#Here’s to hoping my symptoms are very mild and I won’t be dying from fever tomorrow ;))))
shima-draws · 4 months
Happy New Year to me, I have Covid :)))))
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kyouxa · 5 years
Diabolik lovers Chaos Lineage: Carla Tsukinami (Story 03)
In terms of the gameplay: The black choices lead up to a bad ending, the white choices lead up to a good ending. Please no reposting onto other sites, ask me before translating this into another language too! I’m an amateur translator, but I hope you do enjoy it anyway!♡
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Place: Violet mansion — dungeon
Carla: ... Poor taste.
Yui: ...Ngh...
Carla: These days, your blood clearly got worse than ever. What’s that supposed to mean?
In the past, it was thick and sweet so I enjoyed sucking it.
Yui: That’s...
(It’s said, that the taste of my blood has become bad since I got that fever...)
(It may got different due the lack of blood... or maybe because of my health ...)
(But, my fever is calming down now. Anyway, I should try getting better soon ...)
Carla: It has been reported that you haven’t eaten much recently. Is that the reason for it’s poor taste?
Yui: ... I don’t know. Because, I don’t know the taste of my own blood...
Carla: Then, go and taste it... Nn...
Yui: ...Ngh, wait...
(What did he just do... is that, the taste of my blood?)
...ugh, what
Carla: How is it? It’s actually something you can’t swallow, be honest with me.
Yui: Honeslty, I don’t know...
*Carla backs off*
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Carla: Hmph. Human beings really are difficult. They don’t even know the taste of their own blood like we vampires do.
Yui: Vampires...
(So it’s true what I thought, Carla-san really thinks he is a vampire himself)
(He’s actually one of the founders... he usually has more pride than anyone else as a First Blood)
Carla: Even so, you really look pale. You look nothing like when we first met. It's like I’m talking to a dead woman.
Yui: Is that something bad...?
Carla: Yes, that’s probably the reason why your blood tastes horrible... like...
*strange noise*
Carla: Ngh... ugh...
Yui: Carla-san... ?
Carla: ...Don’t worry. I’m totally fine...
Yui: You’re fine — no way.
(It might be... Endzeit! Maybe that’s the illness, Carla-san‘s suffering from!)
(He was worried because my medical condition hadn‘t been calming down, but he had symptoms himself ...!)
Is it painful? Is the pain in your body?
Carla: ...It‘s just a little headache. Don‘t worry about it...
Yui: Hn, head... ?
(So those aren’t the symptoms of Endezeit ... that’s good ...)
(End-of-life disease ... Endezeit. A horrible disease that leads to the death of the immortal founder of the demons)
(I thought the symptoms had progressed ... but I’m relieved they didn’t...)
Carla: ...Why is it, that you worry about my health in the first place...?
Yui: Uhm... because—
1) — It came to my mind (black)
2) — I’m worried (white) ♡ ♡ ♡
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— It came to my mind
Yui: Because it came... to my mind
(If I‘d say that I'm worried, I might make Carla-san angry in his current situation...)
Carla: ...Hmph. Certainly you really must think I‘m a weak person, who can‘t do anything.
— I’m worried ♡
Yui: It's because I'm worried. Is it strange to think that something might happen to you?
Carla: I can’t understand your worries. Why do you worry about me like that?
Yui: That's ... because, I have my reasons...
(I can't even worry about the one I love ... it’s so frustrating)
end Choices
Carla: ...Ngh... ugh... today, it lasts way longer.
Yui: (Today... ?)
Carla: ...Ngh!? Now... prison...
Yui: Prison? Did you see something?
Carla: ... I saw a dungeon. It‘s not here. The woman who was at that place is ...
Who... I don’t know...
Yui: (Dungeon ... women? No way, Carla-san’s mother?)
(It might be true that he remembers something about his mother in a place like this...)
Could it be... are your memories returning!?
Carla: My... memories? Bullshit. I’m not in the mood to get along with your joke now...
Yui: (But he remembered something... ! Will he remember more if I’d talk about his mother here?)
(But... I know it’s a hard memory for Carla-san to remember... I can’t do such a thing...)
Carla: ...Seems like it settled down. No way, I really missed this occasion. I really skipped it ...
Yui: Um ... by the way, is something like this happening more often to you...?
Carla: Why do you think so?
Yui: Earlier, you said "today it lasts longer"... Could you, tell me what’s bothering you...?
Carla: ... You’re annoying
Yui: Ngh, because, after all...
Carla: Every time I take a sip from your blood, my head starts to hurt pretty badly.
But it‘s mostly mild. No need to worry. It’s probably the influence of Eve's blood.
Yui: Every time you drink my blood...
(Every time you come to the dungeon, you really consider getting this painful feeling?)
(Honestly, I didn’t notice at all ...)
(And, even though he knows the pain, he always sucks my blood for becoming the king ...)
Carla: ... Stop with those eyes full of mercy. It overlaps with the sight I just saw ...
Yui: You said there was a dungeon... with a woman?
