#I hope the starter is okay
Stranger Men (closed for someflareoutwithlove)
Another dull shift at the grocery store. So dull. And there were no meals that were appealing enough, even if his stomach was trying to tell him to stop being so picky and drink from someone already.
But he abstained. However, his next idea was to go into a bar. If only because maybe some alcohol-flavoured blood would be a bit more appealing. Subconsciously, he knew why he was in such a funk, but he was trying not to let it reach his conscious mind. 
He made his way to a nearby bar, and without even hesitating, sat himself down at a stall.
“Hey, good sir,” he said to who he could only assume was the current bartender, managing a pleasant grin, “If you serve them, could I have a Peach Bellini please?”
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prophecyprompts · 6 months
#PHYSICAL. for when muses need some extra support & self-esteem lifts. all terms are gender-neutral.
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hi, pretty.
good morning, handsome.
well, aren't you a beauty?
your eyes are so lovely…
i wish you could see what i see.
please smile more, it's beautiful.
you're pretty even when you cry.
you are the most attractive person in this room. maybe this building. maybe this area, actually.
your body is beautiful because it's yours. don't forget that.
may i touch you? i want to see if you're truly real.
you look like a dream.
my pretty girl / boy / (muse's name).
your hands are nice… n-not like that! i mean, uh..
you don't need makeup or fancy jewelry or fancy clothes. you're perfect, okay?
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fxckin-blackbeard · 3 months
A Stormy Evening
|| @pyramultimuse - Killian Jones ||
ᒥ🌟ᒧ—        A storm had been brewing, Edward knew it was coming the moment he went out to the stable to water and feed the horse that morning. The soft breeze, the eerie quiet in the trees, and one glance to the clouds in the sky he was certain. He was excited, truthfully. A wild storm brought him peace and calm. His time at sea taught him many men feared a storm, but never did Edward. Wild winds, unforgiving and ruthless waves, and unrelenting rain brought him nothing but a sense of belonging, as though the sea itself reflected his soul for what it was.
That evening, once the torrential rain and whipping winds had begun, he found himself slipping outside. Now, there he laid on the side of the fountain in the garden. One arm hung down in the fountain's water, swaying back and forth to feel the movement of the water against his skin. On his back, brown hues stare up at the grey clouds, Edward drifting off deep into his thoughts. Silver hair, dampened by the rain, splayed out over the marble, no longer able to be blown by the wind.
The man draws in a deep breath, taking in the scent of wet moss, leaves, and soil surrounding him. He can hear the sound of rain drops dancing on green leaves of the forest, only for the wind to whistle through mere moments later.
While he missed the soothing rock of the ship by swells, the creaking of old wood, and the smell of fresh salt on those wild winds, he had to admit enjoying a storm in the woods was nearly as soothing as it would be on the deck of the Queen Anne. It was certainly different, from sounds and smells, but it wasn't terrible.
Edward's head lulls to the side, and he watches rain disturb the surface of the fountain's water. It was no raging sea, but a look of calm and peace on his face said he didn't seem to care. And so, he'd happily enjoy the storm there on the fountain, arm lazily moving through the water as he continues to watch the downpour on the surface.
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quentafeanorians · 27 days
The lord of Himring strode through his fortress with haste, and with such expression upon his face none dared come too near, let alone interrupt his purpose. Those who saw him pass through the corridors tensed and wondered what ill news their lord must have heard, or what sights have seen, to put such stern frown upon his brow, to purse his lips into that thin of a line, to fill his step with such galled determination.
Maitimo did not slow down in his pursuit nor spoke a word to a single soul, not until he has reached his brother's room. He entered in a rude fashion, foregoing a knock or any warning, and swinging the door open with force. Thereupon his resolve wavered, an ugly tremor coursing across his body, and his expression crumbling to that of pain.
He slammed the door shut behind himself and collapsed to his knees in front of his brother.
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silverwingborn · 3 months
“This part of town isn’t a good place to be at this time of night.” { From Nimue } @cxncrie )
The voice visibly startled the Nephilim, her whole body turning to face the sinner. Silver eyed the twin-tailed feline warily, sizing her up to see if her words held any threat behind them. Her own wings were out, which was highly uncharacteristic of Silver to do. But judging by the way one of them seemed to hang, it is easy to assume it was injured. A downed bird in a risky side of town.
