#Harriet the Spy
parasomnico12 · 1 month
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"Spy time"
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adaptationsdaily · 2 years
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Harriet The Spy (1996) Directed by: Bronwen Hughes
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dave-ofc · 11 months
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Doomer vibe but such is the state of the animation industry at the moment
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vnimrod · 7 months
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"Doodle anime pose"
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toonrandy · 7 days
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May 31st was National Smile Day! I must say Harriet has some of the best smiles from a cartoon character!
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oldschoolteenflicks · 2 years
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Harriet the Spy (1996) dir. by Bronwen Hughes
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Round 1 poll 21: Harriet M. Welsch from Harriet the Spy vs Amelia Bedelia
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Propaganda under the cut
Harriet M. Welsch:
Middle school spy and future author extraordinaire, chocolate egg cream fan
i wanted to be her SO MUCH oh man. related to hard to her as a kid. iconic misunderstood sneaky queen who loves tomato sandwiches. she just wants to know everything about people!
She kind of sucks actually and that’s unique and bold for classic kid lit. But you have to admire her ambition and passion. Just a very well fleshed out character.
Amelia Bedelia:
The whole series is about her taking figures of speech literally. Relatable because she shows the English language is confusing as fu-
she's very silly, and her books were among my favorites as a kid. her whole deal is that she takes metaphors very literally, which results in lots of shenanigans when someone asks her to do something. i still think about her "dusting the furniture" (covering it with dust) and "drawing the drapes" (drawing a picture of them on a piece of paper) when i clean anything.
queen of literal interpretation!
She's just a silly goofy type
absent-minded/processing issues queen
Well meaning and kind hearted but bumbling maid who’s made generations of kids laugh with her literalist antics
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Some crossover fanart margin doodles i did of characters from shows i worked on as a storyboard example for someone.
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(c) MUNA Happy Pride Month!!
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mage8 · 4 months
Dear secret spy notebook
This week my neighbor has been arguing with the lesbians that live across the street from him. i wonder if the story he is writing is going badly. He has been writing less in his journal and more on his typewriter. When he's done typing he rips the page out and takes it across the street and slides it under the front door. Then he goes home and watches from his window behind his curtains. He thinks nobody sees him watching but the lesbians have definitely noticed. They write him replies then sit in their window laughing and giggling (they are too poor to own curtains their apartment is really shabby). Ole Golly thinks I don't know the word lesbians but I overheard mother discussing lesbians with her ladies book club. Being a lesbian doesn't seem too bad. Who would want to marry a smelly boy anyway? And since polite society disapproves of you, you never have to go to any stuffy parties. You might have to live in a shabby apartment, but since I'm planning on being a writer, it looks like that might be what I'm in for anyway, if what daddy says about starving writers is true.
Harriet the Spy
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parasomnico12 · 4 months
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hyenaswine · 8 months
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i knew immediately something was off & i couldn't tell what, but it's the glasses. idk why he thinned out the glasses. i'm gonna go back & make him fix that. otherwise i love her.
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dailynicknews · 2 months
Here's your guide to what's new on Paramount+ in May 2024!
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furashuban · 2 months
Boonie any new Cartoons I should watch???
Looking for something new and can't choose.
