#I love both Nozel and Vanessa so much <3
kalolasfantasyworld · 3 months
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That's a pretty heated stare down 🩷💙
Even though I have OC ships for both of them, I actually really like this ship and adore their dynamics. Obviously I love both of these characters. 😍
5th of #KalolaBCShipsArtSeries
@mellon_soup pose reference
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meircury · 2 months
If I may request something already... Can I ask for my favorite Black Clover ship? It's a crack ship and there's not much Fanart of it. Nozel x Vanessa (you can see on my profile that I ship them big^^'). So, I can't choose between general request or fan children request as I love both, so it's okay if I let you decide? Thank you <3
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Hello! My requests already opened by the time I drop it hehe, sorry for not making it clear before and thankyou! Heres Vanessa succesfully styling nozel’s ugly hair lmao 🧚🏼‍♀️
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acacia-may · 2 months
Thank you for the ask, now it's my turn 💘 Nozel x Vanessa from Black Clover? (I know, I'm biased^^') Elfman x Evergreen from Fairy Tail? Isogai x Meg from Assassination Classroom? Mustang x Hawkeye from Fullmetal Alchemist? Sorry, might have went a bit overboard^^'
Hello there friend! Thank you so much for playing and for asking about such fun pairings! 💕 I don't think I've ever been asked anything about Assassination Classroom or Fullmetal Alchemist before so I am so excited for this ^^
(Warnings: I do talk about a Fullemetal Alchemist spoiler, but I tried to steer clear of spoilers when discussing the other pairings. I'm putting it all under the cut just to be safe though).
Nozel x Vanessa
I'm honestly kind of neutral to this ship. I don't have anything against it, but it's probably something I wouldn't have thought about if I wasn't asked about it or if it wasn't requested from me. Since they haven't interacted in the canon, it's hard for me to imagine what their dynamic would be like and how they would get together, so I wouldn't say it makes sense to me to me personally and it doesn't really compel me since I ship both Vanessa and Nozel more with other characters (and some friends' OCs) than with each other.
That said, I have read some really enjoyable fanfictions about them. Yours especially are really lovely and really helped me to see & understand this pairing so thank you so much for that and for sharing your passion for them. 💕I have always been really impressed by this pairing's fans who I have a lot of respect for. I've even written about them a little myself, but only on request since I don't think it's a dynamic I'd really write about much on my own just given my personal preferences and how I personally prefer to imagine and think about the characters. But that's just me and my personal opinions. I can definitely see the appeal of the ship and think it could be a fun pairing--it's just not my personal favorite.
Elfman x Evergreen
I LOVE THEM SO MUCH! They're without a doubt in my top 3 favorite ships in Fairy Tail, and I was so excited every single time they appeared and interacted with each other. Their banter is just glorious. I have rambled about them in the past, so I apologize for repeating myself but these two are just that perfect balance between hilarious and adorable, in my opinion. On a certain level they both have such big personalities that are so wildly different from each other that it's almost goofy to think of them actually working out in relationship, but they complement each other so perfectly and have such a strong foundation of trust and mutual respect which I honestly wasn't expecting at first but was wonderful and delightful. I think the story does such a good job of showing us that they protect each other, sacrifice for each other, and want the best for each other, and ultimately they care about each other deeply, even if they don't always show it, so I do feel like they make a lot of sense as a pairing and, needless to say, I find it extremely compelling.
Isogai x Meg
I'll be honest and tell you that it has been quite a few years since I have read Assassination Classroom and seen the anime, and I forgot about these characters and this pairing and had to google it 😅 (I'm so sorry 🙈). As soon as I saw them though, I had this visceral, squealy "Oh my gosh! It's THEM!!" reaction and remembered being very invested in their relationship. Friends to lovers is probably my favorite ship trope, and (from what I remember) Isogai and Meg work so well together and have so much genuine admiration and respect for each other. Also there is just something so special and so compelling about inter-student-governmental relationships to me (A/N: Total tangent here but I think it goes back to one of my favorite childhood cartoons where there's an episode where these friends were pitted against each other in this really intense campaign to become class president, and (spoilers but) she won by one vote, specifically him voting for her because she had actual principles and ideas for improving the school but he just wanted to win. And oh my gosh I ship that to this day, and I think it has given me this intense affinity for these inter-student governmental relationships. Don't even get me started about my favorite pairings from Fruits Basket and Kaguya-Sama Love Is War that fit in this category. I just really, really, really enjoy this trope). Anyways...my goodness they are so cute! All it took was a short scroll through google images and a brief readthrough of their pages on the wiki to make me remember how much I really adored these two and their dynamic and relationship. I can vividly remember being so excited in the Valentine's Day episode when she gave him that chocolate. ^^
I think Isogai and Meg are really strong characters on their own also, which I really like and appreciate. Isogai is so hardworking, caring, and sincere, and Meg is so strong but so kind as well. And it's so lovely to see the two of them coming together and combining their strengths to become real leaders in their class and build each other and the other characters up. In summary, yes I think this pairing makes a lot of sense, and it definitely compels me personally. Thank you so much for reminding me about them and how much I loved them! 💖 I really want to rewatch Assassination Classroom now...
