#He's dtf btw lol
yandereloveraw · 8 months
❤️‍🔥🔪Archeye (Anti & Archie fusion) playlist 🔪❤️‍🔥
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❤️‍🔥 Wicked Games - The Weeknd
🔪 Bark Like You Want It - Sir-Mix-A-Lot
❤️‍🔥 Okay - Chase Atlantic
🔪 A Little Piece Of Heaven - Avenged Sevenfold
❤️‍🔥 Play With Fire - Sam Tinnesz
🔪 I Wanna Be Your Slave - Maneskin
❤️‍🔥 Monster - Willyecho
🔪 Fuck The World - Hollywood Undead
❤️‍🔥 LIKE I WOULD (Troyboi Remix) - ZAYN (Jealouscore)
🔪 Possessive - Chris Brown (Jealouscore)
Antisepticeye belongs to Sean McLoughlin aka Jacksepticeye
All songs belong to their creators
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topperscumslut · 1 year
“why do you even like topper?” *deep breath*
imagine you’re 16 and your brain isn’t fully developed and you just finished your sophomore year of high school, and you’re ready to have the best summer of your life with your beloved girlfriend. you’re both like crazy rich, and you hate the poor kids in your town and everyone thinks it just cuz they’re poor which probably isn’t entirely untrue, but they also all have a huge victim complex and believe poor=good and rich=evil and they can do whatever the fuck they want with no consequences. in fact, you don’t even hate ALL the poor kids cuz there’s actually a very high working class population on the island none of which you’re seen having any problems with besides these four kids who probably don’t shower and have some weird nickname for their friend group. whatever. so you’re at a party one night with your girlfriend and one of these drunk rascals starts basically harassing her and not letting her leave so you stand up for her and throw a drink in his face and at this point he’s ready to throw down. so now you’re in an all out brawl with this guy and his best friend and you and the best friend are just beating the ever loving shit out of each other until the guy from before literally holds a loaded gun to your head and gets you to stop.
the next day you’re chilling with your girlfriend and your two best friends, one of which is her psychopath brother, and she likes to do quirky little things like pretending to die to prank you. cute! so you’re talking to her little sister about how you’re worried about her and how much she means to you and the little sister is like “oh yeah btw she’s cheated on every guy she’s ever dated and the guy you were beating up last night works on our dad’s boat and is stealing from us but she let it slide and started flirting with him so that’s fun” which isn’t untrue but is also an extremely dramatized version of what went down cuz the sister’s like 13. and you’re probably thinking just trust your girlfriend over her sister, she’s with you for a reason (definitely not social status and your hot bod, which she ironically accuses you of later on) and she only has your best interests at heart and would never do anything to hurt you, right? to which i say lmao you’ve clearly never watched this show. you’re already done with this punk ass bitch and we’re not even a full two episodes in, so you decide to let your girlfriend’s dad know that his employee has been stealing from him, like any logical human being would do. you try to talk to your girlfriend about the fight from the night before and confront her about flirting with this guy and letting him steal from her family, and she tells you you’re being irrational and the fight (and you getting threatened with a loaded gun) is your own fault.
