#I haven't had mine since I moved in with Eli
ace-culture-is · 1 year
sex-repulsed ace culture is kind of wishing that corn flakes/a bland diet would prevent one’s body from getting unwanted urges during the hellish ovulation phase of the menstrual cycle.
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Part one
When two hearts collide. A Hawk Mowkawitz story.
Hawk x reader pairing - fem reader
You're an old friend of Sam's and now you're back in the Valley after six years away, moving around with your Mum.
It had been a long time since you'd been in the Valley. Six years in fact now here you were walking into a high school full of people you had once known but now didn't. You had almost no confidence as you walked down the halls clutching your chemistry book to your chest.
"Hey y/n when did you get back?" Sam stood in front of me her face plastered with a smile. You recognised her straight away.
"Oh um about two weeks ago." You answer. You walked together to home room, luckily for you she had most of the same classes as you. You had been close friends with Sam and Aishea before you moved away, at this point she was all you knew.
In the class room she introduced you to her group of friends. Mostly boys, one was her boyfriend and one had a mohawk. His sweet smile caught your eye, though it quickly turned to a cocky smirk.
You slipped into the group easily, joining in with their conversations as if you'd always been there. The vast amount of moving around had taught you to learn human patterns fast. Never leaving you out of any loop you found yourself in.
The guy with the mohawk had math with you before lunch so he made sure to walk beside you to the cafeteria. You enjoyed his silly jokes that he shared with you, though it jarred you when he so swiftly changed his behaviour once around the group. He was cocky and almost rude to other people. You saw how some other kids looked at him. Scared almost. Had you read him wrong? Was he a bully? Sam had introduced him to me as Hawk though later told me his real name was Eli. I liked his real name better than his nickname.
When school finished they invited you hang out with them at the weekend.
"Oh, y/n, do you still do karate?" Sam asked suddenly.
"Kinda, mostly just by myself. I haven't been to a dojo in, well since I left here." You replied.
"My dad opened miyagi-do up again. You should come, we're all in it." Sam said.
"Oh yeah, sounds good, I might be a bit rusty."
"We'll work out the kinks, don't worry." Hawk winked at you.
Everyone laughed before saying bye. Sam took your phone number so she could text you the dojo address. You smiled then went over to your bike, Hawk was also climbing onto his amd you wondered how he fit the mohawk into his helmet.
"Thats your bike?" He asked looking at the easy rider beside you.
"Well technically my dad's but he can't be bothered to stick around so its mine now." You say before sliding your own helmet on a d sliding the visor closed. You knew he watched you as you pulled out of the space and out of the parking lot. .
You managed to eat a few pop tarts before slipping into your gym clothes and riding your motorbike to the dojo. You parked up beside some vintage cars, admiring them for a moment.
"Hey, you came?" A voice said behind you. You turned to see the purple mohawk walking up to you.
"Yeah, thought I'd see if you're any good."
"Oh I'm good, princess. You any good?" He was grinning again.
"Ask your sensie." You reply with your own smirk, turning on your heel and walking to the dojo.
The lesson went well, Sensie LaRusso greeted you into the class cheerfully, Sensie Lawrence however gave you an annoyed glance. You didn't understand why. At first you didn't take part, opting to watch the class. Your eyes couldn't help but wonder between the students, lingering on Hawk. He had removed his Gi top, having grown hot under the bright sunlight and exercise. Eventually you worked alongside Sam refreshing your old skills till the lesson ended.
The group of friends milled around the parking lot for a minutes after the lesson, people filtering off slowly. Sam's boyfriend went home with Sensie Lawrence, and Sam with her dad. Once again you found yourself stood with Hawk beside your bikes.
"You got plans for tonight?" He asked.
"Nope, mum's working till late so just me the microwave." You reply.
"No way, let me take you out. I'll buy you dinner." Hawk insisted. Something about this guy captivated you so you agreed, though you wanted a shower first. Hawk was cool with that and said he'd pick you up in an hour. You drove home faster than you should have excited to be making actual friends again.
