dontaylor50-blog · 1 year
Ethel Wight Collection – Part 108
This week, I identified five of sus people in my photo sets: Nides, Doris Niles (later Strout), Nellie Norton, Margaret Nugent, Virginia Nutter (later Reedy, later Gierman), Strout, #genealogy, #PhotoID
Photo Friday – Nides, Niles, Norton, Nugent, & Nutter. By Don Taylor This week, for Photo Friday, I identify the people in five more envelopes from the Ethel Wight Studio Collection[i]. The envelopes typically contain the name of the person who paid for the photos, not necessarily of the individual portrayed in the image. As such, it is vital to analyze the pictures and information to identify…
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moonwalkshadow · 2 years
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“[...] For me Bastian is simply one of the very greatest in terms of comedy talent and versatility, accuracy, and not only in Germany, I would say. I would say he is an absolute exceptional talent, and so funny and at the same time so lovable, you just want to reward him with a smile.” - Max Giermann
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wausaupilot · 27 days
DCE HOSA member advances to International Leadership Conference
D.C. Everest Senior High School student Emma Schueller recently placed second at the HOSA State Leadership Conference held in Wisconsin Dells and will head to Houston, Texas, in late June to participate in the HOSA International Leadership Conference. Schueller and three other DCE HOSA members competed in a series of career-themed events, and also received First Aid for Severe Trauma, or FAST,…
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ffxiv-elfore · 5 months
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The traditional christmas themed screenshot of my static ♥ 2023 Lilith | Sutebe | Kairos | Khloe | Elfore | Vis | Gierman | Berry
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fkyumerica · 7 months
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hahahhahahha omfg the wedding.
she killed all the girls who were able to kill their parents who were insane, those giermans were to live in the area of lydia. and who cares let the two parents live the osbournes. i was the guitarist and they love me. and the murder of one isnt bad, don't let it hurt you. thats why i turned around i got so scared. elvis lives there.
she dated a mexican. the one who died that was my friend. he did invade at ozzy. we elvis his dads age? (ozzy's dad) they would drug their kids, "one died, we're killing them." it was that.
janice was watering the flowers in the front yard showing her ass for her husband across the street to come over and fuck her outside in front of her house. right in the hole. it was jokes then. golf course.
she was in shock when it was ASS. they would be shocked about sex.
that age they would be aa wedding. and blacks after another boat trip. vacation. those songs were it she was in the gogos. priscilla. she did not give a shit she just wanted more things. the word spoiled. taylor swift was be her so we dont die and paris hilton.
I can totally rock it out like elvis right. was it me? turd burglar he probably ate mine. and back to as gay her husband eating a cum burger from eminem. they were always mean to get someones wife. and it was rape to talk to them anyways. huh what? danger? me. shows his abs in a man flex. cant cross. gotta fuck it.
then it turned into i dunno fuck it just leave. new slang. or its her wtf runs to him. squeeeek. pigs.
"now we drug her to gain weight" fucking uterus water.
now we both fucked her to stand here.
give her a dress maybe she'll fit
curly was her dad? or in the area/country
yea, county.
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haleyincarnate · 5 years
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Excerpt from “The Unfolded Notes” by R.C.G.
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simply-simptastic · 3 years
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classicfilmfan64 · 4 years
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A rare, dramatic, non-musical acting gig, from Gene Kelly. It's a great movie. THE CROSS OF LORRAINE
MGM, 1943.  Directed by Tay Garnett.  Camera:  Sidney Wagner.  With Jean-Pierre Aumont, Gene Kelly, Cedric Hardwicke, Richard Whorf, Joseph Calleia, Peter Lorre, Hume Cronyn, Billy Roy, Tonio Selwart, Jack Lambert, Wallace Ford, Donald Curtis, Jack Edwards, Jr., Richard Ryen, Frederick Gierman, Paul Marion, Fred Nurney, Louis Arco, Frederick Brunn, Otto Reichow, Hans von Twardowski, Jay Black.
