baylardo · 1 month
8. What's an old project idea that you've lost interest in
im gonna PAGE BREAK this one teehee! dont feel like u gotta read this dookie its hecking DENSE original content lmao. this aint even all of it just the stuff that pertained directly to stories i had in mind
I used to be super passionate about developing my headworld Tenebres which like, I still love it a lot and I think about it sometimes but idk I lost the spark for it I guess haha... I had a few kinda "big arc" stories in it, some of them were just AU's for fandom stuff, but omg I'd always put my heckin heart into it maaaaang. :/
Tenebres Lore: Tenebres takes place in present day and focuses on the hidden society(s) of magic and monsters. Characters can vastly range in appearance and abilities; many of the rules are set as suggestions rather than guidelines. The one thing to keep in mind in regards to looks is that if they interact with common folk they need to be able to "blend in" which can be achieved in a variety of ways.  While there are some classifications that entirely define some characters in what they are, there are other circumstances where a character can fall into multiple categories. In these instances, there is usually one that represents them more than the other.  Generally speaking all potential types of magic are fair game in Tenebres. The only exceptions are time and dimension manipulation, which are strictly prohibited by a common code kept by most Magi. 
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Vera and Jagger: one of my earliest stories involved me and my friend's OCs Vera and Jagger who were both werewolves. my werewolf lore is a bit dense but suffice to say that Vera is a "moon-blessed" called a Lune werewolf and Jagger is a "moon-cursed" werewolf called a Tenebroso. Tenebroso become uncontrollable, enraged, and lose their sense of self in their wolf form. Tenebroso also target Lunes for some unknown reason, they kinda set them off..... thats da mystery is that this new "strain" of werewolves is attacking packs and Vera in particular is like "haha something's majorly up rn. im gonna get to the bottom of this" so the idea was that Vera discovers Jagger stuck somewhere and through exposure therapy of herself (a Lune) to him theyre able to uncover some of the mysteries surrounding Tenebrosos. AND THEY FALL IN LOVE. Lune Lore: Lunes are the rarest of the four races of werewolves. Their symbol atop their head is an upward-facing crescent with a dot within its arch.  Lunes are so rare because of the means in which one becomes a Lune; Lunes are said to be "blessed" by the moon, seeing as more often than not it is the only time they are able to transform. This does not negate them from transforming at other times, but unlike other werewolf races, they cannot stop or even try to stop the transformation from occurring in the presence of the moon.   Tenebroso Lore: Tenebroso have an upside down crescent with a circle attached to its arch on the outer rim. Some have wondered if they have any correlation with Lunes considering how similar their symbols are, though there is no evidence of this aside from the fact that Tenebroso will specifically target Lunes when they are in the area. Not much is known about Tenebrosos, though it is assumed that their initial transformation occurs under intense emotional distress.  Tenebroso are big and burly, mutated-looking werewolves. Though they do not always look this way. Similar to casts their outward appearances can largely range from one to the other. Normally their bouts of rage occur around Lunes or other werewolves, leading to rampages. When a Tenebroso is out of this state of mind they look more like a normal werewolf.  Their eyes will gleam white when they're attacking and can often times be seen spewing and coughing out black ooze from their mouth. Their entity will darken with a black aura as well.
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Juneau my beloved: Juneau's lore is that she was a well-renown mage that began self-experimenting on herself with spells and curses and she ends up irrevocably cursing herself into sometimes becoming a big carnivorous and kinda head-empty beast so she loses her reputation and gets kicked out of prestigious mage school she taught at and lives on her own doing plague doctor work which involves curse removal and cleaning up magic "outbreaks" but she ends up getting sought out by this young familiar named Hemlock who wants to learn advanced magic (which is a no-no for familiars) but juneau's so far removed from mage society that the two agree to risk it and she takes Hemlock and a few other familiars under her wing. there's also Ethel who's a mage that accidentally turned herself into a dragon and she's hiding out with Juneau and faked her death bc she thinks her condition is humiliating, where juneau kinda owns her curse and doesnt care with other magefolk think. her and juneau dont like each other very much, Ethel is very lawful good where Juneau's pretty CHAOTICALLY aligned. she frets over them getting caught teaching familiars advanced magic, but they both have nothing better to do and miss teaching so they do it. eventually they become friends and help their little familiar students excel at magic in a more public light, bringing themselves out of hiding as well. Familiar Lore: Familiars are considered to be lesser magi. The ability to use magic in one's animal form defines what a familiar is. Their magic stems from their animal forms and is usually the form that is able to harness the largest amount of magic. Some familiars are born humans while others are animals; more often than not they're humans. Familiars are sought out at very young ages.  Regardless of what a familiar was born as, every familiar has a unique symbol or symbols somewhere on their body; they are always symmetrical in their position on the body. They normally take on the general look of a swirl though its contents can vary significantly. Normally referred to as the Marks of Change, this is how a familiar is identified as a familiar and not just a magical animal. Marks of Change are normally monochromatic and can be lighter or darker than the familiar's skin. Unlike werewolf markings, Marks of Change are always visible and do not vanish when not in use; in addition to this they cannot be removed. Oftentimes these markings are in places where limbs emerge or change, but not always.  In order for a familiar to be enrolled in a magic school or academy they have to successfully perform their transfiguration; this is a very simple requirement in comparison to other witches and wizards who are not themselves a familiar. Familiars have very low expectations in the magic community, the most a familiar can hope to achieve is being the assistant to a high ranking or prosperous witch or wizard. Most studies for a familiar pertain to their transfigurations as well as catalyst magic, which involves the combining of individuals' magic.  Familiars are intended to be able to naturally shift between states whenever necessary. A familiar's overall comfort in their animal state can range drastically. Some find great ease shifting back and forth between forms while others, more reluctant to the change, can abstain from shifting; this  comes with potential side effects such as an odd mergence of the two forms, one might start growing a tail or feathers if they choose not to shift into their animal state.  Because of their constant fluctuation between forms, Familiars will often wear loose, baggy clothing that is easily removable. It is not required to a Familiar to have, but makes their removal easier when shifting into an animal.  A familiar's animal form does not hinder their lifespan, though it can increase it. As familiars age, their inclination to remain in their animal form grows, though this happens very late in life. This does not mean that they lose their humanity, though in some rare cases familiars can lose their sentience.
