#How to grow your business
roywhitehead · 9 months
10 Unpopular Tech Things you NEED in Your Life | I Tried Them
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aos-presents · 11 months
SWIPE >>>>>
These days being part of a community for entrepreneurs will keep you on track and inspired, when tough times try to deter you from following thru with your God -given vision.
One of the thought leaders, I follow is Joe Duncan from Up Before 5am.
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Remember, the saying goes, tough times don't last...tough ppl do. Keep going, until you get your desired result.
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ewomennetwork0 · 5 months
Five Common Branding Mistakes Startups Make and Effective Strategies to Avoid Them
The journey of creating a startup is filled with excitement and anticipation. Amid all the hustle of building a business from scratch, it's easy for branding to become an afterthought. However, effective branding is integral to the success of your startup. It lays the foundation for your reputation and influences how customers perceive your business.
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But navigating the world of branding can be complex. Here are five common mistakes startups often make in their branding strategies, and how you can sidestep them.
Mistake #1: Inconsistency in Branding
Inconsistent branding is akin to a misaligned compass - it leaves your target audience confused and directionless. Inconsistency can arise in visual design elements, tone of voice, or messaging across various platforms.
Solution: Develop a comprehensive brand guideline. This should detail everything from your logo and color palette to your brand voice and typography. Consistency creates a strong brand identity that resonates with your audience and sets you apart from the competition.
Mistake #2: Ignoring the "Why" Behind Your Brand
Many startups focus heavily on what they offer and how they offer it, forgetting to communicate why they exist in the first place. Without understanding your 'why', your audience may struggle to connect with your brand on a deeper level.
Solution: Revisit your brand's mission and vision. Why does your brand exist? What problem does it solve? What values does it stand for? Once you have clarity on these, make sure they are clearly communicated in all your branding materials.
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How to Write an Amazing Headline in 5 Easy Steps
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How to Write an Amazing Headline in 5 Easy Steps
Are you looking to create amazing headlines that captivate your audience and draw them in? Look no further!
In this blog post, I’ll show you how to write an amazing headline in just five easy steps. Creating the perfect headline is key to getting people to engage with your content, so it’s worth investing the time to get it right.
1) Know your audience
If you want to write an amazing headline, the most important thing to do is to know who your audience is. Before you even begin writing your headline, ask yourself these questions: Who am I writing for? What is their age? What are their interests? Knowing who you’re writing for will help you craft a headline that resonates with them.
For example, if you’re writing a blog post for teenagers, you may want to use slang or emojis in your headline. On the other hand, if you’re writing for an older demographic, you should use more traditional language. Once you’ve determined who your audience is, you can move on to crafting your headline.
2) Keep it short and sweet
When it comes to writing an amazing headline, brevity is key. Aim to keep your headline under 70 characters, so that it fits on one line and will grab the reader’s attention. The fewer words used, the better – while still getting your point across. Think of a headline like a tagline; it should be short, but powerful.
Additionally, avoid wordy phrases and jargon, as this can detract from your message. Instead, focus on strong words that clearly convey the message of your article. Finally, use keywords in your headline when possible – this will help boost your SEO rankings and help more people find your content.
3) Use strong words
When it comes to crafting a headline, the words you use are just as important as the length and structure. After all, it’s the words that grab readers’ attention and convince them to click on your article.
The best headlines use strong, powerful words. These types of words are action-oriented and evoke emotions in readers. They can also make your headline stand out in a crowded newsfeed.
Try to avoid generic phrases like “read this” or “check it out” – they don’t have much impact. Instead, try to use words that pack a punch and convey the main message of your article: verbs like “transform”, “create”, “discover”, or “explore”.
Another great way to add some punch to your headline is by using adjectives such as “amazing”, “incredible”, “essential”, or “unmissable”. Make sure you choose words that are relevant to your article and that fit the tone of your content.
Using strong words will make your headline more engaging and will help it stand out from the crowd. Take the time to think about the words you use and make sure they accurately reflect what your article is about.