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Panas April TT Results
Dear All,Thank you for your participation in the April Solo TT. This was our monthly TT which we had to adapt to suit the COVID-19 restrictions. You had to do run any time following our set route and using your own gps to record the run. We can see your result using the strava segments functionality. I am happy to see so many people have participated. If you did not have a chance to participate not to worry we will set our next TT some time next week. The results of the April TT you can find below swell as your position in the PANAS JAN-JUL CHAMPIONSHIP.And the winners of the APRIL TT are....Fastest Female 5k: Chloe Clarke 21:52Fastest Male 5k: Andy Hudson 18:03Fastest Female 10k: Jo Hudson 47:03Fastest Male 10k: Chetan Anand 44:29This race was not just to see who can run the fastest but also for the most attempts and most original race photo and a special recognition to new members joining our clan.Most attempts: - Michelle Brown (5 attempts at the 5k)- Vipin Tyagi (3 attempts at the 10k, 3rd time is a charm :))Coolest Picture:
- Michelle Brown
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- Andy Hudson
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- Jenna Anand
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Newbies to Panas are:Sandra GiermanLilli-Ella Hudson Prizes go to:Chloe ClarkeJenna AnandChetan AnandMichelle BrownAny HudsonJo HudsonLily-Ella HudsonVipin TyagiSandra Gierman(I will only give one prize per person)Please let me know if and when you will show up to our regular Monday or Friday run and I can make sure to get you your prize then.I really appreciate the fact that almost everyone used Strava for the recording of race times , this makes administering so much easier and less ambiguous. We will keep this approach for our next solo TT.Please look out for our next TT coming soon!See you this afternoon 17:45 at the beach shelter!Cheers PanasPANAS JAN_JUL CHAMPIONSHIPS
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- We meet weekly at the Panaga Club beach shelter Monday and Friday @ 1745 for a run (except when there is a TT) - Every month there is time trial (TT) with a 5k and 10k distance organised at different locations with varying routes (details announced by e-mail).- Sunday 30 June: The Annual Panas Panaga Half Marathon (and quarter)- Join us at Strava: https://www.strava.com/clubs/158461- Join us at Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Panas-Panaga-220209327993512/- Drop us an e-mail if you know somebody who might be interested to be included in the mailing list.
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osobypostacieludzie · 6 years
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Jurij Gagarin ( Jurij Aleksiejewicz Gagarin, Юрий Алексеевич Гагарин ) - radziecki kosmonauta, pierwszy człowiek w przestrzeni kosmicznej, Bohater Związku Radzieckiego, Lotnik Kosmonauta ZSRR. Urodził się we wsi Kłuszyno koło Gżacka (przemianowanego w 1968 na Gagarin), w obwodzie smoleńskim. Jego ojciec (Aleksiej Iwanowicz) był stolarzem, matka (Anna Timofijewna Gagarina – 1903-12.06.1984) pracowała fizycznie jako dojarka w kołchozie. W 1949, po ukończeniu 15 lat, rzucił szkołę średnią (po ukończeniu sześciu klas, „żeby nauczyć się jakiegoś fachu”) w Gżacku. W 1949 został przyjęty do szkoły zawodowej przy zakładach metalowych (fabryka maszyn rolniczych) w Lubiercach. Tam szkolił się na odlewnika i zdobył zawód odlewnika-formierza. Wiosną 1951 rozpoczął naukę w Szkole Technicznej w Saratowie nad Wołgą. Systematycznie uprawiał sporty; zimą były to narty i łyżwy, latem lekkoatletyka i koszykówka. Jego życiową pasją stała się nauka latania i skoki spadochronowe. W 1954 wstąpił do aeroklubu i rozpoczął naukę pilotażu. W lipcu 1954 wykonał pierwszy samodzielny lot na Jaku-18. 