#I don't make the rules here
ifindus · 3 months
Now that you’ve drawn nyo!Norway and regular Scotland, can I request regular Norway and nyo!Scotland? (I rlly like ur art btw 🥰)
Thank you! 🥰🥰 Now we have gathered all the ScotNor! Though OG ScotNor is still the best ✨
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totally-not-your-babe · 5 months
So obviously I have to have a Bad Batch marathon before the 21st. I don't make the rules. It's a must. It is how it is.
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chacerider · 2 years
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youknowmevj · 1 year
the tomarry ship: ☠️⚠️⚔️💣🔪🗡️🩸💀🏴‍☠️
the tomarry fandom: 🌞🌈💐🦋😍✨💖💒
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crisalidaseason · 1 year
Eren: 'min
Armin: Yeah
Eren: If you had only one minute left to live, what would you do?
Armin: hm...what would you do?
Eren: Say 'I love you' to ma, Mika and you
Armin: That's very sweet, Eren
Mikasa: Gross, but sweet
Eren: Yes, now pls answer the question arlert
Armin: I'd listen to the introduction of Alejandro by Lady Gaga
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asherxme · 19 days
This is Charles instagram bio "Professional ice cream taster by day, ninja warrior by night. Unapologetically brills mate!!"
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morganski-19 · 9 months
What if like Steve is really smart in something that no one would suspect him of being. Like everyone drags on his intelligence a lot, but he isn't exactly dumb. Does he always pick up on the most obvious point and understand that immediately. Not exactly. But that doesn't distinguish between a person with a lot of intelligence and no intelligence.
This isn't a new thought, but in season three he picked up the location of the Russian base because he figured out the tune was coming from the mall. He chose to pay attention to the noises in the background instead of the transmission coming through. This made Robin able to solve the riddle because she knew the location of the base in the first place.
So Steve is smart, just not in ways that are shown in the show, which is mostly science and dnd lore. There are so many possibilities of what Steve could be really smart at.
I've seen a bunch of different takes on what this could be, but here is my submission.
What is Steve is really fucking good at geometry. Like he's a sports guy, which happens to use a lot of math. Take basketball for example, its simple angles would give the best trajectory for the ball to fall perfectly into the basket. Or in baseball, the perfect angle to hit the ball to get a home run. Is there some physics involved too, sure. But the basis of all of those ideas is built off the simple geometric concepts. So with some trial and error, it wouldn't be a stretch to say that Steve used his understanding of geometry and applied that to sports.
I'm not saying he's a math genius who can do calculations in his head in the middle of a basketball game to find the trajectory that would make the perfect shot. But I am saying that maybe during one of his math classes, it came a bit easier to him because he already had a little bit of understanding. And maybe he then used what he learned in class to improve his skills.
It's not something that would come up in the show, but knowing the right angle to hit a demogorgon the right way so it stumbles sure would help.
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meri-meri-mwah · 11 months
This scene...this scene right here...
Literally in TEARS.
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nerdinsandals · 2 years
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I made a bunch of (mostly weeby) graphic tees for Conway to wear. 💚
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Peter Walter VI is trans now
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screechingkroh · 2 years
So sorry you got a headache I hope you feel better!!
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Do you need memes? Cause I have a shit ton.
I love cats so much :sobs: I'm so sad my dad is allergic to them (and doesn't like them)
My friends always let me know if they have a cat because then I like to make them little treats for whenever I come over. I do this for dogs too. It's like an unspoken rule.
"Hey Crow, I have an orange tabby cat."
And I'm off grabbing ingredients to bake their cat a treat or two. Or a handful.
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veil-of-lament · 2 months
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everything comes to an end
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nanapop · 1 year
I'm so sorry if you follow me for visual novel stuff I'm about to binge reblog bloodhounds gifsets bc that show owns my entire brain now 😭
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unclewaynemunson · 7 months
Pt2 to this post
'Is something wrong?' Nancy asks, not long after the two of them have taken their familiar spots on the hood of Steve's car. They're basking in what might be the last warm sunlight of the year, looking out over the quarry, at a safe distance from the edge.
It's become a tradition the two of them share, ever since they reconnected back in March. It calms them both, to just sit here and take in the view, no one around but each other. Nancy is one of the few people Steve can share a comfortable silence with: sometimes they sit here quietly for what feels like hours, side by side, listening to music or to nothing but the birds singing around them. But they also have their best conversations here: it's the place where Nancy entrusted him she wanted to break up with Jonathan; it's the place where they talked about their shared past and decided they would always love each other as friends; it's the place where they finally talked about Barbara in a way they couldn't when they were younger. It's where Nancy talked about the ghosts still haunting her and Steve talked about how lonely he sometimes felt.
Steve huffs. 'How did you guess?'
'When you frown, you always do it with your whole face,' Nancy notes. 'So it's hard to miss, really.'
Steve glances at her side profile. There's a serenity to her features that's still relatively new. It means she's healing, slowly learning how to be happy again. It means she stopped waiting for the end of the world and started believing in a real future again. It makes Steve proud of how far they both have come.
'I had a fight with Eddie,' he confesses. 'And with Dustin, I guess.'
'What happened?'
He sighs. 'It's complicated.'