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Blake and Schofield: just 1917 AU in Tenebres, Schofield's a mage, Blake's an Origin werewolf. blake ends up dying like he does in da movie and he becomes a GHOST that "haunts" schofield, just kinda follows him around and stuff after he dies, the story being theyre trying to figure out why he didnt pass on, why he's still around. it would follow Schofield surviving the war with blake as his invisible buddy, eventually they figure out a way to bring him back and he had a purpose to serve as a ghost.
Origin Lore:  Origin werewolves are identified by the O shape on their forehead.  Origins are one of the more common races of werewolves. Origin werewolves are werewolves born already inheriting their ability to transform. They can come from a single werewolf parent or both, though regardless of their parents' symbol, the offspring will be an Origin. This does not affect or prohibit the inheriting of certain abilities or features from their parents, however.   Origins are considered to be the average for werewolves, not necessarily being the strongest, nor the weakest. They are usually the ones to have their transformations under control at all points in time, given that they were born with the power to do so. They tend to have no special abilities aside from the obvious, and seem to be the most humane of a pack.
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Farscape Tenebres AU:
John is a human, over the course of time Aeryn, a mage, teaches him how to use magic and he becomes a mage himself, but in the beginning he's just some guy that falls down a portal that allows him to travel between "mageworlds" which are kinda cut off little mage-made dimensions that magefolk use to avoid using magic around commonfolk. anyway he stumbles upon a mageworld that's sole purpose was to be a prison for people who committed magic crimes and that's how he'd find the "moya crew". D'Argo's a Cast werewolf, Zhaan's a grim reaper, Rygel's a vampire, Chiana (who they'd meet later) is a succubus. They end up escaping and just kinda exist via jumping through portals and running from the law.
I had a name for the magic police written down somewhere but it's been lost to time so it's back to being filler named: [MAGIC POLICE] lore:
The death of a magic-involved individual is something the [MAGIC POLICE] are obviously inclined to investigate
Harm of another wizard has a lot of laws and a lot of potential punishments dependent on the severity of the incident
The [MAGIC POLICE] will also investigate general public crimes that have been involved with magic, for the threat of the magic community being exposed, [MAGIC POLICE] officers are given the okay to use mind manipulation magic on the general public to aid in their forgetting of certain events
The [MAGIC POLICE]'s job is to apprehend wrongdoers whereas plague doctors for example clean up the messes afterwords
[MAGIC PRISON] (Tartarus) is where apprehended criminals are contained, it is seemingly limitless in the capacity it holds
Cast Lore:
Casts have a six-pointed star on their forehead. 
Casts receive their powers by curses or spells acted upon them. The means as to how, why, and what the side effects are for a Cast may vary very much depending on how it was that they became a werewolf. This subtype of werewolves is one of the rarer kinds as magic is not common in today's society, though the ability to become a Cast still exists. They are usually the strongest of a pack, gifted with enhanced skills and strength. A Cast will normally have one particular ability that is unique to only them; that isn't to say that there aren't similarities between Cast abilities either.
Some examples may include but are not limited to: The ability to control an element (Fire, wind, electricity, water, etc.), psychic abilities (Illusion, foresight, telepathy, telekinesis, etc.), enhanced physical capabilities (Increased, strength, sleep, sight, hearing, etc.) 
Casts are only able to use their magic in their wolf forms.
Some Casts can be muleheaded and a bit arrogant in dealing with affairs, though the other werewolves know how to put a Cast in its place. Casts will sometimes have unique coloring and fur, occassionally one may see a Cast with vibrant colors in association with its natural fur color. They are also seen to have odd mutations in their wolf forms such as an extra set of limbs, though not all of them carry this trait.
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fairy-ganj-mother · 2 months
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hugoweavingbaskets · 2 years
I am just not good at interviews haha my mind goes BLANK when they ask questions and then I end up bringing up something completely irrelevant
But I could at least use that to practice more I guess
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lucysarah-c · 5 months
Okay Okay hear me out
I'm actually dying for this and no one really talk about it that much
Levi gaining weight and becoming more muscular in season 4 >>>>>>.
It's actually very funny because I imagine him trying his trousers and it didn't fit him right and he actually realized it
I have to be honest here; I'm an old-school follower of Shingeki no Kyojin, and I remember fighting and arguing that Levi wasn't even remotely skinny in the manga compared to how WIT portrayed him. So, Levi has always been thicker in my mind, but I 100% SUPPORT THE IDEA OF HIM GETTING EVEN THICKER IN SEASON 4.
I like to think that Levi is secretly a foodie; he doesn't like to overindulge because he knows how scarce food is, but I do believe he eats more than people think he does. He's the kind of person who makes you wonder where everything he eats goes. Plus, as someone who hits the gym rather frequently, when you work out as much as Levi, you simply eat more because those muscles need energy.
Now, Season 4 Levi? With all the new food and space to harvest after they retook Wall Maria? The sea with more fish? This man is preparing himself for a war; he's working his life off to get ready, and therefore, he is eating. One day he wakes up to put on the new uniform, and he simply can't make it past the middle of his legs—hahaha, GOD, him doing little jumps trying to put it on. Plus, his chest? He can't close the thing even if he tries. I don't think Levi minds it at all; I believe he's a firm believer that the healthier and stronger you are, the better.
Why did I imagine his girl squeezing his chest playfully and saying, "When's the due date? Haha, you've got more tits than me" (playfully though, nothing shaming here)
Tag list!: @nube55 @justkon @notgoodforlife @jimoonbeau @nmlkys @humanitys-strongest-bamf @quillinhand @thoreeo @darkstarlight82 @i-literally-cant-with-this @angelofthorr @aomio4 @levisbrat25 @fxnnyackerman @secretmoneybearvoid @trashblackrainbow @l3visthighs @hum4n-wr3ckag3 @hannieslovebot @flxrartsstuff
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gainingprogress · 10 months
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Hi! This is my change in 3 years. Before and after pandemic. I used to be thin, but I really enjoyed the food on 2021 Holidays and I cant stop eating hahaha. First was an accident, I used to be and admirer, but I really loved feeling fat and big. I become a gainer and I want to grow more.