Roy Mustang x Riza Hawkeye
I may have actually squealed when I saw that you had asked about this pairing because my gosh I have no words for how invested I am in this relationship. If I felt I could write either of them and their dynamic with any semblance of justice, I would probably be writing fics about them non-stop, but I have never trusted myself to be able to do that, so they just live rent-free in my mind in incredibly convoluted scenarios about how they would somehow repeal or circumvent the non-fraternization law in order to get married (A/N: my favorite theory is that they throw another inter-military couple under the bus and use them as the poster-children of repealing the law, turning their wedding into an international spectacle before ultimately taking advantage of the repeal of the law to quietly marry themselves...but I digress).
Anyways, I don't even know what I can possibly say about this ship. Their bond with each other is so deep and so strong that even if they never get together in a romantic sense (which I would honestly be okay with as long as they just always stay together in a platonic sense. I don't need them to kiss...though that would nice...), I honestly just can't imagine either of them with anyone else romantically (which is very rare for me to say about a pairing since I tend to multi-ship). They are one of my favorite parts of the series every time I reread the manga or watch Brotherhood and that scene in the Third Laboratory where Riza thinks he is dead and just sort of breaks, gets me every single time. Even when I know it's coming, I still get so emotional about it. Her devotion and loyalty to him is unbelievable but so compelling, and the best part is that he is equally as devoted and loyal to her as well.
I can't fault this pairing at all. I think they're perfect for each other, and I'm so excited I got to ramble about them a little bit so thank you so much for that (also this my sister's ultimate OTP of all time and I can't wait to teasingly brag to her that someone actually wrote into my blog to ask me to talk about them lol). ^^
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vilandel · 2 months
Heyyyy! 😁 Can I ask 25, 9, and 15 for the excerpt game? Thank you!
Hello, Oighear! Thank you for your ask 💘
25 ☘️ … that I consider a favorite If I can make two again, let's do it from two of my bigger stories I absolutely love <3
“Yes, handsome?”
“I… I just want to forget… Just for a moment… It’s… so much right now… I know, it’s pathetic, I’m sorry.”
“It’s not. It’s normal that you feel that way. I would never blame you for feeling overwhelmed.”
Maybe she should. But Vanessa was too kind-hearted.
Nozel moved his head a bit so that their lips could meet. The kiss started out soft, but quickly became more fiery, more passionate. To a point that he started to curse the clothes they were still wearing and being grateful that he locked the door.
His lips started to wander across her jawline, her neck, her collarbone, making her moan and growing his desire for her. In the meantime, Vanessa tugged on his clothes and lead him to the couch. It wasn’t a small one, but not large either, maybe they would finish their embrace on the floor again. From Key To The Hearts chapter 4, and yes, it's rather hot (nothing explicit, though...). I put Nozel and Vanessa in a very unique situation in this story... Let's just say that Charlottes confession in Spade and Yami being dense are indirectly a reason that Nozel and Vanessa came into said situation 😅
“I’m coming in.”
But it was too late. Noelle already entered his room… and saw them. On his bed. In a very specific position.
Two things became clear to Nozel in this very moment. First, he forgot to lock his door. Second, his beloved little sister saw him on top of her squadmate and best friend. Said squadmate was naked and as for himself, he was only wearing his trousers. And they both were… In a position that could only mean one thing. They were lovers.
“Nozel, is that… Vanessa, what are you… Wait, is he… OH MY GOD!” From Silver Cats & Black Roses, chapter 23. Just Noelle finding out that Nozel and Vanessa are a couple...
9 ☘️ … with characters I love Would surprise no one, I suppose?
“Has Vanessa done this?” Noelle asked in a whisper while softly stroke his cape with respect.
“Yes, she did. That had been a while before we started to be a couple.”
“I can’t believe that the two of you have been spending time together even before becoming a couple and I haven’t realized one thing ever. How blind was I?”
“You’re not blind, Noelle. It’s just a surprising occurrence, it had been for Vanessa and me as well. Back then, she made this cape for me as token of gratitude for the sewing box I gifted her.”
“That was a really thoughtful gift. Speaking of… Nozel, have you been the mysterious person to give me presents all those years?”
Nozel felt himself flinch. It reminded him of those years of being a distant, cold older brother, of his mistakes with how to take care of Noelle. And still, it didn’t stop him to secretly send her gifts for each of her birthdays…
It had been of secret, because already back then he felt ashamed of himself and was convinced he didn’t deserve to make her happy with presents. How wrong he had been…
“Did… did you know?”
“No, I never knew. And the Black Bulls were always curious about who would give me those mystery gifts. I only started to have suspicions after I found out about you and Vanessa. That sewing box was a thoughtful gift and yours were very thoughtful as well. And… I’m glad that you always gave those to me. We both never had real birthdays after mother’s death, as far as I can remember.”
No, neither of them didn’t. The only time there had been some kind of party for Noelles birthday, nobles started immediately to talk about her reputation and Nozel was still so imprisoned in his cold soul that the only solution he saw to stop this was to never celebrate that birthday again. As for him, he was feeling so guilty after losing his mother that he started to believe he didn’t deserved to have his birthday celebrated and over the years, only a few people remembered. Like Noelle…
Wait a minute!