24 sierpnia 1955 roku ukończył kurs w saratowskim aeroklubie. W tym samym roku Jurij, w wieku 21 lat, skończył szkołę z najwyższą oceną i rozpoczął naukę w Wojskowej Szkole Lotniczej w Orenburgu nad rzeką Ural. Tam poznał Walentinę Goriaczewą, młodszą od niego o rok, z którą zawarł związek małżeński 27 października 1957 roku. 10 kwietnia 1959 roku urodziła się ich pierwsza córka Lena, a 7 marca 1961 r. druga córka Gala. 8 stycznia 1956 złożył przysięgę, w lutym awansował na sierżanta. 26 marca 1957 wykonał pierwszy samodzielny lot odrzutowcem MiG-15. 6 listopada ukończył szkołę z oceną celującą i awansował na stopień porucznika. W czasie lotu orbitalnego został awansowany do stopnia majora. Kolejne awanse: 12 lipca 1962 r. stopień podpułkownika, a 6 listopada 1963 pułkownika. Po locie w kosmos Nikita Chruszczow odznaczył go Orderem Lenina. Pod koniec lat 50. XX w. był pilotem MiG-ów w 769 pułku lotnictwa myśliwskiego w Luostari w obwodzie murmańskim, przy kole podbiegunowym. 8 marca 1960 wyjechał z bazy Nikiel do Gwiezdnego Miasteczka pod Moskwą. W dniach 20-22 lipca 1961 r. Gagarin przebywał w Polsce (Warszawa, Katowice, Zielona Góra) na zaproszenie rządu PRL i PZPR. 21 grudnia 1963 roku pułkownik Gagarin został mianowany zastępcą dyrektora ośrodka szkolenia kosmonautów, podlegającemu bezpośrednio Nikołajowi Kamaninowi. Od 1 września 1961 do 2 marca 1968 był studentem Akademii Technicznej Lotnictwa im. N.J. Żukowskiego w Moskwie. 17 lutego 1968 obronił dyplom. Jako temat rozprawy wybrał problem budowy samolotu kosmicznego ze skrzydłami, nadającego się do wielokrotnego użycia.W roku 1960 został jednym z dwudziestu pilotów, którzy rozpoczęli przygotowania do lotów w kosmos. Treningi odbywały się w tajemnicy, a grupa kandydatów do pierwszego lotu w kosmos została potem zmniejszona do sześciu. W szkoleniu wyróżniali się Jurij Gagarin i Gierman Titow. 10 kwietnia 1961 Komisja Państwowa zdecydowała, że to właśnie on będzie pierwszym człowiekiem, który poleci na orbitę okołoziemską. O wyborze Gagarina przesądziło jego pochodzenie społeczne – to, że jego ojciec był niewykwalifikowanym robotnikiem, matka zaś pracownicą kołchozu. Pod koniec lat 60. władze ZSRR planowały, aby Jurij Gagarin był także pierwszym człowiekiem, który wyląduje na Księżycu. Po śmierci Komarowa (24 kwietnia 1967), władze ZSRR nie chcąc stracić wielkiej gwiazdy, postanowiły trzymać Gagarina jak najdalej od kosmosu dlatego został on wykluczony z wszystkich lotów kosmicznych, chciały wykorzystać popularność kosmonauty i dać mu wysokie stanowisko polityczne. Został pierwszym człowiekiem w przestrzeni kosmicznej i pierwszym sowieckim kosmonautą. Brał udział w jednej misji kosmicznej: Wostok 1. 12 kwietnia 1961 roku odbył w statku kosmicznym Wostok lot po orbicie satelitarnej Ziemi, dokonując jednokrotnego (niepełnego) jej okrążenia w ciągu 1 godziny 48 minut. Związane z lotem momenty, które przeszły do historii według czasu GMT: 06:07 – start statku Wostok 1. 07:00 – wiadomość o locie Gagarina podało Radio Moskwa. Był to punkt zwrotny dla całego programu kosmicznego ZSRR. Od tego momentu utajnione informacje o przygotowaniach do lotu i o samym locie były stopniowo ujawniane. 07:55 – lądowanie Gagarina. Szczęśliwe zakończenie lotu, największy sukces programu kosmicznego ZSRR i ogromny sukces na arenie międzynarodowej. Pierwszym kosmonautą został obywatel ZSRR. Był to pierwszy w dziejach ludzkości lot człowieka w przestrzeni kosmicznej. Ciekawostką jest jednak to, jak należy ten lot sklasyfikować od strony formalnej, gdyż Gagarin nie doleciał swoim statkiem kosmicznym do Ziemi, lecz katapultował się z niego, zresztą zgodnie z planem i osiągnął powierzchnię Ziemi na spadochronie. Fakt ten był początkowo zatajany przez ZSRR co najmniej do czasu uzyskania potwierdzenia przez FAI rekordu wysokości lotu, rekordu czasu lotu i rekordu wielkości masy wyniesionej na orbitę. Niezależnie jednak od sposobu lądowania FAI uznała lot Gagarina. Hasłem wywoławczym podczas podróży kosmicznej był „Cedr” (ros. Кедр – cedr). W czasie lotu Gagarin śpiewał pieśń Ojczyzna słyszy, Ojczyzna wie (ros.: Родина слышит, Родина знает). Pierwsze wersy pieśni brzmią następująco: Ojczyzna słyszy, Ojczyzna wie | Gdzie jej syn leci w niebo... Ta patriotyczna pieśń została skomponowana przez Szostakowicza w roku 1951 (opus 86), słowa napisał Jewgenij Dolmatowski. 