#I love seeing so many weird storylines in shows and movies and imagining a buzzfeed unsolved episode about it
Okay but imagine a buzzfeed unsolved episode about Hackett’s Quarry.
Shane would just be sat there wondering why there’s suddenly werewolves in the story when it was originally about a ghost lady lmao
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The Magic Cottage - James Herbert
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So, after reading the first page I want to find out about Magic, although I do wonder how much I will enjoy this book, at the moment I’m highly interested. I love how the writer uses the character to call out the overused storyline of horror movies, made me laugh. I feel like Mike and Midge are the cute couple, I mean he seems to be willing to change for her, that must be some sort of true love. That makes me question if they will end up together at the end of the book? The feeling that Mike gets at the cottage, the familiar feeling, what if this has a deeper meaning that I will read about later and it will all makes sense? I feel like from the start of the book, Midge is portrayed as almost enchanted by the cottage. Could that be the magic Mike is referring to? The key not working for Mike could indicate that the cottage chooses its resident? Like it won’t let just anyone inside.Which was proven by the key being turned for Midget as I kept reading on. But, why has the cottage chosen her? As I read, the vibe from the locals the two encounter give me the vibe that they clearly know way more than they let on. The whole mysterious vibe is amazingly done by the writer, really makes me want to keep reading until the end.
I feel like it is some kind of magic or good luck from that cottage, whatever it may be, that made it possible for them to get that cottage. There is clearly something weird about the cottage, like it repairing itself? Maybe its coming back to life? I’m honestly not sure but it is a good element added into the storyline.
I also wonder about what happened in Midget’s past, could this be related to the cottage somehow?
Okay, I think that the cottage’s magic could actually not be supernatural magic in a sense. But, what if the magic is actually Nature and all that, rather than it being supernatural, its more like the magic of nature and all? I get the sense through the animals being present within the story, and how the author says noises, making me think that its supernatural, but then it turns out that it’s the birds making the noise, so that’s why I’m thinking that it could be that. But, how can nature fix the issues with the house? I think this is the big thing about the book, but there is also the few side stories that go along with it too.
I love the way this book is written, its clearly shown that the main character, Mike, already knows the ending, yet, he is teasing at it, but never revealing what it is, this keeps me wanting to read it. I’m wondering if there will be a fairy tale end to it? I mean, mentioning pixies and elves, gives me that idea. I also love the humour in this book, it’s great.
I feel like to really understand and enjoy this book, you do need to read it. The fact that Mike is such a relatable character, he is the average human. The build up to the discovery in the loft is amazing. Could that discovery be a sign or symbol of evil?
I wonder about the cult people, since they are disliked by villagers, yet, when they interact with Mike, they seem more hippie/nature lover type of people, rather than evil cult people. I also wonder about that watcher, is that Mike’s imagination?
This book is really giving me mixed feelings, one moment I think that I know what I’m doing and the next I am completely confused. Like, what is Kinsella really scared of? Or maybe he’s just polite? I honestly don’t know. Or the watcher, is he real? Is Mike just imagining him? – I don’t know why but I have a feeling that the watcher could be Mycroft, especially with the slight hint at the future, maybe it is him (Sorry because of later events). Another example is the bird, did Flora’s spirit heal him? – I mean, as a believer in spirits and the paranormal, I could imagine that the long period between her death and her being found could cause her spirit unrest, but is that the deal with the cottage and her spirit?
Honestly, this book confuses me more and more as I keep reading, but it’s that confusion of what really is going on that keeps me wanting to read it.The only theory I can think of right now is that Mycroft might have done something to Flora and that’s why he and his ‘cult’ aren’t welcome in the cottage?
Mike’s sudden healing really has me thinking about the cottage’s powers, if they are real, or maybe he really did overreact, and his burn wasn’t that bad? Honestly- I don’t know.
FLORA IS EVIL?! Could be possibly, the imaginary in that chapter literally brought tears to my eyes, the whole scene playing out in my mind as if I was there, the writer really did a great job at making that ‘visible’ in the reader’s mind. It’s almost scary how great it is, but could the imaginary show an evil side of Flora? Or maybe it’s something that’s inside the cottage?
