#Hogwarts Legacy AU
celerydays · 5 months
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🏫 College town AU 📚
a bit about the origins of this AU under cut~
This actually came about because I was explaining to some friends maybe a month or two back about my college town:
I went to an art college that was in very close vicinity to two other schools; a liberal arts college (known mainly for their medical engineering program) and a music institute.
Our art institute and the music school were both much smaller so there was some kind of agreement between the three colleges that we got to use a lot of the larger college's facilities, including their dorm buildings, dining hall, meal plan system, their libraries/certain resources, and options to enroll in some classes as well.
Then one of the friends I was talking to simply suggested "OT3/trio AU?" and I literally haven't stopped thinking about it since 😩
So, here we go: art student!MC, music student/pianist!Ominis, and engineering student!Sebastian 📚
Is this dancing a little too close to being way too self-indulgent with art student!MC? PERHAPS. But I dare you tell me that Ominis wouldn't be a posh piano prodigy and Seb wouldn't be an engineering nerd 😤
And leave me to live my fun lil fantasies and delusions lol.
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slytherins-heir · 2 months
When I tell you guys to get onto Character.ai and search up anyone and to add the voice to the conversation; I mean it. here i am, lying on my bed kicking my legs like a school girl
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marketfreshfics · 1 month
Preview: Saturn of Ultra
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cover photo: @newbienewness
A brief clip of an upcoming multi-chapter work titled Saturn of Ultra. Told over six parts, this AU explores a futuristic Hogwarts rebuilt after a massive catastrophe, the new threat to wizard-kind in the wake of such advancement, and an unlikely pairing that must work together to prevent history from repeating itself.
“This one’s mine,” Garreth nodded at the lineup of bikes, pointing out a sleek metal chassis fabricated for streamlined highway travel. His wand ignited the engine and it roared to life, a whir of gears and mechanicals in cooperation with their intended parts. He raised a brow towards his passenger for the evening. “Thoughts?”
“It’s no horse-drawn chariot,” She remarked with a huff, “looks a lot faster, for one thing.”
Pride pulled pink to the young wizard’s cheeks. “Oh yeah, it’s fast. Built it myself… ah, mostly that is. Prewett setup the drive train, he’d arse me if I didn’t give him proper credit.”
As Garreth donned a pair of leather gloves, she toed the crossroads where cobblestones intersected with the pulse of magnetic freeway, metaphoric contrasting of the star-crossed lovers lapsing different eras.
There was an obvious sense of unease in her jilted posture as she drew back and forth between the past and the present, teetering on the edge of time itself, caught between the comfort of the known and the irresistible pull of the unfamiliar.
“Hey, you don’t have to be afraid. I’d be a twat to put you in harm’s way ever again.” Garreth's voice slunk to that rich note where charisma cozied with comfort.
Still, she hesitated. “It just seems... so dangerous.” Her breathy laugh was tinted with the dim of apprehension.
Garreth stepped closer, letting the bike idle as he took her hand. The warmth of his palm already bled through the leather.
“Do you trust me?”
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just-another-star-47 · 6 months
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Because I never hated you
Gryffindor House Party - Or the reason why Sebastian starts calling MC 'kitten'
Some teasing, a little bit of flirting and a tad drinking - featuring the good old Slytherin and Gryffindor chemistry.
I actually planned it to be a lot more.. naughty. But I'm sorry, I'm not in the mood, so it's just a little teasing.
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It was a tradition that the house whose prefects went home for the Christmas holidays had to organise a house party. And this year, Gryffindor was one of those houses.
Firewhiskey and butterbeer were smuggled into the common room in small quantities from Hogsmeade over several weeks, an agreement with a group of house elves ensured snacks and food and several bottles of good red wine ensured that the lady in the portrait turned a blind eye when more than just Gryffindor students mumbled the correct password.
While the younger students were banished to their rooms, the older ones sat together comfortably.
At least until the Slytherin students arrived. The atmosphere in the room changed, the rivalry clearly noticeable even during the party. Again and again, biting jibes were thrown out, jibes that continued to escalate over the course of the evening.
"If you're as hard-drinking as you are pass-catching, you'd better switch to water, MC," Imelda sneered before pouring herself another drink and leaning closer to Sebastian, who had taken a seat on a couch with other sixth years.
"If your intemperance with stupid sayings reflects your intemperance with alcohol, I'd better take this off your hands," MC grabbed her glass and drained it in one go before pushing it back into her hand with an expressionless face.
"Oh, suddenly someone's showing their claws," Imelda hisses, setting the glass down on the table in front of her with her lips pressed together.
"Don't think you're that important, MC, you may think you're a dangerous lion, but you're nothing more than a harmless kitten."
"Says the grass snake who dreams of being a cobra."
Sebastian watched the exchange of blows with amusement, leaning one arm on the back of the couch and slowly bringing his drink to his lips.
MC's eyes darted in his direction: "I don't know what there is to grin about."
Surprised, Sebastian raised his eyebrows and lifted his free hand dramatically upwards, while his grin widened rather than disappearing.
"I apologise profusely."
"And rightly so," she returned caustically, and turned away from him without waiting for his reply.
Shortly afterwards, she made her way to the table of snacks, her eyes darting over the offerings before she decided on a sausage roll. With crumbly fingers, she munched curiously on the dish prepared by the house elves and tried to recognise which ingredients they had added.
She only had to turn her head slightly to look into Sebastian's mischievously twinkling eyes. With a grin, he brushed a few crumbs from her lower lip with his thumb, his chest lightly touching her back.
"Maybe in your dreams..." she snorted, narrowing her eyes and pushing his hand away from her face. He heaved a sigh of mock frustration and rested his chin on her shoulder.
"I take it, that my little brat is back again?"
"She was never gone."
He laughed and bit into her neck tenderly as his arms wrapped around her waist:
"I remember a very different moment."
His grip on her tightened: "A moment when my good girl called me Sir."
Her cheeks began to glow, and she felt one of the crumbs get stuck in her throat, causing her to cough momentarily.
"That was an accident."
"Of course..." she could feel the vibration of his suppressed laughter tingling through her body and rolled her eyes.
"You're such an incredibly annoying idiot."
Now she could hear his laughter echoing in her ears, and it sent a warm shiver through her body that spreads to her fingertips.
She grabbed his arms crossed in front of her stomach and held them gently, causing Sebastian to blow a kiss on her cheek.
"See... such a good girl."
He held her tightly, laughing, as she grumbled and tried to free herself from his embrace, his cheek pressed against hers.
"Or what did Imelda call you? Kitten?"
"Oh, don't you dare!"
"So maybe a little jealous after all, huh?"
Before she could protest further, Sebastian turned her round and pressed her against the table, his hands on either side of her body, his nose touching hers. The movement and the clinking of plates caused some of the students present to look in their direction and raise their eyebrows in surprise.
"Eyes stay with me."
Sebastian whispered, pressing his body even closer against hers.
"Attention stays with me."
His lips gently touched hers as he closed his eyes.
"That's my girl."
His kiss became more demanding, and she tasted the whiskey on his tongue as a familiar fire began to burn in the pit of her stomach and spread rapidly throughout her body.
"I think you're really going to be my little kitten."
He mumbled against her lips and cupped her face with his hands.
"You're drunk," she mumbled back, nibbling on his bottom lip, "so I'll let that comment of yours slip."
"Oh, believe me, I'm fully aware of what I'm saying."
He grinned and pulled her closer to him, his hands slowly gliding over her body as he hid his face in her neck.
"You're definitely drunk."
She couldn't help but grin as she hugged him and ran her fingers through his hair.
"Maybe a little, piseag..."
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rypnami · 1 month
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icy-plum · 2 months
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Hogwarts Legacy AU in Dune: Sebastian as Paul and Ominis as Chani
Thought about these two when I watched Dune2 earlier this month, especially the part when Chani was displeased about Paul
I wonder which character in Dune fits MC the most🤔
p.s. I’ve given up finishing the drawing so imma just post it 🥲
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ephemerasnape · 2 months
The Shed (Drabble) 🔞
You and Sebastian don't stand a chance against an ex-auror and an army of inferi. What if Solomon survives and blames you for all that's happened?
Solomon Sallow x Reader (MC)
What can I say - I was inspired.
Gender Neutral - Rape - Corporal Punishment - Age Difference - Homicide
Read below or on ao3. 🔞
All around you, the smoldering bodies of inferi lay scattered as the burly former auror limps in your direction, clutching his arm, his face twisted into a pained grimace.
Sebastian had left - apparated away in a panic once it had become clear the battle had been lost. And he’d left you on your knees, desperately choking down your last Wiggenweld.
Where had Solomon learned to do magic like that? You’d only seen Executioners conjure those columns of fire… He definitely hadn’t been fooling around.
“You’re to blame for this,” the older man hisses, staggering forward to take hold of your arm.
In an instant, your whole body jerks as you feel the telltale pull of apparition. Moments later, you fall to the ground, barely catching yourself before your face makes contact with the earth. Head spinning and senses overwhelmed, you try to take deep breaths to steady the rising nausea in your stomach.
As you slowly regain control of your faculties, a pair of shoes comes into focus in front of your face. Furrowing your brow in confusion, your gaze travels from the shoes upwards, over a pair of dark and dirty trousers until you’re making eye contact with Sebastian’s cantankerous uncle.
“M-mister Sallow,” you begin, then let out a yelp of surprise and pain as meaty fingers grab your hair and yank you to your feet. Your hands fly to your scalp in a desperate attempt to relieve the tension as the wizard forces your face closer to his.
“This is all your doing, child. You’ve led my nephew astray.”
With that, Mr. Sallow roughly shoves you across the small room – some kind of shed or storage area? - walking towards you menacingly as you regain your footing.
My wand…
Eyes wide, you go for your holster and then, coming up empty, to your pockets, patting desperately for the familiar bit of wood. Standing to loom above you, Mister Sallow lets out a deep chuckle.
“Looking for this?” he taunts, producing your wand. You leap forward to try to grab it, only to have it held out of reach. “Ah-ah,” he admonishes. “I don’t think so.”
With that. Solomon grasps your wand with both hands and decisively snaps it, the loud crack that fills the room hitting you like a slap to the face.
You watch in dismay, tears gathering in the corners of your eyes as the older wizard tosses the pieces of your broken wand to the floor, and then, in horror, as thick fingers begin to unbuckle his belt.
Your hands raised in a defensive posture, you take a step back. “Mister Sallow… What are you doing?”
The belt in his hands then, he flexes and tests the thick brown leather.
“Teaching you a lesson. Divesto.”
The cry that escapes your lips as you are unceremoniously stripped of all clothing is unrecognizable as your own.
“No.. Please!” you beg, pressing your back to the cold stone wall in a vain attempt to get away from the large wizard.
“Cry and plead all you like, welp. No one will hear you. Now, turn around,” he commands.
Tears streaming down your face, you slowly turn to face the wall, where you immediately notice distinctive fingernail marks streaking the surface. It dawns on you then that this is not the first time this shed had been used in such a way.
Without warning, the blows begin to rain down on you – raising welts across your back, buttocks, and thighs. You do your best not to cry out – not to make a sound, but by the fifth blow you are wailing uncontrollably.
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry!”
Behind you, the ex-auror grunts “This for your own good, crupmite.”
A few blows later, you lose your ability to stand, and find yourself crumpled into a sobbing heap on the dirt floor.
“That’ll learn ya,” he gloats, beginning to put his belt back on – then hesitates, his eyes raking over your exposed body. “Come this far already…” he mumbles, more to himself than you.
You sniffle, confused as to his meaning, but in too much shock to really register the bizarre statement.
The man takes a step back and points to the far corner of the room where you notice a small bed. He doesn’t need to say a word for you to understand his meaning. Gingerly, you get to your feet, wincing and groaning as you approach the – Sebastian’s? - bed, but before you can reach it, a force hits you hard from behind, knocking the wind out of you.
He’s on top of you, his substantial weight pinning you down face-first to the itchy straw mattress. You let out a distressed groan, struggling to breathe, gritting your teeth against the intense pain of his attire pressing into your wounds. Behind you, you can hear him fumbling with his trousers.
“No, Mister Sallow, please!”
The wizard grabs your hips then, lifting them upwards so that your backside is elevated.
“If you know what’s good for you, you’ll cooperate. It’s the least you can do after all the trouble you’ve caused,” he whispers into your ear, and you feel an odd tingling sensationbetween your legs followed by a distinctive wetness.
Sebastian.. Help me, please..
You cry bitterly, squeezing your eyes shut, your entire body tensing as you prepare to be violated by Solomon Sallow. The blunt head of his cock presses up against your opening, promising pain, and you wish with all your heart that you’d never helped Sebastian on his mad quest.
But the pain never comes. Instead you hear a loud screech – “Avada Kedavra!” - followed by the heavy thump of Solomon’s body falling lifeless to the ground beside the bed.
Despite being physically unencumbered, you don’t move. You just weep – bitterly. Gratefully.
Cautiously, you turn to face the new arrival.
“Anne?” you whisper, noting the sickly witch’s devastated expression.
“Solomon.. I was worried that he’d take it out on you," she sobs.
“And now I’ve killed him..”
