donsgraveyard · 10 months
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I watched Lotr and the hobbit like …two months ago and only made a handful of fanart which I just remembered I made
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galadriel-blue · 3 months
A Small but Lovely Detail from The Rings Of Power That I Love Is...
The way Elrond says Galadriel's name. The way he says it is just so pretty. He speaks it so uniquely compared to the other characters and I adore how beautiful he makes it sound. I don't know, it's just something I love, and it is satisfying to hear when I watch the show. I think it's in his pronunciation, like he says every piece of her name separately but together at the same time. Does that make sense?? This might be a whole lot of my overanalyzing every tiny detail nonsense and it may be such a small thing to note, but I can't help but admire it every time I hear him say "Galadriel." I don't know if that's a weird thing to think about, but it's something that's stuck with me ever since I watched the show.
And even the way Galadriel says Elrond's name is wonderful too. You can tell how close these two are just by how they address each other each time they reunite. They are THE besties of all time and their friendship means everything to me.
If there are two things I am always going to be obsessed with it's going to be people's/character's names and people's/character's voices and/or speaking traits. I always find it fascinating.
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that-angry-noldo · 1 year
wait there’s a Beren as death au??? How did I not know about this and can I request a drabble for it pls ❤️❤️ (also congrats on the milestone am very proud to be one of the lucky 204!)
(milestone celebration!)
Don't worry you didn't know about this because i never wrote it, only mentioned it here and there
I doubted whether to start chronologically or to write a random drabble, and random drabble won. It was something I wanted to write a while ago but never got to it... hope you enjoy :)
"Were you there?" Elrond asked. "When Elros passed?"
The figure beside him shifted. Elrond noticed once again how bland it looked in comparision to surroundings. A simple black cape covering its shoulders, white hair, calloused hands - it looked like an old man, and, no matter how hard he tried, Elrond couldn't see anything else.
Carefully, Death picked up a duckling and it peeped, frightened. Death's eyes glided over Elrond.
"I reap every mortal soul who comes into this world," Death answered, and Elrond took a breath.
The morning was slowly regaining its right. First sunrays brushed over Death's hair.
"Was he- was he afraid?"
"You were there, Peredhil," Death said softly, caressing the duckling's feathers with his thumb. "You saw him yourself, and he talked to you, too. I don't need to tell you how he felt."
Elrond pursed his lips. Death looked at him with tired eyes.
"He always did that," Elrond whispered finally. "Put on a brave face for me. I- I know he was in peace, and I know he made- he made his choice, but- was he- was he afraid? Deep down, did he want to live, did he-"
"He wanted to live," Death said, smiling faintly. "Of course he wanted to live. Everything alive longs to remain so for as long as possible, Peredhil."
Elrond felt a knot tying up in his throat. Death crouched near the pond and lowered the duckling on the water. It was quick to make its way to its distressed mother.
"But he wasn't afraid," Death continued. "He was... excited."
"A new journey," Elrond mumbled. "He was talking about a new journey."
"He was." Death straightened, and looked towards the West - towards the rising sun. Elrond took a deep breath.
"I am not the end, Peredhil," Death said, and smiled at him. "He is happy, if that's what matters to you. And he wishes you to be happy, too."
The duckling quacked, getting out of the pond and making its way back to Death. Elrond couldn't help but smile a bit as Death leaned down patiently and put it back into the water.
Elrond bit his lip, trying to force down his tears. "You really do love animals," he tried to laugh, hiding his sobs. Death shook his head.
"They say you take after Luthien," he grumbled. "And yet, Luthien was much more subtle in conversation changes."
"Ah - you're right. I got this from your side of the family."
Death stared at him, unimpressed, and Elrond felt himself grinning depite it all. Finally, Death rolled his eyes.
"It's an honor to be your ancestor, Peredhil," Death said. "I mean it."
"Well," Elrond smiled, "it's an honor to be your descendant, Erchamion. Though it's a great weight, too."
Death nodded, and the next moment, Elrond was alone, only mist and a distressed duckling reminding him of the past hour.
The sun was slowly rising over Rivendell. Elrond stood there for few more minutes, then turned away and headed to the city.
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tanoraqui · 1 year
I COMPLETELY FORGOT A VERY IMPORTANT PART OF CROWNLESS (the Young Aragorn show that lives in my, and apparently many of your, hearts): Each season opens with the framing device of middle-aged Sam Gamgee sitting by the fire in Bag End, telling his kids stories about the King. If you don’t have a (historical inaccuracy-excusing) narrative frame in a Middle Earth story, wtf are you even doing?
Also, the theme song in my mind is "All That Is Gold Does Not Glitter" by Clamavi de Profundis, but I'm open to some other group doing their own arrangement of the poem.
so, key elements of season 3 (s1 and 2 here):
A couple times in s2, including notably in the season finale?, Rohirrim were involved…so at the very end of that season, King Thengel invited Aragorn to come serve in his court/armed forces. That’s right, it’s time for UNMITIGATED HORSE GIRL!ARAGORN HOURS!
(confession: I could be persuaded to combine s2 and s3, with some elements of s3 going into s4)
(and clarification: Aragorn isn't deliberately using a false name, but he's also not presenting himself as anything more than a random northern Dúnedain ranger, son of nobody in particular.)