27 marca 1968 Gagarin i jego instruktor lotniczy Władimir Sieriogin zginęli w katastrofie samolotu treningowego MiG-15 UTI 21 km od miasta Kirżacz. Przyczyny katastrofy przez długi czas nie zostały jednoznacznie wyjaśnione. Wszystkie znalezione szczątki samolotu zostały zaspawane w beczkach i przeznaczone do przechowania „na czas nieograniczony”. Według pułkownika Eduarda Szerszera, jednego z członków komisji powołanej do wyjaśnienia „Sprawy Gagarina”, do przyczyn katastrofy, które uznawano za pewne, należały: zamocowanie dodatkowych zbiorników z paliwem samolot nr 18 otrzymał zgodę na lot bez uprzedniego uzyskania od samolotu zwiadowczego meldunku o warunkach meteorologicznych w rejonie ćwiczeń; ani instruktor, ani pilot nie zostali więc powiadomieni na czkałowskim lotnisku nie działał radar, wieża kontrolna nie miała więc możliwości sprawdzenia, na jakiej wysokości faktycznie znajduje się startujący i wykonujący zadanie samolot; świadomy był tego również siadający za sterami Sieriogin organizując loty, całkowicie zaniedbano prowadzenie dokumentacji wcześniejszych awarii i napraw sprzętu wziąwszy pod uwagę powyższe, wieża kontrolna nie powinna była zezwolić na start MiG-owi nr 18 – jeszcze przed startem zostały złamane niemal wszystkie przepisy związane z bezpieczeństwem lotu. W kilku książkach pojawia się opinia, że w samolocie zatrzymał się silnik, według innych źródeł – w kabinie pilota otwarty był nawiew powietrza, który spowodował dehermetyzację kabiny. Hipotez jest wiele. Prawdziwe przyczyny mogą być wyjaśnione, jeśli dochodzenie w sprawie katastrofy zostanie wznowione. 8 kwietnia 2011 roku Rosyjska Agencja Kosmiczna ogłosiła, że za katastrofę najprawdopodobniej był odpowiedzialny sam Gagarin. Na podstawie odtajnionych dokumentów komisji badającej wypadek poinformowano, że wypadek spowodował manewr wykonany przez pilota. W sierpniu 2013 podano najbardziej prawdopodobną przyczynę katastrofy, w której zginął Gagarin. Aleksiej Leonow, który przebywał w pobliżu katastrofy po latach ujawnił okoliczności wypadku. Według jego opisu pilot samolotu Su-15 odbywający lot testowy na wysokości 10000 metrów zszedł na niższy pułap wbrew procedurze lotu. W wyniku zachmurzenia nie widział samolotu Gagarina i przeleciał niebezpiecznie blisko niego. Prawdopodobnie minął MiG-a o 10-15 metrów. W wyniku tego maszyna, którą pilotował Gagarin, zaczęła obracać się wokół własnej osi, wpadła w korkociąg przy prędkości 750 km na godzinę i w efekcie runęła na ziemię.Jurij Gagarin został uroczyście pochowany na Cmentarzu przy Murze Kremlowskim. Imię Jurija Gagarina nosi miasto Gagarin (dawniej Gżatsk, ros. Гжатск), krater Gagarin na Księżycu, planetoida (1772) Gagarin, złoty medal FAI, plac w Moskwie, gdzie znajduje się 40-metrowy monument kosmonauty. Na cześć Gagarina nazwano statek naukowo-badawczy Kosmonauta Jurij Gagarin. Powstała w 2009 rosyjska liga w hokeju na lodzie, Kontinientalnaja Chokkiejnaja Liga stworzyła Puchar Gagarina – trofeum przyznawane za wygranie rozgrywek, a w praktyce za zdobycie Mistrzostwa Rosji. Mianowanie Gagarina patronem pucharu odnosi się do faktu, iż był zapalonym kibicem hokeja. W wielu miastach można spotkać ulice, place, aleje, parki, kluby, szkoły noszące imię Gagarina. W latach 60. XX wieku w ZSRR panowała moda na nadawanie dzieciom imienia Jurij. W ZSRR wybito dwie pamiątkowe monety z okazji 20. i 30. rocznicy lotu Gagarina: 1 rubel (1981, miedź-nikiel) oraz trzyrublową (1991, srebro). W roku 2001 dla upamiętnienia pierwszego lotu człowieka w kosmos wyemitowano w Rosji serię czterech monet z podobizną Gagarina: dwurublową (miedź-nikiel) i trzyrublową (srebro), 10-rublową (miedź-nikiel) oraz 100-rublową (srebro). W muzyce: Underwood, utwór „Gagarin, ja pana kochałam!” Top One, utwór „Gagarin” Jean-Michel Jarre, utwór „Hey Gagarin” (album Metamorphoses) Public Service Broadcasting, utwór „Gagarin” (album The Race for Space).