4) Be clear
When writing headlines, you want to ensure that it is easy to understand what the article is about. Be direct and succinct when writing your headline. Avoid being too vague or ambiguous with your words. Make sure to use language that is easy to comprehend and get the point across quickly.
The headline should clearly communicate the core message of the article. If the headline is too vague, it could lead to readers abandoning the article before reading it. Additionally, make sure to keep the headline free of jargon or any technical terms that may be difficult for the average reader to understand. Use clear, plain language so that readers can quickly gain an understanding of what the article is about.
5) Use numbers or lists
Using numbers or lists in your headline is a great way to draw the attention of readers and make your message more easily understood. Numbers and lists provide a structure that people can easily scan and quickly get a sense of what the headline is about. Using numbers or lists can also help keep your headline short, sweet, and to the point.
When creating a list-style headline, use language that clearly shows the reader the order of importance. For example, you could say “7 Ways to Make Your Home Smarter” or “5 Easy Steps to Start a Business”. You can also use numbered steps for how-to guides or tutorials to give your audience a better understanding of the process.
In addition to numbered headlines, you can also use lists to create headlines that are both catchy and informative. For instance, you could say “5 Reasons to Visit Hawaii” or “3 Things You Need to Know Before Investing”.
Using numbers or lists in your headline can be a great way to capture the attention of readers and communicate your message quickly and effectively. Keep your headline short, sweet, and clear, and you’ll be sure to capture the attention of your readers!
Take this knowledge and go to https://realestatemall.us/post-an-ad/ to write your first post today, and get new customers tomorrow.
Until next time, Karyn Murphy
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5 Tips to grow a small business Quickly
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When you're starting, it's easy to get caught up in the excitement of your new business and lose sight of what it takes to grow a small business. But if you're planning on growing your business into something big and sustainable, then read on! Here are eight steps that will help you create a winning strategy for growing your small business:
1. Create a winning business plan
A business plan is a roadmap for your company’s future growth and success. It should detail how you will achieve your goals, what resources you will need to make it happen, and why those resources are necessary. A good foundation for this document is having all relevant information in one place—like an excel spreadsheet with data from previous years (or even decades) carefully organized so that it’s easy to reference when making decisions about how much money you should invest or whether or not an idea is worth pursuing further (for example). The most important thing: Make sure everyone has access – even if they don't know where everything goes yet!
2. Know your customers
The second step of growing your business is knowing your customers. This means understanding their needs and wants, as well as their demographics. You can learn all this by talking with them in person or on the phone, or through surveys and market research.
The more you know about whom you're selling to, the better able you'll be to meet those needs and wants—and the more likely it is that they'll become repeat customers who buy from you again over time if everything works out well for them (and/or their friends).
You also want to know what kind of competition exists locally so that there aren't any surprises when trying out new products or services offered by other businesses nearby; otherwise, someone else might come along who does something even better than what yours does!
3. Get the right mindset
Have a positive mindset.
Stay positive even when things are going wrong.
Stay positive when you're tired or stressed.
Stay positive when things are going wrong!
4. Learn from others
If you’re looking for examples of how to grow a small business, look no further than the success stories of other entrepreneurs. The best way to learn from others is by asking them questions and listening to their opinions on what works in your industry.
It can be embarrassing when someone asks for help, but don't let that stop you from seeking out mentors who can guide and advise you along the way. You want people who have been through it all before so they know how it feels when things go wrong or right—and most importantly, how to fix them!
5. Focus on your strengths
To grow a small business, you need to know your strengths and weaknesses. It’s also important not to try too hard at everything yourself — hiring people who are better than you is always helpful! Hiring smarter people will keep things organized and efficient while hiring experienced people can help with more complex tasks that may be outside of your area of expertise. Lastly, hiring talented individuals will ensure that everyone feels supported by each other as well as the company in general; this makes everyone happier overall.
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thatonenerdydad88 · 2 years
How To Create Effective Ad Creatives In Less Than 5 Minutes
Creating high-quality ads is essential to growing your business through online advertising. In this post we will show you how to create effective ad creatives in less than 5 minutes.