I can't believe how you have become such a fatso! There is no trace of your former fit body anymore, it was all buried under a thick layer of fat, and it really looks great on you. And to think you will become even bigger is so exciting, can't wait to see it ;)
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tulipsforvin · 1 month
I just remeber reading youre post about reader dying. The part with Louis hit HARD. While I can definitely see him and me as reader in that scenario, (dw I am fine– almost.LOL) I thought Albert would fit in this one soooo much better. (My opinion.... also Pre timeskip) OFCOURSE Louis fits in there GREATLY. AND I LOVE IT SOSOSOSOSO MUCH LIKE I LITERALLY CRIED BECAUSE IT WAS SO SAD AND BEAUTIFUL <333 ACTUALLY THANK YOU SOSOSO MUCH FOR SHOWING US ALL OF IT YOURE WRITING IS JUST– mhwa! <3 (⁠๑⁠♡⁠⌓⁠♡⁠๑⁠) (⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠³⁠˘⁠)⁠♥ AND I KNOW YOU HEAR THIS A LOT RECENTLY BUT HONESTLY??? YOU DESERVE TO BECAUSE..... YOU..JUST!?!?! SO GOOD WRITING ???? Anyways– eghm... So what I was going to explain right now was how, you mentioned in one of youre post, Albert as a Boyfriend and that he wouldnt like someone who cant keep Hygiene. So I thought that, imagen, reader falling into depression (for whatever reason) and stopped keeping themself clean because of the lack of energy. They stopped showering, brushing theyre teeth etc.. and he started to feel grossed out by them. Not by choice ofcourse. He really doesnt want to feel that way, he loves them with his whole heart and soul. But he cant stand this anymore. He dont want to kiss them or sleep next to them in bed. So he tries to do the right thing and breaks up. He explains to them how he still loves them but cant stay with them any longer if they can't even brush their teeth . He doesnt want to hurt them much more and hopes that they can find help and get better. only to see them 2 days later lying in a cuddle of their own blood. He tries to crush to them, regretting every decision he has made earlier– just like Louis in that one hc. He doesnt want them to die. To think that theyre gross, annoying, stupid, useless, anything but beautiful and extremely Important. But hes too late. Youre already dead. Or so he thought. Just for the doctor to tell him that they had immense luck and that its almost a mirracle how you survived. He's relieved and his knees give way beneath him. This burden and the pressure on his shoulders falls away, almost in tears he asks the worried doctor kneeling next to him if he can see you. You're awake but you try to turn around when you see his face only to be follow by a huge pain in youre body as you tried. He obviosly doesnt care and rushes to youre side. He feels really guilty and apolegises to you. You dont care, you tell him to go away and add ' You left because you felt uncomfortable by the lack of my hygien. That was okay. But dont come back to me and say you care when that was the reason you first left me.' He accepts this and goes home at first. But eventully comes back with flowers while youre asleep. He wants to show you he really did care and peels you some appels. When he held you in his arms, unconscious and bleeing like a dove shot by hunters, he realised how much he could have done to help you. He could have talked, and or showered with you. But instead he just choose to not face it. He won't make this mistake again. Even If you will hate HIM for the Rest of youre life. He will show how much he loves you till get sick of it and just forgive him. He doesnt ever wanna let go of youre Hand anymore. He has experinced the feeling of youre abscence once, and he surely would never want to expierince this another time. Because he's confident that he wouldnt live that over.
Hahaha sorry that was loooong. I would like to hear youre opinion. I Hope you Liked it!! ♥️♥️
I can't even stop complimenting you honestly i absolutely love and am utterly and sincerely stunned at how you're able to incorporate two small things i said into creating this masterpiece of an idea??
believe me when i say i waited five minutes contemplating whether to even post this because i didn't want anyone to steal your idea. i'm being so for real right now if you don't want to turn this beautiful plot of an idea into writing yourself for some reason because if it was me i'd trademark this and stamp anything that states my ownership of a plot so delicious (since again, this is so good and has sm potential) then please, please let me at least attempt and and try giving this amazing, almost an artwork plot life someday. not sure if i would even do it justice bro damn but like you'll totally get the credits WOWOAOA. i can't even stop with the compliments because i'm genuinely baffled at how absolutely golden this idea is. god damn. LIKE OKAY SHAKESPEARE.
ANYWAY ARGH LMAOAOA don't mind me fanning over you and this.. i don't even have words left to describe just how good this plot/idea is but YEAH but this is genuinely so good. i'm somehow going back to babbling about how wonderful this is and i don't think I'll be able to stop if I don't end this here because holy shit the potential it carries is astounding and me personally, i love angst so this is.. FUCKKC I CAN'T STOP SAYING HOW GOOD THIS IS. LET ME END THIS HERE FOR REAL NOW — THANK YOU FOR YOUR WORDS + THE NEVERENDING SUPPORT LOL IM GRATEFUL YOU LIKE MY WRITING <33 I HOOE UOU HAVE THE BESY DAY OF UOUR LIFE
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spoiledlbleach · 3 months
russian cyrillic alphabet for anyone who asked! it's gonna be hell of a ride but that's what you asked for kekw
So the cyrillic alphabet was based on the greek alphabet just like the latin alphabet and therefore theres a lot of greek letters in russian
disclaimer for reading rules (you can skip this part)
i need to mention that the russian letters denote sounds but in russian theres such a phonetical phenomenon called reduction and you can hear this as a part of russian accent in english when bed sound like bet, fog like foc, sob like sop etc (b, d, g & others at the end -> p, t, k). Also o, a, e vowels are pronounced differently in different parts of the word... And sadly for russian learners the stress on the words is flexible and changes bc of different reasons. And theres no way you can see stress marks on the words except if youre looking at them in the dictionary.. yeah. So if the pronunciation doesnt make sense thats why
There are 33 letters in russian alphabet. P.s. ['] means its a soft, palatalized sound, like british l in a word village
Аа - basic, its the 'ah' sound (Алфавит [ahl-fah-v'EEt] -> alphabet)
Бб - the capital letter looks like B without the head and the lowercase one looks like 6 for some. You were right when you thought that it looks like B because its the 'b' sound! (Буква [bOOk-va] -> letter, краб [crahp, no not crap] -> crab)
Вв - looks like B, right? that's a v. Imagine it like this emoji :B this silly lil guy looks like theyre saying vvvvv. (Вишня [v'EEsh-n'ya] -> cherry)
Гг - upside down L, its actually g, like a Бумеранг [boo-m'ee-rAHnk] -> boomerang. Another example, Гость [gohst']
Дд - that's a weird looking one, looks like a house and its Дом [dohm, not dom] in russian. Another example, друг [drook] -> друг
Ее - yeah. the pronunciation is yeah (Ель [yel'] -> spruce/christmas tree, деревня [d'ee-r'EHv- n'ya] -> village)
Ёё - the yeah brother! yo lmao (Ёж [yozh] -> hedgehog) its always stressed so no problems with that. btw if you ask me its the most hated letter. ppl dont put it where it should go and just leave e! wtf! its ё т-т)
Жж - looks like a bug and sounds like one. its zhhhh like in the word garage (Жук [zhook] -> bug, гараж [gah-rAHsh] -> garage, see the reduction there?)
