#George Brown College
A high-level human resources employee at the City of Markham has been placed on leave after she said and displayed the N-word while giving a guest lecture to students at George Brown College.
Janet Ashfield, Markham's deputy director of people services, spoke to more than 100 students in the college's human resources management program on Wednesday, according to a video recording of the virtual class viewed by CBC Toronto.
As part of her presentation, Ashfield presented a real-world case study about two firefighters who lost their jobs after posting offensive content on social media. She asked the students how they would have handled the situation if they were the arbitrator in the case.
While outlining the scenario, Ashfield said the N-word out loud as she quoted one of the firefighter's social media posts. The video shows her presentation slides also spelled out the word in full. [...]
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kieraoonadiy · 1 year
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Woo!  All the hats I needed to make for this semesters’ class are all done, and the brown felt hat is going to be handed in soon. I also included a bonus quick sketch that is part of the homework to accompany the hat, and the materials list so you can all see what’s involved in college homework and the process.
If you enjoy my work, want to help support my school tuition, or help pay for materials (because making mock-ups, felt, and other materials is expensive), please visit my Ko-Fi page
Next semester....Fashion Illustration and Design, as well as Apparel Construction.
Fall semester will likely include Millinery 2 - Advanced Techniques, and at least one other class I have yet to decide on.
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oublimstoronto · 8 months
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George Brown College
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sharedvisionblog · 8 months
Angel Desmond's profile
My objective I plan to achieve is a deeper understanding of our topic, that way I can utilize it in the workplace. I want to achieve a high-quality project that Fulfils the guidelines expectations and demonstrates my commitment to my education.
I have strong problem-solving skills and a deep commitment to delivering results. My top values include integrity, creativity, and passion. I have room for growth in my time management and expanding her technical skills. I can sometimes be overly critical of my work, which I'm working on improving. I believe I bring an optimistic personality to the group.
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netsemi20 · 11 months
Empowering Change Through Networking
Reflections from George Brown College Seminars
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As a marketing enthusiast attending George Brown College, I have had the incredible opportunity to gain experience from insightful seminars led by industry experts. These experiences have provided valuable insights, strategies, and inspiration, shaping my approach to marketing. Particularly, an enlightening Marketing Seminar on digital marketing broadened my horizons and influenced my career aspirations. I also discovered the power of networking and resource leverage to enhance my prospects in this dynamic field. I express my heartfelt gratitude to Wendy Greenwood, my professor, for enabling these experiences and fostering my passion for continuous learning. With newfound knowledge and connections, I am confident in building a successful and fulfilling career in marketing.
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What I Learned:
What I learned from The Marketing Seminars was truly eye-opening and has had a profound impact on my career aspirations.
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One of the speakers who inspired me the most was Jennifer Stoll, the VP of Strategy at Caltech. Her unique approach to strategic solutions, emphasizing research, ideation, and customer focus, really resonated with me. Her advice to find passion in my career journey encouraged me to explore different paths within marketing and embrace new opportunities.
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Another crucial lesson I took away was from Christy Varicat's seminar on customer-centric marketing. She emphasized the significance of empathy in understanding consumer needs and creating meaningful interactions. This perspective has completely reshaped my marketing approach, placing customers at the heart of every strategy.
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Additionally, Blair Roebuck's seminar on data-driven marketing highlighted the power of analytics in comprehending consumer behaviour and optimizing marketing efforts. Learning about predictive analytics has given me a competitive edge in making informed decisions and staying ahead in the ever-changing marketing landscape.
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Moreover, Caroline Berryman's talk on social marketing highlighted the importance of selling ideas that drive positive change. It inspired me to pursue marketing campaigns that leave a lasting impact on individuals and society. Overall, the seminar exposed me to diverse perspectives and valuable insights that have broadened my career options and set me on an exciting path in the field of marketing.
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Network and Resources:
Networking success has been a valuable learning experience for me. To achieve it, I have focused on key aspects.
Remaining authentic and approachable, aiming to build genuine connections with others.
Being a good listener and expressing my thoughts clearly has helped me effectively communicate with people I meet.
Participating in virtual and online marketing events and activities allowed me to connect with like-minded individuals and gain industry-specific knowledge.
Volunteering for Marketing Initiatives: Volunteering in marketing-related events allowed me to expand my network while contributing to meaningful initiatives. Through volunteering, I connected with professionals who share a passion for making a positive impact through marketing.
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In my experience, leveraging LinkedIn for networking and job finding has been a significant meaningful change. I have optimized my profile to highlight my skills and achievements relevant to my desired job. Actively engaging with job-related content, connecting with professionals in my industry, and joining relevant groups have increased my visibility and access to potential job opportunities. Personalizing my job applications and seeking recommendations from colleagues have added credibility to my profile. Utilizing the "Open to Work" feature has enabled recruiters to identify my job search status. By staying active and consistent on LinkedIn, I have maintained a strong presence, allowing me to network effectively and increase my chances of finding relevant job leads.
