#I love the united states postal service but this is RIDICULOUS
brown-little-robin · 1 year
I am in the TRENCHES fighting the USPS website tooth and NAIL 😭😭😭
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11/20/2023 DAB Chronological Transcription
Acts 11 - 12
Welcome to Daily Audio Bible Chronological, I'm Jill today's the 20th day of November and if you are in the United States you may observe Thanksgiving this week. so as we gear up for that holiday it's interesting reset one day aside for giving thanks maybe we could just stay focused this week as we go through this week staying in a mindset in a Heart of Thanksgiving and really just take notice and tally of the things that we are thankful and grateful for because I think we've got complaining down to a science. So maybe we could spread a little bit of infectious Joy by being thankful and grateful in the season of harvest and also how you may want to stick around to the end today for a little surprise. continuing our reading today in the book of Acts reading chapters 11 and 12 and this week we're reading the New Living Translation, Acts chapter 11.
Today we experience a riveting story with Peter and we begin the reading today with a bit of a scandal again as the news reaches the apostles and the other believers in Judea that the Gentiles received the good news they received the word of God this is before social media mind you this is before Postal Service this is news traveled by foot very slow probably so slow that most of us would be because of our modern day conveniences the point being when Peter comes back to Jerusalem the Jewish people criticized him that this gospel was being given outside of their people and they start blasting Peter. you entered the home of Gentiles and you even ate with them now it'd be really easy to understand in this context how ridiculous that is knowing what we know now, but I think we have to pause and we have to reflect our own hearts who are we criticizing for the people that they love for sharing the good news of the love of Jesus for feeding the poor for clothing the naked for caring for the orphans and the widows who are we chastising for who they ate dinner with. I think we wouldn't have to sit very long before we realize how much we can be guilty of this same scenario. We dismiss people that believe differently than us and our politics and our Theology and our denomination. I'll go so far as saying football teams we get pretty passionate about our Sports when we consider the people that we dismiss or chastise or condemn for showing the love of Christ for forgiving people that should not be forgiven for not walking past someone in need and responding to them. we don't have to we may be surprised how quickly we can identify one or several or all of these things in our own lives and what we see in the rest of the story today with Peter is a beautiful retelling of his experience with the voice of God in his vision. and I don't think this is too far of a stretch to say what we can even further gather is to not dismiss what God is doing today we recognize the old the ancient the ritual we observe it we remember it as God told the children of Israel the Jewish people all throughout the Old Testament. But as God came in flesh through his son Jesus to do a new thing we sometimes have to let go of the old in order to embrace the new if God is the god of redemption like we say and maybe believe that he is then all things new has to be our mindset we have to allow him space to do only that which he can do we have to surrender our will our pride our preferences our ideas and really with a true sincere heart pray God not my will but yours be done just as Jesus prayed. 
Jesus, once again we thank you for who you are, your love, your kindness. It's not weakness it's compassion and beauty that goes against the standard of this world and people will mock us for loving the way that you love us. people will mock us and condemn us for forgiving the way that you forgave I pray that we would not bow to the voice of man into the voice of mockery but that we would stand tall in confidence as we listen and obey the voice of our father.
