#I am just such a sucker for high-quality gifs
rassvetsky · 2 years
hi! can i request a fluffy halloween fic with scott lang where he and reader does those couple costumes? 🫶 tysm!!!
i am literally in love with you for requesting this. my love for scott is beyond words and this is way too late and rushed but still pls feel free to request again whenever you'd like ily
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88 Miles Per Hour
scott lang x reader
"Through costumes put together in a rush and water fights with resident trick-or-treaters, you found a moment of peace to memorize every single detail Scott held."
[2k] | just short & cute nothing worth warning u about except for. scott's beauty. obviously. halloween themes, feelings, kiiiinda friends to lovers but mostly just flirty banter, scott is a cutie and he deserves the world and i love him so much your honor
reblog and/or like for a kiss, feedback much appreciated! not proofread.
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Time spent with Scott Lang felt like a whiplash- the dopamine high he tended to give you with his jokes and compliments could rival ecstasy. He wouldn't let you think about anything else; if life was stressing you out, he was definitely the man to go to because through the pointless conversations and intrusive DIY projects, his main priority was to make you feel good, safe and appreciated. And of course, to get you laughing so hard that you wouldn't even be able to remember what you were stressed out about in the first place.
But just like everything else, that went both ways. Scott didn't tend to show it when he was down, but through the decrease in energy, you could sense it. Hell, even from his tone through the line when you called him to ask him about his day- you'd immediately sense that something was wrong, and it needed to be fixed, immediately.
Because in your eyes, Scott deserved much better than what he already had in this life.
So when you showed up by his door with a bag of clothes picked specifically for Halloween and demanded a few hours of his time to prepare after a short call, of course he wasn't going to say no. It surprised you when he announced that he'd much rather stay at home for Halloween, knowing damn well that he was a sucker for the holiday. You didn't have time to ask him what he wanted to wear, since you were already sure that he'd say no if you offered to handle everything and force him out of his place; so an imposition was necessary.
Truth is, Scott didn't feel down. Not in a traditional sense, at the very least. But when you quite literally forced him out of his t-shirt to pull a vintage shirt on him and top it up with a lab coat, he couldn't hold back the bittersweet smile that took over his chiseled, beautiful features; the proximity making him feel all warm and fuzzy. When you rambled on about how you had to scramble everything at the last minute to pull off a Marty McFly and Doctor Brown outfit for the two of you, knowing damn well that he loved the movie, he felt nauseous with how deep his feelings laid within.
If only he could find a way to tell you.
He watched you as you took off your work shirt to change into a white check grid design short sleeve one, and pulled a denim vest on top, letting the signature red puffer vest lay on the couch for the moment before approaching him again with a grin. "The wig is a bit… Low quality, but we don't need anything more," you hummed, mostly to yourself, before pushing him by his shoulders to sit on the couch again- wig fitting materials already ready by the coffee table since you ordered him to go grab some of the stuff you missed earlier on. "Just don't move too much. Sit pretty."
"As long as you don't glue it down to my actual hair," he chuckled, watching as you shrugged nonchalantly.
"Not gonna glue much," you whispered, as if you were giving him a secret. "The lab goggles. They're gonna keep it in place- I feel like my genius is seriously under-rated…"
"It so is." he joined in, the top secret topic of the conversation hidden between your hushed, childish whispers as you giggled along, before you sat by his side and made him face you, slowly brushing his hair back. Your hold on his chin was so delicate that he could cry just by looking at you, and he probably would if that wouldn't make him seem like a complete idiot.
You made him feel things that he didn't even know he was capable of feeling.
And it wasn't anything new. Even back then, when everyone saw him as just another ex-convict, you saw a different light in him. Never discriminated against him, never said anything that could even slightly decrease the hope he had for the future. To you, he was the guy who would show up by your door with a bag of take-out that he bought with his last pocket money just so he could be sure that you weren't skipping meals. He was the guy who always knew just how to cheer you up, just how to hug you so well that all of your worries would disappear.
But then you'd hold him. Like he's this porcelain piece, afraid that he might break if you were any less gentle. You'd play with his hair and massage his scalp while telling him all about your dreams, and how he'd be there to join along. How you'd take him to Europe and then Oceania, then maybe Asia, and show him everything beautiful about this world.
You were so precious that he could feel his stomach filled to the brim with butterflies. Or moths. Big, fluffy, ugly moths that made him want to vibrate out of his body.
His bright eyes followed yours as you focused, carefully putting the short white wig on place and setting it down with the help of the goggles. He looked idiotic in an extremely endearing way that you couldn't help but coo, plopping down in between his arms a second later. "You're adorable."
"You're adorabler."
"That's not a word."
"But it's convenient," he hummed, pulling a chuckle out of you as you excitedly got back up.
"Wait a minute, wait a minute, Doc. Are you telling me that you built a time machine out of a DeLorean?" you quoted, rather dramatically, as he laughed along with you and reached for your red vest, so you could put it on and the two of you would get going.
"If my calculations are correct, when this baby hits 88 miles per hour, you're gonna see some serious shit."
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You were so proud of yourself.
Firstly, for knowing Scott like the back of your hand. Second, for being the reason he was already out of that gloomy mood- singing along to whatever 2012 pop song was playing, with a bottle of beer he snatched from somebody's table and a small packet of chocolate truffles that he held between your linked arms, as you two walked around the busy streets. People were all dressed up, shiny decorations everywhere- yet through all that light, Scott's eyes shined the brightest.
And you figured that there's nothing in this world you wouldn't do to have those gorgeous green orbs shining that bright with excitement all the time, just like this.
Feet dragging you to a familiar route, you practically pulled him towards the park, filled with kids comparing their trick-or-treat victories and grown-ups trying to get some calming going. Plopping down on the cold grass with a relaxed sigh, you waited until he sat next to you with a grunt, before leaning back on your elbows. "That was fun. But please don't spray kids with water next time."
"It was mutual spraying, why are you trying to make me sound like the villain here?" he feigned innocence but you knew better, judging by the victorious grin he held on before giving the kids their water gun back. You shrugged, instead deciding to sit up again. The lightning didn't allow much through the trees but he had a mature, yet boyish type of beauty that you could appreciate even in the dark. His eyes met yours when he noticed how carefully you were staring at him, though he had to avert them- much to your dismay, as you slowly lifted your hand to trace your fingertips against the laugh lines right by the sides of his eyes.
It only took a gentle touch to get him to look at you again.
"You've got two tiny hazel dots on your right eye," you whispered, trying to hold back a smile upon his attempt of stealthily popping a truffle in his mouth. "The other one is greener, I think. I can't see well from this light but- it's pretty. Have I ever said that before?"
"You explain me to me approximately seven times a day."
"Stop being an ass," a soft snicker left both of you. "I'm trying to memorize you."
He almost gave in. Almost. "What for? You see me a lot."
