#I present Antonio
kitnita · 20 days
jmcdonald_saen: victor's presentation to local elementary schoolers at the planetarium was on dark matter. i was disappointed to learn he was not reviewing the new pearl jam album. jmcdonald_saen: going to go ahead and guess this quote has never before been uttered at an nba rookie of the year presser
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broh3m3 · 2 years
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im feeling normal
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brother-emperors · 1 year
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fuck around and find out
Shakespeare's Julius Caesar / Milan Undone: Contested Sovereignties in the Italian Wars, John Gagné
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fitzrove · 2 years
PLEASE tell me more about Death/La Mort in the Brussels production I'm begging you
Okay :D
This is going under a cut because it's going to be LONG. What the Festival Bruxellons did with La Mort is completely unique and special, and honestly, just thinking about the production makes me vibrate with joy. It's a bit ironic in this case, but the characterisation really breathed life into the show in a way that's never been seen before.
Forgive me if this is rambly or if I miss some details; I'll be happy to clarify if any questions (about specific songs, blocking choices) arise.
In general
Death, or La Mort, is a seductive figure. There's no doubt of that - when the first promo photos surfaced, a lot of people made jokes about the fact that he's literally wearing a mesh shirt and has his chest out for the entire show. However, it's a completely different kind of seduction from Tods like Máté or Mark. His vocals are silk-smooth; there's zero growling; and the choreography in numbers like WITW or Schatten doesn't have any of the rough bodily manipulation that we're accustomed to seeing.
But this is not a 1992 UweTod rehash (detached, inhuman) either! La Mort can experience deep emotion, and whenever he sings about how he feels, he's genuine. Of course, some of this comes down to song changes - you couldn't really do another 1992 UweTod and have Kein Kommen Ohne Gehen, which every production is probably obligated to have nowadays - but in my opinion, Brussels utilised the current song list well to tell a coherent, emotionally resonant story.
Generally, La Mort is like you would expect an eternal force to be; calm, confident, charismatic, smooth in the way he moves. He looks and feels like a prettier rockstar version of Heinrich Heine - a very magnetic presence on the stage. He has awesome makeup. In the prologue he sings "All meet their end in my arms, girls and boys" while lifting up two members of the ensemble (a woman and a man) by their arms. The smoothness kind of goes for almost all of the Deaths across different Elisabeth productions, but in the case of La Mort, there are also some key differences.
La Mort seems to be able to control people without touching them physically (he does a bit of this to Sisi during Letzte Tanz), but he doesn't use that power to hurt them - in this case, he mostly flings her around a bit. Notably, he uses his powers to "throw" Sisi BACK into FJ's arms at the end of the song. He doesn't touch her directly nearly as much as Tod does Elisabeth in the Vienna productions: to put it bluntly, zero groping or hip thrusting here, even though he grabs her hand. Sometimes he also delegates physical touch to his Anges de la Mort (in this prod, a group of four young dancers, who seem to act as kind of like his children or some "little cousins" he's taken along to work - in any case, family): notably, he directs them to touch Rudolf in Schatten (and Mayerling, but we'll talk about that later). He does also touch humans directly on occasion - after Bellaria, he kisses Sophie's hand before he and the angels lead her off the stage, and during WITW and Schatten he hugs Sisi and Rudolf from behind. But there's very little WITW airplane choreography, no Schatten puppet/doll choreography, and no Mayerling or DSF kiss. Again, I'll talk about this later.
He's also not above being bodily influenced by humans: during WITW, Sisi pushes him multiple times and he falls on his rear, kinda echoing what happens in Vienna Letzte Tanz to Sisi. (Also, to get up off the floor, he does a one arm side flip like it's no big deal.) He's also not above letting go of his effortless grace in moments where it's important: yet again, more on that later.
Emotionally: Elisabeth (1)
The most important thing about La Mort is that he doesn't care that he's getting rejected. Sure, he's invested enough to keep turning up to bother Elisabeth: but he knows he's going to win eventually. Their first meeting in KKOG has them both smile and seem to genuinely reach an understanding, acknowledging that Elisabeth still has a journey to go through before she can go with him. (Lyrics: "En attendant ce jour où tu posera ta main / J'ai un chemin que je veux suivre").
In Letzte Tanz, Elisabeth goes in for a kiss and La Mort evades it. He's trying to get her to come with him, sure, but there's no hurry, and he seems to think the moment isn't right yet. In Mach auf, he tempts her again, and then smiles for the entire time that Elisabeth is screaming at him to leave her alone - he doesn't mind. This also repeats after Maladie. In WITW, he tries to caress her face and she pridefully turns her head away - this seems to sting a bit, but he still doesn't try to coerce her violently.
Emotionally: Rudolf
For Mama wo bist du, Rudolf's bed is pushed onstage by the angels. Rudolf is tossing and turning, in the midst of a vivid nightmare, and gasps awake. During the first verse, La Mort hears him singing to himself about how there's nobody to comfort him and approaches, his eyebrows furrowed, frowning a little. He's quite gentle in telling Rudolf that it's useless to call for his mother, and after Rudolf begs him not to leave, he sits on his bed opposite him, leaning back against the frame, seemingly a bit perplexed by the child but also feeling pity for him. There's a cute bit when Rudolf says he can be strong and flexes his arm: the angels and La Mort mimic it. At the end of the song, La Mort makes a hand gesture to direct the angels to tuck Rudolf in, which they do.
When they meet again in Schatten, Rudolf is in sore need of reassurance, and La Mort sees this. They seem to have had an ongoing, long-lasting friendship (link: my lyrics meta about it). La Mort encourages his ambitions - he seems genuinely concerned about his despairing state and the state of the world, and there's no ">:DDD" (or anything resembling the expressions that MátéTod, for example, makes). He hugs Rudolf in reassurance for almost an entire verse (the 'nichts ist schlimmer' one); later, during the "what's holding you back" verse he directs the angels to surround him, and as he sings "Take the power!" he puts his hand on Rudolf's heart, almost as if he's "putting his power into him"? And at the end, he and the angels bow to Rudolf ("l'empereur Rodolphe"), and Rudolf seems to gain courage to act from this. When Rudolf sang "you are always there in my heart / my friend of terrible days / you alone reassure me when i'm afraid" and when La Mort sang "call for me, and i'm there", they meant it.
And then we get to the most interesting choice of them all.
Rudolf, standing on the center of the stage alone, having been denied any help by his mother. Enter MARY VETSERA from the back. She goes up to him, they talk, seem to reach a conclusion, and hug. Enter LA MORT and the ANGELS. La Mort stands to the side of the stage looking at the pair, perplexed, and the angels go up to them, trying to pull them apart and embrace them. Rudolf and Mary are angry at this and push/shrug them away. As Rudolf and Mary embrace each other again, La Mort steps forward and hugs himself, prompting the angels to try to pull Rudolf and Mary apart once more. They again shrug them off. The angels helplessly turn to look at La Mort; Rudolf and Mary kiss, and then, Rudolf pulls out a gun. Immediately, La Mort makes a quick, sweeping gesture; the angels rush in to take away the gun. They pass it to each other, drawn into a sort of dance with Rudolf chasing them; but eventually Mary, standing in the middle of it all, manages to catch the gun and passes it to Rudolf. She calmly turns to face the audience, and Rudolf shoots her in the head.
As Rudolf lifts the gun to his own temple, La Mort SPRINTS. He takes off running towards him in full speed, hair and coattails flapping, perhaps in a last-ditch effort to intervene; but he's too late, and can only catch Rudolf in his arms as he falls, dead. He hugs Rudolf tightly against his chest, looking at him in disbelief; as the angels move in to clothe Rudolf and Mary in the veils of the dead (seen in the prologue), La Mort reaches forward to caress Rudolf's face, but Rudolf turns away from him and walks offstage, followed by Mary. La Mort is left standing there, his hand still outstretched, before he slowly lowers it and follows them (and the angels follow him).
Motives & The Extent of La Mort's Powers?
It feels like La Mort doesn't control when a person dies. He can only take them when worldly circumstances cause their life to end, whether it be an act of violence or something like old age. He actively tries to stop Mayerling from taking place, but because Rudolf's desperation is so deep, he fails - and seems genuinely mournful about it. He tried to encourage Rudolf to take action and make the world a better place, for Rudolf's sake as well as the sake of others, and in the end, that encouragement unintentionally was what led to Rudolf's premature death.
Emotionally: Elisabeth (2)
In Totenklage, La Mort is quite cold and even angry with Elisabeth. Still no violence or aggression: he's just quite unsympathetic to her lamenting. With the choices made in this production, I would be drawn to interpret this as it being because of what happened to Rudolf, though I could be wrong.
After she's stabbed, there's no more ill will between them: like is his duty, La Mort comforts her as she dies, and at the end, she jumps up into his arms and he carries her off towards the back of the stage: then, as he turns and sort of presents her to the audience, she goes limp. This is an interesting contrast considering that Rudolf and Mary walked off the stage on their own feet, wearing the Veils of the Dead (visible in the prologue). Elisabeth gets no veil.
In Conclusion
also the director confirmed la mort is panromantic and asexual
also did you know the makeup artist in charge of la mort's makeup was LITERALLY THIS PRODUCTION'S LUCHENI and his eye makeup looks amazing i want to wear it every day
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photo & starring: Kaplyn (La Mort)
makeup: Antonio Macipe (Lucheni)
source: Kaplyn's Facebook
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hetaliafucker · 1 year
The 2022 Ebenezer Scrooge just gives me Arthur but as a Gilf vibes and I'm just. I need. I need AU fanart of Arthur as the 2022 Scrooge.
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abluescarfonwaston · 2 years
I think Kaede should know and like her dad’s friend Antonio who always brings like wagyu beef with him as a gift. The few times Kotetsu manages to keep his promise about coming home is cause Antonio drags him by the scruff back with a ‘sorry were late!’ Trusts him more than dad at this point cause at least he doesn’t lie and promise Kotetsu will make it. Just that he’ll do what he can.
