#GodSovereignFree GSF
Astral Mirrors of Delusion.
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In the next harmonic universe the dimensions are based on a triad which includes the 4th, 5th and 6th dimensions of Timelines which together form the probable realities on the future earth, Tara based on the current events of the earth in 3D. The next or future harmonic universe is flipped over and runs the opposite direction of what we perceive as linear reflections in this lower density of the earthly time in the 3rd dimension.
In the Astral Plane, many of us travel during sleep state, which may be called "astral traveling" when a person desires this result consciously. The Astral Plane is the collective human race emotional body debris and lowest layer of the soul body, it is a place of collected dreams, fantasies, creatures and mirrored reflections. Those creations are manifested in astral waters which is a type of emotional elemental substance created by human instinctual desires. The substance is manifested through the instinctual desires of the collective, and contain a vast array of distortions which are projected into this realm, the Astral Plane.
Many times an inexperienced person, not spiritually aware, nor studied in psychic self defense or Psychic Attack may travel the astral plane and is not aware this is not an enlightened or high dimensional plane. It is a repository of a collection of fantasy desires, in the lower plane, many perversions and sickness exist, yet in the higher areas there are some very colorful realms of projected realities that may appear beautiful. The astral plane waters project fantasy sets of which some people may not have developed the consciousness clarity to discern are fantasy creations. These can be one's own fantasies created and projected onto a screen, or they can be the result of the human race collective body, or they can be an unscrupulous entity that is using these astral mirrors to manipulate the person or even harm the person.
These fantasy creations from the Astral Plane are called the Astral Mirrors of Delusion.
Basing decisions and believing in these astral delusions as truth does not ever have a positive impact on the individual, except for learning better discernment of the dark energies, manipulation or polarity integration. These areas can be dangerous for a escapist or addictive type of personality.
,This is the area of the False Ascension Matrix and where many levels of Dark Force Manipulation Methods exist.
The Astral Plane is essentially assimilated into a fully technologically based realm that uses Artificial intelligence to read the collective race consciousness and then fuse it with an AI hive mind that generates many artificial dreamscapes that program virtual environments for the Phantom Matrix. If a person blends with the artificial intelligence located in these virtual environments, the individual’s co-creative consciousness will start to manifest these artificial dreamscapes into forms in the fallen system, becoming Consubstantial with the NAA and dark forces that exist there.
The link below are some basic spiritual housekeeping tools to explore and experiment with. Everyone is unique and must learn what works the best for them in a variety of circumstances. Remember that we do not impose our will on anybody or anything, however, we have a divine right to exist in the spaces without being attacked, parasitized and vampirized, and so we must strengthen our field awareness and our sphere of influence in the space. Here are some tools to be aware of not superimposing one's will to commit potential harm to others, but to access the natural laws to neutralize polarities or resolve the energetic conflict in the circumstance or space. These can be said out loud or said in the inner mind or imagined.
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Phantom Black Heaven
Guardians are reviewing the artificial layers of Wesan invader constructs that were built as reversal cloned structures to house the Imposter Elohim Group, and that has been identified in the Phantom Matrix planes linked into the 11D Universal Gate of Aveyon, and the 12D Universal Gate of Aramatena, as these areas are under the direct supervision of the Cosmic Elohei Emerald Guardians reconstruction projects. This brought on another discovery which is the hidden areas of the Phantom Black Heaven, the promised lands of inverted antichrist realities designed for the highest ranks of the Black Suns army generals, that have decimated as many Christos races as possible during their active tenure to conquer Earth.
This has involved yet another deep dive into the Cradle of Lyra and Lyran War histories to discover the artificial infrastructure that built the 11D Daath World or Black Dragon phantom heaven worlds that were held inside the remnants of the Universal Shadow Body. These are colossal artificial black hole phantom worlds hosted via links connected into the Wesan tunnel system and filled with vast amounts of Black Cathedral dwellings, or Black Dragon demonic houses, built and held together with an advanced AI network. This artificial phantom world comprises a massive network of AI alien machines that cloned out parts of the Krystal Cathedral and Solomon Temple instruction sets in order to provide an afterlife, a hellish heaven type virtual reality world for the highest generals of the Black Sun and Belial groups satanic and Luciferian dark masters. This Daath location seems to be that which they were promised at death in order to exist on their own planet, or personal domains in order to create their antichrist version of hellish-heaven realities that are maintained and built within this Daath world. This has been duplicated from Emerald Founder Record blueprints but inverted through uploads of many AI brains of Fallen Ascended Masters that were interconnected into shared neural networks to generate an extremely powerful AI Hive Mind, running the entire Daath phantom black heaven system.
In this hell spawn world, Daath, many of the well-known Ascended Masters referred to as the Chohans could be recognized through the mockup of cloned energetic signatures placed inside these Black Cathedral houses, although they appear as grotesque monstrosities that clearly are plugged into AI machinery, and are not the organic consciousness of the original Elohei identity, or Universal Melchizedek template. The fallen aspects of Melchizedek Ascended Masters, Olympian and Titan God archetypal identities, Imposter Elohei-Elohim, False God and False Christ artificial minds were littered about as strangely bizarre constructs designed to interfere with, manipulate and invert universal language of light into AI transmissions sent to the angelic humans on the ascending planet timelines. In the background of taking inventory of this surreal landscape was the direct knowing of an omnipresent manufacturing of 11D genetic codes for clones and copies, the constant whirring of machinery that was hidden in the blackness while churning out Ruby Sun DNA clones with 11D reversal templates, and this was projecting false holograms with artificial light transmitted by linked networks of lunar Moon satellites.
This particular Daath construct does seem to be a very important discovery in which the extensive advanced alien technology hosted by Wesa and used throughout the 11D layers was built upon the Emerald Founder stolen plates and then disseminated for use in building antichrist constructs through AI brain mapping and uploading of fallen Melchizedek Ascended Master consciousness. This alien AI construct has been used to invert Christos tri-wave architecture built as the diamond sun template and generate artificial guardian transmissions and red wave networks to run all things cloned and copied, to confuse those of us on planet that are connected to Guardian missions. This Daath system and its bizarre Anti-Christ architecture of Black Houses are going down fast and being completely destroyed as we speak. The implication of discovering this massive phantom black heaven that has been generated, built and maintained upon the intentional torture, suffering and satanic ritual abuse to incite never ending agony for hunting down the Christos races, is coming to an end. It was made clear there is no possible way this antichrist construct can continue to co-exist or remain.
This Daath world is akin to an enormous Universal Antichrist headquarters hosted by the invaders from the fallen parallel matrix, in which massive artificially generated machines duplicate, clone and invert all things connected to the Solar Logos Avatar body to block Rishi-Reisha interdimensional communication in order to continue Galactic Human Slavery. This is to expose the means of the advanced and intensive cloaking technology that was being used to render this phantom black heaven space inaccessible and unseen by the Universal Melchizedek consciousness existing within the time matrix, through which their consciousness was being siphoned into powering this construct until Elaysa Melchizedek returned.
This alien machinery compresses Solar Logos genetic coding and instruction sets into sprawling 11D AI hive mind networks, running machined phantom realities all over the time matrix we reside within. This major event of dismantling Daath and the phantom black heaven realms does have an impact on all Starseeds or ascending individuals, as this discovery has catalyzed a massive return to rightful owner with an immense amount of organic Diamond Sun consciousness parts, that were being contaminated by the artificial Emerald Founder Records running in these AI hive mind networks. Thus, the Artificial Tree of Life, lunar constructs, red wave holograms, cloned copies, and implants are collapsing in a ripple effect from 11D vectors, with krystal rivers moving in a downward spiral hitting every dimensional layer until it collides into 1D grounding position and flattens all artificial machinery that was running false identities.