"I don't see you enough." you shook your head to both sides. Was it the liquid courage or the festive season, you'd never know; but the way he was still smiling gave you all the green lights you could've asked for. "You started to grow some whites on your beard. That's also pretty." your fingers moved down to his slight stubble. "Suits you."
He didn't know what to say. He wasn't even sure if words could actually leave his mouth at that moment- so he just let you memorize him. Slowly. Centimeter by centimeter.
But he didn't expect you to just stare at his lips for a full minute, and then reach in to leave a quick peck on them. "And these- still as soft as I remember."
He let out a laugh at that. "We were drunk when that happened, though. Years ago, if I may add."
You shrugged, nonchalant. "It was the first thing I remembered the next morning though. And it was also so gross, God, you salivate a lot when you're drunk."
"You weren't complaining then," his tone was lingering on playfulness. "Can't believe I never kissed you after that to actually prove that I'm actually a better kisser."
"I have serious doubts."
"Do you?" he hummed. "You're a few inches from finding out."
Instead, you aimed for his cheek this time. Scott was content with just that, too, as he let his hand fall on top of yours on the grass, providing shelter from the cold. "Is it scary for you too?"
"Terrifying." he replied right away. "But- you know what? Doesn't matter. As long as I got you."
"Yeah. And- we can do whatever we want. We're unsupervised adults."
"We really should be supervised."
It was slow, from then on. In slow-motion, almost. Because neither of you were in a rush as you stole kisses from one another here and there, never feeling as if you had to put a name on it so quickly. You two were just… Each other's people. And meanwhile that wasn't even near being enough to carry the weight of the feelings you harbored for one another, it felt just right.
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simply-sithel · 2 years
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A & I saw NIN at the Greek this last Sunday [set list]. I'm a sucker for a good technical light show and this was top notch. Got a little teary eyed in the middle of La Mer as it occurred to me that I may be witnessing one of the best shows of my life. Gave A a kiss and hug as the song ended... and transitioned into the absolutely best rendition of Closer that I've ever heard- am normally not a fan of that one.
The above gif was taken during Copy of A - the shifting lights and cast shadow felt like a digitally processed video... but no, it was just shadows. Felt so perfect for the lyrics and also fitting that I gif it as my own little memento of the show.
I didn't really like NIN in high school when hearing it on the radio... only grew fond after a GM in college used a couple tracks as gaming music. I think about that a lot- needing the framing to properly enjoy something. It was fun to watch/contemplate the fans (wildly ranging in age but definitely leaning 'older' IMO) -- this music initially consumed with angsty youthful rage, now preformed exceptionally well and embodying... something else. It gave the once 'childish' sounding lyrics (to me) an almost religious fervor. A & I had a discussion after the opener that also helped frame the show for me-- this wasn't just watching 'a band play'... this was high quality Performance Art.
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So, my clumsy self hurt my knee, had to have a surgery and currently walks like na elderly penguin. However, I have had time to watch The Clone Wars, The Bad Batch And Rebels in a really short time... which is one positive thing to come out of it. I was wondering, since I love hearing your thoughts, what do you think were the strengths and weaknesses of each show?
Hey sorry I'm late to a reply. You sent it pretty late and I wanted to be fully awake to respond. Let's just jump right in.
Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008-2020)
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General Thoughts: This is probably my favorite piece of Star Wars media besides the Original Trilogy. It made me actually care about the prequels and understand what they were trying to accomplish. I love most of the episodes, which is saying something considering the length of the series. If I was going to get anybody introduced to Star Wars I would start with the Original Trilogy, maybe show them the prequel for context and then immediately get them onto The Clone Wars.
Strengths: As an anthology series, we really get to explore the world of Star Wars in a way we were unable to in the movies. We are allowed time to really get to know Anakin and Obi Wan while at the same time expanding the cast to encompass all the Jedi at their peak. It adds humanity to the all but faceless clones in the movies and adds an extra layer of tragedy to the series that the prequels tried, but mostly failed to impart.
Weakness: As an anthology series, there are some episodes that really do miss. This is the one I believe varies in quality the most and while I don't mind it so much, I can see it bothering others. Also, it does take a while to get going and the animation in the first season is really rough. It takes until season 2 to properly find its footing, but if you can stick it out until they I still high recommend it to everyone.
Star Wars: Rebels (2014-2018)
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General Thoughts: A solid, fun kid's show for the Star Wars universe. We love seeing a found family.
Strengths: Having the focus on a small core ensemble is a nice change of pace from the anthology structure of The Clone Wars. It also gives us a better sense of how the rebel cells at this point are working on their own with barely any communication between them. It gives a nice sense of tension when they do meet somebody new to know if they're a friend on an ally.
The characters are what sell it though. As I said, we love a found family and I'm a sucker for any crew that will do anything for each other.
Weaknesses: I hate the animation style, I'm just going to put that out there. I am not a fan of the redesigns of the characters we knew from The Clone Wars and even the characters specifically made for the show and rather lack luster.
But I think the real problem with the show is Ezra. Now don't get me wrong, I like Ezra fine. He's got a good arc. He's can get annoying, but its understandable given where he started vs. where he's going. HOWEVER, I think it was a mistake forcing him to be in every episode of the series. He honestly is pretty bland when you get right down to it. We've seen his arc a million times, meanwhile Kanan is right there with a much more interesting and complicated history along side Hera. Not to mention everything happening with Maul and Obi Wan in "The Twin Suns". That really should have been solely focused on the two of them since it wasn't Ezra's fight at all. But, we had to take time away to cut back to him since he's the main character. Just little things like that take away from the over all quality.
I also do think it was a mistake to bring in Thrawn as a threat in such a kid centered show. Having the target audience be younger isn't a bad thing, but Thrawn is a tactician first who's whole deal is being a magnificent bastard. The fact the Ghost crew is able to get away so frequently speak more poorly of him than well of them.
The Bad Batch (2021- )
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General Thoughts: This is the one I haven't actually finished. I watched a few episodes and while there was nothing wrong with it necessarily, it didn't hold my interest.
Strengths: God! The animation is so good in this. I really cannot emphasis how I much I love the animation. I would pay so much money for the crew to go back and reanimate the earlier seasons of The Clone Wars with this quality. Chef's kiss, seriously.
Also, I'm not going to deny that Omega is cute and I will never, ever get tired of that adopted Dad trope. It is too good.
Weaknesses: I just think its boring. It's fairly predictable with it's characters who are over all rather bland. This is baby's Dirty Dozen. If you have seen really any other war movie, you've seen these characters and no exactly what they're about. It's a shame too because I am really curious about the clones and the fall out of Order 66 from their perspective. The issue is, Rex is right there! There are other clones that we know who aren't genetically altered we can focus on and who we know better.
Maybe it gets better later, but ultimately I keep thinking about a better version of this show.
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nancypullen · 1 year
Happy Beltane!