Special announcement dabc Community is my precious girl China hello wanted to pop back in or just a few moments here and I just get to you announce that we had our baby a month ago today which is so crazy just how fast it goes by truly if you ever been pregnant and had a baby before you can totally relate with this but those last few days or those last few weeks you just sometimes don't know when babies are coming he just feels like forever and you're just like hey is this what about this is it hey that fizzled out game and I had for drama labor for like a month everybody's sleeping and napping and resting and you just trying to find the rhythm of having two kids and trying to do life and do it well and care for to different humans and caring for a newborn who's actually here with me right now and be like on the verge of losing it and also just caring for a toddler and their hearts and yeah it's just it's sweet hard challenging it's holy but it's it's good and our family is doing good and I just wanted to prioritize rest in prioritize you know trying to figure out Life as a family of four and so that's why it's taking us a little bit to come in here now but I had a beautiful birth and it happened very quick everything that I had prayed for came into fruition I'm so grateful to the Lord for that like little things like I really wanted my labor to be 8 hours and it was from start to finish and I wanted her to come in the middle of the night because that meant that maybe Reagan could sleep and she did and but then I also was like but if you wanted to be a part of the birth that you know she would wake up and cuz we we did at home birth and and she woke up like right before she came into the world Reagan woke up and I just knew I said it out loud not too much longer my body started to push her out and yeah it was such a beautiful and Redemptive birth my first birth was very difficult and you tried for a home birth and it just didn't happen that way and was really hard for me to recover from that and so this time around it was very Redemptive and we had a home birth she was born in our living / dining room at 3:28 in the morning on October 21st and so here are a month later and if two beautiful healthy happy girls and my husband has been able to take time off and we've just been really enjoying and slowly living as a family of four and it's been great it's been hard it's been holy and yeah so thank you just for all the prayers I know that there are people waiting for an update and truly I just was prioritizing rest and just protecting the newborn bubble because you never get that time back and so everything is great we are well thank you for your prayers thank you for your patience as it took a month to announce her but she's here and perfectly healthy and we are driving and still figuring out in your family of four so is so good to is to pop in and get to give that announcement to you all thank you China I know many of you have been waiting for that news and we wanted to give China and Ben and Reagan and Finley time to acclimate and heal and respect their privacy as they did so so. thank you for your patience thank you for your prayers thank you for your love and for your support you have no idea how much it means to us as a family to be covered in a canopy of prayer so thank you we love you that's it for me today I'm Jill will turn the page together tomorrow, until then, love one another. 
Community Prayer Line
my name is In the truth has been brought to my attention and I don't really know where to go with some of it he is like I said he's really amazing but he is in my eyes abusing his prescription sometimes he takes more than he's prescribed and sometimes he gives it to people he gets 90 for 30 days and I could roughly last a week maybe a little more my son absolutely loves him and he went through a really hard time with his Dad we still have a lot of struggle with his dad so I just need guidance if a door needs to be closed if if God can do a work in him because he has so many amazing qualities I pray that he could get through this we can get through this I just need to be strong if the door needs to be closed strong for myself and for my son because we have been through a lot in the last couple of years so I appreciate any of your prayers and love all of you thank you ourselves before the Lord he will lift us up and do you hear us lady called yesterday from Colorado California I'm moving to Colorado and it was very concerned about her son being a homosexual she was the first time caller I just want to lift you up to the Lord in prayer God is good God is faithful and when we are weak he is strong just want to encourage you to be strong and courageous and to know that God is able to do exceedingly abundantly more than we can ask or think lift your heart up to the Lord you will hear you your son we don't know what God is and stuff for him but as long as we pray and have hope that is nothing is impossible with God so continue my sister too come alongside us and pray and God will hear your prayer I pray all this in the name of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ to lift you up in Jesus name amen hello everyone this is Sonya from Austin I haven't called in in a while but I want to call in for Wendy from Michigan you said you lost your dad 3 months ago to suicide and I lost my father to Suicide it's been over 30 years and it gets easier at times and it other times it's still fresh but you're right not to live life with regrets I did that for the first year after he passed went into a very dark hole and now I realize you know that's not what God wants me to do and that's not even what my dad would want me to do so we're all going to lose people as we continue to age and they continue to age and life happens does not a single person that's not going to lose a loved one and knowing that that's a part of life and knowing that that means we need to enjoy the times we have with them and then when they're gone to remember the Legacy that they have passed on and to I've heard someone say take other people out on their birthday or an anniversary and celebrate them and I think that's a great idea and I'm going to start doing that myself so I just want to lift up those that are hurting because of losing loved ones Deuce we just 
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One of the things that struck me about yesterday is the transistor radio. Not an original, you can charge it with USB or charge it by hand-cranking if you can believe that. Otherwise, it's gotta antenna and dials for turning and volume.