How To Create Effective Ad Creatives In Less Than 5 Minutes
Online advertising has become one of the most impactful ways to grow your business, drive sales and keep your company top-of-mind with customers. However, these ads can be a challenge to create, manage and measure ROI on. There are so many things you need to know about creating effective ads; from the dimensions for images, what kind of file formats work best, what kinds of images perform best and more. Creating high-quality ads is essential to growing your business through online advertising. In this post we will show you how to create effective ad creatives in less than 5 minutes.
What is an ad creative?
An ad creative is the visual component of your ad that customers see when they click on an ad. The creative may be a photo, video, illustration or GIF, and it's the primary way to convey your brand and message to customers, so it needs to have a strong focus. When you create your ad creatives, it's important not to get caught up in the aesthetics and creating something that is beautiful. Instead, you should focus first on getting the message of your ad right. Only once you know what you want to say should you think about how you want to say it.
Want to make creatives without even working? Check this site out it will blow your mind! (Get $500 in Google Ads credits on signup!)
Define your target audience
When creating your ad creatives, the first step is to define your target audience. Think about who you are trying to reach and what kind of customers you want to attract. Think about the type of products or services your company offers, and what your company is all about. Once you know these things, you'll be better equipped to create ads that resonate with the right people. The more you understand your audience, the better able you'll be to create ads that resonate with them. This will help get your ads in front of the right people and increase the likelihood they'll click through to your landing page and buy your products or services.
Use the right file formats
The right file formats are essential to ad creatives. There are many different ad networks and ad creatives file formats. You don't want to make one ad that works on multiple networks because it's not optimized for the needs of each one. Depending on the ad network, you may need to submit different types of ad creatives. The type of creatives you use will depend on several factors, including the network you choose, the ad type you select, your budget and more. You can also consult with a digital marketing or advertising agency if you're unsure which file formats to use and want help creating effective ad creatives. The type of file formats you choose for your ad creatives will depend on several factors, including the network you choose, the ad type you select, your budget and more. Here's a quick rundown of the most common file types and when they're best used. GIF: This is a single image with a few frames. It can be animated and it's often used for social media. JPEG: This is best used for photos and images with lots of contrast and high-contrast images. PNG: This format is often used for logos and illustrations because it doesn't have JPEG's issues with color distortion. PDF: This is a static document that's often used for longer-form content. SWF: This is a Flash animation file that's often used for video.
Want to make creatives without even working? Check this site out it will blow your mind! (Get $500 in Google Ads credits on signup!)
Once you've defined your target audience, you've decided on the best file formats for your ad creatives and you know what you want to say, it's time to create your ad creatives. There are many different types of ad creatives you can create. These can include: - Headline - This is the first thing potential customers see in your ad, so it's imperative that it grabs their attention and piques their interest. - Image - This is the first thing potential customers see in your ad, so it's imperative that it grabs their attention and piques their interest. - Description - It's important to include a description of your product or service to give a more in-depth view of what you offer. - Offer - It's important to include an offer to entice customers to click on your ad.
Ad creatives are the visual component of your ad that customers see when they click on an ad. The ad creative is the primary way to convey your brand and message to customers, so it needs to have a strong focus. When you create your ad creatives, it's important not to get caught up in the aesthetics and creating something that is beautiful. Instead, you should focus first on getting the message of your ad right. Once you know what you want to say, you can think about how you want to say it. The more you understand your audience, the better able you'll be to create ads that resonate with them. This will help get your ads in front of the right people and increase the likelihood they'll click through to your landing page and buy your product or service.
Instant creatives without all the work? Have an AI bot do the work for you! (Last chance to get $500 in free ad credits!)
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peoductpilots · 2 years
How to Grow Your Small Business in 2022
1. Enlist the ideal individuals.
Before you could in fact contemplate your organization's development direction, you really want to have a strong staff to assist you with accomplishing your objectives.
>>>>> Click Here to Learn More <<<<<
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wadm · 2 years
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These photos are an example of what I can create for YOU and YOUR BUSINESS! I’m a small town content creator in Vernon BC, and these pieces were so much fun to shoot for my local jewellers!