Зз - ah yes the number 3. its the z sound actually (Змея [zm'ee-YA] -> snake, образ [OH-brahs] -> look, image, outfit)
Ии - backwords N is actually a vowel, its our ee sound! (Игра [EEg-rah] -> game)
Йй - и brother, the short и. its y- (Йогурт [yOH-gurt])
Кк - straight up k, always and ever, no example cuz its the same in every position and pretty straightforward
Лл - um... its an L.. idk how you should remember that... (Люстра [l'YOO-strah] -> chandelier]
Мм - an M (Медведь [m'eet-v'EHt'] -> bear)
Нн - you cannot laugh like that in russian, it would be not hahaha but nanana (Банан [bah-nAHn] -> banana]
Оо - oh (Облако [OH-blah-koh] -> cloud)
Пп - p sound (Папа [pAH-pah] -> papa, dad)
Рр - thats not p, its r (Русский алфавит [rOOsk'iy AHl-fah-v'eet] -> russian alphabet]
Сс - not c but s (Собака [cah-bAH-kah] -> dog)
Тт - T
Уу - not y but more like u/oo (Уже [oo-zhEH] -> already)
Фф - impaled o, almost like Q, yet it is ph/f (Фит [f'eet] = Fit)
Хх - never an x, its a h! xaxaxaxa
Цц - upside down п with a tail? erm alright its a ts (Цирк [tsyrk] -> circus)
Чч - upside down h, ch! (Что [shtoh] -> what, more like an exception; Человек [ch'eh-loh-v'EHk] -> person, human being, also чел is the way we say dude, also чувак [ch'oo-vAHk])
Шш - шшш quiet its a sh (Душ [doosh] -> shower]
Щщ - soft sh, sometimes transliterated as tsch or shch. jesus christ (Щека [sh'ee-kAH] -> cheek)
Ъъ - you cant pronounce that. its the glottal stop so you pronounce some sounds separately. like british water you would spell it with ъ in theory, waъer (Съел [s-yel] -> he have eaten; if there wasnt a ъ it would be pronounced [s'ehl] which mean he has sat down. different meaning)
Ыы - okay thats a tricky one. make this face 😬 and now make a sound. thats ы, ive marked it as y in the square brackets (Мы [my] -> we, us)
Ьь - cant pronounce that too. this one denotes the softness of the consonant sound
Ээ - ay without the y (=Эй)
Юю - you (Юбка [YOObkah] -> skirt)
Яя - ya, not backwards R (Яблоко [YAH-blah-koh] -> apple, Pommie ^_^)
Now try to write down your name or the name of a cc/npc/egg/other in russian ! you can leave them in the comments or in my ask box, id love to see you learning :D
some tips on transliterating:
ENGLISH w is generally у, can be в. q is к (qu is кв), j/g is дж, x is кс, h is г in the begging of the names/foreigh words like hannibal is ганнибал
SPANISH ñ is нь, pls google other cases
PORTUGUESE nh is нь, lh is ль, pls google other cases
general advice try transliterating like Fit -> Фит, so every letter/cluster of letters in the original language correlates with similar letter in russian. but in french portuguese and spanish you have to pay close attention to pronunciation, more than to the spelling cuz Ricardo will be Рикардо for spanish but Рикарду for portuguese etc etc
ok i hope you had fun with this long ass post ! ^_^
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dolxiba · 8 months
(while gripping your shoulders) i need u to know you are doing gods work for the lesbian dol players community (me).
i respect everyone drawing the lis as big burly dudes but the way you draw them scratches an itch in my brain i didnt know i had. when i first saw your art i audibly gasped because i had never seen something fit my inner interpretation of them so well (ive literally never seen alex, my favourite li, drawn as a girl so i probably teared up a bit seeing that bit of art u did for them) and now i cant imagine them any other way.
intensity aside (sorry hahaha) i absolutely adore your art and thank you for making it!! you are the idol of a very particular niche (probably solely made up of me) and i appreciate you very much!
thank u so much kind fellow lesbian dol player anon.... this mssg gave me so much joy i read this 100x today. i want to draw more alex just for you
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hatgame · 24 days
just wanted to say before i ask, i really like both of ur blogs (text and art) and i rly like the way u analyze snatcher!!! ur very well spoken and it piqued my interest
🔥 on dadtcher aus/headcanons
Thank you, you're very sweet :) im assuming you mean snatcher&hatkid type stuff!
Personally, I never liked it, kind of because I disagree with the current iteration of the family institution, and cannot sever that when engaging in fandom musings. A parental role as I've encountered it implies absurd amounts of control over the child, and im not invested enough in parenthood to write it into stuff that doesnt intially seems to function fine without it.. So its just weird adult friend snakar for me. Ive heard of them put in an older sibling or uncle role but I dont really know what that entails and as such cant opine. A friend of mine reads snatcher as much more maternal than paternal & despite what i just wrote i Can apreciate it.. so its really probably about the patriarchy of it all.