Plus it's straight up solid red.
And we listened to it a bunch yesterday while we were hanging out behind our van whilst cooking,.adjusting the overhead tarp, or just lounging in our camp chairs.
KXXO Radio, by the way. 106.1.
Not even sure how we got there... but they sure have our number.
U2's "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For" was the first song to catch my ear as we were relaxing. It caught my ear 'cause I thought it was coming from another camp site... but really it was coming from right next to me. The radio's legit, but,.of course, the speaker's ridiculously weak.
Still, though, it created a vibe of nostalgia.
Of old times.
We we're talking about our plans for the day. Where should we go? Port Townsend? Hurricane Ridge? Or maybe something closer... one of the waterfall hikes?
In the end, our tarp set-up's a critically balanced affair. And since we're a small rig, everything has to be packed just so.
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So we're only looking to break it all down once.
When we leave.
So the day was a bit of living there. Peacing out. And if we went anywhere... it was on foot.
The ice and water at Yelvik General Store a half mile or so down the road?
We walked there and back, running across the local United States Postal Service picking up and dropping off at a mailbox we happened to be photographing at the time.
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We also ran across the welcome booth to the local Shrimp Festival... alone, in the middle of a field.
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So of course after all that... we took a nap.
An actual...
Right there in the back of our temporarily converted minivan.
After that?
Making and eating dinner
Then walking and buying ice cream sandwiches.
Then sitting down and eating those ice cream sandwiches.
Out on a porch.
Sitting in rocking chairs.
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After that it was back to the van to grab a coat and then, on our way out of the RV park, on its very edge, we get into a conversation with a couple occupying the camping space right there. They've gotta camper that reminds Kimmer of the old Fairlight her parents used once upon a time. An observation that led immediately to an invitation to see the work being done inside this camper that was being used whilst their house was being built.
Oh, and they have two lovely dogs, Willow and Wendy.
Willow's a most friendly border collie of some kind with black and copper fur. Wendy's the most awkward, ancient Chihuahua you've ever seen, with massive health issues... but she's a sweetheart through and through.
After the impromptu visit, we stop back at our minivan one more time before walking out to Jackson Cove about a mile away along the same road we used to get to that general store.
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There wasn't much to do once we're at the beach... so we set a spell. Taking it in.
In fact, when we first arrive at the beach, all rocks and white shells of it, a car sped by on the highway nearby, catching our attention.
As the car receded in the distance and as the sound of its passing receded I'm the distance...
We became acutely aware of the forest.
The grass.
The water.
The air.
The "silence" of Nature.
It's really something, I've gotta say.
Eventually, on our way back, we're passing out own RV park's general store when we get a call from a dear friend. So we take to the porch and those rocking chairs again to talk a spell. 😉
Later, once we're settled in for the night, we indulge a coupla episode of the new Wonder Years, our current streaming obsession. Even with semi-sketchy WiFi. By which time it's coming up on midnight.
Now, if that sounds like a typical peace-out day trip... you'd be right. What that particular description doesn't capture is how massive the day was. How much time we actually experienced which was waaaaay more than our days at home.
No kidding. Somehow it was peaceful, relaxing, engaging, and it just.
Proving once again that Einstein was right. That, according to the Special Theory of Relativity, Time is relative. That the speed at which Time passes depends on your frame of reference.
And when your frame of reference is doing nothing in particular...
Turns out there more time in the day than can possibly, logically be expected.
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el-im · 2 years
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They sent that package with a few Americana stamps (which the USPS commissioned Kramer, Miller, Lomden, and Glassman of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to make in 1971). They were issued in ‘75 and ran until ‘81 (making them the shortest-lived definitive series of the twentieth century), despite (what I think is) their particularly charming design, the text on which, when four are used together, encloses stamps with related imagery into a box with rounded edges. 
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docholligay · 4 years
replied to your
<p>Hi, Doc. Government question: regarding the US...
