#God i hope this is good
cypressnmarigolds · 11 months
can i get uhhh the softest smut ever with vash. like insanely loving, where they are just having a good time together. i just think vash needs some love <3
You want that in small, medium or large? Large? Perfect that'll be all of your attention please.
Live, Laugh, Love. Spicy 98!Vash x gn!reader
Contains: Vash in a silly goofy mood, it turns into mushy sex. Reader calls Vash their pretty boy. Vash has both a cock and cunt and they're both lovely. 98! Vash being 98!Vash and begging. Laughing and giggling and good times in general.
🚫 Minors, blank and no-age blogs are not welcome on my blog or to interact with my posts. You will be blocked. 🚫
Laying with Vash on top of you, his head tucked into your neck, was your favorite way to relax together. It was sometime in the middle of the night. Things had been smooth lately and life felt right. With Vash in your arms and you both cuddled on the bed in your sleepwear, it felt perfect.
You'd both spent the evening at the bar together, laughing and talking with each other and some other folks around while enjoying a few drinks. For once you'd both decided to stop while you were ahead, since Vash could get especially rowdy and you'd both wanted some relaxing alone time together tonight.
Vash made a little humming sound and nuzzled further into you. His hair, freshly cleaned and flopped over his forehead, rubbed right under your ear, and you couldn't hold it in. You tensed your neck and started laughing.
In the midst of your giggles, Vash popped his head up to give you a mischievous smile. Uh-oh.
"Vash! No!"
Too late.
With his head tucking back into your neck, Vash inhaled and quickly blew the biggest, loudest raspberry he could right on your throat. Peals of laughter left you, your hands going to his shoulders to shove him off of you. You barely managed to speak through your laughing, "Stop Vash!" His head pokes up again, and he puts on his most innocent smile.
"Why? I thought you liked my mouth on you!" This dork. "Well maybe I wanna use my mouth on you, huh?" You coo at him, putting as much affection as possible into your eyes as you stare him down, hands having moved to cup his face. You don't even give him time to finish processing how fried his brain is before you were pulling him to you and whispering, "Come here, honey."
You feel his face warming under your hands, and you give a little giggle into the kiss. All you can do it make the sweetest little hum in response as you start to pepper him with kisses all over his sweet face, planting a few extras on the little mole beneath his eye. "My pretty boy, you're just the sweetest, you know that? you mumble into his ear before pulling back to watch him come alive under your attention.
As he opens his eyes, a sweet little smile appears on his face and he strikes you with the most lovesick look. You can almost see his pupils turning into hearts. "Please won't you? Won't you use your mouth on me?" It's been clear from the moment you met him, he wasn't above begging, but you just can't get over how he sounds. How it makes heat and butterflies stir in your tummy.
"Of course honey, show me where you want my mouth." You plant a final kiss on his lips before he sits up on his knees over you. He reaches down for the waistband of his grey pajama pants, and you help him shimmy them down enough to expose the swelling tip of his clit, still in it's sheath, and the unfurling petals of his cunt. He shuffles up the bed so his crotch is closer to your face. Spreading his fingers in a 'V' around his clit, he asks "Here? Please?" Nodding, you replace his hand with yours and use you other to stroke at his petals, feeling slickness building between them. "Already getting wet for me hun?" You tease him with a smile.
Giggling, he looks down at you. "Of course I am! You're so good to me Mayfly!" He sighs and tilts forward until he's resting his elbows on the headboard, lazily rocking his hips into your hand as you get his little clit-turned-vine/cock at full attention. "Yeah? Am I good to you Vash?~" You can't suppress a grin at the little whine that follows, his hips giving a little jolt. "Mmm... yes, yes Mayfly. So good."
God he's so sensitive. The petals of his cunt are fluttering and almost gripping over your fingers and hand, like his body's begging you to enter. Naturally, you comply, sliding a single finger in and hooking towards yourself as you replace the hand on his cock with your mouth. The reaction is instantaneous and gorgeous. His abdomen is trembling as his hips twitch and jerk, trying not to thrust right down your throat. Your eyes flutter shut as you begin leaking into your own underwear at his beautiful cry of pleasure.
"Ahhhh~! Good, it's s'good. Thank you, thank you~!" You hum around him as your tongue explores his slippery length and your finger pets and strokes at his insides. The vibrations are just on the side of too much for him as his hips jerk and his cock hits the back of your throat unexpectedly. You have to pull back to cough the irritation out of your throat and catch your breath. He whips his head down to look at you and you hold your hand up before he can apologize.
"All good Vash, just surprised me is all." Eyes locked on his, you press a little kiss to the tip and lick the slit to soothe him and show there's no hard feelings. The face he makes in return shows you it worked. He looks like a dream. Bottom lip bitten between his teeth as he gives you a dopey grin, eyes half lidded and face flushed the prettiest shade of red.
