke while trying to make Pulpless Handsqueezed Orange Juice cause HECK PULP
• He Opened The Microwave and the only thing that Looked even Remotely salvageable was the tofu and because you 2 are the cutest most head empty Couple Apparently you didn’t Put a plate underneath so you braving all the danger reached into the Microwave...
“Ouch!” You teared up a little And were about to Put your finger in your mouth as you do Before Kalim put your finger in his Mouth You looked at him shell shocked after a couple seconds he started pressing light kisses on them “I’m so sorry! I should’ve thought this through more! I’ll nurse you back to health!” And For the rest of the day he essentially treated you like you were crippled he carried you he fed you everything don’t worry you slipped away for a little to clean up the mess in the kitchen before Jamil got back Kalim Babysitting is always an Experience to be Had for sure
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Vil Schoenheit
• “Vil! I wanna Eat Carbs Heck you!!”
• if that’s not how Every story I do With Vil Starts I’ll be Gosh Danged
• anyway after you stopped listening to him you looked him DEAD in the eyes and Shoved that frozen Mac and Cheese in the Microwave and slammed...Some Numbers In wow what a power move
• He Gasped and Power walked away
• You Laughing Manically Triumphantly
• But after awhile you felt kinda bad and decided to make some Carb free food for Vil as an Apology for Deliberatly and spitefully trying to make him Mad
• But that was the final nail in your microwaved coffin When you took out your Luckily not entirely burned Mac and Cheesies it was real hot like
• You were trying To get it to a plate Quickly And Spilled some on your Wrist Luckily Your Sexy mean Boyfriend was Here To save the day and wow he’s holding something”
“Sweet Potato?” He peeked through the Door and saw you Holding your Wrists in Pain he immediately walked in And Held them tenderly “I’m Sorry Sweet Potato things got heated I did get you a..Low Carb Meal at Olive Garden I Hope this Makes things up to you I know I can’t Control your life it’s just kinda my nature” You Smiled at him through the pain “It’s Fine Vil I got WAY too Mad I’m sorry I made you a salad” you both Enjoyed your food him feeding you yours then later he put some lotion on your Wrists
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Idia Shroud
• Omg it’s the best boy 🥺
• I mean I am not Partial to any character Do not worry I do not want to be in a Poly relationship with both Malleus and Idia
• So you wanted To Hang Out with your Boyfriend today he said sure but that he would be Busy doing raids with his Online friends you agreed and even said you’d bring snacks which you did
• Including Instant Ramen! My-I mean YOUR favorite
• you decided to show how reliable in the Kitchen you are to your boyfriend by making such a Delicacy for him while he doesn’t have the time to himself at the moment
• This is will work out Well
• You decide to do it in your kitchen and bring to him
• this will work out well
• You also Make it mostly towards his room before divine intervention Intervines and says That’s not the point of this fanfic idiot
• It probably mostly worked out for you cause you have the best taste tho so-
• Ortho Hears a Mighty Loud Catwerwhail (here’s hoping I spelled that right) and Comes to check whose outside the door
• “Big Sister/Brother?” He Quickly Runs some Water on your Shoulder and Bandages you Up And Leads you in Idia’s Room With the snacks in tow meanwhile he’s wondering if your Ok or not
“Idia Senpai!” You Sit next to him And he notices your Bandages “What Happened?” You look away a little Blushing a bit “I Spilled hot Instant Ramen on my shoulder Ortho parched me up though but! I brought the rest of the snacks though sor-“ Before you can apologize he Puts his Jacket on your shoulders “No I’m sorry for not noticing I would’ve...Tried to help” His sad expression turns into one of his Competitve smirks “I’ll Finish this Raid Boss so Quicker then you even Burned Yourself!” And He did cause he’s the best Gamer boy then you played Monoply With Him and Ortho cause he’s the best boy you have the best taste RAMEN TASTES SO GOOD-
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Malleus Draconia
• My Second Love I mean nothing Let’s finish this I’ve been here since like 4 it’s 7 rn
• You invited Malleus to dinner And you wanted a Good Blanced Dinner!
• Chicken From Panda Express
• McDonald’s Chocolate Milk
• Some Patties from Burger King
• Oh Yeah Veggies!
• Wait! Everything’s Closed now!!! Y/N I KEPT TELLING YOU TO STOP BEING DUM-
• Oh you have some frozen Vegetables? Okay Touché
• You Toss them in the Microwave for 6 Minutes and get ready
• You dress as Nicely as Possible in 10 Minutes cause you plan Things Horribly apparently...not that I relete having been here for like at least 2 hours
• He’s Here~ him being Also the best boy is already setting the table with Magic cause he’s just nice like that and even Enchanted the food to be set on the table and the milk in the Glasses
• But you INSISTED to present The Vegetables
• “Child of Man I really don’t min-“ “No! I got this really!!”