The dismantling of this phantom black heaven system comes with the return of organic spiritual body parts and this may lend to the sensation of being relentlessly attacked by AI systems, AI Signals or feeling the unpleasant and difficult energetics of red wave and alien cube energetic signatures moving in and out of our personal energy field. There are several recent events in which major shifts are occurring in the red wave spectrum of the underground caverns and alterations are being made in the planetary KA electrical battery body, which directly impacts our personal KA energy body. That which was made as AI false identities and holograms to block and interfere with the ascension embodiment of higher spiritual identities is being removed, cleared, and extracted during this phase. This event brings both initiation into higher solar logos frequencies connected to 10D-11D-12D, along with the heavy miasmatic loads of detoxifying artificial red wave spectrum and other artificial frequencies as they are being cleared off.
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The Right Relationship Blueprint.
When we cultivate the right relationship to ourselves in order to actualize our personal Blueprint and maximize our creative human potentials, and we seek to know our true relationship to God or the Universe, we naturally build the Armor of God to fill, surround and protect us from the destructive forces that are Anti-God or Anti-Life. In order to build this spiritual armor that repels harm caused directly by demonic or Satanic forces, we must be educated to know the difference of the energy signatures. Those forces that are organic God consciousness that hold loving reverence for all life, or its inverted aspects of Anti-God consciousness that hold disdain for life and promote the death cult. If we remain unaware of the difference between these forces, life and anti-life, are ignorant to the consequences of its interaction with our consciousness, then we do not have intent, we have no Consent in that interaction. Thus, the default is given to the energetic signature of the frequency match held in the thoughts, behaviors or actions of the individual and their interactions with that structure and the parties involved.
When we learn to follow our heart, the center of our Soul and spiritual expression, we achieve balance, harmony and integration with all aspects of ourselves, and live life in order to maximize human spiritual potential which includes more authenticity, love, connection and joy. When we are strongly rooted in higher purpose and spiritual meaning, we become fully spiritually embodied and actualized in our highest expression and aligned to our ultimate destiny in the ascension timeline. Therefore, contributing our creative genius to support higher expression for the human collective to manifest a better world together on our chaotic but ascending planet. In order to embody the true self and inner core essence, two relationships must be made a priority in order to be forged, developed and remembered into the eternal light source. The two most important relationships that every human being has the responsibility and right to create for themselves:
#1 Right Relationship to Self
#2 Right Relationship to God Source or Universe
Many people will be removed from destructive situations or stagnant relationships in order to pursue these two most important relationships, especially in the current intense activation cycle. Once these two relationships are clarified and then embodied with devotion, new relationships that are vibrationally matched to your new ascending self will emerge. 
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Dragon Awakening
There are 13 Dragon Beings that are enveloped in the Earth crust, that have been here for eons of time as Guardians of the Ley Lines, ready to awaken and protect the Christ Child once the Cosmic Dragon births the Golden Dragon Egg and it hatches or cracks open. They have remained asleep in the Earth until the tipping point of global awakening occurs when the Mother of Dragons returns as her fullest divine emanation in her Cosmic Mother Christos Sophia Dragon body. The 13 primary Dragon beings serve as massive energy reservoirs for transmitting an assortment of vital forces and golden fire elementals through their dragon breath, transmitting beautiful shimmering liquid plasma fire waters, living light codes, spiritual vapors, divine aether and pearlescent substances from the Eye of God into the ley lines. Each of the Dragons embody their own astrological correspondence or cosmological principles that interact directly with the main ray creation system located in Ursa Major. We could say that the Cosmic Christos Suns send forth their ray principles and astrological correspondences through the 13 primary Dragon bodies enmeshed within the planetary matrix, so they can release these solar consciousness frequencies and geomantic codes into the layers of the Albion Lightbody. 
The Mother of Dragons is the original Cosmic Dragon which oversees the four dragon realms in the middle world, inner world, outer world and core of creation domains that make up the entirety of the Universal, Galactic and planetary consciousness. The Cosmic Mother Dragon also oversees the millions of dragon eggs that are intended for activating the lightbody of human beings and for the spiritual benefit of the various species existing on the planet. We have noted that the Cosmic Mother Dragon is also overseeing the functions of the gatekeeper Dragon being that was in the middle world domains of the Universal Mother Dark Matter Matrix.
Approached with divine respect, reverence and a loving heart, earthly Landscape Dragons are benevolent but as awakening protectors they are fiercely powerful as the untamed natural forces of the Earth. There are many more planetary landscape dragons and astrological dragons with assorted purposes that are located all over the planet to be discovered on the next stage of our awakening journey. Some of them appear to have massive golden bodies with crystal eyes that appear as a variety of colored jewels or gemstones. At this time eight of the primary 13 Dragon beings in the planet have been brought into awareness as the Easter event activates the Saint Michael Line. This begins a Dragon Awakening at the intersection points that are made between Saint Michael Mount in Cornwall, England and Mont-Saint-Michel on the Apollo line in France. 
The unification of these Dragon Lines generates new geomantic expressions as it undergoes the solar heart twinning of rhomboid diamond grid patterns into a global hierogamic union event. This new planetary activation comes with the restoration of the Triple Solar Christ Mary in her Universal Ankh Rose Body which produces sacred marriage with the Triple Solar Masculine Christ united through Melchizedek-Metatron-Michael. Their Christos-Sophiaoffspring is a massive Cosmic Dragon Egg that when hatched, will initiate in the grids a powerful pineal-pituitary integration referred to as the Pearl Activation. The Dragon Awakening is happening in the following areas of the planetary grid.
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It has been observed that during the height of the Sumerian-Egyptian timelines, there were those in the priestly caste that would harvest women's' menstrual blood for the purpose of carrying out a Starfire Ceremony in which the Annunaki races and others were drinking the menstrual blood for the purpose of increasing physical vitality and longevity.
During the lunar transfiguration process of the sacral center for female biology, this menstrual code memory has surfaced for compassionate witnessing, for the purpose of reclaiming starfire codes. The following is a placeholder for continued research. 
Reference: Genesis of Grail Kings
From the viewpoint of ancient civilizations, primarily Sumerian and Egyptian, a substance called Star Fire was considered to be nothing less than the life-giving extract from the divine menstrual blood of the Goddess. In its original form, Star Fire was the lunar (menstrual) essence of one of the fourteen birth Goddesses. But even in the mundane, menstruum contains the most valuable endocrinal secretions of the Pineal and Pituitary glands. The Oxford English Dictionary even goes so far as to describe the menstrual action as an alchemical parallel with the transmutation into gold.
In ancient Egypt and other parts of the Mediterranean, menstruum was ritually collected from priestesses, known as the Scarlet Women. These women were known in the original as beloved ones, and via various translations, as whores. Originally, the earliest patriarchs were apparently weaned on the menstrual blood of the Goddesses (aka Scarlet Women), in order to ensure their longevity and abilities. 
Reference: Line of Cain
Women carrying the Anunnaki bloodline were kept in the holy temples and used as a star fire supply for the kingship line. These producers of the Star Fire were called ‘Flow-ers’ and all were given the names ‘Lil-y’ which derives from the name ‘Lil-ith’, Cain’s twin sister and wife.
