hypaalicious · 1 month
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⁑ Hellenians ⁑ ↝ The name of a people estranged from their God. Averaging a life span of 300-500 years, they carry themselves with a rigid dignity and superfluous way of speaking. When they are allowed passage to the human realm, their passive influence results in the increase of mysticism, spirituality, and religion.
↝ With heads adorned with horns and fingers tipped with talons, Hellenians also carry with them an ethereal beauty that is timeless in nature and attracts gazes easily. When not glamoured to conceal their unique features to blend in with humans, they also sport unnatural eye colors ranging from blood red, vivacious purple, to metallic gold.
↝ A very rare but distinctive mark in Hellenians are a pair of wings. It elevates the individual to an elite position in society and is a required feature for the High Lord of Hellenia.
↝ Clothing choices for Hellenians veer towards dark colors with deep jewel tones as accents. Silver is their preferred metal of adornment. Older generations lean heavily towards the Victorian-gothic aesthetic, while the younger ones mesh it with elements of steampunk or gothic couture. White is a sacred color reserved only for death, as it signifies purity that Hellenians believe they can only attain once the soul leaves the body.
↝ Orandi gratia dei nobis in tenebris luceat – “May God’s grace shine upon us in darkness.” A common phrase amongst Hellenians uttered at formal events or farewells.
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thebotanicalarcade · 1 year
n580_w1150 by Biodiversity Heritage Library Via Flickr: Comprehensive catalogue of Queensland plants Brisbane,A. J. Cumming, government printer[pref. 1909] biodiversitylibrary.org/page/39928904
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xec · 4 months
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BALDUR'S GATE 3 | my ocs
layout inspo taken from @onewingedangels kovira's hairstyle inspired by @userkarlachs's oc sylvia hellenia's appearance inspired by @minthara's oc fia
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thecrazyworldbuilder · 2 months
I have a draft for a novel series and while worldbuilding I got into some deep stuff linguistics-wise.
In-universe, there's many relations of languages through borrowing and evolution. Ancient empires living on through united linguistic features.
Elves are oriental, and their mainstream language is adapted from Tolkien's works to be more Japanese-like, and dialects are present that are similar to Standard Chinese and Korean (possibly, one similar to Mongolian too).
There's a language of Angels which influences most of Human languages, which by itself has some adapted variations and dialects within it.
Dwarves/gnomes are South-Asian inspired, because like. Have you seen Indian temples carved from monolithic rock. That's the shit. But they have this complex evolution of language that should somehow make their Nordic ancestry turn more Hindi-inspired.
Humans... Man. There's an ancient Adamid proto-empire, which broke eventually and was later on succeeded by the Romulan empire. That one brought more linguistic unity to the lands, creating this kind of "common" language, think Vulgar Latin, a lingua franca that lived on and kept being used by folks. The Romulan culture legacy stayed in two-three larger nations since the fall, the languages of which are inspired by said Vulgar Latin and Greek thus. Yeeet, there's the Nords and their derivatives, Bretons (English ppl basically) and Revenlandian (French), as well as Stlandian (that's bit more tricky to explain). And their "empire" was that or Artr (Bretonized as "Arthur"). The nordic linguistic circle is a whole other thing from the human languages influenced by the Elves, Angels and the Romulan empire.
Modern Hellenia in the setting is one shard of the Romulans who rule in democratic city-states. Wisteria is another shard, which itself became a lesser empire later on in history. From Hellenia another empire sprouted, too, the Xerian empire.
It's so complex at this point, hell.
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foolstojoinmyevilarmy · 7 months
Meet the Starfinders - BONUS ROUND!
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Pyro isn’t the only TF2 character I’ve made into an actual character at a table. Meet Hellenia Hale, my interpretation of the Administrator!
Hellenia is one of the four main shareholders in Precursor Express, and coincidentally a crew member of the Olliphant starship. Hellenia stands at the back of the pack, encouraging her party to “GET THEM!” Her battle caller archetype also lets her allies deal extra damage or regain stamina points on a crit.
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rvexillology · 4 years
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European Federal Republic of Hellenia
from /r/vexillology Top comment: A new entry for my flags of the the fictionnal European Federation. This time, the European Federal Republic of Hellenia, the massive east mediterranean naval power of the federation.