Plus its funny to see him try to move around their house. He’s just too big! And he answers the phone when Daddy won’t after Mom dies and promises to keep him safe for her. But she notes he doesn’t promise to bring Daddy home either.
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milesofsoup · 1 year
as someone who is currently BrainTired i must admit.
1)i finally have a space heater. it is So Nice. it is warm and convenient and i cried when i opened it
2)my phoenix wright pillow is soft and warm like mashed potatoes
3)yes i still word dump about sdr2 Nagito Komaeda
4)i am having an existential crisis But refuse to play Memory Tag. the peanut gallery bemoans this.
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merrygejelh · 2 years
really shouldn't dive into another whole Thing when im not even done with space hamlet but @lungthief's much ado! about nothing keeps making me want to revisit the rupaul's drag race twelfth night concept I made for a project my freshman year and make a proper well-researched pitch for it instead of the paper I wrote at like midnight for it to accompany a photo shoot I spent like two hours max on
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2022 in books
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Last one of the books read in November!
This is another collection of detective stories - I liked four out of eight and I feel overall that I had a better time reading Una settimana in giallo, but I guess I have to expect to have different experiences of these collections considering the authors listes and how much fun they had with the theme.
Story-wise, a week-long mystery/investigation is bound to have more points of interest and to engender more satisfaction when the solution is found, rather than a night-long one! That said, my favorite stories of the bunch were:
Un regalo che solo io posso farti: set in Tuscany, with same main investigator (vicequestore, really) as the story in Una settimana in giallo, now with a three-month-old baby! I really liked the mystery plot - quick and streamlined as it had to be, cinsidering the time constraint - as well as all the little snippets of everyday life, both hers and her partner’s and the one sketched for the secondary characters; also, lots and lots of irony, always appreciated
Piano B: YAAAAAYY!! (ノ´ヮ´)ノ*:・゚✧ the Milan killers are back and they’re as fun as the first time I’ve seen them - they appear in the Monterossi TV series (Amazon Prime) and now I’m reading the novel that the first thee episodes adapt (Questa non è una canzone d’amore) and they’re just so much fun! I loved the reference to real-life commuters’ reaction whenever there is ‘an obstacle’ that impedes the usual running of the subway - we’re always such tactful people!
Fino a che la realtà non ci separi: I loved the fact that the clues were all in books and the reason for the main death - so unlike anything you usually see in stories like these
Quota 2.050 s.l.m.: I don’t much like that Schiavone seems stuck in the character that he was at the beginning of the series (I haven’t started the books and I don’t plan to, but I watched a few episodes of the first season of the adaptation on RaiPlay/Amazon Prime) and he seems to have learnt no practicl lessons on living on the mountains - I hope that there is internal development, at least, but he seems unvaried in the two stories I’ve read; the culprits were pretty easy to guess, but there’s alwayt a final little twist that slightly changes things that I cannot help but appreciate
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drchucktingle · 3 months
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CALLING ALL TEXAS BUCKAROOS. you can strike me from your library conference but that will only make me stronger and gayer. its CHUCK TINGLE, TJ KLUNE AND MARK OSHIRO LIVE IN SAN ANTONIO APR 17TH presented by NOWHERE BOOKSHOP
i always tell buckaroos get tickets quick they go fast but i really mean it bud there are always buckaroos who do not heed this warning. last book tour most places chuck trotted to SOLD OUT so this is fair warning
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hischeapcigar · 9 months
the rock in our throats
Pre-outbreak!Joel Miller x fem reader
Summary: Joel and Y/N face the society reacting to their age-gap. 
Word count: 7.2k
Warnings: MISUNDERSTANDING-TROPE, ANGSSSTTTTT, SMUT SMUT (these are definitely not in order or you’ll be spoiled) MDNI 
a/n: im back with another Joel fic!!!! This is a whole rollercoaster so buckle up!!! Also know that Snow, Lace girls) and Lock (boy) are three of my OCs, I named them after inanimate objects just so they don’t offend anyone with the same name. <3 comments and reblogs are appreciated. 
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Feet with their mind of their own carried you downstairs with a speed of light. You had heard Joel’s truck pulled in the driveaway, causing you to abandon the book you were reading to keep your mind from racing about his arrival. 
Just as your feet planted on the floor, your eyes fixed on the door as it slightly pushed open revealing the man you had hopelessly fell for two years ago. He hadn’t acknowledged you as he quietly shut the door. Turning around, the pair of warm brown eyes set on you, when he sees you standing there in your pajamas, adoringly staring at him, his face softens. 
He dropped his bag, a sigh of relief escaping his lips and within a heartbeat you launched yourself at him. Arms flying around his neck as his hands gripped your waist, steadying you. 
“Missed you so much” you mumbled in his neck. He tightened his grip on you at the admission. 
Joel had been to San Antonio for a week to negotiate a contract with a customer.
“Me too, baby,” he whispered, bringing his right hand to stroke your hair
You pulled away as you realized he must be tired, but before you could ask anything, he pulled you into him,
 “Shouldn’t have stayed up, ‘s late” he placed a kiss on your lips that you were quick to deepen. You sighed as he lightly bit your bottom lip. 
“Mmm, couldn’t sleep without knowing you made home safe,” you smiled up at him, “you hungry?” 
He shook his head no, loving the way you treated him like a child and cared for him.
 “Not hungry, back pain ‘s all, wanna sleep” 
You smiled drop as he gently tugged you towards the stairs. Your small hands in his much larger ones. He led you to the bedroom you shared for the past month,
Moving in with Joel after almost two years of hidden relationship was a way to make it official to everyone that you both were together. Though whatever you had anticipated could happen, did happen; continual discussion of your age difference, about him being divorced, about you being naive, about him being a father. 
Given that you both placed a high priority on your relationship, you hadn’t truly heard the gossip by your own ears. However, you had observed the glances that were directed towards you on two separate occasions when you and Joel were present at the mart.
His steps halted in front of Sarah's door, “she was good?” he asked over his shoulders. 
You nodded your head, “Joel she’s not a kid, of course she was alright,”
He pulled you in the bedroom, as you continued, “Plus i think since i moved in, we’ve bonded even more” 
Joel was quick to introduce you and Sarah once you both had confessed the love to each other. And Sarah was quick to welcome you in her life. It was perfect among you three. It was your perfect world. Except that you had to face the world outside your bubble, which was a little too far from perfect. 
 Joel turned around to peck your cheek, “so proud ‘f my girls” 
My girls. You smiled
You were his. You belonged with him. With them. The fact still released butterflies in your stomach. 
Joel took off his shirt and winced. Your facial expression displayed a distortion of worry which Joel was quick to observe, “back’s hurtin’ is all, don't worry,'' he smiled as he tucked a strand of hair behind your ear, pulling your forehead close to his lips to place a chaste kiss. 
“We need to get some gel, Joel” you reminded him
This is how you found yourself standing in the mart, in front of the shelf with gels. You had dropped Sarah school before heading here. Joel was asleep when you both left. Sarah wanted to meet her dad but you suggested that she lets him get enough sleep and meet him when she returns from school, to which she happily agreed.
Skimming your eyes through the rack, you found the one you were looking for, Voltarol. You grabbed one and walked toward the counter. You picked a few snacks on the way there. 
“y/n?” you heard a lady call your name
Turning around, you met none other than the most gossipy woman of the town, Nancy. 
“Hi!” you put on your best fake smile to greet her
“Whatcha got there?” she asked, eyes already prying your arms. You could have taken a basket but snacks weren’t planned. 
“Oh, just snacks” you shrugged, you kept your answer short, avoiding the long conversation
“And, what’s that? A gel?” she asked earning a groan from you, 
“Yeah, Joel’s got a back pain so i figured-”
“Of course!” she exclaimed startling you
Looking at your furrowed brows, your confused stance she continued, “I mean,” she sang, “Joel’s old. Don’t you think you’re too young to settle for that old man and tend to his back pain?” 
Your heart sank at her words, and more at the amount of venom that dripped from that single sentence alone. 
“Don’t you think you’re a little too nosy in others’ decisions?” you spat as you moved to the side, 
“Jeez, relax! You’re turning into an old grumpy woman. Maybe something about the company-” 
You left before she could say more. The longer you stood, she would’ve fed you with her sick mindset. 
Of course Joel was old. But that never lessened the love you had for him. You had been with guys around your age and all you ended up with was a broken heart and then came Joel, treating you like a real gentleman would.
You both took sufficient time to make a decision about living together. Your relationship being a secret never attracted comments but once the news spread through the town about you and Joel living together, every other mouth was murmuring about you both. 
Staying in most of the time had its perks; you never found out about all the gossip. But it could only last so long. 
You paid the cashier before hurrying to your car. Settling in, you took a  few deep breaths. 
She’s just being mean. I won't let her ruin my day. Her words don’t mean anything. Joel and I love each other, that's what matters the most. 
As soon as you closed the door, entering the house, you were met with silence. Joel‘s still asleep. 
Placing the snacks on the counter you climbed the stairs, a gel in your hand, and a planned massage for him in your head. You opened the door to see Joel lying on his stomach. With his moments you could tell he had woken up and then his voice sounded, 
“Where’d ya go?” eyes closed, he muttered, his voice hoarse. You crossed bed to stand on his side, 
“Dropped Sarah, and picked this” you grinned, showing him the gel 
He squinted his eyes to read the label, “darlin’ you didn’t have to” he turned around to lay on his back. 
“Of course, I had to!” you tapped his legs, urging him to sit up. He obliged without any protest and god did you love it when he was submissive to you, knowing the outside world would never see this soft Joel. 
“Still hurtin’? You asked as you noticed a slightest distress in his face as he sat up
“A little” he grunted
You tugged at his shirt, “off” you demanded 
“You don’t have to-” he looked up at you as he rubbed his eyes
“I know, Joel. I want to” you softly cut his sentence 
He layed back on his stomach again as you straddled his legs. Just having him naked except for sleeping boxers, totally submitting to you, sent a tingle down your core. But you ignored it. Your only focus was to make Joel feel better. 