It’s May 1st and I can feel change in the air.  Beltane is the pagan holiday that marks the point halfway between the spring equinox and summer solstice.  It celebrates the return of light, rebirth and fertility, and basically all things SPRING!  There is dancing around May poles, bonfires, and all sorts of revelry, including feasting and drinking. In Ireland it marked the day that cattle were driven to summer pastures. Doors, windows, and even livestock were decorated with yellow flowers, and home fires were doused to be relit from Beltane bonfires, whose flames, smoke, and ashes were believed to have protective properties.  Best of all, it’s a time when fairies might be seen - most Beltane rituals are seen as either welcoming or appeasing the fairies.  I happen to know a small girl who wholeheartedly believes in fairies so we may have to make an offering for the wee folk.  On this day we’re supposed to spend time close to the earth - maybe gardening, maybe tending land, whatever.  I did that and I’m better for it. It was an absolutely gorgeous day, certainly one worth celebrating.
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Yesterday we crossed the bridge and spent quality time with Little Miss and  also celebrated Jamie’s birthday.  Gosh, we’re awfully glad she was born.  Tyler is happy and loved, and we have the cutest, sweetest, funniest, smartest grandgirl. That’s because of our beautiful, talented, determined, and generous daughter-in-law.  Aren’t we lucky?  We had a lovely day and ended our visit by taking a walk and doing some puddle stomping.
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Back here on the homestead we’ve been busy in the yard and in the house. Last week we painted the mister’s office, and moved the chair from my craft room up there.  It was his favorite back in Tennessee so it was only right that he laid claim to it.  Don’t mind that busy bookcase, this was snapped when we were just putting furniture back in place.
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So I became chairless downstairs, and how am I supposed to sit by the window on rainy days and get lost in a book without a chair of my own?  Because I am cheap, I first looked for a granny-sized chair on Facebook Marketplace.  Lo and behold, I found one!  It was in excellent shape, and I had high hopes that the colors might work in my craft room.  
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No dice.  What I hoped was a sweet red and white gingham (swoon!) was in fact more of an orange-red and beige pattern.   But it was just the right size, shape, and quality that I wanted.  So I forked over $30 and then bought a very inexpensive slipcover on Amazon.   Look how sweet she is now!
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On my sister’s advice I purchased (for just a couple bucks) little screw pins, they’re little bitty and look like this...
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and now that slip cover isn’t going anywhere.
I also swapped out that little pot of lobelia that I had on the table at my sitting spot on the porch.  It kept tipping over.  I don’t know if it was wind, cats, squirrels, or fairies.  So I grabbed the colander that I always used for red impatiens on my porch in Mt. Juliet and filled the bottom with rocks. That sucker will stay put.  
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Other than that, I’ve been holding string while the mister measured out fencing and leveled stuff and shared more information on posts and rails than I ever wanted to know.  Looks like we’re putting up a fence on Wednesday.  We’re waiting a couple of days due to the amount of rain we had over the weekend. Better safe than sorry.  Putting a fence into mushy ground isn’t wise. Derby Day is on Saturday, and it’s supposed to be about 70 degrees and sunny.  Feels like a good day to kick off grilling season, doesn’t it?  The Edgewaters are coming for the weekend and I requested that Jamie bring a derby-themed dessert.  She is an ahhhh-mazing baker so I can’t wait to see what she makes. I may throw together some cupcakes for the grandgirl with some horsies on top.  They’ll be quick and easy and then the adults can enjoy Jamie’s creation.  Did I ever tell you about the German Bee Sting cake she made? I still dream about it. Anywayyyyyy, we’ve been puttering around the house and gardens and making improvements.  We’re lucky enough to spend time with people we love (Matt, if you’re reading this, it’s time for another visit!) and we’re welcoming this lovely green season.  I may go dance under the moonlight tonight to celebrate Beltane.  Why not?
Celebrate with me! It’s MAY! May is like October’s sister - they’re the lovely months where it’s not too hot, not too cold, and everyone is happy.  Well, I am. Off to do a dance and then take a bubble bath.  Stay safe, stay well, buy yourself some flowers. XOXO, Nancy
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cesimnida · 2 years
[KDRAMA REVIEW] Our Beloved Summer
I am a sucker for slow-burn romances, angst and all that and this one is just right up my alley!!! If you love those things, I definitely recommend OBS for you! To be honest, my mind's a little clouded and I am not yet done crying as I am drafting this but I want to write this as soon as possible so I won't forget the feeling.
Note: I want this to be as spoiler free as possible but I might have spoiled some minor things.
Our Beloved Summer is one of my most anticipated dramas; Wooshik's acting got me ever since I saw him in Train to Busan and I really liked Dami's performance in Itaewon Class. I haven't watched The Witch Part I yet though but yes, I'm planning to watch it soon (maybe this weekend?). Initially, I expected this as a typical rom-com drama where they were high school friends whose relationship developed through the years and ended up as lovers in the present. Amazingly, adding up the ex-lovers trope SERIOUSLY SEALED THE DEAL FOR ME. However, I started the drama 3 weeks late because I was trying to finish another drama before committing myself to OBS. Since reading the plot, I was pretty sure that I won't be able to finish any other drama once I start this because I will be so invested in it. Turns out I was right and thankfully, I managed finishing my previously currently watching drama before starting it.
Watching Our Beloved Summer was such a treat because the story-telling and transition is so smooth even though we have two timelines - the past and present lives (or documentary) of Ung and Yeonsoo. Even with this, I never felt confused while watching which is a plus for me as I get confused with alternating timelines easily. Additionally, I LOVE the OSTs! The songs play just in time to make a scene more meaningful and emotional which was very effective in triggering my tears most of the time. I have also read the OST translations and I kid you not, being able to know the meaning behind the lyrics adds up to the emotional effect of the songs every time it's played in a certain scene. I never NOT cried hearing There For You ever since I read the translations, I swear! The lyrics are related to their story, it felt like they're Yeonsu and Ung's letters for each other. It was such a wonderful feeling being able to watch a drama that can make you feel like you are also involved in the story because watching Our Beloved Summer made me feel like I was watching Ung and Yeonsu’s story behind Ji Ung's lenses.
Dami and Wooshik went above and beyond my expectations! The ✨chemistry✨ was over the top, their micro-expressions and the little details they add in their acting (e.g., those on cue tears, facial expressions, little adlibs, etc.) made a big difference and they definitely owned Yeonsu and Ung. They made themselves as their characters and it's hard to imagine different actors playing the roles they played in this drama. Actually, the supporting characters did a stellar job as well! This is why I really liked the ending: they gave their friends and family their well-deserved spotlights in the last episode! Honestly, this is one of the best endings I have ever watched, they wrapped it up so beautifully I'm so speechless, all I did was cry happy tears.