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bookshelfdreams · 7 years
German actor and comedian Max Gierman impersonating Donald Drumpf. (Translation/transcript under the cut, although I think you don’t really need to speak german to understand it)
Drumpf: He’s ugly.
Moderator Christian Ehring: Hehehe. Mr Trump, Mr .... Mr Trump, let’s, eh, let’s start the conversation there. Over there.
Drumpf: Ok, ok, make America -
Ehring: Donald Trump, ladies and gentlemen, lots of cheers and jubilation. We even had it in our script: wait for applause. Also, please welcome Kirstin Wahnke, she is the only german-born member of Trump’s team, and is kind enough to translate for us today.
Drumpf: Thank you, thank you. Very nice, very nice. Thank you for having me on your show. It’s a great honour. It really is. And by the way: I love your first name. Christian. It’s beautiful. If it was Muslim I wouldn’t be here.
Wahnke: Thank you for having me, I like your first name.
Drumpf: She’s cute right?? I wanna grab her by the pussy.
Wahnke: Isn’t she cute? Like a ..... kitten.
Ehring: Mr Trump, you here in Europe - I’m almost surprised, I was under the impression you don’t hold european values in high regards.
Wahnke: What do you think about the european values?
Drumpf: Don’t get me wrong, to be honest with you, I think the europeans are .... motherfuckers. Tell him.
Wahnke: One of the greatest european values has to be .... the love for your mothers?
Drumpf: It’s true.
Ehring: Will you meet with Angela Merkel, in Germany?
Drumpf: I don’t think so.
Wahnke: Of course.
Drumpf: It’s a disaster. Her politics are a total mess.
Wahnke: To me, her politics are like a holy mass. Mr Ehring, please, you have to believe us, not all Americans are like that. We just want to apologize for the many scandals of the past months. (to Drumpf) Isn’t that right?
Drumpf: What are you talking about? What does it mean “Entschuldigen”?
Ehring: “To apologize”.
Drumpf: Apologize, ok. And what does that mean?
Ehring: Mr Trump, er, there is resistance forming in America as well. Enormous protests at your inauguration, many Americans do not like you.
Wahnke: Some americans don’t seem to like you.
Drumpf: YOU’RE WROOONG. You’re absolutely wrong, ok. (to Ehring) And you too, by the way. Ok, look, don’t get me wrong, believe it or not, but I have 10 billions of americans by my side. It’s true.
Wahnke: I have more than 10 billion americans by my side.
Ehring: 10 BILLION? How can that be?
Wahnke: Oh, it adds up. 10 billion from his secretary of finance, 5 billion from his secretary of economy and 6 billion from his secretary of education.
Ehring: Oh. Well then. That’s interesting too, by the way, the cabinet has come under criticism  as well. In Germany people are very critical: conflicts of interest, shady entwinements, and your closeness to Russia are viewed critically in Germany. Are you a president approved by Putin?
Wahnke: Did Putin get you into the white house?
Drumpf: Stupid question. Next.
Wahnke: A very justified question.
Ehring: Does Putin have any compromising, intimate knowledge about you? Does he know anything?
Wahnke: Does Putin have any secret information about you?
Drumpf: Ok, let me tell you something. These are total fake news, ok. There is no tape of any peepee-party with prostitutes in Moscow. It’s a huge misunderstanding. It’s just a tape of my wedding night with Melania.
Wahnke: Let’s be honest, if he had to step back because of a sex scandal, we shouldn’t have bothered electing him in the first place, right?
