#He’s a very distinguished gentleman
klein-sodor-bahn · 7 months
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Gordon H. Gresley
Hold up Is that another Gordon?! Yes but he’s not related to my other Gordon. This Gordon with the fancy stache is basically if Gordon could project a human version of himself into the world. Giving him all the benefits of a human. For these designs I double down on the fact that I love history and give them outfits that were common during the decade they were built. Hence why this Gordon looks like a distinguished gentleman and not like a grumpy office sitter.
I also his away two nods to his builder Sir Nigel Gresley and other aspects of his character. You’ll soon why I designed this version of Gordon.
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cjjferk · 2 months
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sealhaus · 8 months
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Just finished this distinguished man in time for autumn!
This is the second art doll I’ve made for No Evil, and I’m so happy with them so far!
His outfit is almost completely original, he’s entirely hand sewn, painted and sculpted. I wanted to make an original outfit for him because I wanted to do something a little fancier then anything he’s warn in the show. I’m very proud of that swanky little trench-coat/cape thing.
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sofiaruelle · 3 months
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I had the honor of drawing this foppish nobleman for a D&D campaign! :D<
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rithalie-sideblog · 4 months
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I want Mizu’s father to be a complicated character.
I’m a sucker for reformed fathers and while I don’t think it will happen, I want Mizu’s father to be VERY morally grey. Give me a man who doesn’t believe in fairness or goodness anymore. Give me a man who had been through so goddamn much he can’t even see the kindness for what it is. A man who sells souls and bargains with demons and kills people with equal amount of interest. A man who doesn’t believe himself to be a god or melomaniac but simply a practical man who knows what he is and what he is not.
A man who knows he’s not good, and doesn’t dare to think he is, a man who has been broken once and put himself back together out of sheer force of will.
Man who, at his heart, still remains humble street rat.
Man who is friends with horrible people because deep down he doesn’t believe he deserves better ones. A pact brother to Fowler, who he matches in strength and brutality but not exactly in tastes or debauchery.
Give me a man who once had a goal, he reached it or failed it and now has to keep going, because he made a lot of people dependable on him. A man who keeps his people fed and safe but doesn’t tolerate the littlest bit of resistance or disloyalty because he fell for that once before and he’s still hurt. (Sounds familiar?)
Give us man who maybe had a son or two already but secretly wants a child that he could protect and maybe save and who deep deep down dreams of having a daughter he could spoil rotten. His little princess.
And then he meets Mizu’s mother and he either falls in love or he doesn’t but he suddenly has a goal again and he would be damned if he loses it. And he does lose it, either by having his daughter stolen from him and killing everyone responsible for it, or by thinking both his daughter and his woman were murdered.
Let us see his breaking point, him losing himself in cruelty once again, because he had just what he wanted in the palm of his hand and he threw it all away for a business trip or a seemingly important deal back in London, which turns out to be his biggest mistake.
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And then give us a man who sees his daughter again but she’s not his little princess anymore. She never was.
Give us a man who is furious at what this world shaped his daughter to be. Who sees himself in her and he’s seething because he very much wanted her to be the opposite. To be happy and spoiled and loved. And Mizu is not.
She is ruthless, she is vary and she rarely sees kindness for what it is, especially in a foreign land. And she doesn’t trust him, even as he offers help in killing men that Fowler made her hate with his meddling. Men she suspects are either her father or the devil he works with.
Give me man trying desperately to make connection. Even as he bends the rules for her and breaks his own promises and lets himself care again.
And if it all fails and if she discovers he’s her father, he still tries to find a way to keep her. To protect her, shield her. Even if it’s by blackmail, even if he holds her friend’s lives in the palm of his hand as he offers her all the power he has. Even as she hates him with that reckless abandon we all know her to possess.
Give us a man who made a clan out of outlaws and makes Mizu his heir and their princess, as she screams and kicks and tries to get out of this position.