You squirted some gel on your palm, setting the tube on the side, 
“I’ve never done this before,” you warned him,
“Neither have I, honey,” his muffled voice giving rise to a small giggle leaving your lips
You carefully splayed your hands on his lower back as you spread the gel. the delicious combination of the hotness of his skin mixed with the coolness of the gel stirred something in your stomach, 
Focus. Focus. Focus 
You pressed your fingers in his muscles, feeling the knots. He moaned at the relief. 
“Felt so good,” he muttered, 
You continued massaging his back, digging your fingers wherever you felt the stress. Taking notes of and following what brought him pleasure, you moved your small hands through his back and shoulders. Occasionally scratching his back with your nails and pulling the sounds of pleasure from his throat. 
All the sounds he made did not help, but only worsened the condition between your legs. You felt giddy, knowing you made him feel this good. 
You only prayed that the wetness between your legs didn’t seep through your thin pajamas and on his skin. Because this was about him and him only. Completely oblivious of Joel's situation underneath you, that after a few digs and dips of your fingers he started getting hard and by this time he was rock hard. 
“Baby” he breathed, “st-stop” he started to move, his cock taking control of his brain, 
You were startled, immediately getting off of his legs, “did- did i do something wrong?” you asked innocently,
He laid on his back as he stared at the ceiling, his breaths heavy “no darlin’, you did a good job, ‘s jus’-” he huffed as he took your hand and placed it on his member
Your mouth hung open as you felt his cock through his boxers, your mouth salivating just at the imagination,
He looked at you, waiting for you to say something, 
“Good thing I know how to take care of that too,” you smirked as you moved to hook your fingers on the waistband of his boxers as you slowly, teasingly, slid them down, closely watching his reaction change.
“That’s my gir- mmph”
 As soon as his cock sprang free from its confines your gaze immediately left Joel’s. 
His angry reddened tip, decorated with beads of his precum stood hard. You wasted no second in stradling his laps. Your petite fingers wrapped around his member, thumbing on his tip; spreading his leak through the length. You pushed your hair to one shoulder as you bent forward, maintaining eye contact with Joel’s hooded eyes, you kissed the tip, earning a strangled moan. 
You smirked, loving the effect you had on him. His eyes begged for more. You hollowed your mouth, taking his length in your mouth. Your fingers toying with his base. The taste of him was the first taste of your day. His hand made its way to your hair, guiding your mouth; in and out.
“Jus’ like that, baby” he praised 
 He grunted when you twirl your tongue around him, his cock twitching letting you know he’s close. 
“Such a good girl, f’ me,” you watched his eyes closed as he bucked his hips in your mouth, losing himself in the pleasure. 
You quickly removed your mouth, saliva spilling from the sides of your lips, 
“Eyes on me,” you demanded and god did that turn him on 
“Y-yes mami, please continue” he struggled to keep his eyes open, with your plush lips wrapped around his thick cock. 
He guided his cock to your throat causing you to gag. He smirked, repeating the action until tears spilled from your eyes. He used his free hand, gently wiping the tears. 
Perfect combination of rough and soft
You were soaking wet at this point, his dick in your mouth, hand fisted in your hair, and his sinful moans and grunts in your ears. 
He guided your head away, as he manhandled you and in a split second your positions were switched. You gasped as your head hit the soft pillow while Joel towered over you, on his knees. 
“That…was impressive” you breathed as Joel connected your lips in a feverish kiss.
“I’ve still got some strength y’know,” he mumbled as he pulled away slightly before he captured your lips again. It was nothing soft and slow but all teeth and tongue fighting for dominance. 
You would've just giggled at his response but instead you felt a pang of hurt in your chest, 
Joel’s old. Her voice rang in your ears as you blinked your eyes to focus in the moment
Joel grumbled tasting himself on you. Too lost in the kiss you missed when his hands slipped to your sides, pulling down your pajamas and panties in one swift motion. 
You broke the kiss, “Joel” you took a deep breath, his eyes finding yours, waiting for your command, “fuck me wreckless” 
His smirk grew at the command, “yes, m’lady” 
His fingers found your cunt in an instant. You moaned at the contact of his calloused fingers with your aching center. 
He circled your clit a few times before plunging his middle finger knuckles deep without a warning, 
You screamed, “of fuck, Joel-” 
“M gonna wreck you, darlin” he grunted as he drove his finger in and out while his thumb pressed on your pussy, making you squirm, 
“Nngh feels so good” you moaned, 
“So needy, huh?” his eyes glued to throbbing pussy and the juices it squirted, 
He added another finger, building the pressure and maintaining the pace. You felt the knot in your stomach tightened. 
“Close, mmh Joel, i'm close” you struggled to speak, your knuckles turning white as your gripped the sheets beneath you
You arched into his touch, your legs started to tremble as you felt the climax reach. He used his strong free arm across your stomach to keep you in place as he assaulted your cunt. 
“Cum for me, darlin” 
And you did, right then and there. You closed your eyes as you screamed his name like a prayer,
“Look at me” he ordered and you blinked away the tears that had formed in your eyes to obey him, 
He held your gaze as he lowered his mouth and lapped the juices you had released. He devoured it as the first meal of the day,
“Taste so good,” he mumbled more to himself
He drank every drop until you finished. Your chest heaved as he climbed on top of you and connected your lips,
You both moaned in unison as you tasted yourself on his lips, 
“Ready?” he asked as he guided his cock to your entrance
You nodded your head, 
“Words” he spat
“Yes, yes Joel, I'm ready!” you whined, 
And he slipped in, inch by inch until he was balls deep. 
He had fucked you countless times but his size always surprised you and your pussy always hugged him like the first time. 
“So fuckin- tight, this pussy,” he grunted as you adjusted to the size
“Move” you croaked and he obliged, setting a slow and steady pace, 
“My pussy,” thrust “mine to ruin” thrust, harder, “mine to love,” thrust, harder and faster, 
Your walls clenched around him at the words, at the possession, 
He had picked up the pace, fucking into you relentlessly. It wasn’t usual he fucked you this hard but you asked for it, and you were glad.
“So thick” you breathed
He sat on his knees as he wrapped your legs around his waist, holding you there, pounding into you through a different angle, brushing your g-spot everytime. 
“Right there, yes” you bit your bottom lip, 
“Don’t hold back, darlin’ let me hear you” his pace was unbelievable, you felt nothing but him. The coil tightened in your stomach, it was embarrassing how quickly he was pulling another orgasm out of you, splitting you in half,
“Joel, can i cum–” 
“Not yet darlin” he stuttered
The feeling was a lot, you tried your best to hold back. The feeling of his cockstretching your walls, his balls tingling your inner thigh in every thrust. Your thighs twitched, as he held them tightly around him, 
“Joel, please-” you begged, 
His thrusts started to become sloppier, his cock twitched inside you and he nodded, 
“C’mon baby, milk my cock,” he urged
That made you trip from the edge and you came, harder. Your mouth forming incoherent words between his name
He never stopped his movement throughout your high, only when you were done did he spill his seeds, covering your insides with his release. 
He let go of your legs as he collapsed over you, making sure to shift his weight to his elbows
He looked ethereal, post sex suited him so well. His skin glowing with sweat and morning light. His brown curls were a mess. He placed a lazy kiss on your forehead, then lips, “you ‘kay?” he whispered
You nodded, too blissed out to reply verbally. Too much in awe of his soft, sweet side. 
He pulled his cock out and you both winced. He pecked your overstimulated cunt once causing you to shiver before he left for a cloth. 
He cleaned both of you, murmuring praises on your skin as he wiped your legs. 
“Wrecked ya, huh?” he said as he observed your fucked out state, 
You hummed in response, “forgot you even had a back pain” 
“What back pain?” he feigned confusion as he tossed away the cloth, causing you to giggle 
You knew you couldn’t share your encounter with Nancy at the mart, you knew he was already silently insecure about the age gap.
Joel was quick to return to work after his trip to San Antonio. He headed to a bar with Tommy before returning home. The brothers conversed about a deal that Joel had made.
“Hey, there’s Frank, wanna come?” Tommy said, looking over Joel’s shoulder. 
Joel turned his face to see Frank talking to a woman before bringing his attention back to his neat whiskey,
“No, ‘m a’right here” He grumbled, watching Tommy leave from his peripheral vision
He downed his half empty cup before he ordered another. He zoned out looking at his whiskey, his fingers tracing the rim of the glass. 
A low grunt beside him caught his attention, turning his face and he was met with Arthur ordering his liquor. 
Joel returned his gaze to his whiskey and taking a sip, 
“Howdy, Joel? How was San Antonio?” Arthur asked
“Was fine, made a deal” Joel replied, already wanting an out from his company. His head is already cloudy from drinking.
“And how’s ya little thing doing?” Arthur leaned, instantly causing Joel to lean away. He wasn’t sure he heard it right
“What?” Joel barked,
“Ya know,” Arthur swung his wrist gripping the glass of whatever he ordered, he shrugged, “that sweet little y/n-” 
“Watch your mouth” Joel growled
“All i’m saying is she’s too young, deserves someone who can actually take care ‘f her” if Arthur was any sober he would’ve shut up after Joel’s first warning, but he just mindlessly continued,
Joel’s bore a hole on the side of his head with his intense gaze, his grip tightening on the glass as he watched Arthur speak, “jus’ feel bad for her, stuck with you–” 
Joel gathered Arthur’s collar in his hand,
Joel’s fist collided with Arthur’s jaw in a swift motion. 
“- and when i told Chris about it, he was equally appalled and said, no offense” Lace lightly held your arm before quoting her boyfriend, “it’s a phase for you and that you’d get over Joel, either way its- ” you gaze shifted to Snow who stood beside Lace, offering you an apologetic smile,
Snow and Lace were your best friends since school. Snow never judged you for your relationship with Joel. Lace, on the other hand, did not always agree with your choices even if she did love you. 
“Lace,” you began, cutting her rambles, “i’m happy, isn’t that enough?” you sighed, tears brimming at the corner of your eyes. 
