#Hippo team
spammiamm · 5 months
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Does anybody on here care about street fighter or punch out 💔💔💔
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nightwonder7 · 10 months
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Art Fight attack for @tooncooro :D
Had a lot of fun with this one XD
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hippoinspector · 1 year
Happy Valentine's day, time to give the Hong a smooch
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happy valentine's day
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acearohippo · 11 months
Just going to document the only time I've ever been number one in an event. It's not gonna last, but I was able to hold onto this for most of the day AND get it back before my day was over.
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Unwaz already has valeria so I'm sure she's gonna end up being the meta and the ranking will fill up with her and whatever shimmer I don't have :')
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crazycatsiren · 1 year
Fiona and baby brother Fritz. 🦛❤️
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i-wanna-linger · 10 months
bad news: i fell off my scooter onto my stomach while doing life-size hungry hungry hippos at camp
good news: my ddds cushioned my fall so it didn't hurt (my ribs did hurt from being on the scooter tho)
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bewbin · 5 months
ive always felt like gorrilas and snakes would be a great tag team youknow snake hides on the gorrila then when the gorrila punchs the snake jumps to inject venom. but i think a team that could really give them a run for their money is the tiger wolf combo. two fighters with similiar yet different play styles they would synergistic while covering eachothers flaws. If youre thinking of pairing elephant with hippo fuck you you meta playing fuck nobody wants to play this game with you
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sharklovingcriminals · 2 months
As someone who loves sharks my ears pricked up every time they were mentioned in Wednesday and wierdly enough i think if you read into it as much as me theres some interesting stuff going on.
When wednesday mentions sharks, she is using them as an example of a very dangerous animal, talking about swimming with sharks or sharks "circling" which feed into the common western myth that sharks are evil monster things.
this isn't true at all, almost all sharks are very safe and the few that are dangerous are much less dangerous than many other wild animals (bears, hippos, etc). This (to me) shows how Wednesday's love of macabre and deadly things often leads to a negative outlook on the world, falsely believing that sharks are out to get her.
When gomez talks about sharks he says "they found you as cold-blooded as I do", still leaning into the same macabre and deadly aspect, but putting a positive, kind spin on it, as we would expect from gomez.
When Enid mentions sharks, she's talking about the hockey team the san jose sharks, who, for anyone who doesn't follow hockey, are the worst. That's not an exaggeration they currently have the least points of any team in the nhl. I think the reason that it's mentioned she is a lifelong sharks fan (besides the fact hockey is for cool people in america and enid lives in California) is that it shows unwavering loyalty to a lost cause. Her devotion to the team which is the worst.
To wednesday enid is a shark, dangerous, deadly, scary (because she doesn't know how to be affectionate).
To enid, wednesday is a shark, awful, maybe even the worst, but worth devoting your life to if you love it.
I'd just like to add that the san jose sharks are awesome and do all sorts of community events like pride nights, anti bullying talks at schools, environmental awareness+litter picking drives and they're really awesome in all ways other than being good at the sport they play.
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afeelgoodblog · 1 year
The Best News of Last Week - May 29, 2023
Rwanda’s life expectancy has increased by 20 years in the last 20 years
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What did Rwanda change? Three developments stand out: low-cost community-based health insurance plans, national investments in rural health posts, and ramped-up foreign collaborations. In 2020, more than 90 percent of Rwanda’s people had some kind of health insurance. This stands out relative to other low-income countries, where on average 31 percent of people have health insurance.
2. Brandon School Division rejects call to remove library books on sexuality, gender identity
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Loud cheers erupted inside a packed high school gymnasium after the Brandon School Division rejected a call to remove books dealing with sexuality and gender identity from libraries. Hundreds of people in Manitoba's second-largest city showed up for the marathon school division meeting, which ran into the early morning hours.
The trustees ultimately voted 6-1 to reject a proposal to create a committee of trustees and parents to review books available in division schools.