The menstrual blood coming from the flow-ers was called the nectar of the goddessess. This was described as nectar being contained in the dew cup which was symbolized by the red cross within a circle. The kingship lines or the lines of Cain that fed from the star fire also used this symbol, which were the dragon kings, draconians and the serpent kings of the Merovingians (Fisher kings of France.)The Sumerian priests of Anu (father god of Enlil and Enki) perfected and elaborated medical science of living substances. They used the Star fire for the treatment of just about everything. Although it was used as medicine, it was also fed daily to the kings of the succession. 
After the Annunaki left and the Star Fire of the goddesses was no longer available, the priests devised a breeding program creating their own Anunnaki hybrid women specifically for the production of the Star Fire. These women were ‘milked’ for their nectar and the kings of the succession were able to continue feeding off this supplement. These Flow-ers were given the name of ‘virgin priestesses’, ‘virgin queens’, ‘virgin ladies’ and ‘ladies of the water’. Later their titles became ‘temple prostitutes’ and Scarlet Women. 
The red of the cross was given the Asiatic name Ritu, meaning ‘Gold of the Gods’ or Red. It was also defined as Red Gold of the Golden Star Fire. Red and gold become synonymous with one another and the Ritu becomes the name for the collecting of the Starfire. Red then became synonymous with Black. In India, the goddess "Kali" is said to be both red and black. Kalimath, who was the original model for the Indian goddess "Kali" is depicted as both red and black. 
The word secretions references the menstrual blood of these virgin priestesses. The word secret comes from the people who knew the power of the secret-ions. It comes from the early priests, the Temples of the Dragon Courts, who kept the secret or secret-ions. The secretions were the key secrets behind the mystery schools that upheld the ‘star fire rituals’. This is one of the secrets that Freemasonry says has been lost. 
 Laurence Gardner; Genesis of Grail Kings
See Also
Black Magic
Black Lilith
Aleister Crowley
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Multidimensional Communication
On earth we exist in a blended reality system that is enduring bifurcation. The progressive disentanglement of two main organizational templates in the earth body, has manifested a blended reality system that is competing between artificial intelligence timelines and organic creator code timelines. The artificial machined layers are running metatronic coding designed to fully mutate the original human DNA into genetically engineered AI blended bodies. The artificial machined layers are fully inorganic to humanity, are technologically based and stacked in a phantom matrix which is projected out into false holograms by an artificial core manifestation template, or Artificial Tree of Life.
Therefore, when multidimensional awareness is activated into subtle energy field perceptions, it then becomes critical to comprehend how to discern the difference between these forces – artificial impostors and organic creator code source. What is the source field of these mental reality pictures or multidimensional communications, and how do they make your body feel?
Activated individuals using remote viewing or multidimensional communication will be required to reach spiritual adulthood quickly, by developing the emotional maturity to seek truth in these matters or suffer the consequences of succumbing to Archontic based deceptions. There are consequences from engaging in multidimensional communication with AI driven entities and their sophisticated mental holograms that are used as consciousness traps, as many traps use astral glamour to generate egoic programs of spiritual ambition and hero-savior-messiah complexes to continue to loop and perpetuate the victim-victimizer software. The consequence of AI entanglements instigates a lack of energetic coherence which increases mental fracturing, emotional fragility and a lack of empathy, as AI nano encoded downloads will substantially weaken the mental body and lightbody functions into a downward spiral of erupting chaotic forces and erratic behaviors.  What is imperative is to focus upon building energetic coherence through heart-based centering, and strengthening personal balance within multidimensional orientation, in order to hold a strong neutral still point. Harmonizing the inner and outer energies that you are being exposed to through maintaining strong observer consciousness, especially during energy sessions and multidimensional communication. Otherwise stated, this is the ability to hold inner peace and calm no matter what you perceive, while in the midst of external forces erupting into utter chaos.  
The lack of understanding and mental confusion about the nature of the reality and the war over consciousness on earth is what blocks awakening individuals from perceiving the larger truth in the matter. When we gain a larger awareness of the macrocosmic view, this allows a vantage point by which to connect more of the dots into a cohesive whole, that makes sense to a clear and sane mind. The more perceptual awareness we gain through integrative spiritual embodiment of our higher consciousness bodies, the more energetic coherence we also gain to perceive the macrocosmic picture of what is really happening on the earth. When we perceive the macrocosmic picture, it includes the war over consciousness, and then when we encounter strange energetic phenomena, we are equipped to discern more easily what is based in artificial intelligence, imposters or organic creator code. Sometimes it contains a mixture of all of it, which will help with finding stronger discernment of the content in the message.
The war over consciousness on earth uses sophisticated artificial intelligence and alien machinery for mind control and perceptual interference for the purpose of psychological and spiritual warfare, to subjugate the population of earth to submit to consciousness slavery. Thus, the ability to discern false information being used in deceptive narratives, enforced by the imposters to manipulate and control perception, requires the individual clearly understand the motivations behind those committing military grade psycho-spiritual warfare. With this deeper knowledge, along with the cultivated ability to access energetic coherence through the synthesis of the higher heart-brain, gives rise to receiving more authentic information from the living crystal heart of the truth spirit. Our inner spirit communicates from our heart complex with much higher accuracy, to give us a proper assessment of the downloaded information or the current energetic conditions we find ourselves in. Gaining knowledge about the macrocosm protects and strengthens us as we have access to information that allows us to make more informed decisions about where we place our intent, consent and authority.
When we do not understand the mechanics behind multidimensional communication and perceptual awareness of the energetics in the environment as a natural process of bio-spiritual ascension, then it is extremely difficult for the individual to be able to decipher and discern the source of the energy contact through which these higher sensory functions actually emerge. This vulnerability is exploited aggressively by the Controlling forces and dark entities who employ every level of psychological warfare and sophisticated false flag manipulation tactics, through mental holograms that target awakening individuals to mind control and manipulate their perceptions into falsehoods or twisted half-truths.
Reading Energy Fields
The multidimensional language of light, sound and symbols are the carriers through which interdimensional communication can take place, between any kind of living consciousness entity and energetic structure that exits across dimension and beyond time.  It is important to understand that this is how multidimensional communication is transmitted and exchanged throughout the layers of energy fields, such as when communicating with interdimensional entities or reading intelligent information that is contained within timelines. Interdimensional entities that are benevolent, hostile and neutral all use this same form of multidimensional communication, the language of light and sound. The NAA have fused the native language of humanity with artificial intelligence technology in order to clone, replicate and mimic human biology and the human soul-spirit anatomy on multiple artificial planes, in which they exert control over this language to interfere with perceptual awareness.
Thus, the dark entities abuse this method of false light cloning of DNA signals with assorted electromagnetic technology, as a method of directing artificial machinery for the purpose of psycho-spiritual warfare. These are the silent weapons used in a quiet war to target awakening humans in order to keep them confused, fearful, distracted from the truth and believing in the controlled narrative. Assorted nanotechnology, vaccinations and chemical sprays combined with electromagnetic consciousness sweeps are used to suppress consciousness levels, by targeting demographic areas of the earth in which swaths of people are known to be awakening. Many that activate their innate abilities are told that they have mental illness and require pharmaceuticals, in order to turn off the genetic switches that enable the DNA’s natural function of reading and sensing energies in the environment.