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stellalunathewitch · 1 year
Gossip Gaunt: The Gauntings
Video is too powerful for tumblr apparently so have the YouTube link instead lol
(From my TikTok)
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celerydays · 10 months
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still images under cut–
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slytherins-heir · 1 month
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word count;; 14k+ pairing;; sebastian sallow x f!reader warnings;; depictions of injury, violence, and death. use of crucio. slight jealousy, angst, and a lil fluff and mutual pining to go along<3 slight lore changes regarding fiendfyre, and use of y/n. slightly dark wizard!sebastian but also saviour!sebastian 💖
*minor hogwarts legacy spoilers but nothing outright*
a/n;; this took longer than expected- i haven't written in so long so i hope you guys enjoy 💖 (i didn't expect it to be this long, and i feel like the end is a bit shit but i appreciate all of you guys sm for entertaining my fics)
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Nestled in the Scottish Highlands, away from prying and mundane eyes, stood a behemoth of magic, history, legend and mystery. Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The castle’s many stained glass windows glistened, the Black Lake sparkled under the stars, and the Forbidden Forest looked just as foreboding, yet at the same time, peaceful, under the last of that night’s moonlight.
The serenity of the landscape was suddenly disturbed, but not by destruction, instead by one of the most regal and proud creatures. A large, majestic Hippogriff broke through the light clouds that hung over the castle, and on the creature's back was a girl, nothing more than a Hogwarts student. “Let’s go Highwing, before anyone notices we’ve been gone all night,” said the girl on the creature's back as she took in the sights from the height they flew at one more time before returning to her usual student life. As Highwing soared in the sky, her huge wings beat against the wind causing an undeniable rhythm in the air. The large, majestic creature flew, a loud and proud call was let out from her chest as she took one last long soar before beginning her descent back to the ground.
Back in the quiet of the castle, where students slept soundly, the only thoughts in their minds were the dreams that played out behind their closed eyes, there was one student who hadn’t slipped into the comfort and safety of his dream realm, a fifth-year Slytherin by the name of Sebastian Sallow. Instead of being nestled up cosy in his bed just like his fellow students, Sebastian sat perched on a long sofa in the Slytherin common room, eyes drifting between the doorways that were across from him, his books and the mix of half-used, blank pieces of parchment that sat on the table in front of him. “Where is she…?” he muttered to himself, slinking back into the cushions behind him. Usually, Sebastian wouldn’t keep himself so concerned with what someone else was doing, against the rules or not. But Sebastian found himself in this predicament more often than he would care to admit.
The new student, y/n, had a penchant for sneaking off unnoticed, with only the occasional comment from Imelda or Poppy drawing any attention. However, Sebastian on the other hand was more than aware of her disappearances. In fact, her absence never failed to register with him. Initially, he didn't dwell on it too much, respecting her need for privacy, just as he would want. Yet, an underlying sense of worry persisted within Sebastian, despite his rational understanding.
His eyes drifted around the large open room, taking in every inch of the usually bustling common room. Even the large windows at the end of the room that stood proud, looking out under the murky, Black Lake provided no signs of life, not a single thing except for the usual green hue coming from the windows, casting a haunting, yet beautiful atmosphere. It seemed for all the world, that everyone but Sebastian was asleep, everyone but Sebastian was without a worry. His eyes settled on the fire, the flames were a deep, vibrant orange, hinted with hues of yellow and red as they twisted and danced together. Sebastian found himself, once again, getting lost in their hypnotic sway. There had always been something so inciting to him about fire — the beauty of it, yet the destruction it was capable of always just twinkling beyond the captivating twists.
The sudden sound of a light step began to echo throughout the stagnant silence Sebastian found himself in, pulling his focus away from the dancing flames, choosing instead to watch the entrance to the common from the staircase, a drop of hope bubbled in his stomach as he sat up a little straighter and picked up his book, as if to seem like he was unable to sleep; instead of sitting, waiting for y/n to return. The footsteps were soft, almost imperceptible, like the gentle patter of raindrops on a windowpane. They echoed through the dimly lit room, creating a rhythm that seemed to reverberate through the very air. It was as if the very walls of the castle were whispering secrets, hinting at the arrival of someone who could provide answers to the questions that had been swirling in his mind.
"Sebastian?" a voice asked, barely a whisper, barely rising above the gentle lull of the crackling hearth. The soft patter of approaching footsteps punctured the quiet, drawing nearer to where Sebastian sat, engulfed in his thoughts.
"What are you doing up so late? I didn’t expect anyone to be up." y/n inquired, her voice laced with a hint of worry as she settled onto the sofa opposite him. The faint glow of the embers cast a warm light upon her face, revealing the fatigue etched into her features.
Sebastian lightly shook his head, placing his book atop the disarray of parchment. "Sleep eluded me, so I thought to come down here, see if I can make a dent in Sharp’s assignment" he replied, his tone carefully measured to hide the deceit. He hoped the flickering shadows would hide the concern that he felt was all too apparent in his eyes. "Let's not dwell on just my sleeping habits," he deftly redirected, his gaze intently studying her, "You're the one cutting it close, aren't you? Classes in a few hours, and here you are. I'd wager you not making it to our morning classes tomorrow." A strained chuckle escaped him as he leaned forward, his elbows resting on his knees, bridging the distance between them.
Her response was uncharacteristically delayed, and when it came, it didn’t come with its usual excitement. She drew in a breath, her gaze fixed on the dancing flames that seemed to ensnare her reflection in their fiery ballet. Her hands moved in a subtle, self-comforting gesture, leaving a hint of an inner turmoil that she hadn’t confided in him.
A flicker of movement drew his attention to a slender cut marring her face—a wound that was unveiled as she turned towards the fire, how he didn’t notice it the second she had joined him escaped him, it bothered him that he hadn’t seen it straight away, he almost felt guilty. His instinct urged him to reach out, to bridge the gap and address the injury that seemed to scream for attention. Yet he restrained himself, settling back into the shadows with a quiet resolve. "When she's ready, she'll confide in me," he told himself, the thought more a plea to convince himself rather than a conviction.
"I… I was out with Highwing," y/n finally murmured, her voice a soft echo in the room. "There was… something I had to tend to, a matter related to the trials. We encountered some poachers, a couple of goblins—nothing more." But her words hung in the air, heavy with unspoken truths, and Sebastian's intuition screamed in silent alarm deep within him.
The crackling fire no longer commanded her attention as she turned to gauge Sebastian's reaction, searching his face for signs of doubt. She hoped he'd let the matter slide, and as if sensing her silent plea, he simply nodded, acceptance flickering in his eyes. "You know, if there's anyone capable of giving poachers a run for their money, it's you, y/n," Sebastian remarked, the softness in his smile reaching his eyes.
Her response was a half-hearted echo of his grin, her eyes locking with his for a fleeting moment. "Thanks, Sebastian. It means a lot, you know? Having someone believe in me when everything here is still so relatively new," she murmured, the vulnerability in her voice brushing against the silent space between them.
Sebastian's chuckle broke through the heaviness, his smile widening, a shared moment of lightness taking the edge off his earlier worry. "Not believe in you? Come on, you had me outmatched from day one. Anyone who can do that is destined for greatness." His words teetered on the edge of sentimentality, and he quickly steered the conversation back with a playful challenge. "But, since I've been demoted to second-best, courtesy of you, you owe me an adventure. It's only fair, right?"
There was a teasing tone to his voice, but behind it lay his sincere desire to join her, not just for the thrill, but to ensure her safety—something he couldn't admit just yet.
The suggestion drew a soft, airy laugh from her as she rose to her feet, sidestepping the deeper implication of his words. "Next time, maybe, Sallow," she deflected with a lightness she didn't feel, sensing the undercurrents of concern that both of them were dancing around. "But for now, I'm off to bed. We've got Hecat first thing, and you better not be up all night either. Promise me you'll get some rest too?" "Promise," Sebastian nodded, the care in her voice buoying him a touch, though it couldn't fully brush off the thought of her concealed injuries. "Go on, then. Get some sleep, y/n. I'll meet you here in the morning before class."
The next day had come all too soon, the cool morning breeze wisped around the castle grounds as the rising sun’s glow cascaded over every inch it could touch. A fragment of the golden glow broke through the dark water that sloshed against the large windows within the common room — causing the room to have more of a glow than usual.
Y/n sat on the edge of her bed, the freshly made bedding underneath trapped between her fingers as she pulled and twisted at the thick fabric subconsciously, deep in her thoughts; she felt almost glued to the bed, her eyes stuck focused on one point on the floor in front of her as her thoughts ran rampant within her.
The sleep that she had promised Sebastian hadn’t come as she had hoped, instead, she had spent the last of the night tossing and turning, arguing with her inner thoughts, overthinking every detail and thought that crossed her mind.
She would love nothing more than to have Sebastian come with her, to have Sebastian by her side every time she left the castle, but she knew that no matter what; great danger would always be waiting right around the corner for her — not a single situation so far had proven anything different. She wondered if she would be able to live with herself if anything happened to Sebastian, but what didn’t cross her mind — Would Sebastian be able to live with himself if something happened to her and he wasn’t there to help her? Or save her?
Her racing thoughts were interrupted by the heavy dormitory door being pushed open and spoke a voice, causing her to jump from her sitting position and almost out of her skin. “Aren’t you coming y/n?” said the voice as a head peaked through the door, the head of Imelda Reyes. “You know Sallow is waiting for you down there, he seems to be under the impression you aren’t coming to class.” she continued, entering the room. “You know how Sebastian is… Not a man with a lot of patience, now is he.” y/n replied swiftly, hoping to avoid discussion as to why Sebastian thought as much, the last thing she needed was someone else asking questions.
Imelda waited for y/n as she grabbed her robes and wand she had left on her beside the locker before following Imelda out of the dormitory and down the winding hallway that led to the common room. The two girls walked in silence, the only sound being their steps across the metal flooring mixed with the light morning chatter of sleepy students coming from the common room some distance away. “What are you doing tonight?” Imelda asked suddenly, catching y/n off guard. “Tonight? Why?” y/n responded without turning to look at Imelda, her brain suddenly coming up with all types of scenarios, her anxiety slightly spiked as she waited for Imelda to spit out her reasoning.
“Well, you’re the only one who feels like a competition out on the pitch y/n, you’re getting better. You can almost keep up with me, so even though Quidditch is cancelled this year, maybe you wouldn’t mind helping me practice? I need someone who pushes me… Anyone else and it would be too easy… You’ll get some experience out of it too, and you might be ready for Quidditch tryouts next year.” Imelda quickly blurted out, completely unaware of how laced with ego her words were, but y/n knew it wasn’t intentional. Imelda wasn’t afraid to let people know she knew what her strengths were, and she never downplayed them for anyone, and that was something y/n admired in her.
“I really wish I could Imelda” y/n said softly as they cascaded down the steps and towards where Sebastian and Ominis sat talking between themselves. “I haven’t gotten around to Sharp’s assignment yet, and I haven’t gotten a chance for Hecat’s assignment yet either, I wish I could help you out, Imelda but I just don’t have the time tonight.” y/n finished, throwing Sebastian a pleading look once she realised he was watching them approach. “Well, what about this weekend? Any assignments we get today won't take the whole weekend to do” Imelda continued, stopping in her tracks once they reached the couches where the boys sat. Imelda perched herself on the arm of the couch, her eyes bore into y/n’s, almost as if she was trying to get into y/n’s mind to make her agree, but before she could even give Imelda an answer, Sebastian had realised the conversation y/n was trying to wiggle out of, knowing she couldn’t tell Imelda the truth.
“I mean, she would love to help you Imelda, but we’ve got plans this weekend, so unfortunately you might have to pick one of the other students, even if they don’t hold a candle to y/n’s skill” Sebastian said as he walked over to stand beside y/n,  a smile on his face which y/n returned with a soft smile, grateful for his swift thinking. Imelda opened her mouth quickly to argue with Sebastian, probably to say how practising for Quidditch next year is more important, but Ominis was the next person to protest against Imelda’s arguments; but not for the same reason as Sebastian—Ominis simply didn’t want to listen to their conversation.
“You know Imelda, maybe more people would want to practice with you if you didn’t speak down to them and act as if you were a gift from Merlin himself. You’ve no chance of changing their minds, you’ll learn, as well as I, that there’s no changing their minds once they’ve decided something, together.” The way Ominis spoke left a feeling of bubbling guilt between Sebastian and y/n as they exchanged looks. Was that really what Ominis thought? Y/n began to worry that her and Sebastian’s adventures so far were driving a wedge between Ominis and Sebastian, the last thing she would want would be to cause a rift between the two lifelong best friends, but a nudge to her arm pulled her from her thoughts and she looked up to meet Sebastian’s gaze. He just shook his head lightly, indicating for her to not start overthinking Ominis’ words.
Imelda rolled her eyes at what Ominis had to say, but she didn’t have a retort for him; instead, she turned her attention back to y/n and Sebastian. “Well. Enjoy your adventures. Don’t come crying to me when you need someone to fly with y/n” The snark from Imelda was natural, something anyone who knew her was used to; even y/n already understood despite her short time at the school. “Oh, Imelda you know that’s not-” y/n began to speak, but Imelda was quick to shut her down, her willingness to talk back to y/n but not Ominis didn’t go unnoticed. “Save it, I don’t have time. Some of us have actual responsibilities. I’ll see you in class.” Imelda snapped as she turned to leave, her nose turning even more upwards than it had been in its natural position, leaving the three friends in silence.
