#I also have dark blue nail polish with holo topcoat
rotationalsymmetry · 2 years
I gots trans stuff on the brain.
I went to CLF worship last night, and the person who was hosting coffee hour went by multiple pronouns and specifically said they like switching it up, and that was very very nice.
I talked with my partner about maybe possibly someday considering doing the hormone thing.
I gotta figure out how to come out to the people I live with. (I am…extremely not expecting any problems here, just, how do come out? It hard.) And also at some point I should do a Facebook coming out.
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Sanders sides colored nails. Hi I am not good at taking pictures of my hands.
I needed to redo my nails anyway so i figured why not paint them in Sanders sides colors?
Heres a run down from left to right starting with the light blue pinky nail
Patton: Patton was a bit tricky cause I don’t actually have a lot of baby blue shades in my nail polish collection, but then I remembered that I was gifted one for my birthday by my coworkers.
Its Candy Floss by Hema (a dutch store similar to Wallgreens I suppose) Plus since I wanted to make all of these holo I added Cupcake Polish topcoat Sprinkles.
Candy floss with Sprinkles. sounds pretty Patton to me.
Oh as soon as I thought of the concept I knew /immediately/ which color I wanted to use for Roman: Cupcake Polish - Apple-y Ever After.
Its a Hollywood ish kind of red and a fairy tale pun.
Remus: Ah, Remus. I had several options for him, and I would’ve gone with I’m A Soccer For Green by Cupcake Polish which is more of a lime green but that one always stains my nailbed so badly.
So instead I went for Leaf Me Alone by Cupcake Polish because irony. Also can you tell yet that I like Cupcake Polish.
Virgil: Yknow for someone who claims purple as her favorite color I only have like… four purple nailpolishes in a collection of 52 bottles in total.
The closest shade I had to Verge’s purple is Aix-En-Provence by Starrily.
Logan: I had an option or two for Logan but I eventually settled on Heart Of The Ocean by Starrily because of the more scattered holo, which I think suits Logan’s specks of emotions throughout his personality best.
Then on my other hand we have the same set up for the main four plus
Deceit: Oh, poor Deceit. Immediately dethroned by Remus and assigned my least favorite color. I don’t like yellow. At all. I don’t have a singular true yellow nailpolish, so instead I went for my golden nailpolish.
Arguably the most “yellow” of my golden nailpolishes is this one. Morganite by Cirque.
Nails are colored by the standing position for the main four from Thomas’ viewpoint, with The Others/The Dark Sides being the middle fingers because…. I think you know why.
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wannabeelf · 5 years
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This week’s nail art marks the spot.
I used a really old bottle of dark blue Wet ‘n’ Wild nail polish that I’ve had since high school for this. It turned out looking more black than I wanted and smeared like crazy when I tried to topcoat it--I’m not sure if that was because it’s really old or just because it’s really cheap. I was hoping it would be sheer enough that you could see some of the holo through it, but since it wasn’t, I probably would have been better off using essie - after school boy blazer, which is similarly colored, would have been much less smear prone, and probably a bit more obviously blue.
Polishes used:
O.P.I Natural nail base coat
Color Club - Star Light, Star Bright
Wet ‘n’ Wild One Coat Nail Glaze - Blackest Blue (Good luck finding it.)
Revlon extra life no chip top coat
Northern Lights Hologram Top Coat - gold
Also used:
X Pattern Stencils from Twinkled T
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cbschrock · 6 years
Unicorns and Rainbows
Boy do I have a #mani for you today! Pastel, rainbow gradient made with glow-in-the-dark polish, Unicorns, and holo polish.
A LOT went into this mani. Here are the products I used:
1. Please Don't Stop The Music Collection, made by Missi of Different Dimension polish. The collection is available at www.differentdimensionus.com and also www.whatsupnails.com
2. Stamping plates from Winstonia Store (Have A Merry X-Mas) and from Harunouta
www.bornpretty.com (LO-45)
3. Fine detail brush from What's Up Nails (Dance 21) and large clear stamper www.whatsupnails.com
4. Black stamping polish from Fancy Gloss called Pitch Black www.fancygloss.com
5. What's Your Sign from Color Club Nail Lacquer
How I created this mani
1.I painted a white base.