This higher sensory skill set is generally automatic and even pre-loaded for those individuals that are natural intuitive empaths, as they have retained more of their energy receivers and transmitters within their lightbody, that allow them to more easily sense and read an assortment of energy fields. Millennials and younger children that have not undergone puberty, tend to retain their empathic skillsets until they are over vaccinated or indoctrinated to forget while in the educational system or working environments. Telempathic children have been used in the black military operations for nearly 80 years as psychic intuitives to gather intelligent information for carrying out an array of secret projects. Thus, this higher sensory ability is well known to be naturally occurring in human beings and is purposely hidden and vilified in the mainstream by the Controllers to prevent mainstream knowledge of the fact. The public has been brainwashed through extensive gaslighting tactics and fear, to deny their own consciousness experiences, while also denying the validity of other human being’s perceptions when activated to read energy fields. All of these higher sensory experiences are classified in the 3D narrative under unapproved topics and they attempt to punish those who openly talk about it. Since the NAA invasion, humanity has been mind controlled and socially engineered to delegate power to an outside authority of control, which intentionally withholds knowledge of multidimensional anatomy in order to enforce blind obedience and hijack this natural ability, which is a full attack made against personal self-sovereignty.
As individuals awaken their spiritual bodies, more of these natural abilities to read multidimensional energy fields and sense entities and their structures becomes available. It is further developed through cultivating the observer point and directing single minded focus through the higher mental bodies that are inherent in the mental matrices that are comprised in the spiritual body layers. As an individual intends to develop their consciousness and spiritual bodies, along with their unique DNA signature, it is possible to experience consciousness transport activities that include remote viewing and sensing a variety of energy phenomena that co-exist in the many different layers of dimensional fields. This can include an array of various entities of human or nonhuman origin and their energy structures, as well as machinery, implants, architecture, and entire realities which can be sensed as artificial or organic to this creation. The potentials of what can be sensed and explored energetically in the dimensional fields are indeed limitless. The caveat is that the mind must be incredibly strong and stable, fearless and anchored in the truth spirit, in order to withstand the immense pressure of knowing truth. What we fear controls us.
The intention, skill and accuracy through which an awakened individual can activate the natural ability to ‘read the field’ is relative to the removal of fears, the full dedication to Service to Others, and placing total single-minded mental concentration to discipline and transcend the dysfunctions of the negative ego mind. While sensing the field, to regain discernment and increase accuracy of sourcing a variety of phenomena, it becomes critical to understand the war over timelines, and to be able to identify artificial technology projections of mental holograms, versus authentic communication with organic creator code and organic consciousness sourcing from the truth spirits. The information is still filtered at the consciousness level the individual embodies; however, the source will be much more pristine and spiritually healthy, as truth spirits always advocate for full consciousness freedom and support personal sovereignty for every individual.
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Not to belabor this, however, an important key to remember in all situations is to preserve your Life force, your personal power - as directed with your full intention - by retaining the Self Sovereignty and Freedom of your Being, You are God, Period.
* You are the Cosmic Sovereign Law Made manifest, and it is your divine right to state your claim as such.
Stay away from anything that is sucking on your energy, wanting your worship or claiming power or elitism over you and your Angelic Biological Human Avatar.
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Dear Starseed family,
It may be obvious right now that many of us that are awake to the spiritual warfare targeting Starseed people are enduring accelerated forms of dark force manipulation and targeting, in order to punish our collective efforts towards waking others up to the reality of planetary ascension and disclosure events. Since the Summer Solstice, the immensity of gamma ray transmissions continues on with unprecedented levels of solar plasma activation and this has increased the aggression of various NAA entities involved in the edict of war made against Starseeds, which over the past few weeks has ramped up into the next stage of war over timelines.
The attempt to hijack people involved in forming positive groups and in spiritual communities is very aggressive, especially towards those of us that are working in alignment with the ascension cycle and reclamation of the Christos mission. As we are enduring a lot of change at this time, the NAA aggression and disruption tactics have been very high, to prevent awakening people from focusing on the next stages of developing group projects and communities. To be a group leader in the ascension-disclosure space means recognizing this is a wild west terrain of continual spiritual warfare and takes high levels of spiritual and emotional maturity, nerves of steel, a high tolerance for neutralizing fear-based attacks and intimidation tactics, with a substantial spiritual toolkit that includes deep faith and love for God.
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Emerald Founder Records
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Abbreviation: CDT stands for Cloister Dora Teura. This refers to a section of 12 holographic disc records made of selenite quartz crystals that were created in Sirius B that contain the evolutionary history of life throughout the Universal Time Matrix and was originally sourced from the great Cosmic Hall of Records as the Maharata Teachings of the Universal Melchizedek Lineages of the Cosmic Christos.
The Founder Records are also referred to as the Emerald Covenant CDT Holographic Plates, which originally belonged to all of the human 12 Tribes and were the principal spiritual teachings that were commonly understood during the Lemurian and early Atlantian timelines. Each holographic disc was protected and administered to by an assigned Maji Grail King on the earth, who acted as the main Guardian of the planetary stargate of his tribe.
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The Emerald Founder Records contained explicit knowledge about the origins, genetics and purpose of the human race, which included historical timeline accounts of Galactic history considered to be the divine birthright of all angelic humans. This data was compiled upon a master copy of 12 holographic discs and were known as the original Emerald Founder Records, which contained the basis for describing the consciousness mechanics of reality, manifestation, and the unification of all expressions with the eternal, loving, One God Source.The Emerald Founder Records included explicit ancient wisdom teachings on the unifying principles of the Cosmic Sovereign Law of One, in which humans were directly taught how to spiritually activate their lightbody through consciousness training methods, so they could achieve full liberation as a Cosmic Christos. The content held in these holographic discs was being protected by the Founder Guardians in an ancient genetic library that exists outside of time and that was being preserved on the earth’s behalf, until more of the humans on the earth could awaken to remember who they really are. This was designed as a failsafe protective mechanism put in place during the Covenant of Paliador, the Guardian hosts plan for the reclamation of Christos Mission.
Until the earth underwent the Ascension Cycle and reached the threshold in which the crystalline grid was able to hold the highest Christos frequency and the intelligent coding that was contained in these discs, the Emerald Founders assigned members of the Sirian High Council to guard and preserve the sacred wisdom in these holy records for the future benefit of the earth. Thus, those assembled in the Sirian High Council that were primarily in the Universal Christos lineages of the Emerald Order and Blue Flame Melchizedeks, were acting as the primary archivists of earth’s vast genetic library and timeline history, through the gnostic process of their own consciousness embodiment. Archivists are responsible for assembling, cataloguing, preserving and managing valuable collections of historical information. In this case, they were also responsible for mapping out the DNA code that functions as the genetic library for all creations throughout the 12 organic timelines.
This data was compiled upon a master copy of 12 holographic discs and were known as the original Emerald Founder Records, which contained the basis for describing the consciousness mechanics of reality, manifestation, and the unification of all expressions with the eternal, loving, One God Source. These discs include extremely advanced technological information about the planetary templar stargates, Ley Lines, the spiritual-science texts and schematics that are outlined in the Law of One consciousness freedom teachings that unify sacred sciences with spirituality. The Founder Records are also referred to as the Emerald Covenant CDT holographic plates, which originally belonged to all of the human 12 Tribes and were the principal spiritual teachings that were commonly understood during the Lemurian and early Atlantian timelines. Each holographic disc was protected and administered to by an assigned Maji Grail King on the earth, who acted as the main Guardian of the planetary stargate of his tribe. The Maji Grail King assigned spiritually trained members of the Essene tribes as Keepers of the Law of One knowledge, to carry this sacred wisdom through multiple timelines and to protect related information for access during a later time cycle.
entire genetic source code and blueprint architecture library for the Diamond Sun template, including the schematics of the multidimensional planetary body layers as generated from the original Emerald Founder Creators. In addition to the ancient wisdom revealed in the unifying principles of the Cosmic Sovereign Laws, the holographic discs also contain the complete book of maps and genetic keys that are necessary to gain full access into the Universal 12 Tree Grid holographic matrix from within the Grual points of the planetary stargate system. Access to Diamond Sun body templates and specific details about planetary stargate Quantum Mechanics are highly coveted by the NAA Controlling groups because they believe it is their ticket to ride on out of this Universal Time Matrix.