“She’s going to kill me the next time I turn down practising with her.” y/n said as she walked with the two boys towards the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, she knew she’d definitely get an earful from Hecat over not having the assignments, so being late wasn’t an option. “Surely the girl who beat me at Crossed Wands can put up a fight against Imelda unless she had something to hide about our duel..? Maybe, Felix Felicis?” Sebastian said, turning his head and giving her a look, a sly smile on his face. Anyone who didn’t know him would think this was a real accusation, that he was genuinely accusing her of cheating in their match—but his two closest friends knew it was just lighthearted banter.
“Oh please Sebastian, you know I didn’t know how to brew Felix Felicis back then, tell him Ominis, I won fair and square.” y/n said, looking between the two boys. “She’s not wrong Sebastian, she had only just gotten to Hogwarts, she probably didn't even know that potion existed. She won out of skill, like she said, fair and square” Ominis said tauntingly, getting a scoff from Sebastian. “Well, she’s had actual help and time with professors to learn! Oh, leave it..” Sebastian finally said defeatedly. He would have been annoyed at what Ominis was saying if it hadn’t been about y/n, hearing that he just wasn’t good enough to win did sting him a bit.
They left the warmth of the castle, the cool autumn breeze ran over the friends as they made their way through the grounds of Hogwarts. As they crossed the Viaduct courtyard, y/n noticed the decorations that seemingly appeared overnight. Cobwebs seemed to be hanging on arches, doorways and corners, pumpkins lay strewn about in a range of sizes. Even the smaller decorations and candles had seemingly been placed in such a fashion that it almost transformed the feeling of Hogwarts, even in the morning time.
“Well, those little house elves were hard at work last night,” Sebastian said looking around at their passing surroundings as they crossed over the Viaduct Bridge. “They’re always hard at work… They never get a break.” Ominis muttered, his voice low. The two other friends exchanged glances, knowing where Ominis’ sudden attitude change came from. For a Gaunt, Ominis’ views were unheard of.
The Gaunt’s were cruel.
They were descendants of Salazar Slytherin himself, their heritage and lineage were of utmost importance to them. They had no time for Half-Bloods, and most definitely no respect for Muggle-Born witches and wizards. When it came to house elves, they were no different. They viewed the elves as nothing more than what their purpose served, and at that, there was no respect. Violence was common, physically and verbally, and that didn’t stop at house elves… Their obsession with blood purity, obsession with the Dark Arts,  their sadistic ‘hobbies’ Ominis hated everything about their beliefs and what they did, choosing to have his own set of beliefs instead. Any time Ominis spoke about his family, it was never positive. Y/n knew there was more to his story, but she didn’t want to press him about his family and the Dark Arts; knowing the subject would be sensitive.
Y/n hated hearing her friends sound anyway upset, she racked her brain for something to say, to maybe comfort him somehow. “I agree Ominis” she said, placing her hand lightly on his arm as they continued into the Astronomy Wing of Hogwarts. “..but Hogwarts is the best place for them. If they were left to their old masters, who knows what could happen to them.” her voice matched the soft, sensitive nature of the conversation. However, as soon as her hand reached his arm, Sebastian had become all too aware of it. A strange feeling started brewing inside of him as he watched and listened to them. Was he jealous? Was her hand on his arm more than a friendly touch? Sebastian’s mind filled with questions, questions fueled by his sudden jealousy. “I know, I know, but there’s not much comfort in knowing they are still being worked to death,” Ominis spoke glumly, y/n looked sympathetic towards his feelings, and Sebastian wanted to know why it bothered him so. “That’s all they know Ominis, at least they’re safe here..” y/n  said, her hand dropping from his arm, not knowing what else to say to ease Ominis’ pointed feelings on the topic. Sebastian felt calmed when her hands dropped to her sides, but now he had to face the fact he was jealous, and over such a small thing. They walked in silence up to the Defense Against the Dark Arts tower, unsure of where to take the conversation after it hit such a sensitive tone.
“Hecat’s going to have my head you know.” y/n said trying to divert the conversation, and their moods. Sebastian and Ominis both let out a small laugh at her sudden statement. “You didn’t finish your assignment?” Ominis asked, almost as if he was disappointed in her. Y/n shook her head as they crossed the marble flooring and up the right staircases and corridors to reach Hecat’s classroom. “Well, someone was out all night causing trouble,” Sebastian said giving y/n a knowing look, a slight smirk played on his face. “Maybe she will let me hand it in late? If I tell her some of what I was doing? Surely she’d understand right” y/n asked, unsure of how Hecat would handle the situation.
Ominis just shrugged before he spoke, “I wouldn’t know. I like to get my assignments in on time.” y/n just smiled before rolling her eyes, “Gee, thanks Ominis. That is a great help” she said jokingly. Sebastian took the situation a little more seriously, since he knew more than Ominis about what she had been doing.*
“What are you going to tell her?” Sebastian asked, looking down at her. “What if you just tell her you were out gathering supplies or something, and you got into some trouble? She can’t disprove it, and it’s not really a lie, you’re just… withholding the full story. Plus, you still have that cut on your face still too so surely she’ll believe you..” Sebastian said in a hushed voice, genuinely trying to help her situation. A sigh left her as they approached the classroom, “I guess we’ll find out won’t we..” She said, opening the classroom door and entering, Sebastian and Ominis behind her.
As usual, they were the last few students to walk in besides a couple of stragglers that waltzed in after them. The class was lively, chatter coming from every direction as students spoke among themselves. Ominis walked and took his usual seat in the middle of the class, not bothering to speak to anyone, instead just preparing his belongings for class, the thought of his family heavy on his mind again. Sebastian perched himself on top of his desk at the back of the class, preparing for the incoming babble and nonsense as he watched Garreth Weasley approach him. y/n on the other hand made a direct beeline for the steps up to Professor Hecat’s study, repeating the excuse in her brain. She knocked on the door lightly and it was just a few seconds before the door opened and a voice spoke gently. “Come in, come in” said the older voice, y/n followed her instructions and walked into the little room above the classroom. “Professor Hecat, would you have a few moments?” y/n asked, her voice unwavering but she was still nervous nonetheless.
Hecat turned from the array of books she was sorting, directing her attention fully to y/n. “Of course, what is it Ms. y/l/n?” Hecat asked, raising an eyebrow slightly at the girl's words, stepping closer to her student. “I, I don’t have the assignment Professor” y/n said while looking at the ground, she looked up at her professor before continuing; “I intended to finish it last night but-” Hecat cut swiftly across her sentence; “but you thought you could come with excuses instead of the assigned work?” Hecat asked, her hands crossing over themselves in front of her. Hecat examined her student’s reaction to her words, suddenly noticing the mark on y/n’s cheek. “Merlin, what happened to you child? You’re hurt” Hecat said almost in a distressed voice, y/n simply just continued on her ramble in hopes Hecat would let her finish. “That’s what I’m trying to tell you, Professor. While I was out, we came across a poacher camp. I couldn’t leave without doing something, and I understand my studies are important..” y/n spoke fast, but Hecat listened to every word, just as y/n hoped; she prayed Hecat would understand the excuse she had, considering Hecat’s past of fighting poachers.
“But with all due respect Professor, I won’t let poachers or any other horrible person get away with their actions just so I can do an assignment” The words came from her before she even could think about them, it was kind of what she wanted to say; but it came across a lot more disrespectful than she expected, or so she thought.
Hecat’s face remained stoic as she took in her student's last few words, giving the impression that she was not happy. Suddenly a small smile cracked across her face as she looked at y/n. Hecat had not expected such a valid excuse in her mind, never mind expect such with passion, conviction and sincerity. Hecat merely nodded, her smile never once fading now. “I’ll give you until our next lesson, I see no reason to punish you for something I would have done as a student, someone’s got to do something about that lot,” Hecat said, her voice was light now, almost as if what y/n had said to her reminded her of herself.
“Thank you Professor” y/n said as she turned around to leave the study, unsure of what else to say; this wasn’t the outcome she had expected. She reached just outside the door, on the balcony looking down at the class, her eyes instantly looked at Sebastian. Her heart began to race slightly as she realised he was looking directly back at her, ignoring whatever nonsense Garreth was spewing at him. Hecat’s voice calling her pulled her attention back from Sebastian, turning around once more to face the Professor. “Oh and Miss y/l/n? Next time you decide to take on poachers, be prepared. Never go wrong with carrying some essence of dittany with you as well as your usual potions” She took Hecat’s words seriously, nodding once again at the older woman. “Of course Professor, I’ll make sure to keep that in mind.” 
Y/n made her way back down the short flight of steps and across the classroom as she ran through the thoughts of how lucky she had gotten with Hecat, how lucky she had gotten that Hecat saw some of the young student in herself. She took a seat beside Sebastian, letting out a sigh of relief as she sank back into her chair. “I see you’ve still got your head.” Sebastian laughed, turning to look at her. “She was… Okay with it. I told her about the poachers and that seemed to work in my favour.” y/n  said, the worry that was present in her voice before class was now gone, finally able to think of more important things than an assignment. The class passed by relatively slowly, but no student was surprised. Even in such an interesting class, theoretical studies were always dragging time along, seemingly never-ending. So once Hecat dismissed the class, students almost threw themselves out of the door to get to their next class in hopes that whatever was next was more lively.
Ominis left the class without a word to anyone, leaving Sebastian and y/n to throw each other worried glances. They knew better than to follow Ominis and hunt him for answers as to what was wrong, instead, they gathered their belongings and made their way from Hecat’s classroom, making their way back down to the Potions classroom.
“So, about our adventure,” Sebastian said, the two walking side by side across the hallways, they moved slightly every now and then when another student, or group, pushed their way past. “I was thinking we could go tonight, I don’t have much to get done and I’m sick of being in this castle.” Sebastian’s words were filled with hope, and something else that she couldn’t put her finger on.
“I don’t know Sebastian I-”
“Oh come on y/n, I’m not some fragile little thing that’ll get hurt the second we leave, I can defend myself you know.” Sebastian’s voice didn’t have its usual joking tone to it, causing y/n to look up at him while they walked.
“I never said you were Sebastian, I know you can but-” He cut her off again. “So it’s decided then. Tonight, we’re going on an adventure.” Sebastian’s voice was light again as he spoke, basically telling her rather than asking now. “Fine Sebastian. But we’re doing it my way. There’s something I have to do, so promise me you won’t do something reckless?” her words were serious, and a tone of defeat was lingering in her voice. “I promise y/n, we’ll do it your way.”
She didn’t know if he was being honest or just telling her what she wanted to hear, but she had accepted it, knowing Sebastian would not let it go, not until he got to come along with her. ‘This is the last thing I need..’' she thought to herself, as she mulled over the fact that any task would only be made more difficult with Sebastian there, his tendency to charge in guns blazing all of the time left little space for plans to be executed with stealth and precision was something y/n knew could be an issue and could possibly jeopardize the task at hand.
They walked the rest of the way to Potions without talking anymore about the topic, instead just talking together like normal friends, no talk of dark magic, no talk of danger or poachers, no dark wizards' name even graced their lips… It was something she wished was more common, but between her life and her friends that she held close; having a ‘normal’ friendship was off the cards. Between her two best friends, one a Gaunt who defied his family’s expectations, and the other with a longing for dark magic and power, she knew that the current flow of normal conversation wouldn’t last long; the trio were anything but regular students of Hogwarts.
Sebastian, Ominis and y/n all chose the same workstation, each friend on each side of the large table between them, a collection of cauldrons, ingredients and vials laid strewn about on every table; chatter was lively in the class as the students worked on their potions. Professor Sharp walked around the room, his injured leg causing his steps to falter occasionally as he made his rounds, not affected in the slighest. He inspected everyone’s potions, some gaining compliments; others causing him to say nothing more than a grunt before moving to the next. Ominis avoided joining much of the conversation as y/n and Sebastian discussed their plan for that night, y/n on the other hand didn’t delve too into detail about what she had to do, not wanting to speak about it in such a busy environment.
The potions class seemed to fly by relatively fast, some students received praise for their attempts at the potions; other students would have been lucky to be ignored by Sharp. One of those unlucky few students being Garreth Weasley. The trio looked up as they heard Sharp clear his voice as he approached Garreth, who was standing by his cauldron. The potion Garreth had brewed seemed to stench up the class the longer it brewed, the mixture seemed to expand in the cauldron before it swelled up; a large bubble formed on the top; shaping into a hand that seemed to reach for saving from the dreadful potion — the desperate potion’s stretched hand deflated with an amusing “poof”, the sound it made seemed like the last painful exhale from something that had been holding onto the last few seconds of it’s life before letting out that last, pathetic sound.
Garreth’s failure earned him a deep frown from Sharp. “Mr. Weasley, I cannot keep repeating myself. Please follow the instructions that are provided to you and refrain from your own… concoctions. You may yet still have time to pass this class and prove you’re not a failure. Please keep your own ‘potions’ for when you have mastered the simplest, yes?” Sharp said as he looked down at the ginger boy who was fighting off a frown of his own from falling upon his freckled cheeks.