"Can I make it up to you anyway?" You love this little shit. "Watcha got in mind baby?" You don't know how he manages it without breaking your nose or falling off the bed, but he eagerly swings his leg back over you to shimmy his pants the rest of the way off, before reclaiming his spot facing the other direction. Gods, the view of his ass is incredible. He turns wink at you. "I wanna give you my mouth too." How could you say no to that? With a kiss pressed to his ass cheek, you give your assent. "Yes please!"
It's all he needs. He's tugging your underwear off and going to town on you near instantly. His oral fixation could give Wolfwood a run for his money. Not to be outdone, you quickly take his squirming cock back in your mouth as you press two fingers into his pussy. Within minutes you two are a mess. Both of you moaning into and around each other, giggling when it tickles and sighing when it's juuust right.
Your competitive streak urges you to make him cum first. All in quick succession you: pull your fingers from his cunt, pop off his cock with an obscene slurp, begin jerking his cock with your sopping wet hand, and dive tongue first into his pussy. The whorish cry he lets out in response is one you will remember forever. "Ohhhhhh~ fuuuck! Mayfly!" He's still moaning and panting as he puts in mouth back to work on the throbbing between your thighs. Listening to him, it's a close thing, but you manage to make him cum first by only seconds.
At the base of his cock, his knot swells and you you squeeze, milking him for everything he can give you; your lower face is quickly coated in thin, syrupy-sweet slick as his cock twitches and spurts all over your chest and neck. Vash moans long and hard, refusing to take his mouth off you, desperate for you to follow him quickly. You couldn't deny him if you wanted to.
A cry is ripped out of you as your orgasm crashes over with the gentleness of a tsunami. Strong hands hold your hips down as you thrash beneath him. Your brain and body feel like they've been struck by lightning and set ablaze, until the wave recedes, leaving you a mess in it's wake. When you still, he clumsily moves himself until he can flop down beside you.
You can't say how many minutes pass while you both lie there, panting and dazed. At some point your eyes meet, and you both dissolve into giggles and curl into one another, basking in the afterglow and sticky-slick with your combined mess.
A kiss is shared and, both sleepy, you bid each other goodnight with an "I love you."
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raventroll80 · 6 months
A Beast on Mars
Chapter One: Rip and Tear
After a millennia asleep the Doom Slayer wakes to find himself in a situation all too familiar, with demons around every corner the Slayer must find out what caused this invasion and put a stop to it. Should be easy for an 18 foot troll, right?
Also thanks to @horseyneigh2002 for helping me pick a name for the fic!
The Doom Slayer had been wandering in this desolate snowstorm for longer than he could remember. Was this death? Had they finally managed to kill him? God, he hoped not. All he could see was endless white and grey swirling endlessly around him, the cold biting at him like and endless onslaught of Imps. God, he so cold.
The cold was the least of his problems though, he’d constantly catch glimpses of things out of the corner of his eyes. Sometimes it was people, sometimes it was demons, and other times it was objects. Most of the time the things he saw would get swallowed by the storm when he turned to look but the objects stayed.
Sometimes he’d recognize the things he saw, or at least he thought so. Obviously, he knew what the demons looked like, but it was the people who threw him off. Sometimes they spoke, their words garbled by the howling wind. There were a few he recognized, though he wished he didn’t. He’d try to ignore them when he could, it hurt less.
The objects however felt foreign yet familiar, he knew they were from Earth, from his old life. Rarely were they things from D’Nur. The Slayer was fairly certain they were memories, or fragments at least. When he had found control panel half buried in the snow, when he touched it the violent sensation of electricity running through him, maybe some memories where best left buried.
The Slayer had finally begun to resign himself to the endless storm, the cold seeping into his very bones, when he smelt something… he smelt smoke. Smoke and brimstone, he smelt Hell.
Following the sent snow became stone, and the cold melted away as the Slayer found himself climbing great stone steps in Kadingir. Atop the steps behind great stone doors, he found a massive sarcophagus. A voice echoed in his mind as the world around him faded into darkness.
“They are rage, brutal, without mercy. But you… You will be worse. Rip and tear, until it is done.”
The room reeked of smoke and gore; emergency lights flashed overhead, bathing the room in dim red light. The Slayer tried to sit up but something stopped him, a possessed corpse snarled to his right drawing his attention. The restraint snapped as the Slayer grabbed the zombie and crushed it in his hand, its blood staining the stone. The remaining restraint was removed with ease, finally he was free.
The Slayer rolled out of the sarcophagus and stood up; joints popped with a sickening crack alerting a small group of zombies feeding on the pile of gore that was once their coworker. The Slayer snarled at the living corpses before they too became gore as he tore into them. Now the room was quiet save for the blaring alarm, the Slayer could look around.