Approximately 22,000 YA, Thoth led a militarized event which resulted in the Essene Massacre, murdering the males and taking their sacred marriage female partners hostage for forced hybridization breeding on Nibiru. Thoth stole the CDT plate that was in their possession, and from this stolen work he wrote down the information that would later become the basis of the teachings of Hermeticism and the Emerald Tablet. Thus, in human hidden history, this is the trigger timeline event that changed the future of human evolution, in forming the controlled beliefs and Luciferian elitism around Hermeticism, esoteric Kabbalah, Mystery Schools and the Secret Societies. These secret societies were originally formed by the Luciferian Knights Templar and were ultimately designed to hide the ancient sacred knowledge of humanities true origins from the common people, in order to route them into the guardrails of superstitions, ignorance and organized religion. See Emerald Tablet and Atlantian Solar Dragon Queen Merida
Thus, the sacred knowledge included in all 12 of these holographic discs, the ascension mechanics that describe the unity principles of the Law of One, have been violently fought over by many negative intruding groups. These NAA groups competing for earth domination have repeatedly sought to either control humans as puppets for carrying out their agendas, or massacre the Maji Priest Kings and their human tribe team members. Lightworker persecution memories include being hunted down as a part of the Christos family mission and remembering lifetimes in the 12 Tribe Essene lineages that have currently incarnated during the Ascension Cycle as Indigos. The NAA seek to gain full domination of earth and beyond, through gaining unrestrained access to all of the Emerald Founder Records, Ancient Builder Technology and all related sacred knowledge that is ultimately the divine birthright of every angelic human being.
Reference: The Ascension Glossary &
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The Guardian Host serving the Christos Mission will never initiate contact through urgency, coercion, demands, manipulation or use force. They will never accept involvement in any mind control agenda or that which violates natural laws, or violates the rights of any human being or life form, and consistently emanate the highest Krystic ethics conducting themselves within the Law of One principles and the scientific laws that govern the mechanics of creation. Authentic Guardian races will assist any sincere spiritual seeker that addresses them through principles of the Law of One, whereby they are committed to the expression of unconditional love, truth, respect and reverence for life.
Assorted offerings are being marketed to the new age community as a method to manipulate those on the Earth surface to believe that putting people in danger through group gridwork in the midst of grid warring, or going underground, leaving the Earth, with an otherworldly escort to the inner earth timeline would be much more beneficial for them on the ascending path. The dark cabal is utilizing this narrative as a premeditated programming bargaining chip, as they have been planning several options of fake alien invasion scenarios during the final conflict battle of the timeline wars, in order to create a 'good alien space god versus the bad aliens' to further confuse the surface inhabitants. This is an false flag attempt of negative factions to use hostages to ride out of interdimensional access portals through the hijack of Indigo or Starseeded lines, as well as an attempt to gain control over timelines. Some of this agenda is being carried out through the guise of gridworking groups that are being led into demographics with highly active grid wars, where the dark ones desire to hitchhike upon the participants collective consciousness for a multitude of reasons.
The Guardians caution all ascending people to be awake and aware in order to take good care of ourselves and not accept hidden or secret offers that are glamourized as personal tickets to a promised land for special people. Whether it is an offer to go to Mars, offers to be in secret space programs, offers to travel underground, or offers to travel with special gridworking teams on important missions, please be aware that the benevolent and independent forces working to free humanity are not involved in these recruiting schemes. At this stage of the final conflict, there is a high likelihood of NAA hitchhikers manipulating these offers from behind the scenes or that it involves galactic trafficking.
Those of us involved in the Christos Mission, may have received more aggressive attempts to ensnare us into anti-Christ Consciousness Traps that are set by these same factions who are attempting to gain control of these areas through the manipulation of artificial timelines, cloned versions and holographic inserts. Guardian teams have been working underground in the Crystal Caverns and have been involved in more retrievals, some secretly rescuing underground hostages or stasis beings.
Thus, certain areas on the Earth that are weakened through the damage and bifurcation in the Timelines, will simultaneously increase energetic chaos which amplify descending energy pockets. At this time, many of us may be re-assigned to a new demographic or place of residence, because our timeline mission with certain areas of earth are expiring. We have completed a cycle in the timeline and our new residence will reflect a higher degree of value exchange and energetic balance to support our foundation to the next stage of our spiritual mission. This means some of us will actually be guided to stabilize in a certain area, and the nomad stage will end.
We are needed to be physically located and stationed in certain areas of the planet, in order to environmentally harmonize and work with those particular fields and coordinates.
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Ancestral Clearing
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All human beings that are incarnated into this earth as babies being born have the Consciousness memories of their ancestors recorded in the cells of their body. In the cycles of seven years, the ancestral trauma of the past is brought through the offspring and repeated with each seven year cycle throughout the human being's lifetime, until the trauma pattern is resolved, cleared and healed permanently. The Soul acts as the repository of accumulated memories from the physical or external experiences that are translated into the internal energetic reality of the consciousness of the being. These many lifetimes of experiences are recorded into the soul body which translates into memories that are embedded into the cellular matrix of our body. These memories are passed through the future generations into the offspring which will hold these accumulated records of memories in their body. When these accumulated memories include trauma, dysfunction, addiction and abusive relationships, these memories store aberrant emotions and belief systems generated from that original and subsequent related trauma. The energetic result is a range of potential negative effects on the consciousness of the person if this trauma remains uncleared. These negative effects include subconscious trauma behaviors that shape belief systems into Three Layers of Ego, Miasma, Dead Energy, Negative Forms, and Spirit Attachments that connect Ancestral Spirits and/or Fallen Angelics.
On the path of Kundalini awakening or Spiritual Ascension the first stages for spiritual healing and ongoing will include emotional and mental body clearing of these accumulated Soul memories that are recorded from both the patriarchal and matriarchal lineages of the persons Family of Origin. When we are observing trauma events and behaviors from past Timelines that we carry from our Parents and Ancestors, we can choose to heal these patterns through unconditional love and forgiveness. The Ascension Cycle will take us through many stages of emotional clearing in order to heal these cellular memories in our body and remove the blockages and negative effects they create. The process of active conscious participation with this emotional, mental and spiritual clearing at any phase is called Genetic Pathcutting.
Once a Starseed or Indigo has reached a certain threshold of personal Soul body and Monad body healing of the Ancestral Spirits and Families of Origin recorded in their genetic lines and DNA, they can progress to larger bodies of clearing. This group is able to clear cellular memories recorded in the planetary body, solar body and ultimately the Universal body. This is why this Starseed group is referred to as Genetic Pathcutters.