Sebastian, Ominis and y/n couldn’t help but chuckle amongst themselves once they heard Professor Sharp’s words and watched Garreth’s attempt at the potion dissolve the shape it had taken and recoiled back into the large cauldron. 
Professor Sharp had taken notice of the three best friends joking amongst themselves as he made his way towards their shared table, not failing to compliment Amit’s potion to a high extent as he passed by the table Amit shared with Garreth and Poppy— Amit always had a way of succeeding, even if it wasn’t a strength of his. He held himself to a high standard within his classes, so it was no surprise that this class was no exception.
The three friends subdued their light laughs and mutterings towards each other the closer that Sharp got, turning their attention back to the potions that had sat in front of them. Sharp didn’t speak a word as he made his way around the table, glancing at each of their brewings intently. They stood and almost held their breath — hoping that their potions, at minimum, were passable. A thoughtful ‘hmm’ left Professor Sharp as he stood up a little straighter after studying their potions. “For three who seemed most interested in watching others, you haven’t disappointed me completely” Sharp said in his usual indifferent tone, his eyes flittering between Ominis, Sebastian and y/n. “Next time, please pay attention to your own cauldrons and not other students,” Sharp said bluntly, causing y/n and Sebastian to look at each other. Professor Sharp turned his attention to Ominis fully now; “Well done Mr. Gaunt, I assume you’ve been practising? This potion is well brewed — Ten points to Slytherin.” Sharp said before he turned and made his way back to his desk. Sebastian and y/n turned to Ominis, a smile on each of their faces. Ominis hadn’t been the best at potions — but he was determined to overcome the struggle that came along with the class due to the pressure he applied to himself. A satisfied smile came across Ominis’ face upon hearing Sharp's words. A sense of contentment washed over Ominis as one of two friends spoke; “Nice work Ominis, I guess we should probably practice too” y/n said with a chuckle, genuinely happy that her friend managed to overcome a hurdle that he too often struggled with.
Luck had been on their side as the three had received compliments on their potions, clearly showing they had some skill when it came to the careful craft, but Professor Sharp didn’t hesitate to let them know they still were not up to his high-held standards, that they still had some growing to do within the area.
Once the class had tidied away their potions and cauldrons, returning ingredients and books to their rightful place, the rest of the day passed with surprising ease. Most of the classes seemed to pass swiftly, and the friends were not about to complain about that — all complaints had been reserved for their History of Magic class. The class dragged on as Professor Binns’ dull, monotone voice filled the room. The odd student took notes, and paid attention to the dry words that left the ghost professor's mouth, the rest of the students feigned interest. Some students watched Binns float as he lectured on, staring through the transparent man, and some passed notes (taking full advantage of the professor’s obliviousness). Sebastian sat with his head resting on his hand; his eyes fighting to stay open. Ominis sat in silence, his gaze turned towards the window as he let Binns’ lecture float by his ears — his mind elsewhere. Y/n’s energy to the class was not much different, her body language showed she was listening intently to Binns’ words, but rather her mind was somewhere else — somewhere far away.
As nightfall came, the usual hustle and bustle of the castle quietened down, most students now working on assignments, while others wandered about the castle or loitered around talking to friends. The only chaotic noises to break the relaxed environment and subdued chatter came when some of the ghosts of Hogwarts flew past, Peeves was tormenting a couple of first years,  and the usual screams and shouts of Eddie Cleaver rang through the halls as he wisped past.
Outside of the castle, the Halloween decorations came even more to life, the candles cast their golden, warm hue upon parts of dark passageways, corners of the courtyards, casting an a beautiful but ominous glow over the decorated areas — the aura hanging on each of the old stones of the castle radiated halloween charm.
Where festive scenes were lacking, there was one student, beyond the walls of the castle, beyond the care of Halloween decorations. Flying above the Forbidden Forest was a large creature with a small figure on its back. The autumn breeze blew past y/n as she perched on Highwing, she took in every sight below her, taking advantage of her high vantage point. She knew this task wasn’t going to be easy, she knew this was where danger truly lay. Highwing and the girl made their way lower to the ground before Highwing began to gracefully saunter through the forest, the creature knew of every twist and turn within the treacherous forest. Y/n’s senses were on high alert as all sorts of noises happened around her, but she and the Hippogriff continued on, not willing to be shaken or have her focus thrown off.
Back in the safety of Hogwarts, Sebastian stood outside of the Slytherin common room, frustration bubbling in him. Y/n had been an hour late meeting him and it bothered him deeply. He marched briskly up the steps leading to the main part of the castle, praying in his mind that she would be around the corner — though his silent pleas had not been answered. Instead when he rounded the corner, to his surprise, he saw Ominis sitting on one of the seats near the entrance to the library, his wand in hand and a rather thick book in the other.
“Sebastian? What are you doing here?” his voice was confused as his attention to the book he held dropped. “I thought you were going on your adventure?” Ominis’ voice was heavy, his tone dropping at the last word. “I was but, Y/n. She was meant to meet me outside the common room an hour ago. I’ve been looking all over for her.” Sebastian sighed, approaching his friend. “What?” Ominis asked bluntly, suddenly a tone shifted in his voice to slight concern. “Sebastian, she left already. I passed her before she as she was on her way, she said you were meeting near the forest.” Ominis finished his sentence, the genuine concern now present in his voice. “She said what?! She intentionally left without me? And lied? Why-” Sebastian was now full of emotions, a mix of worry, concern and a tinge of anger that she would lie to him, that she would leave him behind; Sebastian’s thoughts and emotions were then flickering all over the place.
“You don’t think, do you, Sebastian? She doesn’t want to drag you into trouble, or danger.” Ominis said knowingly, and he was right, she didn’t want to but Sebastian in any dangerous, or stupid, situation — but this logic didn’t sit with Sebastian in the slightest. “So it’s okay for her to run towards danger alone but not with me?” Sebastian’s voice showed all of his emotions at once, causing Ominis’ eyebrows to rise and a sigh to leave him before he spoke.
“She just doesn’t want you getting hurt Sebastian.”
“And I don’t want her getting hurt, but she doesn’t care about what I want, so why should I care about her wanting to go it alone?” Sebastian had a good point that even Ominis couldn’t argue against, and Ominis didn’t argue his friends point; instead what he spoke next was the quite opposite.
“Then go after her Sebastian, she was heading to the forest. She seemed flustered when we met, she was quite anxious…” Those were all the words Sebastian needed for his mind to decide his next course of action. “I’ll talk to you later Ominis,” Sebastian said as he turned on his heel and began to jog briskly from his friend before he began to run towards the large doors that were at the end of the large hall, every fibre of his being told him something was wrong.
Y/n was quiet and careful with every step she took. Her wand was held tightly in her hand, ready for anything. She took note of the surroundings, seeing what she could use to her advantage. Just on the edge of where the poachers set up camp, was a clearing, giving a view of the night’s starry sky over the hill’s ledge. She thought about being able to cast the poachers off the steep edge that looked over the forest, she took note of where the forestry ended, the last thing she would want is to end up burning down an entire magical forest. To her advantage, the trees stopped just before the encampment, allowing for the use of fire spells; a favourite of y/n’s.
She watched from behind the bushes as poachers spoke to each other about plans, not knowing of the student who lurked not far from their camp. She stepped quietly across an opening in the trees, Highwing not far from her. Highwing’s safety was a major concern to her, even in such a tense moment. She wouldn’t be able to live with herself if anything happened to the creature.
“What will we do with the egg?” said a poacher, y/n’s head snapped around the tree to get a better view. “Cage it, don’t know if it’ll hatch. Keep it safe. That’s a lot of money.” said another poacher with a laugh, y/n’s stomach twisted at the sound of capturing and selling any creature or egg. “How d’ya reckon they managed to capture that beast ‘nyway? Nowt’ easy ‘bout a Horntail, ‘n’ bet a few of ‘em ended up crispy” said a poacher who sat by the fire that burned in the middle of the camp. There were a few tents set up around the area, all around the fire. Cages were all over the ground, some empty, and a couple contained little Nifflers that looked terrified, Y/N’s heart cracked as she saw the full scene, but her mind was now in overdrive.
A Horntail? Captured? How? This added a whole new layer to everything going on, added something else that she felt that she needed to take care of. The thoughts of her initial reasoning for being out that night swarmed her mind, now with the added stress of releasing the Nifflers and a dragon egg. Her mind spun with solutions to the situation that seemingly got more dire the longer it dragged on.
She couldn’t stand there anymore, looking at the creatures and listening to the horrible conversations between the poachers.
As poachers continued to talk about the dragon amongst themselves, y/n  made her way closer to the camp, taking a mental note of where every poacher was located. She glanced back at Highwing who stood proudly in the shadows, the Hippogriff took another step forward. Y/n’s breath caught in her throat, afraid Highwing would catch the attention of the poachers. ‘I should have never brought her’ y/n thought to herself, swearing at her own stupidity and recklessness, thinking now she may have put Highwing in danger too — that Highwing would draw attention. Thankfully, as if Highwing would read her mind, the creature didn’t make a sound, and y/n pressed on, relieved.
She noticed a lone poacher close to her, his back turned to the student. She closed the gap between them while raising her wand, a whisper then left her lips, only loud enough for the incantation to work; “petrificus totalus”
The lone poacher seized up as if frozen before his body dropped to the ground. Y/N breathed a sigh of relief once he was down, ready to approach the rest of the camp. She took note of the three poachers that were left, thinking to herself; “only three, okay..” She had dealt with more than three poachers in the past, so this didn’t cause her any concern. Instead of taking a tactful approach, she took advantage of how little poachers were at the camp.
She leapt from the shadows pointing her wand directly at the poacher that sat by the fire. “Depulso!” she shouted, a blast of light came from her wand, directly hitting the poacher and sending him flying into the high burning fire that once provided a source of warmth for the poachers — and now it was being used for their demise. His screams filled the air, even as his body was engulfed in the flames, his screams were still audible but now mixing with the sound of the fire crackling in an attempt to break down the foreign mass of skin and bone that had been forced into its core.
The remaining two poachers were suddenly caught off guard as turned to see her standing there, her Hogwarts robes billowing in the breeze that drifted by — but the robes were  a dead giveaway as to who she was, a situation she had not predicted happening. “You!!” shouted a poacher, his wand quickly got drawn as he got prepared to fight. “Confringo!” came from the poacher, a burst of fire headed straight for y/n, she quickly rolled out of the way, barely missing the intense attack that had been directed at her.
Her heart began to beat faster, and she realised she made a mistake wearing her robes; now giving everyone a sign that she was the student causing trouble for them, the student that Rookwood was pursuing rather intently. She ran across the camp, firing at both poachers but neither seemed to b giving up or dropping anytime soon. Neither she nor the poachers gave up their relentless casts, and the situation only seemed more dire when a couple of more figures started approaching. Y/n noticed this and she panicked, causing her to almost get hit with a powerful cast of Reducto that someone just fired at her.
“Highwing!” she yelled, not seising her casts or wand movements once, “Get out of here! GO!” she screamed at the Hippogriff to leave her behind, knowing if more poachers came that they wouldn’t hesitate to try take the creature — or worse. Highwing hesitated, watching the student who cared for her so much fight off the oncoming attack from multiple directions. “NOW HIGHWING!” y/n screamed, her voice breaking as she deflected a jinx hurling towards her. Highwing didn’t take another second before sprinting out of the forest, understanding the urgency of the situation. The Hippogriff’s heart was now beating fast as she ran back through the forest and towards the school — hoping to catch someone’s attention, anyones attention that could help.
Y/n kept fighting and dodging curses, not stopping for a second. She knew if she didn’t put her everything into this, she wouldn’t be coming out of this fight, not alive anyway.
“Reducto!” she got a hit on a poacher that was moving closer to her, the man suddenly burst into nothing but ash that lingered in the air before settling on the ground, every atom of the poacher was simply reduced to nothing but specks of grey that settled on the ground where he once stood.
Despite her success so far, it had seemed to her as if every time one poacher went down, another appeared in the last’s stead. Frustration began building in her as she did everything she could to try to keep her mind focused on the fight, but as soon as she found it, the focus was snatched away with blunt force. Y/n’s full attention was pulled from the fight by a swirling stream of purple smoke that twisted its way to the ground, as the smoke dissapated, y/n got a clear view of who had just joined the fight, and the stakes were raised tenfold when she realised who had just joined the fight. “You’re the little bitch Rookwood wants!” shouted a scratchy female voice, the insult cutting through the air like a knife.
Y/n cast a quick protego shield as the poachers kept their attack going, she knew she had to get out of this and fast. Her mind ran through spells, jinxes, curses anything that would give her a leg up on the competition now but it seemed almost impossible, her knowledge finally halted her, leaving her with little choice. She kept letting off fire spells one after another, the bombardment somewhat helped the odds of the fight be in her favour for a moment — just a moment. A familiar swirling sound was light upon y/n’s ears. She forced herself to pay no heed to the sound, until a second purple tornado-like smoke appeared before spreading. Once the violet smoke disappeared, in it’s wake stood another Ashwinder, this one seemingly larger than the first.
“Petrificus totalus!” shouted the new Ashwinder, this time a male voice came from the Duelist. He landed a perfect hit on her without much effort, causing her entire body to freeze up. She had lost complete control of her body as her wand fell from her hand and landed by her feet. She was completely defenceless. She screamed obscenities in her mind, unable to open her mouth even the slightest bit. She was done for. Her body didn’t even have a chance to fall and hit the ground before another spell was cast at her now statue-like body. “Wingardium Leviosa!”