I’ve been slowly trying to figure out a sort of template for what I’d like to send, and I sort of have two questions. 1.) Do you know of any better pre-existing template/script for this sort of thing that covers all the major bases (I’m afraid to leave something out… like I hadn’t thought of the pension thing) and 2. Is mail better than calling bc the medium matters or might calling be better yet
No problem! Can help, love to help. 
Calling is GREAT, but I know from personal experience that trying to get people to do that is a fucking nightmare. Bitches will talk about ~Dumbledore’s Army~ and all that shit regarding what’s happening in the world and be too scared to make a phone call because there’s a person on the other end of the line (Who won’t argue with you! ASK ME HOW I KNOW. It’s an unpaid/low paid intern whose job is basically tallying. They’re like spiders, they may seem  creepy but they’re more afraid of you than you are of them.) So please call! But also write, because it ALSO causes obstruction. 
Also I can’t figure out a “proof” of calling for the drawing, and also it proves our point about the value of the mail! 
Why don’t emails work? They’re too easy. It’s easy to filter, easy to delete, takes very little man hours to sort. Mail and calling? THAT takes up time and energy. 
Anyway, on to the template. Feel free to tweak! I encourage hand written letters because they give the sense of caring more than a typewritten and possibly copied one, but I leave it to you. 
Representative/Senator X,
I am a resident of (District) and am writing to you with great concern at the recent refusal to include the United States Postal Service in any plans for assistance during the nationwide coronavirus difficulties. In this time of need when so many industries are being bailed out, whether they are truly essential or not, it frustrates me as a taxpayer to see an essential service that serves all Americans equally being left out in the cold. 
The USPS is a vital service for many people, one that affordably and equally ensures delivery nationwide of mail and packages, in a way that private companies never would. Rural communities would be especially hard-hit by the dissolving of the post office, as well as elderly members of the community for whom mail carriers may be their only daily touchstone of human contact. 
This is no time for partisan nonsense. Certainly we can all agree that the USPS is a vital service, and I urge you strongly to back their request for loans and grants during this time. Mail carriers have shown great courage in continuing to deliver during this crisis, living up to their promise that neither “rain nor sleet, nor heat, nor gloom of night” will stop them, and we as Americans should have the courage to back them. 
Once this crisis has passed, I also urge you to invest your time in assisting to help ensure the continued future of the highest-rated government entity in the country. The ridiculous requirement that the USPS pre-fund 75 of post-retirement medical costs,* a burden not required of any other government or private entity, has manufactured a postal crisis out of whole cloth. There are a number of ways this could be relieved, from the acceptance of General Accounting Principles for the USPS to simply repealing the ridiculous mandate. 
Thank you for your time. i trust you to do what is right for this country. 
My name. 
*I went and looked this up for the template. It’s correct now 
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justinhubbell · 5 years
Hi! I really want to support the book, but the shipping is killer to the UK at $26. Do you think there will be a run for us Brits after the campaign? Perhaps from a UK distro? Thanks! Love everything you do, it's not a race was such an important piece of my journey :)
First off - today was a stressful day for me I’ve just been feeling really anxious about this campaign and this message really touched my heart and hit the exact spot in my brain that needed to hear this. Thank you.That is an excellent question (one which I will be adding to the kickstarter FAQ!) and yeah I was astonished at the shipping price I got from the United States Postal Service. Ridiculously expensive! For now the best way to support the book without the shipping is going for the $15 PDF version of the book. I know that’s not ideal but that’s the one I’d go with if I was in your shoes. $15 is a lot too - I know the struggle well - so I also have $1 and $5 tiers. But also sharing and spreading the word about this campaign/book is just as good, honestly! I do get backers when people share, repost, retweet, and comment it’s how the internet works! Super valid! I have not looked into a British campaign and would welcome all references and recommendations on how to go about doing that! I love love love my friends and readers in the UK. In fact - I put one of them in the book!Please do follow my dear friend Kaspar he is so talented I love him!
