POV: You’re tiny underneath/in a Christmas tree
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elwynten · 1 year
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So What's Your Dosha?
I am interested in Ayruvedic Medicine and study it as a way to be my best. Ayrurveda is a 5000 year old science that divides our body types into three major categories: Vata, Pitta, and Kaffa, although there are many combinations possible.  The science makes recommendations about how to keep your dosha, or type, in balance, which is the path to excellent mental and physical heath and maximum…
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s2nixtravels · 9 months
Melbourne- Saigon - Paris - Amsterdam - Saigon - Melbourne
Day one, slumming it in the “Lounge”
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elizabetharizona · 1 year
More About Now
I feel like I know that every successful era in my life started with a period of calm uselessness. I've had this problem for as long as I remember where I associate my worth and my success to my career. When I don't have a career it's easy to feel like a loser.
I have spent the last few months trying to break this association and to teach myself that I am always worthy. It's always been easy for me to make the leap of faith to something better but then once I do the waters get rocky.
I just feel like I should be doing something more with my free time. But here is the thing about free time - it doesn't HAVE to be used for anything. In fact sometimes it's best use is to relax and recharge so when the next big opportunity comes, because IT WILL, you are ready to give it your all.
I am trying to accept the way things are, sink into them, trust fully in God's plan and the Universe and be present. I know that there are going to be so many moments in the future where I will long deeply to be right where I am today. I try to stay as connected to my future self as possible. When it feels uncomfortable to do nothing, I remind myself that as long as I am open to doing something and not resisting, then I will move when inspiration strikes and it will surely be on the path to my greatest potential.
A friendly reminder that it's okay to just be. It's okay that you are where you are, it doesn't define you, and you are worthy of your wildest dreams.
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jiten-artist · 1 year
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Call us for booking #mauratis #travel #holdays #holidaystyle #trippy #post #holidayspirit #tripwithfriends #trips (at Mauritius) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmbqarNhHuf/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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juggernaut0674 · 2 years
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Time to check this brand new holiday movie 🍿🎥 35 days till Christmas 🎅🏾🤶🏾🎄🦌⛄ #Sprited #WillFarrell #RyanReynolds #OliviaSpencer #Holdays #Blerd #BlackGeek https://www.instagram.com/p/ClNIj3HoyCBHCRslgogKQfp7lgc2tTjw3ctu7Y0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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xxrat--punkxx · 9 months
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Vashie having a bath, that is all
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artistheworld · 2 months
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gh0stbeeee · 1 year
You think Light got festive? We already know he owns a whole Santa suit from the shorts, but would he dish out his own brand of holiday cheer? Sit in his room, classical Christmas music playing, gingerbread man cookies (with their heads bitten off and broken hearts on their chests in red icing) and milk beside him, writing down a selection of criminals he's saved for himself because they'd bring him the most joy to kill? Cackling evilly under his breath, muttering "ho ho ho, have a heart attack, merry Christmas you filthy animals, you're on the naughty list" etc?
No definitely not, but Kira Claus is very funny to me
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thedenofravenpuff · 6 months
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A merry Lucia Day from Scandinavia!
I felt like going a bit dramatic this year, illustrating one of my favourite holidays in Denmark
Merry Winter Solstice to one and all!
And do enjoy
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zaccrimart · 2 years
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The boys get festive! : )
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penguicorns-are-cool · 10 months
y'know those episodes in tv shows where they just stuff all the characters in a room or a house or something and trap them in there to force them to interact and have drama
imagine that, but it's a pesach seder and they aren't necessarily trapped there so much as they actually want to be here they're just increasingly tired, hungry, and drunk as the pre-eating part of the seder goes on and finally the food comes.
Like, I feel like so many non-Christian holidays have so much TV potential that we're all missing out on
like it would be really funny if a show was diverse and ramadan and pesach were overlapping and part of the joke of one episode is one portion of the friend group is fasting for ramadan all day while another portion are cooking all day for the seder, then they can even all come together at the end for the seder cause the seder starts after sundown and that's also when iftar is
when easter overlaps with purim but the family is multi-cultural so they end up having a purim party with an easter-egg hunt for the kids
Shavuot episode where they're all up all night and end up replaying a story from the tanakh or talmud. It would be funny if they end up acting out a case in the talmud and someone calls it out and they ask what they did in that case but the answer is like stoning or something else that they just can't do rn.
a yom kippur episode to force that one character to recognize they did something wrong
a movie or something where the kids act out the maccabee story except they're fighting the other group of kids who like tried to take over their fort in the woods of the playground or something that would be cute
just like, the big media studios are really sleeping on diversity. just having some real diversity would make tv so much more interesting
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30: Happy Holidays
Jamie Watson
December 24, 2014
This video was originally supposed to go up on December 6, but I got busy and decided to save it for Christmas Eve! Happy holidays, everyone!
Celebrate ten years of "The Adventures of Jamie Watson (and Sherlock Holmes)" with a look back on the entire series. We're resharing every episode and social media post as we countdown to the 10th anniversary on August 10, 2024.
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jdsquared · 1 year
How many people know what the word “Purim” means?
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ctl-yuejie · 1 year
a bit of a reality check here (and yes, i am going to ask this question in a very biased way anyways), but:
AITA for not wanting another date when the woman you’re meeting doesn’t ask any questions about yourself for like the 5 hours you spend together and approx. talks 1/3 about her ex-girlfriend?
When I told her that I wasn’t really thinking about a second date because of it, she said she was too nervous at first (which is true, she almost 180°ed when I met up with her and was too shy to look into my direction for several minutes) and that she prefers to text people for a long time before meeting, which is where she asks about things she’s interested in (we texted for 1.5 months before meeting which isn’t really my style and I was accordingly bad at texting: she texted me good morning and good night everyday and i was happy when i managed to text her and/or reply to her once a day. I like to think that I tried)
but I still feel it is weird to just talk about yourself and your ex (at hour 4 I gave up on talking about myself without any prompt because whatever I said would be the first and last thing we’d exchange on that topic).
in good (?) news: I know get how Uncle Jim in MLC felt, because she still lives with her ex of 5 years and it did come up very often in conversation. While Wen didn’t tell him, Uncle Jim was 100% right that it makes things really tiring because the other person clearly isn’t in the mindset to start sth new.
If anyone is the type to text a lot before meeting someone: anything where this disconnect can be mitigated?
because I always thought it was standard (and at least my preference) to meet up very early to suss out the vibes. But maybe it’d be better in these cases to not start anything when you’re not texting back as frequently in the first place?
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