Part 2
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nashibirne · 3 years
Gimme Shelter - 5
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Here comes chapter 5. Expect a little romance and fluff! Our protagonists even start to flirt 😏 I hope you enjoy the next part of their story! If so, please let me know and leave a comment, like or reblog. Thanks 💜
You can find parts 1 - 4 and my other fics on my masterlist
Pairing: Henry Cavill x OFC (Kat Spencer)
Words: ~3.3k
Summary: Henry has to deal with a personal crisis and he finds shelter with his old rugby mate Sam and his sister Kat. She used to be Henry’s best friend a very long time ago. Will they be able to become friends again or maybe even more?
Chapter 5: A walk on the coast path, a flirt and a sweet encounter
Warnings: RPF, mention of mental health issues
Unbeta'ed. English isn't my first language. Mistakes ahead and they're all mine.
Disclaimer: I don’t know the real Henry Cavill or anyone who's related to him in any way, this is pure fiction and nothing more
Credits: Pics for the moodboard from Pinterest. Face claims: Kat = Jennifer Connelly
Tag list (let me know if you want to be added or removed):
@lunedelorient @inlovewithhisblueeyes @willkatfanfromasia @hell1129-blog @mis-lil-red @agniavateira @kebabgirl67 @omgkatinka @legendarywizarddetective @summersong69 @taebfada @xxxkatxo @artandotherdelights @notabronte @littlefreya @luclittlepond @eldarwen333 @meowpurrbooks @marantha @fadingkittenfun @liliumdream @enchantedbytomandhenry @greensleeves888 @witcherfan @margauxmargaux07 @radaofrivia @m07belzen
Ready? Let's go.
Over the next few days Kat and Henry got closer and closer. They had long conversations almost every day that were so very helpful for both of them and they felt that the bond between them, this strong connection they had all these years ago and that had been cut off so abruptly, was rebuilding slowly. It was almost like back in the days. Kat and Henry against the rest of the world.
Kat helped Henry to sort out his thoughts, to make decisions and plans without taking responsibility away from him. She didn't make it easy for him by taking over control or telling him what to do. All she did was listen, sharing her view on things and giving him advice and she did it in a way that made it easy for Henry to see where he wanted to go with his life in the future. She didn't judge, she didn't criticize, she just gave him her opinion and support and that was all he was asking for. 
On day 8 after the treehouse talk Henry was brooding over a text he wanted to publish. A statement for his fans, the media, the public in general but it wasn't so easy to get the tone right and to explain enough to make his latest actions relatable without giving up too much of his privacy. He closed his laptop with a sigh and rubbed his tired eyes when it knocked on the door. 
"Come in." he said, hoping it was Kat and his wish came true.
"Hey." Kat greeted him with a bright smile and joined him at the kitchen table. "What are you doing?"
"Nothing." He shook his head. "I'm not very productive today."
"So maybe you need a distraction? What about a walk on the coast path? The weather is lovely and I'm really in need of some fresh air. Wanna join me?"
Kat flinched when Mr. Darcy jumped onto her lap out of the blue. "Heavens, Darce...you're gonna give me a heart attack one day." The cat ignored her fond scolding and curled up into a ball on her thighs, clearly demanding a bit of tender loving care that she gave him with an amused smile. "I haven't seen him downstairs in days."
"Cat got your tongue?" Kat stood up with a smirk and Henry was sure she was swaying her hips more than usual when she went to the door. "Come on, Cavill. Let's go." 
Henry chuckled. "Yeah, it seems he's moved in with us. He sleeps with Kal in my bed every night. I think he's in love." Kat grinned. "Well, I can't blame him. Who wouldn't fall in love with a smart, sexy hunk and his furry companion." She gave him a flirtatious wink and now Henry was the one feeling like having a heart attack.
This was new. She'd never flirted with him before. All their banter was of friendly nature, sarcastic and funny but not flirty. He wanted to give her a witty answer, make a sexy remark but his mind went blank. All he was able to think about was how badly he wanted to touch and kiss her and so he opened his mouth but not a single word came out.