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im-fairly-whitty · 6 years
Can you tell us more about duke esteban? He sounds like a nice guy, and must have been a great person to win iria over (as much as I love ruy/iria, second loves are just as important as firsts)
Esteban and Iria have been best friends since they were children. 
Iria belongs to the royal family of Maldonia, and Esteban is descended from Spanish royal blood, meaning that they got the chance to meet each other through European royal functions and spent a lot of time together growing up. 
Since Teban’s always been an enthusiastic reader and writer, he insisted that they be penpals when they were in their home countries, securing their friendship as they wrote back and forth over the years. They would tell each other about anything and everything that seemed important in their lives, from Iria’s new pet dog, to Teban’s discovery of a whole patch of ferns in the gardens on his family’s property.
When Iria went to the United States they kept up her correspondence with her best friend, telling him everything about her career in the embassy and adjusting to her mother’s country and how difficult but fascinating it all was. Teban had always admired her intelligence and diplomacy and was a good listening ear, especially since their letters transformed into very expensive long distance phone calls to erase the ridiculous wait of trans-oceanic postal service. 
Like all best friends’ talks eventually do, a lot of their conversation became about dating struggles. Iria told him all about her relationship with Ruy, the good, the bad and the ugly. And Teban would talk about the mounting pressure his family was putting on him to find a wife, and how frustrating it was since he didn’t want to get married, and his confusion at the fact that he’d never actually felt romantically attracted to anyone, much less want to actually marry them. Something his parents didn’t understand at all. 
They were both very good at listening to each other and supporting each other through their very different problems, and when Iria and Ruy broke up Teban called her regularly to check up on her, knowing exactly how hard it would be on her.
When Ruy died, Teban flew out the day after he heard, knowing that she would be in pieces and that perhaps no one would understand better what his best friend needed right then than himself.
There were a few days that they spent together in New York before they flew down to Mexico so Iria could get some closure at Ruy’s grave as best as she could. 
After Iria visited the cemetery she and Teban went to a local cafe and just sat together in silence for a long long time as Iria leaned on his shoulder, exhausted and with no more tears to cry.
That was when Iria suggested they get married. 
It wasn’t really a shock to either of them, it had been an old joke of theirs (and their family’s) since they were kids that they would be married someday, a kind of ridiculous back-up plan. 
But now it made sense. Iria already knew that she would never be able to move on from Ruy, not really, and the thought of having to be vulnerable to strangers again in order to find a husband made her want to die even more. She was too emotionally exhausted and depressed to even think about romance and knew her recovery was going to be a very very long one. Being with Teban would be safe and secure, he already knew everything about her and Ruy, and she knew that he already cared for her as much as any family member could. 
Teban, on the other hand, needed a wife and couldn’t stand the thought of faking a relationship just to please his parents. What he wanted was to continue his horticultural studies (his real passion in life), and if he married Iria then the problem would be solved. She already knew him and loved him for his quiet, bookish intelligence, and she already knew what he wanted and didn’t want in a relationship. 
It would be the very best case scenario either of them could hope for.   
And so, a few months later, they were married. 
Although their relationship was always more emotional and intellectual than physical, at some point they did decide to have a child together. Their daughter Luzia is the light of their lives and they both love her dearly.  
Iria’s marriage with Esteban is nothing like her relationship with Ruy’s ever was. He’s blonde and green-eyed, quietly caring, always carrying a book, would rather be in a garden than a party, has never done anything reckless in his life, and rarely gets worked up over things. And honestly Iria prefers it that way.
She was able to keep living her life without trying to erase Ruy from it. Esteban was exactly the kind of safe stability that she needed and she will always be grateful to him for it.
Their marriage is a quietly happy one, they’re always comfortable together and feel safe with each other, supporting the other in whatever goals they have. Teban was absolutely vital in Iria’s emotional recovery, and always works hard to try and make her as happy as he can.