But my business doesn’t stop at pretty photos though 🤔 so you may be asking, what can I do for YOU when we are nowhere near each other? Let me tell you!
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What I Can Do For YOU!?!
I specialize in brand development, so regardless of what process you’re at in creating a business, I can help! If you’re stuck with just an idea, I can create a solid plan for you from start to finish! If you’re already working within your small business, I can help you fine tune your target audience, optimize your social media, as well as teach you how to produce engagement with engaging content!
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bulldog-butch · 11 months
the hilarious thing about people who are super anti trans men lesbians is that they consider themselves the arbiters of when someone has become too much of a man to consider themselves a lesbian. like please get over yourself. you can actually just trust people to make that decision for themselves jfc
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roywhitehead · 9 months
Crisis Young Men | RoyWhiteHead.co #shorts
Crisis Young Men #young For more information, please visit my website: https://www.roywhitehead.co/ ➡️Subscribe to my mailing list! ⚡️💻 https://roywhitehead.co/#anchor-1 ◽️◽️◽️◽️◽️◽️ ⬇️ More stuff you should check out ⬇️ 😎 AMAZING BOOKS 👇 👌 12 Rules for Life......... https://geni.us/JordanPetersonRoy ✔ How to Win Friends....https://geni.us/DaleCarnegieRoy 🚀 EQUIPMENT AND BRANDING 👇 🐱‍🏍 AV: https://uk.norton.com/products/norton... 📷 CAMERA: https://geni.us/VD5Fdk 🎙️ AUDIO: https://geni.us/zzKRu ➡ BRAND https://looka.grsm.io/a978287uewzj ◽️◽️◽️◽️◽️◽️ 🔥 RESOURCES I CREATED FOR YOU! 
⚡️💻 My Free Getting into Tech Guide (coupon code: techloyal): https://roywhitehead.samcart.com/prod... ⚡️💻 My Getting into Cyber Guide: https://roywhitehead.samcart.com/prod... ⚡️💻 Free Myers Briggs Test https://www.16personalities.com/free-... 🔥 I’M HERE FOR YOU! ⚡️💻 My 30 min career coaching session: https://www.roywhitehead.co/copy-of-c... ⚡️💻 My 60 min career coaching session: https://www.roywhitehead.co/copy-of-c... 🔔Ready to supercharge your career and finances? Subscribe to Roy Whitehead's channel for top-tier mentorship: https://www.youtube.com/@RoyWhitehead... ✅ Stay Connected With Me. 👉Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/roywhitehea... 👉Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@roywhiteheadco 👉Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/royjwhite... 👉Website: https://www.roywhitehead.co/ ✅ For Business Inquiries: [email protected] ============================= 
✅ Recommended Playlists: 👉 RoyWhiteheadCoach Recent Uploads https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_VaMK... ✅ Other Videos You Might Be Interested In Watching: 👉 10 Unpopular Tech Things You Need in Your Life | I Tried Them https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pgl_g... 👉 Getting Started in Tech: Top 7 Highest Paid Tech Jobs in 2023 Roy Whitehead https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_VaMK... 👉 HOW TO HANDLE Imposter Syndrome | THIS IS HOW I OVERCAME Imposter Syndrome in tech https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cXtAb... 👉 The ULTIMATE Guide to Your Perfect Information Technology Job after a Layoff | IT Hope https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=geAHa... 👉 APPROACH a Technology Recruiter like this | TOP 5 Recruiter Tips https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nwzf0... =============================
✅ About Roy Whitehead: Hey, I'm Roy Whitehead, mentor, $ 7-figure entrepreneur, CISO, and Career Coach. I am a tech online business owner 😊 too. Most importantly, I'm here for you! If that sounds good, consider subscribing to this, my new channel, for helpful content to supercharge your life, money-making, and career. It's the place for people who want access to senior tech leaders/mentors like me!.... Thanks. New videos every Sunday! For Collaboration and Business inquiries, please use the contact information below: 📩 Email: [email protected] 🔔Dream big, achieve bigger with Roy Whitehead! Subscribe for weekly content that transforms your career and finances: https://www.youtube.com/@RoyWhitehead... ================================= ADD HASHTAGS HERE 
From Roy Whitehead (ifttt.com) https://www.youtube.com/shorts/K08aZkH2YmE
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aos-presents · 11 months
The ultimate dream team template for growing and developing your business strategy. Follow the link for a deep dive.