“Noelle, were you the one to anonymously putting birthday presents in my room all those years? Even after you joined the Black Bulls?”
“Yes, how did you find out?”
“It was just a guess…”
Noelle just looked at him with big, surprised eyes, before she gave him a soft smile. So, Nozel smiled back. This was actually something just between the two of them and it was actually a really nice feeling. From Silver Cats & Black Roses chapter 27. I love a lot of parts in this story 💘
15 ☘️ … from an old piece that I like Let's give something from one of my first Black Clover Oneshots, okay? One in which I created my own wedding vows for the Clover Kingdom 💘
Vanessa looked up as Nozel hold her hands firmly, his gaze all on her. The determination in his eyes made her heart race.
“Faith. Hope. Love. By the three leaves of the Clover, I, Nozel Silva, take you, Vanessa Enoteca, as my wedded wife. I will have Faith in you, with your life and trust you mine. I will have Hope, helping you to all hardships and happiness of life. I will Love you, cherish you in sickness and in health, be it forever.”
Those were beautiful wedding vows. Such a shame that today, they were used more for arranged marriages. Vanessa hoped now to say them without hesitation. She took a deep breath and looked into Nozels eyes.
“Faith. Hope. Love. By the three leaves of the Clover, I, Vanessa Enoteca, take you, Nozel Silva, as my wedded husband. I will have Faith in you, with your life and trust you mine. I will have Hope, helping you to all hardships and happiness of life. I will Love you, cherish you in sickness and in health, be it forever.”
In the end, that wasn’t difficult at all.
Vanessa smiled at Nozel, who smiled back. He was happy, finally. Gosh, he was so beautiful when he smiled. From Night of Vows. Nozel and Vanessa didn't really get married, but had some kind of rehearsal. And I'm so proud of the vows I created!
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Hi there! I enjoyed answering your ask about how I became a Black Clover fan so I'd like to ask you the same question if that's okay. How and when did you become interested in Black Clover?
Well, in my case, it all began last year. Just like you, I think. And like many mangas and animes I got to read and watch, it was all thanks to my sister.
Before she mentioned it to me, I already saw the title here and there, but didn't gave it anymore thoughts. Back then, I was still very invested with Seven Deadly Sins and My Hero Academia (still love those two, but Black Clover became top 1 for me).
One day, my sister told me she knew an anime that I might love. I always trust her when it comes to new mangas and animes to discover, so I listened to her. And I have to say, my sisters knows me very well. She just had to say the words "fantasy", "knights" and "books aka grimoires" (I'm also a bookworm XD), and she not only got my interest, but my attention. She also told me it has similarities with Fairy Tail (which was the first anime I became a big fan of), but in somehow a darker tone and I wanted to watch Black Clover even more.
My sister then showed me the trailer first and I got even more invested. Then, well, she immediatly said that I need to watch it already and so, I watched the first like twelve episodes with her. All I have to say, I got invested from the start. It was the first time I fell in love with an anime/manga this fast and this strongly. The last time the same happened with a piece of fiction in general, it was with Lord Of The Rings, both books and movie.
After my sister went back home, I continued to watch the series and at the same buy the manga volumes one by one (today, I have 32 and I'm waiting for volume 33 to come out in german). I came to love the Black Bulls, especially Vanessa, and so many other characters as well. Fuegoleon was my first love (and still in my top 10 Black Clover characters), I loved Charlotte quickly and even more after we learned she loves Yami, Rill and Jack made me laugh immediatly from the start, I got invested with Nozel very fast as well... my sister and I immediatly had the feeling that there was more to him, with how he was and such, and we were so happy to be right when we started to find out.
Today, Black Clover is my top 1 anime and manga, it will be difficult to dethrone it given how fast and deeply I fell in love with it. I'm so grateful to my sister for introducing me to Black Clover. She knows how much I love it and is happy about it (last christmas, one of her gifts was a notebook with the cover of Fuegoleons grimoire). She still doesn't have every Black Clover volume yet, so I bought her for Christmas all the ones she still misses in her bookshelf.
Well, it came rather long, but that's how I became a fan of Black Clover. Thank you for the ask <3
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bowandcurtsey · 3 years
Omgg could u pls do a pt.2 of when the bulls turn into kids it was everythinnnng!! Thx for blessing us w that!!
Ahhh, I'm finally here hehe! I really love this one NGL. If you guys ever missed part 1, it's HERE.
Edit: PART 3
Also, this idea is from the lovely @folklorelise and her AOT version, you can read it HERE. It's so cute and fluffy.
Yami Sukehiro x f! reader
It's been about 10 days? Yami and you lost count. You were getting the hang of taking care of all 14 kids, but both of you were still left exhausted at the end of each day.
There was once Nozel came to visit with Nebra and Solid, because news of their sister becoming a baby reached their ears and they were a little concerned.
But their concerns were for naught, because Noelle was happy where she was. Also, she didn't remember who her siblings were. Somehow she thought that Yami and you were her parents and her siblings were all of the other bull members.