Kat's heart was racing when they left the house and walked down the road that led to the coast path side by side. It was obvious that her cheeky remark had caught him off guard but she wasn't sure if he considered her move good or bad. It had taken all her courage to try and flirt with him and his reaction left her a little clueless. It was not like she didn't know how to flirt. She did and she loved a sexy flirtatious banter. She wasn't shy and she also was aware of the fact that she was attractive but when it came to Henry everything was different. She turned into an insecure teenager again, helplessly in love and completely confused.
Just don't make the same mistakes again. Her thoughts wandered back to the night she'd spend with Eli after the city festival. When she went home with him she wanted to have sex with him, she really did but it didn't work. Whenever she closed her eyes and kissed him she saw Henry and the way he had looked at her when they were dancing slowly. Elijah soon noticed that something was off and he connected the dots quickly. He was very sweet and instead of being pissed he made coffee and they sat down and talked. Kat told him about her and Henry, all about their past, about Poppy, the heartbreak, her feelings for him, just everything. When she was finished Eli gave her a grin. "Well, I've been dumped for worse guys than Henry Cavill. I mean, even I wouldn't say no to him and I'm straight as fuck."
Kat chuckled and rolled her eyes. "Thank you for your understanding. I just don't know how to deal with my feelings. I don't even understand the nature of these feelings."
"The nature? You're falling for him again. And judging by the way he looked at you and the death stares he was giving me all night, I'd say he feels the same way." Eli shrugged as if it was as clear as day. "And you should really grasp at that second chance."
Kat sighed. "I don't know. What if he hurts me again?"
"You're not sixteen anymore. I'm sure he's learned his lesson and so have you. Just don't fuck it up this time, Kat."
"Excuse me? I didn't fuck it up back then." She looked at him flabbergasted.
"Come on, you know what I mean. Just don't make the same mistakes again." Eli took her hand and gave it a squeeze. "Yeah, he was a total ass and treated you badly. He lied to you. I get that. But you never gave him a hint that you have feelings for him. You took him for granted, Kat. You thought he'd always be there for you exclusively, that you are the only girl in his life and that you could afford to keep him in the dark about your feelings. You had this romantic idea in your head. You and him, the ball, the romance, a dance, a kiss, a confession but you never even considered that he liked you too but moved on because you'd friendzoned him. Truth is you didn't dare to tell him that you're in love with him and it backfired and hit you hard."
Kat started to chew on her lip. "Yeah. Maybe you're right." 
"And if I may add one thing. You're 38. You're beautiful and smart but you're still single. You said it yourself, none of the men you meet can live up to your expectations. You've never met 'the one'. What if Henry's been the one for you all along?"
And that was the question that was running around in her mind ever since Elijah had posed it. Was it possible? Was Henry the one for her?
"This way?" Henry's voice interrupted her thoughts. He pointed at a path that turned off to the left. "Yes." Kat smiled at him sheepishly and Henry gave her a funny look.  "Are you okay?" 
"Yeah, sure. I was just lost in thought. Sorry."
"Thinking about hot hunks, huh?" He smirked and it was ridiculously sexy. Kat's heart jumped with joy when she realized that he was flirting back.
"More about their cute companions." Kat laughed out loud with relief and joy. "Come on, Kal." She clapped her hands and started to run down the path, the American Akita following close behind, wagging his tale with excitement. She looked back over her shoulder with a grin. "What are you waiting for, Hen. Are you afraid you can't keep up with me?"
"Don't try me." Henry laughed and ran after her, chasing her down the path, playfully imitating a roaring bear. Kat was surprisingly fast and he indeed had problems keeping up with her. He wasn't a sprinter, his body wasn't really made for running though he did it for cardio regularly. So he had stamina but he wasn't very fast. Kat on the other hand was agile and quick and she took the rocky path effortlessly, it was a treat for the eyes. He knew she liked trail running and her smooth motions showed him that she did this often. When he finally caught up with her she flashed him a smile and slowed down. They came to a halt, both panting and laughing at the same time. "We better walk now. I'm too old for running away from a man as fit as you." Kat bent her upper body down and supported herself with her hands on her knees. Henry grinned. "You're way too fast for me. You ran like a bat out of hell."
They both burst out laughing again for no real reason and it felt so good to be childish and just a little silly. Henry was so comfortable, so much like himself, when he was with her it made him feel whole again. She was the antidepressant he really needed. 