Our Beloved Summer is not just about ex-lovers meeting and falling in love again but instead, it's a tale of two individuals finding the path in confronting their fears and past that haunts them, being able to overcome these with the help of the people they love most and of course, themselves. It's about acceptance of past mistakes, forgiveness and growth. They also perfectly showed that healing is a painful process but it isn't impossible to overcome if you have the right mindset and a good set of support system - that quality is better than quantity and communication is always the key. And most importantly, it showed us the beauty in finding a love you thought was lost and it taught us to trust the process - that there's always a chance in discovering what you truly want for yourself and being happy again.
It's heartwarming to see the relationship and dynamics they have with the people around them. Even though small in numbers but it is of good quality - just what they needed. It made me realize that having just the right amount of people you can trust is the life I wish to have. Having these people around and sometimes telling them what they needed to hear allowed them to grow outside their comfort zones and realize, albeit later than I expected, how lucky they are for having them in the good and bad times of their life. Being able to witness their journey was such a ride and I'd love to experience it all over again by re-watching it!
Thinking of it, the plot is simple but it was written and executed so beautifully and will most certainly stay in my heart for a long time. The way they showed us the different love languages being present in the leads' relationship added a different kind of intimacy to the scenes, it's such a wonderful thing to watch. The journey was full of tears, happy and sad, but definitely worth it! My only complaint is that I thought this was a rom-com but why do I feel like I cried most of the time? Lol. But still, 100/10!
Thank you OBS team! That was a good run. I'll probably have a hard time watching a new series so I'll just bask into the OBS greatness for now.
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wandsandwheezes · 4 years
Desperado | G. W
WARNINGS // Smut 18+, Degradation, Rough Sex, Daddy Kink, Oral (both receiving), masturbation, semi-public, AFTERCARE
This is 3.1k of pure smut because I high key watched a tiktok and went I’m finna make this fanfic so enjoy.
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‘This isn’t a good idea’ you thought, walking across the room to join him, an extra bit of flare added to your step, the intent obvious in your strut. It was no secret that George was absolutely enamoured with you, the way your hair flowed behind you with every step, walking effortlessly in your heels and burgundy gown; a simple cinched bodice, with flowing train and a slit up to the thigh. He felt in a trance, taken away from the conversation he was having, completely focused on you for the few moments it took for you to reach him.
It wasn’t often you and George would get all scrubbed up, but attending a dinner at Malfoy Manor was one of those evenings. It was no surprise to anyone, that their Annual Ball Dinner was a very expensive, prestigious bash. You were truly lucky to be invited back year after year, glad you’d befriended Astoria and Draco as a young Slytherin. You were watching your Husband from across the room, he was talking to a couple of wealthy businessmen, a smart move from a business stance but from your eyes, you were frustrated he had been neglecting you for most of the night. He was dressed up in a gorgeous tailored navy suit, hair slicked back perfectly to compliment his winning smile.
The way you just delicately placed your hand on his chest the moment you were at his side had him swooning but after all the years you had been together, he had come to recognise the glint in your eye all too well - the glassy look of pure adoration, the way your lips turned up into a soft smirk. Being around you was like a drug to him, he would do anything at your beck and call and right now all you wanted was to be tangled beneath the sheets with a man you loved dearly. He knew that, recognised it even, in the soft hum that left your lips as his arm snuck around your waist, pulling you into him.  
He pressed his lips to your temple, breathing in the scent of your shampoo, whispering a soft ‘later’ to you. Those were not the words you’d wanted to hear at all, you wanted him to oblige and take you home to the comfort of your shared bed. Quite frankly you were sure you’d let him lift up your skirt and have you in the back of the car, but you’d told yourself you wanted things to be special and you would get your way, no matter how bratty you had to be to get there. 
It started with you biting the inside of your lip whenever he would look down at you, then you added the bedroom eyes into the mix - you could’ve sworn that would’ve been enough to sway him, but nevertheless he brushed off your attempts, this evening was important for business and he knew that you knew that too. You decided to leave George to his businessman talks and find his older twin, who was to no surprise, sat at the bar.
“Hi, Freddie,” you sighed, lifting up your skirt so that you could sit on the bar stool next to him, he smiles, pushing his glass over to you, sensing the stress radiate off of you. You take the glass, downing the shot of whiskey, biting back the taste with a squeeze of your eyes shutting, you weren’t sure how people could drink the vile liquid until now, when you had let it pass your lips with ease.
“Your brother is an arse,” you roll your eyes before looking over your shoulder, seeing George laughing, strong hand gripping the dainty champagne glass, his veins peeking out from under the cuff of his shirt before disappearing up under the sleeve, leaving you to your own imagination once again. Your favourite thing was always George’s arms and yet he hid them from everyone’s view, including yours, making you even more frustrated. 
“What one?” he jokes, gesturing to the bartender to bring another drink, you look over to the man sitting next to you, with a look that could’ve hexed him if you’d really tried. “What’s he doing to you?” he prompts from you, causing you to let out a long staggered breath. 
“It’s more like what he’s not doing to me,” you tuck your hair behind your ears, resting your elbow on the bar so that you could prop your head up, “I take my time to look good for him and be the perfect wife, but he won't even acknowledge me for more than a minute, Fred, what am I doing wrong?” he chuckles, shaking his head, looking over to his brother who seems to be rounding off the conversation with who Fred can only hope would be the shop's potential new investor. 
“Oh, Y/N, you see who George has been with? That’s Mr. Greengrass, He and I are both sure if we can get him to invest, we can look at more new products, more advertising, better quality. We need it.” You sigh, Fred was right, you knew how important this evening was to the business, and although you have a deep need to be selfish and take 
your husband home, Fred had convinced you to see the evening through. 
At some point you had found yourself drawn back to your husband’s side, breathing in his cologne and admiring the passion in his voice, you could still feel the ache inside of you, as if he had the power to tease you without touch, which you had to admit he was unsurprisingly good at although, you wouldn’t let him know or it would definitely go to his head. 
George had noticed early on in the night your intentions, he was aware of what he was doing, how frustrating it was for you and he was more than ready to play the game you had started. He had been waiting patiently until the sit down meal, where he knew he could really start to play the hand he had been dealt. 
He counted his luck that your dress had a split, taking the opportunity to rest his hand on your thigh after finally taking your seats, it wasn't an unusual gesture for your relationship, he was always a sucker for physical touch, especially when it came to you. That however, wasn't enough for you, and you knew you were pushing your luck as you pressed your hand on top of his, gently moving it higher up your thigh, resulting in him giving your leg a firm squeeze. 
The first course had slowly rolled its way out and you sighed, being no closer to your end goal, you were unaware of George's plan tickling around in the back of his head, you really thought you would get something out of him by now and you were getting brattier as the evening continued, an idea popping into your head. 
You had pulled out a few things from your bag, a couple of them 'accidentally' falling to the floor. You slipped onto your knees, grabbing George's wrist, taking his long, slender, pointer and middle fingers into your mouth, swirling your tongue around them in a way to mimic what he could be getting if he just obliged. You found your dropped items, pulling his fingers from your lips before his hand found your throat with ease under the table, squeezing it gently. You came back up from under the table, an innocent look plastered on your face. 