a day or two later, things are good with your girl again, you’re hanging out and treating her like a queen and you go to a party with her and y’all are drunk and kissing and she promises you she’ll never, ever cheat on you and this girl is dtf so of course you ask for consent like three times like a gentleman and she says yes but then changes her mind and stops you and you get upset (this is one of the only things he’s done that’s actually pretty fucked and i can’t really justify lol) but still handle the situation a lot better than you could have cuz instead of pressuring her of begging her to put out you’re just like “ok whatever fuck this” and walk away from the situation and then her brother (your established bestie) who’s three years older than you peer pressures you into doing lines of coke. cool! so the next day you’re hanging out with said evil brother/bestie right and one of the poor kids that’s friends with the guys you fought is walking on your golf course just doing his job and your friend has the grand idea to fuck with him and you’re like “ok dude, calm down, he’s just minding his own business not hurting anyone let’s just leave him alone and play some golf please bro golf with me bro” and this piece of shit is like “lmao no” so he goes over to the guy and starts harassing him and even tho you know it’s wrong you kinda go along with it and start antagonizing him too cuz you wanna prove to your older best friend that you’re cool but then he starts beating the absolute shit out of this guy and you’re like woah woah woah holy FUCK and get him to stop cuz he’s about to kill this mf and you’re checking to make sure the guy is okay and then y’all go about your day and kinda just pretend that didn’t just happen ig? until the dude your friend just beat up gets convinced by his friend Gun Boy that it’s a great idea to sink your probably $100k family boat to get back at you guys… cuz, ya know, that’s reasonable. why go after your friend who did 99% of the damage, right? so then you get absolutely reamed by your emotionally abusive mother who blames you for the boat sinking and tells you everything is your fault. fun! and who do you blame for this? not even the guy who sank your boat, no! you understand why he’s upset! you go to your friend like “hey bro, wtf is wrong with you, stop beating innocent people up now I don’t got a fuckin boat” but your friends are dicks and gaslight you into thinking this is all the guy who sank your boat’s fault and you should get back at him so y’all beat him up. funky! meanwhile unbeknownst to you your girlfriend is out of town cheating on you with the guy she found stealing on the boat.
anyway the next day is this really huge party and you’re so excited to go with your girlfriend and have an amazing night with her but you’re a little worried because she fully ignored you the day before and you’re not really sure what’s up. so she completely stands you up at the party and arrives with her family instead of with you and tries to ignore you the whole time until you confront her and tell her you’ve been worried about her and she refuses to tell you where she was the day before and gets mad at you for asking. anyway she sneaks off with this guy that she’s cheating on you with and you see them together but you’re not really sure what you saw so you ask her about it and she gaslights you and says you’re being crazy and too controlling of her. neato! so of course since you’re a sad insecure teenager you let it get to your head and you believe her and are like man, i was being an asshole and i should’ve just trusted her, she’d never do that to me! so you go to her room and apologize profusely to her and tell her how much you love and trust her and how much she means to you and then you find out she’s not actually there, who’s there in her bed? plot twist: her little sister who admits to you that she’s out cheating on you. fun! so you go find her with this guy and at this point you’re wasted trying to drink the pain away and you and the guy are fighting up on this big structure and you’re pushing him and he pushes back and falls thru the railing and almost dies lol. even though it’s very obvious from your shocked and terrified reaction that you didn’t mean to push him to his near death but now your girlfriend and the fandom hates you but you don’t know the fandom part because you do not know that you are a fictional character. great! however you immediately forgive her for cheating on you and try to fix things and she’s just like “fuck you you almost killed my boyfriend” and you split on her cuz you’re heavily BPD coded and call her a slut and everyone’s like “bUt tHaTs mIsOgYnIsTic” yes but it’s also not false lmao.
now this guy she’s apparently dating, who’s pretty much an orphan has been adopted by her evil father (cuz her entire family is insane besides her poor sweet innocent little sister) and they’re technically siblings ig which is really uncomfortable but anyway now they’re living together. awesome! anyway some really important plot shit goes down that you know nothing about and the sheriff gets murdered it’s all real weird but everyone including your now ex girlfriend’s dad, who you don’t know yet is an evil mastermind and he’s the most trusted man on the island, is saying that the guy your ex left you for is the one that shot the sheriff and since you have been given no reason to trust this douchebag you immediately believe it and even help the police catch him like the good citizen you are until your ex tells you the truth, that it was her psycho brother that killed the sheriff, and you’re kinda not sure whether to believe her or not but she’s like “if i was lying and framing someone, why would i say it’s my brother?” so you’re like “oh shit you right fam” so you decided to help her and her new boyfriend by disguising yourself as him and going out into a sea of armed police men ready to shoot him down, risking your life, while your ex and her new boo run off into the night and escape into the ocean in the middle of a storm and are presumed dead. lovely!