"Come." Noelle pulled at Nozel's pinky finger as she dragged him to one of her and Vanessa's tea parties. Nozel declined initially but Noelle was about to cry, so he relented. Henry quickly pulled a chair for him and Vanessa served him 'tea'.
Nebra and Solid were laughing at their brother at first, but Finral, Grey and Secre, your 3 sticky trios suddenly found interest in the tea party and pulled Nebra and Solid to join along.
The kids called for you to join them, but you had a few tricks up your sleeves to excuse yourself, after sitting through countless of tea parties with Yami yourself.
You left the 3 adults to take care of the kids while you quickly went to handle house chores that were piling up.
Yami found a new hobby with the boys, which helped drain their energy; the wild beast. (the poor beast)
He let the beast out in the open fields and brought Magna, Luck and Asta. Some days Henry and Gordon would want to join, and he'd be happy to let them. He'll call it "catch the beast" and have the beast run while the kids chase. The beast find the kids adorable so they'd play along. Yami just had to make sure that they don't get lost of injured.
Of course sometimes the kids would go back with scratches and cuts and Yami would get it from you.
"Baby, Asta is bruised everywhere." you'd glare at him.
"He's fine baby," he'd scuffle Asta's hair, "boys always get some bruises here and there. Besides, the grown up Asta obviously wouldn't bother about these small injuries."
You'd shake your head as you proceeded to put plasters on the grinning Luck and Magna as well. But you won't deny that if Yami don't bring the boys out daily, their energy would be too hard to keep up with.
Nacht, Zora and Charmy are always up to something. Although they seldom make a fuss or throw a tantrum, you'd need to watch what they were up to once in awhile.
Once, you caught Charmy climbing into the little pond in the gardens because she wanted to catch fishes. You shuddered at the thought of what would happen to her if you haven't found her in time.
Nacht and Zora are generally good boys but they love exploring so much, the smallest things intrigue them. Once they both wandered into the forests outside of the base. You almost lost your mind trying to find them and you rushed to get Yami who brought some of the kids out to get groceries.
Yami came home and found them by their ki and they were actually just out catching bugs a little deeper into the forest.
You put your hands on your chest, tears hanging at the corner of your eyes, relieved that you finally found them.
"Stop running around without telling y/n where you are going beforehand, brats." Yami held both of them by the heads, in the air.
"Sorry mommy." They ran into your arms after Yami put them down.
Not everyday was rough to be honest, there were some smooth and happy days too. There was once when most of them were taking a nap with Yami after you both brought them out for a game of soccer.
They were exhausted after an entire morning of running in the fields. They quickly ate and showered, then all fell asleep on the playroom floor.
You were enjoying the rare quiet moment you had when you saw Gauche and Grey walking out of the room.
"Not tired?" You smiled at the both of them; it's true that they barely participated in the soccer match earlier this morning. Gauche was usually inactive and Grey usually didn't like all the hype and noise.
They nodded their heads.
"How about we do some colouring or drawing instead?" you patted both their heads.
You spent a quiet afternoon watching them draw and colour, while you folded the huge mountain of clothes you had. You wished that even after they turned back to their usual self, Grey would not be so embarrassed like how she was now, being able to sit in with Vanessa's tea parties and colour alongside with Gauche.
And you hope Gauche would be a little less obsessed with Marie and be more open to his friends around him.
Watching them day by day, caring about them really made you feel like their mom.
Yami was pretty used to them calling him "dad" after awhile, he would just respond. It really surprised you that he could even sit through the tea parties with them, although initially it took a lot of persuading, crying and coaxing from the kids to get him to even sit on the tiny little chair.
He was rough and playful with the boys and he was always extra gentle and soft with the girls. You were really proud of him, watching him handle each kid differently.
Finral, Grey and Secre were sticky to you, but Asta, Gordon and Charmy were no doubt daddy's boys and girl.
The kids always went to Yami when they wanted some crazy fun, he'd toss them and catch them, let them run and climb all over him. And when they needed care and tending to, they'll run over to you.
There was once or twice Yami also referred to you as "mommy" but quickly corrected himself. The bulls dad blushed at the thought of one day having real kids with you. It was starting to grow on him, the idea of having a bunch of kids with you. Although it was tiring, but seeing you care of the kids made him think what an awesome mother you'd be.
"baby," he'd hold your waist and pull you closer one night, "after these brats go back to their usual self, we could try having a couple of real ones on our own~"
"nooo~" you smacked him playfully in the chest, "I'm exhausted every single day, I'll reconsider ever having kids."
"We can handle 14 y'know, having 1 or 2 would be considered easy for us, don't you think?"
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who are your favorite top ten black clover characters & ships? talk about them! ~tat
Ooh this will be fun. I'm not sure I'll have as much to say as some other people who have been asked this question, but I hope it's ok!
Top 10 Black Clover Characters
1. Mereoleona Vermillion
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I could rant for hours about how much I love this woman. She's very strong and doesn't give a damn about status, which I love about her. Like almost all the females in Black Clover, she isn't overly sexualized or dependent on a man in some way. I love her character design, her magic, and everything. I think I'm a little obsessed with this woman honestly.
