#Himiko still doesn’t have a design
spittyfishy · 2 years
So, it’s 5 am and somehow I’ve written almost 3000 words of Kaito and Maki in the v3 remnant au in one sitting so uh, fic coming soon I guess lol
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chubby-kiyo · 6 months
And finally, Killing Harmony appearance/gender /sexuality headcanons
Kaede Akamatsu - (She/Her Bi, female pref) Chubby and has stretch marks on her hips and stomach. Round baby face, and wears cute pink lipgloss. She also has a little nose ring.
Rantaro Amami - (He/They, pan) He’s a bit chubby (wow, my bias is showing) and has kind of thick thighs compared to most amab people. Wavy hair a bit longer than canon that he sometimes puts in a baby ponytail. Pierced nostril and tongue.
Kirumi Tojo - (She/Her, grey asexual, pan?) Midsized and kind of pear shaped with slightly muscular arms and long legs. Long, elegant hands and clear skin. Oblong face, longer pointy nose. Can’t tan to save her life. Occasionally wears black lipstick.
Ryoma Hoshi - (He/Him, aroace) Can we just knock it off with the random cartoony designs that don’t fit the rest of the aesthetic? He is still short and chubby, but in a humanoid way. Curly light brown hair and bushy eyebrows. Round face with freckles. Some scars on his knuckles from his prison days.
Angie Yonaga - (She/Her, Pan) Pretty average build. Soft tum and smallish boobs. Thick wavy hair that can get pretty gnarly and usually has some acrylic paint stuck in it. Also wipes her paintbrushes on her bare legs when she’s feeling lazy. Gold nose hoops and medusa piercing. Wears brown tinted lipgloss.
Tenko Chabashira - (She/Her, Lesbian) Athletic with lean muscle and somewhat broad shoulders. Tapes her knuckles for training sometimes and has short stubby hands. Doesn’t shave. Canine teeth that somewhat turn inward and look like fangs.
Korekiyo Shinguuji - (They/Them, pan) Tall and gangly skinny in an unhealthy way. No real muscle definition and shitty posture. Oblong face with a larger nose and somewhat crooked teeth (not that anyone could see that) Long bony hands that are always ice cold. Deathly pale and wears eyeliner and mascara. Wears reading glasses. Stretched ears.
Gonta Gokuhara - (He/Him, pan) Hella buff, but not necessarily chiseled. Still soft in some places (gives excellent hugs). His glasses are probably taped on the side due to his clumsiness. Tangled hair that absolutely cannot be tamed and a few accidental freeform locs in the mix. Sizable front tooth gap and full lips.
Miu Iruma - (She/Her horny pan) Plus sized with an extra fluffy hourglass figure. Stretch marks on her chest and hips. Clothes almost always stained with motor oil and sut. Dark brown roots that are a bit overgrown. Freckles and a round face with thick lips. Always wears lipgloss. Keeps a tube in her bra and pulls it without shame. Monroe and tongue piercings.
Kokichi Ouma - (He/Him, gay) A scrawny little pipsqueak. Has braces and sometimes spits when he talks. Ridiculously tiny hands and feet, has to wear children’s shoes. Absolutely cannot tan. Will sometimes wear makeup like a harlequin clown. Cartilage and nostril piercings.
Kaito Momota - (He/Him, bi female pref) Stocky build with muscular arms and broad shoulders, kind of linebacker-esque. I hate the way his hair is designed, but I feel like it would be kind of a straight wolf cut if he let it down. Will sometimes have a man bun. Hairy arms and ham hands. Pierced ears and eyebrow.
Maki Harukawa - (She/Her grey ace, female pref) Athletic build. Flat chested and barely defined waist. Heart-shaped face and widows peak hairline. Scars on her arms. Just really soft facial features that she kind of hates. Hates shaving her legs.
Shuichi Saihara - (He/They, FtM, bi male pref) A little bit pudgy and has thicker thighs. Binds, but is naturally fairly small chested. Wears eyeliner, and has long, thick eyelashes even without mascara. Pin straight hair. Round face and soft lips. Dark circles under his eyes. Has septum and industrial piercings and small stretched ears.
Himiko Yumeno - (She/Her, asexual, sapphic) She looks like she’s in middle school and is a bit chubby. Has perpetually rosy cheeks and crooked teeth in an endearing way. Very fine hair.
Tsumugi Shirogane- (She/Her, asexual) Midsized with pretty even weight distribution. Wavy, thick hair. Somewhat large forehead. Honestly I don’t have much to add to her canon design.
Kiibo - (They/He, aroace, no concept of gender) He is a robot. His “skin” is made of silicone and he has humanlike glass eyes. His hair is nylon and pokes into his little head like a doll. His design is extremely detailed with him even having eyelashes and enamel teeth. Has an internal heater to make his “skin” warm, kind of like baymax. And no, he didn’t come with a dick, though Iruma did patent one.
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droplet-dread-cat · 2 years
League of Hikikomori
AU where everyone in the League of Villains is a hikikomori.
Tomura doesn't want to meet people IRL, he just wants to game and casually leak society-changing governmental data to fulfil his villainy quota. (All for One can't even say anything against his pupil's methods because they turn out to be more successful than whatever he's been trying for the last 200 years lol)
Dabi stays at home despite (or maybe because) Endeavor hasn't changed at all. His vengeance is a little... more personal, so to speak. He reveals himself to his father in the most dramatic way possible (all bloody tears and "Why didn't you search for me?" and "You've easily replaced me with Shouto, haven't you?!" and screaming himself raw - all the fun things that are definitely not his actual real feelings... nu-uh) and makes Endeavor take care of him (financially, because that idiot doesn't know how else to take care of Dabi) as well as making him back off of Shouto by merely being in the boy's presence. Endeavor takes one look at a heavily scarred mentally ill Dabi for once peacefully sitting with the brother he wanted to kill and just walks out again. Dabi becomes an absolute menace btw, like he "accidentally" develops a convenient shopping addiction and online shops day and night with his father's credit card. He heads into online gaming and buys cosmetics with real life money all the time. (That man has every single unlockable Genshin Impact character despite only having played the game for two weeks.) Endeavor can’t even say anything because that’d mean having to sit down with his suicidal kid to have a heart-to-heart and that’d be majorly uncomfortable. So he just doesn’t do anything at all.
Himiko ends up meeting Jin before she can do anything drastic and both of them live in a decrepit cheap apartment because Himiko’s parents are shitty. They get money by becoming TikTokers and their fans send them cute outfits, which has both of them getting into cosplay because of that. Once Himiko’s done with middle school, she opts to go to online classes instead and then there’s practically no reason for either of them to leave the house. (Long story short: Jin and Himiko are anxiety-ridden cosplay dance nerds.)
Shuichi, just like Tomura, isn’t keen on meeting people IRL. He has a mutant quirk and is therefore no stranger to discrimination. In the streaming scene, he’s known as the chill guy who’s giving out advice to fellow mutant types and telling stories about his own experiences. Twitch streamer “Spinner2Winner” doesn’t feel the need to go out and spread the word of Stain, when he can do it more efficiently in front of the PC. (Though, because he’s been receiving so much positive feedback, he’s in a much more positive headspace to evaluate Stain’s ideology and ends up being pro Stain’s idea but anti Stain’s execution of his ideals.)
Magne is a transwoman living in a transphobic area. Hell no, she’s not going to go out more often than she needs to. She can do her small fashion business online as well, without having to worry about assholes treating her like shit for who she is. In the confines of her apartment, she’s starting to bloom and truly embrace herself – doing yoga, wearing whatever she wants to wear, applying make-up however much she wants to put on and realizing her dreams of becoming a recognized and respected fashion designer. She’s also been saving up money for a small house and with the steadily rising interest in her brand, it’s not looking as impossible as it once did.
Mr Compress is a magician on YouTube... the end. There’s really not much to say. He lost his job, he has no interest in unnecessarily endangering himself but he still wants to do magic tricks – so YouTube it is. He just has that flair of dramatics that people love and he isn’t afraid of buying expensive equipment and learning how to edit to make his videos an Experience instead of just a few neat tricks in a row. He’s able to live quite comfortably off of monetization.
And then they all meet on Twitter and the weirdest friendship group in human history is born.
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violetlunette · 2 years
I'm telling you I tried to force myself to like LoV because everyone acted like they are so deep and complex and big brain. So I just felt stupid because I've always seen them as kinda bland crazies that excuse their actions with "hero society is at fault uwah" thing. But with time I realized that maybe I was right actually. All of the explanations to why LoV are deep and complex that I've read were mostly filled with made up shit from the authors. And stuff like LoV being bad guys that deserve to get beaten up and put in jail is hard for fandom to understand. But tbh it's also Hori's fault. He tries to make some cOmPlEx gRaY conflict but he fails. Because as I said LoV are bad people. They don't deserve any saving or forgiveness or help. They are bland bad guys and that's okay for shounen. The problem is how fandom makes them seem like something they are not. They are not deep, complex, morally gray sad uwu babies. They are just not. And it's a problem also how they are seen as one of the best shounen villains and their arc too. So yeah they suck and fandom has to stop lying to themselves
*LoV critical and hate
*Touches on abuse and mental illness neglect
*Long post
*All opinion based
Personally, I knew right away I wasn’t going to like the LoV right away. Shiggy didn’t have a good first impression and I thought for sure he was just a first boss type. Wish he was. His first appearance was boring as he did almost nothing (the nomu was the main threat) and his design was—meh? I thought he was going to be able to use his hands to fight but in the end, all he did was hurt Aizawa’s shoulder. That’s it. Then when All Might appeared, he started spouting how heroes were no different from villains and blah, blah. And I was like; “Dude. You attacked school children with an intent to kill. You don’t have a leg to stand on.”