The room was fairly large with his sarcophagus on a raised platform in the center, its lid suspended from the ceiling by numerous mechanical arms, with more holding various tools. A lab, great. The Slayer flicked his tail in annoyance and made his way to the doors, but before he could leave something beeped overhead and a hologram began to play.
An older woman walked towards the sarcophagus which was surrounded by people knelt around it seemingly worshiping it, the Slayer snorted in annoyance. He hated when people acted like this, like he something to be worshiped. The Slayer crouched to leave when the hologram of the woman spoke.
“We have to contain this…”
The images flicked before disappearing completely. A low growl began emanating from the Slayer, what did she mean we have to contain this. The Slayer exited the room and was greeted by a familiar sight in the next, his Praetor suit. It was embedded in stone and surrounded by machines and gore, if the possessed hadn’t clued him, he was certain Hell had something to do with what was going on.
As the Slayer donned his armour hellish visions flooded his mind, a tower, a door, hellish energy being placed into an open ribcage, and finally an artifact of great power. The visions ended as he held his helmet, brushing his thumb against the familiar symbol painted above the visor.
Air hissed as the Slayer put the helmet on, it’s machinery calibrating after god knows how long of disuse. Glancing at the screen next to the slab of stone the Slayer’s suspicions were confirmed, DEMONIC INVASION IN PROGRESS it read. Gently the Slayer slid his finger across the screen, he wanted to get an idea of how bad the situation was so he could start damage control.
The scans came back incomplete. Apparently one of the arrays were down, which was preventing him form knowing how bad the situation was. “It’s Hell, everyone is probably already dead,” he thought, “even if there were survivors why would they ever trust something like you.”
 A map appeared on the screen showing the location of the offline array, it was close. Good, he thought he’d fix the array, know if he should be wary of survivors. If there weren’t, he’d kill anything that moved.
As the screen was showing him the diagnostics on the satellite the Slayer was notified of an incoming call. Surprised, the Slayer let the call come through. A deep reverberating voice came through the comms, they sounded almost robotic.
“Welcome. I’m Dr. Samuel Hayden. I’m the head of this facility.”
 “Oh,” the Slayer thought, “So, you’re the one to blame for this…”
“I we can work together and resolve this problem in a way that would benefit us both.” The man continued in that strange robotic voice.
The Slayer growled and much less gently grabbed the monitor and threw it across the room. He didn’t have time for excuses, Hell was here and demons needed to be killed. The Slayer left the room and was forced into a much smaller hallway, sure it was wide enough to fit him, but the metal catwalk beneath him creaked and groaned beneath his weight, threatening to give out at a moments notice.
The hallway was filled with crates and canisters, some of which were labeled DM1-5 Samples, the Slayer didn’t know what they contained nor was he interested in knowing. A smattering of zombies shambled about the corridor aimlessly, with the kick of his foot three went careening into the chasm below and the last was crushed as the Slayer rammed into the door.
The catwalk collapsed behind him and a massive boom shook the room he had entered. As the Slayer got his bearings straight something shrieked above him, the something skittered across the grating overhead before dropping down at the end of the hall. The Imp shrieked at the Slayer in defiance, a wicked grin crept across his face before bellowing out a roar and charging down the hall. The Imp didn’t stand a chance before it was crushed against the glass behind it which shattered as the Slayer kept charging.
More Possessed were crushed beneath his feet as the Slayer entered the room, the rich stench of gore permeated his nostrils. Looking up the Slayer was greeted to the sight of a gore nest; thick meaty webbing suspended a mass of flesh and bone, yellow pustules littered throughout the structure and a gaping maw clasped a sphere of demonic energy. The Slayer sunk his hand into the largest pustule and ripped out the gore nest’s heart, a hellish scream of pain filled the room as the nest summoned demons to it’s aid before exploding into a shower of blood and flesh.
Within seconds the room was filled with the lesser Imps, who wall screamed at the Slayer before they begun to attack. The Slayer roared once again before he began to tear though the Imps. Blood and gore were scattered across the room as the Slayer attacked, one Imp landed a shot while the Slayer was busy dismembering one of its comrades, but the Imps luck ran out as the Slayer swung his spiked tail towards it, impaling the demon instantly. The Slayer flicked the corpse off before continuing his carnage.
Another boom shook the room and a demonic roar echoed from behind the blast door. The last Imp was struggling in the Slayers grasp let out a final howl before the Slayer crushed it, another roar called out and something began slamming into the door. Still itching for a fight, the Slayer decided to give this unseen opponent a hand, and with some effort was able to pry open the blast door, only to be tackled by a much larger Imp. Ah so that’s what it was, a Brute.