I did use to draw dadtcher years ago to fit in but that's about as far as it went.. I still think it's a little funny for 'Look at him at his worst.. Now look at him raise a child' seemingly simultaneously to be in any regard 'fluff', not in that child nurturing cannot be a healing experience, it's just that I get stressed out thinking about everything that she can do wrong... and everything 2019-2020 works featuring it used to do wrong hahaha
(As for fanon opinions,) it doesn't seem to be a common portrayal nowadays, probably as a consequence of 'sniscourse', which I was actually very present for as an observer.. In fact, i dont believe the few posts that actually could be deemed its beginning ever got any traction at all, it was somebody commenting, not-maintagged, that the common dadtcher stuff mirrored their real life abuse. I bring this up because at the time seeing that actually snapped my own discomfort with it into words. Then a mutual of theirs repeated their points, but I dont remember how it snowballed into being about the amount of notes nonsubcon posts got... So that context makes any venting about it 'splitting the community' really odd... because as much as i dont know if homogenizing and critiquing fandom is really productive I certainly did agree with said critiques lololol. I dont really care about the notes/interaction thing But It Does get a chuckle out of me that I draw subcon near exclusively and get barely any fandom inflicted votes. I KNOW IM AN OUTLIER I KNOW I KNOOOWWWW But... teehees. Thank u A LOT for the ask Very Much
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peachesofteal · 7 months
just want to mention that since the last update of DD ive been reading it in a straight loop. as soon as i finish a reread i start over again, get through 2-3 chapters a day i think. sometimes ill take a little break and go reread all of the AU posts and drabbles again. dead disco has me by the fucking THROAT you have so much power
its fr like the GTA gif "ah shit, here we go again" i swear HAHAHA
also a question! whats your writing process like? there's so many flashbacks and jumping around (which works SO WELL, i havent read an author that does it like you and thats a damn shame bc its just so seamless and gives so much insight to the characters and the dynamics and gives the pacing a lot of interest, like it gives the main storyline time to breathe without forcing it to jump from Big Thing to Big Thing since we get little snippets of past Things UGH so smart)
im so curious how you plan it out and execute it!!! do you come up with the little events you'd like to cover when doing the full outline, write em out and slip em in where they fit best in the 'main' timeline? do you come up with the timeline, then write a note for yourself like "put flashback here about xyz" in where you want to emphasize the background/buildup of whats happening in the main timeline, then write the flashback after the main timeline part of the chapter is done? i cant imagine writing the chapters straight through like they are and keeping it all straight in my head, theres gotta be a method haha
thanks for the endless reading material ur a lifeline fr xoxo
Ahh thank you so much! I'm so flattered. Dead Disco is my ultimate personal comfort fic, so it means a lot that others enjoy it (and the AUs!) 🖤
About my writing process: Dead Disco has two outlines. Current timeline and past timeline. It's outlined by 'events' more than anything else, and I use that to steer me when I'm working on it. I write current timeline first, and then past timeline second, usually because I'm trying to figure out where to put the flashbacks in so they make the most sense. So a chapter will have two major events on the current timeline that are outlined to correspond with something specific in the past timeline, if that makes sense.
Sometimes it gets a little complicated and/or confusing, but I try to smooth it out for the reader if I feel like I'm not telling a cohesive story. I really enjoy writing this way, with flashbacks, and would love to adapt it to something like a book, but who knows. Basically everything I write looks like this in my head:
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lukkabloom · 3 months
Fun facts abt residents & castle trio according to Ikevamp Radio (ヴァンなま) Part 6
Episode 23: It's backkk!!
(I decided to put timestamps so ppl can watch/skip certain sections if they want to)
So apparently Morishi has officially taken over Makki’s role as MC as Makki is nowhere to be found haha.
Anyways we literally have 3 special guests in this video Horie Kazuma (Comte’s VA), Kamio Shinichiro (Faust’s VA), and Kijima Ryuichi (Charles’s VA) bc they’re celebrating Comte’s JP route release & the start of Act 2 of the game
Kijima & Morishi gives off the same vibes lol
Morishi introduces Faust’s character profile. The four start talking abt how if there was a person like Faust irl, they would not want to be friends w him even when he is good-looking
(38:00) There’s a new (?) segment called “Faust & Charles, What would you do?” where you (MC) are placed alone w Charles/Faust in a certain situation, and then the VAs will say the line out
The situation for Faust’s is… “you are falsely accused of stealing an art piece in a museum and are feeling down. Watching you, Faust says something to you. What does he say?” the options that the audience votes for are 1. “If you are feeling guilty for your crimes, I’ll listen to what you have to say… Haha, I’m kidding. If you continue to look so down, I’ll bully you even more” 2. “I know that you are innocent, but your struggling expression is  nice, too” 3. “It’s cheap! It’s cheap! The tuna’s cheap! Miss, if you have time to contemplate, go buy our tuna!” If the people can vote on the correct answer, the VA will say the line, but if they choose the wrong line, Horie will say the line instead (not as Comte but as a random dude)
(41:20) Option 2 was chosen, and it was not the correct, so Horie said funnily lol. Kamio says that the viewers are kinda dumb (baka)
(42:58) Morishi has Kamio say Faust’s line, so he says line 1 anyways
So apparently, there’s a second situation haha. Setting #2 is “It’s been around an hour deciding which glasses would fit you the most. You can’t decide which one would be the best. Faust says one thing while watching you struggle. What does he say?” 
The options are 1. “It's cheap! It’s cheap! The squid’s cheap! What about you use the squid-ring-fries as your glasses?” 2. “What about it? It’s one possibility to match glasses with me” 3. “How long are you going to ponder on for? Your face will not change, so just be who you naturally are” 
(45:34) The chosen line is… the third one!! Kamio says it yayy!!
(46:24) Onto Charles’s situation #1!! “An illness? It might be the flu… You’re not at your best and you zone out for a bit. Watching you, Charles tells you something. What does he say?” 1. “Are you okay? Here, come on my bed. Lay down, I’ll give you a hug… I’ll warm you up.” 2. “You’re sick? Then I’ll catch it for you. Get better soon” 3. “Why’re you catching a cold! If you have the time to catch a cold, you should finish making this sashimi!”