He didn’t improve as time went on either. At the end of the day, he was an annoying brat and still is. Worse than that, as a villain, he’s boring. All the woobie scenes in the world won’t change that.
You’re right that Hori doesn’t seem to write gray villains very well, and you can see that in his previous works. (But I’ll get into that later.)
Everything about to say is strictly opinion and guesswork, so keep in mind that everything below may be wrong and I could very well be talking out of my ass.
There are three main reasons why I believe people are sympathetic towards the LoV;
First off, there’s a good portion of fans—mainly younger ones—who take what stories say at face value. So if the manga says (example), they’ll accept it even if there is no evidence for this shown, and has scenes conflicting with the statement.
Second, the stuff that is said happens to the lov are things that happen every day in real life; racism, abuse, neglect of mental health, a criminal record gotten at the fault of someone else, and etc. Therefore, when the author states it in the manga not only are they more willing to believe it, because that’s how the real world works. However, BNHA is not the real world, it’s a fantasy world. True, it’s a bit of an offshoot of our world but at its core, it’s a fantasy.
We have not seen a hint of racism in the BNHA world aside from an insulting comment Shinsou makes as of now. Even in side materials, all that’s shown is that the world hasn’t adapted buildings and stuff, which is fair as quirks are only five generations old and it’s only since the fourth generation that quirks have become the norm.
The manga uses Himiko’s quirk impulse as a stand-in for mental neglect, but in the manga, it’s stated that it’s not a common thing as most kids in school get quirk therapy and training in elementary school. Himiko’s issues developed because her parents were so spooked by her quirk that they ordered her to suppress it. It’s likely that kept her homeschooled till they felt Himiko could hide her quirk well enough. Had her parents gotten over themselves and sent her to quirk therapy, she would be fine. Himiko’s issues are not the fault of the hero society, but of her parents. I suppose that a case could be made that they refused to get her help because they were worried she’d be seen as a villain, and the manga likes to SAY that there’s quirk discrimination, but not only is that never shown, but we’ve seen that other heroes who have scarier quirks are accepted rather easily.
As for Twice, an accident indeed got him a record he didn’t deserve and was betrayed by someone he trusted at the sensitive age of sixteen and we do see that. However, as soon as he was tossed out, we never see Jin try again, nor do we see that he couldn’t get another job because of his record. Instead, we see the police being as understanding as they could and assuring him he could turn his life around. Then, instead of even making an attempt, Jin jumped straight into committing crimes, making things worse for himself. So, Jin’s life wasn’t ruined because of hero society, but because two men were assholes and because Jin gave up.
Dabe’s the only one with a leg to stand on as it was his father’s obsession with beating All Might that led to Dabe’s abuse and mentally falling apart. But again, Dabe’s issues were because Endeavor was overly competitive, not because of hero society.
Shiggy’s issues happened because his dad was an abusive fuck while the rest of his family decided to sit in ignorance, despite the fact it was happening in front of them. Then afterward, the issue was a depressing case of back-stander syndrome. No, unlike the other members of the league, this one has a leg to stand on. This was built up from chapter one where we see people standing around, doing nothing, even as a teenager literally being suffocated to death before them and watching the scene like a show. Civilians have been taught to be so overly dependent on heroes that they don’t do anything to defend themselves or protect others, despite having their own unique powers to do so. Shiggy’s fate might have been avoided if someone made the effort to call the police or a hero, then sit with the boy to arrive. Even then, this is a result of Heroes doing their jobs too well, not from doing anything wrong. And even if Shiggy was found by a hero, from what we know of AFO, he would have gotten Shiggy anyway. The core of Shiggy’s issues comes from AFO’s brainwashing and possession, so the reason Shiggy’s life is in hell is because of the villains, not the heroes.
Oh, and Compress? Show me a scene where he wanted to expose the darkness of heroes. I can’t recall one, so readers are left with the view he’s just a bored guy, so joined a villain club.
Third, the heroes represent the system and the norm, which people hate. Because of real-world events, people tend to hate government organizations and police in fiction. Even if the narratives show that overall the organization is good and does its best to protect people, most audiences won’t accept that. They don’t want protagonists that fight for the status quo, they want a protagonist who rebels against it. Plus, the LoV is made of people that are marginalized in our world, so it’s easier to sympathize with them.
Anywho, that’s my thoughts. I have no evidence for this, so I could be wrong. If it helps, I’ve spoken to some LoV fans and while they like the characters a good portion seems to agree that they’ve crossed the line morally and that the manga isn’t good at showing their plights.
Right now everyone is riding the excitement of the manga as it's at its height. Once it ends and they get time to settle everyone will be able to look at the story and characters with some critical thinking. Even I may change my mind on things.
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airanke · 2 years
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Rockstar AU quick designs!! Abiteth is the lead singer of Fluster (her band), and Evette (brown/green lady) is her pianist. For the League, Dabi is the bassist (who can sing, but doesn’t want anyone to know - and can also play acoustic really well), Tomura is the lead singer, Compress is the pianist (also vocals, has a THING with Evie), and Jin is the electric guitarist!
I still have to draw Magne (back-up vocals), Himiko (keyboard/vocals), Spinner (drums) - Kurogiri is the League’s manager, and Hawks is the co-manager and he runs off of Red Bull because he CANNOT with Tomura’s shenanigans. For Fluster I still have to draw Hiro (electric/acoustic), Jeanne (bassist), and Callisthene (drums). Shani and Ammon are manager and co-manager respectively.
Abi and Tomura have AMAZING on stage chemistry whenever their bands perform together and Dabi gets VERY agitated about it. Because d R a M a .
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chasani · 1 year
DRv3 Revival!AU
So here's an idea I had, it’s a DRv3 Post Game AU
(Spoilers for ch6 and minor part in ch3 v3)
After the academy collapses, Maki, Shuichi, and Himiko basically go around the place seeing what's left.
Under some of the rocks they find the book from chapter 3, and I can't remember what it was about but let's act like it talks about bringing back the dead in it somewhere.
While reading it they accidentally bring back Rantaro from the dead, and then decide to bring back everyone else as well.
They're not fully alive, they still have the scars and reminents that represent their deaths and all that, as well as what happened to them throuhhout. But they're physically there, conscious, and back to 'normal'
So all together they 'rebuild the academy'.. in their own way. They turn it into a place all of them can live in together, using reminents of the labs, pool, and whatever else.
(I'm not purposely saying reminents, but pun intended)
It takes a couple of months to get it together, but it's easy to manage because they don't have to grow as much food.
Only Maki, Shuichi, and Himiko need to consume food. And they're also technically the only ones that need sleep, it won't kill the others but it still affects them. However out of everyone Kokichi and Tsumugi are effected by not sleep the most, possibly even more than Maki, Himiko, and Shuichi.