3. Lotto winner pledges to fund classrooms in his native Mali
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Happiness for one lucky North Carolina resident comes not from newfound wealth from a lottery win, but using those winnings to help schoolchildren -- in this case, from Mali.
Souleymane Sana of North Carolina won $100,000 from a scratch-off ticket. Relocating to the United States from Mali -- a war-torn county in West Africa -- Sana is using his earnings to create a non-profit to help school kids from his hometown.
4. Mountain gorillas rebound thanks to Ugandan veterinarian
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In 2018, as their population topped 1,000, they were removed from the critically endangered list and their status upgraded to just endangered. That positive step was due, in no small part, to Ugandan veterinarian Dr. Gladys Kalema-Zikusoka. 
Her working home is Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, home to roughly half of the world's mountain gorillas. But early on she also realized that to help the animals and keep them free from disease and poaching, she needed to also help their human neighbours, launching successful initiatives to improve the health and well-being of the people living around the park. 
5. Imports of ivory from hippos, orcas and walruses to be banned in UK
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Ivory imports from hippopotamuses, orcas and walruses will be banned under new legislation to protect the endangered species from poaching.
The Ivory Act, passed in 2018, targeted materials from elephants, but a loophole meant that animals other than elephants, including hippos, were being targeted for their ivory.
6. Solar power due to overtake oil production investment for first time in 2023
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Investment in clean energy will extend its lead over spending on fossil fuels in 2023, the International Energy Agency said on Thursday, with solar projects expected to outpace outlays on oil production for the first time.
Annual investment in renewable energy is up by nearly a quarter since 2021 compared to a 15% rise for fossil fuels, the Paris-based energy watchdog said in its World Energy Investment report.
7. Paralyzed man walks naturally, thanks to wireless ‘bridge’ between brain and spine
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Gert-Jan Oskam lost the ability to walk in 2011 when he injured his spine in a cycling accident in China. Six years later, the Dutch man managed to take a few short steps thanks to a small array of electrodes implanted on top of his spinal cord that delivered nerve-stimulating pulses of electricity.
Today in Nature, an international team of researchers reports giving Oskam a better fix, a way to digitally bridge the communication gap between his brain and lower body. Brain waves signaling Oskam’s desire to walk travel from a device implanted in his skull to the spinal stimulator, rerouting the signal around the damaged tissue and delivering pulses of electricity to the spinal cord to facilitate the movement. Oskam can now walk more fluidly, navigate obstacles, and climb stairs.
That's it for this week :)
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queewp · 1 year
The Little Turtle
[part of my ROTTMNT Mer Au]
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Extra info under cut X]
He could sweet-talk them out of almost anything, and it was rather useful when their opponents would sluggishly follow what he had asked them to do.
“Now do a little chicken dance!” Leo remembered yelling and laughing at the hippo mutant. Raph gave him an unapproving look, making Leo snap back, “He did the same thing to Mikey, I’m just getting back at him.”
Leo took great pride in his ability, but the looming dread of not being able to control anything and anyone clouded his head. What would they do if Leo couldn’t talk their way out of trouble? What if he couldn’t save his brothers?
Or, Mer!Leo was born with the ability to control others with his voice. He made himself useful to the team with it, and when he lost his voice due to an event he could hardly remember, he felt as if he lost his worth.
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kaythefloppa · 3 months
Wild Kratts: Our Blue and Green World Trailer.
Underneath the cut for those who consider it to be spoilery, but we have a trailer for the one-hour special, Our Blue and Green World, airing April 1st, 2024.
The Kratt brothers disagree on what's better; blue oceans or green forests. Aviva takes on the role of referee to demonstrate how oceans and forests work together to make our living planet, just like Martin and Chris need to keep working together. It's up to the gang to get Martin and Chris back in sync in time to save planet Earth from Zach and Paisley's villainous plans.