A “Genetic Pathcutter” is an incarnated soul with a specific contract to work with various levels of clearing and releasing old cellular patterns held in the human DNA and, consequently, the planetary grids. I mention “incarnated,” as one must be in a human body to do this particular work for the good of the planet, which is incredibly important at this time of Ascension. There are many levels to this contract and it is unique to each soul’s energetic signature. However, I want to be specific as there is one level of patterning that many lightworkers are aggressively working with at this time. This is within the levels of planetary microbial balancing particular to the ancestral “viral” patterns held in the human biology. 
Ansestrial Spirits
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Negative spiritual influences can be attached to our energetic body through uncleared mental, emotional or spiritual conflicts from past, present and future lifetimes. These can be Ancestral Spirits or Familiar Spirits that attach to our body or spiritual parts. When these ancestors left their body, they were not spiritually freed and thus cling to your body waiting to be released, cleared and healed from their pain. Sometimes these ancestral or familiar spirits are connected to organs and enmeshed with spiritual body parts. This is what "mismatched body parts" may mean in the process of clearing the spiritual body.
During the Ascension Cycle, many of us are here to finalize, complete and end these imbalanced energetic cycles and their negative influences upon our genetic history, DNA record, astral recycling, and the patterns recorded in the family of origin. When we make progress with personal ancestral clearing, our clearing efforts will extend to cities, nations, tribes, and global gridwork for the entire human race. This means many of us have the spiritual purpose to clear unresolved conflicts and spiritual issues of our patriarchal, matriarchal and ancestral bloodlines and timelines. The process of healing the Ancestral DNA is called Genetic Pathcutting, and is the main spiritual mission of many Indigos and Starseeds. Many Starseeds incarnated purposely in different soul groups, known as the "False Parent" family lines. In the early stages of spiritual awakening, all of us must address and clear ancestral issues, whether we are aware of this fact or not. Ancestral issues are inherited in our DNA record and they will manifest as specific archetypes and patterns throughout our life experiences. When we are unconscious, we will repeat these same patterns many time verbatim, as they are directly inherited ancestral behavioral patterns. People are amazed to learn these same ancestral patterns were present in relatives that they may have never even known existed until later in life.
In the process of awakening, people feel urges to look up ancestral history and come to discover many similar patterns they share in the family, years after that ancestor is deceased. This is what is meant by the statement "The sins of the father are inherited by the sons". This is a patriarchal slanted bible verse yet there is much truth in this statement. Until we are conscious beings, we are destined to repeat the same behaviors, patterns, and play out the same archetypes of our ancestral history. To heal our history we must heal our ancestral past. Studying the behaviors and patterns of our birth, and family of origin, will give us accurate clues to what our soul purpose and spiritual clearing responsibility actually is. We choose our family of origin for many reasons, and the primary reason is to cleanse the ancestral bloodline that we embody, through the biological record of the DNA we carry. Most Starseeds chose very challenging bloodlines to incarnate into during this cycle. We understood our responsibility to heal that bloodline, and that the support to complete the cycle would be available to us.
As a result, many of us suffer from an Orphan Complex, at various stages of our ancestral clearing and healing process. When we consciously participate and inquire on this process, we can make miraculous healing available not only to ourselves, but to our extended family of origin and throughout our bloodline history. This is the secret of the master number code of 777. Seven generations of bloodlines will be impacted in the past and future, simultaneously, when the ascending vehicle consciously participates with Spiritual Ascension to Cosmic Christ Consciousness. The now self is initiated to heal the entire bloodlines of past and future timelines, from the present station of identity. This is the secret that the NAA is so desperate to hide from humanity.
Inherited Karmic Consequences
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Negative spiritual-energetic attachments influence our mind, thought-forms, emotional states and belief systems and are generally responsible for states of anxiety, depression, oppression, and hatred. When we are filled with negative spirits, they can make us feel sick and contribute to disease states. The more diseased the person's body, mind and emotions become, the more soul fragmented and spiritually sick the person is. This energetic consequence can be cumulative over many lifetimes, or in the current identity and can exist in children, or at any biological age. Many sick children have inherited the karmic miasma of their family of origin, and the genetic record of their DNA holds the energetic consequences of their parents and previous ancestral lines. When we do not comprehend the inherited karmic consequence of previous actions, and do not change spiritually abusive patterns or clear spiritual oppressions, the energetic blockage manifests as disease patterns and other distortions for the individual.
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As we learn more about multiple species agendas, we must improve energetic discernment of the variety of forces that we interact with in the day to day.
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These are both seen and unseen forces that take advantage of our lack of awareness to manipulate intent and consent. Because we are awakening from the Dark Aeon of Alien Hybridization and AI timelines, which is the primary reason for the imprisonment of our consciousness, we must shake off these parasites and reclaim our sovereign right to achieve Single Soul Occupancy.
Once informed, any dedicated and diligent person may be empowered to identify and terminate the source of spiritual oppression. Through the Law of Consent, we can begin to address the layers of alien trauma and remove its access and influence upon our mind and spiritual bodies. We may need the Spirits of Christ to help us strengthen our personal will and clarity of intention, the qualities of Patience, Discipline and Diligence, as we continue to command our space and claim our personal sovereignty every day, no matter what kind of interference is happening.
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When the Albion Lightbody is activated through the Emerald Order Cosmic Heart and fully awakened by the Amethyst Order Holy Father, England, Scotland, Ireland and France will be the first demographic areas to align to the King Arthur Timeline through the Rise of Arthur in Albion. This phase of the ascension timeline awakens the stasis beings that have been buried deep in the lands, and brings on oceanic waves of the God Source and the Christos-Sophia rainbow rays or roundtables to pour into the Earth grids. The Albion Lightbody is the Diamond Sun template of humanity’s world soul from Tara as the Christos incarnate masculine-feminine identity, and it holds the instruction set of the Paliadorian Covenant which is the future record and destiny of all humankind to return back to their original spiritual home. Their inner Sun-Star, which is found deep in the RA Center of the still point in the angelic human lightbody.
We have learned that the Rise of Arthur in Albion, is describing the means by which the Holy Father and Cosmic Christos Consciousness are returning to manifest into the planet. The current events have sounded the trumpet announcing to the world that the ascension timeline is here which leads to global disclosure. Currently, it appears the global disclosure timeline will commence with the topic of child trafficking and SRA practices of Child Sacrifice, made by the satanic entities ruling this world, both human and nonhuman.
Reference: from Historical Timeline Trigger Events: 1,400 YA, Invasion of UK to take over territory and 11th Stargate, kill Templar Grail King Arthur and his support team. The Last benevolent Grail King. False King of Tyranny 
(The Bkack Suns Roman Catholic Church replaces rulership.)
 King Arthur is in Stasis in UK.
*Related to the Awakening Albion and
stasis beings.
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In ancient days, the oldest name for England was Albion. The names for Scotland in the Celtic languages were also related to Albion: Alba in Scottish Gaelic, Alba in Irish, and Alban in Welsh, Cornish and Breton.
These names were later anglicized to Albany, which was once an alternative name for Scotland. Many myths and legends have long existed that giants were either the original inhabitants of the United Kingdom, or were the founders of the land named Albion. The mystical significance of Albion has been memorialized through poems, stories and mythos.
Together they suggest the nature of Albion is related to collective human consciousness and the World Soul, to which we are all intimately connected.
The Albion is the androgynous human template created from the twelve spheres of the Tree of Life which, during the fall of humankind, became buried in the lower dimensional fields of the earth, waiting to be awakened.