I'll work on designs later, but here's some basic notes:
(kgs means killing game survivors)
Whole note - No one talks about the kg or the ultimates but when a reference or comment slips through things can go both good or bad
Rantaro 🥑
Does not eat guacamole
Pretty much everything else is the same
A slight antagonistic cool dude
Insane but good intention vibes (but not really because he’s chill and cool)
Kaede 🎹
Often seen playing piano in one of the off rooms
Kind, but a bit more quiet and shy
Ryoma 🎾
Usually seen in the tennis court
Often challenges the others to games
Kirumi 🖐️
Helps around a lot
Often seen in the kitchen or in a lab helping Miu with fixing something if she needs extra help
More ghost like than the others
She can make roses bloom from her hands but only at night when she’s outside
Usually at night if she’s taking a break (uncommon but the others helped convince her to do so more often) she’ll be in the greenhouse or the garden next to the fountain
Angie 🎨
Built an art studio
Just as annoying and playful as ever, sometimes Kokichi helps her with her shenanigans
Tenko 🥋
Still calls he males degenerates but it’s leaning a bit more towards the joking side (not really though)
Will beat you up (male)
Will kiss you (with consent) (female)
Shuichi is pretty much the only male exempt
Korekiyo 👻
Usually people call him Kiyo unless it's serious or upsetting
Doesn’t share a body with his sister anymore, though he still wears the makeup
Miu ⚙️
Still calls herself the Golden Girl Genius
Gives the most ridiculous nicknames
Slightly better friends with Kokichi
Rebuilt a lot of the area, as well as upgraded some parts
Made a sci-fi v3 room (that won’t kill)
Made a simulation room to create the old academy
Can transfer from electronically device to device as long as the cord connects
Usually pops in TVs while others are using them so she can prank them or gather everyone to showcase a new invention
Gonta 🪲
Runs the greenhouse
Found a family of bugs that survived the academy collapsing and nurses them
Got help from Miu to rebuild his lab and now he raises bugs
Big strong man takes care of kgs when they're sick or I'll
Kokichi 👑 (tw talk/mention of guts)
Usually seen in his room or active at night, despite his prank playful attitude
Mute and Deaf, also vision is severely obscured
Uses a cochlear implant Miu made and eye contacts he stole borrowed from Tsumugi
Often takes breaks from hearing, you'll usually know this is the case if his eyes are closed because the blurry vision makes him sick/dizzy (also takes out contacts)
Can reform vocal cords to slurrly talk although it hurts him a bunch
Doesn't have a solid form but keeps one not to scare the others, this can mess up with panic attacks and anxiety though
Literally has the ability to rip out his guts or an eyeball
Kaito 🚀
Loves space
Miu built him an entire sci fi lab
Miu also built a vr mode to explode space (in the vr room)
Training trio was put on hold but he’s still waiting
Tsumugi 👗 (tw talk/mention of guts)
Usually seen in her room or active at night
Also doesn't have a solid form like Kokichi, holds one for same reason
Vision was already impared so Miu just fixed her glasses
Deaf in her left ear, can talk although it hurts a little (whisper talking)
Used her cosplay making skills to become a ‘fashion design’ (she makes the clothes for most of everyone)
Sometimes gets help from the others but usually Miu or Oma if this is the case
Gets the girls to model for her, and sometimes Oma because he’s surprisingly a really good model
Became ‘best friends’ (really good friends) with Kokichi because of this
Kiibo 🤖
Everyone calls them Kiibo (K1-B0 is like his dead name almost)
Enby but he/they pronouns
Can explode on command but Miu has to rebuild him
Miu accidentally installed a self destruct button on his back (that Kokichi keeps pressing)
Decent friends with Miu and Kokichi now
Maki 🔪
She’ll kill you in your sleep
Don’t eat her ice cream
Don’t joke about her period
If she’s on her period lock yourself in your room
Leave the ice cream in eyesight (keep in frozen still)
Don’t sleep
She’s watching you
Himiko 🪄
Monday Magic shows with Himiko
Doesn’t really want Tenko’s ‘protection’ but she lets it happen
Friendship with Kokichi and Rantaro has improved, as well as Tsumugi too ig
Shuichi 🔎
Kaede has to confiscate his eyeliner often
He still ends up getting more
It’s waterproof now
When he gets it taken he lives in the digital world (new and improved) until she gets it back
The others have to force him to sleep
He’s a huge help when something goes missing or something happens
Detective work
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Regardless of the nature of the My Hero Academia fandom’s ship content, I feel like it’s important to mention how stupid the ‘the fans are making it gay’ argument really is.
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Kohei Horikoshi would be damned if he ruled out the possibility of his characters being either LGBT or of color, even if the instances in which they exist are scarce.
Boku No Hero Academia defies tropes through a cliché setting with characters that at first glance seem like mere genre prototypes. As you advance further into the manga, though, you’ll hopefully begin to note how the purpose of these tropes revolves uniquely around defying them, hence the development of potentially romantic bonds, Izuku Midoriya’s character design, etc.
The theme of this manga isn’t an inspirational story of a painfully plain main character becoming the world’s greatest hero— as the beginning indicates. The theme of Boku No Hero Academia is societal rupture caused by hierarchical structures based entirely around the concept that some people were simply born ‘better’ and ‘more capable’ than others, while others were born and destined to amount to nothing.
Quirks are a good 50/50. 50 genetics and 50 the amount of training you put your body through to expand your range of abilities and learn to work around your limitations— yet they are still genetic.
Hero society is discriminatory, it’s unjust and it has shady entities controlling abilities that come to someone as naturally as breathing. The villains are heavily fleshed out because they are victims of a system that tried to ‘convert’ them into normalcy (Toga Himiko), that neglected them (Tomura Shigaraki), and exploited them (Touya Todoroki). They are heavily fleshed out because their experiences along with Stain’s ideology and Destro’s ideology, all helped them rebel against an ignorant, oppressive society— only to have their control over the situation stripped away from them by a dictator taking advantage of the broken state of Japanese superhuman society.
Now, why would Kohei Horikoshi build such a painfully oppressive society only to ignore those that are center to these situations irl? Easy, he wouldn’t. Even if someone’s making a character gay, as long as the content is nothing concerning, it’s not as if this manga doesn’t tackle oppressive systems and discrimination head-on, has a heavily bi-coded villain, and isn’t afraid of exploring relationships freely without limiting itself to the roles these characters initially take on?
It’s 1:00 am, sorry if this makes no sense.
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Credit to good_aigussy on Twitter (persona brainrot time) (i only have like 3 non-bot followers in here so crediting is lowkey useless but I gotta stick to my principle)
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I don’t want to spam the tag LMAO
I haven’t touched P1. P2 only a little but the casts are AMAZING, Eikichi stole my heart the most. Shinjiro.. no introduction. Kanji is both funny and had the best SL (tho I don’t want any repeats so fav social link here is Naoki). Yusuke had 1 single brain cell hence why I loved him (Ryuji is a very close contest tho...). P4G ended up being my least favorite sadly because even outside of the homophobia I just don’t feel anything about the ending?? Not to mention that the absolute true ending is literally only unlocked if you are curious to go to Junes after talking to every single social link.... it’s just Weird. The whole “searching for truth” theme from Izanami just doesn’t hit hard either. P5S is my fav spinoff because it developed P5 casts, they felt more like friends than acquintances that do recaps every single time they met, and Sophie/Zenkichi are just top tier Persona characters tbh. Aigis’ social link made me cry, I wish Naoki was on the team, and Akechi’s is really fun (I love Darkechi in general lol). Ryuji’s screaming is fucking amazing to this day, and Caesar is just sad :( Comatose or death it still hits hard (tho death hits harder since Akihiko’s crying on Shinji’s coffin is heartbreaking). Such an absolute shame that on the spinoffs his character is reduced to want more power which is the ABSOLUTE OPPOSITE of his 2nd awakening :/ Ann’s design reveals so much about her character and it’s just so fun. Lucia might not be in everyone’s mind when thinking about the best Persona design but idk I just vibe with her! I also would put Himiko in here. Maybe I just like navigator?? Tho I’m sorry but Futaba’s is kinda mid. P4A is so funny and actually expanded a lot of the characters (Rise and the Temperance arcana particularly), just avoid Kanji’s dungeon episode. Burn My Bread is a classic, P3 ending is iconic. FEMC my beloved, I know Ken’s social link is TERRIBLE but she fixed everything else!! Akihiko/Junpei/Shinjiro/Saori are among the best social links in P3, replacing the meh ones in the male MC version (looking at you Nozomi.......), her dialogue is fun and her cheerfulness really is a nice contrast for this depressing game. FEMC sweeps. Nyx was built up perfectly, her boss is so amazing and worth the wait, gahhhhh Nyx is just the best!! Can’t chose 1 fav character sadly but yeah you already know how garbage I am.. Shinjiro my babe my beloved my meow meow. Aigis and Yusuke is cute too. Muah muah
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postgame-propaganda · 2 years
introduction to the blog!
Hello! I’m the creator of this blog, you can call me Saz. My pronouns are they/he/it and I am 16 years old. I’m an aquarius!! I have psychosis, depression, BPD, and anxiety. I’m also neurodivergent.
This blog is about my danganronpa V3 AU, hence the blogs name being ‘Postgame-Propaganda’.
This AU is mainly about Tsumugi Shirogane (who I will occasionally call Homura, this is explained in the lore).
This AU is around 2 years old, however I was pretty self conscious about my writing at that time and didn’t share it on tumblr.
I’ll mainly be posting art on here along with other lore things. Feel free to leave anons so I can draw out the characters reacting to them!
The characters that are used in this AU are:
Tsumugi Shirogane (Homura)
Shuichi Saihara
Maki Harukawa
Himiko Yumeno
Kaito Momota
and Kokichi Ouma.
I’m a beginner artist and so my art/designs may not be the best but, we all start somewhere, right?
The AU itself features mentions of Death, survivors guilt, Hallucinations (Tsumugi has psychosis), depression, and possibly more things (Ill add if needed.)
The whole premise of the AU is: What if Tsumugi chose her own destiny?
Basically, what if Tsumugi had a change of heart and decided to stop the killing game. Going against her own writing?
To put it in more detail, after the death of Gonta she decided that she had enough. Although she wrote things to be this way she didn’t know how much of a toll it would take on her. She came clean to the remaining students about everything. They had a retrial and Tsumugi was found guilty. Before the execution, however Kiibo blew up the school. His reasoning being that nobody with hope should die, and since Tsumugi had hope she didn’t need to die.
He blew up the school and himself, saving Shuichi, Kokichi, Tsumugi, Maki, Kaito, and Himiko. After that Tsumugi parted ways with everyone else. She went to a pissed off team danganronpa and helped them edit the show. Basically, changing the events to appeal the audience. So, in all actuality everyone was still alive but in the show more people had died.
Tsumugi then stayed to rebuild Kiibo and once that was done she announced that she’d be leaving the company for good. This was allowed but they tied her down and put a shot in her eyes, ‘marking her’.
This shot made it so that the roman numerals for 53 replaced her pupils. (V was shown in her left eye, 3 shown in her right.) in an attempt to fight back she ended up losing an arm and having to get a prosthetic.