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beliebe-beliebe · 6 years
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“The flower that blooms in adversity is the rarest and most beautiful of all.”
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drokniquette · 7 years
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Drew some titties to pass the time~
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mardenoir-blog · 7 years
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Seven Knights fanart - Awakened Hellenia
Hellenia fanart is now done! Yay~! This hero is a must have in the game, as a punching bag of course :p
I did this piece as an excuse to practice drawing hair. I had a lot of fun with this one, at least hair is less intimidating to draw now :D
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dndnpcinfo · 2 years
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(1 of 15)
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hypaalicious · 2 months
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⁑ Hellenia ⁑
↝ A realm hidden away from humans, home to the descendants of fallen angels. ↝ Most of the populace lives in a tightly packed metropolitan area centered around the Exousia manor. The architecture is Gothic in nature, accented with flying buttresses, fleches and stained glass windows. Stone sculptures of angelic figures are a common sight along the cobbled streets lit with lamps powered by magic. ↝ Daylight never crests beyond dusk here, and the air is often heavily laden with plumes of fog. The weather is moderate and lends itself to the lush forests surrounding the main city. It is not unusual for random showers or a light dusting of snow to fall. ↝ Aside from walking, the main mode of transportation are horseless stagecoaches. Hellenians use magic in place of animal labor, which helps keep the streets clean of detritus. Notable families have their own coaches emblazoned with their family crest or are otherwise uniquely embellished.
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germanicseidr · 3 years
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This is a rewritten post on the Frisii tribe, my previous post is over a year old so I wanted to update it by adding more information.
The Frisii were a Germanic tribe who lived above the Rhine in areas that are now known as modern day Noord-Holland, Friesland, Groningen, the Wadden islands in the Netherlands and East-Frisia in Germany. They should not be confused with the Frisians, a tribe which settled in the same area at a later time period, The Frisians and Frisii are however not completely foreign to each other, some Frisii stayed behind and were absorbed by the Frisians, the oldest still existing Germanic culture. The Frisii were neighboured by the Cananefates to the south and Chauci to the east, the west and north were part of the north sea.
The meaning of their name is derived from the Proto-Germanic word 'frisaz' which means 'curly'. There is a common misunderstanding that the word Frisii, and the later Frisian, comes from the word freeze/vriezen or freedom but this is not correct although understandably a good possible meaning.
The origins of the Frisii is still a bit unclear but there are viable theories. Unlike other tribes, like the Chatti, Lombards, Batavi, Cananefates etc.. who all migrated southwards and settled in their territories around 100BC, the Frisii are a lot older. In fact we do not know how old exactly they are but there are several theories:
The most likely theory is that the early Frisii, also called Proto-Frisians, migrated southwards from northern Germany and Denmark around 1000BC. Somewhere around 700BC they migrated from modern day Drenthe towards modern day Friesland, Groningen and Noord-Holland. There is however a more controversial theory that suggests the birth of the Frisii started with their patron-mother the Goddess Freya.
According to this theory a line of matriarchal rulers, known as folk mothers, were descendants of Freya herself and responsible for the creation of the Frisii, this would mean that the origin of the tribe is not around 700BC but around 2200BC. Here is a line of Frisii folk mothers starting with the Goddess Freya: Freya - somewhere around 2000BC Fasta, Medea, Thiania, Hellenia, Minna, Rosamond, Hellicht, Frana, Adela and Gosa. Of course if there was a continuous matriarchal line for about 1500 years long, this would include many more names but those are lost in time. This theory is based on the information found in the Oera Linda book, a highly disputed manuscript worthy of its own post so I will write about it in the near future.  An altar stone has been found near modern day Xanten however with the following description: "MATRIBUS FRISAVIS PATERNIS" which could refer to these ancient Frisii matriarchs making the Oera Linda book theory possible.
By 100BC the Frisii were quite a large and powerful tribe who had established themselves fully in their current territory. Their first encounter with the Roman empire was around 12BC when Drusus Germanicus, one of Rome's most succesful generals, invaded Germania with the intention to turn the land into a province of Rome.