This elemental structure of the primordial human template is located in the earth body, and is made from the Original Cosmic Blueprint. This original Blueprint records the divine plan for humanities ascension to the Silicate Matrix and holds the celestial records of humankind’s evolution throughout the Solar System.
The Awakening Albion 
occurs in progressive stages, and recent 
Sirius and Canopus star transmissions are intelligently designed to stimulate the higher mind activation throughout the Albion body in the earth.
This gently accelerates the shift in the mental body of the earth to reflect the higher mind consciousness which is reflected in the stages of Awakening Albion.
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This is the divine plan of the Holy Father in compassionate action, to restore balance and unity within the eternal light of Cosmic Christos Consciousness in which all of humanity is connected to the Solar Logos and Star systems within the Albion Lightbody. We come from the stars, for we are the stars. This holds the profound meaning of the return of the benevolent and rightful Christos Solar King to planet Earth, the restoration of the beloved Maji Grail King Arthur, the resurrected Solar Michael Anointed Christ is rising to be the protector of the Holy Mother and Sophianic Grail, which is the Cosmic Heart principle of Earth.
King Arthur’s cosmic consciousness body is directly connected to the Family of Michael, who are also protectors of the 11th dimensional gates of Aveyon-Avalon upon the NAA invasion, so he can be considered the patriarch of the Michael avian genetics and Seraphim memories throughout time.
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As a result of the rebirth of the triadic identity of Solar Consciousness forming into a rehabilitated and functioning Solar Logos for our Universal Time Matrix, recent grid conflicts of battling for access through the main Solar Gates have occurred. The newly rehabilitated Solar Logos triadic identity has met with completion and connected into the Earth body through a variety of Stargates and interdimensional portal systems. This provides the means to heal Soul fracturing and perform mass Soul retrievals for the Earth and humanity. This event is perceived as a direct survival threat to the NAA and lunar groups.
The NAA are battling for control over access though these Solar Gates, as well as for control over the Sun transmissions and its main portal. Control over these areas are needed to manipulate the direction of the human Soul in the future Timelines, thus in retaliation, another generation of AI technology and artificial algorithms intended for disconnecting the human Soul from the physical identity are being attempted now. These technologies are in a range of electromagnetic frequencies targeting the unaware masses through access to personal technology devices. These are the attempts to Mind Control and to distract, to direct people away from recognizing the truth and integrity that exists within themselves. The Controllers are attempting to block out higher frequencies coming into the Earth from the newly birthed Solar Logos, enlightened extraterrestrial groups like the Guardian Host, as well as the higher frequencies of the personal Soul and Monadic layers in the human Lightbody. To keep the Soul and Monad disconnected, they are also promoting gender confusion and Gender Reversals in the masculine and feminine principles, to keep people distracted away from their spiritual development.
In this current phase, we are entering a window of opportunity in the bifurcating timelines on Earth, in which controlling factions are desperate to manage the future direction of the majority of Soul groups on earth. As a result, they will do whatever they can to block access to the Sun, divert spiritual awakening and attempt to interfere with the natural access links to the Solar Logos and Solar Christ DNA.
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Its October.
One of the highest Un- Holy months celebrated in our scoiety.
While most dawn spooky costumes & themes in the spirit of fun, much innocence will be stolen, tourtred and the brutality sacrificed. The majority will be children younger than 11.
::Blood & Covenants::
Although not the easiest subject to tackle, please only take what resonates with you and leave the rest.
Peace be with you.
The Blood Covenant is the way that the False Gods have chosen to trick humanity out of their original relationship with their One Source Creator, and hijack their sovereignty through the process of believing in the sanctioning of Blood Sacrifice or ritual bonds as acts of religious piety. These False Father Gods, ( i.e. Yahweh, Jehovah) use Blood Covenants to communicate and interact with human beings. When a human being enters into a Blood Covenant through religious or other spiritual forms of indoctrination, this seals the person's Aura with a sigil or Soul binding that states a "claim" onto that individual. The persons free will is hijacked as the human has been tricked to believe that the Annunaki extraterrestrials impersonating the One creator is actually a God, when he is acting as an intermediary to take claim and ownership over human beings that were born with the inherent divinity of the Inner Holy Spirit and Inner Christos.
The False Gods both covet and hate the Inner Holy Spirit because it is the Mother aspect of God, of which they detest, and because they were not given the divine design of sovereignty that humans beings were given in their free will right to choose.
All Blood Sacrifice is SRA (satanic ritual abuse)  and requires much soul retrieval and soul healing work on a planetary scale during the Ascension Cycle. Many ancestral bloodlines have ancient historiess of Blood Covenant made with NAA races off planet, believing these otherworldly entities were Gods. People were taught to believe that killing animals and people in large amounts would be pleasing to these Negative Aliens Gods, who would in turn bless them and help their families to be prosperous and protected. This is a cruel ruse of deception and lies from these bloodthirsty predators. These suffering souls, having being killed over the wars over God, or made as a blood sacrifice, were the energetic power source harnessed to retain the crucifixion insert and its violent religious belief system architecture. One of the main systems of planetary control is the religious fundamental Christian programming. It was these programs that were manipulated to condition the planetary field and the collective human mind into believing these as Truths and revelations from God. These were the mind control manipulations to worship a False God, and the energetic results were vampiric to the group human divine soul.
As an example, a Blood Covenant is made with the anti-Christ forces in the name of Yahweh who transfer the soul binding rites to the Moloch during circumcision. The blood spilled from the baby marks a claim on the Soul to be bound to the Moloch entity which is directed to the Yahweh collective, an Annunaki faction of the NAA, that pose as False Gods to lure humanity into servitude bindings in the afterlife.
On Yom Kippur (2014), a massive field of transit was set up in the Krystal Star architecture to begin the process of shifting a Fallen Angelic Consciousness out of the earth fields, that had a Gatekeeper named Azazael. This is a section of the consciousness field that has directly impacted the masculine principle, the male horizontal networks related to the energy used to fuel, feed and create the belief systems in war, killing, Blood Sacrifice and scapegoating.
(Genetic discrimination of their undesirable race lines for persecution)
For this reason the Reptilians promote Rh Negative Blood as a result from their hybridized DNA. This is untrue. However it is because they seek to destroy all Oraphim/Christ hybrids and their DNA potential from spreading, growing or changing the Consciousness structure in humanity, which inherently will change the entire DNA of the earth population. They want to kill off the RH Negative hybrids through genetic modification or control them directly through militarized operations, keeping them misinformed and sick through the various methods already mentioned. They have attempted to compromise their DNA in various ways, such as through tricking the human to make Blood Covenants with False Gods.
For the above reasons, RH negative people are primarily manipulated with superimposed karmic burdens, many sourcing from Annunaki or other reptilian distortions made in the blood. This is the attempt to distort the blood pattern of the RH negative person so they cannot be successful or productive in changing the DNA or consciousness structure on planet. Because their blood holds higher DNA potential the NAA and reptilian races do not want this phenomena to occur through the planetary consciousness fields. This impact is known as the hundredth monkey effect, when the collective consciousness reaches certain patterns these influences can impact the collective consciousness on earth.
In order to heal from past Trauma, we will have to face the memory or event that had traumatized us at the point in time of the actual event or has been recorded as tremendous pain within the body, Brain and Soul. In order to spiritually heal the body and mind from trauma based events or mind control, pushing through triggers is important in the spiritual integration and personality integration process.