After these events she deletes any accounts that ties her to her old identity as Tsumugi Shirogane, burns her danganronpa cosplays, starts to wear purple contacts, and changes her name to Homura. She starts to attend therapy where she is diagnosed with borderline personality disorder (BPD), severe Depression, and Psychosis. She is given medication for it.
She doesn’t leave the house a lot due to her paranoia and makes cosplays for people as a way to earn money.
She lives in a two bedroom apartment with Kiibo (partially).
She eventually finds Himiko and she tells Tsumugi how much of a hard time Shuichi has been having due to Kaitos disappearance. She asks if Tsumugi could help find Kaito and Tsumugi agrees.
They proceed to go on a wild goose chase to find Kaito and after sometime, they find him!
The experience brought them all closer together, and so they end up becoming roommates and friends again! That’s pretty much the summed up version of the AU. If you want all the details then follow the blog ;]
Tsumugi and the rest of the cast are supposed to be 19-23 years old in this AU as this is supposed to take place a couple of years after V3.
Tsumugi, Shuichi, Mukuro, and Junko are all (half) siblings from Tsumugis dads side of the family. (In this AU V3 takes place 5-9 years after THH and in this AU Junko and Mukuro are both still alive.)
The only canon ships in the AU are Kaito x Shuichi and Tsumugi x Angie (They dated before Angie was killed). There is implied Homura x Maki though !
That’s all really! Stay tuned for more!
Also, have a random sprite edit I did of Homura.
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valleyrunearchives · 11 months
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences Fandom: Boku No Hero Academia/My Hero Academia Pairings: Aizawa Shouta/Yamada Hizashi Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence
Chapter 30/?
“Binary code is a series of zeroes and ones strung together in a specific sequence. On paper, it’s useless. Annoying. Worthless. But put that same string of zeroes and ones into a computer, and suddenly it’s a language far more complex than the human mind can comprehend. I was the same way. The world decided I wasn’t good enough in the physical plane, so I went digital. That’s why I chose the name Binary. And you should be very,” He smirks at the underground hero on the screen, “Very afraid of the reach I have here. Aizawa Shouta.”
Midoriya Izuku is tired of the world treating him like nothing. So he decides to becoming a hacker to show the world that nothing can be anything.
Featuring Midoriya Izuku as the Genius Hacker Aizawa Shouta as the problem child wrangler Yamada Hizashi as the moral support to his husband Tsukauchi Naomasa as the man who needs a long vacation PLEASE Shinsou Hitoshi as the intentionally adopted one Toga Himiko as the unintentionally adopted one Dabi as the really didn’t want to be adopted one but he guesses this is his life now and Nedzu as the Rat God of UA
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Class 1A was aflutter with various chatter and chit chatting while waiting for their first Heroics lesson. Izuku was excited too but kept mostly to himself about it, preferring to use the spare time to fill out another page in his notebook; An update page on Ectoplasm now that he’s actually had real interactions with the man and seen his quirk on a far more up close and personal level. Hitoshi was quiet as well from what he could hear but Hitoshi wasn’t very sociable in the first place during moments like these so it’s not overly odd at all to not hear his voice. He’s just putting some final touches on the new drawing he made when the door bursts open.
He jumps as a booming voice calls out, “I AM HERE! Coming through the door like a normal person!”
All the students coo and simper at the sight of the number one here coming through the door (like a normal person, as proclaimed). All except Izuku who has a disgusted grimace on his face. And Hitoshi too, who has about the same look on his face when Izuku glances back at him. Their thoughts about the blonde buffoon still stand, he’s still ew… 
He wishes he could tune him out but, unfortunately, he’s their heroics teacher so he has to pay attention in order to figure out what they’re doing. Doesn’t mean he has to like it though…
“Welcome to Heroics! First things first, future heroes!” Izuku notices that All Might’s eyes trail to him. He keeps his face absolutely blank and just blinks at him. All Might’s eyes quickly shift away from him at that which Izuku counts as a win, “Your hero costumes!” 
Various panels in the wall open to reveal steel cases inside of them, each with a name on them. Izuku stares at it in wonder. He knows what’s in them and he’s beyond excited. 
“Inside each of these cases are your hero costumes! Find your case and get changed into it, then meet me in Ground Beta for an exciting first class!” 
With that, All Might leaves the room. Izuku guesses to head to Ground Beta. At least they’re not on a time crunch this time like with Aizawa’s apprehension test thing. Izuku gets up and finds his case. He picks it up and waits for Hitoshi to join him with his own case before they head out to the locker room together to change. A few of the other guys are already there when they arrive. They change fairly quietly, only exchanging a few sentences here and there. 
“Whoa dude!” Kirishima crows as Izuku finishes changing and turns to face him, “I love your hero costume man! It’s amazing!”
“Yeah, the green and black design is so… like… futuristic cyberpunk! It’s awesome!” Kaminari agrees.
He glances down at his outfit. The top part is sleek and streamline. Black but covered in various green glyph designs. The glyphs also glow in the dark to provide a bit of light for him as well as be an intimidating figure (hopefully) to whoever he runs into. There’s built in wired headphones to them that connect automatically to his phone, and therefore CATRA as well. She’s a valuable part of his hero persona that none but him and his family know about. He also has black pants similar to cargo pants on. They're covered in pockets full of various equipment such as knives, gas canisters, and even a small first aid kit. He went with a steel toed boot option for the shoes but they are cushioned to be able to let him walk, run, and just generally be on his feet longer than the shoes he normally has to get. He hates those stupid “quirkless” shoes… Thank God for the support department!
He looks back up at them and smiles, “Thanks! I really like the pants of my costume! They have lots of pockets!” 
“Pockets rule, for sure,” A student he hasn’t yet spoken to often, Shoji, nods in agreement. He gets it!
“What about your costume, Shinsou-kun?” Iida asks with a chopping arm motion.
He looks over at Hitoshi, who also glances down at his own costume. It’s a sleek bodysuit in black with purple accents designed to allow for Hitoshi to have a wide range of movements since his litheness is a good quality for him in combat. He’s also wearing combat boots and gloves, both in a dark violet color. It’s a fairly simple design but the pièce de résistance of his costume is the persona chords hanging around his neck; An idea Izuku had a while back when talking about their hero costumes. He also has something of a utility belt around his waist for things like cuffs and a first aid kit as well. Just in case.
“Meh,” Hitoshi shrugs in nonchalance. 
Izuku rolls his eyes and holds up a hand to shield his mouth, “Hitoshi’s favorite hero is Eraserhead so he wanted his costume to incorporate a lot of his designs in it.” 
Hitoshi hisses his name as if Izuku just promised his first born to a witch while Izuku snickers. Iida nods in understanding while some of the other students look at him in confusion. 
“Who’s Eraserhead? I’ve never heard of him,” Kaminari asks.
Hitoshi physically chokes at that as Izuku blinks at him in shock. “Eraserhead?” Izuku asks slowly, “You know… Underground hero? Known for his quirk, Erasure? Very similar to someone we know!”
Most of the students make noises of understanding but Kaminari shakes his head as Izuku balks in shock at him before spitting out, “Our homeroom teacher?!” 
It’s quiet for a moment before, “HE’S A HERO?!” Kaminari shouts in shock now.
Izuku facepalms while Hitoshi quietly mutters, “I am literally so upset right now…”
Kirishima chuckles awkwardly before pointing, “Let’s get out of here before Kaminari says something else that may or may not upset you…”
“Hey!” Kaminari whines at that. Everyone just chuckles good naturedly and heads out of the locker room. They all get to Ground Beta and wait for the rest of the class to join them. Some of the girls' costumes look really good in Izuku’s opinion, like Asui’s and Jirou’s. Very well done for their quirks and general aesthetics. Others… not so much. Yaoyorozu looks very uncomfortable with her costume and Uraraka keeps stumbling from the heels in her shoes. The visible parts of Hagakure’s costume are just her gloves and boots. Wait… does she even have a costume?! That may be something to ask her later and, if it is the case that her costume is just gloves and boots and literally nothing else, bring it up to Aizawa-sensei.
“Excellent! Now that everyone’s here, we can commence with our first lesson which is…” All Might pauses for dramatic effect before throwing out his arm, “Battle trials!” 
Izuku reels back a bit at that. Hitoshi clicks his tongue in a certain way that he knows is him trying to get his attention so he turns his head towards him. His brother makes a face that seems to say, ‘what is this shit?’ Izuku shrugs. He has no idea. This isn’t the norm as far as he’s researched from past heroic students on their first day of Heroics.
All Might’s smile falls just a hint of a bit before he turns to Izuku nervously. “Erm… Young Midoriya… Perhaps you’d want to sit out of this lesson? And Young Shinsou as well? This will be a far too extreme lesson for… someone like you.”
“Like me huh? Quirkless you mean?” His voice is cold, “No thanks. I’d rather participate in the clase I’m a part of.”
“Young Midoriya, I must insist! If you were to get injured-”
“Read my face and lips,” he uses his finger to circle his very blank and stony expression before slowly enunciating, “No. And if you continue to… ‘insist’ as you call it, I will march myself straight to Nedzu’s office to let him know.”