The show starts to shift in this season: in addition to/in place of some monster of the week episodes, we get political drama of the week, and more ongoing plotlines. Also, I realized it’s as much ‘location of the week’ as ‘monster of the week’—that continues, centered around Rohan (which means we’ll retread some locations from s2)
First trip to Minas Tirith, on some diplomatic excursion!
fun canon LotR info: Thengel, Theoden's father, was a total Gondor stan - he lived there from his teens until he had to come home to take up the crown, he married a woman from Lossarnach, as King of Rohan he spoke Sindarin and Westernesse and not Rohirric...
so I'm gonna say that teenage Theoden is kind of resentful of that? He was born in Lossarnach, came to Rohan at age 5...but Rohan is his home and he loves it, and he wonders if his father is too enamored of Gondor to be the best king of Rohan. He's skeptical of Thengel recruiting this random Ranger to be a captain of the Riders. On the flip side, Aragorn is SO COOL, and superb with horses. and Theoden wants to be him when he grows up. It's hard, being a teenager and a prince, with 4 sisters. It's hard and nobody understands
Sauruman is there for an episode, being genuinely helpful but his vibes are faintly rancid. He's about to start building up Isengard as an armed power. If the season finale involves something like a proper battle again, he might pitch in.
Halbarad and Dúnawen might actually stay in Ithilien? Or they come along to Rohan but they just join the Riders without getting involved in court stuff at all. Aragorn is going to start doing more things on his own. They presumably have their own B/C-plot character arcs btw, I just don't know what
Roddis definitely stayed behind in Ithilien/Gondor. New in the cast, however, not from quite the start but maybe like ep7/22, or the midseason onward? Is a perfectly normal human woman with dark hair and grey eyes...
Arwen. It's Arwen.
Aragorn: Why are you here? Arwen: I am the daughter of Elrond Half-Elven. My grandparents include the Evening Star, White-Winged Elwing, and Galadriel, student of Melian who on separate occasions told both Fëanor and Eonwë to fuck off. Everyone who met her agrees that I look just like my great-great-grandmother Lúthien Tinúviel. The distant echo of the Doom of the Exiles runs in my veins, as do the Songs of Lúthien and the Light of a Silmaril. I know the weight of Fate when it settles on my shoulders like a mantle, as it did when you called me 'Tinúviel' beneath Imladris's twilit trees—but the Choice of the Peredhel remains mine and mine alone. So I have come, Elessar, Isildur's heir, to see if I actually like you. Arwen: Curiosity. Aragorn: [vividly remembering how in s1 his mom said, "She's way out of your league" and Elrond said, "You won't get married until you're king." (Aragorn: "...married to your daughter?" Elrond: "To anyone. Period.")] Aragorn: Cool. Curiosity is cool. I'm gonna be so normal about this.
(Spoilers: he was not entirely normal about this.)
(Spoilers: they super do like each other, though)
Idk what the backup rangers are doing overall, but I do want Aragorn and Dúnawen to still have some sort of romantic Thing in s2, maybe off and on again, as Aragorn thought Arwen wasn't interested and was trying not to just be moping about it... Then Arwen arrives and Aragorn is So Conflicted for like 1 episode, before Dúnawen comes to him like, "Aragorn, I love you as a friend and comrade-in-arms and I love you as my chieftain and king-to-be, and I could probably love you as a wife if we really tried...but you clearly have not just a crush but some sort of Destiny thing with Lady Arwen, so I'm going to go back to Ithilien for a bit, maybe get drunk and laid with a handsome barmaid, and get over you. While I'm gone, you should try, like, talking to her."
A thing that Aragorn and Arwen...do bond over, but more it's there to demonstrate their compatibility to the audience, is: ...So, we (the writers/producers) don't have the rights to The Silmarillion, right, just The Lord of the Rings and its Appendices, and The Hobbit. These do periodically namedrop people, however, with dashes of elaboration mostly in the Appendices...and Aragorn is established from the start to be a bit of a history nerd, because that's what happens when you're raised by Elrond...so periodically, Aragorn and his friends will be in a Situation and Aragorn will whisper, like, "This is just like when [Fëanor/Túrin/Tar-Minastir/etc...]—" and Halbarad or Dúnawen hisses, "Does that actually help us right now?" and Aragorn will say, "Sure!" and start doing something that Silmarillion nerds can recognize is inspired by whatever the person in question did in a similar situation (note: sometimes Aragorn deliberately does the opposite of what the historical figure did, and it works much better.) The writers very carefully do not explicitly reference anything not explicitly in the permitted texts. If they need/get to elaborate on a historical figure, they'll toe a careful line of Silmarillion canon and blatantly made-up things.
That happened more in s1, when the show needed to make good with the old fans, but also in s2. Aragorn remains the only one referencing this stuff. Then in s3, he and Arwen are...let's say captured by bandits, and Arwen murmurs in his ear, "I have an idea. You know in the Lay of Lúthien..." Aragorn's eyes widen. "Beren and Lúthien or Beren and Finrod?" Arwen: "Finrod." Aragorn nods, and they proceed to bullshit their way out of being captive with flawless teamwork and yes-and-ing (and maybe fight a wolf on their way out, just to be thorough).
No idea what this season finale is. Like I said, you could probably weave parts of most of this season into s2 and s4? But that would ruin the "a different significant geographical area every season" thing we've got going on.
[s4 here!]
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three--rings · 2 years
Someone: Rings of Power is just a generic fantasy show, I don’t get what’s wrong with that.
Me: See.  See.  That hurts my soul. 
(And like this is not a personal attack on anyone watching and enjoying the show, or anyone expressing this opinion.)
But like, imagine your favorite thing.  Like book, TV show, whatever, something really personally important to you that you deeply love.  And then imagine someone took that thing, used the names but changed all the specifics and made the characters OOC and made a semi-mediocre generic version of it. 
Like, no I haven’t watched it, tbf.  But I’ve read reviews and all the positive things people say is like the CGI is pretty and it’s nice generic fantasy.  And like...sorry, that’s not enough.  
Like, this is not even really an ADAPTATION, so much as a bastardization, and I think that’s what people need to understand.  They don’t own enough of the rights from my understanding to make it an adaptation.  They are apparently making all of this up from the LOTR appendices?  IDEK.  They don’t own any of Silm and they’re trying to tell the story of it?  Without infringing copyright, meaning it can’t actually be accurate to what Tolkien wrote?  Someone explain this to me. 