Credit : Matt Gray
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ewomennetwork0 · 5 months
From Podcast to Profit: Boosting Your Business with Insights from Female Entrepreneur Podcasts
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From the bustling world of entrepreneurship, staying updated and inspired is crucial for success. This is where the magic of female entrepreneur podcasts comes into play. These podcasts are not just a source of inspiration; they're a goldmine of strategies, stories, and insights that can transform your business approach. Today, let's explore how tuning into these podcasts can propel your business to new heights.
The Treasure Trove of Podcast Wisdom
Podcasts hosted by female entrepreneurs are rich with real-world experiences, practical advice, and innovative ideas. Each episode offers a unique perspective, whether it's about overcoming challenges, leveraging opportunities, or staying ahead in the competitive market. But how exactly can these podcasts translate into tangible benefits for your business?
Actionable Strategies and Tips
Many female entrepreneur podcasts feature episodes specifically designed to provide actionable strategies. From marketing hacks to financial advice, these podcasts cover a wide range of topics. Implementing these tips can lead to significant improvements in how you manage and grow your business.
Inspirational Stories
Hearing the success stories and challenges of other women entrepreneurs can be incredibly motivating. These stories not only provide a sense of camaraderie but also offer valuable lessons learned from firsthand experiences.
Staying Ahead of Trends
The business landscape is ever-evolving, and staying abreast of the latest trends is essential. Podcasts often feature discussions on upcoming trends in various industries, helping you to keep your business strategy up-to-date.
More info : business networking group for women entrepreneurs
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moe-broey · 4 months
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Can we. Can we talk about this too. Like we can't just look over this
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Benefits of Writing Online Classified Ads to Grow Your Cleaning or Janitorial (or any) Business
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Benefits of Writing Small Ads to Grow Your Cleaning or Janitorial Business
Let’s talk about a way to get new and local customers for your cleaning or janitorial business.
Writing small classified online ads is an effective way to get your business noticed by potential customers. It is a great way to reach out to the local community, build brand recognition, and drive sales.
Let’s discuss the benefits of writing small ads for your cleaning or janitorial business or really any small or local business, and how it can help you reach and engage with your target audience.
What are the benefits of writing small ads?
Small businesses often struggle with marketing due to their limited budget and resources, but writing classified ads can help them reach a wider audience for free or at least, without having to break the bank.
One of the primary benefits of writing small ads is that it is a targeted way to get new customers. By targeted, I mean, you can write ads specific to someone who is looking for your service and not the rest of the town who would maybe never use you.
By doing this, you can specify exactly who you are trying to reach, like maybe owners of small offices, and how you want to reach them.
You can tailor your ad to a specific demographic or location, like people living within 5 miles of your business, allowing you to reach potential customers more efficiently and cost-effectively than traditional advertising methods.
Writing classified ads also allows you to reach a larger audience without spending a lot of money. Many classified sites are free or offer discounted rates for small business owners.
Additionally, writing small ads is a great way to quickly test out new ideas and strategies to see what works best for your business.   Try changing your offer monthly and see which offer worked best for your business.
Overall, this can be a great way to get new customers and promote your business. It’s an effective, cost-efficient way to target new customers and get your message out there. With the right approach, you can use online classified ads to attract more customers and grow your business.
How can writing small ads help my business?
These ads allow you to reach out to people who may not have been familiar with your business before.
By including keywords and phrases that potential customers may be searching for, you can ensure that your ad will be seen by the right people when they are searching online for your product or service.
Online classifieds are picked up from search engines, which increases the chances of your ads coming up in those local searches.
Additionally, by including details about your services and pricing, potential customers can easily assess whether they would like to take advantage of your services.