This special was first mentioned back in May of 2023 during an interview with Martin Kratt heralding the show's premiere of its 7th season. The original title was Blue and Green: The Living Earth before it was chaned to our Blue and Green World. The episode will feature climates and habitats corresponding with the Kratt's "blue and green." With it, will come the introduction of new Creature Power Suits: The ones we have seen thus far in the trailer are Indri Power, Green Anaconda Power, and Blue Whale Power.
My thoughts:
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*calms down.*
Ok but I'm starting to see a weird pattern in the PowerSuits in this season. For some strange reason, they have to retrofit the wearer's mouths to match the ACTUAL anatomy of the animal the suit is based off of. They did it with the Wild Pony and the Mountain Goat Power Suit and both of them were.... ugh. Now they did it with the Blue Whale Suit and to be fair, while I hate that particular feature, it's not enough to make me hate the suit. In fact, I kinda like it more because of how silly it looks (Martin is the perfect person to wear this suit tbh). Still though, I wish they designed it like the Crocodile, Hippo, or Puffin Suit where the giant mouth is simply an attachment that doesn't move while the wearer speaks.
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For those who don't know, Indris are the largest species of lemur in the world (alongside Diademed Sifakas). They are the only animals besides humans that can find and use rhythm using "wailing songs" to communicate. They're also critically endangered due to slash and burn of their habitats and poaching for their flesh as delicacies (yeah, very odd that Gourmand isn't here, but I digress). There's an estimate to be less than 10,000 left in the wild and are expected to have a population net decrease by 80% within the next 30 years... yeah, considering that they're endemic to Madagascar, not a very good sign. I didn't even know what an Indri was until reading the article, and if I'm not the only one who had no clue about these guys, it's probably definitely a good sign that they're getting some spotlight in this show.
The Indri Power Suit looks so goofy, but again, something about how silly it looks just makes me appreciate it all the more. I... weirdly expected it to be way bigger like the Puffin Suit, but again that's just me.
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I am a huge fan of how they designed the snake-inspired Creature Power Suits in the show. But the Anaconda Creature Power Suit... holy shit.
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Look at the markings! Look at the green! Look at the patterns, and the color schemes! Chris FINALLY got a green Creature Power Suit to activate! Our boi won! It's also a pretty clever callback to the Amazon special where Chris met the Anaconda (I really hope the Power Disc for this suit is green because god that would be so aesthetically pleasing).
Ngl, if the old flash games were still on the website, and this was one of the Power Suits I could earn for my character, I'd play it in a heart-beat.
I'm really interested to see the Zach/Paisley team up. This season already started to utilize her better by giving her another solo appearance, and now we're seeing a 1 on 1 team up with her and another villain. I was always gunning for a Paisley/Donita teamup but this works too. They're both very similar characters that can bounce off each other in similar, yet different ways (I actually headcanon that they're related - second cousins to be exact - because of those similarities). The final battle is gonna be kickass.
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If you were to tell me without any context at all that this was a screencap from the upcoming WK feature film (that this episode is often mistaken for), I would believe you. Because HOLY SHIT! The linework, the lighting, the hues, AND the shading! I am becoming more and more grateful for the 2-year long hiatus - the animators needed time to cook and they fucking COOKED. For an extended TV episode, this is pretty damn impressive.
People don't talk enough about this, but fun-fact: A lot of the animators of this show had experience working for Disney. Erika Worthylake was one of the artists on this show, doing several beta designs for animals such as wild ponies and salmon sharks. In 2019, she was the lead designer for Anga, one of the new characters in Disney's The Lion Guard (which, much like Wild Kratts, was animated in Toon Boom). Ben Balistreri had collaberated with the Kratt Brothers and Luc Chamberland in 2007 to work on the show's pilot episode, creating several different designs for the animated characters. Ten years later, he became the executive co-producer of Tangled: The Series. Kendal Brouet, who animated A Creature Christmas, worked on The Proud Family: Louder and Prouder in 2022. Just to name a few. It's just a fun little thing that comes up in the back of my mind whenever the topic of WK animation comes up, and this instance of animation is so fucking good that I HAVE to talk about it, because I have MAJOR respect for these guys, and if there were ever moments in the show that remind me "Oh, this slaps," I just remember what these talented artists worked on through the years and it clicks together nicely in my brain.