She was at the complete mercy of the Ashwinders and the last remaining poachers, the poachers were clearly exhausted from the fight, retreating away from the duelist who now walked closer to the camp. The Ashwinder that cast the Levitation charm pulled y/n closer to them as they closed the distance, leaving her suspended in the air, frozen, unable to defend herself. “Do you realise how much of a nuisance you’ve been? How many problems you’ve caused for us?!” screamed the male of the duellists, his voice was full of venom and hatred, and at that moment y/n truly feared for her life.
“Well no more! No more stupid little brats thinking they can stop us!” the Ashwinder controlling her lowered Y/n so he could stare directly into her eyes as he spoke with his cruel voice. Y/n had no option but to listen, to hang onto every word spat at her.
The looming female Ashwinder began walking towards her accomplice and the frozen student. Once again the scratchy, female voice spoke while stepping up to the suspended girl; “…and when your little friends hear about how we tortured you, how you begged for your life before we ripped you to shreds, they’ll learn not to interfere. They’ll learn their place. Like Rookwood says, ‘Children should be seen and not heard’” the female Ashwinder continued in her vicious, venom-laced voice. The Ashwinders were wholly and completely unaware of the tiny bit of information she had just given y/n, and she knew exactly what she was going to do with it if she got out alive… Even in that moment, she forgot about the threat to her life; only thinking about what the female Ashwinder had just said, information that could help Sebastian and his sister. 'Children should be seen and not heard'
A poacher suddenly appeared, pulling an empty cage with him. The cage wasn’t much bigger than what a couple of Niffleres were in, but that wasn’t something that either the Ashwinders or poachers cared for. “Someone get a word to Rookwood! Tell him we got the little bitch.” said the female Ashwinder as she glanced at the cage, ideas running rampant through her head. “..until then, we’ll have some fun, wont we girl?.” Y/n was suddenly dropped to the ground, but her still frozen body was then shoved into the cage, the girl left completely defenceless, completely overrun with terror.
The remaining poachers and the Ashwinders watched as y/n lay motionless in the cage, finding no amusement in the idea of caging her anymore, not when she couldn’t express her fear, not when she was quiet. Y/n saw the female duellist raise her wand once more, suddenly casting at y/n with something she couldn’t defend herself against; even if she had her wand.
There was a split second before the curse hit her that allowed her mind to register the curse and the bright green sparks that emanated from the tip of the Ashwinder’s wand.
The pain was unbearable, y/n’s body was no longer frozen; the Unforgivable Curse that was cast on her overpowered the weak-by-comparison charm. A searing pain washed over her entire body, feeling as if every inch of her skin was set on fire; it felt like a million cuts all over her body that were being cleaned with pure alcohol. The pain caused her to writhe in the cage, her body tensing and dropping, and tensing again. The only sound that came from her was sounds of pain, screams that pierced the night air rang out through the forest, the pain didn’t feel like it was ever going to stop and when it did, the relief didn’t last long before the curse was cast on her again, this time even more painful. Her screams reached a pitch she didn’t think possible, the screams were so bloodcurdling that they set her own hair on edge, anyone nearby surely would think there was a banshee wandering about.
She wanted to beg, to plead for them to stop, but the more she tried to make words come out, the more intense the pain soaring over her body got and the more she in turn screamed.
Some distance away, Sebastian walked towards the Forbidden Forest, his ears caught a scream, a scream that sent a shiver down his spine, and his blood ran cold when it broke through the air. “Y/N!” he said to himself, panic rushed over him as his feet began moving faster, Sebastian was now sprinting towards the sounds. He was so focused on following the directions of the screams and watching the ground for obstacles he had to divert around, that he didn’t notice the white creature heading toward him until it was too late.
His body fully collided with Highwings strong body, knocking him backwards. Highwing took notice of Sebastian and reared on her back legs, trying her best to signal him distress. He didn’t even think about standing back up, panic flooded his voice; “Highwing?!” he knew if Highwing was alone, those screams definitely came from y/n. Highwing was stressed, cries came from the creature, almost begging him to understand her as he stood back up to his feet, ensuring his wand was with him. “I know, I know Highwing! It’s okay, I’ll find her okay? I promise I’ll find her” he didn’t know if he was trying to convince himself or the Hippogriff that was in front of him. He stroked Highwing’s chest signalling for her to calm down, the intensity of the situation and his determination to save her made Highwing and Sebastian forget they hadn’t ever met properly, the Hippogriff uncharacteristically trusted him straight away.
“I need to go, I have to find her” Sebastian said hurriedly as he stepped away from her, continuing on his path to find y/n. Highwing let out a neigh before following him, she then overtook him as if to lead him to the poacher’s camp. He knew Highwing shouldn’t be near the poachers, but he wasn’t about to try to tell a Hippogriff what to do, especially not at such a critical time. Instead, he followed her heavy footsteps through the forest, winding around corners and trails after the Hippogriff.
Screams rang close by to where the boy and the creature, stopping them dead in their tracks, y/n was close by — quite close. “Please Highwing, stay here. Stay safe. I’ve got this.” Sebastian said in a nervous but confident voice. Highwing’s head bowed, acknowledging his wishes which took him by surprise.
The distinctive sound of screams disappeared, but only for a moment. The harsh Ashwinder’s voice was audible from where they stood. “CRUCIO!!” this time it was screamed with pure hatred. Sebastian instantly snapped his head in the direction of the camp, now knowing where exactly to go — his hastened steps taking him to the location of the screams.
Y/n wanted to beg, to plead for them to stop, but nothing but harrowing screams could leave her mouth, tears streamed down her face and she finally felt defeated; finally met her match. In that moment she wished for it to be over, wished for the pain to end at any cost, but it never did. The excruciating pain only ever stopped for a single moment until another round of the torture curse was thrust upon her. Y/n felt her mind drift from her, she was unable to think of anything anymore, unable to focus on anything but the pain; not even thoughts of Sebastian could break their way through the brutalising pain that the Ashwinders cast on her.
From out of the blue, an explosion erupted from the camp, debris from a tent flew in every direction. The remaining poachers and the male Ashwinder were the first ones to act in retaliation, turning their full attention to the cause of the explosion. The female Ashwinder on the other hand, kept her focus on y/n, clearly enjoying inflicting pain on the student — revelling in her screams and cries rather than the idea of joining in on the combat just yet.
Sebastian walked into the camp as debris fell around them, the fire that had caught on the tent fabric now burned intensely around them, but it didn’t bother Sebastian in the slightest. He didn’t so much as flinch as he stepped through stray flames on the ground, the fiery atmosphere seemed as if it motivated him even more. He was enraged. He set his sights on one of the poachers who was preparing an attack, but Sebastian was quicker. “Diffindo!” Sebastian’s cast caught the raggedy-looking poacher, the spell’s power sliced through the man as if it were a knife and he was just a sheet of paper, the poacher fell to a lifeless pile on the ground; his fatal injuries directly across his stomach that split him into two caused blood to run and stain the ground around him.
The female Ashwinder that had been intently torturing y/n looked up from the writhing and contorting girl in the cage, the anger radiating from the duelist was imminent, but Sebastian’s anger was more. “Oh look. One of your little friends has come to see the show,” spoke the raspy-voiced woman. Y/n’s eyes drifted towards the camp’s entrance, catching sight of Sebastian firing off at the surrounding poachers, making quick work of them. The Ashwinder considered her next course of action for a split second, toying with her options of joining in the fight or torturing the girl.
Just as the poachers dropped, two more swirls of purple smoke slammed into the ground, and Sebastian’s eyes snapped around the camp. He was determined to not let them get the better of them.  Once the female poacher realised there were more Ashwinders for reinforcement, she knew what she would do next, try and fluster the student who had just so brazenly walked into the camp, thinking he was a match for them. The ego of the student was something that the Ashwinders hated, that a student thought he would be a threat to them.
But that was the Ashwinder’s undoing.
Underestimating Sebastian Sallow and hurting the ones he cared for was one way to write your death, one way to bring your death upon you in whatever way he saw fit. He could be unforgiving, he could be just as cruel as them, if not more.
Another wave was sent over y/n, just as painful as the last. Her screams didn’t care for her wanting to hold them back, so she didn’t distract Sebastian, but she couldn’t. She couldn’t even fight the pain, even when he was right in front of her. “Sebastian!” she screamed his name,she was surprised for just a moment that his name rang out through the air, yet she was unable to get anything else out as she continued to convulse in the cage, causing her to hit off of the small prison she had been put in. Sebastian’s attention was instantly drawn to where the scream came from. What he saw sent him into a rage, his mind no longer considering a rational approach. His focus was tied to the female Ashwinder, and y/n could almost swear she saw someone other than Sebastian through her tears. Someone to fear. Someone who didn’t care about the repercussions of the actions he would take. Sebastian raised his wand, his intentions so clearly stated in his mind that he didn’t even have to speak a word as he cast at the Ashwinder.
In a turn of events, karma came in the form of Sebastian, the Ashwinder that had been getting so much satisfaction from torturing y/n had folded to the ground, now letting out her screams of pain as she twisted and writhed around on the stone ground beneath her. Even in her own pain, even without him saying the incantation; y/n could tell that Sebastian cast crucio on the duelist. The power required to do such a thing, she knew right now Sebastian had one intent on his mind — but it didn’t bother her, for all of that moment when the crippling pain dissipated she had felt something she had not in some time — relief. Relief from no longer being tortured, and the relief that came with Sebastian’s arrival to the horrific situation she had gotten herself into.
He turned his attention to the now-gathering Ashwinders that cast all types at him from the edge of the cliff. Sebastian dodged and deflected the mixed hues of green and red that flew at him, a sudden power in him unlocking in the heat of the battle. Sebastian held his wand aloft, his eyes glinted with the power that was building within him. Y/n watched as Sebastian moved his wand so elegantly through the air, she was unable to make out what incantation he said, but within a moment she all but knew, and worry came over her in the form of a tsunami.
From the very tip of his wand came fire, but not bursts as he had been casting previously. Instead, it streamed from his wand, his eyes followed the growing stream as it formed shape above and around him.
From her confined space, y/n could feel the intensity that cracked through the air, as harsh as a leather whip that came from hell itself. As Sebastian’s concentration deepened, the once fiery twists that streamed from his wand began to writhe and twist with the movements of his wand, it’s chaos seemed to find order under his control, but how? The flames had a life of their own, as if with each breath Sebastian took, so did the flames; each breath bringing it more to life than the last.
“Sebastian, no!” y/n yelled, hoping that she could stop him from casting such a devastating spell, but it was too late.
The Fiendfyre’s colour was a deep, malignant crimson that seemed to bleed its ominous glow on everything around, casting everything in a hellish glow. The Ashwinders, who once underestimated him were momentarily halted by the spectacle, caused by a student no less. They watched in horror, and fascination, as the flames above Sebastian’s head began to form shape. The fire had begun to grow and take form as the shape of a head formed, followed by a long sinuous body and a flickering tongue. The Fiendfyre serpent, a terrifying sight to see, hung in the air as its body looped and coiled, as if ready to attack at any moment.
Despite the fear that built up within y/n, she couldn’t help but marvel at the sight. Fiendfyre was known for its destructive properties, synonymous with ruin and its desire to consume everything in its path; including the caster, but as she watched, rather than their surroundings burning to the ground around them, the two students included, it seemed to be controlled by Sebastian with eerie precision. Despite the fear that built up within y/n, she couldn’t help but marvel at the sight that came to life in front of her. Y/n, (and Ominis), knew that Sebastian felt a certain way about the dark arts and dark magic, she knew it was something he desired to learn about, to know how it worked, even how to weild it; but she didn’t know his interest would go to this extent. Oh no, this was far beyond her comprehension.
What would Ominis think if he witnessed something so unbelievable? Something so… Incredible. Something told her that Ominis wouldn’t find it the same awe–inspiring spectacle that she did, that he wouldn’t ever be open to the beauty in anything dangerous or related to the Dark Arts.
It was a clear demonstration of Sebastian’s hidden depths, the years of study and practice, and an undeniable connection to the Dark Arts he had that y/n had never fully appreciated, but was also a show of his determination, and dedication to the craft, but also of the lengths he would go to for those he cared about, the lengths he would go to for power… Sebastian had achieved something so unheard of, something that was considered even impossible; not just casting Fiendfyre, but bending it to his will, controlling the flaming serpent that paid homage to Salazar Slytherin; someone Sebastian revered for his affinity with the Dark Arts.
Her astonishment was complete as she watched Sebastian take control of the flaming serpent. In all the tales she had heard, Fiendfyre was a wild, uncontainable force of destruction, yet here it was, a testament to Sebastian's formidable power and dark affinity.
The spectacle before her was both stunning and terrifying.
As the Fiendfyre serpent hovered, a guardian beast conjured from flame and wrath, it was clear that the battle had shifted. With the serpent of fire at his command, Sebastian was not just a defender; he was a storm that couldn’t be controlled, reshaping the terror of the night into something he could be proud of. The serpent of fire seemed to pulse with a life of its own, its eyes glowing embers that locked onto the Ashwinders with a predator's gaze. The heat that emanated from it was oppressive, the air shimmering in waves that made the scene before her look like a mirage. Yet, this was no illusion; it was a vivid, terrifying reality.