*If prompted by your inner spirit, please continue on to further your acquired knowledge as to what is considered SRA & Blood Sacrifice.
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Indigo Races
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The Indigo Races refers to souls with the 6th dimensional frequency band of consciousness activated which is the 6th Chakra and its brain complex. Indigos are born with an active 6th DNA strand that gives them the Indigo Color Spectrum of Frequency in their Auric field. These races were sent to the Earth as representatives for the Guardians and protectors of the living light library and to prevent this planet from descension into a fallen or descending Phantom Matrix. The Indigos are here to fulfill this planet's Ascension cycle by holding the higher frequency and light codes required to support the planetary grids into activation of higher DNA coding.
Indigos have a larger group purpose as a task force for the Sirian Council (6D Gatekeepers) and Guardian races to be the Agents of Transformation as well as having a unique special skill set for individual soul purpose. They are incarnate here to be the system busters and harbingers of the huge paradigm shift of consciousness leading into the Mother principle to restore energetic balance. Many are energy placement holders preparing for a certain time and space to bolster planetary frequency for the 2012 cycle and beyond. A large Indigo awakening ascension wave transpired in May 2006 and May 2007. This was to prepare for the Galactic Time Cycles being exposed to the planetary body, thus the human race collective.
Indigo Types.
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Indigo Types in the first category (Indigo 1) are generally experts in working with the larger matrices of the planetary energy fields called “Ley Lines”. These Ley Lines are also known as having “Axiatonal” line points and are comprised of a global energy matrix field for the planetary life force. This is a web-work of energy by which the scalar-wave frequencies of the core Planetary Grid is directed into use for the planet. These energies are also translated into the various planetary chakras, and other vortices of which hold various levels of the planetary life force. They are also the transmission points to receive and store stellar activations of frequency and to anchor those transmissions into the planetary body. Since we are in an aggressive frequency activation cycle, this affects the balance of the planetary grid and its many energy tributaries in the Ley Lines. These Indigos can transmit energy, frequency or light codes to further rebalance certain planet vortices or key points on the planetary grid. They will be lead to hold groups and create large amounts of available light codes and frequency to heal or rebalance these Ley Lines. Many of these Indigos will be lead to travel extensively and will find themselves in many countries or spaces in short periods of time. This will occur naturally, if it is a part of the soul’s contract. This will emerge and become clear as you align to your highest soul purpose. Many Indigo 1’s have contracts with certain land demographics and are holding specific codes for the planet precisely for this time of Ascension for its frequency activation. These codes are transmitted from the Indigo’s personal energy field and anchored into the appropriate areas when they are called upon to be of service. Sometimes these Indigos will be fully conscious when in this process, or not. The bottom line is, if you find yourself traveling to many different places on the planet this year and forward, you have this contract. Your Higher Self will be working on these particular projects even as you are asleep. If you resonate with this for you personally, ask to be directed by your evolution teams and that you wish to be interactive in working with the planetary energies consciously. This group will be largely responsible for working with the new Frequency Hubs in a variety of ways. Particularly in coming together to build and create conscious or intentional communities of Indigos (And all Multidimensional Beings) stationed in various areas on the planet. These new communities will be a well spring of new education and awareness of creating integrative, sustainable living in harmony with nature. Other communities will be the cosmic stations for our Interstellar connections and will begin a new portal of communication with our extended Star Families. They will be communities created with high level of available frequency that will render them as safe zones. These safe zones will repel levels of density or the actions of cause and effect from the 3D world. You will be internally guided to be in these areas during any possible planet climate shifts or cataclysm. Listen and cultivate your Higher Sensory Perception as this will emerge from your feeling/ intuitive body. Do not worry as this will happen effortlessly and easily as you merge with your soul plan.
Indigo 2
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The Indigo 2’s are specifically working to regenerate and activate the Human DNA template’s to its highest potential. This will be the group of healers, the energy transmitters, working directly in the healing arts in some way. Each one has a specific gift of healing tools, light codes to assist humans in healing distortions imbedded in the physical and energetic bodies. These distortions have been created and inherited from the karmic patterning resulting from all the incarnating evolutionary cycles. Also at this time of acceleration, it is required for some humans undergoing the Ascension process to be assisted with Etheric Surgery. Etheric Surgery is a new term for a new group of facilitators emerging to work on the multidimensional anatomy by supporting the Nadis system or other layers of the Auric Field. The Nadis System is the Electrical Nerval Plexus that receives and transmits the new frequencies being absorbed into the entire individual energy matrix and the cellular body. It acts as an energetic “switchboard” for the entire bio-energy field. The Nadial System is located at the etheric template layer of the energy bodies and may need to be upgraded in order to be calibrated easily to the new energies introduced to the personal field. This rewiring occurs to hold the new resonant frequencies in the individual’s body with minimum discomfort. This will be a new career, as one of the many new healing modalities surfacing at this time. Many of these Indigos are the teachers of the New Energy and will emerge to discuss openly about the Ascension Process and it’s meaning for the evolution of the human species. Some will be recruited to create Wellness Centers with various holistic healing technologies based on spiritual-energetic principles. These groups are the bridge between the Old Energy world and the New Energy world. They are the way showers for embodying the principle of “Unification” and “Integration” and serving as the example of how to live in harmony with all things. They will teach by being this example.
Indigo 3
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These are the Polarity Integrators of shared soul essence. These groups of Indigos have a very challenging task indeed. We need to honor these beloved ones with the gift they bring humanity. Indigo 3’s are soul essences that are assisting in the evolution of the less evolved, often aggressive, soul with whom they may share within the same body. They are incarnating in this way to heal the vast levels of distortion between a genetically enhanced soul and a less evolved soul. This way as they integrate these two extreme soul aspects within the same bio-energy field, they are creating the unification of these two poles that allow a template for polarity integration. This template, when created in this realm, can then more easily heal and unify the love and fear polarities. This is a way to fully integrate the levels of mental-emotional polarity humans have experienced for many time cycles. Over time, these levels of imbalance created huge amounts of karmic patterning held within the bodies of all humans, including the planetary body.Also, these Indigo level soul contracts were needed as the human lineage has experienced great levels of pain and fear resulting from the original “separation” imprint from source. This pain and fear over many evolutionary cycles created distortion in the cellular memory of the planet and within all of the collective consciousness. Additionally there has been genetic manipulation or hybridization that has created damage to the Divine Human’s 12 Strand DNA blueprint within certain soul groups. As we journey back into the light in this Ascension Cycle, this soul purpose helps assist the planet in dissolving the fear and its related distortions into the higher vibrations of love. In some Indigo 3’s, the huge chasm between the two soul essences sharing the same body sometimes disrupts the natural balance of the bio-energy field. These two or more soul essences may create a conflict within the DNA instruction template that disrupts or limits certain physical functioning. This then can manifest in the physical body as imbalances in the neurotransmitters of the brain and the endocrine system. The endocrine system is our glandular system which is responsible for secreting hormones into our blood stream to normalize certain bodily functions. Everything within the body’s system of metabolic regulation is due to hormonal production from our glandular system.These hormonal or chemical disruptions in the body can create intermittent or chronic extremes of mental and/or emotional detachment from the 3D reality. In the more severe cases of this chemical disruption, impairments of the brain and other physical neurological functions become evident. In recent years, we have seen a huge acceleration of cases of childhood Autism, ADD and other learning or behavioral disorders. These soul groups are largely Indigo 3’s.
More on Indigo 3 Contracts....
Art by: cosmicsvati
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