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According to Whrokids, this episode is gonna have a runtime of 58 minutes. I found this screenshot of someone who did far more searching and sleuthing for new episode content (they were the ones who found this trailer actually). I'm not sure how valid this particular screenshot is, but if this is the case, then this will be the longest episode of Wild Kratts in history, and will be the closest thing we get to a Wild Kratts movie (until the actual WK movie is released in theaters).
Fucking. Hyped.
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ohsalome · 6 months
Ivan and Phoebe by Oksana Lutsyshyna
Ivan and Phoebe is a novel about a revolution of consciousness triggered by very different events, both global and personal. This is a book about the choices we make, even if we decide to just go with the flow of life. It is about cruelty, guilt, love, passion – about many things, and most importantly, about Ukraine of the recent past, despite or because of which it has become what it is today.
The story told in Oksana Lutsyshyna’s novel Ivan and Phoebe is set during a critical period – the 1990s. In the three decades that have passed since gaining independence, Ukraine has experienced many socio-political, economic, and cultural changes that have yet to be fully expressed. The Revolution of Dignity in 2014 marked a pivotal moment in the country’s history, as it signaled a shift towards European integration and a strong desire to distance itself from Moscow. Prior to this, Ukrainian culture had remained overshadowed by Russian influence, struggled to compete for an audience and was consequently constrained in exploring vital issues.
77 days of February. Living and dying in Ukraine
"77 Days," is a compelling anthology by contributors to Reporters, a Ukrainian platform for longform journalism. The book, published in English as both an e-book and an audiobook by Scribe Originals.
"77 Days'' offers a tapestry of styles and experiences from over a dozen contributors, making it a complex work to define. It includes narratives about those who stayed put as the Russians advanced, and the horror they encountered, like Zoya Kramchenko’s defiant "Kherson is Ukraine," Vira Kuryko’s somber "Ten Days in Chernihiv," and Inna Adruh’s wry "I Can’t Leave – I’ve Got Twenty Cats." The collection also explores the ordeal of fleeing, as in Kateryna Babkina’s stark "Surviving Teleportation '' and "There Were Four People There. Only the Mother Survived." 
It also highlights tales of Ukrainians who created safe havens amidst the turmoil, such as Olga Omelyanchuk’s "Hippo and the Team," about zookeepers safeguarding animals in an occupied private zoo near Kyiv, and one of Paplauskaite’s three pieces, "Les Kurbas Theater Military Hostel," depicting an historic Lviv theater turned shelter for the displaced, including the writer/editor herself.
In the Eye of the Storm. Modernism in Ukraine 1900’s – 1930’s
This book was inspired by the exhibition of the same name that took place in Madrid, at the Museo Nacional Thyssen-Bornemisza, and is currently at the Museum Ludwig, located in Cologne, Germany. 
Rather than being a traditional catalogue, the publishers and authors took a more ambitious approach. Rather than merely publishing several texts and works from the exhibition, they choose to showcase the history of the Ukrainian avant-garde in its entirety – from the first avant-garde exhibition in Kyiv to the eventual destruction of works and their relegation to the "special funds" of museums, where they were hidden from public view.
These texts explain Ukrainian context to those who may have just learned about the distinction between Ukrainian and Russian art. Those "similarities" are also a product of colonization. It was achieved not only through the physical elimination of artists or Russification – artists were also often forced to emigrate abroad for political or personal reasons. Under the totalitarian regime, discussing or remembering these artists was forbidden. Archives and cultural property were also destroyed or taken to Russia.
"The Yellow Butterfly" by Oleksandr Shatokhin 
"The Yellow Butterfly" is poised to become another prominent Ukrainian book on the themes of war and hope. It has been listed among the top 100 best picture books of 2023, according to the international art platform dPICTUS.