All Might flinches at that before clearing his throat and turning to Hitoshi. His brother just shakes his head with the same expression on his face. The number one hero sighs in what appears to be defeat before putting his ‘award winning smile’ back on. “Alright then, students! Allow me to explain the battle trials! We’ll be having you go up against each other in teams of two. One group will be the villains and one will be the heroes! The villains will place down a paper mache bomb in any location of their choice in the building with the goal of defending it until the timer runs out! The heroes will be attempting to stop you! The villains win if either they capture both the heroes in their capture tape or by stalling the heroes until time runs out. Likewise, the heroes win if they capture the villains with capture tape or if they can locate and successfully touch the bomb. After each match, we’ll take a few moments to discuss each team's pros and cons to their approach, regardless of who won or lost!” 
Seems simple enough, and oddly intuitive for All Might to be honest.
“Now let's get the teams decided by the randomizer!” With that, All Might hits a button on the computer behind him. Within seconds their teams are decided and so are the opponents. Izuku pales at the sight of them while he sees Bakugou smirking almost evilly out of the corner of his eye. Hitoshi also sees the matchup and reaches out to grip his arm almost nervously.
Midoriya Izuku and Uraraka Ochako (Team A) VS Bakugou Katsuki and Iida Tenya (Team D). “I suddenly have a very bad feeling about this…” He mumbles to Hitoshi.
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fuck it Imma make like a 20 y/o right-libertarian blogger and just list my Subjective Opinions About An Ancient Cyborg Manga bullet point-style:
003 > you
93 is canon
the 2001 anime was and still is the best anime adaption of 009 and also say what you want about it but the English dub will always have a special place in my heart
Ishinomori having Ivan save 009 and 002 bc he was touched by fan letters was actually really sweet/touching and a good decision and I hate how people talk about that as if he was Bullied into doing it or w/e (it did suck that it led to so many issues down the line though)
004′s anime incarnations > 004′s manga incarnation
Hilda is underrated. she might have had probably 15 seconds total of screentime and died prior to the events of 009 but she’s underrated and people who draw her are doing Apollo’s work
the Pu’Awak sisters are also underrated
2012 God’s War was essentially just torture porn and just felt like a 21-chapter long middle finger to everyone who’s ever cared about these characters and has Very few redeeming qualities I’m sorry. also fuck Hisui/Himiko/whatever the fuck she calls herself
the 1960 movies were... Bizarre And Had Their Issues but they were charming and fun for what they were
003 > you
the Legend of Super Galaxy English dub had the absolute worst voice acting in the history of the franchise hands down. "worse than the 1979 anime Swedish dub that was voiced by just one dude?” Yes, Bc At Least That One Dude Attempted To Seem Like He Cared
Call of Justice itself doesn’t seem that bad but the Cyborg designs look like ass and CoJ!Jet is hands down THE worst re-imagining of this character. like as much as I don’t like RE:!Jet I could at least Kinda Sorta See the resemblance to the OG Jet but CoJ!Jet Is Absolutely Not Jet Link By Any Sense Of The Name And He Will Never Be Jet Link
003 > you
so far the vs Devilman OVA had The best Cyborg designs since the 2001 anime
RE: was p ok imo; Cyborg designs are decent and general animation and visuals were gorgeous and if the plot had been executed a lot better it would have been a solid 009 experience
did I mention 003 > you? in case I forgot: 003 > you
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Presents the DRV3 cast would get their SO
Mod Mikan: Consider this a little ‘apology present’ for the lack of updates from me. Enjoy ;)
Warning: Subtle NSFW mention for Miu’s part (It’s Miu, what did you expect?) 
Shuichi: The Ultimate Detective is a pure boi. He’s a bit nervous getting you gifts, but still wants to show you just how much he loves you as much as he says it. I believe he would at first, get you cliché presents, such as flower bouquets and chocolates. Overtime, when he gains more confidence, he would gift you books or novels you had your eye on, your favorite movie DVD’s, or if he was lucky, a necklace for you
Rantaro: Prepared to be S P O I L E D rotten! This dude would literally get your enough flowers to start your own florist shop! He would also be very cliché with his gifts, but add his own twist to keep them from getting lame. Would get you a gift basket with your favorite candies, your favorite stuffed animals with little T-shirts/placks that say “I love you”, jewelry, makeup, nail polish, heck, maybe even surprise you with a vacation for the two of you! 
Ryoma: Wouldn’t gift you anything ‘uncool’ or ‘lame’ so he wouldn’t go with clichés. He wouldn’t go overboard with his gifts, but rather, get you little trinket that reminded you if him. Would probably get you a tennis racket keychain, a tennis charm bangle, or a necklace with an “R” on it
Kaito: Would literally get you A N Y T H I N G with a galaxy print on it. Galaxy printed mugs, socks, phone cases, nail polish, jewelry, you name it! He would also get you charm bracelets and necklaces with star/moon/planet charms or even buy you your own galaxy star projector night light 
K1-BO: Would first refrain from getting your gifts. It’s not like he doesn’t want to, he loves you so much! It’s just that he’s still learning the basics of a romantic relationship. I feel like he would search up the best presents to gift your significant other when the relationship starts to get more serious. So expect a lot of cliché gifts like flowers, chocolates, teddy bears, necklaces, etc. Would most likely also be a fan of buying decorative picture frames and putting pictures of you guys on them ;)
Kokichi: SIMP MODE ACTIVATED! Damn, you thought Rantaro was gonna spoil you?! Kokichi is a whole other level! In the beginning of the relationship, he wouldn’t really spoil you, just get you little trinkets or stuff that reminded him of you--like keychains or small stuffed animals. Heck! Maybe even get you small gag gifts/pranking stuff. But with time, his simping skills start to show. You’re his co-ruler, the supreme leader’s lover--it’s only natural that you’re treated like royalty. Would probably have DICE to steal--I MEAN--buy you expensive jewelry, purses/wallets, perfumes, airpods, candy gift baskets, even a matching cape/hat for you! (If you are a girl, he’d get you a tiara) 
Korekiyo: Would quite literally go to the ends of the earth to gift you the most beautiful pieces of humanity. Most definitely you gift you rare fossils and beautiful artistic remnants of ancient tribes/societies. Would also spoil you with gems, ancient jewelry pieces, foreign alcoholic drinks, and hand crafted vases holding different types of flowers
Gonta: Umm......I’m gonna skip over the first few times he got you presents (long story short: He wanted you to have your own ‘bug friends’). He held off on giving you gifts after those....incidents. When your relationship starts to get deeper and Gonta finally gains more confidence (and romantic knowledge), he would start to gift you bumble bee plushies, bracelets and earrings with dragonfly charms, pinned butterflies in frames (even though they are creepy as hell), and flowers he found when he was searching for bugs
Kaede: This precious soul will get you A N Y T H I N G music related! She always wants to share her passion with you and get you anything that would remind you of how much she loves you! Would get you earrings, bracelets and necklaces with music notes on them, glass piano figurines, and decorative piano themed wine glasses. She would also love to play you a piece dedicated to you as a little ‘gift experience’ instead. If you loved it that much, she would record herself playing it and ask Miu to burn it into a chip and place it inside a music box she was going to gift you ;)
Tenko: Ah, another hopeless romantic! Tenko wouldn’t really spoil you like Rantaro and Kokichi, but would definitely gift you a lot of stuff that would remind you of her! Be prepared to be gifted with Aikido charm bracelets, stuffed animals with Aikido uniforms, and your own punching bags/practice dummies. Wouldn’t get you candies since she wants you to be in top form when you train with her 
Angie: Do I.....Do I even need to say it?! Angie would handcraft and make you anything you want from scratch! Whether it would be a sculpture of you two together, a painting of you guys sitting on a park bench, a charm bracelet/necklace with your name on it, or even a figurine of one of her visions of Atua, she wouldn’t buy A N Y T H I N G for you. Not only does it take away the thought of the gift, but it’s really a ‘pride’ thing as well. Angie wants to show off her artistic skills and believe that her work is good enough for you. She would also make you decorative vases, plates, and cups 
Kirumi: I can honestly see her gifting you aroma therapy candles, weighted blankets, and different tea boxes. She gives off very calming and soothing vibes, so no doubt she would want you to feel relaxed and serene whenever she can. Would also get you adult coloring books, decorative pencil holders, flowers/small botanic plants, and bath stuff. A lot of therapeutic gifts 
Himiko: Don’t expect to be spoiled so much. She’s usually too tired and sleepy to give you gifts. If she as in a relatively good mood and more energetic that day, she would get you little magic themed presents--cause magic is real. Would get you a deck of cards, your own magic set kit, or even a Harry Potter wand (maybe even a chocolate wand set ;)). Though, when she knows the relationship is serious and deep, she would certainly get you a matching hat
Maki: Don’t hold your breath. Maki isn’t really big on gift giving, even if the relationship gets deep and serious. Of course she loves you, but she sees no point in getting you a gift and spoiling you with material objects. She thinks it would lose meaning if she kept doing it. Really, she would only get you presents on special occasions, like your birthday or anniversaries. Would most likely keep it subtle and humble, like a pendant necklace or a box of your favorite sweets 
Miu: The woman would spoil dump a BUNCH of inventions that she thinks will make your life easier. Like Angie, she doesn’t really buy anything since she thinks she can make something even better than what a crappy store sells. Her gifts are....well....kinda nonsensical and you really don’t know how they work or what they do. Some of them even have no purpose other than...to vibrate ;). Most of them are just shaped like....you know what. It’s Miu, guys! But you know she means no harm and she’s really trying her best when it comes to getting you presents. Just say you love it, it’ll make her so happy 
Tsumugi: Let’s be honest: The woman would make you a whole entire new wardrobe! She doesn’t love to wear cosplay, rather make cosplay for other people to wear. LOVES to make you clothing that your favorite fictional characters wear, while also just designing clothing that you expressed interest in! Been eyeing that new Gucci dress for a while now, but it’s too expensive? Tsumugi is already sewing it all together! Just give her a few days. She would also love to make plushies wearing cute mini outfits for you  
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raspberry-rampage · 2 years
aka I still think Horikoshi’s go-to when designing female characters and their costumes is to focus on their physical attractiveness and not their costumes’ functionality or practicality;
post about female hero costumes here
Since the number of female villains is laughably small, and their screen/panel-time and contribution to the story is even more laughably small, I can describe each one in detail. Not including Vigilantes or movie villains. So let’s go through each of them:
Himiko Toga
• wears a sailor uniform: shirt, dark skirt which is mid-thigh (in latest chapters it seems shorter though, barely covering her butt), on top a baggy sweater with a scarf, also socks below her knees and standard loafers; she gets a mask and a machine on her back, as well as a belt with pouches and knife-holders on her thighs;
• for winter, she gets a coat but her thighs are still exposed, although her socks end mid-thigh now; also a muffler/scarf;
• she also often appears naked, so there’s that;
La Brava
• big bow on her neck, dark shirt, corset belt?, big gloves, poofy pants, knee-high boots on heels (if it weren’t for the heels, I’d have no complaints);
• long dress from light material that can get tight at times, round cleavage; belt that serves no function; jacket with fur collar; wears wedges (they suck too, see Jill Bearup’s videos);
Lady Nagant
• a curious case, a former hero whose costume was on one panel, so we can look at that too!