The three of you were at Millie’s, one of your mutual friends, birthday party. It was your first public appearance after moving in with Joel. you were too scared to join but Lace and Snow were adamant about you joining them. 
Few of the girls asked you weird questions but thanks to your two friends who cornered you to avoid more conversations. 
Lace was quick to notice your eyes, as she took your hand, “of course! but-” 
“No ‘but’s, we’re done. I think I should head home, it’s pretty late,” Snow announced, your gaze darted to the clock, 11:45 stared back at you.
“Yeah, i’m leaving too-” 
“y/n?” it was, Auburn, one of Millie’s friend who you met twice at parties, you knew she cheated on multiple boys just because she thought she was too good for them, “wh- are you guys leaving already?” Auburn looked around the three of you,
“Yeah, can’t stay out late, y’know” Snow carelessly answered as she fished something from her bag, leaving the kitchen
“And let me guess, y/n, you have to go home to your old man?” Auburn directed at you
“Well, at least I have someone to go home to,” you knew it was a cruel jab, but you didn’t care at the moment. 
She gasped, clearly taken aback, “Wow, the old man-” 
“It’s Joel” you interrupted, to which she only rolled her eyes before continuing, 
“Yeah, poor Joel, i mean, having to deal with you every single day, God, i’d be damned” 
Before you could reply, Lock showed up at the kitchen door, “hey, I was leaving, ya need a ride? Snow’s in the car” He was one of your close friends. 
Lock got a nod from you before you pointed at Auburn, “Maybe you need to grow up,” you muttered, already heading out of the kitchen before you heard her voice, “don’t go falling in love, it’s all about good fuck-” you shut the door behind you,
You quickly got into Lock's car, not bothering to bid anyone goodbye. Your vision was glossy, you held back your tears through the small distance to your house, 
It was around 12 when you stepped in the house, the television was on in the living room. You peeked to see sarah on the couch,
“Sarah, what are you doing up?” your voice was harsher than intended, 
She jumped and you almost felt guilty for the way you scared her, 
“You’ve got school tomorrow, go to bed. Now.” you scolded watching her turn off the tv as she muttered a small ‘sorry’ heading upstairs. 
Joel still wasn’t home. And as an unspoken rule, you didn’t want to go to bed without him, like he doesn’t without you. 
You removed your earrings, placing them on the table before you slumped on the couch,
The voices in your head growing, 
Is this wrong? 
Why can’t they keep their noses out of my relationship decisions?
Does Joel feel that I'm way too young for him? 
Is he embarrassed too?
 The longer Joel took to come home, the louder the voices became, 
Does Sarah get questioned about me and Joel?
Does Sarah still like me?
Does Joel still-
You heard the door unlock and you brought yourself up. Joel stumbled in, you knew he had a few drinks. Quickly you got up to hug him and to have him silence the noises in your head, 
Too disappointed about your night, you didn’t notice the bandage on his knuckles, or the sour expressions he wore, as you moved your body to hug him, 
His figure stiffened against you. His hands coming up to your arm as you shuddered under his touch, 
“What’s wrong?” he muttered as he stroked your hair, putting aside his pain to try and heal yours.
You shook your head, not wanting to feed his insecurity, “party was a bit exhausting” you lied
“C’mon baby,” as he moved you both toward the couch, “ya wanna talk about it?” 
You straddled his lap burying your head in the crook of his neck, inhaling his scent of whiskey and cigarettes 
His hands traced your back softly and you whimpered, you loved Joel so much. 
You picked your head up to face Joel. He looked tired. Nevertheless, one of his hands cupped your face and instinctively, you placed a kiss on the inside of his wrist before intertwining your fingers with his, and that's when you felt the skin of bandage under your fingertips, 
“What happened?” it was your turn to be concerned
He stayed quiet for a beat, both of you looking in between you, your intertwined hands but feeling miles away emotionally,
“Just a random cut, nothing serious” and it was his turn to lie,
That was the turning point of your relationship. 
“C’mon let's go to bed,” Joel suggested,
The next few weeks went by the same. Everywhere you went, they talked shit. Sometimes you defended but other times you were tired of talking back knowing they won’t stop either way. 
You noticed how Lace kept pushing Lock to you. Always calling him over when you had plans with her and then leaving quickly so you and Lock can spend some time alone. He was a nice guy, but you only saw him as a friend, nothing more, nothing less. And Joel knew it too. 
But oh when he kept getting “with Lock” as your response to his “where ya at”, did he start to feel otherwise. Almost everyday at work he was defending his relationship with you, and after knowing you’re with Lock most of the time, he started believing the criticisms. 
“Things alright between you two?” Tommy carefully asked Joel one day,
“Yeah, why?” Joel didn’t remove his gaze from the contract paper in his hand,
Tommy shrugged, “i don’t know, been seeing her with that Lock guy a lot these days so–”
“Look good together, don’t they?” another man chirped in, but as soon as he received a deathly glare from Joel he backed off immediately. But the words stuck with joel, look good together
That night when you clung to him, like you always do, he didn't reciprocate. The voices in his head were getting loud and you weren’t there to silence them. 
“Where?” he snarled 
It was just another rough night for the two of you. Joel had canceled plans with you because work buddies are insisting on game night , delaying it to the next week. Both of the times Lace and Snow had swung by. With Lace reciting her “you deserve better” mantra. 
Earlier this week, Snow had asked you to go shopping for her vacation. And you couldn’t say no, given she had dropped her things just because you were depressed when Joel canceled the plans for the second time. 
If he could, why couldn’t you?
“Shopping” you put another popcorn in your mouth as your eyes fixed on the movie. 
You were upset. You were mad at him. And the whole week had passed without Joel noticing it. Maybe it was about time. 
You felt his eyes on the back of your head. You wanted nothing more than to turn around and make up for the lost time. Clear all the distance that had somehow forged its way between two of you. 
But you didn’t. You resisted. You wanted to check your and  his limits
“Of course, and Lock is gonna be there” Joel scoffed, placing his hands on his hips where he stood at the back of the sofa you sat on. 
That hit the button instead. You exhaled a shallow breath, not believing your ears, 
“What is that supposed to mean?” you turned to face him, his typical annoyed stance in display for you; fingers pinching the bridge of his nose.
“You know very well,” his eyes met yours for a brief second, before he moved to exit
To say you were furious was an understatement. You abandoned your popcorns and movie as you scurried away to chase him,
He faced the cabinets before he heard your angry stomping in the kitchen. 
“What the fuck, Joel?” you barked
He just stood there, leaning against the counter. His arms folded against his chest as he glared back at you,
Frustration bubbled inside of you. Taking a step closer, you let the anger get the best of you, 
“You fucking canceled on me for sake of your buddies,” you were fuming, “you didn’t even notice me being upset” you voice rose with every sentence, “and now you’re accusing me?!” 
“Lower your fucking voice!” he roared causing you to shudder, 
“You’re unbelievable, Miller” you back stepped to the door of the kitchen before you left 
As soon as you stepped out of kitchen you spotted Sarah sitting on the sofa hugging her legs,
“You guys are fighting again?” she mumbled
Your heart shattered at her state. You were quick to sit by her side, engulfing her in your arms, 
“Oh no, honey,” you kissed her hair, “it’s just- you know- we don’t always agree on the things” you caressed her hair
She sniffled, facing you, “so- so you’re not leaving, right?” her wet eyes shining with hope and that was not helping to your breaking heart, 
Your throat tightened so you stuck with shaking your head ‘no’ and a tight smile
Few minutes had passed and Sarah was already asleep on your shoulder. You calmly woke her so she doesn’t hurt her neck in that position. Tucking her in the bed, you closed her door and were met with Joel.
He stood there, shifting his weight from one foot to another. He jerked his head in the direction of your shared bedroom, asking you to join him, and so you did. 
Once the door closed, he turned to you, grasping your small hands in his, 
“I’m sorry” he croaked, “for everything,” 
You looked up at him and gave him a sincere smile as you nodded, “let’s go to sleep,” 
None of you talked about your feelings. None of you shared about the insecurities that you both had regarding each other. None of you reached out for the other to cuddle. 
“I’ll wait outside, you can grab whatever you need, yeah?” Joel said as he digged his wallet for his card 
You only nodded as taking the card and hopping out of his truck, rushing into the mart. 
Joel lit a cigarette as he watched you from the driving seat. He knew this was all wrong. It was a lose-lose situation. He couldn’t be with you openly, scared of more rude comments towards you (he could manage the ones thrown at him) but still everyone was aware of your relationship and hence, bringing up the topic out of nowhere.
You, on the other hand, were embarrassed, feeling Joel didn’t want to be seen with you. You both had moved past the point of discussing your feelings and knee-deep in the mess
Once you returned, Joel tried to reach for your hand but you were quick to pull away. It was like a reflex and you almost regretted it. Almost. 
He cleared his throat in an awkward way, “uh- you’re still up for Bill and Frank’s party tomorrow?” 
“Yeah, but I’ll go there with,” you swallowed, too hard to push the words out of your mouth, “with Lace,” 
Joel took a double look at you, “uh, any specific reason?” he asked trying his best to stay calm,
“Yeah, she wanted me there to help her with outfits and make up so i might as well leave with her,” you shrugged, nervously tugging on your nails.
“Okay,” he said lowly, almost as a whisper,
“Don’t make dinner tonight” Joel said a few hours after you both had got home, 
“Why? Are you with your boys tonight?” No matter how much you tried to keep the anger at bay, somehow it slipped, 
Joel sighed, as he walked to you, his eyes trained on you. But your gaze couldn't meet his. As if you were hiding something, like you were not honest, except that you were. You were just fed up with your fights with Joel. Fed up with not sharing thoughts like you used to. 