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youngandhungryent · 4 years
Donald Everything Is Rigged Trump & His Birther Pushing Wife Request Mail-In Ballots
Source: JIM WATSON / Getty
We are truly in the upside-down. The bootleg dictator Donald Trump is doing whatever in his power to keep Americans from using mail-in voting for this upcoming presidential election. Still, it’s quite alright if he and his wife using the reliable method to safely vote.
Trump is currently on a mission to make it as hard as possible to allow Americans to safely vote in the upcoming election. He has openly admitted that he is sabotaging the United States Postal Service by not funding the essential service. Trump revealed denying the USPS the money it needs is a part of his plan to ensure it couldn’t handle the influx of mail-in ballots it will most definitely receive due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
"If the [coronavirus] bill isn't gonna get done, that's gonna mean the Post Office isn't gonna get funded … so I don't know how you could possibly use these ballots, these mail-in ballots" — Trump, giving away the game pic.twitter.com/uE7ik72Av1
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) August 13, 2020
He has been making the ridiculously false claim during his “coronavirus press briefings” and recent press trips that if the country resorts to allowing universal mail-in voting, it will encourage rampant voting fraud. This myth has been debunked numerous times. Despite his ridiculous claims, which he knows is an outright lie, Donald Trump and the bootleg first lady Melania Trump have request mail-in ballots for Florida’s upcoming primary election.
The election the Trump’s will be voting in includes votes for county commissioners, county sheriffs, tax collectors, school-board races, and the state attorney. State legislature and US House primaries are also on the ballot as well.
According to CNN and USA Today, Palm Beach election records show the current occupants of The White House filed for the mail-ballots ahead of Tuesday’s election. Trump has requested they be delivered to his Mar-A-Lago golf club, where he loves to spend most of his time instead of actually doing his job. They are cutting it so close that the ballots can’t be mailed-in but have to be picked up so they can be delivered to the Florida address.
Oh, keep in mind Trump has praised how Florida has handled mail-in voting, the state also happens to have a Republican Governor, Ron DeSantis, who is just as inept as him by the way.
Trump isn’t hiding the fact he is willing to cheat again to ensure he stays in the White House for four more years.
Photo: JIM WATSON / Getty
source https://hiphopwired.com/898111/donald-everything-is-rigged-trump-his-birther-pushing-wife-request-mail-in-ballots/
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flauntpage · 7 years
Two Longshot Teams Who Could Soon End the Warriors-Cavaliers Dominance
Basketball fans in Ohio and the Bay Area will obviously think it's wonderful having the Golden State Warriors and Cleveland Cavaliers meet in the first three-match in NBA history. Basketball fans in general get to enjoy two of the most dominant teams ever assembled go at it in what's quickly become an annual series of haymakers. And yet it's also possible that you can love basketball but at the same time hate that the same two teams are facing each other for the third consecutive year in the NBA Finals. The most obvious argument against such an occurrence is that it has devalued what the other 28 organizations have accomplished in that time. The NBA has become predictable.
So, for the next few days, VICE Sports will take a look at every team that's conceivably in line to end the dynastic Warriors vs. Cavaliers stranglehold, possibly as early as next season.
The teams will be separated into three categories—"Growing long shots", "The fatalistic upper-middle class", and "(Maybe) one player away". First up, the long shots: two young teams that are on the right track, and could leapfrog teams in front of them as early as next season if they make a few creative moves this summer.