Carla: That's right. The present figure of yours and her are overlapping ...
It's a rough story. It might just be an illusion that Eve's blood showed me. But—
That woman, I .... I wanted to rescue her from that place. I can clearly feel that ...
Yui: Carla-san...
Carla: My head still hurts. Forget what I just said. I promise, I’ll come back later.
Yui: W-Wait... !
Carla: What is it?
Yui: The woman... in that dungeon... I‘m sure she was strong until the very end...
Because, I’m sure that Carla-san was by her side and supported her in every way he could.
Carla: ...I see.
Hmph, let's not worry about my problems, you still have a fever to deal with.
If you have the time to worry about me, you also could be resting and getting better.
Yui: Carla-san... ?
Carla: ...I’ll come again
*Carla leaves*
Yui: (Just now, Carla-san smiled a little. It was a sad smile, but ...)
(My blood hurts him when he drinks it. He sees mysterious phenomenon and old memories ...)
(Like this, I might be able to recover his memories—)
Place: Violet mansion — living room
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Laito: Oh? Carla. Did you go to the dungeon again? I’m kinda jealous.
Carla: I have to take care of Eve‘s illness, but it’s also my duty to overlook the whole situation.
Laito: You know, you don‘t have to be so strict about it. Aren’t you just visiting her because she’s super cute?
Carla: Shut your mouth. Say another thing and I won’t forgive you.
Kou: Well well, don't get angry. I‘m sure I‘m also allowed to taste Eve's blood, aren’t I?
Azusa: Kou, she belongs to Carla, you can’t suck her... we promised that, didn’t we?
Kou: Yea, I understand that.
Subaru: But, is it really okay to keep that woman in the dungeon while she‘s sick?
Carla: She’s completely fine. As I heard from her modulation, it just looks like she is okay.
Azusa: But, it may not be good, if you suck too much of her blood...
Besides, humans are so fragile, that they may actually die ...
Carla: Dying...
Azusa: The other day, you also seemed to be in bad condition. Carla ... take care of yourself, and her.
Because we... and humans are not the same.
Carla: ...
Place: Violet mansion — dungeon
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Yui: (... My head, hurts .... and my fever may have returned again ...)
(My body feels hot, but yet the tremors doesn’t stop ...)
(But, if Carla-san can regain his memories like this... I’ll promise, to try my best...)
(It's so hard, for me to deal with this cold attitude from Carla-san, once again...)
*Yui closed her eyes*
Yui: (... Is someone’s, entering the dungeon? But, I can’t open my eyes anymore ...)
*door opened*
Yui: (Someone really came inside the dungeon... I wonder, who it is...)
Carla: So you still couldn’t get up... is it hard?
Yui: Who... Carla-san...?
(Why is he here? Don’t tell me he actually came to suck my blood again)
(I wonder, if it wasn’t enough for him... but, I can’t even move anymore)
Carla: It thought that it was a sign of Eve’s awakening that your condition got strange. But —
Today, I remembered something strange, and my thoughts changed.
Answer me. Right now, how are you feeling?
Yui: Eh... ? I feel, cold...
Carla: Cold?
Yui: Exactly, I feel cold... My body can’t stop shaking either and my strength is getting weaker...
... That’s why, the heat...
Carla: So you’re saying that the heat in this dungeon is the reason for your cold, is your body not even prepared for such a thing?
Yui: I don’t know, it’s really strange...
Carla: I’m a vampire. Honestly, I’ve never been in close contact with humans.
So I don’t have any knowledge or experiences.
Yui: Ah...
(Yes ... his memories.... his memories are still weird ...)
(If you are the true Carla-san, you should at least know a little about human beings...
(But now, he’s not a founder, he’s a vampire, this situation is really frustrating—)
We humans, are easily getting sick, like getting a fever... you never knew about that, right... ?
Carla: Oh. I wouldn’t have understood if you didn’t tell me.
Yui: I see...
(I wonder if he wasn’t aware of me being ill while I’m in that strange physical condition ...)
*Carla hugs Yui*
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Carla: ... Certainly, your body heat really is hot. Even though I don’t feel the uplifting feeling of blood absorption.
Yui: ...Ngh
(Is Carla-san, really holding me in his arms again?)
(He’s not going to suck my blood, he’s being kind ...)
Carla: Your pulse and breathing disorder due the temperature rise .... it means that you really got a disease ...
Even if you eat your meals or sleep, you suffer from that illness. Humans seem more fragile than I imagined.
... No, that’s wrong... I already knew that...
A human being is a devil, an useless animal—
Yui: (... Carla-san’s voice, it sounds so far away...)
(I’m getting warm again, I like this feeling... maybe... I can... sleep now...)
*Yui closes her eyes*
Carla: What’s wrong? ... Did you fall asleep?
No way, you really managed to fall asleep in my arms with such peaceful look on your face .....
Yui: ...Zzz... Zzz... Carla-san....
Carla: ...Humans are really fragile. They are troublesome creatures.
But... I’m not going to lose Eve to anyone else.
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