“No, I'll get take-out on my way back,” he said. Your brows furrowed, “We’ll just relax and maybe watch a movie, your choice. How does that sound?” he explained his plans for the night, 
You nodded, “okay, sounds good, but can we maybe dine out? There’s this pretty place-” 
“Baby, I really want just the two of us, we can go next time, ‘kay?” he pressed his lips on your forehead, 
You gave him a tight smile, “sure” 
All you wanted was for him to love you openly. All he wanted was to keep you from any and every hurt even if it meant he had to avoid being seen together. If only you both spoke your feelings. 
“Honestly, I think he’s not opening up to you because you won’t get it since you’re young, y’know?” Lace said as she fixed her dress, “Do you really think you’re the best match for him? Woman his age are dying to marry him,” 
You tried to stop another flood of tears threatening to fall from your eyes. Your eyes were already swollen from the crying you had today at Lace’s because you were watching your relationship with Joel fall apart. It was all perfect when the world didn’t know. The bubble had bursted.
“You’re right,” you sighed,
Joel didn’t really prepare for his appearance as much as he did for the looks thrown his way when he moved with you. You and him didn’t know how to handle the criticisms and that had your relationship at stake. 
He arrived at bill and frank’s and eagerly started to look for you. But you were nowhere to be found. He had texted you but there was no response from you. Were you even coming?
He met with his friends and like a habit, everyone asked about you. 
He stepped on the front porch, desperately escaping from endless questions and trying to muster up excuses of your absence. Two shots in, he felt his brother hand on his shoulder, “heartbreak?” Tommy asked as he sipped his whiskey, 
Joel only grunted in response, not really paying attention to his question, “so when did it happen?” 
That had his attention, “what?” 
“The breakup and that” Joel followed Tommy’s gaze. 
You had just gotten out of the car and stumbled your way inside. Lock’ hand pressed to your lower back as he guided you inside the house. Lace quickly trailing behind you both, struggling with her own dress. 
Joel’s lips parted in shock. How could you do this? What was happening? The liquor had started to dizzy his mind. 
The look on Joel’s face was enough to let Tommy know that he was oblivious to the situation just like him. 
“There’s someone I'd like you to meet,” Tommy said carefully, and convincingly.
Joel eyes took a few seconds before moving from the door from where you had just entered the house, 
He just nodded in response, before he chugged the entire bottle in one go. 
He was mad. He was disappointed. He was angry. But most importantly, he was hurt. But one thing about him, he was a hard person to go and confront. Why would he do that when he can do things he won’t remember the next morning? 
The last sober thought was you. Then the rest was alcohol in his veins controlling his mind.
You left Lace’s apartment as you hurried to Lock' car. 
“Hi, Lace is coming, told me to go,” you said as you greeted him, 
Lace took solid 10 minutes before she appeared on the entrance door of the building. Those 10 minutes you listened to Lock talking about some girl he’s madly in love with and will ask her out tomorrow. She was a friend of your friend, she was nice. You were genuinely happy for him. 
You were on your way when you checked your phone. You didn’t realize you had missed a text from Joel. You swiped to reply to him, telling him you were on your way. But Lace snatched the phone from you, 
“Enough using phone for tonight,” she grinned 
You instinctively chased her hand and turned to the backseat. Unknown to you, your dress had stuck in the door. 
You heard and felt your fabric tearing from your back. With your shocked expression, Lace was concerned, 
“I think I ripped my dress from the back,” you said slowly, reaching your hand on your back and you felt your skin. “Oh my god, I just ripped my dress!” you cried,
“Is it something a needle and thread can fix?” Lock asked as he tried to calm the chaos you both had created, 
Lace inspected the ripped part, “i think so, i can do it but where do we get the needle and thread?” 
“Frank has it,” Lock informed, 
Your face was contorted in worry, your phone long forgotten, 
“Okay, Lock you cover her way up to the restroom, I’ll go get the things I need from Frank,” Lace ordered as you all got off the vehicle. 
And so you all rushed in. Your mind was directed to; will Lace be able to fix my dress? 
You didn’t greet anyone as you bolted toward the restroom. Lock stayed outside as you rushed inside. Lace quickly returned and fixed your dress. 
“And all done!” she said excitedly
You turned your neck to the mirror to see that indeed she had done a good job. 
Leaving the bathroom, you parted ways with Lace and Lock as you went out looking for Joel. 
“Hey! Have you seen Joel?” you asked Bill,
“Why yes, he’s finally got some sense back,” he tilted his glass in Joel’s direction, 
There stood Joel, no, there swayed Joel in the arms of a stranger. Joel’s arms linked loosely around her as her’s around his neck, pulling him closer, 
“perfect match,” Bill added, 
Your lips parted to say something but no words came out, “wh-” you began but were immediately cut by Bill as he clicked his tongue and shook his head, 
“Don’t go ruining a good thing now, kid,” 
You couldn't avert your gaze from the scene in front of you until it was blurred by your tears. 
“Excuse me” your voice shook, as you turned away, tears spilling as you ran to the restroom again. 
How bad you wished you didn’t leave the restroom, or that you left a little later until he detached himself from her. 
Did he really fall out of love? Did he really let them dictate him? You wanted to go and confront but-
You broke down. Bad. 
You didn’t mind your makeup, that you put on with precision, smudging. Your knees hit the bathroom floor as you cried your eyes out. 
The ringing of the phone caused you to take a break. Taking out the phone more tears fell from your eyes as Joel’s name displayed on your screen. 
The ringing ceased and a text followed a few minutes later, 
Joel: Where are you? 
You scoffed at his text. You wanted to go to him and scream at him. But you didn't want to give in to all the people who told you this was never gonna work. Sure your relationship had gone down the hill since last month. But was ending the relationship really better than running in a circle every other day? Loving Joel only in the boundaries of your house? 
You wanted to go home, Joel’s house, and move out. This wasn’t going to work. You had decided. The thought of officially ending the relationship pulled new strings of tears from your eyes as you texted Lace about going home before you stuffed the phone in your purse. 
Just like you had entered, keeping your gaze lowered, you left the exact same way. You heard the unmistaken sound of a voice calling your name but you couldn’t stop and turn. No, you kept moving. 
You exited the main gate and walked on the side of the street. You were walking quickly, wanting to go away from him as fast as possible. You heard the familiar voice called you again, 
“What is it, Joel?” you seethed as you turned around. 
You looked horrible, you knew it but you couldn’t care less right now. 
Joel eyes widened at your appearance, 
“Jus’ wanted to ask, how long have you been with Lock?” he whispered as if even he was ashamed of asking the question. He looked down, prepared for any answer that you had to offer
Your heart dropped at his question, “what?” oh how bad you hoped you heard it wrong, 
“Ya heard it,” he muttered, “i saw you both, ‘s okay, i understa-” 
Before he could complete his sentence, you had walked up to him, staring deep in his eyes, “are you fucking kidding me right now?” your voice was low but hid a menace beneath it, 
Joel stayed quiet, he looked at you but his eyes were empty. 
“Are you serious, Joel?” your voice shook, all of your power was used up at keeping your tears from falling, 
“How about you tell me about you dancing in someone else’s arms?” your voice rose and you pushed him back, “was that what you've been doing in my absence?!” you hit his chest, “tell me!” your voice wavered and once again the dam broke, “tell me Joel!” 
The sides of your fist kept colliding with Joel’s hard chest as you let everything out, “tell me why were you so embarrassed of me? Of us?” joel stayed silent as he received your weak punches and watched the tears stain your face
“Tell me where did we go wrong?” you energy had drained before you slowly uttered the last question
“When did you stop loving me?” that was his last straw, as he held your wrist just as you were pulling away, 
“Don’t” he said firmly, “anything but that” 
“We’ve fallen apart,” you croaked, “Gonna take a miracle to save us this time-” 
“I still love you,” he promised
You shook your head as your released your hands from his grip,
“Then tell me why didn’t I feel loved?” you whispered 
Joel once again fell silent, “I-” he shook his head, wanting to wake up from the worst nightmare,
His throat tightened, he wanted to tell you that he wanted to protect you. But your outburst told him the only way you would’ve felt protected was if he held your hand in front of everyone. 
He began, not knowing what to say but his mind screamed one thing, 
Don't say goodbye, don't say goodbye
You wiped the tears from your face as you took a deep breath, 
“Goodbye, Joel” 
You turned and walked away as Joel stood still. The wind blew cold against his skin. 
Did he throw away the best part of his life? 
It’s alright, Just two hearts breakin’ even tonight
You’d go and get on with your life, he’ll get on with his’, broken hearts can’t call the cops, it’s a perfect crime.
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decolonize-the-left · 6 months
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"Francesca Albanese, the UN special rapporteur to occupied Palestinian territory, has called on the UN’s Secretary General, Antonio Guterres, to press for the deployment of a “protective presence” in Palestinian land under Israel’s military occupation.
Albanese said on social media the UN chief’s support for a protective presence would help “restore peace” after Israel’s 56-year long military occupation of Palestinian territory.
Noting her support for a 2018 proposal by Guterres for such a presence by the UN, Albanese said: “I implore you to push for it now”.
At that time, Guterres presented four options to protect Palestinians who are under Israeli occupation, including: A “robust UN presence on the ground” with human rights monitors and political officers; creating a UN observer mission that would be present in flashpoint locations such as Israeli checkpoints and illegal settlements,
and deploying an armed UN military or police presence to provide physical protection to Palestinian civilians"
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"You got the best of me."
Wips, different colours and context below the cut. (TW: Religious themes)
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If you're curious, this illustration is based on a comic (which is based on a fan fiction) I worked on for a long time called "You Got the Best of Me". Yes, it's a BTS song. It's a good B-side.
The idea is that traveller!Antonio finds his way to a small, wayward tomato farmed owned by this grumpy man called Lovino. He's the son of the village's head priest who had passed away from cancer when he was a child, not long after his younger brother, Feliciano was born.
Feliciano was always sickly and couldn't do very much. He was a crybaby. He was kind of pathetic but always cheerful and Lovino loved him very much, and worked hard to support him.
Growing up, Feliciano became very religious like their grandfather and trained to become a priest. Lovino didn't exactly disapprove, since it meant Feliciano would be taken care of, but he didn't believe in God as much as he used to. Afterall, God let his grandfather—the epitome of Godfearring—die so painfully. Feliciano tries his best to reconnect but their difference in faith made it difficult.