2. Noelle Silva
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A typical female shonen character that's part of the main guy's harem. What I love about Noelle is her development. She goes from a royal who hates commoners to a strong female lead that accepts anyone for who they are. I haven't watched all the anime in the world, but from what I've seen, she's gotten the best development of any shonen female. If there's another one out there, please let me know. I love that Noelle's character development isn't over. I can't wait to see where she ends up by the end of the series.
3. Asta
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Our gray-clad hero. A typical shonen protagonist with a never give up mentality. I really love that about Asta. Asta's mental strength is off the charts. He was able to dealing with people bullying him his entire life over something he had no control over. And yet, he continues pushing onward to change the dynamics of the Clover Kingdom. What a brave boy. Of course, with mental strength like that, it makes sense his brain can't keep up in other areas. I love how much of a simpleton Asta can be. It makes him more endearing. Asta's character even inspires me to push past my own limits and never give up on my dreams.
4. William Vangeance
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A sweet, quiet man with a deadly secret. I love his origin story and how it has affected his life to this day. The main thing I love is how complex his character becomes. From a top captain to a man struggling living with another soul in his body that defies the ideals and people he believes in, William is complex. I couldn't imagine living with another soul in my body for about 15ish years. Dealing with this all alone without going insane marks William as another mentally strong character. Choosing between the mentor that saved you and gave you a new life and the best friend who's shared your body for longer than you've know your mentor must be a very difficult decision to make. I'm not surprised William wasn't able to choose between them. I hope both William and Patry get a good redemption arc.
5. Finral Roulacase
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A typical playboy character. He's cute, funny, and relatable. I tend not to like playboy characters, but Finral is different. He believes all women should be worshipped and treated like princesses, and he actually has a backstory. Having a sibling who is better than you in all ways reminds me of Zuko and Azula from Avatar. Despite dealing with his parents disappointment and his sibling's sneering his whole life, Finral never turned evil or tried to get revenge. At first, he ran from his problems, but with the help of the Black Bulls, he conquered his fears and grows stronger each day. I really love this boy.
6. Nozel Silva
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LOOKS AT HIM HE'S SO FUCKING CUTE DJJSJDJAJJS! Ok rant over. As a royal, I never expected Nozel to have a reason for treating Noelle the way he did. Granted, I don't approve of it at all, but I love that he's working to change. He's also very stoic and strong. Nozel has a cold exterior that can be broken over time. That's what Asta did to this Silver Eagle. Now, Nozel is rivals with 2 commoners. I love that he's changing to be better with Noelle. I can't surroort how he treated Noelle before, but I love that he's working to change his relationship with her. Also, his braid is so majestic. I had a dream and the whole dream was me staring at Nozel's majestic braid flowing in the breeze. I love this handsome man.
7. Yami Sukehiro
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This man. Thiiiiis man. He is glorious. He's funny, smart, grumpy, and strong. I love him for all the reasons everyone else does. The main thing I love about Yami is the vibe he gives off. When I see Yami, I see a shonen protagonist who has completed their journey and gives advice to the newest generation of protagonists. He's such a well-rounded character. I would live a spin-off series of Yami's adventures when he was young. That would really sell.
8. Fuegoleon/Leopold Vermillion
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Fuegoleon: I love this man. Such an inspiration. Just like his other siblings, he doesn't care about status. My favourite line if his is: "There isn't any shame is being weak. The shame is in staying weak." This line can really apply to anything in life. He also inspires me to do better.
Leopold: BABY. Ahem. I love his spunky personality. He's makes me think of Asta had he been born into a royal family. I love that, even though he's a royal, he has his own issues to deal with: making his own way in life and not having to live in his siblings' shadow. He's just a precious bean that requires protection.
9. Klaus Lunettes/Julius Novachrono
Anyway, I love these boys. So good.
Klaus: Mom friends are the best kind of friends. I love that he changed because he witnessed Asta and Yuno's abilities and decided these boys were strong. They weren't cheating in any way. He was the first noble to change his ways and believe is Asta and Yuno, and I really love him for that.
Julius: A man working to change his country. We love that. I love that Julius is working towards a country where everyone tears each other as equals. That's a hard task to take on, yet Julius didn't hesitate and took the challenge head-on. Also he's hot...
10. Dorothy Unsworth/Yuno
I love these babies so much.
Dorothy: Hot, short, and powerful. My spirit animal. She's hella strong and shows us that you don't need to be a big strong man to be a powerful leader. Also, she sleeps a lot, which is something I desire more of in life.
Yuno: UwU baby. Hot, strong, and stoic. What more do you need? I love his HEALTHY rivalry with Asta. It's such a joy to watch him grow side-by-side with Asta. I love him so much that I'm not even sure who I want to become the Wizard King in the end. Can we have them both be Wizard Kings?
I don't have a top 10 list of ships, but I do have ships. I'll just talk about them in no particular order.
Mereoleona x William
I love this ship because opposites attract. But if someone tells me they ship William and Patry, I'm not going to argue. Overall, this ship would make both these characters even better than they are now.