By taking advantage of small free to inexpensive ads, you can ensure that your business is seen by potential customers and that they know what services you offer and how much they will cost.
With the right approach and wording, you can target new customers with classified ads and give your business the exposure it needs to grow.
Here are some tips for writing effective online classified ads
Keep your message simple and direct. Make sure to communicate the main benefit of your business in a few words.
Use action words to grab your readers’ attention. Action words like “discover”, “save”, “enjoy”, and “unlock” will make your ad stand out and create a sense of urgency.
Use a compelling headline. This is the first thing people will see, so make sure it grabs their attention and entices them to read further.
Make sure to target your audience correctly. Different audiences respond to different messages, so you should tailor your ads accordingly.  Talk their talk, walk their walk.
Highlight any special offers or promotions. People love a good deal, so make sure to include any discounts or promotions in your ads.
Include a call to action. Let your readers know what they need to do next to take advantage of your offer. Whether it’s calling for more information or clicking through to your website, make sure you have a clear call to action that encourages your readers to take the next step.
Be consistent.  One ad isn’t going to have customers banging down your door.  The more they see your name and ad come up in searches, the more familiar they will be with your services or products and how it can benefit them.
Post your FREE ad now on http://RealEstateMall.US .  No credit card needed, free to post, free to join.
We look forward to seeing you there, Karyn Murphy
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jrueships · 14 days
What are the psychosexual consequences of the twolves dominance right now
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mmm.. i have been Chewing on this...
for quite some time .
so this is a thought i have always had tbh. These playoff results so far have just been bolstering my confidence in it.
Ant and Kat's love is loud love.
The Suns love is no love. Not that they dont have any love At All, because they do. But for each other? Im not so sure. The Suns is Men doing it all for the image of finally being champions so they can prove themselves to the people OUTSIDE their team.
The nuggets is domestic love. It's quiet, it's comfortable, it's won a championship, it's retired love. Retired does Not mean dead, it does not mean completely inactive, it means slower moving, at a personal pace, enjoying what you find to be the thing you wouldn't mind dying doing. Jokic and Jamal don't have to say they're in love 24/7 to let us know they're in love. Jokic doesn't have to talk about horses all the time to reporters for reporters to find out how much he actually does from him always going back to visit them. It's quiet, but it's so strong that it doesn't have to be anything but quiet to know
The mavs is a love built on respect. Wordless, they know they can depend on the other no matter what troubles the other may be dealing with or how much is happening, they Know someone will always be there to get the job done. They KNOW it's not a waste, whatever they're doing .
Kat Needs positive reinforcement, reminisces on it, dreams for it, grows restless and angered without it. Gets real self-conscious and starts faking everything to seem like he has everything so people can start treating him like he's not just some everybody in the world, but a SOMEbody in the world, someone whose opinions, thoughts, actions, and.. possibly most importantly.. WORDS will always be remembered as a meaningful contribution to the world.
Ant is a people pleaser. But he's not the meek, 'let your favorite teacher pronounce your name wrong until the grave' people pleaser where it can be pointed out as a problem, he's a Clever one. He's the kind of people pleaser who can step into a room and spotlight the targets that need the most self-value.. all so He can assure his Own self-value, and protect it. Because, ultimately, the phrase 'everybody loves Anthony edwards' is all about Anthony Edwards, which should be obvious, right? The answer's smack dab in front of your face, but the Confidence. The charisma of it all. Covers it. Conceals it just briefly, just enough for him to get away with it. Ant always knows what to say without even thinking twice. He's such a charmer. Except he's not. He's Always thinking, always brewing up the best ways to become a spectacle. Why even video himself saying that slur shit in the first place? Why not just keep that between him and his friend in the car like probably a good chunk other basketball players do ( because let's be honest. These are probably pretty straight men. They hate people like us. )
He can't. That wouldn't give him the best results in the kind of satisfaction he craves, which is all self based, when boiled down. He HAS to not only impress his one friend in the car with his in power teasing of others who don't even have a clue, he has to try and impress Everyone that he's included in his circle, and he just accidentally included the wrong crowd in that.