Minnesota Timberwolves
Photo by Jesse Johnson - USA TODAY Sports
At first glance, this is ridiculous. The Timberwolves won 31 games as the NBA's youngest team last season. They finished 26th in defense (dead last in back-to-backs), and, perhaps even more disturbing, 30th in three-point rate. The athletic Zach LaVine, their third (maybe fourth) best player, tore his ACL midway through the year. Kris Dunn, Tom Thibodeau's first draft pick as Minnesota's president of basketball operations, averaged 3.8 points per game and shot 37.7 percent from the floor. All that's very bad. But the first year of Thibodeau's reign was more of a necessary culture shock than an alarming disappointment. The Timberwolves have their framework set: a brilliant head coach, a franchise center, and a physically-gifted wing. Karl-Anthony Towns and Andrew Wiggins could both make the All-NBA team next year (Wiggins as a guard), while Ricky Rubio's post-All-Star break shooting splits showed he may have shored up his biggest weakness. Thibodeau enjoys the idea of what his 23-year-old rookie can become, even if his offensive woes were a concern last season. "I like Kris a lot," Thibodeau told me last season. "I think he brings toughness to a team, it's something that we desperately needed. He plays defense not like a rookie. He plays like he's a seasoned vet. He's got great feet. He's tough. He anticipates well. He can guard multiple positions. So defensively right now he's way ahead. Offensively he's learning the NBA game, which takes time." Dunn's type of versatile defense is valuable against any team, but especially so against the Warriors—a group that pressures defenses to switch on split cuts and ball screens multiple times over the course of any single possession. Beyond growth from Towns, Wiggins, and Rubio, a recuperating LaVine and a maturing Dunn, Minnesota also has the No. 7 pick in this year's draft and an opportunity to spend max cap space if granted a medical retirement for Nikola Pekovic. If not, they already have enough money to sign someone like J.J. Redick, Andre Iguodala, P.J. Tucker, or C.J. Miles. All can help, but aren't suitable long-term within Minnesota's timeline; none are talented enough to do much beyond lift them from the lottery to the postseason. But if accelerating said timeline and competing with Golden State next season is the goal, Minnesota can throw itself into the Jimmy Butler sweepstakes by offering the Bulls whoever's selected with the seventh pick (Jonathan Isaac, Malik Monk, Dennis Smith Jr., etc.), LaVine, Gorgui Dieng, and their first available unprotected first-round pick two years after the previous one is conveyed (the Timberwolves currently owe a lottery protected first-round pick to the Atlanta Hawks that can be submitted as early as 2018 and as late as 2020).
Photo by Sergio Estrada - USA TODAY Sports
If real-life factors such as the luxury tax (which Minnesota would shoot into by 2019) or a desire to patiently cultivate their preternaturally gifted youth are eliminated from the equation, it's technically possible for Minnesota to offer someone like Paul Millsap a four-year max contract. Rubio, Wiggins, Butler, Millsap, and Towns is a hellacious starting five. All this seems fantastical because it probably is, but the Timberwolves will still need to take a swing in free agency this summer before their cap space gets tied up in extensions for Wiggins and LaVine, then Towns the following summer. It's doubtful Thibodeau wants to get any younger, so it's reasonable to wager that this year's draft pick may be on the block. This new version of the Timberwolves would be a championship favorite heading into most seasons, but are they good enough to compete with the Warriors? It's possible, if Towns makes a gargantuan Year 3 leap (particularly defensively) and Wiggins continues to excel as a cutter within an offense that no longer needs him to post-up three times every game. These Timberwolves would provide match-up questions on both ends that Golden State has never seen before. Minnesota's improved three-point shooting would remain a concern, but it's possible that wouldn't even matter if Golden State couldn't stop Towns. Unleashing Godzilla in the post, forcing defenders to double off Wiggins, Rubio, Butler, and Millsap could play into Minnesota's hands. If Towns can control tempo with his back to the basket and force the Warriors to mud wrestle in the half-court, it'd be fun to see how they respond. Size is their only weakness, and Towns could be the answer to exploit it. Elsewhere Rubio, Millsap and Butler are three of the best defenders at their position, with the latter two already proving their worth as All-Star-level contributors.
Each can score on his own, run a pick-and-roll, rebound, and—maybe—make enough threes to give Towns the space he needs down low. Minnesota's bench would be thin, but Thibodeau could easily stagger lineups that ensure at least one (possibly two) top-30 players is always on the court.
Milwaukee Bucks
The big difference between Milwaukee and Minnesota—besides one's attempt to topple the Warriors and the other trying to stifle LeBron James—is flexibility. The Timberwolves can open up max cap space while the Bucks may not have any to spend at all.