Drusus Germanicus, not to be confused with the other Roman general called Germanicus, was incredibly succesful with his invasion. He subjugated every Germanic tribe in his path including the Frisii who were forced to be allies of Rome. The Romans also built a fort, their most northern one, at modern day Velsen to keep an eye on the Frisii. It is likely that all of Germania would have become a Roman province if Germanicus didn't die after a fall from his horse in 9BC.
The Frisii delivered auxiliary troops to Rome and they had to pay taxes which led to high tensions between the tribe and Rome. The taxes were incredibly unfair as the Romans demanded large skins of cows which did not even exist in Frisii territory, they only had a small breed of cows. This rising tension eventually led to the Frisii revolting against Rome in 28AD. The Frisii hung Roman tax collectors which infuriated Rome.
Olennius, a Roman centurion in charge of Frisii administration, escaped the lynching party and hid himself at Castellum Flevum, the most northern fort the Romans ever built. The Frisii however marched onwards to this fort but were unable to capture it, archeological research shows traces of heavy fighting at this fort. The Frisii retreated back towards their sacred grove dedicated to their Goddess of war, Baduhenna, luring the Romans with them.
The Romans chased the Frisii right into the sacred grove. This was however a dreadful decision since the Frisii knew their swampy estuary terrain very well and were extra motivated by being in the presence of their battle Goddess. Almost all of the Romans were slaughtered, 900 of them, some according to legends, were captured and sacrificed to Baduhenna right in her grove. Another 400 Roman soldiers killed each other out fear of treachery, the event has been quoted by Tacitus:
"Soon afterwards it was ascertained from deserters that nine hundred Romans had been cut to pieces in a wood called Baduhenna, after prolonging the fight to the next day, and that another body of four hundred, which had taken possession of the house of one Cruptorix, once a soldier in our pay, fearing betrayal, had perished by mutual slaughter." - Tacitus
The Frisii name thus became famous in Germania and Roman emperor Tiberius tried to keep the Roman defeat a secret, not wishing to entrust anyone with the war because of the shame. The Roman fort in modern day Noord-Holland was abandoned after the revolt and the Frisii became free people once again and remained so until the medieval ages.
The earliest known written record that we have about the Frisii comes from a Roman poet Albinovanus Pedo. In one of his poems, he describes a disaster that occured during Germanicus' campaigns to avenge the Teutoburgerwald battle. This disaster took place around the Eems river in Frisii territory around 16AD and involves a storm destroying parts of his fleet:
"For a long time they had left the day and the sunlight behind them, for a long time they looked exiles from the well known part of the world, who had dared to go through forbidden darkness to the boundaries of nature and the furthest coast of the earth.
From here they saw him, the sea, carrying huge monsters under slow waves with rising wild whales and the dogs of the sea on all sides grabbing ships. The fleet was already in the mud, left behind by a rapid storm. They believed that their unfortunate fate was to be torn apart by these wild sea monsters.
The world was robbed, nothing could be distinguished, his breath was taken from him, and thus he spoke from his heart: Where do we end up? The day itself is fleeing and nature closes the rest of the world with eternal darkness. Do we sometimes look for people untouched by wars? The gods call us back, forbid that mortal eyes see the end of everything. Why do we violate a strange and consecrated sea with oars? Why do we disturb the silent dwellings of the gods?" - Albinovadus Pedo
The next written mention is quite an interesting one. It involves a dispute about land on the Roman border area. Two Frisii leaders, Verritus and Malorix decided to travel to Rome in 58AD and defend their case about this piece of land. During their stay in Rome, they amused the Romans greatly by refusing to sit down amongst the common people in a theater exclaiming that: "No people can match the Germanics in loyalty and bravery!" They then proceeded sitting down next to the Roman senators present in the theater. The Roman emperor, Nero, found the whole event quite amusing himself and granted Verritus and Malorix roman citizenship. This account, described by Tacitus, is also the first account of foreign tourists visiting Rome who were mentioned by name.
In 69AD, during a particulary tough year for the Romans, the Batavi revolted against the Roman empire. The Frisii joined this revolt which was initially quite succesful. Unfortunately the revolt was put down by the Romans the following year, resulting in severe trust issues between the Romans and the Batavi and Cananefates.