• Let’s see how well that turned out for you
You got the Vegetables Outta the Microwave in such a Haste you didn’t even notice how hot it was and dumped it on the plate it wasn’t horribly burnt but was Horribly Hot Malleus was Amazed though “So Man’s Growing Vegetables in Bags now?..” he Reached to touch but you smacked his hand away so fast your hand touched the food and burned you “Ouch! I’m sorry Mal But it’s really hot” He immediately Understood and Summoned some Magical Water as he do and your burn was gone “I love you Child of man even though us Fae Can’t burn you tried to shield me anyway my sweet gentle Child of man”...Did you know that I ain’t know that?
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I have a Masterlist it has all my X reader fics And my Oc Stuff I will be Adding this in like a day or 2 probably now if you’ll excuse me I never Wanna Look at another word again except also I’m literally probably gonna go read fanfic
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uno-writing · 2 years
@queer-verse's ask about ep 248!!! 🍿🥤🍭🍬🍫🧋
✨ep 248✨
Spoilers, proceed with caution
- god i hate terrance so much
- it started with this fuckin evil smirk
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- every time i see him a go into max rage for 2 seconds b4 calming down
- God bless sera for calling out johns god awful disguise
- lmao she saw through his plot armor this time
- the way my boi covered his stalking was smooth af
- and omg their friendship? precious
- the best in the whole comic, fight me
- they know eachother so damn well
- my heart broke when John saw sera turning into seraphina
- but the difference this time is she cares for him sm
- "loosen up, itll be good for you" 😭
- they are eachother's biggest mom friend
- arlo is just the poor dude whis stck w them bc he has no other friends
- and omg seeing their competitiveness come back was a gift
- my heart rate went up when the ferris wheel showed up again like no sir can u plz not
- but im so glad they had this talk
- i have a feeling the ferris wheel is gonna be the setting of a few other important scenes as well
- john was trying so hard to cheer her up 😭
- and plz Arlo getting mad at him was adorable
- he was so worried lmao
- the beginning of mom arlo
- is it fuckin karma that Holden showed after i said that he appeared in like 5 episode and he wasn't important
- Terrence is so full of bullshit theyre all so full of bullshit
- "we are sorry" who tf r u to speak for the whole organization??
- like actually how important is Terrance?
- was his speech an act he was told to say or legit authority?
- not closed off to the idea that we've been mislead about how bad spectre actually is
- its just way more likely that theyre trying to get her guard down by playing nice guys
- her sister warned her for a reason
- thankfully sera seems well aware of this lol. she aint falling for it
- and why do they want sera a highschool student, abeit a powerful and rich one, so badly by their side?
- like shes a literal kid. and she cant be manipulated into becoming a spectre extremist (for a lack of a better word) at this age
- surely they must know this. either they actually want her for an experiment or something (? throwing ideas at the wind here lol) or its ya dystopia plotholes
- like spectre is whole organization, possibly connected to the government, wtf do they want to do with a teen. then again they have other highschool students as literal spy agents so
- it's prolly just cuz shes super poweful. or was
- anyway I thought the ep was gon be John sera wholesome time followed by John Arlo wholesome time but I was lied too
- Boba anon 🧋
*See, I was really annoyed by Terrence but he’s starting to do what John does and make the full circle from hatred to loving in my mind
*Even with Sera calling out the disguise, I have no doubts that John’s gonna use it in the future still. He’s already gotten too much confirmation bias from when he followed Sera
*I love them so much. I think Dumbass Trio is still my fav friendship, but this episode shot John and Sera in a really close second (also John's sunshine face when he convinces Sera to have fun oh my god he's such a cutie pie when he's not being bloodthirsty)
*Sass Squad is just a circle of friends who are all the mom friend but all act like they aren’t
*I just rewatched the Fantastic Four movies from the early 2000’s and all I can think of when it comes to the UnO ferris wheel is this scene. Like, to be fair, it’d be pretty rad if this happens and someone has to catch it or stop it (cough arlo’s barrier is really similar to sue storm’s power cough). I don’t think uru-chan’s gonna do it, but idk, something’s definitely gonna happen with that ferris wheel. It’s had 3 of its own shots. Any more and it’s gonna have more screentime than my boy Holden😫
*I got such a kick out of Arlo scolding John (also Dumbass Trio my beloved on the carousel in the background)
*Unfortunately, I don’t think that’s Holden. That dude’s hair looks more slicked back than up like Holden has his hair. But can you imagine?? Like Holden’s just been a background character that’s been insanely loyal to Arlo and he just ends up becoming an important character bc of SPECTRE??? Like that’s an interesting storyline lmao
*Maybe Terrence is talking like that bc he’s like Sera’s manager and then there’s his bosses? Idk, I know some of my past managers kinda talked for the company just bc they’re the ones who were in charge over me?? Idk, I think he’s getting a power kick from having Sera on a metaphorical leash or he’s trying to win her over for SPECTRE.
*I’m assuming it’s bc of her power, maybe even her connection to Leilah. It seems like Leilah is maybe starting to doubt SPECTRE so maybe they’re trying to use Sera to keep one of their lead scientists and Sera’s power is just a benefit? Idk. *It seems like they’ve done this before so maybe they know how to bring Sera around to their side. Like I doubt anyone they’ve recruited in the same way they did Sera went along with it willingly at the beginning. I mean, I wouldn’t. I’d probably be petty and deal without my ability.
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