One thing that’s occurred to me from this whole thing is that I might be part of the last generation to read Tolkien before seeing any adaptation of his works.  Like I can’t imagine that for people born after the turn of the millennium that they are likely to read the thousand page, somewhat difficult novel without having watched the films.  And that’s fine.  If I had kids, no doubt I’d make them watch the films first to get them interested.
But when I was 11 a family friend gave me The Hobbit and impressed upon me that it was incredibly important that I read this book.  I finished it and immediately made my mom buy me the whole LOTR set.  It took me I think until I was 12 to make it through the whole thing. 
I absolutely cannot express how much Tolkien became part of my soul.  I’ve been using the name threerings in some form since I was 12 and it’s a LOTR reference. 
Younger people can’t know how controversial the Peter Jackson films were before they came out.  How fans scrutinized every little thing to find fault.  The casting of Elijah Wood, omg, the howls against it. 
I was working my first job out of college when the Fellowship came out.  I took the day off to go see it, along with HALF MY OFFICE.  We had our office holiday party that night and LOTR was the major topic of conversation.  (okay we were geeks, yes.)  The debates over the changes.  Arwen instead of Glorfindel, etc...
But the Jackson films (the first three at least, I have Hobbit Opinions) showed themselves to be faithful adaptations made with love and understanding of the source.  Like not perfect.  But mostly with changes that made sense or which could be overlooked.  Tolkien fans felt their cherished texts had been respected.
But this?  This is like all that anxiety and skepticism and then...the best anyone can say is it’s not too bad for generic fantasy. 
I can’t.  You know?  I don’t want to watch my most beloved characters of Galadriel and Elrond (two of the three holders of the Three Rings, btw) in a bastardized generic fantasy. 
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growingingreenwood · 14 days
I think that if Elrond and Mereneth ever met, they'd become fast buddies. Not on the level that Thranduil amd Celebrian are, for sure, but they'd DEF bond over medicinal herbs and the best way to cure somebody after they touched/ate some poisonous plant or smth like that.
If Legolas got that much of his personality from his mother, I can assure you that Elrond would be dreading wayy less the visits of the Greenwood Royals lol.
(and I also think that he'd need a moment or two to breath the whole new person that Thranduil becomes in her presence. He'd never seen Thranduil so light and happy and quick to smile. I imagine Elrond looking out the window one night and seeing them dancing together under the stars and the branches of the trees. And he'd def notice the changes and how much her death affected him, having seen the person he was before..)
Btw you can def message me to stop if my asks are getting annoying or smth. I just love your 'verse and your oc's (specially ferdan and your version of galion) so much I think about them All The Time lmao.
An Anonymous Ask that had a Very Similar Question to yours: Did Mereneth and Elrond ever met? Either in Imladris or in Valinor? Because since the two of them are healers, they could probably bond over that (and maybe if still in Arda, Elrond would come to dread less the visits from greenwood cause he knew Mereneth liked him, therefore Thranduil wouldn't be as intimidating lmao)
Elrond and Mereneth get along SO WELL. So well. Unfortunately (for Elrond) they don't get a chance to meet until after they are all in Valinor. Tbh almost nobody outside of Greenwood got to meet Mereneth, or even get to know that Thranduil was romantically interested in somebody but especially not that he had gotten MARRIED before Greenwood had already lost its queen. 
Admittedly by the time they get to Valinor Elrond had already much improved in dealing with Thranduil compared to = when they first had to interact with each other politically and then more personally once Elrond and Celebrian had gotten married, they visits were still dreaded significantly less once Mereneth had been reunited with her husband. 
Perhaps even eagerly anticipated. 
I think that the shock Elrond felt about seeing the change in Thranduil would be a bit similar to the shock he felt the first time he saw Thranduil and Little Legolas interacting with one another. But, more. Seeing Thranduil be kind and tender with an elfling was one thing, but seeing Thranduil be so thoroughly in love and completely devoted to another full grown elf was another thing entirely. 
A Bonus For Elrond: After Mereneth was back, I also think that Ferdan and Galion would also be slightly less… Like That™™ all of the time. Partly because Thranduil was less snarky so the other two had less practice and opportunity to add their own snarkiness. Partly because, like Legolas, her unrelenting positive attitude and sunny disposition is contagious to even the grumpiest and most jaded of elves. 
(Don't worry they aren't getting annoying literally at all and I don't want you to stop, sometimes it just take a bit to answer things so you'll have to be patient af with me but i love it so much pls don't stop)
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sotwk · 1 year
Nana! I need your guidance!
But how are you btw? 🤭💙
I need your headcanon, where Thranduil and Elrond is a bestie, but Thranduil is to arrogant to admit that he is cared for Elrond. And one day Elrond got abducted by some random dude.
What he would do?!
Love you btw! 💙
Hello, my dear @thranduilswifesblog!
I hope you're enjoying your little "period break"! We've missed you, so it's nice to see you back on here for a while. I was sick with a very nasty cold virus through most of your absence, so you haven't missed much from my blog at least!
Now regarding your headcanon request regarding our favorite "odd couple" besties, Thranduil and Elrond:
What would Thranduil do if Elrond were abducted or in danger?
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I share your headcanon of Thranduil being fonder of Elrond than of any Noldor in all of Middle-earth history--with the exception of his wife (Queen Maereth). Proud and stubborn Thranduil never admits his affection outright, but it shows subtly in his actions around the Lord of Imladris, and the fact that he seems to enjoy spending time around him.
In SotWK-verse, Thranduil first met Elrond in the kingdom of Lindon, very early in the Second Age and not long after the War of Wrath. However, they barely interacted with each other because of the lingering hostility between the Noldor and the Sindar. Oropher and his people were not big fans of High King Gil-galad, despite being residents of his realm.