• current: tight, sleeveless turtleneck, corset belt (again?!), mid-shin? loose skirt (which can expose her legs when we need fanservice!), boots;
• hero: tight, sleeveless turtleneck, neck and boob braces?, corset? belt for ammo, baggy pants, knee guards, boots;
I’ll also include female Nomu, there’s only one and doesn’t even get a proper name, just... Woman. I’m speechless. Anyway, all Nomu are pretty much naked, so her big boobs are just wobbling around. Yup. Seems like someone needs to check out how boobs of muscular women look like.
Additionally: When Toga got injured in her fight with Curious, I really hoped she would keep the eyepatch, it made her look badass and maybe would introduce consequences for her quirk... but she’s too cute to have scars, I guess.
Now, I should’ve taken a look at how male villains’ wardrobes appear in comparison, right? But honestly, I don’t feel like it, it’s too much work. Like really, there are so many named male villains and pretty much most of their clothes can be summed up with either elegant and classic or baggy and loose.
There are exceptions. Dabi’s outfit is probably the most exposing because of his loose t-shirt/tank-top with a deep neckline that can rise up pretty high (nice), in latest chapters most of his clothes are burning away so he’s showing off quite a lot (nice). Twice wears a skin-tight suit, I guess. Well, there’s also Gigantomachia in all his naked glory. Some guys wear skin-tight tank-tops or run around shirtless.
Yet I never get the same feeling with male villains as the one when I see female villains. I’m not sure if it’s the costumes or the way they’re drawn (the poses, panelling, a lot of aspects) but it’s probably a combination of both. I still think that if I were to actually count and see the percentage then the results would be the same as those from the hero costumes comparison. Females should be sexy or cute, no need for the practical or cool elements, while males should wear comfortable and loose baggy material with occassional armour.
Conclusion: Horikoshi’s still a thigh guy, wearing a corset-belt raises your chances of being a villain, only Lady Nagant knows what to wear to a battlefield shoe-wise (loafers are better than heels or wedges, but imo still suck). Overall, no armour (who needs it, right? Lady Nagant gets some lame braces though), and not much from the ever present in male costumes baggy bullshit. All of them are quite curvy and their outfits/costumes focus on accentuating their boobs or thighs.
Therefore, my point still stands. His costume designs are still sexist.
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katzkinder · 3 years
London Bridge Is Falling Down
Envy Pair version of my Counting Sheep series! Himiko is my headcanon for the name of Mikuni's mother. Since Mikuni's name contains the character for "kingdom," I thought this name belonging to an ancient queen suited his mother well.
Mikuni is annoying.
That’s something Jeje has always known, ever since Mikuni was a child, ever since the first time he saw him, bounding around his mother’s skirts and throwing himself into Lily’s arms to be held and cuddled and fawned over while Jeje had slunk back to the cellars. Himiko had been so bright, back then, the rot of Envy not yet showing in a visible way, that tiny baby that would grow into his brother’s Eve gurgling happily in her arms.
Jeje was the one who had found him. Himiko had wept when she saw him, all the anger and hate leaving her at once, vanishing as if it never existed when she laid her eyes on the fragile little bundle, swaddled in soft fabrics with little gloves on his impossibly tiny hands. She had sobbed all the harder when she took the crying child from him, her hands shaking while she cradled him close, useless apologies spilling from her pretty lips. The body of the babe’s mother had rapidly been growing cold on the carpet, and little Misono… Would remember none of it.
(Jeje remembered all of it, though. He doesn’t think a single moment will ever fade from his mind, no matter how many eons pass)
As Mikuni had grown, with Jeje watching over him as a silent, imposing, guardian angel, always behind the boy’s mother while she had read bedtime stories to him, always so aware of those bright, bright, too bright eyes, Jeje had also become aware of a number of other things, and those things remained true into adulthood. Mikuni has all of his mother’s gorgeous looks (and some from his father, but admitting as such is just asking to be choked), her stubborn brightness, her sharp tongue and wit, but more than any of that...
Mikuni is annoying.
...Because he never listens to what’s good for him. Just like his mother before him, he had taken Jeje despite his warnings, and some bitter, sick part of Jeje had wanted him to. The same part of him that had given in to Himiko herself.
But, well, he’d always known Mikuni never listened, too.
He wonders if Lily knows, though he doubts that he’s aware, of those golden afternoons when Mikuni would sneak down to his hiding place and find him lurking near the boilers, the excited, terrified whispers of Lily’s children, his human children, chasing after the young heir as he confidently hopped down, step by step, into the “monster’s” lair.
They had talked. About nothing. About everything. Well, actually, Mikuni had talked, seemingly not caring that Jeje never said much back, incredible and beautiful and… Well, there was a reason everyone called Mikuni brilliant.
Jeje knew better, though.
The most annoying thing about Mikuni, in his opinion, is not how loud he is. It’s not his contrariness, or his capriciousness, or his constant, gnawing curiosity causing him to make mischief.
The most annoying thing about Mikuni was how badly he wanted people to think he was naturally good at everything.
See, Mikuni was smart. Jeje would give him that. But he was also very stupid. It wasn’t as if he lacked common sense, though sometimes Jeje wondered, but it was like Mikuni wanted people to resent him.
More than anyone Jeje had ever met, his Eve was a hard worker. Someone who hated owing others a single damn thing. It was that useless pride and sense of responsibility for things that couldn’t possibly be Mikuni’s fault, things Jeje suspected, no matter how much he denied it, Mikuni had learned, had internalized, from his father and from Lily, that was why Jeje refused to call Mikuni brilliant like everyone else.
...But he did shine. Like a candle in a darkened room. Like a beacon. Warm, and inviting, someone to warm himself beside, even knowing that that flame would burn him up, just like a moth.
The question was... Who would that flame melt into nothing first?
Jeje would be damned twice over if he let it be his Eve.
Turning away from way he had been watching the other man work late hours, hunched over Nod’s ledgers and planners and Mikuni’s own personal notebooks, where his pen scratched across the surfaces of each calculating profits, expenses, bills, new products and designs and promotions and planning trips, Jeje silently makes his way to their kitchen.
Burning the midnight oil just means you won’t have any left when you truly need it.
A snort, reaching for their cabinets. Of course, that’s what Mikuni had him for.
He’s gotten very good at brewing tea. Jeje isn’t much of a chef at all, but living with Mikuni for so long, it was practically guaranteed he’d learn to at least make a semi-decent cup, and thank god he had. He would have truly killed Mikuni by now if he hadn’t, he swears, the man is just as persnickety about his tea as Lily is with his coffee.
...He’s also gained a new appreciation for the stuff, but maybe that comes with the territory of spending hours upon hours listening to Mikuni’s one sided argument about the best ways to drink it. It’s hard not to be impressed with all the little details that goes into brewing what’s considered a perfect cup (by Mikuni’s standards, anyway), and even harder still to not feel a fondness for something that draws such genuine passion out of his once charge, now equal.
...It’s such an odd thought. He knows what people think. That Mikuni has always had a stranglehold on him. That Mikuni has always been in charge. That Mikuni has always been someone… Grown up.
Again. Jeje knows better.