Horie will be reading the line if the audience chooses the incorrect one. (I feel like Kijima will be reading the legit one either way lol)
(48:30) The chosen one was… the first one!! Which was the correct one, therefore we get good voice lines :)) 
(49:13) Horie says the sashimi line haha
(49:45) Situation no 2 is “You’re eating out with Charles. You casually say ‘What really is love…?’ Replying, Charles says something. What does he say?” 1. “Hmm… I don’t really know, but is it love when I want to eat you? I don’t mind if you take a bite off of me.” 2. “What is love? Why don’t you try to find the answer… with my body.” (OMG I CANT THERES NO WAY I TYPED THAT lemme wash my hands and eyes) 3. “What is love? I don’t know. Go ask Nishino Kana or something! You wanna see me so much that you’re shaking? Then I’m shaking all year! I’m dying from the cold in the summer!” HAHAHA
(51:17) the correct answer was… answer 1!! Which was chosen as well
(51:57) Horie’s version AHHAHAHH he says line 3 he’s so funny
We get more lines from the two VAs since we got them correct (ignoring the mistake on Faust’s first one) (53:02) Faust says “Hmm? You have good instincts. I’m more curious about you. I’ll adore you like a guinea pig, so just roll around on my palm.” (53:57) Charles’s line “I had a feeling you were able to understand me. From now on, let’s spend a lot of time together. And then… you can love me even more”
(58:39) “I love yu” segment woooo. It’s a conversation between Faust and Charles, so no Sebas or Comte. (Wait they have baths at the castle?? Why am I surprised at this point)
Charles: “Doctor~ Would you like me to wash your back?” Faust: “I’ll be leaving” Charles: “Wait! Wait! Since we're together, let’s hang out.” Faust: “...How many times have you done that when I’ve been bathing? There are others who are willing to spend the night with you or hang out with.”
Charles: “Sigh, I had a feeling you were going to say that, so I’ve hidden the Doctor's clothes. If you leave the bath, you’ll be out naked” Faust: “Doing something without my permission… Well, the only people living here are men, so a single towel would do. I’ll be leaving.” 
Charles: “Wait! I got a message from Lord Vlad. He said ‘It’s the first time this castle’s bath-situation will be released. Be nice to the young ladies across the screen’” (So Vlad’s like Sebas that he can break the 4th wall… hmmmm) Faust: “‘the ladies across the screen?’ Oh, so that’s what that means. That old goat has finally gone senile, hasn’t he?” (the way Faust calls Vlad an old goat “じじい” is way ruder than I thought he says in Eng) Charles: “Kings are a bit different than us, so I don’t know what he’s saying either.”
Faust: “By the way, Charles, I smell a hint of blood on you. Did you attack someone today?” Charles: “I didn’t attack them! I just bit them and made them feel good.” Faust: “to feed off of them as an act of service…” Charles: “To me, that’s the same thing as an act of love. When do you feed off others, Doctor?” Faust: “When I feel like it, I’ll look for an opening and bite. That’s all. If they have interesting traits, then more the reason” (“interesting traits” may not be a good translation. Faust said 捕食対象 which is like traits of prey, kind of?? A bit difficult to translate)
Charles: “I’m curious what kind of person the Doctor's attracted to…”
Charles wants Faust to flirt w the audience or else he’ll sell Faust’s clothes out (Charles doesn’t know there’s an audience he just says ‘there’s someone out there that might be interested’) they say their lines (1:02:25) Faust & (1:02:57) Charles
Charles asks Faust if his glasses don’t cloud over the bath. Faust: “that’s a taboo question”
(1:09:20) Kamio: “Are you guys stupid??” LMAO when the audience doesn’t get the answer right
(1:22:44)”I love yu” segment w Comte & Sebas! The theme of today’s episode is “Teach me Comte! Secrets of an adult!”
Sebas: “Hmmm… I thought I heard a conversation from another bath that was not ours… Was that my imagination?” Comte: “You’re spacing out. Is something the matter, Sebas?” Sebas: “Right, I’m sharing a celebratory bath with Comte today, but to think I’ve been wondering about other people’s bathing situations…” 
Comte: “Celebratory? Is there something worth celebrating?” Sebas: “Of course there is! Congratulations on your route release, Comte.” *clap, clap*
Comte: “Route release? That’s an unusual word. What do you mean by that?” Sebas: “What are you joking about? You were happy when we were celebrating the other’s route release! Finally, the Comte’s secret is to be revealed, and I’m so dyungyun excited.” 
Comte: “Was there ever so much excitement concerning myself?” Sebas: “Yes, yes. Your past, for example.” Comte: “Born a noble, grown as a noble” Sebas: “Your relation with the pureblood, for example” Comte: “Oh, Vlad, right? He is an old acquaintance of mine.” Sebas: “Your previous relationships, for example” Comte: “Haha. Relationships, huh? A past lover once or twice. Something everyone is familiar with”
Sebas: “It’s as if you’re answering, but we’re not gaining any information, Comte. This just makes me more curious about your route”
Comte: “My past aside, I want to cherish the time that we spend in the mansion.” Sebas: “Of course. It’s not the mansion without you, Comte. Moments of kindness, moments of strictness, not forgetting the punishments on the residents when they’ve done something bad. What you would expect from the mansion’s papa.” Comte: “Haha. It’s not like I was planning to become a papa. The residents are filled with those who have strong characters.” Sebas: “They are unique, you can say. However, there are other moments where you show your ‘papa-ness’”
Comte: “Like when, for example?” Sebas: “According to my observations, when you send her a mountain of dresses and you’re caring for her, your ‘papa-ness’ is at its max” Comte: “I-is that so? I’m the one who brought her here to the 19th century. It bothers me sometimes. But being called a ‘papa’ gets me.”
(1:27:35) Sebas’s line (1:28:14) Comte’s line (i usually dont translate these lines cuz they’re so long sorry)
(1:29:10) Sebas calls Comte an “adult celebrity”
Another new segment called “Butler Skill: Improvement Lesson” where everyone will practice certain skills, which in this episode, is improving the skill of drawing. Morishi will draw Horie, Horie will draw Kijima, Kijima will draw Kamio, and Kamio will draw Morishi. They will try to draw each other as cute as possible. Presents each other’s drawings at (1:32:47) 
Good night voices start at (1:43:35) with Sebas, Comte, Faust, and Charles in this order
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leofrith · 3 months
hiii aaah I‘m excited to talk about my tav(s) haha so where do I start?