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During my job search, I explored various job-finding resources, including:
Industry-specific job boards. These platforms provided relevant job postings tailored to my interests and skills, making my job search more targeted and effective.
George Brown Career Websites, where companies list their job openings. Visiting individual company career pages often led to exclusive job postings and insights into the company culture and values.
Communicate and engage with my connections. Regular communication ensures that my network is aware of my career aspirations and actively supports my job search.
Through networking and leveraging my connections, I want to find a co-op position in a dynamic marketing agency. Networking has played a significant role in my Co-op search, keeping me updated with job opportunities and market trends. The connections I have made have provided valuable insights into different organizations and potential co-op positions. Keeping an open mind about industries and organization sizes has allowed me to consider diverse options. Utilizing LinkedIn and running personal campaigns has expanded my professional network significantly. I have emphasized my digital marketing skills in interviews and remained flexible with role criteria. Engaging in opportunities, seeking advice from multiple sources, and leveraging online and offline platforms have widened my connections. My initiative-taking approach, growth mindset, and dedication to continuous improvement through an updated LinkedIn profile, personal website, and portfolio. As I continue my journey, I am confident in unlocking new possibilities for a successful marketing career.
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Networking Tips and Best Practices:
I make it a point to attend networking events, conferences, workshops, and seminars in my industry or areas of interest. These gatherings provide excellent opportunities to meet like-minded individuals and expand my network. By sharing valuable content and participating in discussions, I can enhance my online presence and connect with others in my field.
After meeting someone at a networking event, I always send a personalized follow-up email or message. Expressing appreciation for the conversation and reinforcing specific points discussed helps to maintain the connection. I believe in the importance of being helpful and supportive to others in their endeavours without expecting anything in return. Building a network is about creating mutually beneficial relationships.
As a result, I am grateful to all the speakers for sharing their expertise and experiences, shaping my understanding of the marketing industry. As I move forward in my career, I will embrace agility, innovation, and continuous learning, inspired by the remarkable professionals I had the privilege to learn from. Special thanks to Wendy Greenwood, my professor at George Brown College, for facilitating this incredible learning experience.
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myjournalgbc · 11 months
Unlocking Success: The Perfect Blend of HR and Digital Marketing
With over a decade of experience in the Human Resources industry, my journey took a new turn upon my arrival in Canada. Recognizing the need to stay competitive and embrace innovation, I eagerly enrolled in a Digital Marketing program. As the year unfolded, I discovered the natural synergy between HR and digital marketing, opening new possibilities in my professional career. Today, I am excited to share my experiences from a pivotal course - The Digital Marketing Seminar Course. This program provided valuable tools and insights as industry experts shared their knowledge during weekly presentations.
This course became the catalyst for blending my HR experience with digital marketing strategies, revealing how the two disciplines could complement each other. I recognized that the course was not just about theoretical concepts; it was a practical journey of learning from valuable people in the industry and their professional journeys.
As I embraced the power of digital marketing and integrated it with my HR expertise, the perfect blend began to take shape. In this blog post, I'll share my learnings and insights gained during this transformative journey, highlighting the significance of networking on LinkedIn, and connecting with peers, professors and colleagues. Moreover, I'll delve into the importance of understanding the target market, embracing continuous learning, self-improvement, and thinking creatively to think outside the box.
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HR and Digital Marketing:
The Power of LinkedIn: Leveraging Experience and Building Connections
Through every engaging presentation during the course, I discovered that LinkedIn is a goldmine for HR recruiters. Week after week, I convinced myself of the importance of this powerful tool. By optimizing my profile and actively connecting with industry professionals, HR leaders, and potential candidates, I forged valuable connections that extend beyond the classroom. LinkedIn has now become my go-to platform for staying updated on HR trends, job openings, and industry insights.
Utilizing LinkedIn not only expanded my network but also enabled me to engage with thought leaders and stay informed about the latest advancements in the HR field. The platform provided me with access to industry-specific groups where I could exchange ideas and collaborate with peers facing similar challenges. This active participation broadened my knowledge and allowed me to contribute meaningfully to discussions.
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2. Peers, Professors, and Colleagues: An Empowering Support Network
Every week's presentations brought me closer to my peers, professors, and colleagues in the industry. These interactions not only enriched my knowledge but also provided invaluable support and mentorship. As I blended HR and digital marketing strategies, their guidance has been instrumental in shaping my professional journey.
One presentation that particularly resonated with me was Melanie Evely's. Her career journey, transitioning from a marketing background in TD Bank to excelling in the HR field, inspired me and made perfect sense. She demonstrated how transferable skills from one industry can be applied innovatively in another. Embracing Melanie's advice, I learned to be open-minded and unafraid to explore different job opportunities, even within my current position.