Recently I've been enjoying both Molly of Denali and Elinor Wonders Why, both are super adorable and lighthearted kids shows (and relatively recent ones, too, to my surprise) centered on adventurous girls exploring nature around them together with their friends and family :> The difference between them is that everyone in Molly are humans, Molly and her family in particular are Indigenous Alaskans which the series does an amazing job portraying, while everyone in Elinor are anthro animals with Elinor being a smol rabbit girl, and they're are also episodic so you can literally start in any episode you want. But if I were to help pick specific episodes you can check out first, or if you intend to just watch one episode of each, my most favorite Elinor episode is titled "Owl Girl" (meanwhile it's hard to narrow down a favorite for Molly since there's so many episodes now and I love every single one of the handful I've watched a lot, so I'm gonna go with the last one I watched being "Hot Springs Eternal". :>)
I think I told you about the Harriet The Spy cartoon adaptation before, but I still HIGHLY encourage checking it out if you haven't yet 'cause it's genuinely as fun and charming of a time as the 2 shows above; I stand by the fact it does an amazing job expanding on the book and characters, and is one of my favorite shows of all time <33 I'm also gonna recommend favorite episodes of mine like the last ones that I think are perfect places to start, and that's a tie between either "Origins of M" or "Face The Music" from Season 1. The former is my favorite showcase of Harriet and Ole Golly as characters and their relationship in the series, and the latter being the same but for Harriet and Janie Gibbs, and both to this day melt my heart to revisit and never fail to give me a fun time watching <33
All these shows have a special place in my heart which is also why they're the only ones I can think to bring up and not any other recs atm sdgdgwfw, but I think these are ample enough new shows for you to pick from I feel :> Really hoping you enjoy them just as much as I do! <33
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mywifeleftme · 2 months
364: Various Artists // Israfel
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Israfel Various Artists 1997, Ape
A 1997 vinyl benefit compilation of mostly Middle American grindcore / powerviolence / emo acts, assembled in an edition of about 1000 by Bloomington-based DIY label Ape Records (active 1995 to 2002), in handmade sleeve with a recent release catalogue, a substantial zine, and a few priceless gag inserts (incl. YOUR HARDCORE SELL OUT DECODER RING). I’m not an aficionado of any of the genres Israfel covers by any means, but you’d have to be a real head to know most of these: in terms of notoriety, the Locust (who contribute a 47 second blast of lo-fi outrage) are basically Led Zeppelin compared to the rest of the acts, most of whom topped out with a couple of EPs and compilation appearances.
Of course, hearing music that would otherwise be basically lost to time is the appeal of taking a flyer on a comp like this. One of my favourite tracks is “Untitled” by Roanoke, VA’s the Weak Link Breaks, supposedly the first thing the band ever wrote (and, judging from their discography, nearly the last too). It begins with a very, very quiet spacy-Fugazi-style amble (the vocal harmonies couldn’t be more Ian and Guy) that explodes into a brief screamo-style D-beat section, and then some big heaving riffs that make me want to exaggeratedly lift and stomp my feet like a giant trying to keep his balance. I also dig Murfreesboro, TN’s Serotonin, an emo / post-hardcore act with a steely '80s shred band guitar tone who play like they want people in the pit to twirl around ecstatically instead of slam dancing. A lot of the other nasty yowling cat speedballs on Israfel don’t really catch my ear, but that’s okay—I’m weirdly proud of them 27 years after the fact for being themselves and getting out whatever they needed to get out through this violence.
The package’s tone is all over the place. The zine opens with a haunting description of the compilation’s beneficiaries, the family of a pair of little girls with spinal muscular atrophy (a common birth defect) whose condition worsened until they perished, leaving their parents distraught and financially ruined—and the 21-year-old compiler racked with guilt that he didn’t somehow do more to help. From there, it whips through his heterodox thoughts about the hardcore scene (despicably self-absorbed; unresponsive to requests from label operators); the state of emo (too abstract); the best way to bring about change (working within the capitalist system); rape (it’s bad; consent is black and white; can we stop litigating this in the scene?); calling the cops (fine to do); disrespecting the American flag (played out; tacky); and drinking/drug use (“when did self-destruction become rebellion?”). After he finishes up, each band (that got their artwork in on time anyway) gets a page to talk about themselves. This section is full of old school punk zine/leaflet treasures, with designs that mimic motel newspaper ads, postcards, messy handwritten perzines, and Xeroxed 7” grindcore sleeves.
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It's funny reading his scornful words about pseudo-rebellious drunkards stumbling toward “the day when punk rock is shelved for an 8 hour workday, Budweiser, and television” and then finding his LinkedIn, where he describes himself as “driving omnichannel excellence” and as “whimsical (after coffee).” You wouldn’t believe it from the splenetic angst of the Israfel zine, but the guy seems like he turned out happy and normal, with a few kids and a successful career. I wonder how the 21-year-old would see the 48-year-old, if he’d call him a sell-out or feel relieved that things worked out; if the 48-year-old would pity his former self, or feel ashamed about losing his edge. More one-time zinesters and hardcore kids end up looking square from a distance than you’d think (I certainly do if you catch me during the workday), because you usually stop hearing about them when they drop out of the scene. For most, the quiet part of life is the larger portion by far. It’s your choice whether to embrace that, mourn it, or seek your own alternative. But if Israfel reminds us of nothing else, it’s the importance of having a good scream at least once in your life.
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