He sets the temperature on their electric kettle, one purchased on one of their many visits to the British Isles, sits at their kitchen table, and waits. Thinks.
Mikuni has been grown up for a long time now. And he will continue to grow, and people will continue to think, no matter Jeje’s efforts, that he is a no good, conniving schemer who would sacrifice them all on a wish and a prayer and something like a maybe.
And, well, perhaps they aren’t wrong. Perhaps Jeje is a fool. But if he’s a fool, he’s a court jester, and as court jester he will make absolutely certain this time that the king does not make his mistakes without someone there to make fun of him for it, even if only behind closed doors, even if only between the two of them.
To everyone else, he is a dictator’s executioner, and that’s fine with him. Everyone else doesn’t matter.
His eyes drift to Mikuni’s favorite cup, one made of glass and painted with delicate, swooping strokes of gold, with lilies and a taupe lacquer surrounding all but a window through which one could admire the lovely colors of their favored drink. He takes it into his hands, so much larger than this tiny cup, and finds himself smiling as he turns the joint birthday gift from the Lust pair over and around, admires those intricate, fancy details that speak of quality and knowing down to the letter exactly what Mikuni’s tastes are.
Almost everyone.
The teapot has been warmed, the kettle filled with mineral water and piping hot, and by the time Jeje finishes steeping the loose leaf tea, their little kitchen clock, kitschy and cute and shaped like a cartoon chicken hatching from an egg, reads 2:17 in the morning.
Jeje picks up the cup, the container of melatonin supplements Mikuni has taken since he was twenty at his Servamp’s behest, and carefully carries both back to where he knows the other man will still be completely absorbed in his work.
True to form, Mikuni is still at it. The predictability of his late night, sleepless habits, of his need to do something with his time, makes Jeje’s frown deepen, ever so slightly.
He wishes Mikuni would just rest. Close his eyes, not do anything, just lie there and let Jeje guard him, just be still, be quiet, like did when he was a child.
… He knows better than to think a mind as stubborn and that moves as fast as his Eve’s could ever achieve that, but he can dream. He can also just sicc the Lust pair on him.
That’ll put him to bed real fast.
“What’re you grinning about over there?”
He startles, not having expected Mikuni to acknowledge his presence, and nearly sloshes hot chamomile with lavender onto the pretty little matching saucer that accompanied the cup. It’s a miracle it didn’t fall over completely. Jeje lets out a breath, so quiet it’s inaudible, and curses himself for forgetting that Mikuni can see him right now.
Then again, even if he was wearing his mask, Mikuni would have seen right through him.
He always does.
His Eve is watching him still, waiting for him to move, and then his eyes flick down to what Jeje has in his hands. His lips twist.
Jeje ignores it and continues to make his way over to where Mikuni had been peacefully working. They don’t speak a word to one another, and no sooner than Jeje sets his cargo down, he’s going back the way he came, knowing it’s useless to try and ply Mikuni with words or favors.
The man is annoying in his stubbornness, too.
He hears a sniff behind him, the scratch of pen on paper once more, but it isn’t long before that little noise stops again. A sigh. Jeje chances peering around the doorframe, smiling, just a tad, as a clearly frustrated Mikuni slaps his pen down onto the counter and picks up his cup, no doubt tempted by the smell of his favorite night time blend.
A swallow. Two.
Mikuni unscrews the lid on the melatonin gummies. Pops a couple into his mouth. Chews, and swallows. The tension leaves his shoulders. He allows himself to savor the warmth in his hands.
Jeje leaves him be and heads upstairs to their room, knowing Mikuni now won’t be far behind.
“Jeje,” Mikuni calls after him, voice soft in that way it sometimes, ever so rarely gets, so quiet Jeje almost misses it. “... You still really suck at this.”
Mikuni is annoying.
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linkspooky · 4 years
That’s What Makes Us Heroes and Villains
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All the way back in the aftermath of the Stain Arc, Dabi and Himiko were the first new recruits introduced for the League of Villains. The three of them together, Shigaraki, Dabi, and Himiko are a trio. Effectively the three main characters of the villain side of the story. They are all three of them, traumatized children who were thrown out by society, and are now fighting back against it. They’ve been pushed out further and further until all three of them came to the same conclusion: Heroes are in the way. 
Dabi: “There are no true Heroes.” 
Shigaraki: “You heroes hurt your own families just to help complete strangers.” 
Toga: “You heroes mess everything up.” 
All three of them are children screaming the same thing at the heroes, trying to get somebody to listen only to be ignored. Shigaraki, Dabi, Himiko were all driven to become villains because of hero society. They became villains because heroes existed in the first place. 
A meta on the villain trio under the cut. 
1. Monsters
Shigaraki, Dabi, and Himiko are all introduced to us as monstrous villains who slowly become human over time. Their development is effectively then in reverse of the main heroes. The heroes we sympathize with right away because they’re introduced to us as innocent kids. We see the villains as violent monsters first before the curtain is pulled back and it’s revealed they started out as children all along. 
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When the three are introduced they have no affection for one another. Shigaraki even calls them “the two types I hate most.” There’s no trust, as the first thing the three do is try to kill each other. 
We’re introduced to them at their lowest point. All three of them are in a bad place effectively. Himiko has been on the run for months, Dabi has been who knows where, and Shigaraki has had two successive failures in his attacks on both Stain and USJ. 
Their cooperation in the Camp Raid arc is begrudging at best. This goes for the whole league of villains, (Spinner and Magne end up making things harder for each other, Several members get captured) they seem to be working against each other as much as they are working together.
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Shigaraki, Dabi and Himiko were all effectively traumatized by the same thing, being cast out from hero society. However, in this arc they all have vastly different desires that make working together difficult. Dabi wants to fulfill Stain’s Will, Shigaraki wants to take down All Might and Hero Society at large to show how fragile it is, Himiko wants to take down Hero Society for the sake of her easier life. 
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They are not at this point motivated to work together at all and it shows in their cooperation.Dabi doesn’t really make any attempt to lead. Shigaraki just watches from the sidelines and sends out other people on a mission where he doesn’t really care much if they succeed or fail.  Himiko doesn’t try that hard to complete her mission objective because at this point all she cares about is her own survival. 
However after the defeat of All for One, the league of villains ends up all experiencing the same traumatizing loss together. They all become disenfranchised, living off of no money, and constantly having to be on the run. They lose all of their resources. However, as a reuslt their bonds with one another are strengthened and they really are working together for the first time. 
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Himiko isn’t just looking out for herself anymore. Not only does she not run away when things get hard, but she encourages Twice to do the same because she empathizes with his feelings. 
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Shigaraki goes from ordering people around in the shadows to not only meeting with his comrades face to face. He also has become the type of fighter who jumps straight into enemy fire on the front line for the sake of his comrades, using his own body as a distraction so he could work together with Compress and Dabi. 
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And remember, Dabi’s flames physically destroy his body every time he uses them. Yet, he respects Shigaraki’s leadership enough that he goes all out for the sake of the league when he’s asked to. If Dabi didn’t care about the league at all, he probably wouldn’t be constantly burning himself alive for their sakes. 
All three humanize one another through their relationships with each other, Shigaraki values his comrades lives more than his own, Dabi cooperates with other people for the sake of his goal, Himiko’s empathic side began to show all because the three of them were for the first time surrounded by people who were just like them. 
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When shown empathy and understanding, Dabi, Shigaraki and Himiko all improve as people. They are not lost causes the plot has shown us the opposite, they’re capable of growing and changing. However, they are just as capable of GETTING WORSE. 
2. Bad Children
Shigaraki, Himiko and Dabi all share the same origin. They were pushed to become villains because of what happened to them as children. They are the only three members of the league who have been shown as children, deliberately so, because the fact that this happened to them as children is what is so important to their narratives. 
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Himiko was born with a weird quirk, and that was it. She didn’t even show problematic behavior that far off of most children (most children don’t have the empathy to know that say, small animals will suffer pain if you hurt them) before her parents started to punish her. Tenko just wanted to be a hero and had a father with a grudge against heros when his punishment started. When he was in the streets begging for help the only thing he was guilty of was having a quirk  that activated on accident. Touya was bred by his father for the purpose of his quirk, and because of that had to grow up in a household where his mother was constantly crying and his father either ignored him as a failed experiment, or paid attention to him which would have made his life even worse. 
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It’s not just a sad backstory for all three of them, it’s a case of systemic failure. Systems that should have protected them did not. The reason we’re shown this happening to them when they were children before they did anything wrong was that the narrative most heroes have is villains choose to be evil and there’s no helping it. 
However, this happened to Dabi, Shigaraki and Himiko through no choice of their own. They were all helpless children when they survived these circumstances. The argument that “They could have tried to endure and become heroes” doesn’t work either, because all three of them did try to endure. 
They all at one time or another made an attempt to be good children. They tried to reach their parent’s expectations for them. They tried to swallow up the abuse that was hurled on them and live with other people. 
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They were all children who were being abused, and told to just go on with their lives, told not to cry, told to suck it up. Instead of trying to fix or even address the circumstances of their abuse all of their pain was effectively ignored. Shigaraki, Himiko, being children DID TRY to live exactly as the adults told them to. They tried to be “Good Children” under the standards of adults, and they couldn’t be. 