anyway some time goes by and you’re mourning your “dead” ex who you’re still in love with while putting some distance between yourself and her brother which was a weird enough friendship to begin with cuz you’re 16 and he’s 19, and don’t get on me cuz that’s the age difference of me and my bestie cuz i have a plethora of friends ranging from ages 16-22 whereas this goofy mf only hangs out with two 16 year olds and his evil dad. it’s real weird. not only that but he’s just really busy with the whole covering up the murder thing and doesn’t really talk to you anymore. you’re worried about geometry tests, he’s worried about how to cover up a murder, y’all are in very different stages of life with very different priorities rn. and all your friends are like “omg of course this poor kid from the janky side of the island did it good thing he’s dead right” and even though you don’t like this mf at all you still stand up for him to your friends cuz you know he’s probably innocent and you (unsuccessfully) try to stop a fight from breaking out between one of your friends and this guy’s best friend (the one with the gun) over it cuz there’s a time and place to beat a bitch and breakfast at the country club is Not It. and also you see both sides so you’re like *peace and love* but they still beat the shit out of each other lmao.
anyway surprise! your ex is alive and her and her boyfriend are back! interesting! but her brother is still fucking insane and she’s willing to testify that he is indeed the one that shot the sheriff so he tries to murder her but you show up just in time and save her life and beat the shit out of her brother cuz who the fuck tries to drown their sister like why were you ever friends with this dickface. so you let her stay the night with you to make sure she’s safe from her murderous brother and give her a phone that you can track her location on and even though it’s clearly established that that’s not something you actively do cuz you know it’s none of your business and only for emergencies cuz she keeps putting herself into dangerous, near death situations that she had never been in before this new guy, everyone (the fandom) thinks you’re a stalker now. groovy! oh also her boyfriend is now jealous of you that you saved her life and is mad at her about it. anyway a couple days later she watches her dad supposedly kill himself and you immediately rush to her aid while her boyfriend is just like “he was a bad person get over it” so she breaks up with him and you and her start hanging out more, and you let her stay at your place for a bit since she can’t stay with her (now ex) boyfriend or her family.
a couple days after all that you all go to a party together and you’re not quite sure how she feels about you since she just got out of a relationship but you still love her and you are her are getting along really well, you both forgive each other for the pain you’ve caused each other in the past and things are starting to feel like they did this summer when you guys were together. so you try to kiss her at the party and she shoots you down, and since you’ve grown as a person instead of getting offended by her rejection this time you totally get it and are 100% respectful of her boundaries, and blame yourself for trying to make a move in the first place. meanwhile her ex is talking to some pick me girl who’s saying terrible things about her, and she decides to go confront them which leads to this girl insulting her and you standing up for her while the other guy just kinda… stands there. so you’re like “hey man, what the fuck, you’re gonna let this girl talk about her like that?” which leads to y’all getting into yet another fist fight cuz the peace and love attitude did not last long lmao. anyway you talk to your ex and she thanks you for all you’ve done for her and promises you she’ll never disappear on you again like she did last time. so you make plans with her and you show up to her house cuz she’s back living at home now for some reason and encounter her psycho brother who tells you she blew you off to go hang out with this other guy again, which you don’t believe cuz she wouldn’t do that to you, right? (she would) anyway she’s out doing god knows what with him and before you know it, lo and behold, she disappears and is presumed dead again!
a month goes by and you try your best to get over her, she’s missing and presumed dead and even in the insane chance that she did come back, she’s made it clear she’s not interested, so you try to move on and have a life outside of her and her insane family for literally the first time. anyway, it’s been a month and guess who’s back, back again. your ex! and her boyfriend that she got back together with! wonderful! also turns out her evil father is actually alive and ALSO tried to kill her lmao. so she’s back but she’s trying to ignore you cuz she knows if she so much as looks at you it’ll piss her boyfriend off, but you’re rich and she’s not anymore since she decided to cut off her family so her and her friends have the grand idea of making you their errand boy and convince you to steal your dad’s truck (also you have a DAD? what???) to commit a train robbery of some ancient artifact which is apparently extremely important to boat sinker’s heritage. so you’re like ok whatever, i would do anything for this girl, like literally anything, and you do it. and the whole time her entire group of friends is ordering you around like you’re their servant (damn, these poor kids sure are entitled), and berating you for not being down for committing a felony, running from the police, wrecking your dad’s truck, and almost dying. when the job’s done there’s not so much as a thank you, just you having to go home and answer to your furious parents.