Thranduil and Elrond finally got to know each other better towards the middle of the Second Age. Their early bond was encouraged by Lady Maereth, who shares family history with Elrond and became a close friend of his while she lived in Eregion.
Before fighting side-by-side in the War of the Last Alliance, Thranduil and Elrond fought together for the first time during the War of the Elves and Sauron (SA 1693), which initiated their status as lifelong allies.
I have many more HCs about the friendship between these two elf-lords, but I'm going to skip all that to actually answer your question!
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It would take an incredibly powerful foe to abduct Lord Elrond, so it would obviously be a serious crisis that will force Rivendell to summon every available ally for aid.
The King of Mirkwood and his family would be considered Elrond's most loyal and strongest Elven ally military-wise, and I would gladly debate anyone on this opinion.
Thranduil would drop everything to answer the call, initiating emergency protocols normally reserved only for members of his own immediate family.
Assuming this event occurs at a time when his family is still intact, Thranduil will rally all five of his sons to come with him and lead their army to Elrond's rescue.
I cannot stress enough how sending ALL FIVE Thranduilion princes along with the King into battle is a huge deal, and actually unnecessary. These Elven warriors are so skilled and powerful, it is overkill to have them on the same battlefield all at once. It has never happened in the entire history of their family. (You know how Legolas can kick serious orc-ass? Well, he's the "rookie" of this team. Imagine his older brothers and their Ada unleashed.)
In normal cases, only three princes at most are sent to battle at the same time. If Thranduil chooses to muster his entire lineup of sons, then he just wants to prove a simple, angry point: you've fucked with the wrong guy and now I will make you pay to the greatest possible extent.
Elrond in danger is definitely not considered a "normal case", so yes: Thranduil would deploy all his sons for the Lord of Imladris. There is no greater sign of love and friendship from the Elvenking than this.
Unless Elrond gives him a very good reason not to, Thranduil will insist on having the head (literally) of whoever dared to abduct or harm his (not-so-secret) best friend.
Thranduil will still never tell Elrond how much he cares for him. But the message will be received and seen loud and clear by everyone.
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Tolkien Headcanon tag list: @quickslvxr @laneynoir @auttumnsayshi @achromaticerebus @tamryniel @friendofthefellowshipsnerdblog @blueberryrock @aduialel @glassgulls @ladyweaslette @asianbutnotjapanese @ratsys @conversacomsmaug @lemonivall @lathalea
For more Tolkien/Thranduil headcanons: SotWK Headcanon Masterlist
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doodle-pops · 6 months
Hii mina mae-duh-whores anon here! Hope you are doing good! first of all,i saw that ask mina and if you were to actually write mgime related stuff, please id really go crazy!! i love your writing so much!!
Second of all to that anon, if you actually start writing silmarillion mgime i wanna be the first to read it!! id love to beta read or just brainstorm or plot with you if you're up for that kind of thing!!
Third, I've got a recommendation or two that no one really asked for haha. There aren't many silmarillion mgime fics so I thought I'd share the ones I've read on ao3 that I think you or your followers might like!
The first fic called, stardusts in our souls by Autumn_moonlight. its ecthelion x oc, it was last updated in July or something, but its such a fun read so far! the oc reads ecthellion the harry potter series and his reaction and eagerness to find out what happens next, its so cute!! I love when the modern girl shares technology or stories or songs from her world and seeing the characters' reaction to it is just so!!! Oh, there's also maeglin x oc smut in later chapters so there's that i suppose.
Second fic, it's called the knowing princess by Fantasticoncer. it's kinda long? The author still updates it I think, I haven't really finished it yet tbh lol. anyways main pov is basically female of x maedhros but it has got lots of other ocs x characters too, like fingon and mairon etc. it contains reincarnation and stuff, mc gets reincarnated as an elf in valinor along with her sisters from her own home reality.
Third is the Oialëa series by natelly
It's mcu/tolkien crossover fic, its kinda long I suppose, multiple books and many chapters etc but it's fun read, tbh I haven't this one either. its not exactly silmarillion events set but oc is kinda part of the kidnap fam, glorfindel's sister, and I've read spoilers that maedhros travels to mcu in second book or something so I thought I'd add it to the list? The first book which I've read is hobbit period set, btw its elrond x oc, and the oc is also doctor strange's daughter, and she also has powers and stuff. So yeah, if you love mcu and silmarillion hobbit lotr and mainly elrond, this fic is for you. Honestly I don't even like elrond that much, more into his sons lol, but still,, it was so interesting I ended up reading the first book! The oc is such a fun gen z mgime and i love her so much! The series is so well written too and there's even separate prequels and epilogue and fics written from other characters perspective and stuff too! In one of the books maedhros and oc also goes to therapy, haven't read that part but mae,, im so glad he got therapy, he really really needs that haha
I am doing better as I've resurfaced from my week disappearance 😁. Though, everything feels strange as though I've been gone for longer 😅.
Some recommendations for those who enjoy the Modern girl in Middle Earth troupe and for the anon who's in the process of creating a story for modern day reader. Thank you for assistance 💖
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sparklecryptid · 11 months
Remember how the Romans literally sewed their hair up with fancy ribbons? I bet that's a common Noldor thing too. Only with more gems pinned in.
I'm sure once the relationship progresses, both Erestor and Glorfindel will be happy to help her do her hair up and get dressed in the finery that keeps appearing in her rooms like, well, elves are leaving them XD (Erestor has the Noldor hair thing just as bad as any of them probably. Glorfindel caught it by long association, if he's all or part Vanyar in this? I love demi Erestor btw!)
Elrond, sideling up to Anordil a bit after the party is in full swing: *hands her a glass of wine* I did try to warn you.
Anordil: yeah, you did.
(They did this to him too, after all, and Elros before he left to found his Kingdom. They hadn't been able to afford /quite/ the level of finery they'd wrapped Anordil in back then, with the continent poisoned and dying around them, but they'd done their best.)