That’s the reality of living in an abusive household like the one Tenko grew up in. No matter what he had done, he would have been punished. He was the problem child, the scapegoat for his father’s abuse. Rather than tell the father to stop abusing the child, the child is held responsible for the behavior and told that they were at fault for provoking punishment. 
Before you use Shoto as an example of still wanting to be a hero after enduring abuse, here’s the difference. Shoto didn’t die. Touya did. 
All three of them were cast out before they did anything wrong. Are they still responsible for the choices they made as adults? Yes. However, I think it’s important to acknowledge that all three of these characters did attempt to try making the right choices and they still got cast out anyway. It’s not because they were good or bad children. It’s because society was designed to reject people like them. 
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RHA TRANSLATION: That’s how the muck gets cast out. That’s how they break and retaliate. That’s how it loops back, again, and again, and again. 
The translations are radically different this week I’m not sure which one is right, but they are vaguely talking about the same cycle. Shigaraki, Dabi, Himiko were rejected before they did anything wrong. They were forced to endure all of this as children. They gained power to survive and began to fight back. They retaliated against the violence done to them as children as adults. Then, they are punished again. 
It is a cycle where both people are acting badly. Shigaraki, Himiko, and Dabi drag innocent people into the conflict, because all they can think of to wake people up to the reality of their suffering is to make them endure the same. To show the world the violence they’ve endured on a mass scale, until it becomes impossible for those who are sheltered and protected by society, those who are saved to ignore the problems of those who aren’t saved. Shigaraki, Dabi and Himiko get innocent people involved it’s true.
HOWEVER. Were they not innocents at any point? Were they not just children who had not done anything wrong? 
And we return to the Tenko household. Shigaraki, Himiko, Dabi are all responsible for their violent reactions to the problem, that was the choice they made. However, they weren’t the ones who created the situation in the first place.
Villains are held as responsible for all of society’s ills. We are told by heroes that villains choose to become evil, and that the only way to stop them is to violently suppress their activities. However all of these villains for the most part, are outcasts who hold no real power in society, and all have yes made choices to retaliate violently but were also pushed into those choices. 
The society around them is designed to exclude people like Shigaraki, Himiko and Dabi. THE PROBLEM ELEMENT, is ignored rather than addressed. 
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What Shigaraki is saying here is that heroes don’t protect the people most in need of their protection, the biggest victims. They are designed to protect a status quo. 
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Heroes protect the institutions that are already in place, no matter how cracked or flawed those institutions are. they keep them in place. They are fighting to preserve a power structure that keeps heroes in power. The ones who have the power in society are the heroes. The ones who create society are the heroes. The ones who create the situation are the heroes. The villains in MHA are reacting to the problem, but they didn’t create the problem. 
3. Twice
Dabi, Shigaraki and Himiko all have an incredibly important relationship to Twice. Dabi shows up to try to save Twice, even though he states he doesn’t care about the league. Himiko opens up to Twice and empathizes with him. Shigaraki goes to save Giran because Twice asked him to, and opened up to his team for the first time because of Twice’s begging and pleas. 
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The scene we see play out with Twice is what happened to Shigaraki, Himiko and Dabi as well. Twice is given an impossible choice. He can conform and sacrifice all of his friends to go with Hawks, or he can die right here. Once again, yes it is a choice. I must emphasize everything is a choice. The choice to retaliate is still a choice even if it’s influenced by the environment. However, this is a choice effectively made with a gun to Twice’s head. 
What’s interesting is, when given the choice between betraying the people closest to him or getting shot in the head. Twice chooses to take the bullet. 
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As I said everything is a choice. Even an influenced choice is a choice. If someone is holding a gun to your head, you can just choose to die. You might be stuck in a situation where there are only bad choices, but it’s still a choice you make. 
I emphasize choices over and over again, because somebody chose to make the world this way. 
They exist in a system where villains are held accountable for all of their violence, their choices, and heroes are not. Heroes can effectively get away with murder as we’ve been shown with Hawks and Tokoyami. 
I’d also like to emphasize that the villains make these choices while directly facing all of the flaws of society. The heroes for the most part are completely ignorant to the suffering of villains. We are shown this ignorance again and again. The villains attempt to explain themselves, their motivations and reasonings, and every time they are literally ignored. 
Heroes and Villains both make choices, but Heroes are completely blind to their own faults. When they are told about the cracks of society by people who have lived through that, they effectively ignore the role they had to play in it. Twice tries to explain he can’t betray his friends to Hawks, that they’re all capable of being good people and he gets ignored. Shigaraki explains to Endeavor that his father told him heroes hurt their own families, he gets ignored. Endeavor’s case is especially EGREGIOUS. Endeavor who should be more aware of his own flaws than anybody else, still pretends to be the perfect faultless hero. 
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Heroes and Villains are both responsible for creating this flawed world, but the villains are held responsible, and the heroes are not. Heroes are given special privilege in society, Villains are mostly made up by the underprivileged and cast out. Society, is intentionally designed to divide up people like this and categorize one over the other. 
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And I think it’s especially important that every time Shigaraki tries to get someone to listen to him he gets told the same thing. Endeavor believes he is a good person fighting to protect others. He claims that he is the hero, fighting against someone who only hollowly wishes to destroy. Shigaraki tries to explain himself, he even makes a reference to familial abuse which Endeavor SHOULD RECOGNIZE and Endeavor’s response is to tell him to shut up and die. 
Shigaraki, Dabi, and Himiko are wrong for violently retaliating, but every time they make any attempt to explain themselves they’re rejected just as violently. They are told, like they were when they were just children, to just shut up and take it. Shigaraki is told by Nana, Endeavor, Gran Torino everyone around him to die rather than fight back, is it no wonder he believes the whole system rejects him? 
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It is an unfair system to begin with, deliberately designed to uplift a few people into privilege and cast others out. 
Heroes act like the few people who don’t get saved are just bad luck, but it’s not. Good social programs would have saved Twice. Social services would have saved Himiko. All Might realizing Endeavor was an abusive jerk would have saved Touya. If Gran Torino had checked up on Nana’s child, Shigaraki would not have happened. 
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All of these kids “just got unlucky” except the society they live in was designed to outcast certain people like them from the start. It’s meant to let people fall through the cracks. In each case it wasn’t bad luck, but rather intentional neglect of all parties involved. 
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Twice is told what happened to him was bad luck, but Twice didn’t slip and fall  on a knife. He was put into the situation intentionally by Hawks. Hawks singled him out, targeted him, pushed him to the breaking point, and then killed him. The one who had power and the upper hand in that situation was Hawks from the start, but Twice is blamed for his own death for merely fighting back. 
The connection between Shigaraki, Dabi, and Himiko is that they’re pushed to become more and more radical over time. Himiko had killed a few people yeah, but she wasn’t a terrorist on a mass scale. 
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Dabi had no criminal record when he started. He only started killing people to make the news  when his father became the number one hero. The more they are rejected, the more radical they become. 
All three of them have become radicalized by the death of Twice, and all three say effectively the same thing. 
Dabi: “There are no true Heroes.”
Shigaraki: “You heroes hurt your own families just to help complete strangers.”
Toga: “You heroes mess everything up.”
Why do they blame heroes? It’s because heroes are the guardians of the society that rejects them. Heroes do not protect people, they protect systems and structures first and foremost. The heroes aren’t coming to save them and they never were. 
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snellyfish · 3 years
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It is so hard to explain how we all got to the point of Mahiru and Yasuhiro (designed/developed by @samsquatchem) adopting a teenage runaway Hiyoko (designed/developed by @sen-ii) + getting married + giving birth to Himiko. (designed/developed by @baylardian-1) I don’t even know how we got here and I only ask for forgiveness.
More Tenebres AU stuff! 
Feel like it goes without saying but I’ll say it anyway-- a lot of the ages are switched around wildly in this AU so Mahiru is in her late 20s-early 30s and Hiro is mid 30s I think. Hiyoko is 14-16-ish. (Skip kick me in the shins if I’m wrong)
Basically Mahiru is a pretty typical, average, mage, she’s got a picture perfect memory and can implant images in anyone’s heads and in their sights;; but can’t really do much else. Because she’s not super focused on being an amazing Mage or anything, she does have a greater hobby of photography! With her minimal magic she can make people see and believe things that aren’t real, basically make em hallucinate whatever she wants, which she doesn’t use a lot and definitely warns people beforehand if she does use this on someone--but she does still end up becoming a remnant of despair and this power does come in handy :] She ends up becoming close (begrudgingly) to Hiro because Hiyoko ends up looking up to him and Mahiru tries to make a man out of Hiro for Hiyoko’s sake, and they end up developing feelings for each other while she’s teaching him how to Do Things Right and it is SO obvious and painful because Hiyoko can’t keep secrets “omg mahiru hiro likes u wuwuuwuwu OMG HIRO GUESS WHAT MAHIRU LIKES Y--”
Everyone in this family is a mage except for Himiko!! Hiro is the most powerful but uses his magic so stupidly and at the worst times. Hiyoko has very powerful magic but doesn’t really know how to wield it. Himiko can’t do magic and everyone but her realizes this and they’re all VERY supportive of her (maybe not her big sister Hiyoko but you know-)
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