Ant and kat together are just two self-conscious people who like being together so they don't feel like they're two self-conscious people who like being together. Love can come in multiple forms, but, in my opinion, love oftentimes needs multiple forms to be at its strongest. When you pour all your love into one bucket, it leaves the others hollow. Love can be quiet, and it can be loud, it can be through words, through actions, through the easy times, AND the hard times, it is love.
I like to call Kat and ant the warped jaren and ja bcs unlike jaren and ja where it can all get spoiled from jaren saying something stupid like 'i love you' when they ARE in love and are just uncomfortable saying it, kat and ant NEED to say they're in love so they can feel like they aren't in it. It being Actual love, deep love that requires more than just pretty words and over-the-top compliments and sayings and comparisons and declarations. Actual love like ant going to kat's house and bringing the rest of the team because he knows kat misses having a stable family, hates the fact that something is missing and he'll never get it back.
Actual love like being awkward with each other
Which they Hate. Terribly. The two of them.
So they'll say how much they're in love with the other, how fondly they think about their memories, how they're so close. They'll tease and laugh and try to instruct the other. And the media laps it up, of course. Especially over the quiet love. It's just so boring in comparison.
Love is thrilling, and it is also boring. Like doing menial activities together like watching the news when you two could actually be the ones on it by doing something crazy together, but you don't, and you aren't, because you both agreed it's going to be a cozy day today where you'll both just be a cute pair of couch potatoes on a sofa watching TV together.
Ant and kat CANT be boring. They CANT just sit in that silence together. They have to say something. They have to know the other doesn't consider them a waste of their time because they don't have that same assurance in themselves.
Love is being scared.
Theyre not scared.
They can't Be scared.
Being down by 2 doesn't mean anything besides we'll bounce back. We're not scared about it. I played well, the shots just weren't falling, but i did good. We are doing good. We love each other. We swear.
We're not scared .
(TV loves confidence)
(Love loves fear)
#love is being terrified. petrified. of losing smthing permanently#whatever u do. it will never be enough to get back what u loved the most#im not saying theyre not in love. or they havent felt it#they are in it. they call each other family now and they have both felt a deep love for people they call family before#and they have both lost people that they love#ant & kat are like the im not like other girls powder puff ( girls football) player tomboy who used to make fun of girls wearing makeup wit#her asshole guy just friends cus im one of the guys friends (even tho the guys would criticize an 'ugly'/nonconventially attractive girl fo#not wearing it ten seconds later) falls for the dopey incredibly kind but thinks she's dumb bcs she's pretty and blond volleyball player#who always tags along with ant at bars so ant can ask guys if they wanna see them make out bcs they find it hot without knowing that kat#finds it hot too#& it turns out ants tomboy obsession with makeup is from her denying love of feminity on others#it's appealing. it's entertaining. it's everything u want to see blossom and grow#but. it takes TIME.#time that places like the ruthlessness of businesses might not always have no matter how captivating#if you are a waste then youre a waste#kat and ant cant stand waste. they cant stand the idea of all this acting like theyre in love (LOVE. love) is all for not#is all for not Actually being in love. just a big elaborate talked up grandiose excuse to say theyre not afraid to be in love#now THATS television!!!!#is it a sturdy relationship though? will something have to change to survive? will SomeBody (or somebodies) have to change? um.#cut the cameras.#deadass.#ted asks#ted longer#ant eds#katman#TY for this ask. i have been munching like a goat. uve probably forgotten abt this.. but i... i never forge-#im like an Elephant <-watched a replay of game 2 & thought it was an entirely different game
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fagtainsparklez · 1 year
the fucking lgbt police on tiktok is so insane. i’ve seen MULTIPLE videos of people who have seemingly “contradicting” flags in the background (like bi & lesbian) and the ONLY comments on those are about the flags. completely ignoring that 90% of the time op just has a roommate. even if they didn’t like. who gives a fuck. i want to list out all my flags and identities in front of them and watch their brains explode
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