Like, at least this means they contingent of scary elves APPROVES of Erestor and Glorfindel? Erestor is one of theirs, so that's fine, and he comes part and parcel with Glorfindel these days, and he's ALRIGHT they suppose... I'm just imaging the meeting they must've had about 'their princess' and her courting prospects!!! ("Lord Feanaro would've had a fit." *nods all around* "But there's a great many things he would've had a fit about, you know." *more nods* *wistful sighs* "Such a shame he's not here." *agreeing murmurs*)
*snickers* now I’m just thinking of some random Feanorian cornering Erestor and just:
Random Feanorian: Hey. Tell me why your wife isn’t wearing our gifts and also what are her preferred gems and metal.
Erestor: she’s not my wife.
Random Feanorian: *unimpressed stare* yet
Erestor: …yet. And while I have asked her such things before it pains me to admit that she has told me quite bluntly that she has never given such things much thought.
Random Feanorian: What.
Erestor: *sympathetically* i know.
Also yesssss to the hair thing! It’s ~~bonding~~!
I would say that Glorfindel is part Vanya in this and his hmmmmmm mother I would say was a Noldo.
Which means that Feanor has opinions on this.
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yourlocalnetizen · 2 years
Valinor headcanons to brighten up your day (or ruin it?)
Fingolfin reluctantly pardons the sons of Feanor with lots of pushing from Fingon and Aredhel and well, they served their time in Mandos and seem to be regretful.
Finrod becomes Elwing’s therapist/friend/father figure/whatever she needs at the moment.
Elwing also becomes close to Idril & Turgon, the former is very delighted to find out her son has gotten married and askes Elwing to say high to Earendil for her since she can't see him on her own and the later completely understands Elwing's anger towards the Feanorians and does his best to comfort her.
Celebrimbor is living his best life. Doing something fun probably because he deserves it.
Maedhros doesn't show his face often, which he used to be highly praised for given he's gorgeous but he's very embarrassed by his actions and doesn't think many people want to see him anyways. Fingon says he's wrong but Mae reasonably has his doubts.
Elwing slaps Maglor when she first sees him because she deserves too. They’re very awkward at Elrond’s family gatherings after that but pretend it never happened.
Btw, Maglor never brings Celegorm anywhere near Elrond because he knows it would be a triggering experience for Elwing who's trying to spend as much time with her son as she can.
Caranthir is very depressed there aren’t more dwarves to help him get rich again. He does eventually become rich again somehow though because I cannot see Caranthir as a poor man.
Finduilas gets back with Gwindor. It takes a while though since she feels pretty guilty but she realizes how much Gwindor loved her and she realizes that she still holds a special place in her heart for him and shoots her shot being completely aware Gwindor has good reason to reject her but this is Gwindor who truly loved her were talking about so of course he’d happily be with her again.
Finarfin and Earwen are the second ones (after Elrond) to comfort Celebrian when she finds out she's never seeing her daughter again because they know what that's like.
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myceliumelium · 3 months
your art style is really beautiful btw i'm in awe every time
dude that's such a compliment coming from you. I *love* your stuff too! Your elrond stuff brings me so much joy.
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sweetteaanddragons · 8 months
Hi! Just here to tell you that I adore all your stories, but especially the ones set in the gil-gald-scion-of-sombody verse. This is now my favorite version and personal headcanon for him, it’s just too hilarious. His relationship with elrond in particular is lovely. I never gave them much thought before, but after reading your stories I’m incredibly emotional about them - even more so because I know how the second age ends. All that said, your rop! & sos! gil-galads switching places is possibly my favorite. everything from gil-galad deciding to just wing it until he knows whats going on to the councilmembers outrage is just. very funny. The levity and wit present in all your writing really makes the horribly tragic history of beleriand and middle-earth more enjoyable. It doesn’t lessen the overall tragedy, but makes everything seem more worthwhile, if that makes any sense at all. Anyways, I’m sorry to have rambled at you! Feel free not to reply to this, btw, I just wanted to thank you for your lovely stories
Thank you so much! Seeing this was a lovely bright spot to a hard day.
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tanoraqui · 8 months
Elros&Elrond superhero anon here, I absolutely love those powers for them, they’re so cool. I mean, healing powers are fairly standard but you’ve got me entirely on board with healer!Elros (although I’m betting that Elros does NOT heal Maglor’s hand after the twins regain consciousness) and I just really love what you’ve done with Elrond’s powers!
(re: this post)
HEALER!ELROS SUPREMACY. And while I’m at it, Elros being the first to (conditionally) trust and even come to love their monstrous kidnapper-cousins, because quicker commitment and greater daring for the unknown makes sense in one who will one day choose to die as a Man; why is Elros always the stabby one and Elrond always the sweet one in kidnap-era fics! supremacy. Elrond is going to end up sweet, okay; he doesn’t need to start there. In the superhero au, when he masters his power of this aura of peace, he’s going to be able to do the “I am one with the force and the force is with me” walk from Rogue One through battlefields, but he has to learn how to maintain that true sense of calm and non-violence.
(Partial credit for the idea goes to @isi7140 btw, for suggesting the Elrond-appropriate twinly mirror to healing be making some sort of protected area a la Rivendell.)
Also ha, yeah, Elros definitely is NOT going to heal Maglor’s hand right there. Maybe, maybe, in several weeks when they’ve bonded a little he’ll heal whatever’s left of the wound as a show of the bond formed between them by then? …or in several months?