Sebastian moved his wand with a fluidity that belied the danger of the spell he commanded. The serpent of Fiendfyre responded, its movements synchronised with his intentions. With a flick of his wrist, Sebastian directed the serpent, its body slithering through the air, weaving around the spells cast by the Ashwinders, creating a protective barrier of fire and fury around him. Not a single spell or jinx cast by the Ashwinders penetrated the serpent, the flames seemingly protected Sebastian, and and its focus was directly locked onto the Ashwinders.
As the Fiendfyre serpent surged forward, its fiery form twisted and contorted with sinister grace. With a menacing hiss, it lowered its head, the flames writhing and flickering like a serpent preparing to strike as the air around shimmered with its heat. Sebastian's control over the dark magic was palpable as he guided the serpent with precise movements of his wand. 
With each command, the serpent responded, its burning eyes fixed on its targets with predatory intent; Sebastian’s eyes matched the serpents. What once seemed like just a reflection of the flames in his eyes was now something more; his eyes glowed with the same bright, fiery, scarlet flames as if his irises were consumed by the flames he produced.
Whisps of fire cracked from the serpent, as if threatening to drop its destructive touch on everything that surrounded them, to ultimately consume everything — but it did not give into it’s dangerous threats. It continued to follow the commands made by the male student, almost as if the Fiendfyre and Sebastian had a deeper connection — as if the troubled student and the chaos he controlled had an understanding of each other.
The fire serpent grew larger, as if standing tall and proud — a predator staring down its helpless prey. The foes that remained infront of Sebastian only had a moment to examine the power being shown right in front of them — they had lost their chance to flee once and for all. Y/n could only make out small moments from the now one-sided battle, her focus was intently tied to Sebastian and the Fiendfyre as her fear slowly melted away, as if the terrifying sight was the answer to all of the issues — no longer viewing the Fiendfyre as their demise.
In the blink of an eye, the serpents mouth opened; it’s jaws parted as it’s blazing fangs were on full display as it suddenly lunged forward with the command of Sebastian’s wand movements — with a simple flick of his wrist, the monstrosity darted through the air with the speed of light. How Sebastian controlled the fiery demon with such grace, such elegance, was something that those witnessing the events unfold could believe — especially not since he did it while anger raged inside of him, if not stronger than what he wielded. The scorching snake dashed across the camp that separated the Ashwinders from their imminent death. All y/n could make out was the blur of crimson and amber, along with its radiating and blazing heat that emminated from the fire beast as it darted past towards it’s prey, its mouth still agape, still baring its fierce fangs. The Fiendfyre was unrelenting once it reached its casters target, its widened mouth slamming shut around one of the Ashwinders with such force, that y/n could have sworn shockwaves were sent through the ground.
Sebastian continued to focus on the frenzy of fire that he commanded, each movement he made was graceful and intentful — like a dancer whoms body married the notes their body intertwined with — the attacks from him and the creature he controlled were just like master and puppet. Deliberate. Intentful. It didn’t take long for Sebastian and the Fiendfyre to make short work of the enemies who had underestimated him — their bodies no longer stood before him, the Fiendfyre had ultimately consumed their bodies — every atom of their beings had been ripped from existence. The serpent that had one stood strong, proud and dangerous retreated back from where it attacked the helpless duelists, and y/n couldn’t help but feel as if Sebastian’s control of the Fiendfyre might just fail as the battle ended. She expected the blazing form to disobey it’s caster, she expected it to lose it’s controlled form and spill its hot, lava-like fire until it consumed everything. To her shock, the Fiendfyre continued to obey Sebastian even though it wanted to break free, wanted to burn everything it possibly could.
The snake slithered back for one more proud stance in the air before its swelled size began to deflate — the fiery snake wove its way around Sebastian once more, as it twisted it soaked in the last few moments of fresh air it would get until he cast it again. It lost its solid shape, as it returned into the tip of Sebastian’s wand it melted back into it’s original form before disappearing completely. Once the conjured beast was completely gone, a spark came from the end of Sebastians wand. He barely acknowledged the spark that sigalled him that the cast was complete before he ran over to the cage that y/n had been stuffed into.
Sebastian noticed the lock on the cage hadn’t been locked — it reminded him of hearing the cruciatus curse, hearing her scream. Even though he had handed out karma, it didn’t make him feel any better. The unlocked cage just showed what the Ashwinders had intended; they didn’t lock it simply because they didn’t have to, because she would be able to leave even if she wanted to. He pushed the thoughts aside quickly before ripping the cage door open with such intensity y/n was surprised that it didn’t break away. Sebastian threw his wand aside as he turned his attention to getting her out of her confinments. His hands grabbed her legs which were closest to him and began to pull her from the cage as gently as he possibly could. Y/n couldn’t move a muscle besides the involuntary twitches her body made — a lingering affect of the repeated use of the Cruciatus curse on her, one that Sebastian hoped was only temporary.
“It’s okay, it’s okay” Sebastian said softly as his arm looped behind her knees, making it easier for him to fully pull her out of the cage. Sebastian sat down on the ground from the kneeling position he had been in as he pulled her body as close to him as possible between his outstretched legs. He put an arm around her shoulders to support her upper body as he held her close, his other arm wrapping around her too. “It’s okay, it’s over now… you’re safe, I’m here,” he said softly before resting his chin against the top of her head. He was just happy to have found her— while she was still breathing. Y/n body still ached from the curse being cast over and over, as if every drop of strength she once had was gone — now barely even able to sit herself up on her own, her upper body being supported by Sebastian, her head resting just at his shoulder as she sat between his legs, Sebastian had let the second arm that wrapped around her fall and moved her legs so they lay over one of his own spread legs so she was in a position that helped him hold her even closer — almost scared that if she wasn’t curled into him that he might lose her again.
Her voice was soft, and slightly weak when she spoke; “I’m sorry Sebastian-” her attempt at apologising for leaving Sebastian behind was cut short by a chorus of “shhh”s that came from him. His hand that had moved her legs then ran through the side of her hair as he placed a kiss atop her head in an attempt to sooth her, as well as himself. “Don’t apologise, please. You’re safe now,” Sebastian said with a light shaky voice, his chin resting on the top of her head, unwilling to let her out of the attempted embrace.
A sudden crack of a tree branch breaking, along with footsteps made Sebastian’s head snap in the direction it came from as his heart began pounding again while y/n felt a surge of fear when the sound rang through the air, instantly thinking of the situation she had barely just escaped not long ago, and she began to tremble slightly with fear.
Sebastian’s own mind went to the worst scenarios possible; more poachers, more ashwinders, some of Ranrok’s loyal goblins — but as quick as his mind presumed danger, the cause of the sounds stepped from the dark shadows into the camp. Sebastian had taken note of y/n’s slight shaking, her head turned into his chest and he began to try soothe her again. “Hey, it’s okay- it’s only Highwing,” Sebastian said softly as he stroked her hair again, his thumb brushed against her cheek occasionally — something that gave y/n a sense of warmth and comfort.
Highwing stepped into the camp and instantly saw Sebastian on the ground with y/n, and even the Hippogriff seemed worried at the sight of the two students as she stepped slowly and carefully across the camp towards the friends. As she grew closer, Sebastian noticed something in her mouth and he raised his eyebrow slightly to himself. Despite the light front the still burning campfire, it did little to help Sebastian pin-point what she was carrying. Y/n’s head rested against Sebastian’s chest as she turned her head ever-so-slightly to see the Hippogriff approaching slowly. As Highwing stood infront of the two friends, she bowed her head to them as she dropped what she was carrying from her mouth just by where y/n layed on Sebastian. “Looks like someone’s brought you something you may have lost,” Sebastian said with a smile as Highwing nudged the object closer with her beak.
On noticing it was a wand that Highwing carried over so diligently, Sebastian reached out the hand that once administered comforting touches to y/n, the other remained around her shoulders and picked up the wand, tucking it into the inside pocket of y/n’s robes for safety. A small smile danced across y/n face as Sebastian placed her wand away safe and turned her head slightly more to look at the loyal Hippogriff. “Thank you, Highwing,” she said, resulting in Highwing raising her head and letting out a satisfied sound before she lay back fully on the ground. Sebastian and y/n watched Highwing settle for a moment before y/n turned her attention back to Sebastian, looking up at him slightly as she took a moment to think about her words.
“And.. thank you, Sebastian… If you hadn’t had come I-” before she had a chance to get the next word out, Sebastian had cut her off. “Stop,” he said, the word was demanding but his voice was gentle as his hand ran through the side of her hair once more before resting on her cheek, his thumb wiping away a tear that had fallen from her eyes. “You don’t have to thank me. The most important thing is that you’re safe” Sebastian said as he looked at her with his brown eyes that seemed to make his gentle words seem even softer.  As he spoke, his words caused her heart to swell. Sebastian’s voice was more gentle than usual, an inflection of a deeper care for her rang through his words leaving the two to share in a quiet moment before y/n broke the silence - not being completely sure how to approach the conversation.
“When you told me what you heard the day Anne was cursed… ‘children should be seen and not heard’..” she said in a soft voice, hoping to cushion whatever blow her words were about to have on him. She could feel Sebastian’s body tense up underneath her and noticed how the arm around her tensed as his jaw clenched. Sebastian’s heartbeat increased as a mix of anxiety, anger and anticipation bubbled within him - not speaking a word, rathering to let her say what she had to say. “..when the ashwinders had me, one of them said the exact same thing..” she paused for a moment, her own anxiety brewing at the thought of how Sebastian would react. “..they were quoting Rookwood, Sebastian.. Rookwood was there that day, he was the one to curse Anne..” she finally said as she looked up at him, gauging his reaction to her revealing the truth behind his sisters condition.
She had expected Sebastian to take the news badly, terribly even - and he would have been right to. Instead, Sebastian gave a small nod as his jaw remained clenched. He wanted nothing more than to go find Rookwood in that moment and make him pay.. To make him experience even a percentage of the pain and suffering his sister had no escape from. Despite his desire to go find Rookwood and do such unforgivable things, he knew in that moment y/n needed him, even if she wouldn’t admit it to him - or herself. He continued to hold her, his grip around her tightened ever-so slightly; a signal to her that despite his quiet demeanour, his mind was anything but.
Her soft hand being placed on his one of his anger-flushed cheeks pulled him from his thoughts long enough to notice her looking up at him, concern etched across her features. “…we will find him Sebastian, we’ll make him pay. I promise.” her words were flooded with sincerity and determination as she spoke, her eyes locked on his. Regardless of what she had just been through, it was clear that Sebastian and his sisters situation was a priority to her rather than her own wellbeing; her selflessness, her care and determination made Sebastian’s true feelings for her flourish more than they had already. A small smile tugged at the corner of Sebastian’s lips as he gave a gentle nod, not trusting his voice to not waver at her promise. Her words and touch soothed the anger that was twisting within him; it slowly being subdued by the emotions that came as a result of her tender actions.
The two sat there for a moment without speaking a word, instead they just looked into each other’s eyes as the campfire’s slowly dwindling flames cast a warm glow on them. It seemed like the rest of the world melted away around them, as if the Fiendfyre came back to life and swirled them in their own bubble. Every thing in that moment, from the breathing of Highwing who lay not far away to the sounds of nature around them, felt right. Y/n was so wrapped up in the moment, so lost in the brown eyes that bore into her own that she didn’t notice Sebastian’s free hand making it way up until it was placed on her cheek, his thumb grazed over her soft skin in such a gentle way that it made goosebumps wash over her skin. Not a single word was shared between the two, instead it felt like the two were the opposite end of magnets that drew closer to each other in slow motion. Her eyes flicked between his and his lips as his face drew closer to hers, both heartbeats sharing an increased speed as their breaths were slightly elevated against one another's. Everything seemed to move slowly as the distance between them decreased, the tension increased; anticipation bubbling under both of their skins until their lips finally met.
It felt like every firework in the world had been set off simultaneously the second his lips touched hers, for both of them. Sebastian's hand moved from cupping her cheek and ran through the side of her hair before stopping at the back of her head, their lips never parting once as they finally indulged in their once-hidden feelings towards each other.
Everything seemed at peace — even if just for a moment. No thoughts of dark wizards, or goblins intent on destroying the world, or the trip to St. Mungo's that y/n would undoubtedly require For just a moment, the two didn’t feel the pressures of the crumbling world around them, didn’t feel the pressure of all the odds being stacked against them. Instead, they let themselves melt into each others touch, revelling in the kiss that spoke volumes for them — the anxieties relating to their feelings for one another that they had both bottled and shoved aside all melted away.
It wasn’t a moment they would rush from, for the first time that year they felt a sense genuine relief and happiness wash over them, as if the pair had The Draught of Peace coursing through them.
It was a moment of genuine emotion, genuine connection between them - two kindred spirits coming together like dancing flames that grew as one as they intertwined with one another; and nothing could ever snuff out the spark.