Ehring: *laughing* Right.
Drumpf: Does she translate correctly?
Ehring: Yeah, she translates absolutely correctly, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.
*laughter and applause*
Drumpf: Do you hear that? I like them.
Ehring: Mr Trump, what are your plans for your first 100 days in office?
Wahnke: What are your plans for your first 100 days?
Drumpf: That’s very easy. Look. The first thing on monday morning, I’m gonna stop Obamacare. Wahnke: But - but what do americans - I mean - What else does america have to fight diseases? Drumpf: Pump guns????? Wahnke: Oh my God. Drumpf: I will create millions of new jobs. Wahnke: I will create millions of new jobs. Ehring: How’s that even possible? Wahnke: Well I think he included his blowjobs. Drumpf: She’s still fucking cute, right? Wahnke: “She” studied 5 languages and is the only one in his team of 700 idiots who ever learned something. Drumpf: And she loves me too! Wahnke: Do I look like a zookeeper? Mr Ehring, I need political asylum in Germany, please. Ehring: Ms Wahnke, I dont know what can be done on such short notice, I’m sor- Drumpf: I will fight ISIS. I will destroy them. And by the way I will not accept a theory of “climate change” because it’s nonsense, right? Wahnke: Sorry, would it be a problem if I  stop translating this crap and just say blablabla? Ehring: No, go ahead. Drumpf: Let me tell you something, I’m gonna be the greatest president God ever created. In fact, God is a good friend of mine, he is a great guy, he really is, I love him, he’s fantastic, just like me. Ok. Wahnke: Blablabla blabla blabla. Drumpf: I think now she translates correctly. Ehring: Yes she does. Thank you very much Donald Trump and Kirstin Wahnke!
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andysheehan · 4 years
The Heart Rate Training Experiment: 4 Months In
Robbe takes us through part one of his year-long journey in heart rate training, using the Extramilest training plan by Floris Gierman.
The post The Heart Rate Training Experiment: 4 Months In appeared first on Believe in the Run.
from Believe in the Run https://www.believeintherun.com/2020/07/10/the-heart-rate-training-experiment-4-months-in/ via IFTTT
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Tin Mới Nhận: Quá nhiều đại gia thèm muốn, Man United hét giá 75 triệu bảng cho David de Gea
Trong bối cảnh có nhiều đội bóng đang muốn sở hữu thủ thành David de Gea, Man United đã vừa ra giá bán lên tới 75 triệu bảng cho ngôi sao của mình.Xem chi tiết:
Nhận định và soi kèo bóng đá
David de Gea luôn là một trong những cái tên thu hút nhiều sự chú ý nhất của Man United trong mỗi kỳ chuyển nhượng bởi với tài năng xuất chúng của mình, De Gea luôn được rất nhiều đại gia thèm muốn. Không những vậy, việc chưa thể gia hạn hợp đồng với thủ thành này cũng đang khiến Quỷ đỏ lo lắng trong việc không thể giữ chân ngôi sao của mình.Thủ thành 28 tuổi đang trong năm cuối hợp đồng với Quỷ đỏ và vẫn chưa chịu ký vào bản hợp đồng gia hạn. Dù chưa một lần lên tiếng đòi ra đi nhưng có lẽ ai cũng hiểu De Gea đang thèm muốn danh hiệu đến mức nào. Real từng rất thèm khát và nhiều lần suýt “cuỗm” được anh nhưng bất thành. Mùa Hè này, họ đã tỏ ra hết hy vọng và chính thức mang về Thibaut Courtois.Thế nhưng không chỉ Real Madrid thèm muốn, Juventus và cả Paris St Gierman cũng sẵn sàng trải thảm mời De Gea cập bến. Những nhà đương kim vô địch Ligue I còn hứa hẹn một mức lương lên tới 300.000 bảng/tuần nếu thủ môn của ĐT Tây Ban Nha đồng ý chuyển tới sân Parc des Prince.Nếu ký vào bảo hợp đồng mới với PSG, De Gea sẽ kiếm được 15,5 triệu bảng. Bản hợp đồng có thời hạn 4 năm và sau khi kế thúc giao ước, anh sẽ bỏ túi 60 triệu bảng. Mức lương này có thể biến thủ thành người Tây Ban Nha thành thủ môn nhận lương cao nhất thế giới.