What happens in this weeks and/or months, of course, is Elrond and Elros making multiple attempts to escape supervillain captivity and find their mother while Maglor and Maedhros try to figure out who they are, where they came from, and can we ransom them to Doriath for Silmarils? Meanwhile Elwing doesn’t even know her sons followed her through the rip in spacetime; she and Eärendil are…idk if they both got to Earth at roughly this time, or if only one did and the other is off finding Valar in space somewhere, or if they’re BOTH off finding Valar and/or distant mermaid relatives (respectively) in space? NO WAIT, THE TELERI ARE ATLANTIS! PERFECT! That makes Eärwen and her kids’ genetics make so much more sense! So, Elwing ended up in the ocean somewhere, drowning, and is rescued to Atlantis, but she’s trying to find Eärendil who is in space somewhere, meeting gods…
Thingol is the former King of Atlantis who moved permanently to land to marry a minor forest goddess, who shaped herself a permanent material form in order to marry him…the romance… (Sometimes he makes noise about bossing around Atlanteans again and Olwë is like, “um, you LEFT, actually.”)
Yes of course this means that all of Eärwen’s kids, grandkids, etc. can shed their human legs & grow gills in water and turn into mermaids!! Though it gets harder the more they interbreed with humans. Finrod, Angrod, Aegnor & Galadriel can all do it easily. Orodreth, Celebrian and Finrod&Amarië’s Golden Horde have to make an effort and it hurts a little. Finduilas and Rodnor require Musical assistance, though much less than an ordinary human would. (Aegnor marries an alien of some sort so idk what’s up with their kids—probably standard quarter-Atlantean, really, because it’s about magic Music more than genetics. Amarië is also an alien but the Vanyar are only as alien as, like, Vulcans; Andreth is something much stranger.)
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I DID IT!!!! I FINALLY FECKING DID IT!!!!! I REWATCHED THE ENTIRE LOTR TRILOGY!!! and do i EVER have some tHOUHGTS hdosidhsaodi below the cut ✨✨✨
was it as good as i remembered??
short answer: yes!!!!!! long answer: oh my gfucijing go d soj shjues us god mother of shitw yEes yes yseeeessss 😭😭😭 (baby birb had better taste than present birb but don't tell anyone i said so 👀)
there are loads of things i missed before, as well as things i didn't understand, but i understand them now :'D it always gave me that wriggly weird feeling in my chest even as a kid, just like 'lilo & stitch' or the song 'reflection' from mulan, but i didn't know WHY. turns out, these things touched my heart and it scared me, bc emotions have always scared me. but ive learnt to appreciate them as well. not all tears are an evil. i know what gandalf meant now :'D
does it hold up????
in my opinion, it does!!!! some of the cgi may look a bit wonky to modern eyes, but for the most part it's totally fine, if not better looking than some more.....recent films 👀 i've never been a great fan of slow-motion, but it's used mostly effectively here, to enhance the drama as opposed to taking up space (sure the feckers are long enough without it anyway 🤣) the core message of the film is beautiful and timeless. there is hope and goodness and love in our world, and it's worth every ounce of courage in our hearts!! it's as true today as it was when the film was made!! as true as it was when jrr tolkien wrote his stories!! if i believe in anything at all (much as i often profess i don't) it's only that our world is worth fighting for.
are u still after shipping aragorn and legolas??
will u be making more bad jokes now??
OF COURSE I WILL!! do u even KNOW me it's like u don't even KNOW me wtf. there's just a lot this time so. OK HERE GOES 💪😤
i can't believe smeagol was always just. like that lol. baby birb did not realise it was the same character as gollum btw. baby birb was. silly 👀
'wake up, sleepies' is how i greet my cats in the morning btw
lol merry and pippin look high as FECK. baby birb didn't understand that lmao, i thought they were just tired 🤣
well, at least the gang are back together!! (mostly ;A;) merry & pippin dancing on tables, eowyn bringing aragorn a drink....good for them :'D
also!! nice pyjamas, lads!!! they all look so cute omg ;A;
THE ORB!!!! that's great, we here on tumblr love orbs, this is-----oh shit is he dead?? *SHOVES MERRY*
omg when aragorn grabs the orb and falls over and then legolas grabbed him 👀👀👀 I JUST WANT THEM TO KISS OK
the third act break up btwn merry and pippin is so sad 😔
aaAAH!! A CHILD!!!!! D: scary!! ;A;
every time elrond says 'there's nothing for u here' i keep hearing 'this is a DECENT town and a LOCAL shop!! there's nothing for U here!!!' lmao 🤣
the king's hall at minas tirith could use a few throw rugs or sth tbh, maybe a couple paintings. bit sparse in there really :P
right i'll just say it: the witch-king's fell beast's head looks like a di--
aragorn's arm-flail run is back and it sparks so much joy i love him i love him i love hi
i've counted THREE (3) BLATANT WILHELM SCREAMS across these films!!! one in ttt, and TWO in rotk!!! incredible
i can't believe denethor says 'yeah i wish u died instead of ur brother. rip i guess' 😐 TO HIS FUCKING FACE!!! evil. faramir's gonna remember that FOREVER. u got to be careful what u say to ur kids bc even if they don't bring it up again, they will never ever forget. my dad called me 'useless' once when i was 15 and i still think about it sometimes. DO NOT SAY WEIRD SHIT TO UR KIDS. IM BEGGING U ;A;
despite denethor's A+ parenting, faramir is a nice guy, totally willing to lead his men on a death march to a fight they can't possibly win, throwing away their lives (and their horses) on an impossible task for the futile hope of making his father love him. rip 😔
NICE SINGING PIP!!! reminds me of irish sean-nós singing, traditional music from ireland ;A; (here's an example :D)
ngl watching denethor eat is like watching the Dinner Scene from texas chainsaw 1974 👀
OH LOOK DAD'S HERE!! hi dad!! thanks for not giving us any facial expression as a hint to what dad wanted, theoden, ur so. helpful ._.