Dorothy x Nozel
I get Hinata/Kageyama vibes from this ship. A small, eager baby with a tall, stoic and distant partner. The main reason I ship this is because of the fact that Dorothy knows about what happened to Acier. Nozel wouldn't tell just anyone about that. He must trust Dorothy a huge amount for her to know that information. A royal wouldn't share his darkest family secret with a lavender-haired witch from another country. Also, after the time skip, they both changed a part of their outfits for feathers of the bird corresponding their squad. They got feathers together!
Finral x Vanessa
After the seabed temple arc, I shipped these two. They have such a wholesome relationship that makes them better people. They're so cute together! What else can I say?
Asta x Noelle
I love how much they help each other become better. Asta is doesn't realize it yet, but he cares about Noelle more than he realizes. Noelle fell for Asta because he was the first person to ever say anything good about her magic. I just love these two. They're so cute!
Yami x Charlotte
I get the same vibes from this as I get from Asta x Noelle. A tsundere and an oblivious protagonist. I love this ship for the same reasons as Asta x Noelle. I won't repeat what I said before, so read the reasoning for Asta x Noelle. I love these two as well!
Grey x Gauche
I love the reasoning for Grey loving Gauche. I totally see Gauche being as protective of Grey as he is with Marie. Grey might help Gauche loosen up a bit with Marie. These two are just really cute, ok.
I can't think of any more ships, but yeah. Those are my favourite black clover characters and my favourite ships.
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solaris-winery · 3 years
For the ask thingy A, B and C in both Black Clover and SK8.
Also what's your take on Asta x Yuno ship?
Ps. Hope you're fine!
A - Your current OTP(s)/OT3(s)/OTX(s)
I have... many. Fuegoleon x Nozel and Yami x William are probably on top of this list. Vanessa and Finral are great as well but in a very specific way where they're in an open relation and Vanessa keeps teasing Finral about Finesse.
B - A pairing you initially didn’t consider but someone changed your mind
Krisch x Zora. It's a very specific fic.
C - A ship you have never liked and probably never will (be nice)
William x Patri, I get why people like it ('longed to touch you' seriously William? Seriously?) But it's simply not my cup of tea and not something I'd deliberately seek. I prefer them as sort of brothers...? Yeah.
As for Asta x Yuno, I love it! It'd probably be up there in my OTP(s) if I found good enough content for it, alas. Maybe I should write my own... but my motivation is shit so. I like fics where they're portrayed as brothers too, I'm not picky. But also... wow gay.
I think in general I prefer character dynamics over romance, I'm not so focused on romance as much as I am on their relationships whatever that is. So I don't mind the various portrayals and interpretations people have on certain character so long as the foundation of... their bond(?) is kept. We can blame that on me being aspec af, but yeah !!
I hope you're fine too! Thank you for the ask <3
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who are your favorite top ten black clover characters and ships? talk about them!
I actually don’t have a lot of ships in Black Clover, but I will talk about the two that I do have! As far as characters go, I have a TON I actually had to take time to think about it 😂
Favorite Ships:
2. Gauche and Grey
I actually didn’t start shipping them until a read a couple of Gauche/Grey posts here on tumblr! I feel like they have a quiet type of chemistry. One where you don’t see it at first, but when you think back on it, it makes total sense
1. Asta and Noelle
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Naturally my number one ship is Asta and Noelle 😂 I just love the chaotic energy they both have, especially when together. Also, Noelle’s crush on Asta is one of the cutest things I’ve seen 🥺
Favorite Characters:
10. Noelle Silva
Top tier tsundere right here! I love her and I would do anything to protect her! My biggest hope is that Tabata will delve more into rebuilding her relationship with her family because the apology that Nozel gave her doesn’t cut it.
9. Dorothy Unsworth
I love, love, LOVE her magic! Plus, her aesthetic? Amazing. I really can’t wait to see her more!
8. William Vangeance
Such a soft boy 😭 Never mind that his voice makes me absolutely melt.
7. Klaus Lunettes
He was one of the few people that from the second I saw them, I knew I loved them. I get so excited when we get scenes with him and other Golden Dawn members.
6. Novel Silva
It actually took me a while to love him on this level. I originally really didn’t like him, but he grew on me a TON. I still stand by the fact that he didn’t REALLY apologize to Noelle tho.
5. Fuegoleon Vermillion
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I would ABSOLUTELY let this man just utterly destroy me, but he’s too much of a gentleman to actually do that imo. May be strict, but 100% takes care of those around him.
4. Vanessa Enoteca
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She’s actually the one I connect to the most. Her backstory really resonated with me, which is why she is so high on the list. 10/10 best squad mom ever.
3. Luck Voltia
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What a feral boy, I love him. His backstory actually made me tear up a bit as well. One thing to know about me is I will always love characters who are just as feral as he is.
2. Finral Roulacase
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Ah! Be still my beating heart 😩 baby boy baby, I love him so much. I will forever stand by the fact that he deserves the world and more.
1. Mereoleona Vermillion
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Oh man oh boy, a character as never made me go this absolutely feral. I love her and everything about her and whenever she’s on screen, I die. Fun fact, she’s in the top 5 of my all time favorite characters!