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please bear with me I have only read forgotten realms wiki entries and never knew anything of the universe before but I wanted to make a detailed backstory for her😭
she‘s a cleric of oghma with acolyte backround. in my head her backstory is that her parents and her left elturel when she was younger before the fall into hell as certain things started to be weird in the city before it‘s collapse into hell. her father was a soldier, who laid down his work after a grave injury, to spend more time with his family and start a business of their own. they decided to move to baldurs gate to potentially establish trading of elturian products there.
on the way to the city they fell victims to an ambush of goblins that killed her parents as she was hiding. she didn‘t move on for days but buried her parents alone and finally decided to go the rest of the route alone. she managed to get into the city by herself but ended up spending an 1-2 years on the streets until a bard that she had built trust with took her to a temple of oghma. there she was taken in and spent years studying and learning. when she was abducted by mindflayers she was on her way to where elturel used to be to find potential refugees and offer her medical knowledge and anything she can do as help. in my playthrough her and karlach are in love (aaah i love them so much hahaha) and it‘s honestly so amazing cause sometimes the game itself just does things that just fit so perfectly with the story i have thought for her. like of course she is absolutely invested in helping the tieflings and the kids like arabella and mol just remind her of herself. i will keep it at that to keep it somewhat short and not spoil any of the games plot haha.
thennn my second tav (dark urge)
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this is xerxa. she‘s a seldarine drow cleric of eilistraee that is so deeply unhinged and struggling at this point i truly feel sorry for her even though she committed atrocities. since idk much about the dark urge yet i cant really say things about that but her whole plot idea is that she desperately tries and has tried to be good to find hope and live up to who she wants to be but just cannot due to her finding pleasure in the brutal and macabre. she gave into it when minthara offered her so directly to slaughter the whole grove that she could not refuse this urge. I think she‘s in a process of changing right now?😭 she became a lot more neutral but will evil in the underdark now. she arrived at moonrise and saw minthara being sentenced to death and something im her changed because she geniuenly likes minthara. i think all the reveals and her being able to relate to minthara a lot leaves room for character development. I‘ll look forward to where her story leads me😭 but the things I did in her playthrough truly are HORRIBLE. I think her story will be a story of finding and reclaiming herself and her own power for herself.
you and me 🤝 knowing nothing about forgotten realms lore when coming up with backstories for our characters
I LOVE THEM!!!!! i love your tiefling's whole colour scheme. it's giving pastel karlach. also what is the point of bg3 if not constantly reading too far into everything tav does and pretending everything is deeper than it actually is (because it is).
one of these days i will get around to raiding the grove for minthara. just once. Do It For Her.
tell me about your bg3 ocs!!!
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operafantomet · 1 year
Hi again! Do you know how the pattern of the base skirt of Aminta's dress is? Like... is it a circle skirt or just a rectangle gathered at the waist? I cant tell with so many frills over it! Also, is there any picture of any west end actress in the "Anna O'Byrne Aminta stomacher-style dress" that shows the whole dress? All I could find were cut above the last frill :( Thanks for your answer!!
My own replica, which I LOVE, has the messiest skirt construction ever. It was made before I got the chance to study any extant versions up close, and before the masses of good photos became available. So in that aspect I'm not sure I'm the right person to ask, hahaha!
But of course, nowadays there is many lovely backstage photos available, especially those of Ceris Donovan, head of costumes in West End. And since you ask about a UK dress, that seems fitting!
In large, we're talking a full skirt base to which wide embroidered flounces is attached on top of eachother. The lowest layer is about twice as long as the layer on top, so it's gradually widening and becoming fluffier towards the hem. Here is a photo showing the interior of Celinde Schoenmaker's West End skirt:
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As revealed by this repair photo the flounced layers may be supported by tulle or netting underneath, making each layer even fluffier. These layers are almost always visible in US versions of the dress, while they're hidden in the UK dresses:
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In some versions the pink dress is worn with a golden forepart, an almost apron-like construction. But in the UK dresses the pink dress is worn over a large tulle or netting skirt dressed with golden/black lace, and with a distinct forepart of a different pattern AND with an apron on top. The pink dress is fastened to this skirt fundament with buttons and elastic loops, which means it stays put when worn but it's easy to button off so different Christines can share the same skirt if necessary. Also easy to remove for eventual dry-cleaning. Here's two different takes on these:
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And here you can see it fastened to the inside of Emmi Christensson's West End costume:
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The stomacher of Anna O'Byrne's dress is what made me totally fall in love with it. It looks so wonderfully antique! There's been some variations to it in various dresses worn by Anna O'Byrne, Celinde Schoenmaker, Katie Hall, Olivia Brereton and more, so here's some photos. Starting with a dress in making, so you see the stomacher non-attached.
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And going back a tiny step, here's a stomacher in making before decorated and finished in the bottom, which gives some very helpful hints of how to construct it:
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A photo of Anna O'Byrne (left) and Katie Hall (right), showing the costume half-length:
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A closer look at Anna O'Byrne's stomacher when worn:
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Plus full-length of the very similar dresses of Kelly Mathieson and Celinde Schoenmaker (in her other dress, as she wore two different ones during her run, or the same dress with two different stomachers):
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So yes, go for it!
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theambitiouswoman · 1 year
What’s your take on dating apps? All my friends use them and go on about all their dates they go on, their “rosters” of men they have and communicate with all the time...for me, I want a relationship and don’t think I’ll meet a guy on a dating app that turns into a relationship? It’s just so hard because I don’t have a ton of friends and the friends I do have don’t love going out so idk how to meet guys? My standards are very high, I just don’t know how to put myself out there more. Dating apps to me seem like a waste of time, with the hooking up, situationships my friends are in and that just doesn’t interest me.
I have never been a fan of dating apps. The underlined idea of dating apps is that they are hook up sites. Not everyone on dating apps is looking for the same thing, and that includes relationships. Some people are looking for hookups, casual dating, or simply to expand their social circle. Can you stumble upon and meet someone you can be in a relationship with? Sure. But the odds are against you.
The very few times I have seen this happen, I have noticed that the people weren't really intending, or expecting to meet someone, it just happens. VS when you go in with the mindset of looking for a relationship, your intention shifts and affects the end result. The difference is that one is more open than the other.
Where you meet people is also very important. For example, you cant go to a club expecting to meet the love of your life. Yes, it can happen. But everyone is generally there to get drunk and hook up. No one is really in their "take them home to mom" behavior or mindset.
Realistically, you can meet anyone anywhere. Men are everywhere. You can go to the food market and meet your next boyfriend. You're probably saying, "well i've never met a guy at the market." But you were probably in the market looking for food. You probably, like most of us going to the market, not looking our best. Even if you found someone attractive you wouldn't approach or attract them because your energy in that scenario is blocked.