"What about some climbing instead of running?" 
"Climbing? Jesus, Kat, are you trying to wear me out?"
"Well, it's not really climbing. The trail is just a little rockier and steeper than the regular one." Kat pointed at a path that was overgrown and led upwards to what seemed to be a cliff.
"What's up there? A make-out spot?" He asked, grinning cheekily.
"Dream on." Kat raised an eyebrow and her smile was sexy and amused at the same time. "Just an amazing view on the bay from the top of the cliff."
"It's closed off." Henry looked at the chain that blocked the trail with a frown.
"Yes...but we can take it anyway. That's not a problem."
"The sign says 'no trespassing', Kat."
She sighed. "I know but this is more for the tourists. There have been some minor accidents. Someone broke his leg or something. So they closed it off...insurance stuff and such...you know how it is. It's nothing,  I've been there many times."
Henry still wasn't convinced. "It can still be dangerous and what if we get caught?"
"Sorry." She mumbled avoiding his gaze. 
Kat laughed. "No risk, no fun. Come on now, Pop." She froze before she blushed furiously.
"Pop, huh?" Henry's lips turned up into a mocking grin. Pop had been her nickname for him at school. Whenever he'd tried to tell her what to do or to keep her from doing things he considered too dangerous or simply inappropriate she had teased him with this name to make clear that he sounded like her father. And so he became Pop just like she became Kitty.
"No worries, Kat. I like the sound of it. Actually I get called daddy a lot these days." Her eyes met his and he wiggled his eyebrows with a teasing smirk. Kat's confidence was back and she gave him a lopsided grin and a wink before she climbed over the chain. "Well, I guess I better behave then...daddy."
20 minutes later they were sitting side by side on top of the cliff, Kal lying at Henry's feet and Kat hadn't promised too much. The view was spectacular. "That's fantastic, Kat." 
"Yeah. It never ceases to amaze me, every time I come here, again and again."
They sat there in comfortable silence for a while, staring at the ocean. Kat's legs touched his and the physical closeness awoke the butterflies inside of him. He turned to her, admiring her pretty face. "Thanks for taking me here." She looked at him with a smile. "I knew you'd love it. I've been here many times thinking of you, wishing you were with me, like you're with me now." Her voice got weaker with every word and she bit her lip, suddenly feeling self-conscious.
Henry's heart started to race when he realized what her words meant. She had never stopped thinking about him just like he had never been able to forget her. He took her hand and pressed a soft kiss on her knuckles. She let it happen, she even closed her eyes. "I wouldn't want to be anywhere else than by your side, Kitty." He knew it was a bold move to call her that after her reaction the other day but she didn't seem to mind. "That's good to know, Pop."
She opened her eyes again and they shared a shy smile. Henry didn't let go of her hand, he even started to stroke it with his thumb tenderly. Kat's gaze fell on his lips and they both leaned in slowly. Their lips were just about to meet in a tender kiss when they heard suppressed giggles from behind. They turned around and saw two girls who were standing behind a rock, watching them. They were nine maybe ten years old and really cute. "Hey, you nosy little rascals. Are you observing us?" Henry scolded them playfully, laughing out loud and Kat couldn't help but join in. 
"What about your dog? Don't you go to work?" Nelly asked.
"We were observing your dog. It looks like a bear." The taller girl said with a confident smile. She had beautiful, thick, red hair and reminded Kat very much of Anne Shirley from 'Anne with an E'. "What's your name?" she asked. "I'm Nelly and this is my bestie Laura." The other girl giggled again and waved at them but she didn't say a word. "Would you want to pet my dog? His name is Kal." Henry gave them an encouraging smile and they nodded eagerly. "Come on, Kal. Meet Nelly and Laura." Kal got up and greeted the girls like the friendly dog he just was and they kneeled down to stroke his soft fur.
"I want a dog too, but my parents say no." Laura said and she pouted her lips. "I'm sure they have good reasons." Henry explained. "A dog requires a lot of time." "Yeah. That's what my parents say. They don't have time for a dog because they both have to work." She rolled her big brown eyes, never stopping to pet Kal who enjoyed the love he received.