The Slayer kicked off the large demon and let out yet another bellowing roar. The Brute lunged towards the Slayer who dodged out of the way causing the massive Imp to collide with the wall. Before it had time to recover the Slayer kicked the demon in the ribs before grabbing one of the many spikes protruding form its back and pulled it up. The Brute hissed at him before he punched in the face, the demon swung its arms down on the Slayer in a haymaker.
The Slayer stumbled back a few steps before the Brute jumped on top of him. While still being smaller than the Slayer the Brute was similar in size to him as a chimpanzee would be to a human with the strength to match, meaning the Brute was more capable at holding its own against an unarmed Doom Slayer.
The Brute screamed at the Slayer before it began to claw at his face trying to get the helmet off. The Slayer stabbed his tail into the Brutes side, the demon howled in pain giving him the perfect opportunity to grab it by the jaw and rip it out. The massive Imp stumbled back gurgling in agony as blood poured from its exposed throat, which the Slayer gladly tore open. The Brutes corpse fell to the ground, bright red blood pooling around it on the gray metal floor.
“Demonic presence eliminated. Lockdown disengaged.” An automated voice chimed overhead as the red emergency lights finally stopped. The door the Brute had entered from slowly opened with a mechanical groan. Behind him another blast door opened leading to another room in the lab. Curiosity got the better of him and the Slayer went to investigate.
And lucky he did as in the room he found a familiar sight. There on the wall was his beloved shotgun. Countless hours of work went into making the weapon, days of collecting resources, and many, many sleepless nights spent making sure his schematics were right, until finally it was completed. The look of fear on everyone’s face when he blew the head off the Brute, was one of the few fond memories he had of fighting the legions of Hell.
The Slayer reclaimed his shotgun and grabbed the ammo packs he had and equipped them to his belt before making his way to the elevator. Another hologram flickered to life; it was the old woman again. She had a determined scowl on her face as she spoke.
“He cannot be allowed to leave this place. He would ruin everything”
The Slayer growled as he heard this, she had something to do with this he was sure of it.
Entering the elevator, the Slayer heard Dr. Hayden’s voice crackle through the monitor on the control panel as it began to leave the lab. Hearing his voice only made the Slayer angrier.
“I’m willing to take full responsibility for the horrible events of the last 24 hours but you must understand; our interest in their world was purely for the betterment of mankind.” The Slayer glanced down at a corpse slumped against the railing of the elevator, their blood was smeared across the glass in an attempt to escape, and growled.
“Everything has clearly gotten out of hand now, yes, but it was worth the risk. I assure you-” the Dr. was cut off as the Slayer ripped out the control panel and threw it off the elevator. He unslung his shotgun from his back, and as the hydraulics of the elevator hissed to a stop, he pumped the shotgun and stepped out into the Martian landscape.
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mad-serotonin · 2 months
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Take It Easy☀️
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theladystrikesagain · 3 months
how does a show released in 2024 fail harder in showcasing fully rounded female characters with flaws and strengths and rich personalities than a cartoon from the 2000s. why has television & film legitimately regressed across the years when it comes to showing women as human beings lmao
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sotc · 7 months
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🥴 im feelin normal about minthara with a shorter cut
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lylahammar · 1 month
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novelconcepts · 16 days
I Saw the TV Glow is such a uniquely, devastatingly queer story. Two queer kids trapped in suburbia. Both of them sensing something isn’t quite right with their lives. Both of them knowing that wrongness could kill them. One of them getting out, trying on new names, new places, new ways of being. Trying to claw her way to fully understanding herself, trying to grasp the true reality of her existence. Succeeding. Going back to help the other, to try so desperately to rescue an old friend, to show the path forward. Being called crazy. Because, to someone who hasn’t gotten out, even trying seems crazy. Feels crazy. Looks, on the surface, like dying.
And to have that other queer kid be so terrified of the internal revolution that is accepting himself that he inadvertently stays buried. Stays in a situation that will suffocate him. Choke the life out of him. Choke the joy out of him. Have him so terrified of possibly being crazy that he, instead, lives with a repression so extreme, it quite literally is killing him. And still, still, he apologizes for it. Apologizes over and over and over, to people who don’t see him. Who never have. Who never will. Because it’s better than being crazy. Because it’s safer than digging his way out. Killing the image everyone sees to rise again as something free and true and authentic. My god. My god, this movie. It shattered me.
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ash-and-starlight · 7 months
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one day, in a thousand years
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starryaike · 10 months
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Song - Feel Better by Penelope Scott
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hansoeii · 10 months
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drew this michael sheen while sleep deprived last night
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nannaharry · 1 year
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carthonasi · 1 month
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what do you know about my mother? she was like you. she was kind. and loving.
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clouvu · 3 months
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Save me french yuri... Save me
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obsob · 5 months
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once more around the sun!! :3
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ronioli · 1 year
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littleprincepaladin · 6 months
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what a hell of a way to die!
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