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Tonight, we remember one who lent his enormous talent to telling the story we have all come to love. Hail, the victorious dead!
May the Simbelmynë cover his tomb as it did the tomb of the one he so accurately portrayed.
Bernard Hill Dec 17, 1944 - May 5, 2024
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it used to be 2007 you know
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Today, we mourn Bernard Hill (King Theoden). May he rest among the halls of his father 😔
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when a new media comes out and i have to navigate tumblrs shit ui to add the tag to my blacklist
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If I had to guess, over half the people who are like "oh we don't want sexual stuff at pride" are people who've been told there is public fucking at pride by people intentionally misleading others. I know when I first heard about the discourse I thought the two sides were "people should be allowed to fuck publicly at pride, there shouldn't be any kids there bc it shouldn't be family friendly" and "pride should be family-friendly bc there will be kids there" and my initial reaction was "wait people fuck at pride? Yeah that's wrong, I think pride should be able to be attended to by queer kids and teens".
I then learned that the people who presented the two sides in that way were being misleading and went "wait wtf??" (I also learned that "family-friendly" was not, in fact, synonymous with "okay for kids to see", but was actually a dogwhistle.)
So, like, there is something to be said for the fact that 'sex in public' is a fact of life for unhoused people and for the history of queer people, and I don't want to be like 'hey any kind of sex in any place that might be vaguely considered public should ruin your life.' That's the kind of thinking that ends up with a woman thinking she's alone on a deserted beach masturbating, not realizing a family is within eyeshot up the beach, getting her arrest video posted by the cops to shame her, and dying by suicide because people harassed her endlessly. (This was recent.)
But that said, no one is whipping out their dick at Pride. The issue is that, to some people, any display of queer sexuality is considered basically the same as two dudes rawdogging on a pile of dicks.
And yeah, sure, Pride should be for a lot of people, but also, Pride started because a bunch of kinky queer adults said 'yeah, we deserve time and space for us,' and making it okay for queer kids and teens should not result in the expulsion of those who created it in the first place.
I fully support the creation of additional and alternate Pride spaces for kids and teens, but under no circumstances should that come at the cost of pushing out the people who got us there in the first place.
But yeah, there are people who are being super fucking disingenuous about this and I'm over it.
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sudden urge to burst into tears. im not a toddler i just agree with their beliefs
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it's always so alarming looking at the notes on posts about people's cool experiences with ttrpgs and seeing the sheer number of people saying something along the lines "unfortunately this relies on the assumption that the players aren't huge shithead assholes who are actively trying to fuck each other over and make sure their gm has a bad time."
like. yeah, it sure does. that's kind of a baseline assumption for me, the same way that when I invite friends to a potluck I feel perfectly safe assuming that no one is going to spit in the food. do you guys actually like the people you're doing recreational activities with? blink if you need help.
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reblog if you’ve read fanfictions that are more professional, better written than some actual novels. I’m trying to see something
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My son saw a bug on the ceiling for the first time
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As a rule of thumb, don't reblog donation posts or people asking for donations unless they've been vetted and reblogged by Palestinian bloggers. We usually go to lengths to verify this shit because we know scammers have been faking to get people to send them money, using the urgency of our genocide as bait.
It's disgusting this is what we're dealing with, but people are losing money because of some truly evil people out there.
Accounts don't just randomly spring up on tumblr without gofundmes while asking for someone to help them create a campaign. Fuck out of here with that shit.
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“imagine caring so much about fiction” imagine being so lame that you scoff at the timeless human practice of falling in love with art and stories
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Charlie meeting him
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fun fact (not fun at all fact actually) :
aromanticism and asexuality are still treated as issues to be fixed in most therapy settings, at least in the western psychiatric institution. i cannot fucking mention my aromanticism or asexuality to a therapist or it’ll immediately become their primary concern and goal to fix. whether or not i have a partner/am trying to have a partner is actively being used as an indicator of my wellness, regardless of if i WANT one. i cannot have access to needed mental health ressources because of fear of conversion therapy. aro and/or ace conversion therapy is the norm in most psychiatric institutions and we are getting told by the rest of the queer community that our oppression isnt real and that there is no link between our struggles and theirs.
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"you attract what you fear"
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psst. If yall give a shit abt the creatives in your life please remember to encourage and support em. making things is hard and takes so much work and it’s so easy to just pass over and ignore or criticize the things people put into the world. sometimes folks WANT you to pay attention to what they’ve made and would hang on to any nice comment given for hours. be gentle with each other.
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