a couple days later her and her boyfriend get into a fight cuz he decides to rub in her face the fact that her dad tried to murder her, but they’re still together. so you invite her to a party that you’re going to (cuz you’re somehow not grounded??) with your group of friends who also happens to be her old group of friends from before she started slumming it with the poor kids. so you’re talking just the two of you at the end of the night and you tell her how incredibly sorry you are for anything you’ve done to hurt her and how much she means to you as a friend cuz you’re soooooo totally definitely over her for sure and then she kisses you. SHE kisses YOU. and you’re like fuck yeah, maybe she actually likes me, maybe I’m finally enough for her (you’re not). anyway she spends the night with you and you maybe fuck but idk it’s unclear. so you take her out to a nice breakfast the next morning so she knows you care about her and she’s not just some one night stand. that night you see her at a fancy party and her broke ass boyfriend sneaks in telling her they need to leave to go to south america. what for? you don’t know, you’re a side character that only exists to be her boy toy when her boyfriend is treating her like shit.
anyway she confesses to her bf that she cheated on him with you and he decides to beat the shit out of you, but this is a nice anniversary party and you really don’t want any trouble and you’ve also grown up a lot and are tired of fighting so you’re like “c’mon bro, please, let’s not do this here” but he’s furious cuz who gets with another guys girl, right? lmao oh wait. it’s almost like that’s how they started dating in the first place. so he starts swinging at you the whole time you’re begging him to stop bcuz you’re tired of fighting and trying to change from your old ways, you’re just tired bro. but he keeps beating the absolute shit out of you even far past the point that you’re already unconscious while his girlfriend begs him to stop. so what do you do (when you regain consciousness the next day, that is)? what literally any sane person would do and press charges. so you ask your ex to testify on your behalf bcuz she saw everything but when the day comes she tells you she can’t do it and begs you not to press charges bcuz her boyfriend needs to flea to south america to help his dad (who was presumed dead and lost at see but is actually alive) who’s been abducted (and this is actually the truth, believe it or not!) and she promises you that her bf will be gone and out of your hair but that she’ll stay on the island with you and will not go with him. so you begrudgingly agree to drop the charges, your mother of course taking the opportunity to tell you what a failure you are for not going thru with it. your ex says she’ll call you tomorrow night but she never does, and who do you happen to run into? none other than your ex best friend himself, her psycho brother, who tells you that she stood you up and is off with her boyfriend. and you’re all like, no, no way, she would never do that to me, things are different this time, she made a promise! and for once in his life he’s actually right and he’s like “oh yeah? check for yourself.” so you drive to her boyfriend’s house and lo and behold, there she is, fucking him. now look me in the eyes and tell me you wouldn’t burn that fucking place to ashes. look. me. in. the. eyes.
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jackwolfes · 8 months
I just saw on tiktok someone saying they were sick of people slut shaming Jesper. I personally haven't seen any of that but I'm not too deep in the community - however I fully believe that's something people would do bc there's toxicity in every fandom. I wondered what your thoughts were on this.
(feel free not to respond btw just figured you might have more of an insight)
im gonna preface this by saying I've made it this long in fandom by refusing to skim the surface of Discourse and bonking myself on the head every time I get sucked into to people who are WAY too online, so I don't have THAT much context for this, which means everything below is completely pulled out of my ass and might not be even remotely correct
However! I know that some folks have shared thoughts on not liking SAB S1 Jesper fucking on a job, on the grounds that it's irresponsible of him in an OOC way (which I don't like, PERSONALLY agree with? but the stuff I've seen on this hasn't even been discourse, it was all just "hey this is an opinion I have, respectfully phrased and not argumentative" so I don't particularly care to wade in lol). But the point I'm making is that I wouldn't be surprised to see a breadcrumb trail to other sides of the fandom raging against the way SAB-verse Jesper is like. A bit of a mess and also fucks a fair amount. Ergo I also wouldn't be surprised to see other people coming back at this and arguing that that opinion (that jesper in SAB is too horny) or those adjacent to it is slut shaming
My general two cents (not directly about slut shaming bc again I haven't seen any of it) is that because SAB verse Jesper is older than SOC verse Jesper he probably just has more life experience (ie isn't a 17 year old boy, notoriously not known for their sexual prowess) which I think would give him more access to additional bad coping mechanisms (like a string of one night stands or ill timed hook ups). like, he gambles in the books to self-soothe, and it's frankly also implied he uses flirting/other people to do the same, so I think the progression to an aged up Jesper being SUPER jittery on a job and using a cute boy who is DTF to settle his nerves is kinda in line with his character.