In the present day, Antonio and Lovino met when Antonio just stumbles into a village party one day. He leans against an empty barrel, exhausted, until someone taps his shoulder. He turns around and sees a handsome, albeit drunk as fuck young man giving him a bottle of alcohol, telling him to cheer up and drink. Antonio fell in love at first sight. That smile was gorgeous.
They meet again the next day when Antonio walks into the church and sees the same young man sitting at the back. The young man didn't say no when Antonio sits with him, and doesn't do anything when Antonio talks to him and asks to share his Bible.
After service, they walk around the church in silence and they go to a quiet stretch of meadow where Antonio plays some childhood songs on his guitar. Antonio was surprised when Lovino knew the words and could speak Spanish. Lovino said the 'weirdos' his grandfather made friends with taught him whatever he knew, which was surprisingly a lot.
They continue chatting and without knowing, it had been hours.
"Brother, it's lunch time," Feliciano said softly.
Lovino screamed. "H-how the fuck did you find me?"
Feliciano laughed as he pointed to the footsteps in the ground. "There's coffee! No alcohol, don't drink so much." Feliciano acknowledged Antonio with a curtsey and a suspicious glance. Lovino did not always have the best judgement.
The three of them walked together, Lovino walked ahead because he was hungry and knew that he needed to explain himself. Antonio and Feliciano introduced themselves. Feliciano was not as paranoid as before—Antonio seemed like a nice person. Antonio liked that Feliciano took things well despite his sickliness and hoped that he would get better soon. Feliciano gave him a look.
Antonio understood immediately. Feliciano was unnervingly pale and skinny. The only thing about him that was strong was his will to live. Antonio promised to never talk about it again and Feliciano smiled.
A few months go by and Antonio was helping Lovino harvest tomatoes and that was when Lovino pulls him aside and asks, "Do you know about my grandfather?" Antonio said vaguely because he and Feliciano slipped it in conversations here and there. Lovino nodded and then elaborated more on what Antonio 'vaguely' knew. Lovino usually wasn't this open so what happened now?
"Doctors said Feliciano won't have longer than a year left."
Antonio felt devastated. He did not know them for very long and yet he knew Feliciano was one of the better sort of people out there. He could only imagine how painful it must be for Lovino—his own brother!
"Is God trying to take a piss at me?" Lovino said angrily. "For not believing? For fucking giving up? For calling Him a bastard? If He feels bad, then maybe He should stop fucking killing everyone I love! My own family, Antonio! What the fuck is wrong with Him?"
Antonio listened. Lovino started ugly sobbing, understandably so. Antonio nodded.
"Feliciano's a good kid. He's always doing his fucking best. He never whored around, he's always nice. He cooked for old ladies. He prays and reads the Bible every fucking day. Why do you Hate your own, God? Is it because he's dating some guy? Well, I don't like the blonde son of a bitch either but I won't kill them. What the fuck is your problem? Aren't you the good one?"
Antonio pat his back. And then, Lovino said, "Why can't He just kill me instead? Let Feliciano go. Let him be happy."
"That won't change anything."
"Yeah that fucking won't but at least I won't be sad."
"Well, I would."
Lovino looked at Antonio like he was crazy.
"But you'll fucking bounce in what? A week? Two weeks? I know your type. You idiots never fucking stay in one place, always running around, bumming around without doing anything proper. Piss off, Antonio. You'll find another one in China or some shit."
"No, Lovino. I care about you. I don't want you to die. Feli's not dead yet. What would he say?"
"He'd tell me to pray."
"Praying isn't dying, sí?" Antonio said. The sun was setting and the birds were chirping. Antonio picked up a plump tomato from the ground, wiped it with his shirt and gave it to Lovino. "Eating this beautiful tomato won't cure you or Feli of your pain but it sure tastes really nice."
Lovino laughed at that childish response. He ate the tomato and smiled. It was quite delicious. Antonio thought he looked like an angel when he smiled, especially now. They looked at each other with an unspoken emotion, something at the tip of their tongue. Antonio knew it a bit better than Lovino but it was still scary because it meant giving up his freedom to stay here.
Of course, he can talk about travelling with Lovino but he knew lazy bastard wouldn't want to do anything. He could try to get Lovino out of the house. He could lose his dignity and leave and reclaim that freedom. He could... Lovino laughed again and that smile was gorgeous.
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Elementary, Chapter Six:
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pairing: pre-outbreak!joel miller x sarah’s teacher!reader
rating: E (18+ only, talks of bisexuality (reader is also bisexual), unprotected PIV, just so much fluff it’ll make your teeth rot)
wc: 3.4k
a/n: as a bisexual person who’s known from a very young age that they were different but never had someone to go to about it, i felt it was really important to showcase a relationship between a paternal figure/mentor and child wherein the child feels comfortable seeking advice about the things going on inside their head. if you have an issue with it, you’re entitled to your opinion, but from personal experience i know that pretending as though pre-teens aren’t capable of understanding the complexities of gender and sexuality only leads to them having more questions and more unnecessary shame over things they cannot control. if you don’t agree, please just keep scrolling. everyone is entitled to their own views on this, and i just ask that you respect mine just as i respect yours. 🤍
series masterlist | joel masterlist | elementary playlist
After a weekend of pure bliss, and maybe a bit too much sex, it was time to say goodbye to the man of your dreams, at least for the next three days.
Joel had heeded your advice about whisking Sarah off for a little trip, choosing to take her down to Corpus Cristi rather than San Antonio so that they could enjoy the ocean for the first time in a long time.
At the present moment, you stood in the driveway of his two-story suburban home, the Texas sun setting behind the houses across the street. Joel was in the garage with Tommy, changing the tires on their truck while you contentedly looked on, a glass of fresh lemonade in your hand courtesy of Sarah and Jessie.
“Hey, baby?” Joel called, the pet name slipping from his lips as casually as a breath. You forced your grin to calm at the sound.
“Yeah?” you replied.
“Would you mind goin’ inside and grabbin’ us a couple beers? Pretty please,” he sweet-talked you, his hands covered with grease, his face and neck glistening from sweat. How could you deny him his request when he looked like that? When he looked at you like that?
“I suppose I could,” you smirked. “But it’s gonna cost you.”
“What’s your price?” he asked, matching your smile.
“A couple smooches.”
“Oh, for the love of God,” Tommy groaned at the cutesy game the two of you were playing.
“You can pay up later,” you spoke to Joel, your eyes flickering over to his crabby brother. Joel chuckled and nodded, giving you a wink before returning to his task.
Inside the house, Sarah sat with Jessie in the living room, the two girls occupied by the 1995 film adaptation of this month’s book club pick: Sense and Sensibility.
“How’s it going in here?” you asked with a friendly smile. “The movie any good?”
“It’s alright, I just thought the guys would be better looking,” Sarah replied.
“Yeah, isn’t Willoughby supposed to be…hot?” Jessie added, looking to you as you stood in the kitchen.
“Hugh Grant isn’t ugly,” you argued with a laugh. “Never been my cup of tea but a lot of women seem to find him good looking.”
“Well, they need to get their eyes checked. You know who’s hot? Justin Timberlake,” Jessie proudly declared, earning a gag from her friend.
“Yeah, so hot with his ramen hair,” Sarah snarked sarcastically. “Have you seen Usher?”
“Yeah, he’s cute, too,” Jessie agreed.
“You know who I was really into when I was a teenager?” you asked, and both girls looked full of interest. “Freddie Mercury.”
“Who’s that?” they asked in unison, making you gasp.
“Who’s that?” you repeated. “Oh, girls, your parents have failed you. He’s the lead singer of Queen,” you waited for them to place the rock star in their minds. “Bohemian Rhapsody? We Will Rock You?”
“No clue,” Sarah shook her head. “You think my dad would know him?”
“If he doesn’t, he’s crazy,” you chuckled. “Anyways, I gotta go bring these out before Tommy gets an attitude. You two have fun arguing about Justin Timberlake and Usher.”
“And you have fun daydreaming about Frankie Mars!”
“Freddie Mercury!” you corrected with a chuckle.
Back outside in the garage, the boys greeted you with a cheer as you handed over their beers. Joel planted a kiss upon your cheek as you leaned into his side, his hand too dirty to hold your waist so he refrained.
“You both know who Freddie Mercury is, right?” you asked as they took sips from their cold amber bottles.
“Yeah, Queen,” Joel replied and Tommy nodded in confirmation. “Why?”
“Sarah and Jessie had no idea who he or Queen was,” you chuckled. “Called him Frankie Mars.”
“My god,” Tommy shook his head. “Yet they’ll talk your ear off about B2K and N-Sync.”
“Sign of the times,” Joel sighed and chuckled before tilting his beer towards you. “Hey, where’s your drink at?”
“I gotta drive home,” you reminded, earning a pout.
“Thought you might stay the night,” he murmured just for you to hear. “Since I’m gonna be gone for the next few days.”
“Well, I never got an invitation,” you snarked with a tilt of your head.
“Go get a beer,” he ordered with a smirk.
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The boys remained outside well after the sun had set over the horizon, tinkering with the truck and letting the radio play, the sounds of 80’s and 90’s love songs filling the night air. Jessie had gone home, leaving Sarah to join the three of you outside.
“Baby,” Joel turned and locked eyes with you as “Weak” by SWV came on the radio, a charming, pleading smile on his face as he held his grease-covered hand out for you. “Dance with me.”
“These two,” Tommy rolled his eyes and chuckled, shaking his head in disgust as he looked to his niece. “Can’t wait til this honeymoon shit is over.”
“As long as you wipe your hands off,” you ignored Tommy’s complaining and stood up off the hood of your car where you’d been looking at the stars with Sarah. Joel pulled a rag out of his back pocket and cleaned his hands as best as possible as you walked to him. “This is gonna be our song now, you know?”