George however, was not having any of it. The eyes he gave you were fuelled with fire, staring down at you with a pure anger that only you could recognise in his eyes. You knew you’d won the game you’d been playing and he knew that there was absolutely nothing he could do about it, in front of everyone. At least not without giving you what you want or without leaving dinner now to have his way with you. 
When sitting back in your chair, adjusting your hair from the friction of it being caught against the tablecloth, George’s hand found its way back to your thigh, pinky finger brushing teasingly close to where you wanted him, you huffed a little, grabbing your glass of champagne from the table to take a sip, when he began to trace small circles on your inner thigh with his pointer finger. The action caused your breath to hitch in your throat, almost spitting out the bubbly liquid back into the champagne flute. 
You placed the drink back down onto the table before resting your hand on his shoulder, smiling sweetly at him. He returned the façade gesture, smiling at you all while catching eyes with his brother who started up a conversation “Any good news with Mr Greengrass?” to which your husband nodded, quickly.  
“I think all we need is for you to sweep in and seal the deal, Freddie, he seems really interested.” as he was talking to his twin, George’s fingers had found their way to tease your clit, feeling you already soaked through your underwear - having to hold back his usual string of degradation in favour of continuing his conversation, “You know how investors can be, they’re always eager at the beginning, you have to catch them while they’re hot and really get involved, get what I mean?” It became evident to you very quickly that It was you he was talking about, causing you to bite your cheek. “I hope you don’t mind me leaving it down to you, I have something that really needs doing at home.” 
Fred, fortunately, had quickly caught George’s drift, taking a moment to observe you shifting in your seat, as well as the shit-eating grin plastered across his twin’s face. “Of course, dear brother, I know how, uh, urgent that is for her- sorry, you.” 
Getting you towards the car was a struggle, putting on your bratty attitude as soon as you were out of earshot from others, pulling your wrist quickly from his grip and crossing your arms, standing still in the middle of the once bustling reception hall, “Fucking hell, Princess, don’t make this any worse for yourself.” you rolled your eyes at his tone, you’d already got him to this point, why not push it further. He wasted no time in grabbing your jaw to force you to look at him, causing you to giggle. “I wouldn’t be laughing if I were you, my desperate little whore, move or I’ll leave you here.” he was practically growling at low his voice was, his eyes darkened past a point you’d ever seen before and you could tell he was all too close to throwing you over his shoulder.
George had managed to get you into the car without a blazing argument, however the way he was gripping the steering wheel was turning his knuckles a pure white, and he was still yet to say another word to you, forcing you to study every inch of his body. You could see the new veins in his neck and all you wanted to do was press little kisses to his jaw.
“Get your foot up on the dash and touch yourself, now.” he seethed, his hand moving to shift gears, before using it to squeeze your thigh, “Suck on those pretty fingers like you did for me earlier, keep yourself nice and wet for me.” It was a sight to behold, his beautiful wife in his passenger seat, spread open and touching herself for him. His eyes were flitting between the road and the way your head was thrown back as you circled your own clit. “Don’t go quiet on me, angel, let me hear those moans.”
He had parked up outside your home, unbuckling his seatbelt and leaning over the centre console to get his own taste, his tongue licking a bold stripe before sucking your clit between his teeth, his low hums sending electricity through you. He didn’t seem to care much that he was uncomfortable, just that you were a mess of moans for him, your fingers tousling his once neatly styled hair. “You’re lucky I’m doing this, considering what a fucking brat you’ve been tonight.”
You were an absolute babbling mess for him, he had brought you right to the edge of release, before storming out of the car, managing to pull you out of the quickly before he tossed you over his shoulder, making sure to give a firm slap to your ass, desperate to get you into bed. The warmth of your home was a comforting contrast to the bitter cold of the winter night. 
He had thrown you onto your mattress, earning a laugh from you, it was exhilarating being beneath him, especially when he still had that darkness to his eyes. “Knees, now.” His curt tone gravelly against the echoes of your laughter, not that you weren’t happy to oblige, you slipped off your soft sheets onto your knees, hands making light work of his belt as you watch him shrug off his suit jacket, loosen his tie and slowly unbutton his shirt. 
When you had him in your hands, you were always pleasantly surprised at how well you were able to take him, not hesitating to take as much of him as you could, right until the tip was to the back of your throat, his loud moan was enough to make you wet, as if you weren't enough already, knowing better than to touch yourself at this moment. 
“That’s my fucking desperate girl, trying to take all of me, you can take more though, can’t you princess?” his hands were already in your hair, coaxing his length further down your throat as he began to set a small rhythm, fucking your mouth was one of his favourite things to do, seeing the tears pooling in your eyes before running down your cheeks. 
He pulled his cock from your mouth, guiding you up to a standing position by your chin before pressing his lips to yours in a passionate kiss, his hands beginning to bunch up the material of your dress, before roughly gripping your hips and getting you onto the bed once again, his fingers hooked into your underwear, toying them down your legs, “Georgie, what about my dress.” you questioned, reaching up so that your hand was playing with the hairs at the back of his neck. He simply laughed, pulling you so that your hips were at the edge of the bed, “Desperate whores get fucked with their skirts hitched up, no matter how pretty they look.”
His cock was already filling you to the hilt before you could protest, his hand coming up to wrap around your throat, pleased with the way your eyes rolled back as you finally got what you’d been playing all night for. He was fucking you at a relentless pace, your moans breathy and airy as he toyed with the pressure of his hand pressing against your windpipe, pleasure was coursing through the both of your veins, taking all he could from you until he felt you tightening around him. “Oh, I don’t think so.”
He pulled out of you completely, flipping you over so you were forced onto your hands and knees, leaving you not only breathless, but desperate for a release, “George, please… I need you so badly.” his hand threaded through your hair, pulling you up roughly so that your back was against his chest, “Oh yeah? well I much prefer you gagged by a cock, I think you need a lesson in being a good submissive thing.” 
“I want to see those tear stained cheeks, Princess, Daddy isn’t stopping until he ruins your makeup.”  He was inside you again, this time pushing your face into the mattress as he had you screaming, his other had reached around to rub against your clit, he wanted to push you right to your edge again, before stopping. “you like this don’t you? needy whore.” you were a moaning mess, begging him with any sentence you could string together to let you cum. 
“Daddy, please keep going, I need to-” he cut you off, flipping you onto your back once more, “oh, you want me to keep going? such a slut for me, aren’t you?” you were nodding up at him, his hand finding yours to lace your fingers together. Even though your makeup was ruined and you were a mess at his will, he still thought you were a sight to behold, like the brightest star in the night’s sky or a perfect pearl in an oyster, and his weakness? Watching your face as you came undone beneath him. 