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l3viat8an · 9 months
say hi to Mr.Gizmo
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baking-bugs · 1 year
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i adore how silly magolor looks in his new outfit. unfortunately i realized i made his bigass hat too short too late but that's okay, he still has his pretty bow
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do-rey-me · 15 days
got to pet a bunch of farm animals today and i will be thinking about the sweet little goat who nearly climbed out of her pen because i was scritching between her horns
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lunarlegend · 3 months
i don't understand fanworks where Ignis has his own office at the Citadel
Ignis is a servant
a retainer is a servant
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he advises the prince, yes, but he also lives in a tiny apartment (while Noct lives in a luxury one) and does everything from sewing Noct's clothes, to cooking his meals, to driving him around, to dropping off his paperwork and acting as a stand-in for him at meetings
he's a servant
in what world would they give him his own office
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mas-que-loucura-menina · 10 months
Do you guys want to look at my dog with his fluffy little paws crossed?
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nauthynomus · 2 years
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material shading practice w/ an oc i just made ^^
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anemoia-blue · 3 months
More Walter content. Felt good. Took me an hour, and a few hand spasms, but ay, he lookin' distinguished and snazzy.
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🎉✨now with more scar content✨🎉
The bracelet is one made by Miguel, featuring a little daffodil bead as the centerpiece. Daffodils represent new beginnings. Yes, he wears it during work. No, he will not take it off.
Another note; yes, that's blood. No, not his.
AND ANOTHER NOTE- I'm actively designing his gun, which is a 9mm llama. I'm surprised I didn't add the lil marks from hot brass casing, because those fuckers have a habit of sending the shell right into your eye or neck like you called it's mother a whore.
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risto-licious · 11 months
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Look at this distinguished gentleman. Look at the way he is sitting. Yes, very distinguished.
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violet-eng · 7 months
Neuvillette and his arranged marriage with fem!reader - NSFW
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Summary: so... Furina is such a gossipy and she's kinda boring so she wants Neuvillette to marry to some random girl that can be a challenge for him... would he like this traveler?
TW: smut. Has a plot. Kinda angst? p i v. Breeding kink, praising. Unprotected sex with this daddy judge. I think that's all... MINORS DO NOT INTERACT PLEASE JUST KEEP SCROLLING.
🎨: @zlidbhypy/@zljdbhypy
The judge had lived long enough to be carried away by appearances, his image in society was expected of a man with his profession, with his knowledge and his stature. However, in the eyes of Lady Furina, as much a lover of spectacle and scandal as possible, the great judge needed a slightly more modern image to present to the citizens of Fontaine-and perhaps to bring a little gossip as well.
The idea had consumed her so much that at the moment she met you she could think of nothing else but arranging an engagement with Monsieur Neuvillette. You were the living image of what she was looking for: a young woman of society, a foreigner with a wide knowledge of the vast continent and above all, ambitious. 
There was a flash that Lady Furina highlighted in you, a furious soul difficult to tame, a challenge for the great judge. How fun it would be to see that: the distinguished gentleman try to control the disdain of his future wife, lover of saucers with spicy mixes, so friendly to those with vision Pyro... almost as contrary to him.
You met Neuvillette a day before the wedding, when Lady Furina had given him the wonderful news that he would marry you. He could not refuse, not the Archon, and she was aware of that-that made the matter more fun.
Neuvillette looked serene during the announcement, did not give the Archon the joy of a grimace of disgust... of course not, he was not like that...
On the wedding day rain fell so much as to drown the neighboring nations, tormenting those present of the ceremony. Monsieur Neuvillette was outside the compound, admiring the horizon, yearning for the freedom he possessed years before. To this had its existence been reduced? To be a puppet for the entertainment of the Archon? To tie himself for life to a woman he didn’t even know? If only he could return to his old form... spread his wings and get out of that place...
"The rain is wonderful," you exclaimed beside him, tearing from his chest an impression he managed to hide. "I hope the tears of the Hydro dragon are of happiness for the wedding and not of misery".
"They’re just legends, stories for children," he said, though an inch of him, deep down, was delighted by the idea that unlike the rest of Fontaine’s inhabitants, you didn’t dislike the rain... the one he was provoking...
"All legends have some truth in them," you whispered, giving him a sincere smile.
The ceremony had been short because of the rain, yet your happiness was overflowing. Your dress was drenched, your hair was alike... Everything was ruined, Lady Furina kept saying it, and yet you seemed to be living the best day of your life. Neuvillette could not look away from you at any moment, you had bewitched him, a single phrase had sufficed to achieve that...
The room was spacious, exquisitely decorated, illuminated to depth, the details and finishes seemed measured with hard effort... very much like the great judge. You had been unwise to ask if you had separate rooms, that had upset him for a moment... You certainly didn’t seem to have the same scruples as him.