'Wanna tell me about it?'
The look in her eyes is kind and inviting. Steve hesitates. He wants to, but he doesn't know if he can. It's a risk. It's scary.
But he can't imagine Nancy Wheeler ever being careless with his secrets. He can't imagine her judging him, can't imagine her being as small-minded as most people in this town.
He was planning on telling her anyway, because things had been going so well with Eddie lately and – no, he shouldn't think about that right now. But maybe it would actually be nice to talk about it with Nancy.
'So, um...' His throat feels tight and his hands are sweaty. 'I recently discovered some things about myself. I-' The words get stuck somewhere on the way to his mouth, and he clears his throat.
Nancy doesn't push, but only gives him an encouraging nod, waiting for him to find his voice again.
'I found out I like boys,' he finally manages to confess. 'And I need you to know that – that that doesn't mean that what I felt for you wasn't real. It was. I loved you, and now I fell in love with a boy. And-'
'Steve.' Nancy's hand suddenly covers his, causing him to finally jerk his head away from the view over the quarry, to focus on her face again instead.
Her eyes are wide, and she squeezes his hand.
'You don't have to explain yourself to me,' she tells him. 'We're good. But thank you for telling me. For trusting me with this.'
Steve heaves out a relieved sigh, and Nancy smiles; it's that genuine kind of smile which reveals all kinds of dimples and soft lines across her face.
'We might be more similar than you thought,' she tells him, a faint blush spreading over her cheeks.
'Really?' Her words make his breath catch in his throat. He squints at her, trying to see her in this new light. 'Are you saying what I think you're saying?'
She shrugs. 'I don't know. I'm not sure yet,' she admits. 'Still figuring things out.'
'Take your time, there's no rush,' he tells her. 'But...' He bumps his shoulder against hers. 'When you're done figuring it out, talk to me, okay?'
She nods. 'Okay.'
For a while, it's quiet between the two of them. Some kind of raptor circles high above them in the sky. They both follow it with their eyes until it disappears among the tree tops west of the quarry.
'Is it Eddie?'
Steve blinks dumbly a couple of times.
'Wha- what?'
'The guy you were talking about. The one you fell in love with. It's Eddie, isn't it?'
'Jesus, Wheeler, what kind of sorceress are you?' Steve exclaims.
Nancy laughs again. 'You're not being as subtle as you think,' she tells him. 'The two of you have been hooking up for a while now, haven't you?'
Steve huffs dramatically. 'This is unfair. You know everything; I can't even tell you my own secrets anymore!'
'So what happened?' Nancy asks. 'You said you had a fight with him?'
'It's fucking stupid,' he sighs. 'Dustin was getting way too excited about the fact that I was gonna be hanging out with you, so I told him I was seeing someone. Next thing I knew, he was telling Eddie all about how I was seeing a girl.' He waves his hands around to make annoyed air quotations. 'I wanted to tell Eddie it was a misunderstanding, but Dustin was there, so I couldn't out us just like that, and he looked so betrayed and heartbroken... He didn't wanna listen to me.'
Steve sighs; he still can't manage to forget that look in Eddie's eyes when Dustin delivered the big news. 'I wish I would've talked about what I felt for him earlier. I should've been honest when I had the chance, y'know. But I was afraid he wouldn't wanna label what we had, that he wouldn't feel the same way – and now we're in this whole mess. God, he must hate me right now, Nance.'
To his surprise, Nancy gives him an unexpected slap against his arm.
'Ouch, what the hell was that for?!'
'What are you even doing here with me, Steve? You should've gone after him, tell him how you feel!'
'I tried, obviously, but he didn't wanna listen to me!'
'So make him listen! You're in love with him, he obviously feels the same way about you, and you let him leave to wallow in a broken heart he doesn't even need to have!' She rolls her eyes and slides off the car, adding something under her breath that sounds suspiciously like an exasperated 'Boys!' before she pulls Steve off the car as well. 'C'mon, time to get your ass over to the trailer park. Right. Now,' she says through gritted teeth. And, well, Steve knows better than to argue with a determined - and truthfully quite terrifying - Nancy Wheeler.
Read the last part here Taglist: @withacapitalp @ultimatedreamer104 @irregular-child @jcmadgirl @estrellami-1 @myguiltyartpleasure @hallucinatedjosten @jaybren @thew1ldblueyonder @melodymeddler @alycatavatar @zoeweee @lolawonsstuff @fairy-princette @saramelaniemoon @phirex22 @krazyperson @xxsky-shockxx (I only put people on this list who explicitly asked to be tagged. That's really no problem, I love to do that so dw about asking, but I got a lot of relatively vague reactions to the previous post that i'm not gonna dissect and interpret, bc I don't wanna clog anyone's notes unwanted. So just to be clear: i consider it a huge compliment if anyone asks for a tag but please do it clearly if you do!)
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screamsinsilver · 2 years
I am so hyped to write all this angst in 'human hands' that I'm writing up the last chapters of the current fic and let me tell you, they're some of the softest things I've written in my whole life. I'm so stoked for these three characters to get their happy ending after all I've put them through. And for human hands, I need to find them a happy ending somehow!
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 8 months
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Wardrobe Woes
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