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3. Change is Good: Embracing Wide Possibilities in any Industry.
Melanie Evely's presentation taught me that change is good and that being 100% ready is not always necessary. Change can happen within a current position, and it is essential to remain open-minded to explore different job opportunities. As industries evolve, the fusion of HR and digital marketing has empowered me to embrace change and adapt quickly to emerging trends.
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4. Understanding the Target Market: A Strategic Edge
Thanks to Carolyne Berryman's presentation, I became more conscious of the importance of understanding the target market in any job position or activity. With a firm grasp of my target market, I've been able to tailor HR recruitment strategies to address specific industry needs effectively. By conducting in-depth research on industries, companies, and job roles, I am willing to elevate my recruitment approach and foster meaningful connections with candidates and clients alike.
Carolyne's insights enlightened me on how understanding the target market could significantly impact HR recruitment strategies. With this knowledge, I aim to gain a competitive edge in the industry by customizing my approaches to attract and retain top talent for my clients.
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5. Embracing Continuous Learning and Self-Improvement
In Amanda Lee's presentation, I learned the importance of continuous learning and self-improvement. The dynamic world of digital marketing constantly evolves, and the course highlighted the significance of staying updated with the latest trends and technologies. Embracing webinars, workshops, and HR publications will allow me to adapt my digital marketing capabilities to complement my HR expertise effectively.
By continuously improving my skill set, I want to position myself as an asset in the HR industry, capable of providing comprehensive solutions that integrate digital marketing strategies.
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6. Unlocking Creativity: Reinventing HR Strategies
One of my favorite presentations was by Danielle Humilde, where she discussed how to make impactful changes with limited data, low budget, and minimal digital strategy. Creative thinking will unlock fresh perspectives on HR recruitment. I cannot wait to start blending creative digital marketing tactics with HR practices that will empower me to design innovative recruitment approaches, captivating job postings, and engaging candidate outreach strategies. Additionally, I will be embracing diversity and inclusion in the hiring process, making my approach unique and enticing to top talent. This combination of strategies will lead to a successful and dynamic approach in the HR industry.
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I am grateful to be able to attend the Digital Marketing Seminar course as it has provided valuable lessons that I will apply in my new professional path here in Canada. The fusion of HR and digital marketing enables me to stay at the forefront of HR innovations, adopt new technologies, and create a unique recruitment approach. Blending my passion for HR with the power of digital marketing keeps endless possibilities before me, propelling my journey toward professional excellence. This perfect blend not only enriches my career but also opens exciting opportunities in the ever-evolving HR industry. As I reflect on this transformative journey, I am confident that the synergy between HR and digital marketing will guide me to unlock success in the dynamic landscape of HR.
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anky123 · 1 year
This post is about the Best Affordable PG Diploma Programs to Study in Canada. This post will show you the message about PG diplomas such as bow valley college, George brown college, and many more. For more information, read it and contact our study abroad consultants in Gurgaon for Canada.
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sad-journal · 1 year
To George brown college (toronto)
Why no gender neutral bathrooms!
Bring trans and having to use the wrong bathroom because I don’t pass is extremely embarrassing and super uncomfortable. Do something about it! Stop shutting down the trans groups and actually listen
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arcticdementor · 2 years
A Canadian college is under fire after social media users discovered the school required students and faculty joining a Zoom call to agree they have benefited from white privilege and vow to engage in acts of “decolonization.”
George Brown College, a public school with multiple campuses in Toronto, allegedly required participants to read a lengthy statement acknowledging Indigenous land ownership and the evils of slavery before clicking a box marked “I Agree” to join a video conference.
A representative for George Brown College did not respond to multiple requests by The College Fix for comment.
The students and faculty who click the “I Agree” box are acknowledging they “benefit from the colonization and genocide of the Indigenous peoples of this land” and are agreeing it is “imperative we constantly engage in acts of awareness and decolonization.”
After the statement was posted by Quillette’s Jonathan Kay, Twitter users harshly criticized the school.
“Layer upon layer of required performative acts…. They just teach students to be conformists,” tweeted Duke University Professor Timur Kuran.
“George Brown College should have its stolen land and any accompanying endowments seized, since this is something they not only believe but compel belief in,” tweeted author James Lindsay.
In April, George Brown announced a new “Anti-Racism Action Plan” setting up new panels and study groups to implement more racial awareness policies.
Among the recommendations put forward by the plan is an initiative to create designated spaces at the school for “Black, Indigenous and other racialized students” and employees to “gather, host events, celebrate and share traditions and achievements to foster belonging.”
Further, the plan calls for enhanced training of campus police and security personnel in the areas of anti-black racism, anti-bias training and understanding power and privilege.
It also requires anti-racism training for all students and employees of the college.