This was so much fun! I love interacting with you guys like this, so I’d love it if you guys sent me more stuff like this!!
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valtoswife · 3 years
who are your top ten black clover characters and ships? talk about them! -tat!
God I’m not even sure, the only thing I say say with absolute certainty is that Valtos is my favorite character lol
But I think my top ten characters list might go something like this?
10. Zora-He’s actually the reason I got into black clover! I saw a picture of him and was like “omg he seems cool I should go watch this” and I also love how he was kind of a neutral character at first but now he’s starting to care more about other people
9. Henry-Everything about him Im just like 🥺 I’m so happy he has all of the black bulls
8. Rhya-I like him because I think he is honestly the most complex villain in black clover so far? I think it’s so intriguing how his problem wasn’t exactly that he hated the humans since he knew that Lumiere wasn’t lying, he just cared about all his friends too much to give up on the resurrection plan
7. Elf Fana-I guess I just really liked her personality when she was in the third eye? I also love all of her designs
6. Vanica-I think she’s a fun villain
5. Gordon-I relate to him a lot, specifically the fact that whenever he speaks no one can ever hear him lol
4. Grey-I also relate to her a lot too with her anxiety
3. Sally-At first I cared about her a bit less than the other eye of the midnight sun members because as of now she doesn’t seem to have as much depth to her character, but I do really love the development she’s been getting and she’s also just a really fun character
2. Rades-In the capital invasion arc he was my favorite character until valtos revealed himself lol, I love his backstory and personality so much
1. Valtos-Where would I even begin????
And as for the ships I’m even less sure but here we go
10. William x Patri-Literally just that moment where they both saw each other for the first time after patri got separated from william’s body like omg????
9. Charlotte x Yami-I love how this ship could be if it could actually become canon at some point, though I am also not too fond of how Charlotte’s character kind of seems to revolve around her crush on Yami
8. Finral x Finesse-I know a lot of people prefer Finral and Vanessa, which I understand, but idk I just like how sweet this ship is
7. Asta x Noelle-I love how Asta inspires her to be stronger and how he’s the first person to truly respect her and acknowledge her
6. Nozel x Dorothy-I love how Nozel confided in Dorothy about Megicula and his family so they might be really close, and also they have literal opposite personalities
5. Jack x Yami-I really like their dynamic
4. Rhya x Mereoleona-I mean Rhya is Mereoleona’s type considering the fact that they fought and he didn’t die
3. Grey x Gauche-This ship is just so cute
2. Dazu x Bow-Omg a canon wlw couple in black clover???? That means a lot to me since I’m pan. Not to mention I just love villain couples in general, this ship is a very close second tbh
1. Mars x Fana-They remind me so much of Jellal and Erza from Fairy Tail and I was literally so obsessed with that ship for so long, and also just they’ve both been through so much but still managed to find each other I can’t
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kalolasfantasyworld · 2 months
Okay, ask game for you ☘️ Nozel x Vanessa, because I love them 💜 Nozel x Helena, because your OC ship is amazing ❤️ Nozel x Fuegoleon, because Nozel ship 😅 Yes, a bunch of Nozel ships 🥰🦅
Hi Vilandel!
Hah obviously I have some more specific thoughts for Nozel ships. I really hope I won't make anyone upset with these. They're just my opinions.
Nozel x Vanessa -> doesn’t make sense, compels me
Let’s start with saying this is my favourite canon x canon ship for Nozel. I’ve drawn them and read them, but let me explain why it doesn’t canonically make sense to me. 
Before I set up tumblr I didn’t even think to ship them together, because they never really interacted (correct me if I’m wrong). I only got to like them once I saw them here and read a bit about them. However it’s hard for me to picture the start of their interaction without some outside force to literally make them. Also long term relationship… but let me get to that later.
Firstly their types based on the assorted questions brigade:
Nozel: “Someone with dignified strength who can give their all for the prosperity of the House of Silva” 
I don’t think he’s saying this “just to be proper”. Nozel really cares about his house and I think that a quality of being able to take care of and represent it can make a person attractive in his eyes. 
I’m not saying that Vanessa couldn’t just that it would not really be her style. She got out of her cage and pushing her onto Royal customs would be cruel in my opinion. She could definitely not walk around in her underwear, or casually get drunk. She likes this part of herself and is happy being a Black Bull.
Vanessa: “Wild men with muscles <3” 
Yeah… That’s not Nozel (I admit I have drawn him with way more muscles than he has… It’s a hot art I’m not going to change it and yes a future Paper Hearts illustration, normally I draw him skinnier)
Why does it compel me? (Because it does a lot)
They are both one of my favourites BC characters.
Nozel is not a good boy (closeted perv let’s face it) and Vanessa is definitely up for some heated adventure. Both are very hot. She’s flirty, she’ll pull him out of his shell. They could support one another and emotionally I think they would work well. I enjoy them in fics and the stories are amazing. I love how she would flirt with him and he would get more and more bold as they grew closer. Also there is that spicy forbidden romance part.
There are actually quite a few similarities between Vanessa and Helena as they’re best friends and I enjoy how those qualities shine through her interactions with Nozel. 