He was inside of you once again, this time he didn’t stop, the moans he let out was music to your ears as you felt your stomach in knots finally coming undone as you released over him, he continued to fuck you relentlessly as he found his own release, twitching inside of you as he came. He pressed a soft and gentle kiss to your lips, hands still holding each other’s as he peppered soft kisses down your neck. 
“Well done, angel, you’re such a good girl for me.” he swung your legs over the bed so that you could rest your head on the pillow. He made his way into the bathroom, turning on the shower to let it run warm, grabbing a makeup wipe to help clean you up. He returned to you, sitting you up so he could wipe away your makeup, smiling at you lovingly as he did so, your hand resting on top of his as he cupped your cheek. You were truly lucky to have a husband that cared for you the way he did and as foggy as your mind still was, the way his love and adoration shone through as clear as day, he slipped off your heels that were still on your feet, drooping them to the floor, “Let’s get you to the shower, my love.” 
He helped you up, skirt falling to its natural position, you walked on shaky legs to the bathroom, leaning on the counter as he unlaced the gorgeous dress he had pulled you into earlier pressing a delicate kisses to your shoulder as he let the material fall to the floor, he grabbed the hairbrush, running it through your hair gently to help remove any knots that he was definitely the culprit of. 
He pulled what was remaining of his clothes off of him before taking your waist, feeling comforted as his skin pressed against yours, as he helped you under the hot water. With your heels off, you forget how much he towered over you, your arms wrapping around his neck to pull him into a kiss. “I love you so much, Georgie.” he smiles, pushing his water soaked hair back, “I love you too, Angel.” 
Maybe it was such a good idea after all.
@wand3ringr0s3​​ @gcdric​​ @starlightweasley​ @slytherinsunrise​
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fiftytwotwentytwo · 2 years
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Vicious (2013)
Author: V.E. Schwab
Page Count: 364
How Did I Come Across This Book?:
I wanted to get into reading and I was combing through GoodReads.com and stumbled upon this book in the Fantasy section. It had high reviews so I took a gamble and ordered the book that day - that day being over a year ago - I shelved the book until now.
This was good. This was better than good. I cruised through this book extremely fast - gobbling up pages. The third fastest book I have ever read - pure enjoyment.
Who wouldn't love an Evil vs Evil book?
The pacing was great, the writing was vivid - this book played out like a film inside my head - I just sat back and enjoyed.
I also really enjoyed how the story structure was non-linear - very refreshing and well done.
Upon completion, I was excited to discover the book has a sequel (I am a sucker for sequels) and it has generally received great reviews as well. My interest was also piqued when I heard the book/story was purchased for a film adaptation (remember I said piqued - not excited) by Ridley Scott's Scott Free Productions because like I said this book has actual movie qualities - while reading I was mentally casting the characters.
Given some time - I could find myelf re-reading this book.
Personal Rating: 8/10
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Yearly Book Total: 4
Total Page Count: 1,549
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yuniv-bluetea · 3 years
Good Enough Pt.1 ( Topper x male reader)
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requested by @bxlynnx​ Topper Thornton and Sarah Cameron were dead news. The whole island guessed that already and got it finally confirmed when Sarah brought her new boyfriend to a party. John Booker Routledge. Or simply John (fucking) B(itch Bastard). His name alone made Topper’s blood boil. Being pissed off by only thinking about these two Topper put his weights aside and marched to the balcony of the room. What was Sarah even thinking when she replaced him with..this Pogue trash ? A fresh breeze tickles his bare chest as he closes his eyes breathing slowly in and out. There was no use in crying after Sarah. He could have everybody. Hell. Why does he even care ? .....Because he simply does. Topper truly did love Sarah and even if literally nobody would believe him....his heart shattered into million of pieces when he found out about her and John B. Wasn’t he a good enough for her ? Was he not a perfect boyfriend ? ...”Did she actually loved me ?”, he whispers to himself and looks at the beach. It was the place where they had their first date that turned into a nightmare..in a funny way. .... “ That’s it !” Topper knew that he would explode if he did not do anything to ease his mind. Revenge. Oh yeah..You better watch out John Bastard Routledge, ‘cause two can play this game ! Since Topper had no idea straightaway how to plot revenge against John B, he decided to just beat the shit out of him and then..maybe by then a better plan would occur to him. So he drove right away to his enemies’ house, plastered the helmet on his motorcyle and went for a direct attack. “Hey John B ~? Yeah right, you asshole..Get out !”, he screamed while pounding the door, knowing that Mr Routledge probably wasn’t at home which meant he could only find John B and his crew here..except- “We got it, big boy ! You’re pissed, jeez...Grow a pair,..you’re acting like a baby..”, scolded (y/n)  him as he opened the door rather unenthusiastic. (Y/N) was John B’s older brother...a guy you don’t fuck with. ‘Cause he decides with whom he fucks or not. So, in short : the bad boy of the Pogue. “ Johnny boi isn’t here ~” Topper knew just like everyone else that (y/n) was a total- “You don’t have to stare at me like that. I know that I’m a total snack ~” - douchebag who just kinda knows what the chicks want. Rolling his eyes at (y/n) comment, he just turns around walking back to his motorcycle. “ Hey, Thornton !”, confused Topper turns around “ I’m sorry that it did not work out for Sarah and you” What a bitch, making fun of him like that. “Sure..as if you would care about such stuff” Not waiting for a response, Topper just drives home. “You’ve definitly have to come to Jeff’s party today” “ Agreed...I mean, man....Come on ! Stop being a pussy...You’re no longer Sarah’s bitch. And the party is gonna be lit”. Knowing Rafe that meant drugs would come to play again. “Yeah, stop acting like you’re still Sarah’s bitch. It’s getting weird and Jeff’s party is tradition ”, adds Kelce to the conversation. Sometimes Topper wonders how these two dudes could become his best friends. “Alright,alright...Same time ?” There was no point in denying that Jeff’s party’s always were top-tier. Food of the highest quality, good music, high-proof alcohol and everyone had the time of their lives...well, almost everyone. Further away from the crowd of people in the villa and outside of it, one sad soul sat in a less crowded area staring into the flames of the bonfire close to him. It been hours ago since he saw his friends. Probably they were somewhere doing drugs or some other shit. Normaly he would have brought Sarah with him and the time would fly away... Again a sip of wodka ran through his throat, his mind slowly turning into jelly. Since it was really hot, Topper unbottened his shirt further and looked aimlessly around him. His eyes catched a familiar frame. Oh shit. What are they doing here ?! “..stupid Jeff !” Of course.. if you have a host whose girlfriend is a Pogue..the other odd creatures are feeling welcome too. Focused on ignoring his favourite..definitely drunk..couple, he didn’t notice that someone sat down next to him. “ Big Boy still pissed ?” “WOah..No..I mean..Why are you smelling like Ramen ?” “Like what ?” “....” “How many of these did you had already ?” Confused Topper looked at his cup. “  I dunno”, clueless he shrugs his shoulders “ like four-ish.” “Four-ish ?”, with his free hand (y/n)  grabbed something from the bottom and revealed two