By 98AD Tacitus published his work 'Germania' and also provices us with a small description on the Frisii. He separated the tribe in two parts, the Frisii Maiores and the Frisii Minores. The Minores lived in what is now Noord-Holland and the Maiores lived in what is now Frisia and Groningen. Here is a description on the Frisii landscape:
"The terrain is fierce, the climate is rough, life and landscape are bleak. You only come here if it's your homeland." - Tacitus
No significant recorded events exist after 98AD, the history on the Frisii between 100AD-300AD is pretty much unknown. We do know that parts of the Frisii joined the Cananefaat pirate/proto-viking Gannascus in his raids on several settlements, mainly in Gaul. These attacks infuriated Rome and led to improved defenses being built by them. Gannascus is eventually assassinated by the Romans under the pretence of a negotiation which caused great outrage amongst the Chauci, Frisii and Cananefates. The Roman emperor of that time, Claudius, feared a violent conflict with these tribes and withdrew Roman forces from the Rhine in order to ease tensions.
Around 300AD the Saxon confederation came into existence and bordered the Frisii directly to the east. The Western Roman empire started to decline rapidly during this time period as well leaving the borders vulnerable for invasions. With the Huns invading Europe, economic hardship, climate change, failed harvests and empty Roman borders, came the great migration. Many Frisii migrated either southwards to become absorbed by the Franks or to the west by invading Britannia together with the Angles, Saxons and Jutes. Only very few Frisii remained in their original homeland, we have archeological evidence that some did indeed stay.
Frisii lands were now almost completely deserted until the arrival of Saxons and Jutes who settled the area together with the few remaining Frisii. These new settlers started to call themselves Frisians, after the ancient Frisii. The Frisians still exist until this day and they have a rich history which deserves a post of its own, which will be coming very soon.
The last thing I want to mention is the auxiliary troops that the Frisii supplied Rome with. The Notitia Dignitatum, a Roman document that describes details of the administrative organisation of the empire, mentions a Frisii cohort stationed at Vindobala, a fort located at Hadrian's wall. This entry 'Tribunes cohortis primae Frixagorum Vindobala' however contains a possible spelling mistake, Frixagorum instead of Frisiavonum. This entry might however also refer to the Frisiavones tribe unrelated to the Frisii.
Here are images of: A map showing the location of the Frisii, A reconstruction of Castellum Flevum, A depiction of the Frisii fighting Romans by an unknown artist, A reconstruction of a Frisii fortification, A small piece of a Roman helmet, bottom left, found at Velsen where once the Castellum Flevum stood which was attacked by the Frisii, A depiction of the Goddess Freyja, the ancestral mother of the Frisii, from 1874,
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talk-of-tyria · 4 years
Maguuma Jungle - Caledon Forest - Hamlet of Annwen Hellenia: I don’t see why the hylek attack us. There is plenty of land for all to share. And they can have the land underwater all to themselves. We pose no threat. Villager: We don’t always attack that which threatens us. Some also attack that which they simply do not understand.
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Cheilocostus speciosus, Crêpe ginger,  Hellenia speciosa , Cane reed, Spiral flag
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Congratulations Toshi-Nama!
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Few have burst into the Black Emporium with as much verve and vitality as Toshi_Nama. Though this is Toshi_Name's first trip to the Black Emporium, they've had a most impressive debut: not only were they a vivid ray of sunshine in the official discord chat, not only did they get two bingos - one Creation Bingo and one Commenting bingo - but they also produced an amazing TWELVE treats in the archive. Toshi works hard, plays hard, and def bingos hard - and we're so happy to see Toshi join the Black Emporium community! If you're a new Toshi fan - and we're guessing an awful lot of people are - you can find their works on Ao3, where they specialize in works with deep emotional resonance and heartbreaking realism (seeThe Making of a Champion, [Anders/F!Hawke,M]; warnings for severe depression and emotional abuse], or dwelling in some niche and unusual, but rewarding, corners of the fandom (see Song and Taint, [Alistair/Female Amell, T], which deals with darkspawn in a way few works in fandom do!)
Works Toshi-Nama produced this year for BE are:
Meant to Be Broken [Anders/Karl Thekla, T]: Not all things are made to last...whether that be relationships or rules. Which will give first, in a Circle where only one believes he can belong?