You opened the window of the room, resting your elbows on the frame and sucking the dew that the rain brought with it. Neuvillette stood still in his place, looking at your figure, analyzing every detail of your silhouette, trying to perceive your essence, your energy... There was definitely something special about you.
"Can I come out?" you asked, were you asking permission?
"You must not ask for my consent to be free in the place" actually, he did not think it proper from you to ask permission for something… he perceived you from the first instant as a free being in tune with nature.
"It’s my way of asking you to go out with me to enjoy the rain," you said, approaching him and extending your hand. 
The thick drops of water hit the roofs, the fountain of the courtyard was about to overflow with water, the surface covered of the leaves that the wind had brought with it. You got rid of your coat and your shoes, went into the fountain and sat in the middle, above the water level, your legs dipping, you picked up the dress on your knees. The fabric was thin, almost transparent now that you were soaked and uncovered. Neuvillette scanned the surroundings, hoping no one would look at you, you were his wife... was he jealous? No, it was a simple sense of duty now that he was a married man...
"Come closer" you said from your position, pointing your finger at the place in front of you. Neuvillette, almost hypnotized by your loud attitude, dragged his feet towards your spot, sitting across from you, likewise, his legs underwater. The familiarity of the rain on the current that had formed under his feet was pleasant, almost satisfactory, so much so that it incited him to move his hands on the surface of the water, forming figures that allowed his hydro vision. You smiled at the small spectacle he displayed for you, admiring the sublime movement of his hands, the way his fingers flexed on the leaves and the drops of water ran down his hands.
You leaned toward him, taking him by surprise, joining your lips with his. He did not turn away, but, on the contrary, he dropped his hand against your neck, drawing you closer to him, tasting the nectar of your lips and your tongue.
"I want something to be clear" you dictated separating yourself from him, "we’ll have children... not because the charlatan Archon wants it for her entertainment, no... we will have children because we both want it, it was clear?".
For all the Archons... those words coming out of your mouth, pure poison, so hostile to the Archon, calling her in a way that he could never, with your face framed by your soaked locks and your lips swollen by the kiss... There was nothing he could want but a woman like you. 
The matter of your affinity for the falling flood, added to your folly of calling the archon such a derogatory name... you were an interesting, exceptional creature whose behavior went beyond his control and knowledge. You were a challenge... his challenge... and his enthusiasm grew in his chest as well as in his pants.
You had both returned to the room in sultry form, between kisses and gasps, getting rid of your clothes on the way. He cornered you on the wall of the entrance, his hand in fist resting above your head, his forehead against yours, the other hand holding your chin, joining his eyes. Neuvillette’s chest rose strongly, seeking air, bewildered by the growing ecstasy, the desire among you that was born. 
Taking you by the waist, he turned you against the wall, your face crashing against the cold marble and your palms resting at your sides. You felt his breathing on your neck, his chest against your back, his hands sliding over your curves, right to your hips, over your panties. You let out a soft moan as you felt the fabric slip under your legs and fall to your ankles.
"Monsieur..." you whispered trembling as the cold pouring through the room brushed your thighs and bare ass. 
"You don’t look as bold as you did a few minutes ago," he whispered... low, almost growling, you swore he was smiling, you sensed it in his voice.
"It’s... just... ah~" you cut the phrase in half when you felt him slip into you, separating your folds, forcing you to suck it. Your hands in fist, your hips rising, trying to avoid its passage inside you, your shoulders gathering at the sensation that flooded your center, your sex. 
"Monsieur~" you moaned, your forehead wet against the marble, your hands scratching the wall looking for something to soothe the burning between your legs, the feeling of its length between your damp walls.
You didn’t think the judge would be so vocal. When he slipped into you, he grunted, so pleasantly your legs seemed to melt. You felt the breath of his groan in your ear, your name coming from his lips.
"So soft" he whispered, resting his hands on yours, his forehead on your shoulder, "so tight..." continued advancing, rising to the bottom, "so mine"...
Neuvillette fucked you against that wall as if he was in heat-and perhaps he was-as if you were going to escape at any time from his grip, though you couldn’t. 