bottles of fancy stuff. “Up for the challenge ?” Neither one of them knew at this moment how these drinks would change the whole outcome of this night. “...So she cheated on Danny too ?”, a small giggle escaped (y/n)’s lips. “ Yeah..yeah...and then..then I became her next sucker for a time...” “Wow..that’s sucks” Both of them broke into a rage of laughter, even if there was nothing funny about it. (Y/N) leaned closer to Topper “ Where are your.. ‘buddies’..actually ?” “Somewhere..”, feeling a bit dizzy Topper placed his left hand on (y/n)’s thigh. “ I mean...I know what most people think of them..that they are jerks.. Weeell they kinda are..but..nahh so am I. ...We fit and have also good ..mo..moments...and shit like that. ... Even if I still kinda wish to have other friends sometimes..but..you know. What if end up being alone ?” “I don’t thi-” “I meaan..People want you to be real with them and then..When I’m talking about how shi..shitty I feel they are...OHHH stop it ! We don’t annoy you with our struggle either, so don’t being a selfish whiny biitch !” “ You are not a whi-” “Not that I have someone to talk to about”, plastered he tapped his chest “THAT...maybe my mum...but she hates me now..dunno why she started with that actually..just kinda happened..I mean I always been be suuuper shy and quiet boo..so you what could I have done... WrOng” “...” A sudden heat rose up Topper’s head. “S-Sorry I’m talking.. like talking..too much..Sorry” “Don’t be. ...You know I also don’t have someone to talk about my feelings. And I guess I’m okay..even though I reaally don’t feel like it..maybe ? Rat’s ass....Let’s talk about something else ! Topper could swear they kept on talking for months. But he was also super drunk, so maybe only a few hours past when some girl walked straight towards them. “Oh hey (y/n) ! It’s been a while since we last saw each other-” “Who are you ?” Suprised the girl stopped in her tracks. “It’s me...your ex..(r/n)..hehe...It’s been only two months since our break up...” Confused (y/n) looked at Topper. “Was I really stu-stupid enough to date ...that ?”, asked (y/n) Topper shocked and began laughing when (r/n) stormed angry away. The alcohol was getting the best of them. “Oh man..”, chuckled Topper as he looked away. “You’re really..really,really a dick !” Finding that statement somehow funny, (y/n) began laughing again. “ Is that so ?” “Mhm..”,nodded Topper as he took a sip. (Y/N) joined him and gave him a big smile. His cheeks were flushed. His soul at peace. His brain...not present. So it had to happen that (y/n) dropped that bomb on Topper. “..Well... Well,you know big boy, I guess there is some truth in the saying ‘You are what you eat’ after all..” Topper spitted out his drink and looked at (y/n) who drank from his drink again not realizing what he just had done. “..wHuT ???” Silence. “..Oh..upsi” Next thing Topper knew, he threw up big time.
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aharris00britney · 4 years
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lmao last time i did one of these was February there is a lot
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Anonymous said: What's your collab process when you and other creators make packs? Like how do you decide to do it together and how do you split up the ideas and everything?
I’m going to answer another ask outside of this post that details this but I’ll answer this one here too. The way me and ayoshi do packs is not like a usual collab (in my opinion I don’t think people collab like this). I am good at making meshes. So usually I make a mesh for something and ayoshi makes a base texture that I can use to finish the base of the top/bottom and then we work together to fix any texture issues. Nothing we’ve made has ever been 100% mine or 100% his except for the hairs. Sometimes a mesh is easy but the texture requires a lot of work so it’s more work for him, sometimes I decide I want to try and texture something (like with this AxA I made textures for some of the clothes) and then ayoshi will clean the texture up for me and add some shading for me. So it’s a lot different than what I imagine most collabs are. But I love the way me and him work together and the ability to change something I don’t like because it isn’t just his, it’s ours. 
Anonymous said: I'm so excited for your new AxA collab that female hair is stunning!!
Anonymous said: I s2g if it werent for your cc my sims would just have to walk around naked lmao you literally make the game playable for me, so thank you ❤❤❤❤❤
thank you!!! Assuming the 2nd ask is about AxA too because that’s the only time I make clothes lmao. Excited for you guys to see everything this week. 
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Anonymous said: Do you know anyone who recolours your hairs? They’re so gorgeous I’d love to see them in more colours! Xx
I usually reblog recolors of my hair at @aharris00britneyrecolors​.
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Anonymous said: I'm a sucker for your sim Bella. Every time I see Bella as your hair models, I click and download
Anonymous said: Hi, sorry to bother, are you planning on uploading your Bella Sim Anytime soon? Love your content!
Bella is a queen, she’s a streamer in my game at the AH00B house. I don’t think I’m going to upload my Sims anymore though :( I have a ton of sliders and presets in my game and I have no idea which ones I use. I have 3 of the ones I know I use listed on my resource page but there are so many more and I don’t want to share them and they be broken in peoples games.
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Anonymous said: will there be an axa this year im in desperate need of new clothes for my sims :(
I got this a few days ago before the teaser came out which I thought was funny fvghb yes there will be one
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@lysssimpatico​ said: I was wondering if you might consider making the Elli hair have ombre accessory options. There aren't any cute curly ponytail ombres anywhere!
I think I tried making an ombre accessory for it when I made the hair and it didn’t fully work with the way I changed the UV maps. I’m sorry :(
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Anonymous said: why the HELL is your dog so cute lemme have her please
Right? She’s an angel omg my dad is watching her while my foot heals but I miss her so much fghvbj 
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Anonymous said: Your Daphne hair is so cute!!
thank you! 
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Anonymous said: I have the feeling everyone knows what kind of Supernatural they would be if they were one, so what's yours?
I think I would want to be a ghost so i could fuck with people ya
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Anonymous said: Does the Natilie hair need to be updated?
Nope, all the updated stuff is in my post that lists all the updated content off. Everything on my download page is up to date.
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Anonymous said: Hi im just submitting an idea if you want to - i love your melanie hair and i was wondering if its possible to remove the accessory on it? im sorry if im bothering you im new to all this hope you have a nice day!!
hey :) I am pretty sure someone had to have made a hair similar to that already as it’s just the university ponytail with new ponytail on it. If not I could look into doing it sometime in the future. 
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Anonymous said:I LOVE U 😍
and i love u
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Anonymous said: Do you know if there’s any hair accessories (like ones that change the color of it) that work with your Elli Hair? ❤️
It comes with an accessory that changes the elastic :)
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Anonymous said: Hellooo! first of all, how are you? how´s your day? i´m sorry but, do you know if someone makes maxis match hairs based in kpop videos? I´m searching for that bull all i can find is alpha hair and i´m not into alpha cc :( Thank you very much! have a great day!