The book was crafted amidst the ongoing invasion. Oleksandr and his family witnessed columns of occupiers, destroyed buildings, and charred civilian cars. Shatokhin describes the book’s creation as a form of therapy, a way to cope with the horrors. "During this time my vision became clearer about what I wanted to create – a silent book about hope, victory, the transition from darkness to light, something symbolic," he explains.
Although "The Yellow Butterfly" is a wordless book, today its message resonates with readers across the globe.
A Crash Course in Molotov Cocktails by Halyna Kruk
A Crash Course in Molotov Cocktails is a bilingual poetry book (Ukrainian and English) about war, written between 2013 and 2022, based on Halyna’s experience as an author, volunteer, wife of a military man and witness to conflict. 
The Ukrainian-speaking audience is well-acquainted with Halyna Kruk – a poet, prose author and literature historian. Kruk is increasingly active on the international stage, with her poetry featured in numerous anthologies across various languages, including Italian, French, Swedish, Norwegian, Portuguese, Spanish, Polish, English, German, Lithuanian, Georgian and Vietnamese. 
For an English-speaking audience, her poetry unveils a realm of intense and delicate experiences, both in the midst of disaster and in the anticipation of it. The poems are succinct, direct, and highly specific, often depicting real-life events and individuals engaged in combat, mourning, and upholding their right to freedom.
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fortheloveofbuddie · 3 months
I have such a weak spot for this one: Soldier!Eddie/ (frustratingly annoying)war correspondent!Buck
Any updates or snippets you can share? 🥺👉👈
Hi Hippo! 🩵
I’m sorry this fic has been pushed so far back in my mind because life has been a mess lately but let me offer you a little snippet 😚
The idea is here for those of you who don’t know about it. And check out the amazing cover that @ronordmann made 📸
Ask me about my wips 💌
More under cut ✂️
As Eddie’s superior officer, Captain Nash, delivered the news of the impending arrival of the war correspondent, Evan Buckley, Eddie gritted his teeth.
“Why do I have to talk to that guy? We all know what he’s after” Eddie said, the disdain and contempt that he holds for reporters clear in his words. In his eyes, they were nothing but vultures, just picking at and digging into the worst moments of people’s lives for a few minutes of spotlight.
“My friends haven’t been dead for-…” He turned his wrist, wanting to look at the time, only to be distracted by small dried out blood splatters across the clear glass. Eddie swallowed harshly, pushing down unshed tears. This morning, he was leading a team of four soldiers. Five if he included himself. Now all that was left, were him and Mills.
He cleared his throat, shaking his head and lifted his head to look at his Captain, an understanding but stoic smile plastered across his face. “They haven’t been dead for more than eight hours. Their bodies are barely even cold yet, Cap. Why now?”
“I get your reluctance, Diaz, but Buckley’s inquires can’t wait. He’s got friends amongst the higher ups and I’m just relaying the message to you” Captain Nash explained, arms folded across his chest. “And we have to provide him with the information that he’s seeking, no matter the timing of it”
Eddie’s jaw clenched, hands curling into fists at his sides. “With all due respect, Cap, their deaths are still pretty fresh in my mind. I’m not sure that I’m the right person to talk to a reporter right now. Why not take Mills?”
Captain Nash’s mouth curled into a straight line and Eddie instantly knew what that meant. “Right, of course he’s requested to talk to her too. Isn’t there anything we can do?” Eddie could feel the grief weighing heavily on him but his stance never wavered, willing to do almost everything to get out of talking to a fucking reporter.
Having worked with Captain Nash for years, Eddie could recognize that solemn smile from a mile away. “I’m afraid not but I hear you, Eddie. And your concerns are duly noted” Bobby replied, his tone reflecting a deep understanding of Eddie’s pain. They had both lost people before but he could tell that this was taking a toll on the younger man. “But orders are orders. We need to cooperate with Buckley’s investigation, even if it’s the last thing we want to do right now”
With a heavy sigh, Eddie unclenched his fists and nodded in acceptance. He brought his hand to his chest, fingertips carefully tracing the cold metal of his St. Christopher’s medallion. It made him think of his own family and it made him think of the families of his dead friends. PFC Norwahl had done nothing but rave about how excited he was to go home on leave in two weeks and finally meet his newborn daughter, even sharing pictures with the entire team who had shared their joy with him.