Duty's End [Cassandra Pentaghast/Cullen Rutherford, G]: Just this once, I think we can cast the rules aside...
Unshed Tears [Female Cadash/Vivienne, T]: What do you do, when your one last window to the innocent, passionate girl you were passes beyond reach? Sometimes, it takes another to remember to try again.
The Price of Redemption [Fenris/Merrill, M] Kirkwall is on a precipice - but so are some of those who live there. When Merrill and Fenris abandon Hawke to take care of something more important...they both find far more than the chaos they try to stop.
Nothing Lasts Forever [Male Brosca/Duncan, T]: A Duster knows everything is temporary. On the other hand...well, who better than a Duster to appreciate something good when it falls in his lap?
A Heart By Any Name [Abelas/Female Lavellan, G]: The world is not what it was when Abelas last stepped out of Mythal's Temple, but when his choice is to do so or die, he follows Hellenia Lavellan through the Eluvian along with the last of the Sentinels. What will he choose, when he is forced to recognize the world as it is - and a woman of this world who hears from Mythal?
Roses to Orchids [Iron Bull/Cassandra Pentaghast,M]: Romance can come in the strangest of places...and from the most unexpected sources.
Guilty Pleasures [Isabela/Leliana, T] Everyone needs something to feel guilty for. Even the Left Hand of the Divine.
Sun and Shadows [Female Cousland/Anora Mac Tir, T] Sometimes you lose what you love. Sometimes you lose yourself. The finding...the finding can make the darkness brighten.
It Can Wait [Nathaniel Howe/Cassandra Pentaghast, T]: What is important? It's not always what people think.
Everything's Always Backwards [Alistair/Anora Mac Tir, T]: With what might as well have been a shotgun marriage, Alistair and Anora have nothing in common. What would it take to turn this relationship into a marriage in truth?
Gold and Whiskey [Carver Hawke/Isabela, T]: Not all sex has to involve feelings, but they tend to slip in. Tricksy things.
Fit for a Crown [Bhelen Aeducan/Rica Brosca,G]: Bhelen is King of Orzammar, thanks to the Warden who, in Orzammar, had been less than nothing. His son was the Warden's niece - and his love, the Warden's sister. King Bhelen decides to spend precious power and influence for something for someone else - much to her surprise.
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the-thursday · 5 years
History based headcannon
Well... how to write this down...
You know how Romans occupied Britannia, right? They reached to southern borders of Scotland (in Flanny's world Picta) and built Hadrian's wall there. So let's take a look on the castle Araluen. It is said to be the most majestic and beautiful castle in whole kingdom. I have no doubt that Flanny intended it to look like typical castle from fairy tales. BUT. In book three we get description of its interior design, like the king's hall. I couldn't help myself but I felt vague connection on roman architecture. So what am I trying to say? The interior of it is based on roman architecture. Like columns and so. And I'd bet there are a lot of statues and freskas in roman canon. It gets even better. I would put my hand in fire for my theory that those basements Maddie is discovering in Red fox clan are actually foundations of former roman fortification or villa.
The name Cassandra has greek origin and we know that Romans partly derived from Greeks and then Greece was under the dominance of Rome for some time.
And concerning Halt... Well, Romans have been in Britannia from around 1.-4. century AC. They drove most of the celtic tribes towards the west. But then the Anglo-saxons came around 5.-6. century and drove some of the Romans towards west too. So some of the roman nobles in Britannia settled in Irelend (Hibernia,, ohh and btw Hibernia is just roman name for Ireland). Halt is described as not much of a height, tanned skin and dark hair and eyes. Which, I think we can agree is not much of Irish look. More like Italian. So my theory is that Halt's house are actually descendants of some Roman noble family who came from Britannia. And if you realise (I don't think that Flanny intended this) Crowley actually have a lot of Celtic look. So I think it is a nice contrast.
(Ohh and I think you all know but just reminder. The story is narrated by the Araluen point of view. And basically 95 % of the other kingdoms and countries bear their Roman name. Like Gallica, Aslavia, Hellenia ((I think it was called like that in Flanny's books)), Hibernia, Picta and so on.)
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