I see Nozessa so much in a heated, passionate romance. It’s just long term that doesn’t sit right with me… I feel like they would need to sacrifice a part of themselves to be with the other and I wouldn’t want that. She needs to be free and Nozel is a Royal who takes pride in it, it’s not just his burden. 
Nozel x Helena -> makes sense, compels me (you said it yourself, how could own OC ship not)
Overall I talked a bit about them in my fic explanation post.
I created Helena to explore Nozel more. This is actually my first ever OC x canon ship that I've invested in, because I'm more of a canon x canon shipper. Just that I only knew of Dorothy x Nozel and Fuego x Nozel back then and they didn't really appeal to me as something to write for and have a fun story for.
Why do they make sense? 
Despite them being so different there are actually quite a few parallels between them. For example both had a situation in their youth, which somehow set them on a path. They’re both the eldest siblings. And there are few more.
Similar backgrounds for sure. Both of them are Royals and take pride in their houses. Helena will be a great lady of the house. She was prepared for this and knows how to perfectly manoeuvre in high society. She can be a great support and simply a partner to him in his duties. 
She’s his type from the assorted questions brigade. (yeah the pervy part as well xd)
Helena brings in the warmth and will provide a family atmosphere. Being the eldest of seven siblings taught her that. She “fits” in the Silva family with Noelle, Nebra and Solid. Over time she develops relationships with all of them, so it’s not just Nozel she makes sense with.
Why does it compel me?
Enemies to friends to lovers, Sunshine x grumpy, Blue x red relationship
They have so many imperfections and they mess up, but they get up and try to fix them. There's also quite a lot of plot ahead of us and I don't want to spoil anything, but what happens later is actually more determining in my opinion to how they are fit for and grow with one another.
There are also some parallels with how Nozel treated Noelle and how he treats Helena, so that’s interesting. 
Helena is a virgin, but very much not opposed to sexuality, so they have some spicy, heated moments.
I feel like they can really connect on a deeper level and I like how their story begins right with the beginning of BC. We see the whole development of Nozel and how they interact through it. For example how their relationship changed after Fuego fell in a coma. So it's not just Nozel after he went through a change and apologised to Noelle.
They compliment each other. Helena “makes Nozel have fun” and he can tone her down (this is needed at times).
The birdies… I love my next gen trio so much. I like how they have traits inherited after both Nozel and Helena. I love picturing them as parents.
I feel like there’s more, but I’ve talked about them enough here. 
Nozel x Fuegoleon -> makes sense, doesn’t greatly compel me
As you probably noticed I focus a lot on the “Royal aspects” in the makes sense part and Fuego fits this part. They are close, clearly trust each other and they have amazing dynamics. They’re childhood friends. I’ve seen some cute arts for them and I know they’re pretty popular.
However why it doesn’t greatly compel me? (Besides the fact that I ship both of them with some OCs)
I just think of them as good friends, more than lovers. And somehow I’m not the biggest fan of how Nozel is portrayed in this relationship. He somehow seems “weak” and “needs to be taken care off”. Maybe that’s just me, but it was the vibe I got from few works (not all of them, some were cute and amazing). Maybe I somehow don’t see him have “bottom” energy, but Fuego doesn’t have it either. 
However they would support and care for one another. I also love the hot and cold dynamics and childhood friends romance.
So I like some aspects of this ship and some don’t. 
I would still put it as my second canon x canon Nozel ship.
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vilandel · 13 days
Heyyyy here are some fruits!
If that's okay with you 😁
This is more than okay for me, thank you 💘
🍒 What’s your favorite character dynamic to write? (Can be romantic or platonic, specific or general!) That won't be a surprise, but I love writing Nozel x Vanessa. They have really a cool dynamic and I've read many fanfics already that works so well with them (yours for example). I also like writing Solid x Rosette, for the arranged marriage to lovers trope and it is interesting to write not such a romantic couple. Sometimes, I feel like they have a dynamic like in detective stories, the smart one and the dumb but active one, vaguely like Sherlock and Watson or Poirot and Hastings. With the huge difference that Rosette is so much kinder to Solid than Sherlock and Poirot are mostly towards Watson and Hastings.
🥭 Rank from most enjoyable/fun to write to least: Fluff, Smut, Angst, Crack. Very personal opinion, but 1. Fluff, 2. & 3. Crack and Smut (depending on my mood it changes, so I put both at 2 and 3 😅), 4. Angst.
🍈 Who’s your blorbo and what are some of your favorite headcanons/ideas about them that repeatedly show up in your fics? Free pass to rant about blorbo opinions. I love the Silvas, especially Nozel and Noelle. One of my favorite headcanon is that each of them secretly gave the other gifts on their birthdays and it never stops even when Noelle joins the Black Bulls. In fact, her squad always wonder who sent her anonymous gifts. Another thing I like to point is that Nozel has a soft scent of lavender, be it from a soap or a shampoo. Mostly because I love lavender. Last but not least, Nebra is the fashion expert out of the siblings and always despairs about the fashion decisions of her brothers and little sister. It comes to funny scene, but also touching ones, because Nebra helps Noelle on that topic after they mend their bond.
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