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snake-and-mouse · 2 years
Holy Mama Christ! How I love the sexual politics of the KP ep 9 comedy-farce sex scene! Porsche uses every tool in his bisexual arsenal to ask his Lady friend how to seduce a man, and Kinn's a big homo who only hangs out with men, so has no natural defence against The Art of Feminine Wiles. No matter how clumsily Porsche pulls it off, he can't fail! (btw this is 2yok anon, since I don't have a tumblr account, I glommed on to yours since kinnporsche started because we're brothers in transgender)
Ahem. Lol anywho hey! Sorry I'm late answerin this, but yes!! I love the idea of Porsche basing all his moves off what he's learned from Yok and other ladies and Kinn just having no idea how to handle it lmao
Also I just love the idea in general that Porsche thinks he actually has to seduce Kinn, like Kinn has literally ever not been dtf 😂
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simmonsized · 2 years
I’m so glad I chose that one. You know I would read that immediately once you’re done. I think you’re trying to kill me though, being all miss zuipperpips about dogwoods are comin’ in blue.
I thought it was a pretty amazing coincidence! you managed to sniff out the one little section I included from that, haha!
as for dogwoods comin' in blue, it is just. I just have a lot of feelings about them, and i didn't know how to explain without sounding insane, which i definitely DO btw however because at this point you are fairly aware of how insane I am about these two, I will put the actual words i said before i wrote the fic itself beneath the cut c:
PS it is named for the song, "Good Day for Marrying You". Yes I am that sappy.
Direct copy/paste from discord warning:
me shuffling my papers where i say things like "i think bro and mom would get platonically married literally just for laffs but then also somehow take it so fucking seriously i mean they go to vegas and get married by elvis but then they also go to the courthouse and start filing joint taxes and putting away retirement funds and 401ks i mean it's SO serious like they are not kissing they're not but they ARE wearing wedding rings and they ARE legally married and bro definitely is like, i mean if we're post canon and they're alive he's definitely too busy and tired to be kissing BUT if we're talkin au he's like, definitely dtf whoever but like doesn't go out of his way to correct people who flip if he's married and cares more about getting dave through college also yes they're like 40 by the time they get married rose and dave have moved out and i don't even think mom and bro live together but they're also definitely not legally separated and celebrate their anniversary every year by going on a "honeymoon" type situation and send photos to dave and rose that are like, taken by a professional photographer and it's just rly good like that is how much i think they love each other literally THAT much" but then i don't say that bc yes it's my deranged hot girl summer but it's not THAT deranged of a hot girl summer
(and then it DID in fact become THAT deranged of a hot girl summer)
the fic itself is basically like, 500 times that bro asks mom to marry him, and 499 times she says no btw. I also wrote it in-line with RnG canon for some reason. It is like, secretly just the rng world but i made it so that one day they get married. idk, u and me are both perplexed by this. i cannot be stopped however.
here is more for u, because i actually secretly want to talk about this all the time:
"Marry me," you say for the first time, thirty-three and half and insane out of your mind with a grief that just barely belongs to you. You lie on your back on a futon in Houston, Texas, and your best friend sits on your stomach, trapping your arms on either side. Her eyebrows arch immediately, face splitting in half with a grin. She laughs, pink and beautiful as she's always been, and throws the blanket you were fighting over around her shoulders like a cape, dipping down and pressing her lips to the corner of your mouth, smearing black grease across your cheek. "No, Dirk. Of course I won't." "I know," you say, rolling over and taking her with you as you crash to the floor.