The moans and gasps were embarrassing, thanks to the rain they did not cross the walls, the sound of wet skin crashing during each penetration was burning, lustful. The words that came out of the judge’s mouth every time you girded your limb were a sea of incongruities, just as the phrases that your mouth dropped when he caressed your clitoris, that little lump had become his favorite toy.
The onslaught was strong, your breasts pounding against the wall every time he burst into you, rubbing against your delicate interior, which seemed made for him.
"You take me so well," he groaned, as he continued his beat against you, your breasts rising and falling down the wall. You were trapped between the wall and the monster of pleasure the judge had become.
"I will fill you with my seed, I swear..." he gasped again, his voice raspy, with flashes of hunger and lust.
"Neuvillette~" you let out a high-pitched moan, had touched your point, that felt so fucking good, the way he arched to hit that gummy dot on your cervix. He kept going, and kept going, you didn’t want him to stop. Fuck, he was so good at it, who’d say a gentleman of his countenance could be taking you like an animal in heat.
He kept hitting that delicious spot inside you, stroking your sensitive organ, one, two... three times, you suddenly felt a knot forming in your belly.
"Oh my~... don’t stop Neuvillette~..." you begged, eyes closed, lips separated by groans. The sound of his gasps flooding your eardrum... you both were close…
His onslaught lost rhythm, the intensity was almost unbearable, he came out one last time to get into you, fucking you so hard that you felt your orgasm burst and you let out a scream. He would not take long to reach his climax similarly, unloading all his seed inside you
The bed was warm, you needed it after what happened... Neuvillette lay beside you, caressing your cheek, watching the way you fell asleep. 
He looked out the window, the rain had stopped. He was completely happy... so long ago that he did not feel the fullness he had at the time... 
He placed a soft kiss on your forehead, curling your head in his chest, feeling the warmth of your gentle breathing. He closed his eyes, falling asleep beside you, yearning to tell you one day about his identity... someday…
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lunaballoona09 · 2 years
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whenever i go to take care of his siblings he screams at me
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gay-dorito-dust · 3 months
How they’d react to you jokingly not wanting to hold their hand.
Dramatic bastard.
He’s hurt that you’d dare not hold his hand.
Pouty mermaid man for the rest of the day, and when Thomas asks why he was being this way, Rafayel would dramatically say that you broke up with him.
Thomas -unaware of the situation- would text you and ask what the fuck Rafayel was on about, only for you to tell him that you wouldn’t hold his hand. 💀
Thomas: he told me you broke up with him…
You: …why am I not surprised.
Rafayel for : WHY ARE YOU TALKING TO MY EX THOMAS?! 🧜🏻‍♂️🧜🏻‍♂️
The other scenario is that he will forcibly hold your hand, intertwining your fingers so that you couldn’t pull away from him and stay like that for the entire day. Even if he has painting to finish he will try and do it one handed bc he’s extra like that.
You are currently in hand jail for a week according to Rafayel.
Is genuinely concerned and thinks that he might’ve done something/ something had happened recently to you.
Does not understand the concept of a joke sometimes.
Will sit you down and discuss the ‘issue’ only to to look dumbfounded when you tell him that no, nothing was wrong and that you’d gladly hold his hand anytime anyplace.
He looked like a confused puppy with its head tilted to the side when you tell him this. He is confused as to your reasoning for doing such a thing if you were more than okay with holding his hand in the first place.
‘Why did you pull your hand away from mine when I tried to hold your hand the first time?’
‘Xavier it’s a joke I swear-‘
He’ll get over it sooner or later.
Sees through the bullshit.
He knows this game very well as he’s probably overheard his colleges do this prank on their partners to gauge their reaction.
So the moment you do this with him, he will only raise his brow and casually mention that he knows what you’re trying to do.
He’s not as dramatic as raf nor takes it as serious as Xavier, but more of a neutral reaction. He knows you mean nothing by it if you don’t hold his hand and he’s not going to force you to hold his hand unless you wish to.
What a distinguished gentleman-
‘Is there a reason that you participated in this trend?’ He’d inquire.
‘Other than to see your reaction? No, not really.’ You’d reply.
‘Then if you’ve got your wanted result, may I hold your hand?’ Then asks, holding out his large hand to you.
‘I’ll never get one over you, will I?’ You asked as you placed your hand into his with a smile.
Zayne smiles softly. ‘I appreciate the attempts taken in trying, they’re very entertaining.’
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