2. I used a latex free make up sponge and used Under The Electric Sky (Yellow), Be My Escape (pink), and Dancing In The Dark (blue), to create a diagonal gradient. I sponged over my nails 3 times, until I reached the intensity and blend that I liked.
3. I stamped the star images (Winstonia plate) with Pitch Black.
4. I double stamped over the stars using What's Your Sign.
5. I used the biggest unicorn image from plate LO-45 and my clear stamper.
6. I painted in the unicorn using my fine detail brush and the When The Beat Drops (purple), Make These Nights Last Forever (orange), Dancing And Dreaming (green), and Everybody's Hands Go Up (white).
7. I used a QDTC to seal the deal.
**GITD polish needs to be "charged" to have the glow effect. You can use the sun, UV lights, LED lights, or a black light. The longer you charge them, the longer the effect lasts. It also had a slight, fine sand texture. A thicker topcoat is recommended.
#unicorns #mani #nails #nailsoftheday #manicure #hospitalhands
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typingquirk · 5 years
Femme Fatale Poison Garden Trio
-Valentine’s Day 2019
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Today I’ve got a lovely trio to share- the 2019 installment of Femme’s Fatale’s annual Valentine’s Day trio! This year the theme was poison garden, and I’m in love with the aesthetics of this trio- not to mention that it’s super refreshing to see some Valentine’s polishes that aren’t strictly pink!
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Bloodflower- A golden orange holographic with red iridescent flakes and fine silver holographic flakes.
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I LOVE a good orange; I feel like it’s a color that isn’t often tackled, and this one is perfect! This polish was opaque in two coats! It’s also one of those neat polishes that looks totally different in sunlight and low lights; in the sun it’s basically a crazy linear holo, and in lower lights (which I wasn’t able to capture on camera because of lighting that day) the flakies really come out to play while the holo gives it a shimmery base.
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It’s also gorgeous with a matte topcoat, shown above! Some colors I can only see myself wearing in certain seasons, but this is an orange I could wear all year round.
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Lobelia- An earthy, foresty green foil with a slightly tealish base; and aqua shimmers.
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I had trouble capturing the little blue shimmers in this one (you can kind of see them on the bottle in some pics) but it’s a gorgeous, shimmery green. It was mostly opaque in 2 coats, though I did need a 3rd to really cover my nail line and deepen the color.
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I did notice that this polish had some brush streaks, but I personally didn’t find them distracting and I don’t think it takes away from the overall appearance! Shown above with a matte top coat.
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Laceleaf- Juicy raspberry pink jelly with pink-gold shifting magnetic shimmer and green iridescent flakies.
So... I had a lot of trouble with Laceleaf. It’s a gorgeous polish, but I had one hell of a time getting the magnetic effect to show up on my nails, even applying all of the usual tricks and going above and beyond (shaking between every coat, extra thick coats, holding the magnet over until it was bone dry... you get the idea.) No dice. It magnetized wonderfully on the bottle, but I couldn’t get the effect to show up on the nail AT ALL. I was initially using my Tonic magnets which have worked beautifully, but they just weren’t cutting it.
I didn’t want to buy a bunch of new magnets when the ones I already had worked on everything else, but I caved and bought that crazy super magnet  that people have been raving about, and had MUCH better results. Sometimes special products need special tools, and this one needed the big guns!
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Unfortunately, I don’t have pictures of the manicure using the jumbo magnet- I only have natural lighting and an iPhone available to me, and even tho I could see it on the nail, I couldn’t capture the magnetic effect in pictures. The magnetic color is just too close to the base color for my camera to pick up when it’s also being blown out by my lighting :( However, I did have the thought to do a quick swatch of one coat of Laceleaf over a dark base, and it shows off the magnetic effect SO MUCH BETTER! Please forgive me for only having a quick & dirty thumb swatch; I’d already done 3 manis while messing with different magnets and I wasn’t interested in doing a fourth all in one week lol. I would definitely suggest people try this one out as a topper too! I think it has a lot of potential.