anyway i'm terrible and would probably just go and go and go writing this nightmare if i did not have 15 other things i should be doing instead LOL
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4giorno · 4 years
now that ive been rewatching haikyuu ive remembered, and i sadly have to say, that haikyuus openings are. rlly bad HFJSHHFKGKFJFKF i dont like the songs and the videos are mostly like something that could be in a normal episode and just taken straight from there, and also just so, idk how to say this better but slow? not at all representative of the high energy and stakes of the show. anyway so now im watching my fave animes openings and omfg frees openings are so amazing. like the first 2 are too but especially the op of dive to the future????? like straight from the beginning when the guitar picks up and we get an epic rotating shot of haru stepping forward and his new university jacket flows in the wind and turns into some birds and????? the gorgeous part with ikuya in the sunflower field??? and his mermaid imagery. and haru screaming and the ground breaking and water flowing? H
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As promised in the last post, here is my OC in full!
His name is Zex, and he's a merchanty little business imp. His pronouns are he/him, but he really couldn't give less of a fuck about what you call him - call him a bitch, call him a bastard, it really doesn't matter. His age is completely irrelevant - he's an adult imp and that's all you need to know *snooty Zex face*
I like to imagine that if he were to meet up with the I.M.P. gang, he'd probably con them a few times before figuring out they might actually be worth selling his good stuff - if they have the money, of course. Btw, "good stuff" depends entirely on what he has in stock, but can be anything from drugs to weapons to the best cake batter mix Hell has to offer lol
Fun Facts about Zex:
- his favorite color is gold
- he was born with heterochromia
- the trident above his left eye is probably a tattoo, but he changes the story every time you ask him about it
- his voice is a little deeper than Blitzø's; additionally, he has a British accent
- romance isn't his forté, but he's dtf pretty much anyone, anywhere, anytime (as long as it doesn't interfere with his business - he is a busy imp, after all)
- Zex is originally from the greed ring of hell, though he doesn't visit much anymore - he likes to be able to sleep without anticipating thieves robbing him at all hours of the day
That's all for now, but if you guys are interested in learning more about him, I'll probably be drawing him more sometime in the future. And if you want to draw him, go ahead! Just credit him as my character, and send the post along so I can see him in your art style!
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littlenightma · 5 years
Heeeeeey, I saw a post you made awhile ago about wanting other slasher recommendations, and I've always been fond of the Tall Man from the Phantasm movies. Yeah, he's relatively old compared to other slashers, so I think he doesn't get much fandom love because of it, but he's just so elegant and dangerous and I'm totally dtf/get murdered by him. *shrug* Just my contribution to your question! Love your writing, btw, if you end up writing Tall Man stuff I'll be so happy, lol! :D
Note: I’ve tried to answer this ask in about five attempts. Tumblr please fix yourself xD
I’ve never thought about the Tall Man until you mentioned it, but I am not against the idea about writing him! It will give me the excuse to finally watch the Phantasm movies.
I actually went on Youtube and watched some of his scenes to get a feel for his character. His thing about saying “Boy!” gave me a very naughty idea about him chasing me around screaming “Girl!” because if he caught me, I’d be punished ;)
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swearronchanel · 5 years
the durrells 4.02
Forgot to post this last week oops 🤦🏼‍♀️so ya get double of my thoughts tonight lol
Lugaretiza is a mood my back is always killing me 😂😂 I’m in my 20s with the bones of an 80 year old  
Leslie’s got baby fever lol he will get over it REAL QUICK once he baby sits
“No in bananas” LMAO I love Louisa
First Larry, now Margo, everyone’s leaving 😭
“Plenty more where that came from” we all love her cruelty
but also Basil is literally a clown 😂
Where the hell does Spiros find these random ass guests?
BTW i’m going to Corfu this week & I’m HYPE! Can’t wait to chill by the beach 😭 going to embrace my inner Louisa well probably more like Margo lmaoo or somewhere in between like Donna in Mamma Mia 😂
Why did this man bring a trunk of guns? Weirdo
“Louisa doesn’t wanna hear the word crotch” LMAO shut up Basil
WWII really looming yikes
Margo’s secret location is Theo’s LMAO, someone will easily find out and snitch
Theo fighting himself but being so anal is cute lol, we all know I love Theo
This colonel is weird
‘I love her like a burning ..house’. Basil is a freak but also aren’t he and Louisa cousins? The caucacity 😂
I miss Larry, come back bro
Ugh Spiros can you fix all this pls
Too many men in the house 😂 I feel that tho, too much testosterone in the air 😂
“No I’m waiting for you” Leslie.. just .. no lmao stop.