I do wonder about the deal with the book, l mean, so much is happening and I’m literally swaying from believing that there is something supernatural going on, to believing that it’s all nature and nothing more. – I have to add that I love how Mike is portrayed, he isn’t the ‘hero’, the ones that always are so brave in horror movies, that just doesn’t happen.
Now, Bob, is it drugs? Or was it supernatural? I like how predictable it was that Val had come up the stairs and not a spirit. – So, the only thing I can think up of about that part of the book is that guests like Bob angered the spirit lingering in the home. I mean, starting with his ‘episode’ to the crack in the wall, and then the painting, it seems that whatever lingers in the home is angry. Since the night with bob, the house seems to be literally returning back to its old, broken self, so could it really be that?
I feel like Mycroft isn’t welcome in the home. So he must have done something. I think I’m right, he’s making up an excuse not to enter the home, could he have seen Flora’s spirit? Maybe a flashback of what he had done? I think he’s avoiding the kitchen area, just like Bob. – So, it seems that all of the Synergists are nervous around the place, but why?Mycroft is using Midge’s dead parents in a way to get her to believe in him? It seems like he knows just what to say to her to have her believe in him. The fact that her parents had died in such horrible ways has her wanting to reach them, but, even I, as a believer in spirits, would never even think of doing such a thing, there are so many things that could go wrong, so what exactly is Mycroft thinking and doing? Mycroft brought the guilt to Midge, it was after she spoke to him, so that’s how he turns people to his cult, by digging out their faults and using them.
I really hope that it was the cottage protecting Midge and Mike from whatever Mycroft wants to do. – Okay so, the fact that Midge thinks she saw her parents suggests to me that, the cottage could be ‘making’ the illusion that it was her parents when in reality it wasn’t, to draw her closer. For example, demons are known to take the image of children to invite us to interact with them, because you’re not going to be scared to welcome a ‘child’ into your space. (a little bit of information from Buzzfeed Unsolved Supernatural, if anyone’s a fan)
I knew it! There is clearly something going on with Mycroft and his cult! But, I’m still confused about Midge and her involvement in everything that’s going on. Mycroft is good at lying and covering his tracks, clearly he needs Midge for something, Mike is in the way, so what will he do?What is Mike’s plan? He clearly has a plan. Okay, no plan, in fact, its turning really bad.
I had the idea of maybe the illusion of the rabbit and rat might be just a hologram of sorts since he didn’t get a chance to touch it, but then as I continue to read, its something else, but I don’t know what.I do wonder what happened to Mike in that room, but at least midge finally listened to him. A bit too late though. It seems that they went back to the ‘evil’ represented as the bats have been released, but how? Honestly, this is the worst book I’ve read so far when it comes to animal deaths, honestly, I’m in tears.
As I keep reading, I become speechless, I have no words, honestly no words, not a single word. The story is moving so well, and I just want to know what’s going on, how will this end? I really do hope for a dramatic ending.
I’m not sure I take this whole idea of ‘magic’. I definitely believe in ghosts, that’s something that I haven’t got a doubt about, but magic in the sense that is described in the book? I’m not too sure about that.
My thought is, what if it’s Mike though? Rather than Midge, it’s Mike who was the whole ‘power’ thing, or magic. Well… this book takes a couple of wild turns towards the end, I do have to say, I am impressed. It seems a little cliché, but in a way that I honestly don’t mind reading about, even thought it was a little predictable, I still enjoying reading it.
I LOVE how the author goes back and he knows that the story is hard to believe in, it makes it seem more realistic, as a rational person, you might not think of it as true, yet there are probably people out there that will believe it. As I finished the book, I’m glad for two things, one, it had a not so perfect happy ending, like, they didn’t end up having their perfect cottage, but at least the Rumbo was fine at the end. All in all, I think this is a great book to read. I recommend it if you’re looking for something that isn’t too realistic. There are quite a lot of small details and events that occur within the book that I don’t really have any opinions on, but I can see how they fit in with the storyline.
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