There’s been many times where I’ve said that I feel like my pictures don’t do the polish justice, and this is definitely the worst of them all lol. This is the first time I’ve really felt disappointed by what I was able to capture, but that’s 100% on me, and not on the polish.
All of that aside, this is a delightful trio and I’m pleased with my purchase! Like what you see? This trio is no longer available on Femme Fatale’s website (it was a one time presale) but should be coming to their various stockists in the near future :) I’d recommend reaching out to your favorite stockist to see if they’ve ordered it!
Femme Fatale Cosmetics
International Stockists List
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rotationalsymmetry · 2 years
I had some thoughts about gender as I was trying to fall asleep last night. (And I did the responsible thing and prioritized sleep over posting, and I still want to post now even though it is later and my brain rarely holds on to motivation for this sort of thing longer than whenever the next distraction is. Miracles sometimes happen.)
So, nail polish. I like nail polish. But I started getting into nail polish as an adult, and there’s sort of a social expectation that when you’re a kid or maybe a college student, nail polish can just be about fun and personal enjoyment, but by the time you start holding down jobs nail polish should look “professional” or be absent. Relatively subtle (boring) colors, no chips, etc.
Anyways, as somebody new to nail polish (and tbf, most of the time someone who wasn’t “employed”), my nails often didn’t actually look very good, and I was more interested in having fun and experimenting and doing artsy things than in it looking, well, polished. Still am. I got dark blue nails with holo topcoat right now. Topcoat that got smudged a lot while it was drying.
Early on I decided I was going for “interesting” rather than “perfect”, and that’s spared me a lot of stress when something goes wrong. As it often does.
I think gender can be looked at the same way. There’s different ways to do gender, and one is about being polished and looking good while staying within societal rules. And one is about making your own damn self happy. And while people just don’t start identifying as trans unless they’re giving a lot of weight to their own happiness over fitting in, right, this is actually mostly independent of being trans vs cis, cis people also have a choice about whether they want to experience their gender primarily in terms of measuring up to societal standards or primarily in terms of pleasing themselves.
You can experience gender a la carte, based on what does and doesn’t make you happy.
For guys, this can look like: am I a sports fan kinda guy or a nerdy kind of guy or both or neither, am I a car appreciation guy or not, how much do I care about being a husband and/or father and what kind do I want to be, how much do I care about things like how I dress and how my home is arrayed, and if I do care do I prefer a fancier aesthetic or a more casual aesthetic or something else, what do I want to do about hair on my face and about hair on my head, what is my relationship to conflict and violence going to be, what is my relationship to my emotions going to be, what is my relationship to my own health going to be, what is my relationship to relationships going to be.
For gals, this can look like: maybe I like long skirts but not sexy mini skirts, maybe I like mini skirts and girlboss feminism but don’t expect me to cook, maybe I love cooking but will not smile at strangers or refuse to interrupt when everyone else is doing it, maybe I barely even know what mascara is but am more interested in forming connections with other human beings than with career success or in looking out for #1.
(And this can get really complicated when people straddle cultures, classes, even just different families with different understandings of what men and women should be like. Sometimes you have two immigrants from the same culture marry each other and one assumes they’ll live as much like they’re grandparents as possibly and one figures the best thing about not being in the old country is you don’t have to do that any more. While pretty much everyone’s got concepts of male and female, none of them entirely match up with each other.)
And it’s not an accident that a lot of feminism is about… having women and girls take on more traditionally guy roles. More on girls playing sports and women climbing the corporate ladder than boys playing with dolls and men figuring out their feelings and working on their communication skills and caring for their one children. One of these is more in tune with the life-destroying priorities of capitalism than the other, and when you try to swim across a current you get swept downstream.
I think there’s often a strong connection between what individual people need most in the depth of their souls, and what is best for people as a whole, and one of the most important tools of societal repression is alienating people from their heart’s desires.
Which means one of the most important tools of collective liberation is reconnecting with your body and your feelings and what you want most in your life.
I didn’t get at first what queer stuff had to do with the rest of it. But that’s it, isn’t it? Not everybody is gay or trans or etc, but everybody does have some way in which who they are, fundamentally, doesn’t match who they’re supposed to be, and that difference and what you do with it matters.
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