When have you ever seen a Wild boar Leslie ?
Louisa’s face ugh she makes me so sad! # Spiros leave your wife and love Louisa challenge !!
BASIL LMAO why is he always popping up when no one asks
Louisa like seafood, we love a gal with good taste
I knew Gerry would easily find Margo lol
Ok but why doesn’t Theo have a woman for real? He’s handsome
Damn £25
I feel like Jean Harlow would’ve already passed away by this time? But I guess she would’ve still been in magazines idk, I’m being an annoying history student lol
Aw Galini
Gerry this sounds like a terrible idea, Leslie literally shot Zoltan by accident lmao
I knew Leslie was being played 😂
SCOFF? LMAO why do Brits have be strangest terms? Sometimes I swear it isn’t English
“You’re the one with a full bed to go home to” LOUISA REALLY NOT EVEN HIDING THAT SHE’S DTF ANYMORE SJSJSJ
Louisa sweetie I’m so sorry your kids are the worst but especially Leslie LMAO
“and rare and regrettable” UGH stop making me so sad. Spiros just forget your wife 😂 ((this is the only time I condone cheating Ok I’m not a homewrecker)
Alright I lowkey feel Margo, I don’t think my family really took me seriously until I left for London this year (I only have a month left until my term is done and I go back to the states tho like what?)
Aww she looks so pretty, good work Margo
“Chemicals and a lot of bravery” me this morning dying my hair in my flat
5 second rule in full effect for that that egg lmaoo it’s ok no one saw anyways
Daphne really is crazy I would not trust Leslie with my baby and deff not for a whole day 😂
He’s literally an angel tho, he deals with the most 😂
Louisa’s cringe lmao, she doesn’t trust Basil
and I called it that someone would tell Louisa 😂 glad it was Larry but I miss his actual presence
This hunt will be a shit show
moss in her ears won’t help 🤦🏼‍♀️
momma louisa😭
I miss Margo’s antics, give her more screen time
this is literally a scene of an I love Lucy episode 😂
I CANT AHHH this madness
Louisa against too many men, come back Margo
Oh shit I forgot she’s going back to England!
“Home is where I am” ok I’m sad lol haven’t seen my fam in 4 months
I’m so not ready for this show to end like damn only 4 episodes left
“Where’d you serve?” COLLEGE LMAO uni is a war zone sjksks
Louisa just kick all these assholes out tbh
Bridge the card game you idiot
“How about it, you and me?” “No.” CRINGE HAHA & LOUISA’S FACE
“We are related after all” LMAO IM GLAD SHE SAID IT
“Why eat boiled beef when there’s hot souvlaki on the menu?” LMAO HE ISNT WRONG !
But he’s not on the menu damn it
Omg Aunt Hermonie’s photo is on her night stand RIP😭
The dancer girls came back lol
“It means you have a wife you want to keep & me here waiting for you just in case” OOFF that one hurt
Can they pls just get a happy ending ?? I know it’s not gonna happen but I can dream right
Yess a girls day, just what Louisa needs
“Despite his baby fetish” LMAO goodbye colonel
“Ugh yea they’re a nightmare” told you les 😂
He still sucks Lmaoo, Louisa vent to Florence
But also when do louisa and spiros get friendly again so Florence can say “ofc people think you’re having an affair!” And we get all that trailer content 😍
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I just read Time Falls Away (did you notice it has the same initials as The First Avenger lol) and I´m swooning over the perfectness (I was sorta panicking along Tony with everything but I´m an emotional piece of sensitive ass). Btw, its more tan what I hoped for when I hopped into this time traveling train. Steve being dtf(ight) was soooooo awesome (tiny!steve is the worst Steve just because he Will get himself and Buck injured and thats awfully hilarious) so yeah, GREAT, many kudos.
Lol it’s almost like I planned a fic that is basically a rewrite of The First Avenger to have those exact same initials (TFA 😂😂😂) I personally thought it was very clever lol
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