“It’s a damn good song,” he argued, placing one hand on the small of your back while the other held yours in slowdance form. He pressed his cheek to yours and led you to the music, slowly swaying you around to the beat.
“I didn’t know you could dance,” Sarah teased from the car, an amused smile on her face at the sight before her.
“I can’t,” he replied.
“You’re not too shabby,” you mumbled in his ear, earning a squeeze to your waist. Joel turned his face to whisper into your ear.
“You know, I’ve been thinking about gettin’ you alone all damn day,” he confessed, making your heart skip a beat. “You think I haven’t noticed you checkin’ me out?”
“I’m always checking you out,” you admitted with a smile. “The whole sweaty man working with his hands thing just makes it even harder to look away.”
“Hmm,” he hummed in thought for a minute before speaking again. “This might be a good incentive for me finally gettin’ around to fixin’ shit up ‘round here.”
“As long as you invite me over to watch.” Joel laughed and nodded.
“I think you’d faint if you saw me at work.”
“And I think you’d be very, very bored if you saw me at work.”
“You kiddin’?” he asked rhetorically. “The idea of you teachin’ multiplication drives me crazy.”
You pinched his side and rolled your eyes, laughing at his sarcasm.
“Although, I do love those dresses you wear to work,” he husked, his tone still light but there was an undeniable desire in it. “Those actually drive me crazy.”
“Joel, can you and your lady love split up for a goddamn minute so you can help me change out this oil?” Tommy called over the music, forcing a deep sigh from his brother. Joel pressed a kiss onto your cheek and hummed.
“We’ll continue this dance later,” he promised. “Alone and in the nude. How’s that sound?”
“Sounds like you better hurry up and finish,” you pulled away from him with a smirk. Joel mustered the strength to leave your embrace, heading back to the truck while you walked back to the car, resuming your place next to Sarah on the hood.
“I was trying to find the Big Dipper,” Sarah started as you got comfortable, her small hand pointing around the night sky. “But I can’t see it.”
“Hmm, well, I think that’s the Little Dipper,” you pointed out a vague constellation, the street lights making the stars harder to spot. “No clue where the big one is.”
A beat of comfortable silence fell over the two of you as you laid there, eyes searching the stars. You wondered for a moment if looking at these bright little orbs in the sky affected her the same way it affected you, forcing you to think about your humanity and how lucky you were to have found this beautiful family in such a vast universe. Though you’d long since given up on wishing on stars, perhaps one of your wishes for true love you made as a little girl actually came true, the brown eyed man in front of you brought to you by some unseen force, some magic worked by the Cosmos.
“Hey…can I ask you something?” Sarah tilted her head to look at you and you did the same, nodding your head at her. “It’s silly, and…well, I don’t want you to think anything—whatever, I’ll just come out and ask. Is it…is it possible to maybe like boys…and girls?”
“Oh,” you sucked in a sharp breath, eyes flickering to Joel as he leaned underneath the hood of his pick-up truck.
“It’s just…well, when we were talking about celebrity crushes earlier, Jessie knew right away that she liked Usher. But for me, I had two people pop into my mind. Usher and Beyoncé. And then when Jessie and I were talking about boys we liked at school, I thought of José G and, well, Jessie. But I didn’t tell her that, obviously.”
“You know, I can only speak for myself, but I’ve always liked both women and men,” you spoke carefully, knowing that not only was she your pupil, but also not your child to influence. The last thing you wanted was to cross a line with Joel, not that you thought he’d be against his daughter’s potential bisexuality—he’d been incredibly supportive when you confessed your own to him on your first date. “But this might be something you could bring up with your therapist, or even your dad.”
“What if he gets mad?” she asked, her eyes turning to watch her father as he wiped his oily hands clean.
“You know your dad better than I do. Does he really seem like the type to get mad over something like that?” Sarah chuckled and shook her head. “If it’s something you’re nervous about, I could bring it up to him for you.”
“Really?” She turned to you with a smile. “That would take a lot of the pressure off.”
“Of course,” you smiled. “And as for Jessie, I think the best romances are born out of friendship. You guys are so young, you don’t need to worry about all that other complicated stuff for now. Just…be her friend. It’ll all work out how it’s supposed to in the end.”
“I’m really glad my dad found you,” she spoke sincerely. “It’s been hard for both of us after mom died, but it’s been even harder watching him be so alone. And not only do you make him happy, you’re also there for me. It’s…really nice.”
“You’re gonna make me cry, kid,” you chuckled and wiped your teary eyes.
“What’s goin’ on over here?” Joel approached the hood of the car and both of you sat upright, chuckling at his cluelessness.
“Just talking,” you replied.
“Alright, well, it’s gettin’ late, baby girl,” Joel tapped Sarah’s shoe. “We’re gonna head out early tomorrow, so I think it’s bedtime for you.”
“And you,” she countered, poking his stomach as she walked past him. “Night y’all.”
“Night,” you waved at her as she walked up to Tommy to hug him goodnight.
“You gonna fill me in?” Joel tapped your shoe.
“Yeah, upstairs.” You stood up and walked into his open arms, allowing him to squeeze you close and sway you.
“Tommy’s spending the night so we’re gonna have a full house,” he mumbled into your hair. “Gonna have to be extra quiet.”
“What makes you think you’re getting lucky tonight?” you teased, lifting your head just enough to rest your chin on his chest. Joel’s smile had you weak in the knees as he looked down at you, still hugging you close.
“Gotta pay up for those beers somehow,” he replied.
After wishing Tommy a good night, you and Joel headed upstairs to his bedroom, his hands grabbing at your hips the entire way. Once the door was shut, he was all over you, pressing his lips to your neck as he backed you towards his en-suite.
“Need to shower,” he husked against the shell of your ear.
“So do I.”
“What ever will we do about that?” he grinned against your skin, earning a few giggles that sounded in the acoustics of his bathroom. Letting go of you, he walked over to the shower to get the water going while you stripped out of your clothes.
“I didn’t bring anything,” you frowned, just then realizing you’d be going without a toothbrush and a clean set of clothes.
“Hold on,” he walked out of the bathroom and into his bedroom, opening his dresser to retrieve a pair of boxers and a t-shirt. “Here’s your pj’s,” he set the clothes on the bathroom counter before opening the drawer beneath the sink and grabbing a brand new toothbrush still in its packaging. “All good?”
“You just keep a spare toothbrush on hand?” you asked, grinning as you opened the package.
“I got it for you,” he replied sheepishly. “Figured you’d stay over at some point.”
“You are…annoyingly perfect,” you breathed out a chuckle, shaking your head. “And I love you.”
Joel’s grin widened at the sound of your affections, those three words still new to both of you.
“I love you,” he repeated through his grin. “And I need you, so I suggest you get your fine ass in the shower.”
“You gonna make me?” you purred, reaching for the button of his jeans and popping it undone. Joel shivered as you reached inside his underwear to palm his stiffened length, his brows lacing together.
“You got me wrapped around your finger, baby,” he moaned breathily, his hands cradling your jaw as he leaned in for a slow and sensual kiss. “Do I gotta get down on my knees for you?”
“Maybe,” you grinned into the kiss. Joel lowered himself to the ground in front of you, his hands resting on your thighs as he peered up at you with those brown, doe eyes of his. Pushing his hair back, you smiled at him softly. “You look good from down there.”
“Can’t say I’ve got a bad view myself,” he smirked and leaned forward to press a kiss to your mound, right about where you needed him most. Guiding his eyes back to you with a tilt of his chin, you smoothed over his beard.
“Come on, cowboy. Let’s get in the shower before the water gets cold.”
Joel stood up and followed you into the steamy tub, pulling the curtain closed behind him while you let the stream of hot water wash over you. His hands found your hips and his lips pressed against your throat as you tipped your head back to wet your hair, his cock prodding at your belly.
“So beautiful,” he mumbled against your skin as though he didn’t mean for you to hear it. “Every inch of you…perfect.”
You guided his lips from your chest back up to yours, swallowing down his moan as he hugged you close under the stream of hot water. You gasped as he turned you around and pressed your back against the cold wall, one of his wide-spread hands gripping your ass, the other lifting your thigh to wrap around his hip.
“Need you,” you breathed into his ear as he sucked a mark into your neck. Joel let out a choked groan against your heated skin and nodded, the hand on your ass moving to grip his length and guide it into your heat. You sighed in unison at the feeling of his cock burying inside of you, your walls sore from the constant fucking ever since Friday night. “God,” you mewled as he stilled deep inside you. “Gotta go slow. S’too sore still.”
“Do you wanna stop?” he asked, desire straining his voice.
“No,” you quickly shook your head. “God, no.”
Joel lifted his head from your shoulder to look at you, his hand reaching to cup your face as he slowly withdrew himself. His thumb swiped across your bottom lip as he pushed back in, his eyes studying the way your face scrunched from the pleasure.
“Love you so much,” he moaned, his eyes glossy with lust.
What started slow and tender soon turned ravenous, his cock spearing into you once you were relaxed enough to take him properly. His grunts were muffled as he pressed his lips against your cheek while you bit your lip in an attempt to silence your cries. Your body moved against the wall as he thrust up into you, stroking against that spot inside that blinded you with bliss.
“God,” he choked out into your ear. “Pussy’s so damn good.”
“Joel, touch me,” you begged, needed just a little bit of help from his fingers to help you reach your climax. Joel was quick to act, sliding his hand down the front of your body so that he could strum over your clit in perfectly pressured circles. “Just like that, oh my god.”
“Baby, I’m so fuckin’ close,” he whined, his eyes screwed shut as he leaned forward, resting his forehead on your shoulder. You held the back of his head and shoulders, clinging to him for dear life as your body went limp from your climax, pleasure shooting from your core down to your toes as he fucked you through it. “Gonna cum, baby, fuck,” he warned, hips stuttering.
“Cum inside me, baby,” you purred, drunk on your post-climactic bliss and kissing his temple. Joel moaned in time with his last few sharp thrusts until he stilled inside you, his chest heaving against yours.