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(a/n; thank you guys for reading, hopefully it wasn't as bad as it is in my mind~ I'm gonna start posting more regular fics/one shots/scenarios I've been building in my head so keep an eye out💖)
💖Sebastian Sallow Taglist💖 @angel-anna @cyan1decandy (let me know if you want to be added for upcoming fics)
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localravenclaw · 8 months
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The couple that trains together, stays together :)
Credits to @esolean for another set of modern AU edits! They are so SO perfect! You are a sorceress at adobe!
35 notes · View notes
marketfreshfics · 21 days
Saturn of ULTRA - Prologue
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Plot summary: When a futuristic Hogwarts is constructed after a massive catastrophe, a new threat to wizard-kind emerges in the wake of such advancement. An unlikely pairing must work together to prevent history from repeating itself.
Tags: Hogwarts AU (canon divergence) | friends to lovers | aged-up characters (7th year) | NSFW content (magical violence, smut, language)
Waking with senses so ill-equipped ought to be outlawed. Incandescent lamplight induced squints and her eyes squeezed shut, annoyingly so after having been closed for so long. Her sense of sight shook the dust from misuse, eyelids dry and stinging as she strained to make sense of colours, disconnected from dreams, and, albeit reluctantly, reattached firmly to reality and the demands of the present.
She was horizontal, thank Merlin; standing was a language she lost to lack of use, especially if she didn’t have legs. Did she? Was she still human?
Her toes could curl, and the blankets shifted over her limbs, temporarily relieving her delusions. Remarkably, her joints did not crack from fusion, though atrophy had done a number on her.
Seconds passed as she gathered her bearings again, or at least enough to look around a second time, inhaling sharply when she met a pair of brown eyes wide as saucers.
“You’re awake!” cried a familiar voice, familiar despite the haze of memory that nearly failed her thrice. Female and soft, she combed through her mental faculties to place a voice to a face, and, once fully visible, a face to a name.
It all connected at once. “Poppy?” She croaked, the sound a hollow wrack, coughs immediately following suit.
"Yes, yes it's me!" Poppy's joy manifested in a giddy seat-bounce in the armchair at the bedside, radiating relief. "Can you sit upright? Shall I ring for a nurse?" But before her bedridden friend could manage a partial response, she was calling for one anyway, unwilling to leave risk to chance on this momentous occasion.
The waking girl found her voice again with an air of confusion. “A nurse?”
Small, spry hands grasped hers then, and with a feeble sense of self, she was soon sitting upright with pillows to prop, blinking snapshots of her surroundings as if to process them slower than experiencing the now at full speed. Sense began to manifest then, as she recognized lying in a hospital bed, all manner of potion stores lining the nearby shelf, the black chalkboard enchanted to mark up a real-time display of her vital signs, arcing and dipping with her rapid heart rate.
Abruptly, the nurse on staff was erased with a sponge, one Miss Ophelia Derby replaced with the healer taking over, Miss Nova Fenwick. 
A proper lot to digest awaited as she looked to Poppy for a slice of normalcy. With her, fresh memories of feeding mooncalves and scritching baby snidgets under their beaks soothed her brain ache, a small respite; call it intuition, but an inkling writhed in her unfed gut that the situation outside her bubble of awareness was grim.
As if to cram the notion deeper, Poppy’s subtle glance shift from eyes to throat fisted her self-consciousness, and so she felt about her face, noting all the important bits and bobs were still there, though something felt different…
Fingertips brushed the slip of fresh, sensitive skin, where it connected to the jagged, familiar skin of her neck. She followed it, from her earlobe to the hollow of her clavicle, scrunching her neck in an attempt to see it despite being physically unable to contort in such a manner.
The attending healer politely rapped her knuckles on the open door, asking if all was well before her eyes flared wide with the shock of finding her previously comatose patient sitting up and fully conscious. She spun on her heels, plaited hair whipping with the abrupt motion as she hurried off to hail a doctor. 
Alone with Poppy once again, the burden of her two most prominent, must-be-spoken words fell on her shoulders. “What happened?”
The weight of the question buckled then, as Poppy’s chest swelled with the kind of inhale only meant to precede difficult conversations. She let it out unbearably slow and prepared the words that would provide clarity. From her solemn expression, she wasn’t exactly eager to know.
And so, Poppy told her dear friend about the night that everything fell apart.
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A Ravenclaw through and through, her pursuit of knowledge knew nary a bound.
But this was information she ought not to have asked for.
Though her wand rested in her lap again, the hawthorn conduit pristine save for a small scorch mark on the hilt, she felt as if the ancient magic in her had somehow perished. The news that Poppy shared had been so devastating, so life-shattering that she wasn’t keen on the next steps, the what-nows unspoken for the time being, almost in mourning. She was left with this lead ball of news in her gut, liable to pull her down with it as it sunk.
Hogwarts was destroyed.
Once Ranrok accessed the final repository beneath the school, a chain of events followed in deliberate, gutwrenching succession. 
First, her ancient magic amplified the effects of the repository. In Poppy’s words, it was like a magnifying glass held beneath a blinding ray of sunshine at high noon.
Second, when Ranrok was defeated, the magic was rendered unstable, and despite the ancient magic wielder containing it within a vessel as a source of rest, it remained hostile, churning continuously in the moments following, the volatile power fermenting in its own subatomic mass.
Then third, terribly so, the unbridled magic began to spread outward and up, pulverizing the very foundational bricks of the castle like shale rock beneath boots. Luckily, the professors were able to evacuate the school grounds exceptionally fast, with Aurors arriving on the scene to assist, but there was nothing that could be done to preserve or save Hogwarts. The clock face was first to fall, followed by the west tower, the Ravenclaw and Astronomy towers crumbling simultaneously, and then one by one, history, stories, and an era in itself were laid to rest in ruin.
That was in February. Seven months ago.
And the descendant of ancient magic had slept ever since. “Well, the muggle term is 'medically-induced coma,’ but that sounds awfully bleak,” Poppy sighed. 
She cried through her physical exam, tears ceasing only while being coached through learning to walk again, but as soon as her personal effects had been returned to her on the day she was discharged, they sprang forth with renewed agony, facing the outside world without knowing what came next, as if the pages of a book she was halfway through reading were promptly torn out, the ending lost for good.
And to add more fuel to the flames of guilt consuming her insides, she learned her advisor and mentor over the past six months had perished along with the castle as well. 
Professor Fig deserved far, far better, she thought, watching the valleys and hills of the highlands pass by in a blur of evergreen beneath the setting sun, as the Hogwarts Express rolled smoothly along the tracks en route to… well, whatever it was now.
Of course, they’d rebuilt the castle, she thought when Poppy went on to explain the aftermath. Students and staff banded together to erect a replica of the fortress they adored, though the unfettered magic, left floating about, anchored to the school grounds from the repository had… altered it, as time passed. When prompted for further explanation, Poppy refused to elaborate and remained blatantly cryptic, advising her to “keep an open mind.”
She ruminated endlessly in the weeks leading up to the start of term, during her physical rehabilitation appointments scheduled alongside the magic refresher compendium that Professor Sharp had oweled to her over the summer. “Seventh year awaits,” he wrote, each flourish of his rushed penmanship as punctuated as his tenor drawl, “see to it that you maintain your upward trajectory.”
Despite everything, the wielder of ancient magic felt wholly useless to the cause. Ever the diligent friend, her Hufflepuff companion provided reassurance, reminding her that she was bedridden and healing for the heftier half of a year. “Everyone is eager to see you again,” she added affectionately. “Especially a certain redhead.”
Bloody hell.
He was the first of whom she asked Poppy for updates about, steering the topic of conversation back to brighter prospects. Before Hogwarts was felled, before Ranrok and his arsehat loyalists encroached beneath their sacred place of study, Garreth had gone ahead and topped off the culmination of months spent flirting back and forth, their friendship toeing the line marking uncharted territory, with an admission of his feelings that left her chest tight and her center of gravity knocked clean off its axis.
And despite being deemed one of the brightest witches of her time, she hadn’t a clue how to react before mumbling a pathetic, “I need to think about it,” scrambling off to anxiously breathe into her bed linens. 
Award-winning, frustrating, remarkable display of utter stupidity, that was.
She wouldn’t have the gall to approach him now and ask him to backtrack his feelings, months later, without a responding peep bridging the gap with a swell of awkwardness. 
A Ravenclaw through and through, yes, but she was certainly dimwitted to matters of the heart.
Commotion in the adjacent booths tugged her from the self-flagellation stewing in her feelings. She poked her head out of the lonely compartment, curiously eavesdropping on a swath of fourth years discussing some sort of ward approaching. “Once the train passes through, it’ll light right up! My uncle helped with the redesign, incredible what that magic has done…”
“Quite right, I’m excited to see it happen.”
It only prompted more questions, of which she was about to pose to the younger students, when the train slowed considerably in its locomotions. 
The voice of the stately conductor echoed through the corridor then, announcing to a chorus of animated titters and chatting. “Attention, students! We are now passing through the school ground wards, so you will notice some changes occur. Please remain seated, and ensure your personal effects are tidied, packed, and ready for arrival.”
Everything began to change in rapid succession, and she was wholly unprepared.
The first thing she noticed was how dark it became, all at once, without the ebb from daylight to night.
Then, immediately after, the train compartment transformed from the timeless warmth of woodgrain and upholstery, to sleek metal fabrication and dazzling light fixtures that glowed an otherworldly shade of teal.
The scenery outside her window drastically altered before her eyes, as the Hogwarts Express slowed in its approach of the train station.
And when Hogwarts Castle appeared in the distance, alight with fluorescent saturation, electric in its very existence, she was left in gobsmacked awe.
Thank you to @wedonthaveawhile for letting me 'borrow' her OC Nova from her story, The Serpents Hold 🤍 you are a total peach and I LOVE YOU
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just-another-star-47 · 6 months
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Auror Special Force AU
💠 Mission: Orientation (failed)
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"In such a situation, it is necessary to know exactly where you are at all times. Ice and snow provide no point of orientation, so I expect each of you to always..."
He interrupted himself, his gaze fixed on MC, who was pacing back and forth in the snow, her upper body bent slightly forwards, her eyes fixed on the compass in her hand.
"The compass also works standing up, recruit," he warned her with a serious expression.
She paused in the deep snow, her eyes still fixed on the compass, while the icy wind bit into the parts of her face that weren't covered by the mask.
Sebastian opened his mouth again, only to fall silent once more and blink confusedly in MC's direction.
She spun round several times, completely unaware that all the members of the Special Force were looking at her with varying degrees of amusement. When she held the compass high in the air above her head and turned round again, Sebastian rolled his eyes with a sigh. He snatched the compass from her hand and put it in his pocket without even looking at her.
"At least now we know who we can't rely on for guidance."
Logbook: All missions here
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d999666 · 17 days
GF Harry poter AU
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Hogwart legacy steam game - tia character Custom
tia is Leavenclaw dormitory.
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Hogwart legacy steam game - d'jok character Custom
d'jok is a Gryffindor dormitory.
I've tried different modes, and this was the best for me.
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thehecattwins · 23 days
Doris, hi!
How have you been? This is William, a Slytherin prefect. I know your brother but I think we've never been formally introduced? Just wanted to wish you a speedy recovery! I know you weren't feeling well last week so I just want to make sure everything is alright!
On a side note, my friends and I are having a short Summoner's Court tournament today. We always welcome new and old players! No pressure to come, of course, but it's such a warm sunny day today! Thought I'd extend the invitation, get that vitamin D in your system to combat the sickness!
With best regards, William Abbott ☀️
Will, hi!
I hope I can call you that. How are you? And yes, I've heard about you from my brother. Not much, though, mostly that you're a great player. But I'm sure he didn't lie about that!
Thank you dearly for the kind words, too. I'm feeling much better now! Even if there's still a few days before the full recovery. How are you, though? I surely wish that you're feeling healthier than me. After all, we can't lose our greatest Seeker!
And oh, Merlin! Thank you so much for the invitation! It really sound exciting. And I will make sure to remember and think this over. But... who am I fooling. I can't wait to see it happen. See you soon, then, William!
Sending love,
Doris Hecat
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hyperfixationxgirlie · 10 months
A Dance for Two (SebastianxOminisxFem!Reader)
So... I have been replaying HL and this little idea crept into my head and I did my best to write it down. First ever time writing smut and first ever time writing fiction, so please forgive any errors in my writing. I also never use tumblr so I don't know the conventions of stuff here, lol.
All characters 18+, Content warning: praise kink, cunnilingus
You checked your watch and cursed gently. It was nearly time.
Taking a moment to check yourself over, you leaned into the mirror and applied a dab of lipstick with a handy charm that Dryad, one of the more senior dancers, had taught you when you first started. Your lips were left shiny and a wicked red, mimicking the flush one might get in the heat of the moment with a passionate lover. In any case, it flattered your choice of outfit for tonight- a new one which you had just picked up. A custom-made lingerie set comprised almost entirely of black straps and buckles, and installed with a handy charm to prevent any unsavory wizards (or witches) from gaining a glimpse of anything you weren’t willing to show.
“Get a move on, Pixie!” another dancer- Thestral- called out, smacking your ass as she shimmied past. “Busy night tonight. I saw another bachelor party,” she wrinkled her nose.
Nodding, you strapped your boots and hurried along after her.