“Indeed…You wouldn’t happen to know a quicker way out of here, would you?”
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outofradios · 3 months
planed starter for the lovely @cannibalxroses
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Somehow the radio demon had found his way to spending the evening with his dearest Rosie. There had already been much laughter and gossip while they had shared dinner together but tonight he was in a sentimental mood. 
After taking his jacket off so he could roll up his sleeves to help her with the dishes he had an idea of how he wanted to spend the rest of the evening. Putting on the song maybe by the ink spots so the soft melody could serve as the starting point in asking her to dance with him. His cane disappearing to join his jacket the was currently hung up on the coat rack
“What do you say my dear? He smiles softly as he offers his hand to the other overlord, the scars on his arms fully visible to her to show her just how much he trusted her. “Would you care to dance with me?”
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dysnomiias · 3 months
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❝ so. any hot gossip going around, mister journalist man? ❞
closed starter for @vvhimsicals
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lucidrims · 11 months
꒰ ͜͡➸ starter for @mndstom
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     coming from a long and arduous overnight shift, kaori sits in front of the vanity of her quaint studio, waiting for her next client. at this point, she had no clue about their background, just that it was more like a favor for a friend. it wasn't like she wasn't going to be paid, so she gladly accepted despite knowing her schedule was going to be grueling that day. sighing in front of the mirror, staring at her almost lifeless reflection after a 13-hour shift on set for a movie, kaori could only shake her head. " why is it so hard to make money these days ? ", she asks herself, and that's when she knew she was totally losing her mind. talking to herself out loud wasn't something she did normally, it was more of an inner monologue, but she truly was on the verge of a mental breakdown after a long night and no one could blame her.
as soon as her expected client comes in though, she immediately lights up. for one, she didn't want to be a debbie downer and dampen the mood instantly for them, and two, her client just immediately put a smile on her face for reasons still unknown. " hey, you must be naeun ssi ? i'm kaori, it's really nice to meet you. " holding her hand out for a shake, she bows her head along with it, not forgetting her manners despite feeling distracted, " so, any thoughts on your look today or inspo you'd like to show me ? i always think that's a good place to start. " she inquires, gesturing to the make-up chair.
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xluciifer · 2 months
He'd grown ... bored and caught wind of an Overlord meeting to greet, so in hopefulness of spurring jest, he decides on his own accord to make himself present at said meeting. Lucifer had been given proposals many times and had always declined the offer, not really something he needed to attend to in the first place. But picture his surprise when he teleports in to the middle of chaos towards the back of the room. There's a whole song and dance number, tensions are stirring and boy, this was an entire show for him!
Pay the King little mind as he stands to the side, his apple cane in hand as he leans into the object that stationed itself on the ground, observing quietly. He hadn't the slightest clue what was unfolding between the Overlords but man, he should've got some popcorn if he knew! Missed opportunity. And before he knew it, the meeting was abruptly adjourned. Well, that was definitely something!
But as the flocks were situating themselves to vacate, ruby gaze met with @radioiaci by chance. He'd never seen this fellow before; though the stare given back was starting to irk him.
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⸺ ❝ Got a staring problem, pal? ❞
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your-local-uwu-artist · 11 months
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had a lot of fun with this, I wanted to practice poses, character interaction, and composition: + I wanted to try out a softer color scheme ...well as soft as my endless love for super saturated colors allows
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snowyhybridboi · 6 months
Angels were real. They had to be right? How else would anyone be safe in the world... Charlie bit on his tongue, his eyes staring at the angel statue outside the building. One of many he liked to visit and talk to. He didn't really have many friends. Who wanted to befriend a hybrid? An abandoned one at that. "If t-they aren't real then why do we have your statues? How do we even know what you look like to make t-them?" Someone had to have seen an angel at some point to create these statues. Unless God was the one to have created them too. That would make the most sense. "T-that explains their perfection.." The smaller murmured, his hand gently patting the cold stone arm of the angel that was slowly starting to be covered in moss in some areas. It added to the beauty in his opinion. Perhaps he thought so because he was a fan of nature itself. "I wonder what you're doing.. what you t-think of all of us down here. We probably look very silly don't we? Very strange even.." @elysiumxii
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patrickoharaandco · 8 months
Cygnus Dolohov looked down at the two women knelt in front of him. One was his wife, the other a beautiful young stranger he thought he'd seen in the village before they had invaded.