“Fuck,” he chuckled, lifting his head to give you a lazy grin. “You’re makin’ me feel old, woman.”
“Maybe you are old, man,” you grinned back, tracing his smile with your fingertip. “I love you.”
“Never gonna get tired of hearin’ that,” he chuckled and leaned forward to give you a sweet peck. “I love you too.”
After finally washing up and getting ready for bed, you tucked into Joel’s side, resting your head on his chest as the soft hum of the ceiling fan threatened to lull you into sleep, but there was still one thing left to talk about.
“So, uh, Sarah asked me something earlier,” you began, only slightly nervous to bring the subject up.
“Oh yeah? That what you two were talkin’ about outside?” Joel rasped.
“Yeah,” you rolled over a bit, resting your chin on his chest so that you could look into his eyes. “She, uh, she asked me if it was possible to like both girls and boys.”
Joel’s heavy-lidded eyes widened, his attention earned. “Oh?”
“Yeah,” you chuckled.
“What did you say?”
“I told her that I could only speak for myself, and that I’ve felt that way since I was a kid,” you replied, studying his reaction carefully. Joel nodded, thinking to himself for a moment before turning back to you.
“Why didn’t she…come to me about this?” he asked, frowning a bit. “Did she think I wouldn’t be okay with it?”
“It’s a hard subject to breach,” you reminded with a shrug. “I’m sure it wasn’t anything personal.”
“Yeah,” he nodded. “Should I bring it up on the trip? Does she know you told me?”
“Yeah, she wanted my help getting her foot in the door,” you replied.
“Well,” he chuckled. “At least now there’s a good chance she won’t bring any stupid boys home.”
“I don’t know, I’m bisexual and look at where I am,” you rubbed his chest with a smirk. “In a stupid, gorgeous boy’s bed.”
“That’s true,” he smirked at you for a moment before sighing. “God, I really hope she isn’t worried about what I think about all this. I don’t care what she is or who she likes, she’s my baby girl.”
“She knows that,” you assured. “And if not, there’s always time to let her know.”
“What would I do without you?” he hummed, giving you a squeeze and a kiss upon your forehead.
“You’re doing a better job with her than you think,” you combed his hair back. “All I’m doing is reminding you of it.”
“I’m gonna cry if you keep bein’ so damn nice to me,” he chuckled.
“Shh,” you laughed and kissed his nose. “Let’s go to bed before I make you shed your first tear in years.”
“I cry often, thank you very much,” he corrected sassily.
“My apologies,” you grinned against him as you cuddled him from behind, Joel’s preferred position. Kissing his shoulder, you rubbed his stomach and whispered, “Good night, baby.”
“Good night, honey.”
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(correction: title should also say vs. Karl Wilhelm von Toll. But funny mistake given the standings at the moment I'm writing this)
Thomas-Alexandre Dumas
“Tall! Daring! Swashbuckling! A devoted husband and father! Had a personal conflict with Napoleon! Also it was said he could, while holding onto a bar above his head, LIFT A HORSE WITH HIS THIGHS. How is he not on this list ten times already! Vote for General Dumas!”
“He was so hot that he inspired The Three Musketeers, The Count of Monte Cristo, and many more books that his son, Alexandre Dumas, wrote. He definitely looked the part of a sexyman, as he son recounts in his memoirs: "My father, as already stated, was twenty-four, and as handsome a young fellow as could be found anywhere. His complexion was dark, his eyes of a rich chestnut colour [...]. His teeth were white, his lips mobile, his neck well set on his powerful shoulders, and, in spite of his height of five feet nine inches, he had the hands and feet of a woman. These feet were the envy of his mistresses, whose shoes he was very rarely able to put on." He could crush you between his thighs: "His free colonial life had developed his strength and prowess to an extraordinary degree; he was a veritable American horse-lad, a cowboy. His skill with gun or pistol was the envy of St. Georges and Junot. And his muscular strength became a proverb in the army. More than once he amused himself in the riding-school by passing under a beam, and lifting his horse between his legs." He was so badass he could beat 13 men with 4 and take all the enemy prisoner, and defend against hundreds of men on a bridge by himself. He performed these acts of valour numerous times in Italy. He was so formidable that the Austrians named him the "Schwartz Teufel", or the Black Devil, and his feat at the bridge earned him the moniker of "Horatius Cocles of Tyrol". He wasn't afraid to stand up to his morals and protest against unfair treatment. When unjust executions by the guillotine were happening outside his quarters, he closed the blinds of his curtains, earning him the nickname "Mr. Humanity". When in the Vendée, he complained about the wanton indiscipline in his troops. When in Italy, Berthier wrongly reported his actions as one of "observation" in St. Antonio. Dumas wrote to General Bonaparte that if Berthier was in the same position, he would have shit his pants. Dumas abhorred plunder, never exhorted the locals, and ordered the Directory agent who had come to persuade him otherwise be shot if he dared present himself to Dumas again. Integrity and a sense of moral justice is sexy, mark my words. For Dumas' final qualifier as a sexyman, look no further than this Tumblr heritage post (https://www.tumblr.com/petermorwood/133803437020/hortensevanuppity-elodieunderglass), with 300,000 notes and counting. And I quote: "- daddy general dumas was an immense fierce french warrior who was a 6 foot plus, stunningly gorgeous and charismatic Black gentleman - he invaded egypt - the native egyptians said “is this napoleon? this must be napoleon. we for one welcome our majestic new overlord” - then napoleon showed up - napoleon has all the presence of yesterday’s plain Tesco hummus - the native egyptians were like “… no… no, we’ve thought very hard and we’ll have General Dumas actually” - this did not make napoleon happy - in fact it made him jealous - napoleon felt so emasculated that he launched a campaign of revenge against General Dumas, including taking away his pension, that probably inspired a lot of Alexandre’s rather satisfying scenes in which fathers are nobly avenged and the money-grubbing villains are rubbed in the mud" I rest my case. Tl;dr: He was so hot he inspired multiple books, he was a stronk man who could crush you between his thighs or carry you like a sack of potatoes, and he was so badass that he could take on odds of 1 to 3. He had a foul mouth but a heart of gold and his actions were never self-serving. Posts relating to him on Tumblr have had 300,000 notes and counting. He is qualitatively and quantitatively qualified to be a sexyman.”
Karl Wilhelm von Toll
"smart military organisation thinking”
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A high-profile Italian author has accused Rai of censorship after his antifascist monologue was abruptly stopped from being aired, in what he called the “definitive demonstration” of alleged attempts by Giorgia Meloni’s government to wield its power over the state broadcaster.
Antonio Scurati was due to read the monologue marking the 25 April national holiday, which celebrates Italy’s liberation from fascism, on the Rai 3 talkshow Chesarà on Saturday night.
But as he prepared to travel to Rome, he received a note from Rai telling him his appearance had been cancelled “for editorial reasons”.
Scurati is well known in Italy for his books about the dictator Benito Mussolini and the fascist period. The cancellation of his monologue provoked fierce reaction from Rai journalists, fellow authors and opposition leaders.
His speech referenced Giacomo Matteotti, a political opponent of Mussolini who was murdered by fascist hitmen in 1924, and other massacres of the regime. It also contained a paragraph criticising Italy’s “post-fascist” leaders for not “repudiating their neofascist past”.
“Undoubtedly, this is what infuriated them,” Scurati told the Guardian. “And also because of what I represent and maintain in my books … [that] there is a continuity between the fascism of Mussolini and the populist nationalists in Europe.”
The Rai director Paolo Corsini denied that the monologue had been censored, telling the Italian media that an investigation “of an economic and contractual nature” was under way, while implying that the speech was cancelled because of the “higher than expected” fee sought by Scurati.
Scurati said his fee had been agreed and the contract signed before the monologue was due to be broadcast. “The fee was perfectly in line with those paid to authors … It was the same as in the past, when there were no issues.”
In solidarity, Serena Bortone, who presents Chesarà, read out the monologue on the show. It has also been published in full by several Italian newspapers and websites.
Meloni, whose Brothers of Italy party has neofascist origins, came to power in October 2022 with a coalition including the far-right League and the late Silvio Berlusconi’s Forza Italia.
During the election campaign, Meloni said the rightwing parties had “handed fascism over to history for decades now”. However, Scurati claimed in his monologue that when forced to address fascism at historical anniversaries, Meloni has “obstinately stuck to the ideological line of her neofascist culture of origin”, for example by blaming the Mussolini regime’s persecution of the Jews and other massacres on Nazi Germany alone.
Meloni responded by publishing the speech on her Facebook page, while attacking Scurati and accusing the left of “shouting at the regime”.
“Rai responded by simply refusing to pay €1,800 (the monthly salary of many employees) for a minute of monologue,” she said. “I don’t know what the truth is, but I will happily publish the text of the monologue (which I hope I don’t have to pay for) for two reasons: 1) Those who have always been ostracised and censored by the public service will never ask for anyone to be censored. Not even those who think their propaganda against the government should be paid for with citizens’ money. 2) Because Italians can freely judge its content.”
Since coming to power, the Meloni government has been accused of increasingly exerting its power over Rai while edging out managers or TV hosts with leftwing views. The European Commission was last week urged to investigate the government’s alleged attempts to turn the broadcaster into a “megaphone” for the ruling parties before the European elections.
Meloni’s administration has also been accused of trying to influence other areas of the press and targeting journalists with legal action who criticise the government. A Brothers of Italy politician recently proposed toughening penalties for defamation, including jail terms of two to three years.
Elly Schlein, the leader of the centre-left Democratic party, said: “The Scurati case is serious; Rai is the megaphone for the government.” Carlo Calenda, the leader of the centrist Azione party, said: “Silencing a writer for saying unpleasant things about the government is simply unacceptable.”
Scurati said he has received solidarity from many authors and journalists who were otherwise afraid to speak out against the government.
“This episode is the definitive demonstration, as it has finally aroused the revolt of other writers, intellectuals and journalists who until now kept quiet,” he said. “This government launches violent personal attacks against you for speaking out, in my case [that] I asked for too much money.”
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