It starts with Greg Monroe's $17.8 million player option. Even if he and Spencer Hawes (owner of a $6 million player option) both opt out, Milwaukee renounces all its cap holds, and then trades the 17th overall pick, the most cap space they can clear is about $15 million. With that they can afford about half of a max-caliber player, which, you know, isn't great.
Re-signing Tony Snell to a long-term, team-friendly deal (Tony Snell is not bad!), hoping Thon Maker can make a seismic leap alongside Malcolm Brogdon's puddle jump in their respective sophomore seasons, making a sound choice with the 17th pick, and acquiring a stable rotation player with the mid-level exception, isn't a bad offseason.
If they can add someone like P.J. Tucker, Justin Holiday, Luc Mbah a Moute, C.J. Miles, Thabo Sefolosha, or even Nick Young to what they already have, Milwaukee can enter a series against the Cavs with even more options on the wing to match up against those LeBron-led small units that pulverize everything in their path. They can fight fire with fire and go wild with Giannis Antetokounmpo at the five.
If Milwaukee desires cap space, it can probably dump John Henson's contract by attaching it to their first-round pick, but if Monroe opts out they'll actually need Henson to play some backup five. Add all this together and it means the Bucks have to bank on improvement from what they already have. The good news: They own a house made of gold.
It's hard to fathom how good the Bucks can/will be once their three best players are all healthy and near their prime at the same time. Antetokounmpo, Jabari Parker, and Khris Middleton shared the floor exactly zero minutes last season. The year before, those three played 1475 minutes together, with a +0.3 net rating.
Photo by David Richard - USA TODAY Sports
But none were as good as they'll be in 2017-18, especially Antetokounmpo. There's a decent chance sometime next year "move like Giannis" will permanently replace "move like a gazelle" as the go-to simile that describes graceful gallivanting. A quick glance at his body reveals that it was built for two possible occupations: 1) gliding by NBA defenders in the open floor, 2) supplanting the United States Postal Service as a new way to deliver cross-country mail. Already a second-team All-NBA tornado, elite shot-blocker, pseudo-MVP candidate, and consistently improving phenomenon who's accomplished all he has without a respectable outside shot, Antetokounmpo will be only 23 years old next season. When you combine his age, True Shooting percentage (.599), and per-game splits (22 points, eight rebounds, five assists), Antetokounmpo's breakout season was unprecedented for every 22, 23, and 24-year-old in NBA history. Michael Jordan's 25-year-old season is the only comparison. A top-10 player who can elevate into the top five is the most critical ingredient required by any Eastern Conference team that wants to sack the Cavs. But it's not enough. The Bucks need Parker to be 100 percent healthy (he's not expected to return until next year's All-Star break), competent on defense, and to perform with the experience and maturity of a 28-year-old. (He'll be 22 next year.) Had Parker not torn his ACL, there's a decent chance (a likely one for the purpose of this exercise) that Milwaukee would shop him this summer for someone like Paul George, Butler, or any other established help that better complements Antetokounmpo. Middleton's game fits well as an ideal sidekick, but for Milwaukee to scramble past Cleveland next year, he needs to consistently play like the top-shelf two-way contributor he's shown he can be.
Even still, assuming everyone on last year's team is better next season, the Bucks still have a schematic issue to solve against the Cavaliers. Even when executed with consistency, Milwaukee's trap-and-recover defense is illogical against Cleveland's three-point shooting. Instead, given the length and quickness up and down their roster, they should switch every screen without skipping a beat. That's the best way to limit open three-point opportunities and force the Cavaliers to attack in less dangerous ways. Antetokounmpo and Maker provide unprecedented physical gifts as a rim-protecting duo that can also contain ball-handlers in space. And their evolution could very well be what ends LeBron's run. If their collective evolution transpires at a faster rate than most expect, we could see a new team in the Eastern Conference Finals as early as next season.
Two Longshot Teams Who Could Soon End the Warriors-Cavaliers Dominance published first on http://ift.tt/2pLTmlv
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