"I'm impressed." He observed as he looked down at them. "She's very beautiful." He mused as his fingers traced down the cheeks of the strange girl. He truly was impressed at how beautiful the girl was that his wife had brought before him as an offering.
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anapelicula · 1 year
i hope everyone is just as excited to hit up nashville as i am. i swear i've had my cowgirl boots packed away, collecting dust for far too long now... please tell me that's all very real fashion over there, and i'm not gonna look silly? because i really do have to wear them. ( @hfrpstarters )
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vendettavalor · 3 months
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As Above, So Below
⚔️ For @nemekii 's Hoppy Hopscotch! ⚔️
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The years had been far from kind to the factory and its inhabitants.
Well, its remaining inhabitants.
After the Hour of Joy, things had been so perfect. So peaceful. The sweet blissful freedom they experienced - free from the labs where they were poked and prodded and burned and tortured, the cages where they were scent to sleep in the cold loneliness as punishment for any slight or transgression - was a welcome mercy that they'd long prayed on the Prototype to deliver to them. And when He had, it had all been so perfect. They had their justice, their vengeance. And for a time, they only thing they needed to worry about was how best to occupy their time in their newfound freedom.
But as a wise man once said, nothing good can last.
And very soon, the good times grew dull. With time, all the games in the toy factory had been played. All the toys played with. All the survivors hunted. Many began to grow stir-crazy as they realized that autonomy and freedom from restraint was not enough. Many still had homes and families on the outside that they wanted to see. Playcare's artificial outdoors paled in comparison to cherished memories of real, fresh air. The warm sun. The soft green grasses. Soon enough, those that revered the Prototype for His efforts in freeing them began to rebel against Him, challenge Him. They became heretics, and they were shunned with accordingly.
Then, the lean times began. The bodies disappeared. The food ran out. They began to starve. Tensions rose and in their desperation, it became a deadly game of survival of the fittest. Kill or be killed. The shunned became the hunted, until only the strongest or the most loyal remained. Those truly clever and skilled managed to hide and survive against all odds. But so long as the factory remained closed, they remained trapped.
Catnap was truly blessed. Through it all, he had remained faithful and devoted to the Prototype. He carried out His will without question, killing those He deemed unfit and unworthy, fasting at His command, and accepting the scraps of food He offered in reward. Playcare was his territory and he was its guardian. He handled the heretics wherever they appeared, keeping alive those who followed his god as he did and hunting down those that didn't. And though some part of him did hold an inkling of remorse, the past was behind him and therefore easy to push down and ignore.
The feelings of guilt would have consumed him faster than any hunger - but so long as he kept his distance from any reminders of what he once was before all of this, he could press on.
At least, that was what he had told himself. And he had just about convinced himself it was true. But now... now he wasn't so sure.
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Not when he could swear he was picking up on the familiar scent of peppermint through the overwhelming smog of poppies and lavender.
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townofcadence · 1 month
Starter for @galaxofmuses!
He'd found Vanni on that bench again, after another night of bad dreams. And while he couldn't-- fix it, couldn't take them away or undo the fact they'd happened, he knew sometimes good company and something nice and warm could help.
Which was why Vanni was currently seated on a bar stool in his old apartment, and he was rifling through the fridge. Thank goodness Lexus kept the place stocked for any time he decided to drop in.
Artair glanced over his shoulder, keeping his frown at the dark rings under his friend's eyes hidden by an arm. " For food-- how's something sweet sound? Or are you more of a savory guy? I got plenty to work with so I don't mind any which way." Honestly with all the food in this fridge he could just probably whip up a feast, though he doubted Vanni was the kind to eat all that much.
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teddy-byrne · 1 month
Wait here, she said. Teddy hadn't the slightest clue what Daphne was thinking by suggesting he helped her in the testing of her potion, but he owed her too much at this point to say no and he would much prefer for her to do this safely. Ergo choose him and not ..Christopher.
As he paced around her cosy livingroom, his mind was flooded with the many outcomes and possibilities to result from this. He knew Daphne. She would likely not accept money for it, much less having the rosu's control who has access to it, but they could always aid her financially and that way, put their name on it. Walking up to a shelf, the vampire picked up a frame, looking down at what appeared to be a picture of a couple and pausing.
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