Với việc có quá nhiều đại gia đang "ve vởn" xung quanh De Gea, Man United đã chính thức ra giá 75 triệu bảng cho bất cứ đội bóng nào (như Juventus hoặc PSG) quan tâm tới thủ thành của mình. Theo đó, Quỷ đỏ sẽ chỉ chấp nhận bước chân lên bàn đàm phán nếu có đội bóng nào chấp nhận bỏ ra số tiền này. HLV Mourinho cũng đã sẵn sàng cho sự ra đi của De Gea khi ông đang tỏ ra quan tâm tới thủ thành Jordan Pickford của Everton.
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raisethemrighteous · 5 years
Suzanne Dewitt Hall's Rumplepimple (2015) and Rumplepimple Goes to Jail (2017)
Suzanne Dewitt Hall’s Rumplepimple (2015) and Rumplepimple Goes to Jail (2017)
Rumplepimple (2015) and Rumplepimple Goes to Jail (2017), written by Suzanne Dewitt Hall and illustrated by Kevin Scott Gierman, focuses on the exploits of Rumplepimple, a wire fox terrier with lots of energy and a strong sense of adventure. Rumplepimple lives with his cat sister, Chicken, and his two moms. (more…)
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Einer geht noch - Saufgeschichten vom jungen Karl Dall alias Max Gierman...
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go-redgirl · 7 years
At least four killed in California school shooting
by AFP 14 Nov 2017
    Los Angeles (AFP) – At least four people were killed and nearly a dozen people were wounded, including three young children, when a shooting broke out Tuesday at a school in rural northern California.
Assistant Sheriff Phil Johnston told the KCRA news network that the assailant was killed by police following the shooting, which began around 8:00 am (1600 GMT) at a home in Tehama County and continued at the Rancho Tehama Elementary School.
Local news reports said the incident began as a domestic dispute that escalated.
Jim Schultz, a reporter for the Redding Record Searchlight newspaper, quoted Rancho Tehama resident Salvador Tello, who was taking his three children to school and described seeing the gunman open fire, killing a woman.
“He said he saw bullets strike the truck in front of him and he put his children down to protect them and put his truck to… reverse,” Schultz said on Twitter.
“As he left, he saw (a) woman lying dead in the street and her… wounded husband next to her. Was told help was on its way.”
Schultz quoted another witness, Casey Burnett, who said the gunman was “driving around and shooting randomly from his car.”
Area resident Brian Flint told local media that his roommate had been shot and killed by the gunman, a former convict in his 50s.
“He’s dead. He didn’t make it,” Flint told KCRA, referring to his roommate. “For his family and everything, I feel bad, and we’ll be there for them.”
He said the gunman was a neighbor and had “been shooting a lot of bullets lately, hundreds of rounds, large magazines.”
“We made it aware that this guy is crazy and he’s been threatening us,” he said.
The shooting coincides with a new flareup of the long-running debate on America’s epidemic of gun violence and the ready accessibility of high-powered weapons, less than 10 days after a gunman shot dead 26 people at a church in Texas.
– Victims randomly picked –
Johnston, of the Tehama County Sheriff’s Office, told reporters that three weapons — a semi-automatic rifle and two handguns — had been recovered from the scene.
He added that the victims were randomly targeted by the gunman in multiple locations.
“I know that we have medevacked (airlifted) a number of students, I know that the school has been cleared, I know that we have the children that were attending school in a safe location at this time,” Johnston said.
Some 100 law enforcement officers responded to the shooting, and students at the school have been safely evacuated, he added.
The Redding Record Searchlight said among the wounded was a six-year-old who suffered two gunshot wounds and another child shot in the leg.
It said initial reports indicated the shooter had barricaded himself inside a building before being shot by police.
Katrina Gierman, who lives near the school, told the paper that she heard the gunshots and had locked herself in her home with her newborn son.
“I have the right to bear arms, and I will protect my son if I have to,” she said.
The elementary school is located on the outskirts of Corning, an olive oil-producing town of around 8,000 people about 100 miles (160 kilometers) north of the state capital Sacramento.
Jason Wandel, chief division counsel at the FBI’s Sacramento field office, told AFP that agents had been sent to help with the investigation but wouldn’t confirm any details regarding the incident.
More than 33,000 people die annually in the United States from gun-related deaths — two thirds of them suicides — according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
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