'hey so listen ur gf is dying and since she's my daughter that means i have to make sure U don't die so. here.' *SWORDGASM*
actually that sword was baby birb's fav bits. baby birb LOVED swords ;A;
THE WORST BIT. eowyn tries to confess her feelings and aragorn rejecting her is SO PAINFUL AND AWKWARD AAA ;A;
legolas squinting at the ghost like 'this guy SUS'
aragorn's 'u WILL suffer me 😠'
it never occurred to me when i was a kid, but the gang are doing a bit of fucking. NECROMANCY here aren't they??? like???
wait who tf is iorlas
OH is it that hot blond??? NICE. i like him >:3c
being a wizard is cool bc u can cast spells OR if ur gandalf u can use the staff to wHACK DENETHOR OVER THE HEAD!!!! he's got a shillelagh and i'm glad of it 😌 (baby birb used to listen to da's political music and one of the songs had a line about being 'whacked with a sprig of shillelagh' which i got a kick out of 🤣)
'we should TAKE the broken city pieces and THROW IT AT THE ORCS!!!' :D (read it like the spongebob meme pls)
'GROND! GROND! GROND!' ('grond' refers to the biggest door-knocker EVER)
gollum u need to stop fat-shaming sam, ur being #problematic and they're gonna cancel u 😩
'CRUMBS ON ITS JACKETSES' lol silly that's a CLOAK!!
it might actually be easier to carry him in that cocoon
'don't go where i can't follow' FUCKING KILL ME 😭
[women screaming]
i still don't know what an eored is. or WHY i don't know. why
denethor re-enacts 'flashdance' lol (except he intends to burn himself and his son alive)
oh no!! uncle's horse!!! (oh and uncle, oh no!)
can't believe he really pulled the 'u should smile more, ur so pretty when u smile' rubbish before 😒
WOW we should have hired ghosts AGES ago, they can go thru walls and everything!!! O_O
sam is SUCH a badass, look at him go!! 'AND THAT'S FOR MY OLD GAFFER!!!' adding to his kill count with tears in his eyes :'D
sauron moving his beam around like 'EYE SEE U!! EYE AM LOOKING UPON U!!!'
aw feck frodo's doing the jesus thing where he falls down a few times but has to get back up ;A;
'a day may come when i stop memeing on this line....BUT IT IS NOT THIS DAY!!!!!'
lol they're bullying gollum, u love to see it 🤣
'what are u waiting for?!' 'i've got to give it a chance to defeat me, it's only sportsmanlike, sam!!!'
LEGOLAS'S FACE. WHEN ARAGORN FALLS DOWN. u can see his mouth go like 'ARAGORN' but it's slow-mo and silent ;A; he just starts shoving ppl out his way to get to him hdoasdiasadisj im. gay
AND THEN THE VOLCANO. and pippin sobbing 'FRODO!!!!' ;A;
god all this lava and frodo and sam haven't got any shoes smh
'uhgh i had an awful dream where my finger got chomped off by this freakish little----OH HAI GANDALF!!!!'
his friends are so happy to see him, they are all so happy omg ;A; THE SHIRE THEME STARTS PLAYING WHEN SAM ;A;
tbh sam and frodo could have made out at ANY point and it would have been less gay than. whatever tf had been going on btwn them the entire trilogy 👀
aragorn singing all elfy adn handsome an di love him i love him i lo
legolas all done up as well, they do a mutual shoulder clasp and he's all demure they look like a fecking WEDDING ok they are getting married ;A;
lol arwen looking out from behind the banner like 'PEEK A BOO!!' always sends me 🤣
(another thing that always sends me: legolas and gimli keeping track of their kill count lmao 🤣)
'my friends, u bow to no one' SIR UR FRIENDS ARE TERRIFIED (except pippin, he's ok with attention 😌)
side note: galadriel is low-key terrifying and i love her for it. she is such a FREAK, idek how to explain it or why i think so but i just. do 👀 she talks and there's a reverb on her voice, she smiles but it doesn't reach her eyes!!!!! SCARY 👀
'not all tears are an evil' fuck u gandalf stop stabbing me in the heart over and over, ur bullying me ;A;
WOW NICE JOB NOT PREPARING UR FRIENDS FOR UR DEPARTURE AT ALL FRODO!!!! jfc u could have at least TOLD THEM, this is FAR more traumatic and shocking!!! >:V
awww he and gandalf hold hands tho omg 🥺
and then they SAILED OFF INTO THE SUNSET!! for some reason. (oh right!! great war allegory 😔)
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future-dregs · 2 years
I'm currently rewatching The Hobbit movie trilogy and honestly I do love the movies despite how they deviate from the book. Thorin is one of my fav characters ever and Richard did amazing. Curious about your favs and thoughts n feelings on the movies
Hiya! Okay. Well, I just finished the Battle of Five Armies just a few hours ago, so let's see.
The first movie, I liked well enough. They changed some things but overall kept the feel of the story, and though The Hobbit is a short book, doing a page for page adaptation just...would not work, it would be a mess. So I understand. All in all I found it enjoyable, with that warm fantasy sweetness well mixed in.
I really don't like the addition of Azog was necessary, at all. And I do wish they'd given Radagast a little bit more respect, at the least not put that bird mess in his hair and down his clothes. And while the troll scene was pretty good, hearing the dwarves scream about how very many parasites they had was a little jarring, and poor Bilbo, used as a tissue!
(Also, Fili and Kili are the Bill and Ted of the dwarves).
I would watch the first movie again, and I'll probably end up buying it.
The second movie...I did not enjoy.
My biggest issues were with Legolas and Tariual and Kili and Thranduial. Legolas shouldn't even be there, and his personality was very different. He didn't really seem like Legolas. Tariual I did not like having in there, but I just felt bad for her mostly, because her only purpose as a character is to be somebody's girlfriend. If you cut out the romance, there's nothing to her, theres nothing that makes her special or unique or interesting. And that's a shame. Also Kili's trousers line? Shame.