The club was busy tonight, you noticed with interest, as you made your way to your usual spot on the stage. Usually this early there were wizards here and there, but there was a certain electricity about the crowd tonight. You lost count as your eyes skimmed the faces. The lights were dimmed and the thrums of a familiar, primal beat filled the air as you gripped the pole with both hands and arched your back, tossing your hair and doing a small twist of your hips. Just an easy warm-up to get the nearby wizards interested enough to part with some galleons once you did some more complicated tricks. You lifted your lips in a smirk as you hooked your knee around the pole, lifting yourself off the ground into a gentle spin, allowing your other leg to trail around you extended, getting lost in the music.
Nearby, two wizards sat- whom you would have recognized if you had been able to make out the details of their faces. The first, with tousled brown hair and glinting eyes, leaned into the other, who had blonde, neatly coiffed hair and startlingly light eyes.
“You won’t believe this, Ominis,” the brunette breathed, his voice catching over the words.
Ominis tilted his head with interest as the other continued, “You remember our friend from Hogwarts. The one who disappeared after graduation?”
Ominis stiffened in surprise. “What about her?” he asked cautiously.
“She’s nearly 15 feet from us, dancing and dressed in the most filthy outfit I have ever seen.”
“Describe it to me,” Ominis all but ordered, his voice deepening in a way that made his companion chuckle richly as he heard it. Sebastian leaned into him, his hand running over his friend’s thigh as he spoke.
“It’s impossibly made. Just a bunch of straps covering up the important bits. I can imagine us taking turns unbuckling each one. Imagine her begging for us to go faster as we take our time, slowly unwrapping her.” As he finished this thought, he jerked his hand off of the other’s thigh and stood up.
“I’m buying us a dance. And a stiff drink,” he declared as he turned to make his way to the bar. “Stay here and enjoy the music. I’ll be right back.”
Leaning back into the air, you relished in the feeling of being inverted and the rush that accompanied the feeling of weightlessness as the world spun by. The lights of the club twinkled and flashed as you turned. Spreading your legs wide while holding yourself upside-down and spinning was a challenge, and your arms burned as you held yourself in place. The sweat on the palms of your hands threatened to see you slipping down. But this was the final trick of the set and the steady clink of galleons filling your corner of the stage made the exertion worth it. You pulled your legs shut and loosened your grip enough to slide down, coming down onto the palms of your hands and kicking your legs backwards to do a small handstand onto the floor, as the final pulses of music signaled the end of the set. You caught eye contact with the dancer next to you and shared a grin, as you both swept the earnings into your pouches to be counted later.
You surveyed the crowd as you stood up, gently arching your back and feeling your muscles ache gently as you gave them a reprieve. One of the bartenders, Isabelle, a gorgeous brunette, caught your eye as she made her way up to you. She tossed you a room key which you caught and she pointed to one of the back rooms. “You seem to have an admirer,” she teased, winking at you. “He seems to be your age. Really fit; not like the usual sort. And he says he has a friend with him.”
You raised an eyebrow at her. “That should make this interesting then. Hope they tip well,” Isabelle gave you another grin and waggled her eyebrows at you. “Tell me all about it! After!” she called after you. You turned to make your way to the back rooms, lazily waving a hand in her direction.
The back rooms of the club were quieter, and the music was dimmed as you stepped through the doorway separating these rooms from the main room of the dance floor. The décor was nice enough, you supposed, comprised of red carpet and soft candlelight, casting the area in a romantic glow not entirely fitting of the actions that took place in these rooms. But, you mused, whatever it took to separate wizards, and the occasional witch, from their galleons.
You took a deep breath to steel yourself before grabbing the brass key and sliding it into the keyhole of room number 2. As you entered the room, you let out a small gasp of shock as you took in the sight of the men within. These were faces you recognized from your time at Hogwarts. “Ominis?” you asked, “and Sebastian?”
“That’s right, love,” Sebastian chuckled, his legs stretched out before him as he leaned back comfortably on the sofa.
You noticed with interest that the two of them looked quite cozy on the sofa. Ominis was leaning onto Sebastian and running his hands down his arm, before hooking his hand onto the other’s chin and pulling him in for a searing kiss.
You blinked in surprise. “I always thought you two had a thing for each other, but what are you doing here?”
Ominis laughed, pulling away from Sebastian, his lips slightly swollen and parted. “We paid for a dance, Pixie,” he teased. His familiar voice had an edge to it that you didn’t quite recognize, but which sent a slight shiver down your spine which ended in your core.
Flushing in some embarrassment, you slowly walked towards them. You noticed Sebastian leaning forward with interest, his hands placed on his knees as he observed you.
“Come a bit closer, love,” he crooned and he crooked his finger, “Don’t be shy. We won’t bite, unless you as us to.”
You stopped in front of him and appraised him. He looked similar to how he did in school, you mused, with tousled, boyish hair and an impish grin. But seeing him now, having grown into his features as he matured, sent another jolt of arousal through you. Reaching out your hands with a bit of hesitation, you placed them onto his shoulders and gently lowered yourself onto his lap facing him. You watched his eyes as he admired you, they were darkened and glittered dangerously.
“Good girl,” he whispered into your ear as he leaned back. His eyes flicked over to Ominis, who had a matching look of arousal and anticipation on his face.
It was hard not to make a noise at that, and you stiffened in embarrassment, looking between the two of them. 
Ominis chuckled. “Don’t you know, we’ve always been interested in you. We used to talk about you at school. You were the source of many of our mutual fantasies.”
“Don’t be shy, love,” Sebastian murmured again, into your ear. “Come here and give us the dance we paid for.”
You must be losing your mind, you decided, as you slowly gyrated your hips in time with the music. The course material of Sebastian’s pants felt incredible as you slowly glided over them.
“She looks so pretty,” Sebastian mused, leaning into Ominis. “The way she moves her hips is… exhilarating. It makes me wonder what other sorts of things she can do with her hips” Ominis grinned once more and turned his head towards you. “Seeing as I can’t see” -at this Sebastian groaned and rolled his eyes- “Come here and let me feel you.” You picked your hands up off of Sebastian’s shoulders and turned to the other, who also was, you noticed, incredibly handsome. His features were recognizable to you but sharpened and more refined with age. His hair fell into his eyes and he seemed to relax as he pulled you onto him. You settled into his lap and leaned back, arching your back and running a hand through your hair. His hands skimmed along your waist and neck, travelling upwards before twisting into your hair and pulling gently. You gasped in surprise, before letting out a soft noise of pleasure.
“Do you like this?” Sebastian murmured into your ear, coming behind you and running his hands along your back, leaving a trail of goosebumps in their wake.
“Yes…” you admitted, resting your head back against his chest, which was solid and muscular against you.
He smiled a boyish and familiar smile before grabbing your chin and pulling you in for a kiss. His lips were plush and warm against yours. Your lips moved softly together for a moment, in a chase kiss, before he let out a sharp noise and opened his mouth, his tongue sweeping into your mouth and brushing against your tongue. It felt too good, you mused, and your cunt clenched as your kiss deepened and you reveled in the taste of his mouth. Arousal washed through you sweetly, leaving you panting slightly and flushed with desire. With little warning, you felt two hands come to your chest and Ominis’ fingers pinched and rolled your nipples through the fabric of your bra, sending shocks of pleasure through you.
“You have such pretty tits,” Ominis stated, grinning as he heard your mewl in response.
Pulling away from Sebastian, you looked into his eyes as the two of you parted. He looked flushed as well, and his eyes glinted dangerously. “Let Ominis have a taste of your mouth,” he demanded. You were only too eager to comply and you swiveled on his lap to kiss him. He groaned into your mouth as you kissed, and you noted with pleasure that he was adept with his tongue as well, using it to gently massage your own.
Sebastian fell onto the sofa next to you, watching as you kissed. He lightly palmed his cock through his pants as he watched the two of you together. “Will you let us take off this wickedly sinful outfit?” he asked, his eyes dark and his voice taking on a quality that sent another jolt of arousal through you. You nodded eagerly, causing him to chuckle darkly. “Two kisses and she’s so eager, Ominis,” he teased, sending a sharp smack to your ass, “It makes you wonder how she’ll respond to other things.”
You almost felt your eyes roll into your head at that and made another keening sound into Ominis’ mouth. You could feel his lips quirk as he kissed you, clearly enjoying this.
“Start here,” you all but panted, gesturing vaguely to the large buckle at the side of your hips. Sebastian batted your hands away.
“We choose where to start, love,” he chided.
“Why don’t we make her more comfortable?” Ominis mused, and he helped lay you onto the sofa. You fell back with a sigh onto Sebastian’s lap, looking up at the two of them eagerly. Sebastian ran a finger down the center of your chest and popped open the buckle holding your bra together at the front. As he revealed your chest, he gently palmed your right breast and squeezed it, feeling its weight.
“You know,” he mentioned with amusement in his voice, “Our Pixie has filled out since we left Hogwarts.”
“I noticed that as well,” Ominis replied, cupping your left breast in his hand.
You narrowed your eyes at him. “How do you even know?” you demanded, “You’re blind!” Ominis chuckled, “I did hug you, you know. Many times. And I have Sebastian to thank for describing your lovely tits to me and providing the visuals, as it were.”
You groaned in frustration, though this quickly turned to one of pleasure as Sebastian began to gently pinch and roll your right nipple between his fingers. “I told you we talked about you in school,” he reminded you, and you could tell he was grinning even with your eyes closed.
It was an interesting thought- the two of them discussing you and pleasuring themselves-, you mused, as you arched your back into his hands, chasing pleasure as the two men laved attention on your breasts. You wondered what kinds of things the two of them got up to together in the boys’ dormitory at Hogwarts when you all were younger and still at school. At least, speaking for yourself, you had pleasured yourself before tucked into your bed at school following evenings in the Undercroft with the two of them. “I thought about you as well,” you admitted.
“Oh really?” Sebastian grinned. “Share your thoughts with the class, Pixie. Ominis likes it when you talk”
You flushed in embarrassment as he used your stage name. “I always thought you were both sexy. And those times the three of us spent cozied up in the Undercoft... I always wondered what kinds of things we could get up to.”
“Let us show you one of our fantasies,” Ominis urged, and you gasped as he ran a hand down your inner thigh, gently stroking the sensitive flesh there. “We used to talk about taking turns eating your cunt and we wondered how good it would taste.”
“Yes please,” you breathed, reaching out your hands and pulling Sebastian closer to you. He was all too eager to comply and he leaned down, his breath hot against your neck as he ran his tongue along the skin under your left ear. While he did so, you felt Ominis’ breath against your cunt as he knelt onto the floor and settled between your legs. “Spread your legs, love,” he asked you, nipping at the skin of your thighs. His hands gently urged your legs apart as you relaxed and revealed yourself to him. His fingers skimmed along the fabric of your panties before finding the buckles which popped open with a click and caused the scrap of fabric to fall onto the sofa. “You look like you were made for this” Sebastian whispered into your ear, his breath warm and his voice rich as he spoke to you. “Your legs spread open and your cunt on display for us.”
With your panties removed, Ominis ran a finger along your slit teasingly. “Oh, Sebastian,” he murmured. “She’s drenched.”
Sebastian groaned and his cock, already pressing into your back as you laid onto him, twitched and jerked in response to the others’ words and for how much you desired the two of them.
With that, Ominis began to softly lick at your folds, teasing you with soft laps. You whined in response and lifted your hips chasing greater pressure. Sebastian returned his attention to your nipples as he continued to whisper wicked things into your ear.
“That’s it. Good girl. Look at you so eager to receive his attentions.” You could only moan in response, bucking your hips again as the other continued to lightly tease your clitoris.
“More,” you demanded, before sighing in relief as Ominis seemed to take pity on you and began to lick you with more pressure, focusing on your engorged clitoris. His tongue expertly applied pressure in a steady rhythm, and you spread your legs wider as you chased the pleasure he was giving you.
“Let us make you feel good,” Sebastian murmured, continuing to squeeze and pleasure your nipples, somehow matching the rhythm that Ominis was setting with his tongue. “Keep making those pretty noises and let Ominis know how well he’s doing”
You let out a sharp cry as Ominis’ tongue made gentle, firm circles onto your clitoris, and your legs began to shake as you felt the pleasure beginning to build. His tongue was soft and smooth against the delicate folds of your cunt, and every sweep of his tongue along your slit caused you to jerk your hips to encourage him to apply further pressure. His hands were large and his grasp was strong as he held your hips down, his fingers digging into your hips and bruising the softness there. The inability for you to move caused the pleasure building in your gut to increase as he continued his expert ministrations. He circled, sucked, and nibbled on your clitoris, moaning into your cunt as he devoured you. And suddenly with no warning you felt your orgasm crashing around you. You felt your back arch sharply and your legs shake as you rode out the pleasure, a litany of moans and disjointed words leaving your lips. Ominis lightly tongued your clitoris as you came, prolonging the waves of pleasure and riding it out with you.
“She tastes so good. Tangy and sweet. Even better than we imagined she would,” you registered Ominis say, dimly and with a far-away quality, as you closed your eyes and reveled in the delightful bonelessness and satiation that the orgasm brought you.
“I want to have her cum on my mouth next time,” Sebastian mused, running his hands up and down your arms as he brought you down from your high.
Regaining awareness, you looked up at Sebastian and admired the arousal you saw, his eyes darkened with desire. “When can next time be?” you asked and shared a grin with him.
“Well, what time do you get off work?”
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