You cant really "want it so bad". That's basically like you are chasing love. And what happens when we are chasing something? We're just pushing it away. It is running away.
Its great to have standards and you should, but those high standards should be there for you to not settle and know what you deserve. It shouldn't block you from meeting new people.
Every guy I have dated, I met in the most random ways. Absolutely not intending to meet anyone, if anything, I was emotionally closed off and ironically looking horrible hahaha
Stay true to yourself and what you're looking for in a relationship. If dating apps don't feel like the right fit for you, it's okay to explore other options and take your time to find someone who shares your values and goals.
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twice-inamillion · 1 year
Good to hear that TM, real life is more important, stories can wait. Keep up to your own pace, thats where good stories come from 😌
I have few in mind.
3mix member, it would be so good with Jihyo mommy vibe (this we've seen alot as usual), nayeon cute bunny face as you facefucked her to train for her easily gagging habits on OC huge cock and tsundere jeongyeon who cant be true to herself and succumb slowly to OC cock but still act like she didnt care up until orgasm. Maybe later in the stories coz our bunny and jeongies cant seems to make initiatives with OC yet. The scenario would be three twice vocalists were recording new song in recording studio and OC were the producer and give them rewards for their good work.
Our very best J-line (i like this the most 😗), who can resist Mina big ass when OC did anal to her, Momo huge milky white titties that give the perfect boobjob and let OC did whatever he wants to try (maybe new position that havent been tried?) and Sana flirtatious face and dirty talking that turned everyone on when the rest of members being thrusted hard. Also Sana would be very good at and enjoy rough sex where Sana will be kneeling on bedside while OC taking her from behind standing position thrusting hard, reaching for her forearms and pull backwards causing her to arch her back with her tits juggling. But then Sana is pregnant now 😭 and have to wait 9months for it. Scenario would be in their dorm where only 4 of them is home due to their schedules and OC wanted to have 'Japanese cuisines'. Btw please let OC order a king size bed somewhere in later story line 😅
The remaining is none other than our School Meal Club. First our personal OC cum dump, Chaeyoung who OC will used her like no tomorrow until she passed out (maybe second round will be her unconscious while OC thrust her very roughly and wake up just 15seconds before orgasm and moan/scream until the neighbours knock on the door asking what happened), our dubu with her perfect hips as OC take her doggy style and mould his hand onto her hips while spanking occasionally with redness on her ass and im dying to know how red of her face when shes flushing hard when orgasm incoming and finally our very own maknae, Tzuyu. Since she havent have sex yet in the stories, maybe this will be her vanilla period where she prefer soft sex after her very first time and also heavy daddy kink asking OC to take care of her and caressing her head while thrusting in a long and sensual pace. After seeing OC use Chaeyoung like an unleashed kraken, she wanted to try it in their second round but OC tries his best to control himself while pleasures her with rough sex. The scenario fits perfectly in livimg room on the couches, table or on the carpet where tzuyu always wanted to have foursome after accidently came across the porn to train herself before her very first time with OC and find her first roommates (i think tzuyu sleeps in same room with chaeyoung and dahyun when debuting)
Sorry for long post, i just realise its getting longer when i get to last one, of course as usual this is just opinion, write however how u see fits hahaha, if u ever written it, please make it spicier and hotter than this 😆. I still have alot in mind maybe tomorrow as i need to finished up my thesis writing.
These are very good suggestions that I will take into consideration. I think I might use one for these upcoming chapters.
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jasonsmirrorball · 2 days
Hey Ro my beloved!! Here to indulge on the self-shipping. I was curious, do you have an actor or model that you see in your head as faceclaim for Jason? Or does your mind come up with a very specific iteration of him when you think about him? I ask because, when I like a written/drawn character, my mind is always on the lookout for an actor or a model that fits the description, just to have more of a solid idea of what they may look like in the flesh.
(Granted I used to be such a huge fan of all things Batman related but have fallen super behind and I don’t know if he has been adapted into a live action series or anything yet, so!)
Love you!! X
hi babydoll!!!! hehehehe thank u i love love love selfshipping and i love jason and i love YOU !!! i’m sorry in advance for rambling, i went on a small tangent because despite literally running a blog about him i don’t talk about him nearly enough as i’d like to hahaha
jason has technically been adapted in the live action series but curran walters (the actor) is definitely not the jason i envision in my mind in my selfship au. i’m super super picky about face claims when it comes to him so i don’t actually have one that i go to every single time BUT in my mind he looks exactly like this one random guy i saw in 2017 whose face i cant even properly remember anymore 😭
usually in my mind apart from that i kind of imagine him as tanned and a bit beefy - but just a liiittle bit less than some of the official art. like a minuscule amount less just because i’m not a fan of the way they draw him a lot of the time. i think one of my favourite versions of him is in this panel because he looks so beautiful. tw for the joker tho i hate that clown.
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a lot of the time they draw him so stocky and very…idk how to describe it but he looks much older than his age and it’s not very flattering. my mind’s jason is a mix of pretty/handsome and strong features i think. like he has pretty eyes and high cheekbones and a nice jaw but he’s also like. soft and strong. i like the idea of his muscles being covered in a layer of softness so it’s not like movie star six pack and gun show, he’s got big arms but they’re also soft. does this make sense? also he 100000% has the white streak and i imagine him with scars bc he earned them!! he looks a little scary but he’s a softie!!!!
i think he gets a little softer as our relationship progresses. this is a more personal thing but the idea of gaining weight in a relationship because you’re being well fed and loved is so important to me, for the both of us, because it’s like. you’re safe enough to relax, you’re happy enough to live and be healthy. it makes me emotional thinking about it. also with this - i think he looks more his age in my selfship au and it’s in that same vein of finally getting to rest. drawing from my own personal experiences, i looked a lot older than i was for most of my teenage years because of stress etc and it’s only in recent years that that’s stopped, so i imagine it’s the same with him. we get to be young together and we get to rest. this is so grossly sappy but there’s such a big healing element to that relationship and it’s so important to me.
anyway thank you a billion times for sending this ask in 🥺 i hope your weekend was so lovely and im sending you soooo much love
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