The weight of duty bore down upon Eddie, mingling with the grief that clung tightly to his heart, threatening to squeeze the life out of him. In the midst in all the loss and turmoil that the ambush had caused, Eddie knew that he had no choice but to face Evan Buckley, no matter much he wished that he could delay the inevitable.
Using this as my fuck it friday/inspiration saturday ✨
I was tagged by @tizniz @diazsdimples @cal-daisies-and-briars @daffi-990 and @spotsandsocks 🌹
Tagging!! @watchyourbuck @wikiangela @jeeyuns @honestlydarkprincess @loserdiaz @steadfastsaturnsrings @wildlife4life @thewolvesof1998 @theotherbuckley @giddyupbuck @jesuisici33 @vampbuckley @athenagranted @exhuastedpigeon @elvensorceress @whosoldherout @weewootruck @puppyboybuckley @poughkeepsies @rogerzsteven @underwater-ninja-13 @actualalligator @butraura @slightlyobsessedwitheverything @evanbegins @disasterbuckdiaz 🩵🦋
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acearohippo · 1 year
Ok, so does Li Ling's arms disappear or are they a permanent fixture?? Cause, the side story starring him and Brynn made it sound like his arms are always out and visible, but the prologue for this event has them disappearing? Like, granted, he's a child so maybe that has something to do with it, but then this dude has the GAUL to say
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Like??? Is it common seeing a long haired, shirt-allergy having dude with four gigantic arms floating behind him?? Do people legitimately not recognise him out on the streets?? Not to mention his entire backstory boils down to "Gets Extra Arms-> Immediately Starts Punching Everyone" in Tangton, and now he back in Tangton about to start punching people again?? like?? He ain't discreet 🤣
And then there's this
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First of all, *pats self on back for calling this from day one*
But, second if the Li family is (in?)famous in Tangton, that's even more reason to assume people know him? Like, Li ling? You spent your entire life making a name for yourself, don't act shocked when people recognise you 🤣
how tf he and Tang Xuan finna be snoopin and stealthy walking around with the most conspicuous set of reconisable arms around Tangton? A literal walking legend in Tangton, but nah he's for sure "anonymous" 🤣
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crazycatsiren · 1 year
Fiona the most beautiful hippo. 🦛❤️
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idk-my-aesthetic · 5 months
TBT deleted scenes
you can find all the deleted scenes and a bunch of early story boards on youtube, but heres some highlights
branch and poppy have a "couples scrapbooking montage" to make the conspiracy board
JD has a massive amount of wallet pictures of his brothers
it looks like at some point velvet and veneer were supposed to be bergins, which makes sense, but was later changed to what we have now
branch being one of gristle's groomsmen and supporting gristle when he gets nervous, also smidge being part of the team getting gristle together and cooper being part of bridgets wake up team was a cute little moment of like gender non conformity that i guess got cut
floyd had dark hair with blue tips and was somehow more emo
we got to see baby branch's perm
velvet had space buns
velvet keeps floyd locked in a chest and he visibly squints against the light which is so much more angsty omg
ronda went through a bunch of intresting design changes, my favorites so far were a second pair of eyes and a design that was very hippo like
jd mentioning smthn about a net and a grapple gun i think my man was going to straight up kidnap bruce and clay
poppy made them go through a training montage
viva just watching poppy ramble and smile as she does oh my heartttttt
velvet and vaneer covering the obvious trolls in their chests with very obvious scarves is hilarious
cute little sequence of bridget and gristle gearing up for their honey moon
they originally had the climb to vaycay island be much more difficult, branch falls and in the first version is saved by poppy, in the second he is arguing with JD and is then saved by him
thats all ive seen so far! go check em out if you feel like it
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