Also Legoas was rude as hell about Gloin's wife and child (its Gimli haha, Legolas said he was a little goblin thing and later on they become literally inseparable haha) and I just did not like that.
The third movie....was...
Well, spoilers at this point for anyone who hasn't seen it, but
Fili and Kili should have died together. They should not have separated them like that.
Also I really hated Kili saying that Taurial made him feel young. It's so cliche on it's own and him? HIM? KILI felt OLD beforehand? Since WHEN? If they'd wanted that line, they should've given it to Taurial, that at least would've made slightly more sense. But my sibling and I discussed it, and since in human years Kili would've been around thirty, we decided that he was just having a crisis. And Crisis Kili I can at least understand saying that a bit more.
Ah! Ah! I nearly forgot, why was Kili's head being cradled by a basket walnuts? That choice boggles me, I can't understand it.
Bard was a good father, and it was refreshing to see that for once.
The were-worms....shouldn't have been. We already have five armies going on, we don't need this HUGE EXISTENCE just randomly introduced like that.
Thorin and Bilbo's last scene was done very well, though when he (Bilbo) said his goodbyes to the party, it brought up an issue that has bugged me throughout-
Hug, kiss, hold, clasp. These are Thorin's friends, his family, they all care so much about each other, but they rarely physically express it, and they should have, because that is a constant thread in Tolkien's works.
Thorin pressing his forehead to Fili's? That was amazing, there should have been more of that, spread out all amongst them. (Also, criminal underuse of Fili, across the board, btw).
And all the moments with Galadrial and Elrond ect and the ring I thought was both unnecessary and bogging down to the story. I know they want to make that connect to the LOTR movies clear, but theres already a lot going in Hobbit storyline in it's own right.
Bilbo and Thorin were my favorites, well cast and well acted. (Though I wish, I wish that they had given Thorin a proper full dwarven beard, Fili and Kili are the babies of the group so I can understand why for them, but this is the king! His beard should've been majestic).
So, to sum up- The first movie wasn't a great book adaptation but it was a pretty solid movie, and I enjoyed it.
And while the second and third ones had their moments that I liked, on the whole I didn't enjoy them very much, and I probably wouldn't watch them again, at least not anytime soon.
These are just my options though, you like them and that's good, because it truly is a wonderful story.
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sotwk · 1 year
Hai. What should I call you?
Btw I love your story and headcanons, but I am to afraid to ask at the first. But here I am...
I want to know about your headcanons. How Thranduil would react if someone kidnap Legolas, cause I need it for my story.
Thank you 💙
Hello my friend, the Elvenqueen! :)
My Tumblr "kids" call me Nana, but that's probably weird for everyone else, so you can just call me Sotwk. Just pretend there's an "i" between W and K-- Sotwik. My name is just the acronym for "Sons of the Woodland King", which is the main point of my blog and Tumblr existence. <3
I am so honored that you enjoy my writings, because I think very highly of your blog as well! Your "incorrect quotes" and funny convos between Thranduil and the other elf lords are hilarious. It's like a Middle-earth sitcom, and I agree with how you characterize everybody! I too believe that Oropher and Gil-galad had a pretty intense rivalry going on, and that Thranduil and Elrond were always great friends, with Thranduil being the snarky one and Elrond the long-suffering one. :)
Now, regarding your question: "How would Thranduil react if someone kidnapped Legolas?". The situation would depend on whether it's Legolas as a child/baby, or Legolas as an adult. How old would Legolas be in your story? Is the Elvenqueen still alive then?
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Those details aside, here are a few headcanons I have about Thranduil and his protective nature, especially when it concerns his family:
Thranduil was a bit of a hot-head in his youth, and as he grew into a warrior, he developed a violent streak. He fought in the extremely bloody War of Wrath, so he became accustomed to a "kill to survive" or "kill the evil" outlook. Killing has never really bothered him as long as he believes it is for just reasons. (Like in Desolation of Smaug, where he just hacked that orc's head off without blinking.)
A lot of this was tempered by the love of his life, the Elvenqueen, who is very kind and sweet and definitely more of a pacifist. She, more than anyone in Middle-earth, is able to reason with Thranduil and calm him down through his rages.
There is literally only one thing that has ever scared Thranduil, and that is losing his wife. Obviously he is scared of his sons being harmed too, (or just Legolas, if you believe he was an only child) but his love for his Queen is beyond measure. Not to sound cliché, but she is definitely Thranduil's greatest weakness.
Once he became a King and a husband and father, Thranduil's nature softened to someone calmer, wiser, and more peaceful. He learned to be more lenient with violators of his kingdom's laws, giving them fair trials and opportunities to redeem themselves.
However, offenses against the royal family were met with harsh judgement, and anyone who so much as threatened the safety of the Queen or Prince(s) were shown no mercy. Orcs, men, or dwarves were simply executed. Elves were given a chance to choose banishment, depending on the violations.
What if Legolas were kidnapped? I actually think this would be nearly impossible to do, especially in my SotWK universe where Legolas has four older brothers looking out for him. But if it were somehow to happen, Thranduil himself would ride out to hunt down and deal with the kidnappers, and would not stop or rest until they are found. Most of Mirkwood's armed forces as well as their hunters would be deployed to join the search.
The only way a kidnapper would succeed in taking Legolas out of Mirkwood is if they are able to exit the kingdom's forest borders before Thranduil realizes what has happened. Thranduil has a special connection to the forest itself, and would be able to use certain powers to locate any movement within his realm. (This power diminished somewhat late in the Third Age as the darkness of Dol Goldur spread, but he never lost it.)
Once the kidnappers are caught, there will be no trial or recourse for them. They would be executed on the spot by Thranduil himself.
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I hope these headcanons can help you write your story or inspire other ideas! Thank you for the ask and for everything you bring to our Elvenking's fandom!
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