"Your parents are very reasonable . You wouldn't want your dog to be sad, would you?" "No." She shook her head vehemently. "Of course not." "See, but dogs are sad when they have to be alone all day." She nodded and sighed. "Oh, okay."
"I'm lucky. I can take Kal with me when I work." Henry gave her a bright smile but she seemed sceptical. "Really? Must be a very strange job, when you can bring your dog."
"It is a strange job, you're right, Nelly, but I love it anyway." And for the first time in months, he felt it. He loved his job and he was a lucky man.
After the sweet encounter with Nelly and Laura the intimate moment was ruined and the sexual tension was gone but Kat and Henry were still in a good mood and they went back home chatting lightheartedly.
"You were great with the girls. Did you never think about having kids?" 
Henry gave Kat a surprised look.
"Of course I did. I'd love to have a bunch of children but I guess I'd need a woman first."
"I don't think there's a lack of women in your life." 
"No, of course not. There were many of them but never the one to start a family with."
Now it was Kat who was surprised. "You have never been in a serious relationship? Never made plans to settle down? I'm sorry if this a stupid question but I've always avoided reading about your private life in the media…"
"It's not stupid at all. What you can read about my private life is mostly bullshit anyway." Henry let out a snort. "But no, I've never been really serious with a woman. I was engaged once but that was a very stupid idea. I was young and foolish…"
"But why? I mean, you're perfect husband material."
"Yeah, for gold diggers and attention whores." He rolled his eyes. "I don't know, it's always the same. I meet a woman, I fall fast and hard and after a few weeks I wake up from this romantic vision I had of her and me and there's nothing left...I lose interest or she gets bored with me and that's it. It has always been like this. I'm just not able to find a woman that completes me." He shrugged. "What about you? Why are you still single?" 
Kat took a deep breath. "Pretty much the same actually. There have been a few men, short relationships, but it never lasted. All of them tried to turn me into something I'm not. A trophy wife, a housewife, a mistress…but none of them could make me feel at home with them."
"They must have been idiots. Why would anybody try to change you. You're great the way you are." Henry said, shaking his head in disbelief. "What about Jim?"
Kat smiled. "Jim was indeed different. We had a great time but after four years we grew apart. I was so young, 23, I wanted to travel, to see the world, he was 30 and wanted to settle down and start a family. That's why we broke up and it was the right thing to do. We're still friends and he has a great family now."
"Seems we were right when we were moping teenagers and said we're never going to find true and everlasting love. Do you remember? Kitty and Pop..the lonely heart club?"
"Of course. All these sad poems we wrote and you were so great at reciting them." Kat laughed softly at the memory. "God, we were so pathetic with our self-pity."
"Yeah, we were. But eventually you fell for Aaron."
"Love is a big word for what Poppy and I had in those 6 months we were together." Henry looked at his hands, his fingers were fumbling with the ring on his pinky. Guilt washed over him whenever he talked about Poppy in Kat's presence. "I guess I didn't even know what love is when I was with her. Maybe I still don't."
Kat cocked her head looking at him. Yes, after you broke my heart, was what she was thinking. "I did. He was my byronic hero. He saved me..." was what she was saying. "And you loved Poppy."
"You must have loved your girlfriends."
Henry shrugged. "I have but...I don't know…"
"You loved them and at the same time you knew they weren't the one. Something was always missing…."
Kat spoke out what he was thinking but couldn't express.
He looked at her, nodding his head. "Exactly."
"Yeah. Same here. Aren't we the lucky ones?" Kat gave him a sarcastic grin. "We should resurrect the lonely hearts club."
The way she tried to shrug off the topic all of the sudden showed him that it had gotten under her skin. Deep. He smirked and gave her a wink. "Count me in."
Kat looked at him with a frown. "Really? I was actually joking."
"Why not. Could be fun to take a stroll down memory lane."
"You're right. Let's do it. First meeting on Saturday night? At the woodhouse?" 
"Sounds like a plan. I better start searching the internet for some sad, dramatic poems."
"And I'm going to compile a playlist." 
"Deal." Henry offered Kat his hand for a handshake and she took it grinning like a Cheshire cat.
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