I’m not sure if there are people that specifically only do that but I think there are a handful of creators that get inspired from kpop/music videos and make hairs similar to that. Cause we use EA meshes most of the time the hairs aren’t going to look exactly like the inspiration though. Like I have two hairs that are based off Go Won from loona (Go Won hair and Kelsey Hair) but i don’t think you can tell that just from looking at them. 
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Anonymous said: I downloaded the new version of the sydnie braids but my game says they're corrupted and won't let me play with them in my mods folder
try to redownload and they should work, I haven’t had any other issues. 
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Anonymous said: hey, i was just wondering whether you did or are thinking of doing eyelashes at any point
I am not lmao I don’t think I would be able to make my own eyelashes
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Anonymous said: you are incredibly prolific. constantly amazed and delighted by your high-quality work. have a good day king
thank you!!!!
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Anonymous said: aaaahh I know this is probably a long shot but I was wondering if you had the quartz eyes psd? I've been trying to find it but all of the links I've stumbled onto are dead :( thank you in advance!! ♥️ and no problem if you don't have it or can't share it :)
here is a link to a post that has the PSD
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Anonymous said: the mica hair looks so cute 🥺 you’re amazing
thank you! It’s named after the main singer from Magdalena Bay ;n; i love them
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@whendowestopcaring​ said: I love, love, love your work!! + your blog, aesthetic, etc. Keep it up!
thank you!!!! pink and blue all the way bb
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@marsupialmother​ said: Not an ask, just a comment. All you stuff is so beautiful. Thank you for being such an amazing creator!!!
no, thank you for sending me this! I appreciate it a ton <3 have a wonderful day
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Anonymous said: How long have you been creating CCs for?
I recolored a get together cardigan in Dec 2015 and started making hair in November of 2016 to promote Britney Spears lmao. So around 4-5 years. 
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Anonymous said: hi!! just wanted to say i love the item index download option! thank you for your awesome cc and organization :)
You’re welcome! item indexes make things so much easier I agree, happy to help simplify things for downloaders. also they look nice so that’s a plus for me. 
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Anonymous said: i love your cc, they are really beautiful but can you do more male hair cc? im just asking
I prefer doing female stuff tbh, I feel like I’m better at it and I get more ideas. But i did 4 male hairs in this upcoming AxA 2020 pack and a bunch of male clothes. I’m sorry I can’t do more :( I just don’t get inspired to make much male stuff personally.
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Anonymous said: what happened to Ayoshi???
he’s in the basement working on AxA, don’t ask.  he actually just doesn’t like being on Simblr anymore but still likes making CC with me, so we just make cc on call sometimes when we get bored of a game we’re playing. he sends his regards from the basement of AH00B studios <3
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Anonymous said: hello i love all your cc and you’re my favorite creator, i have a question, are you planning to make some more clothes anytime soon?
getting these while working on AxA was so funny because there are like 80 new clothes for male/female sims in it and i was like... these people don’t know what they have coming their way. thank you!
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Anonymous said: 💃 How you make all your item index for your pack and collab? 💃
I make mine in Word using tables and then save as PDF. Here’s a peak at the AxA 2020 one
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Anonymous said: am i on drugs or have u uploaded an eco lifestyle kids dress conversion? i remember seeing it so vividly, (the zip up kids dress), but maybe it was another creator... lol
I think that was from grimcookies! Here is a link to his eco lifestyle add on set that he made. 
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Anonymous said: would you happen to know how to get rid of the weird gloss that can be on some cc hairs?
if you download Sims4Studio and open the package you can make the specular blank but that could cause issues in your game if you play on certain graphic settings. So do it with caution. 
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Anonymous said: Awww we have very similar life aspirations, I just want a boring/calm life, settle down with a wife (I'm a lesbian) and become an lit teacher.
yup yup boring lifes are where it’s at. Like i just want something simple lmao if I wanted exciting I wouldn’t do teaching. 
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Anonymous said: hi! i hope youre doing well! could you please tell me wcif the two toned jeans on the sim in your eco lifestyle addon collection?
They’re in AxA 2020! We have had so much of the stuff done for a while so i’ve been using it in previews for a while lmao. 
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Anonymous said: WAIT is the Love Bomb palette named after the Fromis_9 song???
yessss ayoshi is their #1 fan
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leisurefarmers · 6 years
5 Things I’ve Started Investing in with Age
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We’re baaack! We had such an amazing time in the Dominican Republic celebrating mine and Mara’s birthdays. Thank you all for your sweet birthday wishes – they totally made my day! It’s funny the older you get, the things you enjoy spending money on chance, your perspectives change, life changes. It’s weird though because mentally I still feel in my early 20’s a lot of times, and then it will hit me that I’m not that age anymore! I don’t know if that even makes sense lol – anyone else relate? But I have to admit, I really love my 30s. (I’m 33 for those who have asked) – these have been the best years! Anywayyyy in reflecting on my age, I realized the things I spent my money on in my 20s is so different in my 30s. I thought it would be fun to share some of the buys that have changed with age.
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1. Comfy PJ’s: If you’re anything like me you love to lounge around in cozy pajamas. The second I get home from work, 99.5% of the time I’m stripping down and changing into my comfy clothes! I also work from home a lot so comfort is key! I’ve realized that it’s so work it to spend a little more on high quality pajama sets that will literally last forever. I just got these Thirdlove pajamas and I’m obsessed! They are so soft and as soon as you put them on you’ll fall in love. They come in three colors but you guys know I’m a sucker for pink so of course I picked that color.
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2. Good Books: Ok if I’m totally honest, it’s more like cute decor books. I love looking for new coffee table books or pretty books for our shelves. When it comes to actual reading, I feel like maybe i save money now because I get books on tape and Audible.
3. My Skincare Routine: I can’t say this enough, but it’s never too early to invest in good skincare products. I didn’t really start to focus on my skin until I hit my 30’s, well maybe late 20’s – but now I’m definitely making up for lost time and it’s one thing that I always invest in.
4. Candles: Candles, candles, candles! I have been going through a major candle phase lately – nothing makes a house feel more like a home than a good scent! Whether an investment to you is $10 or $100, it will make all the difference in your home (not to mention it double as decor!).
5. Pretty Lingerie: Nothing beats feeling comfy and feminine at the same time. You guys know I love my sweats and tees, but there’s something about good lingerie underneath that makes you feel confident no matter what you’re wearing on top. I just got this pretty two-tone bra (also got the matching panties) and am obsessed! I’ll usually find any excuse to ditch my bra, but that’s not the case with this one – it’s so comfy!
Thirdlove is one of the only companies I know of that will let you try out one of their bras for 30 days completely free! If you’re unsure which fit would be right for you they also have a fit finder quiz here.
What are some of the things you guys have started investing in? Below are a few more pretty lingerie pieces and pajamas I’m loving!
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  XX, Christine
*In collaboration with THIRDLOVE.
The post 5 Things I’ve Started Investing in with Age appeared first on Hello Fashion.
5 Things I’ve Started Investing in with Age published first on https://costumecornersite.tumblr.com/
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