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dremilioastutoworld · 2 months
US Universities for Gaza! Free Professor Caroline Frohlin!  New Song by É. Roscha!
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bob425608 · 1 month
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【文凭认证】GBC毕业证认证Q/微:892798920办乔治布朗学院毕业证留信留服使馆公证,GBC硕士毕业证,GBC研究生毕业证,文凭,改GBC成绩单,GPA,学士学位证,硕士学位证,offer雅思考试申请学校George Brown College Diploma,Degree,Transcript
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Toronto's George Brown College, one of the largest academic institutions of its kind in Canada, has pledged to take action after a guest lecturer both spoke and showed a written image of the N-word during a presentation to more than 100 human resources management students on Wednesday.
"George Brown College is aware of a disturbing and troubling incident involving the use of the N-word by a guest speaker who is not employed by the college during a classroom case study presentation yesterday," reads a letter published by the college's president, Dr. Gervan Fearon, on Thursday, March 16.
"We acknowledge that giving embodied voice and life to the N-word and other racial slurs is completely unacceptable, inhumane and undermines efforts to create a safe and broadly supportive and inclusive learning environment. We condemn this behaviour in the strongest terms and are taking this matter extremely seriously." [...]
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Tagging: @politicsofcanada
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kieraoonadiy · 1 year
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All the hats I needed to make for my millinery college course for the first of 3 classes are done!  The next set of hat classes don’t start till fall 2023.
Every one of these hats are handmade by yours truly.
If you would like to help support me for school supplies (because fabric is not cheap, especially wool, fosshape, grosgrain, felt hat stiffener,or buckram), help keep me caffeinated, or help with my YouTube Channel, please consider donating to my Ko-Fi, at the link below:
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storm-surge-art · 11 months
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Ruzzy the sieve himself!!
If you like this art, follow me and check out all I got :)
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kanandehradun247 · 1 year
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myjournalgbc · 11 months
Insights from Caroline Berryman's Presentation on Social Marketing Challenges and Opportunities
In today's journal entry, I will reflect on the insightful presentation by Caroline Berryman, the Manager of Departmental Communications, Strategic Initiatives & Programs at the Regional Municipality of York. Caroline delved into the challenges and opportunities faced by social marketers in reshaping audience attitudes and behaviors. She emphasized the crucial role of agility in the ever-evolving marketing landscape. Throughout her talk, Caroline underscored the significance of storytelling, creating exceptional customer experiences, data-driven decision-making, technological integration, and continual skill enhancement to stay abreast of digital marketing trends.
Additionally, Caroline shared a compelling case study focused on a social marketing campaign implemented by York Region to educate and raise awareness about litter reduction on YRT (York Region Transit). The campaign's objectives encompassed addressing safety concerns, reducing waste depot fees, minimizing complaints, and saving valuable staff time associated with debris pick-up. During the presentation, Caroline discussed the profound impact and effectiveness of various tactics employed in this important campaign.
During the presentation, Caroline Berryman discussed the challenges and opportunities faced by social marketers when attempting to change audience attitudes and behaviors. As a marketer, it made me reflect on whether I prefer selling an idea or a product. Personally, I believe both have their merits, but selling an idea can be particularly impactful as it involves influencing and inspiring individuals to adopt new behaviors or beliefs. Ideas have the potential to create meaningful change and make a positive impact on society.
Caroline emphasized the need for marketers to be agile and adaptable in the fast-paced digital marketing landscape. She asked us to reflect on how we have remained agile and what new skills we have acquired to keep up with evolving trends. I have stayed agile by actively seeking new learning opportunities, attending industry conferences, and engaging in continuous professional development. I have focused on expanding my knowledge of digital marketing tools, platforms, and strategies to stay ahead of the curve.
The campaign presented by Caroline about York Region's campaign to reduce litter on YRT resonated with me. One tactic that stood out was their focus on educating people about safety issues and waste depot fees. This approach aimed to address the immediate problem of litter and highlighted the potential dangers associated with illegal garbage dumping. It made me more aware of how such actions can impact public safety and the environment. The campaign's efforts to reduce complaints and save staff time through education and awareness were worthy.
Overall, the breakout room discussions and the feedback from Caroline provided valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities in social marketing. Caroline's expertise and experience in leading successful campaigns were evident throughout the presentation, leaving me with a deeper understanding of the strategies and skills necessary for effective marketing in today's digital landscape. Caroline emphasized the importance of thoroughly understanding our target market to design and implement a more focused digital marketing campaign. She encouraged us to think critically and consider the specific needs and motivations of our audience. One valuable suggestion she made was to incorporate a reward program into our campaigns, as it can be an effective tool in changing behaviors and achieving our goals. This insight highlighted the significance of creating incentives and providing tangible benefits to drive desired actions from our target audience.
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